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zef-zef · 2 months ago
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Hildegard Westerkamp - Breaking News from: Hildegard Westerkamp - Breaking News (earsay, 2024)
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a-alban-works · 2 months ago
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franchar-ideas · 5 months ago
“Sueño del Alma”
Dreams are a way in which the brain tries to synthesize the needs of the human being, to the point that it often seems real when it is not.
Usually leaving a vague memory of meaningless scenes, sensations of colors and even extracts of outside sounds.
Dream of the soul synthesizes a world that appears to be what it is not, although it yearns for it to the point of corrupting its very meaning. Where the imaginary becomes so real that it confuses our daily life, creating a mess between the actions that one often performs in these dreams.
Piece composed between October and November 2023 as a commission from the Creative Workshop VI Acousmatic of the Musical and Sound Arts Degree of the Universidad Austral de Chile.
It consists of an Acoustic piece that lasts 8:51 minutes, which was created from the thought of imitating the natural, listening in stereo and the integrity of different treatments that give the sensation of sections of the same work.
The recreation of natural sounds was the main guide and driving force for the work, so they were focusing on three elements, rain, footsteps and different birds. I must clarify that the laughter included was initially intended to be created from scratch, but due to the constant attempt and error to achieve something human, which was not achieved at the time, predetermined recordings were taken from the Vocaloid program. Even so, the challenge given as a proposal for the work was to make all those sounds from scratch using VCV Rack, so, taking as a reference the spectral aspects of each sound, they tried to recreate as similar as possible to what is heard in nature, thus assimilating the fictitious origin of the sound.
After having the VCV Rack patches ready for these three different sound concepts, samples of the improvised section of approximately 20 minutes were recorded until they had all the possible sound varieties that could be obtained without losing the “naturalness” of the sound.
Using the REAPER program, they selected interesting pieces to be able to use directly or to modify them in the Audacity, Cecilia 5 or Mammut programs, thus altering their tempo, pitch, reverberation and duration in each audio. As mentioned above, the montage for the composition was also done using the REAPER program where little by little, as if it were a collage, I assembled sections according to a timeline of the presentation of the sounds.
With that in mind, the timeline can be described in four parts, the first part being the presentation of the sound elements trying to create a first stage of dream, diffuse and still with some consciousness; There is a high use of the perception of stereo space to move on to the second section, which highlights a burlesque and tense side to the type of sounds used, as what was left in the first part, has been deformed by the concept of "dream and synthesized reality" in addition to the more open use of space and perception of certain sounds, thinking of this "speaker-like" space where the sound is more audible thus giving the sensation of proximity and spatial movement. The mix between the panning movement, intensity and filtering create this sensation of spatiality that distinguishes Acusmatica music. For the third part, a bit of pointillism of sounds is played with in a reverberant space, giving the sensation of a watery space that mixes two sound aspects that can be distinguished from each other, similar but individual. In the case of the fourth part, it would be an amalgamation between the end of the third part and a new section, as if it were a bad memory, using raspy, low and continuous sounds. Finally, it reaches a fifth, more coda-like section where diffuse and distant sounds predominate in the background, as if they were in a foggy room, this is due to the way the filters are used. The coda, on the other hand, gradually reveals certain sounds that are clearer from their origin until reaching the end, closing with a great finale in crescendo, taking the listener out of that trance caused by the fourth and fifth sections.
One of the things that can be done with the effects in REAPER is the automation of the parameters of each track, thus making more spontaneous or directed changes as needed, increasing and decreasing each point, even the volume and panning per track.
Finally, the result of the work was a journey that supports its title, where the concept of dream, perception, synthesized reality and the creation of a fictitious space are the soul of the project itself, together with the experimentation and creation of electronic sounds from scratch.
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paulodafonseca · 2 years ago
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Hone nami
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hngtm · 2 years ago
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https://hnagatsuma.bandcamp.com/album/compositions-16 . . . . . #BandcampFriday #bandcamp #음악 #작곡 #electronica #electroacoustic #acousmatic #minimal #ambient #asmr #soundart #noise #structure #texture #grain #granular #serum #glitch #picoftheday #beautifuldestinations #MoodyGrams #ユーカリが丘 #justgoshoot #tlpicks #shotzdelight #streetart_addiction #mybestcityshots #qotd #ootd (ユーカリが丘) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVHQjSPbHb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamlisteningto · 3 months ago
Bernard Parmegiani & François Bayle’s Divine Comédie
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soulthom · 5 months ago
Today’s broadcast « Guy d’Abord ou Thom Debord,  tu choises pas… » startingue 1:30 PM (UTC+2) @ http://soulthom.com/radio
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thetaizuru · 6 months ago
(Alexander Panos)
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zef-zef · 1 year ago
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Bjarni Gunnarsson - Upics (Flag Day Recordings, 2023)
All the source material has been created with the UPIC system (Iannis Xenakis) a graphical computer system where users draw shapes, waveforms, and modulations on ‘pages’ that form a composition or composed sound.
