#Adam bright
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brightshaw-shipper · 2 months ago
Does the Bright family exist in your headcanon, and if so, how are they all doing?
Please please please let TJ have a good day I beg.
Yes, they do exist! Here are my headcanons:
TJ Bright:
Got a dose of SCP-500 and is now back to full health
Went to Deer College, majored in anomalous medicine
Went to Alexylva University, got a doctorate in anomalous medicine (he is now Dr. Bright)
Works in the medical wing of the Foundation now
Very cozy all the time (wears long sleeves, long pants, gloves, and a hoodie)
Likes painting Warhammer 40k minis
Is good with a gun
Is aroace
Attended the blorbos' wedding
Doing pretty well
Mikell Bright:
Is O5-6
Has a charming Southern accent
Cannot sit still and suits are a sensory overload for him (but when he does wear a suit, it's a white one, with a white cowboy hat)
Doesn't really get sarcasm
Can control plants (because I'm not letting a member of the Bright family get off with being non-anomalous)
Because of the above, he can often be seen with flowers in his hair
Attended the blorbos' wedding (Thompson and Black were sitting a few seats away, disguised as random guests)
Really needs glasses but doesn't know it
Is gay
Doing okay
Sarah Bright (SCP-321):
Loved her stuffed bear
Would occasionally stack blocks as high as she could, then knock them over and giggle
Favorite handler was Dr. Sarah Rilkes, who treated her more like a person than the other handlers (she couldn't fully grasp the concept of this, but she knew Dr. Rilkes was nicer than the others)
Did not like toy balls; they're hard to grab
Drew all the time: on paper and the walls of her chamber
Hated bath time with a passion
Just fell asleep one night and didn't wake up (her heart gave out)
Had a formal funeral: even Mikell cleared enough time in his packed schedule to be there
Doing well (in the afterlife)
Claire Lumineux:
Reads books and watches TV for the plot, not the suspense (she already knows what's going to happen, let's just see how)
Lives in Three Portlands, spending most of her time at the Wanderer's Library
Gives dating advice to her fellow Hand members: "nope, he's trouble", "I mean, sure, if you want to get shipped off to the Jailors in a crate", stuff like that
Crosses the street on her phone; she already knows if a car's coming or not
Attended the blorbos' wedding under supervision
Paints her nails iridescent green
Is a lesbian
Doing great
Adam Bright:
Never hit his kids, but got pretty close
Alt-right; would have supported Trump
Went out to the local bar a lot, didn't come home until after the kids were in bed
Didn't treat Evelyn as an equal (this was the Sixties and Seventies, but STILL)
Usually seen wearing a baseball cap
Wanted to have a son who did sports; when Mikell went off to college, that role passed to Jack, who got his arm broken by that bully Mitch Peters, leading to the next bullet point
Used the window of opportunity created by Jack's broken arm and Mikell's being at college to bring TJ to the Foundation and have him contained
Did not attend the blorbos' wedding, due to being dead (assassinated bc he wanted to get Sarah out of containment) (Mikell was the passing vote on the assassination plot)
Was straight and proud of it
Didn't let anyone find out what his anomalous property was
Slept around a lot
Doing badly (also in the afterlife)
Evelyn Bright:
Great cook, could probably cook the most difficult dishes without a problem
Does needlepoint, usually those embroidery circles
Knits with such speed people think she's using thaumaturgy (she's not)
Is a Type Blue
Wouldn't be caught dead wearing a skirt; we live in a time where women can wear pants and she is going to wear pants
Once knitted an entire cloak for a fellow Hand member because everybody forgot their birthday
Lives in Three Portlands
Attended the blorbos' wedding under supervision
Is bisexual; has a girlfriend but they haven't gotten serious yet
Sends all her children cards on their birthdays
Doing pretty well
Thanks for the ask! Hope this answers your question! -Thaumiel
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unknownanomoly · 7 months ago
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part 1 bright family in my AU :> If it's not clear my AU is a Magnus Archives x SCP universe, sooo yeah, I'll make another part of the family soon, and then I'll make a family tree. Also all these characters are my interpret of them, plus also some of my own OCs, if you have any questions please ask! I would love to talk about my AU a bit more!!
