#Affinity vs Illustrator
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codertrend · 1 year ago
Why I Choose The Affinity Suite Over The Adobe One
A Deep Dive Into My Experience With Affinity and Adobe Firstly, this is in no way affiliated by Affinity. This is just my genuine opinion and preference. Lockdown Made Me Do It I’ve been using Affinity now since 2020 when the world turned to shite, and I was isolated at home with a pregnant girlfriend. I wanted to do some game design. I was, at the time, using Photoshop to create game assets,…
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supa-kuwameshi-bros · 14 days ago
team urameshi’s moral alignments, and how that impacts the kuwameshi dynamic (and also some stuff about hiei)
not quite the promised narrative parallels follow up just yet, but hopefully this is good enough in the meantime!
given yusuke and kuwabara’s nature as rivals first and foremost, i’ve found their dynamic at its core is largely defined by their contrasting values/moral codes (or lack thereof.) these differences, i believe, are a key factor in why they make such a good duo, both romantically and otherwise.
something i’ve always really loved about kuwabara, for instance, is how he is constantly a tether to yusuke’s humanity, showing how kuwabara is willing to challenge him not only physically, but philosophically. and yes ik that’s likely a needlessly fancy way of phrasing it but hear me out, right?
i’ve found that team urameshi exists on a scale of humanitarianism: the left side being where hiei resides, and the right, kuwabara. kurama exists somewhere between the middle and left, still compassionate enough to seek out mercy wherever viable, but willing to get his hands dirty if the situation demands it. i believe yusuke exists in the exact middle of this scale, which reflects his status as a half-demon, allowing him to swing one way or the other depending on the situation. spontaneous as always!
i actually went ahead and made a little visual accompaniment to better illustrate what i’m talking abt here, bc im a goddamn nerd
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it’s very rough looking but whatever it’s a tumblr post. would very much like to know any greater thoughts anyone has on the placements made here, particularly kurama bc he is easily the most morally layered out of these four. i live for the discussion aspect of these things hehehehehe
ANYWAY back to the aforementioned twink (more of a twunk, really.) the interesting part about this application of the scale metaphor is that it more or less visualizes hiei and kuwabara as the theoretical devil and angel on yusuke's shoulders, which may not be too far off from the roles they play in yusuke's life, something we see most often shown in the dark tournament.
for hiei, this manifests as him often being the one to push yusuke to finish things quickly, without consideration for greater consequence because either it’s more efficient or “it must be done.” hell, most of the time he goes beyond that and just. does it himself. bc he’s hiei and yk what we love him for that. this attitude fed into yusuke’s affinity for doing things the easy way, rather than the “right” or most traditionally morally upright way, which one could argue only further chipped away at yusuke’s already fraying tether to his humanity.
in particular, i think of the moments just before kuwabara vs. risho, where yusuke and hiei had more or less decided they were just gonna blow the whole stadium sky-high when faced with possible disqualification.
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in response to yusuke’s increasing anger, hiei — being the absolute anarchist he is — is quick to suggest they do away with the tournament as a whole, securing themselves a victory by relying on survival of the fittest, something hiei is quite familiar with given his hephaestus trauma and general upbringing in makai. basically, “fuck that noise, this shit is rigged anyway. lets pop SEVERAL caps in their asses and be done with it.”
and of course, given his temperament and previously stated leanings, yusuke is quick to concede to hiei’s point regardless of the fact it would be endangering literally everyone in the vicinity including their allies in the stands. but neither of them consider that— or perhaps, they just don’t care in this moment. which could honestly lead me into a whole other analysis of how fundamentally similar yusuke and hiei are, BUT THATS FOR ANOTHER DAY….
either way, yusuke definitely would’ve gone through with this plan if not for kuwabara volunteering himself for the round in spite of his debilitating injuries, which leads me to kuwabara’s opposing force, and (finally,) the kuwameshi aspect to all of this.
kuwabara’s a character known for his strict moral code, and he’s no stranger to preaching openly to others about said “honor code.” and of course, as his rival, yusuke is far from an exception to this. at multiple points throughout the series he can be seen lambasting yusuke’s amoral behavior, such as what is seen in the build up to kuwabara v. risho.
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it’s common knowledge to anyone who’s read/watched yu yu hakusho that yusuke is a character who behaves almost entirely upon impulse; it’s something established as early as chapter 15!
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as a consequence, he’s extremely reckless; one could even say inconsiderate or hedonistic. it’s one of the fundamentals of his character! he’s incredibly flawed, and his morality is painted in shades of grey as a direct result. and here, we see kuwabara challenging this directly. it’s done in a way that speaks volumes to what these two mean to each other, as well, given the fact that shortly after, we see that yusuke has allowed kuwabara to step up to the plate.
kuwabara holds a unique position when it comes to yusuke in the sense that he remains a constant tether to yusuke’s morality. granted, keiko also holds a similar position, but while her tether to his humanity is more physical, given her role as the “girl at home,” kuwabara’s is an ethical one, in how his philosophy has shaped yusuke and pushes him to do better. though granted, they’re both emotional tethers to yusuke’s humanity. keiko and kuwabara stop paralleling each other challenge. it’s rlly not helping yusuke beat the bisexual allegations.
either way, kuwabara’s bullheaded determination to go the straight and narrow no matter the seeming futility of it is something that has left a noticeable mark on yusuke, enough so that when he sees that effort be tossed aside or taken for granted, yusuke— for lack of a better term— crashes the fuck out.
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it means a lot to him! that fundamental goodness in kuwabara that yusuke didn’t even see himself, until chapter 7 showed him plain and simple that kuwabara’s genuinely just a great guy. and so even though yusuke’s own internal philosophy tends to align more with hiei’s “survival of the fittest” outlook on the world, he still finds real value in kuwabara’s beliefs, remaining fiercely protective of those ideals and the boy that holds them. enter the eternal cycle of: kuwabara tries to do heroic shit, gets absolutely blasted, yusuke has a full on fucking crash out, powers up, wins, repeat. still, kuwabara will always challenge yusuke in this way, and yusuke will in turn always challenge him. it’s what makes their bond so special, because really, all yusuke wants is someone who can match his pace and shove back when he pushes. and luckily for him, while yusuke’s certainly stubborn, kuwabara may be even more so.
it harkens back to the earliest days of their relationship, the quintessential example of unstoppable force (kuwabara) vs. immovable object (yusuke.) only now, while he has yet to overcome yusuke physically, kuwabara (likely without even realizing it himself) has earned yusuke’s respect enough that when he tells yusuke that winning the tournament the clean way is the best route, yusuke listens— which, getting yusuke to listen to ANYONE other than himself is a goddamn miracle. he won’t even listen to KEIKO, and that girl’s got him wrapped around her finger approx. 13 times over.
