#Abraham Espinoza
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What's It Like to Hike the PCT This Year? "Grueling" Say Hikers
This is an excerpt of an article in the San Francisco Chronicle written by Gregory Thomas. The basic message is the one that we have been anticipating for months and hearing for weeks. The huge Sierra snowpack has created significant challenges for all but the most fit and experienced hikers.
Coming over Walker Pass in the southern tail of the Sierra Nevada is a view that has turned hundreds of hikers off of the Pacific Crest Trail this year: an endless landscape of undulating snow punctuated by jagged granite peaks and ridges extending as far as the eye can see.
Venturing there means traversing the slushy, crunchy, treacherous remnants of winter’s historic snowpack coating the High Sierra all the way to Lake Tahoe along a remote 400-mile stretch with mortally threatening pitfalls and few easy exits. Under such intimidating circumstances, most long-distance PCT hikers have opted to bail in the Bishop area and skip the Sierra until later in the year or abandon it altogether.
But where many see misery, a small class of gritty mountain walkers sees a tempting challenge.
“I got goosebumps” soaking in the scene at Walker Pass, said Abraham Espinoza, a 29-year-old school counselor in Sacramento who goes by the trail name Snow Leopard. “It’s not like I’m pioneering, but with all the fear surrounding this record-high snow year, I felt this cosmic calling to step into that unknown.”
Espinoza embarked in early May, when the snow was still high and deep even in the valleys, and spent a month grinding through the mountains alone. He arrived at Sonora Pass many pounds lighter and with a scraggly goatee, earning credit as the first PCT thru-hiker to make it across the High Sierra this year.
Other intrepid backpackers have since crossed successfully, but their numbers are down substantially from years past. Fewer than 200 — mostly Europeans, notably — have signed into a logbook at a Sonora Pass resort considered the unofficial record of thru-hiker arrivals, according to a manager there. Last year, by comparison, nearly 800 hikers marked the book.
Most hikers this year have taken a month to cross the range. For their trouble, they can claim to have experienced a world-class landscape few people have seen in its unique condition.
The High Sierra, with its dramatic granite peaks, cobalt lakes and lush alpine meadows, is arguably the pinnacle highlight of the PCT. Summertime thru-hikers often contend with snow at the higher elevations, but typically they follow a gravelly footpath, flecked at points with bright wildflowers, and enjoy leisurely detours to shimmering lakes.

Brian “Travelinbeat” York traverses the iconic and treacherous ice chute on Forester Pass, the highest point on the Pacific Crest Trail, ahead of Caleb “Rabbit” Sparks. Jess Cooper
But in early summer this year there was no trail; it was buried under snow deep enough in places to conceal all but the crown of a Douglas fir. Hikers carried the tools of mountaineering — ice axes, crampons — or trudged along in snowshoes and navigated icy expanses and mountain passes primarily by hewing to pixelated trail lines shown in their smartphone apps and GPS watches. Lacking bootpack to follow, some at times resorted to directional hand compasses and old-fashioned dead reckoning.

Lakes were ice rinks. Streams flowed high and fast. Critical footbridges had been badly mangled by the winter’s heavy snow loads. Flat stretches that in other years offer hikers relief from the constant ups and downs of mountain walking had melted and refrozen into an ossified ocean of rolling snowdrifts pocked with honeycomb minefields of ankle-turning depressions called suncups.
“The Sierra this year was categorically light-years beyond the hardest hiking I’ve ever done — physically and psychologically grueling,” said Brian York, a 39-year-old bartender from Virginia.
York, who goes by the trail name Travelinbeat, hiked the Continental Divide Trail last year and the Appalachian Trail the summer before — both solo. For the Sierra, he buddied up with two other hikers “for safety and sanity’s sake.”
An estimated 1 million hikers, backpackers and day visitors set foot on the PCT each year, according to the Pacific Crest Trail Association. But this season, closed roads, trails and campgrounds have kept the High Sierra virtually out of reach.

Suncups — honeycomb minefields of ankle-turning depressions in snowdrifts — were in abundance on the snowy Pacific Crest Trail route and a constant nuisance to hikers. Brian York
The price of those moments was “battling attrition,” York said.
“You’re not really hiking. It’s very severe Type-2 advanced hiking,” said Jess Cooper, a 20-year-old UCLA student whose trail name is Shade and was one of York’s trail buddies. “The people who have gone through were dead-set on going. It’s this mix of pride, stubbornness and determination.”
Hiking past about 2 p.m. was infeasible because the afternoon heat would cook the ground into slush, hikers said. They’d compensate by waking in the middle of the night — strapping on frozen clothing and rolling up soggy tents — and starting their hikes at 2 a.m. to get the benefit of hardened ice underfoot.
Some said they consumed 6,000 calories per day yet came out of the mountains having shed 10 or 15 pounds.
The most challenging part of Cooper’s journey came while crossing 12,000-foot Glen Pass in the backcountry of Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. To descend its steep north side, Cooper and her hiking partners had to face the slope and kick a snow ladder down a face of deteriorating ice one step at a time.

Brian “Travelinbeat” York slowly descends the steep slope of Glen Pass. It was “a very terrifying experience,” said Jess Cooper, one of York’s hiking partners.Jess Cooper
Partway down, the snow became soft and sloppy, making a self-arrest extremely difficult if a hiker were to slip and fall, Cooper said.
“You’re either going to slide a few thousand feet into a frozen lake where you can die, or hit a rock on the way,” she said.
“I personally really hated a lot of the steep traverses because they took so long that your mind would go wild with thoughts like, ‘Why am I doing this? There’s no need to be here doing this,’ ” she said.
Cooper’s trio crossed Glen Pass without issue, but a group behind them wasn’t as fortunate. After slipping and tumbling down the slope, a hiker dislocated his shoulder and had to be airlifted out by emergency responders, according to posts on PCT Facebook groups. He reportedly wasn’t wearing crampons.
Espinoza, the first through the High Sierra, fell into a tree well coming down a ravine and heard the creek below raging just under the soft snow.
“That was a close call,” he said.
Upon signing into the hiker register at Sonora Pass in June, he was written up in the Union Democrat newspaper and has become a minor trail celebrity. For a while, thru-hikers would stop and ask for selfies with the man who conquered the Sierra solo.
“It was very rewarding to get those reactions and have an ice-breaker with people because I was alone for so long,” Espinoza said. “But it’s settled down now to where I’m just an average PCT hiker.”
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I was today years old when I learned Rosita Espinoza was only TWENTY-THREE when she was introduced?????? Abraham you weirdo???
#THE WIKI SAYS HE’S *LATE* FOURTIES??#WHAT THE HELL#ALSO THAT MEANS ROSITA WAS ONLY IN HER EARLY THIRTIES WHEN SHE DIED#I wish I’d stayed curious 😔#the walking dead#twd#rosita espinosa#abraham ford
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• Bob Stookey: Slytherin 🐍 (could also see arguments for other houses)
• Patrick: Hufflepuff 🦡
• Dr. Caleb Subramanian: Ravenclaw 🦅
• Lizzie Samuels: Slytherin 🐍
• Mika Samuels: Hufflepuff 🦡
• Lilly Chambler: Hufflepuff 🦡
• Tara Chambler: Hufflepuff 🦡
• Meghan Chambler: Ravenclaw 🦅 (could see arguments for Hufflepuff as well)
• Mitch Dolgen: Slytherin 🐍
• Pete Dolgen: Hufflepuff 🦡
• Alisha: Slytherin 🐍
• Abraham Ford: Gryffindor 🦁
• Eugene Porter: Ravenclaw 🦅 ( But I can definitely see arguments for Hufflepuff and Slytherin)
• Rosita Espinoza: Slytherin 🐍
• Joe: Slytherin 🐍
• Gareth: Slytherin 🐍
#harry potter#hogwarts#hogwarts house pride#hogwarts houses#hogwarts house sorting#sorting hat#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#twd hogwarts house#the walking dead hogwarts house#the walking dead#twd#twd season 4
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Alright. Just read through Chapter 9 of this book.
The description of the chapel Ishmael visited was pretty neat, conjuring the image of repurposed ship-parts. Feeling apropos for a whaling/port town.
The sermon described abt Jonah reminds me of some stuff I deliberately pull in naming the Begotten!twins and their parents. Specifically those segundo nombres.
Specifically, the whole association w/ water for both Remus and its dad's name.
Víctor Noé Espinoza Reyes - referencing Noah
Remus Jonás Espinoza Banaag - referencing Jonah
Also gave Roman and his mom thematic names of a different thread (Because Reasons):
Carrie Abrahán (Salvador Banaag) Espinoza - referencing Abraham
Roman Isaac Espinoza Banaag - referencing, well... Isaac
Anyways... going to be interesting to continue fomenting on all the imagery in Moby Dick, here.
