#Abigail hargreeves?? what's her deal
hellomagicalsouls · 6 months
Oooh, I was your first ask! Now I feel bad I didn't actually ask a question. Top three things you want to happen before S4 wraps up?
No don't feel bad!! I enjoyed your statement - it's nice to find someone who thinks like me almost!!
Top 3 Things (in no particular order)
Abigail. Does she play a bigger part than we all think? Is she as bad as Reggie or worse? He clearly loves her a lot to bring her to his new world and to send Luther up there to protect a frozen box essentially
Allison. I want them to address the whole Luther situation case that blew me off course, I wasn't expecting it that much considering she literally got married in the 60s etc. I hope they don't skip over it because it's a serious topic.
Klaus. How does he turn out? I want him to be happy at the endgame. He needs to be surrounded by people who love him and care about his wellbeing because I doubt he had much of that on the streets. If that is with Dave coming back (highly doubt it that ship has totally sailed) or with a new person or even with himself (which is what I want) I just want happy Klaus. He deserves it
Thank you for your question again! Means a lot that someone wants to know my opinions✨
I'm always intrigued by things and how they turn it!
Also I hope my last answer made sense😅 sometimes my words don't always sound the same as they do in my head.
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autie-hobbit · 1 month
My Issues with Season 4
This is probably gonna long, so buckle up a bit.
Almost nothing that happened in season 3 mattered or had any impact on what happened in season 4.
Why didn't Allison tell her siblings about the deal with Reginald in season 3? I assumed it was because of something that would be revealed in season 4, but it wasn't even mentioned, and the deal didn't even matter in the grand scheme of things, because Allison lost her powers and stuff anyways, and Ray left her, because reasons.
Allison's character arc in season 3 is barely mentioned and doesn't matter.
Almost every character is done so dirty. Most of them don't even matter nor have any impact on the plot.
Casual fatphobia towards Diego for the first couple of episodes.
Where is Sloane? Why did she disappear at the end of season 3? Why did Luther stop looking for her? Why was she only mentioned once and never again.
On that note, none of the Sparrows were mentioned again.
Why did Ray leave? Whyyyyy? You can just as that Ray left in a throwaway line, and then not elaborate.
The Reginald Hargreeves this season should have been the Umbrella's Reginald. It's more impactful.
Abigail being the true villain.
There were?????? No jokes??????? Where were the jokes?????
Sidelining Luther
Sidelining Allison
Sidelining Klaus
Sidelining Diego
Unnecessary forced prostitution???
Nothing happened, and yet everything happened????
The fact that they seem to have forgotten that marigold isn't actually called that? They were called marigold by Harlan, and pretty much only Viktor knew that. Yet this season, not only does everyone call it marigold, but the anti-marigold is also named after a flower???
It's just, so dull. It wasn't fun to watch, even before episode 5.
The implication that Reginald might still be alive???
Subway Ben is irrelevant???
Sparrow!Ben and Umbrella!Ben are pretty much referred to interchangeably, despite them being two different people.
It takes itself too seriously.
This is getting too long but I'm not even done yet.
Yes, that gets its own point, because that's bad.
Why did literally anything happen?
How did Jennifer get the durango?
How did Jennifer get in that squid?
Why did Abigail make the marigold and durango?
Why did Jennifer still have the durango in her in the reset?
Why didn't Reginald just fucking kill Jennifer?
Why are most of the people in the end scene commission characters? Why not characters that fans would genuinely be happy to see alive?Eudora? Elliott? Dave? Etc.
What happened to the other superpowered children?
Did they think that the end scene would make us happy????
Five and Lila
The ending.
Anyways, season 4 doesn't exist, and the show unfortunately got cancelled after season 3. I hope there's lots of good fanfics out there that look to see what season 4 could have looked like if the show got renewed.
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real-frog-girl-shit · 1 month
list of things they didn't explain further pissing me off about umbrella academy season 4:
-why was jennifer in the squid
-how did jennifer get the durango in the first place
-what was the end goal of hargreeves keeping jennifer alive in that town at all? he clearly has no issue killing the kids, why not just kill her once he found her?
-how would jennifer know what 'the cleanse' was when she got out of the squid?
-did jennifer have a family? was she just born in a squid? why a squid? they used to to connect to ben but like...why
-why do jennifer and ben have a connection at all other than the fact that they both have squids in their backstory?
-how the fuck would claire, grace, and the twins (also were they ever named? insane if not) be alive after everything? their parents quite literally do not exist
-how did ray get into this timeline? this might be something i missed from season 3 but like... what? and where is he now? i keep seeing quotes being like he felt out of place in this timeline, so he's what, just gonna go out by himself and still live in this timeline? what?
-why did lila get laser eyes
-which version of five ended up leaving the book in the subway? and why? he said it was his handwriting and he was surprised to see it. i thought we would see him live out a life outside of lila and leaving it there for himself to find but nope...he just happened to find it hiding in a subway track. its not even like something made him go look there, he just dropped his flashlight
-why did the cleanse turn ben and jennifer into...that
-how would ben know what the "original timeline" is supposed to look like to even show viktor
-what the fuck was abigail's deal like for real what the fuck. why do all of that. and why now. literally made no sense
-how is grace alive at that age in the 'original timeline' when she was a fuckin robot in modern times and her human equivalent was that age in the 60s
-never fully explained throughout the whole show what the deal with the technology was. there was nary a cell phone to be seen until the 'original timeline'. never got an explanation for that
-how did they still have marigold in this timeline at all? and if abigail wanted to cause all that destruction in the first place and knew about jennifer, why not just go to jennifer herself with the marigold she had and just start the apocalypse herself
i'm sure there's so many other things i'm forgetting and this is not even touching on the absolute character assassinations and plot holes. i'm so tired and just gonna patiently wait for the comics to continue cuz my gawd this was a mess
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tua-five · 2 months
Season 3 Episode 9
⚠️⚠️ s3 spoilers ⚠️⚠️
Definitely thought today was episode 8.. and now I'm scared because it's closer to the relase date...