kuwabara pushes yusuke to be better, basically, and yusuke is receptive to that because he genuinely respects kuwabara’s input in spite of all the ribbing they engage in (though i do maintain that he definitely has some… thoughts on kuwabara’s methods. cough cough ichigaki.) im contrasting this aspect of kuwabara with hiei, here, but really, a much more explicitly kuwameshi adjacent parallel that makes me even crazier is kuwabara and itsuki, but that could be a whole post on its own.
this is something the source material (IN THE DUB) may have acknowledged, too, with genkai’s parting words to kuwabara before her demise at the hands of toguro. she tells kuwabara, “You have a gentle heart. Use it.” what exactly this could be referring to specifically remains ambiguous (likely bc it’s a dub specific piece of dialogue), but given how the line is framed by genkai requesting kuwabara tell yusuke not to follow her, and the camera panning to yusuke’s sleeping face to conclude the scene, i’d figure it involves him. in specific, i believe this is in reference to the crux of this analysis: kuwabara’s influence over yusuke’s moral decisions. perhaps she felt kuwabara may have been able to sway yusuke, or at the very least hold him off from doing something too rash and marching right into death. who knows? this line doesn’t even rlly matter anyway bc it’s not even present in the original translation but WTVR my analysis my rules.
overall, this is just one example of how yusuke and kuwabara make up for one another’s individual shortcomings/blind spots to create a better whole. in soso many ways, they make each other better!! but they can also make each other worse, and i’m not just talking about the insane codependency that kuwabara develops by the time three kings begins. ALAS, i have not the time to divulge right now. either way, these two mean so much to each other, and honestly, i think they should kiss about it. hold hands, maybe. i know their asses were cuddling during the dark tournament. they should get married but instead of kissing after their “i do”s they punch each other in the mouth.
that’s pretty much all i’ve gotta say on this subject as of right now. this ended up way longer than i anticipated uhhh whoops. tune in next time for how yusuke’s negative traits rub off on kuwabara, as opposed to kuwabara’s positive traits rubbing off on yusuke and HOPEFULLY that plot analysis that’ll give more context to what i’m talking about here. do hope this was more kuwameshi specific than my last little analysis bc it was. barely shippy at all. forgive me.
OH YEAH ALSO if any of yall have any thoughts on this, whether it be adding onto this analysis or even pointing out something you personally disagree with, i’d love to hear your input!! discussion makes me go YIPPIE and i’d love to engage :D
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grafixdesigngoodies · 16 days ago
Is Adobe Still the King? I Tested the Best Alternatives
What are the alternatives to Adobe CC Products? Is there a cheaper way to edit photos and work in User Experience Design? In this Video, Certified Adobe Instructor Daniel Scott from BYOL will compare and contrast different softwares you can use to edit photos, design graphics and create social media content across Adobe Products and their competitors.
If you're looking for alternatives to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign, this video is for you!
Adobe Photoshop vs Affinity Designer, Adobe Lightroom vs Affinity Photo, Adobe InDesign vs Affinity Publisher, Adobe XD vs Figma, Adobe vs Canva, Figma vs Canva.
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edwarddominicemilio · 22 days ago
I only got to watch Interstellar several weeks ago. I cannot believe I missed watching this masterpiece since it was released around a decade ago. I saw that it had a re-run on the IMAX theaters here at SM City so I decided to give it a go. At first, I thought that the IMAX theater was some sort of a special theater but it turned out that there was nothing unusual about it. It merely had a bigger vertical dimension and a booming surround sound. Other than those, the seats and the spacing at the Director’s Club were undeniably better.
Christopher Nolan, as usual, made an excellent film. Hans Zimmer’s masterful use of sound perfectly accentuates the gravity of the scenes, especially those in space. I loved the use of both sound and silence – with the silence right after the space rig exploded was deafening, illustrating that sound cannot travel in space.
But over and above the cinematographic achievements, I always focus on a film’s themes and motifs. Here, I picked up two: first, the debate about genus vs. self and second, the importance of science and technology. Obviously, I know that Interstellar has many other themes but these are the two that really resonated with me because I have been thinking about these two themes ever since I was young.
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On the debate about genus vs. self, I sometimes wonder whether I have the courage of ending my life if it meant the salvation of the species. This dilemma is quite unique in the sense that there are some people I would take a bullet for: my parents, my brother, even J. But would I take a bullet for a random person I didn’t know? Would the answer change if the bullet was meant to save the human race? That was the question that Cooper, played by Matthew McConaughey, faced. Interestingly, he originally had no intention of altruistically sacrificing himself for the good of humankind but he accepted the job after he became convinced that it was for the good of his family. He fought for them, even if they didn’t know it. So, how did Cooper really answer this question? Can we really say that his act of throwing himself headfirst into a black hole was heroic (from the POV of humanity at large) when his primary motivation was the future of his kids? Is that how heroism works? What about Mann? Is Mann not heroic at all? Or was there an initial act of heroism that just faded out? After all, he did find the courage to go on this mission in the first place, right? Is that not heroic, even if he ended up betraying humanity? How does it work?
Why would I take a bullet for my parents, my brother, or J? I want them to be happy, even at my expense. I want them to feel good because them feeling good makes me feel good as well. Why does this feeling not exist with other people? I don’t know. Is it because I have no emotional bond with them? I do have a lot of emotional bonds with other people but I don’t know what to make of them. I would also like to add that I would take a bullet for Simon…but a bullet that would not kill, maybe? Hahaha. I’m extremely curious about where I would draw the line. What makes Simon different from the other four? What makes the five of them different from everybody else?
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On the importance of science, I have always been interested in science ever since I was a kid. This piece would be a good time to reminisce. My first interest was, obviously, in dinosaurs. I loved the idea of big monsters. I wanted to pet some of them and slay the others. Dinosaurs are often a young boy’s first obsession. My second interest was in planetary bodies. I remember telling everyone back in kindergarten that I wanted to be an astronaut because I wanted to visit the nine planets, especially Saturn and its beautiful rings. Coincidentally, the extra-terrestrial human colony in Interstellar was established in one of Saturn’s moons. But over and above my childlike wonder in and affinity for science, I most appreciate it for making human life extremely convenient. Sometimes, it is the key to our very existence. Medicines, long-distance travel, telecommunication, none of these would exist had our species not developed a love for and proficiency in science. It may be nice to do politico-scientific movie marathon. Interstellar, Oppenheimer, The Imitation Game, Hidden Figures, Don’t Look Up, and The Martian would be good choices. Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the attention span to do this. I will get back to this when I can.
I loved Interstellar and I regret that I only got to see this now. This is an excellent movie that reminded me of one of the best quotes I read on some random comment section on the Internet, a quote that had no business going so hard: “We endure the vastness of the cosmos and brave the unknown so that, one day, our children may rise and inherit the universe.”
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visual-sculptors · 2 months ago
Mastering Icon Movement in Canva: Tips and Techniques
Icons customized and unique: Key Questions Explained
1.Which software is used for icon design?   
