#Accounting Continuing Education Florida
ultimatecpe · 2 years
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At Ultimate CPE, we provide continuing professional education for CPA'S. Some of our CPE topics cover accounting and auditing, taxation, consulting services, tax planning and CPE courses.
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philosopherking1887 · 3 months
More good things the Biden administration is doing: OSHA heat safety rules for workers
Remember when Texas and Florida passed laws preventing local and municipal governments from implementing their own heat safety rules and said that if heat is such a big problem, OSHA should make rules that apply to everyone? If not, NPR can remind you. OSHA has now accepted the challenge, moving much faster than they usually do:
OSHA National News Release U.S. Department of Labor July 2, 2024 Biden-Harris administration announces proposed rule to protect indoor, outdoor workers from extreme heat WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor has released a proposed rule with the goal of protecting millions of workers from the significant health risks of extreme heat. If finalized, the proposed rule would help protect approximately 36 million workers in indoor and outdoor work settings and substantially reduce heat injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace. Heat is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the U.S. Excessive workplace heat can lead to heat stroke and even death. While heat hazards impact workers in many industries, workers of color have a higher likelihood of working in jobs with hazardous heat exposure. “Every worker should come home safe and healthy at the end of the day, which is why the Biden-Harris administration is taking this significant step to protect workers from the dangers posed by extreme heat,” said Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su. “As the most pro-worker administration in history, we are committed to ensuring that those doing difficult work in some of our economy’s most critical sectors are valued and kept safe in the workplace.” The proposed rule would require employers to develop an injury and illness prevention plan to control heat hazards in workplaces affected by excessive heat. Among other things, the plan would require employers to evaluate heat risks and — when heat increases risks to workers — implement requirements for drinking water, rest breaks and control of indoor heat. It would also require a plan to protect new or returning workers unaccustomed to working in high heat conditions. “Workers all over the country are passing out, suffering heat stroke and dying from heat exposure from just doing their jobs, and something must be done to protect them,” said Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Douglas L. Parker. “Today’s proposal is an important next step in the process to receive public input to craft a ‘win-win’ final rule that protects workers while being practical and workable for employers.” Employers would also be required to provide training, have procedures to respond if a worker is experiencing signs and symptoms of a heat-related illness, and take immediate action to help a worker experiencing signs and symptoms of a heat emergency. The public is encouraged to submit written comments on the rule once it is published in the Federal Register. The agency also anticipates a public hearing after the close of the written comment period. More information will be available on submitting comments when the rule is published. In the interim, OSHA continues to direct significant existing outreach and enforcement resources to educate employers and workers and hold businesses accountable for violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act’s general duty clause, 29 U.S.C. § 654(a)(1) and other applicable regulations. Record-breaking temperatures across the nation have increased the risks people face on-the-job, especially in summer months. Every year, dozens of workers die and thousands more suffer illnesses related to hazardous heat exposure that, sadly, are most often preventable. The agency continues to conduct heat-related inspections under its National Emphasis Program – Outdoor and Indoor Heat-Related Hazards, launched in 2022. The program inspects workplaces with the highest exposures to heat-related hazards proactively to prevent workers from suffering injury, illness or death needlessly. Since the launch, OSHA has conducted more than 5,000 federal heat-related inspections. In addition, the agency is prioritizing programmed inspections in agricultural industries that employ temporary, nonimmigrant H-2A workers for seasonal labor. These workers face unique vulnerabilities, including potential language barriers, less control over their living and working conditions, and possible lack of acclimatization, and are at high risk of hazardous heat exposure.
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Is anyone still watching Florida? Did y'all see this? It's from may 2024 and it's straight up Nazi nonsense.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation to further strengthen Florida’s protections for consumers, teachers, and employees from being forced to adopt ideologies or reflect a preferred political behavior. With today’s actions, Governor DeSantis is bolstering protections for: • Consumers, by providing recourse for individuals who believe they have been de-banked for political reasons; • Teachers, by ensuring they are not subjected to trainings that teach an ideology of hate, but instead focus on achieving mastery of academic content; and • Employees, by taking steps to prevent ideological discrimination or harassment in the workplace.
Governor DeSantis signed HB 989 and HB 1291 into law. HB 989 does the following: • Increases protection for customers of financial institutions operating in Florida from unwarranted account cancellations and restrictions through a coordinated complaint and investigatory process within the Office of Financial Regulation. • Removes Florida’s exclusive preference of holding public funds with banks, particularly with out-of-state big banks, by allowing community-based credit unions to hold public funds. • Permits the Chief Financial Officer to have a dedicated consumer-liaison for assistance dealing with the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
HB 1291 does the following: • Prohibits teacher preparation programs from indoctrinating prospective teachers by teaching distorted versions of significant historical events; and • Prevents the infusion of identity politics in teaching methods and prohibits instructing that theories such as systemic racism, sexism, oppression, and privilege are inherent in America’s institutions.
Governor DeSantis is also working with the Attorney General’s office to bolster Florida’s protections from ideological discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Companies do not have a right to create a hostile work environment by forcing an employee to sit through trainings that tell that employee he or she is inherently racist or sexist. This includes efforts to mandate trainings meant to guilt employees or think less of themselves because of racial, religious, or social upbringing. “We reject a global elite trying to force their ideology on us by capturing major institutions,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “We are not going to allow big banks to discriminate based on someone’s political or religious beliefs, and we will continue to fight back against indoctrination in education and the workplace.” “For too long, credit unions were barred from participating in Florida’s Qualified Depositor program, which didn’t make sense,” said Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis. “Government entities should have more tools in their toolbox for maximizing taxpayer returns, and by opening it up to credit unions, we’ll not only bolster competition, but give banks more incentive to drop the woke-nonsense and focus on returns. Thanks to Governor DeSantis, Florida is where woke goes to die, and we were proud to partner with him and his team in getting this important legislation over the finish line.
