#Adam cole fic
mrsarcherofinfamy · 9 months
●Adam Cole x Reader●
Summary: You and Adam turn on Max at World's End.
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"You got this Max. I believe in you."
I am standing infront of Max cupping his face with my hands looking at him. He looks at me with worry written on his face.
"You think I can? Even against Samoa Joe?"
"Yes! Look at all the other people you have beaten to keep your title! You are the longest reigning champion! You got this!"
"Y/N... I...I appreciate everything you do for me. You have no idea. There is something I need to tell you."
As soon as I go to say something, there is a knock at the door. I turn to look at the door.
"You better get going!"
I turn back around looking at him. He grabs his robe and title, kiss my cheek than walks out of the locker room. I pull out my phone and text Adam asking if he is ready to go. A few minutes go by, Adam walks into the locker room with a big smile on his face.
"Hi honey!"
"Hi Adam!"
He grabs me into a hug and I smile as he lifts me up while wrap my legs around his waist. I look at him putting my arms around his neck and his hands grab onto my butt.
"You ready for tonight baby?"
"We get to reveal both of our secrets tonight. Of course I'm ready."
He puts me down just in time with Roddy coming around the corner looking at us confused.
"What is going on here?"
"We are getting ready to go out for Max's match. Shouldn't you be getting ready for something?"
I make a shooing motion at him and he rolls his eyes looking over at Adam.
"We still doing this tonight?"
"Doing what?"
I look at Roddy acting confused.
"That's all you Adam. Bye."
Roddy leaves quickly and I giggle at him looking at Adam. Adam shrugs his shoulders.
"He doesn't know I'm in on it, does he?"
"Nope. Didn't tell anyone. It's gonna be a surprise to everyone."
"Good. Now let's go out there."
We leave the locker room and make our way to gorilla.
Adam and I are at ringside hitting the mat cheering on Max.
"Cmon Max! You got this!"
Joe catches him in a headlock setting up for The Kokina Clutch but Max runs into the corner, flips over Joe and pins him. Joe kicks out and catches him in the Kokina Clutch. Max is kicking around trying to get out. Me and Adam hit the apron yelling.
"Nooo! Max!!"
Max stops moving, the ref lifts his arms and it falls. The ref does it again and his arm just falls again.
"Cmon Max!"
The ref lifts his hand slowly, let's go and it just drops like dead weight. I gasp, grabbing some of my hair on the side of my hair leaning on the apron shocked and Adam is smacking the apron in anger. Joe grabs the title, celebrates a little than leaves the ring. I climb into the ring checking on Max and Adam kneels down next to me.
"Max, you did amazing."
Max sits up looking at both of us holding his arm.
I gasp standing up seeing the Devil's Henchman walking towards the ring. I help Adam stand up and Max is standing infront of us defending us. One guy grabs Max by his arms, one grabs Adam by his arms and one puts his arm around my neck making me watch. Another one comes in with a steel chair in hand facing Max.
"Don't hit him! Hit me instead!"
I look at Adam than back at Max. They are yelling not to hit each other. The guy with the chair turns to hit Adam and the lights go out. When the lights come back on, Adam is sitting in the chair and I am standing behind him with my hands on his shoulders. I smirk looking at Max. The guys take off their masks revealing Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Roderick Strong and Wardlow.
"Y/N! Adam! How could you do this to me?!"
He gets up walking towards us and I look back at the guys behind me motioning for them to attack him. They attack him and Wardlow hits him with a powerbomb. Adam pulls out the Devil's mask and holds it up as I evilly laugh behind him. Adam stands up and walks over to Max throwing the Devil Mask on his chest. I walk up next to Adam looking down at Max than up at him.
"Oh Max. One more thing."
Adam grabs my waist, pulls me into him and kisses me hard. Roddy looks over at us shocked. He pulls back and starts laughing at the crowd booing us. I look back at Roddy and smile a little seeing his face. We all climb out of the ring and make our way to the top of the ramp. We pose at the top as the crowd boos us even louder. Adam grabs my waist and kisses me hard again while Max is sitting in the ring looking up at us. I pull back looking at Max in the ring and I wave my fingers at him smirking. The lights go dark and we make our way to the back. What a way to end the year!!
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spine-buster · 26 days
So High School ft. Adam Cole | Chapter 3
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Because he sat on the outside seat, Austin was always delegated to the right earphone, and because she sat on the window seat, Violet was always delegated to the left earphone.  It became a habit for her to just hand him an earphone the moment he sat beside her on the bus.  Likewise, it became a habit for him to begin asking more about her, or her day, or what sorts of things she was studying at St. Anne’s that were different than what he was studying at Lancaster West.  They’d talk about their other interests – hers: student council, the author Zadie Smith, Seventeen magazine, and the TV show The O.C; his: the Lancaster West wrestling team, hanging out with his friends, Rolling Stone magazine, and the TV show One Tree Hill.  Violet promised to start watching One Tree Hill, and Austin The O.C.
Austin was excited to learn new things about Violet.  He noticed himself looking forward to getting on the bus now and spending that time with her in the mornings and afternoons.  He began to notice just how confident her voice and demeanour was.  He noticed the freckles that dotted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.  He began to stop and look back at her before entering the front doors or Lancaster West High.
Violet was excited to learn new things about Austin.  She noticed herself looking forward to seeing him get on the bus and spending time with him in the mornings and afternoons.  She began to notice just how articulate and dynamic he was.  She noticed the crinkle of his eyes whenever he’d smile or laugh at something she said.  She began to wave to him slightly when he stopped and looked back at her before entering the front doors of Lancaster West High. 
Despite how much they were opening up to one another, Violet always felt Austin was holding something back.
Violet was giddy as she walked with her girlfriends towards Julia Steinbreaker’s house for her birthday.  She told her parents her birthday party would be on the main floor while her parents were up in their bedroom, but Mr. and Mrs. Steinbreaker’s parents were really in Florida for the weekend.  She had a curfew of midnight.  Julia’s brother was a senior at St. Augustine College and some of his friends would be there, too.  It was going to be the best.
When she and her friends walked in the house, they were greeted with loud music and a bunch of their friends and acquaintances.  Word must have gotten around – that, or Julia’s brother told a lot more of his friends than Violet though, and those friends told their friends.  Some other girls from St. Anne’s were there, and there were others she knew attended Lancaster West and other public schools in the city.  She and her friends walked into the kitchen, already eyeing some of the boys.  She grabbed a Diet Coke and cracked it open.  Her friend Beth grabbed her hand and led her through the house to the family room where she spotted Julia’s older brother hanging out with his lacrosse team buddies.
And then she saw Austin.
Violet stopped dead in her tracks when she did.  Beth almost dragged her but stopped when she noticed her staring at someone.  “Austin?”
He didn’t see her at first.  But when he did, his face was just as shocked as hers.  “Violet?”
“Hey!” she exclaimed, letting go of Beth’s hand to approach him and hug him.  Well, this was new.  This was the first time they had acknowledged each other outside of the bus.  They couldn’t even do this in a grocery store with their mothers present just a few weeks ago.  Austin hugged her back, trying not to smile too much and lose his cool.  “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“My buddy Travis is friends with Julia’s brother from their soccer team or something, so a couple of my buddies and I came,” he explained.  “Julia – St. Anne’s, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, yeah of course,” Violet nodded her head, trying not to feel too overwhelmed.  He existed outside of the bus.  He was real.  “What a small world, eh?”
“That’s the Toronto poking through, isn’t it?” he quipped.
“Who’s this?”
Austin and Violet whipped their heads towards Beth, who was looking between them with raised eyebrows.  “Beth, this is my friend Austin,” Violet said.  She couldn’t believe she’d just said those words out loud to another person.  My friend Austin.  “He goes to Lancaster West.  We take the bus into the city together.”
“Hello, Austin who goes to Lancaster West,” Beth smiled wryly.  She looked back at Violet.  “You didn’t tell me you had friends at Lancaster West.”
Violet watched as Austin’s smile dropped a little at the way she said Lancaster West.  Like the school was riffraff.  Like it was beneath them to have friends there when it most certainly wasn’t.  “Well I do,” she said.  “We’ve been taking the bus together for forever.”
Beth’s eyebrows rose.  Before she could respond, a boy yelled her name and presented himself in front of them, to which Beth jumped into him excitedly to hug him.  Violet and Austin gave each other a quick glance.  Beth soon focused her attention back on Violet.  “Violet, this is Carson, the guy I was telling you about.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“What are you drinking?” he asked.
“Just a Diet Coke.”
“You’ll definitely want some rum with that,” he smiled.  “Are you a Malibu or Morgan girl?”
“No no, no rum for me,” she shook her head.  She’d had alcohol before, but in the presence of her parents.  They’d ship her off to a convent if she got home and they smelled rum on her breath, especially considering she had lied to them to come to the party in the first place.
“Oh come on, I know you St. Anne’s girls love to party,” he pushed.  “Nobody’s gonna tell Jesus, I swear.”
“I’m alright with my Diet Coke, really.”
“Think of it as unholy water.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“I could even pour it right into your mouth—”
“—She said no,” Austin piped up.  Everybody involved in the interaction looked at him.  “Just leave it.”
“Whatever,” Carson rolled his eyes, putting his arm around Beth’s shoulders.  “You want some vodka?”
“Yes please.”
Beth left with Carson, leaving Violet and Austin alone with one another.  She bit her bottom lip before meeting his eyes.  “Thanks Austin.”
“No problem,” he said.  “I hope you came with other friends besides her.”
Thankfully, she did, and before long she was able to introduce Harper and Abigail to Austin, who were much more friendly than Beth had been.  Austin even introduced them all to the friends he came with, and soon they were all talking and having fun together.  Austin went to the kitchen to get Violet another Diet Coke, and when he came back, she saw he hadn’t opened it.  She smiled to herself.
The house got more crowded – people from Lancaster West, who Austin said hi and spoke to, and some more girls from St. Anne’s.  There was a boy from St. Augustine College’s student council that Violet knew and had a crush on, so tried flirting with him to no avail.  Harper and Abigail paired off with some boys they met.  Some rowdy boys started a drinking game, which encouraged so many others to be obnoxious.  Soon enough, with Harper and Abigail paired off, Violet found herself alone, so she went back into the kitchen to get another Diet Coke.  There, some boys in Lancaster West soccer t-shirts began talking to her.  She was polite and engaged in the conversation, but she really wanted to find Harper or Abigail.
“How about I get you something to mix with that Coke,” the taller one said, grabbing the mickey of vodka he’d brought to the party from the pocket in his jeans.
“Oh no, that’s okay.  I’m not drinking.”
The guy chuckled, glancing at his friend.  “Of course not.  Come on girl, you need to loosen up.”
“I’m perfectly fine, thanks.”
“You know, you’d be hotter if you weren’t so stuck up.”
Violet immediately went red.  “What?”
“You St. Anne’s girls are all the same.  Stuck up daddy’s little rich girls.  Maybe if you took off your fucking chastity belt you’d be better.”
Violet was speechless, her jaw gaping open from not knowing what to say.  With her cheeks already red and her eyes already watering at just how rude the boys were being, she tried to think of something, but couldn’t.  Her emotions were getting the best of her.  Her embarrassment was getting the best of her. 
“Quit being such fucking assholes and leave her alone,” she suddenly heard Austin’s voice from behind her.  She couldn’t even spin around to look him in the face, instead waiting until he appeared at her side.
The boys suddenly seemed more nervous than before.  “Au—Austin—”
“Fuck off,” he warned, scaring them enough that they left the kitchen.  He looked her in the eye, noticing the redness in her cheeks.  “Are you okay?”
Violet felt so embarrassed.  She gripped on to her Diet Coke before backing up to lean against the counter, averting Austin’s eyes.  “I’m fine,” she told him unconvincingly.  “I—I lost all my friends.  They’re all off drinking or with boys.”
Austin saw her body language, saw how defeated she looked, and most of all, how she looked like she was on the verge of tears.  “Hey, this party kinda blows anyway,” he said, getting slightly closer to her.  Want to go somewhere else?”
She finally looked up to meet his eyes.  She’d never been more grateful than in that moment.  “Yes please.”
He nodded once.  “Meet me at the door.  I’ll grab your jacket.”
Violet did as she was told, going to put on her shoes.  Austin appeared with her jean jacket and they left the house inconspicuously.  It was already dark out, but not late – she still had at least two hours to go until curfew.  Austin watched Violet carefully, making sure she was okay, and that she wouldn’t burst into tears at any given moment.  Clearly those guys had struck a nerve.  Once they walked down the driveway and to the sidewalk, he noticed that a few tears had escaped, the wiping of her nose a tell-tale sign, too.  He hated seeing her so emotional about stupid comments some stupid boys made.  “You want to go to Francesco’s?” he asked suddenly, before his mind even realized what he was doing.
“You…you mean the pizza place?”
He nodded.  “There’s no reason those assholes should ruin your night,” he offered.
She nodded shyly, and they began walking down the sidewalk side by side.  After only a few strides, though, she stopped dead in her tracks.  He looked back at her to see what was wrong.  “You don’t think I’m stuck up, do you?” she asked.
“No, I don’t,” Austin’s voice was gentle.  There was a moment of silence where they just stared into each other’s eyes.  Austin hoped she believed him, because he really meant it.  “I think you’re the furthest thing from stuck up.”
Violet nodded, resolved, and began walking again along with him.  They were quiet as they made their way towards Francesco’s, and it was Austin who took the reins once they walked in anyway.  He walked them over to a booth where they sat opposite each other and ordered them both a slice of pizza and a root beer float.  Violet noticed some of the other patrons in the restaurant – a few older couples, probably out on date nights; a big group of high school seniors who were lively but not loud or causing a scene; other local kids in and around their age minding their own business.  She wondered what she looked like to them.
“Can I say something?” Austin asked suddenly.  She didn’t see it because she was people watching and in her own head, but he had been staring at Violet the entire time.  She nodded.  “I think you’re way too smart and way too cool to let what those guys said make you feel this way.”
She cracked a smile for the first time in what felt like a while.  “Thanks Austin.”
“And no offence,” he continued, “Harper and Abigail seem fine, but that Beth girl is a piece of work.”
“Yeah.  I know.  You don’t know the half of it,” she said.  “We became friends in our freshman year because we were in the same math class, but we’ve been growing apart, especially this year,” Violet explained.  “She’s just been…changing.  I mean we both have.  But we’re going in the opposite direction, and I don’t know how far we can stretch before it snaps, you know?”
“It doesn’t seem like you’re anything like each other.  I try to give everybody a chance, but the second she opened her mouth I didn’t get a good vibe from her.”
Violet was silent.  She knew exactly what he was referencing – the Lancaster West comment.  “I know, I know.  I didn’t—I didn’t like that comment she made.  I thought it was really awful of her to say it the way she did.”
“If anybody should be called stuck up, it’s her.”