It makes sense though because I was literally just thinking, how could it be episode 8, I don't remember there being that much left. Then again, I was kind of waiting for the sigil and cockroaches since episode 1, so.
Okay, starting off, it was really just... (there's a word I want but can't remember and I keep using sad, but I don't want to use the word sad because it's deeper than that, but that's all I can think of right now) sad that Luther created all of those reports and samples for nothing. And he had a picture of his siblings. Minus Viktor. Both of those are just so depressing.
It seems I forgot a semi important detail. I used to wonder why Luther or how Luther didn't discover Abigail because through all of his 4 years stranded on the moon, surely he would have stumbled upon her. But no, because there was a geo fence, so he couldn't pass that point.
It's simply amazing how Ben has "ASSHOLE" written on his back.
And Five's speech 😭
Wow... how naive I was... Allison just magically going from absolutely terrible to in the morning apologizing to everyone. And I believed it.
We don't talk enough about Five sitting at the edge of the world. He's just watching the world he spent a whole straight month trying to save just wither away. Because he's done. And when reginald comes out he knows exactly what he wants. Because it's Sir Reginald Hargreeves. And he always will be. No matter what timeline. So he immediately says no. Because he's so done. He's tired. He's exhausted. And he's lived way too long.
And of course, when he says he wants to be alone, Reggie sits anyway.
Oh. And he just straight up tells him. Well, not necessarily straight up. But he says that you never forget your first love. He says he didn't do enough to save his first love. And that he hopes the kids can help him with that.
He can't forget Abigail. He never will. He couldn't save her. She died, and he put her on the moon to try and one day bring her back to life. And now he's using Project Oblivion to bring her back.
They're all so cute for clapping when Five comes. And mentioning the speech. And he defends himself, "It was the booze talking. In the light of day, you're all still deplorable." Sure, Five. You think they're all bad. I'll believe that. After, you know, spending 28 days trying to stop the apocalypse so you can save them and being stuck in one for 45 years to get back to your family.
I hate knowing that Allison is the one who made the deal. And that the whole "I'm sorry" speech was bs. I mean, some of it has to be real. You can't just pull that out of your butt in desperation. But still.
And Allison saying "We've all lost people." And flipping looks towards Five and says, "Mannequins..." 😭😭 stop. Stop. Actually stop. Because I CAN'T 😭
"I saw the future. And it told me to sit this one out. I vote stay." Yeah. Yeah, I vote stay, too.
I honestly... don't know. I can't know if I like or dislike Allison. I can't know if I like or dislike Reginald. I am, however, starting to understand them more. They are both fighting out of love. And I can respect that. But their actions... not so much.
Like Reg killing Luther. "There's an old saying, Luther. The best way to bring a family together is at a wedding or a funeral." Yeah.. we're familiar. The funeral in the very first episode of the show. The wedding just last episode, and now. You've killed your own son.
Klaus is like, "Come on, what are you waiting for? And Five is so pissed. He knows Reginald killed Luther, but the kugelblitz is right there, and he has to go through. "This isn't over!" It never will be.
"You're just more trouble than you're worth."
For fucks sake Reginald!! You're killing everyone!!!
And Klaus kills himself on the white Buffalo either because he wants to go out on his own terms or because he doesn't want to be gone forever. He'd rather die where he can live in the afterlife. See his mom. Luther.
Your gifs! I can't find a majority of the ones I want.
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So since I predicted that Sloane and Luther would get together from the day she was announced as well as a couple of scenes- I feel obligated to share w y'all my batshit crazy idea of what I thought might happen in season 4 and like now that we have TWO trailers why I think it might happen. In other words-
Me being delulu about tua s4 and y'all gotta deal w it
So my initial thought was that in this new timeline they are themselves slotted into lives they don't initially remember, that the longer they dwell in the timeline the more they remember and some come to accept. Up until the inevitable happens and the world is at risk again for whatever reason. However, saving the world means giving up these perfect lives for accepting their shitty dysfunctional reality to save each other. Because the more they stay and accept the more they lose of previous timelines.
I was gonna write a fanfic but then my resident evil obsession started and if y'all have read any of my fanfic y'all know my history with long-fics.
Why do I now think this could actually be the case you ask?
At the end of season 3 Luther takes off after our girl Sloane with Klaus following but everyone else is just so calm. Soooo which leads us to
Trailer 1
Viktor might own or work in a bar. Which the fact that he seems to be somewhat settled for sure tells us that some time has possibly passed between season 3 and 4
The sign says "home for wayward boys" implying that Allison may not have been in the group and maybe neither Viktor before the transition. I'm also wondering if now that his wife is back maybe in this new timeline they both fostered/adopted our main characters.
Oh yeah did I mention Reginald's moon wife is alive? His whole thing with the children was his alien (literally) way to save her. Now she's alive.
Allison is with claire so she also possibly has her life back.
Ben is getting out of jail and like it could be a "time has passed between seasons" thing or something happens in one of the episodes where he winds up locked up.
Diego is at a kid's party and either has his own kid or a niece or something. it's not claire and the family behind him is not his umbrella fam.
MY BOY IS SO SMALL ITS GONNA BE SO WEIRD SEEING HIM "NORMAL" THIS SEASON also he looks kinda sad. trailer two debunks what I initially thought of his reveal in this trailer because I thought oh haha what if it's a Halloween costume but like we'll get to my season 2 crazies hang in there.