That's systemic antisemitism, right, like this is what this bill is? These laws are to stop the "global elite" who control "big banks" from making Desantis do sensitivity training is antisemitic.
That's literally a dog whistle.
While many people might hear “international banks” quite literally, or maybe as an allusion to Clinton’s ties to foreign financial interests in general, anti-Semites hear something very different. After all, the supposed existence of a cabal of international Jewish bankers working to undermine US democracy is a recurring theme in American anti-Semitism, from Henry Ford’s The International Jew to Reddit troll-conventions. Trump’s choice of language serves as a signal that he is one of them.
Hitler described Jews as “international elements” that “conduct their business everywhere,” thus harming and undermining good people who are “bound to their soil, to the Fatherland
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coochiequeens · 4 months
She had a child trough surrogacy at 68. The average life span for Spainish women is 83. Meaning she could be dead before the kid is 18. And even if she does live to see her second kid reach adult hood. She's going to be handling an elementary school age kid in her 70s, and 86 when she's 18 and old enough to try for her drivers license.
Spanish Actress Ana Obregón Faces Backlash for Surrogacy Decision
May 25, 2024 F. Salau
Renowned Spanish actress Ana Obregón has ignited a firestorm of criticism after revealing that she welcomed a daughter through surrogacy in the United States at the age of 68.
The revelation has sparked debate and raised questions about the legality and morality of surrogacy in Spain.
A Respected Actress
Ana Obregón is widely known for her roles in various Spanish comedies, earning her a place in the hearts of audiences across the country.
However, her decision to pursue surrogacy has drawn both admiration and condemnation from the public and political figures alike.
A Tragic Loss
Obregón’s decision to pursue surrogacy comes in the wake of a devastating personal tragedy.
In 2020, she tragically lost her only son to cancer at the young age of 27. Since then, she has been candid about her grief and her determination to find hope and joy amidst the pain.
Surrogacy in Spain
Spain has strict laws regarding surrogacy, prohibiting all forms of the practice within its borders.
However, parents who undergo surrogacy abroad can legally adopt the child upon their return to the country. This legal loophole has sparked debate and controversy in recent years.
The Ethics of Surrogacy
Surrogacy, the practice of a woman carrying and giving birth to a child for another person or couple, is a complex and controversial issue.
While it can bring joy and fulfillment to those unable to conceive naturally, it also raises ethical questions about exploitation, commodification of women’s bodies, and the rights of the child.
Ana Obregón’s Revelation
Ana Obregón’s decision to share her surrogacy journey publicly has ignited a fierce debate in Spain.
Her appearance on the cover of Hola! magazine, cradling her newborn daughter outside a Florida hospital, has drawn both praise and condemnation from various quarters.
A Divisive Response
Obregón’s Instagram post, in which she expressed gratitude for the “loving light” that entered her life, has divided opinion on social media.
While some have praised her courage and resilience, others have criticized her decision as morally questionable and socially irresponsible.
Political Reactions
Politicians in Spain have also weighed in on the controversy, with members of the left-wing administration condemning Obregón’s actions.
Minister of Education Pilar Alegra likened her departure from the hospital to a descent into hell, while Minister of Equality Irene Montero characterized surrogacy as a form of aggression against women.
Legal and Moral Implications
The debate surrounding surrogacy in Spain touches upon complex legal, moral, and ethical issues.
While some advocate for stricter regulations and outright bans, others argue for a more nuanced approach that balances the rights of intended parents, surrogate mothers, and children born through surrogacy.
Conclusion: A Call for Dialogue
As the debate over surrogacy continues to unfold in Spain, it is clear that there are no easy answers to the complex questions it raises.
What is needed is a thoughtful and respectful dialogue that takes into account the perspectives of all stakeholders involved.
Only through open and honest discussion can Spain hope to navigate the challenges posed by surrogacy in the modern world.
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I HAVE AN EASTER challenge for Christians. My challenge is simply this: tell me what happened on Easter. I am not asking for proof. My straightforward request is merely that Christians tell me exactly what happened on the day that their most important doctrine was born.
Believers should eagerly take up this challenge, since without the resurrection, there is no Christianity. Paul wrote, “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.” (I Corinthians 15:14-15)
The conditions of the challenge are simple and reasonable. In each of the four Gospels, begin at Easter morning and read to the end of the book: Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20-21. Also read Acts 1:3-12 and Paul’s tiny version of the story in I Corinthians 15:3-8. These 165 verses can be read in a few moments. Then, without omitting a single detail from these separate accounts, write a simple, chronological narrative of the events between the resurrection and the ascension: what happened first, second, and so on; who said what, when; and where these things happened.
Since the gospels do not always give precise times of day, it is permissible to make educated guesses. The narrative does not have to pretend to present a perfect picture–it only needs to give at least one plausible account of all of the facts. Additional explanation of the narrative may be set apart in parentheses. The important condition to the challenge, however, is that not one single biblical detail be omitted. Fair enough?
I have tried this challenge myself. I failed. An Assembly of God minister whom I was debating a couple of years ago on a Florida radio show loudly proclaimed over the air that he would send me the narrative in a few days. I am still waiting. After my debate at the University of Wisconsin, “Jesus of Nazareth: Messiah or Myth,” a Lutheran graduate student told me he accepted the challenge and would be contacting me in about a week. I have never heard from him. Both of these people, and others, agreed that the request was reasonable and crucial. Maybe they are slow readers.
[ Continued... ]
It’s funny because it’s complete fiction and they accidentally figured it out.
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Molly Sprayregen at LGBTQ Nation:
Four Southern states have joined together with four conservative organizations to sue the Biden administration over a recently issued rule banning anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in education.
The idea is that it’s impossible to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity without taking sex into account, a legal argument that the Supreme Court has already used in its 2020 Bostock v. Clayton Co. ruling with respect to job discrimination.
