storytellers-and-co · 2 months
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Tansui's Adventures - #21, Don't Touch The Child!
Nophica’s Wells. Quite the nice place, Tansui decided. As much as they could see from how much their head was spinning from that chocobo ride.
Still, they were burning daylight, and someone needed help. That someone being a Lalafell by the name of Dadanen - a naming convention that put a small smile on the Au’ras face. He never got tired of Lalafell names, they sounded so fun to say, like a little song!
No, focus, there was a job to do. Something about an ore, all the way to the Copperbell Mines. Just go talk to the man by the name of Drunken Stag, ask where the ore was, and get back in - easy job, right?
Except, somehow, less than two bells later, Tansui was in the middle of combat with Coblyns. Not normal ones, either - these buggers had eaten a good chunk of the ore Tansui had been sent to collect. Why did he let himself get talked into trying to get the ore? Stupid, stupid, look now he was surrounded and-
There was a sound of something - someone - hitting a solid surface, followed by a crash. Tansui looked over their shoulder, seeing a dark-haired Viera man punching a Prism Coblyn, away from the thaumaturge. Didn’t even break a sweat, just straight punch, no problems.
“You alright kid?” the Viera asked, cracking his knuckles - and Tansui could only nod in response, before taking a better grip of his staff. It wasn’t over just yet. The Viera took a spot against Tansui’s back, taking a stance. “I’ll take care of this side, you clear out yours.”
There was a small sound from the back of Tansui’s throat - an acknowledgement of the plan. The Viera rushed forwards, and Tansui forced another spell from his staff, raining as much fire and ice upon these creatures as he could.
It was a few minutes later that Tansui turned around to thank the Viera for his help - only… they were gone.
Again someone had come in and disappeared, just like that. Tansui looked around, confused, worried, before shaking his head. That Viera had been fast, maybe… maybe they had just rushed off? To save some other novice adventurer?
Yes, that must’ve been it. Nothing weird was going on.
… Right?
…. Tansui decided to head back to Drunken Stag. Get the job done. That’s what mattered right now.
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heavensdoorways · 11 months
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Chefchaouen, Morocco,
Aziz Acharki Photography
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haikyou · 7 months
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Non ha alcun senso
Annunciare equilibrio
A voce alta.
È cosa silenziosa
L’individuazione di sé.
WakaBaoTzeBao, 19 marzo 2024 - 6.05, Kontowood.
Aziz Acharki, Unsplash
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vergilbeck · 1 year
alone with my thoughts i can’t hide what leaks to the surface might come as a surprise it’s easier to drown out the noise
with movies with people with music with my phone
but if i embrace the silence  i might emerge better than i was before with a deeper understanding of myself and therefore a deeper appreciation for those around me
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rosettasanders · 2 years
Today is a day to celebrate hearing no from time to time.
Yesterday I was open to receive nudges from the universe to step outside my comfort zone and risk hearing a “no”. Wow the answer was “Yes” and I am positive that more abundance is on its way. If I never ask a question I am at greater risk of staying stuck. Sometimes when I hear a no it is only because something better is on its way and if I got the first yes it may have blocked me from the something better.
So I need to continue to have faith in the universe, that it has my back as long as I keep doing my part.
Rosetta Sanders
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
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brawny-and-friends · 3 years
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I live.  Somehow.  And I’ve been trying to collect some firewood.  But this one log really didn’t want to come up.  @eliyora and @acharky must’ve passed by and seen me struggling.
Vectors by BonesWolbach, Silver Quill, CloudyGlow - DeviantArt 
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jt2zemax · 4 years
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(Part 2 of 2)
For REAL this time, after months of build-up, the reveal of the NEW Pie's Pizzeria... AND the 350th Jasper Pie comic!!
So a bit of a backstory for this - a few months ago, I originally commissioned MLP-TrailGrazer for just a kitchen background, and.... he got experimental, bless him XD. So yee, new Pie's Pizzeria!
If you like what you see here, please consider supporting me on Patreon where donating a certain amount could earn you a cameo or guest role in a comic or video, or even a spot in a monthly Skype Patreon call!
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ryderedword · 5 years
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breakers splash just enough
to dangling chilled toes leaden
and elementally condition resentful, fury-spurred whippet-hair.
she was completely unaware of breath, language or contemporaneiety
only the trident sighs of the sea
and a relentless sense of deja-vu in drumbeat with each crest.
memories caterpillar from vertebrae to vertebrae
unhinging, cartilage-popping, compelling a looming, enfurled lean
into the murkwhirl sirens below.
were they calling her, .... him ... or some higher being?
she parch-lip prayed it was for him
and through lidless eyes, the onrushing tide, from toe through thigh to soul ... a salve bestowed.
