#Abusive sister anon
one-abuse-survivor · 2 years
hiii it’s anon with the abusive sister ! hope you’re having a nice day and doing okay ^,^
i survived the four days at my nan’s house, and thankfully my sister didn’t show up, but i also told my mum and my nan how much i’ve been affected by her abuse. i told them about my paranoia, my nightmares, anxiety over going to sleep, and about two of the triggers i knew they would understand (red cars and streets with only terraced houses on). it went pretty well, i think? i’ve been really tired ever since we left last week and my memories are a bit fuzzy thanks to the constant talking about my sister.
we go back down to my nan’s in september to look after her dog while she goes away with her friend for five days, but i’ll have lessons to do so i won’t be as ‘oo what if she’s there’ kinda thing. i’m still worried, since she’s still actively trying to ruin the lives of the people she’s abused (she’s trying to charge her ex, who’s like a brother to me, with stalking even though there’s proof he didn’t and she’s stalked him multiple times, scaring his daughter). i also have a website open on my phone for therapists, and there’s one that i’ve saved for when i finally ask my parents if i can go to therapy (which i think will be when we sell our car so we have some more money. another thing my sister did was make me money-conscious 24/7.) so uhh yeah ! i think i’m slowly recovering, like, very very very slowly, but progress is progress ! do you have any words of encouragement i can tell myself to keep reminding me that recovery isn’t easy but that i can do it? thank you so much :D
Hey again! Thank you :) I'm doing mostly okay, but life is really busy at the moment!
I'm glad talking to them about your trauma went well ❤️ it's normal to dissociate, be low on energy, and experience memory issues after opening up about your trauma, and I hope you were able to take things slowly for a few days afterwards and take care of yourself.
Hope September went well and she didn't show up! That's so horrible that she's tried so hard to hurt her ex :( I hope things turn out well for him and his daughter.
Ugh, being money-conscious because of abuse is horrible. I struggle with that too, but therapy has been so helpful that it's made it easier for me to believe I deserve it despite the cost. I really hope the same can become true for you as well.
Nonnie, I'm so, so proud of you for all the progress you've made. Recovery is a slow and complicated process, and it's completely normal to feel like you will never get to the other side. But so much of it will happen without you being consciously aware of it, and I promise there will be a day when you will look back and realise just how much calmer and in control of your life you feel.
Sending a big, big hug yor your way. I'm rooting for you! ❤️
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pixiecactus · 3 months
just read a comment that s*nsa is the odd one out in the family as a result of her not originally being a character but then grrm created her and she doesn’t have a connection with her siblings the same way arya does or robb or jon or bran. and i was about to argue but it was just a general analysis and ofc some fans took it as an insult. anyway the analysis was like that the siblings are kind of annoyed with her, to bran and rickon it’s like she acts as a mother imitating catelyn and imitating being an adult and more above and mature which then comes off annoying and immature. jon obvs barely mentions her and includes her “even s*nsa” so that explains their relationship, robb is immediately infuriated with the letter he gets from her saying “what’s wrong with the girl” expecting the “worst” from her. she can’t connect naturally and organic with people, she is constantly playing a role as if she is a maiden in a song, in a mask. which yeah she can be good at socializing but only performing it as a script in which she plays not that she is geniuine. Even with margaery and her cousins, it’s not like she is able to make true friends and be the life of the party and the social butterfly. It’s like she acts how they expect her to act and she just wants to be loved and liked by the others especially since in WF with her friends and mother and septa mordane she was adored, so now she seeks that but it’s not like she can organically connect. People do play the role of the nice lady in court and minding their courteousies but to an extent, not how s*nsa does it which she lives and her personality is playing this role and outwardly being seen as more mature and more adult and more above but actually inside she is very naive and childlike and it comes off not geniuine. even with sweetrobin she acts the mother/adult with her just as she did with bran and rickon and skmetimes arya but in her mind she despises him. even mya is better at connecting and talking with robb in an organic natural way, because she is just brusque and natural at it just how king robert is you know a natural at making enemies into friends and just socializing. even s*nsa says that arya is a natural at being friends with everyone. a lot of characters they do practice the courtesy but they are feeling characters with emotions and snapping and being real. s”nsa doesnt do that at all, her entire personality is just being this more adult mature maiden in a song but lacks an actual personality to connect with people and make friends. even with her siblings she isn’t as connected and i feel like only with arya she showed her true colors and that was pretty ugly. she is inept in socializing, she is just a people pleaser. and when you see it like that, plus how she is an unreliable narrator, she really can go helaena route and just snap and be mad and be a sociopath. which i really suspected too when you compile everything and make sense of her character. she def is a psycho or a sociopath. i can’t believe that we have her literally remember things differently and yet her fans really think she is the hope of the future. she started the book with being a traitor (no matter how small her role was) and she is so detached from her family and home that she will probably make some mistakes and betray some people and pay the price lol
first than anything i want to show you this post in my drafts anon:
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now let's get going with your ask: i do think that wanting to classify sansa as an outsider based on the fact that she was created as a last addition to the family, is a reach. but then again, this is the part of the fandom that thinks that jon and sansa, doing an activity such as breathing is romantic foreshadowing. i do think that her lack of connection to her siblings can be considered an oversight of grrm’s writing mixed with something else, i’d hope to explain this better below.
in my opinion, what sansa fans always ignore to consider is that sansa had her own friend group consisting of highborn ladies like her, arya didn’t. the book even tells us that beth cassel was closer in age to arya but she preferred sansa and jeyne’s company, based on shared interests between the three of them. if arya wanted to play or talk with someone else, (which of course she would want to, because she’s an active nine year old child) the only option she does have is going to her brothers.
now, when i write this, i’m mixing my own experiences with what i saw other people do as a child growing up in the same environment as them, but we used to treat siblings as something completely different than friends, as if they were two entities vastly different from each other. friends were of your own choosing, shared your own interests and on the other side you had your siblings/cousins which sometimes you had to endure their company even when you don’t get along with them most of the time due to "being family". so i do understand, sansa wanting to spend more time in the company of her friends than her brothers. but as i already pointed out, arya didn’t have that, her brothers were her friends too. and that’s when i think people that are reading the books, they can discern that for all the boys (robb, jon, bran and rickon) arya was obviously their favourite sister.
if we look in the grand scheme of things, the boys preferring arya as a sister, almost doesn’t mean anything, i wrote about this in the “black sheep” post i have in my drafts, let me paraphrase what i wrote there because i’m still unsure about posting it, but in adwd we see theon of all people, remembering about how sansa used to bully arya, calling her “horseface”. so with that piece of information, i can assume that the rest of the boys (i have some doubts about bran and rickon is just a baby) knew about sansa's shitty behavior towards her little sister, i mean, arya went crying to jon and asking him if she was a bastard like him after having heard sansa’s comments about it.
i have responded before to the question “why do you think sansa wouldn’t be as important as a sibling to jon as the rest of them?” with, “i don’t think sansa is gaining any sympathy points with jon, when he already knows she constantly bullies his favourite person in the world.” i, myself, think that this fact contributes to the rocky siblinghood between jon and sansa. coming back to point i wanted to make with this, is that the rest of the boys knew about how sansa treats arya, no one confronts her about it, no one treats the bully (who is hurting a member of her own family) different, they continue to treat her as sansa their sister, nothing more, nothing less, as if she wasn’t involved in any wrongdoing. the most we see is jon not giving a rat’s ass if he says goodbye to sansa, which is so telling to me about how jon feels about this sibling in particular and then later jon still not giving a rat’s ass about sansa being married to the imp (he thinks and remembers more about tyrion than his own half-sister). but still, they don’t cast her out, and we see this with arya and jon’s very own “even sansa” remark, that includes her in their longing to get reunited with their family again. so sansa was never in any way an outsider during the period she was living with the rest of her family in winterfell.
i want to start this next part with something i have wroten before: seriously, i don’t understand how stansas only like this character because they can use her as a self-insert, seems sansa's own personality is a nothingburger for them.
we are presented with the fact that arya is an extroverted character with an outgoing personality, we see her easily making friends with anyone and everyone. now, i don’t feel right saying that her older sister is exactly the contrary concept, but yeah, like you said, everything with sansa is playing a role, hiding under a mask, what i do see myself with her character is: "sansa is not kind, sansa is “performative courtesy” at it’s finest."
i had read a post about: "sansa representing “traditional femininity”, because femininity is a 24/7 performance", and i do agree with that sentiment, but i don’t think i’m the right person to talk about this, because even when i’m afab, and grew up in a mostly women environment in a conservative family (i went to a religious all girls school, like it can’t get worse than that for a trans boy) i never conformed to it and i never had the compulsory need to, even when i got bullied for it, it just made me wanting to go even further in the other direction as possible (and yeah, this started to make a lot more sense when i realized i was a trans dude)
what's funny to me is that i can relate to sansa in a way, i’m as socially inept as her, i do think it it can come from having a sheltered childhood and family that treats you like you were better than the rest and i have to admit we share that. it certainly feels that her friend group existed because it was what people expected from these young ladies. and yeah, i tend to agree that when people think of sansa’s character they think of this perfect lady who is simply sansa performing a facade. just doing what it's expected of her, without a second thought of why she's doing it. i think that sansa's mindless behavior is the perfect caricature of how women are expected to act in the highborn westerosi society, but what we get from her fans when they realize this fact, is praise for her, how she is behaving perfectly dutyful without taking action herself and dirtying her hands, how she even "suffers prettily"... like their are romanticizing this tragedy and saying this is the only correct way to behave, in which we see how bad even gender conforming women are treated in this world, it just doesn't make sense to me. a patriarchy, which it's what westeros is, fucks all women over, no matter if you're gender conforming or not, no matter how highborn you're or not. it's that so difficult to understand?
it's completely true that most of sansa fans don't like her canon personality. the other day i saw someone talking about how sansa's whole schtick is: "she's so kind that she touches another people and makes them kinder"... and i have some thoughts about this... first: what book are you reading? i don't think is asoiaf related, from what i remember the only kind action sansa made was plead for dontos hollard's life. and second: that's not true at all, i'm sure sansa touched joffrey multiple times in fact, it never made him any kinder. (fun fact about the creation of this sideblog, i tend to speak with my bestie daily and we have known each other since we were 7 year olds, and last year i started to obsess over arya and gendrya again, and i could tell that my hyperfixation with them has started to bore her over our conversations, i give her grace for it, she had to endure this same obsession coming from me when we were teens and after that i created this blog to release all these feelings and thoughts that had come back to me here. and the first time i started to talk about asoiaf again with my friend was me complaining about how awful sansa is and she remembered me talking about this same thing as a teen.) 
now what makes me dislike her character is how she is completely self-absorbed and seems to lack empathy for others, i can see that it stemmed from her being considered her parents's (mostly catelyn) golden child who couldn’t do no wrong, the thing is we are able to read sansa’s thoughts and even with jeyne, her best friend and fellow highborn lady, she is awful, thinking herself to be above her, thinking of jeyne as useless when said girl was crying and mourning her father. i’m not comfortable calling sansa a sociopath, but i do think that the character is a textbook definition of narcissistic personality disorder, with her inability to recognize the feelings and needs from other people, being critical of and looking down on people she feels are not important, being preoccupied with fantasies, high sense of self importance, having major problems with interacting with others and the list could go on.
this is my own speculation for the future, so nothing to take seriously, but i do think that sansa’s role will be to cause a succession crisis in the north alongside littlefinger, like… the girl’s mentors (cersei, you could argue the hound, if grrm doesn’t take the romantic route with him as one too and lastly littlefinger) are antagonistic characters and they don’t see how this could come up as sansa behaving antagonistic to the rest of her family later (which is a thing she had already done before)… but i see arya and bran coming together to support robb’s will and stand behind the decision of jon being legitimized as a stark.
and lastly, yes, i consider it completely idiocy that stansas fail to consider how book!jon would canonically react when he learns about the joffrey vs arya incident and how sansa behaved during that, and then later sansa said this about his favourite person, which put arya’s life at great risk:
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me. I’m good, ask Septa Mordane, she’ll tell you, I only want to be Joffrey’s loyal and loving wife.”  
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
can we get more locked tomb au?
"Okay." Ava's voice is loud in her head. "Bea, you need to get up now. Bea, you need to get up. Let me go, put me down. I'm not in there anymore and you know it. Get up."
Beatrice gets up. "Ava," she says, and it's ripped out of her throat like a curse, a blessing, a benediction. "Ava."
"Get my sword. Don't look at me, Bea, I'm not in there anymore. I'm here, okay? Pick up my sword. You've still got a job to do."
"I can't."
"You can. The hard part's already done. You ate me. Not exactly the way I'd hoped you would, but I'll take what I can get. Oh, Bea, don't cry. I know that wasn't my best joke, but I didn't think it was that bad."
Beatrice says, with some difficulty: “I cannot conceive of a universe without you in it.”
“Yes you can, it’s just less great and less hot,” Ava replies.
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aropride · 1 year
anons in my inbox like every single day when i was in high school: Actually this fictional character WASNT abusive because he was mentally ill so the stuff he did was fine and its ableist to call him abusive and not forgive him
me (16): ok 👍 i think thats kind of dangerous rhetoric to be spreading considering this fandom is made up of a lot of young teenagers who might be more vulnerable to abuse if they see it excused as being fine bc "hes mentally ill so he didnt mean it so its ok". well anyway i have to go do my geometry homework
me (16) (same day): dear diary hi from the nurses office i thought i was dying again but it turns out it was just another panic attack idk why im having those so often recently. anyway some pretty weird fucked up stuff happened today with my girlfriend as per usual haha but like it's fine. i mean it's not that bad like she's mentally ill so it's not like it's on purpose so it's not like abuse or anything haha. and if i said it was that'd be pretty fucked up and ableist of me. anyway i'm going to go work on the 40 page essay i'm writing for fun now
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entity56 · 24 days
Hey... are you okay?
Depends on who you're asking there are multiple of us
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tianshiisdead · 2 years
S+ tier, ultra OTP. idc if that rank isn't on the list. Oh man, how do I even start.
Short explanation here, long historic one under the readmore
I will preface this by saying it's a ship with a tumultuous history of imperialism and very real suffering, a perpetrator x victim ship, a 'dark' ship, etc. Keep that in mind as a general warning. I am personally rather confident in my ability to treat it carefully as a Chinese person and someone with a fairly solid background in early modern Chinese history, and I personally am rather laissez-faire with shipping, but YMMV
I think the main appeal to me really is the history. Like, it's my OTP that got me back into Hetalia like 2 years ago (and I met my darling gf thru it) so of course I love the ship as is and I love AUs, but the history hits all the points of tension and power imbalance and 'divorce' and crushed dreams that I love so much. I love both characters separately as well and I love how explosively they come together and fall apart. I think their personalities could fit surprisingly well in another world, another life, where they could have a quiet moment over tea and Wang Yao would appreciate Arthur's quiet grace and Arthur Wang Yao's pragmatism and beauty, but now and for the foreseeable future their interactions will always be tainted with smoke and pain and wars that Arthur doesn't even truly remember.
I do also love AUs btw I really do think they'd suit each other in another world, another time, without all the history hanging over them.
Rundown of relationship through the lens of chronological history: Fair warning, it's 1.5k words
Ok. Okokokok. So. Let's start from the beginning. I want to post this before bed so no references. Sorry if I get any history details wrong, it's been a second and this is all off the top of my head.
WARNINGS: abuse, drug use, nonconsent/assault, imperialism, the works. This is not a happy pair nor do they get a happy ending.
So initially, I imagine their first meeting to be the classic Macacartney Embassy of 1793, it's the classic (if rather orientalist) trope, Arthur marching in with the retinue after a year of exhausting travel, having finally reached the celestial kingdom, and Wang Yao there to greet him in resplendent deep blue robes. China was known in Europe through a variety of lenses, from the fascination with the exotic - Marco Polo's adventure to 'Cathay', Chinoiserie which had reached a fever pitch in the 1700s when China was both close and unknown - to the respect of philosophers for the faraway empire's imagined orderly way of rule. Arthur and his crew have been mistreated and pushed aside by official after official, but here they are now, and Arthur catches a glimpse of silky dark hair and frosty amber eyes and easy, effortless power and he's infatuated.
Wang Yao is, for his part, equally fascinated. Qianlong is wary despite his own fascination with European technology, Manchuria - will call him Erdeni - is even more wary, but Wang Yao's been screwing around the palace for a long time without much real political power outside the symbolic, and Arthur is a lovely surprise, finally he has a glimpse of those British who've been causing so much trouble in Canton! Arthur is a little rough around the edges, but certainly more refined than Wang Yao was expecting. His face lights up when he gets a moment with Wang Yao, he kisses Wang Yao's hand and tells him it's custom, Wang Yao allows it all with a sort of giddy amusement.
