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Did you need a picture ID to get a library card in Greco-Roman days? Did the Ancient World accept as unforgivable sin any talking out loud with any librarian such as Miriam? What fine am I looking at for a scroll 2000 years overdue? In this video you'll find out about when and where the first public libraries were founded in the Greco-Roman World, including the Library at Alexandria; the layout and plan of these libraries, along with their collections; who used these libraries, and how; and what happened to these libraries in terms of survival and destruction.
#history#library#libraries#Rome#Greece#Athens#Alexandria#Antioch#Pegamum#Books#Scrolls#Librarian#Ancient#Ancient Rome#Ancient Greece#Ancient Athens#Aristotle#Lyceum#Academy#Academos#Gym#Gymnasium#Reader#Reading#Museum#Callichamus#Cos#Rhodes#Celsus#Hadrian
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would yall be interested in seeing stuff about my dnd character?? or should i stick to tma fanart???
here are some pictures of him for reference

#the magnus archive fanart#tma#the magnus archives#dnd art#dnd character#dnd oc#dnd#dungeons and dragons#our tales of academo
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aita for deceiving a psychiatrist with lies to get diagnosed with a psychological disorder so i could get attendance accommodations at school where it was really nazi strict and evil forced attendance and they would fail me for not going to class EVEN THO I DID EVERYTHING TO THE TOPS?????? Sick fucks tbh. May those “educators” burn in torment💖 i wasn’t allowed to have my anxiety/agoraphobia/aversion/truancy/YOUTHFUN absences excused bc of the fasc policies in place as a standard in our christofascist bluemaga joe biden hillary fucked bernie in the ass dry clinton fake woke coopting bullshit society. so because of their nazi policy i had to find a way to get accommodation bc clearly i couldnt be in class every day in a row and needed leniency, not academo nazi policy, i was like. Fuck it let me get my papers for that accommodations letter approval. Bc like i had already been going to the counselors for stress and general social bullshit So since i wasn’t allowed to use that for accommodation i hd to make sooo many months long appointments w this far af psych and i didnt have a car and what an added stress. They were like “we dont got a car to pick you up like a normal fucking doctors place. Take the bus!” Ok die first. Next fucking help me!!! I did the meds they really sucked bc i guess i didnt need it and it was all side effects, no benefits, and i was like FUCKING DIAGNOSE ME!!! after reading the DSM5 and “practicing whats wrong w me” so that they are like . Hm yeah that sounds bad. Then IN THE END IT WAS A FUCKING PERSONALITY INVENTORY THEY USED TO ASSESS MY ILLNESS. IT WAS A BAR GRAPH. It was bullshit service in the goddamn american healthcare system and then bullshit actual healthcare bc it was fucking fake. Dumb psych couldnt even tell i wasn a liar???? DUMBASS BITCH LOSER FAGGOT CUNT SCUM. I remember how they made me wait AND CHARGED ME WHEN I MISSED AN APP BC IT WAS SO FCKN FAR AND ANOTHER BC I TOOK A NAP. CHARGING UR POOR MENTALLY ILL CUSTOMERS??? They can explode forreal💖and so can the dumb school policy bitches who couldnt just let me get my A had to be like ohhh cant accomodate u even tho u hve a 98 u are gonna fail :/ DIE ON FIRE SCREAMING YOU SCUM BITCH!!!! <-me to that professor nazi. May she be tortured. ANNMYWAY im sorry to everyone who’s gone thru academic ableism and abuse by this bullshit system!!!!! my school ended up being transphobic and zionist so i transfered anyway bc i dont want that bullshit on my titles. I’m glad i got my classes accomodated tho! I only wonder if im legally beholden to that diagnosis or if we can just be like fuck that doctor. Hm. Like i lied 😂 ffbsjfbsjfbjsnfjekfnsjs FREE ATTENDANCEE THOOOOOOOOOO it should be like that always for everyone. Kill every nazi teacher forreal. And kill teachers who dont give free B’s. Fuck your grade curve bitch. Fuck your admin. FUCK IT ALL!!!!! And i know its possible bc ive had actually good teachers. Hmmm the nazis WISH they could hide!!!
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Manually Decoding DTMF Through A Spectrogram
While working on a recent CTF, I came across a challenge that required participants to extract a credit card number from a recording of a touch-tone telephone. If you pull your phone out now, turn on your ringer (because it’s almost definitely off), and click on some random numbers on the phone app keypad, you’ll hear the product of what’s known as DTMF, which stands for dual-tone multi-frequency.