With the new rule, any school that receives federal funding will no longer be able to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students. This could affect states and school districts with policies to out LGBTQ+ students to their parents or ban trans students from using bathrooms that correspond with their gender. The new rules could also give students who face discrimination recourse in federal courts. Alabama, South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia allege in the lawsuit that the Biden administration does not have the authority to make this rule and also that it goes beyond the original intentions of Title IX, according to CBS News. The states are joined in the lawsuit by the Independent Women’s Network, Parents Defending Education, Speech First, and the Independent Women’s Law Center.
“The role of Cabinet agencies is to interpret laws as written by Congress – not to redefine the meaning of words to suit a fringe group of activists,” said Parents Defending Education president Nicole Neily in a statement, which went on to claim the rule proves “the Biden administration’s contempt for families, trumping state laws which reiterate parents’ right to access information and make decisions about issues related to their children’s gender identity in schools.” “By lowering the standard of ‘harassment’ to little more than a one-off expression of humor, satire, or parody,” Neily continued, “the free speech rights of every young learner in America has become subordinate to how the most sensitive student might interpret a phrase. This Title IX rule is both unconstitutional and immoral, and we look forward to vindicating our members’ rights in court.”
“We will fight very strongly against this rule,” added Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (R), “just to ensure this does what Congress intended it to do, and that is provide opportunities to everyone and especially protect the security and fairness for our biological females.” Moody also claimed the new rule “is really a radical departure from what Title IX was originally meant to do.” The lawsuit alleges that the rule “conflicts with many of the state plaintiffs’ laws that govern public institutions of higher education and primary and secondary education, including laws involving harassment, bathrooms, sports, parental rights, and more.” It continues, “The rule thus impedes the state plaintiffs’ sovereign authority to enforce and administer their laws and creates pressure on the state plaintiffs to change their laws and practices.” The new rules, however, do not discuss transgender student-athletes and which teams they can play on. The DOE is reportedly planning to issue a separate rule regarding what Title IX means for sports participation.
4 Southern states are suing the Biden Administration for the right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ children over the LGBTQ+-friendly Title IX changes.
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
So, I’m not sure if you’re taking emergency requests or not but I could really use something. I’m not sure if you know but parts of northeast Florida are basically underwater.
I’m visiting from college and I’ve been trapped at the Fort Lauderdale airport for a day and a half, soon to be two. My parents are trapped in their home (they live in an apartment but their garage is completely flooded) and can’t get to me, so I have to hold until the water levels here and there go down enough for me to get home.
I’m tried, cold, haven’t showered in almost two days, sleeping in shifts between rock hard seats and the floor to charge my phone and avoiding downstairs like the plague because that’s also flooded, I’m stuck with other people, my period tracker says in due to start any day now, and I want my moms home cooked meal. I have the feeling I’m gonna bawl my eyes out the second I’m out of this god forsaken airport.
Could you do a headcanon on how TFP Optimus, Megatron, and Ratchet would react to their human daughter being trapped in an airport for two days due to horrible weather and finally seeing her when it’s clear?
(Oh wow, anon, I didn't know about the storms flooding Florida. I had to look up news for it. And yikes, it still isn't over yet. That's a severely rough time, especially at a stopping point. Here we go with a different style: )
Optimus would immediately be in the vicinity when the weather subsides enough for him to safely transport you. Nature on Earth, he finds, is beautiful, but also devastating, especially on small beings without innate protection. Before you see his alt-mode, it's worn-looking, yet relieved "Leo Cullen" that greets your eyes. He takes extra care with his holomatter, so when he hugs you for a long moment, it's warm and solid. You feel the leather and flannel, the scratch of his facial hair, and roughened fingers. There's the underlying smell of sun and storm, and it feels like home.
The sleeper cab would be ready because, between the size of his alt-mode and root-mode, it's easy to transport a mattress in his subspace. Freshly laundered with your favorite road-trip snacks. The road back is long with pit and truck stops to stretch your legs, eat meals, showers, and look at the scenery, but that's because these trips are the only time between you and him and no one else, barring an emergency.
There's nostalgia over the radio, cassettes, and CDs. Podcasts of shared interests and audial books he listens on his spare time. He sings a little off-key to get you to smile and "Leo" smiles right back. He names the constellations visible in the sky and talks about the ones back on Cybertron; his voice lulling you to sleep as he steps through the mythology of Thirteen and their legendary battle against Unicron in the sky.
The one that fusses the most is Ratchet. His time at the base is a mix of complaints on such a chaotic nightmare of a planet and hyperfocus on things that need his attention. Otherwise, he'll drive himself up the walls with the continuous onslaught of new reports and in-and-out communication from you. (He wonders if he can simply take over your post-secondary education. Ratchet has mentored factory fresh new-builds, and he can learn his lesson from the science projects to take account of the planet's educational framework.)
You're stressed, so it makes him stressed because all he wants to do is bundle you up, keep you tucked away on his shoulder, and yell at everything that got you to that point. He can't fight the weather, so your 'old man' of a father picks you up with faded red hair and a severe frown as he impatiently waits. "Haiden Ratcliffe" looks like he just got off a double shift in his scrubs, and it looks to you that he hasn't been sleeping well with the presence of bags under his eyes on his holomatter. But now you two are a father-daughter match in exhaustion.
Despite his appearance, he's powerful and the force of his hug takes your breath away and skews his glasses as he lifts you up. He's tutting and grumbling in his usual, grumpy way as he gets you inside his alt, so he can run passive scans and get you more comfortable because he has everything on hand. "Haiden" doesn't make frequent appearances, unless it's necessary (and the PTA and school board would like to keep it as minimum as possible), so it's a nice moment to rest on his shoulder and he runs warm as large hands run through your hair.
On the opposite spectrum, for a mech known for his eloquence, Megatron has the hardest time providing soft comfort. He intimately knows bitter ones, harsh ones, wrathful ones, and heavy-handed ones. Cordiality is one thing, but gentleness is a beast that's foreign to him. It's not even a luxury he reserves for himself.