Their first meeting is like that, mutual fascination. Now, the British were already running something of a deficit and selling opium, however they were not the only ones at this point - the Dutch were the ones to introduce opium mixed with tobacco as recreational iirc, so although the dynasty had something of a problem they were trying and failing to deal with, it wasn't blamed on the British at this point. Qianlong is suspicious and a little tired, he knows he British have gunships (Macartney made sure to sail up on a big one) and he has to deal with stirrings of rebellion on top of Macartney's demands for more trade and land, Erdeni is horribly stressed, and Wang Yao is... kinda dreamy ngl! Likewise, Macartney leaves in an angry huff, but Arthur is just a little lovesick.
Now let's watch it fall apart! This part of the story is fairly straight forward, many issues happen in Canton including another failed embassy, the British East India Company losing their monopoly on Canton trade opening the shores up to private businesses both British and American, opium sales shoot up, rebellions shake the Qing, not helped by an aging Qianlong and a severely corrupt government willing to lie to his face, Arthur and Wang Yao are quite busy with their own affairs and only give each other a passing thought. Maybe there are letters, though, every once in a while, playful at the beginning but increasingly snippy as relations, what little there were, worsen. Their views of each other, developed within their own countries and politics, would likewise worsen.
By the time Arthur was invited to a debate in the British House of Commons discussing whether or not to declare war against China for all the chests of British opium dumped by Commissioner Lin into the sea, his view of Wang Yao was decidedly negative. Irritating, arrogant, backward, childish, and wholly unable to show any respect to his own, much less 'barbarians'. That pretty face is wasted, he thinks viciously, on a child tyrant in arrested development since before Rome, in desperate need of correction. On Wang Yao's part, he's starting to feel a bit of the rot, both the opium epidemic in its early stages and the rebellions that shook the latter part of Qianlong's reign leading to long decades of violence and famine, by the time the Daoguang emperor attempts ever more desperately to crack down on opium in the 1820s, both Wang Yao and Erdeni are nearly bedridden. In his periods of lucidity, Wang Yao curses his past self who giggled and allowed Arthur to kiss his hand.
So, then the wars start. Suffice to say, alongside war comes forced opium legalization, the taking of colonies (little Ka Lung, who's never known his older brother not surrounded by smoke and sickness, later on Weiwei, abandoned little coastal town left forgotten, Shanghai, Tianjin, etc) Arthur visits more, now.
Of course he does. Wang Yao can't say no.
He doesn't visit particularly often, however, despite personal interest, China has always been on the margins of British empire - only the China hands Truly cared about it, the central government did not. Arthur visits to oversee colonial development, visits imperial institutions the British had set up like the Imperial Maritimes Custom Service that control China's coast and later on postal system, etc. He drops by Wang Yao's place too, visits the bedridden fallen star living deep within the walls of a rotting imperial stronghold, does as he pleases because Wang Yao is barely awake enough to recognize him, anyways.
I won't go too deep into these few decades, just know they are excessively bleak. Rebellions come and go, Taiping and British involvement, Boxer rebellion sees Arthur marching in with a veritable army, Alfred, Ivan, Kiku, Ludwig, several others, Kiku jumps in headfirst and shakes hands with Arthur over Wang Yao's half-dead form, Arthur takes and takes and takes and when he's not taking he barely remembers Wang Yao is alive.
But Wang Yao... is alive. Alive, and responding to every desperate attempt by the emperor to reform and grow. Weihaiwei is a result of that, a coast where the Qing's first modern fleet were supposed to be docked, a child who was not a replacement for Ka Lung, but still an opportunity for Wang Yao to be better. Of course Weiwei gets taken away by Arthur in the end, but Wang Yao is far from finished.
I've let time get away from me, so lets quickly fast forward past the fall of the Qing and birth of the new republic, past ww1, when China sends workers to aid Britain and France, past May 4th 1919, all the way to 1922.
Wang Yao is a man reborn, Arthur is a man beaten down by an empire slipping away from him and a war that devastated his people and country on a never before seen scale. British imperialism in China has never been stronger, taking great economic concessions only to be bombarded with the ever-growing nationalism and anti-imperialism of the new Republic and then sending in the military to quell that. Arthur shows up periodically at this point, rolling his eyes at Wang Yao's arrogance and mourning the easy submission of the late 1800s - I've done Yao a disservice by allowing him to get these ridiculous thoughts of republic when he barely knows how to reason, he thinks, leaning pretty far right in his thinking due to all those personal emotions tangled in that he won't put a name to. Wang Yao though, Wang Yao only cares that he's above all that now, that Erdeni's dead by his own hand, that he's now Arthur's equal and WILL be treated as such. Wang Yao's also currently a little more preoccupied with, well, the constantly ramping up invasion on his shores, courtesy of Kiku.
Talking about that invasion, he certainly hasn't forgotten that Arthur had shaken hands with Kiku over his body and soul, splitting him up like a piece of meat. Arthur's relationship with Kiku has been deteriorating in the meanwhile, until, oh, Europe seems to be in some kind of war, and China's also at war with an ally of some of those Europeans, might as well formally declare an alliance!
1941. China is still riddled with colonies, colonial institutions, and concessions that would not start being returned until 1943-1999. The Republic of China joins the US, USSR, and Great Britain as the Four Powers. Wang Yao faces Arthur over tea and cookies, still bearing bruises from their last meeting (countries heal slowly when embroiled in civil war and invasion and chaos) and steels himself to talk strategy.
Nowadays? Arthur wouldn't be able to recall much about it all, Wang Yao rendered as just another pretty face in a long line of victims. Wang Yao still gets nightmares of opium haze and burning pain and Arthur's cheerful voice scolding him for taking on more than he can chew, and hides it behind a mask of nationalist fervour, lets it colour his vision so he will always remember what it feels like to be weak.
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
ok wait i just thought of this in the shower but junko x kiyos sister. they are the most toxic bitches and they deserve each other.
that scene where korekiyo's sister's ghost and monokuma sit side by side on the rooftop dreamily watching the sky after brutally executing both korekiyo and his ghost...thats ROMANCE
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theglizzardwizard · 2 months
I don't think you get where I'm coming from.
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one-abuse-survivor · 8 months
hi ! it’s the anon with the abusive sister, and i bring good news !! i really wanted to share it cause no one irl knows what my sister did to me, and i feel like i’ve made a huge step in getting better !
(first tho, thank you so much for the resources/advice about healthy coping skills !! i’ve bought a stuffed toy of a rabbit and a dog that i now sit with whenever i miss them/get triggered/generally need comfort. we’re thinking of adopting a dog next year when my dad is ready, so i’m looking forward to that ! i’m still a bit scared because i’m so used to dealing with an elderly dog—my dog was 14 when she died—and i don’t want to accidentally hurt a puppy (even tho i know i wont because i’m fine with other people’s pups). but i’m still excited !)
okey, good news time ! (sorry that this got so long ! i just had a lot to share and no one to share it with, so i hope you don’t mind)
one - i cut off my grandmother. she told my sister that the rabbit had died and used it as to excuse why we weren’t talking to her, and then she implied that the reason why my sister did what she did was because i was born and took attention away from her. the only way i could interpret that was ‘it’s all your fault and you shouldn’t have been born’ so i cut her off (though my main reason was secretly about the rabbit, because she had no right to do that and grieving made me 10x angrier). i haven’t spoken to her since january and it’s wonderful, but she did message me on her birthday to thank me for the card i wrote (my parents forced me to send it to save my mother from getting hateful texts) but my mother typed out a response for me because i was too anxious. since then, my mum cut her off too so things have been better. i have wobbled a few times thinking that i’m overreacting or being unfair, but it’s like, she’s abusive, she let my sister abuse us, and is generally just unpleasant to be around. why would i want to be around someone who implied that i deserved to be abused because i dared to be born?
two - my parents finally realised that i’m not exaggerating about my memories. they’re a bit upset, but it finally clicked that i really don’t remember much. they’re also taking my nightmares more seriously (not that they weren’t already) and that side of the family is very rarely talked about. it’s nice that it’s open in the household now, since they already knew about my anxiety but this is like a step up. (they also FINALLY listened to me about me possibly having adhd, but only because my mum might have it, but whatever). 
three - not fully abuse-related, but still kinda good. i have been saved from a possible relationship with a cheater and enforced one of my relationship boundaries ! there’s a guy i’ve been talking to for a few months (since around april?) and i thought that i might end up in a relationship with him. he was very flirty and honestly a bit of a smooth talker, and i embarrassingly fell for him because of that, yet he’s had a partner the entire time. i only found this out two days ago when he told me that she had blocked him and he didn’t know what to do. thankfully school starts up again in september, and because i’m in my final year before i go to uni, i have to practically get rid of my social life in order to study so i don’t have to talk to him. i don’t wanna talk to him about it, even though i should, because now my trust in him is gone and i won’t be able to have a friendship with him either. cheating is something my abuser did frequently to her partners and something she gaslight me over, saying stuff like ‘oh i never cheated you’re wrong why do you hate me etc’ even when we had proof in the form of a baby, so i have a very strict policy to not date cheaters/get caught up in an affair of any kind. i might be overreacting, but literally the day before i found about his partner he sent me a post on instagram that said ‘i love you <3’ and he’s frequently said it before, as well as stuff like ‘you’re so cute’ and ‘you’re so sweet’ with a bunch of other compliments i actually feel sick reading. i know it can be meant platonically, but he knows i use tone tags and some of the stuff he’s said before had a nigh-on sexual tone to it so i struggle to view it as platonic. but whatever ! it was my bad for not seeing the red flags, but i’ve seen them now, and i’m doing what is best for me.
it’s my abuser’s birthday in a few weeks, so i’m gonna take extra care of myself around that time just in case she tries to get back in contact, but i know the day is uncomfortable for me anyway so i have some plans in place for comfort and distraction.
i can do this ! i’m going to recover from what happened and deal with my mental health no matter what happens !
Hi again! I'm really sorry it took so long to reply ❤️
That's amazing that buying stuffed animals helped you! I'm really glad to have been able to help with my advice. And it's so exciting that you're going to have a puppy! I'm sure you'll be amazing with it! :3
I'm so glad to hear you cut out your grandmother, nonnie. She was abusive, and a abuse apologist and enabler, and you absolutely did the right thing. It's completely normal to doubt yourself and wonder if you're exaggerating after cutting out someone who was so hurtful to you, but the best thing you can do when you feel that way is just to keep going, because time really gives you the clarity that you need. And it can also help to (carefully) remind yourself of some of the stuff she did and said if you're worrying about exaggerating.
I'm really happy for you that your parents have also cut out your grandma and are taking your issues more seriously now, and are willing to have conversations about them with you. You deserve all their support while you navigate your nightmares and memory issues and possible adhd. I hope things have improved a little now that you've been able to talk about these issues openly and honestly ❤️
And woah, you really dodged a bullet with that guy! Ugh, what a crappy situation to be in. Good for you for cutting contact with him after seeing the red flags! I really get you about cheating—my own abuser dated a married man for years behind his wife's back and made it my responsibility to keep it a secret, so I absolutely, 100% get your reaction. And, for the record, you were not exaggerating.
And, lastly, that's so amazing that you planned ahead for your sister's birthday and prioritised taking care of yourself during that time of the year. You ought to be really proud of yourself for that. I'm proud of you! It's not easy to be gentle with oneself during trauma anniversaries and other difficult trauma times of the year. Go you ❤️
Best of luck with your last year of school! You've got this! 💪🏼
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babygirlgalitzine · 2 years
You want her to have it?
no lmao i said she should be told what it would mean for her to have a kid, but also told what an abortion would be like so that she can decide
i know that she has kat/sonia there to tell her what their experiences were like but they were slightly older than her. it’d be interesting to see if they introduce another character who went through similar to talk to lily and maybe that would help to make her decide either way considering that sonia and kat have similar (ish) stories in terms of not having the child with them but actually giving birth. maybe another character could’ve got pregnant at the same age or similar to lily and have had an abortion and they could tell her what their life is like now and how they got through that
basically, i just think she needs to be informed about the realities of everything by adults whether they’re in her life or not
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moechies · 10 months
tw dark content inct, infantilization, mental/physical abuse, weight mention, coercion, cutting, branding, nsfw but not really in detail, creampie mention, vv abusive
anon says..! naoya-nii who just keeps you like a pet.. not letting you dress urself , feeding you with a spoon , maybe even a bottle. He probably goes far as taking privileges like phones if you've been bad ,, ‘
naoya nii who never had to make your guys relationship dynamic clear. you were just such a good girl, and you would never go out of your way to deny or question your nii chan. well, after you tried to the first time. though sometimes he frustrated you, or confused you, it seemed that his light kisses to your tears and the way he soothes over your bruises made it all go away. ♡︎
first, you were never allowed to dress yourself. looking into your own closet earned you a slap on the wrists, and going as far as to trying on the clothes earned you a spanking. the first time you tried, it caused naoya nii to stay angry at you for days, offended that you thought he wasn’t taking care of you enough.
never ask him to wear somethin different. the last time you decided to ask to wear something less revealing, you were left lonely and cold in the room below his feet, bruises and cuts over the soft of your skin, with your cheeks red and burning.
naoya loved to dress you up in the prettiest, most expensive pieces. the pieces hugged around the curve of your body perfectly, flattering you in the best way. which isn't surprising, as he takes your measurements everyday in the morning when he changed you. his comments on your body always made you feel fuzzy, no matter what he said, 'need ta cut down on the sweets, ya gained some weight. i'll notice the servant.' 'yer tits are fatter, you sore?' the pieces were strangely small though, always showing an embarrassing amount of cleavage or ass that you didn’t really want to expose to naoya. however, it’s nothing he hasn’t seen right?
secondly, naoya-nii always feeds you. his job was handy, and allowed him to stay home with her precious sister, giving him all the time in the world to take care of you. naoya nii was always so patient and sweet, taking his time to bribe you when you were made to eat something you weren't so fond of. if you were upset and refusing the spoons of food, he would stick the entirety of his thumb into your mouth and gently place the food on the flat of your tongue! he never wanted you to be hungry!
however when you had mustered up the courage to ask to feed yourself, to your surprise he glanced up at you with a smile on his face and an enthusiastic 'yeah.' before the spoon had reached your opening, a subconcious slap comes down on your face and the spoon, knocking it over on the ground. naoya nii smashed the bowl of food he had held onto on the ground as well, breaking the bowl, leaving you there to cry on a stool whilst holding your cheek until you came running to him and yelling out apologies.
and last, your punishments <3 naoya nii was really the worst with punishments. he was the meanest, and never let you go regardless of the tears, and how his ears rung from your pained screams. over the years, he decided that the best ways to tame you were to hit you, and to fuck you.
naoya nii's abuse was never gentle. the paddles that came down on your back and down to your thighs always left you in shambles, leaving your mind empty with naoya nii in thought. the paddles caused cuts across your skin, eyeing down the beading blood that came from his hitting. and though it wasn't often, at times he would use an actual blade to teach you a lesson. whether it be carving degrading words onto your tits and thighs, or carving his name onto the fat of your ass and branding you!
and finally, naoya nii loved to have sex with you <3 though naoya never took his time to prep you that well, he always made sure it felt good. well, good enough. he loves to have you on your hands and knees, spreading your previously branded ass, listening to your sweet cries of his name. your slick dripped from your cunt, practically asking for nii nii to use you! :( he always made out with your slicked up cunt, which was the furthest that foreplay went to in terms of sex. after cumming in you, instead of watching it spill out and going to waste, he plugged you up with the prettiest of plugs, and tucked you into bed. however, you’re never allowed to cum. :( naoya nii just never allowed you to; after all, little girls don't do that. ♡︎
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bitchimasnake-sss · 3 months
simple agreements ft. roronoa zoro!
anon asked "secret relationship w/ zoro". hope you enjoy your meal<3
set-up: you and zoro have only one thing in common: you loathe each-other. well, no, not really. another thing you have in common is how perfectly you ruin each other. his calloused hands mold you into his little plaything and your wicked moans are his demise. good luck fucking around my dude👍 [note that this drabble is set before the reader and zoro start dating!!] warnings: sex, so much sex. nsfw thoughts include blowjob, cunnilingus, shower sex, fingering, exhibition kink (slightly), creampie, lots and lots of porn logic too because why not buddy?
