In the next part in fallen can he admits he likes her and shes still like confuse about her feelings. Then few days later she tells him she does they talk it out then get all you know sexy time
Here’s a link to the story ;)
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Fallen Chapter Four
Anonymous Asked: In the next part in fallen can he admits he likes her and shes still like confuse about her feelings. Then few days later she tells him she does they talk it out then get all you know sexy time
My hands dig into the supple flesh of her thighs as I position myself at her entrance. Looking into her eyes and see my own lust reflected back at me.
“Please, Jungkook…” She moans, biting her swollen bottom lip writhing her hips against mine. “Don’t tease me anymore. I want you…”
Bending down, I lick her neck up to her ear, her hot breath kissing the side of my face. Digging my hand further into her thigh I take the lobe of her ear gently between my teeth, and whisper:
“Remember (y/n),”
“This is what you wanted…”
Beep Beep Beep
Jolting up I look around the room, quickly finding my phone and hitting the ‘Stop’ button to my alarm. Sweat trailed down my back as my erection poked up through my boxers.
Your POV
“I’m late!�� You yell stuffing a piece of bread in your mouth as you pull on your backpack. “(y/n) honey, it’s okay to be late to school once in awhile.” Your mom said, handing you your car keys. “Mom I have an exam in first period, I love you!” with a peck to the cheek to your mom, you ran out the front door of your home and into your car.
“Okay okay,” You started, turning on your car. “If I just take the backroads I should be fine” doing a 3-point turn, you made it out of your driveway and you were on your way.
I can’t believe I wasn’t paying attention! This morning you decided to look a little more cute. So you applied light makeup, and spent a bit of time picking out an outfit. But you woke up at your normal time, like an idiot.
Ring Ring
Pressing the ‘answer’ button on your phone, Naris voice sounded throughout your car.
“Where are you~ You’re normally here before me” She whined and you rolled your eyes, speeding on the backroads to the school. “I’ll be there in 10, I uh… Took to long to get ready” you felt the heat rise in your cheeks. “Took to long? You don’t care what you look- Oh, Jungkook… Huh? No she’s not here yet… Yes, here”
“Hey (y/n)” your eye twitched. You didn’t want to deal with his advancements this morning. “Sup, gotta go, driving and all” you hung up the phone. Even though you had your phone bluetoothed to your car, you always felt uncomfortable talking while driving.
As soon as you got to the school speed limit, you slowed down and parked.
“7:55, okay I have five minutes” Slipping your backpack on, you hauled your ass through the front gates. Standing at the entrance to the school, was none other than Jeon Jungkook.
“You know it’s rude to hang up on people” He smiled at your panting frame, tongue running across his lips. “Move it, I’m late and I have exams” You began to walk towards the entrance but he stopped you.
“What is i-” Jungkook wrapped you into a hug and you froze. “I missed you...” Jungkooks sweet smell and warmth surrounded you. His soft heartbeat sounded rhythmically against your ear. He nuzzled his nose into your hair which made you flinch. So warm…
Letting you go gently, he took your hand. “Your class, right? Which floor?” Blinking away your shock you looked up to him.
“The second”
After running up a flight of stairs, a teacher yelling at the both of you, and lots of stares from people you made it to your class just as the bell rang. You didn’t even have a chance to say bye to Jungkook as you found your way to your seat in the back.
All of your classmates stared at you. Your hair was a mess, your cheeks were bright pink, and you just ran past all of them.
“What? Never seen a girl run before?” with some murmurs, they turned around as the teacher began to speak. ‘I missed you’ was that so important to tell me right at the beginning of school?! You brought your hand to your chest and squeezed the cloth tightly. Why does he make me feel this way? It’s annoying…
“(y/n), your phone?” Your English professor held a box out in front of you. “Oh, right. Sorry” Grabbing your phone, you quickly placed it in the box and she moved on.
After your first period, the first break of the day followed.
Ugh people. You thought as you pushed past everyone to the courtyard where you found a wild Nari in her natural habitat. Eating food.
She was eating the pancakes you made the other morning. You always made extra just in case.
“(y/n)!” She exclaimed an wrapped you in a hug. Why is everyone hugging me today? “You look so cute~” you wore a pair of black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a pale pink hoodie and a black ‘dad hat’ with a silver ring pierced through the front of the cap. Your makeup consisted of black winged eyeliner and a reddish pink ombre lip.
“Um thanks” You two always sat in the same place, the stone bench under the big oak tree. Of course, right now it was cold out so you two were just meeting up here. “Where are we going?” You asked rubbing your cold hands together. “The cafeteria I guess?” Nari shrugged and you two walked into the large white building.
The cafeteria was crowded. Oh great. “Um~” Nari looked around for a spot for the two of you to sit.
“(y/n)!” You swallowed hard, you knew the voice that was calling you. “Here Nari let’s go this-” “Hey, I was calling you” Jungkook ran up to you, smile on his face. “Come sit with us, Namjoon is over there too Nari” Nari perked up. The devil himself has appeared.
You two followed Jungkook to his table, where the seven boys from the party all sat. Hoseok gave you a smile and you waved annoyed. Jungkook sat you down next to him as Nari wiggled herself between Namjoon and Seokjin. The girl beamed up at Namjoon and you smiled. At least she’s happy. Me on the other hand…
“Why are you like this?” You looked up, annoyed and Jungkook just smiled. “It’s who I am” “Well you’re annoying” “At least you’re thinking about me” “Who said I was thinking about you?” “It’s obvious that you are~”
“Jungkookie~” Both you and Jungkook turn around to find a girl dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white crop top. Isn’t it a bit too cold for those kind of clothes? Jungkook looked a little uncomfortable.
“A-Asmai hey, what’s up” Asami? “I was wondering why you didn’t text me back last night.” The girl pushed you to the side, and took your place next to Jungkook. Wasn’t he texting me last night? “Um… Can we like, talk later? How about after school?” Jungkook didn’t seem too surprised about this girls being here. You looked at Hoseok, and he was watching you intently.
‘Who?’ you mouthed ‘Whore’ Hoseok mouthed back. You knit your brows in confusion. But then realized what he meant. This is someone he fucks.
“At your place then?” Um what? You looked at Jungkook. “Yeah sure whatever.” You felt like you got punched in the gut. “Fuck this…” getting up Jungkook quickly grabbed your wrist. Luckily the bell rang. You pulled your wrist out of his grasp got as far away from Jungkook as possible.
You pushed your way into the bathroom, you could hear Jungkook calling your name but you didn’t feel like listening. You knew what she going over to his house meant. His parents are away on business. What was more frustrating was that you were hurt by it. Your eyes stung and you pressed your palms against them. Why am I even surprised? I knew he was like this. Why did I actually think he was a decent fucking person? ‘I missed you’ yeah my fucking ass.
Ring Ring
Picking up your phone without thinking you answered
“(y/n) she’s just coming over to talk”
“I’m not fucking stupid Jungkook. It’s to fuck. Look, leave me out of your life okay? I don’t want to be apart of this shit.”
“Meet me outside, in the parking lot.”
“What? No.”
“Meet me outside, or I’m going into that bathroom and dragging you out myself. I know right now it’s a prep period for you.”
“What are you a stalker now? I’m not going to-”
“(y/n)! Please…”
Looking at your reflection you sighed. Your makeup was still intact, but your eyes were read and glossy. “Fuck…”
You walked to the parking lot, fists balled. You saw Jungkook quietly standing by his car. You were so mad, and you hated it. Because that meant you had feelings for this asshole.
“What do you want?” You asked, pushing at his chest. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re trying to play with me, Jungkook. But I don’t want to be apart of it, okay?” tears rolled down your cheeks. “(y/n), I’m not playing a game. I like you…” You met his eyes “Bullshit! You do this right? To score or some shit like that? You manipulate girls into thinking you like them, and then you fuck them. And after that? You block them and forget about their existence! I’m not going to be your next fucking victim.” Now you were balling, you were mad, sad, and so beyond hurt.
“I’m not doing that with you! I actually care about you (y/n) jesus!” Jungkook grabbed your shoulders, bending down so he was at eye level. “I care about you…” Your heart ached “Then why are you going to fuck some chick today? If you care-” “Did I say that would happen?” You were a little taken aback, Jungkook stared at you intensely.
“N-No y-you didn’t but-” “I didn’t, so it’s not going to happen. It’s more convenient if she comes over so I can give her some of the things she purposefully leaves at my house. And before you ask, yes she and I used to have sex.” He admitting it was like pouring salt on a wound. “She doesn’t leave me alone. If you don’t trust me, you can come along. But you won’t like the conversation.” He watched you intently, worry written all over his face.
“I-I’ll come. Not because I don’t trust you. Well actually, I don’t, but I want to hear what you’re going to say.” A sigh escaped Jungkooks throat. He gently wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re changing me (y/n)...” You let your tears fall onto Jungkooks shoulders. Your heart hurt, your head was confused. But you felt safe, and warm in Jungkooks arms. “You’re changing me too, Jungkook. You’re really annoying you know that? Why couldn’t you just leave me alone? I’m the quiet uninteresting girl in the corner of the room…” You place your fist against his chest “Why do you keep trying to push your way into my life” Sobbing into his shoulder, Jungkook comforted you gently rubbing your back while caressing your head.
“I don’t give up on something I like… You’re worth the fight, (y/n).” Pulling back Jungkook caressed your cheeks, rubbing away your tears. “How annoying, and that was really cheesy” Jungkook smiled, eyes caring. “You know it. Do you have any more exams to take today?” his question caught you slightly off guard. “Yes in third period. I’ve already finished the exams for fourth last week.” You sniffled and rubbed at your nose. “You’re cute. After your third period come find me and let’s ditch.” Ditch? “No way. When fourth is over you can find me and we can leave when school finishes.”
And just like that, you were back to normal.
You and Jungkook skipped through second period and lunch. You two just sat in his car and listened to music with the occasional conversation. Your eyes and head hurt, Jungkook just let you rest.
Your Human Physiology exam was a piece of cake. Before entering the class you made sure to clean yourself up. Reapplying your eyeliner and lip stain, also taking a damp paper towel under your puffy eyes.
“(y/n) where were you at lunch? And why did you run off during break what happened?” Nari slowed down your fast paced movements eyeing you up and down. “I yelled at Jungkook.” You swallowed, now embarrassed of your actions. “What? Why? Did he try something cause if he did-” you stopped her “He didn’t try anything, I just jumped to a conclusion, felt stupid, got upset, and yelled at him. But it’s Jungkooks fault for forcing me to talk to him”
“What’s Jungkooks fault?” Yoongi poked your shoulder “Missed you today in music tech” You and Nari stood a little baffled. Is he actually talking to me? “Uh, yeah sorry. I was dealing with some drama.” Yoongi chuckled lightly “Yeah well being around Jungkook, that happens a lot...”
¨Be careful, (y/n).” with that, the denim haired boy walked away.
“O-Okay, I’m gonna go to class. See you later Nari.” quickly, you rushed away and into your fourth period.
Yoongis words stuck onto your brain like glue. What did he mean by that? You picked subconsciously at the black nail polish resting on your thumb. You didn't want Yoongis words to bother you, but they did. They made you uneasy, as if those small few words just confirmed all of what you are afraid of when it comes to Jungkook.
“Hey” Jungkook smiled, catching your wrist. Well, at least he’s consistent. “Hi” You sighed, pulling your wrist of out his grasp. He frowned a little, but quickly shoved whatever thought he had away. “Ready to go?” A small smirk tug at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, I guess” you and Jungkook walked towards the entrance of the school.
Jungkooks hand brushed lightly against your own, sending shivers down your spine. You bit down on your lip. You were nervous, apprehensive, jumpy, scared… You honestly didn’t want to deal with any of this, with Jungkook, the feelings Jungkook gave you. It was all so new, so foreign.
You didn’t even realize it, you were already outside, coming to a stop at Jungkooks car. “You gonna get in?” He smiled down at you. Blinking away your confusion you shook your head. “I drove to school. I’ll just follow you.” He shrugged “Okay, can’t be helped. I’ll text you my address just in case you lose me”
With a few swift movements of his nimble fingers, he sent the message. Your phone vibrated in your back pocket. “Okay cool, see you at your house.” you waved as you began walking, Jungkook watched after you, a small worried look on his face.
You climbed into your car, hooking up your gps. You weren’t going to bother having to pay attention to where Jungkook went. This was much easier.
