#Advanced Automobile
careskillsacademy · 1 year
Care Skills Academy was established in the year 2013 with the aim to impart technical skills for preparing a better workforce. The institute is in affiliated with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) & Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI). We are the pioneers in vocational and technical training in Air conditioners, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, LED/LCD, Solar Panels, Smartphones, CCTV, Automobile, Laptop, ECM Repairing, PCB Repairing, Computer Hardware & Networking Equipments. We have an excellent track record of job placements, both with Indian and multinational companies. Care Skills Academy is one of the leading skill development academies in India, offering skill development programs, vocational training, job-oriented courses, and apprenticeships.
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Happy pride
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Calling the Republican Party the “party of fertilization,” former President Trump continues to make false claims in a recent interview with a Detroit TV station, while simultaneously taking credit for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.
In an interview last week with FOX-2 Detroit following his Wednesday rally in Saginaw County, anchor Roop Raj asked Trump about the issue of abortion and how much it would impact the November election. The former president argued that the erasure of a 50-year precedent that provided women a constitutional right to an abortion was a positive development.
“I say what the people decide, and whatever it is, it’s within the state and what the people decide, and it’s working out,” said Trump. “For many, many years, people have said we’ve gotta bring this back to the states to decide, and that’s now working.”
Trump then outlined how different states were dealing with abortion rights, but appeared unaware that Michigan had already enshrined those rights in its constitution.
“All the states are deciding, and you know, for 53 years, people wanted to be able to get it out, Roe v Wade, get it out so the states can decide,” Trump said. “Your state [Michigan] will decide probably a liberal policy if it hasn’t already done it. … I think Michigan’s gonna actually be very loose. They’re gonna vote on it, and that’s gonna be the law.”
In 2022, Michigan voters overwhelmingly approved securing the right to an abortion and other reproductive rights, less than six months after the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause no longer provided a federal right to an abortion. Three of the six votes in favor of that decision were made by justices appointed to the court by Trump.
Trump also told Raj the GOP was “the party of fertilization because we are for the women,” referencing one of the issues that resulted from the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, namely in vitro fertilization (IVF).
“We wanna help the women because they were gonna end fertilization, which is where when the IVF, where women go to the clinics and they get help in having a baby, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. And we’re for it a 100%. They tried to say that they weren’t for it. They actually weren’t for it and aren’t for it as much as us, but women see that,” said Trump.
The IVF issue came to the forefront in February when the Alabama Supreme Court, citing the Dobbs decision nine times, ruled that embryos had the full legal rights of citizens. That left IVF clinics facing costly litigation, prompting a temporary halt to the procedure in that state until it passed a law extending criminal and civil immunity to IVF providers and patients. But because the measure didn’t declare when life begins, clinics there are still moving away from providing the service out of litigation concerns.
Trump’s claim that “they weren’t for it,” presumably meaning the Democratic Party, is false. In fact, Democrats like U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois — a disabled veteran who used IVF to become a mother — had been warning since at least 2022 that IVF would be the next target of GOP-led legislatures and courts if Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Additionally, Senate Republicans have rejected attempts to protect access to IVF treatments, while a bill sponsored by House Democrats, H.R. 7056, the Access to Family Building Act, which would establish a federal right to access assisted reproductive technology, including IVF, remains bottled up in committee by the Republican-led chamber.
Trump continued to insist in the interview that abortion “was not that big of an issue,” and “should be largely taken off the table.”
He also continued to push the false claim that abortions were routinely being done in the final month of pregnancy, or beyond.
“Nobody wants to see abortions in the ninth month and the eighth month and the seventh month, and nobody wants to see abortions or, in this case, killing after the baby is born,” Trump told Raj. “Right now, that’s what the Democrats can do. They can have it in the seventh, eighth, ninth month, and they can kill the baby. In numerous states, they can kill the baby after the baby is born, and nobody wants that. Nobody.”
Since at least 2016, Trump has been making the claim of abortions in the final days of pregnancy or even killing babies after they are born, and it has been fact-checked time and again as false.
And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 1% of all abortions are performed after 21 weeks of gestation — in the fifth month of pregnancy.
Raj asked Trump about Florida’s six-week abortion ban that went into effect last week.
“You have to understand, every legal scholar from all over the country, all over the world, they said ‘You have to get abortion out of the federal government, you have to take it away from the federal government, give it to the states’, and now that’s what we’ve been able to do. We’ve given it to the states, and some states have already decided, and people are satisfied with it.”
While there were certainly scholars who believed Roe had been decided incorrectly, they didn’t represent a majority, much less anything close to unanimity.
“Any claim that all legal scholars wanted Roe overturned is mind-numbingly false,” Rutgers Law School professor Kimberly Mutcherson, a legal scholar who supported the preservation of Roe, told CNN, which quoted several other legal experts in fact-checking that assertion as false.
“The people within the states … they seem to be very happy with the way it’s working out,” added Trump.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights, since the overturning of Roe, 30 states have enacted abortion policies that range from restrictive to the most restrictive.
Raj also asked Trump about labor policies, unions, immigration and the war against Hamas in Gaza.
When asked about the success of union efforts in southern states, such as the UAW’s historic victory last month with Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tenn., who voted by a nearly 3-1 margin to join the UAW, Trump instead talked about China building car plants in Mexico, insisted the public didn’t want all electric vehicles (EVs) and ended up in a diatribe against President Joe Biden.
“This character that’s destroyed our country, the worst president we’ve ever had, without question,” said Trump. “He’s destroying our country. What he’s doing with cars, he’s forcing the auto industry into China and other countries, and it’s so sad. And, by the way, Mexico is doing things that nobody can believe. They just started, and they’re doing them in conjunction with China, and it’s gotta be stopped. We can’t let that happen.”
Raj restated his question about growing union support in states like Tennessee that have been less than welcoming to organized labor in the past.
“Well, it could be happening,” Trump said. “I mean, it’s gonna be happening, but you gotta be very careful about what’s gonna happen in two years from now when China wants to take all of the jobs. Because frankly, then union or non-union, everybody’s gonna be hurt. Everybody.”
There have been concerns about Chinese automakers looking to avoid U.S. tariffs by building vehicles in Mexico and the Biden administration has addressed the issue. Last month, Reuters reported that under pressure from the U.S., Mexico was refusing to offer Chinese automakers incentives to build factories there such as low-cost public land or tax cuts for investment in EV production.
The report also quoted an official with the Office of the United States Trade Representative as saying the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which was negotiated during the Trump Administration, did not allow “a back door to China and others who may be seeking to access our market without paying … tariffs.”
On the topic of Israeli military attacks against Hamas in Gaza, in which more than 34,000 people have been killed according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, Trump was asked how he would try and end the hostilities, and indicated he would give Israel a free hand.
“You gotta finish it off fast. You gotta get it done, and then you gotta have peace. And we’ll make peace fast. But you gotta get your work done and you gotta have peace. You know that Oct. 7 was terrible,” Trump said, referring to Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians that killed about 1,200 people.
The interview closed with Raj asking Trump if he would debate Biden on statewide television in Michigan.
“If you can get him, I’m there. I’ll go anywhere he wants to go,” said Trump. “What he’s done to Michigan is so bad. What he’s done to our country is so bad. What other man, what other person, would allow 15, 16 million people right now in our country? They came from prisons and jails. They came from insane asylums and mental institutions, not from South America, from all over the world, they’re pouring into our country at levels that nobody’s ever seen. Drug dealers. One stat before we go, Venezuela was very crime-ridden. They announced the other day 72% reduction in crime in the last year. You know why? They moved all their criminals from Venezuela right into the good old USA, and Biden let them do it. It’s a disgrace.”
“But, sir, where are those numbers coming from?” asked Raj.
“I guess I get them from the papers in this case. I think it’s a federal statement or well, they’re coming actually from Venezuela. They’re coming from Venezuela. That’s where they can’t come from,” said Trump.
Punishing sanctions imposed against Venezuela during the Trump administration have been blamed as at least one cause of the mass migration out of that nation. Trump also didn’t mention that one of his last acts as President was to give Venezuelan exiles in the U.S. illegally protection from deportation.
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bharathi1908 · 9 months
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which is an example of regulation in the automobile industry?
Explore how important regulations are to the automobile industry in terms of maintaining industry standards, safety, and emissions control.
Government regulations in the automobile industry have a direct impact on how cars are built, how they seem, what safety features they come equipped with, and how well they function as a whole. Government regulation, therefore, also has a big impact on the automobile industry because it generally raises production costs and puts restrictions on how cars are marketed and sold. Automakers risk severe fines and other consequences if they violate automotive regulatory compliance, which are intended to safeguard consumers and the environment.
Recognizing Automobile industry Regulation Frameworks
Over the last ten years, there has been a notable expansion in the automobile industry. The performance requirements of automobiles have changed due to challenges arising from economic and environmental concerns, and automakers have had to adjust their products accordingly. 
The following are some of the main automotive regulatory compliance trends in this industry that demand a change in the methods used in the manufacture of automobiles:
Increased safety regulations, like those pertaining to CO2 emissions
The development of cutting-edge technologies like driverless cars and interconnected systems in emerging markets.
