#Absolutely flustered Indigo
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Lights, Leather, Action!- Part One
Cold-ridden, snzy stripper shit coming your way lol.
Grimm and Indigo are sent on an undercover assignment where neither knows the extent to other's role.
Imagine Indigo's surprise when he's dropped off at the local strip club and his lover is the fucking entertainment. Neither is allowed to break character. Neither can risk allowing their connection to each other to be known. But there's no rule that says they can't pretend to get to know each other as "strangers."
And Grimm loves a fucking challenge. And he's just come down with a the most horrible cold. However will he manage being a sexy AF "stripper" with something like that? -dramatic music intensifies-
Grimm's dance is done to this version of this song.
“This is absurd.” Indigo finishes buttoning his shirt and glances over his shoulder. “Why would I not be informed of the details of this mission?”
“Because,” Grimm says. “You gotta pretend you’ve never seen me before in your whole goddamn life.”
He gives his reflection the once over and tucks a wayward strand of hair behind one ear. Typical black t-shirt. Ripped jeans. Same old boots. Yep, Indigo wouldn’t suspect shit.
Well, except for the fact that he is currently nursing one hell of a cold. Which Indigo is, in fact, all too well aware of. The man had been watching him like a hawk all afternoon.
When he wasn’t forcing Grimm to drink whatever gross-as-fuck tea he’d concocted. Not that any of it had done a damn bit of good. Grimm’s voice already had plenty of gravel, but this is a new level of rough depth. Probably not a bad thing, considering just what he was about to do.
The near-constant prickle in his sinuses surges to a sudden burn and he clamps a hand over his mouth to muffle a shuddering “Hhkg–UHhSSCHu! –uuhHKGISCCHHshu!”
Damn. Should've grabbed a tissue for that shit. Maybe a towel.
“Bless you,” Indigo says, his tone a mix of exasperation, concern, and plenty of “come fuck me now.”
Which would have to wait.
He does, however, pass Grimm a generous handful of tissues. Because this ain’t something a handkerchief handle. Needs a “once and done” kinda thing.
“Thanks, Indy.” Grimm gives himself a much-needed sinus clearing and tosses it into the trash without so much as looking. “Look, I gotta go. Rex is gonna drive you out there.”
Indigo says nothing. Looks cross as hell. Grimm smothers a laugh into his palm. Yeah, no surprise there.
“I’d say ‘don’t worry about it,’ but you’re gonna.” He grabs his partner by the front of his belt and jerks him into a tight embrace. “I’ve been doing this shit my whole life. It’s gonna be fine.”
“I know that,” Indigo mutter-hisses into his shirt. “It is your health that concerns me.”
More chuckling. “It’s just a cold, Indy. I ain’t dyin’.”
“Yes, yes.” Indigo fists a handful of the black fabric, tilts his face up to get a better look at Grimm’s expression. “Regardless of that fact, I would much rather have you in my care.”
“Uh huh.” Grimm smirks. “I just bet you would.”
Before he can so much as protest, Indigo has tugged him into a kiss that has a fuckton of heat and zero concern for catching whatever Grimm might actually have.
“Go on, then.” Indigo brushes Grimm’s hair away from his face. “Do as you must.”
Oh, he would, alright.
Grimm pulls at the fabric of Indigo’s gray trousers with a decisive snap. “Hope you don’t like these pants.”
“Rex, where in the name of the gods have you taken me?”
While Indigo is more than familiar with the city and all of its grandeur, this is just beyond its limits, somewhere on the outskirts verging on questionable territory.
“You’re about to find out.” Grimm's associate shuts the SUV off and grabs his keys from the console. “Come on. Just pretend we’re two gay-as-fuck bros out for a good time.”
Indigo huffs. “You cannot be serious.”
“I’m so totally serious.”
“Great gods.”
While Indigo has never entered such an establishment, he is aware of its purpose the moment his foot touches the inordinately tacky carpet.
Surely not.
“Rex.” Indigo grabs his arm and presses himself against the other man’s body so as to be heard over the booming absurdity attempting to call itself “music.” “You cannot be serious!”
“You said that already.” Rex runs a hand through his black and blond hair and offers him a lopsided grin. “Come on, Indigo. I’ll buy you a drink.” He throws an arm around his shoulders and leads him through the crowd. “A strong one.”
Well, he would need more than that to cope with the barrage of sensory nonsense currently assailing him. Strobing, multicolored lights. Headache-inducing bass thumping through his entire being. Carpet that looked as if it had been designed by an acid user. Not to mention the hoards of screaming women. And more than a few gentleman as well. To use the term loosely.
And enough naked male flesh on display from both patrons and dancers alike.
Despite being dressed in casual modern clothing, Indigo himself feels as if he is on display, given the lurid gazes of those in the crowd.
“Don’t sweat it,” Rex says. “They just think you’re pretty.”
Indigo doesn’t inform the man of what he truly sees. Amidst the sweltering throng of humans are Others. At least one for every ten humans. An inordinate number gathered here, indulging in the perversion of sexual excess and libations.
Behind the rims of his glasses, his eyes flash brilliant blue but for a moment before he stills his instinctual overdrive. He is here merely as an observer. A “human” observer.
Is Grimm posing as some sort of bouncer? It was not as if he hadn’t done that manner of work before.
Rex hands him some manner of clear liquid in a shot glass which he does not bother to consume. The level of alcohol it would take to so much as touch his consciousness would cause the demise of several grown men.
It takes him a moment to realize that Rex has guided him to the front of one of several stages, which was absolutely not where he wishes to be under any circumstances.
“What in the name of the gods are you doing?” He starts to stalk in the opposite direction, but Rex clasps his wrist with a firm, decisive grip.
“Nope. We’re standing right here.”
Indigo shoots him a look that could freeze lava. “I think not.”
The deejay’s voice booms over the sound system, announcing the end of one dancer’s routine and welcoming another to the stage.
“Alright all you ladies and gents out there, we’ve got a debut performer for you tonight and goddamn, it’s a good one. Make some noise for Remmington Wolf!”
Indigo rolls his eyes. Honestly, where did these men find these ridiculous–
The raucous, sexual noise of guitars assaults his ears, but it is not the ungodly noise that stops him short.
No, that would be “Remmington Wolf” swaggering onto the stage, clad in leather and straps.
Indigo’s jaw nearly drops before he catches his composure in the midst of crumbling.
Grimm, strutting across the stage like he owns it. Grimm, ripping that black tank top from beneath the straps that cross over his extremely naked and tattooed chest.
And approximately one hundred screaming humans suddenly crowding the stage from every angle.
Great gods.
Grimm drops to the floor, his hips grinding suggestively against a shadow of nothing, body undulating in ways that were never meant for public consumption. A shower of money and frenzied attempts at touch surround him. The “leather” pants are suddenly gone, ripped from his body much like the shirt and discarded who knows where, leaving him standing in the shortest excuse for black spandex shorts Indigo has ever seen.
And the boots. Knee high and covered in straps and buckles that match the ones criss-crossing his chest.
It is then that his gaze locks onto Indigo and he drops to his knees, crawling towards him some sort of lurid predator intent on the certain demise of his prey.
Sweat beads Indigo’s brow at the sexual slink of Grimm’s approach and he stands frozen, unable to retreat or react. Grimm rises to his knees and reaches for him, hand tangling in his hair, the roll of his hips an obscene invitation.
Screaming, hormonal madness in every direction. Grimm’s face so intensely close to his, mere increments from his lips, that lascivious smile curving his mouth. Energy crackles between them, unseen to those around them, but clearly visible to Indigo.
Grimm is a fantasy of leather and sex, his body bending in ways that Indigo did not think him capable of.
He pulls back and rises to his feet, his wandering touch focusing on one of the many women absolutely begging for his attention. Just for a moment.
Indigo doesn’t miss the hesitation in his stride, the way he suddenly ducks into the crook of his elbow, the unmistakable shudder of those broad shoulders.
Once. Twice. Thrice.
Heat suffuses his entire being as Grimm’s wandering gaze targets him and that cocky smile curves one side of his mouth.
The bastard. The absolute great bastard!
Everything about his partner has been reduced to strutting, undulant carnal deviance. And all Indigo can do is stare at him like one of the slavering buffoons stuffing handfuls of money down those indecorous shorts.
The music tapers to silence and the audience emits a collective shriek of inane delight worthy of several pairs of earplugs.
Somewhere above it all, the deejay is rambling whatever drivel comes after a performance, but Indigo’s attention is locked onto his partner who is currently at the opposite end of the runway-like stage, running a hand through his sweat-dampened hair, laughing with raucous enjoyment over something a bouncer has said.
It takes every ounce of control Indigo can muster not to part the crowd with his raging appetency and drag Grimm into the nearest corner and—
“You good?” Rex nudges his shoulder and Indigo blinks, snapping back to reality.
“Yes,” he lies stiffly.
Rex laughs. “No?”
Indeed not. Rex truly has no idea.
