#Achara Man
revrads · 1 year
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“Star Trek: Earth Spacedock”: A Parody Anthology
I’m currently working on a comic for my college class and I’ve never posted my Star Trek OCs here so I thought it’s time to post my Earth Spacedock crew! Here’s the cover and first page! :)
The characters on the cover are (left to right):
James Mackenzie Reed (36/M), The Armoury Officer and Chief Security Officer. Direct descendant of legendary Armoury Officer Malcolm Reed, hot-headed and cynical but a loyal soldier with a strict moral code and an affinity for weapons
Achara Paithoon (37/F), Operations Manager and Second Officer. Hailing from an island in Thailand, inexperienced in command and has mad anxiety but is cunning and resourceful enough to make it as an Head of Ops
T’Oriell Oliver Calcraft (36/M), Chief Medical Officer. The caitian raised in the bush of Australia, naive and a “larrikin” but also one of the most competent doctor in this side of the quadrant with a heart of gold
Orion Finch (35/NB), Chief Science Officer. Spacedock’s exobiology and cybernetics prodigy, has trouble focusing and keeping tracks on things but they’re still one of the most intelligent crewmember
#star trek#star trek oc#star trek ocs#star trek art#fanart#digital art#art#drawing#doodles#comic#original art#oc#ocs#original characters#oc art#((when the time comes... I will be mentally ill about my OCs here))#((for now you get snippets of the Earth Spacedock crew))#((Mackenzie mirrors his ancestor in many ways; allergies. affinity to weapons. Section 31 connection-))#((Mackenzie is also an autistic gay man with Issues and he's best friends with T'Oriell and is dating T'Oriell's deputy :3))#((Achara is legally deaf and uses hearing aids. At night or when it's just her and the B-Team she'd take them off and use Thai Sign Language#((She speaks 4 languages; Thai. Indonesian. Korean. English. She has 15 layers of anxiety and is in need of serious help))#((T'Oriell's dad is half human half caitian and his mom full caitian so that makes him quarter human hence his surname being human))#((T'Oriell is trans. he goes by he/him. He loves video games and is a talented musician. he's best friends with Mackenzie))#((Orion is half Australian half Japanese. They can't speak both languages well and can only understand bits of Japanese))#((Orion is nonbinary and goes by they/them. They have ADHD and tends to bother people with their hyperactivity))#((They're called the B-Team cause they're the crew that worked outside of Command. As in none of them are Command reds))#((They're sometimes ignored by the command teams but they make do. They keep the Spacedock running))#((I can't stop thinking about them... The blorbo. The eepers))#((Expect more posts about them lmao))
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months
★Korey 'Hathai' Adiel★
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New post to use as a ref yippeeee @aspenm00n
+the stats are inspired by @willowve01 old ref for Raine
Basics first~
Full name: Korey 'Hathai' Adiel.
Pronouns: She/They, but mostly goes by She/Her.
Realm: Al'terra
Home town: Aakhan
Ethnicity and race: Thai/Korean human.
Birthday: 28th of October
Age: 19 years old
Height: 5'4
Weight: 132 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Demigiri
Disorders: prosopagnosia and borderline personality disorder.
Job occupation: (formally) Dazinite recruit. (Current) Aakhan hunter
Affinities: lightning and fire
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Family members
Korey was born in Aakhan in a lavish yet unloving home. Spending most of her life trying to get her parents attention. The Adiel parents were very neglectful and emotionally abusive, to purposefully triggering Korey's episodes to guilt tripping Esra for leaving.
Korey has two brothers. The oldest is Esra, at 25 years old. The youngest is Noah, at 14 years old. They all get along greatly and have a very strong bond.
-Esra has already cut off his parents by now, and he absolutely refuses to see them again. He has a job and a loving wife and kid. He's not about to let them ruin it. He's always cool, calm, and collected, it's very difficult to really get under his skin. He graduated Thessla, the magic academy for mages, affinities being mind and water.
-Noah is kind of like a golden child, but also not really? He gets treated decently by their parents, unlike how his older siblings were treated, and he is very aware of it. He's very anxious and quiet, but can be brave. He has some big potential to use magic, but until he leaves the Adiel household, it's staying hidden.
Achara Hathai, the mother. She comes from a very strict family with a lot of traditions and rules to follow. She's the 5th of 6 daughters, she barely got any care from her parents, only by the maids. She was married off the day she turned 18 years old to Haneul Adiel. She's cold hearted, cruel, and is more than willing to manipulate others for her own advantage. She's a follower of Leo.
Haneul Adiel, the father. This man came from a very spoiled and entitled home. Raised by "loving" parents, who never once taught him punishment. His parents were the ones who watched over the kids. He was married to 18 year old Achara when he was 24 years old. He isn't a caring man, but a sadistic one. He's the one who'd torture Korey and Esra the most. Despite his spoiled unskilled appearance, he's a very talented mage, his affinities being lightning and mind. He's a follower of Daz.
-Their marriage was a loveless one, only conceiving children to keep the family line going. They both have no respect for each other, getting into arguments almost every day.
Little more about them here.
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Important backstory events.
I. At 3 years old, Korey was pushed fell and sustained a pretty hard hit to her head— but thankfully, was found by a munite, they called themselves "Amaal". She was quickly healed by them, but too late as the right fusiform gyrus (for those who don't know it's a fold in the brain that coordinates the neural system that controls facial perception and memory) had already been too damaged, developing prosopagnosia due to the head injury.
After the munite told her parents found out about this injury, they... didn't care. Which of course caused Amaal to be even more concerned, that they made up an excuse to keep Korey at the temple for a little longer, just to make sure she doesn't have any more injuries they don't know about.
From then on, Amaal would visit Korey and her brothers in disguise, making sure they were okay and still alive. Even giving Esra a few healing spells to practice, and teaching Korey to mentally note vocal mannerisms and physical build so she can be able to identify them without relying on facial features.
II. At 8 years old, Korey meets Jay. I wouldn't get into too much detail about their relationship here, since I already did it in a different post.
Jay's family is very, very close to the Adiels <- them and the Akeins have a long history together. They were visiting the Adiels with his family before seeing Korey in the yard, playing by herself. So he approached her. And his obsession started a year later from there. She actually did not like Jay at all when they were younger, but Korey was basically forced to be nice to him as kids by her parents, and it unfortunately grew into a habit that developed into whatever they have going on because it's definitely not a friendship.
More about Jay and Korey and some other important things here
III. At 9 years old, Korey of course still couldn't understand why she couldn't see her parents, and why they wouldn't look at her. So, she had tried to gouge out her eyes with a pair of scissors to give them to her parents so they'd use them to look at her. As in her mind at the time, they didn't have eyes to use, to see.
Don't worry though! Esra found her before she actually gouged out her eye. Though she can still see, some serious damage was done to her right eye, he tried to heal it with what spells Amaal taught him, but unfortunately made it worse since healing was not his speciality, like at all. He ended up using a different spell on accident, causing the blood to flow in it drastically faster, turning it red.
Like I said— she can still see, but in her right eye, it's all tinted red and it hurt like hell. When Amaal visited again, they tried to heal Korey's eye, but unfortunately the damage from Esra's spell was almost irreversible, all they can do is relieve the pain in it.
IV. At 12 years old, Korey accidentally killed two boys who were about 3 years older than her at the time. The boys were bullying and hitting her badly, saying some pretty fucked up stuff, it was until one of the boys reached for her clothes was when snapped. Punching the boy off of her, before starting to slam his head on a rock over and over.
The other boy, too scared to intervene, but before he could run away, she ended up throwing a pretty hefty rock at his head. Killing both of them, and severely mentally scarring her. Thankfully for Korey, the murder wasn't pointed at her, but a violent halfblood who was roaming the woods. But still, even to this day the guilt still eats her from the inside.
Korey only told Amaal about what she's done, and safe to say they were not happy. They put her on community service duty for the rest of the year, while a very lenient punishment to killing two kids, they understood it was in self defense...also she was 12—
V. At 14 years old, Jay was brutally killed by a violent tiger halfblood, getting their guts ripped out as Korey could only helplessly watch. After it was done with Jay, Korey was also attacked by it, slitting her neck with its claws. But thankfully, she was saved by a hunter nearby called...'Warren'. influencing her enough that she decided to join the hunters. But of course, she was still too young to join. So for now she can only train.
Oh boy, were her brothers and Amaal very worried when they found out what had happened to Korey and her "friend".
