#Academy Entrance Arc
live-love-boruto · 21 days
Ep. 6 | The Final Lesson
Rating: 20 / 25 | Watch
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Plot: 4 / 5
Characterization: 3 / 5
Visuals: 5 / 5
Importance: 4 / 5
Entertainment: 4 / 5
This was an excellent episode, probably the best one so far. The stakes were high and so was the animation quality. It shines in the character animations, which are generally very clean and on model throughout the episode, and in the underwater scenes.
Aside from a brief planning stage in the middle that kind of spoils the suspense, the episode is tense and leaves you guessing how Boruto, Shikadai and Mitsuki are going to get out of it. In the end, their plan to (semi) drown Shino and his insects was a little extreme but necessary. I love the expansion on Mitsuki's character, showing that he is still mysterious and possibly a threat to the main cast, while also not really valuing his life as a person (yet.)
The one hiccup in characterization was a brief moment where Boruto was making very light of the situation, which did not fit the tone of the rest of the episode or his previous reaction to the situation. Everyone else's characterization was spot on, and Boruto redeems himself later by falling back on his compassionate and self-sacrificing nature.
I would have also noted that Shino should have decimated these kids (based on how broken he was in OG Naruto), but it's acknowledged in the episode that he was so out of it that he likely didn't know what he was capable of, which is a very interesting development of the possession, which previously fully utilized the characters' abilities.
I would highly recommend this episode and think it (and by extension its predecessor) are vital on a rewatch.
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rinoks17 · 7 months
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Boruto : Naruto Next Jenerations " Ep 10 " Official Photo By " Retsu Ohkawara ~ @omametti "
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jinwoosungs · 1 month
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08/10/24; 04:00pm
sung jinwoo x reader / sung jinwoo x cha hae-in
{ oneshot - angst to fluff }
- the academy arc -
{ we can’t be friends | but i’d like to just pretend | you cling to you papers and pens | wait until you like me again | wait for your love | love, i’ll wait for your love… }
perhaps you were destined to suffer with this unrequited love, you think to yourself while sneaking glances at jinwoo, watching as he turned the pages of his textbook while jotting down notes within the confines of his notebook.
currently, you were both studying for your upcoming college entrance exams. jinwoo had invited you over to his place, and you were settled within the quiet sanctuary of his room. surrounding you were pieces of jinwoo that made your heart turn even softer for him, and you swore you would never get used to how his scent seemed to permeate at the air. taking a break from your own studying, you decide to admire the various trophies he had won during his time spent on the track team.
of course, such winnings came as no surprise for you, since he had always been shockingly athletic. that fact has never changed-
however, his reasoning for joining track in the first place was what made your heart clench painfully within your chest. you recalled that day like it was just yesterday...
it was the first day of high school, and you recognized jinwoo from your elementary school years. gathering your courage, you decided to sidle up to his desk, earning a smile from him when you disclosed your identity to him. as you struck a conversation with him (reminiscing on old times), some rambunctious guys began heckling jinwoo while they surrounded both you and him. they made you incredibly nervous, and as one of them reached out to you, jinwoo immediately stopped them from grabbing you, standing from his seat as he spoke in a stern tone.
"leave her alone. if you want to get to me, then talk to me directly."
your eyes go wide when the boys seem to freeze up before moving stiffly away from you, their steps shaky and uneven, like they were puppets being controlled on a string. seconds later, they were all tumbling into the hallways, making your eyes go wide. a soft chuckle was heard coming from jinwoo, and once you looked back, you saw the secretive smile on jinwoo's face.
you may have had a crush on him at that very moment.
after that day, you cling to jinwoo like a lost puppy, having stars in your eyes at the mere sight of him. you comment on how much taller- on how much braver he had gotten since you had last seen him. while you gushed on him, he simply gives you a kind smile in response.
"thanks... i guess you could say i've worked out a little bit since i've grown."
"a little bit? jinwoo, you practically tower over everyone here! you must have plans to join an athletic club or something, right?"
jinwoo ends up considering your words with a hum before smiling back down at you. "i suppose i'd like to give track a try... after all... there's someone i'd like to meet."
his admission makes you stop dead in your tracks, your heart clenching just the tiniest bit when you see the warmth within his stormy gaze. he was clearly thinking about someone achingly special to him... and that made your throat close up as you struggled to get the words out.
"oh really? who is she?" you were surprised at how even your voice came out, unsure of why you were feeling this way over meeting an old friend again. jinwoo meets your gaze from your periphery and gives you a kind smile. "she's someone that's special to me... and i've waited a long time to meet her again."
that final confession was what ultimately stops you in your tracks, your heart aching at the fact that you would never get such a chance to be with jinwoo, especially when his heart had already been captured by another.
he notices the way you stop walking next to him and stops as well, eyes appearing wide when he asks if you were okay. you manage to let out a forced laugh, not wishing to admit the truth to him when you told him how you forgot you had a meeting with an advisor (a lie you had made up on the spot).
jinwoo ends up believing your lie and nods, walking closer to you so that he was now settled directly in front of you. amusement was seen in his gaze, and you could feel your breath become taken away by the sheer beauty and kindness of his smile. his large hand reaches out to you, and he ruffles it before stepping back, "okay, i'll see you tomorrow then. i'm going to head to the track field and talk to the coach about joining."
you nod and lift up your hand in a wave, watching jinwoo as he walked away from you with a heaviness felt in your chest.
since then, you tried to avoid him, or at least, tried to put some distance between you and him, yet jinwoo could never seem to take the hint. ever since that first day, he had already deemed you his best friend, further trapping your heart with the tendrils of love and affection you felt growing for him.
you spent the next three years remaining by his side, studying with him while supporting his efforts with each tournament he attended. yet instead of growing out of your crush for him, it grew to genuine feelings of love for him.
and this fact did little to hide the pain and envy you felt each time he answered her calls or eagerly replied to her texts, sometimes even going as far as meeting her during weekends to take her out on cute little dates-
looking back at him now, you felt your heart ache with the sheer amount of concentration was seen on his face. he was working so hard to be with her, to build a future with her-
a future that you were certain you could never be a part of.
in the midst of your reveries, jinwoo meets your gaze and gives you a smirk, "what are you looking at? is there something on my face?"
you shake your head and look back down at your textbook. since jinwoo admitted his feelings for this young woman named cha hae-in to you, you threw yourself into your studies and managed to make incredible grades. due to your own heartache, you decided to study abroad to get away from south korea, wishing to attend university in the united states, within the city of new york, to be exact.
you didn't think they would accept you, yet by some miracle, you were chosen to spend 4 years at a university there, hence why you were currently studying up on english grammar. however, there was a catch-
you had yet to tell jinwoo about your plans for college.
letting out a deep breath, you give your best friend a tiny smile before beginning to speak.
"jinwoo, i'm so sorry, but there's something i have to tell you."
he ends up frowning at your choice of words. "okay, what is it?"
with a heavy sigh, you shut your books and tell him, all while stuttering along the way, "uhm, w-well, you know h-how our school offers a s-study abroad program for u-universities we wish to a-attend?"
jinwoo's frown seems to deepen. "yes, i know about it."
"w-well, i signed up for the program a-and got accepted... i'll be moving to america soon."
hearing the news makes jinwoo drop his pen in response. "w-what? you're going to america?"
you could feel the anxiety coursing through your veins, "y-yes... i got accepted into a university in new york city and plan to leave near the beginning of january."
"NEW YORK CITY?!" jinwoo suddenly jumps out of his seat, his eyes widening so much that it seemed to bulge against his features, "t-that's so far away from here... why did you choose to go so far?"
to be as far away as i can be from you and the woman you love. but you don't tell him the truth, choosing to tell him a half-truth of sorts when you answer, "i've spent my whole life here, jinwoo. i think it's only natural for me to wish to expand my horizons and experience new things."
"y-yeah but... it's four years... what if you decide to never come back here?" jinwoo's voice becomes quiet all of a sudden, with his fists remaining clenched against his sides.
you let out a soft laugh, packing up your belongings one by one into your backpack. once everything was neatly in place, you stand back to your full height and meet with jinwoo's gaze. "it's okay... i'll be sure to keep in touch by texting you or calling you... but, i-i hope you'll forgive me if i forget or am too busy to call..."
an unreadable expression was seen in jinwoo's eyes, and for a brief moment, you could have sworn that his eyes flashed purple before going back to its original slate grey hue. not wishing to cry in front of him, you cling to your backpack and quickly excuse yourself, not even able to find the words to apologize to him for telling him such news of your departure so suddenly.
while you made your escape from his room, you were unaware of how jinwoo's intense gaze focused on your shadow, seeing loyal, glowing purple eyes looking back at him in understanding...