#sharon reads moby dick#begotten au#sanders sides#roman sanders#remus sanders#tagging for the helluvit#(this book is surprisingly engaging to me)#(ishmael is a funky bag of quirks and flaws already)
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Der Göttliche: Federgewichts-Champion Rafael Espinoza stoppt Sergio Chirino!
Federgewichts-Champion Rafael Espinoza stoppt Sergio Chirino! Andres „Savage“ Cortes besiegt im Co-Feature den ehemaligen Weltmeister-Herausforderer Abraham Nova. Rafael „El Divino“ Espinoza , der 1,85 m große Federgewichts-Zerstörer, machte seinem Spitznamen alle Ehre. Espinoza verteidigte seinen WBO-Titel zum ersten Mal mit einem TKO in der vierten Runde gegen seinen mexikanischen Landsmann…

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TWD Characters Logan Should Totally Meet (Includes Comic and TV Show)
(IE: Interactions I think would be really fun. Trying to focus on ones I haven't had a lot of or just want more because I am a dramatic little bish.)
King Ezekiel
Lori Grimes
Morgan Jones
Duane Jones
Pamela Milton
Brian and Phillip Blake
Sherry Campbell (nothing like having to talk to your not-step-mom because your Dad can't keep it in his pants)
Hershel Greene
Michonne Hawthorne/Grimes
Abraham Ford
Rosita Espinoza
Eugene Porter
Dale Hovarth
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Rhee
Gabriel Stokes
Denise Cloyd
Paul "Jesus" Monroe
Ron Anderson
Jessie Anderson
Deanna Monroe
((I'll probably add more. IDK. it's just fun to think how characters would interact with each other if circumstances and meetings were different.))
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Las alumnas del Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (Conalep) Plantel Juárez III, Alejandra Espinoza González y Gema Vianey Guerrero Min...
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Instala gobierno municipal Consejo Neolaredense de la Juventud
Es el primer consejo juvenil neolaredense en la historia de la ciudad y que a través de esta agrupación, los jóvenes se involucrarán en distintas áreas para dar seguimiento a los programas y temas de interés.
NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- Con el objetivo de alzar la voz de los jóvenes neolaredenses, el Gobierno Municipal, a través del Instituto Municipal para el Desarrollo de la Juventud (IMJUVE), instaló un consejo conformado por 14 neolaredenses para tomar acciones sobre las ideas de ese sector. El director del IMJUVE, Jesús Abraham Espinoza Hernández, destacó que es el primer consejo juvenil neolaredense en…

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Obtiene Chihuahua 31 medallas en selectivo nacional de taekwondo escolar

- Tres de los representantes obtuvieron su pase a Campeonatos Mundiales
Con la participación de más de 600 competidores de todo el país se llevó a cabo el tercer selectivo nacional de taekwondo escolar, donde Chihuahua tuvo la representación de 40 taekwondoínes y logró obtener 31 medallas en total.
Este evento reunió a atletas de varios estados como Chihuahua, Veracruz, Ciudad de México, Guanajuato, Coahuila, Oaxaca, Puebla, entre otros.
En el selectivo de la Federación Mexicana de Deporte Escolar, los ganadores fueron en la categoría Precadetes sub 12: Yahir Hernández quien ganó medalla de oro y bronce, las medallas de plata fueron para Juan Gamboa, Dailyn Cedillo, Ian Parra, mientras que, las medallas de bronce las obtuvieron Mario Sandoval, Edgar Quintana, Nicole Rosales.
Asimismo, en la categoría Cadetes sub 15, Luis Álvarez se colgó la medalla de oro y plata, Adrián Gutiérrez y Bryan Espinoza medalla de plata, Dania Chávez, Karol Argüelles y Gael Ávila, se llevaron el bronce.
En la categoría Junior sub 18, dos medallas de oro para Dana Flores, plata para Daniel Sevilla, y en la categoría Adultos, Saúl Loera medalla de oro y René Villezcas, plata.
Según información de la Asociación de Deporte Escolar de Chihuahua, Dana Flores (sub 18) y Yahir Hernández (sub12) representarán a México en el Campeonato Mundial en Mazatlán, mientras que, Luis Álvarez (sub 15) y Adrián Gutiérrez (sub 15), lograron clasificación para el Campeonato Mundial de Brasil. Por otro lado, Chihuahua participó en el Campeonato Challenger, consiguiendo medallas de oro por Abraham Cardoza, Ximena Sáenz y Mateo Cedillo, preseas de plata que se lograron con la participación de Gemma Coronado, Alexis Ramírez, Carlos Ogaz y Uriel Meléndez, y el bronce fue para Franco Salas, Hernán García y Marely Garnica.
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I’m so glad that we didn’t see Rosita turn into a walker. As much as I didn’t want her to die (like I was really rooting for her to survive all this), her being able to say goodbye to Coco, Eugene, Father Gabriel, Maggie, Carol and Daryl made my heart cry 🥺she deserve to have her final moments happy with her whole family & the fact that Eugene and Max named their daughter Rosie after her. Im also glad that Eugene and Rosita were able to say their final goodbyes since they were introduced on the show together (with Abraham).
It sucks 😫that 2 fav characters (Carl and Rosita) got bit 😫 i wish she was able to say “we are the ones who lived.”

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All You Need to Know About Matchups!
Hi y'all!
This account is solely for matchups for several different fandoms. That means requests for imagines, oneshots, headcanons, etc. will NOT be taken.
Here are some basic things to know about requesting a matchup!
Unless otherwise specified for a certain fandom, a request yields one romantic pairing AND one friendship pairing as well as information on why I think you work well with the individuals I choose. Of course, if you only wish to receive either just the romantic matchup or just the friendship matchup, just let me know!
You can request matchups for several different fandoms at once! For each fandom you request, I will match you up with one romantic partner and one friend unless you request differently.
You can ask to exclude any character(s)!
Where can I request a matchup?
Requests can be made in the MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab.
What do I need to include in my request?
Your gender and/or pronouns
Your sexual orientation and/or preferences
Description of personality
Optional (but definitely helps me out!)
Description of appearance
Personality alignment (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Hogwarts House, etc.)
What you would look for in a partner and/or friend
Any other information you think would be helpful – the more you provide, the more I can work with!
Now with that out of the way, onto the fandoms!
Listed directly below is a shortlist of all the fandoms I take requests for as well as some extra information as needed.
If a title is in italics, it means that while I feel comfortable providing matchups for this show, I have not watched every season. If a character drastically changes after a certain point, I may not be aware. The last season I watched of these shows will be included in parentheses.
All movies/shows based on novels will most likely focus on the on-screen adaptations of characters.
The 100 (6)
Good Omens
The Good Place (3)
Lucifer (4)
On My Block
Parks and Recreation (4)
Prodigal Son (1)
Space Force
Supernatural (14)
The Walking Dead (8)
The Greatest Showman
Harry Potter -- Unless specified in request, will entail 2 sets of matchups as a student (Golden Trio and Marauders eras respectively)
The Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Unless age is specified, underage characters will NOT be available for romantic matchups
Carrie (2012 Off-Broadway)
Les Misérables
The Phantom of the Opera
Detroit: Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
What’s below the cut?
A masterlist of characters in each fandom that will be considered for each request (unless marked with an asterisk (*), all characters are assumed to be available for both romantic AND friendly matchups while names marked with an asterisk are only available for friendly matchups). Listed alphabetically by first name.
Don’t be afraid to tell me about a typo!
Any questions? Just want to talk? You can also use the MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab to get ahold of me!

Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Harper McIntyre
Jasper Jordan
Johnathan “John” Murphy
Jordan Green
Marcus Kane
Monty Green
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Wells Jaha
Anathema Device
Newton Pulsifer
Mme. Tracy*
Witchfinder Sgt. Shadwell*
Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al-Jamil
Det. Chloe Decker
Det. Daniel “Dan” Espinoza
Ella Lopez
Dr. Linda Martin*
Lucifer Morningstar
Mazikeen “Maze”
Cesar Diaz
Jamal Turner
Jasmine Flores
Monsé Finnie
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Ruben “Ruby” Martinez Jr.
