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Revolutionize Your Podcast with Podcastle AI
Explore the transformative impact of generative AI in podcast creation with us! This video delves into how AI technologies are revolutionizing the industry by automating content creation, enhancing audio quality, and personalizing listener experiences. We’ll discuss tools like Podcastle's clip generator and revoice feature that streamline workflows for podcasters and content creators.
Discover advanced methods for improving production processes, from AI-driven transcription services to programmatic podcast advertising. These innovations not only enhance accessibility but also help monetize content effectively. Join us as we uncover these exciting developments in media production!
Podcastle AI:
Explore the transformative impact of generative AI in podcast creation with us! This video delves into how AI technologies are revolutionizing the industry by automating content creation, enhancing audio quality, and personalizing listener experiences. We’ll discuss tools like Podcastle's clip generator and revoice feature that streamline workflows for podcasters and content creators.
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Omg, is there any more about Odonii battlefield performance?
Faiza giving a full battlefield performance, which includes grimacing, sinister looks, letting out terrifying war cries, and banging on her shield with her dagger's pommel. She's wearing a full set of armor, which is functional but highly decorative. A squire will be present somewhere nearby to carry the rest of her weaponry.
As mentioned in the other post, Odonii generally do not actually Participate in fighting. Their perpetual armament and training to correctly Use this armament has predominantly symbolic functions, with their bodies as vessels for state and military empowerment and integrity.
Their normal role on the battlefield is:
a) Spiritual protection for their associated warriors and intimidation of enemies.
Their role is partially to be the ‘guardian lion’ figure in human form, their presence and performance in of itself is considered metaphysically protective. This guardian lion nature is played up and reinforced with their dress and behavior- they wear lion skins over their armor, paint their faces red to obscure human features, perform war cries tailored to sound inhuman (not like lions, just a very shrill and frightening sound). They perform ‘frenzied’ movements that intend to evoke an enraged animal- pacing, banging on their shields, biting their weapons/shields, baring teeth, exaggerated glances that emphasize the whites of their eyes, etc. This can be a disturbing sight- reassuring to their allies who know a frightening spiritual guardian figure is on their side, and demoralizing to an enemy (the latter especially in conjunction with common beliefs that Odonii are witches/shapeshifters)
b) A motivating factor to get the men to fight more bravely.
This is partly out of religious belief (you will probably be a little bolder if you feel reassurance that God is very much present and on your side, via Its priestesses), partly out of esteem for the order (you are highly motivated to perform for their recognition and protect them from harm). In a way, their role on the battlefield is the Least masculinized aspect of their performance- they are in part there to remind men of their mothers, wives, and daughters, who they are supposed to be the protectors of and whose benefit they are ultimately (at least deemed to be) fighting for.
In some cases, this is taken to a (cultural relative) extreme wherein they will expose their breasts towards their own men as a part of battlefield performance, in the form of a supplicatory gesture (bearing the breasts and thumping on the chest with a fist). (The Odomache’s nude body should never be publicly seen under any circumstances, limited and controlled exposure by Odonii Can be appropriate). Breasts are not sexualized in this cultural sphere, but are not treated as neutral body parts either, instead having values of motherly nurturing and feminine vulnerability projected onto them. Odonii showing tits will be a DISTINCT reminder of the ‘vulnerable female’ elements that the men should be protecting, and can be highly motivating (especially in the context of a figure who is otherwise behaviorally ‘masculinized’, it’s jarring and can have useful emotional impact).
c) General spiritual leadership (in connection to a & b).
Weapons dances are an aspect of military training and the kagnoma odo dance is always performed prior to conventional battles, Odonii lead these dances. This has multifacted functions- it is believed to spiritually bless the troops, it is a means of practicing with weaponry/limbering up, it is a psychological rallying point and good for morale, and it may intimidate your enemy who can see it happening from a distance (by displaying readiness/eagerness to battle, good discipline, unity, and physical might). Odonii also perform personalized blessings of soldiers, weapons, and armor.
c) Filling gaps in the command structure or acting as commanders
Odonii are involved in strategic meetings, and ones who receive battlefield roles are very well studied in military tactics. As a matter of technicality, their commands to the body of Imperial Wardi troops do not override those of generals or other ranking soldiers (though they will often be deferred to regardless), but they can fill in gaps in the command structure in case of death of high ranking soldiers or if lines become scattered and communication breaks down.
