#Abhorsen au
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mindfulofbrit · 9 months ago
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I drew Haou again
Sleep Token is a nice inspiration.
He can never die - a fixture in the universe that is constant. Though he does experience the end of a life, he is always reborn. He sleeps long in the river styx awaiting his rebirth, bathed in the River of Souls.
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lemonsharks · 2 years ago
Someone please tomorrow I need to flail around about the Lockwood Abhorsen AU I accidentally came up with
(four or five generations after the original Abhorsen trilogy south of the Wall, couple of three, four hundred years north of it)
Lucy the Ancelatierran soldier and "really fucking powerful" charter mage assigned to the wall, stumbles across a Book Of The Dead and a set of bells--some cracked, some not--fumbling her way through hopefully not becoming accidentally a free magic necromancer (she just wants to track down her AWOL friend Norrie who walked through the gate, taking no too few projectiles to the body, for no apparent reason)
Lockwood, first male Clayr born in a thousand years, who Sees more dead things than he does future things, almost never in ice, has an extremely low opinion of prophesies in general. Because prophecy badly interpreted gave him his dead family backstory.
George, Abhorsen cousin from the Wallbuilder line, has not realized he is good at building things that are, y'know, more Dead related than Wall related, who would rather figure out the fault line between Ancelstierre and the Old Kingdom than, y'know, most of the things that he should be doing
And of course (major spoiler antagonist) who has not learned from the past and is the middle of pulling a Clariel and a Kerrigor at the same time for selfish ends
Yrael and Kibeth are currently roommates inside the jar that George lifted from the clayr library while on a completely legitimate errand there--Lockwood is like oh hey don't worry I volunteer to go catch and retrieve this very interesting person (catch up with, he does. Retrieve...is up to interpretation)
Then boys run into Lucy and as per usual with Lucy comes Problems.
Cc @maybetwice just in case you want to watch the ghost show after you finish Pitch again! It has big Garth Nix vibes imo!
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thequibblah · 2 months ago
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NO MORE DREAMING OF THE DEAD— a ct holiday gift exchange fic for the lovely @sunshine-lover // (a piece of) the long-promised old kingdom jily AU // 4.3k words, rated T
As the Old Kingdom's Abhorsen, death would always surround her. She banished the waking Dead; she walked in the realm of Death; she quelled necromancers whose magic had been corrupted, and Free Magic creatures who defied the order of the Charter. This was as meaningless as trying to inform Lily that her own hair was red, or her own eyes green.
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mybeautifulwifegojo · 1 month ago
my sister is coming over for dinner tomorrow so I SHOULD be sleeping but I just keep watching Elden Ring lore videos and thinking about an au where Satoru is a chronomancer and Yuji is some sort of knight or monk devoted to slaying the undead so they may rest, and they have to work together to defeat the First Vampire, Kenjaku.
........I just want Yuji to be an Abhorsen.
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daisychainsandbowties · 9 months ago
1 and 4 for the book asks 😎
1. book you’ve reread the most times?
there’s a few competitors here and i can’t remember who wins so i’ll just list them all 🥰
1. red sister is one i used to read and then start again immediately, in a loop that could last anywhere from a week to a month. it’s got a weird girl and gay nuns and homoerotic-friendships cubed (to the fourth power 😳😳) i love it so much
2. temeraire is the dragon book i love the most 🥺 so much that i have almost the first chapter of an avatrice dragon riders au almost finished based in that universe 🫠🫠 i’m switching between tumblr and writing it at this very second 🥰
3. the first wheel of time book has been my comfort read for one million years. between listening to it and reading it well🫠 it’s been a lot of times
4. Sabriel and Lirael from the abhorsen series 🥰🥰 lirael was my first autistic rep and those books are just 🥹 very caspercore (baby casper specifically) and i still reread them a few times a year
4. what sections of the bookstore do you browse?
pretty much exclusively the fantasy and sci-fic sections. if the poetry section has anything in it then there too
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alltheficsivereadsblog · 1 year ago
Starklings (The Stark Family) Master list
Bran I -  Puggykloe G,2k
Summary: Things go a little differently in Bran’s first chapter in Clash of Kings.