Popular software for icon design includes Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, and Affinity Designer. These tools offer vector graphics capabilities, allowing for scalable and customizable icon creation. Additionally, tools like Canva can also be used for icon design, catering to different skill levels and design needs. Choose based on your preferences and project requirements.
2. What are the 7 principles of icon design?
The seven principles of icon design are:
1. **Simplicity** - Keep it straightforward.
2. **Consistency** - Use a uniform style.
3. **Recognizability** - Ensure clarity and visibility.
4. **Scalability** - Function well at different sizes.
5. **Relevance** - Align with the intended meaning.
6. **Memorability** - Be easy to remember.
7. **Aesthetics** - Have an appealing design.
3. How do I link icons in Canva?
To link icons in Canva, select the icon you want to link, then click on the "Link" icon in the top toolbar (it looks like a chain link). Enter the URL you want to link to in the pop-up window and click "Apply." The icon will now be clickable and direct users to the specified link when published.
4. How do I move icons in Canva?
  To move icons in Canva, click on the icon you want to move. Then, drag it to your desired location. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard for finer adjustments. If you want to align it with other elements, use the alignment tools in the top menu.
5. How do I merge icons in Canva?
To merge icons in Canva, select the icons you want to combine by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each one. Once selected, right-click and choose "Group" or use the Group option in the top toolbar. This will allow you to move and resize them as a single unit. You can ungroup them later if needed.
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yonpote · 22 days ago
i cant speak for the photo editing software, but i can for the painting and illustration ones ive used!
when i first got a tablet it came with photoshop elements, and as an illustrator i found it quite complicated (which is fair enough its made for photo editing)
i mostly used a pirated version of painttool sai, but i did recently pay for it cuz like, even tho i dont draw as much, sai was developed by one dude in japan so i might as well toss some money his way for all the years i used his program. also when i bought it, i believe the yen was pretty weak, so what i thought would cost $50USD ended up being like $35.
clip studio paint is the one that allll the artists are using nowadays, i had a pirated version on my old laptop and might buy the single purchase when im able to draw again :') it does have a subscription service to use on ipad, as well as paint pro vs ex which, idk all the different features cuz i didnt spend enough time with it before my laptop died. i think its like $50 for the single purchase BUT it goes on sale pretty often and my friend got it for like $25
procreate my fucking beloved forever and everrrrr its $10 forever, its really simple to use but also robust in features, i think theyre coming out with an animation version? and you can get a ton of brushes online for free or customize them all you want yourself. basically everything ive drawn on this blog has been thru procreate, it was a lifesaver when i couldnt afford a pc and its still my most used app.
before i knew how to pirate sai, i used firealpaca, completely free and very simple, GREAT for beginners to digital art, but personally i found it a little limiting. medibang is basically the same as firealpaca but its also on ios and android and features a cloud server so you can easily move between devices. it is littered with ads tho :\ but the free version works well enough for beginners
i know a lot of ppl rep for krita, but it just didnt work for me, i think cuz i was using it on my dads old macbook but im willing to try it out again, completely free and i think open source but dont quote me on that lol
other stuff on here ive used:
audacity, to make really shitty nightcore and chopped up edits of songs lol
garageband.... a lot of just messing around in garageband..... obv not for professional use but its fun to mess around in
opentoonz for like 5 minutes but i was very confused w it, but supposedly its been used by ppl working at studio ghibli
inkscape but im just generally shit at vector art
stuff ive heard good stuff abt but havent used myself:
affinity suite
davinci resolve
ableton and flstudio for music
tv paint and toonboom for animation
anyway just pirate photoshop you can prob find a tutorial somewhere
or use alternatives! heard good things about photopea, gimp is a classic
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sakshame-commerce · 9 months ago
How to Choose the Right Graphic Design Software for Your Needs
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Choosing the right graphic design software is crucial for ensuring efficiency, creativity, and compatibility with your specific needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the selection process:
1. Define Your Design Requirements
Before choosing software, clarify what type of design work you primarily do or intend to do. Consider:
Graphic Design Disciplines: Are you focusing on print design, digital design, web design, UI/UX design, or a combination?
Specific Features: Identify must-have features like vector drawing tools, photo editing capabilities, typography support, animation tools, etc.
Collaboration Needs: Determine if you work solo or with a team, and whether collaborative features are essential.
2. Assess Your Skill Level
Consider your proficiency level with design software:
Beginner: Look for user-friendly interfaces and tutorials.
Intermediate: Seek software with more advanced features and customization options.
Advanced: Prioritize software that supports complex workflows and offers extensive customization and automation features.
3. Research Available Options
Explore different software options based on your defined needs:
Industry Standards: Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign) for comprehensive design capabilities.
Specialized Tools: Sketch, Figma for UI/UX design; Affinity Designer as an Illustrator alternative; Procreate for digital illustration.
Online vs. Desktop: Consider whether you prefer cloud-based tools (Figma, Canva) or desktop applications (Adobe, Affinity).
4. Evaluate Features and Functionality
Compare software features against your requirements:
Core Features: Vector drawing, photo editing, typography tools, layer management, color management.
Additional Tools: Prototyping, 3D design, animation, collaboration features.
Integration: Compatibility with other software or plugins you use (e.g., Adobe plugins, third-party integrations).
5. Consider Workflow and Efficiency
Choose software that enhances your workflow:
Ease of Use: Intuitive interfaces, customizable workspaces, and shortcut options.
Speed and Performance: Smooth rendering, real-time editing, and responsiveness.
Automation: Tools that automate repetitive tasks can save time and improve productivity.
6. Trial and Feedback
Whenever possible, try out software through free trials or demos:
User Experience: Evaluate how comfortable and efficient you feel using the software.
Feedback: Gather input from peers or online reviews to understand real-world usability and support options.
7. Budget Considerations
Factor in costs:
Subscription vs. One-Time Purchase: Adobe Creative Cloud requires a subscription, while Affinity offers one-time purchase options.
Free vs. Paid: Consider free options like Canva or Inkscape versus paid software with more advanced features.
8. Support and Updates
Ensure the software provider offers adequate support and updates:
Customer Support: Availability, responsiveness, and quality of customer service.
Updates: Regular updates for bug fixes, new features, and compatibility improvements.
9. Scalability and Future Needs
Anticipate future growth and scalability:
Long-Term Use: Choose software that can grow with your skills and career aspirations.
Flexibility: Scalable features and capabilities to adapt to evolving design trends and technologies.
10. Legal and Licensing Considerations
Understand licensing terms and legal aspects:
Ownership: Clarify rights to your work and intellectual property.
Usage Restrictions: Ensure compliance with licensing terms for commercial or personal use.
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kokantech · 1 year ago
From Sketch To Screen: The process of Digital Illustration in Graphic Design
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Our Digital marketing Agency has transformed the landscape of graphic design, offering artists unparalleled creative freedom and flexibility. In this article, we'll explore the intricate process of digital illustration, from initial conception to final execution, shedding light on the tools, techniques, and trends that define this dynamic field.