Grimm pops the cap off of his third bottle of water and takes a deep swig. That had been a lot of damn energy. Funny, because he doesn’t feel even a little bit tired.
He should, though. Even if his cold was just some garden variety bullshit, that didn’t excuse him from the relentless symptoms.
One in particular.
He snatches a handful of napkins from the bar and barely manages to clamp them over his mouth and nose.
Damn. Barely any warning. Maybe if it wasn’t so fucking cold in this place. A double whammy for sure.
He takes a moment to struggle into some actual leather pants, which doesn’t do a goddamn thing, but it doesn’t matter. He’s got better shit to do.
Making his way through an ocean of admiration is only moderately weird, but he’s interested in one particular target and that’s the one currently giving Rex an earful. Fuck, he can only imagine. The kid is laughing, which probably isn’t the smartest thing, but at least Indigo doesn’t look too pissed. “Frustrated” is definitely the best word for that look. He’s seen it pointed at him more times than a firing squad.
As if sensing his approach, Indigo ceases whatever he’s dishing out to Rex and turns to face him, expression neutral, posture proper but deceptively normal.
Grimm isn’t buying it. Not for a second.
He adopts all of the cocky bullshit he can muster and puts a deliberate swagger in his stride.
Rex excuses the hell out of himself before Grimm reaches the edge of the table where neither Indigo nor Rex had actually sat, leaving Indigo to fend for himself against whatever advances he might make. That is, if he tried to do that shit.
“Hey.” He tosses his dark hair over his shoulders with all kinds of ridiculous finesse. “Saw you watching. You like what you see?”
Indigo arches one perfect eyebrow with such an air of boredom, Grimm almost buys it.
“Perhaps,” he says.
Hmm, he’s good.
Grimm steps closer, the fingers of one hand grazing the sleeve of Indigo’s shirt with a feather-light touch. “You got a name?”
His partner does not so much as flinch. “I do, but you may call me ‘Ice’.”
Grimm almost chokes on the laugh that bursts out of him before he can even do a damn thing to stop it. “Hmmn, okay, Ice.” He lowers his head just a touch, a gleam in his eye. “Guess you heard who I was since you couldn’t take your eyes off of me.”
“I believe I missed it,” Indigo “Ice” says. Like he’s so goddamn disinterested, he can’t stand himself.
Well, now. This shit is gonna be fun.
“Remmington,” Grimm says. “You think something that long will fit in your mouth, Ice?”
Indigo lifts his chin. “I suppose it would depend on if you prefer ‘Remming’ or not.”
Did he just . . .
Grimm leans against the column beside the table. “You’re a real smartass, aren’t ya.”
“You are not the first to accuse me of such a thing.”
Maybe Grimm would have said something equally smartassy back, but standing under an AC vent has won over a spicy comeback. And this is way better.
He brushes a knuckled finger against his nose with a cringe, makes a show of standing there for a moment, fights against it with more visuals than necessary. Indigo’s gaze is cool and steady, his posture now straight, but not rigid.
Grimm’s expression begins the descent from brash to desperate, his breath hitching with an uneven, almost ragged stammer.
“Hhh-huuh! Hhuuh. . .! UHCHSSHu! Hkgh’UHSSCCH’u! —Uhh-KGSSSSSH!”
To hell with covering. He leans to one side and gives Indy the full fucking show, right down to the full body shiver. Which he can’t help anyway, but fuck it.
“Goddamn,” he says with a shake of his head. “Fucking freezing in hee-hhhuh! Hh–NXGT–shhuh!” He leans against the support pillar with a thick, congested sniffle. “Fuck. Excuse me.” He flashes Indigo a lascivious smile. “Might have a cold or some shit.”
“Bless you,” Indigo says with such polite indifference that Grimm laughs like a stupid asshole. “Perhaps this would be of some use to you?”
The icy bastard waggles a folded handkerchief at him, holding it between two fingers, and Grimm smirks. “You won’t want it back when I’m done with it.”
“I had no intention of wishing for its return,” Indigo says.
Grimm takes a step towards him, his fingers sliding to clasp the thing, but caressing the edges of Indigo’s pale hand in the process, taking his time to pull it free of the proffering grip.
Just in time, too. Grimm buries his nose in the folds with a dramatic disaster of an encore, doing nothing to stop himself from unleashing hell from whatever the fuck his sinuses are doing right now.
Indigo’s expression softens just for a split second and Grimm nudges the tip of his dress shoe with one boot.
“Bless you,” Indigo says, the frost in his tone warmed for the briefest instant, a context clue no one but Grimm could possibly decipher.
“Thanks,” Grimm says. He barely manages to stop himself from saying “Indy.” He recovers with another, more subdued nose blow and pockets the handkerchief. “Wanna buy me a drink?”
Indigo “Ice” chuckles with a thread of something wild. “I suppose I might.”
#EFF writes#Grimm and Indigo#Sexy Exotic Dancer Grimm#With a super sexy cold#Absolutely flustered Indigo#LOTS OF SEXINESS#Gods this is fun to write#I hope this brings a spark of joy to those who need it most#🩵🩵🩵
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plsplspls nerdy looking & virgin reader and cunty scara 🙏
This req is short but I love it ❤❤
✧・゚:* ->Popular! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ->¡Warnings!: NSFW, Cunnilingus, Slight Public sex(?), Praise, Petnames (good girl, doll)!
Decent grades, large friend groups, money, favouritism among teachers, looks to die for... Scaramouche had it all and he basked in the attention he received. But then there was you, his polar opposite. Aside from being a top student, there were a lot of things that you two didn't have in common. With you being a social outcast, preferring to bury your nose in a book than mingle with others. Not to mention those oversized clothes and weirdly large glasses that somehow framed your face so perfectly.
Scaramouche had only really noticed you when you both were paired up for a project and in that time he couldn't deny that he'd grown a sort of attraction towards you. You were just so goddamn cute in his eyes, so quiet and timid and pure...so corruptible... He'd be lying if he said that he didn't jerk off to the image of those wide eyes staring up at him so cluelessly whenever he talked to you. Or the way your skirt would sometimes ride up a little too high as you sat on his bed, giving him a peek of your panties.
Even after the assignment was handed up, Scaramouche found himself still seeking you out just to be in your company. It was then he realized that you seemed to develop a little thing for him too, getting nervous and overly jumpy whenever he'd enter the room, trying to hide your blush with one of your books, stuttering over your words. and goodness did it make him only crave you more. He finally decided to corner you in the library one day, getting a bit too close as his hands slowly roamed your body. Going lower and lower till they were tugging your skirt down.
And that's how you found yourself getting tongue fucked in a secluded part of the library. Your face was flushed as you sat on the chair which was now a mess of your arousal. One hand covered your mouth to muffle the noises he coaxed out of you, the other tangled in his indigo locks as you tugged him closer, desperate for release. Scaramouche absolutely lived for the sight above him, your sweaty body illuminated under the bright lights of the library adorned with your untidy clothes and disheveled hair.
The way your glasses slipped down your flushed face as you hesitantly met his eyes was absolutely adorable. It only made him want to make you squirt all over his face even more as he increased the pace of his tongue, the wet muscle delving into the tight depths of your gummy walls. His pleased groans vibrated against your sensitive folds, making you throw your head back in bliss as your nails dug into his scalp.
"Mmh... You're close, aren't you, doll? Look at you, falling apart on my tongue like this. You're so fucking cute when you try to keep quiet... But you can't because I'm just making you feel sooo good, aren't I?" Scaramouche drawled in a teasing tone, smirking against your cunt as he saw how it flustered you. He moved his mouth to latch on to your clit instead, plush lips engulfing the swollen bud as he sucks and licks at it feverishly while simultaneously stuffing your drooling pussy with two slender fingers.
The change in pace had your back arching, a loud whine slipping out as your eyes went glassy with tears. He was right, you were going to cum soon. Scaramouche gripped your thighs and threw them over his shoulders, relishing the way they squeezed his head when you did. His digits pumped in and out of you at a reasonable speed, occasionally curling to hit that spot that made you see stars.
It was getting harder to keep your noise on the low, with you practically biting your arm to try and distract yourself. Scaramouche noticed and lightly scraped his teeth against your clit, that little bit of added stimulation sending you over the edge as your eyes rolled to the back of your head while moaning a little louder than you would have liked. You came all over his face, drenching it with your juices. Scaramouche smirked as he pulled his mouth away from your pussy but not before pressing a wet kiss to your clit.
He pushed himself up on his knees, getting closer to your face as he took in your fucked out expression,"You're such a good girl, squirting all over my face like that. You taste absolutely divine..." He used a finger to smear off some of your cum from his face, making a show out of sucking it off just to see you get red in the face again. Then he stood up and switched your places.
Now you were on your knees in front of him while he sat on the chair that was now soaked with your essence. You got a great view of the very noticeable bulge in his pants, a damp spot already forming as he grinned down at you. Scaramouche carded a hand through your hair delicately, desire swirling around in those dark eyes of his as he said in a deceptively sweet tone,"Hmm, I wonder what people would say if they heard the nerd was sucking off the popular kid in the library?"