Cost-effectiveness in the face of intricate supplier networks
The heightened requirement for automotive businesses to exhibit transparency and good governance, particularly during vehicle recalls
The necessity to maintain competitiveness and the rising demand for cars
Safety First: Regulatory Actions to Improve Car Safety
Among the world's most regulated industries is the automobile industry in terms of vehicle safety standards. To guarantee that automobiles fulfill safety and environmental requirements, governments from all over the world have put in place a variety of laws. Anyone working in the automobile industry, from manufacturers to dealerships and repair shops, needs to be aware of these vehicle safety standards and regulations.
Over time, there has been a huge advancement in vehicle safety. Automobile safety has changed over time as a result of demands for increased safety as well as technological advancements, laws, and programs. Simple devices like wipers have given way to more sophisticated technologies like Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). A minimal level of safety for a vehicle is guaranteed by these vehicle safety standards laws and initiatives, which have made certain safety elements required.
Controlling Emissions: Reducing the Impact on the Environment
The number of on-road passenger cars worldwide has increased significantly this century, raising concerns about air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, the economy, and human safety for emission control in automobiles.
The world's nations are coming together to create practical answers as a result of a sharp rise in environmental pollution, global warming, climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, and the growth of the transportation industry. Modern global pollution statutes are difficult to regulate with traditional laws and regulations. They concur, then, that the current state of affairs calls for grave concern as well as extremely rigorous and immediate legal and regulatory measures to lower the pollution caused by passenger cars.
According to research, the new emission control in automobiles test regulations will have a big impact on how cars and engines are made in the future. Better development and designs will be needed to achieve zero pollution and low emissions of CO2, CO, NOx, HC, and PM.
Since the law of climate is to safeguard human life from pollution and protect the environment from global warming, ozone depletion, and climate change for a better, healthier life, the regulation will have a good and beneficial impact on social activities and human life. Even if it's being done and implemented in a small number of nations, the governments of other nations will soon see the problem of pollution risk and implement the new restrictions.
Establishing Industry Standards and Following Consistency
All manufacturers strive for ongoing quality development and industry-wide standards in automotive, as it guarantees the uniformity of goods supplied to clients and offers protection from rivals. It also clears the way for adherence to standards unique to the industry because of government agencies in auto regulation. In the automobile industry, this is critical since faulty car parts can result in costly recalls or, even worse, fatal collisions.
Thankfully, the automobile industry has a long history of implementing continuous improvement. Numerous instruments and methodologies, which are extensively employed by global companies, were specifically designed to guarantee the excellence and productivity of automobile production. Many of the CQI techniques in use today were first introduced by Toyota.
Product Consistency
Every automobile product that comes off the assembly line needs to be in perfect working order. Additionally, every component developed must have the characteristics necessary to meet end customers' expectations. A successful quality program eliminates the delivery of parts and products that are either superfluous or defective by implementing proactive solutions.
Compliance with Standards
Automakers are required to adhere to the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) requirements. Only once all requirements are satisfied are manufacturing facilities accredited. The standards guarantee the effectiveness, safety, and quality of the manufactured goods.
Process Efficiency
When producers have the right tools for continuous improvement, they can provide goods to customers faster. Processes for improving quality reduce problems that can cause lengthy delays in the delivery of produced products.
Maximum Resource Utilization
Because it enables resource-effectiveness in terms of time and human resources, continuous quality improvement is crucial for the automotive manufacturing sector as it drastically lowers manufacturing costs. Defects in quality can result in costly product recalls, downtime in manufacturing, and waste of raw materials.
The argument in favor of an organized strategy for ongoing development in the car industry is strong for these reasons.
The Role of Government Agencies in Regulation
The car business is greatly impacted by laws and policies from the government agencies in auto regulation, particularly those pertaining to safety rules and emission limits. Although the environment and customers are intended to be protected by these laws, automakers and consumers may incur additional expenditures as a result.
Both positive and negative government rules and policies have a big impact on the automotive sector. These laws may, on the one hand, increase costs for customers and automakers. Nevertheless, they may also spur the creation of cleaner, safer automobiles.
It is important to remember that the effects of laws and policies issued by governments differ by nation. For instance, nations with stricter laws can have an advantage in the global car industry.
The automobile industry is largely shaped by laws and policies from the government for industry-wide standards in automotive. Although the purpose of these rules is to safeguard customers and the environment, they may also have a big effect on how much cars cost and what kinds of technology are created.
Harmonization on a Global Scale: Overcoming Obstacles in Different Fields
Government rules are necessary, but occasionally they can cause problems for certain industries, and many people may be unhappy about the way they affect them. Businesses frequently voice their complaints about specific laws and rules that impede their development. Determining whether these laws obstruct sectoral development is therefore vital.
The creation of wealth for owners and employees is one of the fundamental objectives of for-profit companies. As a result, businesses have occasionally fallen prey to their own aspirations with regard to this objective. For this reason, a number of businesses engage in dubious, hazardous, risky, and exploitative practices, whether on purpose or accidentally. Regular business audits are carried out by government authorities to verify adherence to market regulations and mitigate the possibility of money laundering and terrorist financing.
Customers can safely perform their financial activities thanks to government intervention and oversight of corporate affairs. Crucial tax revenue is also a nation's main source of income. Companies pay this tax to the state in accordance with specific regulations, which boosts the economy of the nation.
Among the world's most regulated industries is the automobile industry. Although these rules may burden automakers, they are necessary to safeguard consumers, the environment, and safety. These laws may differ from one nation to the next.
The following are a few particular instances of automotive regulations:
All new cars are required by the Highway Traffic Safety Administration to feature seat belts and airbags.
Requirements for emissions in cars and other vehicles.
Manufacturers are required to offer warranties on their automobiles.
Automakers are required by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act to recall automobiles that have safety defects.
These are but a handful of the numerous laws that control the automobile sector. As new technologies and safety concerns arise, these restrictions are always evolving. To comply and avoid fines, automakers need to stay current on these requirements.
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noahsresources · 1 year
send an emoji/description of emoji to learn more about a writer's oc! many of these are taken from my munday asks meme, because i thought it would be fun to make a version for characters too! the prompts are categorized by emoji type and given descriptions in case anyone can't see the symbols. can be used for roleplayers and any general writers alike! for roleplayers, these can also be used for your interpretations of canon characters if you so desire as well!
𝐎𝐁𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒. 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? 🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars? ✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person? 🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? 💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings? 🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos? 📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)? 🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? 🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities? 🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type?
𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐒. 🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often? 💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? 🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming? 🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons? 🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise? 🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄. 🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use? 🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday? 🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets? 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends? 🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal? 🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature? 🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND — what is/was your oc's favorite subject in school? 🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening? 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒. ❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits? 🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits? 💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits? 💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them? 🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends? 💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? 💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside? 💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world? 💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background? 🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒. 🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? 🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)? 🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? 🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer? 🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast? 🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch? 🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner? 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? ☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄. 😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life? 😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved? 🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms? 🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional? 🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy? 🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions? 😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool? 😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge? 😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone? 🤒 FACE WITH THERMOMETER — does your oc get sick easily? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
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American education has all the downsides of standardization, none of the upsides
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables on Jan 22 at 8PM.
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We moved to America in 2015, in time for my kid to start third grade. Now she's a year away from graduating high school (!) and I've had a front-row seat for the US K-12 system in a district rated as one of the best in the country. There were ups and downs, but high school has been a monster.
We're a decade and a half into the "common core" experiment in educational standardization. The majority of the country has now signed up to a standardized and rigid curriculum that treats overworked teachers as untrustworthy slackers who need to be disciplined by measuring their output through standard lessons and evaluations:
This system is rigid enough, but it gets even worse at the secondary level, especially when combined with the Advanced Placement (AP) courses, which adds another layer of inflexible benchmarks to the highest-stakes, most anxiety-provoking classes in the system:
It is a system singularly lacking in grace. Ironically, this unforgiving system was sold as a way of correcting the injustice at the heart of the US public education system, which funds schools based on local taxation. That means that rich neighborhoods have better funded schools. Rather than equalizing public educational funding, the standardizers promised to ensure the quality of instruction at the worst-funded schools by measuring the educational outcomes with standard tools.
But the joke's on the middle-class families who backed standardized instruction over standardized funding. Their own kids need slack as much as anyone's, and a system that promises to put the nation's kids through the same benchmarks on the same timetable is bad for everyone:
Undoing this is above my pay-grade. I've already got more causes to crusade on than I have time for. But there is a piece of tantalyzingly low-hanging fruit that is dangling right there, and even though I'm not gonna pick it, I can't get it out of my head, so I figured I'd write about it and hope I can lazyweb it into existence.
The thing is, there's a reason that standardization takes hold in so many domains. Agreeing on a common standard enables collaboration by many entities without any need for explicit agreements or coordination. The existence of the ANSI/SAE J563 standard automobile auxiliary power outlet (AKA "car cigarette lighter") didn't just allow many manufacturers to make replacement lighter plugs. The existence of a standardized receptacle delivering standardized voltage to standardized contacts let all kinds of gadgets be designed to fit in that socket.
Standards crystallize the space of all possible ways of solving a problem into a range of solutions. This inevitably has a downside, because the standardized range might not be optimal for all applications. Think of the EU's requirement for USB-C charger tips on all devices. There's a lot of reasons that manufacturers prefer different charger tips for different gadgets. Some of those reasons are bad (gouging you on replacement chargers), but some are good (unique form-factor, specific smart-charging needs). USB-C is a very flexible standard (indeed, it's so flexible that some people complain that it's not a standard at all!) but there are some applications where the optimal solution is outside its parameters.