Introduction to Digital Illustration
In the realm of graphic design, digital illustration refers to the creation of visual artwork using digital tools and software. This method has revolutionised the industry, allowing designers to produce stunning visuals with precision and efficiency. From intricate character designs to vibrant landscapes, digital illustration has become a cornerstone of modern graphic design practices.
Tools and Software for Digital Illustration
At the heart of digital illustration lie the tools and software that empower artists to bring their visions to life. Leading the charge is Adobe Illustrator, a vector graphics editor renowned for its robust features and versatility. Additionally, platforms like Procreate, CorelDRAW, and Affinity Designer offer a diverse range of tools tailored to the needs of digital illustrators, providing a seamless workflow from sketch to screen.
Sketching and Conceptualization
Every digital illustration begins with a spark of inspiration. Artists often start by sketching out rough ideas and concepts, exploring different compositions and visual styles. This phase is crucial for laying the foundation for the final artwork, allowing designers to refine their ideas before transitioning to the digital realm.
Digitization of Sketches
Once the initial sketches are finalised, they are digitised using specialised software or scanning equipment. This process enables artists to manipulate their sketches digitally, adding layers, colours, and textures with ease. By digitising their sketches, artists can seamlessly integrate them into their digital workflow, refining and enhancing them as needed.
Vector vs. Raster Graphics
Understanding the distinction between vector and raster graphics is essential for digital illustrators. While raster graphics are composed of pixels and are ideal for detailed images, vector graphics utilise mathematical equations to create smooth, scalable artwork. Each has its strengths and limitations, depending on the specific requirements of the project.
Colouring and Shading
One of the most exciting aspects of digital illustration is the ability to experiment with colour and shading. Artists can choose from a vast array of hues and tones, applying them with precision to achieve the desired effect. Techniques such as layering, blending, and masking allow for intricate shading and highlighting, adding depth and dimension to the artwork.
Textures and Effects
To add realism and visual interest to their illustrations, artists often incorporate textures and special effects. Whether it's simulating the texture of wood or adding a subtle glow to an object, these elements can elevate the overall quality of the artwork and make it more visually engaging. Digital illustrators can leverage a variety of tools and techniques to achieve the desired aesthetic effect, from simple gradients to complex texture overlays.
Composition and Layout
A well-composed illustration is not only aesthetically pleasing but also effectively communicates its intended message. Designers must carefully consider the arrangement of elements within the composition, ensuring balance, harmony, and focal points that draw the viewer's eye. By experimenting with different layouts and compositions, artists can create visually compelling artwork that resonates with their audience.
Iterative Process and Feedback
The journey from concept to completion is often iterative, involving multiple rounds of feedback and revisions. Designers collaborate closely with clients or stakeholders, incorporating their input and making adjustments as necessary to achieve the desired outcome. This iterative process is essential for refining the artwork and ensuring that it meets the client's expectations and objectives.
Finalization and Exporting
Once the illustration is refined and finalised, it's prepared for final output. Designers must consider factors such as resolution, file format, and colour profile to ensure compatibility across various mediums. Whether it's printing on paper or showcasing on a digital screen, the artwork must be optimised for its intended use, maintaining its quality and integrity across different platforms and devices.
Case Studies: Real-life Examples
To illustrate the power and versatility of digital illustration, our digital marketing agency  showcases some real-life examples of projects created by our digital marketing agency, Nword. From eye-catching social media graphics to intricate product illustrations, these case studies highlight the diverse applications of digital illustration in modern marketing and branding initiatives.
Tips for Aspiring Digital Illustrators
For those looking to pursue a career in digital illustration, we offer some valuable tips to help you get started. Practice regularly, experiment with different styles and techniques, and seek inspiration from a wide range of sources, from nature to pop culture. By honing your skills and staying curious, you can unlock your full creative potential and embark on a rewarding journey in the world of digital illustration.
Challenges in Digital Illustration
While digital illustration offers many benefits, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. From creative blocks to tight deadlines and client expectations, artists must navigate various obstacles throughout the design process. However, by embracing these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, digital illustrators can push the boundaries of their creativity and deliver exceptional results that exceed expectations.
Future Trends in Digital Illustration
As technology continues to evolve, so too does the field of digital illustration. Advancements in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and immersive storytelling are reshaping the landscape of graphic design, opening up new possibilities for artists and marketers alike. By staying abreast of these trends and embracing innovation, digital illustrators can stay ahead of the curve and position themselves as leaders in their world.
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benjisfanart · 2 years ago
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Powered March, DAY 14! Almost half way there! Today is NINJAs! Please enjoy the ultimate MVP from Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Knives Chau
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alphynix · 3 years ago
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Retro vs Modern #16: Uintatherium anceps
Discovered in the Western United States during the early 1870s, Uintatherium anceps was part of one of the earlier major conflicts in the the Bone Wars. Nearly 30 different scientific names were applied to various fossil specimens of this mammal in under two decades, and the taxonomic tangle wasn't properly sorted out until nearly a century later in the 1960s when they were recognized as actually all being the same species.
Paleontologist Edward Cope considered Uintatherium (under the name "Loxolophodon") and its close relatives to be proboscideans – part of the elephant lineage – due to some of the similarities in their anatomy. The first reconstruction of these animals showed this version, depicting elephant-like animals with downward-pointing tusks, short tapir-like trunks, and the multiple bony projections on their skulls speculatively shown as attachment points for large antler-like horns.
Cope's rival Othniel Marsh heavily criticised that interpretation of Uintatherium, arguing that these huge mammals were instead a separate group within the ungulates named dinoceratans – although this wasn't really as huge of a classification difference as it seems today, since at the time proboscideans were also considered to be ungulates!
The dinoceratan ungulate interpretation quickly won out, and for a while in the 20th century Uintatherium actually became a fairly popular and well-known prehistoric mega-mammal, commonly included in collections of cheap plastic "dinosaurs" and usually depicted as more of a knobbly-headed sabertoothed rhino.
In recent years the dinoceratans seem to have fallen into obscurity and some degree of paleontological neglect, with little modern work on the group and no major studies for the last couple of decades – although this might be starting to change.
Despite the early ideas about them being ungulates, the evolutionary relationships of dinoceratans have become much more murky over the last century or so. Due to different elements of their anatomy being highly convergent with various other mammals it's easy to find "false positives" in morphological comparisons, and they've been proposed as being connected to a wide variety of groups including "condylarths", "insectivores", rodents, and cimolestans. But some mid-2010s research suggests they were in fact ungulates after all, closely related to early South American forms like Carodnia – a lineage whose own evolutionary relationships are murky, but may have close affinities with modern horses, rhinos, and tapirs.