Additionally, there are two elite warrior orders presided over by the Odonii priesthood (the rest answer directly to the Usoma's court appointed general), with senior Odonii as their commanders and the Odomache as their general. (This is one of many political tension points between the priesthood and monarchy, given that the Odonii have managed to get themselves about 200 high skill, firearm'ed warriors that are separate from the normal military structure, only as loyal to the Usoma as their current general is, and Very beloved among the public so you can't just like, outright kill or disarm this very obvious threat.)
d) A strategic flexing of eastern seaway honorable combat norms
Conventions of honorable warfare have broad commonalities across the eastern seaway peoples, one of which is that noncombatants (by default- women, girls, prepubsecent boys, unarmed elderly men) are not legitimate targets in the normal process of open war (but are fair game in contexts like sieges when a foe has refused to surrender on behalf of their population). Odonii being armed throws a wrinkle into this - they are still effectively ‘noncombatants’ by virtue of being women, but if they actually Engage in fighting they do present a threat that could be justifiably neutralized.
If they do not actually Use their arms they are not legitimate targets, and an enemy concerned with honorable combat will have to work around their presence (or risk social/retaliatory consequences if he does not). They are thus effectively human shields- at the very least introducing an additional layer of difficulties for an opponent to navigate, and sometimes actively putting their bodies between their men and their opponents.
e) as a factor of D, potential mediator figures.
When in conventional battles, Odonii on losing sides are usually expected to allow themselves to be captured without resistance. They stand a very high chance of being taken alive and remaining unharmed due to a combination of factors- baseline honorable warfare practices (which are ABSOLUTELY not always followed, but at least Influence behavior), fears of material consequences in retribution for harming the priestess, fears of spiritual consequences for harming a potentially powerful witch, knowledge that releasing an Odonii unscathed may give the captors a better negotiating position down the line, or knowledge that an Odonii is a very valuable hostage and can make for a good bargaining chip.
Because of this element, captured Odonii are expected to perform mediation roles, negotiate the release of hostages, carry messages from their captors, or bravely tolerate hostage conditions (ideally while gaining intelligence on their captors)
Odonii very, very rarely actually participate in combat (and are in fact not Supposed To in the vast majority of circumstances).
They are, however, fairly well equipped for it. Their perpetual armament is symbolic in nature, but its intended function of empowering their bodies and the state by proxy additionally requires them to know how to Use It. They are trained and regularly drill and engage in mock battles in each of their key weapons/defensive combinations (sword, sword and shield, spear, spear and shield, longgun, handgun) and are expected to be adept at their use. Odonii who attend battlefields, while not being directly engaged, are still in very high-stress and dangerous environments and will have to learn to stay calm and collected under duress. All this doesn't mean every Odonii would be a skilled warrior in an actual combat situation (given that most will have no experience fighting someone who is actually trying to Kill Them), but it does mean they have enough technical skill and mental fortitude to stand a decent chance.
The only times where they are SUPPOSED to actively engage is when a battle is deemed as an existential struggle and is being lost (in practice, the main context for this is a siege), or losing against a foe deemed so thoroughly depraved that they won’t even slightly follow wartime conventions. The idea in these situations is that they are most likely already doomed, and that they should die protecting their people in battle.
Wardi history is filled with stories of Odonii fighting and dying in desperate conflicts (particularly against Imperial Bur), but this is at least Partly historical revisionism (there WERE some women in proto-Odonii roles involved in these conflicts, but these retellings project the modern Odonii order onto its multiple progenitor practices).
Odonii are frequently present on battlefields, but there are only two major instances of modern era Odonii participating in battle as full combatants, both involving conflict with Finnerich
The fully modern incarnation of the order can be defined as starting in the late period of Burri occupation, in which multiple Wardi city-states and kingdoms allied against a common foe, and the separate progenitors of the Odonii tradition began to coelesce into a single practice. These alliances were mostly dropped after Burri withdrawal, and the immediate post-withdrawal period was a chaotic scrambling to politically stabilize and assert old territorial claims- thus most Wardi states resumed hostile or indifferent relations with one another. (The one exception is that Wardin and Ephennos remained allied, which shortly would become a Big Deal). Forms of early Odonii now existed throughout most of these states, just not united under a single banner.