Placing your hand over your chest, you squeezed the thick fabric that warms your body. Your rapid heartbeat pounded erratically at your chest.
The drive to Jungkooks house was nerve wracking. You thought about all the different things that might happen, all of the things you may hear throughout Jungkooks conversation with her. You were slightly resentful towards the girl, and couldn’t help but have hateful thoughts.
“Turn right in the next 20 feet…” Slowing your car, you pull up into Jungkooks driveway right behind him. Another, small blue volkswagen buggie was parked on the side of the street.
Your first thought? Big house. Your second? I’m going to die. As Jungkook stepped out of his car, Asami did the same from the blue bug. Suddenly, your nerves became much worse. Your hand shook as you pressed down on the ‘start/stop’ button to your car. Slowly, you stepped out of your black car. The auburn haired girl looked at you resentfully, a nasty scowled plastered on her otherwise pretty face.
“Hi” You smiled fakely. Your mother's words rang in your head as they always did in situations like this “Kill’em with kindness, it’s a lot more annoying.”
“Hey, Asami, this is (y/n). (y/n) this is Asami” Jungkook swallowed, his adams apple dipping down and back up. “You mean this is your new toy?” The girl scoffed. “She’s not even that cute.” Turning on her heels, she headed to the front wooden double doors, Jungkook following right after her. With a sigh, you followed suit.
Stepping inside the giant house, you marveled at the design. Sleek and modern. Simple but striking. Black, gray, and white took up most of the color palette, but touches of gold and silver ran through the room. But just like that, you were brought out of your thoughts by an annoying, slutty voice.
“Jungkookieee~” She whined, tilting her head to the side, pulling at a strand of her hair. “Can you tell your pet to go home? So we can have some fun.” the lightly dressed girl pushed her chest out a little and ran her teeth over her bottom lip. Jungkook looked completely unfazed, maybe even a little annoyed?
“No, now knock it off. The only reason why I asked you here is so I can give you your stuff backㄧ” He slipped off his jacket, and turned to look at the shocked girl over his shoulder, eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly.
“And she’s not my pet.”
With that, they walked in silence to the kitchen. A small smile played at your lips. Asami, looked half baffled, half annoyed. The only sound that surrounded the room was the clicking of her high heels against the marble tile.
“So,” Jungkook started, propping his elbows against the kitchen island. “What is it that you needed to talk to me about, Asami?” He raised a brow to the girl, who smirked. “Are you sure you want to talk with her here. I don’t know if her little innocent ears wants to hear it” You really didn’t, but you at least wanted to just be there to make sure Jungkook wasn’t lying to you. “I think she’ll be fine. Now just come out with it, please? I’m tired.” Jungkook didn’t look tired, but his voice made him sound sleepy and drained.
“Okay, well I miss you. I want to fuck, I want you to tie me up how you usually do and tease me till I scream. I want you to fuck me till I go numb, till I can’t feel my legs anymore. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” The girl smiled proudly to herself. Jungkook was right, I wasn’t going to like this conversation. Jungkook shot you a quick worried glance, but on the outside you kept your composer despite wanting to throw up.
With a deep sigh, Jungkook stood up straight, looking directly at Asami. “Asami… I don’t want to do that with you anymore-” “Why you were fine with it just last week” the girl smirked, sending a glance your way. “I don’t want you. Stop with your crap. If you’re trying to intimidate (y/n), that’s pathetic. Jealousy really doesn’t suit you. You were just someone I called when I needed to blow off steam. Stop trying to make it out to be something it’s not. Stop trying to force your feelings on me, and leaving your things at my house so you have an excuse to come back.” Running a frustrated hand through his hair, he sighed. “I’ll be right back.” Turning on his heels, Jungkook walked away, leaving you in silence with a now crying Asami.
Great. Just great. I’m stuck alone in a room with a girl who hates me.
“Do you need a tissu-” You reached out to the girl, but she slapped your hand away, anger welled up in her glossy eyes. “Don’t touch me, bitch.” She sniffled “You probably think you’re great. But you’re not. When he gets what he wants, he’ll ditch you. Just like all the others… But he didn’t do that the me… I was special to him…” More tears rolled down her cheeks. In her own wraped way, she was in love with Jungkook… Like all the others, huh?...Drama… Yoongi said Jungkooks normally surrounded with it. And now you could see why.
Jungkook returned with a box in his hands, different colored clothes resided within the box, peeking through the top of a pink shirt was a laced red thong. Gross. You thought, but tried your best to keep your face neutral.
“Here,” Jungkook held to box out to Asami. “If you need to, you can clean up in the bathroom. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” She took the box from him with a sniff as he rubbed her shoulder. The girl looked at him with glossy eyes. “Can I be with you, just one last time?” Jungkooks jaw set in a hard line, you saw how quickly his soft caring gaze turned into a cold one. Dropping his hand he pointed to the direction of his front door.
“Leave. Honestly, just because I feel bad doesn’t mean you can guilt trip me.” his tone was sharp “Jungkook I-” “Please! Just leave.” The girl looked hurt, brown eyes devastated and shocked.
You stood awkwardly as the girl rushed toward the door, Jungkook watched. The same cold expression on his face. You examined his features, the hard set line of his jaw, the angles of his face, his pale skin, dark hair, the vein on his neck-
“Sorry about-” He chuckled, meeting your eyes, cold expression gone. “You know,” he took a step closer to you, taking your hand in his own. “You have a habit of staring at me.” He lightly ghosts his fingers up your arm. You let out a light sigh, Jungkooks touch sending shivers through your body. “I have no idea what your talking about.” quickly, you move away from Jungkook to one of the island seats.
“Really, cause you seem to always stare at me. When you think I’m not paying attention.” Placing both his hands on either side of your body, against the marbled island, he hovered his face above yours, eyes playful mixed with something else… Something darker.
Your breath caught in your throat. Jungkooks hot breath kissed your face, his lips just inches away from your own… You could see the pulse beat against his neck. He smirked. “What is it (y/n)? Are you nervous?” Swallowing hard, you shook your head. “Nope, but how about a movie? One that we can actually watch this time?” You could hear your own heartbeat in your ears, but you kept your voice as normal as possible. Jungkook smiled with a soft chuckle and pulled away.
“Sounds good” He held his hand out for you to take and you did so. He led you through a hallway and then into a room, his room. It was clean, it had a very simple black and white design. In the corner of the room there was a blue neon peace hand sign. In other places of the room there was touches of color, to give it some life.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Jungkook asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. “Hmmm” You pulled your hand out of his and walked further into his room, turning to face him. “What do you have? Aside from Iron Man?” A small smirk played at your lips as you looked down at his iron man socks.
He smiled “How about I surprise you?” You shrugged “okay” You walked back to his bed, where there was a black duvet with white Egyptian cotton pillows. Gently, you sat down and watched as Jungkook pulled out a drawer from a black chest against the far left wall. He scanned over different dvd casings with his nimble fingers till he finally landed on the movie he was looking for.
Placing the dvd in the blue-ray, he plopped himself on his bed, looking at you through a side glance. “Do you like ‘Wonder Women’?” he turned fully to look at you. “Yeah, I haven’t seen the movie yet though.” Smiling he placed his back against the white headboard. “Good, then you’ll enjoy the movie” He motioned for you to move to where he is, so you did. You placed your back against the headboard and curled your knees up to your chest.
As the previews came on, you gained the courage to ask Jungkook a question. “So��� Asami, how did you feel about her?” You looked straight forward, not wanting to look at Jungkook. You heard him take in a deep breath. “I didn’t like her… But she would always come here… Always text me, never leave me alone. So I called her whenever I needed to… I guess get out my frustration? I know that sounds terrible… But I don’t want to lie to you.” “It’s fine” You said almost too quickly. “(y/n) I-” You took his hand and looked at him. “Really, Jungkook, it’s fine. I mean yeah, I don’t like it. No one would, really. But I’m not bothered. I already knew of your rep anyways.” He smiled, a crooked, genuine smile.
“(y/n)?” Jungkook ran his free hand up your arm, your neck, then finally rested it against your cheek, thumb lightly brushing of the soft blush skin. “Yes” you breathed as goosebumps traveled up your body. “How do you feel about me?” your eyes widened. Your pulse quickened as a bright flush came to your cheeks.
“I mean…” You started finding Jungkooks intense, caring gaze “I don’t hate you…” he smiled, moving a little closer “So, you like me?” Your flush deepened “I-I didn’t say that” you stammered, voice an octave higher. “Then tell me it isn’t true” you stayed silent. Jungkook leaned in closer, lips so close to your own. “Tell me to stop, if you truly don’t like me…” He moved his hand to the back of your neck “Because I really like you.”
Jungkooks lips pressed against yours. It felt heavenly. His lips were soft and smooth against your own. His hand that was in your tangled itself in your hair as you slipped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. His tongue forced its way into your mouth, claiming it as his own. His body was on top your own, his hard length pressed hard against your thigh.
“Jungkook” You murmured against his lips, your hands tangling themselves in his hair. Deep moan sounded at the base of his throat and his hand went down to grip your thigh, eliciting a soft moan from you.
His fingers felt like fire as they trailed up and down the flesh of your thigh, you bit back your noises by pressing your lips harder against Jungkooks. Freeing one of your hands for his soft hair, you slipped it under the cloth of his shirt, raking your nails down his hard muscles.
Pulling away from your lips Jungkook looked at you with a heated gaze, eyes dark and yearning. “(y/n) are you okay?” He breathed “With this, I mean” He ran his hand along your inner thigh. You bit your lip, trying to conceal a moan. You could see Jungkooks hard member strain against his black jeans, which made your stomach churn and send shivers straight down to your heat.
“I wan-”
Ring Ring
Your phone vibrated in your pocket holding up a finger telling Jungkook to hold on you answered the phone.
“Hi mom”
“Honey where are you? I need you to come home right now.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“I need you to help me with something”
“O-Okay I am on my way. Bye, love you.”
Hanging up the phone, you looked at Jungkook. His pink lips plump and wet, his dark hair a sprawled mess, the heavy rise and fall of his chest; all of him was just so... enticing.
You lightly ran the back of your hand against his cheek. “I have to go, my mom needs me” You whispered your hand now pushing his hair gently out of his face. “Okay, rain check?” his voice was hoarse and breathy. You smiled and brushed your nose against his.
“Rain check.”
HIII GUYYYYSSS!!! So I got a new computer since my old one was a piece of shit and kept breaking. I bought a MacBook pro and it is now my baby. This story has been written throughout a lot of different school days and finished out today. Sorry I haven’t updated, life has been stressful, college classes are a pain. BUUUUUUTTTTT I hope you enjoyed this piece! As always feel free to send me a message and give me feed back! :)
#Bts#bts jungkook#bts jimin#bts v#bts suga#bts jin#bts rm#bts jhope#bts smut#bts jungkook smut#bts jeon jungkook#bts kookie#bts park jimin#bts hoseok#bts jung hoseok#bts taehyung#bts kim taehyung#bts namjoon#bts kim namjoon#bts seokjin#bts kim seokjin#bts yoongi#bts min yoongi#bangtan#bangtan sonyeondan#Jungkook fanfic#jungkook scenarios
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Hey guys! I’m sorry new content isn’t being posted my computer is broken! I’m trying to fix it but it’s being an ass. So I’m probably gonna go buy one here pretty soon. But please bear with me, also if you guys have any ideas for FALLEN for future chapters please lmk! I️ would love to incorporate some of your thoughts and ideas into the content! Feel free to send me a message!
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Yay!! Please keep it up with fallen!!
I️ will and I’m so glad you like it!
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Fallen (M) Chapter Three
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“This is the first time I actually meant it” Jungkooks words made the air in your lungs catch. Your heart pounded against your ribcage.
“Hah, whatever” You laughed lightly, pushing his shoulder. Jungkooks eyes narrowed a bit, but then he laughed too. “Here, come in you can place the shoes on the side here.” he motion for you to enter the cabin and you did so.
“Whoa” you said, looking around you.
The interior was beautiful. Carmel wood lined the walls, as warm yellow lights lit the room. Brown leather couches were placed around a glass coffee table. Two bookshelves sat at either side of an large window that overlooked the lake. A brick fireplace was the center of attention, beautifully rustic and inviting. Many wooden decorations were placed around the spacious cabin.