He gnashed his denta, bleeding them, opening a few scars on his face, and his fists clenched until the muscle-cabling and joints strained as he monitored atmospheric reports and potential damage. It isn't an enemy he can turn his fists and fusion cannon on, his rage cannot cow a storm or defeat tornados. Strength is what he knows and what he has, and he loathes how it fails him in this instance, even as he demolishes the training forces and simulations.
Nor can he hide easily. Even if he takes on a more appropriate Earth alt-mode, there's no way he can simply fly his way through the airport, especially if he wants to keep your presence beneath everyone's sensors. (Even if he stares at the blueprints of the infrastructure to casually find spots that could reasonably cover a ground bridge to get you immediately back on the warship. It's child's play for Soundwave to down the security systems and continuous storms could mask the power output, right?) He sends Breakdown to get you for the mech's thick armature and his ease with softer manners.
Megatron's care is more subtle, in some ways distant, because he struggles on presenting a kinder face. Your alarms are shut off as you're excused from practices. The showers are well-stocked with quality spa accessories and treatments. He says nothing when your pet drone slinks its way into bed and curls around you.
Food is a language he can understand and compromise on. Fuel was important, something close to sacred, to those deep in the mines and shackled in the Pits. Compared to what he's used to, the cuisine on Earth is nauseatingly overwhelming: diets and lifestyles and so many little, yet important factors that contribute to your health and wellness. What is edible and non-edible is not a hard line; it's a shore where it depends on the preparation and methods and cultivation. It's nothing at all like harvesting Energon crystals. And he vaguely wonders how humanity hasn't killed itself in its infancy between intentional poisonings of rotted or fermented food and accidental death by a simple mistake when foraging.
You can't drink directly from his lines, so he takes it upon himself to provide in another way and he tackles the culinary arts as a challenge to overcome. And, to him, it's a satisfying one.
Megatron cooks meals and balances your nutrition. Styles of all kinds and the world in his grasp. When you return, he makes your favorites, the things that comfort you the most as you and he sit down to fuel together. Your expression is all he needs to be pleased as he savors the warm purr of satisfied sire-coding.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
The murder of three Black people in a racist killing in Jacksonville, Florida, has devastated the community and stoked renewed outrage over the state’s increasingly loose gun regulations.
The white gunman who perpetrated the Jacksonville shooting appears to have legally acquired the weapons used in the attack, a Glock handgun and an AR-15-style rifle emblazoned with swastikas. The US attorney general, Merrick Garland, announced on Sunday that the justice department would investigate the attack as “a hate crime and an act of racially motivated violent extremism”.
The Saturday shooting came four months after Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican and now a presidential candidate, signed a law enacting permitless carry in Florida. The law eliminated Florida’s previous requirements mandating that those wishing to carry a concealed gun must complete safety training and undergo a background check.
It remains unclear whether a more thorough background check would have impeded gun purchases for the shooter, who had no criminal arrest history but was once held involuntarily in a mental health facility. As authorities continue to investigate the shooting, gun safety advocates and racial justice leaders have called for a re-examination of Florida’s firearm regulations. They fear that more tragedies like that which occurred in Jacksonville will prove inevitable if the state remains awash with guns in the hands of unpermitted owners.
“Gun violence has been a serious problem in Florida, and with the passage of permitless carry earlier this year, it will undoubtedly rise,” said Samantha Barrios, Florida state director for the gun safety group Giffords. “Florida’s weak gun laws have made us home to too many mass shootings. If Governor DeSantis is serious about stopping future tragedies he would support overturning permitless carry and work to strengthen Florida’s gun laws.”
The Jacksonville chapter of the NAACP similarly urged the Florida legislature to reconsider the permitless carry law.
“We are committed to supporting efforts that safeguard our communities from these acts of racial violence,” the chapter said in a statement. “Together, we must work towards a future where hate has no place and where all individuals can live without fear of senseless attacks.”
The shooting has sparked additional criticism of DeSantis and his policies on guns and education, after the governor signed a bill restricting the discussion of race in Florida’s schools. As DeSantis attended a vigil for the three victims of the Jacksonville shooting on Sunday, he was met with loud boos from the crowd. Videos of the event showed one attendee yelling at DeSantis, “Your policies caused this!”
The grief and outrage over the Jacksonville shooting may prompt DeSantis and his Republican allies in the Florida legislature to reconsider the permitless carry law. But there is some warranted skepticism of that possibility, given that DeSantis already signed the bill in April over loud objections from his constituents. One survey conducted earlier this year by the University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab showed 77% of Florida voters, including 62% of Republicans, do not support permitless carry.
Despite the many challenges to overturning the law, gun safety activists expressed commitment to ensuring the safety of Florida’s residents and holding DeSantis accountable. As the Jacksonville community grieves, the Democratic congressman Maxwell Frost said he hoped DeSantis would sit down with gun safety advocates to discuss how to prevent the next shooting.
“Activists and organizers have been asking him to travel the state and sit down with people since he’s gotten into office, and he never does it,” Frost told CNN on Sunday. “What I would tell him is, ‘Governor, we need a special session on gun violence. We needed it when you first started, and we need it now more than ever.’”
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
A left-wing journalism professor who teaches at a top Chicago-area university has for months justified Hamas terrorists' war on Israel and even joined anti-Israel student agitators on campus, Fox News Digital learned after reviewing his social media and blog posts.
Steven Thrasher is an associate professor of journalism at Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism and has been "regularly published in the New York Times, BuzzFeed News, Esquire, the Nation, the Atlantic, the Guardian, and the Daily Beast," according to his school biography.
Thrasher's activism could be raised on Thursday when Northwestern's president, as well as leaders from UCLA and Rutgers, appears before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce for a hearing titled "Calling for Accountability: Stopping Antisemitic College Chaos."
"Staff like Professor Steven Thrasher continue to peddle hateful antisemitic canards," Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Gimenez told Fox News Digital. "This professor has employed hateful rhetoric, invoked antisemitic tropes, and fostered a hostile environment that endangers Jewish students on campus."