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a-alban-works · 2 months ago
Double debut album officially released on October 26, 2023.
Genre: electroacoustic music, musique concrète, drone/dark-ambient, electronic, experimental, noise, tape music.
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Tracciare l'attività del pensiero umano, studiarne evoluzione e mutamenti, andamenti, particolarità, come di un organismo dalla forma incostante il cui corpo coincide con il proprio tempo. Se le sue attività potessero essere tradotte e convertite in un evento sonoro complesso, in una partitura grafica leggibile da un'intelligenza cibernetica, esse sarebbero il canto dell'identità, e l'identità vera è molteplice.
Lo scorrere del suo tempo non è lineare come quello stabilito all'esterno, bensì è architettura di rievocazioni radunate da una volontà priva di un significato apparente, all'interno di passaggi, stanze, corridoi, attraversando porte e utilizzando chiavi. Avere accesso a tutti questi ambienti comporta essere ovunque in ogni momento, sgretolarsi e ricomporsi altrove, dentro un corpo ermetico dove i suoni sono l'alfabeto con cui è scritto.
Servirsi delle macchine per trascrivere la propria mente, per prenderne nota.
In un costante processo di analisi del se, cercando, collezionando, catalogando oggetti, eventi e creature musicali, costruendo legami e connessioni, come farebbe un alchimista che scruta le testimonianze della sua anima ad ogni suo nuovo esperimento, ed ogni esperimento è un tentativo. Ogni tentativo è un suono. Ogni suono è un luogo, ed ogni luogo è un ricordo.
Tutto ciò che è ascoltato scompare nel buio segreto del silenzio, per poter sempre riapparire, poiché parte integrante di quell'entità che una sola cosa è e che tutte le cose potrebbe essere.
To trace the activity of human thought, to study its evolution and changes, its trends, its peculiarities, like an organism of inconstant form whose body coincides with its time. If its activities could be translated and converted into a complex sound event, into a graphic score readable by a cybernetic intelligence, they would be the song of identity, and true identity is multiple.
The flow of its time is not linear like that established outside, but is an architecture of re-enactments and structures brought together by a will without apparent meaning, within passages, rooms, corridors, through doors, using keys. Having access to all these environments means being everywhere at all times, crumbling and reassembling elsewhere, inside a hermetic body where sounds are the alphabet with which it is written.
Using machines to transcribe one's mind, to take note of it.
In a constant process of analysis of the self, searching, collecting, cataloguing objects, events and musical creatures, building links and connections, as an alchemist would do who scrutinises the evidence of his soul with each new experiment, and each experiment is an attempt. Every attempt is a sound. Every sound is a place, and every place is a memory.
Everything that is heard disappears into the secret darkness of silence, only to reappear again and again, as an integral part of that entity that one thing is and that all things could be.
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franchar-ideas · 1 year ago
Proyecto nuevooo
En base a los diferentes elementos grabados se puede encontrar con 3 grandes tipos de sonidos, voces claras, multitudes y comun vivir ,y por ultimo la musica de caracter docto u grabaciones de piano.
Con estos 3 conceptos se a de buscar la forma de poder crear una pieza que pueda convinar todo esto desde el imaginario y la tecnica que conlleva la misma obra. El tiempo estimado va a rondar los 8 min por lo que se debe de tener presente el desarrollo de la obra.
Clasificacion de material:
-Voces: conversaciones, monologos y notas de voz
-Diario vivir: Ruido ambiente de ciudad, espacios publicos, maquinaria, señales de radio y sobremesas
-Musica armonica: (teniendo en cuenta que el termino se da ante el uso de material grabado que contiene un caracter de melodia, armonia y estructura mas conocida e incluso identificable) Orquesta en vivo, Improvizaciones, ensayos, piano en general.
