#Evelyn bright
unknownanomoly · 24 days
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part 1 bright family in my AU :> If it's not clear my AU is a Magnus Archives x SCP universe, sooo yeah, I'll make another part of the family soon, and then I'll make a family tree. Also all these characters are my interpret of them, plus also some of my own OCs, if you have any questions please ask! I would love to talk about my AU a bit more!!
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supercasey · 6 months
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It's the Bright family! They're a disfunctional bunch, but............ yeah, there's no defending some of them, but they're still my little blorbos 💖
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the-land-of-dreams · 1 year
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ok look. i know this is an awfully weird time to do designs for the whole bright family but look i have brain worms ok also bonus, what had the kids so nervous:
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I just, I just I think she's cool
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Some agent in the middle of a Serpent's Hand and Prometheus Labs break in: BRIGHT!
Evelyn, Claire, David, Mikell, Tamlin, Yoric, Serra, TJ, Jack, Adam, Nobody and Claire II: YOU'RE GONNA NEED TO GET MORE SPECIFIC THAN THAT
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Btw major tom aint made by the author so its not confirmed cannon that adam and evelyn are abuse,ffs yall just want to make them seem more evil,yes theire negligent since sarah was born they had no choice but to use tj to heal her but they were in mourning
First reaction:
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Now onto the actual essay, research and resources. Jump towards the bottom at the General Conclusion if you wish to skip the entire essay:
Part 1: The concept of Canon in SCP
The fundamentals to the SCP fandom is that there is NO canon in SCP. This has been stated over and over by the authors, wiki staff, content creators and even fans of the SCP wiki. Some prominent figures of high standing who agreed to this and had contributed to the wiki and the fandom on a large scale itself are Dr.Sherman from Site-42 and Author Raddhager- writer and creator of the Find Us Alive podcast.
SCP Canon is fluid. Period. There is no "One Truth Above All". Articles, tales, series and canons had time and time again, constantly contradict each other because everything is based on the authors' interpretation and canon- which, surprise, the authors are in fact the consumers itself.
Such incidents of contradiction can be seen in the multiple canons, the existence of the few dozens of SCP-001s and every other article that follows its canon (Factory and its lore, Daybreak and its lore, etc) and even who are on the O5 council.
If we're going on the logic of "Everything written in an article is canon", then let me propose a question. What if two articles using the same character/SCiP are contradictory towards each other? Does it mean that one article is "canon" and the other is "a headcanon"?
And this isn't a thought or a what-if situation because this has actually happened in multiple SCP articles. One I can bring up is literally the article for SCP-963.
In SCP-963, the amulet containing Dr.Bright is confirmed and tested to be indestructible. Yet in SCP-6170, an anomalous incident has caused the amulet to crack (and fucking up Dr.Bright in the process). This isn't the first incident where 963 is damage or Bright dies. In the tale for Yesterday in the Resurrection Canon (re: CANON), Clef "kills" Bright by sending the amulet towards the sun. The arguement of "it's a tale" doesn't work here as well because in SCP-6170, an SCP article, 963 begans showing cracks upon the death of the anomaly (6170)- which should be impossible if "SCP-963 is indestructible". Also the argument that 6170 affecting all anomalies in general so 963 being affected isn't wrong can't be brought up cause in many cases, 963 has been pretty much an item that doesn't follow reality's rules
Part 2: The Bright Family, lore and Author Bright. Trigger warning for this part for rape, incest, pedophilia, racism and ableism
The actual canon of the Bright family written by the author is really fucked up and if you wanna kiss their ass and make that canon, be my guest but keep in mind that the Bright family is canonically incestual, openly support rape, pedophiliac and ableist.
I won't go much about all that but @canorrus made a pretty good post collecting all the parts here. [a big tw of rape, incest, pedophilia, racism and ableism before you click the link.]
Anyways if you are standing on the hill where canon can only be confirmed by author bright that means you are in full support of the canon that the bright family is incestual, rape-positive, pedophiliac and ableist. These aren't my rules love, they're yours <3
Also I don't know how to tell you, having YOUR LIVING SON who can heal people heal your DEAD DAUGHTER is fucked up. TJ's anomaly comes in the form of absorbing their injuries and making it his. Are you telling me that the risk of TJ absorbing Sarah's DEATH to revive Sarah is a form of love? Are you telling me that Adam Bright, in his grief of losing his daughter, making the decision to sacrifice ONE LIVING CHILD to bring back a CHILD WHO NEVER LIVED, is not fucked up?
I don't know how to put it in words to tell you that sacrificing a living child to bring back a dead child is not fuck up and grief and mourning doesn't excuse literally hurting a child <3
You wanna know what choice they had towards Sarah's death? NOT USE THEIR OTHER SON TO RAISE THE DEAD.
Part 3: The topic of abuse with Adam and Evelyn Bright. As such, big TW on Abuse
According to Google, abuse refers to "cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal." There's roughly 11 types of abuse towards children which are:
Bullying and cyberbullying
Child sexual explotation
Child trafficking
Criminal exploitation and gangs
Domestic Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Female genital mutilation
Non-recent abuse
Online Abuse
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
As you can see form the list that I've gotten here, then you can clearly see that Neglect is a form of abuse. Therefore, putting two and two together would make Adam and Evelyn canonically abusive if they had committed neglect towards their 4 children prior to Sarah's birth.