Amaal, as a way to get her to stop from getting into so many dangerous activities, suggested they become a Dazinite recruit. Her entire family are ones, excluding Esra and Achara. So, she did, and it worked quite well. She stopped getting into too many fights, but was still quite the menace– pretty fitting for a stormchaser. And Amaal didn't have to worry as much about Korey getting severely injured, so it's a win-win situation!
VI. At 16 years old, she was quite literally struck down by lightning. Out of pity, the divine of Weather, Daz. Helped and gifted her a bottle with thunder inside of it..catch is, it was in liquid state. Essentially making her a muse. So far, only Esra and Amaal know about this.
Esra was very worried at first, but he'll warm up to it, eventually. Amaal was a little proud? I mean, their daughter figure just got gifted by a divine. But they were a little concerned about the potential repercussions and consequences..oh and her getting hit by a damn lightning bolt.
Noah has some suspicions of Korey being.. different. But of course he trusts his siblings too much to let his suspicions get in the way of their bond.
VII. At 18 years old, Korey finally meets Cersei. She's old enough to go on hunts now, but of course the older authority figures need to make sure she's ready-ready. And that authority figure happened to be mistress Fain herself.
The conversation was... something. Definitely not a normal interaction you have with someone. Lady Fain seemed to have been a bit suspicious of her being different per-say. But in the end, she was surprisingly very thoughtful of her and others, or at least she acted like that.
Circei had that motherly affect on Korey, but it felt so wrong seeing her as one.
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Facts about her
—Korey's the type of person that would stab you as a warning.
—she is so ADHD and Autism coded it's not even funny.
—has a scrapbook with all the bugs and boys drawn in it so she won't forget what they look like and she will actually start sobbing if she ever lost it.
—she can speak Thai, English, and a lil bit of Korean.
— her episodes can either be violent (mainly to herself) or emotional. Her coping mechanism is finding an abandoned building and destroying it by taking her anger out on the things there. There are rare occasions where she talks about her feelings instead of bottling it up for so long it turns into an episode.
—she can barely remember what her parents faces look like, of course Korey pretty much relied on the person's voice to know who's who, but since her parents barely ever spoke to her, it takes her a while to recognise them.
—her grandparents, while mostly nice, were really possessive of her and her siblings. Never approving of her actions and choices, preferring for her to be more feminine and hide her scars. Korey kinda developed body dysmorphia from this, it was especially bad when she was younger
—she kinda had a grudge against halfbloods since she was attacked by one, but it was really only towards the more apex predators type of halfbloods. It was kinda resolved when she met the boys, but can be a bit suspicious if not paranoid meeting other halfbloods.
Of course she doesn't agree with the whole enslaving thing, but does agree that some halfbloods are too dangerous to be left alone, that some need to be put on a watch list by the hunters from how violent they can be. But, never drugged, enslaved and forced to fight.
—has very mixed feelings about Cersei. She understands where she's coming from. Her town got burned down, her family killed, and ended up having a miscarriage after trying to escape. All of that caused by a dragon halfblood.
Korey is an advocate for revenge, don't get me wrong! But she does think that Cersei's ideology went a little too far.
—she is very oblivious to more emotional feelings and weirdly observant to her opponents reactions. she was often mistaken as apathetic or heartless by the village people.
—best way to cheer her up? Cinnamon rolls. Or bibimbap! It's her favourite dish! Her grandparents used to make it for her before passing away
—don't let her anywhere near the kitchen though. She can help cut up the vegetables, but actually cooking? Yeah the place is getting burned down.
Her sense of direction is even worse than her cooking.
—she's both exciting and worrying to be around. Exciting because there will never be a dull moment with all the adventures and quests she comes up with. Worrying because she's a thrill seeker and will most likely purposefully put herself in danger just for the adrenaline.
—she's annoyingly good at fighting with insanely fast reflexes. One could argue because she's a muse, or because she's put herself in so many dangerous situations she learned it from experience. But either way, thanks to her risky endeavours, she's very agile and fast,
—but! While very reckless and careless of her self preservation. She always makes sure the others are okay, especially when they seem exhausted after a day out together. She knows not everyone can keep up with her energy.
—crimes include: arson, second degree murder, child endangerment, implied underage drinking, trespassing, vandalism, and–
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Korey's stats before Silverben +after becoming a muse
Strength: 6/5
Speed: 7/5
Attack: 5.5/5
Agility: 7/5
Reflex: 7/5
Combat intel: 5/5
Defense: 5.5/5
Durability: 6/5
Stamina: 7/5
Korey's stats after Silverben
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 4.5/5
Attack: 3.5/5
Agility: 4/5
Reflex: 6/5
Combat intel: 5/5
Defense: 4/5
Durability: 5/5
Stamina: 4/5
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Relationships family wise
Esra Adiel—ISFJ-A
Relationship: 9/10
he's her older brother, of course she has a good relationship with him! Even when he ran away to go live happily with his wife, Diana. He'd still come back on the weekends to check up on her and Noah, bringing all sorts of trinkets for them. He was the one who first encouraged her to join the academy when she reached 18 years old and not become a hunter instead.. but he understood her choices.
She did kinda hold the fact that he left them to marry a girl he just met against him. But he's made it up to her and Noah!
Esra is very quiet, always looking for ways to gain more knowledge, and stopping at nothing to protect his family.
Noah Adiel—ESFJ-T
Relationship: 10/10
Just like with Esra~ she has a very good relationship with him! Was very saddened when she couldn't be there for him as much. But she tries to visit him as much as possible! Taking every opportunity to go check up on him. She'd occasionally take him on her silly little adventures, just to spend time with him.
Noah is quite the anxious kid, preferring to stay silent then speak up his thoughts. But is brave when the situation calls for it, especially if it's to protect his siblings.
Diana Clair—ISFJ-A
Relationship: 8/10 only because she doesn't know her a lot
She never got to see her a lot, but she treasures her dearly! Along with her daughter, Ayla! Especially since she's her brother's wife. Was wary of her at first, but warmed up quickly!
Miss Clair is a very kind woman, eager to help anyone in need. Even if she's mute, she's more than willing to defend others!
Jay Akein—ENTP-T
Relationship: 0/10
...yeah I'm not getting into this one.
Achara and Haneul—ENTJ-A/T
Relationship: 0/10
Also no.
Relationships canon characters wise, also before Timmy was taken
Bodie Willowroot.
Relationship: 9/10
She was very, very suspicious of him when they first met. But warmed up to him quite quickly. She first started considering trusting him at the end of episode 1...and fully trusted him at the end of episode 3.
The reason why she even told him the truth about why she came here was because the guilt was eating her alive. Especially after the third episode-
Thinks he's pretty cool, gator halfbloods are quite rare these days. She tries to help him with the cooking but stays at the cutting duty– it's for the best. Likes how understanding and caring he is, he's almost like a father figure to her.
He reminds her a lot of Amaal and Esra combined.
Timothy Wheat.
Relationship: 10/10
Wasn't that suspicious of him tbh, she just assumed since he was also a gator, he'd know and be close to Bodie, and she was right!
She thinks he's... unique. Was suspicious of the white scales constantly growing on him, but let it go after the albino excuse before finding out he was half an ice dragon— but either way she really likes him!
Thinks his little obsession with crystals and cool rocks is pretty cute, she likes shiny things too, so that's one thing they can bond over! They'll even sometimes go search for some pretty rocks and ingredients for Bodie together. Most likely teasing each other on the way, Korey is often the winner of these silly fights.
Honestly, she really only prefers his company over the others because he's closer to her age. And because she thinks he's pretty and cool.
Marco Palustris Cydarki.
Relationship: 7.5/10
Was pretty salty on the fact he almost crushed her when they first met– but the sketch he gave definitely made it up. She thinks he's also very unique, probably more than Timmy. Is very curious on where he keeps disappearing and travelling off to.
Definitely won her trust by the end of their first meeting. But, her trust did kinda get rocky when she saw him at the arena, but it was resolved after he explained himself.
She still doesn't have much of an opinion on him, but she likes him.
Rolden Willowroot bonus tehe
Relationship: 5(?)/10 cuz she barely knows the guy
Boy was she terrified—
Okay not terrified per say, just very intimidated by him. But she does think his appearance is pretty cool.
And..uh..she uh...likes his determination to get his family out? My way of saying she doesn't have much of an opinion on him
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And I think that's all!~ will be updating this post as the series progresses.
Headers are by @saradika btw, full credit to them!