Conección de un gran concepto: "Rutina y Vivir"
Dentro de la gran variedad de material acumulado desde Julio de 2023 hasta Diciembre del mismo año se establece que todas estas muestras fueron tomadas por un fin en comun, el registro de algo que en el momento llamó la atencion de mi cabeza o el simple hecho de querer guardar material para usarlo luego en alguna compocicion ya sea de caracter Pianistico u Electroacustico. Como ir apuntando de manera auditiva aquellas ideas del momento que muchas veces al registrarlas en papel luego es mas complejo volver a recordar para que estaban. Estas grabaciones muestran un momento de la vida en donde el registro tiene un mismo proposito, Recuerdo, reescucha y como si de un diario se tratase, registrar un momento de la rutina que muchas veces pasa por alto.
Espacios como el salon de la casa de mis padres, sobremesas familiares, espacios de trabajo frecuentados y llenos de maquinas, pequeñas notas de voz en aquellos momentos donde solo se quiere hablar pero no hay quien lo escuche, la ciudad en donde se vive aquel agetriado dia a dia y aquello que e intentado dar forma con improvisaciones de ideas que quedan en el aire.
Dentro de las grabaciones se encuentra una serie de pistas las cuales fueron tomadas en la capital de Chile, Santiago. Lo que es bastante inusual por mi parte de visitar por la distancia que hay desde donde vivo. Estos sonidos se grabaron durante el viaje que realicé para presentar una obra llamada "Sueño de alma" en el centro GAM.
El resto de las grabaciones como se menciona anteriormente se situan en un ambiente hogareño, que es donde estoy la mayor parte del tiempo. Ya sea en casa de mis padres u en Valdivia.
Se estima de que, al mismo tiempo de la variedad y naturaleza de cada grabación, estas puedan crear un pequeño viaje durante el desarrollo de la misma pieza en donde sea reflejado lo cotidiano e incluso una mirada desde el mismo autor.
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kristo-flowers · 1 year ago
Most of the time i post photo's here, but my main occupation is composing experimental music. Check out my newest album: Compositions with pure tones
A series of very abstract compositions, for which the source material was generated through additive synthesis with pure sine tones. The pitch, envelope and volume of 100 oscillators was controlled via algorithms to create a wide variety of sounds and sonic evolutions. A selection of those sounds was then further processed and combined in several layers in a more intuitive way.
Best listened to on good quality speakers or headphones on moderate volume. Contains a lot very high and low frequencies which will not reproduce correctly on cheap speakers like the ones builtin in laptops or smartphones.
Listen/purchase: Compositions with pure tones by kristof lauwers
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hngtm · 2 years ago
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https://hnagatsuma.bandcamp.com/album/compositions-16 . . . . . #BandcampFriday #bandcamp #음악 #작곡 #electronica #electroacoustic #acousmatic #minimal #ambient #asmr #soundart #noise #structure #texture #grain #granular #serum #glitch #picoftheday #beautifuldestinations #MoodyGrams #theIMAGED #justgoshoot #tlpicks #shotzdelight #streetart_addiction #mybestcityshots #qotd #ootd https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqu-7EIP-_Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asiajaco · 6 months ago
◆Festival Futura 2024◆
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🇫🇷Festival Futura 2024🌿 Acousmatic music festival with 100 loudspeakers🔊 Ayako's piece "T-P-T" is programmed for Concert 8 on August 23. I am also looking forward to performing works by several composers and giving a lecture on the state of acousmonium concerts in Japan.
- Festival Futura - 📅 August 21-25, 2024 🏘️ Espace Soubeyran (Crest, France) 2024年8月21−25日にクレ(フランス)で開催されるFestival Futura 2024 にて、電子音響音楽《T-P-T》が上演されます。また、日本のアクースモニウム・コンサートの状況についてのプレゼンテーションと、複数の他作曲家の作品をアクースモニウムで演奏もします。 https://festivalfutura.fr/programme-futura-2024/ 
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tomato0cherry · 1 year ago
Blog artistico
Después de pensar un montón en realizar un seguimiento de las obras y pensamientos como compositor, decidí de colocar el proceso creativo/Seguimiento de las obras en un nuevo blog de Tumblr y de esa forma es mucho más fácil acceder a notas y propuestas en cualquier momento.
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soulthom · 7 months ago
Pleeeeeeeeeease don’t oblige me to tell what you already now : yes it can be playing anytime, as now :
With love to you all,
Anthippolyte Saint Gwuin.
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