#About Rafkin
graciousdragon · 1 year
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here's those sketches I was talking about yesterday! I tried drawing them in outfits/scenes that I haven't drawn them in before! nothing fancy, just something I did for fun in an extra notebook lol, also Stevo and Dennis are a little too far to the left because I thought I would be drawing more characters than I did
characters from left to right: [top row] Chip Sutphin (Serial Mom), Stu Macher (Scream 1996), Tim LaFlour (Senseless) [bottom row] Stevo Levy (SLC Punk!), Dennis Rafkin (THIR13EN GHOSTS)
here's individual crops of them as well!
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Dennis Rafkin
(FC: Matthew Lillard)
Born on December 13th, 1976 as a twin, Dennis Franklin Curtis Rafkin was born from a long line of psychic mediums. Unfortunately for him and his similarly-abled sister, the family had not had psychics since the 1860s, thus it faded into obscurity and family legend. By five, Dennis was able to see ghosts clearly, making him not just a psychic but a psychic prodigy. His father (Anthony Rafkin) brushed it off as a child’s active imagination, perhaps something to be looked at as an actual gift if it persisted in Dennis’ age, though his mother (Melissa King, then Melissa Rafkin) thought it was something to consult a mental health professional over.
Anthony Rafkin died when Dennis and Olivia were seven. By the time they were eight, their mother had remarried a man named Jonathan King. Mr. King soon became aware of the twins’ claims of seeing ghosts, angered by the fact that this was apparently a years long lie. As children, they were often beat by their step-father for lying, Dennis often getting it worse because the spirits that came to him harassed him for help that Dennis could not give, causing constant anxiety and frequent anxiety attacks. Coupled with epilepsy and migraines caused from being around spirits, Dennis was a troubled, neurotic child that learned he needed to stay silent to stay alive.
When he was a teen, though, that want to live was hanging on by a thread, with Dennis having attempted suicide three times by the age of fifteen. It was his third attempt, where he’d nearly succeeded, that had Mr. King agree with his wife that his step-son needed help; Dennis was sent to a mental health facility where he stayed until the death of his mother, when he was nineteen. At this point, his step-father stopped paying for treatment, as well as caring for Olivia. Their father’s sister and her husband took up the torch of caring for the young adults, moving them from their home in Oregon to the small community of Woodsboro, California. Dennis left after four months, feeling uncomfortable in close quarters to so many people, especially after seeing too much after reading a snippet of a life from the touch of one of the people closest to the Machers. He took what he knew and left, spending some time panhandling and homeless in large cities across the country, not able to keep a steady job for long. It was in this time that he also became heavily reliant on prescription pain killers to numb some of his anguish and block out the cries of the spirits. He had nothing.
That was until he met a man named Cyrus Kriticos who offered him a job and an apartment to stay in... that was, when they weren’t traveling. Cyrus was a paranormal enthusiast, who had a desire to collect ghosts. He needed someone with the innate ability to help him find exactly who he needed. So, that was how Dennis stayed for many years, until the last ghost killed Cyrus, leaving Dennis jobless once more and with a burning question of what the hell any person inheriting the house would do if they knew about the ghosts in the basement.
He quickly found his way back to meet Cyrus’ nephew and his family. It seemed everything was set up for the Black Zodiac, with the exception of the Broken Heart. Dennis eventually was able to figure out that Cyrus set this up so his nephew would complete the set with a sacrifice for his family... but he didn’t count on his backup plan. Another person who worked with Cyrus had called Olivia for help with a house full of ghosts, and she had come. The insurance plan was that if Arthur wouldn’t take the bait, one of the twins would certainly die trying to protect the other.
And that was what he saw. He saw his death, covering Olivia and Arthur with ectobar glass to protect them as he took an attack from both the Hammer and the Juggernaut, giving the two humans an opportunity to flee. But as his sister stood beside him, he knew there was something up in the air. She was seeing something too, and the peace in her eyes implies that it was not his death she saw...
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ahsxual · 5 months
Can someone give me some ideas to write about Matthew Lillard characters? 🥺 I want to write about Tim Laflour, Stevo Levy, Stu Macher, Doug Van Housen, Dennis Rafkin, Tim from The Curve, Jerry Conlaine, Billy Brubaker, Shaggy Rogers and obviously William Afton ✨ Maybe other Matthew's characters, if you request it? 🤭 (I think it's important to say that I only write with fem!Reader or GN!Reader <3)
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mjrkime · 11 months
I was reminded about the existence of "Thirteen Ghosts" and made this.
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He ain't no slasher, but I love Dennis Rafkin. He deserves his own aggressive Valentine card 8D
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strawbby-shortcake · 4 months
thoughts on fanfics and hcs about characters played by matthew lillard? like stu macher, stevo, tim laflour, and dennis rafkin.
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bosinclairsgff · 11 months
Requests Rules <3
Hey everyone, I want to get back into writing fanfiction and stuff like that! So here are my request rules and other important things to know! (I used to only write on Wattpad so I'm new to using Tumblr pls be nice <3)
Requests: open
Will do
Hurt x comfort
Head cannons
Sometimes mentions of abuse, kidnapping, murder or sh (there will be trigger warnings)
Light angst
Characters hurting the reader (there will be a tw)
Reader with depression or anxiety
Won't do
Pregnant reader
Child reader
Parent reader
x male, ftm, mtf or poly reader (I am not qualified to write about those as I have no experience involving them)
Characters I will write for
Halloween: RZ Micheal Myers, Corey Cunningham
Amusement: The Laugh
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Nubbins Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Chop Top Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Vilmer Sawyer
Scream: Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Amber Freeman, Sydney
Friday The 13th: Jason Voorhees
House Of Wax: Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair
Saw: Amanda Young, Mark Hoffman
House Of 1,000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
American Psycho: Patrick Bateman
Child's Play: Tiffany Valentine
The Black Phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
The Collector: Arkin
Silent Hilld/DBD: Pyramid Head
Carrie: Carrie White
Ghost Ship: Jack Ferriman
Thirteen Ghosts: Dennis Rafkin
The Shining: Jack Torrance, Wendy Torrance
The Invitation: Walter Deville
Midnight Mass: Father Paul
The funhouse massacre: Doll face
A nightmare on Elm Street (2010) : Quentin Smith
My Bloody Valentine 3-D: Tom Hanniger
Don’t breathe: Norman Nordstrom
The Purge Anarchy: Leo Barnes
Midsommer: Pelle
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
Leather face (2017) : Jedediah Sawyer
American horror story : Kai Anderson, Kit Walker, Patrick March
Jennifer’s Body : Jennifer Check
You : Love Quinn
Resident Evil (movies): Dr. Isaac, Alice, Jill Valentine
Re- animator: Herbert West
Urban Legend: Brenda
Jeepers Creepers: Darry Jenner
Grave Enconters: Lance Preston, Alex Wright
Dead Silence: Jamie
The Dare: Credence
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megs-98 · 6 months
10 characters
big thanks to @justporo and @tavdraws for the tag! :)
rules: pick 10 characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people
not gonna lie, these descriptions will probably be pretty short but just know i love all of these characters with my whole chest
1: gonna follow the lead and put astarion first because this pixelated man as truly changed my life for the better. he got me back into gaming, back on tumblr, and introduced me to the most incredible people i've ever met
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2: bob belcher- i am him, he is me, we are one. bob's burgers is my go to comfort show and i just love bob so much. he's such a loving husband, father, and friend. so unproblematic, ugh i just love him
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3: trevor belmont- this man had me hooked, he's so funny, stubborn, and skilled. i don't know much about castlevania other than what i've seen in the show and i loved him the minute i saw him
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4: padme amidala- i absolutely loved natalie portman's portyal of padme. the prequel series really left a mark on my childhood and i still love watching them. she's just such a badass character, her and anakin should have been at the club
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5: pike trickfoot- while i love the whole vox machina crew, i have loved watching pike's journey throughout the show (i really need to watch the campaign too) but this show and character deepened my interest in dnd and is just so fun to watch
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6: dean winchester- i mean, what more can i say.. this man still has a grip on me after i first saw him for the first time when i was in middle school. seeing his complexities, his love for sammie, cas, and bobby is so heartwarming. just give this man a hug please
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7: billy butcher- out of all the morally grey characters i love, butcher is in the top 3 for sure. the boys is such an incredible show and i love the antihero/vigilantly take that eric kripke took and expanded on. butcher has been through so much, is still going through so much, and i just love watching as his character evolves
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8: inuyasha- this is the first anime i ever watched, back when you hoped to god all the episodes with subtitles could be found on youtube or else you had to scour the internet looking for a website that would actually worked. his bond with kagome, the sassiness, just everything about him kept me watching the show
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9: coraline jones- i have loved this movie from the first time i watched it, i desperately need to read the book. it's just such a fun watch and coraline is such a strong, independent girl who stands up for herself and what's right. easily one of my favorite movies
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10: dennis rafkin- 13 ghosts was one of my favorite movies growing up. mans is so stressed the whole time trying to help arthur and his family get out of that damn house, i love him (really any matthew lillard character)
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i'm tagging @sighmurderbot @thatfreshi @vicsplinters @rosyangel95 @starbuds-and-rosedust @kentuckynm @bloodlessbhaalbabe @smaranshakthi @novarunestone @minibabymel (apologies if you've been tagged already or have already done this :) ) no pressure to participate, only if you want too! <3
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enreality · 20 days
a plotted thing for @princetorn.
sandy had been chasing something new for weeks with no leads until she’d heard of cyrus kriticos’ death, and somehow sandy knew there was something more to it. such a violent death, such a horrible accident. it screamed supernatural, and sandy was immediately intrigued. what was that phrase again, the curiosity killed the cat? sandy always remembered the second part better, satisfaction brought it back.
she’d interviewed dennis rafkin not long after cyrus’ obituary had hit her desk, and he’d been more than forthcoming about the work they did together, but it only left sandy with more questions. why would someone need to hunt displaced spirits if not to free them by burning their bones? according to dennis, there must have been something more in the works, and sandy knew immediately that she wouldn't rest until she found out what.
she’d hunted ghosts before, those doomed to repeat the moments of their death over and over, doomed to walk the earth with unfinished business, but none like the ones dennis had described. these spectral beings were an entirely different situation that sandy was determined to figure out, but first, she needed to know more.
in coming to cyrus' mansion, sandy had arrived as prepared as she could be without knowing all the answers. she carried a shotgun full of rock salt in her bag and holy water should she need it, but she still wasn't sure it would do any good against any threat she might encounter. still, sandy's sporting her normal hunting gear when she enters the house, wearing a black camisole with a jean jacket thrown over it and a pair of black leggings. clothes she could move in, run in, if she needed to.
she gets in through the air vent and hops down into the center of the glass house with very little to go on regarding the layout. it doesn't bother her much now that she comes ill-prepared; as far as sandy's concerned, that's just part of the learning process. had she known everything about all the supernaturals she would encounter in her lifetime, she'd be a walking encyclopedia on the occult.
it's cyrus' office that she seeks out first, but only after noting the latin inscribing the glass walls. she's still learning, so she can't understand any of it, but she snaps a few photos and then tosses her bag on a nearby lounge chair. her best bet is that the information she needs is somewhere within cyrus' studies and the first thing she does is start shuffling through various papers and books he kept. there has to be something here, sandy thinks, but she's cut short when the scent of burnt rubber hits her nose. it isn't long before she hears the heavy thump, thump of something against the glass floor, and sandy whirls around to discover the very threat that she was hoping not to encounter.