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petitteperle · 3 months
more about teenage mizu's AU🗣🤓
Mizu would help swordfather (who in this AU would be a mechanic???) fix things, as she grew up she started fixing things herself
She would be the type of person who is a jack of all trades
She's a big fan of superheroes, she's probably watched all the DC and Marvel movies and read a lot of comics.
I believe her favorite hero would be Iron Man or Black Panther
She would have a secret crush on Wonder Woman, Catwoman and Black Widow. (Maybe in Black Panther too, in my head she's bi)
Mizu would love rock bands like Guns n Roses and Pink Floyd (this is based on my guess because I don't know these bands very well) AND WHEN SHE GREW UP SHE STARTED LISTENING TO MITSKI😍😍😍😍
I think people who grew up being cared for by the elderly are very different from people who weren't. With this in mind, Mizu is very polite, respectful and careful, which leads teachers (and even old ladies on the street) to praise her a lot. Like helping an old lady carry her shopping bags home.
I think Mizu would like old people, at least the kind ones
Mizu doesn't have many friends (except Achara, she's my oc, I can make her version of that if you want), so she dedicates a lot to the ones she has, like making those cute origami to give to her friends.
Mizu is a difficult person to be friends with because she is very closed off, but it's worth the effort when you can be friends with her.
She's closed off like that because she's shy, so she doesn't talk much and keeps the same face all day
Mizu can draw, she draws very well
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ae-azile · 3 months
The Non-Newtonian Newborn: Chapter 5 Preview
“There is nothing in the code that would cause an intentional misread,” Arm says after looking over the program, “Since I am the only one who has done maintenance on it for the last few years, I have administrative access that is higher than the access the infirmary staff has. Even if there was someone higher ranked than me, I would be able to see any adjustments added to the code since each edit creates a new update. The last update was four months ago when we bought new digital microscopes for the lab.”
Porsche holds back a groan and tries not to grip his hair, “Okay, but what if they could hide the fact that they made an update to the program? Like, erase record of it or-”
“Each update leaves a blueprint. It automatically audits the change because you risk the program crashing if each change isn't documented and time-stamped,” Arm says, “If someone from the outside would do something to the code, the change be time-stamped and identified by the username or IP address.”
Porsche breathes in and out as Kinn puts a hand on his shoulder.
“What's this about?” Kinn asks, “I…I appreciate you trying to help and get answers for Kim, but the paternity was already identified. Looking at her, it doesn't take long to see the resemblance. And even though I don't understand it, Kim has come to accept it and he seems to really…I don't know, love her.”
“This isn't about Kim,” Porsche says, pulling away before pointing at Chay, who has just been gently and slowly spinning Achara in one of the stools - much to her delight, “Your pa just pointed a gun at my brother and accused him of being Achara's other parent!”
“It's because I am,” Chay says, “Korn was just feeling protective of Kim. The DNA results took him by surprise. Me too, but I feel so connected to her. And I think she looks a little like me! She's a little closer to my skin tone and I think she has my lips!”
Porsche tries to keep his breathing under control, then looks at Kinn once more.
“The results are wrong.”
Kinn steps closer again and cups Porsche's face. We’ll have them run Chay’s DNA against Achara's separately. Like they did with Kim. Just to check. Doctor Saelim is a good man…surprisingly ethical, considering he works for us. I don't think this is something he would lie about.”
Porsche exhales, “So it has to be a technical glitch. Right, Arm?”
Arm clears his throat, “...I really don't see how it would be-”
“Arm,” Porsche says in a warning tone.
“But we can narrow down the possible matches to you, Chay, and your mother and see if Achara shares DNA with you.”
They go down to the infirmary after that. Both Chay and Achara get swabbed and both tasks are carried out. The database is done by Arm himself while Porsche watches the nurse without blinking to make sure she doesn't switch out any samples. Doctor Saelim examined the samples manually.
It takes about an hour to get an answer to this. Porsche feels like he is waiting for the most important news of his life. Chay doesn't seem particularly bothered at all and is too focused on his baby-
The baby. She is NOT Chay’s baby-
“I have concluded that Chay is this child’s parent,” Doctor Saelim says coming out, before nodding at Arm, “The database gave the same response?”
Arm nods, not quite able to meet Porsche’s eyes, “Yes, Doctor.”
Chay leans forward slightly to look at Porsche, “See, Hia? I told you she is my baby!”
Porsche finds himself jumping to his feet to pace, “You're a kid, Chay! You can't be a father, and you didn't even do anything reckless to make this happen! This isn't fair to you! You're just going to be-”
“Stop talking so loud!” Chay hisses, trying to soothe a now crying Achara, “You're scaring her!”
“She's the one who is scary! She came out of nowhere, knows how to teleport, and has latched herself onto two random guys!”
“She's my baby! Don't talk about her like that!” Chay says as Achara cries louder. Porsche can't think.
“We don't know what she's capable of! We don't even know how she got here! She-”
Before Porsche can finish his sentence, Achara disappears out of Chay’s arms. Chay jumps up, lets out a panicked sound, and points a finger at him.
“Look what you did!”
Porsche doesn't know how he made a baby teleport, and yet he feels so incredibly guilty.
Kim used to swim a lot more when he was younger. Something about the water soothed him, and swimming laps was always an exercise that felt more like self-care than actual work, despite it working all of his muscles. It provided a way to clear his mind of all the stress of living at the compound. When he moved out, he didn't need to utilize swimming as much, but he forgot how much he missed it. He loved swimming with his mother and brothers the most, but as he got older, he appreciated having the pool to himself so he could enjoy the peace and quiet.
He hasn’t had much of that the last few days - although moments of peace and quiet were few and far between before that, especially in his head.
And while he's still concerned and anxious over how this is all going to play out with Chay, something about this situation makes him feel better about his life. It was like something was missing for so long, and now it's so much better.
As Kim goes under the water, he stays beneath the surface and lets himself sink to the bottom for just a moment. When he was younger, it would feel like time would just freeze every time he did that.
Yet when he comes back up for air, it feels like he has anything but time. His heart stutters in his chest when he sees Achara appear at the very edge of the pool, the left side of her body dangling halfway off and over the deep end as she cries hysterically. His brain is still trying to catch up when gravity works against her and she topples over, plunging into the depths of the water.
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zihcn · 6 months
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ why pamper life's complexity when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat? i would go out tonight but I haven't got a stitch to wear... this man said, "it's gruesome that someone so handsome should care"! ah, a jumped-up pantry boy, who never knew his place. she said, "return the ring", he knows so much about these things, this charming man.
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤchoi jihan. jinnie, nascido há 29 anos. professor de literatura, pai de hangyu e bonhwa. residente do complexo há 3 anos.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ( + ) atensioso ;ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ( - ) cismático ;
(18/11), escorpiano 
bissexual, divorciado, em um relacionamento poliamoroso
professor do ensino fundamental e substituto do ensino médio
Não há nada de extraordinário no passado de Jihan. Nascido em Daegu, em uma família simples, é o único filho de uma professora e um dono de um mercadinho de bairro. As pessoas sempre tiveram concepção errada de que a família tinha dinheiro, só porque tinham um comércio. Na verdade, as vezes em que a loja deu prejuízo eram maiores do que as vezes em que deu lucro, se fossem colocar tudo na ponta do lápis. No entanto, depois de mais de duas décadas dedicadas àquele ponto, o Sr. Choi não pensava mais em desistir. A luta por um vida melhor era uma constante e o motivo disso era Jihan. Seus pais queriam que tivesse um destino diferente, que prosperasse e conhecesse mais do que os corredores do mercado onde trabalhara desde criança, por assim dizer.
Jihan, por sua vez, nunca teve grandes expectativas de que fosse muito longe. Achava-se normal demais e nada extraordinário no que quer que fosse. Sem contar que ajudar na loja era tudo o que sabia fazer. Por isso, dar continuidade ao trabalho do pai era tudo o que esperara da vida por um bom tempo. Isso enquanto nutria, secretamente, um interesse muito grande pelo trabalho de sua mãe. Sempre achara toda a coisa de ser professor um tanto quanto fascinante e sempre teve muita admiração pelos seus. Afinal, custava boas doses de fibra moral para se dedicar a enfiar alguma coisa na cabeça dos jovens. A ideia, no entanto, nunca pareceu possível até a interferência de seu padrinho. Um homem estudado, que morava na capital do país. Sua mãe sempre dizia que colocar aquele amigo de seu pai como padrinho havia sido uma péssima ideia.