This isn't a thing the fandom came up with, smartass. This is an actual fact that they are abusive
Abuse comes in many different ways and just because Adam and Evelyn don't hit their kids, they still fucked them up severely. Abuse is abuse. There is no "neglect isn't that bad".
If it weren't "that bad", it wouldn't be on the fucking list, genius.
My thoughts:
First of all, so what if we want to make Adam and Evelyn more evil? There is nothing wrong with that in a fandom that has no canon (refer to Part 1). Everything is up to interpretation and if you're being a pissbaby about a majority of the fandom agreeing that Evelyn and Adam Bright are shitty parents, then maybe don't interact with them.
Don't like? Don't interact. If you don't like my canons and interpretations of the Bright family, then kindly please remove your presence from my blog before I do it for you. The block button is right there. Stop shitting on my canons, interpretations and headcanons.
Also like, if you're like "Nothing is canon unless the author of that character makes it canon" then SCP is not the right fandom for you because again, please refer to Part 1 of this entire essay to get it through your thick skull that EVERYTHING and NOTHING is canon and it's up to readers' and writers' interpretation.
SCP and the wiki uses the creative commons license. That means everyone is free to use, distribute, remixed and BUILD ON what is posted in the site and surprise surpsrise, the Bright family were. Don't get your knickers in a twist because what people had build on isn't what you wanted or expected, love.
Oh, one more thing, just because they're mourning doesn't give them an excuse of using their son to bring back their dead daughter. Yes, grief absolutely changes and causes people to act irrationally but at the end of the day, you are still using a paying a living, breathing child to bring back a stillborn, dead daughter. I apologise for the cold and rough wording but I want to be absolutely clear and straightforward with this situation.
General conclusion/tl;dr
Firstly, SCP Canon has never been canon and it belongs to the people and how people interpret it. Canon is cherry picked and nothing is certain.
In addition, canon Bright family is fucked up thanks to the author and if you deem only what Author Bright write as canon, you need to self reflect on some of your personal values and critical thinking.
Plus, Neglect is still abuse. Therefore, Adam and Evelyn are abusive.
Lastly, SCP runs on a creative commons license so everyone's interpretation is valid. Respect other peoples' interpretation and canons and if you don't like it, move on.
Resources, links, other explanations:
SCP Articles & Tales brought up here:
Authors and Content Creators Mentioned who can explain better than me:
Site-42/Dr Sherman:
Wiki Profile
Author Raddhager:
Wiki Profile
General/Other Resources:
NSPCC Types of Abuse
Creative Commons License
Your move.
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Do you have any headcanons on the bright family?
all weed smokwrs (expect adam. idk why i have the feeling he refuses to touch the stuff)
had family picnics. once mikkel got chased by a goose for a solid 10 minutes and everyone was laughing too hard to do anything
tj wins every game of monopoly they play together. jack always insists to be the banker and gives himself more money but loses anyways
evelyn offers to embroid things on mikkels cowboy hat all the time. its her way of showing support for the cowboy aesthetic
adam tries to make strategies for any board game the family plays but fails miserably
when clef first met the bright family he said "wow. mikkels hot" and mikkel teases him whenever he comes to visit
tj has communication cards evelyn and adam made for him
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twig-the-edgelord · 1 year
TW// Bright case,
I apologize for being confusing. I’m not good with my words, however I think I need to speak on my struggles on what to do with my version of Dr. Bright, instead of just reblogging people talking about the Bright case.
To be honest, I have had (and still am having) thoughts of fully rewriting my versions Dr. Bright and the Bright family as a whole. However, at this moment my declining mental state has been effecting me and telling me I’m in the wrong no matter what I do. (As in fully rewriting or keeping him the same) I also have thoughts on leaving this fandom all together, but I really don’t want to.
I have rewritten him slightly but kept the name. I’m going to wait until I’m in a better state of mind to decide on what I’m going to do. Please keep in mind that my Bright might not continue being Bright, or I may leave, or just might need to take a break.
I really hate to sound rude, but the S.C.P. fandom has a lot of issues (in not just the Bright case) I’m really glad I’ve meet and seen so many nice people in this fandom, however I get really upset at seeing the hatred towards people. I know it’s not just this fandom, but I’ve seen a lot more of it on here, with a lot more people justifying it. Again this isn’t the majority, everyone I’ve interacted with is really nice. Please, I am begging everyone to not be hatful or send hate to anyone, please!
Thank you for reading my little rant,
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illuminakisser · 1 year
some guys
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yes they r all queer nobody can stop me
also fun fact eden wanted a child but didnt wanna sex so they decided to just create one and thats how elleifos now exists
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askthebrights · 2 years
Hi! I had an idea, and that idea was to make a ask the Bright's askblog!
Yep, it's exactly what you think it is. You send me asks about the Bright family, and I will do my best to answer as them!