"lookin' for something?" she notices the voice doesn't match up with the way his lips move and how it sounds too far away for him to be in such close proximity. sandy is too stunned and dumbfounded to answer and, for a few long moments, she settles for staring. she takes in the full sight of him with wide eyes, looking him up and down over and over again as if she's afraid he might charge at her, might start swinging that bat a little more violently than he is now. she notes the torn flesh on the side of his face, the dull bloody eyes, and the way she's able to almost see through him every so often, and sandy knows that he must be one of the spectral beings that dennis had spoken of. one of the ones he'd hunted with cyrus. but what was he doing here? what was cyrus up to?
without realizing it, sandy takes a careful step forward and her hand reaches out as if she intends to touch him to see if he's really there or a figment of her imagination. her mind could play tricks on her sometimes, you see. but as she stands there, hand suspended in mid-air and still as ever, she realizes it might not be the best idea to approach him like this. sandy can be many things, but stupid is not one of them... usually. it's her damned curiosity again. quickly, she lets her hand fall back to her side. however irrational, she finds herself almost enraptured with him, wanting to sit down and pick his brain, see what he had to say. she wants to ask about how he died, and what he was doing here in cyrus' house. does that mean there are more lurking around somewhere? dennis had mentioned thirteen.
"i'm not here to hurt you..." it sounds a little funny when he's the one with the clear upper hand in this moment. her bag is across the room and even if she could reach it in time before that bat connects with her skull, she still isn't sure it would do any good against him. and she hadn't come with the intent to hunt. so she settles for standing extremely still, the only movement being her chest rising and falling with quick, quiet breaths. "i'm sandra. sandy." it comes out soft, cautious, a little breathless. "i was looking for cyrus' research." it's not the most complete answer, but it's what she has for now.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Terrible Trilogy
Part 20
wordcount: 8,758
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You shook your head as you let the note slip out of your hand before shoving it into your middle console.
This was crazy…Too crazy even for you and all the shit you've been through. Closest thing to this level of madness was 5 years ago on that one stormy night when two arrogant teenagers decided to try and kill you before changing their minds and looping you into their plan to turn their hometown on its head. Almost as crazy as you helping them half a decade later.
You rolled your lips and ran a hand over your tired eyes as you addressed them both in the backseat. "So…You heard?"
Billy answered. "Yes…It sounds like you're finally starting to come around to the idea that your so-called best friend might not be so innocent after all, hm?"
Stu gave the slightest scoff behind your seat. "Yeah, not like I haven't been saying it over and over-"
"Stop." You weakly interrupted, voice close to cracking as you started the car. "I-I don't know what to think, okay"
You put it into drive as Billy leaned on the passenger seat, head ducked down to avoid being seen. "Yeah, well I do. You're letting your guard down and being a complete tease with the Detective."
You scrunch your face. "What are you even talking about?"
"Please, Sweetcheeks. Drop the innocent girl act, alright? He's all over you and you're dangling yourself in front of him. I mean, he gave you a phone that's obviously bugged and you were giggling and blushing and shit."
You huffed as you made your way through the gates; leaving sunrise studios. "I was not giggling and blushing, Stu! And yes, it's probably bugged but I'm still hanging onto it in case it's all we have. We can use code words or something."
Billy gave a mocking smirk your way as he crawled to the front seat. "Of course you are. Especially since it has his number in it." He sat down in the passenger seat and you gave him a look. He rolled his eyes and buckled up. "Guess what? You keep this shit up and he's going to get closer and closer and while you're obliviously shoving your tongue down his throat; he's going behind your back to find out who we are."
You grumbled under your breath. "Are you really this nervous over him being a Detective or are you just insecure of how close he's getting to me?"
Billy whipped around in his seat. "I'm not insecure; why the fuck would I be insecure of you being with some dipshit cop? Fuck his brains out for all I care! It's the fact you can't keep your mouth shut that has me 'nervous'." He mocked the last part.
Stu mumbled something under his breath through a cough.
Billy rolled his eyes. "Point is, things have gone from bad to worse these last few days. This copycat is getting bolder, we are getting nowhere, you're getting way too close to that Detective…Gale has Stu's file." He grumbled.
"Wait...What?" You mumbled while glancing at Stu in the mirror.
He had a tense expression as he looked out the window. He shook his head with a bitter smirk, giving a tiny hand gesture to emphasize his point. "I was THIS close to nabbing that sucker and the has-been Journalist that wrote an entire book on me and Billy gets it first."
"Shit…" You hissed out. Gale having Stu's file was bad. Very, very, very bad. You shook your head. "How did she even get it?!"
"I don't know! She was with that actress Jennifer down in the archives and was combing through new files! I was sneaking around and I saw my picture on the file before she shoved it in her bag."
Billy moved his tongue along the inside of his cheek with a very annoyed glare on his face. "So now, if Gale isn't the killer, then we have to worry about her finding out just who Dennis Rafkin is. It will lead back to both of us, YN. Won't be hard either considering she's already been sniffing around for years for evidence she actually saw us alive at Windsor Theater and that you're lying through your teeth all these years." He glanced over at you. "...Won't she be thrilled to finally smear the girl that beat her at her own game, prove she was right all along, and lock up the two serial killers responsible for the Woodsboro Massacre?...We've got to get that file or kill her to get it. That's our only option."
You blinked at him giving what could be perceived as the tiniest shred of respect your way before shaking your head. "No, we can't kill her. That's just asking to have attention drawn your way…And Dewey-"
"To hell with Dewey, YN." Billy growled out. "In fact, to hell with all of them. Do you want to go to prison? You want to lose everything? You want to die?" He urged.
You went to speak again but Stu beat you to it. "I've said it from the fucking beginning who this is and it's either Happy boy up there with some partner we don't know about-"
"Fuucckk offf." Billy groaned out as Stu ignored him and continued.
"Or…It's the one person alive from that night that isn't in this car right now. Tatum isn't alive, I slit the camera guys fucking throat, Sidney's Dad burnt up to a crisp, Sidney got her shit stabbed-"
You gritted your teeth for a second before smacking your steering wheel. "Get to the point, Stu!"
He paused for a moment, both of you locking eyes in your mirror at a stop sign. His blue eyes took on that dark look you first saw in the shed all those years ago and had the displeasure of seeing occasionally ever since.
"...You know exactly who I'm talking about, Sweetcheeks. Dewey is too naive and has a limp when he walks. He isn't ripping anyone one up. Gale couldn't beat Cotton. No way."
"How do you know? God, wasn't Halie and Billy's Mom proof to you a woman could do it?!"
You realized you mentioned her and glanced over at Billy. He just stared straight ahead with a poker face before he spoke. "...With a guy's help, YN. Gale isn't going to take down someone like Cotton on her own."
"Exactly! Even you said it yourself that string bean up there, a guy, couldn't take down Cotton one on one and you think Reporter Barbie is going to?" Stu snorted out while Billy subtly flipped him off. However, Stu got quiet a moment. The whole car's atmosphere shifted at his tone of voice.
"... But you know who looks pretty able-bodied? Who lifted you off the ground a few days ago with ease? Who knows the studio and knows his way with horror movies?"
Billy raised a brow. "Who would do anything to avenge my ex girlfriend?"
You shook your head with a harsh swallow. "I-I don't…" You couldn't finish it.
He lightly smacked your seat in frustration. "You know who I'm talking about, YN!....You know damn well who we're talking about and what we have to do to end this bullshit and move on with our lives! Once and for all; finish what should have happened in Woodsboro!"
Your heart sank deeper and deeper as he paused in a moment of silence before the words came out.
"We've got to kill Ray."
You almost slammed on the brakes right in traffic, swerving as they both yelled at you and you steadied the car again.
"NO! No, no, no, a million mother fucking times, NO!" You screamed at him as you gripped your steering wheel tightly. "You are not killing the only friend I fucking have!" You wanted to scream, sob, hit something. Every negative emotion a person could feel crashed into you at once and you couldn't deny it was partially because even you had your doubts about Randy's innocence.
Stu glared at the 'only' part, giving you a hostile look from the backseat you saw in your mirror while Billy scolded you. "YN, even your Dreamy Detective Douchebag is looking at him as a suspect. I saw your face before we left. You know it's him!"
"I don't know shit and neither do you!"
Stu threw up his hands in disbelief. "So why not just kill him to be safe than sorry? Kill him and Gale to make sure this never happens again."
You were already halfway to the motel as you argued with them. "Because he's my best friend, assholes! Okay, what if it isn't him? Huh? Then what?!"
Billy shrugged while glaring at you. "Then we just offed a guy that should have been offed 5 years ago had someone not ruined the plan."
Stu added. "And who's probably going to die anyways if he isn't the Killer."
You shook your head frantically, stammering and looking disgusted. "God! How can you both say that!? Especially you, Stu! For someone that claims they care about me, you sure don't give a shit that I was attacked or that you're hinting at killing someone that means something to me or even the hurt I'm feeling right now at the idea!" You ranted, hot fresh tears threatening your eyes again as you shoved your palm over your eyes in an attempt to force them away.
Stu tsked in his throat before he rolled his head with a groan. "Sweetcheeks…I know it, okay? I'm sorry you were attacked again and we didn't intercept Randy in time but right now; we have a lot of shit to handle here! I'm just trying to protect you."
You gave a disgusted huff at that last part. Your brows furrowed and your gut sank the more they spoke. "...So you knew I was attacked?"
Billy raised a brow at your change of subject. "Yeah? We told you we saw the cops there asking you questions; even Stu can put two and two together."