And still, I think that the standardization on USB-C is a force for good. I have drawers full of gadgets that need proprietary charger tips, and other drawers full of chargers with proprietary tips, and damned if I can make half of them match up. We've continued our pandemic lockdown tradition of my wife cutting my hair in the back yard, and just tracking the three different charger tips for the three clippers she uses is an ongoing source of frustration. I'd happily trade slightly sub-optimal charging for just being able to plug any of those clippers into the same cable I charge my headphones, phone, tablet and laptop on.
The standardization of American education has produced all the downsides of standardization – a rigid, often suboptimal, one-size-fits-all system – without the benefits. With teachers across America teaching in lockstep, often from the same set texts (especially in the AP courses), there's a massive opportunity for a commons to go with the common core.
For example, the AP English and History classes my kid takes use standard texts that are often centuries old and hard to puzzle out. I watched my kid struggle with texts for learning about "persuasive rhetoric" like 17th century pamphlets that inspired anti-indigenous pogroms with fictional accounts of "Indian atrocities."
It's good for American schoolkids to learn about the use of these blood libels to excuse genocide, but these pamphlets are a slog. Even with glossaries in the textbooks, it's a slow, word-by-word matter to parse these out. I can't imagine anyone learning a single thing about how speech persuades people just by reading that text.
But there's nothing in the standardized curriculum that prevents teachers from adding more texts to the unit. We live in an unfortunate golden age for persuasive texts that inspire terrible deeds – for example, kids could also read core Pizzagate texts and connect the guy who shot up the pizza parlor to the racists who formed a 17th century lynchmob.
But teachers are incredibly time-constrained. For one thing, at least a third of the AP classroom time seems to be taken up with detailed instructions for writing stilted, stylized "essays" for the AP tests (these are terrible writing, but they're easy to grade in a standardized way).
That's where standardization could actually deliver some benefits. If just one teacher could produce some supplemental materials and accompanying curriculum, the existence of standards means that every other teacher could use it. What's more, any adaptations that teachers make to that unit to make them suited to their kids would also work for the other teachers in the USA. And because the instruction is so rigidly standardized, all of these materials could be keyed to metadata that precisely identified the units they belonged to.
The closest thing we have to this are "marketplaces" where teachers can sell each other their supplementary materials. As far as I can tell, the only people making real money from these marketplaces are the grifters who built them and convinced teachers to paywall the instructional materials that could otherwise form a commons.
Like I said, I've got a completely overfull plate, but if I found myself at loose ends, trying to find a project to devote the rest of my life to, I'd be pitching funders on building a national, open access portal to build an educational commons.
It may be a lot to expect teachers to master the intricacies of peer-based co-production tools like Git, but there's already a system like this that K-8 teachers across the country have mastered: Scratch. Scratch is a graphic programming environment for kids, and starting with 2019's Scratch 3.0, the primary way to access it is via an in-browser version that's hosted at scratch.mit.edu.
Scratch's online version is basically a kid- (and teacher-)friendly version of Github. Find a project you like, make a copy in your own workspace, and then mod it to suit your own needs. The system keeps track of the lineage of different projects and makes it easy for Scratch users to find, adapt, and share their own projects. The wild popularity of this system tells us that this model for a managed digital commons for an educational audience is eminently achievable.
So when students are being asked to study the rhythm of text by counting the numbers of words in the sentences of important speeches, they could supplement that very boring exercise by listening to and analyzing contemporary election speeches, or rap lyrics, or viral influencer videos. Different teachers could fork these units to swap in locally appropriate comparitors – and so could students!
Students could be given extra credit for identifying additional materials that slot into existing curricular projects – Tiktok videos, new chart-topping songs, passages from hot YA novels. These, too, could go into the commons.
This would enlist students in developing and thinking critically about their curriculum, whereas today, these activities are often off-limits to students. For example, my kid's math teachers don't hand back their quizzes after they're graded. The teachers only have one set of quizzes per unit, and letting the kids hold onto them would leak an answer-key for the next batch of test-takers.
I can't imagine learning math this way. "You got three questions wrong but I won't let you see them" is no way to help a student focus on the right areas to improve their understanding.
But there's no reason that math teachers in a commons built around the (unfortunately) rigid procession of concepts and testing couldn't generate procedural quizzes, specified with a simple programming language. These tests could even be automatically graded, and produce classroom stats on which concepts the whole class is struggling with. Each quiz would be different, but cover the same ground.
When I help my kid with her homework, we often find disorganized and scattered elements of this system – a teacher might post extensive notes on teaching a specific unit. A publisher might produce a classroom guide that connects a book to specific parts of the common core. But these are scattered across the web, and they aren't keyed to the specific, standard components of common core and AP.
This is a standardized system that is all costs, no benefits. It has no "architecture of participation" that lets teachers, students, parents, practitioners and even commercial publishers collaborate to produce a commons that all may share and improve upon.
In an ideal world, we'd get rid of standardization in education, pay teachers well, give them the additional time they needed to prepare exciting and relevant curriculum, and fund all our schools based on need, not parents' income.
But in the meanwhile, we could be making lemonade of out lemons. If we're going to have standardization, we should at least have the collaboration standards enable.
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Hi, do you have some fic where the bentley ship them? Ty in advance
Hey, here are some Bentley ships it fics...
The Bentley Changes Her Tune by CousinSerena (T)
How will Crowley ever confess his love to Aziraphale? The Bentley helps him out.
In Love With My… Car? by freyjawriter24 (T)
When Aziraphale gets discorporated and needs a receptive body to help stop the Apocalypse, the nearest willing consciousness to where he'd been talking to Crowley happens to belong to one semi-sentient car…
A Will of Her own by SentientBentley (G)
A view through time of how the Bentley forged a friendship with Crowley, pushing him to go after the love of his life and helping him realise that maybe he is just a little bit of a good person.
Celestial Harmonies by lynamoon (T)
The story of a demon falling in love with an angel throughout time and his automobile acting as his wingman. (wingwoman? wingcar? ... you get the idea).
Driving Back in Style (In My Salon Will Do Quite Nicely) by evil_moo_bunny (T)
Crowley has been ordered to seduce Aziraphale and is panicking. Aziraphale thinks is a great opportunity to get lunch together more often. When everything seems like it may fall apart, it falls into place instead.
All I Hear is Your Gear… by herebewyverns (G)
When humans need sanctuary, they go to holy places. But Aziraphale isn’t human. He has the next best thing, though: Crowley’s Bentley.
- Mod D
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she-is-ovarit · 9 months
I'm over the term "gender equality", and the way in which it is being used and advocated for by the mainstream, status-quo left.
"Men and women are equal" operates under the bias that men are the default standard of equality, which women are then sometimes required or expected to meet. Usually statements like "women are just as strong as men", "women are just as capable as men in sports" act as support.
It intentionally is meant to be cheered on as liberating, but the reality is it's a derivative of "I don't see race I just see people", "no race but the human race", "not disabled just differently-abled", etc. It's a form of sexism that ignores sexism. It's "I am going to ignore biological differences based on sex" when the reality is being of the female sex shapes both my material and lived reality in extremely complex ways and can have dangerous consequences when ignored.
The average woman is not is strong as a man and it often takes a deliberate amount of persistence, training, and/or testosterone injections for us to come close to or meet the male default. "The muscle strength of women indeed, is typically reported in the range of 40 to 75% of that of men". The average man could easily kill and overpower me, and if I were an athlete a man who trained equally to me would defeat me in competition.
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Women are 47% more likely than men to be injured in a car accident. Cars were designed for male drivers. In 2011 was when "female" crash dummies were introduced into measuring car safety in the US, however sometimes organizations in the US and UK just used "scaled down male dummies" to test car safety for women. As this article explains, we are not scaled-down men. We have different muscle mass distribution. We have lower bone density. There are differences in vertebrae spacing. Even our body sway is different. And these differences are all crucial when it comes to injury rates in car crashes. And what about pregnant women?
We have different needs and different experiences than males and the world around is us designed with males in mind - from housing to automobiles, to entire economic systems. 85% of women will eventually be mothers. When women take maternal leave to care for a newborn while the man continues to work (or returns shortly later), he effectively advances his career and over time earns more promotions and pay. His schedule is to focus on his career growth and then come home for a few hours in the evening to play with their child (or play videogames). Mothers pay a significant wage penalty for having children from being months out of the labor market.
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This list could really go on.
"Gender equality" is utilized by men to distract women from focusing on only women's rights and needs to men's rights and needs. It's used to shoehorn in arguments of "men too" and sympathizing with men on "men's mental health" (while neglecting the fact that men are overwhelmingly and in shocking numbers responsible for violence done to both sexes - and are additionally unlikely to want to work on themselves mentally).
Reframing and enfolding "violence against women", "women's rights", "male violence", "female liberation", and "women's oppression" into the vague language of "gender equality" is a deliberate act of obfuscating the power dynamics between the sexes - in which men globally exploit and oppress women on the axis of sex.
And as vague language, carves a place for people to have the opportunity to shift the responsibility and blame onto women and girls for the suffering that men wield onto their own sex.
Women and girls do have advantages and strengths over men and boys due to our biological differences - yet this, too, goes ignored under the vague concept of "gender equality" and the cultural belief system it evokes, which treats man as the mold that women should fit.
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shippingmyworld · 3 months
Youtuber!Timmy and Youtuber!Jimmy AU
Follow up to my Youtuber!Danny Phantom AU from this post cus I can't stop thinking about this AU.