{ ... }
why was jinwoo such a mess now that you were no longer here?
after working so hard to pass the entrance exams for the last few months, he had plans of spending some time with you before you left for america... yet when he arrived at your place, you were nowhere to be found as your parents had told him that you had already departed for new york-
it had only been november at the time-
so you had lied to him as well?
and why did jinwoo's heart felt like it was on the verge of breaking?
your sudden departure coupled along with your obvious deception made jinwoo's heart clench with an unknown emotion. here you were, thousands upon thousands of miles away from him, leaving jinwoo feeling like he was drowning.
all of those shared laughters and inside jokes-
the times you spent remaining by his side during each and every one of his track meets-
and those late nights spent studying together, falling asleep together within the comfort of his bed-
had everything been all for naught?
with your absence drilling a hole within his heart, he found that not even hae-in's calls and texts could bring him out of this slump. jinwoo admits to how her beauty and awkward kindness had once ensnared his heart, making him think of nothing but meeting her again once he reset his timeline-
yet now, with you so clearly gone from his life, he found that he could not focus on anything but the memories he had of you-
memories of your smile and the way you would snort each time you tried to hold back your giggles while in class-
memories of how you would hide your face within his shoulder each time you watched a horror movie together, as if trusting him to shield you from all the monsters-
memories of how he could spend hours on end simply watching you sleep-
and it was only when you left him that he realized the truth of his feelings-
that you were the one he felt the most comfortable with... that by the end of the day, he would always need you and you alone...
with thoughts of you pushing him forward, he decides to finally come clean to hae-in one late afternoon on christmas eve. he wears his usual coat with a dark pair of jeans, expression forlorn as he felt conflicted with potentially breaking her heart. while walking across the streets of the city, he stops walking, already sensing her presence when he turns around to face her.
hae-in's hands were outstretched, bewilderment painting her beautiful expression. "there you are." jinwoo manages to smile at her, making hae-in take a step back as she brushes a hand across her golden strands of hair.
"it's like you have eyes in the back of your head, jinwoo." she hums and steps closer to him, "you took your college entrance exams last month, right? congrats. are you still going to the university you chose before? you got really good grades, so why are you set on going to that university?"
that was when things began to feel awkward on jinwoo's end. he coughs and was unable to meet hae-in's curious gaze. looking away from her, he shakes his head, "no, unfortunately, my plans have... changed since then."
hae-in seems taken aback by his confession, and jinwoo feels a wave of empathy coursing through his veins when he notices her expression, "i-it's not because of a woman, is it?"
jinwoo tears his gaze away from her, unable to give her a truthful answer without hurting her. yet, it seemed as though his silence was more than enough, making tears fill at her grey eyes as realization dawns within her tearful expression. "o-oh..."
with a shake of his head, he steps closer to her, "i'm sorry, for breaking our promise so suddenly. i thought... i thought i knew what i wanted... but... looking back on it now, she was the one who was by my side from the start."
hae-in's shoulders began to tremble in response, further filling jinwoo with guilt. "she was my best friend... and... she left me to pursue her dreams in america. now that she's not here, i feel... lost without her..."
"y-you wish to follow her?"
jinwoo closes his eyes before giving hae-in a nod. "i do."
a sob was heard escaping from hae-in, and jinwoo could feel the way she shoves him away from her, body trembling as she ran back home. his expression was filled with regret, watching hae-in running away from him. the soldier he had placed within her shadow lengthens in response to her movements, and jinwoo knew that she would be protected even if he wasn't around.
{ ... }
there was an odd sense of freedom felt coursing through your veins when you moved into your dorm, ready to start the semester. you were still surrounded by suitcases that held each and every one of the items you had deemed important to you.
as you took out each item from your suitcase, your eyes go wide when they saw a thick photo album you had no recollection of packing. taking it out, you watch as a note fluttered out of it, recognizing your mother's handwriting as it read:
i just wanted to pack you a little surprise; memories of your home, of family and friends who wish for nothing more than to support you. come back home and see us soon. love, mom
with tears filling your vision, you open up the album and flip through the first few pages, laughing at each picture before turning the page once more-
this time landing on a photo that had you and jinwoo smiling at the camera.
seeing his handsome face makes your heart well up with emotions you thought you had tossed aside. as your fingertips shakily trace at his handsome features, a sense of guilt filled you. you had purposely ghosted him, wanting nothing more than to leave south korea, just to put some distance between you and the man you had always loved-
a man who you believed with all your heart would forever remain an unrequited love.
unable to handle the pain of seeing jinwoo's face, you slam the album shut and let out a shaky breath. hot tears were felt streaming down your face, and your sadness was so potent- so palpable that it made the blood rush to your ears.
in fact, you were so distracted that you didn't hear the knocks at your door for several minutes. you gasp and look toward your front door, taking shaky steps toward it as you unlocked it.
"s-sorry, i was distracted, are you my roommate?" you spoke in english, earning a grunt from the person you assumed would be your roommate.
a deep hum was heard, "damn right i am." his face was covered by a huge box in his hand, and you saw the way his long legs kicked his suitcase inside, with your head tilted in response. you notice how he also spoke in english, yet there seemed to be a hint of an accent in it. a strange sense of familiarity fills you, and when you close the door was when your roommate puts down his box-
revealing himself to be sung jinwoo.
your breathing comes out in uneven breaths, with you taking a step back while meeting jinwoo's annoyed gaze. "jinwoo?!" you speak to him, reaching out to him with trembling hands. "t-there's no way... is it really you?"
jinwoo remains silent, simply taking casual steps closer to you, effectively trapping you against the wall. "who else would it be?" his reply was casual, and you flinch slightly upon feeling the way he brushes back your hair. with both hands settled against the wall, jinwoo prevents you from moving as he looks down at you, grey eyes shining with amusement.
your heart was felt pounding within your chest, making the heat travel all the way up to your cheeks when you shakily ask, "w-what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be with hae-in?"
the jerk had the nerve to smirk at your question! he ends up humming in response, taking a hold of your hand to press a kiss against the back of it "are you jealous?"
you end up sputtering in response, "are you teasing me?"
he hums, "and what if i am?"
before you could answer, jinwoo ends up taking you directly within his embrace, chuckling as you struggled to get out of his powerful arms. "jinwoo!"
he simply hums once more before settling himself on the couch with you, hands already delving themselves into your hair as he leans in to give your cheek a kiss. such a sudden display of affection was enough to make your head spin as jinwoo tightens his hold on you. "when you left was the moment i realized you had taken a part of me with you... a part of me that i never wish to have returned."
his words manages to stun you, all coherent thoughts ceasing as pure and utter hope fills your gaze. he smiles down at you in a loving manner, choosing to frame at your face while continuing, "it hurt me, realizing how you chose to leave so suddenly without even telling me goodbye... but shockingly enough, it was thanks to your absence that i realized the reasoning for your departure was because of me all along."
"jinwoo..." tears fill at your vision, making jinwoo slowly lean down to press you against the couch in response. his gaze was intense, and he brushes back your hair before telling you, "you left because you loved me... yet i was too stupid and blind to realize it... until now..."
your breathing hitches when jinwoo leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. you eagerly respond to him, kissing him back with a fervor (pouring all of the yearning and heartache you felt for him building up within those 3 years). jinwoo groans against your parted lips, deepening the kiss momentarily before pulling away from you.
jinwoo's handsome features were all you could see when he smiles down at you, and you allow his large hands to delve themselves into your hair when he kisses your forehead once more, "i love you... i realize that i cannot live without you... so please... will you promise to remain by my side and never leave me again?"
his question makes you giggle, eyes filling with absolute adoration for him when you lean up to press a kiss against his lips all while reassuring him, "i promise..."
that was the moment the years spent yearning for him (along with your heartache) vanished completely as jinwoo captured your lips in another breathtaking kiss, swallowing the sounds of your laughter completely…
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end notes: this is so self indulgent for me (⺣◡⺣)♡ but it was so worth writing. currently unedited, but i'll make any necessary changes once this is posted. once again, i don't trust tumblr to keep my drafts for long 😭 🙌🏻
all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
Dr. Arc
Dr. Jaune: *Looking at the camera* Hello, my name is Jaune Arc. I'm the Becon Academy Doctor and I hate my job. *He says with a big smile*
Nurse Penny: Doctor, Prof. Xiao long got hurt again.
Jaune: Ok, bring her inside.
Jaune: *At the camera* I have a good staff, Penny is attentive and loves her job. I also have a secretary, Miss Zedong, she's a bit shy but she's the best at her job.
May: *On the phone* Of course. Miss Xiaolong, you can come in now.
Yang: *Holding her broken arm* What?
May: You can come in now.
Yang: I can what?
Jaune: *To the camera* The only thing bad are my patients.
*Knock Knock*
Penny: *Opens the door for yang* Please come in, Prof. Xiao long.