Dongwon era um homem estudado, mas era um solteirão convicto, que gostava muito de festas e pouco de responsabilidades. Ainda assim, insistiu em levar o afilhado para morar com ele, para que estudasse na capital e tivesse uma preparação melhor para os exames da faculdade do que teria naquilo que ele chamava de "pedaço do fim do mundo" onde o menino nascera. Assim, aos 13 anos, Jihan deixou Daegu para viver em Seul com seu padrinho, com quem morou pelos seis anos seguintes, até se casar por conta do nascimento de seu filho. Sim, Jihan foi pai aos 19 anos. 
Há um grande motivo pelo qual Jihan mudou-se para Haneul Complex: seu divórcio. Depois de dez anos de relacionamento com uma colega de escola, onde sete foram dentro de um casamento relativamente estável, Yoonmi decidiu virar a própria vida de cabeça para baixo. Pediu o divórcio a Jihan e passou a guarda do filho inteiramente para ele. Disse que ia para o Japão cuidar da própria vida. Alegou que ser mãe e esposa era cansativo demais e, assim, sumiu no mundo depois de acertar toda a papelada da separação e da guarda. Sem mais nem mesmo.
Jihan não podia dizer que estava surpreso. Haviam casado e tido filho muito cedo, tiveram que abrir mão de muitas experiências para criar Hangyu e, com isso, o relacionamento dos dois estava desgastado. A paixão não era a mesma da adolescência, nem a tolerância. Por muitas vezes, estiveram tão cansados um do outro que passam dias mal trocando meias palavras. Jihan sempre foi do tipo que vê o copo meio cheio, então acredita que foi um daqueles males que vem para o bem. Pelo menos, tinha seu diploma e uma profissão para respaldá-lo. Não ter abandonado os estudos foi um dos motivos pelos quais seus pais não ficaram tão atormentados pela chegada precoce de um neto.
Com a guarda interina do filho, precisou fazer algumas escolhas. A primeira dela foi abdicar da casa onde vivera desde o início do casamento. Com dois salários era possível manter uma casa de três quartos, mesmo que fosse com algum sufoco. Com um só, não era possível. E, com Hangyu crescendo e precisando de roupas e sapatos novos o tempo todo, além de todas as necessidades de uma criança, sua prioridade obviamente era o menino. Assim, acabou em Haneul Complex. Economizar no aluguel para que pudesse dar outros confortos para seu filho, mesmo que seja algo permanente.
Todavia, Jihan se viu obrigado a adiar seus planos de mudanças por conta de novas reviravoltas em sua vida. A primeira e maior delas, virar pai de novo. Seu padrinho faleceu e deixou com ele a guarda do único filho, um bebê que tinha três meses quando foi morar com Jihan. A segunda delas, o relacionamento com duas das pessoas de quem mais se aproximou desde a mudança para o complexo. Atualmente, Jihan mora com um dos namorados e os dois filhos, em uma configuração familiar que jamais tinha esperado se encontrar.
Jihan é um cara tranquilo.
Extremamente gentil, um tanto tímido, dono de bochechas que enrubescem com facilidade. Prestativo e atencioso, dono de um riso fácil, sem hábitos sofisticados. Sensível, chorão, com os sentimentos à flor da pele e nenhum autocontrole para evitar as lágrimas. Com um amor incondicional por livros complexos e todo tipo de animal. Ao mesmo tempo, existe uma parte sua extremamente madura e segura; Jihan é completamente seguro de sua sexualidade, independentemente dos dez anos em que esteve em um relacionamento hétero. Sabe que pode ser muito sedutor quando lhe convém e até mesmo promíscuo (só precisa resgatar essa parte sua). Tem pulso firme, é bom em tomar decisões e, também, tomar a liderança. Por isso, estabeleceu-se bem como professor. Até onde sabe, porque ainda acredita que todos os alunos o odeiam.
A "força do ódio" é uma de suas principais fontes motivadoras, ainda que seja uma pessoa muito positiva de maneira geral. Costumam dizer que essa parte sua é perminente a personalidade de seu signo, escorpião. Não que ligue muito para astrologia. É muito independente e gosta de fazer as coisas por conta própria, tudo o que pode fazer e aprender sem buscar auxílio externo, ele faz. Mas também sabe dar o braço a torcer e pedir ajuda quando precisa. Depois do divórcio, recuperara autoestima o bastante para voltar a ser vaidoso e se importar com sua aparência e sua saúde. Não fuma, não usa drogas e seu "único pecado" é gostar demais de uma cerveja gelada no fim do dia.
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Aqua Mary
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“Hey man, you gotta go with the flow; work with what you got, you know?”
One of the three slime scientist sisters, Aqua Mary is taking a more bio-organic approach to reviving Sue Mary. Using herself as a test subject, she’s bonded with battery slimes. Despite her size proof of their success, attempts to bind them to previously sentient slimes like Sue remain unsuccessful. She’s not confident that Sue will make it, as a result. ‘Absor-Corp’ attempts espionage with her new battery tech by kidnapping her and the whole fish bowl. Aqua's upper torso tends to slide on top of the bowl, almost as if she was in a hot tub.
Primary Inspiration: Amethyst from Steven Universe
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art by: @transpanda-1 (🎩Yes, this is the only OC in the entire poll primarily drawn by us. siudfhskf)
Achara A-wut
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“If I'm a pin who was lucky enough to dodge the bowling ball, what about the other pins? Why the alley? Why is everything designed to strike someone down no matter what?”
Achara grew up as a psychic with one specific goal: Be a SUPER superhero. Always with her missing sister’s old dual stripe bowler hat on, Achara is kind, gentle, and intelligently tries to solve problems… all qualities that seem to be at odds with the worldwide superhero organization. Horrified to find out how deeply corrupt and hierarchical it is, Achara realizes there’s only one way to be a real superhero: Tear down the bowling alley with your fellow pins. …And also gain a magical girl ghost living in your shadow. Sick. Achara is the main character of TYFE side story: Anarchy Alleys.
Primary Inspiration: Kingpin from Spiderman: Into the Spideyverse
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art by: @impossiblevariable
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darkin-of-shurima · 11 months
"I heard Momma sick so I-" The child paused walking into the room and stared at the... man? ". . ." There was a long pause as he stares more. He brings his scarf up to his eyes and rubs them before looking back at Achara. ". . ." The child then walks up and grab his... parent's face. "Ah! Momma! But not momma? But Momma!" His touch was growing colder as his confusion grew.
Achara had been dreading this moment as he locked eyes with his son. He did not even know where to begin how to explain to his kids how their mom was now a dad.
The silence between the emperor and young elemental was deafening. This would only be broken as Lief explored the ruler's new facial structure. "Yes Lief. I'm still your Momma, but as you can see there has been a weird magic used on me." He'd pick up his son to sit him on the bed next to him "I'll look a little different... hopefully only for a few days."
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CONGRATULATIONS ARCHIE, DAISY, FERB, J, J, LILY, LOU, LYS, MHAIRI, REY, VICKY, ZOEY your applications have been accepted ! You can NOW check out the instructions on this page.   Make sure to REACH OUT  from your character blog so we can post the follow notice. We’re thrilled to have you !
* LEADERSHIP POSITION *⟨ pedro pascal. cis-male. he/him. 52. ⟩ We just saw javier vidal entering one man's trash. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with the Jolly Rogers and that they also go by the crooked hand. Be careful, they work for them as a mob boss and can sometimes be incendiary, uncouth, or even arrogant. I’ve also heard some people say that they were dauntless, resilient and quite charming. — archie. she/they.
⟨ hoyeon jung  cisgender female. she / her. 25. ⟩  We just saw mirae seong entering l’antique c’est chic. I heard through the grapevine that they are an instagram model. Although they are [ a civilian,, they can sometimes be insecure, dependent, or even oblivious, but I’ve also heard some people say that they were adaptable, business-savvy and quite vivacious. — daisy. she / they. 27.
⟨ zeeko zaki, rahul kohli. cisgender male. he / him. 37. ⟩  We just saw achillas eissa entering city hall. I heard through the grapevine that they are a chief protection officer ( for the mayor ). Although they are [ part of the law enforcement / government ], they can sometimes be vengeful, obdurate, or even world-weary but I’ve also heard some people say that they were protective, resolute and quite perceptive. — daisy. she / they.
⟨ melisa pamuk. cis-female. she+her. 34. ⟩ We just saw NAZLI YILDIZ entering the red rose casino. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with the Jabberwocks and that they also go by THE QUEEN OF SWORDS. Be careful, they work for them as a consigliere and can sometimes be critical, calculating, even selfish but I’ve also heard some people say that they were ambitious, clever, and quite intuitive.— lily. she/her.