“Make yourself comfortable” Jungkook smiled, slipping off his coat for you. “Y-Yeah” His family owns this? Holy shit… You watched as Jungkook turned on the heater, which you appreciated. You couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.
“Um, so what’s this date you’ve planned?” You asked, trying to break through the silence. Turning, Jungkook smiled at you. “Dinner and a movie” he seemed very proud of that answer. “It’s the afternoon” You chuckled. “Okay lunch and a movie. Here follow me.”
You followed behind Jungkook into a breathtaking kitchen. Windows were everywhere, as stone lined the walls. Wooden frames were built around everything as touches of silver lightened up the area. A granite island sat in the middle of the kitchen.
“Do you know how to cook?” You looked up at Jungkook, and he scratched the back of his neck. “I know how to make a few things, Jin has taught me a couple things” A blush ran over his cheeks and your pulse quickened. “Jin?” You asked, not knowing who he was talking about. “Oh, Seokjin” Jungkook smiled. Oh i’m dumb.
“What are we having?” You asked, pulling one of the chairs against the island out, and sitting down, crossing your legs. “We’re having pizza” Jungkook open the freezer and pulled out a frozen pizza. You laughed a little. “I know it’s not anything great-” “It’s okay, I like pizza” with that, you got up and made your way back into the large living area.
Your heart was still beating fast, and you wished it would stop. You made your way to a large leather couch which sat directly in front of the TV. The TV hung above the already lit fireplace. When did he do that?
You sat on the plush couch, and you found a white blanket, which you draped over your legs.
Nearly almost jumping off the couch you turned to the sound of Jungkooks voice.
“Y-Yes?” You felt the burn against your cheeks as you answered the boy. “Do you want something to drink?” he poked his head out from behind the frame entrance to the kitchen. “W-Water is fine” he gave you a thumbs up and went back to what he was doing.
Ah that scared me… You curled up into the corner of the couch. Jungkook arrived with, two glasses of water and a bowl of popcorn. He set the things down on the coffee table. He smiled down at you, you couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated.
He bent down, arm overstretching to the side of the armrest, hot breath against your ear.
“You’re cute” he whispered, pulling something, and suddenly a footrest extended. Jungkook pulled back and winked at your small confused self. “So you can be more comfortable.” with that, he walked up to the tv and started to set some things up for the movie.
What was that?! Why is he like this? Bringing the blanket up to your face, you fixed your eyes to the snowing scenery. Your heart pounding erratically at your chest.
“We’re watching Iron Man, I hope that’s okay?” Jungkooks voice drew you away from your thoughts. He sat right next to you, popcorn bowl in his lap. “Yeah, that’s fine. I actually really like this movie” You said trying to not to sound meek. “Really? Me too, it’s my favorite” He smiled candidly at you, and you smiled back.
As the opening ‘21st century’ song started to play, you decided to ask Jungkook questions. “Is this your family’s cabin? Are they okay with you using it?” Looking at Jungkooks side profile you found yourself mesmerized. He had a small scar on his right cheek, long straight eyelashes, a cute round nose, small but plump lips.He was beautiful. “Yeah it’s theirs-” He turned his head, and his face was two inches away from your own.
His eyes widened, chocolate brown eyes staring into your own. Your heart skipped a beat. You could smell him, feel his hot breath on your lips. You swallowed hard, trying hard not to stare at his lips. Jungkook slowly began to lean in-
Turning away, Jungkook stood up and cleared his throat. “T-That’s the pizza” “Y-Yeah” As he walked away you quickly grabbed you water and downed it. Holy shit, what’s wrong with me? Did I want him to kiss me? What the fuck? Setting the water down you took a deep breath in.
“Please no gang signs” Robert Downey, Jr. says. You try to fix your attention on the movie. The military personnel were excited about the picture they were about to take. And then suddenly everything goes to shit.
You see Jungkook return out of the corner of your eye, but you try to stay focused on the movie. He sets your pizza on the table as he eats his own, eyes fixed forward as well.
“(y/n)?” You turn to the sound of his voice, your eyes hesitantly leaving the screen. “Hm?” you look at him, trying to find the courage to hold his gaze. “Mind sharing the blanket?” Oh great. “Um yeah sure, sorry” You unraveled yourself from the warm material and opened it up for Jungkook to join you. Suddenly he was so much closer to you, his thigh sightly touching your own, shoulder pressing against yours.
“You not hungry?” He asked, and you shook your head. “No I am, sorry. A little distracted by the movie.” You lied, the fact that he was so close to you was driving you nuts, you wanted to run away. “Is it the movie that’s distracting you, or is it something else?” You heard the playfulness in his voice and you laughed.
“I don’t know what else it could be” You leaned forward and grabbed your pizza. You could feel Jungkook staring at you so you side eyed him. “Movie? Remember that?” you teased, and you saw him blush.
“Whatever, I was looking behind you.”
“Sure, whatever you say~”
“Oh shut up”
You and Jungkook watched the movie in silence for about a good 30 minutes, till he decided to ask you questions.
“So you’re in college classes right?” He asked and you nodded throwing some popcorn in your mouth. “Must be a heavy workload” You shrugged “It is but honestly I don’t mind it. It’ll benefit me in the future, so I might as well just suffer through it.” Becoming a neurosurgeon wasn’t going to be easy. You wanted to cross as many classes off your list as possible. “Were you always like this?” Jungkook asked, and you finally turned your attention to him, your eyes finding his.
“What do you mean?” You knit your brows in confusion. “I wasn’t there, but I heard when you were in middle school you graduated at the top of your class.” You winced at his mentioning of middle school. There were a lot of buried memories from that time. “Yeah I did, my father made me do tutoring everyday after school. He was very adamant about me being on top.” You dropped your gaze from Jungkooks. “What about now?” What about now? He means nothing to me…
“I dunno, he’s not around. What about you, captain of the football team? Heart throb of the school? What’s your goal in life?” You just wanted to change the damn subject. “I don’t know yet, still figuring it out I guess.” It must be nice… He has money, college won’t be a problem to him…
“Ahh, well you should figure it out soon. You’ll be a senior next year” You threw a piece of popcorn at him. He laughed light heartedly “Yeah yeah I know mom” “As long as you know” You narrowed your eyes playfully at him. “So… What is it that you want to be as an adult?” He asked you, and you answered without hesitation “Neurosurgeon” You looked at Jungkook and he didn’t look too surprised. “Suits you, but you know…” A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips “...You’ll have no sex life.”
You shrugged “I already have no sex life so I’ll be fine” you said bluntly and his smirk further grew. His arm found it’s what to behind your head on the couch and he leaned in. “I could change that” This time, your heart didn’t race. You just got annoyed. Placing your hand against his face you gently pushed him back.
“Thanks but no thanks pretty boy” He laughed, and lightly grabbed your hand. “Like I said, you’re different” You raised a brow. “Because I don’t want to fuck you…?” he smiled “Yes, and you don’t seem to care about being alone with me. Most girls jump to get to know me, try their hardest to impress me.” You further got annoyed “Sorry to disappoint your highness” He laughed “No no, that’s not what I meant. I like this. I like you. You’re not fake, you’re not trying hide yourself. It’s kinda refreshing.” You felt your cheeks heat a little bit “Yet you’re trying to get into my pants?”
He looked down, a flush running over his cheeks. “Yeah, that was the original intent.” Original intent? “What changed?” You didn’t drop your stare. “I guess it was your personality? How you could care less about me in the halls. How you told me off in the coffee shop. Rejected me at the party, toyed with me, if i’m being perfectly honest you really pissed me off.” His eyes met yours “That was the goal” You shrugged and he continued.
“Even today, I still planned to make you like me. So I got your number from Hoseok and texted you. But you seemed to just not care about anything. So I went to your work, and thought of what I could do to impress you. Hoseok said you would be there at twelve and that your manager was giving you the day off because you’ve been stressed. So I went home, got the keys to the cabin and snow boots. Then I waited, and then there you were. A tiny shivering mess, but you still fought against me. You’re really amazing you know” He smiled at you as you felt your heart rate pick up. “I know I’m great” You finally broke eye contact with him, still a little annoyed with him.
“On the car ride here…” He started and then stopped. “What? What about the car ride?” You looked at his blushing face and he threw a pillow at you.
“Never mind it’s embarrassing!”
“What?! Embarrassing?! You just told me you liked me, what could be more embarrassing?” You threw the pillow back at him. “I don’t want to say it!” “My goodness” You attack Jungkooks sides in attempt to tickle torture him, and it worked slightly but he’s stronger than you, so it quickly got shut down.
“C’mon just tell me~” You were now on your knees as Jungkook firmly held both of your tiny wrists in his hands. “Why do you want to know so bad?” He questioned turning his whole body towards yours. “Because you don’t want to say it, my interest is piqued.” You smirked at the boy and pulled your wrists out of his grasp and starting to attack his sides again, his laughter filled the room as he grabbed one of your wrists while struggling to get the other. He fell back on the couch and he took you with him.
Your head landed flat against his chest, you could hear his heavy heart beat and deep breaths. Suddenly, Jungkooks arm wrapped around your waist holding you close to him. He nuzzled his nose into your hair and your breath caught in your throat.
“On the car ride here… I couldn’t stop staring at you… You’re beautiful, (y/n). I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re strong, but kind, maybe not to me, but I see how you care and treat others. You may seem timid and shy, but you’re unapologetically you, I admire that…” Tears brimmed the rim of your eyes. What is he saying, why is it making my heart hurt so much?
You two stayed like that for god knows how long. You didn’t have the courage to pull away, nor did you want Jungkook to see you crying. Jungkook hugged gently as he rubbed your back. You were frozen still, you didn’t know what to do.
The movie credits played in the background, and you slowly got up. “S-Sorry for forcing you to say that” You rubbed away at your eyes as Jungkook sat up. “It’s fine really. But are you okay, you were crying” Shit he noticed… “Y-Yeah, I guess you just caught me off guard” You laughed lightly, trying to hide your awkwardness.
“Jungkook, do your parents not care about you using this cabin?” His eyes dropped to his lap. “They’re not around to care. They mostly just travel around for business, they just send me postcards of the places they visit. They’re not around much…” Just like Nari… That must be the reason why he messes around, he’s looking for attention. We learned about situations similar to this in psychology. “Hey you’re not alone” You smiled brightly at the boy. He looked up at you, shocked and confused. “It seems like you have a lot of friends that care about you” you quickly said, your cheeks heating up.”A-And me too, I’ve heard i’m good at giving advice.”
Jungkook laughed, throwing you off guard. “Thanks (y/n), but I’m okay.” What a big lie, if you were okay you wouldn’t look so sad. “Welp, I’m here regardless. Even if you do annoy me.” you looked around aimlessly, you were embarrassed by your words. “Thank you, it looks like we missed the whole movie” Jungkook scratched the back of his neck and you noted how cute he looked.
“What're we gonna do now?” You asked, standing up and stretching. “Well, I’m going to clean up and then we can head back down and get some coffee?” Jungkook asked, collecting the glasses. “Sounds great, but you left something out.” You picked up a plate “I’m helping you clean up.
“A cappuccino and a…?” Jungkook looked at you, silently asking you what you wanted. “And a peppermint mocha, thanks Hoseok” Hoseok looked between you and Jungkook and shot you a wink. “Coming right up, Jimin” “G-Got it” Jungkook sat down at one of the tables, phone in his hand as you talked to Hoseok.
“How’s Jimin doing?” You asked as you watched the boys timid movements. “Pretty good, just a little slow” Hoseok smiled as he watched Jimin. “You two good friends?” Looking up at Hoseok he smiled. “Yep known him for seven years now.” He smiled fondly. “So, what’s going on between you and Jungkook?” Hoseok asked and you tensed. “I don’t know honestly. He won’t really leave me alone. Thanks for giving him my number, douche.” You punched Hoseok's shoulder and he smiled. “Anytime I can find a chance to annoy you, I take it”
Tapping away at my keyboard, I quickly told all the girls I’ve been talking to, ‘i’m busy’. I glanced over to (y/n) and she seemed to be having a good time with Hoseok. How annoying, does she like him? “Cappuccino and an peppermint mocha” Jimin pulled me from my thoughts, pulling my attention off (y/n).
“Hey man” I smiled at Jimin. “Hey, is (y/n) your next target? Because I don’t think she’s like that man. I grew up with her since grade school, she’s rejected every guy that’s ever made any sort of advancement towards her.” Did he stalk her or something? “I’m not trying to sleep with her, if that’s what you’re hinting at.” I shot him a glare and he returned it “Isn’t that what you said at the party last night? What changed?” The blonde boy cocked his head to the side.