Yang: Thank you. *To Jaune* What up Doc? How's it going?~
Jaune: Better than you, I see.
Yang: *Chuckles* Oh this broken arm? It's nothing compared to my broken heart. When are you going to accept a date with me?
Jaune: *Sighs*
Jaune: *To the camera* Yang likes to tease me. She always talks about going out on a date, or spending an afternoon together playing "Doctor", but I know she doesn't mean it. She just wants to annoy me.
Yang: *At the camera* I wanna fuck that man
Jaune: Ok, this is only going to hurt a little so hold on.
Yang: HA! I am a woman of steel. I don't feel pain!
Jaune: *Snap the bone into place*
Yang: OH SON OF A-! Damn that hurt.
Jaune: *Using his Aura to heal her* Your aura will help you heal fast, but you won't be able to fight for 3 days. Understood?
Yang: But Doc...
Jaune: *Serious* Understood?
Yang: Shit, you look so sexy when you act like that. Hey what if we-
Jaune: *Interrupts her* Excelentes news, we are done here. Penny, please escort patient to the entrance please.
Penny: Yes Doctor.
Yang: Come on Jaune, just one date.
Jaune: Goodbye Yang, have a nice day.
Yang: Tsk, I'll get you one day.
Jaune: *To the camera* And that is something that I do here. Normally more things happen, but today seems to be a quiet day.
Penny: Doctor, Nora hurt herself again using electricity.
Jaune: God damn it! I'm coming!
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shitpostingkats · 4 months
Wouldn’t it be really funny if Jaden had like The Most Messed Up Traumatizing Childhood but is completely unaware that what he went through isn’t normal? And every time he says something his friends take +1000 points of psychic damage. (It’s like that one meme of the guy in the fast food drive thru talking with the employee looking like they’ve witnessed The Horrors) For example:
Chazz, fed up with whatever dumb crap Jaden has said this time, not expecting a serious response: oh my god why are you like this, were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
Jaden, goes to retort, but then pauses, actually considering something, then half mumbles to himself: hmm you know that might explain the botched lobotomy actually…
Chazz & everyone else in the room: I’m sorry the what
Or alternatively:
Alexis during lunch with the crew hanging outside the Silfer dorms, concerned at how run-down they seem to be getting: Why don’t you move up at all? If you’re that attached to the red, at least see if you can just move into the Ra or Obelisk dorms, I’m pretty sure the Slifer dorms are an actual health risk at this point, the building looks close to collapsing…
Jaden, completely unbothered, eating a sandwich: I mean up until enrollment I was living in a cardboard box in some back alleyway, the Slifer dorms are paradise compared to that. Plus the other dorms are too fancy for me idk-
Everyone: You what.
Jaden, taking another bite of his sandwich, entirely oblivious the growing looks of horror that worsen with every word out of his mouth: I mean it wasn’t so bad, it was only for what? 3 years? The rats were actually pretty friendly if you gave them food scraps! Better than the giant possums at least.
Everyone: The what.
Jesse, hanging out with Chazz and Jaden in Jaden’s room and going through decks: You have such a good relationship with Winged Kuriboh, I can tell he cares about you a lot, you must have been friends for a long time!
Jaden, casually sifting through his cards: Oh, no actually, I got him the day of the entrance exams. Actually I didn’t even know I could see duel spirits until I got to the academy. Or at least I think I couldn’t? I have vague recollections of something from way back when, but I try not to think back too far, otherwise the screaming gets in the way
Jesse, completely unexpecting the way he says it so nonchalantly: The,,, screaming?
Jaden: Yeah if I think to like,,, any time before I was 8? All I get is a bunch of static and screaming. Weird huh?
Chazz, half paying attention, once again joking and not expecting anything seriously: Screaming huh? What, you commit a murder or something?
Jaden, once again pausing before contemplating, unaware to the horror building the longer he stays silent, before finally responding: Huh. Y’know that might explain the blood that pops up too actually-
Chazz, now fully paying attention and regretting every life decision that has led him to this point, and is barely holding onto his sanity by a thread: *deep bone-weary sigh* was this before or after the botched lobotomy
Jesse, who is completely and utterly devoted to Jaden, but is unfortunately New and has not yet been exposed to his special brand of out-of-pocketness, and is now internally screaming: excuse me the what-
I’m realizing now I wrote a lot on this BUT I want to see your interpretation too sgshdjd This is just the funniest thing to me, I love it when a character is completely unaware of the psychological damage they unintentionally inflict on others it’s so funny hahashsjsjs (all of the scenarios are from before the Dark World arc do with that information what you will)
Being Jaden's friend is an occupational hazard.
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A Hairy Eulogy
Written with permission from @n6918
The next afternoon, Jaune was wandering around the Academy. He and Team RWBY had left the EverAfter the evening before and arrived just as the sun set.
When they were finally able to reach Shade, Jaune was amazed to see how packed it was. So many people from all the other kingdoms had come.
On one hand, many of the locals were struggling to be around those from Atlas, Vale, and Mistral - tensions between them and the Vecchians were rather high, especially after the war.
But on the other hand, he was glad so many people had gotten Ruby's message and taken it seriously; even Saphron and Terra came with Adrian.
He had gotten an earful from her since he hadn't told the full truth, but it warmed his heart to see his family again, and he promised to keep them out of harm's way.
As he wandered, he noticed the doors to one of the big rooms had been shut. He remembered seeing these ones open yesterday.
'Hello?' He wondered, 'What do we got over here?'
Jaune put his ear to the door, and heard what he could only describe as a wedding march.
'Can people get married at the academies?' He didn't know that until now.
Jaune pushed it open slightly, just enough to see inside. What he saw left him very perplexed.
It was dark inside, save for a spotlight aimed at a podium near the front of the room. Team RWBY were there, as well as Ren, Nora, Oscar, and Emerald. Weiss's sister, brother, and mother were with them too, and so was their butler.
Everyone faced away from the entrance, and so didn't see that Jaune had found them.
"Wha-" he wanted to ask.
Weiss stepped up to the podium, and everyone sat down.
"Dearly beloved." She began grandly, "My Friends. Family. And Ruby."
"Whu- HEY!" Ruby pouted.
Everyone laughed. Weiss hid a giggle behind her dainty hand.
"Oh, come on!" Ruby stamped the ground from her seat,
"Right, right, excuse me." Weiss recovered, "That was very mean of me, and I'm sorry, I won't do it again- moving on!"
"Not funny, Bro." Ruby pushed her lips out.
"We are gathered here this afternoon," Continued Weiss, "Ahem, in the sight of the Gods . . . And the enhanced hearing of our fun-loving-four-eared-friend, Blake-"
"PFFT- shit!" Blake covered her mouth and turned away.
Yang threw her head back to laugh and fell off the bench.
"Ooh, look at me, aren't I being funny?" Weiss sounded amused,
"Get on it with it already!" Nora hollered,
"Okay-okay! Okay." Weiss cleared her throat, "We are gathered here today, on this, most dreadful occasion. To mourn the absolute loss of our Dear friend, Jaune Arc's beard."
Jaune accidentally banged his head against the door.
"The fuck?" He stumbled in and carefully shut the door behind him.
Somehow, no one had noticed. Yang's mouth fell open and her eyebrows lowered as she got off the floor.
"Whu- dude." She took her seat and her eyelids lowered too, "Is this seriously what you dragged us all here for?"
"Yes." Weiss didn't even hesitate,
"Oh- Weiss, honestly." Winter looked disappointed, "I was meant to have a meeting with the Ace-Ops this afternoon, I cleared my schedule for you."
"I- I think our little Snowflake has something important to say about this." Klein interjected kindly, his eyes turned from brown to yellow, "Go on, my dear. What about losing this Jaune's beard has you so upset?"
"Thank you Klein." Weiss smiled at him, "as I was saying-"
"Uh, hold-up!" Interrupted Ruby, "Weiss, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"What do you mean?" Weiss raised an eyebrow,
"Well, like," Ruby tried to find the words, "Is this really something we need to cry about?"
"I still don't follow." Weiss shook her head,
"Dude, it's a frikken beard!" Yang found the words quite easily, "It's not like we need to have a ceremony for it!"
'. . . Thank you?' Jaune wasn't sure how to feel,
"Again, you seriously dragged us here to talk about that?" Yang put her hands on her hips,
"Well, how couldn't I?" Weiss threw her arms up, "I needed to talk to someone about this! Preferably a group of people. I mean, it's a completely, criminally rotten shame he doesn't have it anymore!"
"And that wolf tail too." Blake purred quietly, wiping her nose with a loud sniff,
"You see?" Weiss pointed to her teammate, "She understands!"