You glared at him for a second before your eyes went back to the road. "What the fuck happened to watching me?! Huh, Billy? Why weren't you there to stop it? I thought for once in our lives; you had my back!"
You saw a strange emotion come over Billy you couldn't make out. His glare faltered for a moment. He covered it up as soon as it came as you were just a block from your motel. You swore you saw a car that looked familiar but didn't look too long as Billy grabbed your attention again.
"I was busy watching Stu, alright?! God damn, you both want me in two places at once."
"The plan was for you to watch me and Stu to watch for the killer! If you knew Stu was someplace you couldn't watch, then why not watch out for me?!"
"You had the cops! It's not my fault your dumbass got out of sight of them." Billy argued.
"Okay, fine. Whatever. But you still were supposed to watch for anyone suspicious the cops couldn't see. Did you even try to watch me at all?!" You directed your anger at Stu too. "But what about you last night?! You were supposed to keep watch and yet I get clear to the woods closer to your watch point than the house, screaming my head off, and you just show up right when he leaves?!"
Stu gawked at you. "Uuh…" He faltered a moment with a loud scoff. "YOU went to the woods which was not part of the plan! I got there as soon as I could!"
Billy chimed in. "Besides, it was your stupid ass fault for going off alone. A dark movie set where no one knew where you were and the woods in the middle of the night. Might as well just put a sign on you with blinking lights saying: 'Here I am! Gut me.'"
"Okay, so where were you?"
"Stu went to get his file. He failed, shocker. When we didn't see you with Dewey or the cops outside the building anymore we went looking for you inside."
Stu exclaimed with a dramatic shrug. "We went looking for you and heard you screaming but by time we got there the cops already showed up."
You parked the car at the motel, the sun slowly starting to set as you sat there a moment. "...So…You didn't see Randy or this Ghostface that attacked me?"
"No, because it's Randy so if we didn't see Randy then we aren't seeing Ghostface and vice versa. Duh." He unbuckled and went to get out but saw you still sitting there, contemplating. "...What?" He demanded.
"It's just that…You knew I was screaming and claimed you got there but cops were already there and Randy came from behind the house within a minute. So how could you not see Randy if that's the case? How could you not see Ghostface AGAIN when he had to have passed you or someone else had to have!"
Stu groaned. "YN, we didn't see anyone. Swear to God."
You looked at them both. "How did you know Randy was even in the studio then?"
"It's a guess! How else would he be able to attack you?!" Stu exclaimed.
"...Or you knew because you were there in that fucking Hell House with me." You mumbled, getting out of your car with your purse and keys before slamming your door.
You heard doors slamming behind you as you marched up the stairs to the motel room.
"WOAH! You do NOT get to drop something like that on us and then just walk away!" Stu yelled as you ignored him. You heard his boots trampling quickly up the stairs.
You went to unlock the motel door when a hand jammed it shut. Stu glared down at you with a disbelieving smirk. "Are you…Are you seriously insinuating I did this? I can understand him-" He jerked his thumb to Billy ascending up the stairs. "But me? You actually want to try and say I did this to you?"
You didn't look at him as you sucked in a breath and felt your body tense. "...Let me open the door."
"Not until I get an answer."
You rolled your bottom lip over your teeth before fully facing him. "Okay...Maybe I do? Because after you joined this Movie; your personality is going back to how you were 5 years ago. You didn't even ask me if I was okay from being attacked last night or today!"
"Oh, okay. So since I forgot to ask; that means I'm the fucking killer?"
"You don't 'forget' to ask something like that."
Billy intercepted both of you, taking the key from your hand and jamming it in the door as he hissed through his teeth. "Hey, dumbfucks; you can have this conversation inside. Quietly if that's even possible."
Stu mumbled. "After the tantrum you threw the other day, does it matter? This killer's probably watching us right now!…Quick, see Randy's clunker nearby?"
Billy pushed the door open. You quickly went in behind Billy and Stu slammed the door behind himself. Still ready to argue while you regretted even saying anything at all.
"So, YN? Is that it? I didn't make enough effort to ask you one time if you're fine when ALL of us are being hunted-"
You interrupted him. "I'm the one that got attacked, STU! I'm the one that got attacked last night too! Is he really hunting all of us or is he hunting me and you two are just a bonus?!"
Billy sat on the edge of his bed and took off his jacket. "No, it's called you're the one making yourself an easy target."
You pointed at Stu. "And he's not?!"
Billy tilted his head with a nod at that while Stu just sneered your way. "Really? So, this is what I get for keeping that nut job over there from laying you out cold two days ago?!"
"You don't get a golden star for being a decent person; That's not how it works, Stu. I can guarantee you half of you 'protecting me' is just an excuse for you and him to beat the shit out of each other because you're still pissed off at him!"
"Where the hell is all this even coming from?" Billy mumbled, eyeing you as you shoved your purse onto the table.
You listed the reasons on your fingertips. "Let's see; I was attacked twice in two days, hardly no sleep, I'm surrounded by jerks that don't even ask if I'm okay, they want to kill the one friend I have because they're jealous of-"
"Jealous?! Of him?!" Stu interrupted you with a spat.
"Yes! You are SO jealous of my friendship with Randy! That even after we fought and didn't speak for two years, even after he gave Gale the wrong idea about me in her book, we're still close and it eats you up inside that we are!"
Billy held up a hand before making a circle with his finger. "Woah, woah, woah…Rewind that."
You sighed heavily, cursing yourself in your head. "...Ray was mad at me for stopping Gale from killing you-"
"Of course he was." Billy wryly gave.
"-So when she asked him 5 years ago about my involvement …He…He accidentally said that we all three were secretly a thing and to Gale that was confirmation the rumors were true and she could write what she did about me in her stupid book."
Stu released a high pitched laugh with a point before clapping his hands together. "OOHHH! That's just rich,man! Oh, so you're telling me that pencil dick geek can ruin your image more than we ever did, openly hated you for two years, loved Sidney like she was a freaking Goddess over you and you can forgive him but not me?! The guy that killed for you?! The guy that held out just for you all this fucking time?! Just for you to forgive the guy that betrayed you first?!"
You gave him the most dumbfounded look. "....YOU. KILLED. MY. FRIENDS. Randy didn't do that, now did he? You tried to kill ME. He didn't do that either!" You enunciated before taking a deep breath. "...He was on heavy pain meds and his heart was broken, alright?" Stu made a mocking sad face that burned you alive as you snapped back. "And so was mine! Two friends were dead and two betrayed me AND Randy. You all seem to casually forget that he saw you as friends too and both did what you did; especially you Stu. He was closest with you. I don't blame him for being upset!"
Billy raised his brows. "…So, you think he just magically got over it? That he just got over the fact you stopped Gale from helping Sid? That you…" He hesitated before saying it. "That you prevented the murderer from being killed and her life ended because of it? You actually think he's over that?"
"Yeah, I do. Two years away from each other is a long time and I'm sure three years of solid friendship helped."
Stu scoffed. "Especially when the girl comes back with her boobs pushed up and a tight skirt; leading him on at college parties." Stu grumbled.
"Oh so I wear that to one party, partially because of Halie, and you think you know everything?"
"I know he tried to kiss you in college and you fought about it." Stu plainly gave. His entire face dropped as he stared at you. You faltered at that as he continued. "We watched you VERY closely back then, babe…You didn't think we didn't see that? And you both fucking dated afterwards! Why would he break it off with you, huh? Why would he break up with you suddenly after getting what he always claimed he wanted?"
"I told you we just didn't work out!"
"Or he found out." Stu growled. He came closer to you. "He found out your dirty secret through Gale or his own spying. He found out we lived and he broke it off with you while recovering and now he wants revenge for killing his imaginary relationship he had with Sid."
You backed up a bit, furiously shaking your head. "No…"
"Yes, baby! Come on, use your head here…Who else could it be? Huh?! Who else could know everything from that night? Who else could give you those injuries? Who else but the guy who has a broken heart and wants to get even!"
You froze before slowly looking up at him. Something clicked as he spat that at you. The same furious expression on his face from that night just made it all slowly piece together in your head…The memory of him at that house. Hands wrapped around your throat after he hit you hard in the face with his fist. Stu tossed you around like a rag doll that night. The words rang out in your mind, haunting you ever since he uttered them while his fingers dug into the sides of your throat. "No! Fuck you! I loved you, you damn bitch! I cared about you and you repay that by turning me into the feds!"
"...Oh my God." You backed up, tge idea creeping up on you.
Stu faltered as you backed up. "What?...YN, what's with that weird look?...What?!"
You tried getting distance as he came closer. His eyes roamed over your face, the fearful expression gave you away as his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed.
"Why the expression, babe? Cause you think I'm the killer again? Is that why?" He growled out as you side stepped again as he got closer to you.
You stared up at him, hoping to see anything to determine if he was joking or being sarcastic…But all you saw was him being pissed.
"You…You are doing this, aren't you?" You shakily asked, barely above a whisper.
Billy slowly stood up, a cautious look in his eye as Stu's entire face slowly turned from a demanding glare to a menacing sneer.
"...Are you kidding me with this?" He gave a slight chuckle that faded as soon as it came. "What proof do you even have to go making accusations like that, YN?"
"The more I think about it…A lot…Why did you sign up for this movie? Why are you constantly pointing fingers at everyone including the partners thing with Billy? Why are you always where Ghostface and you should have ran into each other but didn't?" More and more things were adding up as you took a larger step back. "...Oh my God…And you're pointing fingers at Randy because you want him gone! It's just a giant excuse to cover your tracks."
"YN, don't go there with me. Okay man, do not-" He started giving a laugh. That dangerous, angry laugh trying to distract himself. "Do not rip my fucking heart out like that and expect me to just take it."
"No…No, if we're accusing Randy just because he would be hurt if he found out…Why wouldn't you?...You wanted revenge against Billy, you want Dewey and Randy out of the picture just like James, you want to end Gale to finish what you started with Billy 5 years ago and to have anymore living witnesses to you being Ghostface…And you want me all to yourself."
Billy's eyes darted over to Stu as he stood off to the side. Everything you said was exactly what he had been saying about Stu this whole time.
He rolled his eyes with a mocking laugh. "Why the FUCK would I attack you then?!"
"To get me out of the way. I can't defend anyone if I'm in the hospital; out of commission for this round…Or…Or to kill me off for breaking your heart. Either one is a possibility at this point. "
"How could you say that to me?! How can you be this thick headed?!" Stu exclaimed.