Bran and Rickon talk and have a moment.
“Bran heard soft snores from beside and his brother’s form was peacefully asleep beside him. Rickon’s head full of curls rested on Bran’s shoulder as he slept soundly. The wolves' howls still echoed but Bran found himself at peace with the noise combined with his brother’s soft breathing.”
The Black Wolf Lives by Rodo T, 2k
Summary: "It was a stone that saved Rickon Stark’s life." - Battle of the Bastards AU
Needles and Wolves - Hooda M, 2k
Summary: Smallest of three was a woman, younger and quicker than the two lumbering swordmasters she was parrying her way through an unbalanced fight with. Unlike her opponents she wore no armor.
Her dark hair was half pulled up into a bun and the rest was cut short above her shoulders.
Jon pulls himself short at the courtyard entrance. _______
Jon returns to Winterfell from the Wall. Arya spars with the Master of Arms and Brienne at the same time. Set sometime after 7x04
As the Raven Flies - abhorsen (abhorsenbranwen) T, 546
Summary: Jon and Sansa exchange letters while he's at Dragonstone.
(Cut scene for S7E4.)
On The Road To The Wall - Name_Pending T, 1k
Summary: On the road to the Wall, Sansa spent a lot of time thinking about what it would be like to see Jon Snow again. She longed for their reunion. She wasn’t sure that he would be so thrilled to see her, though.
The Beauty, the Wolf, and the Wall - Glass_Shoe M, 9k
Summary: Sansa and Jon are reunited in season six, episode four, but we never see Jon explain to her what happened to him and why he is no longer in the Night's Watch. This is my take on how that conversation went down, written like a book-style Brienne chapter.
We are going to save him - Clumsybiscuit T, 4k
Summary: Set during season 6 episode 4, when Jon and Sansa receive that letter from Ramsey. Basically canon, but Rickon lives and so will Osha.
Wolves in the South - aliitvodeson G, 2k
Summary: Lord Commander Jeor Mormont sends Jon Snow south, all the way south, instead of bringing him on the Great Ranging. The Watch needs more supplies and men than they have gotten, and Mormont changes Snow with visiting the great Houses of Westros to plead their case in person. He is to start from as far South as there is, and work his way North. And right away in Dorne, he will find another lone wolf. ~~~ In an alternate universe where the timeline is whatever it needs to be, Oberyn got Sansa out of King's Landing, and Jon Snow is an honourable as his father.
Lord Commander Jeor Mormont sends Jon Snow south, all the way south, instead of bringing him on the Great Ranging. The Watch needs more supplies and men than they have gotten, and Mormont changes Snow with visiting the great Houses of Westros to plead their case in person. He is to start from as far South as there is, and work his way North. And right away in Dorne, he will find another lone wolf.
In an alternate universe where the timeline is whatever it needs to be, Oberyn got Sansa out of King's Landing, and Jon Snow is an honourable as his father.
don't know why all the trees change in the fall - leapylion3 G, 3k
Summary: Luwin's favourite moments with each of the Stark kids and Theon.
Mizpah (N.): the deep emotional bond between people - Puggykloe G, 1k
Summary: A moment between the Stark family during the march to Kings Landing.
Antephialtic (n.) Something that protects against nightmares - Puggykloe T, 1k
Summary: Robb’s reaction to Bran waking up!
The Stark Twins - Puggykloe N/A, 1k
Summary: Eight and a half months after Catlyn’s husband leaves to go join Robert’s rebellion Catlyn gives brith to twins.
Robb and Jon Stark.
This is how that changes things and pre cannon fluff and angst.
Or Jon is twins with Robb.
TDLR: The Twins are born!