Timmy runs a channel named Fairly Odd Creatures where he makes full-blown mockumentaries about all kinds of mythical creatures/cryptids. Once every 2-3 months he will post a video that's about 60 minutes long and the production value that goes into them is absolutely mind-blowing. People are constantly flooding his inbox, demanding to know what his secret is. There are all-out wars in the comment section of his videos (or whatever social media platform his videos are being discussed on) debating on how in the world the footage is pulled off. Nobody can agree on if it's super-advanced cgi or the best blend of makeup and props the internet has ever seen.
Timmy's secret of course is just the fact that Cosmo and Wanda will simply poof into existence whatever creature Timmy needs for his video. Then he just has to follow it around for a few hours with his camcorder and then edit the footage together.
The funniest part of his videos (and probably the reason that they're so popular) is that nothing in them is even remotely in line with what has already been popularized. For example: "Chupacabra's? Yeah, it turns out they don't drink the blood of livestock. They eat metal. Specifically, automobile metal. Don't believe me? Well I lost this Chupacabra in downtown Dimmsdale for a few hours and it ate half of this totally random car before I found it again. Here's a clip of it taking a chomp out of the tire like it's a donut." (The car belonged to Mr. Crocker and it wasn't an accident).
Each and every video Timmy uploads is guaranteed to hit number one on trending for a few hours, and then hover in the top 20 for a few days. This gives Timmy a bit of an ego, especially since whenever he posts a new one everyone at school is talking about it the next day. He tells himself that he can't reveal his identity because then he's have to explain how he's pulling everything off (his voice is disguised with a magical voice modulator that makes him sound like a dramatic narrator) and thus risk exposing Cosmo and Wanda. However, the second that Trixie off-handedly mentions she watches them he spills the beans. Thankfully for his fairies, nobody believes him.
Jimmy's channel is called Brain Blast in which he posts about his projects and the science behind them. While he does have a small and dedicated subscriber base, most of the comments on his videos are from months or years after he's uploaded them in the first place of people thanking him for posting such great study aids.
Part of the reason why he has a smaller subscriber base is because he doesn't edit his content. They're all done with a single take, which only is extremely impressive to anyone that notices. He writes the script, preps his slideshow and props, and then hits record. Even though he does plenty of "Fun Science" videos ("Alternative Travel Methods feat. Bubble Travel", "How to Launch Your Toaster into Orbit", "Make Your Own Rust in a Can", etc.) the low production and sound quality for everything gives off the same energy as those channels run by a middle-aged man recording stuff about their niche interest on their phones.
Sheen and Carl appear in most of his videos as his assistants (or lab rats depending on the context). They're pretty great helpers, despite the fact that Sheen always goes off script and Carl gets so camera shy that he forgets his lines. Jimmy has to cut in a lot with "That's an excellent question!" to get them back on track. Libby and even Cindy will make occasional appearances. In fact, most of his popular uploads come from videos that his friends requested: "How Real is the Science in Ultralord?", "Surprising Biology of Lamas!", and "The Science Behind Enjoying Music." are counted among his most popular uploads.
Cindy once tried to get her own channel up and running and was pretty popular for a while, but after a few months she decided that even part-time content creator wasn't something she wanted to invest her time into. Instead, she'll just muscle her way into Jimmy's videos on occasion. More than once she has basically hijacked Jimmy's script halfway through to talk about famous women related to whatever topic Jimmy is covering.
Jimmy can't really bring himself to interrupt Cindy's hijacking's, because whiles she's right about the contributions these famous women have made, they're not super relevant to the hyper-specific topic/experiment he's currently covering (he will just shoot a second video when he's alone and upload it to make sure all his points got covered). Eventually though, he'll get so annoyed with Cindy barging into his lab whenever she finds out he's planning to film (Sheen spills the beans to Libby all the time and she reports to Cindy) that Jimmy will begin to start most of his videos will a few quick facts that he thinks Cindy will like so she'll leave him alone.
When the Youtube algorithm starts recommending Jimmy some of Timmy's mockumentary's, Jimmy will start posting follow-up videos to Timmy's in order to debunk Fairly Odd Creatures. This in turn starts to push Brain Blast up in popularity due to association. Then a portion of Timmy's fanbase gets latched onto Jimmy. They start taking stills from Jimmy's videos to use as reaction images (because Jimmy gets very upset and frustrated with just how wrong everything in Timmy's videos are).
As to not expose himself on his channel, Timmy creates a second channel in which he uploads videos in exactly the same style as Jimmy's. He discredits this "Science" thing that Jimmy is apparently basing all his arguments on and jokes about how Jimmy sounds like a witch. The second channel isn't very popular until Jimmy posts a "In Response to..." video addressing Timmy's second channel directly. This inadvertently brings Timmy's second channel a flash rise in popularity and sparks a whole chain of video uploads between the two of them. There's a solid month of them uploading daily and basically yelling at each other about why people should unsubscribe from the other person.
Timmy throws himself heavily into the second channel (so much so that he almost forget to film content for Fairly Odd Creatures once), adopting a conspiracy theory persona that believes the earth is flat and that the moon is just a government projection. He invites his totally real alien friend Mark Chang onto the channel all the time to talk about Yugopotamia and help discredit Jimmy ("Like yeah man, I totally saw your radical disc-looking planet and had to fly down and check it out.").
And because people are normal on the internet, there's a whole sub-genre of fans that have started to ship Jimmy and Timmy's YouTube channels. 'Enemies-to-lovers' is the most popular trope for them, and there's even a whole subreddit dedicated to the ship that gets fanart and fanfics posted to it on a regular basis. Timmy is very aware of this group of fans and will occasionally sneak in an off-handed remark about Jimmy just to fuel them because he thinks it will piss off Jimmy even more. In fact, there's a whole slew of small channels that clip and compile 'JimTim Evidence' to fuel their theory that Jimmy and Timmy are secretly dating.
Little does Timmy know, there's actually a clip out there of him saying, "Jimmy may not be able to use his oversized head to deduce simple facts, but that least he can pick out glasses that make his eyes look pretty." Jimmy has watched that clip at least a thousand times on loop because he's low-key attracted to Timmy but refuses to admit it. It's part of the reason as to why he gets so worked up about Timmy's responses to him, because how can someone he's attracted to be just so wrong about everything???
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1932 Bucciali TAV 12 "Golden Arrow" by Saoutchik
Paul-Albert Bucciali built only six cars between 1926 and 1932. They were built to display the front-wheel-drive system Bucciali invented. Bucciali received an American patent and licensed his technology to Peerless Motor Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Unfortunately for Bucciali, Peerless never used the license.
This Bucciali features a specially designed Voisin V12 sleeve-valve engine with four carburetors. Drive to the front axle is through a four-speed transaxle. The huge wheels, fabricated from steel, have integral brake drums. The coachwork is by the French Carrozzeria Saoutchik. The distinctive stork on each hood side is made from German silver, phosphor bronze, and gold-plated brass. This stork was the insignia of Bucciali's WWII fighter squadron. The original chassis price was an incredible 130,000 Francs, and the coachwork was an additional 85,630 Francs. Only one Bucciali was sold to the public. This is it!
The original owner, George Roure, displayed his Bucciali at the 1932 Paris Auto Show. Subsequently, he sold it to Count de Rivaud, who later mounted the body on a more maneuverable Bugatti chassis. In the 1970s, the body was reunited with what remained of the Bucciali chassis and drivetrain, and after a long, challenging restoration, the Bucciali was returned to its original state. The work was begun in Detroit by the noted collector Raymond Jones. In addition to using many factory blueprints, Paul Albert Bucciali was consulted for special detail as to the colors and design of the interior. The car now appears exactly as displayed at the Paris show in 1932.
Starring at the 1932 Paris Auto Show, the front-wheel drive, twelve-cylinder, sleeve-valve engined Bucciali stunned show-goers. Cloaked in one-off coachwork by Saoutchik, the car received acclaim as the most advanced and modern French automobile.
The Bucciali was sold originally to a Paris banker, who drove it for three years. The coachwork was then removed and fitted to a Type 47 Bugatti chassis. The Bugatti fitted with the Bucciali's coachwork was sold and brought stateside after World War II. The original chassis remained behind in France.
In the 1970s, the Bucciali body was reunited with the original chassis, which was purchased from a French collector. With the assistance of Paul Albert Bucciali, the car was restored to the original, spectacular state that it is today.
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kentomilk · 10 months
ᴺᴬᴺᴬᴹᴵ ᴷᴱᴺᵀᴼ ᴵᴺ
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓'𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
it seems there is never an activity too lackluster or intimate for this couple to find pleasure in each other's company with their busy lives.