"Because of the way you're acting! The fucking ideas spewing out of your mouth at a time like this! I wanted to think this new guy was just trying to rip us apart; Trying to turn us against each other…But why am I the only one getting attacked right now?"
You finally looked at Billy. "And you're going along with too much. Especially with killing."
Billy gave you a dumbfounded look. "How? I've been going against him this entire time."
"True but…What if both of you are pointing fingers at each other as a distraction? So I'm too busy thinking one of you is the killer when it's both of you again."
Billy narrowed his eyes at you as you continued. Eerily aware of how close they were and where your gun was on you.
"Why are you both acting like this is a freebie for killing off Randy or Gale or Dewey instead of our fucking lives at stake here if you're completely innocent?!"
Billy stared at you as he tilted his head. "Because it's so obvious the guy that would hate you the most for siding with us is the one doing this. It's why you would be the main target here if he does know we're alive…Think of it this way, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing." He raised his brows with a condescending tone. "We're wolves, you see us lurking outside the little sheep's fences but whose the farmer gonna kill first?" He gave a serious stare that unnerved you. " The wolves he sees outside the fence? Or the wolf inside that he's been feeding and petting thinking it's one of his prized sheep?...Stop being an idiot and wake up that it is your fucking fake best friend pissed off at you! It's not me for not being able to get to you in time as if I'm your fucking knight in shining armor and it's not Stu for being a little too harsh with you; Princess." Billy growled out. "...It is the guy you've been trusting all this time and not realizing how much he probably hates your guts for what you're doing."
"It's not him!" You yelled as Billy huffed at you with a sarcastic smirk.
"Then go tell him. Go on, we'll give you a pass." Stu gave him a bewildered look but Billy shrugged at you. "Go ahead…Tell him how you kissed me and Stu that night. Tell him that you let us get away at Windsor. Tell him how you talked to Stu on his little hangout spot. Tell him how Stu has stayed in your life after the fact and now you're helping us both in order to save your own ass…Go ahead."
You stared at them, shrinking into yourself with a deep frown. That hurt. You didn't know what to think. It could be Stu, Randy, Billy…You felt torn apart. But you did know one thing; they were NOT killing the only friend you had left in your miserable little traumatized life.
"N-NO! He would understand, okay?! He would! He would have come to me and demanded an explanation! He would never, ever, ever hurt me!"
Billy chuckled in sadistic amusement. "Kind of like us, huh?...Remember on the sidewalk? You knew me." He practically purred out with a grin.
"Fuck you." You felt your eyes burn at that as he gave you a mocking look.
"Nah. You're just sore that I'm right, as usual." He gave.
You were really starting to hate him these last few days and he just got worse and worse the more you talked to him…And Stu? He didn't feel like your safety anymore. In fact…It felt like Woodsboro all over again. Now that you dared to openly question his involvement; there was no telling what this 'betrayal' would get you.
Stu added with an unhinged grin. "Face it, Sweetcheeks. You're naive and you get in your girl feelings and you overlook a guy that clearly wants to kill you! Every. Single. Time!" His grin dropped." Meanwhile, you have a guy right in front of you wanting nothing but to protect you and you're accusing him of shit!"
You looked at Stu long and hard. The silence stretched on as you felt the words burning in your throat to come out.
"What?" He mumbled.
You swallowed as you mustered a glare his way. "You aren't protecting me, you're protecting yourself. And when you are 'protecting me' it's just you marking your territory…Just admit it, you don't want to kill Randy to protect me…It's just another James scenario. Once again, I'm an object you don't want to share."
"You are SO full of shit!" Stu yelled.
"No, I'm not! Because not only are things suspicious with you, not only would it make sense, but you both have a history of this type of thing…I should know!"
You bent your knees slightly, fight or flight kicking in at the look Stu gave you before he yelled at you. "Stop throwing that into my fucking face, alright?! That's all you can think about is Woodsboro! Let me tell you something about Woodsboro and about your so-called friends back then; they all would have forgot about you the second you pissed them off. Me and Billy were the only people in that town that weren't braindead and we thought you were like us. That you have it in you but clearly you don't!...They were going NOWHERE. That's everyone in that shitty little town. If anything, we did them a favor by giving them some notoriety. At least people will know who Tatum Riley or Steve Oarth or the fat camera guy even was!"
"His name was Kenny, you could at least remember his name after taking his life." You mumbled.
"I don't fucking care. When are you going to stop playing hard to get, stop acting like a bitch and realize I did everything for you!? You wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for me! Remember that? Remember who risked their life for you at your house that night?! I freaking love you, YN, and you're too dense to see it!" Stu roared out, so loud it rung your ears.
You shook your head, pain in your heart being outweighed by a sinking fear in your gut. "Stu…Enough is enough. Whatever you think you're feeling towards me, it isn't love. It's not respect. It's not compassion. You look at everything and everyone as possessions. You aren't capable of caring about me or anyone else! No one could do what you did to Maureen, to Sidney, or Tatum or to even Casey or Steve…Even what you did to James. No one can do those things and be human beings capable of genuine empathy towards ANYONE!...And the thing is, the more I think about it; you're the reason James acted the way he did, when he did. You harassed him and lied to him on purpose when you both knew he was a ticking time bomb. You knew he would act out and fucking risked my life just to win some chauvinistic game!…Stu, you don't know what love is and it isn't crazy to think you could do this just to get me all to yourself…You're Monsters for what you did and with the way you're acting; you're probably doing it again...And I'm being an idiot even standing here with you." The last part escaped past your lips as the idea they were involved somehow seemed not so crazy after all.
Stu glared a second before something in him switched. Something shifted going from anger and disappointment to outright animalistic rage. You saw it and instantly bent down towards your gun out of pure instinct before he angrily toppled a chair over, rushing towards you as you jumped back and shakily ripped the gun from under your pant leg and clumsily jerking it in his direction.
"Stu, stay back!"
He had a mocking crazed look on his face. "Oh? Or what? You're gonna shoot me?...YOU'RE GONNA FREAKING SHOOT ME?!" He outstretched his arms and came towards you, a vein popping in his neck from his yelling. "DO IT! Fucking do it, Sweetcheeks! COME ON!" He had that unhinged darkness in his gaze as you cocked the hammer back.
"S-Stu! I'm warning you! Don't make me do this-" Your back hit the wall. Your finger went to the trigger but Stu jerked his hand back hard and fast before you could pull. Your gun clattered on the ground, echoing in the room. You didn't even see it coming as you scrambled for your gun just for him to bend down and get it first. Your heart sank low as you gripped the wall behind you.
He glanced up at you long and hard before slowly aiming the gun right at you.
"Stu…Stu, don't do it." Billy warned, his knife was out and you weren't sure when he got it out. He wasn't as frantic as you wished he would be as he got closer to Stu. "God Damn it, Stu! We don't need cops here with your fucking name on the Motel registry…Don't do it." He reasoned as Stu glared you down. Those blue eyes darkening and seering right through you as you looked down the barrel of your own gun.
You didn't breathe, you didn't move…You damned yourself for hesitating. For not just shooting him like you threatened this whole time. That moment of weakness was going to be your undoing.
Suddenly, he drew it back and raised his chin to look down at you in contempt. He held eye contact as he jerked the barrel open as your bullets clattered on the floor one by one and he used his boot to kick them all over the room before he threw your empty gun against the wall. It hit with a deafening clanking thud as it clattered to the floor as well.
You felt for the bathroom doorknob and quickly jerked it open to shove yourself inside. There was no way to get past him to the front door or your purse. You just needed distance between you two. You heard his fist hit the door as it buckled. A gasp escaped you as you practically fell in the tub to get as far away as possible. Already eyeing the toilet cover as a weapon.
"Sweetcheeks…You're wrong…You're so fucking LUCKY you're wrong and I give a microscopic shit about you." He gave a dark laugh on the other side before silence stretched on until he spoke up again. "...Maybe I should just kill Randy? Just kill him and prove to you the killings, the letters, the phone calls; it will all coincidentally stop when he's dead."
You jerked yourself up as you heard him walking away. You propelled yourself to the door, trying to rip it open in a panic. "STU! STU DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM!...STU!-" You finally got the door open just to see Stu near the table before walking out the door.
You raced towards it just for Billy to grab hold of you. "Let him go unless you want to be a smear on the sidewalk." He grinned at you. "No gun to threaten me with, huh? Isn't that a bitch." You fought against Billy as he grabbed you, slamming you against the wall.
"Let me go! You're not hurting Ray!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm aware. Your precious spare boyfriend is off limits, meanwhile, EVERYTHING points to him!" He argued, fingers digging into your arms to hold you still. He leaned forward to stare you down as you momentarily stopped fighting…No gun…Mace in your purse across the room…Nothing to protect yourself.
"...The only reason I'm not letting you go is because if Stu kills you; we're caught. The only reason I'm staying behind is that reason and that alone. If Randy dies, he dies." His face lowered as he gave you a deadly glare through his lashes. "...Besides, Stu isn't going to kill him without me."
"Yeah, nothing like bonding over murder." You sarcastically gave as your tears threatened to spill. "You must be helping him."
"No one is helping anyone because we aren't doing it, you moron."
You both locked eyes as he kept you pinned down for a moment. "...What happened inside the house?"
"Like you give a shit." Your voice caught whether you liked it or not.
"I don't but I need to know in order to catch the fucker…Besides, something set you off. Something worse than being attacked. So, what was it?...Don't lie either. I'll know."
You closed your eyes. You didn't really have too many options here with him having you pinned, no gun, no knife, no mace and his knife still in his hand next to your arm.
You bit your lip before it came out, voice cracking and barely above a whisper. "I saw what you both did to her…The blood was smeared everywhere, their family photo was splattered with it…Sidney…She walked in on that. She walked in on what you did to her Mom…And you mocked her for it for over a year. What kind of sick fucks are you?" The tears openly spilled over your cheeks as you looked at him in disgust.
His demeanor shifted as he gave you a reserved glare. "The same sick fuck that has you pinned to a wall with a knife in his hand."
"Then just fucking do it." You growled at him. "Because you're not killing Randy or Dewey. You'll have to kill me first."
He brought that knife up to your throat like he did many times before and you just held your breath while staring at him. Tears flowed down as you gave him a sneer. "Do it, Billy. You always wanted to, you blame me for everything wrong in your life…So. Do it."
His dark eyes bore into you as you felt that metal touch your neck. "You really are an idiot-"
You didn't let him finish. "Yeah, I am. I really was stupid enough all these years to think you were just misunderstood. That I knew you better than the others. That you just made a giant mistake and needed professional help. But after seeing what you both did to her before I even met you?...You both never cared. "
"YN." Billy warned.