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iantimony · 1 year ago
2023 year in review roundup
wow!! what a fucking year!!! goodbye and good riddance! happy first day of 2024!
this year i did 37 tuesdayposts! there were 53 tuesdays so that's about 70%! some of them were on fri/sat instead as shabbosposts but i think posting on tuesday or even monday does just work better for some fucking reason. maybe because friday and saturday are days that i am most likely to do New Activities for making/playing/watching/reading??? and so on monday or tuesday i can recap the just-finished weekend. shrug! we love tuesday so it's fine.
listening listened to all of twilight mirage and a little over half of partizan! shrieking shack podcast, just king things, well there's your problem, miscellaneous music (maneskin probably a notable winner in there)
reading a lot of little articles. a little tgcf. SO much fanfic. 'every heart a doorway' (bad). 'birthday of the world' le guin (good).
playing a little disco elysium. a little minecraft. a little nier automata. a little hadesgame. a LOT of pokemon go. and i got into magic the gathering this year!
watching a lot of youtube videos. so many gd youtube videos. evangelion, history of the world part ii, cunk on earth, vox machina animated series, cowboy bebop, first season of peaky blinders, the new tgcf donghua season!
making i did very little drawing/painting/illustration beyond life drawing a few times...however i was very prolific in crafting! i also theoretically made valentines gifts. i do not remember what they were tho lol.
fiber arts: i completed a big embroidery project (fermenting dregs album art hoodie), quantum shawl, mesh market bag, case for my knew laptop, finished that blue tank top even though i hate it, fixed the lining on my yellow knitted cowl, made a little knitted headphone top cover that i will probably redo differently, headband ear warmer for my roommate's mom, and FINALLY i just barely finished the scarf for my SO before the end of 2023!
print block carving: wristwatch print, gavelbocken holiday card print
misc/writing: some songxuexiao fencing au. some harrowhark abhorsen au. neocities website!
and so much pottery! this is all of it, barring the things i already gave away as presents before this photo (two pots and a little box and the little raven guy), but wow! that's so many fuckin object!
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misc what a fucking year. some bad! had to file a big car insurance claim! got really sick while abroad and that persisted for a long fucking time! mini summer breakdown! some good stuff too - passed quantum mechanics FOREVER good fucking bye, did my first successful academic conference, finally started feeling better around the end of the year! learned my lesson: it's not fuckin worth stressing yourself to death over, and also i can't just Be At Home Aimlessly for months any more. it's bad for my mental health.
reviewing 2023 resolutions and goals --> I’d love to start writing again and play more horn but we’ll see i basically didn't do any creative writing at all this year barring a few lines of fanfic ideas (the abhorsen/tlt crossover one) HOWEVER i READ a lot of fanfic to marinate in and i played a LOT more french horn!! i joined the little youth orchestra which is like, uber goofy, but it means ive been playing on a regular basis again!
--> I also wanna listen to more weird music, and invest in actually owning some files, especially for some of the lesser-known bands and through bandcamp and stuff i spent all year meaning to do this and kept pushing it off so it rolls over into next year.
--> I really want to kind of dial those [unhealthy coping mechanisms] back again, focus more on existing in Reality and more in each moment, which hopefully will also help with some of the skin picking and other anxious habits that resurfaced. maybe more yoga, maybe re-establishing a meditation process lol lmao. nah. but definitely rolling it over into 2024.
--> I would love to think more about my fashion and how I present myself too, and work on making and tailoring more of my clothing in general actually not bad! basically zero tailoring but i did a pretty good job wearing some cute outfits.
--> I’ve been pretty good about being active so I’d like to keep that up, I still can’t do a pull-up but maybe this is the year! (lol) I should also start doing some minor exercises for my shitty arthritis toes to keep those okay once again: lol lmao. health issues had me really regress in some of my gains goals. plus side is toes are doin pretty normal.
--> a lot of last year was kind of a wash regarding research so I’m really looking forward to refocusing on that and really getting things moving. oh it moved! in a good way! i'm making good progress and hopefully i will keep that momentum going!