Klaus is upside down in an interior (proven by the radiator) so he is either stuck, meditating, in a trance, or it's Sloane holding him there. I also kinda wonder if he's going through a clean streak or something OCD like with his addictions from the whole blue gloves thing. tbh i saw those in the promo and thought it was blue screen and his hands were gonna be effed up lol.
ben shouts "lets go kill this bitch" and allison corrects "this is a rescue mission" sooooooo is reginal and or his wife the bitch in question? and like sloane is the only one missing from our group so maybe she's the one being rescued? or maybe one of the new characters (like gene and jean).
which brings me to a theory I'll get to after my trailer break down and before the second breakdown.
side bar but the xmen stile jet is great lol
the subway is 100% a metaphor for the timelines AND that house diego and luther are at is the one from season two where they see reggie and grace at that party
the mind thingies in the blue room are so fucked up and i cant tell if thats sloane or wife hargreeves or a grace return in the bg but im wondering if it connects them to other timelines? Im wondering if the woman is sloane bc abigail has such curly hair but it does remind me of grace so idk.
upside down umbrella is insane okay
starting to think the jet might be flashbacks
fuck organization if you have read this far welcome to my brain- anyway- theory is that her place got swapped for abigail hargreeves' on the moon and now our beloved moon boy has to save her from that place. so symbolic.
now i was half put down a few shots later when we see victor emit a similar color power later but trailer 2 kinda backs some stuff up.
so trailer 2
opens with ben alone and confused and vicktor calls ben at the phone booth leading me to 100% believe they have split up again and have to find each other. very nostalgic of season 1 and 2
"there's something happening to you and it's only gonna get worse" so this is either about just ben OR its about all of them. either way ben did look confused so his eldritch horrors are either hulking out or he's losing memory chunks like my theory suggests. but it might revolve around ben bc vicktor specifically says "you" in the next time about the world ending.
(wondering if luther nervous farted in the car lmao)
Gene and Jean are possibly conspiracy theorists or agents posing as them but its interesting they are bringing attention to the altered timelines.
okay yeah world ending revolves around ben im tired okay and not proofing this you're stuck with my ramblings
the white violin is for sure abi hargreeves no doubt it doesn't look like sloane and plus the violin viktor got was bc reggie gave it to him that he got from his wife before she died okay. fanfic rn where viktor is the chosen child fanfic rn where abi loves all the kids fanfic rn where shes alive but shes just as much of a dick and we could have an epic trans story for viktor and expectations and yeah anyway-
whoever said it was jenny in trailer two i wanna kiss u on the lips ur prolly right and i love you for it
"ben died because we failed as a team" "and-" "and what" FOLLOWED BY LUTHERS CONFUSED FACE LEADS ME TO ONE OF TWO THINGS AND YOU ALREADY KNOW ONE OF THEM memory loss my beloved or something shocking occurs to him or like he seems something idk
more blue room stuff and uh maybe its not mind stuff maybe its power stimulation like what if they dont have their powers but ben does idk.
who TF is klaus digging up
anyway they keep showing that one scene and like idk im delulu about sloane im so tired and i am not ready for this show to end in 8 days im sobbing y'all
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lunannex · 2 years
What do you hope the writers do with Allison's arc next season? Ngl s4 broke my heart because it really felt like she was separate from her siblings. She was at such a low point and just feeling so much anger and grief. It was hard to watch even though Emmy was phenomenal.
I love this question! See, the thing with my views on Allison is that they tend to be sort of separated from the general plot of the show. By this I mean that what I’ve always been the most interested by are the parts of her life that we’ve never gotten to see…her life pre-canon, her time in the 60’s, and now – what happens after she reunites the with Claire and Ray.
I hope they explore the topic of emotional dependency and bodily autonomy with her. You know, have her question her own morality and what it means to be good and bad – if those are even concepts that exist. It’s different with her siblings because of how all of them were raised, but when paired with someone like Ray – who is such a beacon of justice and a believer in doing what’s right, I feel like that could be something she struggles with. I want them to explore her relationship with Claire. Has been away from her for so long made her view parenting through rose-colored glasses? She hasn’t parented Claire in YEARS and even when she was married to Patrick, what she did wasn’t really parenting either.
Mostly, I just want her arc in S4 to be about self-growth. Does she owe some of her siblings apologies? Yeah. Mainly to Viktor for the whole Harlan thing and Luther for violating his autonomy. The Hargreeves have all done TERRIBLE things to each other, Allison isn’t an outlier here. At least in the first episodes of the season, I want her to be sort of in her own little world with Ray and Claire. A picture perfect family (tho you can still see the fractures in that illusion in some instances). But I want the main focus to be on her relationship with her siblings. Maybe she goes to find them after hitting a low point with Ray and Claire (possibly after using her powers on Claire again and Ray catching her? So she feels like she’s stuck repeating the same mistakes all her life)
From what I can gather, Reginald and Abigail are gonna be key players, so have her join forces with her siblings. Have them learn how to PROPERLY be a team. Have Allison try to fix those bridges she burned. Even in S3, she still has kindness left in her, she’s just….really struggling. Have her express that. Give her a scene with Five where they discuss the deal she made with Reginald where it ISN’T just him pointing fingers and her getting defensive. Remember, Five made a deal too (the difference came down to the way they were portrayed but no I’m not bitter why do you ask). Everything he’s done is for his family. He UNDERSTANDS the lengths people will go to for the ones they love. Have them FINALLY team up and reach some sort of understanding
On another note: her powers! I don’t think she’s still figured out which lines are okay to cross and which aren’t – so have her explore that. Through Claire and Luther, have her evaluate WHY it’s wrong to use them on the people she loves. The Hargreeves aren’t saints and they’ll always make mistakes, but deep down I DO think they want to do good – they just get a little lost along the way. And it’s important to remember that Allison didn’t get Ray and Claire back by being “good”. If she does make the decision to better herself, I want her to do it for HER. Yes, she absolutely wants to be an amazing mother to Claire, but she needs to realize that this isn’t something she should only do for the sake of other people
And this is totally self-indulgent but I want the show to end with her getting her purple hair from the comics! Idk! Let it be a metaphor for how she’s working on moving forward after spending so much time stuck in the past. At the very least let her have a hopeful ending, she deserves that much
Anyway, if it wasn’t already obvious, I care so much more about the characters than the plot so sorry that barely any of this includes actual… y’know. plot things lol. Hope you liked it tho!! I love one (1) woman
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rebelumbrella46 · 2 years
Theory about S3 Finale (Pt 1) - The New World and Lack of Powers.