#x reader smut#smut#genshin impact smut#genshin impact x reader smut#genshin smut#genshin impact#scaramouche smut#scaramouche x reader smut#scara smut#scara x reader smut#✧・゚:* meena's memos! ✧・゚:*
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Lando Norris x Reader: Compliments In The Rain
Prompt: Lando catches you off guard with a series of sweet and genuine compliments about your appearance and personality. Your blush and flustered reactions make him smile, and he ends up reassuring you of how much he loves and appreciates you.
Reader: Gender Neutral
Word count: 830
Average reading time: 3 min
Category: Fluff
Warnings: None
The evening in Monaco was wrapped in a gentle hush, the weekend off giving way to a serene calm. As you and Lando wandered along the waterfront, the sky transitioned from a warm amber to a deep indigo, punctuated by distant flashes of lightning that hinted at a summer rain. The crisp air carried the faint scent of sea salt and blooming flowers, and the sound of gentle waves lapping against the shore created a soothing backdrop.
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
The rain began to fall softly, a delicate drizzle that quickly grew into a more persistent shower. Laughing at the sudden downpour, you and Lando sought shelter under a nearby roof. Your fingers intertwined and your shoulders pressed close together, the warmth of his body against yours felt comforting. You nestled into him, feeling a mix of contentment and affection that seemed to amplify with each passing second.
Lando's gaze was soft as he looked at you, his usual playful smirk replaced by something more tender. He gently brushed a stray lock of wet hair from your face, his touch light and loving. "You know," he began, his voice a soothing murmur as he leaned in closer, "I've been meaning to tell you something."
You tilted your head, curiosity lighting up your eyes. "What is it?"
Lando’s fingertips traced a gentle path along your jawline, sending a shiver of delight through you. "You look absolutely stunning tonight," he said softly. "The way the rain makes your eyes sparkle... it’s like you’re glowing."
A deep blush spread across your cheeks, and you looked down, flustered by his words. "Lando, you’re making me blush."
He chuckled softly, the sound warm and rich with affection. His hands cupped your face, his thumbs brushing tenderly across your flushed cheeks. "It’s true. But it’s not just your appearance that takes my breath away. It’s your heart, the way you bring so much kindness and joy to everyone around you. I admire how you always find the strength to be positive, even when things are tough."
You felt a rush of warmth spread through you, his compliments sinking deep into your heart. "You always know just what to say," you murmured, feeling a little overwhelmed.
Lando’s eyes searched yours with a loving intensity. He gently tilted your chin up, his lips finding a sweet spot just below your ear. He pressed a tender kiss to your neck, the touch so soft it felt like a whisper. "I don’t just say things to make you feel good," he said against your skin. "I say them because they’re true. And I want you to know how much I appreciate everything about you, your strength, your humor, even the way you laugh at my worst jokes."
Your heart fluttered as his kisses continued to trail along your neck, each touch a gentle caress that made your skin tingle. You closed your eyes, savoring the intimate moment. "I never know how to respond to this," you admitted softly, your voice a breathless whisper.
"Love," Lando said, his lips brushing your ear as he spoke, "you don’t need to respond. Just know that I mean every word. You’re incredible, and I feel so lucky to have you by my side."
He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you in a tender embrace. His embrace was more than just physical; it was a cocoon of warmth and safety. His hands traced soothing patterns on your back, and you could feel the steady beat of his heart against your chest. "I love you so much, Lando," you whispered, your voice trembling slightly with emotion.
"I love you too," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear. He pressed a series of soft, lingering kisses to your neck and shoulders, each touch a testament to his affection. The gentle rain outside seemed to echo the rhythm of his tender caresses. "I promise to always remind you of how amazing you are. You deserve to hear it, and I’ll never tire of telling you."
As the rain continued to fall around you, its gentle patter blending with the rhythm of your heartbeats, you felt completely enveloped in love. Lando’s tender touches and heartfelt words created a cocoon of intimacy that made the world outside seem distant and unimportant.
He leaned back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. His fingers traced a loving path from your collarbone up to your jaw, and he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "There’s something magical about moments like this," he said, his eyes sparkling with an affection that felt both timeless and precious. "Just us, the rain, and the way I get to show you how much I care."
You smiled, feeling a profound sense of contentment. The simplicity of his love, expressed through soft kisses and gentle caresses, was a reminder of how deeply he cared for you. And in that moment, with the rain washing away all worries, you knew that you were cherished beyond measure.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
#f1#formula 1#lando norris#lando#norris#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#lando norris x yn#x reader#reader#yn#fanfic#lando fanfic#lando norris fanfic#mclaren#lando norris imagine#imagine#f1 imagine#ln4#ln4 x reader#ln4 imagine#lando norris oneshot#onehsot#f1 oneshot#formula one
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Stuck in bed
So I've been sick for a bit now and am desperately craving some fluff and I'm also mentally ill for SethosScara. I need more fics of them pronto
Also on ao3
Sethos x Scaramouche/Wanderer (romantic)
Lee: Sethos
Ler: Scaramouche
Warnings: Tickles! Gey
Rays of sunshine started seeping through the blinds, signaling the start of a new day. The warm glow embraced Scaramouche’s features, causing the indigo male to let out an annoyed grumble. He not so delicately rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, stretching out his limbs until they grew numb.
While ungraciously sitting up with a drowsy pout, he looked over to his side. A tangle of limbs and sheets, also known as Sethos, snored away without a care in the world.
It was quite the sight, some might even call it cute.
The Wanderer reached out, gently tugging down on the blanket to reveal his lover’s face. Letting out a soft chuckle at the bit of drool that dripped out of his mouth.
“Adorable…” the ex-harbinger murmured to himself, further tugging down the covers that encased his lover.
He watched as Sethos shifted in his sleep, goosebumps rising across his skin as the cool air hit bare skin.
Scaramouche couldn’t help drift his gaze towards the expanse that was his bare back. Such soft, supple skin. He couldn’t help but want to touch it. Without thinking much, he started to delicately trace his fingertips across the smooth skin, instantly growing mesmerized by the feel. Like a cat playing with a new, shiny toy.
He really had fallen down the deep end when it came to love. Not in a million years did he think he’d revel in something as simple as skin contact. His thoughts got interrupted as he heard a sound akin to a… giggle? He stopped his movements, glancing over to Sethos’s face, only to still see him out for the count. Though, there was now a cute, little smile stretched across his lips.
Wanderer didn’t think much of it and went back to mapping out his back, as if trying to memorize every curve.
Okay, that definitely was a giggle. Scara watched Sethos’s smile grow brighter, earning a smirk from the former.
“Finally awake, little bee?” There was a teasing lilt in hat guy’s voice, his fingers never seizing their movements.
“Yeah- Hehe! What are- what are you doing?”
“Simply admiring your back. Though someone seems a bit too ticklish for that~” His smirk grew more teasing before he leaned his face closer, placing a gentle kiss on the exposed patch of skin.
“EEP?!” Sethos squeaked, his eyes widening in shock at the embarrassing sound that escaped his lips. The blush on his cheeks not trailing too far behind.
“Heh, cute” Scaramouche started using both hands, trailing his fingers softly up and down the sides of his boyfriend’s bare torso.
“Oh c’mon honey, no- Hah! No tickling…!” Sethos whined into the pillow. Despite his protests, he didn't try to get away.
“Tch, don’t act like you’re not loving the attention. You could easily get away if you wanted to, little bee”
“But I’m sleepy- EHEEK?! WAHAHAIT!” The squeal that came out of Sethos probably resounded through all of Sumeru, having reached new heights in pitch when Scara started lightly pressing his fingers between his ribcage. Wiggling against the sensitive bones.
“NAHAHAHA! MOCHI, NOT THEHEHERE!” Sethos squirmed and writhed, his limbs flailing all over the place as he laughed his head off. He could feel his face erupt in warmth from the whole ordeal.
The Wanderer’s teasing expression softened up to a more endearing look, absolutely smitten by the mess of giggles and limbs he had created.
“Not here? Are you sure? It drives you insane with laughter though~” He cooed against the flustered man’s ear, earning another cute squeal.
Scara couldn’t help but laugh along. Watching his boyfriend struggle to form coherent sentences was wildly amusing and adorable.
“Oh fine, I’ll go somewhere else then~”
Sethos missed the playful tone in his boyfriend’s voice as he made the mistake of relaxing once those pesky fingers stopped tormenting his ribs. He slumped down against the mattress, trying to steady his breathing. “Ahahah… thank you- WAIT! THAT’S WOHOHORSE!”
He could’ve sworn his soul almost left his body when he suddenly felt small, blunt nails scratching and wiggling away under his arms.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you over all that laughter~” Scaramouche placed a small kiss on the warm shell of his partner’s ear, his fingers digging into the sensitive skin to draw out every last laugh, squeal and giggle.