Violet smiled again.  Their waitress brought them their pizza and root beer floats and Austin automatically took a sip out of his.  They spoke about their friends and other people at the party, giving each other notes.  Who to avoid.  Who was alright.  Everybody knew the teenage years were a minefield for social interaction, so it was nice to get advice from someone else.  The taste of the pizza perked up Violet, and soon she and Austin were laughing together again.  Conversations about friends turned into conversations about school and teachers, and conversations about school and teachers turned into conversations about parents.
“Are your parents already talking about university like my parents are?” Violet asked.
Austin shrugged.  “We’ve talked about it, but they’re not pushing it down my throat or anything just yet.  Are yours?”
Violet nodded her head.  “When your dad’s a university professor it’s kind of inevitable.  I mean, when both your parents are as educated as my parents are, it’s kind of inevitable,” she said.
“Do they want you to go to UPenn?”
“It’s the easiest because we would get discounted tuition.  But my top choices are UPenn, Georgetown, and Boston University, though I’m probably gonna apply to so many more,” she explained.  “They have the best programs for what I want to study.”
“Which is?”
“I want to go into speech language therapy like my mom,” she said, which made Austin smile.  “What about you?  Have you thought about universities or what you want to study?”
Austin stayed silent for a bit.  “I uh—well, I kind of like history, so I was thinking of that, but I don’t—I don’t know if I like it enough to want to pursue it so seriously, you know?”
He was nervous.  What was he nervous about?  This was a normal conversation between two normal teenagers – surely it wasn’t making him so nervous he couldn’t form a coherent sentence?  She tried to ignore it.  “What about universities?”
“Well, places like what you said are kind of, like, unattainable for me.  Marks wise but also money-wise.  I mean, anywhere I end up going, I’ll, uh, have to take out student loans.  Not looking forward to those.”
It was so clear to her now.  She didn’t want to pry, but they were friends now, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.  She didn’t want Austin to lie to her.  “What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.
Austin looked her in the eye before taking a deep breath.  He needed to get it out of the way now, before their friendship went any further.  It wasn’t exactly an out for her, but she needed to know because it was what motivated him – everything he did was to reach this goal.  He’d rather the judgement come now.  “I want to get into pro wrestling,” he said finally, letting the words linger.
Violet was unsure what he meant at first.  “You mean, like, the Olympic wrestling team?” she asked, knowing he was on the amateur wrestling team at Lancaster West.
“No,” he shook his head.  “Pro wrestling—like WWE.  Wrestling on TV.  It’s—it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was nine years old.”
Austin watched Violet’s face carefully.  He watched and waited for confusion, or a brow furrow, or a scowl at the idea of becoming a pro-wrestler instead of going to university.  It wasn’t exactly a normal career choice, and it definitely wasn’t one a high achiever such as Violet or a parent would approve of – his own mother didn’t.  But instead of confusion or a scowl, he watched as Violet’s face came to a realization with a twinkle in her eye.  A giant smile overtook her face.  “Austin…” she began, almost speechless.  “That is so cool.”
It was now him who was confused with a brow furrow.  “Really?”
“Are you kidding?  Of course,” she assured him.  “All everybody else around me can talk about is AP grades and SAT scores for their programs.  That is so different than what everybody around me wants to do, and it’s so cool that you’re so passionate about something that’s so unique that you want to pursue it like you do,” she said, and she meant it whole-heatedly.  She hadn’t quite met anybody like Austin before, and she was so glad he helped her on the bus that day.
“You think so?” Austin asked.
She nodded enthusiastically.  “I think you’d be really good at it.  You’re a very articulate speaker.  I don’t know much about wrestling but I think that’s part of it.  What’s your plan to do it?”
She listened intently as Austin spoke enthusiastically about what he had to do to achieve his dream.  He had very clearly researched every minute detail beforehand and knew the steps to get there.  The wrestling foundation, which is why he joined the wrestling team; the training at a school in a city near them like Philadelphia or Pittsburgh or even Washington D.C.; making a name for himself on what he called “the indies” before a big company like WWE signed him.  His explanation was detailed and meticulous.  The more he told her, the more she envisioned it for him, the more she wanted it for him, too. 
Austin spoke so much and for so long, long after their pizza slices and root beer floats were finished, long after most of the other patrons left Francesco’s and it was just them in their own little world.  They paid and left, and it was only then, walking out into the briskness of the night that Austin realized how late it was.  He looked at his watch and it read 11:40.  His curfew was midnight.  Neither of them wanted to leave.
“I’ll walk you home,” Austin offered without having to be asked.  There was no way he was going to let her walk home alone at this hour of the night anyway.
“Aren’t you—isn’t your curfew midnight, too?”
“I—yeah—but it’s okay—”
“—Hold on,” she said, reaching into her Coach wristlet.  She pulled out her cell phone.  He had completely forgotten she had one of those Blackberry Pearl cell phones.  Just like her iPod, he was shocked to see it.  There was such a different between them.  “What’s your home phone number?”
He told her, and she dialled it.  He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t know why.  His gut trusted her already.  “Hi, Mrs. Jenkins?  My name is Violet Schwarzkopf, I’m one of Austin’s friends,” she began to say in a very, very polite voice.  “Um, my friends all ditched me at the party and Austin offered to walk me home, but I live on Mulberry Street and I know he has a curfew and—and—I was just hoping he won’t get in trouble for being home a bit late.  I don’t want to walk home alone this late at night.”
Austin almost laughed, but settled on a shit-eating grin.  He didn’t want his mom hearing him laughing and getting any ideas.  “Thank you so much Mrs. Jenkins.  I promise this won’t happen again for Austin.  I’m sorry for calling so late.  Goodnight.”
Austin continued smiling at her and she put her phone back in her wristlet.  “You’re like the mom whisperer.  I need you to talk to her all the time.”
Violet chuckled.  “Let’s go.  My parents aren’t as nice.”
They reached her house on Mulberry Street in just about fifteen minutes, with a comfortable five minutes to spare.  Austin knew he shouldn’t have been shocked at the size or the grandeur of it, but he still was.  As one of Manheim’s few historic streets, almost all of the houses were like this.  But Violet’s was even more so, and the front garden was meticulously maintained, too.  Standing on her front porch, they looked at each other.  “Thank you for making this night so much better than it started,” she said.
“You’re welcome.”
She moved to stick her key in the door, and was about to walk in, but hesitated before turning back to face him.  “I meant what I said at Francesco’s.  I think you’d be amazing at pro-wrestling.  I wasn’t just saying that.  Everything you told me just sounds so cool and I’m, like, rooting for you, you know?  Especially if that’s your dream.”
He smiled, practically blushing.  “Thanks, Vi.”
She then did something that he wasn’t expecting: she reached in and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders tightly.  He hugged her back before she pulled away.  “Goodnight Austin.”
“G’night, Vi.  I’ll see you on Monday.”
She opened the door and he got a quick, dimly lit glance at the interior of her house – its hardwood floors and big front mirror and fancy lamp that was lit on a fancy entryway console.  So different to his grandma’s house, which didn’t exactly have any fancy lamps or entryway consoles.  He turned away once he heard the door lock, walking down the driveway before looking up at the house one last time before deciding to run home.
He could use the cardio.
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
No Going Back
Kinktober Day: 5/31
Pairing: Adam Cole x Fem reader
Kink: Cheating
Summary: As friends, the reader and Adam realize they have deeper feelings by their behavior towards on another, the reader learning this is all behind his girlfriend, Britt Bakers back, and they both have to come to a decision…
Warnings: (Smut) (18 + ONLY)
Word Count: 1.4k
Taglist: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @spooky-land @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @legit9thlunaticwarrior @seeingstarks @rubyred1980 @alexisquinnlee-bc
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“And that’s how you do it!”
I was at the top of the food chain at AEW, racking up another win, beating Britt Baker and officially earning the number one contenders spot.
Only one stop away from being at the peak and I don’t remember a time I smiled brighter, that growing when I heard behind me:
“Save that for when you win the women’s title.”
Adam Cole. The little shit always liked to mess with me, but I liked it. Liked him and engaged as I walked over, saying with an attitude:
“Aww, you mad because I pinned your girl?”
That made him stop and I had to laugh, taking a step closer and whispering:
“Or are you mad that I’m not your girl?”
“You know that’s not right,” Crossing his arms and glaring, I understood where he was coming from.
He said we were just friends, but I was the one he called every night, hung out with me any chance he got, that’s why he said something to me to begin with.
“And you know that I can’t help myself,” I smirked, crossing my arms too and standing up to him, “When are you going to face the truth, Adam?”
“What do you mean by that?” Putting his hands on his hips and trying to throw an attitude at me, he was avoiding it again and I dished it back:
“You know exactly what I mean.”
Looking around the empty hallway, I uncrossed my arms, almost chest to chest with him, locked gazes and that alone almost had him snapping.
“What is it with you?” He murmured under his breath, looking down at the ground till I looked under him, making him pick his head back up:
“Hey, I’m trying to do you-“
“That’s not what I meant,” He huffed, defeated and dipping his head toward me, whispering, “I can never stay away from you.”
I had to brace myself, he was about to kiss me and I was ready for it, eyes closing softly, till we heard:
“Has anyone seen Adam?”
There was my cue to get the hell out of there, Adam looking up nervously, tapping my shoulder:
“Talk to you later.”
This was so irritating, but there was no more time for me to drag this one, just shaking my head and walking away.
Adam and I’s relationship wasn’t right and complicated on top of that. It was running through my head for the entire night, even in my hotel room when I tried to sleep, I just stared at the ceiling.
We had to do something about this. Kill it, make it something more. Something.
I had enough, rolling over to grab my phone and right as I did, it started ringing and sure enough, it was Adam.
“Hey, I didn’t wake you up, did I?” The tone of his voice alone showed me that he was going through the same thing as me tonight.
“No, I was actually about to call you,” I huffed, sitting up, “We really-“
“We need to talk. I know,” He sighed, “I’m coming over. I can’t do this over the phone.”
“Fine by me,” I just hung up because he knew where my hotel room was and shortly after, there were knocks on my door.
Letting him in, I just sat on the bed, staring at him as he joined me.
“So?” I wanted to hear from him first, it seemed like I was always the one who did the talking and he needed to step up.
“We supposed to just be friends,” He began and I knew where this was going, interrupting:
“Does she know that we talk like we do? I feel like it’s behind her back.”
“It is,” He admitted, staring at the way and much like I wanted to do earlier, finally facing the truth.
“And you were going to kiss me back there. I know, Adam,” My intense glare on him made him look me in the eye, “We’re not just friends and you know it.”
“I know,” He kept his voice at a whisper, at least he was admitting the truth this time, but we still needed to come to a conclusion.
“Tell me the truth,” I had to get everything off my chest, explaining before asking, “Because I can’t help but feel like I need you. I’m not afraid to admit that. Tell me, deep down inside, do you want her or me?”
His hands were shaking the longer he stared into my eyes and my heart was beyond unsteady, after a moment of silence, he gave me his answer, catching me off guard when his lips smacked into mine.
Kissing him was better than I ever imagined, getting that uncontrollable feeling that I got when I was with him, grabbing his shirt to pull him closer.
We were both lost, his hands fixing my hips and back on the bed, laying on top of me, saying when I got a breath:
“Adam, you-“
“I’m giving you my answer,” He sat up quick and threw his shirt off, kissing again, “You know you want this.”
“Fuck yes, I do,” I growled softly, flipping him over and fully submerging into the deep pool of thoughts I had for him. Nothing but us.
Clothes started disappearing, sure that I wasn’t even breathing because all I wanted to do was kiss him and feel all over his body, being put on my back again, his hand dipping between us.
“You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted this,” Hearing him like this was rare, that’s how I knew he was serious, breathless as his cock slipped into me slowly, wanting to savor the stretch his girth created.
“I think I do,” I breathed in, freeing his hair and keeping a handful with my arm wrapped around his head, cooing as we nuzzled noses, “There’s no going back. Give it to me, baby.”
“You’re never going to stop thinking about me after this,” He gave me a cocky smirk like a warning, feeding me every inch in a single thrust, snickering at how my head pushed back into the pillows deep, an even deeper moan flying free.
“You asshole,” I joked, smiling and moaning more, noticing how he was so determined, thrusting harder and adding to it with his mouth at my breasts, sucking, biting, and driving me crazier.
“Oh really? Because your moaning says other wise,” Sitting up, he pulled my hips down into a rough thrust, having my jaw dropped as I yelled out:
“Damn, Adam!”
“What? You like that?” Doing it again made me bit my lip and it was clear that he wanted me screaming his name, throwing those thrusts at me faster, an aching pinch in my stomach from them.
I about bit my lip off because I didn’t want to be too loud, but he got exactly what he wanted, gasping for a deep breath, then able to do nothing but moan and call out his name.
My walls clenched so hard that I could feel every little detail of how he bottomed me out, the tip of his cock hitting every sensitive spot along my walls, positive that he hit my cervix.
With my body going crazy, he hooked his arms under mine, bottoming me out every other thrust and keeping his hips burning against mine.
“Hold me tighter!” I was shaking and squirming, toes curling with my legs latched around his waist and of course, he had to keep playing with me:
“Why? I drive you that crazy?”
“You know that you do, Adam!” I was nearly pleading with him to cut the crap, eyes shut so tight and seeing dots in the black nothing that I saw, “I’m cuming!”
For a moment, I could hear my heart pounding as if it were in my head rather than my chest, hearing him cussing under his breath while wet slick spilled around his cock, immediately slowing the tempo from how intense it was.
“Don’t die on me now or something,” He was just as worn as me, but nudging heads for our eyes to meet.
“I just-“ I needed to breath more, tired eyes fixing on him, getting out, “Is this-“
“It’s not just a one night stand,” He read me easily, knowing this wasn’t the end, but another step closer to where we needed to be, “Because I know that neither of us are going to be able to help ourselves anymore.”
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lukesvangelista · 20 days
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in which y/n and kent hide a big secret from his teammates.
warnings; pregnancy, mention of kids, alcohol, vacation
Kent was the kind of guy who always seemed at ease, the life of the party but with a quiet confidence that drew everyone to him. You had fallen for him long ago, when the two of you were young teenagers, and now, you were his everything. This vacation with his teammates was supposed to be fun, a chance to unwind, but you had a secret - one that had been growing for months.
You were pregnant. 
Kent was ecstatic when you told him. He’d hugged you so tightly that night, whispering about the future, about how perfect everything was going to be. But now, here you both were, on this vacation with Sean Kuraly, Cole, Gavin, and Adam, and neither of you had told them. The timing wasn’t right - in fact, you guys hadn’t even told your families. Maybe they’d get suspicious, or worse, maybe they’d feel like you were holding out on them. Kent was sure they’d freak out once they knew.
But here you were, at Sean’s beach house in Cape Cod. While the rest of the boys had flown, you and Kent had decided to make the 16 hour drive from Columbus, simply to spend more time with each other before having to share a living space with the others for two weeks. Once you had arrived, though, everyone was exhausted and just wanted to spend the first night in. In fact, Adam had suggested a few card games.