So... in the last few minutes of the Season 3 finale, we see Allison arriving at her house and finding not only Claire but also Raymond (which makes me really excited, because I love Raymond and am interested in finally meeting Claire) and that's pretty much the last we see of Allison, because after that we're shown the Umbrella Academy coming into this new world that seems monopolized by Reginald Hargreeves
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What are the most relevant things shown to us in this scene?
1. Sloane and Allison are the only ones missing here... 2.Luther comes back to life and in a normal body. 3. All injuries are gone (Five's arm and Diego's fingers) 4. All the tattoos and scars on them are gone (not just Klaus's tattoos, but also Ben and Diego's scars) 5. They no longer have powers 6. The hotel is gone and there is a memorial donated by Reginald. 7. As the camera zooms out, we notice that this world seems monopolized by Hargreeves. There are buildings with his name (Hargreeves Construction, Financial, Production, Real State) 8. Reginald is alive and with Abigail Hargreeves.
So what are my thoughts on all of this...?
This is what i imagine Reginald's perfect world would be like, him being so controlling and narcissistic. I think the fact that he programmed the ship or machine to reset the world caused reality to be this way. Obviously he got Abigail and now he has power and money.
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Why don't the Umbrellas have powers? In this perfect world Reginald doesn't need them anymore, there is no Hotel, there is no Project Oblivion, no reset button. And most importanly, he has Abigail, so there is no reason for him to send those light particles that we can assume after this season, are called Marigold.
I have this idea that somehow all the mothers were, indeed, pregnant and when the Marigolds entered their bodies they only sped up the process, and they gave birth probably not knowing they were even pregnant (Maybe a few days or weeks into the pregnancy). But without Marigold, their babies may have been born naturally. That's why they are ordinary in this timeline
Or it could also be Allison's doing.
In the next post I'm going to talk about Allison's whereabouts and what I think her part of the deal with Reginald may have been.
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collidingxworlds · 2 years
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Since I managed to do what I’ve been trying to do for months (aka finishing my Muse Pages and updating the Verses Pages), I decided to treat myself and give into the Stranger Things hype that has been dominating my dashboard for a good while.
Under the cut there are Five’s and Abigail’s brand-new ST verses! I still have drafts and my creativity is still a bit dried, but if anyone is interested in plotting something with them in their AU, hit me up ^^
Abigail’s verse can start in any season, while Five’s has a mandatory start in season 1 (but I can work around it if needed).
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Stanger Things AU || I’m not the Final Girl, I’m the Monster
Meet Abigail Hobbs. Orphan, daughter of a late, notorious serial killer, yet another young life ruined by the system. One of the latest arrival in Hawkins. Driven by a dark, obsessive love for his daughter and by the need to consume her, Garrett Jacob Hobbs started to kill girls who resembled Abigail when she was just a young kid, forcing her into the role of the lure and making her an accomplice to his crimes. Hobbs was eventually discovered by the FBI and killed, but not before he could murder his wife and almost mortally wound his daughter, in one last, desperate attempt of taking her down with him. Abigail was only twelve at the time and, when she woke up from her coma, she found herself with no family, no house, no money and a nasty scar on her neck as a permanent reminder of what kind of monster had spawned her. After bouncing from one foster family to the next, she eventually ends up in Hawkins at the age of 16. Strongly independent with a deep dislike for rules and laws, she finds herself joining the town’s petty crime circle in the matter of a couple of weeks. Nothing new for her, since her record has already quite a few, even if always small, stains on it. She quickly gains a reputation for ganging up with the local teen drug dealers and for being a permanent fixture on Hopper “watch out for” list, but her real talents and urges, the one she inherited from her father, are yet to come out into the light.
[ Headcanons ]
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Stranger Things AU || The Boy from the Other Side
Hawkins secret lab isn’t the only place were children with extraordinary abilities have been brought together and trained. Doctor Reginald Hargreeves has spent a great deal of his life studying the paranormal and the theories concerning parallel universes to our own. And, eventually, his researches have led him to a dreadful conclusion: there is a much darker reality lurking just past the confines of our dimension, ready and eager to break in and infect the world as we know it. Counter measures had to be taken and this is how Project Umbrella was born. Seven children, all equipped with slightly different psionic powers, trained and experimented on with the aim of creating a squad that could, one day, save the world from such a dark, impending threat. Things, however, didn't go as planned and quickly spiralled out of hand one fateful day. Perhaps it was the too strict training. Perhaps it was the lack of time for the children to express themselves. Or maybe it was just the bud of teenage rebellion. Number 7's powers got out of control during one of her special training. She was the most powerful but also the most sensible of all the children, kept isolated for "safety reasons". A tear in the fabric of space and time was opened and hell broke lose. The lab was destroyed, Doctor Hargreeves and his assistance Grace disappeared in the flames. All the data from their research, including vital information about the dark dimension, lost. The children were scattered. Number 6, was killed, while Number 7 was knocked into a coma. 1, 2, 3 and 4 managed to get out alive. As for Number 5, he was the closest to 7's location when it all happened. In the attempt to get them both out of the collapsing lab, he tried to use his abilities to portal out. Grave mistake. The energy from the unstable gate laced onto his own and sucked them in. He barely managed to push his sister out of the portal before it swallowed him, trapping him in the Upside Down. A year later, just a few days after Will Byers' disappearance, a 13 years old boy appeared in the woods. Clothes dirty and all torn. Deadly pale skin caked in mud, blood and black ooze. A weird tattoo on his wrist, a stylised umbrella in a circle and the number "5" in the middle of its cover. The time spent in the Upside Down has left Five with very blurred memories of his life in the lab and absolutely no recollection of the accident. All he knows is that his siblings are out there, somewhere, and that there is a creature lurking in the shadow reality, ready to bring on the end of the world.