(image: reSplash / Aziz Acharki)
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years
The long awaited TL;DR for my last four months of posting and a good starting place for any new followers who’d like to know what in Laoche I’m rambling about all the time! Now updated with relevant character intros, shiny new pictures, and memes! 
Credit for the Comic Sans Powerpoint trend goes to @incandescent-creativity, image credit for the rose picture goes to Aziz Acharki on unsplash, the other pictures are from google images, character portraits were done by@_.par0xysm._ on IG, and the stuff in pencil was done by me. 
Should I crosspost the powerpoint itself to tumblr? If I do, I won’t tag people twice since I’m guessing that would be annoying, but I’m not sure if clicking the link or clicking/scrolling through the powerpoint would be more convienent so let me know what you think!
Storge taglist: @inkwell-attitude @re-writing-h @thescreamingtwenties @siarven @kittensartswriting @yearlyaquariace @abalonetea @andiwriteunderthemoon @the-starlight-chills @davey-in-a-minivan @the-great-teller-of-tales  @scxundress @isanyonetoknow @piyawrites @viawrites-andacts @zielenbloesem @thiscrypticfangirl @citrinus​ (dom, I think this is your new url lmk if you still want to be on the taglist)
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Hiding From My Dreams
Hiding From My Dreams
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash Written March 3, 2021 From Yvette: To fix my insomnia, my instinct has always been to sleep deprive myself further, to hold off until I get to a decent hour and then pass out from exhaustion.  But in the last few weeks, I used a different approach. I slept more, and impulsively. Whenever sleep called, I answered.  Perhaps it was born of the repetitive…
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mbr3coaching · 4 years
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Why won’t it happen? We ask this a lot about many things in our life. Why didn’t it happen? When will it happen? We ask questions like this because of our expectations. For some reason we get the belief that when we expect something it should happen when we decide it should. Our expectations then seem to rise to a level that if it doesn’t unfold when we believe it should the level of disappointment shows up in our life. We have to live these moments of our life without such a mountain of expectations. We can live with the confidence and reassurance that the very energy we live with and put out to the world will absolutely return to us. We just don’t get the luxury of choosing when and where. We do get to choose what type will return. We choose that by releasing that very energy to the world. We manifest more into our life than realized. This is why life happens for us. Not to us. Will we have unfortunate moments? Sad moments? Traumatic moments? Absolutely, that is part of life. But more so than not, we can manifest more abundantly the life we desire by being that example of energy and releasing it to the universe to return to us eventually. Experience every moment. Choose your energy on how to respond to life. For it is the unfolding for you. Don’t let your expectations keep you from experiencing every moment. Life will happen. EDIT your GOALS Every Day Internal Thoughts Guarantees Our Absolute Life Situations #inspire #inspiration #love #help #attitude #goals #life #coach #coaching #happiness #energy #confidence #answers #wellbeing #mental #emotion #action #thoughts #results #needs #gratitude #empathy #lost #found #justbe Background Picture by Aziz Acharki https://www.instagram.com/p/CKTnx78j6He/?igshid=dbtq37uab0hl
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thezuiderzee · 4 years
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Gosh, enemies are a lot of WORK, aren’t they?
Photo credits: Aziz Acharki / Unsplash
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northeastmedia · 4 years
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Photo By Aziz Acharki | Unsplash #fashionweek #fashionpost #fashionphotography #fashiondesigner #fashionkids https://www.instagram.com/p/CC600BJhlag/?igshid=1xjyj74gb7qo7
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hardsadness · 5 years
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Photo by Aziz Acharki
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aestheticsinspo · 5 years
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Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
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jt2zemax · 5 years
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Eight years ago today, me and @midnightbluerose93 joined together as lovers, and have been going strong ever since. We may be on opposite sides of the world, but we wouldn't trade each other for anything in the world, and I eagerly await the day when we can see each other again.... if either of us can get financially stable ^^; ...but for real. Harmony, sweetie, I love you so much! Forever, always, and beyond.... here's for eighty-kabillion more years!!!!!!
...and yes, our song actually is "Our Song" by Taylor Swift :P
7th panel from the FIFTH-anniversary comic/the very first Jasper comic ever!
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