#Aero speaks
aerospaceaspirant · 1 year
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redundantz · 4 months
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Take me back to the early 2000’s where video games were colourful beach adventures~
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felikatze · 2 months
i think the reason i love silent protags a lot because the limitation of this staple necessitates indirect storytelling. yes it's primarily a device to allow player inserts and roleplaying, but a character's inability to state or directly show how they feel forces one to analyze much more.
when speech is filtered out, you need to reverse engineer what they could've said by how other characters reacted. Multiple choice dialogue options become concurrent thoughts in the character's mind, different facets leading to indecision, with the player only truly deciding which thought comes to the forefront.
definition comes through body language, idle animations, emotive portraits and noises of exertion. if a choice is railroaded, was the protagonist forced into it, or did they decide without player input? what do the available gameplay styles say about the character you've created? what does it mean to accept every single sidequest?
like, well and truly, making a nothing character is impossible, even in video games, because saying "yes" when asked to save the world, that's already a decision, isn't it? there is already an implication, a shadow of belief and value, in the act of playing.
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kidfur · 4 months
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does anyone know what kind of design this is called?? the soft bubbly colorful but not too shiny skeuomorphs found in winxp and 3d jumpstart games. its probably in other places too but this is where i see it most. ik a lot of people love very shiny skeuomorphs and aero and thats why those tend to be more popular but i really wish i had a word to look for design like This bc it scratches my brain so good
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antisocialxconstruct · 6 months
how many threads are you using on the cmyk test print? i started it yesterday w/ 2threads on 14count aida & noticed your pic looks much fuller (i am intending to continue as-is and not undo everything but was curious regardless)
I also used two threads! I have noticed my designs tend to come out a little more filled in than the work of others, and I'm not really sure what part of my process to attribute that to 🤔 I do tend to stitch a bit loose, and sometimes I'll go back and sort of "smooth out" the top cross of a stitch in order to make it fill the space better. It's sort of a neurotic approach but it has the end result I want lmao
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motheffigy · 2 months
I've been thinking about how everything is so sterile and boring now? I remember when everything looked interesting and cool! devices were weird and angular. they looked like sci-fi devices! the menus had funky music. the website you went on to buy it had a unique vibe to it. the logo of the company you bought it for was cool and unique to it and not just Text With A Basic Logo.
A lot of my nostalgia for the past, I think, comes from the fact that most of my life everything has been getting slowly and slowly more boring, lifeless and personality-less. that's the appeal of frutiger aero I think. as much as the aesthetic is genuinely great and warm and nice, it's also a reminder that we were promised a future that was not only good but fucking interesting instead of boring and uninteresting and fucking worse.
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lcpmon · 6 months
why did i ever try run aerospray for funsies the jr is so much better in every conceivable way
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n-anon · 11 days
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Been playing VRchat recently on PC, kind of just vibing in private cozy spaces.
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hollysoda · 2 months
I think frutiger aero might be my favourite aesthetic of all time. I always loved the era where technology felt that way (even if I was a kid during it) and I never thought in the year 2024 people would bring it back. Anyways so whenever I get my own place I’m making my bathroom look like it came straight out of the 2000’s, fish toilet seat and all
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cyberspacebear · 11 months
sometimes it hurts so bad knowing the internet will never be young again
that it will never feel new and bright and technological again
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vaugarde · 7 months
ugh i knew i was right to be worried about V :/
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atlasllm · 2 months
my name is atlas because my gender is
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p0nyr0ni · 4 months
some frutiger aero stuff is rlly nice like the fish/water leaning designs but some of its like damn my nostalgia goggles are not strong enough for this to not look like shit
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jeanrainier · 6 months
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I realized I could put them all together and have it not eat up people's whole dashes Color of the Sky style. Character portraits from a giant cast picture I did for a fantasy project that did not end on good terms. Its painful to look at the big piece still, so here's mine cut out since there's still a lot of art I'm proud of from it.
I'm happiest with how Cain and Rein turned out. But it's hard to top Boots.
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kidfur · 4 months
ik that like aero, the winxp theme is Officially called luna, but obviously searching "luna aesthetic" isnt going to get me anything UI design related LOL is all moon...
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ef-1 · 3 months
Toto being asked if it's time to abandon this car concept and replying "at this point, we just have to believe this is the right choice" my brother in christ that's not how engineering works im begging you, please, the power of belief will not fix this please speak to the engineers ask them about aero and rear stability, this isn't a church belief isn't enough
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