"You didn't-"
You gasped as he slammed you harder against the wall, practically nose to nose with you. "I did. You were the one that ruined it! I cared about you, YN. Is that what you want to fucking hear?! I cared about you before you decided to be like every other bitch in Woodsboro. Before you decided to be like everyone else…" A wry smirk slightly pulled at his lips. "Of course, we both know where you stand. You aimed that gun at me at Windsor and you said it yourself…You should have let me die at Stu's Party."
He shoved away from you harshly. Hard enough to make you grunt in pain as your shoulder blades hit the wall.
You forced yourself to stand up a bit as you shakily exclaimed. "Can you blame me?!"
You expected him to backhand you, to show his knife to you again, to threaten you…Instead, he just gave you a blank stare. He didn't say anything as you swallowed and continued to rant.
"You were trying to kill me. You were the one that hurt me first, Billy! Do you know how it feels to have someone you care about be someone you never expected?! T-To kill and have no remorse?!"
"Yeah, actually I do. Thanks for that."
You faltered, remembering his Mom. And that his Mom in her deranged grief killed his Father and turned into the woman you fought on that theater floor.
"...So, you get it then-"
"Yeah, I'm not stupid, YN. Okay, I'm not a deranged animal like Stu." He spat out. "But that doesn't change shit. She wouldn't have done what she did had you not forced me and Stu to fake our deaths."
You lifted your hand his way with a shake of your head. "See? You're still angry! You still can't stand me. How do I know you aren't both working with someone to off me? How do I know you didn't plant that note at the motel desk before I could chase after you or my car before I even got in it?!"
He released a tired groan. "Because if we wanted to do that, we would have just killed you by now, you dolt! We don't have anything to gain from making you look crazier than you already are. This isn't Windsor, YN. And if we wanted to pin it on you, we would have your DNA at the crime scene or something!…Jesus Christ, you're the one preaching we need to stick together just to flake out."
"Because the attacks are getting worse and you're both pushing me in a corner right now wanting to kill my friend!"
He eyed you a moment before a tsk noise came from his throat. "Whatever…As for what you saw earlier; she had it fucking coming. She was a whore-"
"She was a human being and someone's mother, Billy." You harshly whispered.
"So was my Mother."
"You're Mother left on her own!"
He turned back towards you, brandishing his knife. "Shut up." He growled out as you just stood there. Biting your inner cheek as he lowered the knife. He sucked in a breath through his nostrils before speaking. "YN, my Mother may not have been perfect. Okay, I can admit that now…But that bitch Maureen was still guilty. She still ruined my life and I'm not ashamed that I took hers…So? You gonna call me a sick fuck again? A monster? Will that make you feel better when you have blood on your hands too?"
"Mine was self defense and you know it."
"And Sidney?" He asked pointing his knife at you as he talked. "You know…You know what it's like. You had two choices and you put me before someone else. THAT is what murder is like. I put my Mom before Maureen. Then myself before Sidney and every fucker in Woodsboro…All except you and Stu. I had you in a slightly higher regard…My mistake." He bitterly gave.
"It's not comparable, Billy. You expect me to just believe you aren't doing this when you clearly have anger towards me and zero issue with killing?"
You saw his bottom teeth with the snarl he gave you in frustration. "IT'S MEEKS. I'm fucking telling you for the hundredth time, it's Gale and Randy or just Randy!"
"...Or Stu." You interjected. You saw him falter as you hissed out. " Billy. You've been saying it this entire time! I had my suspicions about you but now it all points to him or both of you and I truly can't see him and you working together after all this…The question is; who's his partner?"
"Stop trying to manipulate the situation, YN."
You gave him a challenging glare. "Who says I am? Look, is there anyone that could be involved?! Someone from his past? Someone that could kill?...Come On, Billy! I need to know so I can prove to you both it's not Ray!"
"And yourself?" He knowingly gave.
You hesitated before slowly nodding. "Yes…Okay, yes, so I can prove to all of us it isn't him."
Billy stared at you a moment. Too long of a moment as he thought to himself before finally speaking. "...No. No one else but Randy Meeks or Gale Weathers or Dewey Riley. Now I truly can't see Dewey but Gale and Randy working together or Randy by himself? I could see it. So can you."
"So you're just going to let Stu do this?! You're both just going to kill him whether he's the killer or not?!"
The dark edge to his voice sent a shiver down your spine. "Why not? Randy, Gale and Dewey were supposed to die at Woodsboro. Alright, they know too much. Gale has Stu's file for fucksakes! They are the only people alive that can be behind this and who can identify us without a doubt!"
"And me?" You mumbled.
He stared at you, taking you in a moment. "...Especially you. You've been able to cheat and backstab your way out of our plans twice now. You know more than even they do. The only thing keeping us safe is you getting in trouble from hiding us…But knowing you? Your conscience would get the better of you and you'd sacrifice yourself for your friends or for that Detective."
You eyed him, gaze flicking from his eyes to the knife in his hand. "....What are you saying exactly?" You backed up near the table.
He stared at you, looking less angry but still held that stern glare your way. "I'm saying that anyone that lived past the Woodsboro Massacre is a threat to us and that if you try to get in the way; you're a threat too."
"So you're going to kill Randy no matter what? Even if he isn't the killer?..And what about me when this is all over?...I'm supposed to take your word for it that I'm safe?!"
The more this stretched out…The more eating taco bell and singing in the car felt foolish. That you allowed yourself to stay in the same room as them all this time for what? Fear you could be seen as guilty? Was it worth all this?
Even if they weren't the killers…They were most likely using this killer as a means to kill your friends undetected or even you…They would kill you if this kept going or at least everyone you loved and if they did that they might as well kill you too.
Billy saw your expression change and edged towards you. "YN."
Your eyes darted to the door, judging the distance. This had to stop. This all had to stop before it was too late.
"YN…Don't do something stupid. You're only a threat if you try something stupid." Billy's gaze darkened. "Don't…YN…YN!" He snapped your name right when you went for it.
You bolted for your purse and he chased after you. He grabbed your arm right when your fingers got the spray and whipped around to spray it in his face as he jerked you by your jacket sleeve.
"FUCKING BITCH!!" He screamed, clutching his face before trying to swing his knife at you, blindly missing.
You frantically grabbed your purse, grabbed your gun on the floor, as many bullets as you could as he flipped over a table trying to find you in the room before you ran as fast as you could out the door. You yelped when his knife jammed the wood near your head as he threw it. You slammed the door behind you and almost fell down the stairs as you heard crashing inside the motel room. You tried shakily loading your gun with what bullets you had, cursing as a few fell to the ground under cars in the parking lot. You just had to get a weapon on hand before Billy came out or Stu came back. You got about 4 bullets in your revolver before trying to find your keys in a panic.
"Where the fuck are you?!" You yelled to yourself when you couldn't find them. Digging next to your car until it hit you…Stu was near your purse before he left.
"FUCK!" You smacked your car window, fear gripping you. You were trapped. No car to escape. You tried to open your car just to see he locked it on purpose. That was where your extra bullets were.
You didn't take Billy's word for it that he wasn't going to try to kill Randy tonight. It was just another manipulation tactic to keep you at the motel.
They weren't leaving you any choice now…Tears escaped you as you released a cry, slamming your body against your car door. There was no getting out of this innocent or alive unless you trusted the one man that you knew couldn't be involved and could help you. Truly help you and end this god forsaken nightmare once in for all.
You got out your flip phone and hesitated to press the button…If you did this; you could go to prison for decades; Maybe even the rest of your life.
You didn't have to make the decision just yet as a vehicle pulled in…You held your breath, terrified it was the black SUV. It was getting dark outside, too dark to tell with headlights shining in your eyes.
You released a whimper before realizing whose car it was…The same one you now realized was down the block.
The window rolled down. "Miss YN? What happened-"
"Kincaid, let me in!" You frantically needed to get in. Stu could come out, Billy…Ghostface.
He didn't hesitate to unlock his door as you crawled into the passenger seat and shut the door.
"Miss YN what's going on? Were you attacked again? Stay here-"
"No! Detective, just drive. Please just drive!"
He hesitated before pulling his car in reverse and backing out. He looked behind himself as you looked ahead just to see Billy enraged at the Motel window. Face and hair wet, eyes red and the way he looked at you…You were dead. It was as much rage as he had the last time he wanted to kill you.
Your breath caught as he ripped the curtain back to hide himself right when Kincaid looked back around, fully backing out of the parking lot.
You still were on edge. After Mickey stopped your last Detectives at a traffic light; cars didn't even feel safe.
Mark lightly tapped the wheel with his fingers as he drove. "Okay, care to explain to me what happened and whether I need to call back up?"
"I-I…" You faltered. What the hell were you supposed to say?
He eyed you. "YN?…"
"I uh…I got scared. I thought I heard something."
"Like…Dennis Rafkin leaving your Motel room? Or you acting like you're running from someone? Someone like the guy with the goatee and swept back hair? That guy?"
Your entire world dropped. Your ears buzzed, your skin rose, you felt like you'd pass out. "W-Wha-"
"I know, YN. I know you have two men staying at your motel and that you had them in your car when you got back and that one of them is a suspect that's been missing for two days for questioning on this case…And his file was stolen today."
Your eyes roamed over him before you realized. "You've been spying on me?"
"Only for your protection after you refused to go back to the station. Then I saw them with you and it turned into spying. I knew you were hiding something. Miss, YN…I'm afraid I have to take you in for questioning."
"No, please don't!"
"We don't have a choice! You need to tell me what the hell is going on here because the more I dive into this case; the more confusing it gets. I've never had a more screwed up case in my entire decade long career."
"I…I can't." He glanced over at you as you looked down at your hands. Your one hand still bandaged from the night before. "Detective…If I tell you…My life is ruined or I'm dead. You'll report it, the media will find out, the killer will get me or those I love while I'm a sitting duck behind bars-" You hiccupped with a small sob.
His eyes shifted between him and the road. Debating with himself before he reached in his pocket and smacked a tape recorder onto the console. You saw it was off. "There. If you want me to take off my jacket or check my pockets for wires; I can. Whatever you tell me is completely off the radar."
You drew into yourself, watching him intently like he was going to stab you at any moment. "...Why are you doing this for me?"
"Because I could tell from the minute I talked to you, you're hiding something. That something or someone had you scared even more than Ghostface…So if you confide in me; then we can nab this bastard and I can keep you safe…YN, please just tell me. You are safe right now. You can trust me."