There was only one problem. On top of that, Cole had suggested alcohol. You looked at Kent nervously, but he gave you a reassuring smile as Sean turned to you, “Y/N, come up with a challenge for us. Whoever loses has to buy drinks.”
This was perfect. You nodded, picking up your phone and opening a random wheel spinner. You had each of the boys pick an NBA team, but when it came to entering them onto the wheel, you entered Kent’s all four times. So, when the wheel stopped spinning, you announced the team out loud, “The Minnesota Timberwolves.”
Sean, Adam, and Cole all cheered as Kent pretended to roll his eyes, but he sneakily shot you a knowing smile before picking up his keys from the counter. The boys slapped him on the back a few times but he shook them off, gently grabbing your arm, “Since your challenge is the reason I lost, you’re coming with me.”
You playfully rolled your eyes, but immediately gave in. Adam snickered behind you as Sean and Cole let out a few cheers. Kent wrapped an arm around you and opened the door for you, gently leading you to his car. As soon as you were out of earshot, Kent spoke up softly, “You feeling okay?”
You couldn’t lie. The exhaustion was creeping in. The pregnancy was still early, and you weren’t showing much, but the morning sickness, the fatigue – it was all becoming harder to hide. Kent had noticed the change in you almost immediately, but knew that it had grown harder for you in the past couple of weeks. He was worried. He was so excited to have a little him or little you around the house soon enough, but also hated seeing how hard it was on you. On top of that, he knew that you wanted to keep it a secret for as long as you could, and he knew you’d be even more stressed if people were to find out, so he didn’t want to spill anything. 
In fact, he questioned even coming on this trip, but you had explained that you’d needed it. Whether he believed you or not, was only up for him to decide. 
He opened the car door for you and you waited to reply until he was buckled in on the other side, “Just tired,” you answered, offering him a small smile. 
He rubbed the pad of his thumb across your cheek, “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
You nodded, offering him another small smile. The drive to the liquor store was rather quiet. Kent had put on some Frank Ocean, which you both had softly hummed along to until you pulled into the parking lot. 
Kent turned off the car and exited his side, only to appear on your side of the car a few seconds later to open the door for you. You grabbed his hand and as soon as he knew you were safely out of the car, he placed his arm on the small of your back protectively. The cool night breeze rolled in off of the ocean as you made your way through the parking lot. The distant sound of the waves crashing against the shore helped ease some of the nerves that had been building up inside of you.
“I feel like I’m gonna slip up at some point,” you admitted, resting your head against your boyfriend’s shoulder, “Cole’s just gonna keep offering me drinks and it’s gonna be suspicious if I keep saying no.”
Kent rubbed your back with the pad of his thumb, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head reassuringly, “You’re doing great, pretty girl. But I’ll tell you what. We’ll buy an extra pack of drinks, dump them out, and then go to the grocery store to buy some non-alcoholic alternatives that we can put in there instead. I would say we’d just buy some non-alcoholic beer here and have you drink that, but Adam’s overly observant.” he chuckled.
You nodded, shooting your boyfriend a relieved smile. You always appreciated how calm and steady he was. Even though you were both navigating this secret together, Kent always managed to make you feel like everything was under control.
When you stepped inside, the cool air-conditioning hit you immediately as the door jingled behind you. Kent headed straight for the fridge, grabbing a couple cases of beer and a bottle of whiskey that he knew Sean would like. You followed suit, selecting a case of High Noon out of the fridge. 
“Ready?” Kent asked, shooting you a smile when you replied with a yes.
As you reached the counter to pay, the cashier raised an eyebrow at you and Kent, his eyes flicking to your stomach before looking back at Kent. You shifted uncomfortably, aware that people might notice your changing body sooner rather than later. Kent caught the look too but didn’t say anything, keeping the conversation casual with the cashier as he handed over the money.
When you stepped back outside, you breathed a little easier. “Think he noticed?” you asked, half-joking.
“What an asshole,” Kent muttered, rolling his eyes playfully. 
The trip to the grocery store was pretty uneventful. Kent had gone in and picked out a sparkling water brand that you liked, along with some flavored sodas that looked fancy enough to pass as mixed drinks. On top of that, he grabbed a few more things, making sure you’d have enough variety to keep up appearances for the next few days. Once the cart was full, he checked out, the cashier giving him a friendly nod as he paid for the items.
When Kent reached the car, he opened your passenger side door. “Now comes the tricky part,” he said with a grin, opening up the package of High Noon and dumping out the drinks. He grabbed a few water bottles from his trunk before flushing out the alcohol from the cans - and thoroughly.
“I think that’s good, KJ,” you chuckled, flashing him a smile. He looked up at you and flashed you one in return.
“Gotta keep my girls safe,” he explained, ruffling your hair before opening up the bottles of sparkling water and pouring them into the clean cans with the same care, resealing them to make sure they looked untouched. Everything looked perfect - no one would suspect a thing. Kent stood back and took a moment to admire his work, placing the resealed package at your feet before ruffling your hair again. 
You rolled your eyes, shaking him off, before he quickly made his way back to his side of the car and hopped in. You looked at him incredulously, “We don’t even know what we’re having yet!” you exclaimed, but you knew there was no point in arguing. Ever since you told him that he was going to be a dad, he was adamant that the two of you were having a baby girl. Of course, he’d be happy as long as the baby’s safe and healthy, but that didn’t change his fatherly instinct, as he liked to call it. You rolled your eyes again, chuckling softly, and were on your way back to the beach house.
When the two of you arrived back there, Sean, Cole, and Adam’s rowdy laughter could be heard through the walls as you and Kent slipped through the side door into the kitchen. When he looked over towards you, he noticed how you self-consciously had placed your arms over your growing bump. Sensing your discomfort, he softly placed the alcohol down and gifted you the hoodie off of his back.
You smiled gratefully at him, grabbing the “seltzers” from him as he carried the whiskey and beer. The two of you carried the drinks out to the main room, where Sean, Cole, and Adam were engrossed in a game of Black Jack.
“Finally!” Cole exclaimed, dropping his cards as he noticed the two of you walk in, “We were wondering what took you so long!”
You chuckled, placing the drinks down on the table alongside Kent, “It’s Friday night in a vacation town,” Kent explained, shrugging his shoulders to keep it casual. Adam nodded along, seemingly saying fair enough.
As the guys reached for the beer and whiskey, Kent grabbed one of the “seltzer” cans and handed it to you with a wink. You accepted it gratefully, taking a sip and letting the cool, refreshing taste calm your nerves. He then wrapped an arm around you as you cuddled into his side.
The night continued on, with no one suspicious about what you and Kent had just pulled off. The boys were yelling about the game of euchre they were playing, earning a soft but playful eye roll from you. Kent kept a watchful eye on you, making sure you were comfortable, all while seamlessly blending in with his teammates.
As the night wore on, the laughter in the living room began to slow, and you could feel the weight of exhaustion settling over you. Between traveling all day and the energy it took to keep up appearances, your body was calling for rest. You smiled at the guys, pretending to stifle a yawn as you pushed your chair back from the table.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night,” you said, glancing around the room, “I’m pretty wiped from today.”
Sean, Cole, and Adam all gave you understanding looks, still focused on their cards and drinks. “You’ve earned it,” Sean said with a grin, “We’ll try not to be too loud and keep you up.”
“Good luck with that,” Adam teased, “Cole’s not exactly the quietest person you’ll ever meet.” 
You laughed lightly as Cole smacked Adam upside the head. Standing up and giving Kent a quick look, your eyes communicated more than words could in that moment. He caught your glance immediately, knowing exactly what you meant. You needed him with you, but at the same time, you didn’t want to raise suspicion by him leaving too soon after you.
“I’ll be up in a bit,” he said, giving you a small, reassuring smile, “I’ll keep an eye on Cole and make sure he’s not too loud.”
You nodded, giving him a quick hug and offering the guys a wave before slipping away from the table. As you climbed the stairs, you could hear them still talking and laughing, their voices a soft hum in the background. Once you were upstairs, you exhaled a long breath of relief, the tension of the day finally easing as you made your way to your room. 
You changed into your pajamas, feeling the weight of the day lifting as you settled onto the bed. It didn’t take long for Kent to join you. About 30 minutes later, you heard his familiar footsteps on the stairs, and the door quietly creaked open.
“Hey,” he said softly, closing the door behind him as he moved toward the bed, “You okay?”
You smiled, nodding as he sat down beside you, “Yeah, just tired. It was a lot today.”
Kent slid into bed next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest. “I know. You did so good today, pretty girl. No one suspects a thing.”
You chuckled softly, resting your head against his chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat calming you, “Thanks for helping me pull it off. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Kent kissed the top of your head, his voice low and comforting, “Of course, my love. We’re a team.”
The two of you stayed like that for awhile, the soft sounds of the ocean outside your window mixing with the distant murmur of voices from downstairs. It felt peaceful, the weight of the day finally lifting now that you were alone together.
“I can’t wait until they're here,” you whispered after a few moments of silence, your hand resting gently over your stomach.
Kent smiled against your hair, his arm tightening around you, “Me too. But until then, we’ll keep playing it cool for as long as we can. You get some rest, though, alright? You’ve had a long day.”
You nodded, feeling sleep begin to pull at you as Kent’s warmth and presence comforted you, “Goodnight, KJ.”
“Goodnight, Y/N/N,” he whispered, pressing another soft kiss to your forehead.
With Kent beside you, you felt safe and content, knowing that no matter what challenges the next days would bring, you had him by your side. As your eyes fluttered shut, the last thing you felt was Kent’s hand gently resting on your stomach, a quiet reminder that the two of you were in this together. Always.
a/n; would kj be a girl dad or a boy dad
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diorsluv · 8 months
feather , part 32
“ you miss me? ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 237,966 others
yourusername hughes appreciation post has come! (they wouldn’t leave me alone until i swore i would do it)
tagged: jackhughes, lhughes_06, _quinnhughes
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mackie.samo when did luke let you put flowers in his hair??
→ yourusername senior year 🙏🙏
→ lhughes_06 IT WAS FOR PROM OKAY
→ mackie.samo awww were you each others’ prom date??
→ yourusername yes 🙄
→ edwards.73 YOU OWE ME $50 mackie.samo
→ lhughes_06 you guys bet on us going to prom together??? a year after prom??
→ markestapa yes
username44 luke’s second pic 🥰
username98 OH MY GOD QUINNN
→ yourusername THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING
markestapa that pasta was fire esp with the cheese on top
→ yourusername mark.. we don’t have cheese
→ trevorzegras LMFAOOOO
→ jackhughes I DON’T HAVE DANDRUFF
→ colecaufield explain the “cheese” 🤨 jackhughes
→ jackhughes no further comment.
_quinnhughes hey wait my pics aren’t bad
→ yourusername EXACTLY I’M NOT THAT MEAN
→ yourusername i mean i still like the canadiens better but I’M NOT MEAN 🙏
→ _quinnhughes oh 😒
→ colecaufield WOOOOO
→ yourusername GO HABS 😈😈
rutgermcgroarty i’m surprised jack was able to carry you
→ jackhughes are you calling me weak
→ yourusername are you calling me hard to carry
→ rutgermcgroarty wait no i was just saying yk bc i had to carry you and i was struggling but only a bit and not because you’re hard to carry or anything 😰😰
→ adamfantilli bro can’t stop yapping
→ jackhughes maybe you’re just weak
→ yourusername maybe you’re the one that just can’t carry me
→ rutgermcgroarty stop teaming up on me 😕
lhughes_06 i’m looking pretty cute here
→ dylanduke25 yes you are 😘
→ markestapa cutest hughes brother 🙌
→ mackie.samo such a pretty princess 🥰
→ edwards.73 my little cutie patootie 😻
→ lhughes_06 oh mackie.samo edwards.73
→ yourusername even tho ur my bsf i’m gonna have to say my bf is cuter
→ lhughes_06 sad to say you’re not wrong 😔
username31 girl i need to know and i need to know now
_alexturcotte now that i think about it you only have quinn and jack’s jerseys
→ yourusername i have luke’s michigan jersey 😔
→ lhughes_06 WHAT i thought i sent you mine already
→ yourusername it’s okay lukey you’re fine if i just wear quinn’s right 😁
→ trevorzegras damn lil drizz i see you (you’re not slick i know what you’re doing)
→ lhughes_06 i wanna see my name and number on your back yourusername
→ yourusername i mean.. technically it is your name and number on my back 🤗🤗
→ lhughes_06 stfu 🙄🙄
→ yourusername shutting the fuck up 😕
→ lhughes_06 i better see you wearing a DEVILS jersey with my name before the next game
→ yourusername yes sir 🫡
→ _alexturcotte what the hell did i just do 😨
luca.fantilli fantilli appreciation post??
→ yourusername OH MY GOD LEAVE ME ALONE
→ adamfantilli do you not appreciate us ☹️
→ yourusername yes i appreciate you adam
→ luca.fantilli how much
→ yourusername very much
→ luca.fantilli enough to dedicate a whole post to us?
→ yourusername enough for you to not need a post that tells you how much i appreciate you 🙄
→ jackhughes stop stealing the spotlight guys
→ lhughes_06 fr she never appreciates us
→ _quinnhughes exactly
→ mackie.samo could never be us 🥱
→ maddy.samo say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️🗣️
→ msamoskevich she loves us more than all of you
→ colecaufield why are 3 families fighting over her
→ dylanduke25 CAN WE JOIN
→ tyler___duke5 IM READY TO FIGHT
→ trevorzegras dude come here griffinzegras
→ yourusername what the actual fuck
username74 all of them won the gene race wtf
colecaufield jack isn’t really doing it for me in that 2nd photo…
→ yourusername when is he ever doing it for you
→ colecaufield you’re right
→ jackhughes HEY this is supposed to be an appreciation post not a “let’s bully jack” post
→ _alexturcotte let’s bully jack
username90 pretty prettier and prettiest
username55 i have a hunch she’s doing this to throw us off even more
→ username36 i have a hunch she’s been doing this for way longer
trevorzegras why is luke’s kind of…
→ yourusername right 🤭
→ trevorzegras i meant in a bad way
→ yourusername oh
→ lhughes_06 how did you manage to turn this post into a weapon against us 😡
→ adamfantilli someone help luke’s talking like a fanfiction writer again
→ lhughes_06 I AM NOT
adamfantilli drysdale siblings try not to neglect us challenge go!