[ Headcanons ]
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intheseautumnhands · 4 years
top 5 tv characters
1. Abigail Hobbs from Hannibal. Normally even though I number these things the ranking are still pretty fluid but no, no, Abigail is #1, constantly. I just. I love her so much. I love her desperate grasps for control and her trusting the wrong people and her survival instinct and how her trauma is handled and fuck it, man, I even love how canon keeps trying to drag her back long after she stops having a narrative place. I mean I hate it, because let the poor girl rest for fuck’s sake, if we ever get season 4 please just leave her out of it; but I also love it, because that feels like such a mirror to her whole entire life, and please never leave her out of it, please let her keep being the shadow over Hannibal and Will’s relationship, let her stand in for all their destructive potential together and apart and I just. Hi, I love Abigail Hobbs, I can literally talk for thousands of words/actual hours about how much if people let me.
2. River Tam from Firefly. I know, I know there are issues with Firefly and her character, I know this logically, but every time people talk about River being a bad character I have to scroll by muttering to myself because River is legitimately one of my favorite characters of all time. I love her arc, I love how she finds a place for herself and starts to come to terms with what happened to her and faces this stand-in for what she could have become and comes out the other end alive and in control. I love her trauma, I love her relationships with the people around her, and if she is not where my thing about traumatized physics started she is definitely a major reason it has continued to be such a big thing for me.
3. Diego Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy. Consider Ben and Allison extremely close runner-ups and honestly Allison should really win if I’m trying to keep both seasons in mind, because I preferred Diego’s season one story over his season two story a lot.... But I love this ridiculous vigilante and his pretending not to care and his actual caring nature a lot.
4. Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place. I love everyone on the Good Place, but Chidi is my favorite by a really long shot. A little of it is the anxiety because hoo boy have I never related to a character this much, but he’s also just -- such an interesting character, with such great growth over most of the series, and I love everything about his role on the show.
5. Amy Pond from Doctor Who. Can we tell that I just really like traumatized women? I just really like traumatized women, especially when they have an interesting arc of dealing with that trauma. I like how Amy’s issues are handled, I love her abandonment problems, her confidence, her intelligence, her desperation in hard moments, and I loooove her relationship with Rory, who really deserves to share this spot with her, to be honest.
Honorable mentions: I love Peter Burke to like. ridiculous extents but I’m trying to stick to people who I at least love their entire run on their show, if not their entire show (I still have not watched Who past the Pond’s departure, I keep meaning to), and I really only love the first two seasons of White Collar. Ditto Michael Westen -- I love the first four-ish seasons of Burn Notice but haven’t seen the rest, but god he’s such a great character. I sincerely considered adding Ned from Pushing Daisies, because I do love him, just not quite as much; ditto Kat Gardener from Eastwick.  Also trying to avoid characters who are extremely minor in their canon and who most of my love for has to do with their relationship to others, or both James Watson from Sanctuary and Jack Murdock from Daredevil would absolutely belong on here.
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cotton-candy-haze · 3 years
HAPPY HOLIDAYS ASK: Which of your OCs are you most alike? Which of your OCs are you most different from? Which of your OCs do you wish you could be more like?
I already talked about one OC that I think is pretty similar to me here. But I'd love to talk about a few others just for fun! So, I already mentioned Addie who is similar to me in personality and interests (she's also half French just like I am), but let's look at some others.
Penelope Sheppard is probably pretty similar to me. We both love to write and want to publish our own stories. She's also pretty soft-spoken and tries to avoid conflict, which is pretty similar to my own personality. She's also super bad at telling people how she feels, which is a total callout, but also me lol.
Elena Hargreeves is also pretty similar. She's shy, awkward in social situations, tends to keep to herself, which is probably a fairly accurate description of myself lol. She's also Hispanic like I am, although she's originally from Mexico, whereas I'm half Colombian. So not exactly the same, but still some similarities.
As for OCs that I’m the most different from, I would probably have to say Evelyn Hayden because I don’t hunt people down for fun lol. No, but in all seriousness, Evelyn is extremely charismatic and can very easily put on a persona around different people to get what she wants. She’s a slick talker, it’s very easy for her to convince people to like her. She’s honestly the complete opposite of myself lol.
Beatrice Velasquez is also super different from me. She’s calm and collected, super sophisticated when she needs to be. She knows how to collect herself, how to be the person that she needs to be in any given situation. She’s extremely patient, which is something that I don’t think anybody would ever call me lol. She is essentially everything that I’m not. She’s outgoing, unafraid, and decisive in every aspect of her life.
Given what I’ve said, I think that it would probably nice to be a bit more like Bea. There are a lot of aspects of her life that I don’t envy at all (because I love giving my characters all the angst lol) but there are also a lot of things that I wish I had. It’s mainly the way she holds herself, the way she interacts with others, that I wish I had.
I also wish I was a bit more like Abigail Rogers because she’s sort of just a better version of myself. She’s still shy and closed off around strangers, but she’s unafraid around the people that know her. Abby is a lot braver than I am, much more open to change and dealing with the consequences.
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syrupwit · 5 years
Letter for Trick or Treat 2019
Dear Reader: 
Hello, and welcome to my letter for Trick or Treat 2019. Thank you for considering making a work for me!
The primary purpose of this letter is to provide additional inspiration and creative direction. If it’s not doing that for you, feel free to disregard it.
Do Not Want (DNW)
Long List of Likes
For this exchange, I have requested fic only, Tricks and Treats, for the following fandoms:
Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft
Doom Patrol (TV)
Invader Zim
Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Here we go...
Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft
It’s various-degrees-of-doomed!narrators -- plus Danforth! Lovecraft is great at the doomed narrator thing. What other sorts of terrible or wondrous things can happen to these seekers after forbidden knowledge?
Characters Requested:
The Hound Narrator
Robert Harrison Blake
The Shadow Over Innsmouth Narrator
William Dyer
Re: Shipping, If That Interests You: I’m fine with any pairings for this fandom.
It’s creepy whales, trickster gods, and lots of minor characters! This is one of my favorite games of all time. I love the detailed worldbuilding / lore and the many opportunities for filling in backstories and missing parts of canon.
Characters Requested:
Adelle White (yes, the moth from Lady Boyle’s Last Party)
Billie Lurk | Meagan Foster
Daud’s Mother
The Outsider
Thalia Timsh
Vera Moray | Granny Rags
Waverly Boyle
Re: Shipping, If That Interests You: I’m fine with any pairings for this fandom -- seriously, go wild. On a specific note, I’ve recently become fully awakened to the appeal of Billie/Daud, and am intrigued by the idea of Billie Lurk/Thalia Timsh, Adelle White/Waverly Boyle, and Adelle White/Abigail Ames (look, it could work -- the disgraced noblewoman and the ruthless mole, okay?).
Doom Patrol (TV)
It’s Exchange Patrol! This series is so wonderfully chaotic and ridiculous. I love how messed up the characters are + the ways they support and clash with each other, and how it feels like anything can happen.
Characters Requested:
Crazy Jane
Danny the Street
Rita Farr
Cliff Steele
Victor Stone
Re: Shipping, If That Interests You: I’m fine with any pairings for this fandom. Gen-wise, I’m really fond of Victor’s relationship with his dad.
Invader Zim
It’s my recently revived obsession, back with a vengeance! After a decade and change, the movie reeled me right back in. I love this canon’s particular brand of dark comedy and pessimism mixed with... uh... zaniness.
Characters Requested:
Foodio 3000
Invader Skoodge 
Countess von Verminstrasser
Re: Shipping, If That Interests You: Dib/Zim | ZaDR is my OTP. I’m also pretty intrigued by the idea of Ms. Bitters/Countess von Verminstrasser. Otherwise, no preferences -- anything is fine.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
It’s the megafandom, or a tiny slice thereof! Since this canon is so darn expansive, I’ll discuss each of these characters separately rather than summarize my interest in the fandom as a whole.
Characters Requested:
Mantis! I enjoy her earnestness, her goofier side (“kick names, take ass”; jumping to test the gravity on Titan in Infinity War), and the way her powers’ potential array of uses ranges from tooth-achingly sweet to Thanos-topplingly strong to skin-crawlingly disturbing. I am also a huge, huge sucker for sheltered and socially awkward characters learning to get along with others, and for characters with unhealthy or abusive upbringings coming to terms with the past, and for characters in space exploring space. Basically, though, I’d just like to see more Mantis.
Peter Parker
All iterations of this character have a fond place in my heart, and MCU Peter occupies a particular part of it. I am interested in the pure-hearted hero bit as well as his angstier/darker potential (getting a building dropped on him, getting pushed in front of a train, Mysterio’s illusions, the FFH post-credits scene, the classic Spider-Man backstory that has so far been left untold except through implication).
Flash Thompson
The MCU reinterpretation of Flash as a rich, douchey nerd is very intriguing to me. When he isn’t bullying Peter or playing the butt of a joke, what is he like? ...What do his social media followers actually think of him, anyway?
Re: Shipping, If That Interests You: I’m fine with any pairings for any of these characters, though I am also specifically interested in Mantis/Nebula, Mantis/Gamora, Mantis/Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Tony Stark, and Peter Parker/Flash Thompson.
The Umbrella Academy (TV)
It’s the end of the world, probably! I love this show’s tone and the genre trappings and the complicated family/team drama. Just, all of it.
Characters Requested (Any):
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Number Five | The Boy
Vanya Hargreeves
Re: Shipping, If That Interests You: I’m fine with any pairings for this fandom, though I will admit to a particular fondness for Allison/Vanya and Allison/Luther.
Do Not Want (DNW)
Character or ship bashing
Non-canonical permanent major character death, *EXCEPT* for the Cthulhu Mythos
Non-canonical permanent body modification (ex. amputation)
Harm to pet animals (if a giant space squid is attacking the character's ship and they have to fight it or something, that's fine)
Parent/child incest
Non-canonical child characters
Extended discussion of Twelve-Step recovery programs (mentions are fine)
Characters in romantic relationships being written as asexual/aromantic
Smut DNWs: A/B/O, master/slave, heavily ritualized/formal BDSM, bestiality, necrophilia, scat, vore, sounding
Long List of Likes (LLL)
Humor: hijinks; absurdity; surreality; comedy of errors; ludicrous/cracky premises treated seriously or unseriously; Rashomon situations where each character shares their uniquely biased perception of an event; that trope where found documents or outsider POV seriously misinterpret canon events/characters; Ember Island Players trope. 
Horror: dark comedy; gallows humor; fridge horror; Monkey’s Paw situations; parapsychology; mad scientists; witches; ghosts; ghost hunters; cryptids; zombies; THE WALKING DEAD; revenants; cultists; rituals; eldritch beings; dying gods; possession; Dark Carnivals; cursed objects; creepy little shops peddling dubious merchandise; secluded or remote locations; big scary buildings with tragic histories; haunted mansions, ships, spaceships, houses, “haunted house” attractions, hayrides, forests, marshes, beaches, islands, etc.; that trope where you aren’t sure if there was really a supernatural occurrence or if it was a trick of the mind, ooohh scary.
Slice of Life: a day in the life of $character; dealing with the everyday challenges of life in a non-mundane universe; worldbuilding elements; missing moments; domesticity; character studies told through small details.