“HYAHAHAH! PLEASE, MERCYHIHIHI!” Sethos threw his head back, and that’s when the world seemed to stop for Scaramouche. Time froze, his eyes widened as he saw his boyfriend’s crimson red face. Eyes squeezed shut and nose scrunched up, and that smile. Oh, that smile did things to him. It was so… pure, so bright and full of life. And that sweet sound of laughter that just seemed to scratch his brain in all the right spots. Everything about Sethos is mesmerizing, making Scara feel like a lovestruck fool. He was snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard the shrill pleas of his hysterical partner.
“Oops-” Scara slowed his fingers until reaching a full stop, pulling his hands away to allow his lover to recover.
Sethos took greedy breaths, his chest heaving as he looked like he had ascended on cloud 9. He opened his crinkled eyes, only to see Scaramouche staring down at him with a toothy grin. What was more flustering? All that tickling or that look that seemed to make his stomach turn? Perhaps both.
“You okay?” Wanderer’s voice came out oddly soft as he gently ran his fingers through Sethos’s long locks.
“Yeah… though, I think I’m ready for bed again” the latter spoke with a tired chuckle.
Without warning, Scaramouche crashed right on top of him. Earning a squeak as he nestled his face against his lover’s back.
“Good idea, wake me up later” he placed a kiss on his back before dozing off within moments. Sethos couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement.
“Alright, goodnight honey” he rested his head against the pillow once more, feeling his eyes growing heavy and his heart forever warm in the Wanderer’s presence. As he felt himself drift off, he heard a soft “goodnight, little bee”, causing a smile to blossom on his tired face.
Sethos is so pretty help me
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in dire need of taggie’s bsf!reader x patrick THE ABSOLUTE ANGST PLS
omg YES PLS 🤩🤩🫶🏽
“You have so much celestial light.”
(Rivals) Patrick O’Hara x Reader
Suggestion by this sweet anon 🫶🏽
18+ FANFIC / Implied smut & GORGEOUS Patrick 🥰 Reader character aged at 21. Hope you enjoy! 🩷 (Tumblr give us Patrick gifs NOW)

The bluebell woods leading the pathway to The Priory were in full bloom under the gleaming summer sunlight — creating the most magnificent artwork of indigo petals across the dew-topped fields. Taggie O’Hara was sprinting frantically after Gertrude, who had taken a rather unwelcome liking to a passing fox. Duchess, your much more affable border collie, stayed put by your feet, although the temptation to bound after Gertrude was increasing. “Taggie! Don’t run, it just makes her worse.” You called after your copper-haired friend, keeling over in a thunderous fit of laughter. Unable to resist temptation any longer, Duchess bolted off to your right but you, entirely unfazed, allowed her to.
“Hello, beautiful.” A buttery soft voice spoke beside you. Glancing upwards, the breath caught in your throat. A statuesque man — chiselled jawline, long ringlets of chocolate brown curls and rippling biceps that bulged from his tight shirt. “Duchess, here girl.” You called out, but she was lay on her back, excitedly squirming as the man knelt beside her and stroked her chest. In the distance, Taggie was some yards ahead, her willowy limbs unable to keep up with the pace of her sprint. “It’s terribly uncouth to ignore somebody’s compliment.” He spoke again, jokingly. Blushing furiously, your look of bewilderment was seemingly diminutive in comparison to his. His emerald green gaze couldn’t remove its hold from you, and his jaw was agape — he was transfixed.
“Patrick O’Hara, your future husband.” He introduced himself, rising to his feet and advancing towards you. Taking your hand, he blessed it with a gentle kiss. Your already flustered cheeks were now glowing the most mortifying magenta. “Patrick? You’re Taggie’s…” You began, but with a self-righteous smile, he finished your sentence. “Brother, yes. I imagine she’s told you about me, as I’ve been told many a story about you. Thank you for looking after her.” Patrick’s voice was charmingly solemn now, and it made your heart flutter like the frantic wings of a bumblebee inside your chest.
Attaching Duchess back onto her lead, you both began to follow in the direction of Taggie, although she was so far in the distance by now that her copper hair appeared as a small amber beacon leading the way, something you and Patrick both shared a delightful giggle over. “Do you have a girlfriend at university then?” You questioned, as nonchalantly as you could muster. “No. The girls at Trinity don’t have enough celestial light. When you find the one, the light just blinds you intensely. It’s very important.” Patrick informs you, taking a hold of Duchess’ lead. “Do I have celestial light?” You continued to probe, stopping dead in your tracks and batting your wispy eyelashes towards him. “Oh darling, you have so much celestial light.” Patrick beamed in response, turning on his heels and leading you down to the river bank.
The tranquil rushing of the river instantaneously steadied your heartbeat. Setting up camp on two large, jagged rocks, Patrick released Duchess from her roped restraint and cackled as she bounded across the river bank, most certainly in search of Gertrude. “What has Taggie told you about me then?” You inquired, your delicate voice sounding otherworldly serene against the babbling brook. “She’s told me that you’re an angel. I always thought that was just an expression until now. But darling, you are heavenly.” Patrick whispered the honeyed words, and enchanted shivers reverberated throughout your body. “Oh, Patrick. Don’t be silly.” You muttered, inching closer towards him.
Brushing a lock of leather black hair away from your eyes, Patrick took a moment to inspect you further — pin straight hair that framed your soft jawline perfectly, a buttoned nose & cerulean eyes that twinkled so majestically that they appeared almost lilac. “Here you are.” Taggie panted breathlessly, much louder than that of the two exhausted dogs sat by her feet. “Gertrude followed the fox to its den, and then went sprinting off with Duchess.” She puffed, slipping down beside you and resting her rouged cheek on your shoulder. “Tired, Tag?” Patrick smiled — but there was a disheartened tonality in his voice. “Exhausted! And I’ve been looking for you two for ages.” She sighed as you patted the top of her head softly.
“Anyway. Umm, I’ll head back to The Priory. I’m sure Mum will want to see me. I’ll see you later.” Patrick sighed, and jumped to his feet. “Oh Patrick, wait…” You exclaimed, but you faltered sorrowfully as he had already begun to trudge across the damp leaves, head hanging.
“I waited for a girl like you to come and save my life…” - Out of My League, Fitz & The Tantrums.
#rivals#rivals disney+#rivals disney#rivals hulu#rivals fanfic#rivals fanfiction#rivals smut#patrick o hara#patrick o’hara#gabriel tierney#declan o’hara#rupert and taggie#taggie o hara#taggie o’hara#bella maclean#my asks <3#requests <3
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barista! scaramouche x florist! fem! reader
synopsis: in which we read the perspective of the costumers of Café Mon Amour as they watched a slow burn x mutual pining happening in real life between the always having a frown yet handsome barista and the cute yet flirty florist that works from the other side of the street.
genre: mutual pining, fluff, modern au, short drabble.
notes: I got this idea while I was getting my hair done hahahahaha. Also as usual my stories are still gonna be filled with so much commas because idk how to write properly like I still have trouble when to use certain symbols... Hahahaha I am self conscious of my writing style now rip.
notes: found this in my drafts and I thought it was cute and decided to finish it, might probably make a part two of this if people want that:)
The sounds of coffee being brewed, the occasional jingles of the bell from the cafe door, barista's working left and right, the smell of bitter coffee and the sweetness of the desserts are present in the air. Café Mon Amour is known for its relaxing atmosphere, good coffee and treats, the attractive set of baristas working and also the absolute movie like mutual pining that they can observe almost every single day.
Everyday at exactly 8 am the cafe doors would open and in comes the loveable florist from the other side of the streets and the barista already have her usual order ready.
The other costumers just find this scene very entertaining—even amusing, seeing the frown of Scaramouche's face—the barista—would immediately disappear as he just chuckles at whatever the florist could share to him that morning. The other baristas snickering at him, Venti clearly having an urge to snitch on Scaramouche's crush on the said florist, Xiao immediately placing a hand over the male's mouth to cover whatever words Venti wanted to say, Kazuha and Heizou just looking at the two before giving each other a side eye before giggling at each other.
“How's the sunflower you talked about before the one that you told me that didn't seem to be growing well?” Scaramouche asked with a raised eyebrow, ignoring his colleagues and [Name]'s eyes widen, sparkling even, “Wait! You remembered?!” She asked in shock making the indigo haired male scoff and roll his eyes with small blush on his cheeks, “Of course I would, you kept whining to me about it so it's hard to even forget it.” he says.
‘We know you remembered it during the first time she said it.’ the other costumers thought as they sipped their respective coffees.
“But still you remembered!” She exclaimed with a huge grin and the barista can only sigh.
They would watch the two engage in small talk despite the barista being known for not liking the idea of talking to people considering he would just glare and not say anything when someone orders to him.
They watched as the florist waved goodbye with her coffee in one hand and the barista gave a small wave and while having a nonchalant look on his face.