The city of Godsmouth was blockaded and besieged by Finnerich during this period (taking advantage of its historical rival’s weakness in the political chaos of de-occupation and hoping to capture or at least maim the city), and some of these early Odonii were involved in this conflict and are known to have engaged.
Godsmouth was a rival to its neighboring states more than anything else- there was little reason for others to send aid in the conflict, and it was left to fend for itself. It was and is a heavily fortified city, and thus the siege lasted for months, with the strategy turning to starving the population out rather than the risky maneuver of throwing troops at well-defended gates to force entry. The Finn forces never managed to breach the inner walls, but were very successful at starving the city's population, raiding its farmlands and villages, and destroying its ports and capturing or burning its ships, all with minimal casualties on their side.
The strategy of the siege finally turned to a risky push to breach and capture the city (due to Finnerich’s own dwindling resources and logistical difficulties in restocking due to storms at sea, and news that an allied Wardin and Ephennos had, in an unprecedented move, been persuaded to send reinforcements (in return for Godsmouth's sworn fealty and absorption into their alliance)), and Finn forces succeeded in breaking through the outer walls. This developed into a very dramatic standoff in which the remaining warriors and/or civilians of Godsmouth attempted to fend off the attack long enough for reinforcements to arrive (which would take days by sea).
Odonii are very famously known to have fully engaged in this stretch of the conflict on the front lines, as it represented an existential threat to the city-state (it’s a fortified settlement, if it was captured, reinforcements would not matter). Some of the recountings are distinctly fanciful (describing Odonii and noblemen leading Siege Of Helms Deep style khaitback charges into masses of enemies, or SWEARING that one of them actually did turn into a lion and ripped apart a hundred Finns before she succumbed to her wounds). An At Least Partially True Story With Exaggerated Elements of the final days of the siege describes the Odonii priestess Hibrides Odiboe rallying a group of elderly men into battle by baring her breasts and scratching deep, bleeding wounds into her chest, declaring herself as 'your mothers, your wives, your daughters, and look how I bleed while you hide behind your walls and wait to die.' While accounts have fantastical elements, it is factual that Odonii priestesses fought and died defending the city's inner walls, notably filling command positions left vacant by slain or starved leaders and rallying citizens to the front lines.
The end of the siege was ultimately a pyrrhic victory for Godsmouth- the city was never actually taken but its population was starved and riddled with disease, its farmlands were burned, and its ports were destroyed. Finnerich forces retreated before reinforcements arrived after failing to break through the inner walls in time, but had succeeded in most objectives of severely wounding their historical enemy. It has been a source of collective trauma in Godsmouth since that point (it is now out of living memory, but vivid stories remain of seeing the dead eaten by dogs and the starving eating the dogs that ate the dead, watching family members succumb to disease and starvation, all while hearing the sounds of fighting draw closer and closer with no reason to believe that any help would ever come), but ultimately recontextualized as a victory, a turning point in the arc of modern history. (The Wardin-Ephennos-Godsmouth alliance, which formed in full as a result of this conflict, would become the triple state that conquered the rest of the region and formed Imperial Wardin).
The direct participation of Odonii in this conflict is heavily played up in the narrative as the order in its purest form as sovereignty incarnate, the priestesses bravely fighting for (what would turn out to be) the beginnings of the Imperial Wardi state. The 11 Odonii who died fighting in the siege have been bestowed sainthood and are memorialized in a series of guardian lion statue-shrines overlooking Godsmouth’s ports (in which their ashes and bones are stored).
The other instance of modern era Odonii engaging in conflict is significantly less romantic, occurring in the context of the Extremely failed second invasion of Finnerich.
During and after the rout that resulted in the Odomache's capture and killing, it became exceptionally clear to the Imperial Wardi forces that They Were Fucked. The conflict veered with REMARKABLE speed from being an attempt end the state's civil war between the Imperial Wardi-loyalist provincial puppet government and its rebelling northwest population, to a desperate struggle for Wardi forces to get out of Finnerich Alive. At this point it was assumed (fairly accurately) that any defeated party would be summarily executed, so most Odonii present ended up directly engaging in battle. Two are known to have died leading soldiers in a bid to retrieve the Odomache's body, others fought and/or died while defending the retreat.
A few Finn Odonii (women appointed as a local sect of the priesthood after the initial takeover) remained in the capital after the Wardi forces fucked off overseas, and were executed along with the rest of the installed loyalist government and priests (though it's unlikely that they were involved in any fighting, as the provincial government surrendered after the withdrawal).