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💚 there was nobody on this ship that you loathed more than the first mate. his cocky ass, his tendencies to think he was better than you and his massive dick ego. didn't help that your older brother sanji hated him too. but that's the exact reason why this felt so right. his weight was heavy against yours, his hand on your mouth to drown down any moans and sighs that fell past your pretty lips and his shy grunts against the shell of your ears. the swordsman pressed his chest to yours, trapping you between his towering figure and the wall of your shower. water droplets cascaded down his sculpted back, making their way over the ridges and scars as his dick abused your cunt. a harsh roll of his hips and his abs glided deliciously against your clit, making you shudder in pure, unfiltered ecstasy. "zo-zoro ngh fuc-" your muffled moans got trapped between his calloused palms and the sound of the shower running. it was all so lewd, so unbecoming of you.
the way his hand came off your mouth, trailing downwards your soaked body to support your hips. the way his mouth was on yours, chapped lips drinking up any wayward whimper you offered. the way you tipped your head upwards and he sunk his teeth against your collarbone, a mark to be kept hidden from the rest of the crew. "fu-uck, shi-" he snuck in a grunt. his pelvis smacked against yours and you caught your lips between your teeth to hold back the pornographic moans. he let out a airy chuckle, leveraging his abs to tease your pulsating clit with every hard back and forth of his cock against your throbbing cunt. his face dropped down into the crook of your neck, hot air hitting your cold skin in desperate pangs. with every shuddered hit of his cock, you found the coil in your gut tightening. with every tease against your puffy clit, you found your eyes rolling backwards and your pussy clenching automatically against the thick girth you were currently being split on. "zo-Ro- hah fucK FU-" your voice climbed up octaves and he found his needy lips against yours again, a silent request to keep quiet. his pace grew desperate, cock sliding in and out of you mindlessly. like goddamn animals in heat. with a particular sharp bite to your bottom lip, your vision went white. and he pulled out just to finish on your inner thighs, the white so beautiful against your skin. "fuck, zoro." you panted, breathless as you slumped against his broad chest. your cheek nestled against the scar that ran on his torso and he supported your figure through the jitters of his own aftershocks. after moments had passed in bliss, he finally lowered you downwards to the ground. you balanced your weight against the wet, tiled wall. zoro dropped his face forward, letting it nestle into the crook of your neck before whispering, "i forget just how much i love that fucking pussy." "how can you forget when we do this practically every third day?" you hummed, teasing, "but yeah, dick's not half bad." he raised his head upwards, lips curled into an amused smirk, "you should shower. i'm gonna leave before that shitty cook comes looking out for you and catches me fuckin' his baby sister." you pinched the taut skin of his bicep, throwing him a nasty look, "don't talk smack about sanji, asshole." but he just shrugged and walked away. before walking out, he looked back at you, giving you a rehearsed look, "my room tonight. after everyone's fallen asleep, yeah?"
💚well, you and zoro weren't an item. or friends with benefits. atleast that's what you had convinced yourself because godfuckingdammit he fucked good, but he was such a headache. he would always find ways to annoy you, to push your buttons, to raise your hackles. but both you and the mosshead had reduced it to only one simple equation: you guys fucked when you were horny and went back to the normal after that. simple as that. except nobody knew. so, you were just sneaking behind everyone's back. sometimes, when you were on your way to shower, zoro sneaked in, fucked you against those walls and left you to your own devices once he had seen the milky white against your skin. other times you were sprawled on his bed, choking down on moans as his nose teased your clit and his tongue dove into your wet folds, pulling out orgasms out of your convulsing body. one time, the crew was out to explore the town, and you sneaked in on him, waking him up with the feel of your mouth on his dick. as i said: simple equation of giving and taking, limited to closed doors and sleepless nights. it was not more than that.
💚but now the swordsman was crossing that line, trying to take you all for himself in front of everyone. you had docked next to a barren beach island, and it was your captain's idea that you should all have a campfire. the entire crew was huddled next to the fire, lounging on sunbathing chairs (robin's favorites) that they had brought down from the deck. despite your brother's loud protests, nami had dared you to sit on zoro's lap on of the chairs after playing an impromptu game of truth or dare. she claimed "it would be hilarious." but you knew that she knew that you were both fucking around. and naturally, she just wanted to make you and zoro squirm. eitherways, nami had persisted and zoro had given in after much tight-lipped remarks. you gave him a sorry smile as you dropped your body weight on him. your plush thighs were set aside on one side as you were perched on the swordman's lap. but his hands found your hips, his touch so familiar yet distant, and he re-adjusted you such that you were now straddling him. thighs on either side of him, you leaned back onto him. and you could feel the light thump of his heartbeat light pangs of air across the back of your neck. as seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours, you found your body growing hot. found your hips shifting on their own, trying to tease, to coax out any fucking reaction out of him. but, behind you zoro had closed his eyes, the soft rise and fall of his chest so achingly familiar. and now, you were stuck with a animalistic feeling churning in your core, ready to be satisfied by his thick fingers. after much squirming and practically no reaction from him (other than a half-hearted erection poking against your wet slit), you huffed in defeat and focused on the crew. your eyes swept over the scene in front of you; robin and franky talked among themselves over something. brook sung as luffy, chopper and ussop put on a dance performance. nami was helping sanji cook something on the grill. but none of it was good enough to take your mind off your weeping cunt, the slick dripping out and latching onto the cotton underwear as a desperate cry for relief. you pressed your hot core against his clothed tent and pressed down. a silent plea. do something, please. but ofcourse, zoro, ever the (not) gentleman just groaned lowly, not even bothering to crack open an eye to see your crumbling state. and you had to take matters in your own hands.
💚you had given them all a half-hearted excuse, telling them "i'm not feeling the best, i think im gonna go lay down." just to sneak into your room and buck your hips wildly against your own palm, trying to feel something. your gate was pushed back and you quickly pulled your hand out of your shorts, acting as if you were asleep. "quit actin'." the swordsman quipped up, amused, "i know you're not sick. what? hiding away from the crew to come fuck yourself? that's a bit desperate, isn't it?" "i wouldn't have been this desperate had you not been so unresponsive." "oh?" he raised an eyebrow, his larger hands grabbing you by your wrists and taking you outside, "come on then." "wha-t? zoro?" you tried to ask but he brought you out to the deck instead. he pressed your front against the railings, making you peer down at your crewmates instead. it was well into the night and on a moonless night as the one today, you are zoro were practically hidden in plain sight. the crew was unassuming, they were dancing and singing and you found sanji looking upwards at the ship every now and then, possibly wondering about you. "zoro?" you whispered again but he pressed his back to you, forcing your skin to touch the cold metal. he kissed away at the goosebumps that painted your skin, his hands trailing down to cup your ass and squeeze it. his breath was hot on your shoulder, "i'm sorry," he mumbled in mock distress, "did i ignore you too much?" bringing his hand to your front, he slipped it past the waistband of your shorts. feeling the wet patch on the fabric, you found his lips curled into a feral grin against your skin, "ah? so fuckin' wet already?" "pl-please," your words had lost all resolve, dissolving into the cold night air. he pressed an open mouthed kiss on your shoulder, travelling up to your neck as his index finger pressed down on your clit, "please what?" "—please fuck me" "awh, so fucking desperate." he cooed in your ear as his hands pulled down your shorts and panties down in one swift go. the night air was too rough on your exposed, sensitive pussy. zoro pressed his hand over your core, "not so soon, let's have some fun, yeah?"
💚"nghh- fucK fuck fuck" you bit down on your lip, eyes glistening with unresolved tears as his fingers pumped in and out of you. his other hand was teasing your clit, abusing the bundle of nerves to deliver your third orgasm. your body jerked, shivered, burned under his touch. and you spoke hoarsely, "zo-zoro stop, stop please." he licked a clean stripe up your neck, nibbling on the lobe of your ear, "why would i do that?" "they're gonna- he-hear me —ngh shit." your knees bucked as he pushed his fingers in and out of you faster. your eyes fluttered shut, mouth agape and chest heaving, "i-i'm gonna cum, i can't." "come on, one more." he huffed as your walls spasmed around his digits and you came undone on him once more with a silent cry lodged in your throat. you slumped forward, forehead glistening with sweat and words barely a coherent audio. and then, sanji looked up again, straight at you somehow, "HEY!" he yelled from below, "YOU OKAY? FEELING ANY BETTER?" your eyes widened at the possibility of your brother seeing you get ruined at the hands of his crewmate but when sanji gave you a genuine smile and yelled up, "SHOULD I COME UP AND LOOK AFTER YOU?", you realized he must not have been able to see zoro behind you. zoro who ran his palm up and down your body till he saw fit. zoro who had apparently caught onto the fact that sanji can't see him. zoro who was dragging his cock against your quivering cunt as gathering your sweet juices at his tip. your breath got caught in your throat and any words you wanted to say to sanji got locked there. but zoro egged you on from behind, cooing softly, "answer him." his tip teased your overstimulated pussy, "if he comes up, he's gonna see you get fucked like my personal fucking slut." that made your voice return to your tongue. "NO! DON'T COME UP!" you yelled back at sanji, voice weak and worn out, "I'M O-" and zoro decided it was a great time to sink his cock into your velvety hole, "OH- OKAY! I'M OKAY." sanji looked up at you skeptical and so did the whole crew. you gave them a smile (which wouldn't have been visible in the night anyways) and yelled back, "YOU GUYS ENJOY OKAY? I AM JUST GON-ah ah- GONNA OBSERVE FROM ABOVE! KIN-DA TIRED IS ALL!" all while zoro dragged his hungry cock into you, pounding into you at an animalistic pace. it's a miracle that the crew went back to what they were doing although sanji casted dubious looks on your wrecked figure every once in a while.
"zo-zoro" you whispered slowly, once you were sure they weren't looking at you, "don't, they're gon' they're gonna see." but the idea of getting caught, the idea of the entire crew seeing just how well you took his dick made him go insane. it made him move faster, harder, almost in a way that had you crying out for any god to get salvation. his hands dug into the flesh of your hips, "let them see, hah— i wanna show everyone what i've done to their pretty, little girl. turned her into a fucking whore— fuck, my whore." and he fucked into your spasming walls harder. you came undone on his cock, your throbbing core clenching and squeezing down on him till he lost sight of himself. his breath grew ragged, hands dug harder into your flesh as if to seer himself there, his thrusts became more and more erratic till he found himself spilling inside your abused hole. zoro stumbled forward, slumping against your back. his dick still stuffed inside of you, his hot fluid still trapped inside you. "hah-shit." the swordsman panted and you breathed hard along with him, finding some comfort in the way your rapid breaths aligned. he pulled out of you and zoro moaned quietly at the view of your pussy fluttering around nothing as the milky fluid travel down your thighs. he whispered, so low you could barely hear him, "you're so fuckin' gorgeous, fuck." and then, he found himself picking you up in his arm and taking you to the bathroom. you looked up at the swordsman and drunk in his features. the sweat beads cascading down his neck, his reddened bottom lip (possibly from stopping himself to make sounds) and his furrowed brows as he looked down at you. he asked, "what?" "nothing." you shook your head. a grin made it's way onto his face, a devious idea brewing in his head, "what do you say, round two in the shower?"
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a/n: oh my, i woke up and wrote smut first thing in the morning, how wonderful :); [the plain divider by @viixcyre and flower one by @plutism]
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kirain · 3 months
Sigh....Galemancers really love to move the goal post when it comes to the grooming accusations huh? You found out Gale was a fully grown MAN when Mystra slept with him so now you have to say, "Well then he was emotionally groomed and the power dynamic is too vast." Mystra is a neutral good goddess because she's Midnight, who was a neutral good human. She hates that her magic has to be used for good and evil. Ao makes her share it evenly but she'd rather not. She would never do anything to hurt Gale. The writers of the game even confirmed she's not a groomer. People like you also downplay the point of Gale's entire story arc, which is he should've listened to Mystra! The whole point of his personal quest is he needs to learn to humble himself and listen to his goddess! He has no one to blame for his downfall but himself.
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There's no "post" to move, anon. The game and lore give us all the context we need. Grooming doesn't only apply to children, and people have proven right and left that Mystra is terrible at relationships. She's petty and abusive when she isn't obeyed by her partners, and that's been the case with all of her iterations. Even the narrator describes her as a "jealous goddess" when you visit her shrine. Plus, your information is wrong on many accounts; the most pertinent being that the Mystra of BG3/5E isn't technically Midnight. Cyric and Shar killed her, reducing her to her godly essence (lore-wise that means she died). The current Mystra is an amalgamation of the vestiges of Mystryl, Mystra, and Midnight, as told in the novel Elminster Enraged.
Now, this is about to get complicated, as it always does with Mystra, so from here on out I'll be referring to Mystra #1 as Mystryl, Mystra #2 as Mystra #2, Mystra #3 as Midnight, and Mystra #4 as 5E Mystra. Alright, let's get started.
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Elminster had to reform the fallen goddess by giving her fragments of all three iterations of Mystra. Since all three iterations are combined, our current 5E Mystra embodies the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. There's even a conversation with The Simbul (one of the Seven Sisters and a Chosen of Mystra) where the newly reformed 5E Mystra speaks of Elminster as her "longest lover". This puzzles The Simbul because that was something of the old Mystra (Mystra #2), not Midnight. The new 5E Mystra replies that she has become a combination of the memories of Mystryl, Mystra #2, and Midnight. This is all in chapter 25-30 of Elminster Enraged. I know it's confusing, but in short: 5E Mystra is not Midnight anymore, and the leading mind is clearly that of Mystra #2, hence her extremely poor judgement—a recurring theme with her character.
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Mystryl and Mystra #2 were originally lawful neutral. The alignment changed to neutral good when Midnight took up the mantle, because Midnight herself was a neutral good person. But now it seems 5E Mystra is true neutral, because you are right, anon; Ao won't allow her to do whatever she wants. Midnight tried and was forbidden. 5E Mystra absolutely does not have the same level of humanity or kindness as Midnight, and that may be because Mystryl had no human consciousness and Mystra #2 was a mess.
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Regardless of her alignment, she must embody her domain by Ao's decree, which means she needs to spread magic across all Realmspace. Since she has to maintain the balance, she approaches good, neutral, and evil mages with potential opportunities. This isn't a criticism (that's just how godhood works), but rather proof that Mystra is absolutely capable of good and bad. I don't want to hear any more of this "she's a precious little bean and Gale's victim" nonsense. Even if she wants to be, she's not. As Kikitakite said in their post, she's done some fucked up things.
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Whether or not the writers intended to make Mystra a groomer, that's exactly what they did. Sometimes writers don't realise they've written an abusive character until they're criticised. Take writer of The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks, for example. He didn't realise he'd written Noah to be an abusive piece of shit until Ryan Gosling pointed it out himself. Gosling has gone on record many times to say he hates Noah, and experts have labeled him an unrealistic and emotionally abusive/manipulative character. The same can be said for Stephenie Meyer, who wrote some of the most celebrated toxic relationships in recent media—with a dash of borderline pedophilia on the side. Therapists have weighed in extensively to tell people that Bella and Edward's relationship isn't healthy and shouldn't be emulated in real life. Indeed, perhaps the best thing to come out of the entire franchise is Robert Pattinson's hatred of Edward and the series as a whole. Jacob's actor, Taylor Lautner, even argued with Meyer's on set because of how weird the "imprinting" segment was and he didn't want to come off as predatory. Meyer argued it was "romantic". 😕
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Even if you don't agree Gale was groomed, Mystra is flagrantly responsible for his insecurities and she never should've put her hands on him. The power dynamic is too vast, and even god Gale (conceited as he is) realises it by the end. He only stays in a relationship with Tav if they allow him to ascend them alongside him as his equal. He recognises that anything else would be unhealthy and unacceptable. Also, I researched high and low regarding your claim, but none of the devs have dispelled the idea that Mystra is a groomer. In fact, the most I could find was one dev simply saying, "To Gale it was love, but he didn't know any better." If anything, that only confirms he was confused and didn't know what to do. Their "relationship" was a stunningly horrible idea from the start and that's not on Gale, it's on the literal cosmic being who initiated it.
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Moreover, Gale was very likely 17 when Mystra revealed herself to him. This perfectly fits into the 5E Forgotten Realms timeline. If so, no, he absolutely wasn't a grown man. He was a teenager. Mystra may not have slept with him until he was in his 20's, but that still makes it a disgusting teacher-turned-lover situation. Gale even tells us he was "young" when she took him into her fold, and he was only eight years old when Elminster started their lessons. Remember, Elminster is Mystra's biggest apologist. He would've taught Gale to revere her, which means there was almost never a point in his life when Mystra wasn't the main focus. You can tell by the way he speaks about her in Act 1. He's in awe, he's excited, he's proud she chose him. That does something to a child. Something irreversible. If anything, Elminster is complicit in what happened. I've said this before, but he couldn't even be bothered to visit Gale himself. He sent a simulacrum.
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As for your accusation that I'm "downplaying" Gale's story arc—you're damn right I am, because the writers made me! Most D&D players I know aren't very happy with how Mystra is portrayed in the game, and that's probably because even they know she isn't presented in a very flattering light. If you really think about it, it's obvious what the writers were going for, but they failed. For example, you said Gale should've listened to Mystra, right? Well, in Act 1 he admits his ambition was his undoing, blames himself for his downfall, and by Act 2 he's literally ready to off himself for her. In fact, he's the only one who sees her ultimatum as justified. Every other companion says she's being cruel and unreasonable. If Gale actually blows himself up at the end of Act 2, the results are catastrophic. The brain is destroyed, yes, but the tadpoles, free of the Absolute's control, complete their transformation and infect/enslave the entire Sword Coast. Anon. She. Is. Stupid. Even the Narrator is like, "You wanna ... you wanna try that again?"