You blinked away the tears repeatedly, fighting yourself internally. If you didn't tell; Randy's life was in danger and so was yours. If you did tell; you could go to prison but they could possibly keep Randy and Dewey safe…And Stu and Billy would be behind bars forever. You could get off on minor charges and live without fear of them hurting you or those you loved.
…The problem was, you cared about them too. You could admit it to yourself despite the guilt…But you cared about Randy and Dewey a lot more. A LOT more. And if this kept them safe from at least Billy and Stu; you had to try.
A shaky sigh escaped you as Mark drove; patiently waiting for your decision.
"...If you promise to keep Dewey and Randy and my family safe at all cost and you promise to not record this….I'll tell you everything."
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aranostra · 5 months
@cstarling // i'm not usually this direct, but… what is wrong with you? - dennis rafkin, my beloved.
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Dennis blinked at her, then laughed despite the chaos that was going on in his mind. This ghost was loud.
"So much. I wouldn't even know where to start. Just--" He flinched, putting his hand to his head. The wailing had started up again. Dennis wanted to shout back I'm the only one who can hear you, and I'm trying to do something about it. PLEASE STOP. But he knew this one was beyond listening to him.
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When he spoke again, his voice was loud so he could hear himself. "Can you just take my word for it that someone died here, and it was bad. I know it probably looks like nothing happened here to you." He glanced around at the blood he could see splattered on the walls and soaked into the carpet. "They must've bleached the hell out of this place."
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agravemistake13ghosts · 5 months
II. Can A Heart Break After It Stops?
Author's Note: I am determined to finish this story, so I shall. This story will leap around in time, but it will make sense, I promise.
I would like to take a moment to remind everyone that Royce is seventeen years old canonically and I will not change it. There will be sexual content in this story. I will, of course, label those parts in case anyone wants to skip past them.
I will also be posting trigger warnings for any part of the story that I believe requires it.
With that said, there are various mentions of suicide in this chapter.
Anyway, onward.
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Bukater Mansion Woods outside of Arden, Ohio February 2014
Dana sighed as she sat in the tub, red water surrounding her. Being trapped in this house was not as intolerable as it had been thirteen years previous. Their current captor, a young woman named Violet, had given them all free reign of her giant estate until they were needed. All the original members of the Black Zodiac were present and accounted for, except for Jean. She had passed on and so a new Withered Lover had to be found. Her name was Alaina Perez and she had been dead for a mere four years. Susan had confided in her fellow ghosts that the girl had died of a drug overdose.
Thirteen new ghosts had joined them. They made up the White Zodiac. One of their number was Dennis Rafkin, who had been surprised by the lack of hostility directed at him from his previous victims. He was a ghost like them now. There was no purpose to torment him. Horace had killed him. In their eyes, that was punishment enough.
Only two ghosts of the White Zodiac were left. The fifth, the White Violin, and the eighth, the Black Heart. Violet and her psychic, who was none other than Dennis's sister, Aria, had been having a hard time figuring out which of their candidates would get the position.
That thought is what brought her back to what was troubling her to begin with. One of the ghosts that was an option for the White Violin was one she knew. Not personally, of course, but it might as well have been for how much Royce talked about her during their entrapment the first-time round.
Emily March.
Royce seemed to be under the impression that despite witnessing his death, Emily had managed to get over him, and was alive and happy somewhere. That was not the case. The love of his life – as well as the fifty-seven years that had passed since his death – had only outlived him by fifteen days. They were resting hand in hand in their shared coffin, a gorgeous marble slab marking the spot. Emily's surname had been changed to Clayton post-mortem, which made the truth so much more heart-breaking to Dana.
"Hey beautiful," she regarded Dennis with a gentle smile as he walked into the bathroom and took a seat on the tiled floor, his back to the tub. "You still beating yourself up trying to figure out how to tell slugger that his lady love has been dead as long as he has?"
Of course she was. He knew her too well.
"I don't want to break his heart, Dennis," she folded her arms on the rim of the tub, resting her chin on them. "I've grown quite fond of that ill-tempered little shit."
Dennis was quiet for a moment.
"Me too."
Dana knew it was hard for him to express fondness for the ghost who had actively attempted to beat him to death thirteen years previous, the bleeding injury on his temple a consistent reminder of this fact.
"He'll blame himself," she picked at her cuticle as she spoke. "He already feels so much self-loathing for dying and abandoning her to begin with."
The psychic on the floor gave a humorless chuckle.
"It's best we tell him now, Dana," she looked at him in question. "Violet and Aria left with the team an hour ago."
Dread struck Dana with the force of a wrecking ball.
"She decided on Emily for the White Violin."
He nodded.
"It's probably best that Royce finds out she's dead before she shows up here," he shrugged. "You know, so he can break stuff and throw a fit. Get it out of his system."
Dana stood, the confidence of an army commander flowing off her in waves.
"Have Ryan take Billy and Alice to a different area of the house, out of range," she started walking to the door. "I'll retrieve Horace and George. If Royce takes this as badly as I believe he will, I'll mostly likely need them both."
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March Home Madison, Ohio Same Day
Aria stared up at the sprawling ancestral home of the March family. While it had not been occupied since the thirteenth suicide to take place within its walls back in April of 1994, it was still in perfect condition. As one of the oldest buildings in Madison, it was a protected landmark, meaning it went through consistent maintenance to keep it from becoming rundown.
"You're sure you want to go in by yourself?"
She turned and looked at Violet before nodding.
"I have no doubt that she'll want to hear what I have to say."
Taking a deep breath to steel herself for her oncoming task, she turned and approached the door. If Aria was surprised when the doorknob turned and the solid wood swung open as if to welcome her, she did not show it.
Nor did she so much as flinch when the door closed behind her with a click, the house seeming to come alive beneath her feet and all around her.
The soft sound of a violin coming from above her head drew her up the stairs. As she walked, she let out a sigh of relief, grateful that she wouldn't have to summon Emily against her will.
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Bukater Mansion One solid hour of chaos later
Telling Royce Clayton that the person he loved most in the world was dead – and had been for a mere fifteen days less than him – had gone even worse than Dana had imagined. She had greatly underestimated how distraught the teen boy would be with the news.
"How did she die?" Royce looked up at Dana from his spot on the couch, his fingers clutched tightly around the locket that usually resided in his coat. "Emily? I didn't really give you an opportunity to tell me that before I lost my composure."
Dennis huffed, flicking a feather from a decimated pillow off his shoulder.
"That's a way of putting it," he glanced around at the destruction. "I've seen less damage from an F5 tornado."
Dana silenced him with a look before addressing Royce.
"Well, to be frank, she did what I did," she motioned in the general direction of her many deep wounds before looking back at the miserable teenager. "Except she limited the damage to two slashes, one on each wrist."
Royce stared at Dana with an expression of such abject misery that she couldn't help but wonder if a heart could still break after it stopped beating.
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A/N: That concludes this chapter. I was originally going to put Emily and Royce reuniting in this chapter, but at the last minute, I decided to save it for the next one.
I hope you like.
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endless-oc-creations · 7 months
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Mimi's Mobile Horror Oc Masterlist
Updated: 1/02/24
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Name: Lisa O’Connor
Title: Paint it Black
Fandom: Thir13en Ghosts
Faceclaim: Kate Siegel
Love interest: Dennis Rafkin
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Lilith Addams
Title: All in the Family
Fandom: Addams Family
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Love interest: Bianca Barclay
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: When Lilith was only five years old her parents passed away suddenly, so she was taken in with open arms and raised by her Uncle Gomez and Aunt Morticia Addams. Her mother, Annabel, was an Addams, Gomez and Fester's baby sister in fact. While her father, Harold, was a ‘normie’, who fell in love with Annabel’s uniqueness. When Wednesday got in trouble at their school after the 'incident' ' where Lilith herself may or may not have provided Wednesdays the piranhas from her fish tank. Because of this, Lilith had also been sent to Nevermore Academy. Where she soon gets sucked into the murder and mysteries involving their new school and Lilith tries to keep up with her cousin Wednesdays to stop her from putting herself in an early grave. And not the sleepover kind.
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Name: Yuri Choi
Title: Sign of the Times
Fandom: Alice in Borderland
Face Claim: HoYeon Jung
Love Interest: Hikari Kuina
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Some might say Yuri has it all. Her family is wealthy, and she excels both in her school studies and athletics. Yuri was on her way to becoming the next top athlete in track and field. Her parents always pushed her to be the best so she tried to be the best. But deep inside Yuri secretly wished to live the life she wanted.
The only time Yuri felt free was when she was with her best friends, Arisu, Karube, and Chota. She felt like she could be herself without being worried about the expectations placed on her.
Recently Yuri got an athletic scholarship for college and would have to leave her friends behind. She didn't want to, but Yuri felt like her parents expected her to.
So, she was determined to make the most of this time last with her best friends.
One day, Arisu wanted everybody to get together after the fight with his dad. So, while hanging out and basically goofing off, Yuri noticed fireworks, but she didn't have time to comment because she and the others had to run into a public bathroom together to hide from the police.
But when they left the bathroom stall, they noticed that the streets of Tokyo are suddenly completely empty.
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Name: Damien Lawson
Title: The Devils Work
Fandom: What We Do in the Shadows Series
Faceclaim: Matthew Gray Gubler
Love interest: Guillermo de la Cruz and Nandor the Relentless
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Damien grew up with two emotionally absent parents which caused him to feel a lot of loneliness and feeling unloved. The only comfort Damien ever had was with his best friend Guillermo de la Cruz. The two became best friends in Elementary school after a school Bully shoved them in a janitor's closet together, locking them both inside until someone eventually let them out hours after school ended.
Guillermo's mother basically welcomed him with open arms and he was free to spend his time whenever he wanted with Guillermo. One day the two decided to go to the movies together and saw Interview with the Vampire. Which inspired Guillermo's lifelong obsession with vampires and Damien's obsession with the Occult.
As Damien got older he realized the feelings he had for Guillermo were more than a friend and even when Guillermo came out and confessed to him he was gay. Damien of course accepted him and kept his secret but he didn't confess his feelings towards him out of fear of being left behind and all alone.
One day after his shift at Panera Bread Guillermo came home excitedly and told Damien he had met real-life vampires and he was going to be a familiar to one of them.
He knew how much his friend wants to become a vampire so after being told this, Damien decided to join him and became a familiar himself.