“She’s different, I guess? I don’t know. I need to understand how she works… I can never read her.” “Do you like-” “Jimin get back here!” (y/n) walked up and patted Jimin on the shoulder. “He’ll throw a fit, might as well get back there.” She smiled sweetly at him, which annoyed me. I don’t like her talking to other guys.
“Hey” She said, no smiled as she picked up her coffee, smiling as she took a sip. “Hey, what’d you talk about with Hoseok?” I asked, a slight harshness in my words. She quirked a brow up from her cup, eyes meeting mine. “Just Jimin and how he was doing, why? You jealous?” She placed her cup down and smirked. Her white blouse framed her body nicely as her long hair complimented her figure. Her features were soft, lips glossy and plump, eyes daring but cute. She drives me crazy. “No, just curious that’s all.” I brought my coffee up to my lips and I looked around the room. “Mhm” She hummed tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Exposing her piercings, three cartilage and two standard. How come I’ve never noticed them?
“I have to get home and study soon.” She pointed at a clock behind her without even looking. It was 5 pm. I wanted to spend more time with her… “Do you really have to? Don’t you want to spend more time with me?” I asked teasingly and she rolled her eyes. “As tempting as that sounds, no. I need to pass these classes. It’s important.” Hoseok really wasn’t kidding was he? She is really all about school. It makes sense, though…
“Okay, can I drive you home at least?” I asked and she dangled a pair of car keys in front of my face. “I drove here, remember? Before you kidnapped me?” Oh shit that’s right. “Oh yeah, sorry I forgot” laughing lightly she sighed. “Did today at least help you to relax?” I asked, in hopes she would say yes. Bringing her to the cabin was a huge thing for me. I haven’t brought anyone there, and it’s a place that actually holds a lot of meaning to me.
“Honestly, no. You make me very uneasy. But, it was very beautiful, and towards the end I began to relax. But in the beginning I was stressing out.” I make her uneasy? “Well I’m glad you got to relax at least a little” I sighed into my cup. I guess I should’ve let her get more comfortable around me. “Me too” She smiled clench my heart beat began to pick up. Damn, I’m not used to this shit…
“Okay, I’m gonna head out. Thanks for the date.” She winked, placing a $20 on the table. Before I could even say anything she was gone. Why does she affect me like this? It’s kinda annoying.
“Oh, is she gone already?” Jimin asked, picking up the leftover coffee cups and his tip. “Yep” I sighed slumping in my seat. “I was gonna ask her for help on my math stuff. Since she’s in college algebra I thought maybe she could help me in Algebra II” I don’t like the idea of Jimin talking to (y/n). “Sucks man” I teased, and Jimin narrowed his eyes. “Hey you’re not doing too great in that class either.” “At least I have (y/n)’s number, I can ask her for help whenever I want” with that, I got up and left.
“See you later dude.”
Laying in bed, I went over the events of today. I almost kissed her… My cheeks began to heat up and I shook my head. God this shit is annoying. Rolling over I grabbed my phone. I got a lot of messages back from the girls. All saying the same shit ‘Are you too busy for me?’ A nude following afterwards. I couldn’t be bothered. I sent (y/n) a text.
I waited for a text but she didn’t respond. Most girls would have answered me back in seconds…
Ding Ding
Quickly, I grabbed my phone and it was a message from (y/n).
“Shit…” I cursed, I really wanted to talk to her. Why does my heart feel heavy? “Fuck having feelings sucks…I miss her.” I tossed my phone to the other side of the bed, annoyed. An avengers movie played in the background.
Ding Ding
I smiled seeing the message from (y/n).
With a smiled holding my phone tightly. Why am I so happy? With that I turned off my light with a plan to go to school tomorrow and to get (y/n)’s attention all day.
AYEEE ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE! I hope you guys liked this chapter I had a lot of fun writing this!
#BTS#Bts smut#bts jungkook#bts jungkook smut#bts jeon jungkook#bts jeon jungkook smut#jungkook#jeon jungkook#jungkook smut#jeon jungkook smut#bts hoseok#bts jung hoseok#bts jhope#hoseok#jung hoseok#jhope#bts jin#bts seokjin#bts kim seokjin#jin#seokjin#kim seokjin#bts rm#bts rap monster#bts namjoon#bts kim namjoon#rm#rap monster#namjoon#kim namjoon
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Hello! I really like your writing and I was wondering what your opinion on reposting is. Like would you be okay if I posted it on YouTube with full credit and a link. If not that's fine. Im just wondering.
I’m totally fine with it. If you give credit then I️ have no problem with it :)
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171222 BTS’ Weibo Post
[#本月的BTS#] 是日冬至 吃好 穿暖 平安 健康 #冬至快乐#
[#ThisMonth’sBTS] It’s the winter solstice, eat well, dress warmly, be safe and healthy #HappyWinterSolstice
Trans cr; Keen @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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Fallen (M) Chapter Two
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Hi everyone! So here’s an long chapter for ya’ll! I hope you enjoy<3 (my requests are still open)
“What was that with Jungkook?” Your friend asked, excitement lighting up on her face.
“I-I don’t know” You stammered, head spinning, thoughts running wild. It was fun… You thought, but it wasn’t you. Suddenly getting embarrassed you covered your face.
“Do you like him?~” She poked at your leg, and you quickly shook your head. “He’s a whore” as the words left your lips you felt confident in that resolve. You didn’t know how many girls he had slept with, but you knew how this game goes. He’ll be nice, compliment you, make you feel special, and once you’re wrapped around his pretty little finger and give in to temptation? He leaves.
“Are you sure about that, you seemed to be okay getting close to him” Her voice was teasing, but you could see that she was dead serious. “No, I don’t. I guess I just wanted to make him know that i’m not someone he can have.” Your cheeks heated up at your own words. You weren’t the type to play hard to get, let alone have any confidence what-so-ever.
“Why’s that? Was he trying to fuck with you?” You nodded and your friend raised her brows in complete surprise. With a sigh you began to explain. “I tripped this morning on his bag, he tried to help me up, but I ignored his sad existence. Then he came into my work, stated that he wanted me, I further ignored him. He wrote his number on a napkin, but I threw it away. And then he was here tonight, so I was fed up and let him know I’m not someone he could have.” With a huff, you crossed your arms over your chest. Your blood boiled at the thought of him.
“Jeez, you never get like this unless you’re talking about your brother.” “This is different, at least I have a love for him. Jungkook? I could care less about his player ass.” You were mad, and you didn’t even understand why.
You wanted to change the subject, so you turned your attention to the house. “Do we have to clean this house up?” The thought sent a shiver down your spine. This house was huge, you didn’t want to be stuck cleaning it with Nari. “Nope, you weren’t here in the beginning, but I told everyone to throw away their shit.” “And they listened?” You questioned disbelief lingering in your words.
“To just that, no. But I can make everyone's life a living hell. I am student body president. Also, I know dirt on pretty much everyone that was here. And they all I know it. I can’t tell you how many peoples asses I’ve saved, how many people I’ve peeled off the pavement.” She sighed, sadness running over her normally optimistic face. “You know that’s blackmail.” You squint your eyes towards her, which elicited a laugh from her. “I wouldn’t do anything so terrible that would get them expelled. But cleaning bleachers for a month? Definitely.” She held a proud smile. Damn she’s evil.
“So returning the question, what was that with you and Namjoon?” You asked raising a brow, with a playful smirk. Nari’s cheeks dusted over with pink. How cute, you thought. “I don’t know yet, but he’s cute.” She took some of her hair to cover her smile. It wasn’t often that you would see Nari be shy. She’s often bold, honest, and up front. She rarely ever hid from her feelings. You admired that about her. “You’re cute” You teased and a pillow met your face.
After a huge pillow fight, a bunch of laughter, and mock wrestling, you both showered, got dressed in some comfortable clothes, ate some food and suddenly you noticed it was 3 am.
“Damn time flies by” You said and Nari giggled. “Yep. Wanna put on a movie and go to sleep? We can catch up tomorrow morning” “Sounds amazing”
Since the movie didn’t really matter all too much, you guys just threw on ‘Mulan’. It was easy to fall asleep to. Nari had a couch in her room, so she gave you a pillow and a blanket. As you settled into the overstuffed cushions, you found yourself thinking of your father, something you hadn’t done in years…
“Hey, (y/n). How is your brother?” Nari asked, drawing you away from your thoughts. To be honest, you didn’t really know. You hadn’t heard from him in months, which wasn’t unusual at all. “I haven’t heard from him. He’s a Navy Seal now. Last I heard he got deployed…” You said, heart feeling a little heavy. Your mom had told you to never expect the worse, just to have faith and await a letter. “You’re not scared?” She asked, you could hear the worry in her voice.
“Truthfully, yes. I was scared when he joined the military in the first place… But I believe in Chong. He’s smart, level headed, and resourceful. He also has a good attitude and vibe around him. So I’m going to wait till I get his letter. And when he gets home, I’m gonna kick his ass for making me worry.” Nari had always had a crush on your brother. He took care of her a lot when you two were kids. Nari used to get bullied a lot, but Chong always stuck up for her. But now, I think she has let go of those feelings, at least a little bit. Or else she wouldn’t be noticing other guys.
“When you get that letter, let me know, okay?” You smiled at how cute she was. “Of course, when he gets home, you can kick his ass with me.” She laughed.
“Goodnight, (y/n)”
“Goodnight, Nari.”
Buzz Buzz “Nnnggg” You groaned. Buzz Buzz “Who the fu-” Grabbing your phone, you angrily looked at the bright screen. An ‘Unknown’ number texted you, and you immediately frowned upon seeing the messages.
What a stalker, how did he even get my number?! Annoyed, you put his contact on ‘Hide Alerts’. You thought of Hoseok and how he might’ve given Jungkook your number, but immediately shook that thought out of your head. He wouldn’t have.
Frustrated, you sat up and looked at Nari. Raven black hair sprawled out all around her sleeping frame, duvet cocooned around her. You chuckled a little at the sight.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you stood up and stretched. The gray sleepy sky was beginning to come alive with hues of orange, yellow, and pink. Your toes curled around the soft white carpet.
You weren’t much of a morning person, but you did appreciate the beauty that came with mornings. The warm sun spreading color over the sleepy horizon. Colors mixing and blending into absolute beauty. The perfect temperature between cold and hot is what you really loved. The way the breeze would kiss your skin, but how the sun would be the balance to keep you at a comforting warmth. It was relaxing to say the least.
I should make breakfast. You walked down the cool wooden stairs, the cold surface tickling your skin. You wore a pair of black sweats and an oversized white t-shirt. Clothes you had left from previous sleep overs. You used to spend a lot of time here, it was practically your second home.
Making your way into the large marbled floor kitchen, you grabbed a couple pans and a mixing bowl. Cooking wasn’t something you were especially good at, but making breakfast food was an area you at least got a B in.
You grabbed flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, milk, eggs, and some different assorted berries. Scrambling around, you finally found a sifter and mixed all your dry ingredients together. Then came your eggs and milk. Heating up a pan, you lightly greased it and poured in your batter. Pancakes, eggs, and fruit should be fine. Nari was a vegetarian so you kept that in mind while making the food.
“Smells good in here” A sleepy Nari came waddling down the steps, hair in a sprawled nest, shirt off the shoulder, and eyes puffy from her rubbing them. You had just finished cooking she seemed to always wake up when the food was done.
At the breakfast bar, you placed her food next to her with some syrup and ketchup. You didn’t understand it, but Nari loved ketchup with her eggs. So you always put them on a seperate plate so she couldn’t get syrup on them.
“Looks yummy thank you mom” She winked at you, drowning her pancakes in syrup. It was a joke between you and her. She’d call you mom since you always took care of her, made her food, nagged on her, kept her in line, etc. “Mhm” Your plate was a little different, you weren’t much of a big fan of eggs. So instead, you had your pancakes with fresh berries and some greek yogurt.
Setting your plate a bowl next to Nari, you sat next to her. She happily was scarfing down her pancakes. She doesn’t really have much home cooked food… You remembered. She only really ever has take outs. Unless of course when you’re over you always cook a somewhat decent meal.