Andrew “Andy” Dwyer
Ann Perkins
April Ludgate
Benjamin “Ben” Wyatt
Christopher “Chris” Traeger
Donna Meagle*
Gerald “Jerry” Gergich*
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein*
Leslie Knope
Ronald “Ron” Swanson*
Ainsley Whitly
Det. Dani Powell
Edrisa Tanaka
Lt. Gil Arroyo
Det. James “JT” Tarmel
Jessica Whitly
Malcolm Bright
DI Greg Lestrade
Mrs. Hudson*
James “Jim” Moriarty
Dr. John Watson
Mary Morstan*
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Dr. Adrian Mallory*
Capt. Angela Ali
Brig. Gen. Bradley Gregory*
Dr. Chan Kaifang
Duncan Tabner
Erin Naird
F. Tony Scarapiducci
Kelly King
Maggie Naird*
Gen. Mark Naird*
Abbie “Bela” Talbot*
Adam Milligan
Alex Jones
Benjamin “Benny” Lafitte
Charlene “Charlie” Bradbury
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sheriff Donna Hanscum
Eileen Leahy
Ellen Harvelle*
Garth Fitzgerald IV
Jack Kline
Jessica “Jess” Moore*
Joanna “Jo” Harvelle
Sheriff Jody Mills*
John Winchester
Kaia Nieves
Kevin Tran
Meg Masters
Michael “Mick” Davies
Patience Turner
Robert “Bobby” Singer*
Rowena MacLeod
Rufus Turner*
Samuel “Sam” Winchester
Abraham Ford
Beth Greene
Carl Grimes*
Carol Peletier*
Dale Horvath*
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter*
King Ezekiel*
Father Gabriel Stokes
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Greene*
Maggie Greene
Morgan Jones*
Negan Smith
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Rick Grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Tyreese Williams
Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Josh Lucas
Tai Frasier
Travis Birkenstock
Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz*
Phillip Carlyle
Phineas “P.T.” Barnum
W.D. Wheeler
Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody*
Albus Dumbledore*
Arthur Weasley*
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lily Evans
Luna Lovegood
Minerva McGonagall*
Molly Weasley*
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks*
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ronald “Ron” Weasley
Rubeus Hagrid*
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Viktor Krum
Effie Trinket*
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Haymitch Abernathy*
Johanna Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Anthony “Tony” Stark -- Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner -- Hulk
Carol Danvers -- Captain Marvel
Dr. Christine Palmer*
Clint Barton -- Hawkeye
Drax the Destroyer*
Edward “Ned” Leeds
Harold “Happy” Hogan*
Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym*\
Hope van Dyne -- Wasp
Sgt. James “Bucky” Barnes -- Winter Soldier
Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes -- War Machine
Loki Laufeyson
Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Carter*
Cdr. Maria Hill*
May Parker*
Lord M’Baku
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Natasha Romanoff -- Black Widow
Col. Nicholas “Nick” Fury*
Peter Parker -- Spider-Man
Peter Quill -- Star-Lord
Agt. Phillip “Phil” Coulson*
Pietro Maximoff -- Quicksilver
Samuel “Sam” Wilson -- Falcon
Scott Lang -- Ant-Man
Dr. Stephen Strange
Steven “Steve” Rogers -- Captain America
King T’Challa -- Black Panther
Thor Odinson
Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Wanda Maximoff -- Scarlet Witch
Yelena Belova
Yondu Udonta*
Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov
Dimitri Sudayev
Gleb Vaganov
Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch*
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna*
Vladimir “Vlad” Popov*
Adam Maitland
Barbara Maitland
Delia Schlimmer
Lydia Deetz*
Carrie White
Christine “Chris” Hargensen
Susan “Sue” Snell
Thomas “Tommy” Ross
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
Angelica Schuyler
Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler
George Washington
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
John Laurens
Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Marquis de Lafayette
Philip Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
Éponine Thénardier
Insp. Javert
Jean Valjean
Marius Pontmercy
Carlotta Giudicelli*
Christine Daaé
Erik “The Phantom”
Mme. Giry*
Meg Giry
Raoul de Chagny
Anna of Cleves
Anne Boleyn
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine Parr
Jane Seymour
Katherine Howard
Carl Manfred*
Det. Chris Miller*
Elijah Kamski
Lt. Hank Anderson*
Capt. Jeffrey Fowler*
Leo Manfred
Rose Chapman*
Abigail Roberts
Arthur Morgan
Beau Gray*
Charles Smith
Daniël “Dutch” Van der Linde
Eagle Flies
Hosea Matthews*
Javier Escuella
Johnathan “John” Marston Sr.
Josiah Trelawny
Karen Jones
Kieran Duffy
Leonard “Lenny” Summers
Marion “Bill” Williamson
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Micah Bell
Molly O’Shea
Penelope Braithwaite*
Rev. Orville Swanson*
Sadie Adler
Sean MacGuire
Simon Pearson*
Tilly Jackson
#fandom matchups#matchups#the 100#good omens#the good place#lucifer#on my block#parks and rec#prodigal son#space force#supernatural#the walking dead#clueless#the greatest showman#harry potter#the hunger games#mcu#marvel#broadway#anastasia#beetlejuice#hadestown#carrie the musical#hamilton#les mis#phantom of the opera#six the musical#detroit become human#red dead redemption 2#rdr2
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Secret feelings
Chapter 7
Rosita, Abe and their six year old son, Matt, were crammed up together in the backseat of a car. The two men up front were clearly a couple, one had dark curly hair and the other had blonde hair and was more on the skinny side than his partner. They had learned their names, Aaron and Eric. Rosita went through the information Aaron had given them about the community they belonged to, Alexandria. Aaron had spotted them as Rosita, Abe and Matt had taken shelter from a nasty storm in an old run down barn, the next day when the weather had calmed, they came outside to find water bottles and protein bars laying right outside. Uncertain, but desperate of hunger, they had taken it, that was when Aaron had let himself be known. He had sat down with them and talked about this group he belonged to, that had built up a community called Alexandria, and it was not just that, Aarons group also was in contact with other communities. One called the kingdom, Oceanside and then the Hilltop. Their leaders were close friends with their leader at Alexandria, all the leaders originated from the same group. Aaron had looked at their little boy, Matt and invited them to come to Alexandria, to talk with their leader and maybe join their group, but Abe had declined in his usual matter, telling the man that he rather be starving then getting his nuts nailed to a community again.
It was not until Rosita heard Aaron talk to his partner over the walkie talkie when a name was mentioned and Rosita’s attention was piqued. Aaron had mentioned that their leaders name was Rick. Rosita almost desperate to hear more of the man, was bubbling over with questions. She searched her mind from all the stories Savannah had told her about their old group, and Rosita had asked Aaron if Rick's last name was Grimes. This had made the man halt and look at her, his eyes squinted as he searched her own, how the hell did they know what Rickˋs last name was? Then Rosita had explained about the cult they had escaped from two months ago, and their closest friends there had talked about their old group, she had named a few of the other people Savannah had mentioned and Aaron had confirmed that yes, Carol was the wife of the king of Kingdom, Maggie and Glenn did run the Hilltop. Rosita had nudged Abe and told him that they had to come to Alexandria to talk with this Rick guy. And now they were parked outside of the big metal gates of Alexandria, waiting for the gates to open. As the gates opened and the car slowly rolled in, Rosita gasped. Never had she seen something as beautiful as this. Rows and rows with big houses, well attended lawns, a huge church in the middle of it all. It was almost like they had been transferred into the past. They were led out of the car by Aaron and Eric and shown over to the church, there they were told to take a seat while the leaders of Alexandria were summoned.
Rosita recognized two of the leaders as they stepped in from how Savannah had described them. Rick the tall lean man with curly brown hair, light blue eyes, a posture that reminded of a cowboy from the old west. The woman, dark skin, with dreadlocks, the katana was missing though. They looked at them with stern eyes, then the woman, she knew as Michonne turned to Aaron and Eric, as two more black men and a woman entered, one dressed in all black, the other big and bear like, the woman small framed, those must be the siblings, Tyreese and Sasha, the man dressed in all black she did not recognize.
"Thought we told you two that we were not recruiting anyone else right now," Michonne whispered angrily to Aaron and Eric. Rosita watched as Aaron gave Michonne a quick smile to calm her down.
"We know, but I think you all should hear what they know, that is why we brought them here," they all turned towards them and Rosita, gutsy as she had always been, stepped forward.
"I’m Rosita Espinoza, this is my partner Abraham Ford, and this is our son Matt,” she then turned to the cowboy looking man, "you must be Rick Grimes," she continued to the two women, "I would guess you are Michonne, and you Sasha, and that is youˋre brother Tyreese," the woman called Sasha gasped and took a threatening step towards Rosita, her eyes was shooting daggers.
"How do you know us? " Abe pushed Rosita protectively behind him, but Rick walked in between the woman and Abe.
"Who are you and why do you know anything about us?" Rick asked Abe. Before Abe had the chance to start one of his rants, Rosita stepped up to Rick once again,
"We escaped from a cult that calls themselves the Haven, we have been held there for almost seven years now, people were brought in from time to time, some lasted others were killed, but three years in two people were brought in, a man and a woman. We got close to them, since the man started working with my Abe here, and the woman I took a liking to straight away. As we grew closer they started telling us stories about their old group," she paused to take a breath, ''I think they are friends of yours, members of your old group" she waited to see a reaction. The women gasped, everyone except the priest, Aaron and Eric where standing watching. She saw the leader, Rick had tears in his eyes.