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Name: Phoebe Russo
Title: Maneater
Fandom: Hannibal Television Series
Faceclaim: Christian Serratos
Love interest: Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Jennifer Renee
Title: Silent Fears (Currently on Hiatus and being rewritten)
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim:  Dakota Fanning(Young) Emily Blunt(Adult)
Love interest: Mike Hanlon
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Jennifer is hard of hearing, nearly deaf, since she was born, she had a cochlear implant surgery when she was just two years old. Her older brother Jonathan was her only friend until one day she found his dead body hanging in his bedroom after returning from school. Jonathan had committed suicide because he was found out to be gay in their town and he couldn’t take the abuse from the townspeople or their parents anymore. Then she was forced to move to Derry, Maine where she becomes neighbors with the Bowers family, making Jennifer’s life even more miserable than it had been. She knows a little bit of sign language because Jennifer checked out books and read through them over and over. Her worst fear is seeing her brother Jonathan’s dead body and blaming her for not helping him. As an adult, Jennifer was on her way to becoming a successful baker until she got a call one day that she needed to come back to Derry and take care of her mother. So she dropped everything and returned to her old town five years before Pennywise came back. She works at the Falcon Bar and is helping Mike with his research on how to destroy him once and for all.
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Name: Melissa Tozier
Title: Lullaby of Woe
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim:  Abby Ryder Fortson (Young) Rose Byrne(Adult)
Love interest: None
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Melissa was the only daughter of Maggie and Wentworth Tozier and was the little sister of the infamous Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier. When she was little Melissa was best friends with little Georgie Denbrough since their older brothers were good friends up. But then when Georgie died nothing was ever the same because the clown that had gotten Georgie was now after her, She saw him under her bed...outside her window...at her school and playground. Others brushed it off as stress after dealing with a sudden loss. Melissa was too scared to be alone so she always stuck by her older brother and his friend's side so the ‘boogeyman’ wouldn’t get her. Then her brother and his friends start seeing the same thing and later on they ended up saving her from IT. But 27 years later, now a world-famous photographer, Melissa was being called upon by something wanting her to return to Derry and it wasn’t Mike Hanlon.
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Name: Willlow Collie
Title: Take Me to Church
Fandom: Midnight Mass
Faceclaim:  Marisa Tomei
Love interest: Sarah Gunning
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Tatum Riley-Weathers
Title: Game of Survival
Fandom: Scream
Faceclaim:  Olivia Cooke
Love interest: Mindy Meeks-Martin
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Linda Sandoval (Lindy)
Title: A Little Wicked, Blood in the Water
Fandom: Scream
Faceclaim:  Alexandra Daddario (Bridget Regan in Scream 5)
Love interest: Stu Macher
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: When Linda Sandoval was a child, she moved to Woodsboro with her father, becoming friends with the boy next door; Billy Loomis, and his friend, Stu Macher. The three best friends quickly bonded over their love for movies. Scary movies. As they got older, Linda and Stu ended up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.
Life seemed to be going great for Linda. That is until Casey Becker and Stu ended up sleeping together one night. Heartbroken, Linda broke up with Stu and decided to distance herself from him and the rest of their friend group. As the days went by Linda tried to get over the heartache but things got worse. Casey Becker and her boyfriend, Steven Orth, ended up brutally murdered. And Linda Sandoval ends up being a person of interest for the brutal slaying from her and Casey's bitter history.
Not only the cops and reporters being interested in Linda's part of the crime, but so does the killer.
Now Linda finds herself playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with one of her old friends Sidney Prescott, who the killer seems interested in grabbing as well.
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Name: Susie Sandoval
Title: Blood in the Water
Fandom: Scream(2022)
Faceclaim:  Diana Silvers
Love interest: Samantha Carpenter
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Elizabeth Winchester
Title: A Sister’s Love{Series}{Vol 1: Back in Black}Coming soon}
Fandom: Supernatural
Faceclaim:  Crystal Reed
Love interest: Gabriel
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: A sister’s love can be described as a fierce and never-ending type of love. That is exactly what type of love Elizabeth Winchester holds for both her brothers. When Liz was only two years old her mother had killed by the demon Azazel and spurred the events of being raised with her brothers to become hunters of the supernatural. Elizabeth, prefers to be called Liz for short. If you are not Dean or Sam and call her Lizzy, you will most likely get punched in the nose for it because only her brothers are allowed to call her that. Being the middle child can have some struggles involved in life, but being a Winchester it could become more difficult. Liz feels like sometimes she’s forgotten and always put in the middle of situations she hates, especially when it involves arguments between her siblings. However, Liz is entirely protective of them and they are the only reason why Liz stays in this life style so she can protect them. Mary and John Winchester didn’t just have two boys, they also had a daughter they named Elizabeth, who would become a force to be reckon with if the lives of her brothers were threatened.
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Name: Oliver Harvelle
Title: Tears in their Beers
Fandom: Supernatural
Faceclaim:  Charlie Hunnam
Love interest: Dean Winchester
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added...
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Name: Evelyn Singer
Title: The Sins of the Wicked
Fandom: Supernatural
Faceclaim:  Teresa Palmer
Love interest: Castiel
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Kristen Emerson
Title: Lost in the Shadows
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Faceclaim:  Heather Langenkamp
Love interest: David Powers
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Nancy Crain
Title: Somewhere in Between
Fandom: The Haunting of Hill House
Faceclaim:  Annabelle Wallis
Love interest: None
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: The oldest child of the Crain siblings, Nancy Crain always was determined to be the one there for her siblings no matter what. She always knew what they were feeling, including her parents. Her mom once explained to her that she was an empath, she could feel others' emotions, so Nancy was the one to first realize that something wasn’t right stepping into their summer home of Hill House and something was starting to change her mother. When she was younger Nancy could see Nellie’s bent neck lady, so she would always climb into her sister's bed to shield her away from the awful sight.
However, it isn’t until years later walking into Hill House and seeing her sister's body did she realize the truth. When Nancy is older she hates the constant fights and arguments that go on between her siblings so she always tried to play the peacemaker. She had a husband, but after her miscarriage, her marriage fractured and he cheated on her, getting that woman pregnant and left her alone to start the family he always wanted.
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Name: Dani
Title: Fuel to Fire
Fandom: The Last of Us
Faceclaim: Milla Jovovich
Love interest: Joel Miller
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Hank Scott
Title: TBD
Fandom: The Last of Us
Faceclaim: Andrew Lincoln
Love interest: Joel Miller
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Cassie Thatcher
Title: To be decided
Fandom: Lost(2004)
Faceclaim: Alycia Debnam-Carey
Love interest: Charlie Pace
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Georgie May
Title: To be decided
Fandom: Lost(2004)
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
Love interest: James "Sawyer" Ford
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Everleigh Horvath
Title: Nowhere to Run
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Love interest: Daryl Dixon
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Eve was raised by her Great Uncle Dale and Great Aunt Irma after her parents were unable to take care of her when she was a child. She's close to both her Aunt and Uncle, seeing them as parental figures, and ended up going to college to become a nurse. But, then her aunt Irma ended up with cancer before dying from it and her Uncle was sent into depression. In fear of losing her Uncle, Eve quit school to help her Uncle and convinced him to take the road trip in the RV with her like he was planning to do with her Aunt before she died. Things were going good until the world went to complete shit. It was now all about surviving. From flesh-eating monsters, they are called Walkers, and even people who've gone insane and decided to take advantage of the society they live in now. But what Eve didn't see coming during all of this was falling in love with that asshole Daryl Dixon. 
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Name: Sean Carter
Title: TBD
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Faceclaim: Pedro Pascal
Love interest: Daryl Dixon & Rick Grimes
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Sean used to be a soldier, a combat veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq before getting a serious leg injury during the war. Because of this injury, Sean was honorably discharged and had to go through multiple surgeries and physical therapy.
During his time at physical therapy and recovering from the surgeries, Sean was staying at the hospital. Sean usually kept to himself since he didn't have a great relationship with his family and the friends he had, died in the war.
One day, Sean met a young boy, Carl Grimes, who was visiting his father who had gotten shot while on the job as a police officer. The boy was obviously upset since his dad was in a coma and was unsure if he would ever talk to his dad again.
So, Sean spent time with the kid. trying to distract him from the adult problems he was going through. by playing cards or just drawing things.
The boy's mother, Lori, seemed to appreciate Sean's help and always thanked him for being understanding and helping her son.
But then things decided to take a turn for the worse when the news started to talk about a virus outbreak that seemed to make people attack.
It was only chaos from there, the boy and his mother stopped visiting for a few days. Sean could only assume it was from the news and reports of all the attacks. Then the military came in and started killing everyone.
Sean managed to escape on his own during the chaos and in a twist of events found Carl who begged his mother and Uncle Shane to let him come with them.
With Sean's military skills, he proved useful and helped protect the group from the dangers of the Walkers.
When they found a safe place to settle down with a bigger group Sean for the most part still kept to himself, except for when Carl came to spend time with him, sometimes bringing a little girl that was also in their group, Sophia, from time to time.
About a month later, the group who had gone out a few days ago to scavenge a few supplies came back with another person.
The man who had been in a coma while Sean was in the hospital, Carl's father, Rick Grimes
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Name: Bella Helsing
Title: Genesis
Fandom: Underworld
Faceclaim: Ana de Armas
Love interest: Lucian
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Cynthia Harpe
Title: To Be Decided
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Faceclaim: Vera Farmiga
Love interest: William Afton
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Lydia Daniels
Title: To Be Decided
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Faceclaim: Melissa Barrera
Love interest:  Mike Schmidt
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Denise Myers
Title: To Be Decided
Fandom: Evil Dead
Faceclaim: Jamie Lee Curtis
Love interest: Ash Williams
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Daniel Woods
Title: To Be Decided
Fandom: Fear Street
Faceclaim: Alex Wolff
Love interest: Simon Kalivoda
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Florence Burton
Title: TBD
Fandom: Saw series
Faceclaim: Naomi Watts
Love Interest: Mark Hoffman
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Florence Burton is a detective who recently, and suddenly, transferred to the Metropolitan Police Department. Florence is then assigned to shadow and be partner to her lieutenant, Mark Hoffman. But she feels like more of a secretary instead of a partner. What was even more of a problem to Florence was that this man seemed to have more mystery and darkness surrounding the more time she was forced to spend with him. So, Florence tried focusing on other cases behind his back so she could hopefully impress the Chief of Police, getting away from Hoffman and her growing attraction for him. Instead, it backfired and the Chief of Police assigns Florence right to Hoffman's side to work with him on the Jigsaw killer cases.