→ yourusername WHAT i don’t neglect you
→ luca.fantilli YES YOU DO
→ jamie.drysdale why did you have to rope me into this 😒
username11 fun fact guys it’s luke 😍😍
→ username79 wbk
→ username60 tell us something we don’t know
username23 they all look so ethereal
dylanduke25 won’t your bf be jealous that you keep posting these hotties
→ yourusername no bc they’re not hotties 🥰
→ _quinnhughes rude yourusername
→ lhughes_06 exactly i can’t believe he hasn’t gone insane yet
→ jackhughes we’re too 🔥
mackie.samo i heard from a little birdie that you’re not slick ‼️
→ yourusername i’m the slickest wym
→ yourusername they can’t sniff me out 🗣️🗣️
→ mackie.samo stfu ur so obvious
→ markestapa like you’re really obvious it’s embarrassing
→ dylanduke25 fr
→ edwards.73 stop lying to yourself
→ adamfantilli we could tell wayyyyy before you even started dating
→ yourusername 😔
username35 what are they saying in mackie’s replies 🤯
username47 i could bet anyone 1k IN CASH that they’re dating and i know i would win
username81 waiting for the day she posts bad luke pics
→ yourusername not possible!
username1 yall i swear to god i saw her on a date with him yesterday
jamie.drysdale i can’t believe you appreciate them more than you appreciate me
→ yourusername NOT TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale YES TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale THAT’S NOT ENOUGH
→ yourusername you’re so needy 😒
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, colecaufield, and 200,219 others
yourusername HELLO KITTY ☺️
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rutgermcgroarty i thought you were done with all your food posts
→ yourusername would you rather have me post my “lovesick” posts again
→ rutgermcgroarty i mean technically he’s still in the post
→ yourusername uh huh keep talking i dare you
→ yourusername mhm 🤨
username25 THE PIZZA???
_quinnhughes i was really hoping your hello kitty obsession fully died down
→ yourusername NEVERRR
jackhughes you haven’t posted ONE post without a picture of your bf since you got together
→ yourusername YES I HAVE
→ colecaufield no tf you haven’t
→ yourusername i’m sorry i love him too much 😞
→ luca.fantilli ick yourusername
→ markestapa DUKER STOP
→ lhughes_06 aw that’s cute yourusername
username77 if jack said she hasn’t posted without a pic of her bf and last post ONLY had him and his brothers…….
→ username68 waiting for the day y’all stop acting like we all don’t know it’s lukey pooks
dylanduke25 when did he learn how to braid
→ yourusername when we were younger and i forced him to learn how to do my hair 🤗🤗
→ dylanduke25 AND I JUST FOUND THIS OUT?
→ _alexturcotte you’re late bro
→ jackhughes i’ve walked into his room one too many times and seen him braiding her hair
→ _quinnhughes you’re not helping his case 😭
edwards.73 your hair is so greasy
→ yourusername no it’s not yours is
→ edwards.73 if you stepped out into the sun rn you would be able to hear your hair sizzling
→ yourusername i could cook a whole five course meal from the amount of grease in your hair
→ yourusername he can’t think of a better comeback 🥱🥱
liked by yourusername
username91 hello kitty x dominos collab when 😱
username4 my foodie twinnem
lhughes_06 did you buy the pizzas?
→ yourusername no i baked them with my boyfriend 🥰
→ lhughes_06 he must be a REALLY good cook then
→ yourusername no actually he sucks ass and he almost burnt the kitchen down ‼️‼️
→ lhughes_06 oh 😐
colecaufield donuts 🤤🤤
→ yourusername is that all you got from this post
→ colecaufield DONUTS 🙂
_alexturcotte pizza 🤤🤤
→ yourusername did you two copy and paste your comments
→ _alexturcotte PIZZA 🙂
trevorzegras luke 🤤🤤
this comment has been deleted
trevorzegras your bf 🤤🤤
→ yourusername ZEGRAS I SWEAR
→ trevorzegras YOUR BF 🙂
��� yourusername next time i see you it’s on sight
luca.fantilli tell your little boyfriend that he needs to stop letting you steal him from us when you’re around
→ yourusername let’s be so honest i’ve always stolen him from you when i was around 🙄🙄
→ luca.fantilli EXACTLY SO TELL HIM
→ yourusername tell him yourself 🤬
→ lhughes_06 luca if i didn’t know any better i’d say you’re jealous
→ luca.fantilli i take it all back
jamie.drysdale you said you stopped liking hello kitty when you were 9 😐😐
→ jamie.drysdale you know when.
→ yourusername no i don’t?????
→ jamie.drysdale YES YOU DO
username41 we’ve been stuck in soft launch era for TOO LONG
username26 girl i love you but PLEASE JUST GIVE US CONFIRMATION
→ yourusername mark babe there’s a lot of shirts
→ yourusername NO??
→ markestapa IT’S SO FUNNY
→ yourusername you’re the type of guy to laugh at a hello titty shirt 😐
maddysamo i miss you 😞
→ mackie.samo BACK TF UP
→ yourusername I MISS YOU MORE
→ jackhughes oh my god get away
→ lhughes_06 you’re so defensive jack
→ dylanduke25 you’re one to talk lhughes_06
adamfantilli the frosting on the donuts kind of look like glue
→ yourusername throwback to your glue eating era ⁉️
→ yourusername high school sophomore eating liquid glue 😱😱
→ adamfantilli LITERALLY SHUT UP
→ lhughes_06 LMAOOO
→ yourusername don’t act like you didn’t eat glue all of your elementary school career luke
→ lhughes_06 oh 🙃
username21 hard launch when 🙁🙁
→ username59 apparently fucking never
username77 by the time they hard launch they’ll already be married with three kids and another one in the oven
liked by yourusername
→ username44 OMG SHE LIKED IT??
mackie.samo TECHNICALLY he forgot to braid and i taught him how to do it again
→ yourusername no go ahead take all the credit 🙄
→ lhughes_06 🫤🫤
→ rutgermcgroarty 🤓
→ markestapa ACKSHUALLY
→ edwards.73 nerd alerttttt 🚨🚨🚨
→ mackie.samo okay hate on me then 😒
next chapter notes ) i’ve gotten to the point where i’m posting once in a blue moon but at the same time i’ve literally been procastinating in every aspect of my life (i just spent 3 hours on one class’ assignments) anyways THE HARD LAUNCH IS COMING SOON 🫢🫢 not proofread ‼️
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys@loveforaugust@cstads-blog@h0e4fictionalme-n
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kyleoreillylover · 10 months
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Welcome to my Account! I am a wrestling/true crime blog that has a special love for womens wrestling, Jey Uso, Dominik Mysterio, and many others:) I take requests for WWE and NXT wrestlers. I will not take requests that are homophobic, racist, islamaphobic, anti-semetic, sexist, etc. No hate is welcome here :) My master list is below!
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Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Jey Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Attention (ft. Sami Zayn)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Sami Zayn)
Protectors(w/Sami Zayn)
Monster (w/Roman Reigns)
𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 ♡
What's it like being the female member of the Bloodline?
Keep My Hands to Myself
Beat Them or Join Them
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Sami Zayn
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Kevin Owens)
Attention (ft. Jey Uso)
Polaroids And Kisses📸
Anger Management (ft. Kevin Owens)
Show, Don't Tell 📸 (ft. Jey Uso)
You look so Good Under Me
Protectors(w/Jey Uso)
Hotel Room(ft. Kevin Owens)
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Dominik Mysterio
Proud of You
Addicted to You
Three's a Crowd (w/Carmelo Hayes)
Dominik Mysterio Headcanons
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
Instagram AU! Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Black!Reader
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Rhea Ripley
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 1
The Bloodline!Reader x Dominik Mysterio x Rhea Ripley Part 2
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Finn Balor
In Sickness and In Health
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Roman Reigns
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Monster (w/Jey Uso)
Carmelo Hayes
Relationship Headcanons
Kiss and Make up
Three's a Crowd (w/ Dominik Mysterio)
Besties with Carmelo
Instagram AU! Carmelo Hayes x Fem!Black!Reader
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Tiffany Stratton
A Few More Minutes
What's it Like Dating the Center of the Universe?
Wake Up Call 🩷
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Kevin Owens
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
Always Take Care of You (ft. Sami Zayn)
Hotel Room (ft. Sami Zayn)
Anger Management (ft. Sami Zayn)
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Jimmy Uso
Loyalty (ft. Jey Uso, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Jimmy Uso)
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Kyle O'Reilly
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Undisputed Era
Fem!Reader winning the Royal Rumble
Comfort in Losing
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daddyhausen · 7 months
commission: 4/4 for — @coleskingdom
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 ANGEL EYES 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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「 SUMMARY 」 —  after he betrays your brother, adam makes an attempt to reconcile with you
「 WARNINGS 」 — 18+, [ MINORS DNI ], dubcon brother's ex-best friend, gaslighting (kinda) thigh riding (kinda), praise, dirty talk, dom!adam, sub!reader, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, male + female orgasms, internal cumshots, vaginal creampie, squirting
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 3.3k
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x adam cole
「 GENRE 」 — smut
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「 TAGLIST 」 — @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @bayleymania @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @legit9thlunaticwarrior @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @harmshake @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564 @auburnwrites @adamcolesbaybay
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shock was the only emotion that was evident on your features, the astronomical levels of betrayal that coursed through your veins, holding an icy, unblinking stare at the TV. the live broadcast ended a good forty-five or so minutes ago with a simple black screen and an abrupt audio cut. the last glimpse you caught was of your brother, laying motionless in the centre of the ring, face up staring hazily at the ceiling, not a shred of emotion or consciousness present. the camera panning upward, to a close-up of your boyfriend. adam’s smug expression, a smirk forming across his lips, evil shimmering beneath the ocean blue of his irises, enhanced by the arena lighting. he stared down at max, the devil mask firmly in his grasp, holding it above his head like it was some sort of memento. the screen then faded to black, and you were met with your reflection once more.
sitting in silence, your body numb with what can only be described as a betrayal by proxy. by betraying your brother, adam had betrayed you as well. your trust, your love. everything. countless thoughts of why spiralled through your mind as to what could have persuaded adam to do such a thing, on all accounts he seemed to be thriving with his blossoming friendship with max, and your brother was evidently over the moon that he had found someone who treated him with respect. guess it seemed too good to be true…
you could not even weep, tears have been foregone ever since you witnessed it. you sat in an unblinking, unmoving state, paralyzed by the hurt and anger boiling inside, so much so that you did not even react to the opening of the hotel room door, adam blissfully sauntering in, his features so smug and cocky, dropping his bag beside the door, ready for you to accept him with open arms as if his wrongdoings were nonexistent. still, you did not move an inch, rather choosing to ignore him and his advances for physical touch. hearing a soft chuckle rumble low in his chest as he inched closer towards you. the subtle, yet heavy trudges of his footsteps against the carpeted floors, to the dip in the mattress from his weight as he sat beside you, his breath fanning warm wisps of air against the back of your neck, making the hairs stand up with an uneasy mix of betrayal and anger.
“so this is how it's gonna be, huh?” he remarked coldly, his lanky fingers curled around loose strands of his that had been obscuring your neck from his gaze, the supple skin could be seen ever so slightly through the curtain of the strands, pulling back to fully reveal your neck.
“c’mon angel, you know i had to do it. he was gonna betray me eventually”
his lips met the soft flesh of your neck. the skin was supple and sweet, adam did always have a sweet tooth in that sense, the sickly sweet scent and taste of you left his teeth corroded and rotten, yet he was unable to pull away, unable to resist. despite your protest and obvious attempts of avoidance. adam would not relent, his toned arms snaking around your waist akin to a cobra around its prey, tightening, squeezing around your frame until you were forced to submit.
“but my brother…” was all you could muster, feeling adam’s grip grow tighter in increments as if air escaping your lungs grew sparse, he only fed off of it more, each breath leaving through clenched teeth and pursed lips, cheeks burned and stained, salty in their scent and taste, eyes reddening with that similar burn.
“you should know firsthand what your brother is like. c’mon angel…max only cares about himself”
you lament at your lover's statements, still trying to barter on behalf of your brother’s honour. adam’s calloused palms moved downward, ghosting over the tops of your shoulders, fingertips tracing over the spot where he had previously kissed, the skin still damn lightly with the moisture from his lips.
“he would have betrayed you just the same”
”he wouldn’t-“
“of course, he would have. you’re a far superior wrestler than he is. yet he relished in the glory while you’re left on the sidelines…that hardly seems fair now does it?”
adam was right in the sense. max did always have this underlying jealousy of him during the formative years of your childhood. maybe it's the older sibling syndrome or complex? once you were born he was cast to the side in some sense. his achievements seemed minuscule in comparison to his perfect little sister. despite you never fully taking note of it, that’s just how max was, how he’s always been. the occasional bullying was just playful sibling banter, it's how he showed his affection. it could not be something more malicious…right?
”angel, look at me…” adam’s hands cupped your cheeks, hardened fingertips, drawing small circles into the apples of your cheeks. “my pretty little thing…”
his voice was teetering on the borders between affectionate and condescending. sounding so sickly sweet in your ears that you could not help but peer up at him, all teary and doe-eyed. innocence personified. the crystal blue of his irises glowed dimly in the moonlight, staring you down.
“you are nothing to your brother.” his remark was stern, and in a way truthful, making the avoidance of your gaze all the more disheartening. his fingertips wrapped around your chin, gently tapping at your jawline in soft thrums.
“but…” he paused, not hesitant, just trying to add emphasis to his next few words.
“you’re everything to me”
his words were soft-spoken, yet manipulation ran course through them. adam was no saint and you knew that. you almost foretold his betrayal of your brother, but…through adam’s actions the last few months you’d thought a change within his mannerisms would have been a good thing. but he was only prolonging the inevitable.
he wouldn’t let you get a word in. silencing you with simple guidance towards his chest, cradling your head against the study wall of his chest, palms smoothing down the flyaways of your hair as you rested, wide-eyed from the studded interaction
“shh. sweetheart. forget about your brother. i’m all you need”
the soft lull of his words was enough to dry your tears for the moment, just to feel secure in his arms was enough.
”i’m the only one who truly knows your worth, angel. you don’t need anyone else but me”
you could only hum in response, body numb to his words, numb to the clear intentions he possessed as his hands took free roam of your body, trailing down your shoulders, around your chest, pulling you back into the warmth of his figure, you succumbed to it, reveled in the heat. despite adam being the cause of your pain, he was the only person who provided comfort, and you loved him so…you weren't going to just throw him out, kick him to the curb when he’s the one you desire most.