"What where their names? " his voice had a desperate ring to it, Rosita smiled up at him.
"Daryl and Savannah," the man's hands were now on her shoulders, shaking her slightly.
"Are they still alive? Are they still at the Haven?" Rositaˋs smile grew wider.
"Yes they are alive, at least the last time we saw them, that was about two months ago, when they helped us escape the Haven. They have lived there with us for nearly four years, " she heard the woman called Michonne choke back a sob, then the big hurly guy called Tyreese caught Rositaˋs attention.
"How do we get to this Haven place?" Abe shook his head.
"It’s dangerous, it’s a closed off highly religious cult, people that come in through the gates never leave. But because of Daryl, we were able to escape, and that's a good thing cause they were going to execute Rosita," the group stood there stunned, all eyes on her. She rested her hands on her hips and glared up at Abe.
"I told you not say shit like that in front of Matt," Abe actually looked remorseful down at their son that was laying half asleep on the bench behind them.
"We promised both Daryl and Savannah to continue to look for their old group when we got out, and maybe try to gather people to rescue them, but it has to happen soon. Savannah is sick and needs better medical care then what the drunk bastard of a dr at the Haven can give her," Rick turned towards Aaron.
"Send a message to both Hilltop and the kingdom. Glenn, Maggie and Carol need to know about this, they were all close to both Daryl and Savannah, we need to come up with a plan to rescue them, and we need all three communities to help," Aaron and Eric both nodded, understanding the urgency. They hurried out of the church as Rick turned back to Rosita.
"I thank you for this information, Daryl is like a brother to me, and Savannah is special to us all too, you are welcome to stay here in Alexandria if you like, a house will be given to you," Rositaˋs lips parted in a warm smile, her eyes beamed up at the cowboy like man.
"Savannah told me you had a good heart, we will accept the offer. It’s not safe to travel around with children, I am sure you know, since Savannah told me you have two kids of your own," Rick nodded and smiled back.
"Gabriel, show them where they can live, we will wait until the others come, and then we will discuss what to do," he then turned to Abe, "if you can write down everything you know about the security, draw a layout of the area and everything else you know is of importance about the Haven, and then bring it to the meeting when the others are here, I would really appreciate it," Abe nodded.
Savannah sat propped up in a chair, a blanket neatly folded over her legs. She was resting her now boney hands on her bulging belly, a little over four years had past since they came to the Haven, any hopes of ever getting out of this place had evaporated as soon as she found out she was pregnant for the third time. She could feel deep in her soul that this pregnancy would be her last. It was draining her, she knew there was something wrong. She looked out the window where Daryl was chopping wood for the winter, their two boys Dean and Caleb helping him, Dean was the spitting image of Daryl. His younger brother Caleb, that was exactly 11 months younger than Dean, had Darylˋs sky blue eyes, but her blonde hair, and where Dean was tough and strong willed like his dad, Caleb was more of a gentle soul, very attached to Savannah. She had at first, when the boy had taken longer to start walking or talking, been concerned it would bother Daryl, who seemed so proud of Dean who had the Dixon guts, but Daryl had a soft spot for both his boys, his concerns of not turning into a good father for their kids was ridiculous, the boys could not have gotten a better father than Daryl. He always brought them with him if they wanted too, he always bragged about how good little helpers they where when he had taken them out to the new building site. The gap in her and Daryl's friendship had been mended as soon as Dean had been born, now their friendship was stronger then ever, and her love for Daryl only seemed to grow each day, but still she had never gotten herself to tell him how much she really loved him, she knew if she did and her feelings where unanswered it would kill her, but then again, she was slowly fading away with this pregnancy. She knew that this time she wasn't going to survive, she had not told Daryl of her fears, she always put on a brave mask. She knew their kids were in good hands with Daryl and that he would raise them to be good people. A tear slipped down her cheek and she brushed it away.
"Is there anything I can get for you Mrs. Dixon?" she heard the woman that the Haven was planning on replacing her with ask. She turned her head slightly towards the redhead and shook her head.
"No thank you Vicky, Iˋm fine right here," the council had when the pregnancy had started to cause trouble decided that Vicky were to move in with them, to learn Savannahˋs way to run the household. The council had explained to Savannah that the kids needed a mother to take care of things, and Daryl was still young enough to produce more children, so if Savannah did not survive, Vicky were to take her place as Daryl's wife and mother of his kids. Daryl did not know, she had begged the council not to inform him of this new idea, she knew how much time Daryl needed to let new people in. She had told Daryl, that since she was pregnant, the council had appointed them a maid and that Vicky was going to live with them and help out in the house while she was pregnant. Daryl had reluctantly agreed. It was killing her though to see how Vicky was flirting with Daryl, and how far she went to please him, more then once she had been tempted to put Vicky back in her place both physically and orally, but she did not want to spend her last months yelling and screaming like a raving lunatic in front of her two boys, She wanted her boys to remember their mother like the stoic fair woman she had always been. And she did not want to cause Daryl any future problems after she had past.
Sometimes she had the feeling that Vicky was trying to hurry up the process of her dying, so she always kept a watchful eye at all the food preparation. She knew the younger woman had set her eyes on Daryl the first time she met him, and she could understand why, afterall the same thing had happened to her back at the prison, and in her own way she had stolen Daryl from his true love, Beth. She saw Vicky walk out to their front door and call her boys in for dinner, Savannah glanced out and saw how Daryl scooped Caleb up in his strong arms and grabbed Deans hand as they walked towards their home. She wiped her cheeks when she heard Daryl's heavy footsteps enter the cabin.
"Go give yer mama a kiss and wash up before dinner, boys," he heard Daryl say in his low husky rumbling voice that still gave her goosebumps all over. Small feet came running towards her and soon enough she was enveloped by small arms, small butterfly kisses all over her face as she leaned down to give both her boys a kiss on their cheeks. A heartfelt laughter bubbled up from her chest, she ruffled their hair.
"How is it possible, Dean, that you always look like you have been wading in mud whenever you have been outside, while Caleb looks like he had just had his bath?" her question was directed to her oldest boy, but her humor filled eyes went up and met Darylˋs sky blue eyes. He shrugged and gave her one of his small heart fluttering smiles of his.
"That's the redneck blood shining through, princess," he said, she snorted from his nickname for her, never had she understood why he constantly called her a princess, she was so far from one. She watched as her youngest boy turned towards his daddy with an offended look in his so blue eyes.
"But daddy, I’m a redneck too, I don't get dirty, like mama said," she giggled from Calebs light voice and his still babyway of talking, Daryl scooped Caleb up in his arms again and started tickling him, and she watched how the little boy was giggling and squirming in Daryl's arms.
"Ya sure are, kid, be happy ya looks so much like yer mama and nothing like yer uglyass uncle Merle," Savannah had many nights been laying in bed listening to Daryl tell their boys stories about all the crazy things him and his brother had done when they were little. Daryl was good at telling stories, and she knew Daryl made up Merle to be a hero in all the stories, and not the man chauvinistic prick their uncle really was when he was alive.
"Now go wash up boys, supper is gettin cold," she heard Daryl say and he ushered the boys into the bathroom.
Daryl watched Savannah where she was at last sleeping peacefully next to him, her bulging belly looked so misplaced on her now so thin frame. Never had he seen Savanna so skinny and pale, it was like the fears he had during her pregnancy with Dean had come true this time, he knew life was seeping out of her body the closer she came to birth. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her cool forehead, when he leaned back his eyes where lingering on her pink plump lips. How he wished he could kiss those lips, her lips looked so soft and he bet she tasted just as sweet as she looked. He had been tempted so many times as they laid in bed together to actually lean in and kiss her good night, but he always chicken out. She only saw him as a friend, one thing was that she had to sleep with him, but he would never force a kiss on her, that should come willingly. He got out of the bed and pulled on his shirt and jeans, and grabbed his heavy worn boots in his hand and silently moved out of the bedroom. He peeked his head into the half open door of his boys bedroom, both his boys were sleeping soundly, god they were perfect, never had he pictured himself a father, but now he could not picture his life without them in it, or Savannah. He walked into the livingroom and his eyes landed on the young redhead sleeping on the couch, he rolled his eyes. It was annoying to have that little skank sleeping on his couch, always walking around in those small skimpy outfits, showing off skin. More then once had she given him suggestive looks across the dinner table, he could not believe the nerve the woman had, behaving in such a rude manner in front of his family. He knew Savannah was trying to get them all to accept Vickey, but his boys were clever, they saw right through the games Vickey was trying to play. He was gonna make sure that her ass was outta his house as soon as the new kid was born and Savannah was back to her old self.