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Name: Delia Thatcher
Title: TBD
Fandom: Saw series
Faceclaim: Katharine Isabelle
Love Interest: Amanda Young
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Delia was a troubled girl growing up, and moving from foster home to foster home made her bitter and resentful toward others and even life itself. So, she found herself in trouble a lot, assaults, robbery, drugs, alcohol, you name it. Delia was constantly on the search for the next high that made her feel alive. But, one day Delia woke up and found herself in an infamous Jigsaw killer trap. She fought for her life and Delia barely got out alive, but shortly after, she passed out from blood loss. Delia then woke up seeing the face of someone she never thought she would see again...her old best friend from her younger days, Amanda Young...
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kaechan · 7 months
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What do you think she's whispering to him about?
Dennis Rafkin x Rose Red.
Art by the wonderful Eleriss of DA.
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ahsxual · 4 months
So if you're still up for some Matthew Lillard requests I think I have one :)) (Ps, I literally love your writing! It's awesome!)
Could you possibly do Dennis Rafkin x a trans masc reader who is insecure about their body due to dysphoria?
A/N: I'm so sorry for taking so long to write this! I'm so happy to know that you enjoy my writing, hun🥺 I hope you like this and I apologize if I wasn't very specific about your request, but I tried my best! Ty for requesting 🤗
Pairing: Dennis Rafkin x GN!Reader
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You and Dennis have a very close and intimate relationship in every aspect, in which you both understand each other like genuine soulmates. By just a simple glance, you already knew what was going on in each other's minds and what you were feeling inside your big, delicate hearts
Dennis himself has a lot of insecurities, so he completely understands and supports you whenever you feel down because of your appearance insecurities as well
Over time, you realize he's actually a very clingy and attentive boyfriend, always needing your approval, support and care, and he's more than willing to do the same for his lover
"Stop thinking and saying those bad things about yourself, Y/N! It's not true! You're the most amazing and beautiful/handsome human being I've ever laid my eyes upon and I'm so glad that you love me as much as I love you, sweetie." he would say to reassure you while gripping your forearms firmly
"You're so perfect in my eyes, honey... I know this sounds cliche, but I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, because you'd never feel that way about yourself anymore."
You usually cry when you see his tenderness towards you, how caring and affectionate he is with you in those fragile moments. Watching your tears fall from your eyes makes him cry too, as you're both so vulnerable and open with your feelings towards each other
"You helped me see something worthy in myself and it's only my job as your boyfriend to do the same for my sweetheart. I never liked anything about myself before I met you, and I'm so grateful for that... so I won't give up until you see your true worth and your beauty... I promise you, Y/N." he confessed between soft sobs, his lips trembling from how emotional he was feeling in that moment
And he always made you feel better about yourself afterwards, never failing in his reassuring promises to make you love youself more each day
At the beginning of your relationship, he was too scared to touch you and so were you, because you didn't want to hurt him by being the reason of his painful migraines
But as your relationship developed, he began to crave your touch and affection, even if it meant that he had to see some bad visions from your past
Until there was a moment where he already knew all about your past, more specifically your darkest moments, so his visions about your life stopped "hurting" him at certain point only his heart lol
Since then, your relationship had grown stronger, as he knows every insecurity you have and vice-versa. Besides being romantic partners, you are also best friends, which has made everything so much better and natural for you, with no hidden secrets between you
That being said, whenever you're feeling insecure, Dennis tends to hug you and gently kiss every piece of soft skin on your body that you don't like until you're a giggling mess.
Sometimes you even fall asleep in his arms, your last memory being of him kissing you so lovingly and his big hands caressing the part of your body you felt insecure about
If you don't want him to touch you in those vulnerable moments, he'll respect you as he sits by your side while saying the things he loves the most about you and how you don't need to feel insecure about anything, because in his eyes you're perfection
He's so attentive and careful with his words, struggling to think which words and compliments he should say to help you feel better
He gets very nervous and stressed if his praises and loving touches don't soothe you, so most of those times you need to calm him down, even if it was you who felt bad and sensitive in the first place
At the end of the day, with all his efforts to make you feel incredible, you see yourself a little differently, in a positive way for sure, and you feel so much better because of your sweet boyfriend who loves you dearly and would do anything to make you feel happy by his side
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Crossover idea of the day:
Scooby-Doo x Thir13en ghosts
I've been thinking about this au on and off for several years of my life but this Halloween I am ready to put it into though.
So this takes place during a mix of the first live action Scooby-Doo movie and the animated movie Zombie island. In the zombie island movie, the gang split up and went their separate ways because they never caught real monsters, only people in masks. Whereas in the live action they split up because Daphne was always a damsel in distress and felt that she was a joke, Fred took all the credit for the plans, Velma felt unappreciated, Shaggy felt as if he was a simple valet and was playing peacemaker trying to keep the gang together. (Friends don't quit)
And as always with my Scooby-Doo ideas I will be pushing the magic Shaggy agenda on top of Psychic Shaggy. Because honestly Shaggy and Scooby-Doo's family tree is wild. And there has to be some type of magic for the Roger's family to have familiar in the Doo family. (For every Roger's there is a Doo.)
For the purpose of this fic, I say that the gang did split up because they were bored of always unmasking villains but also because after some time they grew tired of their dynamics clashing as it did in the live action movie. They each go on to do their own things but unlike the live action where we don't know what they did with their lives, they all get jobs like in Zombie island. Except Fred and Daphne stay split up.
Shaggy goes from job to job, never staying in one place too long. He takes on an alias because of the fame attached to his name for being part of Mystery Inc. The name he takes? Dennis Rafkin.
Shaggy goes from job to job, never staying in one place too long as that is how it used to be with the gang and it worked just fine for him. Less people to question him about his strangeness that the gang never questioned. At least until he finally ends up going back to Mystery hunting with Scooby-Doo by complete accident. (Think Scooby-Doo movies where Shaggy has a red shirt, its just him and Scoob and the monsters are real. All those movies are pretty much what happen while the gang is split.) (Also 13 ghosts of Scooby-Doo happen around this time, but no daphne. The curse of the 13 ghost might not be part of this since they made it seem fake. That or it happens some time after the gang's reunion. )
So Shaggy ends up employed by Cyrus Kriticos. And no Shaggy doesn't take drugs here, not like Dennis was implied to be doing. He just skips town and runs but Cyrus keeps tracking him down.
Mystery Inc reunites for Daphne's birthday like on zombie island, and the events of the movie go the same except that at the end they decide that they need a break from each other after the trauma they went through. Shaggy and Scooby are crushed as they thought they would all reunite. Fred makes sure to say that it's not permanent, they will come back for real in a few weeks.
Meanwhile Cyrus once more tracks down Shaggy who has been trying to track down the elusive 13th ghost for Vincent Van Ghoul with Flim Flam when Cyrus wants him to come back and catch the 12th ghost, the Juggernaut. Cyrus dies, Shaggy doesn't get paid for all his hard work and trauma, Scooby-Doo's also injured pretty badly from this last ghost hunt.
This is about the time that Fred reaches out to Shaggy but Shaggy doesn't pick up, his phone is disconnected and he doesn't have an address aside from a few different PO boxes under his names, his aliases, and Scooby's name. So now there is a mystery for Fred, Daphne and Velma to solve. The case of the missing Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. Who are actually staying with Vincent Van Ghoul to recuperate.
Flim Flam joins mystery Inc to help them find Shaggy and Scoob, but he's actually not really helping them but helping Shaggy and Scooby who still need time to recover.
By the time they've recovered Shaggy knows from Vincent what has happened to the ghosts he helped Cyrus capture and goes to Arthur Kriticos' future house to try and destroy it. At the same time Flim Flam has been found out for stalling them and lead the gang on a wild goose chase. He's made to take them to Shaggy and Scooby who are currently trying to safely recapture dangerous ghosts but only manage to take out Teo or three before Arthur Kriticos and his family arrive.
Mystery Inc arrives on their door step and are allowed inside just before the house becomes a death trap. They find Shaggy and Scooby who are accused of trapping ghosts for greed when actuality, they thought they were just doing the same thing as Vincent Van Ghoul with another rich guy. Flim Flam stands up for them and brings that fact up. But the rest are staunch nonbelievers.
Que psychic visions because of Arthur touch Shaggy who is going by Dennis right now, and now the gang are starting to piece together some of Scooby-Doo and Shaggy's odd behavior that they never thought to questions.
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lutawolf · 2 years
My 9 Favorite Movies in no particular order
Tagged by @ellaspore (💜💜💜) to share my 9 Favorite Movies in no particular order. I don't know how I'm going to choose only 9 and honestly it usually depends on my mood. I'll try though.
A Walk to Remember “First you will smile, and then you will cry—don’t say you haven’t been warned.” “There’s one thing I still haven’t told you: I now believe, by the way, that miracles can happen.” “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” “Life, I’ve learned, is never fair. If people teach anything in school, that should be it.”
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Practical Magic “Sometimes I feel like there's a hole inside of me, an emptiness that at times seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could probably hear the ocean.” "What is love? It makes your heart race. It turns the world upside down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You can't see what's happening to the people around you. You can't see that you're about to fall.” “I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for.” “My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!” “There are some things I know for certain: always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can.”
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Love Actually "Worse than the total agony of being in love?" "Let's get the shit kicked out of us by love!" "When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge—they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love, actually, is all around."  "Often, it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there: fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends."
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I Am Dragon "When you love someone you become the happiest you've ever been."
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Thirt13en Ghost “- Dennis Rafkin: There are ghosts in the basement! - Maggie Bess: This basement? - Dennis Rafkin: Of course this basement! What is it with you people? If it was the basement next door I wouldn't give a shit, would I?”
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CoCo  “Remember me, though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don’t let it make you cry. For even if I’m far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart” “No one was going to hand me my future, it was up to me to reach for my dream, grab it tight and make it come true.”
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The Princess Bride "That day, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying "As you wish," what he meant was, "I love you." And even more amazing was the day she realized she truly loved him back." "He didn’t fall?! Inconceivable! Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."  "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while." "Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam ... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva ... So tweasure your wuv."
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Nightmare Before Christmas “I really tasted something swell, that’s right. And, for a moment, why, I even touched the sky and at least I left some stories they can tell.”  "I am Jack the pumpkin king!" "Please don't come after me again. Please let me go this time. I am all grown up and need to find my own life now. I hope you will understand, some day at least.” “For it is plain, as anyone can see. We’re simply meant to be.” “My dearest friend, if you don’t mind, I’d like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars and sit together now and forever.”
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Dirty Dancing
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Dances With Wolves
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To Sir With Love
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