We now know Uintatherium anceps lived across the Western and South Central USA during the mid-Eocene, about 46-40 million years ago, at a time when warm wet climates extended up into the Arctic and lush tropical-style rainforests covered much of the continent.
It was similar in size and build to a modern white rhino, about 4m long (13') and stood around 1.7m tall at the shoulder (5'7"). It had three distinctive pairs of "horns" on its forehead, snout, and nose, that were similar in structure to the ossicones of giraffids, probably covered in skin and hair rather than keratin. Its elongated canine teeth were protected by bony flanges on its lower jaw, and seem to have been a sexually dimorphic feature that was much more prominent in males.
It also had an oddly concave skull, with its forehead dipping inwards, and an unusually tiny braincase for its size. It probably wasn't a particularly intelligent animal, but it didn't really need to be – as one of the first types of herbivorous mammal to get truly huge in the early Cenozoic, a fully-grown Uintatherium probably had no natural predators at all.
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kendrixtermina · 3 years ago
5w4 vs 5w6
making this its own post so i needn’t type it up or search for it again next time someone asks
w6s can present as somewhat nondescript and low-key, w4s are more likely to be noticeably eccentric (exceptions for when a 6 might also be flashy, eg, a sx dom in a rockband)
w6 has more affinity for technical details & systems; w4 more for archetypes, aesthetics & symbol
w6s may have a 6-like sense of mission or desire for solid correctness, w4s have more 'personal flavor' & may complain about their lives, which the other variant is less likely to do
both can be artists, but w6 would add a current affairsy, gritty realism, social-issues related touch whereas with w4 youd get more of a mythical, sophisticated, impressionistic or 'gothic' style thats often rather removed from even vestiges of "the real world". Think cosmic horror or slipstream vs. cyberpunk or hard sci fi
w6 is more likely to struggle with social anxiety, w4 is more likely to struggle with being scattered & disorganized.
w6 is a bit more able and/or willing to “translate to normal” - compare Asimov vs. Umberto Eco, for example - the foundation trilogy is a fat, fat book but I read it in 2 days cause despite the fairly speculative subject matter, the writing style is very clear and acessible actually.  The name of the rose, meanwhile, is just chock full of latin in your face, cause he can, and he likes it that way, and he doesn’t mind terribly much if someone who doesn’t like that just buys a different book. -
one illustrative example is a discussion i had with someone in reddit about how we both at some point got called out for not looking ppl in the face. The w6 guy reported trying to do it (but always finds himself trailing off - still there was that 6-y undercurrent of not wanting to be “found out”/targeted/ wanting to fly under the radar) - When I got that complaint I was just like, “well, i just dont do that. im different like that. Reminding myself to look at you distracts me from thinking about what you’re saying and isn’t that important part?” just not gonna do social norms.  It can’t be understated how 5w4 is just suuuper oblivious to their surroundings.  “walked in the wrong room and didnt notice until the discussion started & the topic didn’t line up with last weeks“ is apparently a rather common experience.
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viannaheus · 2 years ago
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Old vs New in the read more
Redraw of an old image. That was supposed to be the first illustration for a story called Fireworks, which I made with my friend @verajustsaid back in 2019 and which took place in the Star Wars universe.
It's was basically a side story, so it doesn't touch much of the canon and all the characters are original like these two.
Paul, a jedi apprentice who was a child during Order 66 and never finished his training. He's on a crusade to find his master, but his affinity for precognitive skills leads him to a band of misfits AKA The Protagonist Squad. He's very much the heart of the group.
Zen back there is an independent archaeologist trying to recover history destroyed by the Galactic Empire, which naturally led her to ally with Paul and his knowledge of jedi history. She's kind of the brains of the group.
No plans for that story, but it's still really nostalgic for me! Vera says she was inspired after watching Rogue One back then.
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visual-sculptors · 3 months ago
Achieving High-Quality Prints in Canva: The Importance of 300 DPI Resolution
Image editing using graphic design:Frequently Asked Inquiries Explained
1.What is the best quality image for Canva?  
The best quality image for Canva is typically a PNG or JPG format with a resolution of at least 300 DPI (dots per inch) for print and 72 DPI for digital use. Images should ideally be at least 1,000 pixels wide for clear visibility. For best results, use images that are free of compression artifacts and have a transparent background if needed. Additionally, ensure the image fits Canva’s recommended dimensions for your specific design type to maintain clarity and quality.
2. How do I get 300 dpi in Canva?
To achieve 300 DPI in Canva, ensure your design's dimensions are set correctly. Start with a high-resolution template (e.g., for print, use inches and set size accordingly). After creating your design, download it as a PDF Print, which maintains higher quality. If you need a PNG or JPG, remember that Canva automatically adjusts DPI based on pixel dimensions. For best results, aim for larger pixel sizes (e.g., 3000 x 2400 pixels) to meet the 300 DPI standard when printing. Always check the final resolution before printing.
3. What is more professional than Canva?
More professional alternatives to Canva include Adobe Creative Cloud (like Photoshop and Illustrator), Affinity Designer, and Sketch. These tools offer advanced features, greater customization, and superior design capabilities, making them suitable for professional designers and businesses. Additionally, platforms like Figma and InVision are excellent for collaborative design and prototyping. While Canva is user-friendly and great for quick designs, these alternatives cater to more complex and high-quality design needs.
4. Is Canva good for resizing images?
Yes, Canva is excellent for resizing images. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily adjust image dimensions for various formats, such as social media posts, presentations, or print materials. You can simply select a template, upload your image, and use the resizing tools to fit your needs. Additionally, Canva supports custom dimensions, ensuring flexibility for any project. Overall, it’s a practical choice for anyone needing to resize images quickly and effectively.
5. How do I make my Canva designs look better?
To enhance your Canva designs, use high-quality images and maintain a consistent color palette. Choose complementary fonts for readability and visual appeal, and ensure proper alignment and spacing for a clean layout. Utilize white space effectively to avoid clutter. Incorporate elements like shapes and lines for structure, and consider using templates for inspiration. Experiment with layering and transparency for depth. Lastly, seek feedback and review design principles, such as contrast and hierarchy, to refine your work. Regular practice will also improve your skills over time.
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John and Cyn vs John and Yoko?
I dont think he was really compatible with either partner in the long run, but the obvious answer is definitely John and Cynthia.
I think John and Cynthia did love each other in a sense, but their relationship lacked passion. As I illustrated in this post here (x) I believe what largely kept them together even through the Beatlemania years, was that Cynthia was a remnant of home, and Liverpool, and simpler times; but at the end of the day, I think John did love Cyn, and Cyn loved John - they just weren’t meant for each other in the long term. Their divorce could’ve been alright though I think, if John had been more mentally-well; its not as if Cynthia was trying to keep Julian from him or take all his money - they could’ve come to a reasonable and fair settlement that wouldn’t have left so much bad blood between the two.