“So um, Jungkook somehow got my number.” You took the first bite of your pancakes, ignoring eye contact. But you knew Nari was looking at you, cheeks full of food, brown eyes annoyingly urging you to go on. “I ignored it.” You say, meeting her annoying gaze, sorry, glare.
“Why didn’t you answer him back?” She asks, pointing her pancake filled fork at you. It was hard to take her seriously. She still had her bed head, but now she was pointing pancakes at you. “I didn’t want to? He’s a pain. I don’t feel like dealing with him.” It was the truth, you really just saw him as a nuisance. “BUT! Why do you want me to answer him huh? I thought you were anti-idiot” Sticking your finger in your friends face she laughed.
“Huh?” Confused you dropped your finger a little. “See this is what I wanted! You’re normally sooooo by the book, quiet, boring, self-kept. But Jungkook totally brings out this side of you that gets annoyed, embarrassed, frustrated, and I love it~ My mom actually does have feelings!” Throwing herself on you, your friend wrapped you in a hug. Your face stayed in a flattened, annoyed state.
“He’s annoying, I plan to keep ignoring him.” Side eyeing your friend she smirked. “And so he’ll keep coming back and bothering you” With a wink, she let go and continued to eat her breakfast. Hesitantly you followed suit.
You two talked about her parents for awhile. You always felt bad hearing about it, but never showed it. Nari didn’t want pity. You caught her up on your home life situation as well. You always felt comfortable talking about him with Nari, but you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable when she’d tear up. So you just kept it to the normal stuff as you two washed the dishes.
It’s not like he means anything to me. It’s just really bothersome to have someone like him around me. Thoughts like this surrounded you for the rest of breakfast, Jungkook's text messages popping up here and there.
“It’s Jungkook” You scoffed, throwing yourself against the couch. What, does he think I want to talk to him? That it’s some sort of honor? Bitch no, get over yourself.
“(y/n) you’re going to get wrinkles” Nari poked your forehead, breaking you away from your train of thought. Nari looked slightly better, her hair was finally combed through but she still wore her pajamas and had some smeared mascara acting as dark circles.
“Thinking about Jungkook” You mumbled, arms crossed, eyebrows still tightly knit together. “If he’s bothering you that much, then just text him back saying to leave you alone.” Nari laughed, handing you your phone, which you had been glaring daggers in to.
You opened up the green app on your phone seeing you had received more text messages from him. With a sigh you began to type.
Seriously what’s wrong with this kid, is he inept? It’s not like there’s anything interesting about me. “What’s he saying?” Nari plopped her head on your shoulder like a curious puppy. “He’s being annoying” Your eye twitched.
“This kid really has no dignity” You could feel your cheeks burning, and your heart pounded against your chest. “Jeez he really wants to get in your pants” Nari looked up from your phone to you.
“Are you okay? You look red, do you need water?” “N-No it’s okay. I have work at 12 today, so I think I’m gonna go home and get ready.” You tried to calm your heart down by controlling your breathing. “Oh okay, I’ll head over to Sarah's to talk about the upcoming dance then” Dance? “Winter Ball?” You asked, half surprised you knew the name. You never really payed attention to the school dances. “Yep, been avoiding the conversation with her for awhile.” Jumping up your friend stretched.
“It’s not like you to hide from people” Quirking a brow at your friend she shrugged. “Sarah's scary, always so serious. I feel like she’s staring into my soul.” Nari faked a chill as you two walked up the stairs, back into her bedroom. “You’re a dork” You teased, and she shot you a glare. “If anyone is one in this room is a dork, it’s definitely you goody two shoes” Holding your hands up in mock defeat you laughed “Point well made miss Kim”
You helped her pick up her room. You cleaned off the couch you slept on, folding the gray fur blanket, and setting the pink pillow back on Naris bed as you helped her make it. You collected your clothes from the previous night and made the executive decision that you were going to drive home looking like a rag doll.
“Love you, text me if anything happens with Jungkook!”
“I will, bye love you too!”
Walking into work, you felt refreshed. You put on a little bit of makeup, shimmery champagne eyeshadow with some darker brown shadows, a brown wing eyeliner, some foundation, and lip gloss. You left yourself looking very dewy. You curled your hair to have nice loose waves framing your face. You looked cute. You wore a burgundy red skirt, a white button down blouse and some cute white knee high lace socks with black platform shoes. You liked them because they gave you some height.
“Hey (y/n)!” Hoseok called you smiled and waved as you put on your apron. “Oh, you’re not working today.” Um what? “Yes I am, I looked at my schedu-” he interrupted you “Today I’ll be training Jimin. So the manager gave you today off. She knows about your finals and stuff, so she’s giving you a break.” Jimin is going to be working here? The short blonde boy from yesterday? I mean he’s taller than me but still.
“O-Okay” scratching the back of your neck you took off your apron and put back on your black cardigan. “Bye Hoseok” You said awkwardly “Bye (y/n)” You didn’t know what it was, but Hoseok was smiling at you like he had something up his sleeve.
Walking out of the building, the cold winter air kissed your legs. “Damn I dressed cute today too…” You mutter I was planning on making good tips.
“You’re right, you do look cute.”
Oh hell no. You thought, almost immediately recognizing his voice. With a huff, you look up from the ground facing the tall boy.
“How many times have I rejected you now? Why are you here Jungkook?” You question, putting your shaky hands against your hips. “I’m here to take you on a date” He smiled brightly at you, warm chocolate brown eyes never leaving your own. “What makes you think I want to go on a date with you? Hm?” The cold was starting to get to you as goosebumps crawled up your skin.
“Like I said, I’ll make you get to know me.” Before you could even protest, he took your hand and lead you too his car. His hand is warm, soft, and it easily held your small one. “A tad forceful don’t you think?” You repeated your line from earlier, a smirk playing on your lips. He briefly looked back at you, eyes locking onto yours.
“That’s me” With a wink, he opened the passenger door too his already running car.
The hot air hit you and you got in without even thinking, just following the warmth. Shutting the door, he got into the driver's seat. But to be honest you weren’t even paying attention. Your main focus was warming up. See, you had anemia, so getting cold was kind of your thing. Also you dressed lightly cause you thought you would be in a temperature controlled place for the next 8 hours.
“Cold?” Jungkook asked and your eyes found his. For a moment you thought he was cute. His eyes looked concerned, is pink lips were parted slightly, as his jawline stood out perfectly against his black turtleneck. “Um, yeah. But i’ll be okay.” You quickly looked away, your heartbeat picking up.
“Here, take my coat.”
“N-No it’s okay r-reall-”
“Shut up and just take it.” Jungkook gently placed the winter coat on your lap, fur lined the rim of the hood as the inside was filled with a soft black fur like texture. Slowly, you put on the coat. The sleeves were too long for your short arms, and you were sure if you stood up it would be a dress on you. But, soon you were encased in warmth and your senses were invaded with his scent. It’s sweet, but with a hint of something else…
Suddenly Jungkook was reaching over you, face just inches away from your own. “W-Wha?” Confused you tried you slide as far back away from the boy. “Seat belt?” He smiled, clicking in the metal and strapping you in. “You looked like you were zoning, so I did it for you so I could drive.” Shaking yourself from your thoughts you looked at him, hardening your stare. “I didn’t agree to go with you, and what about my car?” His eyes caught yours again, and your heartbeat picked up.
“You have until eight right? Hoseok told me, so I’ll have you back here a little before then. Sound good?” Hoseok that horse face hoe, i’ll ring his neck. “Don’t blame him, I begged” Jungkook shrugged, put his car in reverse, then backed out of the parking lot. Incompetent, self-centered, bold, spoiled. You thought, trying to calm your now erratic heart.
Soft music played from the radio, but Jungkook made no attempt to turn it up. A smile played at his lips while he drives, which drove you nuts. You wanted to know what he was thinking. “So where are you taking me, kidnapper?” You questioned, swallowing hard against your dry throat. Why am I so nervous?
His smile grew “Somewhere fun” “I think your definition of fun and mine are at opposite ends of the spectrum” He laughed “Yes, I would agree. But I think you’ll like where I am taking you.” He bit his bottom lip and tapped his right finger against the steering wheel. Is he nervous? “How would you know what I like pretty boy?” You tried to distract yourself with the passing scenery.
A small chuckle escaped his throat “I don’t, but I want to find out what you do like” Your eyes found his, and he smiled at you clench why does your heart hurt? “Eyes on the road dumbass” You quickly turned your head back out the window. Snow filled trees blurred by you as you slowly sunk into Jungkook's scent, it was so inviting.
Finally, Jungkook turned up the radio. Slow, melodic music played, calming you even further. You two didn’t speak for the rest of the ride, but you caught him looking at you here and there.
“We’re here” Jungkook smiled, turning his car off and unbuckling his seatbelt. You two were in basically the middle of nowhere, you saw a small sign but were unable to make out the words. You slowly stepped out of the car, ready to kick him in his balls and run if he tried anything weird.
“Where is here?” You asked, Jungkook's coat falling around your knees causing him to laugh. “Sorry, you’re just so small” he was only 6 inches taller than you, you weren’t that small. “Anyways, you’ll find out, here put these on.” He threw a pair of ugly snow boots at you.
“Are you taking me hiking, cause don’t get me wrong I love hiking, but i’m in a skirt” Jungkook took that as an opportunity to eye you up and down. “Um n-no we’re not hiking. Well not really it’s a small walk to get there. I just didn’t want your feet to freeze.” again, you found yourself looking at him puzzled. Is he an actual human being, or is this in act?
“Thanks” sitting down in the car, you popped off your shoes and replaced it with the ugly man boots. “These aren’t cool” Pointing down to the shoes, Jungkook laughed. “Nope but bear with it” with that, he took your hand again, this time holding it tighter and closer to him. Granted your hand was covered by the thick sleeve, but you could still feel his warmth. Is he a walking furnace?
He lead you up a small trail, and you took the time to take in the beauty of the terrain. Things were just starting to finally get covered in snow and it was so beautiful. Cold, but beautiful. You haven’t really left the house much, so this was nice.
Suddenly a cabin on a lake came into view and you stopped in your tracks. “Is this where the date is?” You asked, looking up at Jungkook, an annoyed looking tugging at your features. “Yep, don’t worry, I don’t plan on trying anything. I talked Hoseok and he said you needed to relax cause of your finals or something.” Another shrug, and he continued in leading you down to the wooden structure.
“How many girls have you brought here?” You asked, being completely blunt with your thoughts of him. “Ironically just you, believe it or not.” His eyes didn’t meet yours. “Why am I special?” that has been the question that keeps bugging you. “You’re not like everyone else” you two neared the entrance of the cabin.
“And how many times have you said that to a girl?” Slipping your hand out of his you crossed your arms over your chest. “Many, but...” he chuckled, turning the knob to the cabin. He turned, so his eyes met mine
“This is the first time I actually meant it.”
AYYEEE SQUISHY CHAPTER!!!! This chapter turned out to be pretty lengthy, but I do hope you enjoyed reading! Don’t be afraid to give me feed back or suggest something you may want to see in future chapters! Forgive any spelling errors it’s 1:42 am rn where I live
#bts#bts smut#bts fluff#bts jungkook#bts jeon jungkook#bts jeon jungkook smut#bts jungkook smut#jungkook smut#jungkook au#jeon jungkook smut#bts jimin#bts park jimin#jimin#park jimin#bts v#bts taehyung#bts kim taehyung#v#taehyung#kim taehyung#bts suga#bts yoongi#bts min yoongi#suga#yoongi#min yoongi#bts rm#bts rap monster#bts namjoon#bts kim namjoon
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I’ve legit been crying all day
SHINEE’s Jonghyun left us at 27. SHAWOLS deserve a warm hug from every fandom right now.
You all know how we feel sad when our artist has the smallest bruise on their body or do not tweet for 2 days and we start missing them … imagine losing the one who gave you some hope and joy in life forever.
Shawols, dear Shawols. beautiful Shawols who are as blue and impressive as the vast sea. As a BTS’ ARMY, I will stand by you. And as a human, I will cry with you. Even if you grieve, be proud you followed that man. I am another group’s fan but I knew all along how very respected, talented and loved he was. He also took care of BTS along with the other Shinee members. They are great and loving seniors.
He may have left this world but every artist who touches hearts lives forever. So bear him warmly is your core. And draw him smiling and happy in your memory.
Shinee is a gem that needs to keep on shining like it always did. It’s at this time that you will need to stand by them the most. Stay strong and united.