--> finally! I want to get back to tabletop! I miss doing it so much! it fell by the wayside for me because of how busy and overwhelmed I was, especially this past fall semester, but I want to start running and playing games with my pals again a little! i should have been putting these in playing as i went oops. the tabletop group i've run was a little fallow this year due to at least half of our group, including myself, not being in Tabletop Mood but we've played a lot of res arcana and other such games instead.
i had a few other resolutions in my digital planner on my ipad that didn't go in the writeup last year: namely, practice languages more (i did practice my mandarin a little but did not really learn any hebrew or korean unfortunately) and establish a non-software component of my research (nope, not in the cards, but i'm hoping to do something else this summer to let me get better with physical data/setups), and finishing the masters degree requirements (that will be the end of this upcoming spring semester), but overall i really did hit most of my resolutions and goals! even with being ill for a while! (except the finances. i am simply not looking at them <3)
2024 resolutions and goals
definitely some rollover! i will format this to hopefully be a little easier to respond to next year:
- get back on a regular workout schedule: swimming 1x a week, weights once or twice a week. would like to try and work towards my One Pullup goal again. would also be cool to try and work towards a hand/headstand. - try and be more mindful. i'm going to continue the grief therapy but also think about meditating more, doing more yoga, and so on. - there's a gallery on main street that solicits work from local artists for bimonthy themed exhibitions and i really want to submit at least one thing to it this year! the one due by end of january is themed 'florals', and the one two months after that is 'layers', so i'd really like to submit something to one of those. - more weird art! use that big canvas i bought in literally 2022! paint!!! - finally put together that travel journal from korea & japan (and also scrapbook-ify the papers i have leftover in a pile from that) - also, maybe do current scrapbook a little different? might need a new binder at the very least. - hang up that expensive quilt i bought in august - speaking of quilt: do some hand quilting, english paper piercing! i have so much fucking fabric! - find a new apartment to move into that hopefully won't suck! - try to secure some sort of summer internship or project that will let me develop some new skillsets that i might not be getting with my current research - finish the masters degree - write...a paper? for the work i just presented??? - keep tweaking neocities and make some more pages - keep track of recipes this year as well in my making section
i might start a little spreadsheet this year to keep better track of all my stuff because i really did Not want to go through all my separate listening and reading sections and extract what i liked the most, etc. this post required me to first back up a few extra early tuesdayposts from this year to dreamwidth, and then skim all of them to accumulate the above, and that was kinda a pain. and i love an excuse to start a new spreadsheet.
we did it! happy 2024! i don't think i have anything else to add to this wrapup but if i think of something i'll tack it into the upcoming Normal Tuesdaypost tomorrow! good job good night and good luck everyone!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
me and my need for everything to have an abhorsen au and then crying when they don't
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blackrosesmatron · 1 year ago
|| Taliyah's mun just gave me a huge gift that is the possibility of writing an Abhorsen AU for LB. I'm...I don't even have words for this.
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roleplayhonestybox · 1 year ago
Shout out to the guy who saw me requesting RPs based on The Old Kingdom / Abhorsen trilogy and decided to 'correct' me that no I mean Supernatural.
My man, I most certainly did not mean Garth Nix wrote Supernatural. Sabriel is the fucking first books name, I listed all the book titles in the post! How in the fuck did you decided ah yes female characters and cats and bells, surely you meant this to be some kinda Sam x Gabriel AU.
Bro you owe me a drink for the sheer bafflement and psychic damage of realizing supernatural came out in 2005.
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sirladysketch · 2 years ago
I’m going to force myself to shift gears next week and try to do some writing, just because I miss it and I’m getting a bit burned out on art atm.
Below are a couple of WIPs that have been growing mold in the back of my brain, deciding which ones to pick at as a camp nano treat.
KH Stuff
Let the River In (80%, akuroku abhorsen fusion fic)
Goof Trope (30%, Goofy goes looking for Sora and finds something else entirely)
Gentlemen of Fortune (20%, Setzer/Luxord crack fic)
Triple Threat (50%, pwp Xem/Ans/Xig crack)
Watcher in the Woods (30% akuroku, soriku, venvanxi fusion fic)
Mask AU (???? akuroku soriku demxi serial numbers fic)
Shallow Sleep (akuroku soriku mysemone greek myth au, serial numbers fic)
Other Stuff
Something Akin to Love (Shen Jiu fic, leading up to qi deviation)
Puppy Love (75% Goritto oneshot)
Legends of Liyue  (original fairytales/fusions set in Liyue/Genshin)
Bottom to Battlelord (danmei inspired original short story, still in plotting)
Howl’s Moving Stardust (originally kh, skinned to an original novella; plotting)
Xylon (Shakespeare/Fairytale fusion middle reader series, 13 books to plot)
Grauwst (original novel, full outline is... somewhere....)