I won’t go into the specifics of DTMF and why it exists — the important thing to know is DTMF uses a combination of two distinct tones to create one sound. There is a low tone and a high tone. Today, I’ll be showing you how to decode DTMF by sight through a spectrogram. There are decoders available for free online, so if you come across a problem like this in a CTF, or otherwise, I highly recommend using one of those, purely for speed and convenience. All that being said, this is an interesting process, and just generally a cool thing to know about. It’s the equivalent of converting binary to hexadecimal by hand instead of using an online converter — basically useless — but a great party trick (in the event of attending one, which I highly doubt given you’re reading this — so yeah, basically useless… on that note (or should I say tone (my musically inclined friend has informed me that I should not)), on with the article!)
Note — Standard DTMF — two tones, four levels per tone.
As of iOS 15.7, this tutorial is still relevant. I am looking for more samples (other phone brands and software models) to determine how accurate this is cross-platform. If you’re interested in contributing, there will be some information at the end explaining how.
I’ll be using this audio file - https://voca.ro/1dr1J1gbyw5B
(This is from the CyberSoc Wales “personalbanker” challenge)
The first thing I did was put the recording through a spectrogram program. There are plenty available for free online; personally, I like using Academo, because it includes lines that will help with quick sight-reading later on. (https://academo.org/articles/spectrogram/).
You may be better off downloading software (Audacity is fantastic), should you require a spectrogram for a longer recording. Academo is not scalable beyond 10 seconds, so you can use it, but you’re going to be taking quite a few screenshots.
The first thing I did was drop the recording from the challenge into Academo.
A spectrogram is a visual representation of the frequency content of an audio signal as it changes over time. In the image above, I’ve isolated the beeps produced by the clicking of the phone keypad. This section of the recording is longer than 10 seconds, so I also spliced together two screenshots. Any discrepancies you may notice in the image above are a product of that.
Each vertical line of dots represents one beep, and thus, one number. You’ll notice that there are two horizontal rows per beep, this is the magic of DTMF. There are 8 total frequencies involved in the DTMF system. The original DTMF keypad was laid out in a 4x4 format (below). The letter keys (A, B, C, and D) are no longer used for personal telecommunication. For digital decoding purposes, you will almost certainly not come across the letter keys, although they are still used by amateur radio operators, payphones, and the occasional equipment control system.
I was starting from scratch, with no knowledge of how a spectrogram worked with DTMF, so the first thing I did was create two recordings of myself clicking each number in my phone app (I am using iOS 15.7 on my iPhone XR).
What you’ll begin to notice is that each number has its own combination of low and high tones. If you want to try to figure out the system on your own, now is the time.
Each variation in height represents a tone at a specific Hz. In order to decode this manually, you do not need to know the specific Hz of each number, you just need to understand the relational position of each tone, informed by its Hz.
I ended up throwing the original audio into Audacity so that I could create my own lines on the spectrogram for demonstration purposes.
First, I’m going to turn down the contrast to make it a little easier to see.
Now, I’m going to add some lines to match up the similar tones.
At this point, we have 6 layers of lines, there are no 0s present in this recording, if there were, we would have another line just above the bottom three. The use of the original DTMF structure with the ABCD keys would give us another line above the top three.
The simplest way to proceed is to categorize each set into Low, Medium, and High. You could choose any system — 1, 2, 3; a, b, c; whatever works for you. I recommend the LMH system because it’s visual and easy to keep track of.
I filled out the table below to show each numerical combination.
Two letters per number, each representing Low, Medium, or High (ultra High in the case of 0).
The first letter represents the top layer, and the second letter represents the bottom.
The corresponding Hz are listed in the third row for your reference.
I’ll walk you through the decoding process for the first two and then you can try the third.
We’re going to look at the first column of tones (boxed in yellow).
This represents one number.
The first tone is crossed by the lowest of the top lines, it is marked L.
The second tone is crossed by the medium bottom line, it is marked M.
Together, they are LM — which, upon referencing the chart, is 4.
The second one is MM, which is 5.
Now try the third. (full answer at the end, scroll up now if you’d like to try it on your own — try it with lines or without!)
Once you get a feel for this, the process becomes much faster. The lines are purely for demonstrative purposes, with a little practice you’ll be able to quickly do this without lines.
And that’s how to decode DTMF manually through a spectrogram! Is it useless? Yes! Is it fun? That’s debatable!
If you’d like to help me compare cross-platform DTMF signaling, take a screen recording that captures you pressing 1234567890 on your phone keypad. Send the file to me through one of the methods outlined below. Please include your phone model and its latest software.