My deepest condolences go to his family, friends, fans, and Korea as a whole that just lost one of its immeasurable voices and souls. Rest in peace Jonghyun. You were so beaming, it will never dim.
Confirmed by his company SM HERE
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Fuck Me (M)
Hi! This is a DOM Jungkook Smut that I wrote awhile back! I hope you enjoy~ (my requests are open so feel free to send in something you want me to write)
Genre: Smut
Member: Jungkook
Word Count: 4137
Coming home I find Jungkook sitting on the couch with a controller in his hand as his eyes are glued intensely on the screen.
“You’re so childish Jungkook” I sigh, slipping off my heels. Jungkook is my roommate, normally I wouldn’t be all for a male roommate but sadly Jungkook is my best friend and begged to live with me.
A scowl forms on Jungkook’s face as he let’s out a puff of air, still keeping his eyes trained on the screen.
“I’m not a kid.”
“Whatever you say” I wave my hand aimlessly at him and walk into the kitchen, turning on the stove to boil some water in a tea kettle.
“How’s your game going?” I ask, going to sit on one of the bar stools behind Jungkook.
“Fine until you got here.” “Awe, you sound like a kid too” my voice is sickenly sweet and it makes Jungkook cringe. There’s no response to my remark and I smile, knowing I had won.
This was our friendship, sly remarks, trying to piss each other off, we’re almost like siblings. Just Jungkook is super hot.
Sighing, I leaned my arms back against the counter. My eyes stay trained on the ceiling as I think about my date. Boring, uninteresting, deadening. He was perfect, he had dirty blonde hair, deep blue eyes, a fucking fine body, and yet, I couldn’t be less attracted to him.
I let out a sigh of aggression, I honestly need to get laid.
“Your date that bad?” Jungkook teased “Did he run away from you?”. Grabbing the phonebook next to me, I threw it at his head, making him pause his game to turn and glare at me.
“Oh, sorry. Did that hurt? My bad.” I smile fakely at him and he picks up the phone book, chucking it back as my and I dodge. “Your aim sucks. Anyways, no he didn’t run away from me, he was great, actually.” I sigh again, bringing my eyes to meet Jungkooks.
“Then why do you look like shit?” He asks and my face flattens. “Thanks asshole, but it’s because he wasn’t any fun. All about business and refinement. Which don’t get me wrong is great, but all I really want is someone who I just can fuck until I go numb” Jungkooks face lights up with a smirk and I shake my head.
“I won’t have sex with a kid” His eyebrows knit in frustration. “You’re younger than me” “Not mentally” “What the hell does that mean?!” “It means I’m 30 and you’re like 20” His face contorts in both frustration and anger.
“I’m mature, Y/N.” He says, voice stern as his eyes burn through me, but I still remain flat faced. “To yourself you seem mature, but to me you seem thoroughly immature.” He runs a hand through his hair and let’s out a aggravated sigh.
He opens his mouth to say something but the screech of the kettle shuts him up. I quickly slid off the chair, my black dress sliding up my body, exposing the very top of my stockings that stop at mid thigh length.
“Don’t you think you look a little too sluttly?” Jungkook yells as I pull the kettle off the stove. Steam rises from the metal pot as I gently set it down on another stove panel as I reach for a cup.
“Maybe just a little,” I say as I continue to stretch for the cup, standing on my tippy toes. “Nice ass” Jungkook says flatly into my ear, his hot breath tickling my bare neck. He grabs a cup for me and sets it down.
I turn to face him and roll my eyes. He’s wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. The shirt is skin tight and shows how defined his body really is. His black hair is tousled and messy, parts sticking up at all ends. And his lips, like always, are full and moist with his saliva.
“Why were you looking?” I challenge, looking up to him to meet his judgmental eyes. Why am I so fucking short? “Kinda hard not to see something that’s right in your face” he shrugs making me roll my eyes again.
“Now who’s the childish one?”
“Still you”
“Juuuuunnnnnggggkooooookkkk~” I call annoyingly, leaning my body against Jungkooks on the couch. He groans and pushes me off him. “What do you want” He frowns, turning to me and I smile devilishly.
“let’s go get drunk” He blinks a couple of times and stares at me. “Maybe I didn’t hear you right… What?” I laugh and take his hand. “Let’s get drunk. Let’s go to a club, drown ourselves in shots, and regret it tomorrow morning”
He stares at me blankly. “It’s 12 am” “Prime club time let’s go” I quickly stand up pulling Jungkook with me. “Wait I didn’t agree to getting drunk” “Sucks, if you don’t want to drink fine. Be my designated driver” I pull him down our hallway and pull him into my room.
“Why am I in here?” “Because I don’t trust you. You’ll probably just lock your door and hide in your room” I pull my shirt off and Jungkook quickly covers his eyes. “Do you have any self-respect?” “I do but you’ve seen me naked before, so I don’t know why you’re being a baby when I’m just in my bra.”
He shoves his face into my bed and I giggle, slipping off my shorts. Quickly, I pull out a pair of sheer black stockings and pull them up my legs. Next, I slip on a black leather dress that hugs my curves. I let my hair fall loosely around my breasts and run my hand through it to make it a little more messy.
“Okay, you can open your eyes. Let’s go to your room now” Jungkook lifts his face from my bed and shakes his head vigorously. “Like hell I’m going to change infront of you, I’ll be out it five. Go put on your makeup or some shit.” I couldn’t help but notice Jungkook running his eyes up and down my body before he stood up.
I click my tongue.
Loud music vibrates around the whole room, sweaty bodies grind against each other in the dim lighting of club. The neon lit bar is nearly the main attraction to me apart from the strobe lights and dancing.
“See, fun” I yell over the loud music, gesturing to the sea of people. “Totally” Jungkook yells back, rolling his eyes. “Don’t be a bitch,” I grab his hand and begin to lead him down the stairs. Leaning closer to him I bring my lips to his ear.
“Just have fun”
He pushes me away and sighs then nods, I smile and begin to walk faster. We claim two empty seats at the bar and the bartender immediately comes to us. “Two sour apple shots please” Jungkook shoots my a death glare but I continue to smile innocently. “Coming right up”
“I told you I wasn’t going to drink” He groans and I roll my eyes. “I told you to have fun didn’t I? So have fun and unwind” “This isn’t my idea of fun…” He places his face into the palm of his hand and the bartender sets the two little glasses down on the table full of glowing green liquid.
“And what is? Playing your childish video games?” I ask grabbing my shot, and downing it, the liquid burns my throat as the sour alcohol tickles my tastebuds. Jungkook stares at me angrily. “What? Don’t like my remark? Then stop being a kid.” Grabbing the shot, Jungkook forces it down his throat and slams the glass down on the table.
Glass after glass, Jungkook and I both got intoxicated. I felt a little hazy, almost like I could fall over any second, but somehow I keep managing to stay awake.
“Jungkookie” I slur slipping off my chair. “What?” He asked, clearly annoyed that I called him that. Taking his hand I yank him off his seat. “Let’s dance” Kicking off my heels I put them on the counter. “No,” Jungkook yanks his hand out of mine and I sigh.
“Hey! Can you watch these for me?” I point to my purse and shoes. “Yeah sure I’ll put it under the bar” The guy takes my things and puts them directly under where I was sitting. “Great thanks Alex” I say giving the guy a thumbs up.
“Alright Jungkook” I sigh running my hand through my hair. “I’m gonna go dance, you can stay here and be a grouch” “Have fun” he waves me off with an insincere smile and I roll my eyes, walking into the crowd.
Making sure I stay in Jungkooks line of vision I begin to start dancing to the rhythm. The tempo was fast and erratic, making me jump and sway my hips. I finger my hair, roughly tossing it all over the place.
I feel someone's hands on my waist, making my stop my movements to quickly turn around. It was the guy I went on the date with last night!
“H-Hey” I smile still slightly swaying my hips.
He was dressed in a black suit but his white shirt had the first three buttons undone and his hair looked a little messy. “Jack right? Would you like to dance with me?” I ask, smirk playing at my lips. He smirks back and nods. “Love to Y/N”
His hands go around my waist again and I wrap my arms around his neck. I sway my hips to the beat, slightly grinding my body against his as he ghosts his lips over my neck.
I glance Jungkooks way and he looks super pissed. This should be fun. Letting go of Jack's neck, I slowly rub my body down his, making sure I keep my eyes trained on his. I can feel the burn of Jungkooks eyes on me. If he doesn’t want to dance he can sit there and have fun watching.
Maybe it’s the alcohol, but I really want Jungkook to be doing this with me. I try to think that the hands on my hips are his, that the hot breath on my neck is Jungkooks, but it’s not and that frustrates me.
“I thought you were more refined than this” Jack smirked and I shrugged a little, bringing my lips to his ear. “A girls gotta have fun right-”
“Hey! Mind not groping her” Suddenly Jacks pulled back. Jungkooks hand firmly presses into Jacks shoulder. He furrows his brow, eyeing Jungkook up and down.
“What? Is she with you?” “What if she is? Does it matter to you?” My heart nearly skips a beat. Something in my stomach churns seeing Jungkook so angry. His profile is beautiful, especially in this lighting.
“Screw this shit” Jack spits, pushing past Jungkook, not caring to look back.
“Jungkook-” He takes my wrist, firmly wrapping his hand around it and dragging me through the crowd.
“H-Hey Kookie-” Taking my wrist, Jungkook pulls my body close to his, his heat seeping through my skin. “Do you think that was funny?” He asks, his breath on my neck, words dark and low under the now sensual music. “I don’t know,” I press my free hand against his firm chest. “It worked, didn’t it?” Leaning back, I look at Jungkook. His eyes are dark and furious, and it calls something deep inside me, making me want him.
“You wanted a dance right?” He half laughs, tightening his grip around my wrist, his free hand going to my thigh. “Well here you go” Pulling my leg up, Jungkook grinds himself into me, making me gasp.
I wrap my arm around his neck, my lips gently pressing against his clammy skin. Dropping my leg and letting go of my wrist, Jungkook runs his hands down my body. “Did you think it was funny to act like a slut?” He asks, words venomous but lustful. His hands squeeze my ass, sending shocks throughout my body.
“N-No” I murmur, turning so my back is pressed against his warm chest. Jungkooks hands wrap around my hips as he slowly grinds himself into my ass, lips right by my ear, heavy breathing tickling my skin.
His body grinds against mine. Fingers digging into the thin fabric of my mini dress. Everything just seemed to blur together. I succumbed to the music, allowing myself to drown in Jungkook, who made no attempt to hide his growing erection. But he wasn’t the only one growing more and more sinful, I mean hell, seeing Jungkook this way was a huge turn on.
“How about this?” He whispers, biting my ear. Another gasp leaves my lips.
“You’re mine tonight”
On the way back to the apartment, Jungkook firmly grips the steering wheel as I rub him through his pants, teasing him. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight, but my best friends looks absolutely delectable.
“Y/N, stop teasing me.” Jungkook warns, pulling into the parking lot. 6 floors till homerun huh? Taking the keys out of the engine, Jungkook grabs my hand, eyes burning through me.
“Out and in the elevator, now.” I gulp thickly, the way Jungkook sounded alone made me completely wet. Small sparks run up my spine, as my clit throbs.
I step out of the car, pulling my hair over my shoulder. The brisk night air rushes past me, giving my flushed cheeks a little cooling.
Making sure not to linger, I press the call button for the elevator. Jungkooks hands go to my waist, fingers possessively digging into my skin. “You look so good from behind” He murmurs hotly in my ear, breath on my neck.
“Do I?” I breathe, turning my head slightly to look at Jungkook. Seeing him so close makes my heart race. I can see the small scar on his left cheek, a small imperfection in his flawless skin. Small nose, dark, curious, hungry eyes staring back into mine. Thick eyelashes, and perfectly plump lips. Has he always been this hot? -
Jungkooks lips smash into mine, his tongue forcefully pushing past my lips, making me gasp. I feel my body get pushed against something cold. Jungkooks body presses against mine, erection against my thigh as he parts my legs with his knee.
Breaking away for a moment, Jungkook pushes a button and then I realize we’re in the elevator.
Jungkooks eyes find mine and for a split moment, my heart stops. His lips are back on mine, sucking hungrily, teeth grazing and tongue dominating my mouth, claiming it as his, claiming me.