It likely won't be drawn, I'm not quite good enough yet, but I hope it will work anyway!
No NSFW. Full stop. In fact, keep shipping down as well, since, y'know, THEY'RE FAMILY!?
No hate. This goes for discrimination, bigotry, general hatred of things, just no. You aren't 682, you don't hate all living things. (And if you are, how'd you get a computer, and why are you on Tumblr??)
No anon magic. Sorry, but again, I won't be drawing, so you can't see it anyway.
That's about it, don't break these rules, I will block you. And if you become an anon to break these rules, I will stop anons from asking in the first place. Don't be a party pooper. No one likes people like that.
Anyway! Characters I will currently accept asks for:
Jack Bright, AKA SCP 963.
Mikell Bright, AKA O5-6.
TJ Bright, AKA SCP 590.
Evelyn Bright, AKA the former O5-2, I think.
Adam Bright, AKA O5-1, or maybe 12? I'm not too sure lol sry
Claire Lumineaux (is that her last name?).
Those are all the ones I know, if you want to ask for any others, you're going to have to give me the name of a tale which has them as a major character.
Oh, also, my use of Dr Bright is not in support of the author in any way.
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bloodbluepearl · 2 years
Evelyn Bright lesbian rights real .
o yea she had bad experience with men she doesnt like male specimens anymore. ladies are always better
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supercasey · 6 months
Retrieval Process
Chapter 6: Family Fight Night
Description: Takes place in the “Bright Family Values” series - Jack was twelve, the day the foundation came for his family.
A/N: Welcome back to “congratulations, it gets WORSE!” I’m your host Ted and you all have the right to shoot me on sight.
Word Count: 6,090
AO3 Link: Here
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grapedemon · 4 months
Bit of an eyestrain warning?
“God, can we just get along!?”
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This totally wasn’t an excuse to practice bright colors again…noooooo…who said that-
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good mom's support their transfem daughter dating the devil
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Bright commits crimes against reality.
Ice is an a$$hole. Like, he will be sarcastic, he will roast you, he will take a rude tone to the O5 Council, he's just not nice to people at first.
However, if you can tolerate him for more than maybe six months, he'll start to warm up to you. Maybe. This does not apply if you don't at least try to be nice to him, and the nicer you are to him, the nicer he'll be to you.
People don't often manage this, but somehow, Bright did. Bright, notorious at the time for being completely unlikable. Gears did somewhat, but was also highly abus1ve.
Somehow, the two most unanimously disliked people in the Foundation ended up getting quite close. Bright was even one of the few people who knew Ice's real name (Personally, I like Julian Sylvester-Finn, got both bio father and step-father's last names)
And then, Ice d1es. Bright is the one to find his b0dy. Out of everyone in the small group of people who could even somewhat tolerate each other, Bright takes this the hardest. This is around the time of the creation of the first chainsaw cannon.
Also around this time, Bright goes to his mother, Evelyn Bright. She works with Prometheus Labs. She basically says, 'Well, if you don't want him d3ad, you could just bring him back to life!'
Bright is horrified by this prospect, his own worst experiences being connected to getting brought back to life through 963, but slowly, the idea starts to grow on him. He wouldn't have to make the resurrection permanent, after all. Just reanimate the b0dy, put the mind and soul back in, a few stitches here and there, Ice didn't have blood thanks to his temperature so that wouldn't be a problem...
Then, Kondraki d1es. This is the first major leap towards choosing necromancy that Bright takes. And finally, at least a decade later, Claire Lumineaux d1es. This is what finally pushes Bright over the edge.
First, he has Nobody hack into the alarms and turn them off. Then, breaks into SCP-049's containment cell and breaks the Doctor out. After that, he grabs SCP-073 and briefs him on the plan, leaving some details out. Cain thinks this is a horrible idea, but goes along with it because he doesn't want Bright to get severely injured or permanently k1lled.
Together, the three of them get exactly 1 mile away from the Site unhindered before encountering Clef. Bright explains the plan and Clef is on board 100%. Clef has no qualms with mildly breaking the fabric of reality.
The four of them are now home free, hitting three different graveyards on three different states (Texas for Claire, Nevada for Kondraki, Michigan for Iceberg) and stealing three c0rpses.
Cain and 049 translate some of the details in 049's notebook, Bright uses his expertise on the amulet, and Clef bends reality a bit to make all of this possible.
And finally, at the crack of dawn, seven hours later, on a freezing cold winter night in Eagle Harbor, Michigan, James Abel Lumineaux discovers the secrets of necromancy, and Ice, Claire and Kondraki are back.
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Each time somebody writes Adam and Evelyn as abusive or Adam as being the only one to blame i lose 10yrs off my life. They deadass loved their kids SO MUCH to the point they gave everything to save them from containment. They rose through the ranks,did shit they hated just to get positions they Hated so they could save them and in the end it was for nothing. Adam stayed since they would probs do horrible shit to him and the kids,in this position he could atlest let TJ be in Jacks site and care,while Evelyn ran since she chose revenge and killed a bunch of them,but she still thought of them
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In addition:
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Your call.
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