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The entirety of Act 2 is Gale learning he shouldn't listen to Mystra. And then she has the audacity to lecture him in Act 3? If he'd listened, it would've been the end of everything. Maybe if Mystra was as infallible as she pretends to be, she would've put her three brains together and came up with a better, less vindictive plan. Because make no mistake, she wanted Gale to blow up in Act 2, which is ridiculous. I know this is an uncomfortable topic for some people, but gods aren't perfect, especially in fiction. They're flawed. They're selfish. Some of them are straight up assholes. The real irony of Gale's arc isn't that he has no one to blame but himself, it's that Mystra should blame herself. At no point does she even consider if she's being unreasonable or unfair. There's no self reflection whatsoever. And the writers expect me to think Gale's full of himself? I wonder where he got it.
Probably from his teacher. ✋🎤
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orchidniins · 4 months
Hidden | George Clarke
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Summary: George dating ArthurTV's sister Pairing: GeorgeClarkey x f!Reader Warning: Fluff, Smut Word count: 2.7k+ A/N: Just a cute little smutty fic for the weekend. Thanks for the request anon! I hope you enjoy it!
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“George-”, you whine, pleasure coursing through your body.
He’s got you propped up on the kitchen counter, breath hitching as his fingers work their magic between your legs. His fingers plunge into you, abusing your cunt with two fingers while his thumb brushes against your clit in rough circles.
Your clothes had long been discarded, leaving you only in your bra. The cool kitchen air brushes against your exposed skin, heightening every sensation. George's mouth feels hot against the swell of your breasts, his lips and tongue kissing and nipping at the soft skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
"Fuck," you gasp, "we shouldn’t be doing this here."
George chuckles, his breath warm against your skin. "What? I'm just returning the favor from last night," he teases, his voice calm, a stark contrast to how shaky your breath is.
He pulls his fingers out, moving them across your wet folds in slow, deliberate circles, teasing you, making your hips buck towards him in desperate need and you can feel him smirk against your skin.
When his fingers slide back into your tight cunt, you let out a sharp whine, feeling his fingers curl inside you. Your climax inches closer, your body arching towards him. Your nails dig into his broad shoulders as he quickens his pace, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
"God, George," you cry out, your moans bouncing off the walls, filling the room. Your orgasm crashes down on you, your heart beating erratically as you let out a strained cry, spilling all over his fingers. The intensity of the moment leaves you breathless, clinging to him as your body shudders with pleasure.
Eight months ago, when you decided to move from Jersey to England for work, the last thing you expected was to get fingered by your brother’s best friend in his own kitchen.
As your explosive high settles, your breathing levels out, and your eyes start to refocus. Just in time to see George bringing his glistening fingers to his lips, licking them clean of your juices. The sight sends a shiver down your spine.
He leans in, engulfing your lips in a hungry kiss, the taste of you still lingering on his tongue. Your hands dive into his soft brown hair, pulling and tugging, eliciting a low groan from him. 
You pull off his shirt, your fingers trailing down his chiseled chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin. Your hands finally settle over the hard bulge under his sweatpants, your fingertips slightly grazing over his hardness.
“Fuck,” he whispers under his breath, his voice thick with desire. You dig your fingers into the waistband of his pants, sliding them down along with his boxers, freeing his hard cock. It springs out, thick and ready, the sight of it making your mouth water. His hands dig into your thighs, and by the look in his eyes you know he isn’t done with you and you didn't want him to be either, even though the thought of getting caught was still floating in the back of your mind.
His cock twitches as your hand wraps around it, feeling the heat and the veins running along its length. You stroke him slowly, savoring the way he groans and his hips jerk in response. 
He reaches behind you to unclasp your bra, his mouth immediately attaching to your breast, teasing your nipple with his tongue, swirling around the sensitive peak before sucking it into his mouth. The sensation sends jolts of pleasure through your body, making you arch into him.
“George,” you whine, not caring how desperate you sound.
“Yes, darling?” His voice is taunting, pretending like he doesn’t know exactly what you’re going to ask. His hands brush against your thighs, inching closer to where you need him most.
“Use your words, baby,” he says, his hand moving to your inner thighs, spreading them gently.
“Fuck me, please,” you beg.
George hums, pleased with your words, covering your lips in a hot, passionate kiss, before he pulls away briefly. He quickly runs to his bedroom and returns with a condom. He gives his cock a few good pumps before rolling the condom on, and you watch him intently, your eyes raking over his toned body.
He lines himself up with your entrance, giving you one swift kiss before he pushes in. His cock deliciously stretches you out, knocking the wind out of your lungs as he sinks balls-deep into you. 
You let out a breathy moan, your nails digging into the firm skin of his biceps, trying to steady yourself. You can feel the tension in his muscles, the raw strength beneath your fingertips, making you ache for more of him. He groans at the sensation, the sound vibrating through his chest.
"You feel so good, Y/N" George murmurs against your skin, his breath tickling you. He thrusts into you with a rough, steady pace, filling you to the brim each time, causing your body to shake.
“You take me in so well,” he groans, his pace relentless.
“Fuck, George,” you moan, your eyes closing as your head falls back in pleasure. Your thoughts are muddled by the intense, overwhelming sensation of his cock. 
George tangles his hand into your hair, giving it a slight but firm tug. "Look at me," he commands. You obey, your eyes flying open to meet his intense gaze. The intensity of his gaze makes your heart race even faster. Making each thrust feel even more intense than before.
Just then, your phone rings, your head whipping in the direction of the sound, bringing you back to your senses. 
“George, okay, we really shouldn’t be doing this here.”, you manage to strain out. “What if Arthur catches us?” Your mind is fogged with pleasure, your cunt stretched around his cock.
He looks at you, eyes dark with desire. “Please don’t talk about your brother when I’m seven inches deep in you, darling,” he groans into your ear.
You can’t help but giggle. “Seven inches, Georgie?” you tease. 
He smirks. “You’ll be the death of me Y/N.” he says, shaking his head. Before you can respond, he silences you with a deep, intense kiss. His lips crash against yours, leaving you breathless.
He roughly grabs your waist, pulling you impossibly closer, burying his face in your neck. 
Leaning into your body, he groans and whispers obscene things into your ear, “Shit, Y/N, you look so pretty, darling, wrapped around my cock.” 
His thrusts are relentless, losing himself in the sensation of your walls clenching tightly around him. 
His warm breath against your ear edges you on, your orgasm approaching faster than before. George continues to fuck you senseless, each groan and whimper from him rippling through your body.
“George, I’m close,” you manage to choke out, the feeling of his cock thrusting into you becoming too overwhelming to bear.
George feels his own climax building, knowing he won’t last much longer inside you. His thrusts grow faster and sloppier, pushing you closer to your peak. “Cum all over my cock, darling. Let me hear you scream my name.”
“Fuck, George!” you cry out, fingers digging into his back, your body arching against him as waves of pleasure crash over you. Your legs shake as you reach your second orgasm of the evening, spilling all over his cock.
His nails dig into the flesh of your hips as he moans out, his thrusts slowing as he cums into the condom.
George gently pulls out of you, your body feeling limp as you lean on him for support. 
As you catch your breath, you feel soft kisses being peppered on your collarbone and the side of your neck, stopping by your ear. “You feeling okay? Can you stand up?” he asks, his tone soft and caring, a stark contrast to before.
You murmur a soft “Yes” and push yourself off the counter, your legs landing on the cold floor. George wraps an arm around your waist to steady you.
The two of you quickly clean up and put your clothes back on. As you begin to make your way out of the kitchen, you sense George's presence lingering behind you. Before you can take another step, his hand wraps around your arm, halting your movements.
“Not so fast,” he murmurs, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down your spine. With a deft motion, he spins you around, pulling you back towards him with a firm yet gentle touch.
“C’mere.” George whispers, his lips barely grazing yours as he draws you close. The kiss that follows is soft and tender, completely different from your earlier exchange. You surrender to the sweetness of his touch, feeling the warmth of his lips against yours, his hand cradling your cheek with a tender touch.
Suddenly, the sound of the door opening makes you both freeze. The two of you quickly separate. George darts to the couch, pretending to scroll through his phone, while you busy yourself with the contents of the fridge, trying to appear nonchalant despite the racing of your heart.
Arthur walks in, kicking off his shoes. He walks over to you in the kitchen and gives you a hug and says. “Sorry if I kept you waiting for too long. Shoot ran longer than I thought. Have you been here long?” 
You offer a reassuring smile, “No, no, it’s fine. I only got here like 20 minutes ago,” you try to lie to the best of your ability.
Arthur nods, his gaze shifting to George, "George been keeping you company?" he asks with a slight smile.
You shoot a quick glance at George, before replying, “Yeah, he’s been tolerable,” you say with a laugh.
Arthur chuckles, his smile widening, “Good,” he remarks, "I’m gonna get changed really quick, then we’ll head out."
As Arthur disappears into his room, you exhale softly, feeling the tension ease from your shoulders. You exchange another quick glance with George, who winks back at you. You roll your eyes, choosing to just ignore him, and head into the bathroom to fix yourself up.
You didn’t even realize when or how you and George got to this stage—hiding your relationship from your brother, sneaking around behind Arthur’s back.
You had first met him the day you arrived in London, and Arthur had graciously offered you a place to stay until you found your own. He had picked you up from the airport, and as you arrived at his apartment, it was George who opened the door to their apartment.
You had seen him countless times in Arthur’s videos and thought he was funny, charming, and undeniably good-looking. But seeing him in person was different entirely.
He was handsome in every sense of the word—tall, with a toned body, broad shoulders, captivating blue eyes, and a smile that was the best thing you had ever seen.
Arthur often invited you to events with his friends, and the more time you spent with George, the more you two found ourselves drawn to each other. His personality was just as captivating as his looks, and you two got along well. It wasn’t long before you two started dating, and you found yourselves unable to keep your hands off each other whenever you were alone.
You had long since moved into your own place, but despite your best efforts to keep your relationship discreet, you had no idea how you hadn’t been caught yet. The lingering glances, the subtle touches, the excuses to be close to each other—you were making it quite obvious by not trying to make it obvious.
At this point, you didn’t even know why you were hiding your relationship from Arthur. You knew he was protective of you, and you just didn’t know how your brother would react to you dating his best friend, and you were not looking to find out either.
Later that night, you joined Arthur and some of his friends for drinks at a pub. The group was lively, and the drinks flowed freely. You found yourself squeezed into a booth next to Flo and Sabina. You loved Arthur's friends; they were always super nice to you, and you always managed to have a good time with them.
“So, Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?” Sabina asked, leaning in closer to hear your answer over the noise.
You glanced up at George, who was sitting opposite you. He had heard the question as well and shot you a knowing look. Quickly, you looked away and back to Sabina. “No, I’m single,” you replied, smiling.
The girls exchanged disbelieving looks. “You’ve got to let me set you up on a date,” Flo insisted, adding, “Someone hot.”
Arthur laughed, shaking his head. “Guys, stop setting up my sister in front of me. It's weird.”
Throughout the conversation, George remained quiet, but his gaze never left you. You could feel his eyes on you, a constant reminder of your secret. As the topic shifted to something else, you noticed George get up from the booth and head towards the bathrooms.
A few minutes later, you excused yourself. “I need to use the loo,” you said, getting up and making your way in the same direction George had gone.
You found him leaning against the wall near the bathrooms, tucked away from view from the tables, his jaw clenched as he scrolled through his phone. “George, what’s wrong?” you asked softly.
“Shouldn’t you be worried about your brother catching us?” George said, his voice tense. “Can’t be seen with me.”
You looked at him, confused, “That’s rich coming from you. If you don’t want to tell people we’re dating, you can at least not get upset when I say I’m single. You know…You were the one that first suggested we keep our relationship secret in the first place. And also I can’t say I’m single but you can joke around about it with the boys?” you snapped, feeling your anger rise.
“It’s not the same,” George retorted. “If I say I’m dating someone, the boys will start digging. They’ll keep pestering us. Arthur is my mate.”
“And he’s my brother!” you shot back, your voice rising with frustration.
George looked away, taking a frustrated breath before meeting your gaze again. “You know what, I’m sorry. Honestly, I’m not even upset about this.”
You looked at him curiously, and he continued, “I’m just tired of having to share you with other people when we’re in public.”
You giggled. “Is that why you’re upset? Because I didn’t give you enough attention?” Moving closer, you gently rubbed his cheek and planted a small peck on his lips. He tried to hide his embarrassment, which you found absolutely adorable.
You deliberated for a second before saying, “Fine, let’s tell him.”
George’s eyes widened in surprise. “What?”
“Let’s tell Arthur. Get it out in the open. Come on,” you said, grabbing his hand and pulling him back toward the table.
As you walked, he asked, “Are you sure?”
You turned back to him and said, “Yes! Now come along.”
You walk back to your table hand in hand. The group had thinned out, with only Arthur, Chip, and Freezy at you booth
Taking a deep breath, you approach. Arthur looks at the two of you, slightly confused.
“Arthur,” you begin, your voice slightly shaky. “George and I… we’re dating.”
Arthur looks at the two of you for a second, his expression unreadable. For a moment, you worry about his reaction. Then, he breaks into a grin. “I already knew,” he says, unbothered.
You look at him, surprised. “What?”
Arthur chuckles, “I know you guys are dating.”
You and George exchange a surprised glance before turning back to Arthur. “H-how?” you ask.
“I saw you sneaking out of his room once,” Arthur says, leaning back in his chair. “I was just waiting for you to tell me.”
“So, you’re cool with it?” you ask, hopeful but still cautious.
“Yeah, of course,” Arthur says, his tone gentle but firm. “But I am disappointed you didn’t tell me, especially because you two make it so painfully obvious.”
Chip chimes in with a grin, “Yeah, you two are not subtle at all.”
Freezy adds, “Yeah, mate, no surprise here either.”
You and George laugh, looking at each other, relieved.
“Well then, we’re leaving,” George announces, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer, tucking you under his arm.
Arthur shakes his head. “Mate, she’s still my sister. Watch yourself!”
Before George can say anything, you playfully pull him away, laughing as you say, “Okay, bye Arthur!” With that, you and George head out of the pub together, leaving behind the laughter and chatter of the group.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
A/N: Thanks for reading guys! I'm trying to get through all my pending requests now that I'm back posting regularly.
Check out my other fics and oneshots here. Not working on any new requests currently but feel free to drop into my asks for a chat! 😊
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twistedmionn · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland iceberg
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Explanations ahead (slight spoiler warning)
Tier 1:
everything is self-explanatory, I think
Tier 2:
Haruhi = the protagonist of Ouran High School Host Club. She's a girl who dresses up as a boy (correct me if I'm wrong) and many players who have a female MC consider theirs to be like Haruhi. [EDIT: Thanks for the anon pointing out that I misspelled the name!]
Tier 3:
Tier 4:
A fair amount of people headcanon Vil as a trans woman because he presents androgynously/feminine and doesn't care about gender roles. This has also caused discussion in the fandom because breaking gender roles ≠ trans.
Tier 5:
People sometimes wish TWST was more like a dating sim and had character/dorm routes.
Some people headcanon that Silver is based on Prince Philip (from Sleeping Beauty) and/or is a prince himself. I haven't played all of book 7 yet (only the parts out in the ENG server) so idk if the theory has been proven right.
Lilia is old and hints at dying soon.
Hot NPCs, such as Deuce's mom and Sebek's grandpa.
Ace and Deuce have expressed interest in Yuu at various points in the game.
Genshin VAs: Leona/Alhaitham, Silver/Kazuha, Idia/Razor are the ones I can think of
Tier 6:
A beastman (I think it was Jack) has stated that he has problems talking to animals, and Ruggie's talent at it is considered something special.
The tweels are considered intersex by some due to eel anatomy (I'm no eel expert).
Kalim is considered the real villain by some due to never really bothering to help Jamil.
Epel's backstory/attitude has many elements that a fair amount of trans men relate to.
There are theories that Lilia and Sebek are twisted from Peter Pan characters. I'm unsure about Silver, but I think I've read something about him being from another movie, too!
Tier 7:
Some people headcanon that Ace has experienced domestic abuse.
There's a theory that Ace will betray Yuu.
Cater has two sisters who boss him around, which is a resemblance to Cinderella.
Malleus might have two pps because well... dragon.
Epel and Deuce had a whole ass beach date. Deuce constantly cares for him and broke the school rules in order to make Epel feel better. Their scenes together (the settings) looked straight out of a shoujo manga. If Epel were a girl, this ship would be considered canon by most.
I'm not sure EXACTLY which languages Jade's VA speaks, but I do remember that he knows German.
In one of his Halloween vignettes, Ruggie — as opposed to Lilia — has indirectly expressed that he has no interest in romance/relationships.
Tier 8:
421 notes · View notes
lilystyles · 9 months
wildest dreams.
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part two of style, written by @lilystyles
my masterlist & style masterlist
authors note the very requested part two of style. i got lots of asks & reblogs & comments asking for more of style!H so i decided to write one for y'all. thanks for all the love on it. also there was one ask i got with the idea of y/n going on a blind date and i LOVED it so thank u anon 🩷
brief description y/n and harry start to see each other more and more. but it's a secret, things get complicated when emma sets y/n up on a blind date. harry doesn’t like it one bit.
warnings! slight age gap, SMUT (f!receiving, fingering, daddy kink, missionary, riding, very slight breeding kink, no condom, all the good stuff) sexual tension, mentions of drugs&alcohol abuse. wordcount: (around 15k words)
fratboy!older!bffsbrother!harry x younger!innocent!reader
* * * * *
Harry arrived at Y/n’s massive and buzzing share house almost twenty minutes before eight.