He sat down on one of the kitchen chairs and pulled on his boots, then he silently walked over to the front door, he badly needed a smoke that he had traded from one of the new people that had just arrived. He cringed as the door creaked on its hinges when he opened it, he looked worriedly over his shoulder to see if the skank had woken from the sound, but the selfish little bitch was still sleeping. He exhaled relieved and hurried outside, he rounded the corner to the back of the cabin where no one would see him from the hotel or the gates, he had just lit his cigarette and took a deep drag from it when his eyes landed on a loan figure leaning against his cabin wall. It was dark so he could not make out who of the guards it was, maybe it was the same guard he had picked a fight with to cause a distraction so that Abe, Rosita and their kid could slip out the gate and into freedom a few months back. Maybe now he was back to finish him off as he had made an ass out of the guard in front of everyone. But as Daryl studied the man standing there in the dark, it was something familiar with him, he took a few steps closer, and the man turned towards him.
"Rick?" the name just slipped out of him, suddenly he was pulled into a strong bear hug.
"Been looking for ya for almost five years brother," he heard Ricks familiar voice whisper, he could hardly believe what was happening. He pushed Rick off of him, his hands still on who had become his brother during this hellish worldˋs shoulders.
"Rick, whatˋcha doin here?" The man flashed him a humor filled grin.
"Here to rescue your ass, brother," Daryl took another drag from his cigarette and shook his head.
"How did ya find us?" Rick snatched the cigarette out of his hands, dropped it on the ground and crunched it under his worn boots.
"Your friends, Rosita and Abe found us, weˋre here to bring you guys home, Savannahˋs still here right?" a worried glimmer in Ricks light blue eyes, Daryl nodded.
"Inside sleepin," finally his silent prayerˋs had been answered, as time passed since he had helped Abe and Rosita escape he had almost given up on them finding help.
"Alright, go in and wake her up, weˋre leaving as soon as possible, we have surrounded the area, but so far they haven't suspected any foul play, but Rosita told us that there were a lot of kids here, so I don't want to start a war," Daryl nodded and nudged Rick to follow him inside.
"Need alil help," Rick nodded and followed after Daryl into the house. Rickˋs eyes landed on the woman sleeping on the couch, and his brows furrowed quizzically, but Daryl just grabbed a few sheets that he ripped apart.
"Gotta tie this bitch up and gag her, or else sheˋs gonna squeal like a lil snitch," Daryl roughly woke Vicky up and Rick helped him tie and gag her up, before he threw her squirming body over his shoulder. He opened one of the closets and shoved the fiery redhead inside, before he used the last sheet to tie together the closet door.
"Fuckin’ good riddance," he grumbled and led the way into his boys bedroom. He squatted down between their twin beds and shook them awake. Dean rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed looking confused at him before his blue eyes landed on Rick who was standing stunned in the middle of the room.
"Whatˋs goin’ on, daddy?" Daryl put his finger over his lips, signalizing for his boys to be quiet.
"This here is my friend Rick, yaˋll remember me and mama talkin’ about him and the others?" both boys nodded seriously, two pairs of eyes landing on Rick who was still in shock, “He really does look like the cowboy from the books mama reads to us," Caleb chimed in and Daryl murmured his agreeance, he turned to grab the boys clothes.
"Alright boys, now ya gonna get dressed, then ya wait out in the living room with yer uncle Rick right, I'm gonna go fetch yer mama," both boys started pulling off their pjs as Daryl was about to walk past Rick, when Rick grabbed his arm.
"You got kids?" Daryl felt his cheeks and ears heat up, he started to chew on his thumb and nodded bashfully.
"Who’s their mother?" Daryl stared at the floor.
"Savannah, gonna go git ˋer now, watch the boys," Rick nodded but before he let go of his arm he leaned in.
"You have some serious explaining to do, brother," Daryl just gave him a curt nod and disappeared down the hall and into the bedroom. He crawled into bed and carefully shook Savannah awake.
"Wake up princess," he whispered and Savannah shot up as fast as her weak body and big belly would allow her.
"Are the boys alright? Did something happen?" Daryl rounded the bed and helped Savannah up.
"The boys are fine, weˋre gettin outta here," he pulled out some of Savannahˋs clothes and helped her get dressed. It was starting to get cold and Daryl guessed they were about a month away off christmas.
"How are we getting out Daryl?" Daryl lifted her up in his arms, he knew Savannah had trouble walking.
"Looks like Abe and Rosita came through for us, there's a surprise out in the living room for ya," he watched Savannahˋs reaction when her gray orbs landed on Rick as they walked out of the hall. He carefully placed Savannahˋs too skinny form down in one of the chairs and Rick was by her side in an instant, hugging her.
"Rick," she breathed and Daryl could see tears welling up in her beautiful eyes, thank god this time there were happy tears, and not the sad ones that had filled her eyes to many times the last months. Savannah thought she could hide the truth from him, but he knew, he knew all too well what was going on in that pretty head of hers. Savannah held on to Rick tightly while she refused to let go of him as she cried silently into his shoulder, Rick looked up at him with confused, quizzical eyes, then he pulled back and looked at Savannah again, Ricks eyes landed on her bulging belly.
"Youˋre pregnant," he stated the obvious and Savannah let out a hiccup of a laugh.
"Yeah, I feel ready to pop," she said and laid her boney hand on her belly lovingly, Rick nodded. Daryl turned to his boys.
"Alright boys, I need to carry yer mama, so yaˋll follow uncle Ricks lead," his voice was stern and left no room for discussions. He knew how worked up Caleb could get around people he didn’t know. But luckily Dean came through and grabbed his younger brotherˋs hand in one hand and Rickˋs hand in the other. Daryl picked up Savannah again and followed Rick out the door, he felt how Savannahˋs head lulled tiredly against his shoulder. Hopefully Rick had not come too late to save her. They were led over to a cart that was hooked up to a couple of horses, they were shielded from any prying eyes from the guards standing at the gates, Tyreeseˋs big frame came into view and Daryl gave the big man a nod as the man he had befriended at the prison helped him lift Savannah up in the cart. He saw the surprise in Savannahˋs eyes and she hugged Tyreese quickly before the big man leaned down and lifted Dean up in the cart.
"Now don't you look like your father," the big man said with laughter in his whisper, Daryl watched how his little boy puffed his chest out proudly.
"Mama says itˋs the redneck blood," and both Tyreese and Rick couldn't help the laughter that slipped out. Rick picked up Caleb and handed him over to Daryl who had now climbed up in the cart as well. They all scooted together when a tarp was pulled over their head, and not long after the cart started moving. Savannah leaned heavily on his shoulder while he had Caleb on his lap and Dean on his other side. Daryl squeezed his eyes shut and waited when they reached the gates. He heard the gates being opened and the horses started pulling the cart through, it seemed like they had passed through without problems, but suddenly the cart came to a halt, and the tarp was ripped open and Daryl knew that this was too good to be true, but then three well known faces jumped into the cart followed by a man he did not know. One by one they where hugged by Carol, Michonne and Sasha. The unfamiliar man gave them a nod and ruffled his boys heads before they sat down on the opposite side of the cart. Carol grinned at Daryl as the cart started moving.
"What?" he growled at his bestfriends stupid grin, Carol giggled.
"Never in a million years had I ever thought I would get the opportunity to call you a daddy, Daryl," he snorted, but Michonne burst out into laughter.
"Yeah it is somewhat of a disturbing thought that we now will have more crazy pissed off rednecks to look after," both Sasha and Carol giggled, Daryl glared at them.
"Oh lighten up pookie, we are just teasing, now introduce us to your boys," and Daryl gave his two boys a little nudge.
"Show the ladies some Dixon manners, boys," both Dean and Caleb crawled over to the other side and sat in front of the people they had heard so many stories about. Dean was first, he reached out his hand to Carol first then the others.
"My name is Dean Dixon, ma’am," Caleb followed right after, wiping his nose while he shyly looked up at the woman in front of him through his long blonde bangs, trying to mimic his older brother.
"I’m Caleb Dixon, ma’am," Daryl could see how the three fierce woman he knew so well melted from how adorable his boys where.
"Oh gawd, pookie, no one could ever doubt who their parents are, that's for sure," Daryl could not help but feel the pride swell in his chest. Caleb pulled on Carols shirt.
"What’s a pookie, ma’am?" Carol giggled and looked at Daryl with a wide grin before she looked into Calebˋs so deep blue eyes.
"Your grumpy daddy is a pookie," his youngest son looked back at him and his brows furrowed slightly.
"Daddy ain’t grumpy around mama, so he ain’t gonna be a pookie if mama gets to live," Daryl saw how Caleb crawled over to Savannahˋs sleeping frame and nuzzled into her side. When he looked up, all four of them stared at Savannah.
"How far along is she?" Sasha asked her brows furrowed worriedly.