John and Yoko’s relationship on the other hand, I think had passion (at least in the beginning they had passion - whether that passion later just dissolved into security is up for debate), but it just wasn’t built on healthy grounds. As ive said before, both party was using the other as a vessel: John to replace Paul, and Yoko to further her career. Im not saying thats all there was to their relationship, but I think that was a large part of what their relationship was grounded upon. There was also the affinity felt from shared drug use, and that Yoko was receptive to Johns insecure attachment patterns. It was all just deeply unhealthy. I don’t even want to think about what a divorce between John and Yoko would’ve looked like though 🤦‍♂️
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theotherbackgrounder · 4 years ago
Ever After High OCs.
just decided to share some OCs that I had created (either for fanfics or for the show in general) not everyone was shown, as I haven't gotten around to making those stories, so I will try to tell what exactly they would have been for. If anyone wants to ask any questions, go a head. If anyone wants to borrow them, be my guest.
Name: Destiny
Legacy/Parents: The Author
Magic: Fairy Tale Magic.
Details: Blonde, blue eyes, red and black color scheme.
This is the "Destiny" that the franchise is always talking about. This is the personification. This is the girl that's fucked with Poppy and Holly in "Truth or Hair" and she has created scenarios where characters end up finding or follow their destiny. She is often seen jotting down in her notebook.
It's also revealed that Apple White is actually a "stand-in" for Destiny acting as a meta-context of a self-insert.
Name: Art
Legacy: The Illustrator
Magic: Worth a Thousand Words
depicted as a much elder gentleman, Art is The Author to his Illustrator. She write and he draws. his magic is with his paintbrush where he can contort/reshape/reimagine the world around him with a simple stroke. Gets defeated by Madeline and The Jabberwocky after Maddie finally forgives the monster of Wonderland.
Name: Ramona Cheshire
Parents: Cerise Hood and Kitty Cheshire.
Following my Ramona Theory, Ramona disappears from this world after Cerise finally accepts the truth that she is in fact "The Big Bad Wolf" and that she couldn't continue living in the story she was hiding from. After Cerise and Kitty get together and Cerise becomes pregnant it was Kitty that suggests the name "Ramona" for their daughter.
Name: Madow
Legacy: Evil (Mother)
Magic: Darkness
Like Authors/Narrators/Illustrators/etc, Madow belongs to a family set of "Concepts" rather than characters. Madow is a young man that after living his entire life in complete darkness saw for the first time a bright shining light (from when Raven broke the Storybook of Legends in Way Too Wonderland) and decided to go to ever after high to seek out that bright light and wants to change his destiny. He seeks out that light and the change of destiny to an dangerous obsessive level.
Madow is blind, as light won't reach his eyes, and unless he wears his gloves he can't touch anything without tainting the color or take away the light of life if he isn't careful. if a character has an evil magic affinity (Ex: Faybelle) they feel neutral around him, but those with a Light affinity (Farrah) would feel extremely uncomfortable despite his kind hearted attitude (Madow's cousin, the Daughter of Light, has the reverse effect.)
Gets into a relationship with Cedar, though tragedy strikes when Madow and his cousin has to complete their destiny of "Good vs Evil."
Name: Brock Gounder
Parents: Nam (Father) Lass (Mother) Chara (sister)
"Oh Curses": "Forget me not..."
Brock Gounder is an average character, nothing really impactful about him. Does not stand out in a crowd. Will not do anything special with his life. he is a literal nameless background characters. his "curses" will leave people that meet him to completely forget his name.
In the fanfic (not finished) that he is used in he meets an injured Cerise (who got injured when camping by herself before Ever After High started) and tries to help her. Afraid of whether or not that Brock found out her secret she tries to play aloof with her caretaker. The story comes to ahead as Cerise accidently kills Brock in attempt to keep him quiet about her secret. She buries him afterwards and where she placed him is a small man-made tombstone with no name written on it. He is soon forgotten by even his family that he existed.
In another fanfic, a Silent Hill x Ever After High crossover (Silent Ever After), Brock Gounder appears to Cerise as a zombie with his eyes and toungue torn out. he moves without making noise or disturbing the snow where the story takes place in. it's like he isn't there. Corpse Brock represents the guilt Cerise has for taking an innocent life in the name of her keeping her secret. At the end of "Silent Ever After") she visits the nameless grave where he is buried, accepting the part where she can't make her past mistakes right.
Name: Steppinson
Legacy: The Step son in "The Juniper Tree"
Steppinson is an old friend to Ginger Breadhouse (Back when she still went by the name of "Ginger Witch") but one day, when she went to visit, his Stepmom said he went far away and she never saw him again until in the present day story. Faybelle is seen worried about Steppinson (as Faybelle and Ginger played together when they were kids, so she knew of him as their moms were friends.) and she knows his story.
The story is most of Steppinson and Ginger catching up with one another after so long apart. Steppinson even gives ginger an odd look when mentioning about her dream to cook, but is still supportive. Ginger asks him if he is going to come to Ever After High but he says he can't, as he already completed his story when they were kids so he technically wouldn't fit the conditions of the school. Before Steppinson leaves he gives Ginger some gifts like a stone necklace and as she chases after him, he disappears again. The last thing seen is a white dove watching over ginger.
The story ends with a flashback to the day when Steppinson's step mom tells Ginger that he was no longer there. his Stepmom was making a stew and invites her in for a bowl. Ginger agrees and finds the stew to be the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. It essentially is what inspires her dream to cook, to make something as good as what she had that day.
If you don't know. in "The Juniper Tree" the step-mom kills the step-son (Steppinson here) and cooks him into a stew and feeds her husband the stew (which she let Ginger have some) and why Steppinson (who is a spirit here) gets embarrassed about Ginger's dream because technically he inspired her because of how good he tasted. The gifts he gives her are the same gifts he gives his family in the story and the dove is a form he takes.
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azenta · 5 years ago
ur really good at articulating the sx experience lol..i wanted ur thots on the sx energy burning out. if an sx user sx-ed with a thing that no longer gave them that charge they would immediately drop it nd look for something else...but how does that apply to ppl nd relationships? granted sx-users have no intention of thinking about when the charge dies out (like sx-blinds)but when it does what do they do? drop them? or do they have a convo about why they want to leave nd proceed to do so? thanky
They can do either: drop or talk it out. Because that kind of issue is more related to healthiness and maturity than the sheer IVs themselves.
Unhealthy Response
When unhealthy and/or immature, they can drop you because the spark isn't intense "enough", according to their also unhealthy perspective, or dies out "too easily", or even because it's "too hard" to maintain and it feels easier to jump to one flame to another. They can also do the opposite and rather latch onto you because it was "too good" and so keep you for very selfish reasons, revealing in them a really possessive, jealous and manipulative little bitch that do everything to keep you around and try to spark things up to the point of burning and crashing to inevitable destruction (more likely Sx dom). 