Discord — Adler#7210
Email me — [email protected]
If you’re seeing this on Tumblr, send me a DM!
Medium link - https://medium.com/@adler7210/manually-decoding-dtmf-through-spectrogram-562e4b0b99c3
The final answer to the CTF challenge — 4562 6598 4585 2366
Anyway, thanks for reading, enjoy decoding!
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What do you think of the recent contretemps about freeing literary studies from Marxism or w/e
If you mean this and this, then the conversation is happening at too low an intellectual level, the level of recrudescent Cold War cliché. No offense to the author of the first linked piece, but is the following what's supposed to be taught in college?
Jane Eyre taught me the value of trust and persistence in the name of love. Notes from Underground provided me with a window into the human condition. East of Eden presented me with the nature of good and evil.
No one, right or left, would know what to do with that in the classroom. New Criticism, supposedly the right-wing method par excellence, was devised to get away from that kind of thing, which the modernists, right and left, would have regarded as hopelessly Victorian. Now maybe it was a mistake to put literature into the university in the first place, since one does read novels for the perfectly un-academic purpose of "grow[ing] into a richer human being," as the author rightly has it at the beginning of the paragraph. But as a form of study, it did and will require methods, and one of those methods will involve the investigation of literature's relation to its social, political, and economic milieu.
As for the universality of literature our author champions, Marxists believe in it more than almost anyone else. Marx quoted Terence: "Nothing human can be alien to me." Jameson said, "The human adventure is one." The right, historically, denies universality, not the left. The right says, "The Christians are right and the pagans are wrong," within its religious discourse, and the secular or secular-ish right has tended, from Herder to Heidegger, from social Darwinists to "race realists," to root cultural expression in ethnos or biology. (This is unfair to Herder and even to Heidegger, but let it stand for a moment as part of a sweeping polemic.) Now the left and right did get their wires crossed with multiculturalism and postcolonialism and their unavoidably ethnonationalist or racialist emphases in the late 20th century, but that's not Marx's fault.
I will agree with an anti-Marxist stance in literary studies on two grounds, however.
First, the social and political contextualization of literature, while itself inevitable, need not issue in the kind of essentially Leninist attitudes our author points out, which are far, far too common in academic and literary life, especially given this ideology's pragmatic impossibility of realization and the consequent nihilist violence it implies and inspires. Ironically, it appears this ultra-left academo-radicalism has been astroturfed by the centrist parties and their bureaucracies, kept around as a reserve army of rioters for their color revolution antics, literally communists in service to the old anti-communist forces and their agenda. Leftism no longer exists except as legitimation for the crumbling old anti-left order that won the Cold War. (It occurs to me that one requires a theory of social dialectics to comprehend this.)
Second, the basis of undergraduate literary education, to the extent that this still exists, should probably be formalist and structuralist in character before it is anything else: the reading of the best and most influential texts, in some reasonable order of generic development, with an emphasis on the forms of singular works and those forms' interrelation across the whole field of literature. Social, psychological, etc. analysis can come after that or only very gently in tandem with it. We're here to study the butterfly, not break it upon a wheel. This method harbors an implied politics, a Schillerian one, and such fact can even be noted in the course of study, but I am not persuaded that it needs to be debunked or that it has meaningfully been discredited. Why not a positive justification for literary study? Not "critical thinking" in destructive mode, but an elaboration of beauty for the purpose of creating a more beautiful world.
Marxism is part of the intellectual heritage, however, just as various forms of bygone theology and philosophy are, and it can be rendered productive just as they can. Dialectically enough, you need a Marxist analysis to understand what's wrong with Marxism in the first place, as I discuss here. This is possible because Marx was a Promethean Romantic in part, and that aspect of the theory can be turned against its totalitarian tendency. Somebody more knowledgeable than me can root this division within Marx and Marxism back in the real class struggle of 18th- and 19th-century Germany, which, as far as I can tell from my usual exceedingly cursory read of history, was not about bourgeoisie vs. proletariat, but about bourgeoisie vs. state bureaucracy, with Marx functionally on the side of the bourgeoisie—no surprise since the Manifesto itself opens with a hymn to the bourgeoisie so rapturous Ayn Rand might have written it. (The subsequent history of Marxism, however, represents the state bureaucracy's revenge, as well as Marx’s divided loyalty as an academic.) Hence all of Marx and Engels's actual comments on literature just sound like 19th-century liberal common sense—and I mean that as a compliment. Here, for example, is Engels saying your novel should not be didactic, supposedly a position the CIA invented in the 20th century, or so the Leninist believes! You can even turn the Marxist analysis all the way around to celebrate the bourgeoisie as the true hero of history, and literature, qua novel modern historical formation, as its equally heroic justification, magnanimously extended, first in print and then online, to everyone.