"She’s ready to pop any day now," he said with a heavy sigh.
"She’s so skinny," Michonne commented and Daryl nodded.
"I know, no matter how much she eats it don't seem like ˋer body can get what it needs," Carol frowned.
"I know how you always have had a thing for her, Daryl, but your boys seems pretty close in age. Putting her through three pregnancies so close to each other without proper medical care, thatˋs a bit extreme, to keep a girl yours," Daryl knew the people he considered his family would never understand, he had seen the same look he now saw in Carol, Michonne and Sashaˋs eyes. He already felt guilty for all the hardship he had put Savannah through and he swore that if she would live that he would never put her through anything again. He would keep his distance to her, leave her be and let her have a good life without almost killing her like he had done now. He just shook his head to the woman in front of him, Dean got up on his knees and directed a pair of angry eyes at the woman in front of them.
"It ain’t daddy’s fault, mama is his princess, its the bad men back home, they force daddy to do bad things toˋer," Daryl pulled his oldest son back, and glared down at his son.
"Ya hush yer mouth, boy," he could see the heat crawl up in his oldest boyˋs face as he stared bashfully down on the floor on the cart, the little boy nodded and sat back down. He knew how his oldest hated to be reprimanded, he reminded him so much of himself when he was a kid. Only difference he might have had to raise his voice to both of his boys from time to time, but he had never raised a hand at them. The rest of the trip they were all quiet.
A week prior:
It was early morning when the people from Hilltop and the Kingdom arrived. Rick had barely gotten himself a cup of hot coffee and kissed Michonne and their kids good morning, before his door busted open and Maggie, Glenn and Beth walked in. Rick nodded towards the coffee maker and silently asked if they wanted a cup. Maggie nodded and he handed her a cup.
"Did you bring little Hershal?" Rick wondered and Glenn shook his head.
"Left him back at Hilltop with Jesus," Rick nodded, then looked at Maggie's stern face, being the leader of Hilltop had made the young woman in front of him grow, it really suited her. He directed them into the dining room where he knew he could fit all the leaders, he gestured for them all to have a seat, just as the front door was opened once again and Carol and her new husband Ezikiel walked in. He waved them over and into the dining room, after placing a peck on Carols cheek and shaking Ezikiels hand. He stood by the end of the table and looked over his old group members, the quarry, farm and prison survivors. His heart swelled in his chest, he bared so much love for the people he considered his family, and now hopefully they would be complete.
"I guess you all are wondering why you have all been summoned," they all nodded and Glenn wrapped his arm around his wifeˋs shoulder as he leaned in.
"Eric said it was urgent," Rick nodded.
"It has come to my knowledge that two people of our group have been localised in a community called The Haven," they all frowned and looked at each other confused.
"Is someone missing from Alexandria?" Ezikiel asked concerned and Rick shook his head.
"No, I’m talking about two from our original group, Daryl and Savannah," Carol gasped and stared at Rick, "it is true, they are both alive and being held hostage in a cult called The Haven" he turned his head towards Michonne and gestured for her to bring in Rosita and Abe. The two came and stood next to Rick, explaining how they had become to know Daryl and Savannah, they went through the list Rick had asked them to make about the Haven. When they were done the room fell in silence, then Ezikiel rose from his chair and in his usual theatrical manner, hit his chest and spoke with a loud and clear voice.
"I know how much these two people mean to my wife. Rick you have the support of the Kingdom, tell me what you need and we will provide," Rick nodded and smiled in gratitude and watched how Ezikiel placed a loving hand on Carols shoulder, which she squeezed and kissed in return, smiling lovingly up at her new husband. Glenn also got up from his chair.
"Hilltop will help as well, we have good fighters," then he looked at Rick, "should we notify Tara at Oceanside?" and Rick shook his head.
"Tara has enough on her hands as it is right now, it's not easy to be appointed the new leader when half the group is against her," Glenn nodded, "no, I think we have all the strength we need with Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom fighting together," Rick placed the map that Abe and Rosita had been working on in the middle of the table.
"I think we should disguise ourselves as merchants, there to trade supplies, we do not want them thinking we are ready to join their craziness," they all nodded, they spent the rest of the day going through every aspect of the plan, listening to Rosita explain the layouts of the insides of the community, who to talk with, what guards to look out for.
It had taken them almost a week to prepare, but now they were setting out to rescue the two that had been missing from their family for a little over five years. They had divided themselves into three groups, the Hilltop and the Kingdom fighters where going to surround the community, take out any possible threats. Then a small group from Alexandria were gonna pretend they were merchants, there to make a deal about trading. They had decided that it was too dangerous to bring either Rosita or Abe, since they could easily be recognized and blow the mission, so they were left behind at Alexandria with their little son. Abe had drawn a very detailed map of the road to the Haven, they all had gotten copies of the drawing so everything was in order. Rick was a little surprised over the short distance between the Haven and Alexandria, it had stunned him that the forest in between Alexandria and Hilltop were hiding this sick cult community. It was only half a day ride by horse, how many times have they roamed these woods without knowing this was right under their noses?
It was mid day when Tyreese slowed the horses to a halt outside the gates of the Haven. He knew his people were hiding in the forest surrounding the Haven, still his nerves were on edge.
"State youˋre business, stranger," was called out to them from a tower over the main gate, and Rick spotted a man holding a very familiar crossbow, aiming at his head. Ricks blood started to boil from anger, at least it was proof that his brother was there.
"We are traveling merchants, I'm here to strike a deal with the leaders of this community," Rick called up to the man, the man pointed at the cart.
"What you got under that tarp?" Rick jumped down and pulled the tarp aside, showing crates full of fruits, vegetables and other supplies they had scraped together from all three of their homes. Aaron and Eric were leading the second cart behind them.
"This cart is full of food," the guard shook his head.
"We grow our own food, not interested," Rick pointed to the cart that Aaron and Eric was sitting on.
"What about weapons and ammunition?" Rick called up at the guard, it was easy to see that Rick had his full attention. He walked around to the back of Aarons cart and pulled the tarp aside, and showed up a semi automatic gun. The guard turned and whistled at someone at the ground, then the gates were opened, and Tyreese and Aaron led the horses inside. The space was a little cramped on the inside, the hotel towering the middle took up a lot of space, so Tyreese had to round the hotel and park the cart in front of the cabins at the back of the hotel. When Aaron parked his cart in front of the hotel, drawing all the attention from all the guards. Rick stood back patiently while the cult leaders were summoned. The guard from the tower came out of the main doors of the hotels and walked straight up to Rick.
"Leave any weapons, your men and follow me, they will see you now," Rick nodded, and gave Aaron a silent message to put the rest of their plan out into action. Rick handed Eric his python strapped to his belt and followed the guard inside. He was lead three floors up and into a big suite where three people were seated in the living room, logs burning in the hearth, and the room was toasty warm. The three people got up from their seats and Rick reached out his hand and introduced himself to the two women and man in front of him, he was asked to take a seat and so he did.
Eric jumped down from the cart and nodding to Aaron, who had also jumped down to tend to the horses borrowed from the kingdom. Eric rounded the hotel and walked over to where Tyreese where standing petting the horses attached to his cart. He gave Tyreese a curt nod before he opened the tarp further and let the four people hiding behind the crates of fruits out.
"Alright, you all know what to do, Rick is already inside to talk with the leaders," they all nodded and disappeared in all directions, Eric then climbed up into the cart and rearranged the crates so more people could get room to hide before he jumped down and fastened the tarp again.
"I’m gonna go locate the cabin," he told Tyreese who nodded and slipped Eric a gun he hid in his waistband of his cargo pants and pulled his jacket over. His eyes traced the rows of cabins that laid near the banks of the lake, beautiful he thought to himself, but looks could definitely be deceiving. He strolled down the rows of cabins as he came to the cabin with a big number 5 painted on the front door. He stood leaned into a cabin watching it for a while, but nothing happened, then his hearing picked up a sound coming from the back, he quickly walked across the dirt road separating the rows of cabins and slipped behind the corner. There he noticed a man chopping wood, and two small boys running around picking up the splinters that fell on the ground. Eric heard the mans grunts every time the axe in his hands hit the huge logs. He saw the muscles on the man's arms where bulging, the man had shaggy looking brown hair who now looked damp from sweat, the man was wearing a plaid shirt, with the arms ripped off and loose jeans. Yes that man definitely fit the description he had gotten from Rick, but the kids where a new detail. Eric studied the two little boys, one dark haired, and one light blonde, both badly in need of a haircut, just like the man chopping wood. Eric let his eyes roam the backyard of the cabin, but there was no woman that Eric could see. They were informed that the woman called Savannah was sick, had she already passed? Were they too late? Eric had seen enough to inform Rick where to go later on, he rounded the corner when a red haired young woman stepped out on the porch and called on Daryl and the two boys. He frowned to himself, then he returned to Tyreese, where he shared the details he had found out and they waited for night to come.