⟨ freya mavor. cis woman. she/her. twenty six. ⟩  We just saw lorna-elizabeth "lizzie" bell entering the regent's park. I heard through the grapevine that they are an emergency department nurse. Although they are a civilian, they can sometimes be jealous, melodramatic, or even appeasing but I’ve also heard some people say that they were forgiving, generous and quite determined.— mhairi. they/she
⟨ Natasha Lyonne. ciswoman. She/Her. 44. ⟩  We just saw Emerson Lavigne entering One Man's Trash. I heard through the grapevine that they are Radio Host and Independent Journalist. Although they are with the media, they can sometimes be argumentative, judgemental, or even intrusive, but I’ve also heard some people say that they were intelligent, discerning and quite striking.— ferb. she/they. 25. est. n/a.
* LEADERSHIP POSITION ⟨ alexander skarsgård. cis male. he / him. forty-five. ⟩ We just saw Theodore Byrne entering the rabbit hole. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with the Jabberwocks and that they also go by the crimson monarch. Be careful, they work for them as a mob boss and can sometimes be machiavellian, secretive, or even judgmental but I’ve also heard some people say that they were cunning, resourceful and quite dauntless. — rey. she/her
⟨ davika hoorne. cis woman. she / her. thirty. ⟩  We just saw Achara Sichantha entering St.George’s Hospital. I heard through the grapevine that they are A&E doctor. Although they are [ a civilian ], they can sometimes be self-destructive, reckless, or even temperamental but I’ve also heard some people say that they were capable, empathetic and quite dedicated. — rey. she/her.
⟨ Chen Feiyu – Wang Yibo. cismale. he/him. 23. ⟩ We just saw Liu Yu entering King's College London. I heard through the grapevine that they are a post-grad student / hacker. Although they are civilian, they can sometimes be arrogant, imprudent, or even petty but I’ve also heard some people say that they were intelligent, meticulous and quite daring.— vicky. she/they.
⟨ margot robbie. female. she/her. 30. ⟩ We just saw phoebe dayze entering the rabbit hole. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with the Jabberwocks and that they also go by the lover. Be careful, they work for them as an executive assistant and can sometimes be manipulative ,self-centered,or even troubled but I’ve also heard some people say that they were fun-loving, open and quite congenial.— j. she/they
⟨ theo james. cis man. he/him. thirty five. ⟩ We just saw mason walker entering the red rose casino. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with Jabberwocks, and that they also go by the lover. Be careful, they work for them as an accountant. and can sometimes be deceitful, money minded, or even narcissistic but I’ve also heard some people say that they were adaptable, confident and quite sophisticated.— j. he/him
⟨ Henry Golding. Male. He/Him. 39. ⟩  We just saw Sasha Whitley entering 10 Downing Street. I heard through the grapevine that they are campaign manager to the PM. Although they are part of the government, they can sometimes be controlling, manipulative, or even jealous but I’ve also heard some people say that they were creative, passionate and quite humorous.— Lou. They/them.
⟨ fah yongwaree. ciswoman. she/her. 23. ⟩  We just saw sunee 'selena' suksai entering the borough market. I heard through the grapevine that they are a former marines combat medic who now is the primary supervisier for the new veterans affairs clinic of london.  Although they are a civilian, they can sometimes be reserved, misanthropic, or even elusive, but I’ve also heard some people say that they were perceptive, meticulous, and quite compassionate.— zoey. she/her.
* LEADERSHIP POSITION,    police commissioner * ⟨ timothy olyphant ( alt.  gil birmingham ). cisman. he/him. 50. ⟩  We just saw Robert ‘Bobby' Strike entering the Scotland Yard. I heard through the grapevine that they are the new police commissioner.  Although they are a civilian / part of law enforcement, they can sometimes be impulsive, apathetic, or even paranoid, but I’ve also heard some people say that they were determined, incorrupt, and quite protective.— zoey. she/her.
⟨ maude apatow . cis female. she/her. 27. ⟩  We just saw lilliana byrne-liddell entering the tate modern. I heard through the grapevine that they are a writer. Although they are [ a civilian ], they can sometimes be fantasist, materialistic, or even impulsive but I’ve also heard some people say that they were adaptable, serious and quite charming.— lys. she/her.
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thc-magician · 1 year
Some divey bar; late evening || @calebdraper
This wasn’t Rune’s typical haunt, that was for sure; his typical haunt was, of course, the Red Rose — or at least, other places of equal or higher quality. Here his immaculate shoes stuck to the floor, and he’d caught his attention wandering to whether or not he ought to have his slacks drycleaned or burned when the night was over. But he was meeting friends from medical school, and Derek, the one who’d planned the evening, always had… specific tastes.
The most sober of the lot of them because he tended to do the most marathon drinking of his own, Rune had collected bottles and glasses from the rapidly filling booth table to deposit them at the bar, doing his level best not to touch anything in the process. He stood there for a moment and rolled up his shirt sleeves as the bartender prepared the next round, and subsequently did a double-take at the man sitting nearest.
Caleb. Caleb Draper. His sister’s former roommate. Rune felt a pang of something almost resembling guilt; he’d all but demanded his sister move in the wake of Malachi’s disappearance, as if he could play shell games with his younger sibling to keep her safe. He’d never interacted much with Caleb, himself, but she had always seemed to get along with him. Then again, Achara seemed to get along with everyone. For her it was a gift, and for Rune, it was a headache.
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Rune considered not saying anything, but there had always been something about Caleb that intrigued him. Beyond the good looks, anyway. He cleared his throat. “Caleb, isn’t it? We met before.” Rune gestured to himself. “Rune. Achara’s brother. She, ah. I’m sure she’d want me to apologize on her behalf again, for moving so suddenly.” No, she wouldn’t. She’d just want to yell at Rune for making the decision for her some more, but he could handle that if it meant keeping her safe. He knew there would never be a thing he could make his sister do without her wanting to, so at some level she must’ve understood why he did what he did — even if she’d complained the entire way.
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stxrfclls · 2 years
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 she’d  been  watching  him  so  much  achara  was  likely  to  give  the  man  a  sign  she  didn’t  intend  to.  the  sound  of  footsteps  pulled  the  lady  from  her  trance  ,  causing  her  to  jump  a  bit  and  spin  to  find  the  face  of  her  sister.  “  gods  ,  you  scared  me.  ”  she  didn’t  admit  why  or  what  she’d  been  looking  at  ,  achara  was  very  determined  not  to  let  rani  know  the  father  of  her  children  was  here.
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The young man was out in the field again, a halberd in his hand and his pet resting in the shade of a tree near-by. He would stare at the weapon for a moment with a frown before taking a stance. Letting out a small sigh, his breath able to be seen despite the weather, he'd begin to do a few practice swings. Each strike to the air would cause him to take an extra step forward and as his frustration grew, the ground beneath him began to reflect his emotions. "Grrrr... C'mon... All of my moms have raised me well, I've practiced often, and yet I still can't master this? Mom was good with magic... and this was dad's signature weapon... I just want to show them I never forgot about them..." He'd groan before gripping the weapon a little tighter.
Sensing his distress, Lun-lun would lift it's head and rush over to Lief. The creature nuzzled it's head to the half-elemental's leg, causing him to look down, sigh, but then give a small and soft smile. He'd crouch down and pet the little legend. "Right. Even a master swordsman started out as an apprentice. Heh, I sound a bit like Papa Rai now... Okay... I'll continue my training another day. Maybe Mom Achara would let me train with the guards one of these days."