Without thinking, I undo the button to his jeans and yank them down, along with his boxers. “We’re in an elevator” He groans as I take him in my hand. He’s so much bigger than I thought… I thought he had a micropenis, not a 9 fucking inch!
“Then hit the emergency stop” Spitting on my hand, I wrap it around his shaft. His cock throbs against my hand as I pump him. In a haste, Jungkook slams his fist against the red button and grabs a fist full of my hair, pushing his cock past my lips.
“Mmm, what a pretty sight” He pushes more of himself down my throat, filling my mouth entirely of him. “Suck me slut” He groans, tightening his grip in my hair, he moves my head for me as I lick and suck. I make sure to swirl and suck harder once I get to his tip. Jungkook tastes good, sweet almost, and it’s heaven to my tastebuds.
“Mmm” I moan around him, backing him throw his head back against the mirror. I lock eyes with him, and take him fully in, letting him reach the back of my throat, not stopping till my lips touch the base.
“Fuck Y/N” He moans, digging his teeth into his bottom lip.
Taking one of my hands, I begin to work his shaft as I bob my head up and down. My lips wrap his cock in a thick coat of saliva. I don’t normally like giving blow jobs, but the way Jungkook looks and sounds right now, makes me want to give it everything I got.
I experiment and massage his balls, enjoying the animalistic groan that escapes his lips.
“Y/N,” He groans, his voice wavering to sound stern. “S-Stop, you’ll make me-- Ah fuck- Cum” His free hand goes to grip the railing, knuckles turning white as the veins on his arms start to stand out.
“Fuck, shit fuck” He hisses and pulls my head back, forcing me to stand up.
Glazed over eyes stare lustful into mine as he cups my chin forcing my mouth open. “I told you to stop” He growls, I don’t dare to look away.
My stomach churns, I just want to run my lips all over his body, I want to rake my nails down his back, I want him to fuck me as hard as he possibly can.
“Sorry,” I breathe. “You just tasted so good,” I move my lips to his ear.
“I couldn’t resist”
Another, low growl escaped him and he looked up to the ceiling. Biting his bottom lip, he takes his angry cock and shoves it back in his now too-constricting pants and presses the button again, making the elevator move.
“If you think you’re going to get away unharmed tonight,” He grabs my ass and pulls me against him, rock hard erection pressing against my stomach.
“You’re very wrong”
The next minutes were full of hot, open mouth kisses. Clothes being discarded as soon as we set foot in the apartment. Jungkooks hands easily make quick work of my dress, pulling down the metal zipper, letting the clothing fall off my clammy body. His hands roam my body, feeling every inch and curve, tickling my skin.
I pull on his hair as his lips attack my neck, teeth biting into the supple flesh. His touch his hot against my skin, turning me on further. I run my free hands run down Jungkooks body. I run my nails along abdominal muscles eliciting a groan from him, making him bite down on my neck.
Moans escape my lips as Jungkook roughly massages my breasts, running my nipples between his fingers. The feeling goes straight to my groin, I feel so much more sensitive than normal.
“Jungkook~” I whine sexily in his ear. He inhales sharply, grazing his teeth over my collarbones. “Yes babe?” He asks, voice low and husky. Cupping the sides of his face, I make eye contact with him.
“Fuck me” I can see my own lust reflected back at me when the words leave my lips.
“Remember, you asked”
Pushing his lips on mine Jungkook walks me backwards till I hit the dinning room table. Pulling away from my lips, Jungkook sucks my tongue, teeth grazing along the rough surface, making my clit twitch.
“Turn around,” He orders darkly and I comply. Jungkook pushes my body against the cool wood surface roughly. My cheek presses against the wood as he positions himself at my entrance.
“You were so bad tonight,” A hard slap comes down on my ass, sending shocks of adrenaline through me making me gasp at the sudden contact. A sharp sting lingers on the skin as Jungkook rubs his hand over the reddened flesh. “Dancing with that guy” Another hard slap comes down, this time more powerful than before. My body arches as the feeling goes to my groin, I moan lightly, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip.
“Acting like a slut and grinding against him” He runs his tip over my slick pussy. My body shakes in anticipation, wanting, yearning for Jungkook to enter me.
“Tell me Y/N,” Jungkook wraps his hand around my hair, and tugs. His lips press against my ear and he whispers:
“Am I a kid now?”
All the air in my lungs evaporate as Jungkook plunges himself in me. A sudden wave of fullness and pleasure washes over me.
“Ahhh fuck!” I moan loudly, my hand going to grip the edge of the table. “Shit you’re fucking tight” Jungkook moans, tightening his grip around my hair and pulling out half way, then slamming back in.
I haven’t felt this full in so long. Jungkook reaches places deep within me that I didn’t even know existed. He’s much bigger than anyone I’ve been with, his cock stretches my walls deliciously.
The feeling of Jungkook pulling out and slamming back in is indescribable. He rubs against my sensitive walls, stretching and pulling against them. He fucks me deeply, making the fire in the very pit of my stomach expand in tingly waves.
His heavy breathing his right by my ear as his skin slaps against mine. Obscenely wet noises fill the room, along with my loud, high pitched moans.
“F-Fuck Jungkook” I moan, pushing my hips against his, trying to match his thrusts.
“Here,” He groans, pulling out of me.
“What the-” Grabbing my waist Jungkook turns me around and wraps my thighs around his waist, giving me a perfect view of his defined body.
“God you’re hot” I moan licking my lips and he smirks. “Thanks baby, but you might want to hold onto me” Without letting me respond, Jungkook slams back into me, my walls squeezing his thick member.
My hands squeeze his arms as his begins to just pounds himself into me. My stomach tightens as Jungkook picks up his pace, shoving his head into the crook of my neck, his breathing harsh and erratic.
“Fuck you feel so fucking good Y/N” Cupping my cheeks, he begins to slow down, fucking me deeply, looking me straight in the eyes.
My heart flutters for a moment and I just lose myself in his eyes and the immense pleasure he’s giving me. “So do you,” I run the back of my hand down his cheek. “You feel really good” I nearly moan my last sentence, but I keep eye contact with the smirking Jungkook.
“Well I guess I should make you scream” Smashing his lips against mine, Jungkook angles his movements upwards and thrusts. I thought this felt good before but I was so wrong.
“Fuck!” I curse loudly against his lips, he found my g-spot. Jungkook repeatedly rams himself into the one spot deep within me.
Small groans escaped his lips as I begin to feel a build within me. My breath his ragged and my body is shaking. I’m running my nails up Jungkooks back as I moan his name helplessly in his ear, erging him on.
“Who’s fucking you right now?”
“You ah fuck!” I let my head fall back as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to brace myself for the explosion.
“What’s my name?”
“F-Fuck, Jung-KOOK” He thrusts harder into me, making my vision spotted with black specks.
“Again, louder.” He grunts, hips snapping into mine.
“JUNGKOOOK!!” I cry out squeezing my legs around him.
My orgasm rips through my entire being. My body shakes in pure pleasure, as electric shocks travel rapidly throughout my body. My walls squeeze and spasm around Jungkook, milking him for all he’s worth. The pleasure is hot and sensual, it makes my toes curl and my hair stand on end. The release is such a pleasurable relief, sending sharp hot tingles throughout my ablaze body.
I fall against the hardwood table, my sweaty body sticking against the cool surface.
My breathing his rigid and harsh in shallow gasps in a desperate attempt to regain some sort of composure.
“Woah!” Jungkook shouts and I sigh, not being able to open my heavy eyes. “What is it?” I ask, breathlessly.
“I’d never imagine that you’d be a squirter” Fuck I squirted? “You did fuck me pretty hard, I can hardly feel my legs” Opening my reluctant eyes, I prop myself on an elbow.
Jungkooks expression turns serious as he looks at me intently.
“What is it?” I ask, slipping off the table. I run my hand down Jungkooks arm, my eyes worriedly looking into his.
“I’m not a kid…” He murmurs but his tone is stern. “Jungkook,” I start placing my hand on his cheek “I know you’re not. You’re strong, strong willed, semi-mature, you make decisions for yourself, you go after what you want,” I run my thumb lovingly over his cheek.
“You’re a man” I smile, and he gives me a small one, running his fingertips lightly down my spine. “And you’re my woman,” He looks at me sweetly, then presses his lips against mine.
I don’t know why, but this feels right, being with Jungkook, his lips against mine… It all just feels so right.
#bts#bts smut#bts scenarios#bts jungkook#bts jeon jungkook#bts jungkook smut#bts jeon jungkook smut#jungkook#jeon jungkook#jungkook smut#jeon jungkook smut#bts v#bts taehyung#bts kim taehyung#v#taehyung#kim taehyung#bts jin#bts seokjin#bts kim seokjin#jin#seokjin#kim seokjin#bts suga#bts yoongi#bts min yoongi#suga#yoongi#min yoongi#bts jhope
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Fallen (M) Chapter One
Hi! This is a Jungkook AU! I really hope you enjoy this series! Happy reading!
For me my world has always been one way, in one system, black and white. There were no ‘gray areas’. Until I met you… I guess I should start from the beginning, huh? It’ll be easier for you to understand this way. So it won’t hurt as much… Or at least I hope.
“(y/n)! Are you listening~” Your friend, Nari waved her hand in front of your face. “Huh? What?” You ask, completely dazed. Your final exams have been back to back non-stop. You spent nearly almost all your free time studying, and the small few hours you’ve worked, you actually enjoyed. I suppose it’s my only break from the oppression of school. You thought.
“Party, tonight. My house. You coming?” Nari was the party type, but she wouldn’t get shitfaced. She’d just go to have fun and enjoy herself. She gets a sort of ‘natural high’ from them.
“You know that’s not my style” You sigh while rolling your eyes. Never in your life had you gone to a party (aside from birthdays), and you most certainly aren’t going to start now. “Aw come on! It will be so fun~” she cooed.
The bell rang and you internally growled. Exam for college algebra, my favorite. “No, besides my exam plate is stacked enough for a party of 5 to eat. I need to cram.” You sighed “it’s always about studying this, cramming that, work this. Come and hang out with me~ I miss you-“ “bye love” You waved her off with her retorts right with her.
Being short was never fun for you, especially through the halls. People always pushing past your shoulders, constantly being pinned against others because everyone is just trying to do the same thing, get to their class.
Not paying attention, you tripped. You fell flat on your ass, because someone’s bag was on the floor.
“Taehyung!” You heard someone yell.
Looking up, you see him. Jeon Jungkook. Smiling down at your pathetic self on the floor. “Sorry, my friend threw my bag. I hope you didn’t get hurt.” He said sweetly offering his hand, but you refused picking yourself up. All the girls in the school were in love with this guy. But you knew what he was known for, getting girls in bed then ditching them. You weren’t about that life.
“It’s fine,” You faked smiled “It’s my fault for not paying attention anyways” a small chuckle escaped your throat. A boy with silver hair and a red bandanna came running after you. You could feel Jungkook staring at you, but you ignored it.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t think anyone would trip!” The boy apologized. “It’s okay, really.” You smiled gently at the boy and patted him on the shoulder. “I’m gonna go now, bye.” You quickly said, excusing yourself.
I’m guessing that’s Taehyung. You thought.
Walking into class, you cleared your head and readied yourself for your exam. You were still in high school, but since your school offered college classes, you decided to take them. But it was a heavy workload, and you barely had time to enjoy yourself.
“(y/n)! Don’t think you’re getting away that easily!” Nari called after you as you walked to your car. Your brain was completely fried from that exam. Logarithms, polynomials, exponential functions, and even some damn calculus was in that test! That professor is evil. You swore that you were going to be dreaming of the equations for the next week because it is so damn engraved in your brain.
“You’re coming to the party. You’re a junior, live your life. We can have a sleepover and just talk about stupid things when the party's over” She begged with her hands together and puppy dog eyes. You felt bad, you hadn’t been spending much time with her despite her always texting you to hang. “Well it is Friday so…” “Yay!” She jumped and hugged you. “You won’t regret it!” she started to run off. “I have work till eight you know!” I yelled after her and she just put her hand up as if saying ‘yeah yeah’.
“That girl I swear” You couldn’t help but smile. Nari was like a ray of sunshine. She’s always fun to be around, and she can be very down to earth. At times she may not look it, but she’s a good judge of character and people's moods. She always seems to know just the right things to say.