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husband!nanami kento x wife fem!reader.
catalogue. fluff, slice of life content, non-sorcery au/ non-curse, modern au, salaryman!kento, sick & soft kento, (1) mentions of praise kink. wc: 1.95k thea’s preamble. inspired by this incredible art, i must admit i look at this at least once a day. → ✨ also this is my first published work, it's a bit rough but hopefully with time it gets better. thank u for reading <3
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kento is a man of routine and order, we all knew that. he wakes up at a set time, kisses his beautiful sleeping wife, carries out his morning routine of showering and oral hygiene, dons his best suit, light breakfast, and is out the door by 8 AM. the evenings he returns home aren’t any less lax, whether he’s home at 6 PM on the dot or late by a few hours, he’ll always greet and kiss his beautiful wife, have dinner in his study whilst he continues more work while the lovely missus reads on the chaise or continues unfinished work of her own as well, then shower and oral hygiene, sleep. 
perhaps that was an oversimplification, but don’t be fooled one may think the man adopts and follows this lifestyle out of a need for security, financial or otherwise. or that he loves the unrelenting and perpetual cycle of working painstakingly 10-hour days, he certainly isn’t given highly-coveted tasks for being a slacker. he’s grateful for what the occupation provides, the salary and bonus that come with his overtime, to lavishly spoil his family, but that's all.
he has no ambition to climb the ladders that will put him in places he doesn't care to be, to rub elbows and kiss ass with scummy executives, leeches, and conceited thugs, only to trash talk and scheme against the moment he steps foot in his home.
all he asks is for saturdays and sundays, as they happen to be Kento’s favourite.
the days he has off from his draining 9-to-5, to be spent properly with his lovely wife. who was ever so patient with him, ever so supportive, and ever so his to love and cherish so as long as his body would allow him. even if his body was battered down to a pulp, he’d find alternatives as necessary, but let’s hope it never comes to that.
there would be times when not much would differ from the previous weekend, and well into the next, spent doing the same activities, or nothing at all. he never wanted to take for granted the time you spent together, and sometimes that meant not always making the most of those days, and he’s okay with that.
whether the two of you lazed in bed until the afternoon or spent a whole day cooking a feast completely from scratch, starters to dessert. visiting the farmers market to cook said feast, reading in your cozy home library, or even the sudden bouts of spring cleaning. 
there is always a welcome invite for spontaneity, a picnic under the stupendous aspen tree you simply adored at the local park. a quick overnight trip to a scenic and quaint town, whether your destination is reached by train, plane, automobile, or even boat. the occasional painting date has become a more frequent activity as of late. but there is one “special” activity that some might consider, unique. one that is relatively low cost, that is done from the comforts of your humble abode, that further advances the intimacy (according to kento), and is reserved solely for you, one that kento absolutely adored, shaving. 
usually, it was something he’d done alone after showers with either a rechargeable or disposable razor or by his barber when it came time for his bi-monthly hair trim. but recently it became a task that you’d undertake by kento’s request, sort of.
while you didn’t mind what would grow from a days of not shaving, he preferred maintaining a clean shave for the clean-cut classification for a man of his occupation, it also became supplemental to his hygiene routine that he grew to love.
it wasn’t something you saw often, kento so dishevelled with the most tragic undereye bags from the lack of sleep from what you’d think was months suffering from insomnia, condensed into a few days. a coarse stubble emerged from the days he’d spent in bed, and his nose was flushed with how often he’d been blowing it with the nearly empty box of tissues that was full just the night before. his eyes were dull and watering, a sight you truly hated. 
"honey, have you seen my hard drive?" he'd sorely asked for the 3rd time today, "it's in the laptop, kento." you called back, changing the towels in your bathroom.
he was delirious, with a runny nose and little to no comprehension of where he was or what day it was, thanks to the combination of flu medicine and kento’s determination to finish a work proposal whilst in bed, common sense would also call it overworking. despite your gentle commands that he needed rest, there was no triumph on your end, as duty calls. he was relentless, in his defense there was a conference that was meant to be held in person had it not been for his sudden ailment. though a live video conference was able to be arranged, owing to the urgency of the matter at hand. 
so you figured the fastest way to get the man back into bed was to help him complete this ordeal swiftly, that meant helping him in the shower, given his sore muscle ached. applying small dots of concealer under his eyes as to not bring attention to his fatigued face, deterring from the presentation at hand.
dressing him in his warmest wool suit, but only the upper half, kento was sound enough to know there was no need to abandon his fleecy Pompompurin pajama pants. the executives were only to see from the shoulders up after all. and lastly ridding him of a heavy five o'clock shadow that was speckled with smears of dried rice from the porridge you had made him earlier. 
“ok, that should be enough,” you whispered, carefully taking off the damp towel that no longer retained warmth, and squeezing out the shaving cream from the canister into your hand.
you proceed to spread the milky foam in a thin layer across the lower half of his face, letting out a soft chuckle at the finished outcome. you picked up the brand-new razor from the counter, puffing your cheeks and letting out a deep breath.
“i trust you.” kento whispered, his voice scratchy and hushed. 
you smiled in response, quietly informing him that you were starting. you crouched to his eye level, pulling his cheek upward with one hand, so the skin where you would shave would be taut. you intently watched his face as well as the area that you had just removed facial hair, making sure that there were no nicks or alter in his relaxed expression, verging on sleep. once you gained confirmation of such, you proceeded to shave the next row, and the next, working inwards towards his lips. 
rinsing the razor after each use, and wiping on a towel you had draped on the counter. though nerve-wracking for a first try, it had been executed well and was quite therapeutic. your eyes were attentive and your hands steady with every down stroke. as you continued to rinse and repeat, literally, you looked up into the bathroom mirror to see your husband rotating his head to view the work that had been done, then looking straight at you with a simple grin and tired eyes, asking what he thought so far.
“you’re doing so good, my love.” he plainly states, but those watery eyes said otherwise with an innuendo you couldn’t miss, in a singular eyebrow raise. stupid praise kink, you thought, looking him up and down, wondering how even in this state, where he acquired the audacity. it wasn’t long until the two of you burst into a fit of laughter, kento being cautious as to not rub off the shaving cream with one hand that covered his eyes as he leaned back in the chair. 
“what even are you.” you snickered, quickly calming yourself with the reminder of the razor in your hand.
you proceeded to shave, on the brink of completion, now focusing above his lip, where you took even more caution than you had before, due to the sensitivity of his skin in that area. opting to sit on his lap, nearly chest-to-chest with his sore arms that maintained enough strength to have a secure hold on you, even though your knees were bent, and your feet touched the heated floor effortlessly. 
a few stolen kisses on kento’s behalf, and nothing more than a restrained smile that he was fighting from getting any bigger as you finished the last few strokes. in his mind, it was anticipated that the minute kento finally got better, you were going to contract what he had afterward anyway. and in turn, he’d take care of you. 
so what's the harm in a few more kisses?
“so my dear husband, how would you like to start our weekend?” you asked, still cozily tucked under the blankets, looking at your husband who was similarly bundled under the toasty blankets, with your hand situated on top of his, placed gently on your cheek.
“well dear wife, it’s been days since i’ve last shaved.” he simpered, looking down at you with sly eyes.
it was something the both of you saw coming, once again he hadn’t been shaving for a while, but of course, it was deliberate. you softly laugh in response with your voice still heavy in slumber, “i’ll go get the facial steamer— in a few minutes, i want to savor every second of this vacation.” further burrowing yourself into his chest.
it had been a few months since the first time you had to shave kento’s while he was recovering, the proposal went flawlessly if you omit the booming sneezes that startled the executives even through the screen.
you had since made the switch to a straight blade like the ones you’d see used in old school barber shops, watching tutorials on methods exercised by professionals for efficiency and safety. 
invested in a proper kit that supplied everything you’d need. from shave oil, pre-shave oil, shave cream, a velvety brush to spread the lather, after-shave (which smelled phenomenal), and blade replacements.
it’s been even longer since his barber last gave him a proper shave after a haircut, and that time will only continue to be prolonged. he loved how close you’d be when focusing, but time after time you’d only grown to relax the tension in your muscles. you’d sit on his lap for more of the session, and those sessions would only go longer from the last.
where there would be conversation taking place about your lives, now and the future. sometimes there would be easy-listening music playing from the speakers that would lay the cornerstones of an “impromptu” dancing session, where kento’s hands would be politely placed on your lower back, and his hand strong in yours, waltzing all around your bathroom for what felt like forever.
he was shirtless, and truth be told a little chilly, and you were wearing an old shirt of his, to him you always looked beautiful. even though there was still plenty of shaving cream on his face, it would eventually be smeared on yours. there wasn’t much more he wanted in life.
if you ask him, any weekend is well-spent, even if you do spend the entirety of it in bed, painting beautiful sceneries, cooking your favourite dishes, dancing with ardour despite having taken one class on ballroom waltz, or you shaving his grown-out stubble. as long as you're by his side, nothing is ever a waste of time. that’s how it’s been, that’s how is it, and that’s how it’ll be.
and who knows, maybe next time kento will convince you to cut his hair.
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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100 Most Fascinating Facts About the Chrysler Building:
1. When was the Chrysler Building built? The construction of the Chrysler Building commenced in 1928 and reached completion in 1930. It was inaugurated on May 27, 1930, amidst the enthusiasm and anticipation of a rapidly evolving New York City.
2. Who designed the Chrysler Building? The architectural genius behind the Chrysler Building is William Van Alen. His innovative vision and meticulous attention to detail are the driving forces behind the building's iconic Art Deco design.
3. Why was the Chrysler Building built? The Chrysler Building was commissioned as the corporate headquarters for the Chrysler Corporation, headed by Walter P. Chrysler. Beyond its practical purpose, it was intended to serve as a symbol of progress, engineering prowess, and the evolving modern age.
4. What is the architectural style of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building stands as an epitome of Art Deco architecture. Characterized by geometric patterns, sleek lines, and decorative elements, this style emerged in the early 20th century as a celebration of technological advancements and modern aesthetics.