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reignfms · 2 years
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several wanted connections have been edited + 3 new ones have been added to the page !
vareena tyrell ( hande ercel ) is looking for their adversarial connection of a former betrothal. they would be in the age range of utp with the possible faces of utp man. honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. they were betrothed when she fell pregnant, so obviously it was quite the shock when she started showing. he was completely blindsided, fully believing they were going to marry and that she was faithful to that idea (she was very much not). this caused a rift between their families and a strife that has still not been resolved. years later reena feels bad for how it played out and wishes to apologize, but has yet to try.
isabaelda beesbury nee velaryon ( maddison jaizani ) is looking for their adversarial connection of a former lover. they would be in the age range of utp with the possible faces of utp any gender (pref woman). honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. someone she met in king’s landing while she was working for elaena, they had a lot of fun together and many wild times. or so she thought. the entire time this person was actually spying on isa for the former master of whispers, lord beesbury, who was reporting back to her parents. while they didn’t share EVERYTHING, they certainly shared enough which ultimately lead to isa being married off to her husband with no choice in the matter. she found later on that they were the cause of this, and has harbored a great resentment since.
achara fowler ( prang kannarun ) is looking for their misc connection of a former best friend. they would be in the age range of range with the possible faces of suggested fc ( must list at least 2+ ). honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. they both were serving house martell at the same time and grew a very deep friendship because of it. this person was a bit more focused on status and being “proper” than most dornish, but achara never minded. however, when achara began seeing an islander and ultimately got pregnant from him, they had a very large falling out. achara had hid the entire relationship from them, and they were upset she felt the need to. as achara had to move back home to care for her young, their friendship never recovered. now things are just awkward at best.
isabaelda beesbury nee velaryon ( maddison jaizani ) is looking for their adversarial connection of their child’s father with the possible faces of utp 25+ and should match or be near the ethnicity of her husband to keep up the secret (husband is currently a theo james fc). honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. isa has a 2 year old son named daelon who everyone assumes is her husband’s. however, he absolutely is not. there’s a lot of variables to be plotted, but the basis is isa has never been faithful to her husband ( who also isn’t faithful ) and while she usually is good at drinking moon tea she slipped up with this one. these two had a very interesting relationship, he liked to rile her up and she always fell for it, and then fell into bed with him. it was a very short lived dalliance, and they ended when he asked her to leave her husband and she refused (out of fear for what it would do to her station). he does not know daelon is his, and will be finding out in para once the connection is taken !
abraxas martell ( mena massoud ) is looking for their adversarial connection of a ex bestie / baby mama. they would be in the age range of 30+ with the possible faces of utp. honey does not require prior contact at @stxrfclls​. the mother of oberyn sand, who is 12. they grew up together and were thick as thieves, many thought they would end up married. because of all that outside pressure they did have a bit of a fling, testing the waters, and this is when she fell pregnant. ultimately this is also how they realized that they’d never work out as a couple, they just didn’t have the chemistry. her family kept pushing for them to marry to make the child legitimate, but both refused. somewhere along the way their friendship fell apart, and she disappeared shortly after giving birth to oberyn, leaving him to be cared for by brax. he’s always been hurt by her leaving, but assumed it was to escape the overwhelming pressure she was under. even still, deep resentment does still exist. they haven’t seen each other since then, so their first meeting will be TENSE.
cedrick ryswell ( rege jean page ) is looking for their adversarial connection of baby mama with the possible faces of utp 25+. honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. there’s a lot of history but the short story is that this was a one night stand or a fwb turned pregnant and she expected him to marry her. he did not, but did invite her to move to the rills to take care of her + their daughter (why she did is utp, but she does live in the rills). their daughter catlyn is now 1. she still is pressuring him to marry, he spends day and night avoiding her bc he still feels incredibly guilty for getting her pregnant in the first place + like he’s tarnished the memory of his late wife who he’d promised never to remarry / have more children.
astris saltcliffe ( tati gabrielle ) is looking for their adversarial connection of a childhood betrothal. they would be in the age range of utp with the possible faces of utp man. honey does not require prior contact at @stxrfclls​. made by her parents in attempt to gain an alliance, they’ve been betrothed since they were very, very young. in their youth they always fought, both antagonizing the other and neither ever being kind. in their adulthood this behavior has persisted, astris absolutely refusing to see the betrothal as legitimate and doing everything in their power to avoid marriage. whether or not he wants the marriage or just enjoys being a thorn in astris’s side is utp !
sarisa baratheon ( bruna marquezine ) is looking for their adversarial / misc connection of their ex-fling. they would be in the age range of utp with the possible faces of utp any gender. honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. sarisa spent the last few years in dorne + essos flitting about and traveling. she met them in either of these places and they had a very instant connection. nothing was ever monogamous but they enjoyed each other’s company. but then came the call to king’s landing about six months ago and she left without a word. for whatever reason they’ve now come to winterfell and things could either be very tense, very amicable, very awkward, or just very interesting.
alexia stark ( abigail cowen ) is looking for their misc / romantic connection of their head guard / crush with the possible faces of arnas fedaravicius, devon terrell, mena massoud, josha stradowski, archie renaux, toby regbo, bill skarsgaard, charles melton, leo suter, mason gooding, tom holland, utp 22+. honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. assigned to her two years ago, and girl has given him a run for his money since. lex is prone to ditching her guards and running off just because she can, though she’s incredibly drawn to trouble as well. she’s likely a thorn in his side, which is the fun of the dynamic. somehow he’s lasted the longest with her and it impresses everyone. over the years lex has developed a crush and gotten a bit more brazen in her poor flirting skills (she is wholly unexperienced), despite knowing full well she can’t marry a knight. how he feels about that + whether or not his feelings are reciprocated is utp.
alexia stark ( abigail cowen ) is looking for their pending betrothal connection with the possible faces of utp masc presenting 22+. honey does not require prior contact at stxrfclls. they should be from a royal or great house, titled, pref for someone who will be a ruling lord/is a ruling lord. (exception for this is if someone wishes to pick the wc up with a manderly as the starks + manderlys have always been v close) lex is easily known as a wild and reckless princess, so this betrothal has been made in hopes it will force her to settle down. it absolutely won’t, girl won’t be happy, and will very much act out in response when it all comes to light. basically just a wild time + a bratty princess for endless headaches. this clock starts when the wc is taken, so the betrothal will be fresh timeline wise !
syrio upcliff ( mahesh jadu ) is looking for their betrothal connection. they would be in the age range of 35+ with the possible faces of utp lady. honey does not require prior contact at @stxrfclls​. this betrothal was made while he was gone + he was wholly unaware of it until he came back and there she was just chilling on the isle. he’s refused to set a date, determined to break it, but trying to figure out the best way to do so without political backlash bc for whatever reason her house is important to maintain good ties with (which is why the betrothal was made in the first place)
abraxas martell ( mena massoud ) is looking for their misc connection of his spies ( 3 open ). they would be in the age range of 21+ with the possible faces of utp, any gender. honey does not require prior contact at @stxrfclls​. basically just have to be from dorne / have loyalty to dorne. for whatever reason he’s seen something in them to have brought them into the fold. could have been working for him recently or a few years, or were working for the previous master of whispers before he took over about five years ago.
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rozeliyawashereyall · 3 months
Korey family Lore!
TW: implied SH, emotional abuse, child neglect, gore descriptions (I think idk), very brief mention of SA
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Ooo, okay where do I start...first! The Adiels are all followers of Daz!
Now— Her parents.
They've been unnamed for a while now, I was planning to keep it this way because Korey literally forgot their names. But, eh, oh well.
-Korey's mother is Achara Hathai, she's of Thai descent, and comes from a very, very strict family with a lot of traditions and a lot of kids. She's the 5th daughter of 6, barely getting any care by her own parents. She was married off the day she turned 18 years old to Korey's dad, Haneul Adiel.
-Haneul Adiel wasn't a caring man either, but a spoiled one. Raised by loving yet somewhat entitled parents with little punishment for his actions. He's of Korean descent, his parents were the ones who mostly took care of Korey as a kid. He was married to 18 year old Achara when he was about 24 years old.
Achara and Haneul's marriage was a loveless one, only conceiving children to keep the family line going. They both had no respect for each other, getting into arguments almost every day.
Now! To Korey's brothers!
-Esra 'Hathai' Adiel.
The oldest child of the family at 24 years old. Raised just like his parents were, with barely any love at all. Haneul not caring for his existence, Achara too young to care for a child. Raised with mostly neglect, but he was noticed enough to be emotionally abused by his father, forced to do his bidding till he snapped out of it when he turned 17 years old, running away from home, and visiting in secret to make sure his younger siblings are okay.
Esra met Diana Claire at 20 years old, her at 19 years old. A kind deaf woman with a sad past, who was raised as an orphan after her parents abandoned her with her uncle and aunt who'd often abuse her both mentally and sexually. Running away from her adoptive home at 16 years old. Getting taken in by a family of fox halfbloods who were living in the sanctuary.
Back to Esra and Diana— they'd both fallen for each other at first sight, but only started to date a year after meeting, marrying each other almost 2 years after. Even adopting a baby a year in their marriage, they named her Ayla.
Esra actually has a pretty big potential to be a mage, and that's his goal, enrolling into a school for magic users. His affinities are crystal and light!
-Korey 'Hathai' Adiel.