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Did Matthew & Luke use a lost gospel Q? (The Synoptic Problem)
Ian, you and Robyn Walsh and John MacDanald are so close to the actual origins of all written Christian literature, you are liable to sit on it my mistake. Thre are two euangelion's: the euangelion that Pilate transmitted to Tiberius that is cited by Tertuallian in Book V, Apology and the euangelion after Acts 10 that leds in Mark 1:1 and is the basis for the oral and writtenn traditions of the Gospels, Acts and the 19 citation in the Episltes of Paul, ' Pilate's euangelin consists of the harmonization of Mark 15:1 - 16:8 with the Gospel of Peter. The Talking Cross, which is the ratification of the unilateral covenant between the Jewish God in Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 4:2 and the centurions of the Italian Regiment represented by Cornelius, the Command Sergeant Major of Caesarea and Pilate's Chief of Staff, is the Tidings of Joy Pilate conveys to Tiberius Caesar that compels Tiberius to nominate Jesus for the Roman Pantheon. In addition, there is the harmonization of the 7 seals the Roman soldiers afix to the stone they rolled infront of the tomb with the 7 seals of Revelation being generated in the spiritual realm of Palestine as a ocnsequence of the selection of the anti-Christ and rejection of Jesus that first becomes manifest by the weather phenomena that turned noon into ight as Jesus was lingering on the cross. The connection of the 7 seals of the soldiers and the 7 seals of Revelation is something you will never make under the creative glass ceiling of the critical historic method of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, but is a bare naked lady dancing for all to see on the stage of the critical literary method of Post Modern Literary Deconstruction of the academo of liberal arts before 1968. The eurangelion of Mark 1:1 after Acts 10 includes the confession of Peter in Acts 10:34 - 43 along with the harmonization of Pilate's euangelion.. Peter's confession becomes the narrative arc of the Synoptic Gospels that is combined with the intelligence archives of the 10th Legion generally understood to be Quelle that is not only accessed by the three Synopitic writers but also by Josephus is the writing of his accounts of the destruction of Jerusulem in the company of the 10th Legion, which occupied the Mount of Olives during the seige and patrolled the territory from there up to Capernaum during the time of Jesus, Both Jesus and Josephus grew up with the 10th Legion and Josephus probably surrendered to them after betraying his command, It is at the Acts 10 briefing that Cornlius conveys the cntent of Pilate's euangelion to Peter, which is the source of the Gospel of Peter. The Mark 1:1 euangelion becomes the existential anchor of the vetting process of Paul by Peter in Acts 15:7 and the template of the 19 citations of the euangelion in the Epistels. The Gospel of Mark was composed by Cornelius in Latin and transmitted to Theophilus in Rome by the time of Claudius' accession in 41 CE. Matthew is a polemic written in reapose to Galations and in support of Judaism by 50 CE. It should not be lost in the scholarship that Rome converted from the Egyptian 8 day work week to a 7 day work week at the same time Rome adopted the numerology of Jesus and hellenism In 50 CE, Luke begins to include a real-time eye witness record of Paul in his working medical journals as they form a partnership for infiltrating Jewish congregations. When Paul is arrested and held by Felix, Luke draws on this journalism to begin an amicus brief in support of Paul's pending defense in Rome, but, after being introduced to Cornelius, begins the research for the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles as an agent of Theophilus, the Biship of the secret Roman Church of the Legions. The 18 books of the Gospels, Acts and Epistles become Theophilus's bibliography for Hebrews, which is the military manifesto of Christianity summarized by the Apostle's Creed. The authority of the centurion in Matthew 8:9 is the necessary connection between Romans 13:1 - 7 and Hebrews 13:17. The Mithra cults whereever the Roman legion is based is the front organization for the Roman Communion of the Talking Cross. The thesis of the Jesus seminar that the Gospel of Mark is in any manner dervative of Pauline Theology is purley the consequece of the characteristic distortions of history by the Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, Whether intentional or circumstantial, the critical historic method is a mechanism of the disinformation of Project 2025 and the Pro-Life Total Depravity doctrine of Christian Nationalism. And, just for the record, Papias was padding his resume.