Odonii veterans of the invading force have not fared well in the aftermath. Most of those who survived the ambush in which the Odomache was captured have ended up committing honorable suicide due to breaking vows in abandoning their leader in retreat, failing to retrieve her body, and/or being assaulted in capture. More have committed (ostensibly ritual, probably emotionally driven) suicide in the years that followed, with the knowledge that their leader's death and defilement and this severing of God's spirit has brought doom upon their land in the form of an unbroken drought and famine, and that they failed to prevent this. The priestess who was captured alive to witness the Odomache's death and released unharmed to report it was the first.
All this has opened some vacancies in the order's leadership, and given things a very somber tone. It is currently in debate as to whether the ones who died on Finn soil (particularly those who died attempting to retrieve their leader's body) should be canonized as saints or if it's a little too soon for all that.
#As usual this veered off but likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee whatever. It's technically all Sort Of about Odonii battlefield performance.#Just like. Imagining if Imperial Wardin was an actual historical state whose written language was never decoded. There would be SOOOOOOOOOO#much debating on whether they actually had 'warrior women' or not. So much.#And it would probably end up wildly mischaracterized in pop history circles who base their estimates of a historical culture's#level of gender egalitarianism almost entirely upon Can Girl Fight??????? Did Girl Fight In Epic Battles Though?????????? With Sord????#Almost completely unrelated but I'm downgrading the gun tech. Kind of severely. I'm okay with a little anachronism because it doesn't#follow an earth timeline but it's Too anachronistic for the rest of the setting.#Like I need the use of firearms to be VERY limited and not widespread so they need to be in basal stages. The main reason I originally#had much more advanced firearms was due to old lore that is now obsolete anyway.#They're gonna be a lot closer to hand cannons. Like a transitional form of hand cannon closer in shape to a conventional#rifle but without a mechanical firing method.#This means a lot of things I've drawn recently are now obsolete and the joke of Couya having terrible trigger discipline doesn't work#but it has been bothering me way too much I can't do it anymore
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Did you know they keep people awake for lobotomies? And that they access the brain through the eye lid area? Just… wanted that information out there (I can’t be the only one who knows)
I did know both those things! Horrible stuff. This isn't exactly related but I never understood when people think 'asylum horror' is about the patients because to me its always been about the insane horror of experimental medicine and malpractice and the people subjected to it, how they were treated.
Also I'm pretty sure this is all past tense I THINK they don't Do That anymore. Sure hope not.
#'Eek scary crazy people' no dude. Scary doctors who do not see their patients as people. Did we watch the same movie#not an art#In my Futuristic Anime AU they had advanced well beyond that exact method but the horror is the same
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The Clone Wars zillobeast episodes are just How Not to Do Conservation 101
10/10 do NOT recommend keeping something in a tiny cage and experimenting on it. That's (unsurprisingly) very bad
Also, Mace, mate. I get you want to protect the thing but "we'll move it to another planet" is not the best option. YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE IT AND PUT IT ON A DIFFERENT PLANET WITHOUT EXTENSIVE RESEARCH INTO IT'S SURVIVAL REQUIREMENTS
If you want to protect an endangered species, don't take a single animal, put it where there are definitely 100% no other ones and just leave it there. Like congratulations, you've just totally prevented the chance of there ever being any more offspring from that individual (assuming it doesn't reproduce asexually) and are now driving it further to extinction 👏
#my advanced conservation biology module doesn't exactly account for zillobeasts#but this is defo not the recommended method for protecting endangered species#bad conservation practice all round in this ep#who knew that star wars would not be scientifically accurate /s#steph rambles#star wars#the clone wars
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An Astrology Method
-you can get a feel of the energy of each month by viewing your solar return houses.
-so for example, we’re heading into March tomorrow. March is the 3rd Month of the year so you can look at your 3h to see what’s the energy of that month can feel like.
Example: for February, I looked at my 2h because Feb is the 2nd month of the year. In my solar return for this year, I have Capricorn 2h with ruler Saturn in the 4h. The moon is also in the 2h for me this year along with the Mars and Pluto
How did this manifest this month?