Korey is the middle child at 19 years old. She was born with prosopagnosia, a condition where you have difficulty recognising people's faces. This freaked her out, a LOT. making her attempts for her parents attention more desperate so they could look at her, so she could see their faces again. Haneul, Korey's father, was very aware of this condition of hers, and would taunt her by forcing her mother and him to not look at her once. Resulting in Korey purposefully hurting herself, putting herself in severe danger to get their attention, but nothing worked.
At 12 years old. Korey accidentally killed 2 boys who were 2 years older than her at the time, during a mania induced episode. The boys were bullying and hitting her, saying some pretty fucked up stuff, it was until one of the boys reached for her clothes was when snapped. Punching the boy off of her, before starting to slam his head on a rock over and over. The other boy, too scared to intervene, but before he could run away, she ended up throwing a pretty hefty rock at his head. Killing both of them, and severely mentally scarring her. Thankfully for Korey, the murder wasn't pointed at her, but a violent halfblood who was roaming the woods. But still, even to this day the guilt still eats her from the inside.
Has very bad body dysmorphia, almost always refusing to look at her reflection, only looking when it's necessary. Has some magic potential, but it's not as big as her brother. She ued to have a best friend named Jay! They were oh so close, they might've even had a crush on each other, but even if they did, they wouldn't have reached a relationship as Jay was brutally killed by a halfblood, getting their guts ripped out as Korey could only helplessly watch. After it was done with Jay, Korey was also attacked by it, slitting her neck with its claws. But thankfully, was saved by a hunter nearby. Korey was about 13-14 at the time. It was also when she decided to join the hunters.
She was too hyperactive for the other village, sometimes insensitive by accident due to her disorders, leading her to be somewhat ignored by the village people. Fueling her fear of being ignored and forgotten.
-Noah 'Hathai' Adiel.
The youngest of the Adiels at 14 years old. To his siblings, Noah was practically the golden child despite only being treated normally, calling him that because they never got any care or acknowledgment.
Noah was..treated somewhat normally? It certainly wasn't as bad as the treatment his siblings got. He was actually born with synesthesia, an example is  you hear music, but you see shapes, or you hear a word or a name and instantly see a color. He's a very, very shy kid with barely any friends. Too anxious to approach anyone.
Despite his anxiety demeanor, he can be brave when he needs to be. After all, you aren't a true Adiel without a sense of bravery in you.
He's very clever for his age, and looks up to his siblings a lot, especially his sister. As they were both practically his teachers when it came to life. Korey would teach him to be less anxious, basic first aid, and how to defend himself. While Esra would teach him about more emotional feelings, basic education, and arts!
You can mostly always find him with his friend Everlynn and the other baby bugs! Or with one of his siblings goofing around the village.
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I think that's all for now? Idk I might change a few things in this, but uh— have some drawings!!
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petitteperle · 2 months
Hey girl!!! Can you tell me more about your oc? I think shes one of my favorite BES ocs but you don't post about her often :( I'd especially like to know about Acharas modern teenage version (like the one you did about Mizu)
OMG HIII😝😝😝😝 So, I don't think so much about modern teenage Achara😞, but I can try a little harder to answer😆 (I'm also glad you liked her!!)
Modern teenage Achara <3
Her parents are divorced, she lives with her father and grandmother, and she met Mizu a few days after moving to a nearby neighborhood. Her father took the motorcycle to the concert, at Eiji's mechanic and Achara accompanied her father, a few days later she went to school and discovered she was Mizu's classmate.
Eiji was talking something to the man, Mizu even tried to pay attention, she understood that he was a new police officer in the city and that he lived nearby. He wanted Eiji to fix his bike. Mizu tried to concentrate on the conversation, but her gaze shifted to a girl next to the man. She must have been her age and about her height, being just a little taller, she was smiling. Mizu's stomach turned and turned. It was strange to have someone of the same age group so close to her. Eiji and the man entered, when Mizu was going to enter the mechanics, her adoptive father spoke to her — Mizu, stay with Achara while Hoshikki and I talk. -her voice rumbled. She nodded as she tried to remember when that girl and her father had introduced themselves, she missed that part. When Mizu got closer to Achara, the strangeness increased. — Mizu, right? - She smiles like a mischievous rabbit. — Yes...Achara right? - Mizu speaks in a low voice, she wasn't used to socializing with other people. Especially when she was someone her age. The girl smiled and nodded positively. - Can we be friends. I live nearby, how old are you? Why do you live here? What is Mr. Eiji yours?- That burst of questions left Mizu stunned.
Achara was considered a very pretty girl at school, but as she hung out with Mizu a lot, boys didn't come near her to flirt, as many thought Mizu was a boy and they were dating.
She loves music, having extensive knowledge of musicals and pop divas.
Even without singing well, Achara had this habit of putting on music and getting on the coffee table or sofa while dancing and singing, using the remote control or the broom as a microphone. Her grandmother is not very pleased with this behavior, saying in a soft voice that she does not behave like a lady
She had average grades, being practically impeccable in grammar and foreign languages ​​and terrible in mathematics and physics. At least she was good at chemistry too.
Achara has her own style, she is not the type of person whose wardrobe fits into just one style. She wears what she likes, even pink or pastel tones always remaining in some way. She really likes miniskirts and customizing clothes, so she learned (at great expense) how to embroider, sew and knit, as it was very difficult to find a piece of clothing that fits her crazy outfits, so she makes them. Her presence in the city's thrift stores is extremely normal.
Her grandmother taught her how to cook, but she only really used this skill when trying to befriend Mizu, trying to win her over with sweets (LMAO😆)
She ties up the bangs of her long black hair with large, colorful barrettes.
Her school bag makes noise when she walks with it. With several keychains and buttons on it
Achara learned how to apply makeup at an early age, finding tutorials on YouTube. She follows many influencers in this field, including some drag queens, which is where she became familiar with the slang of this community.
Achara's hair has slight waves and is very long, she also likes to cut the ends of it when she's bored and she happens to have scissors nearby, leaving her hair chopped up (although not too much, since if her grandma notices she'll get angry). Her hair is also full and voluminous, so it's not as well-behaved as Mizu's.
Finally, Achara has two cats, Sabrina (homage to Sabrina Carpenter) and Gaga (homage to Lady Gaga)
Thanks for reading! and sorry for any spelling mistakes, as I said before, this is not my native language🫶🏻
Sabrinas song that I think Achara would love:
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ae-azile · 3 months
The Non-Newtonian Newborn: Chapter 4 Preview
There are perks to being in a secret, passionate, and romantic love affair with your longtime bodyguard and now the head of security.
For one, Arm has access to information about Pa, Kinn, Kim, and several extended family members that Tankhun may have not been privy to otherwise.
Arm also now has access to a phone that sends out notifications every time a security point is walked through. They conveniently silence most of the pointless checkpoints on date nights, making sure to only be interrupted if someone might possibly interrupt them.
Arm also doesn't keep things from him like past guards have. He never has unless he thought the news would truly traumatize Tankhun. He trusts Arm to keep him in the loop. Just because Tankhun lost his role as heir back when he was a teenager doesn't mean he shouldn't know what's going on. He should still be prepared.
But normally when intel is passed onto him, Tankhun understands why. Simply hearing Pa invited Chay to lunch and Arm doesn't know the reason is odd, but it isn't a huge cause for concern. Pa does occasionally try to play nice with Porsche and Chay. Considering the man put a bullet through his younger brother’s skull and imprisoned his foster sister in a room for so long, he sure likes to keep up appearances. Besides, it is not the first time Pa has asked to meet with Chay. He asked to meet with him to discuss his college goals, likely to try and play the nurturing father figure role to a boy whose life was ripped out from underneath him. When Chay didn't take the bait on that, Pa took notice when it came to Chay’s quickly developing skills in training. He asked for a meeting to imply Chay could put those skills to use.
That went splendidly with Porsche. Tankhun supposes he is glad Kinn rushed in to quickly nip that proposition in the bud. Porsche may have done much worse. While Porsche has the right to do such a thing, Tankhun wouldn't want to deal with the inevitable therapy and varying manifestations of complex grief that would transpire from both of his younger brothers should their father die. For real, this time. If Pa fakes his death again, that might be even more damaging to Tankhun’s psyche, not to mention damaging to his opinion of him.
So while Tankhun is curious about this lunch, he assumes it isn't anything urgent, not until his phone rings and Arm’s voice is on the other line.
“I am watching the security footage. Your father is pointing a gun at Chay and has his guards doing the same. I am about to go down there to try and de-escalate whatever is happening.”