"Wait-a-moment, now I'm confused." Whitely raised his hand, "Were you friends with some one named Jaune, or were you friends with his beard?"
"Eughhh . . ." Winter shivered in her seat, "Whitley, please. Don't talk like that."
"Why not?" Whitely was genuinely puzzled,
"The picture it paints isn't one I'm interested in seeing." Winter didn't miss a beat,
"I beg your pardon?" Whitely still didn't understand, "I just want to know who we're holding this funeral for . . . And if I should feel sorry for, um, whomever we're talking about."
"Why is that important?" Winter blushed and wrinkled her nose,
"Well, I'd feel quite offended if someone mourned something so superficial about me." Whitely reasoned, "It'd be like if we held a ceremony for your hair before you dyed it white."
"You dye your hair?" Nora leaned over to see.
Winter glared at her little brother.
'No one was supposed to know.' She thought.
"I'd like to know whether we should do this for your father." Remarked Willow, "I think I prefer the idea of celebrating his mustache rather than the man himself."
The two considered.
"It is what he deserves at the moment." Whitely conceded,
"I like the sound of that as well, Mother." Winter nodded, then she turned back to the podium, "By the way, which one is Jaune again?"
Jaune's stared and gaped. He couldn't tell if Winter was being sarcastic or if she really didn't know, but regardless, he didn't like that at all.
'I'm so glad the first time I broke you a twenty was also the last time I ever broke you a twenty.' He thought grumpily, 'I worked with you for six months, and you don't even know my name? You literally ditched me in the Central Location like three days ago!'
"BARK-BARK-WOOF-WOOF-LOOK-AT-HIM!" Nora did her best impression of an excited chihuahua, "HE'S SO HANDSOME AND COOL HERE!!
By now, Weiss had brought up a projected image of The Rusted Knight's true face. Jaune slapped his thigh, he was shocked but mostly confused.
'Who took that and when?!' He wanted to shout.
The picture Weiss used wasn't very flattering. It showed a very frantic Jaune, with his hand on Juniper's snout. His hair looked good, and it captured his beard nicely, but he had been a total mess there.
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The look in his eyes did nothing to help.
That this was even happening made no sense.
Where was team SSSN when you needed time to bond with the bros over things we all understood?
"Thanks to Ruby," Weiss was still oblivious to Jaune being there, "the Visage has permanently been made immortal. And you have my eternal gratitude."
All eyes, except for Blake, turned to Ruby, who didn't look the least bit ashamed.
"My beastly bestie glowed up so good!" Ruby insisted, "Everyone deserves to know it! Look at him! LOOK AT HOW GOOD HE LOOKS!"
Blake hadn't taken her eyes off the picture; she didn't need a second telling. She was practically drooling, but interestingly, Yang wasn't very upset about that.
"Well said, I concur." Weiss nodded.
And the others murmured their agreement.
"What's he putting his hand on there?" Emerald tilted her head, "Is that a deer or like an elk, or something?"
"Oh, it's so cute." Oscar smiled,
"Look at those beautiful eyes!" Added Willow,
"That was Juniper." Explained Weiss, "The Rusted Knight's faithful jackalope."
"I WANNA RIDE THE BUNNY!" Nora shouted suddenly,
"Phrasing . . ." Ren sighed and clapped his forehead,
"As far as this creature is concerned," Put-in Winter, "head-pats and ear-scritchies are of the highest order."
"Wait, the who?" Whitely stuck his pinky in his ear and wiggled it out with a pop, "I can't have heard that right. Who's jacks-a-lot did you say-?"
"You heard me correctly, Whitely." Said Weiss, "Juniper is a jackalope, and she belonged to the Rusted Knight."
She smirked broadly.
"Whose hand is on her snout in the picture." She added.
"Wait, what?" Ren perked up,
"Our friend Jaune is, in fact," Weiss said proudly, "The Rusted Knight from the beloved children's story: The Girl Who Fell Through The World."
Everyone but Team RWBY reacted.
"No . . ." Emerald gaped, "You're lying."
"But-!" Winter looked like she might lose her mind, "But the Rusted Knight was an older man! I thought you said this Jaune was a friend of yours from Beacon?!"
"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!!" Nora was thrilled, her eyes sparkled like polished gemstones, "I KNEW I HAD A REASON FOR CALLING HIM FEARLESS LEADER!! AND EVERYBODY DOUBTED ME!"
"But how?" Ren was more impressed, "That story was written almost two hundred years ago."
"Wait, that story was real?" Weiss knew she had Oscar's and Ozpin's full attention now,
"Indeed," She said, "The Girl Who Fell Through The World is, as it turns out, a true story. But certain events were either written out or altered to tell a much better one for children."
The others all wanted to know more, but Weiss quickly hushed them.
"As I'm sure this picture clearly shows," She said grandly, "Jaune's beard truly was a beautiful thing. The edges were a bit crooked, and the corners were somewhat unkempt, but it was thick~ and full~."
Jaune furrowed his brow.
'Am I hearing this right?' He was sure he couldn't be.
"The strands of grey mixed in with his blonde hair," Weiss seemed lost in her own little world now, "like veins of silver lost amid a field of gold, forever twirled and twined like clouds in the early morning sky."
Still looking at the picture, the others appraised his look, like critics at an unveiling. Although, none of them could remember a time when the sky appeared gold.
"And lest I dare myself to neglect," Weiss added quickly, "the way it shaped his~ beautiful face~."
Again, the others collectively agreed.
'Wait a sec, my beautiful face?' Jaune couldn't believe it, '. . . This woman is on drugs.'
"To summarize for those of you who are lost in my explanation, because I know that's possible now." Weiss paused impressively, "Jaune's beard was a hot, sexy thing, and it deserved its own article and three-page-spread in a Reader's Wives magazine."
"Why do you know what those are?" Ren was smirking.
"By the Gods . . ." But Weiss hadn't noticed, "Just looking at it had me weak in the knees and positively dripping~! I'm so sure that if I'd taken my panties off and gagged Yang with them, I could've shut her up for once."
"Ew." Ruby grimaced.
"PFFFFFT!" Blake palmed her face and tried not to laugh,
"Dude, I dare you to try that." Yang didn't think it was funny, "I dare ya, I just dare ya!"
Whitely had clamped his hands over his ears.
Winter and Willow started weeping. Though for very different reasons.
"I can't believe my sister would speak in such a manner!" She gasped and hiccupped, "It's- it's . . . It's undignified! She used to be so precious!!"
"My darling girl is growing up!" Willow dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief, "I'm so proud of you my dear!"
Klein just stared blankly and his eyes turned pink. He wasn't sure if he should laugh or cry. And when he decided to do anything, he promptly fainted.
Whitely caught him just in time, Ren and Oscar gave him a hand too, and they laid Klein down on a free bench.
"In closing," Weiss finished, putting the picture away, "I wish to say this. Fare thee well, oh glorious beard and tail! You shall be sorely missed-"
The spotlight went out, and darkness filled the room.
"Agh!" Shrieked Ruby, "I'm blind!"
Winter and Ren readied their weapons.
"Who's there?!" Demanded Weiss, "How dare you interrupt-"
"Okay, I've heard just about enough." Jaune's voice boomed from the back of the room.
The main lights turned back on.
Weiss saw Jaune and screamed for a second before calming down.
"Oh, hi Jaune!" She tried, desperate to save face, "I- um . . . How are you doing?"
"Well enough to know that I could have a three-page-spread in Dazzle." Jaune smirked.
The colour drained from Weiss's face, which Yang, Blake, and Ruby thought looked hilarious. They didn't think her skin could get any lighter.
Dazzle was a popular Health and fitness magazine, and it often showcased some of the best, most physically attractive people on Remnant.
Yang mentioned once that Weiss sometimes read them, but only when she needed . . . Inspiration.
"Oh." Weiss anxiously bit her lip, "Um, I see . . . Uhm . . . Wh- we- huhhh . . "
She took a deep breath and bit the bullet.
"How much of that . . ." She asked, "how much of that did you hear?"
Jaune was still smirking.
"I came in at around the 'Dearly beloved' bit." He answered.
Weiss's pupils dilated.
"Ah- . . . Ha . . ." Was all she could say.
Jaune's smirk became a smile.
"I'm not upset, just so you know." He told her.
"Ohhhh . . ." Weiss buried her face in her hands, "Gods, I've made such a fool of myself . . ."
"If nothing else, I just think it's funny." Jaune crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow, "I didn't know I affected you like that."
"I thought you said you didn't think you had an affect at all!" Called Nora,
"I do now, apparently!" Jaune called back,
"Please stopppp." Weiss begged, raising her head, "Look, I'm sorry. I mean it, I am-!"
Jaune put his thumb on her chin, tilting her head up to look her in the eye. Weiss stopped at once.
"I forgive you." He said simply.