He’d parked his car nearby and quietly realised to himself on the walk up the driveway that he’d never actually been inside the sharehouse before. He had dropped her off a fair few times and picked her up a handful from here but Y/n preferred to come stay at his place. He couldn’t blame her, Niall’s place was similar he lived in one of the frats nearby campus. His room and the house were disgusting and Harry much preferred his clean quiet house with his sister. Even though Harry was in a frat too, he lived out of the house. The only reason those guys had welcomed him into the frat in the first place was because he was on the Uni soccer team and he was really good. His room was turned into a storage room for alcohol, dartboards, and bongs. Harry had hooked up with a few girls in there regardless of the lack of bed.
He felt a funny feeling in his tummy walking up the driveway, since when did he get nervous? He’d been with so many people he didn’t think that existed for him anymore. But this was different, this wasn’t just anyone this was Y/n. His Y/n. The girl from home.
He looked up at the house biting his lip, Y/n’s place certainly wasn’t as trashy as Alpha Chi Sigma, thankfully. Hers was a little ways off campus it was this old run-down brick house with two stories and eight rooms. It was jam-packed with students and actually threw quite a few parties, known on campus for its great big backyard and one of Y/n’s roommate Mike's weed brownies. Y/n didn’t care all that much when parties happened, she’d either invite Emma and they’d have lots of tequila and end up asleep in Y/n’s room, or she might even invite Harry and his mates too just for fun. Otherwise she just locked her room and escaped to the library or the Styles’ place. 
As Harry reached the big red door he knocked loudly and a short girl opened the door before his knuckles had even retracted back to his side. He recognised her from his Economics class, he thought. She was in some pyjamas and looked up very confused.
“You're not the Chinese guy.” She said eyeing him annoyedly, groans escaped the mouths of others inside, and he could understand their disappointment. “Who are you?”
This made Harry feel suddenly rather guilty for not being the Chinese delivery guy and he frowned, “I’m Harry, ‘m a friend of Y/n’s?”
“Upstairs third door to your left.” She said shortly opening the door wide enough to let him in before promptly sitting back down on the couch with a bunch of other students, they were watching what looked like a Japanese horror film. 
Harry shut the door behind him and made his way upstairs quickly, Y/n’s roommates didn’t seem all that friendly, he hoped was going in the right direction. As he reached the top of the stairs he heard music coming from one room that sounded like a rave and knew that definitely wasn’t Y/n’s room, he heard people chatting away in another, and when he was at the third door he saw a small sign on the door that said ‘Y/n’s Room <3’. He smiled at the familiar neat handwriting that was on so many birthday cards in his collection, and knocked on the door, with a few quick taps.
He heard some shuffling behind the door and it wasn’t long before the door swung open. There she was, his Y/n. Even though he’d only seen her a few hours ago it felt like a long time ago now. How did he already miss her?
“You're here early, Styles.” She said surprised checking the time on her phone in her hand. Harry didn’t seem the type to show up early, and normally he didn’t Y/n knew that about him from years of experience. He was even late to his own birthday parties and if you asked a single person who had hooked up with him they’d say he was always late when they invited him over. Just his way. He wasn’t a timely person.
Harry smiled down at her form, she looked much more rested than this morning. She had taken a nap for a good portion of the morning and a long shower cleaning every inch of herself, she felt very rejuvenated now. The warm water had soothed her aching muscles and small bruises that littered her body from last night. She’d washed off all the sweat and alcohol that had sweated out of her this morning, and her hangover had eased, thank god. She had taken some aspirin for her head too and drank lots and lots of water. 
She looked so soft and cosy, the golden light of her room hit her face, showing all the angles of her calm expression. She was wearing this matching tracksuit set that was a blue almost grey colour, and some fuzzy pink socks Emma bought her for Christmas last year. Her hair was freshly washed, dried, and styled in her usual way. Her beautiful face was bare of makeup only some moisturiser that smelt really good, and her lips were covered in a glossy lip balm.
“Wanted to make a good impression, Babe.” He said smirking. 
Y/n let him join her inside shaking her head, it was very unlike him to be on time and she’d expected he would arrive around 8:30 instead of 8. He placed his bag of snacks and DVDs down onto her little bed taking in the space. 
Her room was so her, she had this big mattress on the floor that took up most of her room. Her sheets were mismatched shades of pink, blue, and lavender and she had about a dozen pillows. She had lots of fairy lights strung up, posters, and photos covering her walls. Her mattress and little desk by her window near the back of the room took up most of the small space. But if she had picked a bigger room that meant having a roommate so she didn’t mind all that much.
It was quite neat in here. She had all her desk organised with her laptop and textbooks. Her cupboard had somehow miraculously shut despite the large array of clothes stuffing it. She had a candle burning that smelt like cinnamon cookies, but underneath the candle was the underlying smell of her. Whether that was her laundry detergent or something that was just her, Harry didn’t know, but the smell brought him great comfort.
He shrugged off his big thick coat too, the day had turned into a windy-rainy one and he wanted to stay warm, but Y/n’s room was very warm inside. He was in an ashen grey hoodie with red flannel over the top, some black jeans and sneakers. His hair was unruly as always but he looked extra good today. He made himself comfortable on the bed grabbing a pink bear and cuddling it to his chest playfully. He dwarfed her bed with his tall form, and he looked so funny sitting in her bed. Harry Styles, sex god, player, and party animal, with a rotten attitude, was curled up in her bed. She almost wanted to take a picture to show people, but she knew she wouldn’t be telling a soul about him being with her tonight.
“I’ve known you for years I already have all the impressions needed, Harry.”
He looked over at her from her bed. “Yeah, but you’ve never seen me on a date before, have yeh? I can be wholesome.”
What? This is a date? 
Y/n blushed deeply, if she’d known that this was a date she would have dressed a bit nicer. She was just in some joggers and a hoodie, but to be fair to her they were her nice ones. The ones lacking ice cream stains and holes. Harry had seen her looking like a hungover mess, he’d seen her in the middle of the night at the library, he’d seen her with the flu, and she never looked bad even at her worst.
“This is a date?” She asked looking down at her sock-covered feet.
She’d been dreaming of this day since she was a kid when Harry had helped her when she fell off her bike and scraped her knee. She still remembered the day vividly, it was something she thought of every time they all went home to Holmes Chapel for the holidays or summertime, and they drove passed the playground. She still had the scar their on her right knee, even now. And she remembers Harry putting the bandaid on for her and kissing her knee to ‘take the pain away’. Every time she felt the little bump or saw the lighter patch of skin on her knee she thought of him kissing it. She’d stopped crying after he’d done that and from that day on, her heart belonged to him. 
She thought if they ever did somehow end up together on a date, that’d he would take her for a drive or they’d go to the cinema. Something normal. Maybe even a romantic stroll somewhere or something wild like skinny dipping. But instead here he was in her room making himself at home in her little bed where she’d spent hours thinking of him; before her eyes finally allowed her to sleep.
He laughed at her shy expression, patting a spot on the bed beside him for her to sit. “Wasn’t I obvious about that?”
She sat down beside him, laughing at herself she didn’t know much when it came to dating, she’d only had two or so boyfriends. She’d tried the one-night stand thing once but it wasn’t for her. She didn’t know dating etiquette. So she was all stiff beside him now feeling even more nervous than before he’d arrived. This whole thing with Harry frankly didn’t feel real, she’d liked him for so many years and only now was he starting to show similar feelings toward her, it honestly tripped her out a lot. It would be like your celebrity crush showing up at your door with flowers, a bit of a dream, right?
“Not to me.” She said looking at him. He smelt deliciously good beside her, and she wanted to devour him.
He looked over at her with the same eyes he’d given her in the kitchen when she’d comforted him, all soft and molten like an ice cream on a hot day. As he lifted his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, she leaned into his touch, his hand was so warm and smooth against her face. He was so gentle with her and she felt her mind flashback to last night for what felt like the millionth time when his hands were all over her body. Though they’d been a bit wild, he was always gentle with her unless she asked him otherwise.
“Well I’m sorry, but this is a date, is that alright with you?” He asked, nibbling his bottom lip to contain a smile. She was just so cute, sitting there in front of him like a doe-eyed little thing. You’d have thought that she barely knew him with how she was acting.
She nodded. “Fine by me.” 
“Good to hear, Baby.” He sighed at her because she still seemed very nervous. He didn’t know how to comfort her other than touch. “Why are you so far away? You know I don’t bite, not unless you ask me to.”
She looked over at him, “I’m just nervous, I guess. If my fourteen-year-old self could see me now…”
She didn’t finish her sentence.
This made his heart swell. “You're nervous around me? Even after everything we did last night?”
She shrugged like that was an obvious conclusion. “Well, yeah…of course.”
This made him throw his head back laughing, like a little kid. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous too. S’okay to be nervous. But don’t worry it’s just me. Nothing special.”
That made her feel better, she looked up at him, a smile cracking on her face. “You're nervous too?”
He nodded. “Of course I am. I’m on a date with a gorgeous girl, I’d be a fool not to be.”
Y/n pecked his cheek in response, her lips smearing against the tiny stubble on his cheek, as she quickly moved away and opened the bag excitedly to see the things he’d brought. He brought snacks as requested all their favourites (peanut M&Ms, popcorn, and a tub of Ben & Jerry’s) along with a few DVDs. The one he had been raving about was in there and she grabbed it putting it on the very small telly she had by the end of her bed.
Harry explained a story about how he went to three different grocery shops to find the peanut M&Ms because apparently, the world was in a shortage today. This made Y/n want to kiss him because he’d gone to all that effort knowing Y/n’s favourite movie snack was M&Ms. Whenever they went to the cinema she always got them, and the three of them would go a fair amount. They loved going late at night and talking loudly in empty cinemas about how cheesy the films were. 
She looked at him from the edge of the bed. He’d kicked his sneakers off into the corner and he was resting on her bed, head lying on her pillow, a knitted blanket over his lap. He looked very comfy and at ease, and honestly, he was. The smell of her bed was comforting and the soft tone of her voice was soothing. Y/n had a way of driving him crazy, usually when her attention wasn’t on him, but a way of calming him instantly when their eyes met.
“You hungry? I want pizza.” She asked brows pinched in thought.
He nodded grabbing his phone to call them. “Sure. Joeys?”
“I think I want a ha—”
“Hawaiin with no pineapple, I know, you freak. Who doesn’t like pineapple?”
“Me.” She said. She’d never really noticed how observant Harry was until now. He knew her pizza order, he knew she liked peanut M&Ms, he knew her chamomile tea brand, and he knew she liked popcorn extra buttery. Which happens when you have history like they do, but she never thought he cared that much. So what if she knew he liked pepperoni with extra spice? She was obsessed with him for most of her adolescence, that made sense. But why did Harry know that? She was the obsessed one.
“Hey mate, yeah can I get a large Hawaiin no pineapple please, and large pepperoni extra spicy, and a loaf of garlic bread too thanks.” He said into the phone. 
Y/n told Harry her address in a hushed tone and he parroted it to the pizza guy on the phone. The pizza would arrive in 20 minutes from now, so Y/n joined his side happily and hit play on the telly. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder so she could rest against his side, and it all felt very domestic. Her cheek was resting against him and she felt her eyes drooping even though she’d already napped today.
Y/n normally cuddled with Emma and watched movies on her shoulder while Harry brooded on the leather recliner and complained when the girls picked a rom-com of some kind. But she saw him cry during The Notebook last month. He always said Spiderman was his favourite movie but she knew it was actually The Notebook.
She felt guilty at the thought of her best friend, and a pang in her tummy. Normally if a guy had even made eye contact with her Y/n was blowing up her phone with every detail, that’s what best friends are for. But she couldn’t tell her about Harry. They’d stop being friends. Emma and Y/n had many friends who had come and gone because of Harry, she didn’t blame any of them for shagging him. He’s always been attractive and shaggable, but she knew better than to get with him then and she didn’t know what had done it but lately, he’d just been irresistible last night and right now. 
Maybe back then she just had more self-control. Y/n remembers a girl named Cami the most. She and Harry hooked up once drunkenly at a party Gemma had thrown while Anne and Robin were away and the next morning Emma and Y/n walked in on her giving him a blowie. Cami was then banned from any other sleepover. Which was a shame because Cami was super nice, it made Y/n wonder if those years of friendship protected her from Emma’s harsh banishment or if that didn’t count. 
“What are you thinkin’ about?” He asked her playing with the strands of loose hair resting against his arm.
She looked up at him away from the telly she’d zoned out on. “I- Em.” She said.
Harry nodded. “Yeah, I knew it would be something you’d be thinking about.”
She sighed. “Yeah, I just- she’s gonna hate me, H. I want you, but you know I can’t.”
Harry knew Emma was Y/n’s number one person and they were basically like sisters, Y/n was a part of his family, though he’d never seen her in a particularly brotherly way. She came on holidays overseas with them, she was invited to family dinners, and they’d even had a Christmas Eve together a few times in the past couple of years. And that wasn’t something he would ever try and get in the way of, Y/n being there was what made him want to attend. Because he loved that Y/n was a part of his life in that way and he’d grown up with her, he loved having her around. He cherished those moments and even though he didn’t act like it, he would miss her when she wasn’t there. Last Christmas Eve she was with her Grandparents and he’d hated playing Scrabble without her.
She had no idea of any of his true feelings. Which was his own fault, he knew that, he was purposefully rude to Y/n to keep her at arm's length, and acting like she didn’t exist to try and suffocate his feelings from her. Emma was behind that, ever since he could remember he wasn’t allowed to share Y/n. Emma was always reminding him when his eyes lingered on her longer than they should, that Y/n was Emma’s best friend, off limits. And despite how he felt about her he’d listened to keep Y/n out of the drama of Emma’s wrath. 
But Harry cared for Y/n very deeply and he wished Emma wasn’t so weird about it. Why couldn’t they both just share her? And anyway, it was Y/n’s decision, not Emma’s. She wasn't a toy she was a person, who made her own decisions whether or not Emma approved. Normally Emma’s judgement was the only thing Y/n needed to make a decision, but when it came to Harry she had to disagree.
And anyway, she seemed pretty happy to be wrapped up in his arms right now, despite knowing what trouble it would cause if anyone found out. She knew it was wrong to lie, and hide, but she didn't think it was wrong be around Harry. That's what felt right.
“I know she doesn’t like people getting involved with me.” He began, “But that’s only because they always get hurt by me and it becomes a whole thing. But I would never hurt you.”
His reassuring words made her feel better but she looked up at him, with one more worry. “How is this any different than you and Cami, Lacey, or Tiffany—” She was about to continue her long list of girls but he cut her off.
“Because you're the only one for me.”
Y/n was about to ask him what he meant by that but the doorbell rang. “That’s probably pizza.” 
She sat up and left before he could say anything else. 
She was happy to be with him and she enjoyed his company and his cuddles but this whole thing scared her a lot. There were a lot of risks in going down this path with him and she was painfully aware of all the risks, she knew every single one and the reason she hadn’t gotten with him before now was because she knew it was dangerous for her to get involved with such a gorgeous devilish creature. 
Don’t get her wrong she trusted Harry with her life. But that doesn’t mean she trusted him when it came to his relationships. He’d never had a girlfriend, all the girls thought they were his girlfriends but he never saw any of them as more than a shag. Which is fine, but she knew she couldn’t be satisfied with just a shag. Her heart was too soft for that boy to only want his dick.
When Y/n came back with the warm pizzas burning her hands Harry was sleepily cuddling her bear in bed and she felt her heart melt and let her thoughts melt away too. They ate the pizza in bed and all worries were washed away as they distracted themselves with Y/n’s favourite film. When Harry Met Sally. 
Harry remembered the countless times this movie was on at midnight when he came downstairs to see Y/n asleep on his couch using it to tune out Emma’s snores.
Her eyes stung with sleep as she watched tonight, it comforted her, and the smell of Harry and the gentle sound of his heartbeat lulled her to sleep. She fell asleep quickly into the movie and Harry only noticed when he was getting no replies from her during his complaints about how cheesy and unrealistic this movie was. When he realised she was asleep right there on his chest he stopped talking and moving; wanting to let her sleep there. He grabbed the knitted blanket from the bottom of their legs and brought it to just below her chin. 
Kissing her forehead before focusing back on the movie. He thought Meg Ryan was pretty fit and the gentle breathing of Y/n was calming, it wasn’t long until he fell asleep too holding her very close to him. Not a worry about being caught, or oversleeping, just enjoyed the warmth of her body and the soft breaths that hit his neck.
It was a couple weeks later until Harry saw Y/n again and he hated to admit it to himself that he missed her, more than he’d ever missed anyone and it had just been a few days. She wasn't even his girlfriend, and she was already driving him up the wall.
She’d called him that afternoon and it brought out something in Harry he’d never expected to find within himself.