Tankhun jumps to his feet, “Don't you dare! If Pa is set on murder, he will calmly kill almost anyone who gets in his path, but he will hesitate more if it's me!”
At least Tankhun would like to think so. He was Pa's favorite for the longest time, at least until he became traumatized and overly defiant. But Uncle Gun was also traumatized and defiant in his own way. Pa killed him.
No. Pa isn't going to kill any of his sons. He isn’t that terrible. Probably.
“I'm going to be on standby, Khun,” Arm says, “And get more audio surveillance installed as soon as I can.”
Tankhun lets out a huff as he rushes through the door, “Fine! But stay out of sight! I'm not having Pa target you! He shouldn't be targeting Chay either! Porsche will be livid! Kim may be too! They spent the morning together shopping for Achara!”
“Kim’s in the room. I don't think he was invited, but he is sitting with the baby. He doesn't look happy with your father.”
So much drama.
“I’ll handle it,” Tankhun says, then hangs up the phone. Whatever Chay did does not constitute Pa threatening him. If Khun didn't know any better, he would say Pa is acting emotionally. That isn't something Pa does. His threats are very well planned out and frequently carried out - if not in the moment, then later on. But he can't do that to Chay. Tankhun can't think of one thing to kill Chay over! Is it frustrating he is avoidant about college? Yes. But the poor boy went through so much and that is largely Pa’s fault.
Porsche did mention that Chay hangs out with Macau, that they game together. Apparently, Porsche set that up when his attempt to get Kim and Chay to hang out with each other never played out. What if Chay and Macau are involved with each other and Pa found out? Pa may think that Chay has aligned himself with Vegas.
But Tankhun chatted with Pete just last week. He said Vegas was helping his maternal grandmother move back to Thailand so they could open a restaurant together. He also mentioned Vegas was teaching English as a second language online to keep himself occupied until then. Pete claimed they were both really happy.
So maybe Macau is the criminal mastermind now and seduced Chay.
It sounds incredibly unlikely and dumb. Macau never had any interest in the family business, that is just a piece of common knowledge everyone across the board has known. Tankhun also believes Macau may be straight. Such a black sheep, that one. Kim could only dream of not fitting in that much.
Tankhun needs to focus. He will figure out what's going on when he gets there, considering none of his theories make sense at all.
By the time he arrives, the guns are dismantled and across the room. It seems like a strange place to put them, even though Tankhun is relieved they are no longer being pointed at anyone. Kim’s chair is so close to Chay’s chair that their sides are touching, and Tankhun can hear the sound of gurgling but doesn't see Achara.
“Why wasn't I invited to lunch?!” Tankhun huffs, making himself known as he stomps into the room to sit on the other side of the table to Pa’s right. It's only then he sees Achara, her face partially revealed as she lies against Kim’s chest, nestled in a sling wrap.
Tankhun would have bought him that!
But chewing his little brother out over it can wait.
“What's going on?” Tankhun asks, looking at the three of them, “Things seem tense and there is no food. This is an awful lunch. Pa, if you need help with throwing a proper mini-luncheon, all you need to do is ask for my help, okay? This isn't it.”
Pa says nothing, his eyes still on Chay as Chay meets his gaze head on.
“I knew nothing about this,” Chay tells him, “I wouldn't even know how to go about making this happen.”
“It was my stalker, Pa. Her name is Hom,” Kim says, “I don't know why you are suddenly so…protective of me-”
“You're my son,” Pa says stiffly, “Of course I am protective of you. This…event has caused physiological and emotional changes in you that are disturbing. This is unnatural, concerning, and should have never happened-”
“Yeah, but it did,” Kim cuts in, “And it wasn't Chay’s fault. He wasn't even there when Achara…apparently came to be. If anything, it was my fault. I broke the egg in an attempt to piss Hom off and it gave me a newborn instead.”
Immediately, Kim looks down at the newborn in question, “But I'm so happy that you're here. You're my little girl-”
“Kim,” Pa cuts in briskly, interrupting the bizarre, yet tender moment, “This was a…crime against you. And the fact Porchay came up as a fifty percent match for your baby tells me he was involved.”
“I think it is much more likely that what Hom set up is a crime against him too,” Kim tells him.
Meanwhile, Tankhun is just…processing. Fifty percent? DNA? Chay?
“Chay is the father?!” Tankhun shouts, standing up. Finally, people are paying attention to him as all heads in the room turn to him.
“Yes. The infirmary got word this morning,” Pa says, speaking first, “I went down there to see how things were coming along. I happened to have good timing, because matches had popped up in the system just a few minutes before my arrival. I had the staff cross examine the matches by hand. Only Doctor Saelim, Raj, Jake, and myself are aware of this development.”
Chay crosses his arms over his chest, “And now I am too. I want to leave. I want to spend time with my daughter.”
Pa turns his scrutinizing gaze onto Chay, while Kim looks at him in surprise. Since everyone else is looking at Chay, Tankhun does too. He looks stubborn and fiery, just like his brother.
Pa clenches his jaw, “The fact that you aren't shocked or in denial tells me you were well aware-”
“I wasn't well aware, but I have felt weirdly connected to her since last night and that feeling grew exponentially when I first held her this morning!” Chay snaps, causing both Tankhun and Kim to jerk back, “It is far from ideal. Achara shouldn't have been forced to enter the world in the way that she was. But she is here and she is loved, and now this paper is telling me she's half mine. Kim and I have to talk about what that means so we can successfully co-parent together.”
…Tankhun is thrilled he came to this lunch. This is the best compound drama he has encountered in MONTHS. And besides, this could be so much worse. Kim could have just found out his soulmate was a complete stranger or someone he couldn't stand! While Chay and Kim only started hanging out yesterday, they bonded fast and Chay has been able to get through to him in a way no one else has yet been able to. Tankhun should have known he was the most likely choice.
“He didn't cause this, Pa,” Kim reiterates, standing up with his steady hands around Achara, “If you're done with your threats, then Chay and I want to leave. Try to…calm down. You think the fact I can breastfeed is weird, but you being this emotional-”
“Kim,” Pa says, an aura of warning lacing his tone.
“I'm serious. Calm down. That's not only Kinn’s boyfriend’s brother, but your granddaughter’s father. And he doesn't have powers or any shaman connections, at least that I know of. Be kind and courteous to him, thanks. Chay, come on.”
With that, Kim, Chay, and Achara leave the room.
How are they taking this so well? Has Kim thought of the implications of what Achara’s parentage means? The universe clearly expects them to be together. Achara is proof of that. Does Kim even realize that Chay is his soulmate? Does he want him to be?
Maybe his little brother has already developed a crush.
Tankhun can't wait to gossip about this.
“No spreading this around,” Kim says, popping his head back in, “Chay and I will figure out how to tell people.”
He's SO annoying.
“Kinn is the one who ordered the DNA sweep,” Tankhun says, “The estimated wait time for it to go through the entire database was two days. You have until tomorrow until he figures out a match was found.”
“Hm,” Kim hums, nodding his head, “Guess we’ll tell him and Porsche today then.”
“Guess you will. I will be right there to support you and Chay through that huge announcement.”
“I'm sure that's the only reason.”
“It is!”
Kim rolls his eyes but leaves the dining room once more. Upon his departure, Tankhun studies his father and decides to show him some empathy and pity by patting his hand.
“It’ll be okay, Pa. I understand where your concern was coming from. But Chay has nothing to do with how this happened. He has simply gained a daughter by existing as collateral damage. He's been very helpful, comforting, and supportive to Kim though! I think this is a good thing, those two being matched by cosmic forces.”
Pa, however, says nothing. Tankhun tried his best. Off course, everyone’s best has rarely been quite good enough for Pa, even though he doesn't always say as much.
Maybe he should let Pa beat him at chess to make him feel better.
“A game while we wait for the food?” Tankhun asks, walking over to the chess table, “Come on! A quick one! I bet I can beat you in less than five minutes.”
And since Pa hates and loves when people challenge him, he makes his way over to the game.
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omgbyte · 2 years
Bonkers having a come all over debt gathering initiate-world RPG REPO MAN introduced
Bonkers having a come all over debt gathering initiate-world RPG REPO MAN introduced
Developer Achara Studios agree with introduced first-particular person debt gathering initiate-world RPG REPO MAN. Or no longer it is being developed on Unreal Engine 5 and is releasing on PC sometime in 2023. It goes to additionally come to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Sequence X|S at a later date. REPO MAN is a memoir-pushed RPG that contains complex dialogue, negotiation,…
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