And for the third time since they'd met up again, Jaune have her a hug. Weiss's strength returned, and she threw her arms around him, squeezing tightly.
Everyone cooed as they watched.
"But you know," He reminded her, " I could always just grow my beard out again-"
Weiss jerked back in his arms.
"YES!" She didn't even hesitate and blushed when she realised what she'd done, "Uh- ahem! Please. Yes. Please. Please do."
Jaune wheezed and laughed.
“YOOOOOOOOOO-!!” Ruby, Yang, and Emerald laughed too, none of them could believe their ears.
"Okay, okay." Jaune recovered, silencing the crowd, "I'll grow my beard out again."
"EEEEEEEEEEE!" Weiss balled her hands into fists and jittered excitedly on the spot.
Blake was excited, too, and was bouncing in her seat with glee. Once again, Yang, surprisingly, didn't seem to mind. She just smiled.
"But if we want to do this right . . ." Now Jaune bit his lip, "I gotta ask you something."
He dropped down on one knee and took Weiss's hand in his.
Everyone gasped.
Was this happening?
"Weiss Seraphim Winona Schnee." Jaune proposed, "Will you do me the honor . . . of signing a prenup with me?"
The mood died at once. Strangely, Ren was the only one doing his very best not to laugh out loud.
"What?!" All the girls except for Weiss shouted,
"Wh-. Ah- eh- m, what." Weiss fumbled,
"There's always a catch." Winter sighed, shaking her head, "And Seraphim is my middle name!"
"Lousy blood-sucker." Muttered Willow,
"I'm surprised you know what that is." Realised Ruby.
For those who don't know, a prenup, or prenuptial is an agreement made between two people before marriage. It establishes either the husband's or wife's rights to property and support in the event of divorce or death.
Somehow, it rubbed the girls the wrong way, knowing Jaune would want one. Ruby, and Yang especially. They both knew there was no escaping death; they had lost their mother after all.
What they didn't like was the idea of planning for a separation.
Something about that felt . . . Underhanded.
"Listen, Momma raised a smart boy." Jaune liked to pretend he was, "If we really wanna do this, then I think we both deserve a little security. Don't you think?"
Now, Weiss was a practical woman, and she agreed that security was important. She pursed her lips together.
"Ahhhhugh fine," she sighed reluctantly, then thought carefully and clicked her tongue, "how about . . . Ten-thousand lien a month for you to stay by my side, that fair?"
"Well, I was thinking of- you whaaAATT??" Jaune stared at her in utter disbelief,
"What?" Weiss was surprised,
"You- you're kidding me, right?" Jaune recovered with a shake of his head, "ten-thousand?"
"What? What's wrong with that??" Weiss was very confused, "Is it not enough-"
"Weiss, are you trying to buy me or marry me?" He quickly stopped her,
"Ah-" Weiss paused,
"Ah-" Ren, Blake, and Yang paused,
"Ah-" Willow, Winter, and Whitley inhaled sharply through their teeth,
"Ooh . . ." Ruby winced, "Yeahhhh, you- you wouldn't have to pay him to do that . . ."
Weiss felt very ashamed of herself. She must have sounded a lot like her father just then. Throughout her entire speech, in fact.
Jaune's mouth morphed into a teasing smile and Weiss saw it.
"But-" She tried, "But you said-"
"I was joking," Jaune soothed her, "I don't really want a prenup. Are you THAT serious?"
By now, Weiss's face had turned incredibly pink. Any pinker, and she might pass out.
Yang leaned over to Blake.
"It's weird seeing him tease people like this." She whispered.
"Mm-hm." Blake agreed.
"Well . . ." Weiss tried again, "I . . . We've both done a lot of growing since we met at Beacon."
"Well, yeah . . ." Jaune nodded, sheepish.
"And . . . I can see now, with the benefit of foresight . . . And . . . hindsight, I suppose . . ." Weiss admitted, "that I'd be quite happy to share a future with you."
"Foresight and hindsight?" Jaune cocked an eyebrow again.
Weiss was about to speak again, but her thoughts were cut short, however, as a loud voice broke through the building tension.
"Oh, NOW you like him." Nora wasn't impressed.
Weiss jumped.
"Well?" Nora leaned in expectantly, pinching her fingers together and shaking her hand, "Speak-a da Basic! Do you like Jaune-Jaune for Jaune-Jaune, or because you know how sexy he's gonna be when he's your mom's age?"
"A-And- and what if I do?" She tried not to look embarrassed, "I'm grown up enough to admit when I'm wrong. Or- when I have been."
"Ah- excuse me," Willow raised her hand, "I'm not nearly that old."
No one argued that.
Nora put her hands on her hips and shook her head.
"Listen, Weissy, if you didn't like his goofball-hero era, then you don't deserve him as a full-blown DILF." She proclaimed, as if it were ancient wisdom, "I don't care if you don't think you're marrying him for the beard or not, ya gots ta earn the rights to it."
"Nora . . ." Jaune couldn't be angry,
"Look, I'mma be honest," Nora said, turning to him, "You know I've always thought you were hot, but if the chips were down and we didn't have Ren, I'd've totally gone out with you."
Everyone stared at Ren, who nodded.
"It was mutual." He said plainly,
". . . Seriously?" Jaune was touched,
"With or without the beard." Nora smiled, "You're still our Jaune."
Behind everyone, Oscar was just confused.
"Wait-wait-wait, I still don't get it." He scratched his head, "What does the beard have to do with it?"
He came from a certain part of Mistral where beards were considered hard on the eyes, especially if they weren't trimmed properly.
Emerald gave him a pitying look and patted his cheek like an over-concerned aunt.
"Eh, I'll tell you about it when you're older, sweetie." She promised.
Oscar blushed. He wasn't sure how to feel about being called 'sweetie' by Emerald of all people.
Jaune, meanwhile, was blushing too and had looked away.
"Daaaaammnn." He fidgeted, "You got me twirlin' my hair and-"
Jaune reached up, and remembered.
"Oh yeah . . ." He wrinkled his forehead, "The haircut."
Everyone laughed again, even Jaune. Looking out at the sea of smiling faces, from friends both old and new, he felt happy for the first time in years.
It was great to be back to his old self again.
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
The VTuber
The, ‘Errantry Paladin.’
This was the adopted name of the online persona belonging to a man named, Jaune Arc, and he was a, VTuber. His persona was of a character from the highly popular fictional universe adeptly called, ‘The World of Remnant.’
‘The World of Remnant’ was a famous fantasy series than went from a novel written by the famous author, Ozma Wizradem, to an entire book series that sadly was never finished due to his untimely death due to the flu. But, his legacy lived on through spin off novels written by his children, and future authors, comic book writers, RPG creators, to video game designers, and full length feature film directors, and tv series producers of various makes. Peoples love for, ‘The World of Remnant has lasted for decades, and the, VTuber’s embracement were just the latest avatars to this wondrous world.
Through the vast depths of, ‘The World of Remnant’ their were dozens of, VTuber’s who inhabited the world of Remnant. These VTuber’s, or ‘Hunters’ as they called themselves to align along with the in universe lore. Each exploring the world in their own unique way.
Each, Hunter belonged to an agency often referred to as a, ‘Huntsmen Academy.’ The Academy’s each belonged to one of the four nation states of, Remnant. There was the academy of, Vale: Beacon Academy. The academy of, Vacuo, Shade Academy. The academy of, Atlas, and Mantle: Atlas Academy. And, lastly the academy of, Mistral: Haven Academy.
The Academies/Agencies each served a purpose of supporting, and aiding the various Hunters/Vtubers in their collective groups, by monitoring, and supporting the actions of each individual. Helping in collaborations, or in producing events, music videos, and so forth. It was a prestigious honour to gain entrance into one of these four academies/agencies to help boost themselves up, and really create a name for themselves. However, one didn’t need to join on of the academies to create a name for oneself.
For there was a, ‘Fifth Academy.’
In the lore of, ‘World of Remnant’ their was a secret organization know as the, ‘Grimm Cabal.’ A organization that sought to sow discord, and chaos throughout the kingdoms, for the their quest to fo fill their desires to destroy the world itself.
This is all fictional of course. In the real world, ‘The Grimm Cabal’ is just the name of another, VTuber agency, that was just like the rest of them.
All these, Hunters/Vtubers have their team, and their Academies, or friends of other Academies, and Teams they like do be around. Each sharing in the joys, and pains as they went about their days. Laughing, loving, crying, and hating within the moments they each individually, or collectively come across.
For all, but one that is…
For the, ‘Errantry Paladin,’ ‘The Broken Paladin,’ or simply, ‘Errant,’ was the outsider. For he was part of no, Academy, nor secret, Cabal. He simply stood alone, and went where he wanted, and did what he wanted to do. He did occasionally joined members from any group for a short while, but he never stayed for long.