-my mom bought a gift (moon)
-some debt(money) was cleared (Pluto)
-I’ve been working on long term plans with creative ideas (Capricorn) and (Saturn)
-recognizing my worth (2h)
-weird tension with family member that came to a head but now we’re okay (Mars)
Someone test this method out, I’m trying to see if it works on others and not just me😅
#astrology#astrology community#knowledge#love astrology#astro observations#advanced astrology#birth chart#kakiastro#tropical astrology#astrology methods#solar return
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do u think... Do you think sometimes when the team has a movie night, when they watch those 60's action war movies like "Von Ryan's Express" and "Battle of the Bulge" or spaghetti westerns like "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" and "Death Rides on a Horse," Soldier pauses during or right after fight scenes or duels or whatever to obsessively overanalyze them. Like, he'll try and turn them into strategies to use on the job, takes, uhm, 'notes', (tactical doodles,) sets up nerdy models using a whiteboard map and improvised figurines, uses these examples when he does those psyche-up pre-battle speeches or during strategy meetings.
'Cause I bet he does, I bet he does that, and it completely kills the momentum of the movie to the point where the rest of the team gets disinterested and slowly leaves him behind to do their own thing.
I genuinely bet Engie wouldn't though, nah, I bet he's enough of a patient kind of gentle kind of man willing to stick through these pauses 'cause he's just that into the movie. And maybe he's just a teeny bit into Soldier's dissections of actiony chaos. Maybe gleans a bit of an understanding of Soldier's thinking that way. Admires the guy's passion about his 'research,' how thoughtfully he gathers details in an effort to help the team. Starts mixing in tapes for these sorts of movies more regularly to their movie night pool maybe subconsciously, maybe on purpose. The rest of the team doing their own movie night. losers.
#soldier being autistic about 60's action movies#just like me fr fr#the original die hard would fucking KILL him oh my god can you imagine#engie sitting with sparkly eyes watching soldier go off about the duel in a fistful of dollars:#tf2 headcanons#tf2#engineer tf2#helmet party#engiesolly#eftanz u are a hero genuinely your art killed me then brought me back its crazy#praying to the time and space gods to let me airdrop reels of die hard indiana jones and robocop to the red base like a hunger games sponsor#guy gets shot in a movie:#soldier tf2 with his jaw wide open: holy shit... did you see that..?#when u asked this i though “oh god oh no this well is dry what am i gonna do”#but then this happened. ily#solly is over here developing advanced attack methods inspired by war epics#engie over here like: waow... he's so passionate... sighs...#maybe hes just happy somebody else loves cheesy spaghetti westerns#j....just like me.......fr.....#romcom trope where they reach for the popcorn bucket at the same time and touch hands#romcom trope where the characters in the movie fall in love and engie looks up at soldier like “wow....thats crazy haha...”#the onesided movie date. engie is too nervous to ask him on a real one so this will do.#for now.
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good take!!! correct take!!!! until your universities are free, so they stop being for privileged/rich people only, they won't be good!
#the global north's collective knowledge has been built on stealing brains from the global south#not to mention that half the shit yall have in your universities was funded by colonialism. the usa constantly pays to claim Argentinian#advances. the usa just forced us to dismantle the CAREN project (LOOK IT UP! it's the most advanced nuclear energy project in the WORLD) bc#'it'd make the USA look bad for not being able to reach the same level'#plus a lot of usamerican education serves corporate goals and functions with the traditional mnemonic method#its genuinely a scam!
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i really really REALLY want to make a dr intro for my ncis x cod dr but i genuinely feel like y'all are gonna hate judge me for my s/o choice
#no it isn't ghost i'm answering in advanced bcs your girl's TIRED of getting the same question over and over#no it's not konig too i don't like him#shifting#reality shift#reality shifting#manifestation#shifting realities#shifting consciousness#shifting to desired reality#shifting methods#shifting motivation#shifting stories#desired reality#shifting community#shifting introduction#shifting blog#shiftblr#shifters#reality shifter#poc shifter#manifesting#master manifestor#loassumption#law of assumption#loa tumblr#loablr#anti shifters dni#shifting antis dni
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Here's another from the archive!!! Bookmark gets mega evil blasted by the wind
#this one i think is from December 2021#DO NOT attempt at home unless proper safety methods are prepared in advance#teacup clowns are incredibly light and i have heard of one being blown miles away by simple gusts of wind#clown husbandry#clownblr#clown posting#clown#clown doll#clowncore#clowns#clown dolls#clown friend#bookmark the clown#from the vault
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Revolutionize Your Podcast with Podcastle AI
Explore the transformative impact of generative AI in podcast creation with us! This video delves into how AI technologies are revolutionizing the industry by automating content creation, enhancing audio quality, and personalizing listener experiences. We’ll discuss tools like Podcastle's clip generator and revoice feature that streamline workflows for podcasters and content creators.