5. How tall is the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building rises to a height of 1,046 feet (319 meters) including its iconic spire, which contributes significantly to its overall verticality and distinctive appearance.
6. Is the Chrysler Building the tallest in New York City? Although once the tallest in the world, the Chrysler Building is no longer the tallest in New York City, as other skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building and more recently, One World Trade Center, have since surpassed it in height.
7. What materials were used in the construction of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's frame is primarily composed of steel, providing structural stability and allowing it to reach impressive heights. Its façade is adorned with decorative elements such as stainless steel, limestone, and brick, lending it a visually captivating texture.
8. How long did it take to build the Chrysler Building? The construction process of the Chrysler Building was notably swift for its time, taking approximately two years, from 1928 to 1930, to complete.
9. What is the significance of the terraced crown on the Chrysler Building? The terraced crown of the Chrysler Building serves both an aesthetic and symbolic purpose. Designed in a distinctive stepped style, the crown was inspired by radiator grilles and hubcaps of automobiles, paying homage to the prominence of the automobile industry in the 1920s.
10. Can you visit the top of the Chrysler Building? No, access to the upper floors, including the iconic crown, is typically restricted to building personnel due to security and logistical reasons.
11. Is the Chrysler Building open to the public? While the upper floors are not accessible to the public, visitors can appreciate the building's exterior and visit the lobby, which features exquisite Art Deco detailing.
12. What businesses or offices are located in the Chrysler Building? While the Chrysler Building was constructed as a corporate headquarters, its interior spaces have housed various offices and businesses over the years, contributing to its commercial importance.
13. What is the address of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building is situated at 405 Lexington Avenue, New York City, standing as a testament to its strategic central location within the bustling metropolis.
14. How does the Chrysler Building compare to other famous skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building is renowned for its striking Art Deco design, setting it apart from other iconic skyscrapers like the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center, each contributing uniquely to New York's skyline.
15. Was the Chrysler Building the tallest building in the world at any point? Yes, the Chrysler Building proudly held the title of the world's tallest building upon its completion in 1930, towering over the cityscape and symbolizing mankind's architectural achievements.
16. How has the Chrysler Building influenced architecture? The Chrysler Building's innovative Art Deco design, intricate ornamentation, and graceful vertical lines have left an indelible mark on architecture, inspiring subsequent skyscraper designs and influencing the broader Art Deco movement.
17. Are there any replicas or similar buildings to the Chrysler Building? While there are no exact replicas, the Chrysler Building's design has inspired other structures worldwide, particularly during the Art Deco era.
18. What is the cost of the Chrysler Building's construction? The construction of the Chrysler Building, an ambitious endeavor, carried a price tag of approximately $20 million during the late 1920s.
19. Are there any notable events associated with the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's completion coincided with the Great Depression, impacting its initial occupancy and economic viability. It weathered the challenges of its time, reflecting the resilience of New York City.
20. How has the Chrysler Building been depicted in popular culture? The Chrysler Building has graced the silver screen, adorned book covers, and inspired countless artworks, becoming an enduring symbol of urban aspiration and sophistication.
21. What is the significance of the eagle gargoyles on the Chrysler Building? The eagle gargoyles perched on the corners of the 61st floor serve as potent symbols of ambition, freedom, and the American spirit, echoing the prevailing sentiment of progress during the 1920s.
22. Are there any special lighting or illumination features on the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's crown has been illuminated with various colors during festive occasions, infusing its majestic form with a vibrant aura that captivates onlookers.
23. How did the Great Depression impact the Chrysler Building's construction? The Great Depression cast a shadow over the initial occupancy of the Chrysler Building, challenging its financial viability as economic difficulties prevailed during its early years.
24. Is the Chrysler Building considered Art Deco? Yes, the Chrysler Building is an iconic representation of the Art Deco architectural movement, characterized by its sleek geometric forms and lavish ornamentation.
25. What is the history of the land on which the Chrysler Building stands? The land on which the Chrysler Building proudly stands was leased from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, reflecting a collaborative endeavor between commerce and education.
26. What other works of the architect William Van Alen are noteworthy? While the Chrysler Building is his magnum opus, William Van Alen's contributions extend to other notable structures in New York City, further enriching the city's architectural landscape.
27. Are there any myths or legends associated with the Chrysler Building? While not enveloped in myths, the Chrysler Building's remarkable design and history have woven it into the fabric of New York's urban legends and tales.
28. Can you see the Chrysler Building from other parts of New York City? Owing to its lofty height and strategic location, the Chrysler Building commands panoramic views, rendering it visible from numerous vantage points across the city.
29. Has the Chrysler Building undergone any major renovations? The Chrysler Building has experienced various restoration and maintenance efforts aimed at preserving its historic grandeur and safeguarding its structural integrity.
30. How does the Chrysler Building contribute to New York City's skyline? The Chrysler Building's distinctive silhouette, crowned by its terraced design and decorative elements, contributes a sense of elegance and history to New York City's iconic skyline.
31. What makes the Chrysler Building unique compared to other skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco flair, intricate detailing, and its pursuit of vertical elegance set it apart, positioning it as a timeless architectural masterpiece.
32. How did the Chrysler Building get its name? Named after the visionary Walter P. Chrysler, founder of the Chrysler Corporation, the building serves as a tribute to his influence and contributions to the automotive industry.
33. What was the original purpose of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building was initially conceived as the headquarters for the Chrysler Corporation, reflecting the ambitions of its namesake to establish a prominent presence in New York City.
34. How many floors does the Chrysler Building have? The Chrysler Building boasts 77 floors, including both functional office spaces and levels dedicated to mechanical operations.
35. How is the interior of the Chrysler Building designed? The interior of the Chrysler Building, while less famous than its exterior, exhibits Art Deco influences through meticulous detailing, marble elements, and geometric patterns.
36. Are there any environmental or sustainability features in the Chrysler Building? Given its construction during a different era, the Chrysler Building lacks modern sustainability features. However, retrofitting efforts have aimed to enhance energy efficiency.
37. What challenges were faced during the construction of the Chrysler Building? The rapid construction timeline posed challenges in coordinating intricate design elements, managing resources, and aligning with financial constraints, all while adhering to safety standards.
38. Who owns the Chrysler Building today? The ownership of the Chrysler Building has shifted over time. In recent years, it was owned by the Abu Dhabi Investment Council and managed by Tishman Speyer, but ownership arrangements may evolve.
39. Has the Chrysler Building been featured in any films or TV shows? The Chrysler Building's distinctive appearance has graced the backgrounds of numerous films and TV shows, solidifying its status as an enduring cultural icon.
40. What role did Walter P. Chrysler play in the building's design? Walter P. Chrysler's vision, ambition, and financial backing were instrumental in turning the architectural vision of the Chrysler Building into a towering reality.
41. Are there any guided tours of the Chrysler Building? While access to the upper levels is usually restricted, the lobby and its Art Deco features have been open for guided tours, allowing visitors to glimpse its interior beauty.
42. How has the perception of the Chrysler Building changed over time? The perception of the Chrysler Building has transformed from being a symbol of corporate prominence to a revered architectural gem, embodying the essence of an era.
43. What is the symbolism behind the Chrysler Building's decorations? The decorations, inspired by automobile motifs and Art Deco designs, symbolize progress, innovation, and the forward-looking spirit of the 1920s.
44. How did the public react to the Chrysler Building when it was completed? The public marveled at the Chrysler Building's height, design, and the testament it stood as to human achievement, particularly during a time of rapid technological advancements.
45. Are there any famous photographs or artworks featuring the Chrysler Building? Countless photographs and artworks capture the Chrysler Building's grace and grandeur, immortalizing it in the visual history of New York City.
46. How does the Chrysler Building represent the Roaring Twenties? The Chrysler Building encapsulates the exuberance and optimism of the Roaring Twenties, echoing the era's love for innovation, luxury, and bold statements.
47. What is the current use of the Chrysler Building's interior spaces? The interior spaces of the Chrysler Building have been used for offices and commercial purposes, maintaining its role as a business hub within the city.
48. Are there any famous quotes about the Chrysler Building? Various luminaries have waxed eloquent about the Chrysler Building, with descriptions highlighting its elegance, grace, and architectural significance.
49. How did the Chrysler Building impact the history of skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building marked a turning point in skyscraper design, pushing the boundaries of architectural innovation and contributing to the evolution of cityscapes worldwide.
50. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in New York's history? The Chrysler Building serves as a touchstone in New York's history, representing an era of technological leaps, urban ambition, and architectural creativity.
51. How does the Chrysler Building contribute to Manhattan's cityscape? Amidst the modern skyscrapers, the Chrysler Building's graceful curvature and Art Deco embellishments offer a nostalgic touch to Manhattan's dynamic cityscape.
52. Has the Chrysler Building ever been sold or changed ownership? The Chrysler Building's ownership has shifted over time due to various financial transactions, illustrating its status as a sought-after asset.
53. Are there any plans for the future of the Chrysler Building? Future plans for the Chrysler Building are subject to ownership decisions, potential renovations, and urban development trends.
54. How do architects and designers view the Chrysler Building today? Architects and designers continue to admire the Chrysler Building as a paragon of Art Deco brilliance, studying its design principles and innovative approach.
55. What is the relationship between the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building? The Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building shared a fierce rivalry during their respective constructions, both vying for the title of the world's tallest building.