During afternoons, when the cafe is almost about to close, they would often see the same florist from that morning always bringing one type of flower and giving it to the barista.
They would just silently snicker as the barista would go red and flustered, she brought a sunflower this time.
This scene always happen every single day and one costumer even asked the other baristas if the two were dating and the baristas would just sigh and tells them no.
‘You're kidding, right?’
‘Unfortunately no.’
‘How long have they been you know...? Obviously pining for each other?’
‘Long enough that we ourselves are getting frustrated.’
Despite it being obvious, the two remained oblivious to how the other looked at them—with adoring looks and with pupils dilated. Still, it's frustratingly funny and endearing at the same time. For now, customers and the other baristas alike will let the two dance around each other's feelings for a while, they'll intervene eventually but for now they'll let them be.

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- In between part II -
Tw: Albedo’s part may be a liiiitle bit suggestive Wc: 1643 Genre: Fluff Summary: Some other genshin men (Xiao, Wanderer, Albedo & Alhaitham) letting their head rest between your thighs A/N: wOW LOOK AT ME POSTING SOMETHING AFTER MONTHS- I hope that you guys like it though because I haven’t written in a while! <333
Part I (Diluc, Childe, Kaeya and Zhongli) -> <3 Masterlist -> <3
I don’t know how you managed to convince him
But honestly congratulations
Like it definitely must have been hard-
y/n can you perhaps share your techniques with us-
I have to manipulate my mom into saying “yes” to a few things
oh my god 50 words in and I still didn’t start-
After hours you managed to persuade him into resting his head between your super amazing thighs 🫶
He’d be so so so shy, especially when you first shared your idea with him
And you’d be able to see that on his face and eyes
Because the eyes never deceive
His cheeks are no longer pale but there’s a soft pink hue on them
Just like the color of the silk flowers that bloom right in front of Wangshu inn <3
Don’t get me started with his golden eyes that can’t gaze straight into yours like they usually do
They’re staring at the wooden floor right now-
Sir what so interesting about the floor I’m curious- 🎤🎤🎤
It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you, not at all!
But this is just the first time that he’ll do something more intimate… something that requires more touching…
When he finally gained enough courage to glance towards your direction his eyes immediately focused on the sight of your bare thighs, a deep breath deserting his soft lips as he moved closer.
As you slowly opened your legs for him you couldn’t do much but smile. It was rare to see someone this calm become this flustered after all. “If I knew that you’d blush this much I would’ve offered to do this way sooner,” you said softly.
He managed to mutter a quiet “c’mon” before placing his head between your thighs. The warmth of your body made him feel at ease. Everything about this was already so comforting to him. The way it felt, how relaxed he became after your fingers started to travel through his dark locks, the way his hand held yours and many more things he could possibly think of.
Maybe you were right, maybe you should’ve offered to do this way sooner…
He surprisingly loves it
This is straight up intimacy to him-
Please do it more often with him y/n :(
During the whole thing he’s clueless on what to do though
So he just keeps his eyes closed and holds your hand that is currently free
y/n what the phoque did you just propose to him????
He’s absolutely flabbergasted as we speak… and flustered too-
But you don’t have to know that, that’s not important <3
I mean he’s a puppet so can he even blush-?
He probably can’t and that’s lowkey sad-
I’m gonna paint his cheeks pink for you y/n- 🫶
Pinker than the dendrobiums that you can find on Nazuchi Beach
You’ve known him for a while so you quickly noticed how his behavior was a bit off…
Like his usual confident self was nowhere to be spotted
He’s trying to act all cocky though but he is failing miserably :(
For some reason he can’t even make a snarky comment back like he usually does-
And woah-
Did he just start to stutter??? That is new… 🤨
He’s been through a lot so showing and receiving affection really isn’t his forte-
It’s something he has to learn
But you’re here to help him with that <3
His indigo eyes just glance from your face to your thighs… and your face again… and now your thighs once again. “Everything to make them happy,” he thought to himself before mumbling a soft “I’ll do it” to you.
Upon hearing those words the corners of your lips immediately rose and your legs opened widely for him. To your surprise he accepted your offer quite quickly considering you had thought that it’d take way more to persuade him. Your (e/c) colored eyes avidly watched him place his head between your legs as you couldn’t conceal your wide smile.
He clearly felt your warm thighs press against his cheeks, the heat of them making his own face warm. In a gentle manner he put his hands on them and started to give small strokes with his thumbs. It was his own subtle way of thanking you.
“I’m thinking that you’re liking this… You would’ve pulled your face away already if you ha–”, a sudden pain made you put a halt to your words.
He’s back to normal now dammit :/
He pinched you… as a little warning-
But he did it softly because he loves you <3
Lowkey wants to do it a bit more often but knowing him he wouldn’t say that to your face
Y’know what he also does-
Squeeze your thighs even tighter against his face to the point where his cheeks get squished
Tell him that it’s for science-
Or that you’re curious about something and want to test your theory out-
But say that first before explaining the the whole I-want-your-head-to-rest-between-my-thighs thing
He probably has a faint red color on his cheeks when you tell him all that for the very first time <3
Anyway Albedo is a smart guy so he probably is fully aware that you don’t have a theory to prove to begin with-
AKA you just want his head ✨ there ✨ and he knows it
But he’ll help you out nonetheless because you make his heart flutter-
His heart basically goes nuts hehe
Strangely enough only your presence, actions, words etc… has such effects on his body…
I don’t mean anything suspicious with this iN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING-
He has that smug expression on his face again
Yeah that
But he’s also a little bit shy and flustered at the same time
It’s you so he can’t help it :(
Probably gives your thighs a few smooches before placing his head between them
Starts squeezing them too while he’s at it because he adores your body
One happy alchemist as we speak
After giving your legs some kisses he positions himself between them, happily letting you squeeze his face. As you two sit in silence you suddenly feel his ungloved hands on your bare thighs tracing figures.
“Someone can’t keep their hands to themselves, can they,” you teased as you leaned closer to the male in front of you. Your nose inhaled his sweet scent as your lips gave kisses on his head, your own hands on top of his now.
Albedo chuckled before answering, “And you can’t stop kissing me so I guess we’re even, no? Besides–,” he turned around to face you, “what are you trying to prove? What are you researching?”
“Nothing,” you mumbled.
He smirked at you before turning around, “thought so.”
Told ya he’s smart :d
In my opinion he’s a bit more on the teasing side when he’s alone with his lover and moments like these happen
90% of the time he’s his usual self
Funnily enough, next time he wants something like this to happen he’ll approach you with the same excuse you had
“y/n can you sit like this for me for a quick second I must research something rather important–”
And my archons what do we have here-
Is that Albedo’s head between your thighs-???
I wanna write for this dude
And that’s exactly what I’m doing on this fine Wednesday morning desPITE BEING SICK-
Okay but-
When you first suggest it he’s looking at you like this
Yes those are his eyebrows, he’s frowning don’t judge me-
You’d have to ask it a few times before he gives in though
In my opinion he isn’t the biggest fan of PDA, nor is he touchy or clingy either
He reminds me of a rock, like I’m straight up getting rock vibes from him
If you look good and close enough you may be able to see that little blush on his cheeks… And maybe his ears too…
Squint your eyes a bit if your eyesight is bad like mine :(
He’d take his big ass headphones off just for you <3
Why use noise canceling headphones when y/n’s thighs aRE RIGHT THERE- ;););)
Before sitting between your legs he would probably give your thighs a few squeezes and kisses
He’s not the most romantic man out there but it’s his way of saying and showing that he loves and appreciates you 🫶
Turns out that your thighs work better than his headphones???
He’s shocked… stunned… flabbergasted…
But at the same he kind of loves it… ehe
“I’m starting to hear noises from outside again,” Alhaitham mumbled before putting his book down. Once his hands were free he used them to grab your thighs rather tenderly once again, bringing them closer to his ears, “Make sure to keep them closed like this.” After that he picked his book up again to continue reading from where he left off… as if he just didn’t fluster the shit out of you.
The only thing you could possibly mutter was a faint sounding “okay”. God, even his little wish made a pinkish hue appear on your face and you simply couldn’t do anything about it. You two sat in that position for a little while before he finally closed that thick book in his hands to look at you.
As his teal eyes gazed into yours he spoke feebly, “In all honesty… I wouldn’t mind doing this a bit more often… If you’d want to, that is.”