Kilderbourne/Balebourne (original comic idea, plotting)
Flipside (original, glue between Grauwst and K/B, plotted)
Spirit Dreams Inside (original ghost short story/horror)
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tanoraqui · 1 year ago
Oh, Old Kingdom Feanorians is very fun I love it! Thoughts that occurred to me 1) lore of Melkor can be split between Oranis and Mogget; Oranis for destruction and deaths, Mogget for lies; in fact, I can see Mogget feanor relationship being something like in book Clariel; Mogget using him but two of them growing fond of each other, if only due to similar desire for freedom 2) Astarael already is Nienna in a way, no? Itd be fun too see yfeanor or Maglor down the well
That's exactly what I was thinking, re: Morgoth, Orannis and Mogget! Mogget saw the division in the Abhorsen's family, notably Fëanor's jealousy, paranoia and pride (and fear of abandonment and loss), as well as his genuinely non-malicious curiosity and love of exploration, and egged him on in his feud with Fingolfin and his experiments with not just the Charter but Free Magic as well. He egged on FIngolfin as well, though less so - it was always harder to act directly against even the Abhorsen-in-Waiting, and anyway, he barely needed to. Fëanor provoked Fingolfin enough all on his own.
I don't know how exactly Orannis starts to wake - I don't think Fëanor unburies him, though maybe he unburies him a little, gets hideously bad vibes, and stops...and it's too late; he's broken some preliminary seal that he fails to properly repair? Or maybe he's just revealed the location to Sauron, who will overall be playing the part of Chlorr of the Mask in this au... At any rate, Orannis wakes some notable amount, but as he does Finwë brings battle to him, which kills Finwë but buys the whole Kingdom many decades, maybe centuries, as Orannis slowly regains his full power.
(I still like the idea that those of the Shiners' blood live longer than normal people in this au, like, Númenoreans long - several centuries on average. Unless killed, of course, as many of them are.)
Mogget was likely with Finwë, briefly uncollared. Finwë orders him to deliver bells and sword to Fingolfin, who is at the extremely awkward festival the royal family (Vanyar) are throwing in an attempt to get him and Fëanor to reconcile...
(Hm, did some Great Charter Stones get broken in Orannis's emergence, a la the death of the Trees? They're reparable, though... I'd need to think about this au more to figure out exactly how bloodlines and frankly geography and range of rule, work. The Old Kingdom doesn't really have anywhere to exile people to, but that's such an important part of The Silmarillion...)
From Mogget's pov, what comes next is roughtly:
Fuck yeah, dead Abhorsen, and his kids more likely than not to go to war over his title, even though it's patently obvious who should have it! Lol! (Okay, Orannis is an unwelcome surprise buuut he's delayed, so, like, I can still work with this.) Time to drop of some objects then get righteously vengefully slaughtering...
Ugh, new Abhorsen is quick with a collar. And the boys are...getting along, in the wake of Finwë's death. That is, Fëanor is too distracted by vengeance to make trouble about not being Abhorsen, and Fingolfin is too distracted by vengeance to make trouble about Fëanor blatantly using Free Magic. Well, at least they're going to stop Orannis before he causes--
Aaand Fëanor in his paranoia and fury took all the ships to sail [south to Edge? north of above the Glacier?] to attack Orannis, then blindly charged ahead and got himself torn to pieces by Greater Dead- oh, no, actually he self-immolated at the very end. Yeah that tracks. I may have encouraged that path of thought. Okay. Damn, and Maedhros captured? RIP, except of course he won't. I kinda liked that kid, too.
Fingon did wh-- fucking Seven, that's a construct of Astarael they're flying back on.
Alright, business as usual, Abhorsen alternately bossy and ignoring me while his kid runs around fighting Free Magic dragons and flirting with Wallmaker scions (who rae definitely still using Free Magic over there; maybe I'll just take a nap in these saddlebags and someone will accidentally bring me to visit...) Only difference is it's a semi-active war front because no one can figure out how to re-bind Orannis so all they can really do it wait--
Ugh, I HATE fire. The soot gets EVERYWHERE and I have to lick it out. This is undignified.