Discover advanced methods for improving production processes, from AI-driven transcription services to programmatic podcast advertising. These innovations not only enhance accessibility but also help monetize content effectively. Join us as we uncover these exciting developments in media production!
#GenerativeAI #PodcastCreation
#Podcastle#Generative#Aritificial Intelligence#AI#Neturbiz#Revolutionizing Podcasting#Content Creation#AI Integration#Media Production#Innovative Solutions#Tech-savvy Creators#Streamline Workflows#Content Quality#Advanced Methods#Audio Distribution#Revoice Utility#Clip Generator#Social Media Promotion#AI Video Editor#Transcription Services#Programmatic Advertising#Audio Enhancement#Background Noise Reduction#Content Creation Tools#innovations#Technologies#Youtube
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I just fell down a rabbit hole about (legal) body disposal and part of me is so anxious wishing I could tell the FBI agent monitoring my internet searches that I’m just morbidly curious and I’m not planning on dying anytime soon (or planning anything ELSE, for that matter)
#I swear I’m innocent#I just didn’t know there were multiple types of cremation#and then I got curious about other legal burial/body disposal methods#and then I learned that you can have your ashes basically made into a starter reef in the ocean????#THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY ADVANCEMENTS IN BODY DISPOSAL AND PREP GUYS ITS KINDA INSANE#YOU CAN MAKE YOUR BODY INTO SOIL!! which seems like it would be easy but apparently it’s a rather new advancement!!#and I mean like proper soil not just like. decomposed and mushed up remains I mean like Actual Human Compost#hi I’ve always been interested in morbid topics I swear#I’m not insane I just love the art of the funeral and the way we honor the dead#I always thought I wanted to donate my body to the army to have them drop my remains out of a plane#but uh… becoming part of the coral reef and helping sustain the reefs is definitely a more appealing option now#and like I always knew you could do the become a tree thing but there’s more options for that too!!#also there’s multiple ways to cremate and two of the three that I’ve researched don’t use an incinerator!!#they use a mix of water and highly alkaline chemicals?? which is so cool?? I thought the only way to get ashes from a body was to burn it#but apparently not!!#dude. science is so fucking cool#mortuary science is so fucking cool specifically#alright to the FBI agent assigned to me: sorry if I’m flagging shit with these searches I’m trying to keep the wording respectful#and non-incriminating lmaoooo#MelloMoans#mortuary science#morbid curiosity#funeral services#I guess??
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I thought you liked physics ?
yes I do. I love physics. I love it bc I was raised by a brainiac engineer mother who taught me to see math as fun from a very young age. and sometimes it pisses me off bc I don’t understand concepts immediately and my ego is HURT but then I humble myself and learn it and I’m back to adoring it again
#I did an independent study in a biophysics lab for a semester which was cool#I do orgo research now but I think so much of being a good researcher is integrating methods from different disciplines#and this will probably apply for when I’m a doctor too#I was never an ‘ewww I hate MATH’ person like I literally took advanced physics & calculus classes willingly bc it was so fun#which is why I was so mad when the whole girl math trend happened. what is girl math. what do you mean#I just despise the trend of girls being corralled into less math based fields bc of this. I am never buying into that narrative ever#ask
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Wrote a difficult, unfun 1k and came to the conclusion I need to better know some of the new characters I'm writing.
I just don't want to get distracted and leave my WIP in the dust because I left it alone too long while I do character exploration shorts to learn the new OCs.