#angst#slowburn#the walking dead#daryl dixon fanfiction#fluff/smut#daryl dixon#daryl dixon/female oc#daryl x oc#daryl fanfiction
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Repercusiones en la salud.
Cifras registradas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que 4,2 millones de muertes prematuras en 2017 mundialmente, fueron causa de la contaminación ambiental, la cual ocasiona enfermedades respiratorias, cardiovasculares y cáncer.
Rogelio Rodríguez López, médico especializado en urgencias, menciona que el organismo más afectado por la mala calidad del aire, son las vías respiratorias altas y secundarias las bajas, refiriéndose a enfermedades como rinitis alérgica, rinofaringitis de repetición.
El sector más vulnerable a enfermedades por causa de una mala calidad del aire son niños y niñas o personas adultas mayores. En el año 2018, cifras otorgadas por el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) para enfermedades respiratorias agudas, fueron promedio de 100, para cero a nueve años. Aunque en la ciudad se presentan casos de todo tipo.
Las partículas que se encuentran en el aire debido a la contaminación son pesadas, al respirarlas se atrapan en la nariz, obstruyendo esta, causando inflamación local. Es en las noches cuando los pacientes no pueden respirar y acuden al hospital, debido a la infección. El tratamiento que mayormente se les da, son antibióticos, sin llegar a tratar el origen de la enfermedad.
La Secretaria de Salud (SS), IMSS, no especifican cuales pueden ser las causas de enfermedades gastrointestinales, respiratorias o de la piel. El doctor, Rogelio Rodríguez López, confirma que para encontrar la causa especifica es realmente difícil, incluso hace tiempo atrás algunos directores de salud del municipio, intentaron saber si las empresas maquileras y minera eran las causantes de tener una población con altos índices de cáncer.
En la familia Márquez Perfecto, quienes viven a tan solo unas cuadras de esta empresa, hubo un caso particular la hija menor de Damián, nació con una mal formación congénita en los riñones. Su análisis y tratamiento se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Puebla, en el hospital San José, donde su padre encontró personas que viven alrededor de la minera con el mismo caso.
Al igual que los otros padecimientos, la OMS menciona que en el 50 por ciento de los casos no se pueden encontrar causas específicas. Pero uno de los factores de riesgo ambiental es, si se vive cerca de una mina, fundiciones, larga exposición a ciertos productos químicos, etc.
Damián Márquez, dice que es una situación que debe ser muy bien investigada, debido a lo común que es en la zona.
“La Perla de la Sierra”
Teziutlán, una ciudad chica pero que va en el alza con su desarrollo, destacándose de los demás municipios colindantes. Con un clima húmedo y lluvia, muy característico de la zona, al igual que los tlayoyos, un platillo típico del municipio, los cuales se pueden encontrar en uno de sus dos mercados.
Habitantes de San Juan Xiutetelco, Jalacingo, Chignautla, Atempan, Tételes de Ávila Castillo, también forman parte de esta ciudad, ya sea por trabajo, escuelas u ocio. Pero son algunas las que salen afectadas, esto depende de las corrientes de aire.
El clima de la ciudad es de gran ayuda para limpiar el ambiente, pero la deforestación ha provocado que las lluvias ya no sean tan abundantes como antes.
En sus alcaldías y carreteras que unen a esta ciudad con las demás, todavía hay gran parte de naturaleza, a pesar de esto, nada puede asegurar que su calidad del aire esté en buenas condiciones.
Algunos días la aplicación de “Clima” para celulares, que toma los datos de “Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)” marcaba 200 en la calidad del aire, lo que es realmente mala, pero una aplicación no puede darnos datos confiables como podría hacerlo un SMCA, pero en la ciudad no lo hay, y tampoco otros recursos que pueda ayudar a saber tal información.
En las 18 entidades federativas donde cuentan con un SMCA, la mayoría incumplió con los Normas Oficiales Mexicanas (NOM) de calidad del aire para ozono y partículas.
En una entrevista con el regidor de ecología, Abraham Limón Peredo, se le preguntó sobre qué medidas se estaban tomando ante la contaminación ambiental, y para la ayuda del aire solo se cuenta con la verificación de los vehículos y reforestación. Pero desconocía acerca de la posible mala calidad del aire y del SMCA.
Mientras que los habitantes solo hacen denuncias a través de las redes sociales sobre las emisiones de la minera, no se ha ido con las autoridades para una denuncia más formal. El regidor también informó, que él y la directora de ecología y medio ambiente, habitualmente van a revisar a esta empresa.

Quejas/denuncias en Facebook por parte de los habitantes.
Rubén Espinoza, presidente y miembro del Grupo Cívitas de Teziutlán, ha intentado crear un consejo ciudadano. Solo tres personas se presentan al momento de hacer las reuniones, por lo que, él se preocupa de que a la sociedad no le interese la situación ambiental de la ciudad.
Ha hablado ante la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP), sobre impartir educación ambiental, pero a los docentes no les agrada la idea, porque es más trabajo para ellos, así que, ha dado pláticas en las escuelas. También ha creado foros para candidatos, dándoles a conocer la situación.
La familia Márquez Perfecto que llevan tres generaciones viviendo cerca de la minera, lo que más destaca es que por las noches producen más polvo, que por la mañana y tarde, automóviles, techos, o ropa que se deje afuera se llena de un residuo grueso color negro, diariamente.
Tal problema se ha agudizado recientemente, porque en años anteriores la capa era menor a la que ven hoy en día.
Una de las soluciones que plantea Abraham Limón Peredo, es que la minera se destine a otro punto de la localidad, donde haya más árboles, para que deje de afectar a los ciudadanos. Hilaria Perfecto Peña, dice que son los vecinos quienes han seguido a está empresa, pues las casas se construyeron cuando ya estaba establecida en ese lugar.
Hay una gran cantidad de desinformación en Teziutlán sobre la contaminación ambiental acompañada de falta de comunicación. A pesar de que la mayoría de los habitantes saben que tiene una industria emitiendo partículas, que produce residuos sólidos, pocos saben lo que realmente se debe hacer para obtener datos confiables, los cuales servirían para mejorar la salud y el ambiente de la entidad.