It’s Alhaitham approved, congratulations (y/n) 😼👍
He’s an honest man so you definitely know that he liked it
If you think about it it’s him being busy with you while he reads his books
He’s multitasking
But he’s doing the two things that he likes ;)
So it’s a win-win
#esu writes—����#genshin impact#genshin#xiao x reader#wanderer x reader#scaramouche x reader#albedo x reader#alhaitham x reader#xiao genshin impact#wanderer genshin impact#scaramouche genshin impact#albedo genshin impact#alhaitham genshin impact#xiao x you#albedo x you#scaramouche x you#wanderer x you#alhaitham x you#genshin impact x reader
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I like to picture that after Hideko and Yukito meet Kieran’s new friend (Juliana) and seeing how much they get along, and how Kieran said he felt all tingly and funny when she said they were friends, they thought both Kieran and Juliana were cute together and started shipping them. Sometimes they even joke around about Juliana being their future granddaughter-in-law. Teal Mask Kieran would get all flustered and become a blushing mess while Carmine would tease him relentlessly about it, Indigo Disk Kieran would get startled and then start yelling about how he didn’t even like Juliana, and Mochi Mayhem Kieran is back to being a absolute flustered and stuttering mess.
#pokemon#pokemon sv#pokemon scarlet and violet#pokemon kieran#trainer kieran#rival kieran#champion kieran#pokemon juliana#trainer juliana#pokemon carmine#trainer carmine#rival carmine#juliana x kieran#kieran x juliana#dipplinshipping
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KaiShin scene fic idea: Kyoto arc
I dunno if it'll just be a part of a fic or a fic itself based on the idea of Kaito being there in Kyoto too simply to keep his reckless Tantei-kun safe but I just want Kaito to be there in Kyoto
Shinichi doesn't want to admit it, but he's happy and excited to have KID around not unlike when he mistakenly thought Vermouth was Kaito
It could be a willing favour he takes up when Haibara and Hakase told him about the school field trip (in this fic idea, they've come to a truce after the Bell Tree Express). While they dont know his identity yet, they do know Kaito hangs out at Blue Parrot since Jii is a friend of Hakase's
Anyways, since I headcanon that Kaito is a year older than Shinichi, Shinichi has a habit of calling Kaito 'senpai' or 'Kai' in private moments. While he has all the clues for KID's identity, Shinichi keeps it to himself as a sign of trust until KID himself does the reveal
Which Kaito does when he waits by his motorcycle at the hotel's entrance, phone in hand
"Hello?" Shinichi answers, standing with the rest of his class as they wait for their teacher's instruction and feeling a little confused at the unknown number
A familiar voice chuckles, dark and smooth with dangerous mischief. "A little Ojou-chan told me that you're doin' something reckless without me. Which, unfair, so I'd thought of joining you."
"What's wrong, Shinichi?" Ran asks
But Shinichi can't hear anything besides the thumping of his heart, anticipation and excitement coursing through him. "Are you--?"
"Look up, Tantei-kun."
And he does, eyes finding KID on instinct across from him and without realizing it, a beaming smile blooms across his face not unlike the sunflowers KID likes to give him
"Senpai!" a breathy laugh tumbles out, disbelief and excitement mixing as Shinichi jogs up to KID
KID pushes away from his bike, wearing his preferred style of clothing that he rarely wears around Ekoda to avoid questions about his more powerful physique because of his life as a phantom thief
Noting this, Shinichi takes in KID under the sunlight for the first time. The pitch black hair. The gold eyes that darkens into indigo-violet when they reach his pupils. The blue jeans and black leather jacket over a white v-neck that hides absolutely nothing of the powerful body underneath
But its the familiar roguish grin on a dangerously handsome face, the dark glint dancing in those summer night eyes that will always gives KID away
Shinichi reaches out, hand on cool leather above a beating heart and chuckles when it doesn't fade away into an illusion. "You're here. Under the sunlight."
"Thought it was about time that Kuroba Kaito gets to spend time with you too, Tantei-kun." Kaito smiles, soft and private when shocked blue eyes snap up at him as he tucks a sunflower behind Shinichi's ear. "Not like you didn't already know who I am though, hm, Meitantei?"
Shinichi blinks before returning the smile and lightly punches a sturdy shoulder. "Wanted you to tell me when you were ready, barou."
Kaito snickers
They break apart when a teacher calls out. "Would you be Kuroba-kun by any chance? The volunteer for the tour?"
"That's me." Giving a showman's bow, Kaito smiles with cool politeness and offers a rose to the woman. "At your service."
Amused at the flustered teacher, Shinichi raises a brow at the magician. "Volunteer?"
"I spend a lot of my time here because of a family friend." Kaito grins, sneaking an arm around Shinichi's waist to pull the detective close. His grin widens when Shinichi merely rolls his eyes before settling into his side, used to his antics by now. "So who better than me to offer a tour for this ancient capital?"
Shinichi huffs. "A local?"
"Ah, but knowing me, does that answer still stand?"
Knowing by now that KI- Kaito can most likely impersonate a local from decades past, Shinichi shakes his head. "Fine, fine."
They share a laugh, making their way to where the rest of Teitan are
That's all I've got for now. If you've read this up until the end, thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed it
#kaishin#dcmk#kuroba kaito#magic kaito#kaito kuroba#kaitou kid#kaitou 1412#Kudou Shinichi#shinichi kudou#kudo shinichi#shinichi kudo#kaito x shinichi#kaishin fic ideas#kaishin drabbles#detective conan#meitantei conan#case closed
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Analoceit (Virgil, Trans!Logan, and Janus)
Warnings: D/S dynamic, Edging, Vibrators, Exhibitionism/In Public
Read it on AO3!
This fic was inspired by this post by @pupplaylogan! Hope ya like it Revy :)
Summary: Janus and Virgil take Logan on a date to a cafe to try something new. Hopefully he'll be able to finish his drink with a vibe in his underwear and a lot of teasing.
“Are you guys ready to go?”
Virgil asked, waiting in the doorway of the bedroom, watching as Logan and Janus were getting ready. The three of them planned a brunch date at a local cafe that morning, since their date nights lately consisted of parallel play that left them wanting more interaction from each other. Sure just sitting together drawing, reading, and crocheting together was nice, but it was getting a bit old and they needed a change of scenery.
“Almost.” Replied Logan from their bathroom, fixing his hair and tie in the mirror. Janus had walked out from the closet half-dressed to meet Virgil, “Why don’t you go start the car, love, we’ll be out in a sec.”
Virgil shrugged and went to go grab the keys. Once he left, Janus hummed and turned to Logan, “You look absolutely ravishing, darling.”
“Hm? Oh, thank you Jan-mmph!” Logan tried to respond only to be cut off by his boyfriend shoving two fingers into his mouth. Janus donned an ear-splitting grin as he looked down at the other, “I think you might be missing a few things though~”
Virgil was just about to go in to check on the two when they stepped into the garage. He noted Logan’s new manner of dress, a size-too-big knit black sweater, indigo pencil skirt, black tights, heels, and the thin silver choker he and Janus got him for their 3 year anniversary. Of course Janus had to indulge in his dress-up kink right now. He rolled his eyes affectionately as the two piled into the car.
“I was gonna ask what took so long but I think I figured it out.” Virgil said, starting to pull out of the driveway and drive down the road.
“What? I couldn’t help myself! I love how flustered it makes him.” Janus glanced back at Logan, who had both his arms and legs crossed while he looked out the window. It was just then when Janus pulled out his phone and opened a special app that would allow him to control the vibe currently resting against Logan’s clit. They were still traveling in the residential area they lived in, and as soon as they drove over a speed bump Janus would turn the vibe up onto its max setting momentarily.
Logan let out a squeak and grabbed at his crotch, the feeling gone almost instantly. A blush formed across his cheeks as he met Virgil’s eyes in the rear-view.
“You good, L?”
“Y-yeah. Yes, I’m fine. Apologies, the speed bump, uh, scared me.”
Virgil looked between him and Janus, “Hm. If you say so.”
Logan sighed and bit his lip. It happened twice more before they arrived at the cafe, but he was able to hide his noises after the first occurrence.
Virgil had pulled into a spot up front and parked the car. Janus got out first to open the door for Logan, who gave him a glare as he got out. As soon as the car was locked (8 extra times, so Virgil was sure it really was locked) Janus had pulled out his phone again and set the vibe on a low setting. Logan still had a visible reaction, walking with a different cadence with his hands straight at his sides. Virgil kept an eye on him as he walked trying to figure out what was going on with him.
“What’d he do to you before we left?”
“Oh, Virgil, don’t be such a worrywort. We just wanted to have a little fun today!” Janus smiled at the two of them, a glint of mischievousness in his eye.
Virgil squinted at him, “He isn’t acting normal and he was before I left to start the car which means you’re behind this.”
“What ever could you mean?” Janus walked into the cafe with a wink.
Virgil and Logan followed, the former helping Logan by taking his hand and leading him in. They approached the cash register to order their drinks, with Janus quickly taking the lead. When it came to Logan’s turn, he felt the vibrations increase even more. He cleared his throat and managed to stutter his way through his order, fortunately not receiving more attention than a question about whether or not he wanted his drink hot or iced.
Logan tugged on Janus’ sleeve like a shy child as Virgil ordered and paid. He got close and whispered, “May I go sit down?”
“Ask nicely.” Janus replied.
“May I please go sit down, Master?” Logan whispered behind gritted teeth.
“Well, I suppose so. Go on.”