Why you may ask? For many have asked, but the answer is always the same: ‘I just prefer not to.’
A answer that answers nothing, but asks everything.
And yet, while he may stand alone, his channel was among the largest their was. Thousands of people tuned in to watch his live streams; Some people came to watch him, and the games he played. Others came to listen to him, and what many called, the ‘soothing tone of voice’ he carried. Others because it was a relaxing to watch him in the background while they carried on with the various day-to-day activities during their lives.
And, then there were the, ‘Fair Maidens.’ A self proclaimed group, of mostly woman, who flocked towards him, and throw themselves upon him in a quest to obtain his affection.
Or, to simplify: The female equivalent of, ‘Simps.’
There are many things people came to see, and experience when watching the escapades of the, ‘Errantry Paladin.’ Things his viewers, and fellow, VTubers watched with baited breath, overflowing excitement, and anticipation.
And, the, ‘Errantry Paladin,’ Jaune Arc was the one who was always the most excited to see what would come next.
So… What if, Jaune Arc was a, VTuber? Sounds interesting, no?
So, lets take a little break from everything else; I’m grinding my gears on anything else I’m trying to write.
So. Feel free to ask questions to get the ball rolling. But, I want to do stories involving the other characters of, RWBY being, VTubers as well. So in order to do that, I need your help.
I am absolutely shit at naming anything! RedReaper as, Ruby’s, VTuber name is pretty shit. And, I need these people to have some cool nicknames for their, VTuber personas. So, this is where you guys come into play!
You guys give me a nickname, or two for a character, and I’ll collect them, and put them into a pole, and let you decide which name is best. Okay?
Great, lets have some fun then!
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gx-gameon · 4 months
About Crowler, as much as I would like Jaden to tell him eventually on his own terms (with Chazz and Jesse support) It's funny if he found out Jaden identity as Prince of Duels when he went to get Seto approval for King of Colloseum for Hassleberry and subsequent graduating seniors
I haven’t decided how Crowler is going to find out yet.
I know the kids are going to learn Jaden’s identity as the Prince of Duels during the tournament arc.
While him finding out during Hasselberry’s senior 3rd year could be fun.
I think Crowler will learn during the ‘day of wrecking.’ When the Kaiba bros come to fire people.
The whole staff is freaking out. Thee Seto Kaiba is coming to the school with his husband Yugi Muto, his brother Mokuba Kaiba, his brother-in-law Atem Muto, as well as some high level employees. The staff knows something big is about to happen but they don’t know what.
Crowler is walking towards the meeting wrangling his hands in nervousness. This is so bad. This was a horrible year. They lost the school to a different dimension. Then a group of students ran a rescue mission to another dimension. One that the Kaiba family had been dragged into (he doesn’t know why they went yet) then all the events of season 4. Not to mention the evil cult last year, and the shadow riders the year before.
Crowler has been afraid that they would all be fired for years. And now the time has come he can feel it. He’s walking towards his death.
When suddenly a hand shot out and pulled him into a side room. He shrieked and turned to see one Joey Wheeler. What is he doing here? Well there was a group of master duelists in the island.
“Hey Crowler.” They had met in the dark world. “A buddy of mine is looking for you.” And Crowler swallows hard because Joey Wheeler has a lot of ‘buddies’ buddies who have a lot of power over his job.
Joey leads him to a private meeting room and motions for him to go in and then step in front of the door to make sure no one else went in.
Crowler is expecting Yugi or Atem Muto. Not a nervous looking Jaden Yuki. “Jaden? What are you doing here?” He’s happy to see his student again but also so confused. And then worried because trouble follows Jaden like a moth to a flame. What if something else had happened and Jaden was trying to save the world again? Did he need help?
“Hey Dr. Crowler. I was hoping to talk to you about something.” And Jaden is obviously nervous and he’s motioned for both of them to sit down. Crowler has a very important meeting with Seto Kaiba that he’s going to be late to because of this but one of his favorite students is back and looking more like a scared child than he’s ever seen him. The Kaiba’s can wait. Crowler’s probably getting fired anyways. He can spend his last moments as a teacher helping one of his students.
“Of course Jaden. What is it?”
“Um well…. I kinda lied on my entrance paperwork.” Crowlers confused on why that would matter now. If he had known that before he could have Jaden thrown out of school but Jaden has already graduated. They might that his diploma away but why would it matter when Jaden’s saved the school more times then crowler probably knows of. “See my last name isn’t Yuki anymore. It’s Muto.”
Crowler sits there staring at Jaden for a long moment. “Dr. Crowler?” Jaden asks worriedly. He had expected a bigger reaction. Crowler faints and falls out of his chair. “Yep there it is.” Jaden says as he walks over to make sure his teacher is alright, while texting his Oto-san that he had told Crowler and they would be late to the meeting.
Crowler misses the ‘day of wrecking meeting and wakes up to find the whole Muto family around. Jaden, his dads, and uncles and aunts. There is no denying what Jaden said when he’s literally talking to Yugi and calling him dad. Crowler wants to cry. He’s so fired.
He’s not. He’s got a promotion but also way stricter rules for the academy to follow.
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howlingday · 1 year
Belladina Interviews
Oobleck: Right! Well then, why don't we start with a few questions for the parents?
Blake: (Thinking) Bartholomew Oobleck. Forty-seven years old. He has a doctorate in history as Beacon's history teacher and is housemaster of dormitory 7, Amber Hall. Regarded as intelligent, reliable, and open-minded. He's well-liked by his students, but is also known for speaking at a swift pace. The safest path to win his favor is with honest and straightforward answers.
Oobleck: I understand that this is your second wife. How did you meet your husband?
Blake: Straight to the point. It makes sense, since Beacon Academy is focused on family values.
Blake: My husband and I met by chance at the neighborhood tailor's shop. The same one where Beacon uniforms are made, in fact. It was the way he carried himself which first caught my eye. It was like he appeared out of nowhere. After the death of my first husband and being so busy caring for my daughter, I was hesitant to pursue a new relationship. But the more we talked, the more I realized I'd found a kindred spirit in him. I was touched by his kindness and how much he valued family. I knew he would be a wonderful father to my daughter.
Jaune: (Blushing)
Oobleck: I see. Same question, Mr. Belladina.
Jaune: Oh... Well... Blake is such a wonderful woman. And she's so good with children. She understood how difficult it was for me to be all by myself, and she welcomed me into her family.
Oobleck: Excellent to hear. Family is very important to us at Beacon.
Jacques: I see you're a man who must have low standards, Mr. Arc. Why else would you saddle yourself to a woman with a child? And a woman like her no less?
Goodwitch: Behave yourself, Master Schnee.
Blake: Jacques Schnee. Fourty-nine years old. A legacy hire, as his father-in-law was the headmaster, he is the business and economics professor and housemaster of dormitory two, Azure Hall. Greedy. Callous. His wife filed for divorce last month. His wife just won full custody of her children. In all of his previous interviews, his questions focused on directly disparaging the families of applicants. It's best to avoid provoking him.
Oobleck: On to the next question. May we ask why you have decided to apply for Beacon Academy?
Blake: For one reason, sir...
Blake: To get close enough to my target, Charlotte Malachite!.
Blake: The quality of the teaching staff at Beacon Academy is second to none. The instructors are cultured, knowledgeable, and talented. More importantly, I believe only the elite faculty of Beacon Academy can instill in our child the nobility and patriotism needed to stand amongst our country's elite.
Goodwitch: (Thinking) A most disciplined reply, Blake Belladina. I knew I saw something in you.
Glynda Goodwitch. ??? years old. Fitness Professor and housemistress of dormitory three, Lavender Hall. Personality: Elegant.
Oobleck: We would like to hear about Penny from the perspective of her parents. What would you consider to be her strengths and weaknesses?
Blake: Penny holds a deep and passionate curiosity. She is willing and eager to poke her nose into everything, sometimes to an extent that it could be considered as much of a strength as it is a weakness. And perhaps this is just a mother's bias, but I find her to be wise beyond her years.
Goodwitch: Wise? This girl here? Didn't she only earn thirty-one points on her entrance exam?
Penny: (Flinches)
Blake: In fact, she's so intuitive, I swear she can read my mind! Ha ha!
Penny: (Shivers)
Blake: But for a solid answer for weaknesses, I do wish she was less picky about her food.
Oobleck: Hm. And what do you see in her, Mr. Belladina, and how would you describe your parenting style towards her?
Jaune: Well, as we've already discussed, I am not her birth father. So I will admit that, at first, I may have spoiled her in my attempts to win her over. I had to learn how to be strict sometimes, for the sake of her future. I work hard to remember that.
Jaune: (Thinking) Just like we practiced.