“let me take care of you, my angel”
his words corrosive, rotting away the hatred that had blinded you for the past hour and a half. acidic in the way his voice melted through skin and bone, eroding your psyche until his words truly penetrated your mind. indeed, all you needed was him and him alone. adam’s ring-worn palms cupped your breasts through the hoodie of his you’d been sporting, the fabric encapsulated your frame, leaving you a shapeless figure for him to explore and identify your curves. his natural skin tone left blotchy from when his sweat rinsed away the fake tan. he thumbed your nipples through the fabric, watching the buds peak and stiffen from his subtle touch, observing the way your body shuddered in reaction to it. so responsive, so good.
a small mewl escaped your lips, you should be mad at him, you should not be reveling in the simple pleasures he provided. adam grew satisfied with your responsiveness, his cockhead bulging against the thin, breathable fabric of his gym shorts, ones he’d haphazardly thrown on after making his escape from the arena before your brother had the chance to batter the hell out of him. he kept his movements quick, prying the hoodie of his from your body, reveal your, pristine, freshly washed skin underneath, the lingering, albeit faint scent of your body wash clung to your skin, sweet notes of sharp pomegranate and decadent vanilla ignited his scenes as your midriff became more exposed. a subtle, aroused grunt parted his lips as more of your skin fell before his eyes, all naked and bare as he finally managed to free your figure from the fabric. you were completely exposed to him bar the reception of your panties. your pillowy breasts all naked and soft, nipples hardened and aroused for him.
you made a hasty attempt to cover yourself, not out of embarrassment or fear. far from it. you still held some resentment towards him despite his convincing ways of begging your forgiveness…well not exactly, more like into manipulating you into believing his reasons for his betrayal of maxwell.
“oh no we're not doing that, angel” he tugged your wrists, arms that were previously shielding your breasts were now placed firmly at your side, unrelenting in his movements despite your attempts at squirming free.
“adam let go of me-”
“i dont think so sweetheart. i wanna see all of you..”
in your hasty attempt at escape adam had managed to pin you down to the mattress, hands now positioned above your head. his body hovering over yours, keeping you secure as he pressed his knee between your thighs, feeling the build-up of slick in your panties, how your body instinctively squirmed and hips gyrated against it.
“fuck you” you spat, teeth clenched, venom seething from between them
“angel, what do you think i’m doing huh?” his tone condescending, finding it rather cute that you would make a futile attempt to reject him. the sensation of his thigh drawing a rough circle into your clothed clit was almost enough for you to forgive his previous actions. he pressed his body further into you, feeling the meaty head of his cock, throb through his shorts, against your stomach, oh how you ached for him to be buried deep in you, feel the outline of his bulge prodding against the skin.
his lips found their way to your nipples, his cool breath fanned over the buds. goosebumps rose on your skin, pupils widening at the sensation. his tongue drew rough circles around your nipple. greedily lapping up the swollen nub as his lips wrapped around them with a moan, reverberating into the fat of your breast. he sucked on it for a moment, a few calculated swirls of his tongue before he pulled away with a pop, quickly repeating his actions on the other nipple, applying a small bite to the flesh before prying away.
he began to lick hot stripes down your torso, leaving rivers of spit in their wake, your skin glossy under moonlight. adam reveled in the sight. he’d never seen a sight more beautiful. you naked beneath him, trying to put off a form of resentment but the build-up of wetness in your panties said otherwise, even in the dark fabric he could still make out the wet spot, just how incredibly drenched you were for him.
“such a pretty little thing. you're practically begging me to taste you.”
adam’s tongue had a mind of its own at this point, tongue prodding at your cunt through your panties, sucking up the wetness through the fabric, feeling him nudge at your clit.
“a-adam-” your voice hesitant, although he paid no mind to it, instead pulling your panties to the side, far too impatient and lazy to pry them off completely. he hummed in delight at the sight of your drenched cunt. sweetness coating your folds, leaving them glossy under the sheer gaps of moonlight the blinds provided.
“look how wet you are, and here you are pretending that you don’t want me”
he let his tongue glide across your folds, lapping at the slick that dripped from your cunt with a low, guttural hum. he muttered to himself, about the way you taste, how sweet you are, how cute that you're still making attempts to reject him even in your cunt-soaked state. pools of arousal flooded through you as he took your clit between your lips, tugging and twirling the sensitive pearl between his teeth, drinking you in.
“fuck…” he mewled, words muffled into your folds. “i knew you were wet for me, but you're practically drowning me here, angel”
his tongue explored every crevice of your cunt, dipping and diving around your folds, tracing shapes and scribbles into your warmth. the disgusting sucking sounds, sounded so vile in your ears, so noisy and irritating. but the pleasure accompanied with it… it drives you insane with need.
“yes, sweetheart” he peered his head up, lips parting with your cunt for a moment to speak, his lips and beard soaked with your slick. he made no effort to continue the conversation, diving straight back between your thighs, eating you out like a man possessed, a man starved.
“ah- fuck! i need to cum! please! “
your begs proved futile to your cause as be brought you to the brink of release, leaving you on the cusp of pleasure. your eyes rolling back into your skull, hips bucking to meet with the contact of his lips and tongue, back arching in desperation to gain more friction, so close to drawing in hin your sweetness when he decided to abruptly pull away, much to your chagrin.
“you cum, when I say you can fucking cum"
his tone was malicious, impatient. wiping down the slick that dripped from his beard before flicking it over your stomach. an act that made him look disgusted by you and your taste, despite the opposite being obvious. the action left you humiliated and equally aroused for a moment.
“get up. on your knees. turn around” he spoke in short, frustrated bursts through almost needy pants. still, you did as told, despite being disgruntled at your lack of orgasm. your thighs sticky as you positioned yourself facing the headboard giving adam a full view of your, throbbing wet cunt. your thighs still shaking a bit from the pleasure of his tongue, he smirked subtly to himself at the sight. the sensation of his warm fingertips prodding at your cunt, gathering the slick that glistened against your folds.
“pretty thing…” he hummed, a low rumble in his chest. “and here you are pretending you don't want me, even when your little pussy is dripping for me”
with the slick gathered across two of his fingers, he brought them up to his lips, dragging them along the base of his tongue in an exaggerated fashion, letting your juices mingle with his tastebuds, letting his eyelids shut, lashing fluttering softly as he sampled your sweetness. prying his fingers out of his mouth with a noticeable pop that resonated around the hotel room.
“now sweetheart.” he began, hastily shoving his shorts down, his cock flopped out of the fabric, hanging low hand heavy as he proceeded to stroke his already hardened shaft, tapping the swollen tip against the plump cheeks of your ass, small droplets of warm pre-cum spurted from the slip, reminiscent pearls, in colour, on your skin. a soft hum parted your lips, feeling his nudge and part your walls ever so slightly with his tip, prodding past the fleshing curtains of your void, holding his tip between them for a moment as he spoke.
“you’re gonna take every inch of me…”
he broke his sentence momentarily, stretching the meaty walls of your cunt with ease, submerging the head of his cock within you.
“i don’t wanna hear a peep from you unless you worshipping this dick, understand?”
he gave you no time to respond, not to even think of one for that matter. adam gave a harsh thrust, burying himself deep until he bottomed out inside your aching cunt. with a throaty groan, one hand gripped your waist while the other kneaded your plump ass, with a few interjecting slaps in between, holding you to stabilize himself. his cock practically tore you in half, feeling the girth of his shaft spread you nice and wide, so easy for him to claim. his movements your quick and precise, all the while being international just to rile you up further with arousal.
he kept his cock stationary within you, a hand placed in the center of your back, trailing up until he reached your shoulder, pushing you down so that you were firmly trapped between him ad the mattress, ass still propped in the air. he remained silent, his cock slowly began to rock into you, feeling the veins in his shaft graze against the gummy walls of your cunt, feeling the aching pulse between your thighs.
“that's it- fuck- take it all, angel”
his grunts and growls were almost primal, spoke through clenched teeth and a set jaw. his movements, almost painful, burning with insatiable desire as he pulled you back, deeper, cockhead bullying your cervix, so deep in your womb.
your mind in a perpetual state of delirium so fucked out even from the first few seconds of his movements. eyes had made a permanent home in the back of your skull, only blackness was in your vision. spott pooling around the corners of your lips, the cream-colored sheets a shade darker where your lips had parted, muttering and moaning small pleas for his mey. your ears ringing with desire, his voice a mere soft buzzing sound against a cacophony of means.
“oh, you want me to stop? oh angel, but you asked for this.. don’t lie, your pretty pussy was soaked before i even left the arena wasn’t it?”
you couldn’t lie. he was correct in a way. despite the sudden and unannounced betrayal of your brother, adam’s dominance, the way he sat so smug and stoic above him was a sight to behold, one that had your thighs clenching absentmindedly, wetness pooling in your panties and a list’s worth of sinful thoughts to rush through your mind.
with muffled words, you mumbled out a soft ‘yes’ in response. or at least that was what fell on adam’s ears, not that he was paying too much attention anyway.
“so fucking tight for me, sweetheart. you’re practically choking my dick right now”
a buildup of sweat gathered at his hairline, his brows furrowed with a scowl as he worked hard to get himself off. slamming your hips back against his, cockhead tormenting your cervix with vicious, violent thrusts, feeling the clamp of your walls around him. he was incessant on release, his cock swelling to the point where it almost pained him, how heated his body had become with desperation.
“i can feel you, angel, cum around this dick for me baby. i know you want to”
his voice wavered along the lines of dominant and pleasing. so needy in chasing his release he for a second, did not care about yours. your cunt quivered around his length, sloppy sounds of your slick drawing his cock, sweaty skin slapping against the skin you drained him dry.
“gonna cum- fuck - gonna fill this pretty fuking pussy up” his words begin to falter as to did his breath. “such a good girl you are, taking my cum like this baby, oh fuck-mmhmm fuck yes baby”
his milky seed brought a welcome warmth into your want, feeling the heat radiating deep inside your walls, dripping down your thighs as he pulled out, mixing with the watery squirt that stained the bedsheets below.
“oh fuck_’ he panted, adoring the way your perfect cunt looked filled with him, how it leaked out of your pulsing hole, down your slit, and against your clit. how your thighs shuddered, barely able to keep yourself from collapsing into the mattress.
the words he previously stated, relating them like a mantra as he hovered over your fucked out form.
“you're all mine, angel. i’m all yours need”
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midwestmade29 · 4 months
Challenge 😏
Felt spicy, might delete later 😏 (probably not)
Word count: 1.1k Divider by: @saradika-graphics GIF credit: @cardinalbiggles
Disclaimers: Cursing, oral sex, unprotected sex. Read at your own discretion.
The playful challenge you issued against Adam quickly turns into much more...
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When Adam opened the bathroom door, pillows of steam filled the bedroom. As he walked into view, you noticed he was wearing nothing but a towel tucked around his hips. You did a double take when you saw how perfectly it hung there, just low enough to make you salivate.
Water droplets fell from his wet hair and slid down his body making you want to lick some of them away. “Like what you see princess?” Adam teased when he caught you staring for a little too long.
“Yes, yes I do,” you smirked. You drug your tongue over your bottom lip before taking it in between your teeth. Fuck did he look good.
“I see you commandeered another one of my tshirts. I’m a little offended that it looks better on you than it does me,”
“You know, I was thinking the same thing,” you quipped, making Adam let out a hearty laugh.
“Is that so? Well what if I changed my mind and want it back?” He asked while taking a step towards the bed. He had a devious look in his eyes.
“Then I say why don’t you come over here and try to take it from me then,”
Your challenge was met instantly when Adam leaped onto the foot of the bed, and army crawled on his stomach towards you. You threw off the covers and tried to get away, but he grabbed hold of your wrist and pulled you back down. Your laughter filled the room as he pinned you in place with his body.
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He placed his hands under the hemline of the shirt, making sure his fingertips were grazing your skin as he slid it up your torso. What started as a silly little game turned into something much more as he took in the sight of every inch of your newly exposed skin. You could feel him growing harder against you, surely the towel he had on was about to come loose.
There was zero protest from you when he pulled it up and over your head before tossing it on the floor. “Mmm, just look at you, my beautiful girl. You’re the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on,”
Adam’s hand found your breast, making you squirm a little when he started to massage it. His eyes were set intently on yours, watching you and how well you were responding to his touch. He took your nipple in between his fingers as he rolled it and pinched, making it pucker and stiffen.
He kissed his way up your torso starting at each hip bone, sucking and nipping along the trail he was creating with his lips. You let out a contented “mmm” with each new piece of skin they touched, encouraging him to keep going. He sucked your nipple into his mouth harshly, making you gasp as his teeth grazed over it before soothing it with his wet tongue. His movements were driving you crazy!
“A-Adam, please. I want, I need more,” you begged. He loves it when you beg.
“Music to my ears princess,” he smiled and removed your panties. He placed his hands between your thighs and pried them apart, placing his fingertips around your clit and began toying with it. Your hips bucked off the bed from his skilled movements, but you still weren’t satisfied.
“Please, kiss me there. I want your mouth on me,”
“So greedy tonight, aren’t you? My insatiable girl,”
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Adam wrapped his arms under your thighs and pulled you mere inches away from his mouth, diving in and devouring your sweetness immediately. His tongue flicked against your clit, teasing it before sucking into his mouth. His hums of satisfaction vibrated off your bundle of nerves, sending you into overdrive.
One of your hands was wrapped in his hair, the other gripping the bedsheets as if they would both help anchor you. Adam inserted two fingers into your slick cunt, curling them and brushing them against your sweet spot. Adam knows exactly what his beautiful girl needs.
Moments before you were about to cum, Adam removed his fingers from you and flicked his tongue against your clit one last time. You groaned loudly as you tumbled down from the apex instead of over it.
“Wh-why did you stop?!” Your words breathy and full of frustration when you asked. At first Adam didn’t say anything as you watched him sit back on his heels and undo his towel. His cock was practically throbbing and more than ready to be inside your tight cunt.
“Because you will cum when I say so, not when your body decides it’s time. I’m in control princess, we’re playing by my rules,”
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Once Adam was positioned, he pushed himself inside of you, making your back arch off the bed. He placed his hand around your throat, holding you in place and forcing you to look at him. “Eyes on me princess. Don’t you dare look away. I want to watch as you fall apart around me,”
Every thrust was deep and purposeful. The way his pelvic bone pressed against your clit made you moan. Adam was working your body in all the best ways and he was definitely taking what he needed from it.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me. So so good. I can feel how ready you are princess. I think it’s time you let yourself go. Cum for me. I want to hear you and I want to see you,”
As Adam continued to slam himself into you, he finally brought you over the edge. Your eyes were locked on him and you tried your best to keep them open when your orgasm ripped through you. He bent over and kissed you hard, stealing every whimper and moan from you before they even had a chance to greet the air. He fucked you through your release, the feeling of your walls contracting around him did him in.
He erupted inside of you, filling you with everything he had to give. His hair fell around your face as his orgasm made him nearly collapse on top of you from its intensity. His breathing was ragged, his heart was hammering against his chest. The sight of him so undone and so consumed with pleasure gave you goosebumps!
Adam was incredibly sweet afterwards as he cleaned you up. He made sure you were comfortable and taken care of before sliding in bed next to you. With your head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you while he played with your hair. The two of you fell asleep just like that and remained tangled together until morning.