Logan rushed over to a booth in the corner of the cafe, tucked in the back so no one would see him hide his head down in his folded arms and shallowly thrust against the vibe. Soon both his lovers found him with drinks in hand, Virgil sliding next to him while Janus casually sipped his drink from across the table.
“Alright, quit dodging the question. What did you do?” Virgil questioned, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Janus huffed, “Must you always ruin the surprise? Fine. I made him wear his favorite vibrator and dressed him up. And planned on teasing him mercilessly till we went back home. But am I really at fault here? Look at him, he’s loving this!”
Virgil looked down at Logan, who currently had one hand in between his thighs to soothe the assault on his clit and one over his mouth to prevent any noises from slipping out. He rubbed his back as he realized what was happening.
“Jesus Jan, you really are a sadist.”
“Oh please like you’re not the one to give him a bruised ass and scratch marks.” Janus said while mindlessly amping up Logan’s vibe further.
“Only when he begs me for it.” Virgil smirked and made Logan take his hand away from his thighs, instead replacing it with his own, “Right, L?”
“Mmm, Uh-huh. Oh fuck Janus~ ”
“You’re so tense, baby. Why don’t you take a sip of your drink?” Janus offered Logan his cup. He managed to hold it and take a shaky sip, setting it back down quickly.
Virgil reached underneath his skirt, running two fingers down the length of his cunt through his underwear, “You should feel him, he’s fucking dripping.”
“Aw, well we don’t want him making too much of a mess, do we?” Janus immediately turned the vibe off, causing Logan to emit a loud whine. He bucked his hips into Virgil’s hand, who moved to tease and pinch his thighs instead, “Calm down, L. We’re in public . You don’t wanna get caught, do you?”
Logan shook his head, “No, Sir.”
Virgil put an arm around him, meanwhile Janus just gave him a cheeky grin, “Logan, sweetheart, would you be a dear and go grab me a few sugars and a stirrer?”
“Um, can’t Virgil? He’s closer and he’d have to get up already-”
“I didn’t ask him, I asked you. Don’t make me ask again.” Janus spat with a much darker tone.
Logan looked between him and Virgil, biting his lip and nodding, knowing that Janus was going to make this difficult. Virgil got up and allowed Logan to scoot out, at least he could be thankful they didn’t make him crawl under the table. As soon as he stood, the vibe started again, making a wave of pleasure rush through his body. His legs felt weak, but he just had to put one foot in front of the other to get to the station at the front with helpings of sweetener and other various drink add-ins. Simple.
It was, in fact, not simple whatsoever. Janus put the vibrations on an oscillating pattern so every step made him want to drop to the floor and whimper and moan. He was sweating by the time he grabbed a handful of sugar packets and a stirrer. He had to pause before deciding to just book it back to the table.
Logan was greeted with Virgil and Janus snickering in the corner, watching him struggle back. He practically collapsed into Virgil's side when he sat down, slamming Janus’ request down in front of him. His boyfriends just chuckled.
Virgil reached down beneath his skirt again, “Is there something wrong, babe?”
“ ‘S so much, please. ”
“You don’t even know what you’re begging for, huh?” Virgil asked, pressing the vibrator harder against him
“Ahhhh~ please Sir, ‘m close!”
“Really? You’re gonna cum in public like some pathetic whore?”
“ Yes. ”
Virgil and Janus shared a look. Janus pulled out his phone and ramped the vibrations up to max. Finally, Logan would be able to tip over the edge and this merciless teasing would be over!
All at once the vibrations stopped, suddenly deriving him of any relief.
“No no no no no -” Logan tried to buck his hips to seek any friction, but Virgil's strong hands pinned him down and prevented him from doing so. He whined and rested his head down on the table in front of him.
Janus leaned down to be at his eye level, “You’ll get off when we let you. And that certainly won’t be in public where anyone can see.”
He slid out of the booth and stood, “Come on, maybe we should just go home. I don’t see you being able to last much longer out here.”
Virgil gave Logan a nudge, who in turn just groaned. He felt like he was about to turn into a puddle of goo if he was edged any more and his legs barely worked.
“Up, Lo, I’ll carry you once we’re home. C’mon.” Virgil gave him another push.
He finally mustered the strength to stand, and with the help of Janus and Virgil, he made it to the car. After Virgil made on his promise to carry Logan into the house, the rest of the night was filled with more teasing torture. He would groan and beg for his doms to let up, only to be met with tasks to fulfill while his toy still continued to vibrate.
They’d need to do this more often.
#not safe for sanders#fics#nsfs analociet#jamming out#this was written in one day and usually it takes me like a week to finish a fic so sorry if the quality is different#I tried my best
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ASJHK okay so i have two most common MC’s at the moment:
MC 1:
Romilly “Romy” Locke, frontwoman of Hell Is Empty. Has pale skin, hair that reaches her waist and is naturally black though she dyed it a dark blue that wavers between indigo and an odd shade of navy, dark brown eyes fringed by long lashes, a rangy frame and is 5’8. She has an otherworldly style, doesn’t emote much, wears gothic makeup and lots of rings.
Has rich parents and copes by joking about them.
Stevie has a crush on her (🤭) but Romilly is very unaware (sort of the route where stevie didn’t have a crush on mc and mc likes her but vice versa) though has thought that stevie was cute from time to time. I imagine she had a crush on Angel (if optional) and was more awkward and flustered around him (poor stevie😔) With Zima it’s VERY antagonist, the kind where you want to kiss the smirk off their face (she’ll never admit she finds them attractive) Romilly is a bisexual disaster lmao.
She’s just as bad as Maddox in terms of drugs and tends to go wild (i like to think she self-medicated when things start going wrong…?)
anyway i hope you liked me rambling about romilly and id love to talk about mc 2 if you want! :)
Firstly, yes! Please talk about any and all other MCs you may be having :D I absolutely adore Romilly, especially with the obliviousness towards Stevie's crush and also that she's attracted to Angel, because my boy does NOT get enough love. The self-medication aspect tragically makes a lot of sense, given the icy cold parents and everything. Also the hair makes me think she was also offended at Angel's earlier comment towards Sophie haha
Yes please ramble more anytime I enjoyed this a lot
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Check below the cut for 13 lovely shadowgast fics all revolving around giving gifts!
A Gift of Friendship by mousecookie (1182, Teen) Warnings: no When the party is in Eiselcross, Essek gives Caleb an enchanted undershirt. Caleb puts it on right away and Essek is flustered. Reccer says: It's funny and sweet.
Consideration by full_time_dreamer_behold (4615, General) Warnings: No warnings apply! Essek is trying to get in the good graces of the Nein through gifts. In this fic, he tries to learn to bake for Jester, then finds a better idea. Reccer says: Essek's transactional nature of friendships is explored in an interesting way in this, and it's so clear he cares about Jester and Caleb and the Nein. Baking and language are things that are so personal and so important and the characterization of Essek is so delicious. Jester and Essek are everything, the little snacks of shadowgast are everything, and Uraya is the best, what is there not to love! There's also a sequel about Essek and Caduceus.
Courting of the Caleb by VexedVixen (6884, Mature) Warnings: none Beau figures out that Essek has been courting Caleb Reccer says: It's extremely sweet and soft, and I love the amount of worldbuilding that goes into the courtship
All the Way Home by Dragonslaeyr (18418, Teen) Warnings: None It's Christmas night. Essek is an uber driver trying not to think about the holidays, and Caleb is running behind trying to deliver a gift to some old friends. They drive around and get to know each other. Reccer says: Its a made for TV hallmark style christmas movie meets Shadowgast sort of fic. Its silly and sweet and fun!
Aspirations by MothInTheTrees (462, General) Warnings: None Someone changes their mind about giving a poem to Caleb. He finds it anyway. Reccer says: Very cute!
To the Point of Intervention by rakel (1658, General) Warnings: None Caleb notices Essek has a favourite pen and decides that he must never be allowed to loose it. Reccer says: Nothing
companion planting by wordonawing (3177, General) Warnings: None Caleb is turning eighty, and Essek wants to give him something special. Reccer says: This is one of my absolute favourite fics. After all these years the wizards are still ridiculously in love and it is so wonderful!! Their relationship feels very lived-in and comfy, I just want to roll around in it.
when you move, i'm moved by robinread (10829, Explicit) Warnings: none When Caleb learns that Essek likes pole dancing, he decides to make him a place to practice his hobby. As a purely, selfless gift. Definitely no ulterior motives. Reccer says: Getting invested in (and incredibly, uncontrollably horny about) someone else's hobby is something that can be so personal.
The Thumping in My Chest by GayAssWizard (5309, Explicit) Warnings: Frontal penetration with a trans man Caleb surprises Essek with a new sex toy. Reccer says: Delightful T4T smut, written by a trans author! It's very sweet and affirming.