56. Has the Chrysler Building won any awards for its architecture? While not awarded a specific architectural prize, the Chrysler Building's enduring popularity and architectural significance stand as its ultimate accolades.
57. What role did the construction unions play in the building's creation? Construction unions played a vital role in the building's realization, contributing their expertise, labor, and craftsmanship to the project.
58. Are there any hidden details or Easter eggs in the Chrysler Building's design? While not widely known, it's possible that the Chrysler Building's design conceals subtle details or symbolic elements that may hold hidden meanings.
59. How does the Chrysler Building look at night? Illuminated against the night sky, the Chrysler Building exudes a magical aura, showcasing its graceful spire and crown in all their splendor.
60. How has technology influenced the preservation of the Chrysler Building? Technological advancements have facilitated the ongoing maintenance and preservation efforts, enabling the building's distinctive features to be upheld for future generations.
61. What role did William H. Reynolds play in the Chrysler Building's construction? William H. Reynolds served as the general contractor overseeing the meticulous execution of the Chrysler Building's construction.
62. Are there any safety features incorporated into the Chrysler Building's design? While the safety standards of its time were adhered to, modern safety features have been integrated into the building over the years to ensure the well-being of occupants and visitors.
63. What is the architectural legacy of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building's architectural legacy lies in its role as a global symbol of Art Deco elegance, inspiring architects and enthusiasts alike with its groundbreaking design.
64. How did the Chrysler Building impact the surrounding neighborhood? The presence of the Chrysler Building contributed to the transformation of its Midtown Manhattan neighborhood, attracting commerce, visitors, and further development.
65. How has the Chrysler Building's perception changed since its completion? From its initial role as a symbol of corporate might, the Chrysler Building has evolved into a cultural icon, celebrated for its architectural brilliance and historical importance.
66. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Central Park? Yes, parts of the Chrysler Building are visible from certain viewpoints within Central Park, showcasing its elegance against the urban backdrop.
67. How did the Chrysler Building's construction impact the economy? The construction of the Chrysler Building provided a crucial source of employment during the challenging economic climate of its time, offering jobs and stimulating local economy.
68. What was the tallest building before the Chrysler Building was constructed? Prior to the Chrysler Building's completion, the Woolworth Building held the distinction of being the world's tallest building.
69. What are some interesting anecdotes about the Chrysler Building's history? Anecdotes include the competitive race with the Empire State Building for height supremacy and the influence of the automotive industry on its design.
70. How has the Chrysler Building remained relevant in modern times? The Chrysler Building's timeless design, combined with its status as an architectural icon, has allowed it to transcend time and maintain its relevance.
71. What engineering innovations were used in the construction of the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building utilized innovative techniques like riveting and a steel framework to achieve its impressive height, setting new standards for skyscraper construction.
72. How has the exterior of the Chrysler Building been maintained? The exterior has been subject to periodic restoration efforts to preserve its distinctive Art Deco ornamentation and maintain its visual impact.
73. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in celebrating Art Deco? The Chrysler Building stands as a prime exemplar of Art Deco architecture, celebrating the movement's emphasis on geometric forms and luxurious detailing.
74. How has the Chrysler Building's fame influenced tourism in New York? The Chrysler Building, along with other iconic landmarks, has undoubtedly contributed to New York's allure as a global tourist destination.
75. Are there any architectural controversies related to the Chrysler Building? The Chrysler Building isn't associated with major architectural controversies, but its height race with the Empire State Building sparked competitive debates.
76. How has the Chrysler Building's architecture influenced other structures? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco style has served as a muse, inspiring subsequent architects to incorporate elements of its elegance into their designs.
77. Can you see the Chrysler Building from the Statue of Liberty? While quite a distance separates the Statue of Liberty and the Chrysler Building, the latter's towering presence allows it to be visible from various viewpoints.
78. Are there any restoration projects planned for the Chrysler Building? Restoration initiatives may be undertaken to ensure the preservation of the building's historical and architectural significance, although specific plans can vary.
79. What are the architectural details of the Chrysler Building's lobby? The lobby features marble walls, geometric patterns, and ornate decorations that echo the building's overall Art Deco aesthetic.
80. How has the Chrysler Building survived natural disasters and weathering? The building's sturdy construction has enabled it to withstand weathering and minor natural events, showcasing the enduring quality of its design and materials.
81. What role does the Chrysler Building play in the history of New York real estate? The Chrysler Building played a role in shaping the landscape of New York's real estate sector, adding a touch of elegance and verticality to the city's skyline.
82. How did the construction of the Chrysler Building impact local employment? The construction of the Chrysler Building provided jobs during a period of economic uncertainty, offering employment opportunities for workers in the construction industry.
83. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Times Square? Yes, certain vantage points in Times Square offer views of the Chrysler Building, contributing to the city's vibrant visual tapestry.
84. How does the Chrysler Building symbolize New York's ambition? The Chrysler Building stands as a symbol of New York's unyielding ambition and its continuous drive to push the boundaries of architecture and engineering.
85. What is the role of the Chrysler Building in the city's identity? The Chrysler Building has become an integral part of New York's identity, representing its aspirations, innovation, and architectural excellence.
86. How has the Chrysler Building influenced the aesthetics of modern skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's Art Deco elements have left an indelible imprint on the aesthetics of skyscrapers, impacting subsequent designs with its unique flair.
87. What role did the automobile industry play in the creation of the Chrysler Building? The building's design, with its automobile-inspired motifs, pays homage to the automotive industry, reflecting the era's technological advancements.
88. How does the Chrysler Building stand out among Manhattan's skyscrapers? The Chrysler Building's ornate crown, intricate detailing, and Art Deco embellishments set it apart, granting it a sense of timeless elegance within the skyline.
89. What impact did the Chrysler Building have on the Art Deco movement? The Chrysler Building is considered a pinnacle of the Art Deco movement, influencing subsequent Art Deco architecture and contributing to its popularity.
90. How has the Chrysler Building's lighting been updated over the years? The lighting of the Chrysler Building has evolved with technological advancements, offering dynamic displays and illuminations during special events and celebrations.
91. Can you see the Chrysler Building from Brooklyn? Yes, the towering presence of the Chrysler Building can be seen from various parts of Brooklyn that have unobstructed sightlines toward Manhattan.
92. How does the Chrysler Building compare to other landmarks like the Flatiron Building? While both are iconic, the Chrysler Building's height and distinct Art Deco style differentiate it from the Flatiron Building, which has its own historical significance.
93. What are some lesser-known facts about the Chrysler Building? Lesser-known facts include its rapid construction time, William Van Alen's competitive nature, and the role of car motifs in its design.
94. How has the Chrysler Building been depicted in architectural literature? Architectural literature has often highlighted the Chrysler Building's architectural significance, its role in the Art Deco movement, and its influence on skyscraper design.
95. What role did the Chrysler Building play in the city's skyline competition? The Chrysler Building's race for height supremacy with the Empire State Building epitomized New York's ambition and fierce competition during its construction.
96. How does the Chrysler Building embody the spirit of the 1920s? The Chrysler Building captures the exuberance and dynamism of the 1920s through its groundbreaking design, reflecting the era's technological advancements.
97. What was the public's reaction to the Chrysler Building's completion? The public responded with awe and admiration, considering the Chrysler Building a symbol of human achievement, modernity, and progress.
98. How have preservation efforts impacted the Chrysler Building's future? Preservation efforts ensure that the Chrysler Building's architectural and historical significance remain intact, safeguarding its place in New York's skyline.
99. Can you see the Chrysler Building from the One World Trade Center? Yes, the One World Trade Center offers sweeping views of Manhattan, allowing visitors to behold the iconic Chrysler Building amidst the city's panorama.
100. How has the Chrysler Building inspired artists and creatives over the years? The Chrysler Building's distinctive silhouette, elegant design, and historical significance have captivated artists, photographers, writers, and filmmakers, becoming a muse for creative expression. Its enduring presence in various artistic mediums speaks to its lasting impact on culture and imagination.
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autooptic · 21 days
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1938 Mercedes-Benz W154
In September 1936, the AIACR (Association Internationale des Automobile Clubs Reconnus), the governing body of motor racing, set the new Grand Prix regulations effective from 1938. Key stipulations included a maximum engine displacement of three liters for supercharged engines and 4.5 liters for naturally aspirated engines, with a minimum car weight ranging from 400 to 850 kilograms, depending on engine size.
By the end of the 1937 season, Mercedes-Benz engineers were already hard at work developing the new W154, exploring various ideas, including a naturally aspirated engine with a W24 configuration, a rear-mounted engine, direct fuel injection, and fully streamlined bodies. Ultimately, due to heat management considerations, they opted for an in-house developed 60-degree V12 engine designed by Albert Heess. This engine mirrored the displacement characteristics of the 1924 supercharged two-liter M 2 L 8 engine, with each of its 12 cylinders displacing 250 cc. Using glycol as a coolant allowed temperatures to reach up to 125°C. The engine featured four overhead camshafts operating 48 valves via forked rocker arms, with three cylinders combined under welded coolant jackets, and non-removable heads. It had a high-capacity lubrication system, circulating 100 liters of oil per minute, and initially utilized two single-stage superchargers, later replaced by a more efficient two-stage supercharger in 1939.