Thrasher's bio states that he is "the inaugural Daniel H. Renberg Chair of social justice in reporting (with an emphasis on issues relevant to the LGBTQ community) and an assistant professor of journalism." His areas of expertise include methods of how to study the intersection of "racism, homophobia, policing, medicine, incarceration, culture, and health." 
A review of Thrasher’s social media accounts found that stretching back to October of last year, when Hamas launched an attack against Israel, Thrasher espoused anti-Israel rhetoric appearing to defend Hamas. 
"White supremacy and settler colonialism can NOT kill, maim and steal for decades (or even centuries) via genocidal violence and then expect patience and peace — ESPECIALLY when peaceful protest is met with economic, spiritual and literal death," he posted on X on Oct. 9 of last year. Fox News Digital reviewed the posts earlier this week, before Thrasher protected his X account. 
"For those asking 'But why don’t Palestinians protest peacefully; may I remind you that for me—who is not even Palestinian!!!—merely calling for *peaceful boycott* cost me the German translation of my book, made my PhD advisor shun me forever & almost cost me my entire career," he wrote in another post that same day. 
Later that month, Thrasher compared Israel to the Nazis, claiming the country was carrying out "a genocide of the disabled" in Gaza. 
"​​This is a genocide of the disabled people, too, who will suffocate on smoke. Who ARE suffocating to death right now. You know who else suffocated the disabled? The Nazis," he posted on X on Oct. 29. 
Thrasher is also apparently no fan of President Biden, according to his posts, claiming that "Biden won’t stop" Israel’s retaliations against Gaza, and that "the US is committing genocide."
In a November blog post titled, "Tearing down the Wall," Thrasher compared Gaza to a Nazi concentration camp, arguing, "we can feel compassion towards a desperate people stuck inside a Nazi concentration camp." He also argued that if Jews were able to break free from concentration camps, they would have killed "anyone they found partying," thus seemingly justifying Hamas' attack on the Nova Music Festival on Oct. 7, when hundreds of people were killed and dozens of others taken hostage.
"If the Jews being shot and shoveled into ovens could just break through that wall, of course, they would kill anyone they found partying right on the other side of it! And, of course, they would take women and children hostage and drag them back into their hell inside if doing so would give them leverage to free their fellow Jews from torture and death!" he wrote. 
Last month, Thrasher also spoke before protesters at an anti-Israel encampment, encouraging agitators to continue their protests, according to The Daily Northwestern. 
"To the Medill students and journalists within earshot, I say to you: Our work is not about objectivity," he said. "Our work is about you putting your brilliant minds to work and opening your compassionate hearts."
Northwestern, similar to colleges across the nation, has been the site of anti-Israel protests. University President Michael Schill will testify before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce over Northwestern’s "shocking concessions to the unlawful antisemitic encampments." Schill’s hearing on Thursday is anticipated to also include questions about Thrasher.
"Whether it’s Claudine Gay at Harvard or Liz Magill at UPenn, college presidents at elite universities have failed to address the dangerous and violent proliferation of antisemitism on campus," Gimenez told Fox News Digital. 
"As a member of Congress, I look forward to getting direct answers about President Schill’s inaction this Thursday. His failure to act emboldens hateful behavior and compromises student safety," he continued.
Northwestern was the first university in the nation to publicly announce that it struck a deal with protesters who established an encampment on campus demanding the school cut financial ties with Israel. The concessions included agreeing to let students review school investments; funding two visiting Palestinian faculty members for two years on campus; full scholarships for five Palestinian undergraduate students; and the immediate construction of a community housing building for Muslim, Middle Eastern and North African students. 
Protesters in exchange largely dismantled the tent encampment. 
The Jewish community in the Chicago area slammed Schill and Northwestern for the agreement, with the​​ Jewish United Fund writing in a letter that Schill embraced "those who flagrantly disrupted Northwestern academics and flouted those policies."
"The overwhelming majority of your Jewish students, faculty, staff, and alumni feel betrayed. They trusted an institution you lead and considered it home. You have violated that trust," the letter said, according to Jewish Insider. "You certainly heard and acted generously towards those with loud, at times hateful voices. The lack of any reassuring message to our community has also been heard loud and clear."
Student agitators infiltrated college campuses nationwide last month into May, including radicals on Columbia University’s campus taking over the campus’ Hamilton Hall building, while schools such as UCLA, Harvard and Yale worked to clear student encampments, which led to hundreds of arrests nationwide. 
The protests follow terrorist organization Hamas launching a war in Israel on Oct. 7, which initially fanned the flames of antisemitism on campuses in the form of protests, menacing graffiti and students reporting that they felt as if it was "open season for Jews on our campuses."
The protests heightened this spring to the point where Jewish students were warned to leave campus for their own safety, and schools such as USC, Emory and Columbia canceled their main graduation ceremonies. 
Gimenez continued in his comments to Fox Digital that "antisemitism has NO PLACE ANYWHERE  — especially not on college campuses receiving federal funding."
"It’s why I’m working to ensure colleges like Northwestern, that fail to protect students from hateful pro-Hamas activities, have their federal funding eligibility immediately reviewed," he said. 
"I stand resolutely with our Jewish-American community and students combating antisemitism on campuses nationwide. I am committed to fighting antisemitism and reinforcing America’s unbreakable bond with our strongest ally: the democratic, Jewish State of Israel."
Neither Northwestern nor Thrasher immediately responded to Fox News Digital’s requests for comment. 
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[The Daily Don]
* * * *
AUG 2, 2023
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln asked the essential question about this constitutional democratic republic:
“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”
That is the essential question: How long can a self-governing republic endure before it is torn apart by internal dissension?
Every other Republic in history before the United States was founded has self-destructed.
We have in our own lifetimes seen other republics fall to anti-democratic authoritarian movements and their leaders, popularly supported by at least a significant minority of that nation’s citizens.