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cigaretteslutz · 3 months
cigaretteslutz' masterlists
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hi hi hello! this is my collection of writing organized into one spot so that you don't have to search around for my works! under this you will find my rules for requests, and the different things you can request. (im not the best at this so pls be nice)
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things i will NOT write: pee/scat/puke, abortion/forced abortion/miscarriages, things with no consent, addiction, actual wrestlers fucking each other (unless its a 3some with the reader but other then that no), things featuring age play/little space, incest/step-cest. if you request any of these you're blocked.
if you make a request and want a wrestler to have a child, please give their name and age because im not using anybody's REAL child in a fanfic thats just...😭
things i WILL write: marriage/divorce, pregnancy, violence, mommy/daddy kinks, praise/degradation kinks, rough sex (??), more to come as i write
please dont translate or steal my work! i work hard on these and if i want my work to be translated, i will ask someone, but as of right now no.
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who i write for/request inspo;
wwe: austin theory brie bella cm punk cody rhodes cora jade damien priest dominik mysterio drew mcintyre finn balor grayson waller jade cargill john cena la knight liv morgan logan paul maryse miz nikki bella randy orton rhea ripley ridge holland roman reigns seth rollins aew: alicia atout (my friend held a gun to my head and forced me to add her. you know who you are) adam cole adam copeland adam page bryan danielson buddy matthews claudio castagnoli darby allin hook jay white kenny omega kyle o'reilly mjf orange cassidy sammy guevara saraya tay melo wardlow
inspo: officer porn star/cam star professor pirate/mermaid ex-partner single parents model actress sorority/frat princess/prince/king
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if you like my work, please consider following me! comment if you would like to be added to the tag list !!
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Hi. I’ve read some of your fics and I was just wondering if your could do a x reader with either of the following (the Elite, Adam Cole, MJF, Ricky Starks, or one of the womens) I had a really shitty day at work and I wanted to know if you could do something where that after training the readers back hurts from taking bumps. My back is really bad to the point I have to go to the chiropractor along with my shoulder. I explained it badly because I feel like shit from work but just something really comforting
Honey, I hope your back is getting better (please don’t stress yourself). Imma do reactions so you can get the most comfort possible and sorry that this couldn’t come out sooner
AEW Stars React: Your back getting injured in training
Pairings: MJF x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Kenny Omega x Reader, Hangman Adam Page x Reader, Willow Nightingale x Reader, Adam Cole x Reader
Word Count: 875
Supreme Speaks: hey I hope that the anon who requested this iks having a better day. I was gonna do an imagine but it was easier and quicker for me to write reactions. I hope all of you reading this also has a great day and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: same instances in different fonts, barely proofread
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom
Kenny Omega
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Mans would notice the first time you landed wrong (Mans is the Bout machine)
He would try to correct you but ultimately decided to end the session to prevent an injury
I also think he is the one who constantly has an eye on you afterward; like you are not allowed to leave his line of sight
So you now have the task of sitting and being pretty while he fixes lunch/dinner
You are not allowed to walk around for long periods
Would give you tips on how to land safer in the future
I also say Kenny would put down a thicker landing mat for you once you are ready to train again
Would also praise you for trying to continue to train
“You are tougher than most of the boys in the back. Nick cried once from taking a bump wrong.”
Hangman Page
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Once you landed wrong and he saw how you reacted; you were immediately taken out of the ring
“Nope. No, no, no, we’re leaving and you’re getting a heating pad.”
Would immediately get you IcyHot/BioFreeze for your pains
Tries to distract you with discussions about other topics (favorite songs, movies, etc)
Would carry you every time you wanted to walk somewhere
Bathroom? You’re over his shoulder. Want to eat? You’re being held like a baby to the table
Listens to your rants, outbreaks, cries, anything at any time of the day
Would give you massages at any time
“Please do not move too much. I want you to be at 100% next time you practice”
Adam Cole
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Just like Page and Kenny, Cole doesn’t take this lightly (as he has suffered from back pains)
But I think you were landing safely and you just took too many bumps and they just started to hurt your back
Just to be on the safe side, he would book chiropractor appointments
He would go through the appointment to show that you’re not alone
Adam would also do his own observations to see if he needs to alter anything
Will readjust everything to make sure that you are comfortable
ALSO MANS WILL GET YOU FLOWERS EVERYDAY (I just see that whether it’s platonic or not)
“You’re gonna be okay and I’m so proud of you for taking everything like a champ.”
Also, he would have a bath waiting on you before you could walk in the door
That man will take care of you
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Okay listen….he would try to make fun of you at first
But when he noticed that you wouldn’t even give a snarky comeback, he changed his attitude
Will spend a shitload of money just to make you feel good
Appointments? Medicine? Massages? Compression shirts? You name it, he got it.
As you start to feel better, Max will start cracking jokes
“You are a strong individual who can take anything thrown at her….except for an arm drag”
Will reference you to make his opponent feel bad
“Y/N, who is smaller than you, had to stop wrestling temporarily cause she was carrying the weight of the industry on her back..unlike you shmuck.”
Ricky Starks
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Mans knows exactly how you feel
Will give you every piece of advice and equipment that helped him through his bad back
“Sleep on your stomach….or was it your side? Just go to sleep and tell me how you feel later on.”
Will make everything within arms reach for you
Doesn’t want you to enter the ring until a week later
Ensures you that you didn’t do anything wrong (wrestling is just hard at the end of the day)
Like Page, he will listen to what you have to say and will try his best to respond to it
Will support whatever you choose to do but will push you to keep going in the future
“I know it hurts now, but once you’re all better, you’ll forget this ever happened and flourish like the butterfly that you are…or something like that from Pinterest”
Willow Nightingale
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Okay, I think she would freak out about everything
Tbh, she wouldn’t know what to do as she is genuinely worried about you
You would find it endearing and a little bit distracting (in a good way) as she scrambles to help you
Would worry every time you left something up, doesn’t allow you to bend down
To comfort you; cuddles everyday…every fucking day… (you betta not decline em either)
Would take online advice to heart and hope that it genuinely helps you
I can see Willow looking up what to do to help you, but she would come across different conditions and would be convinced you have it
“Do you have Osteoporosis? No? Then you have Arthritis….No I’m not calling you old.”
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coleskingdom · 7 months
Letting Someone Go
Adam Cole x F Reader
Minors DNI 18 + NSFW
@midwestmade29 @madhatterbri
Summary : Revenge and Sad Songs leads to betrayal
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Coles POV
Finding her was never hard when Jay was out of town, she liked a drink and a country cover band at the place in town. She sat at the back by herself with her vodka and soda. She looked more relaxed when she wasn’t around him softer, prettier not that any of that mattered for my plan to work. Jay had made all of this personal, first with the concussion he gave me, then the constant condescension, and finally only half heartedly coming after me as if I wasn’t a threat to him. I needed to hurt him mentally, I needed to shatter his soul, to hit him in his known weakness her. She was going to be collateral damage.
I saw him when he walked in, this wasn’t Cole’s scene. I wondered what he wanted, why he was here. I kicked out a chair, “ Adam sit” I said cooly,” what do you want?” . His eyes showed a slight surprise I clearly had interrupted his thought process. “ what would Jay say about this? You asking me to sit“ the smirk on his face. “ I didn’t ask I’m pretty sure I told you.” my tone unamused. “ Besides, I do this thing called whatever I want. “ raising my drink at him. He didn’t need to know that I had just had a fight with Jay, that we’d been fighting for weeks. He sat down and flagged the waitress down for another round.
“So?” I said eyeing him, his brown hair slicked back into a pony tail, a black v neck shirt, jeans and boots. He was attractive always had been, his eyes a light blue, the lines around his eyes told me he laughed a lot.
Adam’s POV
Fuck, this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought. She’s waiting on me to say something . “ I thought I’d come out to have a drink” I said wondering if I could charm my way in. “Really?” She questioned “ This bar tonight? When I thought you were looking for little ol me” her over emphasized twang making me laugh. “ What? Why?” I asked “Oh I don’t know, Jay is my boyfriend, you have a vendetta against Jay, you want to get at him by irritating me.” She said “ That’s it isn’t it.” as my face was clearly shocked. “You’re all the fucking same.”
“You can have the table, I’m done.” anger rising. “I swear to God it never fucking stops. Between the time away , the travel, the kayfabe that turns into a shoot. It’s too fucking much. I can’t even come out for a drink and a sad fucking song without his shit following me. Fuck.” Adam’s face fell, “ Hey, I’m sorry” he said his tone sincere, “Are you okay?” “If I wasn’t why would I tell you?” Wiping a tear from my eye. “No, I’m not okay. I just wanted a drink, to get away from all of the bullshit.”. taking a swig of my drink. “ How about a dance?” he said “ Your serious?”I said looking at him quizzically. He offered his hand, I accepted even if it was the worst dance ever it’d be funny. He led me to the dance floor the band started a cover of “PBR promenade ” he pulled me close and he led me in a two step, he didn’t say anything just led me across the dance floor.
Adam’s POV
There it was her walls coming down, I danced her across the floor. A little spin, my hand appropriately placed with just enough pressure to seem like I was enjoying this. Nothing like a soundtrack of cheating and heartbreak songs as a sound track to this plan, maybe it makes it easier, the idea of lost love, dreaming of someone else than who you’re with. She does feel good in my arms , she’s feisty but just wants someone to meet her half way. Her soft clean perfume, made me pull her closer, as the song ended. I held her a little bit longer. “ Thanks for the dance “ she said pulling away, her face a mix of emotions. “No problem” I said my hand lingering in hers. “ What’s one more dance?” pulling her back in, she nestled her head on my shoulder,I heard her sigh. My head and heart at war with each other. “You’re okay” I don’t know if the words whispered were for her or me. I felt her tears on my shirt, the words of the song hitting her , the only lyrics I heard were her soft breath and sighs as she pulled me closer.
“You can't lie to yourself
After loving something true
And I've never loved a soul
Quite the way that I loved you
You told me you despise
Everything that I've become
How we always turn into
Everything we're running from”
Why did he feel so good and why did I not feel guilty ? I’m crying in the shoulder of the last person I should be, but he’s here, and his hands feel good. It’s just a dance I can leave as soon as the songs over. I can tell Jay I danced with him, I can tell him he won’t be happy. He smells good, he’s so warm.
“Take it slow as you leave me
Don't you go home this evening
With someone
You're acting like is me
And I will try my hardest darling
Wait on a star that's falling
And I will wait so desperately
One thing I have quickly come to know
Nothing kills you slower than
Letting someone go”
The song ended, the last line of the song, the double meaning as I let go of his hand. Walking from the dance floor, grabbing my purse and out the front door of the bar. I got to my truck, I couldn’t breathe. I heard his footsteps, “I can’t let you leave like this” Adam’s voice soft, “let me drive you home.” his hand soft on my face. I looked into his blue eyes, there was a sadness there I recognized. I kissed him, his mouth reluctant,before giving in and pushing me up against my car as his body pressed closer into mine.
Adam’s POV
“Listen, I need to tell you something” I said needing to tell her what my plan was, I needed absolution from this. “ I don’t care, whatever it is I don’t care” she said cutting me off. Kissing me again wrapping her arms around my neck. If she doesn’t care then who am I to force the issue it’s what I came here to do. I kiss her deeper bringing her as close to me as I can. “ Honey, we can stay here, I can take you home, or you can come home with me.” In her ear.
I should just go home, I should just go home but why does he feel so good? Jay would forgive anyone but him, I’m not going to delude myself into thinking he wouldn’t find out. He presses me further against the truck, parting my legs with his, kisses move down my jaw, and to my ear I barely recognize the noises coming out of my own mouth. “Adam, truck please” he moved me barely catching my breathe to the side as he opened the truck door and climbed in the drivers side, he chuckled and smiled as he looked at me as he moved the bench seat back before helping me up and settle on his lap. Face to face in the truck it feels more intimate than it should, he kisses me again bringing me back to the moment and my overwhelming desire for him.
“Honey , you’re gonna be the death of me” as he bucked his hips in to me making me whimper. He continues his ministrations kissing down my jaw and neck as I grind against his lap, the combination of his jeans and the seam of my shorts the friction on my clit was addictive. I reached around and pulled his hair down. As I pulled away from his mouth on my neck reaching for the hem of his v neck, as I pulled it up over his head. His chiseled chest and arms further stoke the fire inside. He hums as I run my hands down his chest letting me take my time. “Honey, as pretty as you look in this top, I’m gonna need it gone as I’m much more interested in what’s underneath.” I raised my arms so that he could take it off.
"Honey you're fucking perfect," Adam pulls your hand that was going to cover yourself and places it between both your crotches onto his hard cock. You both moan out at the sensation. Adam reaches up to unbutton your shorts and you aid him in pulling them down and tossing them to rest with your discarded shirts. Only the black lace thong remained. The phone rang in my purse but I ignored it.
Adam’s fingers toyed with the edge of my panties before he pulled my panties to the side to catch a glimpse of your wetness.
"All for you Adam," Adams whole body audibly twitched at that admission and he pulled me in by the back of the head for another deep kiss with his hand that wasn't between my legs. As you kissed messily with your free hands palming over his length Adam increased his speed and plunged his middle finger into you. I moaned against his mouth at the intrusion and whimpered trying to find something coherent to say.
"Adam please I'm so close,"
"I know honey, please cum for me." Adam begged whilst he circled my clit once more with his thumb. Feeling myself clench around him Adam repeated his actions over and over as I moved against him as pleasure overcame me. Breathing hard. I kissed him, parting from the kiss, he stuck his fingers in his mouth and licked them clean. His blue eyes focusing on mine as the phone rang again. “ You probably should get that , he’s gonna keep calling.” his cocky tone bringing the gravity of what we just did to the forefront of my mind. I dug for the phone and tried to get off his lap his hands held my hips in place.
I answered “ Hey Jay, sorry I didn’t hear the phone in the bar.” trying to compose my voice, Adam mouthed put it on speaker, I mouthed no . He reached for the phone and hit the speaker button. Adam heard Jays explanation for the fight and the generic I’m sorry. Adam bucked up into me causing a laugh curse moan to fall from my lips. “Are you okay he asked?” his voice concerned. “I’m tipsy, and I just kind of tripped.” trying to not moan again. He chastised me for being out tipsy, that I should be more careful. “I’ve got to go, we will talk when you get back.” as Adam found the place on my neck. I hung up the phone finally releasing the breath I held. “Oh Honey, did you think I was going to say something?” I nodded, “ Why would I do that? When your neck has the imprint of my lips on it.” his cocky tone replacing the soft sweet tone, that he’d used earlier. I got off of his lap and put back on my clothes refusing to meet his eyes. “Honey don’t be that way, we had fun, I know you did. “his grin caused a shiver down my spine. “This is all up to you, you can tell him break his heart, I can tell him, or I’ll make a one time offer we don’t tell him and we do this again sometime.” his voice fully composed and with an edge. “Adam” my voice pleading with him not sure what I was agreeing to. “ I’m gonna say you’re gonna pick the first or last option, no need to answer now. You’re too feisty to let me be the one to do it, but you do have a self preservation instinct. However , I think you liked this more than you’re going to admit” as he reached for his shirt putting it back on. “Get out” refusing to look at him. “ Honey, I’m going” he turned my face to his and kissed me again deeply and possessive before getting out of the truck and shutting the door. I didn’t know what I was going to do. As I started the truck and drove away.