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Plato in the Garden of Academos by John Millar Watt (1966)
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#sims 2 screenshots#simmers#sims2#the sims 2#ts2#sims 2#sims 2 stories#sims2 stories#thesims 2#thesims2#simmer#the sims 2 club#ts2 neighborhood#veronaville#academoe le tour#university#kiss#The Sims 2#ts2 simblr#simblr#sims no cc
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I know this question's pointless as it probably dosen't count to Megatron anymore, but what was the entire "make Talent cybertronians more common after we invade Academos" goal Megatron implied he had during the first issue(did you drop it or something)?
Spoiler alert, but you know that first episode of Gurren Lagann where Adult Simon was being attacked on all sides while standing on a battlecruiser, and then the last arc involved galaxy-sized robots punching each other in the face?
In Doylist terms, I think it might've been a carryover from Megatron's initial plan as a shadowy figure, maybe taking cues from Syndrome from the Incredibles in the idea of making everyone 'Super.'
In Watsonian terms, One of Megatron's plans should Star Convoy fall was basically to give every Cybertronian talents so the entire race would be able to defend themselves from alien retribution. Obviously, he's not in a position to really execute that plan.
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Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 4 AuthorPsychicInTraining Series
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 4 AuthorPsychicInTraining Series
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 2 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 4
Successful Manifestation of Career Money andor Storytelling Success Creative Fiction Genre Permanent Lifelong andor Long Term Resident of Virginia Series
intent: I Stella Carrier channel creating heaven on earth happiness unity faith hope while also fulfilling an intent to be helpful with my fun writing therapy of creative fiction writing
Alias names andor alias gender names given to protect the identities of the personal and professional life allies of those interviewed
Start Time Wednesday December 21, 2022 by 531pm
Completion Time Wednesday December 21 , 2022 by by 634pm
creative fiction genre 1 story for episode 4
1. Year 2054 of a male alias named Academo in the Hampton Roads Virginia area born in 1980 retired from Virginia Air National Guard by year 2054 approximately 8 months ago
2 Academo has 8 years of prior active duty navy service from the early 2000s, Academo joined Virginia Air National Guard by February 2024
3. Education Bachelor's Degree completed by 2012, 2nd Online Public Relations Related Bachelor's Degree fully completed by the year 2035
4 has 700,000 in after tax money American Dollars saved from stock market investments and money generated from creative fiction storytelling via penname
5. Academo Time Travels In His Free Time At Least Twice A Week
6. Most Recent Place That Academo Time Traveled To Was A Planet World With A World population of 43 Billion, and 5 times larger than the size of earth, everywhere in this world the temperature was always between 70 degrees at the coldest to 89 degrees at the warmest, inhabitants look similar to people of earth except additional natural haircolors that Academo might explain in future interview if allowed, the year he traveled to in that place was 5223. he would like to share more details of that travel, because multiple exciting details he has seen could make for 13 to 15 points andor more though has been asked to keep mum about it for at least the next two weeks of this writing, and even then time travel officials have politely asked Academo to code name this world 5223 to denote the year for reasons his celestial spirit guides are going to show him after the conclusion of his current earth lifetime
7 Recently penned/wrote a popular best selling creative fiction series based on the book Akashic Who's Who of Psychic Mediums Healers and More by Victoria Lynn Weston by the year 2024 that unexpectedly helped him manifest at least 5000 dollars a month in early 2024 money after taxes even to this day in the year 2054
8 Of Course Academo has made sure to financially compensate certain psychics mediums andor their descendants when karmically necessary, a multiple number of them the psychic mediums andor descendants have also released either non fiction andor fiction spiritual resources since then to successful acclaim especially because a multiple number of people have been helped
9. Academo has preferred to keep his physical appearance a secret to protect the identities of his allies, although one of the descendants of the psychics he referenced in one of Academos best selling book series who is a fan of his work has often been compared physical appearance wise to Jeremy Jordan in I Wanna Girl Music video
10. Yesterday, Academo time traveled to the year 7000 on the earth realm where a great deal of the U.S. and American cities have morphed into 8 mile long cities andor towns of theme parks and multiple theme park cities, for instance Academo saw an area in Norfolk where for at least 5 miles he saw three different theme parks and 12 supermarkets just within a span of 5 miles, Academo has been politely asked by one of his celestial career and money spirit guides to refrain from sharing further details, although happy details for at least one week from the time of this writing.