This is an extraordinary day. There has never been one like it in our lifetimes in terms of importance to the country. Today it was reaffirmed that no one is above the rule of law, and that includes a president who committed the crime of attempting to destroy the government he had been elected to lead and had sworn to protect.
No other country has successfully prosecuted a criminal of the dimensions of Donald Trump; there has not existed the national will, the political cohesion, the strength of the rule of law to accomplish such an act.
Such events led to the most terrible war in the history of humans on this planet; it took nearly the entire population of the planet to change that result and hold one of these Great Criminals and the movement he led to account for their crimes against humanity.
If we accomplish this, we will truly be the Exceptional Country. The one and only country to demonstrate that the strength of our national character and the power of our commitment to the rule of law is sufficient to deal with this crisis.
The indictment reads: “The attack on our nation’s Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of American democracy. As described in the indictment, it was fueled by lies – lies by the defendant targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the U.S. government: the nation’s process of collecting, counting and certifying the results of the presidential election.”
The Trump campaign responded thus to the indictment: “This is nothing more than the latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election, in which President Trump is the undisputed frontrunner, and leading by substantial margins.”
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, 2024 GOP contender responded: “As President, I will end the weaponization of government, replace the FBI Director, and ensure a single standard of justice for all Americans. While I’ve seen reports, I have not read the indictment. I do, though, believe we need to enact reforms so that Americans have the right to remove cases from Washington, DC to their home districts. Washington, DC is a ‘swamp’ and it is unfair to have to stand trial before a jury that is reflective of the swamp mentality. One of the reasons our country is in decline is the politicization of the rule of law. No more excuses – I will end the weaponization of the federal government.”
This is a sad day, a day when we have to ask ourselves how a man so manifestly and obviously unfit to hold any elected office was elected to the highest office we have. How has our country failed to educate a significant minority of the citizens to hold the democratic constitutional republic as the sacred trust that it is?
This is also a great day because this Great Criminal has been held to account for his crimes.
Fortunately, this Great Criminal by his 2016 victory awakened the rest of us from our slumber, from our thoughtless assumption that “it can’t happen here.” It most obviously happen here and came within 44,000 votes in 2020 of becoming the permanent end of this experiment in self rule.
If we do not do everything possible to prevent its return, 2024 will definitely mark that end.
Donald Trump was an armed robber. He attempted, by violence, to rob us of our right to choose our leaders in free and fair elections (or elections as close to that ideal as we can achieve).
It is clear that there is a political party that favors an assault on democracy. That party, so long as it is led by the current authoritarians, cannot ever be allowed to take any degree of national power until that condition has ended.
In 1787, upon completion of the work of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked what had been created.
He answered, “A Republic - if you can keep it.”
The responsibility of keeping it is in the hands of all of us, where it has always resided.
We can no longer assume anything about its continued existence.
As with everything else, it’s up to us.
Today is a sad day that this happened. It is a great day that we have awakened to the threat and shown ourselves capable of keeping this republic.
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ignorethisemma · 2 years
Dream support and appreciation
not that this post will reach anyone at all, let alone someone willing to read a dream defense essay, but in light of all the dream negativity lately, i just want to clearly express why i support and love his content and also respect him so much as an actual human being. LONG thread btw, sorry 😵‍💫
1. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! dealing with controversies
nobody’s born woke, obviously. dream’s open about the fact that he was a middle class white boy who grew up in florida; of course he was going to be raised somewhat conservatively and not very exposed to diverse perspectives. and of course through his years of creating content—since when he was a child—he has done and said plenty of things i don’t agree with or even just think he could’ve handled a little bit better. but that’s not the deal breaker for me.
dream never shies away from apologizing and taking full accountability for his actions, even the ones from years and years in the past. and sure, sometimes you can tell it’s difficult for him to own up, but that’s human, and i honestly can’t fault him at all for it. but what really sealed the deal for me was that hasan abi stream—hasan, who’s actually so woke lol, and they’d had tension on twitter until dream decided to come on stream and talk it all out. in that ONE stream, you could actually see dream actively growing and expanding his perspective and shape his views and opinions?? i don’t think he gets enough credit for this at all.
when i outgrow my old and often misguided beliefs, it is an active and constant battle. i have to convince myself and consciously choose to let my old beliefs go, and with that, a lot of my pride and stubbornness, and mould and shape and mould and shape until i eventually am able to accept that i’ve grown for the better. it is a long, difficult, sometimes painful and humiliating process. i need time; to unlearn, to let go, to swallow my pride and deal with the shame of having been wrong, to introspect and then talk it through and hear from people whose opinions i trust, and then finally realize my new opinions. dream was doing this in a huge platform, with the pressure of his status and in front of a live audience that was ready to pick him apart in ONE stream. he was listening to and learning from hasan. it was difficult, but it was happening, and you can actually see the moments he lets his defensiveness go (which i also can’t fault him for considering his internet reception) and really grow into his thoughts more. i don’t think i could do that now—nevermind if i was a white boy from florida.
and you can see how much dream continues to progress and grow and change so quickly! i can’t even compare him to who he was last year or the year before, because that’s how fast he’s growing and learning. that’s the moment i gained so much respect for him. and i see this so often in a lot of his online presence. sure, he’s not perfect, and i have no doubt there’ll be more moments i don’t entirely agree with him, but how can i hold that against him when i can’t imagine anything that could be as deserving of respect as this is? when it’s undeniable that he is purposefully taking advantage of his platform to educate and better himself?
2. not rlly smthn he specifically did, ig, but his views on sexuality made me lose it
i won’t go too much into it, but his views on sexuality and also just, relationships with close friends. i’m just so grateful to him. i’m a lesbian, but i do have some turbulence with my sexuality, identity, how others perceive me or their idea on how sexuality should work. but the way dream approaches his and also clearly explains his views when he’s comfortable really helped shape and develop my own views on mine. when he said it’s hard for him to identify with even one label a little bit more than another, because he feels it’s so much more complex than that and he doesn’t know how to compress it to just one word—something slipped out of place in me.
i won’t talk about all the nuances of my current perceptions on sexuality, mine or as a whole, but i respect him so much for this, and it was absolutely heartbreaking when every attempt dream’s made at seriously addressing his sexuality has been met with the assumption of insincerity. i honestly see a lot of similarities in our outlooks and situations in all of this, and i’m just so grateful and appreciative of him for helping me get a stronger footing of who i am.