Adam’s POV
The mix of emotions that were warring inside was not what I expected. I expected to feel satisfied instead, I missed her, and realized that I wouldn’t hurt her, even if it furthered my goal. Though something told me she’d be back as I watched her peel out of the parking lot.
Song list
PBR Promenade American Aquarium
Letting Someone Go Zach Bryan
Something in the Orange Zach Bryan
Sun To Me Zach Bryan
City Lights American Aquarium
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 7 months
●Matt Taven x Cole! Reader●
Summary: You are apart of The Undisputed Kingdom. You accompany Matt for his match against Orange Cassidy in a Texas death match. Adam finds out about you and Matt's relationship.
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Ever since Adam formed The Undisputed Kingdom at World's End, it has been the best thing that has happened to my career. I am in the spotlight and will soon be challenging Timeless Toni Storm for her AEW Women's championship.
Anyways, I am sitting in our locker room laying on the couch, my legs across Wardlow's lap who is sitting on the couch. Roddy, Matt and Mike are discussing something with each other. Adam comes rolling in on his wheelchair.
I sit up next to Wardlow and look at Adam.
"Boys! And Sis. Pay attention. Matt, you have the main event tonight against Orange. It is a Texas Death match. Y/N, you will be going out there with him. No one else."
"Should I wear my gear or our shirt and jeans?"
"Whatever is comfortable for you to fight, distract or take moves with."
"Got it."
"Now, go get ready, you two."
I get up, grab my bag and head to the bathroom. Matt does the same, walking in the same direction. I walk in the bathroom, he is behind me closing the door and locking it.
"Hey! Matt!"
I turn around to see what Adam is yelling about, but see Matt taking off his shirt. I gulp, setting my bag on the counter.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting changed. Thought it would be quicker if we just did it at the same time."
I walk over, stand infront of him and run my hand down his chest and stomach, biting my lip. He looks at me and smirks.
"Later baby. Your brother is on the other side of the door."
He whispers while putting his hand on my cheek, running his thumb over my bottom lip. I stick his thumb in my mouth, slowly sucking on it til it pops out of my mouth. He gulps, biting his lip looking down at me.
"You are so bad. Need to be taught a lesson."
He puts his hand around my neck, squeezing a little, making me look at him. I start laughing and he smirks, gripping my throat more. Someone starts banging on the door making us jump and break apart from each other.
"What is going on in there?! Matt! Y/N!"
"Adam! Calm down! We are literally getting changed! Chill!"
Matt looks at me and shakes his head smiling. I smile, grabbing my black and gray wrestling gear. My shorts have the Undisputed Kingdom logo on my butt. I put my knee high black boots on and Matt pushes my hands away from them. He starts tying my boots for me and I shake my head smiling. I grab my phone off the counter and take a picture of him. He finishes the first one and starts tying to second one. I take another picture of him. I set my phone back on the counter as he stands up. He looks at me smiling.
"Wanna take a picture of us together now?"
I feel my face turn red as I grab my phone and hand it to him. He takes it as I grab my big sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. I put my forearm on his side, leaning into him a little as he snakes his one arm around my waist. He takes the picture. I move my sunglasses off of my face onto my head and look up at him. He takes another picture like that without me knowing. He turns his head and kisses me, taking a picture like that as well. We kiss for a couple minutes before we hear banging on the door again.
"You two better not be screwing in there! Matt, your match is in a few minutes!"
"Don't get your panties in a twist! God forbid he can't take pictures of me for me!"
I giggle and Matt laughs with me hearing Adam huff on the other side of the door.
"Let's go before he has Wardlow break the door down."
Matt laughs as I walk over to the door, unlock it and walk out of the bathroom. Matt puts my phone in my bag on the bathroom counter than walks out. We leave the locker room before anyone can say anything and head down to gorilla.
*near the end of the match*
Orange is in the ring dumping thumb tacks out of a Valentines container from Chuck Taylor. Matt is laying in the corner holding his back and I climb into the ring. I run up to Orange trying to clothesline him but he picks me up and powerbombs me into the thumb tacks. I scream clutching my back rolling over to the corner of the ring. Orange sees Matt coming and hits him with the Orange Punch getting the win. Mike and Roddy come running down to the ring to check on me and Matt. I can feel all the thumb tacks stuck in my back as Mike helps me out of the ring. They help us to the back and to our locker room. Mike helps me sit down on a metal chair backwards. Mike leans down slowly taking the tacks out of my back. Adam comes rolling up next to me putting his hand on my shoulder.
"You have some explaining to do Y/N."
I sit up looking at him confused.
"Explaining? About what?"
"Oh... I don't know.... about these pictures I found on your phone!"
He pulls my phone up and shows me the pictures of me and Matt that we took before his match. Matt looks at me wide eyed from on the couch behind Adam. I grab my phone out of his hand staring daggers into Adam.
"How dare you go through my phone! You have no right to do that! And yeah. Me and Matt are together! He makes me so happy and appreciated! You should be happy someone is treating me the way he treats me!"
I get up, walk over and sit down next to Matt on the couch as Adam moves to look at both of us.
"Matt.... you better be treating her right. Because if you don't treat her right..... just know you don't only have me to deal with..... you also have Wardlow to deal with. And Roddy."
"Adam. Knock it off."
"I'm just saying. See ya later."
He leaves along with Mike and Roddy. I look over at Matt and he looks at me smiling. I lean over and kiss him. He kisses me back putting his hand on my cheek. I pull back looking at him smiling.
"I'm happy that he knows. You can come over to my house or hotel now without sneaking in."
"Man, I liked sneaking in though."
We laugh as we collect our things and head back to the hotel to end the night.
The End 😊
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spine-buster · 1 month
So High School ft. Adam Cole | Chapter 2
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A/N: Thanks to those who have liked and/or reblogged. Please remember that a lot of us authors thrive from likes, reblogs + fun tags, asks, etc. about our work! We put so much time and effort into our writing. It seems like there's such little engagement with authors and fics on here these days and we need to bring it back!
The house was quiet, which was odd for the afternoon.  Usually, if they were both home, Austin was streaming on Twitch and Violet would be out of view of the screen reading a book or in the office completing a session with one of her patients.  But Austin wasn’t streaming, and she wasn’t in a session.  Instead, as she wandered through the house and into the main living area, she saw Austin sitting up on the couch, legs up and outstretched on the chaise.  He was just…there.  Not watching TV, not on his phone, not reading, not playing video games…nothing.  Just staring at nothing, perceiving nothing, an empty look in him. 
When Kyle had texted earlier that day, he suggested they get together soon so he could bring his daughter Janie over.  She was such a character, and Austin loved playing with her.  Violet knew it would cheer him up, at least even momentarily, and they agreed that Kyle would drop by “unannounced” tomorrow.  But in the meantime, Violet would have to get to the core of what was wrong, although deep down she knew.
Another injury.  Another setback.
She didn’t say a word as she walked across the room, even when Austin made eye contact with her.  Almost immediately he looked away, like they were back on the bus to Lancaster all those years ago.  He couldn’t bear to look at her, because he knew if he did, he’d start tearing up.  Maybe he would anyway.
Even when she snuggled into the side of his body, he didn’t look at her.  Couldn’t look at her.  She didn’t sense any coldness from him – she never did – and that was the worst part.  It felt simultaneously like Austin, her Austin, was there but not there, at the same time.  “Talk to me,” she whispered, trying to snake her arms around her shoulders to bring his body closer to hers.  He shook his head.  “Austin, talk to me,” she pressed.
He kept shaking his head.  Finally, a single tear fell.  The red blush of anger began to overwhelm his face.  “Again,” was all he could say, quietly but with a deep, deep sense of frustration.
She cupped his face in her hand, his beard rubbing against her skin.  “Austin—”
“Every day I watch you.  I watch you make me food and do my laundry and help me get out of the car and I hate it.  I fucking hate it—”
“You’re always taking care of me, taking care of us, and I’m just here, useless—”
“—Don’t call yourself that—”
“—I just, I feel so fucking defeated, Vi.  I hate doing this to you.  I hate it.  I see you get down on your knees to help me put on my fucking shoes and I’m this close to just losing it.”
Violet crawled onto his lap before touching their foreheads together.  Austin was getting redder from trying to hold it all in, and she wanted so desperately to take all his anger and frustration out of him.  Hell, she would take it if it meant not seeing him like this.  “I do those things for you because I love you.  Because I want to,” she whispered.
He shook his head.  “All those nights when I had the concussion, when you’d wake up with me because I was freaking out for no reason and you would calm me down even though sometimes it would take hours—”
“—Austin, I wasn’t going to let you go through all of that alone.  I did all that because I love you more than anything, because I know you would do the same for me,” she said.  That was a difficult time.  Painful and difficult.  And dark.  So dark.  When Austin took the brain test and only scored a 38 she remembered how much he sobbed.  She held it together in front of him but once he was asleep, she went into their bathroom and let it all out too, crying and crying until she got a headache.
“I don’t want to put you through that shit again, but I am.  I hate myself for it.”
“Shhhhhhhhh,” Violet cooed as she watched Austin break down entirely, burying his head in the crook of her neck as she hugged him close to her body.  He cried into her neck, a cathartic experience for him as he was letting it all out.  Violet was doing everything she could, everything she knew Austin liked, so she could calm him down: running her fingers through his hair lightly, soft kisses, whispering into his ear.
It was only when he raised his head did she see the true extent of his tears, a wet face with glistening cheeks and red eyes looking into hers.  “I can’t stand not being able to give you everything.  Give you what I promised I would,” he whispered in a voice frail and brittle.
Violet cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs wiping his tears away lightly as she shook her head slightly.  “You’re my everything, Austin.”
Austin let out a deep breath, almost as if he needed to hear those words.  “No matter how much I say I love you, I always love you more than that.”
They kissed, and when Austin buried his face into the crook of Violet’s neck again, there were no more tears – well, less tears – and instead, a sense of restoration, a sense of calm, a sense of peace.  The feeling that things would be okay despite another hardship being thrown their way.  The feeling that their love was stronger than this.  The feeling that, despite everything, after almost two decades together, a broken ankle wasn’t going to break Austin, or Violet, or their relationship.
The next day that Austin got on the bus, he saw Violet in his regular seat against the window.  She’d gone from “Maybe we should be friends” to stealing his seat in a matter of 24 hours.  He walked towards her after paying his fare and slipped into the seat beside her.  Violet was chipper as ever, despite it being early in the morning.  “Do you like listening to music?”
Austin was sort of taken aback by the question.  Was there anybody who didn’t?  “Yeah, of course,” he nodded.  “Why?  What do you like to listen to?”
Violet unzipped a small pocket on her backpack and pulled out something Austin was shocked to see – an iPod.  While many of his friends had different types of MP3 players, nobody he knew actually had an iPod.  “There’s this band that I just found.  They’re called Fall Out Boy.  They released an EP called My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side To My Tongue.  It’s acoustic – do you like acoustic?”
He was temporarily blinded by the iPod that he didn’t fully register what she was saying about Fall Out Boy.  “You have an iPod?” he asked, looking between her and the device in shock.
“Oh.  Uh, yeah,” she nodded.  “My aunt in Toronto got it for me for Christmas last year.  It’s pretty cool.”
“I’ve never seen one in real life before,” he almost chuckled out.  “I don’t know anybody who has one.”
Violet handed it to him, and he held on to it like it was a diamond.  “You can click through it and find something you like.”
“Uh, thanks,” he said, moving his finger along the clickwheel.  In their silence, she shuffled through the same pocked for headphones – a pair from Apple, he noticed, since the wires were white and the buds were circle shaped.  She stuck the end into the headphone jack and handed him the right bud.  So they were going to listen to songs on her iPod together?  Okay.  He looked her in the eye.  “You like Fall Out Boy?”
Her eyes lit up again.  He was immediately endeared, but he wouldn’t know that until much later.  “I really love that EP.  Do you listen to them?”
He nodded.  Clicking through, he found the album and clicked the first song.  They sat together on the bus, one earbud in each, listening to the whole album the rest of the way into Lancaster.
Later that night, as they crawled into bed, Austin snuggled into Violet as he always did, except this time there was an air of neediness in his body language.  Their bodies intertwined with one another’s naturally.  “I meant what I said earlier today,” he whispered.  “I love you more than I can say a lot of the time.”
“I know.  I meant what I said too about you being my everything,” Violet replied.  “I want you to remember that when things get hard.  When your mind plays tricks on you.  Remember my voice telling you that.”
Austin and Violet introduced each other to a lot of new music.  He would board the bus and introduce her to an album, and she’d go home and download it and put it on her iPod.  She would board the bus and introduce him to an album, and he’d go home and download the MP3s of it immediately before burning a blank CD.  Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance.  Hot Fuss by The Killers.
“My dad was listening to Mr. Brightside with me last night when I was playing it on the computer.  He loved it,” Violet said one morning as the bus barrelled down the highway towards Lancaster.  “He said it was very catchy.  He’s going to listen to the whole album next Monday when he has to drive to Philly.”
“Why does he need to go to Philly?” Austin asked.
“My dad’s a professor at UPenn,” she said.  “He lectures on international diplomacy and German politics.  I mean, with a name like Schwarzkopf, you know,” she shrugged, trying to joke.  “When he has to lecture, he stays in Philly.  So he’s gone Monday and Tuesday nights because his lectures on Mondays and Wednesdays.  He has a small apartment there that the university subsidizes.  He comes home by dinner on Wednesdays.  My mom at least stays in Manheim or just goes to the surrounding towns for her work.”
“What does she do?”
“My mom’s an SLT.”
Austin furrowed his brows slightly.  Was he supposed to know what that was?  “What’s that mean?”
“A speech language therapist.  She used to work at a practice with a lot of kids, like helping them with their speech impediments.  Getting them to pronounce their Rs correctly or help them with their lisps or stutters.  But since moving to Manheim she usually works with older people who have had, like, strokes and stuff.  She helps them with regaining their speech and their swallowing.”
Austin nodded, digesting all the information Violet was telling him.  No wonder she went to private school.  No wonder she pronounced and enunciated all her words so clearly it almost sounded like she had an accent.  No wonder she lived on Mulberry Street in Manheim.  With a university professor dad and a speech language therapist mom, was there any other possibility?  “That all sounds pretty…intense,” Austin offered.
Violet looked at him, wondering if that was his invitation for her to come in a bit more.  “It is,” she said, offering him very little.  “I mean, it—it can be, sometimes.  What do your parents do?”
He looked down at his feet and bit his lip momentarily before answering.  “Um, my parents are divorced.  My mom’s a hairstylist but she’s also studying to become a real estate agent.  My dad works in construction.  We…uh…we live with my grandma at her house.”