Action/Adventure: missions/cases and snippets thereof; escaping from captivity together; unusual team-ups; undercover as XYZ; identity porn; road trips of the terrestrial, extraterrestrial, aquatic, and supernatural varieties; space travel; visiting other planets; wilderness survival; climactic warehouse confrontations; wacky foes / locations / circumstances for battles; bar fights; fighting back to back.
Gen Relationships: frenemies; reluctant allies; forced to work together; parent-child or sibling-sibling relationships where things may be complicated but they care about each other deeply in the end even if they’re not always great at expressing it; cooperation, camaraderie, and loyalty between characters; lonely/isolated characters taking steps toward opening up to others.
Romance: first times; get-together; feelings realization; friends to lovers; frenemies to lovers; UST; one-sided pining; mutual pining; flirting where one character doesn’t think the other is serious but they totally are; possessiveness and jealousy where the possessive / jealous character feels guilty or the target of the possessiveness / jealousy is into it; monster on a leash.
Smut: characters feeling overwhelmed; lots of emotions; touch-starved; awkwardness; praise kink; xeno; unexpectedly compatible; kink discovery / exploration; characters being really into their partner or what they’re doing or how into what they’re doing their partner is; “I shouldn’t be so into this”; friends with benefits where both characters are pining but feel more comfortable having sex than talking about their feelings.
Miscellany: holidays; holiday traditions; seasons; weather; thunderstorms; getting caught in the rain; stargazing; appetizing descriptions of food; diners, drive-ins, and dives; tea; candles; cats; metafiction; unconventional formats.
0 notes
rebelumbrella46 · 2 years
Theory about S3 Finale (Pt 2) – Allison’s whereabouts and the deal with Reginald.
As I mentioned in the first post of this Theory. The last we know of Allison in the finale is that apparently she got what she wanted... Ray and Claire are with her now.
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Why do I say apparently? Raymond and Claire belong to different timelines. And knowing Reginald Hargreeves and after everything he's done this season, I don't think for a second that he would make a deal with Allison without screwing her over in some way, just to make sure she’s not going to be a bother to him...
What are some relevant things we see in the scene?
1. Allison arrives at the same House that we see in Ep 2. 2. She, unlike her siblings, still maintains her injuries (broken lip, injured arm) 3. Claire is there. 4. Raymond is there 5. Raymond looks troubled. 6. We do not see anything else around the House (Outside). 7. There is no proof that she has lost her powers
So, let's dive into the first part of the theory; Allison's whereabouts.
She is the only one besides Sloane who does not arrive to this new world/timeline with the others. There are a few reasons why this could be:
1. Because Allison pressed the button, she had some control over the reset and wanted to arrive directly to her house. To Claire and Raymond. 2. She didn't want to arrive with the others because that would mean facing them for everything she did and everything that happened inside Oblivion, now that they are out of danger. 3. Maybe she is not in the same world/timeline as them.
Regarding #3, I'm going to go even deeper into Allison's story in Hotel Oblivion (Comic Book)
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Something that I like about this show, is that it has its own essence but it's still inspired and follows the Comic, and many things this season (Except for the inclusion of the Villains in the Hotel; Dr. Terminal, Murder Magician, etc…) include several things from the Comic Book in a way that makes sense to be adapted in a tv series. (Reginald/Alien, Time travelling, Dallas, The Hotel/ Prison Dimension) I could go on, but I’m going to focus on Allison storyline in both the Comic and Show.
In previous seasons we see they included Vanya (Comic character name) slitting Allison’s throat when she’s going to rumor her. The difference is; the Comic has this on the final battle scene, in the show it happens before that and it’s one of the things that spur Viktor to become the White Violin. This season they included Allison rumoring Luther to kiss her, when he is consoling her about the whole Patrick and Claire situation in Apocalypse Suite. (I'm going to talk about this in another post because it's a sensitive topic and when i tried to include it on this it was too long and it missed the point of the theory). They included the divorce and the fight for the custody of Claire, after Patrick realizes Allison is rumoring Claire and possibly him.
In Hotel Oblivion we have some conversations showing that Allison rumored Patrick to love her, as she builds a Doll House to give Claire as a present.
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Now this is where i was heading, i never quite understood the purpose of that Doll House in the Comic (if someone who has read the comics does, please explain it to me and the meaning of the dog and all that...)  but i think it could be a good way to introduce that plot in the next season while relating it to the Comic
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In the Comic, Allison says "I'm a Haunted House" and she has the ability to manipulate Reality. That hasn't been shown in the series, but remember this for later.
What if the real reason why Hargreeves said he couldn't do it without Allison was more than just sweet talk to convince her, what if he needed Allison's powers? I think all the powers of the Umbrellas are not fully developed. Like Klaus'.
This brings me to the Second Part of the post: The Deal
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Obviously, there are some things we know for sure Allison and Reginald wanted. Abigail and World Domination from Reggie's side and Ray and Claire from Allison's side. But what was written in the small letters?
1. The Umbrellas surviving (Allison's Side) All safe and alive… / But without powers (Reggie's side) probably so they could not cause more troubles for Reginald. 2. Sloane’s gone (Allison’s side?) this is a petty move but I wouldn't be surprised if they use it as an explanation for Sloane's absence. Since Lila is still there and Ben as well. 3. Ben being there (Allison's side) / I would connect this to my theory of Ben in the post-credits scene. Allison wanted Umbrella Ben to return, so Sparrow Ben arrived with everyone in this timeline, but slowly began to gain the other Ben's memories. And that is why the drastic change in his appearance.
Allison got Claire and Ray, but since she's an Umbrella and Reginald is a terrible father and person (Alien) in general, he might had put a condition for her to get that, with or without Allison’s knowledge.
Allison might still have her powers or not, who knows? But where is she? Why isn't she with the others? Why did she arrive to the same old house in this new world? Why does Raymond look so troubled?