3. he’s just a silly, goofy little guy
he’s just so fun and entertaining to watch. i love him, i love his friends, i love watching them dick around with each other. i love how close they are. and i’m so excited to see more of it now in the new era. his videos are so funny and i always look forward to them. simple as that.
4. i have a dumb little cat who reminds me a lot of patches. i have a parasocial relationship with patches specifically. my cat, too, drools on me when she’s sleepy and is a little challenged in the braincells apartment. patches my shining star
anyway that’s it i just wanted to get this out there. i have a lot on my mind and it’s been really hard to see a creator i care about get dragged so much both online and by people i know. i just need to defend my boy a little here—especially since i’ve long thought he’s been held to a ridiculous standard and pedestal and is kinda undeservingly the easy punch for so many online communities. so: i love u dream, i’m so proud of u for face revealing, i’m so proud of you for a lot more than just face revealing, and i’m so excited to see what comes next. (also my best friend and i guessed pre-reveal u’d kinda look like sapnap but just in a different font and i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry but i think we kinda nailed that one. it’s like papyrus to garamond istg. but that’s just confirmation that now there’s three pretty best friends <3)
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ultimatecpe · 2 years
Continuing Professional Education | Self-Study CPE Courses | Ultimate CPE
At Ultimate CPE, we provide continuing professional education for CPA'S. Some of our CPE topics cover accounting and auditing, taxation, consulting services, tax planning and CPE courses.
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 7/19/2023
Third Place: Jim Bakker
Right-wing Watch posted a clip to their Twitter account of the televangalist saying the following:
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For reference: 1966 was the year before the Supreme Court struck down laws against interracial marriage.
Second Place: Isaac Schorr
Today on Mediaite, Isaac's article "DeSantis’s Impressive Interview With Jake Tapper Shows Why He Should Leave the Echo Chamber" was published. In it, he fawns over how presidential the semi-fascist Florida Governor did in his interview, noting that the man who would gladly end the lives of all transgender people in the United States was so presidential.
Any news network that talks about him in anything less than those terms is an echo chamber, far as I'm concerned. You know what else I'd consider a DeSantis echo chamber? A place where an opinion writer would feel like it's okay to write something like this, which sounds like it's straight from the mouth of the DeSantis campaign:
During the pandemic, he bucked national trends to insist that children return to school and reject vaccine mandates. On education, he’s insisted on removing pornographic materials from school libraries while advocating a back-to-basics approach to curricula. And on the environment, he’s prioritized conservation while rejecting burdensome regulations.
Notice the lack of any mention of him, among other things, arresting a woman who had COVID-19 data counter to the narrative his government was pushing and banning people from saying the word "gay" in school.
And that's not even getting into this article saying that DeSantis's far-right campaign tactics have somehow been outside the norm for a man whose press secretary shared videos from Libs of TikTok and called everybody who disliked the Governor a pedophile. And by the way, any media platform he's allowed on that makes no reference of at least some of the things I mentioned above is an echo chamber.
Honestly, I've been reading Mediaite for six years--if articles like this continue to be published on that website, I will start boycotting it--I'm not joking.
Winner: Marjorie Taylor Greene
Remember yesterday how I talked about the Biden White House using attacks from Greene as positive campaign points? Well, after I published that post, Joe Biden's Twitter account released an entire ad just made up of Greene's words.
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Marjorie Taylor Greene, you've said the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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trendingnowlive · 1 year
Rising Instagram Star Olivia Ponton Takes the Fashion World by Storm at Victoria's Secret Show
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In the glitzy and glamorous world of Instagram modeling, one name that has been making waves is Olivia Ponton. The 21-year-old sensation from Florida has captivated hearts and lenses alike with her stunning presence and charismatic figure. Olivia Ponton's recent appearance at the Victoria's Secret fashion show turned heads, leaving everyone in awe of her cheeky and confident look.
A Star in the Making
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Born on May 30, 2002, Olivia Ponton is a young star who has risen to prominence at an astonishing pace. As a Gemini, she embodies the free-spirited and fun-loving nature often associated with her zodiac sign. Olivia hails from a modest family in Florida and continues to reside in sunny Miami with her loved ones. While she occasionally shares glimpses of her family life on social media, Olivia has chosen to keep her parents' identities private. She also remains tight-lipped about any potential siblings.
Olivia's educational journey led her through Naples High School, where she completed her high school education. However, she has not pursued higher education at a college or university, as her modeling career skyrocketed.
Modeling Success and Wealth
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Olivia Ponton's net worth has reached an impressive $1 million by 2023. While she earns a significant portion of her income from brand endorsements and paid collaborations, her modeling projects and sponsored advertisements remain her primary sources of wealth. She officially signed with the prestigious Wilhelmina Modeling Agency, a testament to her talent and potential in the modeling world.
Her Instagram account, under the username 'olivia ponton,' boasts over 900 thousand devoted followers. Here, she shares behind-the-scenes glimpses of her shoots and offers insights into her personal life. Olivia is revered by her fans not only for her style inspiration but also for her dedication to fitness. Her workout routine, especially her abs workouts, garners attention on TikTok, where she boasts over 3 million followers. Many of her fans attest to the effectiveness of her fitness tips. Olivia has recently expanded her online presence to YouTube, where she shares workout routines, vlogs, and informative fitness videos.
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A Stunning Figure and Love Life
Olivia Ponton's stunning 5 feet 8 inches frame and 56 kg weight have contributed significantly to her popularity as a rising model. Her body measurements (32-24-36) are enviable, and her blonde hair and brown eyes add to her allure. Olivia's dedication to maintaining her health through daily workouts is evident, making her a perfect fit for the modeling world.