#writing#writeblr#writblr#op#personal#I wish I could find a method of fleshing out characters in advance that I like#the 100 Situations prompts are great but they tend to derail me 😅
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went to a rally and protest tonight to protest nyu's hospital cancelling appointments for trans youth due to trump's executive order --- an order that is unlikely to hold up in court --- despite new york city law saying that refusing to treat trans patients is discrimination and illegal
the protest was organized by the dsa, which pulled the whole thing together in three days, and it had hundreds of people there, so many more than expected that they actually couldn't let us do the march because we couldn't block the street in case there were ambulances going to the hospital so when the speakers were done we all just left the park and walked on the sidewalks in kind of the direction of the hospital which was technically not a march apparently
they had speakers from city and state government, trans adults who were treated at nyu as teenagers, trans teens getting treatment there now, doctors who work there and made clear that the medical staff is also furious about this decision by the higher ups
and like. things are scary right now. but on three days notice, local organizers were able to put together a protest of hundreds of people, there to show they care about trans kids and that we will fight to hold onto every single inch of ground. and that feels really good right now
#method speaks#there were a lot of good speakers#it felt good to hear people saying don't comply in advance#don't roll over#you can feel kind of crazy#like you're the only one thinking this way#you know you aren't#but it's good to hear it#and hear a crowd cheer for it#it felt good
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i hate astrology stuff too but i think this show sometimes misses that the belief systems of different planets aren't usually the problem. the governments based on belief systems are.
#TO tag#just all the... 'you guys are an advanced civilization you cant possibly believe this stuff!!!!!!1!1!' talk#it isn't about belief it is clearly a method of scapegoating and false order Because of it being a governmental tool#if it were just individuals finding meaning in it harmlessly then... the advance civ thing doesn't contradict that#it's stupid to base an entire gov system off of it without evidence but it's not stupid for individuals to find meaning in spirituality#that argument abt being advanced is meant to try getting through to those people because it's a dire situation but#it was a similar thing last episode with trying to get through to teleya#where... again! dire circumstances! and careful wording about how usually when species to go space they become less rigid#in a species-centric religion but instead the krill went into it harder#and that was moreover about the xenophobia issues than religion#i don't think the show has so far dismissed the importance of belief outright#BUT it keeps going right up to the edge and even as someone who isn't religious i am gritting my teeth waiting for#some church of the flying spaghetti monster reddit atheist bro takes#and i just really hope it keeps giving plausible deniability of being on the other side of that#anyway maybe none of this matters bc the belief systems in question are methods of categorization and superiority and hierarchy#based on things that cannot be helped like species or birthdate and that's unfair and clearly results in fucked up stuff#and can very much be harmful on that individual level too#i just wonder if this show has ever done belief systems in a positive light in conjunction with showing how they can be harmful#anyway. something about ed playign god here with the star thing. i dont have the braincells to think more on this.
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I'm hoping that this person Fyodor mentioned in the last episode that challenged him once is someone who can give Dazai a run for his money and put him into a real situation where he doesn’t have all the answers. At this point, I'm starting to worry that's never going to happen.
I don’t remember if Fyodor mentioned the gender of the person when he made his comment, but if he didn’t then I’m gonna hope it’s Agatha Christie.
We’ve already seen her— in fact in the manga she’s already interacted with Fyodor— and the only strategists we’ve seen so far have been guys. I’d kinda like a woman strategist (so long as she’s treated with the same respect the series gave to Dazai/Fyodor/Ranpo in regards to their strategies.)
Technically Louisa could count as a female strategist, but she never goes up against any other strategist, and the only “strategy” she does is tell Francis not to make stupid decisions and (iirc) telling Steinbeck and Lovecraft that Dazai would try to retrieve Q. Neither of which are strategies. It never even goes into how she reaches her conclusions— it basically chalks it up to “she thinks for a really long time until she knows stuff”.
Anyway. Although I personally have never read any of Christie’s works, she’s my cousin’s favorite author, which essentially makes her my blorbo-in-law. So I gotta root for her getting more content.
#Anti dazai asks#I started And Then There Were None but I forgot to continue it#I have it in my bedroom just chilling on my bookshelf#If not a female strategist at least someone from that clocktower group#Whatever give me Arthur Conan Doyle#But a detective isn’t a strategist by default!! (Not that he’s guaranteed to be Sherlock Holmes but still)#Actually I have stuff to say about that#Ranpo and Dazai are NOT both doing the same thing they are NOT both strategists#Ranpo focuses on intel Dazai focuses on strategy#Fyodor focuses on advancing his agenda and often uses strategic methods to go about it#They are Three Different Things#Mori focuses on pragmatism and acquisition#“What can I keep what can I sacrifice what do I need to acquire what do I need to get rid of”#He thinks in terms of acquisition and pragmatic or necessary loss#They’re all wildly different#Bsd#bungou stray dogs#agatha Christie
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