You worked in a small coffee shop. To be honest you weren’t much of a coffee person, you were more of a tea person. But the aroma of coffee was so intoxicating to you. Different coffees had different scents. Some were bitter, some were sweet. Your favorite was the ‘Indian Monsooned Malabar’ blend. It had a bittersweet scent but it invades your senses and makes you feel so relaxed and at home.
“Hi Hoseok” You smiled at your co-worker. You both went to the same high school, and your shifts always seemed to sync up. “Hey, (y/n)” He gave you one of his famous bright smiles. You always took notice of his customer service since he’s always tipped well.
“Counter today?” You asked, tying your hair up and throwing on your apron. “Yep” He laughed, slipping off his backpack and green bomber jacket. Stepping into the back, you quickly made yourself look presentable. A little bit of lip gloss and mascara. You didn’t care much for how you looked, but at work it was different. You like tips, and you found that when you look a little more cute, people tend to tip well.
“Is Brian and Chase still out there?” you asked while pinning on your name tag “Yeah they’re cleaning up right now.” he was doing the same as well. He fixed his red hair today to look a little curly. Hoseok was a dancer, you’ve seen him a couple times. Mostly through just late nights of closing the shop. But each time it was more enjoyable than the last. He danced with so much passion and elegance, it truly is beautiful.
You clocked yourself in and did the same for Hoseok. He had already started preparing some of the coffee grounds. You guys had a system. He’d prep, you’d clean. Then at the end of the night you would prep and he would clean. This is how these things have always gone between you two. You worked surprisingly well together.
“Oh hey man!” Hoseok said, you turned to see him giving a bro five to Jungkook, who’s eyes immediately found yours. “Hey” He smiled back at Hoseok “Can I get a cappuccino?” “Yeah sure, (y/n).” Hoseok quickly shot you a look and you had already started.
A medium roast espresso blend in a drip coffee machine. As the cup filled, you steamed the milk, whipped it until it became a froth. Gently, you poured the milk over the dark liquid. You created a tree design in the froth due to it being December. Taking a small moment you admired your work.
Walking over, you brought him his drink. “Here you go sir, is there anything else you’d like?” You fake smiled, a beautiful art that you’ve picked up through this job. You honestly didn’t want to be around this douche. And this is the first time that you’ve ever seen the hoe here in the two whole years that you’ve worked here.
“Yes, I’d like you.” He brought his coffee to his pink lips and locked eyes with yours. Your heart clenched and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks. What the fuck? You thought. “Sorry, but I’m not for sale.” You smiled sarcastically and walked off, fists clenched. How bold! And rude, what even was that! Why is he even here. Why am I blushing? Why is my heart pounding?
“(y/n) one americano” Hoseok called “G-Got it” you stammered and mentally cursed at yourself. Hoseok gave you a weird look but you ignored it and made the coffee.
As soon as Jungkook left, you felt the tension in your chest release. How annoying. He was there for at least an hour, and every time you passed him to give customers their orders, you could definitely feel him looking at you. It was like a 6th sense or something, but you could definitely feel it.
You went to his table to clean up. And as you were, you saw a $20 tip and his number on a napkin. Your eye twitched. Who does this boy think he is? A sex god? I don’t want this dumbasses number! After putting the twenty in your pouch, crumpling the napkin, wiping down the table, and made your way back to the sink.
Is he trying to buy me? Get my attention? Well he got it alright, he’s lucky I don’t shove my foot up his ass. Wait- no I am a peer mediator that would be not something a good samaritan would do. “(y/n), I know I’m cute and all, but stop daydreaming about me and make a chai latte to go” Hoseok smiled at you, and his words brought you out of your thoughts.
“Pf, you wish dude” you laughed and he followed suit.
The rest of your work evening was pretty normal paced. Just the same old back and forward motions, you and Hoseok messing around. Counting tips, etc.
You were prepping all the coffee machines for tomorrow when Hoseok tapped you on the shoulder.
“What’s up?” You asked, wiping away at the stains in the metal rim of an espresso bean grinder. “It’s eight, your shift is done” you shooed him away. “I’m not gonna leave you my work load. That’s not cool.” you sighed, turning to face him, well more like looking up at him since you were short. “Yeah, but I don’t mind. Besides you have Naris party to go to right~” He teased. You wondered how he knew but he answered that for you. “I’m going too, but I overheard you guys in the parking lot in front of the school” he cleared his throat “You’re a junior, live your life.” He quoted Nari, but in a higher pitched mocked version of her voice.
Laughing, you pushed Hoseok's shoulder. “She doesn’t sound like that you idiot” You chuckled and he pretended to flip his imaginary long hair over his shoulder “She totally does” he said still in the ridiculous voice.
You two laughed a bit more and then found an agreement since you both were going to the party it would just be easier if you both closed up the shop.
“See you at the party (y/n), don’t get shitfaced now!” Hoseok teased as we got into our cars. “Please if anyone is getting drunk it’s you or Namjoon.” “You’re probably right” He smiled brightly, and from there you both drove to Naris place.
Luckily since you had to go to work, you dressed nicely. A pair of black ripped Jeans, a slightly oversized black shirt that said ‘NeverMind’, a simple white beanie and white hightop vans to match.
The house was a large two story white home on private land. Both of Naris parents are overseas at the moment for their company. The house was already flooded, and cars were starting to line the driveway. Loud music bombed from the entirety of the property. People were outside watching others on the ‘Keg stand’. That weird beer thing where people do a handstand and try to drink as much beer for as long as possible.
Oh boy. You thought as you stepped out of your black mazda6, Hoseok right behind you. “Don’t be nervous!” He slapped you on the back. “You’ll have fun”. You seriously doubted that, but regardless, you walked with him to the entrance and through the swarm of bodies.
As you entered the house, people were grinding on each other with red solo cups in their hands. Strobe lights flashed all throughout the house. The music was now so loud it felt as if your spine had vibrations going through it.
Making your way to the kitchen you found your best friend, you somehow lost Hoseok but you were honestly fine with it since he’s friends with pretty much everybody.
“Nari” You sighed in relief. “(y/n), you made it! I’m so glad!” She gave you a tight hug. Nari had on a skin tight red dress that made her boobs stand out. She paired it with a black velvet choker, and some red heels. “You trying to get laid? You look hot” You said and your best friend smiled. “Nope, just making sure guys know I’m not a snack” She gave a wink. Her beautiful long black hair framed her face and body nicely. She had a small frame but just enough curves. Her skin was pale, and she had big brown eyes. A lot of guys like her, and it’s easy to understand why.
“Let’s go dance (y/n)-”
“Hey Nari”
Both you and your friend turn around to find Namjoon, Yoongi, Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook. I almost puked and Nari almost melted, she has a thing for Namjoon.
“H-Hi” She stammered cutely. “Want to dance?” He asked, his voice deep and confident, but red stained his cheeks as he held out his hand. She quickly looked back at me asking for permission, her eyes desperate. How could I say no? I gave her a nod and she took his hand swiftly and led him to the dance floor.
“Shit” I cursed, completely forgetting there were 6 other guys in this kitchen.
“Ah! You’re the cute girl from earlier!” Taehyung exclaimed, making your eyes widen. “C-Cute?” You stuttered, a flush running over your cheeks. He gave a cute laugh and you wanted to bolt. “I didn’t think this was your scene.” Jungkook smirked. You wanted to slap him. “(y/n) right? I’m Yoongi we take the same music tech class.” He said, but of course you already knew who he was. “Hi” Jimin smiled, along Jungkook, he’s known as one of the hottest guys in school. “Don’t crowd the girl!” Seokjin exclaimed. “Okay mom~” Hoseok teased.
“Hi” You said quietly as all the boys stared at you, it was uncomfortable, and something you were not used to. You were that one quiet girl who sat in the back of the class with a book in her hand, the one who spent her free time studying. The ‘Teacher’s Pet’. Not the girl who goes to parties, and adding onto that getting noticed by a bunch of hot guys.
“(y/n) don’t be weird” Hoseok laughed and patted you on the back. You shot him a death glare. “So you’re name is (y/n), you’re so cute and small” Taehyung said, bending down to look at you better. Why does he keep calling me cute? This is so weird, Nari please save me from this hell.
“So, (y/n)” Jungkook saying your name sent shivers down your spine. “What?” You asked, no fake niceness in your voice. The others were taken aback except for Hoseok, he was used to it. “Get my number?” He asked, not wiping that ‘I know I’m irresistible’ smirk off his face. “Yep I did, and I threw it away. I don’t want it. I’ll pass, not smash. Thanks.” With that, you walked away leaving them all stumped. You ran up the stairs to Naris bedroom and shut the door locking it behind you.
Your face was burning bright red. What was that?! Why did I say that? What’s wrong with me, why can’t I just be a quiet girl that doesn’t stand out? Throwing yourself on the floor, you let your racing heart rest. You felt the steam rise from your face. This isn’t me.
“(y/n)! Get your ass out of my room and come have fun!” Nari’s voice came from the other side of the door. Very muted, but still audible. So quick! What the fuck does she have ninja senses? “Fuck no! I just embarrassed myself”. Suddenly her door was open and she came to my side. Wasn’t that door just locked?
“Telling off a fuckboy? Being a badass? Be proud! I’m proud!” You covered your face as she beamed at you. “Where’s Namjoon?” You peeked through your fingers, up at your friend. “He’s teasing Jungkook for getting rejected. Now, let’s make you look hot so he really gets pissed.”
“Oh hell no”
“Yep deal with it”
“But your clothes are revealing!”
“That’s the point!”
You fought with her till you was reduced to a pair of short black shorts, a white crop top, that was more of a bra if we’re being up front here, a black and gold choker, your beanie and shoes. She made you take your hair out, and straighten it. She put a dark reddish brown lipstick on you. Looking at yourself in the mirror you stared, mortified.
“I look like a whore” You shot her a death glance and all she gave you was a smile. “That top really shows off your baby abs” You were slightly athletic, running and core strengthening was about the extent you’d go to. “I don’t have abs, and I don’t want to be seen like this.” You hid your burning face. Too much skin was exposed.
“Just for one night, (y/n). Own it and be badass!” without even giving you time to respond, she grabbed your wrist with a surprising amount of strength and dragged your sorry ass down stairs.
You got some looks, mostly of shock. One of those shocked faces being a Hoseok and a Seokjin. Nari lead you through the pit of sweaty bodies, towards the middle. ‘Dance’ she mouthed, moving her hips and throwing her hair around to the erratic beat of the music. You slightly moved your hips, but you felt awkward, like everyone was looking at you. Nari rolled her eyes, grabbed your hands and started jumping up and down with you. “Go crazy and have fun!” She yelled over the insanely loud trap music.
Somehow, somewhere inside you, you hit the ‘fuck it’ button. So you did as she said, you moved your hips rhythmically, you tossed your hair side to side, and danced with your best friend. If you looked stupid? You couldn’t care less. You were on such a high, it was almost like the music was coursing through you and all you could do was move how it made you feel.
Suddenly someone's hands gripped around your waist. Quickly, you turned around and it was Jungkook. All the fun you were having? Gone. But, an idea popped in your head. “You don’t give up do you?” You yelled, still moving your hips to the beat, his hands still held firmly. “Not when I see something I like” He answered, tongue running over his glistening pink lips. He turned you around, your back against his hard chest as he grinded against you, you could feel his erection against your ass.
With a smirk, you turned standing on your tippy toes, wrapping your arms around his neck and brought your lips to his ear. “I’m not something you can have.” you whispered, while playing with the hairs close to the nape of his neck. With that you removed his hands and swayed back over to Nari, but you didn’t break eye contact with him. He looked dazed, confused, and most of all, really, really pissed.
The rest of the party was pretty much one fantastic blur, you and Nari just danced, had fun but then when everyone was going, you two collapsed on her bed.
“Finally everyone's gone” She weakly laughed “God I know” the both of you were tired, but she jumped up almost nearly as energetic as she was at the beginning of this party. Almost as if she was remembering something she was excited about.
“What was that with Jungkook?”
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it, please give me feed back. Also my requests are open so feel free to ask away!
#bts#bts jungkook#bts kookie#bts jungkook smut#bts jeon jungkook#jungkook#jeon jungkook#bts jimin#bts smut#jimin#park jimin#bts jin#bts seokjin#bts kim seokjin#jin#kim seokjin#bts rm#bts rap monster#bts namjoon#bts kim namjoon#namjoon#kim namjoon#bts v#bts taehyung#bts kim taehyung#v#taehyung#kim taehyung#bts jhope#bts hoseok
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