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In matters of the heart, Olivia is currently in a relationship with Kio Cyr, and the couple has been together since February 2020. Their love is no secret, as they openly share their affection on social media platforms and occasionally post pictures together. While Olivia is yet to tie the knot or become a mother, her career is in full swing, and she continues to gain fans and recognition in her field.
As Olivia Ponton blazes her trail in the fashion and modeling industry, it's clear that this Instagram sensation from Florida is on a meteoric rise to stardom. Her confidence, talent, and dedication have taken her from a small-town girl to a global sensation, and there's no doubt that we'll be seeing more of Olivia Ponton in the years to come.
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blue-shaded · 2 years
Put the current Dream allegations aside when reading this because this about something else: Last night on twitter I saw people arguing about Mark and Dream and racism.
It started where someone called Dream, mark and some other you tubers racist. Someone QRT the tweet with a photo of Mark in a white pointed hood with "KKK" written across his chest (https://twitter.com/venuswhxre/status/1587436750418448384?s=20&t=1akayoVo0tuCGQwt7meFUA) Then it started a trend of QRTS (because the person is a dream stan) To summarize it the best I can is that person above was arguing about the hypocrisy of how people can allow other youtubers to change their bigoted ways as they grow up, while person B was arguing how Mark has not been where dream has continued to be bigoted. Dreams racist and bigoted videos that have been found/leaked were made when he was 15years old, growing up in southern Florida. He has stated many times that growing up he had a warped view and sheltered on the world and had very dark edgy and bigoted humor (which back in that generation that was the norm) He has also stated the more he got a chance to talk to people and widen his views on certain topics he learned more about how what he did and said in the past was bad, and he did remove those videos from youtube. Dream has apologized and I have since noticed that he had changed and I have never seen a repeat of the behavior. Same can be said for Mark he most likely has changed since that one single video when he was 20.
Now unlike Dream who removed the videos and apologized, MARK HAS DONE NEITHER. Mark can still make monetary profit off that video and as a 20 year old he should known better than to post that, VS a 15 year old kid with a sheltered view on life. (https://twitter.com/venuswhxre/status/1587626080600559618?s=20&t=1akayoVo0tuCGQwt7meFUA) <- Dreams apology and acknowledgement.
Now im not here to crucify Mark at all. Im here to say that we need to stop changing the goal posts because you hate a certain person. EVERYONE CAN CHANGE AS THE WORLD CHANGES!! NOBODY IS PERFECT and nobody ever will be perfect. If you dislike any CC/youtuber/actor for what they done it take no effort to just block them and move on and dont interact. Hold people accountable, but also recognize if they apologize. If you dont accept it then thats okay, but dont keep pushing the agenda. Sorry for the long winded post i need to vent in a safe space. -😈
hold on hold on. You really talk in a very justifying way of Dream where I do want to say. yes florida residents are usually bigots, the state is known to have mostly republicans who can be awfully racist and you say that 'when he was 15 this was the norm' How old is Dream now. I guess early 20's? I have no idea. It's not that long ago. It's not like you're talking about victorian times where things were really different. We're talking about the 21st century here where a major shift is happening and bigotry hasn't been okay for a long ass time. If you want a reminder of why it hasn't been okay in any sort of time in the past 100 years I suggest you visit a holocaust memorial or educate yourself on the topic of colonization and slavery. Bigotry is much bigger than just a couple of youtubers on twitter. Yeah. Hold people accountable but also be realistic please?
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hazwopercentertx · 5 days
Reasons To Take The Confined Space Training in New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska
Every profession carries the same risks that must be mitigated as ideally as possible to continue with the tasks. The employee and the employer must be concerned about accidents on the job. Workplace safety is imperative regardless of the type of work that is going on. OSHA has a set of standards that must be complied with to ensure safety and security. Online fall protection training in New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska is the best way forward.
While almost all tasks performed at a considerable height come with the additional risks of slipping and falling, the following industries are notorious for having more share of accidents on account of falling from heights:
· Construction
· Maintenance
· Manufacturing
· General Industry
The other industries are not entirely safe either. It is always vital for all workers to consider the training that may be taken online and from the privacy of their homes. This also reduces absenteeism or the need to request leave to attend training classes. Fortunately, the workers can always choose to take the test on weekends and national holidays, thereby not losing even a day of work.
First things first, though. One must understand the purpose of fall protection training and be informed about the benefits that come to a trained person. Interestingly, the training imparts education and raises awareness of the dangers of ignoring the guidelines when ascending or working at heights.  Understanding various equipment and safety protocols is a part of the course that needs to be implemented perfectly by all at-risk people.
Taking the training is mandatory in the states of New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska. Thus, only trained workers must scale heights to perform responsibilities at specific heights. Not training the workers or supervising them properly can result in penalties.
Hazards encountered by workers
· Slippery surfaces
· Unprotected edges
· Unsafe ladders
· Faulty Scaffolding
The Training
The course is divided into twelve distinct modules, each focusing on a particular topic of relevance. Some modules include exercises that help the students recapture and revise the lessons taught. The modules include the following:-
· The Science of Falls
· Fall Controls and Protection — The Big Three
· Ladders, Stairways and Scaffolds
· Struck-by and Falls-to-the-Same-Level Controls
· Other Fall Controls
· Calculating Fall Distances (Exercise)
· Prompt Rescue Plan
· Site Safety Plans and Checklists
· Choosing Fall Protection (Exercise)
· Making Decisions and Wearing Equipment  
The entire training is usually completed in 8 hours, with the final test being important to pass successfully to qualify for the certificate. Once generated and shared with the employer, the certificate may be oriented out.
Statistics reveal that many people have to remain in confined spaces when performing their assigned tasks. OSHA recommends that people take confined space training in New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska, imparting knowledge and skills for safeguarding themselves when in a confined space.
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