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its-gettin-weird · 23 days ago
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Misc Larks campaign doodles! 🫶
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jesusofortenau · 2 years ago
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Rating: 5/5
Nice one, very aesthetic. Should be cleaned.
Inscription reads: "Es ist vollbracht!"
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fredhy · 2 years ago
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witekspicsoldpostcards2 · 1 month ago
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its-gettin-weird · 3 days ago
Achern…….. girl………… 😭😭😭😭😭
Hello Ms Achern! Hope you are doing well!
If you and Pearl had actually managed to find Beezelbub, what do you think you would have done? Would you help release her somehow or try to convince the rest of the Larks that Elle’s situation in the church is for the best? You’re not going to snitch to Dave are you???
Speaking of the Larks, what are your thoughts on each of them? I’m sure you think fondly of them since they helped you out!
If we had managed to find Elle, she would likely be in the custody of the chruch, and if so, releasing her would have likely involved combating the chruch in some way, which I would not have been able to do. Even if it was the right thing to do, I don’t think it’s a fight we could win. 
I don’t really understand why Pearl is so concerned about the Chruch trying to help Elle. She had no objections towards them helping me. Does she no longer wish for the chruch to assist me with my own recovery? I hope not. Form what I have found, everyone at the chruch has been a very kind and respectful person. They all seem to have the best interests of those afflicted with unfortunate circumstances such as myself at heart.  I hope Pearl is able to understand this.
As for my thoughts on the Larks as a whole, I believe them to be good people… for the most part. 
Pearl is the one who saved me. I owe her my existence, which is something I will never fully be able to repay. She has sacrificed much and at such a young age too. I mourn her loss, and hope that she never has to make such a sacrifice again. Though without understanding all of her past I cannot say if she was wrong to make that sacrifice. Sometimes such losses are necessary to create a better future. She is a fine knight, and I imagine she will only continue to grow in skill and in character. 
Calypso seems quite nice. I haven’t spoken with her as much as I did with Pearl, but she has given me the impression that she is a good person. I think if we had more time to speak, we could become friends.
Flea is the one who initially spoke to me. The impression I got from him is that he was more interested in stopping me as a threat rather than helping me as a person. I do not blame him for having that mindset. I was harming innocents, and had my mind not been able to be salvaged I would have needed to be stopped. And Flea was the one who was the most willing to do that. Sometimes ruthlessness can be a mercy on ourselves. 
I don’t know if I ever directly spoke with Angelica, so I’m afraid I don’t have that strong of an impression of her. She doesn’t seem like a bad person though. It is unfortunate that her siblings became involved with… whatever this entity is.
I don’t trust Elle one bit. She knew more about the entity than what she let on. She was the one telling the others to hide things from the chruch. To make themselves into enemies of them. They were abusing their position as a leader. They were hiding things from those that followed them in an attempt to lead them astray, and I could not allow that to happen. Especially not to Pearl. I don’t regret telling Dave about what I heard them talking about. If she is truly being “fixed”, perhaps she was the mysterious entity’s pawn rather than it’s willing agent. But I still don’t think that someone who is so easily manipulated should be leading a team of Gracers. 
I wish the larks and whoever now leads them success in all of their future endeavours. 
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jobfinde · 1 month ago
Teamleiter / Abteilungsleiter - Molkereiprodukte (m/w/d)
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vorunruhestand · 2 months ago
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kleingartennetzwerk · 4 months ago
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schunckinfo · 1 year ago
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jesusofortenau · 2 years ago
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Rating: 2/5
Too low body fat percentage. Limbs too long. Not tortured enough, looks like he is just posing for a picture. The roof does not help, either.
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fredhy · 2 years ago
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tvueberregional · 2 years ago
Verfolgungsfahrt auf der A 5 endet mit mehreren Verkehrsunfällen
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Verfolgungsfahrt auf der A 5 endet mit mehreren Verkehrsunfällen Eine 48-Jährige Pkw-Fahrerin flüchtete am Montagmittag vor einer Polizeikontrolle und lieferte sich anschließen auf der Bundesautobahn 5 eine Verfolgungsfahrt mit der Polizei. Dabei verursachte sie mehrere Verkehrsunfälle. Nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen wurde eine Streife des Polizeireviers Bühl gegen 12:30 Uhr auf der A5 bei Achern auf einen grauen VW-Polo aufmerksam. Als die Fahrerin einer Verkehrskontrolle unterzogen werden sollte, beschleunigte diese ihr Fahrzeug und fuhr mit hoher Geschwindigkeit in Richtung Karlsruhe davon. Nahe der Anschlussstelle Karlsruhe-Süd streifte die Polo-Fahrerin drei Fahrzeuge. Infolgedessen verlor sie offenbar die Kontrolle über ihr Fahrzeug, sodass dieses ins Schlingern geriet und zur Seite kippte. Die Fahrerin musste im Anschluss von den Beamten aus ihrem Fahrzeug befreit werden. Es entstand ein Sachschaden ins bislang noch unbekannter Höhe. Verletzt wurde glücklicherweise niemand. Weshalb die Fahrerin sich der Kontrolle entzog, ist derzeit Gegenstand der verkehrspolizeilichen Ermittlungen. Sie muss nun u.a. mit einer Anzeige wegen Gefährdung des Straßenverkehrs rechnen. Karlsruhe (ots) Polizeipräsidium Karlsruhe Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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schwarzwald-dealer · 4 years ago
Heimat Liebe ❤
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jobfinde · 2 months ago
Bilanzbuchhalter/Steuerfachangestellter (w/m/d) in der Steuerberatung
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realdurbes-blog · 3 years ago
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Sieht zwar fast wie ein #Kastenbrot aus, isr aber ausnahmsweise ein #Kuchen, genauer ein #Marmorkuchen. @zellermuehle @huber_muehle @heimatsmuehle @alnatura @dm_dmbio @kenwooddeutschland @boschhomede @edekasuedwest @edekabio @bio.baeckerei.spiegelhauer @brot @ankerkraut @kuchen #Kuchenbacken #kinderkuchen #backenmachtglücklich #backenisttoll #Freistett #Rheinau #kehl #Lichtenau #hanauerland #Achern #offenburg  #ortenau (hier: Rheinau, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChLL3DuLw9c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deka42 · 3 years ago
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#gengenbach #offenburg #schwarzwald #kinzigtal #ortenau #achern #achertal #blackforest #schwarzwaldtourismus #ortenaukreis #germany #kappelrodeck #schwarzwaldreporter #kappelrodecksfinest #StatStory (hier: Gengenbach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeURZpysPBq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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