Violet gave him a look at the way those words came out of his mouth.  “You don’t have to be self-conscious about that, you know,” she told him.  “That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Austin shrugged his shoulders.  “I guess.  I mean plenty of my friends’ parents are divorced.  I just never thought mine would be one of them, you know?”
Violet nodded with him.  “My dad…when I say he’s German, I mean he’s German German.  Like he grew up in Frankfurt and then went to Toronto to study at the university, and that’s where he met my mom.  My mom’s got family back in Toronto, but here in Pennsylvania, it’s just us.  Literally just us.  That’s why we’re so…close, I guess.  Because without one another, we’d have nobody.  So I understand how hard it can be when that unit kind of…breaks up.”
She wondered if she made any God damn sense whatsoever, but as she watched Austin and saw him nod slightly, she knew at least something got through.  “Yeah.  We all still love each other.  It’s just…hard.”
“I—I’m sorry if I made you upset,” Violet was suddenly self-conscious again.  She had a tendency of doing sticking to overly-emotional topics in conversations, but it was always by accident.  She had to get the hint that people didn’t want to go there, especially not on a bus, especially with someone they’d practically just met, especially with someone they barely knew.  “I didn’t mean to—"
“—No no, it’s okay,” Austin assured her.  Well, at least she had that.
“I don’t mean to pry into your personal business.  I know we barely know each other,” she continued.  “And I’m sorry that—”
“—You need to stop apologizing,” Austin interrupted her again.  She almost couldn’t see it, but there was the smallest smile on his face – she could tell by his eye crinkles.  “I wouldn’t have told you if I didn’t want you knowing, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah.  Yeah of course,” she said confidently, even though, in her head, she was still trying to work out what that meant.  “Because we’re friends.”
A pause.  “Right,” Austin said finally.  “Because we’re friends.”
“Where do you want to go, Janie?” Austin asked in an upbeat voice as he carried Janie Greenwood, Kyle’s daughter, on his shoulders. 
“Kitken!” she screamed, pointing in the direction of the kitchen before Austin started to hobble over in his ankle boot.  “Snack!”
“Nooooo!  Janie’s had too many snacks at Uncle Austin’s house already,” Kyle warned from his seat on the floor next to some of Janie’s toys.
“No snack!”
“No snack!”
Uncle Austin, ever the spoiler, went to the cupboard and retrieved another packet of Goldfish for Janie, handing them to her with a smile.  “What Janie wants, Janie gets!” he exclaimed.
“Janie, let’s stick our tongues out at daddy,” Austin snickered, hobbling back to the couch as he and Janie made faces at Kyle, Janie sticking her tongue out as far as it could go.  From his spot on the floor, Kyle couldn’t help but shake his head and smile at his daughter and best friend.  From beside him, Violet smiled too, grateful to see a smile and some life back in Austin, even if it was just for a little while.
One weekend, out in Manheim, Austin and Violet saw each other at the grocery store.
Austin was with his mom, who was debating which brand of yogurt she should buy, and whether she should buy the packets or the big tub.  Down at the other end of the aisle, Violet was with her mom, too, buying some butter and heavy cream since they were going to make some cranberry and white chocolate scones.  The two stopped dead in their tracks once they saw each other, and both their mothers took quiet notice.  It was as if they thought the other didn’t exist outside of the bus.
It wasn’t until their mothers said something that they were honest.  “Who’s that?” Agatha Schwarzkopf asked her daughter, grabbing the butter from the fridge.
Violet didn’t answer at first – she only looked at Austin – until she could feel her mother staring at her.  “We ride the bus together into Lancaster every morning.  His name is Austin Jenkins.”
“Does he go to St. Augustine College?” she asked, referring to the traditional ‘brother’ school of St. Anne’s, the private boys’ school in north Lancaster.
“No.  He goes to Lancaster West.”
Agatha nodded slightly.  “Are you two friends?”
Violet hesitated again before nodding.  “Yeah.  We’re friends.”
“Who’s that?” Cathy Jenkins asked her son, finally deciding and grabbing the large tub of Greek yogurt from the fridge.
Austin didn’t answer at first – he only looked at Violet – until he could feel his mother staring at him.  “We take the bus together into Lancaster every morning.  Her name is Violet Schwarzkopf.”
“She’s a girl from your school?” Cathy asked.
“No.  She goes to St. Anne’s.”
Cathy’s eyebrows rose slightly as she nodded.  “Are you two friends?”
Austin hesitated again before nodding.  “Yeah.  We’re friends.”
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brenbrisson · 6 months
Who I Write For / Masterlist
Anaheim Ducks
Trevor Zegras
Trevor Zegras Instagram Au
Mason McTavish
Boston Bruins
Jeremy Swayman
Fighting - Jeremy Swayman
Chicago Blackhawks
Connor Bedard
Colton Dach
Colorado Avalanche
Cale Makar
Scared - Cale Makar
Columbus Blue Jackets
Cole Sillinger
Meeting Your Family - Cole Sillinger
Adam Fantilli
Edmonton Oilers
Leon Draisaitl
I Got You - Leon Draisaitl
Florida Panthers
Mackie Samoskevich
Montreal Canadiens
Cole Caufield
New Jersey Devils
Luke Hughes
Lake House Luke Hughes
Luke Hughes Instagram Au
Concussion - Luke Hughes
High School Sweethearts - Luke Hughes
Jack Hughes
Philadelphia Flyers
Jamie Drysdale
San Jose Sharks
Thomas Bordeleau
Vancouver Canucks
Quinn Hughes
Vegas Golden Knights
Brendan Brisson
Winnipeg Jets
Brad Lambert
Nick Moldenhauer
Jacob Truscott
Dylan Duke
Seamus Casey
Luca Fantilli
Ethan Edwards
Mark Estapa
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mobiblackout · 3 months
It was hard to tell who was happier about the news but after all of the time spent, it was a relief. At least until Max disappeared to talk to the therapist. The drive that was in the complete opposite of home made him even more suspicious.
"Where are we going?" He could see the muscle in the other man's jaw clench as he asked again. The only response he got was to wait.
And it payed off...Adam could feel the grin on his face as he stared up at the building.
"The trampoline park?"
"Thought you might wanna have a little fun, test things out...minus the kids this time."
His grin grew wider as he leaned over to kiss the other man before taking off to jump to his hearts content.
This one is so light-hearted and so creative. Thank you so much, Anon. I keep re-reading these!!!
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diorsluv · 5 months
casual , part 9
“ i have anger issues ”
series m. list previous chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by jackhughes, edwards.73, and 154,238 others
yourusername hughes-a-palooza ⁉️
tagged: lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes
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→ yourusername idk about weekly bae..
→ username47 at least monthly please 😭😭 yourusername
colecaufield quinn?!?!?!
→ _quinnhughes oh god
→ yourusername LMFAOOO
→ trevorzegras more blackmail 😈
_quinnhughes mom didn’t let you and luke sit together on planes for a reason
→ yourusername i accidentally spill coffee on him once and then all of a sudden i’m banned from sitting next to him 😔
→ lhughes_06 it was not an accident.
→ yourusername YES IT WAS??
→ jackhughes rosie i watched you PICK THE CUP UP and pour it on his lap
→ _quinnhughes wtf no she just separated you because you were annoying as hell
→ lhughes_06 oh
→ yourusername erm…
username32 STOP the toy story costumes are too adorable
username77 BABY QUINN
username91 omg i need to see all the baby photo albums right now
adamfantilli so when were you gonna tell me you’ve been cosplaying since you were 3
→ yourusername it’s called dressing up for halloween 😐😐
→ adamfantilli which is technically cosplaying
→ luca.fantilli bro why are you so obsessed with cosplaying
→ rutgermcgroarty do you have something you wanna tell us adam???
→ adamfantilli 🤐
→ g.brindley4 is that why i found a red and white wig in your closet the other day??
→ yourusername MY HERO COSPLAY?? 😭
→ markestapa todoroki cosplay is insane
→ yourusername 🫶
edwards.73 the costumes r cute
→ yourusername you seem super thrilled!!!!
→ edwards.73 cuz they’re cute but you’re cuter
→ yourusername oh 😨
→ markestapa this is quite public if i do say so myself
→ lhughes_06 🤢🤢
→ mackie.samo i actually threw up reading this
→ edwards.73 mackie you’re quite literally sick right now
username85 i want my kids to be like this
username13 jim n ellen got us with the good pics ‼️
_alexturcotte did you and jack always match costumes??
→ yourusername our mom switched it every year but jack was the best costume twin 😔😔
→ _quinnhughes okay our lorax and onceler costume was good though
→ yourusername …….no!
→ colecaufield who was the lorax???
→ yourusername take a wild guess 😑
→ _quinnhughes you lost rock paper scissors fair and square yourusername
dylanduke25 i like how you and quinn NEVER have pics together
→ yourusername i have yet to find a picture of only us in an old photo
rutgermcgroarty when will you post the pics of us 😔
→ yourusername rut sweetie they’re my BROTHERS i have to post them occasionally
→ yourusername and also i just posted us???
→ rutgermcgroarty you have an entire album of us.
→ yourusername i have one for vivi too and i barely post me and her 😰😰
→ rutgermcgroarty SIX. HUNDRED. PHOTOS.
→ mackie.samo 600????
→ rutgermcgroarty 694 to be exact 😒
→ markestapa SO BASICALLY 700?!?!?!?!
→ colecaufield what happened to the other boyfriend
→ dylanduke25 yk rosie if i didn’t know who your not-boyfriend is, i would think it was rut
→ rutgermcgroarty ..duker that’s not a good thing
→ dylanduke25 i know
username62 i will be dressing my children up in toy story costumes thank you.
markestapa i’ve never heard him scream in agony so loudly before
→ yourusername wait what??? what happened to him
→ markestapa you and your little “best friend”
→ rutgermcgroarty yeah that’s all there is
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liked by _alexturcotte, luca.fantilli, and 97,255 others
yourusername went on a cooking rampage tn 🫢
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edwards.73 that food looks pretty good im not gonna lie
→ yourusername yeah this random guy made it for me
→ edwards.73 random???
→ yourusername mhm it was so weird.. he had the key to my apartment and everything
→ edwards.73 man i think that’s pretty unsafe rosie
→ yourusername it’s okay tho i thought he was cute so i let him stay ☺️
→ edwards.73 oh 😳
luca.fantilli LET HER COOK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
→ yourusername aaaaaand you’re blocked
→ markestapa LET HER COOK 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
→ rutgermcgroarty LET HER COOK 😝😝😝😝😝😝
→ dylanduke25 LET HER COOK 😈😈😈😈😈😈
→ mackie.samo LET HER COOK 😼😼😼😼😼😼
→ yourusername you’re all HORRIBLE
→ luca.fantilli 😘
→ markestapa 😘😘
→ rutgermcgroarty 😘😘😘
→ dylanduke25 😘😘😘😘
→ mackie.samo 😘😘😘😘😘
trevorzegras goddamn big back lemme have some
→ yourusername ⁉️⁉️⁉️
→ jackhughes u just got clipped bro
→ _quinnhughes 📸
username75 is that… HIM??
username90 bae stop actin like you don’t know we know it’s ethan
username23 AWW cooking date so cute
_alexturcotte oh are those brownies for me 😁
→ yourusername you n trev r always trying to steal my food bro 😒😒
→ _alexturcotte what can i say ur a good cook
→ yourusername U CALLED MY PASTA SHIT
username6 stop the plating is so gourmet
colecaufield you and luke’s gf are like the same person
→ yourusername LUKE??? GF???? WHENNNNN?????? lhughes_06
→ lhughes_06 thanks a lot cole
→ yourusername EXPLAIN
→ jackhughes you know her veeeeeery well
→ yourusername VIVIAN?!?!?!
→ vivianliu oh god no 😭😭
username44 cole’s stirring up the family drama
username19 damnn those cookies r looking good girl
→ yourusername i tried to perfect my recipe 😈
rutgermcgroarty name drop the guy rn
→ yourusername dude ur acting like ur the one in the pics 🙄🙄
→ rutgermcgroarty who said i wasnt
→ yourusername i did.
→ lhughes_06 is this supposed to be a tactic to confuse everyone
→ rutgermcgroarty we’ll never know 🤫
mackie.samo when was the last time you willingly ate pizza
→ yourusername tonight 😐
→ mackie.samo because he made you do it……… right??
→ yourusername NO he just wanted to do it so i did
adamfantilli wtf rosie i just looked at the boys gc and hes literally obsessed with you
→ yourusername um 😃
→ adamfantilli NOT LIKE THAT
→ adamfantilli but he’s just being a big pussy rn
→ yourusername that’s what they’re all saying 🙄🙄
→ edwards.73 DUDE you gotta stop leaking the gc convos
→ luca.fantilli fr it’s unacceptable
→ yourusername stfu luca u sent me screenshots like two days ago
→ rutgermcgroarty TRAITOR luca.fantilli
→ yourusername and u just gave me ur phone to scroll through rutgermcgroarty
→ mackie.samo as the spokesperson i’d like to say we’re kicking u all out
→ adamfantilli NO PLEASE
→ rutgermcgroarty WE’LL DO ANYTHING
→ luca.fantilli WAIT PLEASE FORGIVE US
_quinnhughes so as your older brother it’s my job to steal your food
→ yourusername 🫤
→ _quinnhughes and we’re playing the wings tomorrow so i will be stopping by and stealing half the stuff in your fridge
→ yourusername thanks for the warning asshole
→ _quinnhughes any time u little shit
→ jackhughes hey that was my nickname for her 😞
→ lhughes_06 i thought i was the little shit????
→ vivianliu how did you guys manage to go from posting each other to arguing over who was the little shit 😭😭
username7 forearms 😵‍💫😵‍💫
liked by yourusername
username30 get urself a man who will have cooking dates with u 🙌
lhughes_06 u make enough food to feed the entire family
→ yourusername mom taught me well 🤗
→ lhughes_06 but u literally never fed me when we lived together??
→ yourusername yes. i. did.
→ jackhughes lukey says u “NEVERRRR” fed him
→ _quinnhughes mom and dads genes
→ yourusername bc i’ve been feeding him HALF of my food every time he walked into the damn room
→ yourusername SINCE WE WERE 14
→ jackhughes ur not wrong
→ yourusername no shit
username13 girlll im tryna cook like u
username9 cutiessss 💕
username27 babe ima need u to hard launch alreadyyy
vivianliu rosie.
→ yourusername vivi.
→ vivianliu i know you cook and bake when you’re stressed or anxious
→ yourusername whatttt no
→ vivianliu is it about him 🤨
→ yourusername no!
→ vivianliu mmmmmkay
notes ) she’s a bit of a short one BUT HERES TO THE STARS’ SATURDAY NIGHT WIN AND THE WIN FROM TN ‼️ the stress was fucking insane and my heart was BEATING but we did it 🙏 a celebratory chapter if you will
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood @bunting58 @crazycat-ladys-blog @smoooore @bunbunbl0gs @lilasianmeat
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