Oobleck: Mrs. Belladina mentioned that your daughter can be picky. What sort of meals do you cook at home?
Jaune: M-Meals?! Oh, uh, I, uh... W-Well...
Blake: Actually, sir, I do most of the cooking. However, my husband is more than happy to help when I'm too busy.
Blake: Not that it's ever happened.
Jacques: You're kidding me. A husband who can't even cook? You need to work harder to be a better example for your daughter, sir!
Jaune: !!!
Blake: No one is perfect, sir. While my husband may not be the primary chef, he is incredibly neat and organized. The house is always spotless. And he is a most wonderful example for our daughter.
Jacques: That may be, but a man who can't even cook is hardly a good example for a child.
Blake: And who are you to-
Jaune: B-Blake, it's okay! He's right!
Blake: (Clenching her fist) He's right. Calm yourself, Nightshade. Why are you even upset? It's not like he's really your husband.
Jacques: (Thinking) Just a pair of lovebirds, eh? I could just puke. Well, I'll just keep pecking at those cracks and see what comes pouring out. If these smug plebians don't get rejected, then there is no justice in the world.
Penny: (Thinking) This man hates Mama and Papa! I need to do real good, or else...
Oobleck: Well, I think it's time we heard from your daughter.
Penny: Here we go...
Oobleck: Can you tell us who you are and where you live?
Penny: M-My name is Penny Pellapina. And I live in Vale... North. At 42 Space... Something. Mister sir!
Oobleck: And what do you like to do when you're not in school?
Blake: She knows this. These are all the questions we...
Penny: I like to watch at restaurants and eat the opera.
Blake: Huh?.
Oobleck: And what sorts of things do you want to accomplish while attending Beacon Academy?
Penny: Uh... Um...
Penny: What was the answer?.
Blake: Well, I know what I want to do while at Beacon Academy. Get close to Charlotte at a school event and expose the plans of the organization she leads. Then stop her before-
Penny: I want... to expose the secrets... of the boss... of the or-gun-eye-zay-shun.
Blake: WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?!. The answer was to read all the books in the library!.
Penny: Oh, and library books.
Oobleck: "Boss of the organization"? Do you mean the headmaster?
Blake: Ah ha ha ha! Oh, excuse my daughter! She's very ambitious! She's so curious about the lives of the people who have achieved leadership positions.
Goodwitch: Hmmm... Seeking to learn from those at the top at such a young age... There is a degree of elegance to that.
Goodwitch: If that is true, then you mist know the name of our headmaster, young lady?
Penny: Um... It's, uh...
Blake: You know this! It's Headmaster Ozpin!.
Penny: Head pasture... All in. Mister sir.
Goodwitch: Eh... Close enough.
Goodwitch: And do you understand how hard one must work to succed as he has?
Penny: ...
Penny: Yeah! You gotta run through the jungle to get strong! And face life-or-death stuff over and over to get brave!
Blake: That was the training montage in yesterday's spy cartoon...
Goodwitch: Such incredible resolve! Perhaps I have underestimated this child.
Oobleck: Haha! Perhaps you needn't go that far. Now, I have questions for you about your parents. What does your mother do for a living?
Penny: She's a spy.
Blake: !
Penny: Spy... Spycial social work.
Oobleck: Are you alright, dear? You sound a bit congested. What about your father? What is he like?
Penny: He can be a little scary sometimes, but he's really nice!
Jaune: !
Oobleck: If you had to give your mother and father a score, what would it be?
Penny: 100 points! They're perfect and I love them. I want to be with them forever!
Jacques: Garbage like this is the last thing we need at Beacon.
Jacques: So, who do you like better? Your old daddy or your new daddy?
Oobleck: Master Schnee, that question isn't-
Jacques: Who cares? Are we who ask the questions not permitted to improvise and think outside the box?
Blake: May I request a different question?
Blake: I don't know how she ended up in that orphanage, but there's too good a chance her parents are...
Jacques: No. Answer the question or be scored accordingly.
Plip... Plip...
Penny: (Crying) D... D...
Blake: Penny...
Penny: (Sniffles, Wipes eyes) Daddy...
Jacques: Well, there you have it. She likes her real daddy more.
Jaune: (Comforting Penny) How dare you?!
Blake: Calm down, Jaune.
Jaune: But this is...
Blake: For the mission, we can endure this. We have to endure this.
Jacques: The dorms are full of children living away from their parents. This is no place for children who burst into tears over every little thing.
Blake: He can smear us all he likes. It doesn't matter. We're not a real family.
Jaune: "Every... little.. thing"? You think THAT is a "little thing"? (Fingers pop and crack)
Blake: Calm. Calm. Calm. It doesn't matter.
Jacques: What's your problem anyway, second husband? It's not my fault she doesn't love you.
Jacques: Ah, now that feels better. Hm?
Blake: (Swinging her leg for Jacques head) STAND DOWN, NIGHTSHADE!.
Jacques: (Stares at table split in perfect half)
Blake: (Removes her foot from the table, Reveals bug beneath) Forgive my behavior. There was a gnat buzzing around. (Turns) Thank you for your time.
Jacques: W-Where do you think you're going?! We're not finished!
Blake: If belittling the feelings of children is part of Beacon's educational philosophy, then I have clearly chosen the wrong school.
Blake: Jaune. Penny. We're leaving now. (They walk ahead) Good day. (Slams door)
Goodwitch: You went too far, Master Schnee.
Jacques: Oh? Are you questioning my methods, Goodwitch? I'd watch your attitude, if I were you. Big Nicholas may no longer be with us, but his name still holds a lot of weight around here. Send in the next family already!
Goodwitch: ...
???: (Memory) Those who beg and grovel at the feet of the powerful... They're such pitiful creatures, no?.
Goodwitch: ...She didn't disgrace the good name of Beacon Academy.
Jacques: Huh?
Jacques: (Falls back, Unconscious)
Goodwitch: (Changes gloves) There. Handled with elegance. And with that, Mrs. Belladina, I think I can face you with the pride and dignity of a proper Beacon Academy educator.
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live-love-boruto · 18 days
Ep. 9 | Proof of Oneself
Rating: 7 / 25 | Skip
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Plot: 1 / 5
Characterization: 3 / 5
Visuals: 1 / 5
Importance: 1 / 5
Entertainment: 1 / 5
I'm going to have a hard time saying anything about this one, it was super boring! The Byakugan plot line goes exactly where you think it would from last episode; and the Kagemasa fight was clunkily animated and choreographed, and pretty underwhelming.
The highlight of this episode was probably seeing that Boruto's family is close with the Hyuga, though that won't really come up much later. It's nice to see Naruto and Hiashi on good terms, even if I wish we'd gotten to see how that happened a bit more.
Sarada also got a little bit of screentime and a bit of a character beyond Boruto's catty nemesis, but her time was brief and underwhelming. She could have been traded out for just about anyone and very little would have changed in the story. It was probably just to call back the Fuma Shuriken plan from when Naruto and Sasuke did it in the Land of Waves Arc, and it was not worth it.
If you have to watch this, watch the Hanabi vs Boruto fight and then skip on everything else. Despite having a cool episode name, it was definitely not worth watching again.
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rinoks17 · 7 months
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Boruto : Naruto Next Jenerations " Ed 1 ~ Dreamy Journey " By " The the peggies "
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pink-gladioli · 5 months
it has come to my attention that we as a fandom dont talk about axl enough so leave any headcannons/theories/rewrites you have about him!
imma go a rant bellow read more
okay so we all know that axl comes from diggionton or however the heck you spell it right? and he has no last name, my reasoning is that diggington just aint that big so people don't need last names. also most of his family seems to follow the axl name so maybe it kinda works a serionirty thing? like as soon as a son is born the axl name gets passed down onto them and the father becomes "papa" or senior axl.
now when it comes to backstories i feel that axl has a pretty good one, he wanted to become a knight but his dad wanted him to stay home and run the family inn. however i feel like if we were charactize axl as less of a brute, dumb, hungry, pessant boy which lets be honest is what the show paints him as, we would have to a slightly different route. we know that axl was one of the 3 nexo knights that actually wanted to become a knight (lance cleary didn't and aarron doesn't seem to care he just doesn't like all the rules that come with knighthood) so lets use that.
maybe his dad was supportive on him becoming a knight because like we need at least one knight with a good family, it could also show how despite the fact axl wasn't the richest of the group or the most academically smart he was the happiest, but they didn't have the money to pay for the entrance exam or access to a good libary/teacher were axl could learn (remember knighton may be very advance technologically but not socially) so its more of a dream than anything.
however maybe somehow there could be another way to get into the academy and that could be by a recomenidation of a seinor knight. but maybe all the knights in digginton didn't want to bother with writing a letter of recomendation or were just bad knights.