The first prototype engine ran on the test bench in January 1938, and by February 7, it had achieved a nearly trouble-free test run, producing 427 hp (314 kW) at 8,000 rpm. During the first half of the season, drivers such as Caracciola, Lang, von Brauchitsch, and Seaman had access to 430 hp (316 kW), which later increased to over 468 hp (344 kW). At the Reims circuit, Hermann Lang's W154 was equipped with the most powerful version, delivering 474 hp (349 kW) and reaching 283 km/h (176 mph) on the straights. Notably, the W154 was the first Mercedes-Benz racing car to feature a five-speed gearbox.
Max Wagner, tasked with designing the suspension, had an easier job than his counterparts working on the engine. He retained much of the advanced chassis architecture from the previous year's W125 but enhanced the torsional rigidity of the frame by 30 percent. The V12 engine was mounted low and at an angle, with the carburetor air intakes extending through the expanded radiator grille.
The driver sat to the right of the propeller shaft, and the W154's sleek body sat close to the ground, lower than the tops of its tires. This design gave the car a dynamic appearance and a low center of gravity. Both Manfred von Brauchitsch and Richard Seaman, whose technical insights were highly valued by Chief Engineer Rudolf Uhlenhaut, praised the car's excellent handling.
The W154 became the most successful Silver Arrow of its era. Rudolf Caracciola secured the 1938 European Championship title (as the World Championship did not yet exist), and the W154 won three of the four Grand Prix races that counted towards the championship.
To ensure proper weight distribution, a saddle tank was installed above the driver's legs. In 1939, the addition of a two-stage supercharger boosted the V12 engine, now named the M163, to 483 hp (355 kW) at 7,800 rpm. Despite the AIACR's efforts to curb the speed of Grand Prix cars, the new three-liter formula cars matched the lap times of the 1937 750-kg formula cars, demonstrating that their attempt was largely unsuccessful. Over the winter of 1938-39, the W154 saw several refinements, including a higher cowl line around the cockpit for improved driver safety and a small, streamlined instrument panel mounted to the saddle tank. As per Uhlenhaut’s philosophy, only essential information was displayed, centered around a large tachometer flanked by water and oil temperature gauges, ensuring the driver wasn't overwhelmed by unnecessary data.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 9 months
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Sculptor Ruth Vodicka welds a steel piece at the Sculpture Center, ca. 1955. Vodicka and her work were featured in the Sept. 10, 1956 edition of Life magazine in advance of her first solo exhibition.⁠
According to Life, Vodicka set up her studio in a New York garage in 1953 and impressed onlookers with both her creative talents and welding skills. Her dexterity with torch and rod soon brought in repair requests for everything from sewing machines to automobile panels. This new sideline brought in money and materials she used to support her own practice. ⁠
Photo: Erika/European/FPG/Archive Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images Instagram
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camarocarfight · 7 months
There's A Demon In My Radio Chapter One An Alastor x Reader slow burn fic featuring human Angel Dust (Anthony), Vox, and many more. Buckle up, and grab the tissues. Rated MATURE for sexual themes, violence, and drug and alcohol use.
There's A Demon In My Radio
New Orleans, 1947
There had been a cabin in the bayou that you dreamed about living in all your childhood. Your family would drive past it on your way to your father's sugarcane fields, and your gaze would be fixated on the log structure. The cabin wasn't much to look at, being a quaint hunting shack and all, but your father said that it had been refurbished after the previous owner had died. It sat empty for years, and was listed on the market for just as long. Talk of the town was that the serial murderer from the 1930s cut up and ate his victims there, but that seemed far-fetched to you. 
Regardless of the rumors and your father's distaste for the idea, you bought the cabin after graduating from nursing school. Not at all put off by the fact that a serial killer had taken up residence there nearly two decades ago. All you cared about was that he was dead, having been shot by a hunter who mistook him for a deer. Truthfully, an unfortunate way to go, but was he deserving of any other?
Anthony, your closest friend, was meeting you at the hospital after work to help you move in. The two of you had been close since middle school, after Anthony had warded off some unwanted advancements against you by Vox. Since then, you had each other's backs, and agreed to a mutually beneficial relationship. Your first time meeting Anthony, you knew he was different. Different in the kind of way that society didn't accept and could very well get him killed if he wasn't careful. After the Vox incident, you and Anthony agreed to ‘courting’. It was the only solution you knew of to keep Vox off your back, and it would keep Anthony safe from any accusations.
For years your plan had worked, but as of late, the pressure was mounting on you to keep Anthony safe. Everyday, it seemed Anythony found himself in some sort of trouble with drugs or with selling himself for money. He would come to you at odd hours of the night either high or sporting the cuts and bruises of his latest scrape.
So it really didn't surprise you when you found Anthony sitting outside the hospital on a bench. Dressed to the nines in a charcoal gray three piece suit with a matching fedora and sporting a black eye. You bound towards the young man, shaking your head in disappointment. Anthony simply grinned, finding your motherly instincts comical.
“Honestly, you need a babysitter,” you took him by the chin and moved his head from side to side, examining the bruise. 
“Nice t’ see you too, Doll,” Anthony took your hand from his face as he stood from the bench. He easily towered over you, being 6’3 and all legs. “Coulda been worse. It was only Val dishing out the punishment.” 
“You shouldn't have to be punished,” you grumbled and took Anthony's arm and the two of you began your walk to the cabin.
“Jus’ forget it, and let's have a nice weekend puttin’ your murder shack together.”
The two of you walked in relative silence, arm-in-arm. From the hospital to the cabin was a thirty minute walk. The landscape changed drastically along the way. Going from the bustle of the city and the stately homes, to plantations that eventually tapered off into the forests that surrounded the bayou. It would no doubt be an interesting walk coming back from the hospital during those Late nights. Your father had offered to buy you an automobile, but you felt they weren't safe. Not that walking such a distance was much safer. 
“I don't know, toots,” Anthony glanced down and eyed you wearily through his blackened eye. “Quite the walk for a gal by her lonesome.”
You scoffed and pulled your arm free from Anthony and rummaged through your purse to find the keys to the cabin. 
“Have you and my father been talking?”
“You know he don't like me,” Anthony murmured and thrust his hands into the pockets of his slacks. 
The man stopped before the cabin and regarded the log structure with an unamused expression. Refurbished or not, it still wasn't much to look at. The windows in the front were caked with dust, and moss and vines had slithered their way up the siding and onto the shingles of the roof.
“What was it about this place anyhow?”
“I don't know,” you shrugged and walked up to the door. As you slid the key into the keyhole, a smile slid across your lips. “There's this je ne sais quoi I couldn't ignore.”
The lock mechanism clicked, disengaging the lock, and the door slowly creaked with the hinges squealing in protest. Light filtered into the vast space of the cabin's main room, illuminating the dust that floated and filled the musty air. The old furniture had long since been removed after the passing of the previous occupant, leaving only an old radio sitting in the corner of the room next to a stone fireplace.
Behind you Anthony whistled. “Smells wonderful,” he stepped past you and into the living space. Under his oxfords the old wooden floors creaked. “Like rotten meat.”
“Anthony, quit.”
“Maybe the killer's bodies are still buried here,” he laughed, but the look on your face had his smile fading. “Awe, c'mon, toots.”
“I really want to make this place home, Anthony. Regardless of what happened or not.”
“And we will,” Anthony put his arm around your shoulders and regarded the space. “‘Least it came with a radio.”
You hummed and walked up to the floor model radio sitting dorment in the corner. The once mahogany stained wood was tarnished and chipped, with years of dust covering its surface that was so thick that it didn't even leave a trail when you swiped your finger across the surface. There was a tiny frequency window that was yellowed and cracked and two knobs that barely turned. 
“It be neat if this still worked,” you reached down and picked up the power cord. The outer sheath was dry rotted and nearly falling apart in your hand. 
“Yeah,” Anthony shook his head. “I wouldn't, unless I want to burn the place down.”
“If the cord is in this condition, then the capacitors are probably dried out too,” the cord fell from your hand and clattered against the wooden floor. “I wonder if this was his radio.”
Anthony quirked a brow and folded his arms over his chest with his right hip cocked. “Are y’ keeping it? No use keeping someone else's junk. Especially since it doesnt work.”
“No, I'm keeping it,” the look of confusion on Anthony's face made you smirk. “It's a nice decoration.” 
“Whatever you say, toots.”
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britsyankswheels24 · 7 months
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🇬🇧 Embark on a journey through the illustrious lineage of the Aston Martin Lagonda, spanning from 1976 to 1990, a testament to automotive luxury and innovation!
👑 Founded in 1913, Aston Martin has become synonymous with luxury, English elegance, and high-performance automobiles. In the early 1970s, it continued to push the boundaries of automotive design and engineering.
🚘 The Aston Martin Lagonda lineup of the late 1970s and 1980s exemplified the pinnacle of luxury automobiles, featuring sleek and sophisticated designs that set new standards for elegance and refinement.
🛞 Beneath their refined exteriors, the Lagonda boasted powerful V8 engines, delivering exhilarating performance and effortless cruising. Their spacious and sumptuously appointed interiors were outfitted with the latest amenities, including plush leather upholstery and polished wood trim.
💡 The Lagonda was known for its innovative use of electronic systems, including digital dashboard displays, onboard computers, and advanced climate control systems, setting new benchmarks for automotive technology and innovation.
💔 Despite critical acclaim and a loyal following, production of the Aston Martin Lagonda ultimately ceased in 1990. One of the key factors contributing to the discontinuation of the Lagonda series was the high cost of production and limited demand in the luxury car market.
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