11. In Present Time Academo enjoys traveling to multiple places on earth at least 3 time a year, he has been fortunate to have traveled to multiple places during his current earth lifetime that would also consist of their own 13 to 15 points, speaking of travel Academo soon has to conclude this session because even being retired from the Virginia Air National Guard after a 30 year career he still stays busy career wise, tomorrow his work takes him to London England and the next day there is a place in Alexandria Egypt that he is being asked politely to travel because a science fiction themed library and museum is going to be attended by multiple authors and he is one of the authors being asked to visit because he has a great deal of fans there, a year 2054 author comic con sort of speaking
12. Academo is close platonic friends with the subject of the next story, they have been platonic friends for at least over 32 years now, Academo is open minded about other type of friends arrangements however Academo must make this distinction extremely clear because they originally met through work and some time before he joined the Air National Guard as a prior navy veteran.
13. Academo might share details of at least two worlds he has seen by around 4 to 5 months andor sooner of this writing though he has been asked to politely refrain from sharing further details for at least the next 2 weeks in earth time, however after Academo consults with both certain earth based psychics of his choosing and some of his celestial spirit guides Academo intends to make the determination if he Academo is going to share those details or if someone else that he intuitively feels best to share those details are going to be the one communicating for him
Story 2
1. Female Code Named Paella Also in the Year 2054 to protect the identities of her multiple allies,
2. Paella Has Worked As A Hotel Cleaning leader for the exact years that she prefers to keep secret to protect her actual identity, though some of her allies guess she joined the hotel industry sometime after the year 2000 though well before the year 2015
3. Paella has also made some lucrative yearly after tax money from her creative genre writing, she prefers to keep the original year secret of when it happened though she has granted the greenlight for us to write that she definitely started to manifest some after tax money after the year 2023
4. Paella also frequently makes use of public available time travel whenever she can in her free time though the difference is that Academo started to time travel by the early 2030s where she started to feel safe enough to venture into time traveling by the year 2039
5. One of the places that Paella recently traveled to this month was the year 7900 in a world that resembled the movie Halloweentown, Paella would love to share more though she too has been asked to refrain from writing about it for at least a week andor longer at the time of this writing
6. Another place that Paella recently traveled to was actually here in Virginia by the year 5500 where a great amount of multiple areas in both Norfolk and Virginia Beach Virginia have residents living in homes modeled after multiple navy ships, for instance wealthier residents live in Aircraft carrier houses, other residents with money live in amphibious naval ships, One of the mayors of this incorporated district is the daughter of a powerful and influential woman who modeled a multiple number of successful leadership tenets based on a college she attended named in honor of former President Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama even to this time period on 5500. Paella would love to share more details though she is actually politely being asked by a time traveler who teleported to this very room to refrain from saying further until she attends a top secret level meeting with him on both the when and where she is allowed to do so.
7. Paella has been given the approval to communicate here that she is allowed to share that these multiple high quality of life communities that were built right here in Norfolk and Virginia Beach have multiple excellent amenities for instance multiple churches of different faiths alongside each other in harmony within a span of a mile for residents of multiple faiths can go to in harmony, 8 different types of museums just on one half mile part of one neighborhood, Paella is being communicated to by a time traveling official right now to temporarily conclude this session though she andor someone she chooses is going to be allowed to share more in the future in exchange to her agreeing to attend a top secret meeting within 5 minutes from now.