This is mainly because when unhealthy, the auxiliary tends to be either ignored as there is a distorted perception that the dominant is never satiated enough, and this leads to perceive the auxiliary as a waste of time (level 7 to 9 of health). Or the auxiliary is recognized as a tool, but used poorly at the cost of the auxiliary need itself (level 5 to 6~7). 
For unhealthy Sx/sp, it leads them to see maintenance/preservation of relationships as either too harsh to do or pointless, leading to drop and abandon relationships willingly, or they view this maintenance as so !!!IMPORTANT!!! they refuse to let the flame dies out and goes overboard to maintain the given relationship to a point it intoxicates it and ends up killing it anyway. They destroy themselves in the process, ironically.
For unhealthy Sx/so, they see bonding, reciprocation and the feeling of belonging with the given person not as important either, leading to superficial empty relationships (same for Sx/sp denying sp) and abandoning or ignoring every relationship that doesn't provide this intensity. Or they jump within every single relationships relentlessly and ignites all of them without consideration to how the other feel in it, leading to consume and burn to ashes every single one of them even before anything could happen or destroying any foundation they had. They impose their Sx in every Soc relations, rather than use Soc to seek the ones that can give Sx.
For unhealthy So/sx, they'll tune out Sx as it will be seen as nuisible (complementarity, affinities, energy/intensity), so even if the spark was still there, they'll ignore or neglect it to not restrain their Soc, or they'll start doing something slightly similar to Sx/so and start igniting every relationships crossing their way, also leading to their inevitable destruction. The difference is So/sx use Sx "fire" as a way to light up their soc relationships, to make them "stronger/spicier", while Sx/so use Soc to provide more and more fuel to Sx (as a metaphor, soc becomes the woods to make the fire that is Sx bigger).
And for unhealthy Sp/sx, as above, they'll ignore it as it will be seen as a threat to Sp, or they'll start to ignite their relationships to "test" how tough they are, leading also to destruction because they'll make it burn until it cannot anymore, so until it is turns to ashes, "confirming" it wasn't that lasting (sp concern) anyway.
Healthy Response
Now, when healthy, they can still decide to drop it, because some relationships aren't worth pursuing if it actually lacks this much Sx quality to them, or talk it out, share their expectations and needs, and find compromise or ways to make it last healthily.
Healthy Sx/sp recognize Sp as its own set of needs, and therefore also incorporates the notion that they can maintain the level of intensity (energy) in their relationship without constantly pushing for intensity (transformation). They know there are boundaries and limits to be taken into account, and that demanding "more, more and more" actually leads to the loss and destruction of the relationship, because it breaks and over push those limits. Instead of transforming they just crash. They'll realize the reason why they never were satiated is because destruction without renewal doesnt lead to the transformation (mate/merge) Sx actually seeks, thus why they kept seeking for more.
Therefore, healthy Sx/sp will not drop relationships if they see the energy lowering, and might actually retreat from it more so to let time for both party to care for themselves and come back when they'll have enough resources to light up the fire again (/to merge, mate, get that enlightening moment, which demands lot of energy and synergy). Or another cute metaphor for it, they'll go seek woods in the forest, which requires a certain amount of it and so, also some time, in order to make a fire again. So, they'll go wander in their forest.
Healthy Sx/sp learned to recognize that a relationship is built with two individuals with different needs and aspirations, thus needing to do different things at different times, and so that it needs to be considered to keep the energy flowing. It demands energy to transform through one another, this is why they learn to respect Sp as a way to prepare for those times and moments to be able to "burn" bright (/vibe/flow/transform/"mate") with their people again. To take back the metaphor, they recognized some might be faster to gain wood, some in greater quantity, other in lesser quantity in less amount of time, due to a variety of reasons, ranging from "physical" limitations to different motivations (one wanting more wood, the other less) or even contextual ones (encountering wild animals, not finding wood, etc.). And some don't care about "wood" itself and have other methods (see Sp blinds). Therefore, they stop using Sp as a way to possess and leech people of their energy, as the resource itself, they rather place boundaries between them and their chosens instead of trapping their people within them.
They might also decide to cut out some people if they deem that the synergy is rather too destructive and so, doesn't lead to transformation but rather destruction, or that it just doesnt bring anything transformative. So it is too dull and doesnt bring anything out from each other, it is too stagnant and the energy barely moves and flows. There is absolutely nothing good about keeping a stagnant relationship. They will talk it out if they are worried about the synergy dying for good, and that's where they'll resort to Sp to help Sx gains some fuel and so are likely to retreat to do their activities, and to let you do yours, and "come back" after some times of resourcing. 
Also, when they retreat, since they neglect Soc, they neglect to reciprocate and bond with people on a more lightly and regular basis, thus why they vanish for periods of time or are barely talkative or even deny any talking. But worry not, they just established boundaries they deem necessary to preserve synergy. Or if you are worried and are a soc user, directly ask them rather than make scenarios about it. Tho, when Sx/sp get healthier, they usually allow some place for basic Soc and can show some reciprocation and do some talking instead of becoming extreme shut in when in Sp mode. So, you have even more reasons to ask them some news.
Healthy Sx/so will rather learn that one person or people in general cannot always prodigue you with intensity even if they want to, thus why it matters to reach other people and create new connections. They'll learn that to enhance the intensity and make it last, bonding and reciprocating actually help and temper the flame to make it bearable all while still being intense and transforming. They'll also recognize that belonging into groups or networks help them achieve better transformation and "mating" (/merging) and that creating many connections doesn't lower the intensity they invest in some of them, but rather help balance them out. Again, with the forest metaphor, they'll turn themselves to many (groups or many unrelated people) instead of one individual at a time to gain the resources to enlight Sx faster. Or they'll light up many fire at a time to be sure to always have a flame somewhere burning. As a group or alliances, the solidarity (thx to soc) is what keeps feeding the fire more than the wood itself (Sp) for sx/so.
They'll also learn to distinguish actual transformation from destruction like healthy Sx/sp, and so will be more aware that to gain Sx they dont need "more" of it but rather need something that helps them feed it and renew it (bigger flame vs feeding and caring for the flame). So, they'll also stop using soc as an escape route the moment Sx lowers in one of their connection and use it as a way to care for Sx (running away and burning other's wood (boundaries) just to gain a flame then leaving when it dies) .