Harry was not a jealous person. He wasn’t possessive at all. Never had been and he never thought he would be. It just wasn’t who he was. He always thought it was because he just never had those feelings within him, he just didn’t care. He thought jealousy was stupid. What good came from it? Jealousy never accomplished anything.
He didn’t care if the people he’d been with had moved on or gotten with someone else, one time a girl he’d had a bit of a fling with for the Summer ended up hooking up with his best friend and he truly didn’t care. Like at all. They expected him to get angry, shout, or stop talking to them at least. But he didn’t he just shrugged and said something about how he understood. He found someone else to spend the night with quickly after their conversation, and when someone brought it up he completely forgot it had even happened, which shows how little he cared.
He just never got jealous, and it was something he felt was beneath him. Since he saw sex as such a casual and easygoing thing to him, he felt like he belonged to everyone and no one all at once and so he saw people as all the same. It was all just a blur of people and feelings. He was lucky, he never got sad after sex or disgusted he just felt a release, left, and that was that. He didn’t like to chat all that much, he was a fuck and leave kind of guy. If the person really needed a cuddle or some aftercare he wouldn’t just leave right away but he knew cuddling usually meant feelings growing, so he tried to avoid that at all costs too. Which to some was just awful to be around, and he could understand that too. Sometimes people wanted a connection that wasn’t just compatible kinks or sexual chemistry. Something deeper, love, burning lust, tenderness. That’s not to say Harry wasn’t a good lover, he was great no matter the person he could click well with them. He made them feel like they were the only two people in the world, but there was still a bit of a shadow to his love-making that made the people know that’s all it was.
Just a fuck, just a kiss, just an orgasm. Nothing more, nothing less.
He’d heard or read about people having sex that felt like fireworks or magic or something ridiculous and sappy and he’d thought it was all blown out of proportion. Sex was more primal and animalistic to Harry. It wasn’t something otherworldly. It was like eating, sleeping, or breathing. It was just a natural human experience and urge, and people needed it to survive a healthy life. It wasn’t tied to any emotions, just like eating a sandwich at lunch. Wasn’t anything to be ashamed of either.
And it certainly wasn’t ethereal, or at least it wasn’t until Y/n.
He hadn’t felt so connected with someone like that ever. In conversation, in sex, in life. She understood him, she accepted him, and despite their differences, it worked. And god, when they had sex it was just so time-stopping. Touching her was like touching heaven.
His jealousy, his attraction, made him realise he liked her. Like actually liked her, and that if this was what liking someone was that meant he never had before. He’d never liked anyone except her. 
He’d never wanted to date someone, take care of them, and be with them without having to do anything. Just be together, you know?
Harry wanted to date Y/n, take care of her, and just be with her. The unfamiliar feelings rolled through his skin like a tidal wave. All these feelings were new to him, and it meant he didn’t know how to act. It was overwhelming and he didn’t know who to confide in.
Because now all of a sudden he was a jealous person? It just didn’t make sense. None of it did. 
When he found out Emma had set Y/n up on a double date with her and Zayn, Harry was not one bit okay with it. He couldn’t have cared less if someone he’d been with fucked his best friend in front of him, but the idea of someone thinking they could talk to Y/n made his skin crawl. Someone getting to touch her like she’d let him, someone getting to kiss her sweet lips, whisper filth in her ear? He hated it. He hated the thought. 
Jealousy burned his skin like wildfire and he didn’t know what to do. He knew Y/n wasn’t his girlfriend, but they’d been on a date now which meant more to him than any other interaction with any girl he’d ever had. It had been a perfect first date that eventually led to her falling asleep in his arms and him playing with her hair as he memorised every freckle on her face. They both woke up the next morning with a giggle and she walked him to his car her hand in his, and to his surprise kissed him against the hood of his car. It was enough to have him dazed and wanting more, her lips smeared against his excitedly with an innocent giggle. When she pulled away she whispered a breathless goodbye and he hadn’t seen her since.
They’d called a few times and chatted until the early hours of the morning about anything and everything, and he’d seen her at his house a few times. But he wasn’t allowed to act how he wished because Emma was always there, he’d always call Y/n when she was home complaining about how he wished things were different. But since neither of them knew what was going on yet they knew it was best to not tell her.
Y/n didn’t want to go on this double date. She couldn’t think of anything worse. Zayn’s friend Peter was a notorious prick on campus. He was just straight-up horrible and so jarring on the senses. They’d met here and there and Niall hated him too which was enough for Y/n to know everything she needed about the bloke.
Y/n was pretty sure no one liked him, not even Zayn. But Y/n agreed for Emma’s sake. She knew Emma really liked Zayn (or so she said) and this was one of ‘the only ways their date would happen’. But that didn’t make her not want to go any less. She called Harry as soon as Emma left her place to get ready. 
He answered on the third ring.
“Hi, Baby.”
She could practically hear his smile. Things were going well for them. She thought the shift from whatever they once were to this would be awkward but it was easy. They were still teasing, and rude, but the words hardly had any edge anymore. Even when she swore at him it felt like a kiss and now when he stared at her Y/n noticed the softness in his eyes. Had that always been there?
“Hey, Styles.”
He sighed softly sitting down on his couch, “And to what do I owe this pleasure, Y/n?”
“Some bad news.”
He sucked a breath, “What’s wrong?” His voice melted into her spine, and he sounded worried. He was thinking the worst, and though this was pretty shitty it was nothing like he was thinking. He hoped she was okay.
“You know I like you, right?”
He nodded but forgot she couldn’t see. “Yes, I like you too, what is it?”
“I’m sorry, H, but I didn’t know how to say no without blowing our cover…” She said avoiding saying it. She didn’t know how he would react. He’d been so lovely, she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
“Spit it out, Trouble.” He said.
“Emma begged me to go on a double date so she could be with Zayn.” She said pinching her eyes shut and practically wincing on the other line.
“And what did you say?”
“I said yes, I’m sorry,”
Harry felt a pang of jealousy rush into his chest unfamiliarly. But he didn’t want to make her feel bad. He knew she hadn’t meant to hurt him. She sounded so guilty over the line, he was just glad she couldn’t see him. He was embarrassingly jealous. He felt winded as his hand moved up to his chest, squeezing where the pain was. Normally he always knew the right things to say, but he struggled to find the words. He was just pissed.
Emma, totally got in the way time and time again. It’s like she was out to sabotage them. He wanted to tell her off, but he knew better. Y/n would be mad if he did that.
“It’s fine, we only went on one date.” He said, but it didn’t come out like he wanted. He wanted to sound aloof and fine. But his voice came out forced.
Y/n sighed, he was right they had only been on one date. But she felt that it had meant more to her than any other dates she’d been on. And she was sure it would mean way more than this stupid date. “I know. But I wanted to tell you that I don’t like Peter. I hate that guy actually, he’s a fuckin’ prick….” 
Harry despised Peter. Even more now. He got to be with Y/n all pretty in public on a date, Harry knew no one would treat her as well as he could. Harry knew what she wanted. What did Peter know?
“...But Emma asked me. And if I’d have said I was seeing someone else, involved in something serious, she would have drilled me like a Russian spy. You know that it’s very surprising for me to be seeing someone, she wouldn’t have let it go.”
Something serious. His heart swelled despite it all.
Harry let out a small laugh, “It’s okay, Y/n, really.”
“I don’t want to go, but it’s only for a few hours. Can I call you after?”
This made him smile, despite how pissed he was she was so cute. “Yeah, ‘course.”
“Okay, good, well I have to get ready, Styles, talk soon.” She said.
“Bye, Trouble” He hung up and his hands itched to do something. But he knew he couldn’t do anything he’d just have to wait for her call. The whole thing made him antsy. 
Just as he hung up Emma walked through the front door. She was holding some shopping bags.
“What are you up to?” He asked. They looked like clothes and shoes.
She looked over with a smile. “Me and Y/n have a double date.”
He acted surprised standing up, “Oh yeah? With who?”
“Zayn and Peter.” She said walking to her room and Harry followed, wanting to know more details he’d been too afraid to ask Y/n.
“Tonight, at seven,” Emma replied quickly hands looking through her racks of dresses, eyes far from Harry who had sat himself on her bed.
“Where?” He prodded.
She looked over, “What is this? 21 questions? Why do you care?”
“I’m not allowed to be interested in your life? Gosh, forgive me caring, Em.”
She rolled her eyes. “I thought we’d grown out of the protective thing?”
“I just worry about you two. Boys are pigs.”
Emma sighed. “You would know.”
Harry rolled his eyes.
“We’ll be fine. It’s just at Andy’s Burgers. It’s super close to Y/n’s place. And your friends with those guys, you know they aren’t serial killers.”
His lips curled in disgust as his jaw clenched and defended himself. “Zayn is fine. Peter is not my friend at all. I hate him. He’s such a stupid twat. I don’t understand why would Y/n go out with him.”
Emma turned around her hands landing on her hips. “Because he’s hot and he’s supposed to have a big dick.”
This made Harry’s jaw clench hard. Peter better not try anything with Y/n, or he’d rip that dick off. “Why would Y/n care about something like that? Doesn’t she like guys with actual brain cells? Doesn't sound like her.”
Emma squinted, her brows pinching. “Like who, mate? It really is none of your business, Harry, we don’t question your awful taste. Anyway, I don’t see why you care? Y/n can get with whoever she wants.”
This made Harry’s stomach curl. No, she couldn’t. She could only be with him. He wanted her all to himself. No one was worthy of her, not even himself, but at least Y/n wanted him. She didn’t want Peter. She’d just told him he was a prick, she couldn’t want him.
Harry didn’t want anyone else, and he’d turned down a plethora of women and men since that night with Y/n in his bed. He’d avoided telling her that, to avoid upsetting her. He sat up, annoyed and beginning to feel his mind go on a loop of bad thoughts of Y/n with other people. Y/n kissing another boy. God, it made him feral with rage.
He shook himself out of the images pooling in his mind. “Whatever, I’m going to Niall’s. If you need me call me. Don’t let them drive you home if they’re drunk or summat.”
She nodded. “Thanks, H.”
He nodded getting up and leaving. “Bye, Em.”
“Catch ya.” She said. 
Harry grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys and left. He was gonna blow off some steam with Niall. Anything to get his mind off Y/n sitting pretty beside that dickhead ginger Peter. Thoughts of Y/n drifted to the back of his mind as he played Mario Kart with Niall and talked shit about Niall’s new boyfriend Paddy, Niall met his mates last night and they’d been proper twats to him and Paddy tried to gaslight him later on when they got back to his flat. Niall ended up leaving in a fit of rage. Harry tried his best at giving advice, he wanted to confide in Niall about this whole Y/n thing but he knew it could blow up in his face. Not that he didn't trust Niall to keep it hushed.
Y/n’s thoughts however were on only Harry, she would do anything to be on a date with him right now. They could be sharing a milkshake and talking about music or their days, honestly with Harry she would be happy to watch paint dry, his company made anything infinitely better. He was fun, he was cheeky, and she could be herself.
But no, she wasn’t with Harry, she wasn’t having fun at all. And she could hardly be her normal self one bit. She had to be quiet and polite when all she wanted to do was roll her eyes and spit out what a dickhead this boy sitting in front of her was.
She was sat beside the stupid prick Peter sipping down this actually quite delicious peanut butter & chocolate shake that was new on the menu and munching on some fries to keep her lips and hands busy while he talked her ear off. She loved the food here. She and Emma came here all the time to study and eat their body weight in their fries which have this great chicken and spicy salt flavouring on.
She just wanted the date to be over. He was so dull. The only thing he’d talked about the entire date for the past hour was him. His father’s business, how he could’ve had a career in Hockey if he didn’t injure his knee in his final year of school, and then making jokes about his ‘big’ dick and laughing like the complete and utter Tory he was. Which Y/n knew was a load of crap because one time he’d sent it to Emma during their first year of Uni and it wasn’t horrible but it certainly wasn’t some magical penis like he was saying.
Even just by looking at his face, you could tell he had no idea where the clitoris was. (Harry knew where it was blindfolded and you could just by the cocky look on his gorgeous face).
Y/n honestly thought it would’ve been less painful to slam her head between a door repeatedly. Zayn and Emma were hitting it off from the other side of the booth. They were leaning in closer, giggling, flirting. She was happy for Emma, really she was, but she didn’t see why she or Peter had to come. They added nothing to this date.
She was thankful when dinner arrived, it meant the date was almost over. She dove into her burger eating quickly so she could make an excuse to not talk or look at Peter. She hoped if she finished quickly the date could end quickly too.
“Are you girls going to that party on Saturday?” Asked Zayn taking a sip of his strawberry shake.
Emma looked at Y/n swallowing her mouthful of cheesy fries. “That’s the one at Harry’s Frat. Niall’s idea.”
Y/n nodded, she’d only go if Harry did or Emma really wanted her there. “Oh, dunno. Maybe.”
Emma smiled. “It sounds fun. I love costume parties.”
Y/n sipped on her shake and looked down at her lap her phone had a message from Harry on it. She’d check when no one was looking. She thought it was cute that he was checking on her.
“Hate those guys though. So cocky.”
Y/n looked up and without thinking scoffed, staring him down. “Who Harry and Niall?”
Peter looked over. “Yeah. Think their god’s gift because their football team’s the most supported at the Uni. Bunch of twats.”
“Can’t be any worse than you.” She said, and Emma was surprised eyes widening from across the table, Y/n’s words held a bite. But she knew that despite Y/n’s soft timid nature, she did not put up with people saying rude things about people she cared about. She was generally a calm, soft, and kept to herself kind of person. But if someone said something she didn’t agree with she always spoke up. “At least their only point of conversation isn’t about their less-than-thrilling cocks and daddy’s money.” She rolled her eyes.
“Calm down, Babe. It’s a joke. We are all mates here.” Said Peter.
Her brows furrowed as she looked at Emma, why wasn’t she saying anything? If someone had said something about either Y/n or Emma to Harry he probably would have punched them without even thinking. And Niall too, Y/n remembers one time some guy smacked Y/n’s ass at a party and Niall had to be pulled off him by three people.
“Are you dumb? Niall is our best friend and Harry is Em’s brother, you really think we aren’t going to be annoyed if you talk shit about them? Who do you think you are, huh?” She said turning to look at him.
Emma diverted the topic to something else and eventually, when Peter and Zayn were talking about Hockey, she made a signal for Y/n to follow her to the loo. Y/n was still pissed, and very ready to go home, she felt herself stewing in the corner her rage burning up under her skin. She didn’t understand why Emma hadn’t said anything, and that frustrated her more. She really hoped Emma was devising a plan for their escape but when they stepped inside the bathroom Emma stared at herself in the mirror reapplying her lip gloss she said something Y/n very much did not want to hear.
“I know Peter was a dick, but did you really have to have a go at him?”
This made Y/n even more annoyed than before, she’d only come on this fucking date for her and now she was complaining about how she acted when Peter was the one acting like a prick. Y/n didn’t see why she was at fault.
She and Emma never argued, Y/n didn’t like this. Emma was always on her side, even if Y/n had been in the wrong Emma would always be on her side. And anyway, she was protecting Harry and Niall. Not just anyone. She didn’t go out of her way to make the conversation turn into her having a go at him.
“Yes. I did. I only came on this date for you so that you could be with Zayn. Which you could’ve done without me and Peter. He’s awful, and you two could’ve just gone and done something on your own I don’t see why I had to be here.” She said, arms folding and Emma watched her. 
“And you know I don’t like when people are rude about our friends.”
Emma nodded. “I know Babe, sorry. I just didn’t want you to feel left out. You never go out with guys, I didn’t want to make you feel bad if me and Zayn start dating, you know?”
Y/n’s brows pinched, she was acting like that wasn’t Emma’s fault. Every boy she’d ever liked other than Harry, Emma had stolen or taken away. It’s like she wanted Y/n to be all hers. Not that it bothered Y/n much, if she couldn’t have Harry should didn’t want anyone anyway. 
“I don’t care about boys.”
Emma sighed grabbing her hand. “I know, but it wouldn’t hurt to put yourself out there, Babe.”
“Okay, sure, I see your point. But Peter? Really?”
She laughed. “Yeah, your right, he isn’t really your type. But he was the only available one on a Friday night.”
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “Yeah, wonder why.”
Emma tucked a strand of Y/n’s hair behind her ear. “Can I ask you one last favour?”
Y/n frowned eyes sharpening. “I’m not shagging him.”
Emma laughed tossing her head back. “No, not that.”
“Then what?”
“Can you get a lift home with Peter instead of me? I invited Zayn over, Harry’s gone to Niall’s for a bit. I need a good shag, and I need it now.”
Y/n sighed, a big groan leaving her lips. “Fine. But please make this date end soon. I don’t want to miss Murder She Wrote which starts at 9.”
Emma laughed. “Okay Grandma, don’t worry you’ll be tucked in bed in 30 minutes I can guarantee it.”
They stepped outside the loos walking back to their table and Y/n sat down on the side with Peter, sitting as close to the edge as possible. While the three were wrapped up in conversation Y/n quickly checked her phone she had a message from Harry still waiting for her reply.
Harry Styles 🍒 
Call me as soon as you're home. Miss your voice.