maybe there could have been a grand event were lets say a house caught on fire and no one was willing to go in to save idk whats something innocent, a baby or smth, then boom axl runs in, saves the baby or whatever it is, gets burned in the process and while most of the knights don't admit to the fact that this preteen boy had more guts than them and was willing to risk his life to safe something that couldn't protect itself. lets have 1 knight actually realize how he and his fellow knights of diggonton have lost their values and when axl recovers he sends a letter of recomendation and boom now axl has a chance to get into the knights academy.
cew cutsence of axl working his ass off and boom basic character backstory. but i can already hear that "this sound more like a clay backstory" which yes it would work pretty well for clay but i actually have a different charactization of clay then the show. i think it would be interesting if clay wasn't a knight because it was the right thing to do but instead because he looked up to the ideals of a knight and the determination to get there.
i mean for king halberts sake clay grew up on the streets, he couldn't have gone along carring for every singel person he saw or else he wouldn't have surived himself. and maybe that could be clays main character arc that he realizes that being a knight isn't about doing the right thing because its nobel or honnorable but instead being a knight has it roots in caring and wanting to protect others. and who could he learn that from- AXL BABY! yeah this show needs more of the main five interacting with each other. crap this got long and it probably isn't even readable, oh well
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madmanwonder · 1 year
The moon looks beautiful tonight. The light from the moon shines down her and gives her a certain warmth and comfort that she often felt when she was in the presence of the moon.
Unlike when she was in her bitchy baby incubator bandit group she had to live with and endure until her mother told her to join the Beacon Academy to improve her skills and spy on her wayward twin sister and half-sister from her technically stepmother.
Even though she wanted to tell her mother to go fuck herself and ignore the bitch who sees her less like a daughter but a useful tool for her twisted ambition and selfish creed of survival to the fittest crap…but she decides that her stupid self wanted to make mommy dearest happy and join the academy filled with overbearing idiots and weaklings who swaggered around beacon as if they were the hottest shit in Remnant.
Unlike her who had to resort to some very heavy shi—
“Ying? What are you doing up this late?”
Ying Branwen looked away from the moon to see the flaxen-haired, oceanic-eyed man standing a few feet from her to give her space after the first few times he unintentionally entered her zone
“None of your damn fuckin’ business, dipshit.” Ying said in a harsh, gruff voice filled with hostility and anger.
Jaune frowned but still looked at her with concern and compassion in his eyes which made the ill-tempered ex-bandit feel like shit for acting like a bitch to the naive fool.
But she was too prideful and distrustful of him and herself to feel sorry about it.
“Do yourself a favor and fuck off before I make you leave.” Ying said to Jaune as she glowered at him.
“…” The Arc looked at and then to the entrance before nodded and proceeded to ignore her warning and walked up to her.
“Not leaving until I see you back to the dorm with your team, Ying.” He said in a stubborn, steadfast voice as he stood close to her and exudes a warming aura of safety and comfort.
“…fuck you.” The Brawler of Team BBNT z said to the blonde asshole as she looked at the melancholic moon with a angry expression…but beneath her anger, the sensation of anger and sadness was slowly being washed away by the comforting warmth and presence of the blonde idiot who might not be as bad she thought.
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
A Mystery behind the Hijacked School Buses:
I'm grateful to fellow @mj-ackerman . Thanks to him thappened this great discussion,who sheds light to the Weird aspect of the arc.
The arc,where the Red Circus teams hijacked the school buses,ended with a Victory of Anya: She talked to Billy Squire,she masterfully managed negotiating, ending the Crisis with everyone unscathed.She,becky Blachbell,Damian and Watkins were awarde with Stella Stars.
However there's an oddity we hadn't pay attention to it.
How did Squire know the names of the kids,and the social position of the a',b'..Father? The panels with the stunned kids speaks so.
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The school doesn't announce to the outside people it's activities(how strict they are),they always prioritize the safety of the students-since most of them are children of VIP's.
Despite their tight securities there are still ways for skilled spies and the likes to get info. Twilight, for example, getting the answers for the entrance exam,and how he can easily sneak in and out of the Academy.
So the explanation is
a)The Red Circus had a very good informant ,or
b) Maybe it had an insider, who sold to them the info about Eden's activities that day,and the names of the children and their families standing in Ostania's government.
To get this clear and solid let's see thoughly This:Before this arc,there's in chapter 64, a "trivial" detail,but likely so crucial: The x' buss driver had a medical issue,so he couldn't come to the duty.Mere coincidence?
See below the scene of chapter 64:
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I figure they drugged the real bus driver so to place there members of the Red Circus.
My Conclusion:
Now it makes sense how the Red Circus teams proceeded to their plan,with such Creepy Accuracy-but they couldn't know about the Telepath Anya. Maybe Endo sensei will make an arc with an investigation,about the source of these inside knowledges.Let's wait.
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sophiaforevs · 2 years
Y'all I just realized Miral Paris would be the right age to be in Prodigy season 2.
Miral Paris would be 7-ish depending on what months everything takes place. She's born in 2378 and Prodigy starts in 2384, but we're not given months and I don't think it'd be a stretch that between "Lost and Found" and the start of S2, eight months to a year have passed (4-6 months for all of season one then possibly a time skip between seasons) (so at most Miral would be six when Prodigy started but if she was born in January and Prodigy starts in December then she'd be almost seven plus the possible year makes her almost 8). Which would make her the youngest of the crew but I get the sense that Rokk is around ten to twelve.
But if Alexander Rozhenko is anything to go by, Klingon's age faster than humans (Alexander was 9 when he fought in the War with the Dominion) so age her up to about 14 in human years*.
Now imagine S2 Prodigy opens with Janeway and the kids well into their mission of preparing to enter the wormhole and go rescue Chakotay, and they stop at some random starbase where B'Elana has been assigned chief engineer. Tom stays at home with his three quarter-Klingon daughters who just run him ragged. He's a little bored because he's a pilot and there's not much use for that aboard a space station aside from occasionally shuttling around diplomats but honestly, he loves his wife and kids so much that he makes the sacrifice. Really, Miral and her two sisters keep him busy enough that he's not left with too much time to be bored and Harry is just a sector away and visits every couple months (Uncle Harry (now Lt. Junior Grade) isn't great with the kids but they just fucking love him anyway).
Anyway, there's a small family reunion and we learn that Miral has been begging her parents to let her take the Starfleet academy early-entrance exams but Tom and B'Elana are (understandably) worried about their kids leaving the nest considering that being lost from home and the ones you love for seven years can be traumatizing. But the prodigies don't have long to stay, just a quick resupply then off to the wormhole.
And Miral stowsaway. They don't figure it out until long after it's too late to go back. Janeway comments that she has too much of her father in her and that her mother is likely going to kill Janeway for letting this happen but they'll just have to take her with them for now.
The Prodigy kids get to see a glimpse of what growing up with a family would've been like and Miral challenges and helps them in other ways. Rokk finally has someone else closer to her age to interact with. Miral's Klingon temper and wit keep Jankom on his toes. In season one, Dal learned how to take responsibility and leadership but season two he's going to need to learn how to take orders and be lead, Miral helps this by constantly reminding him that he's not her superior officer and doesn't get to boss him around. Miral's arc in turn mirror's her parents' Voyager arcs: She learns to rely on others and when to allow herself to be impulsive and when to plan things out and respect authority.
By the Prophets please let me have this.
*It's possible Klingon's have a shorter childhood and pre-adolescent stage but a longer adolescent stage than humans. Alexander was 9ish in the War with the Dominion but Worf and Alternate Future Miral were ensigns at 23/24. This would fit with their biology because I want it to and it works well with this post even though I have no factual evidence to support this claim they're predators so you assume they reach the age where they can join the hunt quickly but then slow down so they can learn more from their pack.
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narhinafan · 9 months
I think people say sumire filler character is all because of sp, in the manga she's in all important events but anime just doesn't show her panels or edit the stuff to make it kawasumi.
Nue arc was only 2 episodes but that arc gained her popularity so much that she ranked in 10th of liked naruto character in 2017.
Sp is purposefully not including sumire as they don't want her to gain popularity as hinata did. They only add her character for kawasumi inn the story and change all her panels to like kawaki.
Sp is the only most biased studio that ruined the stroy for their biased staff.
Yeah its one of those, things another factor is that Sumire did show up in the anime first cause the early anime arcs and classmates are canon even though they aren't shown in the manga.
Also the Nue arc is longer then 2 episodes rather the Academy Entrance Arc which ends Sumire and Nue. Since that arc was meant to be canon especially Sumire's bits SP couldn't be that bias, but after that arc when she grew popular and a few months later she made her debut in the manga with her admitting she likes Boruto they actively tried to not show her and change her canon parts out of bias.
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