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Silver Female Figurine
Date: 1400–1533
Geography: Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, or Argentina
Culture: Inca
This figurine is hollow and originally was comprised of five pieces of relatively pure silver sheet joined by metallurgical means. Similar to other Inca female figurines in terms of its appearance and design, it depicts a standing woman with hair pulled back and arms drawn to the chest. The figurine was likely deposited as an Inca offering, and may have been dressed in textiles fastened with tupus (pins), whether as part of the ritual practice of capac hucha, or as another form of Inca dedication of/to huacas, sacred beings that included points in the natural landscape (Bray 2009; Cruz 2007). These female anthropomorphic figurines may be fabricated in metal or in the shell Spondylus spp. One such figurine of Spondylus princeps was deposited in an Inca offering in Unit 16, Platform 1 of the Moche site of Huaca de la Luna, where it was wrapped in three separate textiles, an aksu, lliclla, and faja, tied with tupus, two of which are threaded on a cord from which Spondylus plaques hang (Rojas et al. 2012). While made of different materials, the metal and shell female anthropomorphic figurines tend to indicate the same bodily details in similar designs: textured hair pulled back into two tresses tied at their ends in a rectangular bar or tassel, open, almond-shaped eyes, nose, mouth, ears, breasts, hands drawn close to the chest, and vagina. Across this corpus of Inca anthropomorphic figurines in metal, there are usually three height groups (5-7 cm, 13-15 cm, 22-24 cm) (see McEwan 2015, 282, n. 15), and this figurine is in the middle height group. The five sheet components of this figurine are: the hair, the tassel at the end of the hair, the head, torso, and legs all as one piece, and the two individual feet that are now missing. Like 1995.481.5 and other Inca female figurines made of metal, the helmet-like hair section was placed over and soldered to the open top/back of the head during fabrication (see image 4, profile view). In this figure, however, small dents and areas of misshapen metal in the hair—along with a slightly askew positioning of the head (see image 4, profile view)—suggest that the hair was damaged and then re-attached. The tresses of hair are shown as tied by a tassel at the back. Usually the tassel is part of the hair piece on Inca female figurines but in this case the hair and tassel were applied separately (see image 5). These tassels may be referred to as simp’anas in Quechua or k’anañas in Aymara and, according to peoples in the Peruvian altiplano, may be made of alpaca wool (Valencia 1981, 57). There is a seam in a zigzag shape down the back (see image 6), where the two ends of the torso sheet would have been joined. X-radiography reveals porosity in the region of the overlap of these ends (see image 4, front-back view), suggesting the use of a solder. Interestingly, unlike many other Inca anthropomorphic figurines (cf. Lechtman 1996), there does not appear to be a gusset of metal in the genital region, a separate piece that would have bridged the torso and leg pieces. Instead, the crotch area is formed by the intersection of the torso and leg pieces. The seam on each leg is diagonal, extending from the interior of each leg onto the more visible back of the leg at the bottom, and there are deposits of metal—likely a solder—in the area of these seams (see image 7). Comparing metal anthropomorphic and camelid figurines, it is clear that Inca metallurgists thought carefully about feet attachments. On camelid figurine 1998.34 in the Princeton University Art Museum, the feet attachments are partially cylindrical on top so that they extend and fit into the hollow legs (Cockrell and McEwan n.d.). On a female figurine from Isla de la Plata, 4450 in the Field Museum, interior pins have been applied to secure the feet to the legs (Cockrell et al. n.d.). On 1979.206.336, the feet are missing but there are areas of solidified metal (solder?) on the ankles, near where the feet would have been located (see image 8). This suggests that the feet, now missing, were originally fitted over the legs, rather than fitted into them, with the use of solder. The hair has been engraved to show its texture and includes a central line that more or less divides the hair in half (see image 9). Like other figurines, there is a hammered, vertical, relatively narrow depression or concave fold down the back of the hair whose purpose is unknown. The facial details have been created by working both sides of the sheet that now forms the head. The hands were formed by hammering, and the fingers on the hands have been delineated by engraving (see image 10). The figure’s breasts are indicated by slight raised circles, and its vagina has been indicated by hammering a small V-shaped indentation. This tassel is marked with only one row of engraved design unlike figurine 1995.481.5, for instance, which shows two rows. The x-ray (see image 4, profile view) reveals a slight separation (dark contrast) at the side of the neck region, confirming that, at some time, there was probably a failure of the hair and head/neck join, resulting in the separation or disattachment of the two sections. Combined with the post-casting addition of metal in the neck immediately below the proper right jaw, it is likely that damage was extensive in this area. The repair, which probably included the re-soldering of the hair to the head, likely accounts for the slightly askew position of the hair on top of the head noted earlier. Areas of green copper corrosion on the backside of the figurine are from areas of solder employed in fabrication and/or repair and re-heating procedures. This figurine was cleaned by conservators in October 1957 and January 1971. Technical notes: Optical microscopy, X-radiography, and XRF conducted in 2017. Bryan Cockrell, Curatorial Fellow, AAOA Beth Edelstein, Associate Conservator, OCD Ellen Howe, Conservator Emerita, OCD Caitlin Mahony, Assistant Conservator, OCD 2017 References Bray, Tamara. “An Archaeological Perspective on the Andean Concept of Camaquen: Thinking Through Late Pre-Columbian Ofrendas and Huacas.” Cambridge Archaeological Journal 19, no. 3 (2009): 357-366. Cockrell, Bryan, and Colin McEwan. “The Fabrication and Ritual Significance of Inca Miniature Figurines in PUAM.” Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University, forthcoming. Cockrell, Bryan, McEwan, Colin, Williams, Patrick Ryan, and Laure Dussubieux. “The Ritualized Production of an Inca Assemblage from Isla de la Plata, Ecuador”. Unpublished manuscript. Cruz, Pablo J. “Huacas olvidadas y cerros santos: Apuntes metodológicos sobre la cartografía sagrada en los Andes del sur de Bolivia.” Estudios Atacameños (San Pedro de Atacama) 38 (2009): 55-74. Lechtman, Heather. “Technical Descriptions,” in Andean Art at Dumbarton Oaks, edited by Elizabeth Hill Boone. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1996. McEwan, Colin. "Ordering the Sacred and Recreating Cuzco," in The Archaeology of Wak'as: Explorations of the Sacred in the Pre-Columbian Andes, edited by Tamara L. Bray, 265-291. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2015. Rojas, Carol, Moisés Tufinio, Ronny Vega, and Mirtha Rivera. “Unidad 16 - Plataforma I de Huaca de la Luna.” In Proyecto Arqueológico Huaca de la Luna: Informe técnico 2011, edited by Santiago Uceda and Ricardo Morales, 75-127. Trujillo: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Trujillo, 2012. Valencia Espinoza, Abraham. Metalurgia Inka: Los ídolos antropomorfos y su simbología. Cusco, 1981.
The Met
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Eclipse Awards results are in!
Two-Year-Old Male: Game Winner Game Winner, 247; Bulletin, 1; Knicks Go, 1.
Two-Year-Old Filly: Jaywalk Jaywalk, 214; Newspaperofrecord (IRE), 31; Bellafina, 4.
Three-Year-Old Male: Justify Justify, 249.
Three-Year-Old Filly: Monomoy Girl Monomoy Girl, 247; Magical (IRE), 1; Rushing Fall, 1.
Older Dirt Male: Accelerate Accelerate, 245; Gun Runner, 2; Discreet Lover, 1; Roy H, 1.
Older Dirt Female: Unique Bella Unique Bella, 182; Abel Tasman, 34; Marley’s Freedom, 14; Blue Prize (ARG), 9; Wow Cat (CHI), 9; Voter Abstention, 1.
Male Sprinter: Roy H Roy H, 234; City of Light, 9; Imperial Hint, 3; Stormy Liberal, 2; Mind Your Biscuits, 1.
Female Sprinter: Shamrock Rose Shamrock Rose, 136; Marley’s Freedom, 113.
Male Turf Horse: Stormy Liberal Stormy Liberal, 85; Expert Eye, 66 (GB); Glorious Empire (IRE), 43; Catholic Boy 14; Heart to Heart, 12; Catapult, 8; Chanel Maker, 7; Raging Bull (FR), 7; Robert Bruce (CHI), 2; Funtastic, 1; Oscar Performance, 1; Yoshida (JPN) 1; Voter Abstentions, 2.
Female Turf Horse: Sistercharlie (IRE) Sistercharlie, 130; Enable, 119.
Steeplechase Horse: Zanjabeel (GB) Zanjabeel (GB), 176; Optimus Prime (FR), 22; Jury Duty (IRE), 12; Iranistan, 4; Balance the Budget, 1; Voter Abstentions, 34.
Owner: Hronis Racing, LLC Hronis Racing LLC, 141; Peter Brant, 27; WinStar Farm, China Horse Club Intl., Starlight Racing, Head of Plains Partners, 25; Calumet Farm, 8; Klaravich Stables, Inc., 8; Godolphin Racing, 6; End Zone Athletics, 5; WinStar Farm, 5; Rockingham Ranch and David Bernsen, 4; Sol Kumin 3; Michael Dubb, Monomoy Stables, The Elkstone Group, Bethlehem Stables, 2; China Horse Club, 1; China Horse Club, Head of Plains Partners, 1;; Juddmonte Farms, 1; Loooch Racing Stables, 1; Voter Abstentions, 10.
Breeder: John D. Gunther John D. Gunther, 102; WinStar Farm, LLC 68; Mike Abraham, 21; Calumet Farm, 14; Fred Hertrich III & John Fielding, 13; Juddmonte Farms, 8; Summer Wind Equine, 5; Kenneth & Sarah Ramsey, 3; Brereton C. Jones, 2; Besilu Stables, 1;FPF LLC & Highfield Ranch, 1; Stonestreet Thoroughbred Holdings, 1; Spendthrift Farm, 1; Voter Abstentions, 9.
Trainer: Chad Brown Chad Brown, 137; Bob Baffert, 94; Steve Asmussen, 6; Brad Cox, 4; John Sadler, 2; Karl Broberg, 2; Jason Servis, 1; Jerry Hollendorfer, 1. Voter Abstentions, 2.
Jockey: Irad Ortiz, Jr. Irad Ortiz, Jr., 173; Mike Smith, 40; Jose Ortiz, 25; Joel Rosario, 8; Florent Geroux, 1; Javier Castellano, 1; Voter Abstentions, 1.
Apprentice Jockey: Weston Hamilton Weston Hamilton, 115; Edgar Morales, 87; Reylu Gutierrez, 11; Heriberto Figueroa, 7; Kazushi Kimura, 3; Assael Espinoza, 2; Evin Roman, 1; Johan Rosado, 1; Voter Abstentions, 22.
Horse of the Year: Justify Justify, 191; Accelerate, 54; Monomoy Girl, 2; Enable, (GB), 1; Voter Abstention, 1.
Some additional thoughts:
I can’t believe Monomoy Girl and Accelerate weren’t unanimous champions. The vote for Discrete Lover for Champion Older Male was just funny.
Unique Bella might be the luckiest and least-deserving 2-time Eclipse champ we’ve had. She’s a brilliant horse but if you just looked at her pps with no other info, you’d never guess she earned a single Eclipse, let alone 2.
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