This made her smile to herself, hearting the message before returning her attention back to the table. The three of them were talking and Y/n felt herself zone out staring out the window. Rain was dripping down against the windows. She was just thinking of Harry, and internally screaming at the fact she wasn’t on a date with him right now. He had become more clingy than she’d expected over the past few weeks, he called her a fair amount and they snuck talks in private when they could but they hadn’t had a chance to go on another date yet. The way he was so kind and clingy to her was honestly shocking, normally he was the best at a fuck and ghost. She assumed he’d do the same, which she knew she’d just pretend to be fine with and then probably lose her shit when she saw him with another girl.
But nothing had been as explosive as she thought it to be, and that was probably because Emma hadn’t the faintest idea. 
By the time everyone finished their meals Zayn and Emma made a dash for it. Leaving their money on the table with the cheque. Zayn paid half and Peter paid the other. Emma kissed her cheek and patted Peter’s shoulder before the two raced away, giggling. Y/n was cranky at the fact Emma had only thought of herself the whole night and sighed leaning back into the seat of the booth. More than ready to leave.
Y/n frowned to herself as Peter seemed totally intent on keeping her there for a bit more of a chat. 
She tried to be polite about needing to head home. Making up some project she needed to do, but Peter’s hand slid onto her knee and she felt disgust crawl up her spine. She felt uncomfortable.
“Maybe we could just pop into the loos then, I bet your into that kinda thing. Can tell."
Y/n’s jaw dropped and she pushed his hand off quickly, she tapped her phone and Harry’s number dialling instantly. He was in her favourites. She needed his help, she knew he would come. She brought the phone to her ear.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She said lips curling in anger.
Harry picked up on the second ring. “Hi, Baby.” He said, raspy. There was lots of noise, he must’ve been in the car driving home.
Peter grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. “C’mon, don’t be such a prude. I paid for your dinner. You owe me at least a blowie.”
Harry, spoke over the line into her ear. “Y/n?”
She snatched her wrist out from his rough palm. 
“Get off me!” She shouted and grabbed the last of Emma’s milkshake from the table and threw it onto him. He flinched at the cold milkshake hitting his skin, his Ralph Loren polo was now caked in thick pink liquid, and his ginger hair was now soaked and dripping down over his eyes as he gasped. 
“Bitch!” He shouted, wiping his hand over his eyes.
“Fuck yourself, you pathetic fucking prick.” She shouted pointing her finger at him. Harry had heard the interaction and his fingers curled against the steering wheel, knuckles turning white from his grip. He put his foot on the pedal. He was already turning the car around in her direction.
“Sorry, can you pick me up please, Harry? Peter’s a creep, I need you.”
“Of course, hang tight I’ll be there soon.”
Peter was shouting at her like the pathetic baby he was and some waitresses came over to help clean up the mess she’d made by throwing at him. 
“Sorry,” She whispered to the cherry-haired girl who came over with a cloth and spray. The girl just laughed as Peter rushed over to the manager who had come out at the sound of the ruckus. 
“It’s okay, he seems like he's a bit of a knob.” She said looking over at Y/n. 
“Are you alright?” The blonde waitress asked from the other side of her.
“Yeah, he’s just a handsy asshole,” Y/n explained.
It took only a few minutes before the doorbell rang above the entryway door and Harry entered the restaurant. He looked dishevelled and his eyes were wild as he stepped inside. His hair was wet from having walked from his car to her, the thunderstorm outside had soaked him. The top of his grey hoodie was speckled in rain, and his eyes were all stormy and this dark green that Y/n melted over. He made his way over to her and she felt herself forget for a second why he was here. 
She was just happy to see him.
“You okay?” He asked and she nodded, feeling relief flood her tummy. Harry always made her feel safe. He’d always felt like her protector even growing up. She remembered one time at her school dance some boys were trying to get Emma and Y/n in their car, they were drunk as skunks and she remembered Harry racing over and Y/n’s whose eyes were glassy with worry and he actually rubbed her arm. Then he drove them both to the party and made sure they were okay the whole night. He’d made her feel safe then too.
He rubbed her wrist, almost the same as that night at school. His thumb stroked it softly, as his eyes darted from hers to Peter who was still there. Covered in a milky pink drink, and swearing angrily.
Harry made his way over to him and grabbed him by the collar, in a rush of anger. He was bursting with anger and Y/n watched him surprised in her spot by the waitresses. She watched silently, expecting Harry to just tell him off. But he did more than that, Harry’s fist connected with Peter’s face and it made a slap, and he fell back onto the counter of the register with a bang.
His nose was bleeding upon the impact.
“If you ever touch her again I’ll fucking kill you. You hear me?” The calmness of his tone was actually chilling and Y/n felt herself tense up. Harry pushed him again. She knew if she let him he’d stay and pummel him for the rest of the night.
She walked over quickly and grabbed his arm softly. “C’mon, let’s just go. Can’t beat his awfulness out of him.”
“‘Can try.” He replied but ultimately he listened, pulling her into his side and they both apologised to the staff as they exited the restaurant. Harry’s hand slid into hers and she followed him to his car it was raining bad, big fat droplets hitting their faces as they walked steadily to the car. He opened the door for her and she slid in, he shut it when she was all tucked inside. The rain was coming down heavily and when he plopped in beside her he didn’t start the car, his hair was drenched and his eyelashes were thick with water. His face had turned soft again. He watched her for a beat. “Are you sure you're okay? I can go murder him if you want.”
She was silent for a second before turning to face him, she looked beautiful even with her frown. “Harry’s it’s fine. Can you just take me home?”
He nodded. She looked tired and frustrated, and in turn, this upset him. Y/n was too sweet to be treated like this. He wouldn’t let anything like that happen to her when he was around. He’d take care of his girl. The drive to Y/n’s house from the burger place really wasn’t far and she normally would’ve walked home if not for this heavy downpour of rain, and she had wanted Harry to be the one to comfort her. When Harry’s car pulled up outside the front of the house she looked over at him.
He was waiting for her to say she’d call him later and kiss his cheek but she didn’t. She looked up at him and sighed, bringing her hand up to push a loose curl away from his forehead.
“You wanna come up?” She asked.
He smiled. “You sure?”
She smiled bigger. “Yeah, come on.”
He turned the engine of the car off and just as Y/n went to open the door he said, “Wait.” 
She listened, watching as he bolted out of his side of the car to go to her side and open the door for her. She giggled at the gesture. Harry really wasn’t what people thought. 
He held his hand out for her to grab and she grabbed it as he helped her step down. The rain was heavy but neither of them seemed to care all that much considering they were both already soaking, and walked slowly up to her door. His hand was warm in hers and she shivered into his side. The rain had brought a chill to the air that nipped at her skin.
She unlocked the door and stepped inside pulling him in with her. The house was nice and warm, they’d been lucky enough to have an old fireplace still built in. It warmed the front rooms and meant their heating bill was much less since they only had to take care of a few small rooms. Harry followed her down the hall. 
This was the second time he’d been here, so now he knew where her room was he followed less nervously. The house was practically empty tonight beside from a few people in the living room and kitchen. Everyone must’ve been at one of the frat parties. She opened her bedroom door and they kicked off their shoes and socks that had gotten all soggy. 
Y/n shrugged her small pink coat off and put it over her desk chair. Harry stayed sort of stagnant behind her. Running his fingers through his hair. 
“Are y'cold, H?” She asked gripping the hem of her top, her back was facing him as she lifted it off. Revealing her lacy pink bra and bare back.
He felt his eyes widen and cheeks heat up. She yanked her jeans down and revealed a pink g-string that matched. It had bows on it, and it was all girly and pretty. Suddenly the wholesome urge to take care of her turned back into something a bit less wholesome. His cock twitched as she bent down to take her socks off. He had a great view of her plush perfect body. His hands flexed by his sides, and he looked down at his feet, did she want him to look?
She turned around running a hand through her hair, “Styles? You okay?”
She looked like a fucking dream.
He nodded looking up. “I- Yeah,”
She giggled. “What’s wrong?”
He rolled his eyes sighing, a smile remaining on his face. His cheeks had dusted in a soft pink that was unusual for him and only made Y/n more inclined to tease him. Roles reversed.
“Don’t play all dumb, you know you're fucking gorgeous. And I can’t exactly concentrate when you look at me like that.”
She walked closer to him as her hands slid under his hoodie and thick cotton t-shirt, hands grazing his skin. Her hands were cold, and he hissed slightly but made no movements to step back.  
“Like what?” Her eyelashes fluttered up at him. 
“Like that.” His hands slid around her back and down to cupping her ass in his big hands and bringing her closer to him. Their height difference had him bending down, ready to scoop her up into his arms.
She moved her hands onto his shoulders and pushed herself up on the tips of her toes, lips close to his. “Kiss me.”
He leaned down connecting their lips together. She pulled him closer, whispering against his lips. “‘M cold.” 
He leaned into her touch, she was gripping him tightly against herself. He pulled his arms away from her to lift his jumper off. She gripped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled that off too. His tattoos filled her vision and she wanted to bite and suck and lick and touch every single one of them. God, he was just gorgeous. And honestly, being able to kiss him was more pleasurable than any other experience she’d ever had. Kissing him alone was something she could do for hours. When Harry just looked at her that alone was more breathtaking than anything any other boy had done. To have him here in her room, kissing her, holding her, well it was everything she’d ever dreamed of. If her fourteen-year-old self knew she’d probably faint, scream, cry, and go into shock.
Her hands slid to his hips and gripped the button of his jeans, as his hands found her cheeks and kissed her again. She yanked them down a little bit revealing the fern tattoos she loved so much. She remembers him posting on his Instagram when he’d gotten them, Y/n practically choked on her water when she saw them. He was just walking sex. She wasn't any better than him, completely filthy in that head of hers.
He started walking forward and leading her back to her bed. She sat down on the mattress eyes wild looking up at him. His bulge was right in her eye-line and she smiled up at him, and she grabbed him to join her. He slotted in perfectly into her arms and his hips pressed into the thin string that was covering herself. He wasn’t ashamed that his cock was already growing in size in his pants, and he gently pressed it against her in hopes of some relief to his aching balls.
She sighed breathily into his mouth at the weight of him on top of her, she kept pulling him even closer. Their chests pressed into each other, and Harry was so warm, and Y/n was so soft. He could’ve stayed like that all night, in her arms.
He pecked her lips one last time as he pulled away to kiss along her chest. The little necklace she always wore that Emma had bought her was around her neck. It was the first letter of her name. His finger ran along it, stroking her upper chest.
“Should get a H.” He said before nibbling into the plush flesh of her tits. They were so warm and soft against his face. If he wasn’t so needy for her he’d just rest against them and sleep, smelling her delicious scent of that clean soft scent she always smelt of, it was so comforting to him.
She smiled and softly ran her hands through his hair, her legs were still wrapped around his back. “Why?”
He looked up, and suddenly all those emotions of jealousy and protectiveness were back rushing through him and making his hands squeeze her hips tightly. “So people know you're mine.”
This shocked her a bit and Harry was nervous for a second, he had revealed quite a bit of feelings in that moment and distracted himself with her neck. Kissing along her sweet-smelling skin. His lips were so gentle against her like he was afraid she’d break.
“And then what would you wear to show who you belong to Styles?” She said. Her voice was raspy and breathy from his kisses. His head snapped up and he smirked wickedly. 
“Well, why don’t you mark m’back with your nails like last time, and leave some bruises on m’neck until we can come up with a permanent solution?”
She smiled and felt her pussy throb at the thought. After the last time Harry was between her legs she’d ended up with bruises on her thighs, hickeys everywhere, and she was so sore it hurt to sit all day. She’d told him one night on the phone and he’d lost his mind over it. Loved the idea of Y/n being marked up from him, sore from their sex, unable to sit without thinking of him.
"Sound good, Princess?"
“Okay.” She replied content with his answer. Her lips formed in a pouty kissy face and he came up to press his into hers for a long peck, she smiled when he pulled away. How could he be so cocky and rude but also so soft all at once? He moved his way back down her body and kissed her hips sucking a spot into her left hip. His hand rubbed her stretch marks along there and kissed over the now bruised mark he’d made.
He moved further down until his mouth was right against her pussy. His nose brushed against the material as he looked up at her. “Gonna let me take care of you?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He smiled. “You’re such a good girl f’me. Perfect lil' thing.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
He loved when she slipped into that state of submission and obedience because normally, despite her calm presence, she basically never let Harry have anything without being teased. She was a bit of a brat to him, which turned him on an unfathomable about.
He pulled her knickers off and threw them to the side. As he spread her legs even further apart he moved one of her thighs to rest on his shoulder and the other he pushed forward toward her tummy, practically folding her in half. His ring-covered fingers gripped them and he leaned in close to her. The lips of her were like petals of a flower, splayed out and dewy. Her clit was puffy and swollen in arousal like the bud of a flower. He brought his free hand forward and circled her clit softly. Her hips squirmed into his hand and he heard her let out a shaky breath. 
“Ah,” She gasped when he leaned in closer and his breath hit her dripping pussy. It was cool and shiver-inducing and she could practically see his smile, even though her eyes had made their way shut.
He placed a gentle kiss on her clit and her hands moved to his hair quickly. “Please.”
He was teasing her and he loved the reaction it pulled from her. Now that they’d already been together once there was a certain familiarity in this. He knew what she liked and he was ready to explore things that he hadn’t already. Including taking his time and eating her out like he’d been thinking about since he was probably fourteen.
He looked up at her, her lips were in a pout of frustration. “What’s got you pouting, Princess?”
“Want you t’help me, Harry.”
“You can beg better than that, Y/n.”
“Please, Daddy.”
“Please what, Baby?”
“Please taste me, Daddy. Need your mouth. Want it.”
He smirked looking up at her. “‘Atta girl.”
She felt her clit throb at his raspy words. He leaned forward and licked a long stripe of her slick up into his mouth. She tasted tangy and sweet just like he’d imagined. His mouth watered at the taste, and he smirked. Once he’d tasted her he knew he wouldn’t be able to tease her any longer. He started moaning and grunting into her and the vibrations of it had her mewling and tugging on his hair.
“Fuck.” She cried out, neck arching into the pillow.
He was acting like a starved man and sucking onto her clit with such a hunger that it startled her. She hadn’t expected him to be so wild and good at it. She knew he was good, but Jesus, she was already feeling so much pleasure within mere minutes. He was suckling into her bud like a bee on a honeysuckle flower, all headily. The sweet nectar spilled onto his tongue as he kissed her lips, and practically devoured her whole. She was already feeling dreamy with the pleasure, floating with lust.
As he began to speed his tongue up and get more sloppy with his languid movements, she gained less control of her body. Her legs tried to shut on him and they were beginning to shake softly, he gripped them tighter and split her open for him.
His tongue lapped up the slick that was leaking out of her hungrily, and as he slipped his tongue near her weeping hole she let out a particularly loud whine and her back arched off the mattress. “Fuckin’ hell, feels good, Daddy.”
He pulled away for a breath looking up at her, rubbing his thumb over her clit in slow hard circles that had her eyes welling with tears of pleasure. “Yeah, sucha’ good girl letting Daddy eat this little pussy.”
She was bucking her hips and squirming under his tight grip. He could tell she was getting close as she ground against his face, her moans were getting louder and more desperate. Her slick was dribbling down his chin and he was moaning every few licks. He’d taken to rubbing his cock against the edge of the mattress for some relief, and Y/n coming on done from his touch was too much for him to stay still. He needed to relieve himself. Or he’d come his boxers, which he thought we be a bit pathetic. He wanted to prove to her how good he could be with her, how he liked to take his time when he could. But his neediness was making him have a little less control than he liked.
He continued eating her pussy with such a raw animalistic frenzy that her orgasm washed over quickly, taking her by complete surprise. Her tummy filled with waves of pleasure that shot all through her body as her muscles tensed and her pussy throbbed, she could feel herself clamping down onto his tongue as he groaned.
When she came it was with a desperate, soft, cry of his name. “Fuck, Harry.” She said, shutting her eyes and gripping his hair. “‘M cumming.”
“Cum for me, angel.”
She did. Hard. She felt like she had no control of her body as Harry talked her through her orgasm encouragingly. “That’s it, good girl.”
He’d slipped his fingers inside with ease and began curling against her. She felt herself fall back limp into the sheets as he continued licking and thrusting his fingers inside of her, and her hands moved to his hair once again pulling on it. Her mouth was loose-lipped and she found it hard to keep herself quiet now.
“Oh, fuck, Daddy,” She said breathlessly, all soft and quiet. It made him smile as he looked up at her, slick coating his lips. 
“Gonna be a good girl and let me make you cum again?”
She nodded biting her lip. “Mhm.” She said before throwing her head back when his fingers hit that soft spot inside her that she couldn’t reach with her own fingers. It made her melt and shake.
Harry noticed her reaction and smirked to himself. “Found it.”
As she watched him from between her thighs, his head bobbed and the muscle of his arms flexed, he was pinning her to the bed so that he could keep going. Her second orgasm found itself much easier, it took Harry a few kisses and rubs against her clit along with his fingers pounding into her until she came. 