Good showing on Abhorsen Fingolfin's part. Stupid, but good. Death-seeking despair is in their blood, there's really not much you can do about it. Serious issue that Orannis kept the bells, though - Fingon's always been better with the sword, but that won't be nearly eno--
The remnant of Ranna had a DAUGHTER with a HUMAN? What the fuck?
This plan is doomed but as usual the Abhorsen won't listen to me. /shrug emoji
Yyyep he's dead. Ooh, no new Abhorsen anywhere nearby, and he's just a baby anyway... Look, one of Turgon's last people is even picking up the sword; I'm sure it'll get to the new kid somehow... Clearly the most appropriate and helpful thing for me to do is to find the nearest heirs of the blood and help them stand against Orannis. Hey, Fëanorioni, long time no see! You know, I'd be able to help much more if you just take off this pesky little collar...
(Fëanorians spend the next several decades letting Mogget lose to kill things and people then wrestling a collar back onto him, which gets increasingly difficult as there are fewer of them to do it. Moggets stays with them because a) killing is fun, b) eventually they're fail to re-restrain him and he'll be more or less free, and c) he kinda likes them shut up. They're so fucked up and still trying so hard; it's...intriguing.)
(Mogget refuses to identify whether Elros or Elrond is the true Abhorsen-in-Waiting literally until they figure it out themselves (it's Elros. Elrond, once Orannis has been re-bound with the help of assorted relatives, takes up the mantle of being Ranna-than-remains, and builds himself a welcoming manor near the woods that were once Doriath.))
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years ago
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blackkatmagic · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Old Kingdom - Garth Nix Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Antilles/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/Agen Kolar, Jon Antilles & Zule Xiss, Agen Kolar & Zule Xiss Characters: CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Jon Antilles, Agen Kolar, Zule Xiss, Fay (Star Wars), Knol Ven'nari, Nico Diath, Tae Diath Additional Tags: Abhorsen Fusion, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Action/Adventure, Free Magic (Old Kingdom), Charter Magic, Angst, Families of Choice, Necromancy, Hurt/Comfort, Romance Summary:
On a world overrun by the Lesser Dead, Fives finds himself and Echo on a dangerous mission, accompanying three Abhorsens of the Jedi Order deep into enemy territory, in search of one of Grievous's Free Magic sorcerers. There's far more at play than even the Jedi know, however, and secrets that sleep far too close to the surface for anyone's comfort.
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afoolforatook · 4 years ago
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Day 2 - Supernatural
The Old Kingdom (Abhorsen series) Au
"The Abhorsen combines Charter Magic and Free Magic in their bells to compel and control the dead, righting the wrongs created by Necromancers or others who pervert the nature of Life and Dead."
Here, Qrow is using the bell Dyrim, or the Speaker. It controls voice and sound and gives voice to those without. When rung it has a sweet tune that can improve the mood of those in its power.
Clover, a member of the Royal Guard, was sealed within the figurehead of a ship while facing the Necromancer, Kerrigor, for two hundred years, until Qrow, the newly appointed Abhorsen, freed him.
One day I might actually write some of this, after I finish my reread of the series, one of my absolute favorites.
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mosylufanfic · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Old Kingdom - Garth Nix, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Jyn Erso & Rey, Cassian Andor & Rey, Cassian Andor & Leia Organa, Jyn Erso & Leia Organa, Jyn Erso & Chirrut Îmwe, Cassian Andor & Bail Organa & Breha Organa Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Rey (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Mogget | Yrael, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe, Unkar Plutt Additional Tags: Family, Families of Choice, Adoption, Established Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, Inheritance, Canon-Typical Mogget, Magic, The Clayr's Glacier, Charter Magic, Child Neglect, (canon-typical - Rey's upbringing) Series: Part 6 of does the walker choose the path Summary:
No Charter mark and she threw stones at a Mordicant, instead of running away. Who is this girl?
"Jyn, this is Rey," Cassian says, answering one question.
from @rain-sleet-snow
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