my youtube comment
This youtube video of I Dreamed of Winning The Lottery and Then This Happened via the Timothy Schultz channel is inspiring with abundant details, I also enjoyed that Schultz shared how he was doing all and the best he could before the lottery money win eventually happened (he was gearing up to study journalism & broadcast news in college while simultaneously working 40 to 60 hours a week). These details even by themselves helped me understand significantly how greater abundance is eventually invited in. I say this with humble appreciation because I have been getting more frequent intuitive spiritual signs recently on how joyful it would feel to study in college what I am most passionate about by autumn 2023 even if this might take a significant amount of my money savings and I have noticed at times more abundance flowing my money even with minimal outside effort on my part when I do what I can to put in the most working hours and saving what I can (compared to other times I have been in greater money abundance getting efforts). I am very glad that Timothy Schultz shared plenty of details both before and after his money lottery win and mystical inspirational sleeptime dream and I intend to refer to this video for both present and future reference because I intuitively sense that this video provides some money abundance manifestation clues regardless of how neutral a viewer is about winning the money lottery.Show less
I Dreamt About Winning The Lottery And Then It Happened Timothy Schultz youtube video from approximately 8 months ago andor longer and with around 22k views as of Friday January 6 2023
Jeremy Jordan I Wanna Girl youtube channel via a boynamedfuture youtube channel from approximately 13 years ago
I admit that this spectacular 90s song I Wanna Girl song by Jeremy Jordan was spontaneously playing in one of my sleeptime dreams less than 24 hours ago for some reason currently even a mystery to me both because there was no online radio andor offline radio playing in my apartment and no online andor offline radio playing this song inside any of my neighbors as far as I can tell
Regardless of why this classic 90s music gem of a love song was playing in one of my sleeptime dreams I admit that I do enjoy the upbeat energy of this song plus the fun way the music narrators bluntly goes right out and shares part of what they want in a musically sparkling way
my comment pertaining to this video from approximately a month ago andor longer
michelle obama youtube comment to post within 24 hours andor sooner from now of this writing
the youtube comment I wrote in relation to the upbeat and helpful youtube video
This manifesting a damn dream body without exercise transformation via the Anila Sita YouTube channel has some upbeat and helpful ideas, I hope that both the YouTube author and the friend she referenced go on to experience more happiness and I definitely feel an upbeat and joyful boost after accessing this beneficial video and I am definitely intrigued to look up the book title referenced, I feel that this helpful video is going to go on to help more present and future viewers in both present time and future time-frames especially the relatable part where it is discussed how her friend picked by herself up even when her love life went differently than she hoped andor how she transformed any ating slipups into vehicles for greater spiritual good andor positive transformation.
Manifesting A Damn Dream Body Without Excercse Insane Transformation Story via the Anila Sita youtube channel from approximately two years ago and 106k viewers at the time of this writing on Sunday December 25 2022 by 516am eastern standard United States Time
my youtube comment to this
I am card 5/group 5 (around timestamp 24 minutes)of this very interesting when will it happen to any question via the Relativity Tarot youtube channel and I confess that it resonates because I am experiencing the pleasant surprise of seeing better than expected results with a physical appearance type of goal that i am inquiring about, my ego is tempting me to share more it is my intuition indirectly guiding me to refrain from sharing further right now to prevent andor minimize triggering others unintentionally. I am thankful for this reading for it highly resonates with the target goal question that was on my mind especially because it pertains to an inquiry where I fortunately have a high amount of control with this query pertaining to card 5 group 5.
Youtube Pick A Card When When Will It Happen To Any Question You Have Regarding Timing via Relativity Tarot from approximately a year ago and approximately 8.2 k views at the time of this writing Monday December 26 2022 by 537am
Group 2 desert rose around the 832 timestamp is the answer that came to me via my efforts/intent to connect with both my intuition and celestial spirit guides. I confess that your scarily accurate in a good way tarot reading sounds about right for in relation to a career money goal that I'm determined I intend to accomplish my higher self intuition is indirectly influencing me to refrain from sharing certain details even with the reference to summer and other structure removal reference being aligned with what my intuition is telling me though fortunately I have had more than expected encouragement and support from some people I know in both my personal life and luckily even my current professional life, I am happy to have followed my intuition to access this reading today.
Youtube of Need A Timeframe When How Much Longer Pick A Crystal To Find Out Pick A Card Reading via Ancient Star Queen Tarot from approximately a year ago andor longer approximately 15k views at the time of this writing Monday December 26 2022 by 541am
more sources I found inspirational, interesting to look at andor helpful andor informative to come
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Luck without his laurels and armor, i might make a post about his backstory soon :)))
btw he is my dnd character in a homebrew mythology based campaign :))
i made a new hastag for all the drawings i post related to this campaign (our tales of academo)
#digital art#dnd#dnd art#dnd oc#dnd character#dnd5e#dungeons and dragons#dungeons and drawings#our tales of academo
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Our dear Jenny💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖Hail Academos•Darling Jenny•2×15 #itourtatismamas #ητουρτατηςμαμας #τζενητουρτατηςμαμας https://www.instagram.com/p/CaEpoUzrpTp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hoxe chegaron as ventás. A ver se un día destes llelas poñen aos de primaria, que levan todo o curso sen elas. O que pasa é que agora van a sacar as de secundaria! Ademáis disto, á Xunta non lle chegou con recortar cinco, dez, ou quince profesores este verán en numerosos centros galegos, porque volve ao ataque coas ameazas directas de recortes! O dereito á educación e o dereito ao traballo son dereitos fundamentais, pero na educación pública, onde a maioría das traballadoras son mulleres, os recortes nos últimos dez anos foron constantes e sistemáticos, o que dificulta aínda máis que academos a igualdade mediante a participación das mulleres no mercado laboral, grazas ao acceso a un traballo decente. Falta persoal para atender aos nenos con máis dificultades, e persoal especialista, e isto, xunto co efecto da pandemia, está afectando negativamente a moitos nenos que terían que ter adquirido determinadas habilidades básicas este ano. Por non falar da cantidade de escolas que se están pechando, e da supresión de determinadas materias nalgúns centros. Para que escoiten ás mulleres e ás nenas, sería necesario incrementar a nosa presencia política, para que se tomen decisións e se fagan políticas que aborden as nosas necesidades. Temos dereito a traballar nun entorno pacífico, seguro e favorable, e a unha educación pública de calidade! ✂️✂️✂️ #AllSchoolsShouldBeArtSchools #Castroverde #ArteParaTodos #LearningForAll #RaiseYourHand #FundEducation #QualityEducationForAll #PovertyIsSexist #GirlsCount #WomenOfTheWorldTakeOver #covid19 ❤️🌈 🎨 (at Castroverde) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV3mYnErQxA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Context: a discussion over at the SubStack of my recent interlocutor Default Friend about the is-it-or-isn’t-it? semi-renascent reactionary arts scene. Above is a quote from the essay DF is responding to. According to the editor of the journal that published the essay, we would all take it more seriously if we knew the pseudonymous author’s real name—apparently a name we’d be familiar with.