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the-anon-scp-confessions · 3 months ago
As long as I live Adam Bright will have a hater
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ilovescp · 1 month ago
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Idk what possesed me to draw this: it's Adam trying to get a raise of pay
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supercasey · 1 year ago
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It's the Bright family! They're a disfunctional bunch, but............ yeah, there's no defending some of them, but they're still my little blorbos 💖
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dearloonies · 1 year ago
Dr. Bright: Every once in a while I think to myself "why do I have all these mental disorders, surely my childhood wasn't bad" and then I have an interaction with my father and I understand.
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the-land-of-dreams · 2 years ago
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ok look. i know this is an awfully weird time to do designs for the whole bright family but look i have brain worms ok also bonus, what had the kids so nervous:
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drawingsfromthefrogwar · 2 years ago
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younger adam and evelyn <3
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rhouxl · 2 years ago
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Commission for @toacho featuring his interpretation of Adam Bright!
[SCP - Adam Bright of @o5-12 - he/him]
ID in alt.
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kissmygoodluckcharm · 2 years ago
Do you have any headcanons on the bright family?
all weed smokwrs (expect adam. idk why i have the feeling he refuses to touch the stuff)
had family picnics. once mikkel got chased by a goose for a solid 10 minutes and everyone was laughing too hard to do anything
tj wins every game of monopoly they play together. jack always insists to be the banker and gives himself more money but loses anyways
evelyn offers to embroid things on mikkels cowboy hat all the time. its her way of showing support for the cowboy aesthetic
adam tries to make strategies for any board game the family plays but fails miserably
when clef first met the bright family he said "wow. mikkels hot" and mikkel teases him whenever he comes to visit
tj has communication cards evelyn and adam made for him
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twig-the-edgelord · 2 years ago
TW// Bright case,
I apologize for being confusing. I’m not good with my words, however I think I need to speak on my struggles on what to do with my version of Dr. Bright, instead of just reblogging people talking about the Bright case.
To be honest, I have had (and still am having) thoughts of fully rewriting my versions Dr. Bright and the Bright family as a whole. However, at this moment my declining mental state has been effecting me and telling me I’m in the wrong no matter what I do. (As in fully rewriting or keeping him the same) I also have thoughts on leaving this fandom all together, but I really don’t want to.
I have rewritten him slightly but kept the name. I’m going to wait until I’m in a better state of mind to decide on what I’m going to do. Please keep in mind that my Bright might not continue being Bright, or I may leave, or just might need to take a break.
I really hate to sound rude, but the S.C.P. fandom has a lot of issues (in not just the Bright case) I’m really glad I’ve meet and seen so many nice people in this fandom, however I get really upset at seeing the hatred towards people. I know it’s not just this fandom, but I’ve seen a lot more of it on here, with a lot more people justifying it. Again this isn’t the majority, everyone I’ve interacted with is really nice. Please, I am begging everyone to not be hatful or send hate to anyone, please!
Thank you for reading my little rant,
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illuminakisser · 2 years ago
some guys
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yes they r all queer nobody can stop me
also fun fact eden wanted a child but didnt wanna sex so they decided to just create one and thats how elleifos now exists
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nothingherenothingleft · 2 years ago
why r all the bastards the ones who i cant stop thinking of like get out of my thoughts u queers
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atinyladybug-daydreams · 2 years ago
I had a realization that Adam falls into the "old men bbygirl" tungle trope. Divorced? check. Moraly grey? Check. Old almost balding? Check. Might be a bit pathetic? Check. Slut? Check. If he had more characterization he would be considered a bbygurl
Even w/o more characterisations, he already is a babygirl if you squint hard eough
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supercasey · 1 year ago
Retrieval Process
Chapter 6: Family Fight Night
Description: Takes place in the “Bright Family Values” series - Jack was twelve, the day the foundation came for his family.
A/N: Welcome back to “congratulations, it gets WORSE!” I’m your host Ted and you all have the right to shoot me on sight.
Word Count: 6,090
AO3 Link: Here
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inthedarktrees · 4 months ago
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Watership Down (1978) dir. Martin Rosen
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