Contrary to Sx/sp, they won't retreat to let the "flame" rest but rather engage other people while the chosens are resting or doing their life, as illustrated in the metaphor above. They'll also take news and interact now and then anyways to see where the person's at and how the energy feels as of now, as a mean to give some fuel but without engaging full Sx if it still feels unstable (not enough wood /energy). Where they'll have more trouble is actually the maintenance (vs consistence for Sx/sp). Since they don't value Sp (even tho, i'll argue the healthier they are, the more they recognize value to Sp), they can tend to disappear similarly to Sx/sp and then burst out of nowhere and chitchat like you never did before to then get lost in many other connections for a while. They'll be much more volatile if Sx is not that much present to a point of feeling distant or disappearing out of the blue for unknown period of times. On that Sx/sp can be more stable when they actually come back to you, but both Sx/so and Sx/sp can become wandering ghosts since lacking in either Soc or Sp makes them unreliable with the consistency and maintenance aspect of relationships. Metaphor again; Sx/sp will wander in the forest for the longest and be willing to discuss only until they can light up the fire, while Sx/so will run around from fire to fire to take part of those fire and bring it back to you, until there is enough fuel (usually "wood" aka energy) to light it up more intensely. They'll be more often present (frequency) through in and out than Sx/sp, but also stay for shorter periods (duration), while Sx/sp stay longer but come more rarely.
So, like healthy Sx/sp, they might try to talk it out if they get worried, but will wander in other connections or choose Soc methods such as casual bonding with you if they perceive the flame is either dying or becoming too destructive, as a mean to temper the flame. They can end up cutting people out for the same reasons as healthy Sx/sp if they judge it lacks any transformative component or it is too destructive.
Healthy So/sx will learn to recognize the value of Sx as its own needs, and that having many connections can be great, but can also be awful if there is no synergy and transformative component into their relationships. They'll learn that fewer but stronger connections is better than many shallow ones, and that it doesn't restrain them from pursuing new connections but rather help them weed out the "unworthy" ones. Metaphor time: they'll recognize that having a goal (creating a fire) helps bringing more solid solidarity and create the sense of belonging. Fire reunites and make people work for the greater good.
Again, healthy So/sx will also discern destruction from actual transformation and will thus not ignite relationships that are naturally devoided of them because of their nature (ex. professional networking, it could help but it is unecessary). They'll recognize the need to choose them more carefully and be able to strengthen their connections more properly. Again, metaphor, instead of burning each pile of woods just because they believe it is what everyone need, they'll seek people that actually are ready (enough wood) and want to ignite a fire (that have the actual goal to create a fire, instead of building a house with it like some would prefer). 
Therefore, when healthy, So/sx are not likely to drop an Sx connection. However, they will not prioritize them over the Soc aspect of it, so if you are exclusively an Sx connection, you might be put aside more often. However, it doesn't mean it's because they don't appreciate you nor doesn't care, but rather that 1. They prioritize other ways of connecting that respond to another need than Sx, and it's absent with you. 2. Sx is on and off and demand a highly specific synergy/synchronicity to gain energy as much as it spends it, thus why they will also go on and off with you (small fire that barely warm you up vs moderate fire that warm you up). And like Sx dom, they can also decide to cut off the connection if the synergy is toxic or too absent, especially if it becomes nuisible to their Soc need as well. Since they're healthy, usually it means they'll communicate it and won't let you guess the relationship is dead, if it was an important relationship for both of you. So/sx can also communicate their worry about the "flame" dying, but contrary to Sx dom, it's a first "alarm" signal to tell the Soc established is about to be jeopardized as well. Since for Sx dom, if the flame dies (doesnt light up anymore despite "the wood" or the support), then the connection is dead to them for sure, while for So/sx, if Soc is still well established, Sx can be dead for a while it won't matter as much, even tho it has importance (as it maintains stronger "alliances" /and friendships).
Finally, So/sx will also have trouble to maintain and preserve their interactions like Sx/so, so they can be more likely to change circle often or prioritize newer connections over their established one. Since they are Soc dom, it's even more typical of them to be social butterflies and loosing touch with the already established, long to date relationships (they value groups, alliance or friendships that have already fire to offer, and not the wood itself). Sx aux usually is the one helping to maintain or make them last longer, until they are mature enough to let Sp be a small part of their priority too. The fire gives a reason to have wood (Sp) to cater for.
Healthy Sp/sx will come to understand Sx actually helps them better preserve themselves, because Sp alone becomes pretty stagnant, and stagnation usually means things (yourself and your life) go no where. And this doesn't help to preserve in the long run. It's like rotting from the inside. They learn that they need some flow of energy too, and therefore allow for Sx connections. Metaphor: Having a small built up place is sure great but with no fire to keep you warm, it leads to cold which can ironically lead you to be unable to cater for more woods. Cold means your body won't be optimal and suffer in its capacity to actually preserve itself. Your body need warmth. So fire helps maintaining you and actually help you produce more.
Again, they also learn to distinguish pure destruction from transformation. They'll distinguish igniting something/someone and burning it until it can no longer do because it is turned to ashes (so, destroyed and ruined) versus lighting something/someone while considering its capacity to better maintain it and still gain an interesting intensity from it. Simply put, learning to take care of a relationship (or hobby) all while knowing how to spark it and keep the spark. Again with the metaphor; they'll understand that lighting every single resources they see just to get some temporary warmth to continue their things is not as Sp neither as Sx as taking the time to dedicate a set up for a fire or an actual place (like a small cabin or housing) that can contain it and make its warmth bigger and last longer. 
Therefore, healhty Sp/sx are less likely to drop relationships when the spark dies, even less likely than Sx doms. They can do without for a while like So/sx, but they also recognize that it is important, so they'll do their possible to spark it up. They'll give it up if they see it is destructive or if it stagnates (which is another form of destruction) and doesn't serve anyone in the relationship as this also jeopardizes Sp.
However, healthy Sp/sx are still the least likely to drop for good a relationship because of Sp dominance, all while being the least likely to actually reach out and form one. Since they are soc blind, they dont see the point to reach for the sake of it. Metaphor: they don't see the point of living in a village when they can make up their own house in the wood directly, near water and all the shit you need, especially since they know how to do all that stuff themselves. They come to understand the importance of getting things or even some few people that ignite fire as it makes things easier, but still, they don't see the point of more when few do the job very well. This is why losing those few relationships is hard on them and why they dont see the point of reaching for more either. In fact, they'll often let their few relationships do the soc job for them, and so go into those villages and bring the necessary when needed. They sometimes do it themselves, but not for long since they don't care about it, until they are healthy enough to recognize it actually makes things even more easier for their Sp and Sx concerns. 
Also, a little note for Sx blinds; reminder they also have Sx, because blind spot =/= not having the said instinct, and so they will have those "transforming/enlightening/flowing mergy" moments too, they just don't seek them nor deem them as important as soc and sp. In other words, with my sweet, sweet Ni metaphor; they value more building a house, even villages with woods and other resources, with the aid of communal (reciprocation, belonging, etc.) effort, than catering for fire itself. 
That's it. Sx blinds are not empty shell devoided of energy and fuel, they are FULL of it, they just dont see the point in pursuing it for its own sake (METAPHOR: the fire comes naturally from the effort of the number and the establishment of houses and villages = fire itself is not as important, and it is required in less intensity to do the job, even if it still helps out).
I'm pretty sure i answered beyond what you asked, but i hope you managed to find your answer in all that text lmao
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