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Is it possible that Allison got stuck in Oblivion? But instead of the Hotel facade... its the House? She didn’t get off any elevator...
"I am a Haunted House" She built that Reality to have both Claire and Ray with her? Or has she gotten imprisoned? Like the Villains in the Comics? Does Raymond know? Did Reginald betray her too?  
i think everything is possible since both Ray and Claire are there and they didn’t belong to the same timeline...
This is just a theory of something i would be really excited to see. Because it presents a problem that the Umbrellas must solve... it presents consequences for Allison's actions... and it can present a conflict between Allison and Raymond and Claire while they’re stuck in Oblivion... she got what she wanted but at what cost?
And its also a way to include the whole prison dimension from the Comic (Because I was left unsatisfied by the lack of Villains) and Allison’s Doll House mystery.
 (sorry if this was too long and for my grammar)
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intheseautumnhands · 4 years
I have no work so pre-NaNo ramblings under the jump as I try to sort out if I’m starting anything new for it, feel free to click through or ignore entirely. 
All fic, because I have no idea what Im doing with any original stuff right now. Most of it is TUA fic. Because I am currently Having An Obsession.
- Speaking of Having An Obsession, primary goal is definitely to get turpentine and patches (the pre-S1, “Diego and Vanya and pregnancy and dealing with trauma by being determined to be better parents than Reginald and finding something else to live for, technically a kidfic I guess even though it probably ends right before or right after the kid if born” fic) finished. Or close to it? Just... to work on it. 
(I’m stalled right now because I’ve written through what my brain termed The First Part, and I have an idea for The Third Or Fourth-ish Part, but need to figure out what The Second Part is going to be in a way that’s interesting to write about. Right now in my head it’s just “?????? Dealing? Somewhere in here we deal with the Question of Doctors, but not The Question of Medication, they need to be closer for that. also in here is where Diego effectively moves in even if they don’t really register that fact til later.” I may write the attached one-shot to The Third-ish Part in my head first, see where the emotional states land, and write towards that? That might work. Or maybe I’ll just put Braille on repeat and go to town.)
But I am not Proper NaNoing -- for one thing I don’t think the above is going to be 50k, especially not on top of the ~7k I have already? I could be wrong, but we’ll see. So other thoughts:
- I would like to get some more words on the Allison-is-born-in-Night-Vale story(/ies) done, because right now that exists as a decontextualized collection of paragraphs, some from the base fic, some from the series of spin-offs where she meets the various Hargreeves (mostly the one where Luther starts getting her show on the moon and falls in love with her from afar). And it’s just fun. I think I need a WTNV refresher, so I may make a point of listening to some of my favorites this week. It’s also good Halloween noise and I can work to it, so.
(Should not just listen to Desert Bluffs episodes. But may do some of those too. Because I love Kevin more than is probably healthy for me. One day I’ll go as Kevin for a con somewhere and have way too much fun.)
- I appear to have lost the bare: a pop opera/TUA crossover file somewhere in my docs? I need to dig it out again and go back to that as well, but I need a refresher on what bits I have scrambled down, because I think that’s also pretty piecemeal.
- ..... I don’t have that much oomph for my other existing WIPs right now, which is dissapointing. Some part of me DOES want to turn the series of Abigail/63!Will ficlets into somethign more than A Series of Kinky Moments, but I don’t know what to do with that, so it’s probably not happening yet.
I may make an effort to work on the eldritch-Sigyn-time-loop fic though. Because I love it and i feel like it’s going to end up just languishing. Or maybe that will be my wind-up to NaNo, since I don’t know what to write lately?
- Things I’d like to start but need to do research for:
-- That fic where Abigail survives but is mute, the metaphor becomes text and in her lack of voice becoming text she finds a way to reclaim her voice and her power, because I still have STRONG FEELINGS about Abigail Hobbs apparently. Like. A lot of them. Like, it’s almost a problem, but not surprising.
However, to write it properly I’d really want to research throat wounds and healing, and I am A Chicken about gory images, so I have to figure out how to research it without risking running into pictures.
-- I ALSO need to research throat wounds and healing for the fic where Diego crash-lands into the 60s a couple of months after Allison, they’re assumed to be married, and they just kind of roll with it. Also, racism in the 60s, and specifically how it affects marriages that are different races but nobody involved is white? Because literally every source I found on my first go-round was only about interracial marriage when one part was. 
(That, or I need to throw up my hands and choose to declare this fic not reality complaint, but I feel like this one I should definitely at least TRY to research first. But goddammit I just want to write fake-married-and-worried-about-everyone-else turning into actual-relationship(-and-still-worrying) [and also somewhere it developed a plot where Diego tries to get into boxing because he has no ability to keep jobs and ends up running into Luther and possibly evolves into threesomes and also collecting their other siblings several months before Five shows up? I don’t know how but it did].)
- Shorter contenders if I need to find something else to think on for a bit include: 
-- The fic where Ben slowly becomes possessed by the Horror.
-- The series of AUs where each member of the Academy ended up being the last one left behind.
-- Luther viewing Vanya as their father’s left-hand team leader to his personal right-hand team leader and coming to her to keep her in the loop and ask advice, which eventually morphs as they get older into a habit of going to Vanya to confess everything he feels he’s done wrong and her giving him a kind of penance
... Do I even have anything else that’s not TUA left? I feel like I should but I Have A Fixation right now, it’s a problem. I need to go back to the Magicians and see if that creeps in. Or maybe something else, but this will work for NaNo, I think. altogether it’s definitely more than 50k, though I’m not planning to write it all at once this coming month, just, it’ll be easier if there’s a plan for me to look at while I’m going ‘but what do I wriiiiiiiite’ than if there’s nothing.
Not even sure I’m really going for 50k, but just. Writing in a Substantial Amount would be nice. For once I think I can do it! It’s been 14 fucking years since I’ve won (or even gone over 10k I believe)! So let’s see how it goes!
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