I’m getting sick of these sudden intimations everywhere about how behind the scenes all the great ones have gone right-wing now, and it would curl your hair if you only knew who they were... If I, a semi-employed adjunct professor, can publish (admittedly liberal) critiques of compulsory pronoun sharing and land acknowledgements under my own name, then perhaps people whose names are better known (and bank accounts fuller) than mine can somehow seize their courage and say what they mean.
Anyway, Default asks if dissidents want a “right-wing” or an “anti-woke” arts scene to succeed contemporary hegemonic left-liberalism. Here I would like to recall what has historically been the position of Grand Hotel Abyss going back to the dawn of contemporary social justice in 2012, that what we need is apolitical art. Not apolitical in the sense of having no political implications—anything can have political implications—but because it has no predetermined message or motive, no compulsory drive toward moral didacticism or coherence-in-service-of-the-public-good or, God help us, a policy outcome.
But if the quote above from our pseudonymous reactionary—code name: Aeneas Tacitus Minor (sunt lacrimae rerum!)—is anything to go by, the new reactionary art will be be as moralistic and philistine as what it proposes to replace. You want non-progressive art? Find me a less progressive 20th-century major play than A Streetcar Named Desire. What is the social virtue of this play? What is the political message? Where is the positive LGBTQIA+ representation? Instead, it makes Othello look like Arthur Miller. You see in my lectures (here they are for our audiovisual Monday: part one, part two) how I soften it for the kids, but the meaning of the drama is the illicit pleasure in watching a fatal collision of masculine modern democracy with feminine archaic aristocracy, in watching Williams battle it out with himself, the sadomasochistic pleasure he takes in imagining his wailing, poetic anima raped, his ambitious animus doing the job, all on the rancid mattress of the postwar South. He is Blanche and Stanley, the violator and the violated. Is Williams both woman-obsessed and secretly misogynistic? Yes—a frequent phenomenon with male writers, whether straight, gay, or in-between—but these are neutral descriptions of the drama’s inner wellspring; their censorious use as moralistic terms of reproach, whether wielded by the neoreactionary or the social justice warrior, is irrelevant to the art.
Streetcar is apolitical art. He wrote freely and with a discipline of his own against the mind police who show up at the drama’s end, the ones who lobotomized his sister. Art back then could be more of a refuge from such enforcers. You could write that way when you weren’t expected to project public-health slogans on the proscenium; you could express and even resolve your complicated psychosexual tensions (we all have them) in huge public image-metaphor complexes—back before today’s enforcers, who have invaded art itself, the “mental health” awareness advocates and the academo-bureaucrats of theory and the cultish vigilante youth cadres they recruited online, who locked us all inside pronoun prisons and fake diagnostic labels and demanded adamantine identities and positive representations, rather than the high art of tragedy: beautiful Apollonian tableaux of terrifying Dionysian flux, whether we like it or not.
But if reactionaries who claim to want to liberate us from such hegemonic left-liberal stultifications are just going to fling words like “hysteric” and “neurotic” around, then as far as I’m concerned it’s another and sadly typical case of meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
#art#aesthetics#conservatism#the new conservatism#neoreaction#literary criticism#drama#tennessee williams
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