Her legs moved to shut around his head and her nails were scratching along his shoulders and back. She kept repeating the words, “Please, Daddy.” Over and over, until.
“Oh, I think you’re gonna make me cum again.”
He kept his steady pace and sloppy kisses going, pulling away only to say. “Cum for Daddy, pretty girl,”
And she did. It was like his words had complete control over her. The ball growing in her tummy snapped and rushed through her. This time her whole body shook as she gripped onto his arms in support, she felt this release like a tidal wave.“Fuck, fuck, fuck,”
The tightness of her muscles flexing and her body shaking had her spent. She had never come so hard, and it for so long. It was a few minutes before she finally felt the pleasure subside to something more easy to take. 
She was mewling and babbling all drunken from her orgasm. “Jesus, H.”
He helped her through her second orgasm, kissing along her hips and thighs to give her swollen clit a chance to rest. When she finally came down from the peak of her orgasm, she went limp again, eyes shut, and for a moment there she couldn’t hear or see anything. She could only feel him. Feel what he’d made come over her.
When she looked down at him he’d pulled his fingers out only a few centimetres away and his mouth was damp. His chin was covered in slick and as she began to take in his appearance. His neck and the top of his chest was dripping. She was confused for a second, it couldn’t be sweat. Despite their intense state, she knew he couldn’t be sweating that much. And then she realised. 
“Oh, I squirted, sorry.” She said embarrassed trying to shut her legs. He looked at her like she was crazy moving back up so that his hips were between her thighs.
“Sorry? What are you on about? You squirted f’me, and you looked beautiful doing it too. Absolutely nothing to be sorry about.”
She smiled, still feeling shy and blushy. She’d squirted on his dick before, but certainly not his face. She hadn’t expected it to feel so good. “Thank you for making me cum.”
He smiled, and despite his rotten mouth and dominant cocky rough edges, in that moment he looked all soft and gooey and truthfully the fact he got to see Y/n so soft and vulnerable around him made him eternally soft for her. He wanted to see her like this all the time. Red-faced, pouty lips, eyes glassy in pleasure, and words slurring from complete satisfaction. Something only he got to see.
He wanted to be the only person who got her to squirt all over his face. Wanted to be the only one to taste her sweet little pussy. He wanted to be the only man for her. He felt so possessive over her like a kid not wanting to share his favourite toy. But he knew at the end of the day, it was always going to be her decision who she was with. 
But Y/n thought that over the years it was pretty damn obvious who she wanted. 
Harry was the only one for her. 
She wasn’t in some other boy's bed tonight, she was with him right now, running her nails softly along his arms despite how needy they both were for each other. She was slow with her touches like they had all the time in the world because really they did.
It was raining so heavily outside, the wind was howling wildly rustling all the trees nearby, and the thunder roared above them. The shelter her little room provided them with was perfect, and it felt like all time ceased to exist. The sky had turned dark and so had their eyes, her room was almost pitch black, and they were both so warm and close. Skin to skin.
Y/n was right here, naked, and waiting for him. 
Things weren’t so bad after all.
He placed a soft long kiss on her lips and she could taste herself on his tongue. Things tonight felt different than the first time, although Harry was fueled and fiery with jealousy and he wanted to take her roughly, it all felt more intimate.
His hands moved to her hips squeezing the plush flesh and running his hands over the stretch marks that decorated her skin. Every inch of Y/n was beautiful, and he’d never thought that before about anyone. He’d never seen someone's hands and thought what absolutely beautiful hands they had, or what beautiful teeth they had, or how cute their ears were. There wasn’t a part of her body that he wouldn’t worship. 
To him, she was the picture image of beauty.
The kiss deepened as he rolled them over. His head rested where hers just had, and he could feel the warmth her body had left behind. She sat right up against his cock, and she could feel him throbbing against her. His old thin boxers left little room for him to hide his aching want. He was honestly rock hard, watching her cum twice, feeling her, tasting her. It had him so hard he could’ve cried.
Her tits were right in his eyeline, all soft and full. He took one into his mouth sucking on her sensitive nipple, and enjoying the loud whine she let out. His hands had fallen to her ass now, and she’d taken to grinding against his clothed cock. He could feel the wetness of her leaking down onto his boxers and he wanted to stuff her full. Despite her two orgasms, Y/n was still managing just fine on top of him.
She pulled back just slightly so she could grip the hem of his boxers and tug them off. His cock sprang up against his tummy, and even though she’d seen it before she’d probably never get used to how fucking big and gorgeous his cock was. The pink ruddy tip that glistened in precum, his long veiny shaft, that girthiness he had. God she could stare at it for hours, she thinks he is beautiful in the way those ancient paintings of Greek gods were beautiful. His hair was unruly and curly and fit for a golden wreathe to sit, his body all muscular and tanned, his absolute manliness. Something about how capable he was was just enough to have her squirming her thighs.
If she was to paint him, she’d want him to look something like this. Messy, needy, and staring right at her. She moved her hand to grip his cock giving it some gentle strokes, he was hissing already. Her hands were so warm and soft, and she pursed her lips and spat down onto him, allowing her to stroke him faster.
“Such a pretty cock, Daddy.”
He let out a laugh through his moan, “Pretty?”
She nodded. “Just like the rest of you. Beautiful.”
He felt his cheeks warm in a blush. No one had ever called him that before. She was still stroking him and he felt his eyes begin to squeeze shut in pleasure. His hips rutted up into her hand a few times.
“Want to feel this pretty cock, Daddy, please,” She said, her voice in a gentle begging tone.
He opened his eyes and smiled his hand moving from her hip to her cheek stroking it with his thumb. 
“Come sit on it, all yours to sit on, Princess.”
She smiled up at him, kissing his jaw and letting go of his stiffy so that she could move her legs up the bed. When she was hovering over him she placed her arms by his shoulders ready to slide onto him when he stopped her. 
“Wait, condom?” He asked, kissing her nose. 
She shook her head. “Wanna feel you, s’that okay?”
He felt his cock twitch at that. “Yeah, I’m clean, trust you. Want that too.”
She smiled leaning forward to place a kiss on his lips. Her hand grabbed his dick and brought it up between her slick folds, collecting the wetness. She slowly slid down onto it and felt herself stretching for him, her two orgasms allowed more room for him to glide into her easily, but no matter how wet she was his cock was always going to stretch her out.
When she’d made it halfway she looked up at him, “Y'big, sorry,”
He just pushed some hair away from her face, kissing her jaw near her ear. “Take your time.”
Eventually, she made it hilt of him, sitting down on him softly. They both let out heavy sighs at the feeling, she felt so full of him. He was so deep, she could see the bulge of him in her tummy. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder and his hands massaged her thighs softly. If not for their burning desire Harry could’ve stayed just like that for hours. His back against the wall, her resting against him, cock all warm inside her. It was perfect.
She eventually lifted her head up and smeared their lips together in a messy gentle kiss. Her arms wrapped around his back in an embrace as she began to lift herself up and then back down slowly. The stretch starting to burn in pleasure now, and the pain subsiding. He moaned into her mouth loudly as she started to pick up a rhythm of deep hard thrusts. The tip of him was hitting that spot that had her eyes rolling back into her skull as she started to find the rhythm that was right for them both. She was going slow yet hard and deep, it had her pussy clamping down against him which was sending him up the wall.
Her pussy was to die for, so tight, and perfect around his cock. Wet and warm. He wanted to bury himself in it all hours of the day. Her lazy bounces started to pick up as she gripped his shoulders for leverage. His hands moved from her hips to her ass, gripping her tightly as he began to pump his cock up meeting her bounces. He was moaning and grunting into her neck and tits at the feel of her tight pussy, he started kissing her all over.
It was a beautiful sight, his pretty girl's tits bouncing right in front of his face, and her moaning against his cock. He couldn't help but smile, a devilish one.
“Daddy, fuck,” She swore. She was getting close again. Her previous orgasms had her so sensitive to his touch.
One of his hands came forward and began to rub messy circles against her puffy clit. She let out a whine and shut her eyes bouncing as if her life depended on it, his other hand squeezed her ass kneading it roughly, as he thrust his cock up into her pussy.
“You’re Daddy’s good girl aren’t you?”
This made her let out a particularly loud whimper.
“What was that, Princess?”
She just let out another noise of pleasure.
His hand moved up to grip her chin so she’d look at him. “Say it, Y/n. Tell me.”
“I’m your good girl, H.”
He frowned. “H?”
Her hips were stuttering on his cock and the hard rubbing against her clit. “I’m your good girl, Daddy.”
He smirked. “Who’s little pussy does this belong to?”
God, he was filthy. She fucking loved it. It’s what she’d imagined him to be liked. Raw, rough, filthy, dominant, and possessive.
She cried out as his thrusts began to speed up. She was dizzy with it all, struggling to speak.
Her voice came out hoarse and breathless. “Yours,”
“What’s mine, Y/n?”
“My pussy, it’s yours. I'm yours.”
He smirked. “Good girl, sucha' good fucking girl.”
His thrusts caused her entire body to jolt forward, as her nails scratched down his arms and she began to scream at the pleasure. 
“That’s it, take Daddy’s cock,”
She gripped his arms for dear life, “Gunna’ come again. Ah, mm, fuck.”
He didn’t stop for a second and it was only a few thrusts until she was squirted all over his cock and shaking wildly. He could tell he’d fucked her hard because she was practically limp on top of him when her orgasm subsided, she was spent. Harry had ruined her. Three orgasms, three mind-blowing orgasms, she didn’t know if she could handle another.
He kissed her lips. “Good job, sweet girl.”
She smiled dazedly. “Thanks, Daddy.”
“Want me ta’ take care of ya’ now.” His voice hadn't gotten even slower, slurring from the absolute raw fuck he was having.
She nodded and he helped her off him. She fell back onto her bed, back amongst the mess that was her sheets. Her hair lay above her like a crown and he kissed her lips softly, enjoying this gentle side to her. It seems the more she came the softer she got, more clingy, handsy. He fucking loved it. He was sure his shoulders were covered in scratches from her, and his hair had been tugged about by her. He probably looked just as fucked out as her.
She was covered in a light sheen of sweat, and her lips were swollen. She looked up at him fluttering her lashes. Sexiest little thing ever, a total minx. “Want you.” She whispered. She wanted him to cum, fill her up. She'd been thinking about for years, especially lately.
He grabbed her legs spreading them far apart so he could slot in between her. He was sitting up on his knees all tall above her. Her tummy curled in anticipation and desire, he was so fucking hot. His gorgeous veiny hands touched her and those ring-covered fingers of his gripping into her flesh hard. His swirls of ink were still visible under the moonlight. 
He was a sight. A pure filthy sight she wanted to hold onto in her mind forever.
“Want to fill you up, Princess.” He replied. His cock was begging for his orgasm, he’d managed to last through one of her orgasms pulsing against him, but he knew the next one would push him over the edge. He slowly slipped inside of her, and her hands found their way to his arms, gripping them hard.
He started thrusting roughly without much warning, causing her bed to shift and creak under the weight of them both. She moaned loudly, “Oh, fuck,”
With each thrust her body jolted into the bed, as she tried to find a way to control her squirming body.
He let out a hiss as his balls slapped against her ass. “Feel so good around me, sweet girl. Fuckin' perfect. Made for this cock.”
She pulled him closer so that her chest was pressed into his. His face slipped into the side of her neck and shoulder and gently kissed along there. One of her arms wrapped around his back and the other found his hand, he held hers tightly. He continued fucking into her deep, it felt so good it hurt and her hips jutted to meet his.
“‘Wanna cum, Daddy, can I?” She said softly, in a pleading tone that had his balls aching to fill her pussy up with his hot cum. He grunted pounding into her just that bit harder, this final bundle of energy he had was going toward making her finish.
She felt her tummy tightening familiarly with her orgasm. She knew that she couldn’t hold onto it much longer.
“Cum f’me please, Y/n.” He whimpered, “Be a good girl and let me feel you cum on m’cock.”
His hand held hers tightly, and this romantic intimate side of him was all too much for her, this was somehow hotter than his rough side. She loved to see him like this.
She pulled his face to hers, and they kissed as she finished. It was all teeth and tongue, noses brushing into each other, and she cried out into his mouth. He nibbled her lip and felt her clamping against him rapidly.
When he pulled back from the kiss they were breathless, each thrust had her practically crying out.
“Gonna make me cum, Y/n,” He whispered. “Where do you want me cum?”
She wrapped her legs around his hips. “Inside me, please, Daddy.”
When he made eye contact with her that’s when he finally orgasmed. The thrusts of his hips grew sloppy with pleasure as he let out a loud moan of her name and some curses. She was scratching his arm and back softly letting him fuck her full of his cum as his pleasure subsided. He didn’t move out of her, just landed on top of her. His head resting right above her fast-beating heart. He was fucking spent.
She stroked his hair feeling nice and full of him. She could feel his cum inside her, dripping out onto his cock. He was warm and big to cuddle she loved it. He lifted his head up when he caught his breath, placing a kiss on her forehead, then her nose, then her cheeks which made her giggle, then finally her lips.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered.
“Oh, shut up Styles, I already let you fuck me, no need to butter me up now.” She teased.
He rolled his eyes, still inside her, still holding her hand. “You’ve always been beautiful, most gorgeous girl in the whole world.”
Her face turned soft, cheeks blooming in a soft dusty rose. “You’re beautiful too.”
He smiled. “Thank you.”
Eventually, he pulled out of her, she felt empty and whined at the feeling. She was so sensitive now. She honestly wouldn't have minded if he'd stayed inside her for the rest of the night.
She shut her eyes and as he sat back, he watched his cum drip out of her. It made his tummy flutter. He knows he shouldn’t be thinking this far ahead considering Y/n and him weren’t even dating. But if she got pregnant with his baby, that would be the cutest thing in the world. He cut those thoughts from his mind and stood up. 
“Gonna clean y’up.” He said, walking to her bathroom. He found a cloth in there and wet it with some warm water walking over to the bed. 
She opened her eyes which had turned bleary with sleepiness. She smiled tiredly over at him. He smiled back, grabbing her legs and spreading them so he could wipe her down. She whined at the touch of the cloth.
“Sorry, Baby.”
She let out another soft wince. “S’okay, worth it.”
As he stared down at her he noticed how sweaty she looked. “Wanna shower? I’ll help you. We probably should after all that rain and other stuff.”
She nodded, a small laugh leaving her mouth. “Okay, just don’t let me fall asleep and drown in there.”
He laughed. “Course not.”
He helped her up to a sitting position and she looked up at him sluggishly. “Really got me sore, H.”
He frowned. “Sorry, Angel.”
She teasingly sharpened her gaze, “You aren’t sorry, you filthy boy.”
He smirked. “‘M not sorry for taking what’s mine, I am sorry you’ll be sore tomorrow.”
She rolled her eyes. “You will be sorry when I keep complaining.”
"I'll massage you, don't worry."
He picked her up startling her, she always knew he was strong but never expected him to pick her up with such ease, and if she wasn’t totally spent she’d want to test what also he could do with those big muscles. Throw her around maybe? Fuck her standing up? She’d make a note to herself to try that later.
His hands were under bum and as he walked to the bathroom, the shower was surprisingly big and had a tiny little shelve that came out which had all her soaps and shampoos, but there was enough room for her to sit on it.
He turned the water on warm and placed her onto the sink bench. She watched him under the pale light of the bathroom. How was this the same Harry from before?
This was a soft kind man, a gentleman, hardly a frat boy dick. She didn't know where'd he been hiding this side of him. But she liked him just as much as he did the rotten-mouthed boy she knew.
In the shower he took care of her as promised, washing her hair with the lavender-scented shampoo she owned. He used some too, and he helped wash her skin with this fresh-smelling shower oil she had. Softly cleaning her sore parts and he massaged her body with such a gentleness that she melted right into his hands.
She’d never expected Harry to be one to stay and cuddle after, let alone help shower. He was so nurturing to her. It made her feelings bloom and spread through her body like wildflowers.
When they were both clean Harry even helped her dry her hair, and change into some comfy clothes. While she was brushing her teeth and putting some skincare on he fixed up her sheets and tucked himself into them. He'd put his rings in the little dish she had on her bedside table. Checking his phone to see it was late. They'd been going for a while.
When she came out in a baggy shirt that Harry had worn last time he was here, it still smelt of him, and some little black knickers he felt his heart skip a beat. She looked especially good in his clothes.
“C’mere.” He opened the duvet and she slid in beside him tiredly. He pulled her close, right in the crook of his chest, he’d decided to wear nothing to bed. Which bothered neither of them. He ran hot, especially with Y/n snuggling right up against him.
Her window was open letting the heavy downpour of thunder and rain become background noise as they fell asleep. He kissed her temple, rubbing her back underneath his shirt.
“Night, Beautiful.”
She shut her eyes kissing one of the swallows on his chest. “Night, Styles.”
Sleep found them both quickly and Harry held onto her the whole night. He was completely smitten with her, the one girl he couldn’t have was the only one he wanted. Fuck. They were so screwed.
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