Knowing what you know just makes it harder to think straight by MinnesotaBruja (1580, Explicit) Warnings: none Essek gives Caleb a Sending Stone. And then they use it for sexting because of course they do. Reccer says: Really captures the excitement of texting with a crush, mulling over different replies in your head, being bold and sending something risque, and then holding your breath waiting for their response!
of more delight than hawks and horses by Anonymous (1431, General) Warnings: None Jester gives Essek a gift and Essek has feelings about practicality vs sentimentality, then gives a gift of his own to Caleb. Reccer says: Very sweet and an interesting short exploration of all the different characters' feelings toward gifting.
Good Company by anxietiefling (1079, General) Warnings: None Essek gets Caleb a cat Reccer says: It's extremely soft and sweet
And two recs for
like coloured indigo inscribed with my name by KmacKatie (30648, Teen) Warnings: None Birthday’s are a sacred tradition of The Mighty Nein, and Essek slowly comes to learn them across the course of a year. Reccer 1 says: Full of Dynasty worldbuilding, character moments, and a lot of heart, it’s a joy to see Essek slowly open up and connect with all of the Nein. Reccer 2 says: Very sweet, incredibly developed world building and found family goodness
Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast.Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week's theme is our recurring theme of Hidden Gems: Shadowgast fics with 150 kudos or less, so stay tuned!
#aeor is for lovers#aeor is for reccing#fan fiction rec list#cr fan fic#shadowgast#Caleb widogast#Essek thelyss#gift giving
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Taliesin: I swear this 'Lady Stone' better have been worth the absolute humiliation of needing help to swim all the way over here.
Kaidan: I'll have you know I'm not too happy about this either.
Morana: You could have waited back on shore, you know.
Taliesin: Hmph.
Lucien: I'm excited! I was-
Xelzaz: Born under the Lady Stone, we know, Lucien.
Inigo: You have only said it about twenty times since Morana mentioned wanting to visit it.
Lucien: Aah, sorry.
Kaidan: What made you want to come here, anyways?
Morana: Sometimes the Standing Stones tell a person what day they were born on, if they do not know, as long as they were born within the month of the stone. I've started trying to visit them whenever we come across them.
Taliesin: You don't know your birthday?
Morana: I don't know a lot of things.
Lucien: Fair enough.
Styx: *yips, running out from under a bush and circling Morana excitedly*
Morana: ?!
Kaidan: A wolf?
Lucien: A puppy!
Inigo: A ghost!
Xelzaz: A familiar?
Morana: *tilts her head, kneeling down next to the pup*
Kaidan: Looks lost, poor thing.
Taliesin: Egh. I'll look around for.. anything other than a dog.
Morana: *lifting the puppy up and holding it close* Hello, little one..
Lucien: How cute! Such a sweet little spectral.. nightmare dog. Who's a good pup, huh? I bet it's you!
Taliesin: I found a journal.. Would you like to read it, Morana?
Morana: *reaches up and takes the book from Taliesin, flipping through the pages with one hand* ...
Lucien: What does it say?
Morana: ... Project.. Styx?
Inigo: Is that the dog's name?
Lucien: Gentle reminder that nobody else can hear Morana with her mask on, Indigo.
Inigo: Ah, right. She said the word Styx. I bet that is this little fellow's name.
Xelzaz: *reading over her shoulder* An.. experiment. Oh. How horrible.
Morana: ... *lifts Styx up, raising her mask so she could see her better* ... You're an experiment like me, hm?
Xelzaz: Seems like this scientist was rather cruel to the poor thing. Calls her an abomination.
Morana: ... *looks up at Taliesin with a pleading look*
Taliesin: ... Why are you looking at me like that.
Lucien: You're the only one that needs to be convinced to keep her.
Taliesin: KEEP IT?! Why would I want us to keep it!? Where did you even get the idea that we should??
Morana: She'll die on this island if we leave her here. The only other living thing was a rabbit and she's already eaten most of it.
Xelzaz: Oh come now, surely there's no harm.
Taliesin: We don't even know what it is! It is no regular wolf familiar! What if it turns on us just because we are not the masters who summoned it??
Styx: *whines, hiding away from the yelling High Elf*
Morana: Look at what you did.
Taliesin: What I- Wha- You-
Kaidan: You should feel lucky she's asking you at all. By all means, it's Morana's decision in the end.
Inigo: She just wants to make sure everyone is comfortable.
Taliesin: ...
Styx: *peeks out from behind Morana, staring at Taliesin curiously*
Taliesin: ... Ugh, fine. Don't expect me to take care of it, though. Or like it.
Morana: Are you sure?
Taliesin: I'm not so cruel as to let a pup so small starve to death in the middle of a body of water, little raven.
Morana: *giggling* You're the best, Tally.
Kaidan: Hmph.
Taliesin: *flustered* Yes, yes, I know. I am an endless fountain of generosity. Now, let's move on before I have time to regret this decision.
#the standing stone thing probably isn't true but I wanted to add some lore in#Styx is now part of every playthrough of mine fight me#skyrim#tes#the elder scrolls#modded skyrim#dragonborn#ldb oc#skyrim oc#kaidan skyrim#lucien flavius#inigo skyrim#xelzaz skyrim#skyrim taliesin#taliesin#skyrim styx#styx#Morana oc
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So, I've been rewatching Phineas and Ferb recently, and just finished "Operation Crumb Cake" from season 4. I had the conclusion that the Isabella plot of the episode is something Juliana or Kieran would absolutely find themselves in.
I can totally see either one of them writing a letter confessing their feelings, sending it and then instantly regretting it because the person who encouraged them to do it couldn't do it themselves.
... maybe it fits Kieran more because it was Isabella's grandmother in the episode. But, I could totally see Juliana doing it to, maybe before the two meet up at Blueberry Academy or after the events of Indigo Disk.
Anyway, I love you work! I just thought you might like to hear the silly little thought I had :D
Okay you know what?? So accurate, Kieran especially would need like at least 12 attempts to confess and he'd accidentally get flustered and back out in each of the attempts. xDD
They'd actually get together because Kieran either gets too heated and just blurts it out/kisses her suddenly or Juliana actually initiates the confessing
#dipplinshipping#kieran pokemon#juliana pokemon#kieran x juliana#juliana x kieran#kieran x juliana pokemon#juliana x kieran pokemon#dipplinshipping headcanons#lowkey find option 1 funnier
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Azure, Lapis & Indigo
I'm nosy ღ
I don’t mind you being nosy at all 💕 be even nosier if you’d like 😜
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?
I feel like I could say a million different things for this one, but if I’m going with the thing that absolutely 100% will turn me on, it’s someone I like going out of their way to be flirty/teasing with me. Will it make me a flustered blushing mess? Totally. Will it make me so aroused I’d do anything to please you and thank you for the opportunity afterwards? Absolutely
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
So hypnosis is a huuuge kink of mine, idk if it’s my best fantasy, and it’s honestly a lot less kinky than my other fantasies 😅 but I love this idea. I come home one day after a long day of work, with you already home. You can read the tiredness in my face as you welcome me home. A deep, tender kiss along with an embrace is enough to brighten my mood significantly, and then a whispered trigger melts my mind completely, letting me drift off into blissful obedience. I float along, obeying as you have me strip and change into whatever outfit you’ve picked out for me that night, maybe a maids outfit, maybe just a collar, ears, and a tail plug, whatever you decide you want to see me in. My head full of fog, I cook as dinner, mindlessly talk about my day and listen to you talk about yours (I’m always able to remember that part, luckily, or maybe you program me that way). Once we’ve settled down to eat, I’m much more relaxed, and you let me out of the trance so we can talk freely and enjoy each others company. As we finish dinner, a snap and a trigger sends me back down into mindless obedience. I clean up, you at my back teasing my body, whispering in my ear, trailing kisses down my neck, as I get more and more worked up, until I finish with the dishes, and another trigger sends me into a primal state, picking you up, throwing you on our bed and fucking you exactly as you’ve trained me to, hitting every spot you like, unable to cum until given permission, bringing you to as many orgasms as you want before I’m allowed to cum and collapse with you, cuddling together as we both recover~
Indigo: Do you like phone sex?
I have loved phone sex in the past, and even some Skype sex back in the day 😅 unfortunately I live with roommates and they would absolutely be able to hear me talking through the walls, I wouldn’t be able to do it very well if I was worried about someone overhearing, but if I didn’t have to worry about that I would be all over it
Thank you for the ask, cutie! It’s lovely to hear from you 💕
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"Whoa-hoh, not bad."
Yet again, another completed card was presented to him. He would be having a chat with Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo about this later. A few of the squares were a bit audacious in their claims ( notably, his bedroom activities ) but the surgeon's steeled face bore zero evidence that he was flustered. Even if . . . he absolutely was. Instead, he stared ahead at the person before him. His memory was impeccable; indexed and cross-referenced to the tiniest detail. Yet . . . he could not recall meeting such a person. A limbal halo of indigo framed a gaze of molten gold. Lips tugged to the left. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked finally; his tone was metronomic.
game: chemistry bingo! ( accepting )
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