#Abel Figueroa
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deefeeme · 8 months ago
Entrega de 10 motos BMW de 850 cc para reforzar seguridad en Berisso
El intendente de Berisso, Fabián Cagliardi, entregó 10 motos BMW de 850 cc gestionadas ante el Ministerio de Seguridad de la provincia de Buenos Aires, destinadas a mejorar la seguridad en distintos barrios de la ciudad. Noticia en #ElCorreoGrafico:
El intendente de Berisso, Fabián Cagliardi, entregó 10 motos BMW de 850 cc gestionadas ante el Ministerio de Seguridad de la provincia de Buenos Aires, destinadas a mejorar la seguridad en distintos barrios de la ciudad. En un esfuerzo conjunto entre el municipio de Berisso y la provincia de Buenos Aires, se llevó a cabo la entrega de 10 motos BMW de 850 cc para reforzar la seguridad en la…
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agendaculturaldelima · 1 year ago
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💥 Proyecto que busca recuperar los espacios de teatro en formato corto, obras de teatro en simultáneo en un nuevo local, albergando diez obras en formato de quince minutos en horarios de noche y trasnoche.❤️🌚
© Producción: Piso 1 Producciones
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📝 Programación:
🕗 8:00pm. a 10:00pm.
🎭 Sala 1: «La princesa Beach y Growser» de Jorge Pecho, a cargo de Ekaterina Konysheva y Johan Escalante, Dirección: Johan Escalante / Sala 2: «Una historia ordinaria» de Rodolfo Esquivel, a cargo de Jazmín Labrin y Gian Paul Miranda, Dirección: Ricardo Zamudio / Sala 3: «La visita del Presidente» de Martín Velásquez Marvelat, a cargo de Abel Enríquez y Martín Velásquez Marvelat, Dirección: Juan Pablo Bustamante / Sala 5: «En la oscuridad» de Federico Abrill, cargo de Claudia Trucios y Santiago Torres, Dirección: Mario Gaviria. Entrada: S/.15
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🕙 10:30pm.  a 🕛 12:15am.
🎭 Sala 1: «Harumi Cyberamor» de Jorge Pecho, a cargo de Celeste Villar y Alfredo Motta, Dirección: Jorge Pecho / Sala 2: «Algo especial» de Eric Dufault, a cargo de Nicolle Olguín, Kirei Klein y Ana Moloche, Dirección: Arturo Huapaya / Sala 3: «No hay problema» de David Ives, a cargo de Draco Santos y Daniela Sosa del Río, Dirección: Arturo Huapaya / Sala 5: «Rapstoria del Perú» de Giovanni Oviedo, Diego Zúñiga y Saussure Figueroa, a cargo de Diego Zúñiga, Saussure Figueroa y Giovanni Oviedo, Dirección: Giovanni Oviedo.
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 15 de Febrero al 16 de Marzo
📆 Jueves a Sábado
🕗 8:00pm. a 🕙 10:00pm.
🕙 10:30pm.  a 🕛 12:15am.
🏘 Piso 1 Teatro (jr. Leoncio Prado 150 - Miraflores)
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🎫 Entrada: S/.15
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/organizer/Piso1Teatro
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psicoventas · 1 year ago
The Weeknd: una experiencia inmersiva y emocionante con un River agotado
Abel Tesfaye vuelve a la Argentina con su gira After Hours Til Dawn: Global Stadium Tour, un éxito a nivel mundial.
Por Marianela Cavazza
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The Weeknd volvió a la Argentina después de 6 años. Fuente: La Voz.
Caía el sol al final de Avenida Figueroa Alcorta. Los taxis comenzaron a amontonarse sobre la calle la Pampa ya que la avenida principal estaba cerrada por la cantidad de gente que caminaba hacia el estadio. El reloj marcaba las siete menos diez: casi dos horas para que comience el concierto. De lejos se escuchaban los gritos que venían desde River y algo de música. La gente caminaba rápido por la vereda, esquivando a otros y cruzando las calles sin mirar. A solo unas cuadras de la Avenida Illia ya se podían ver vendedores ambulantes de merchandising, a los organizadores de autos en la calle y a los revendedores de entradas típicos de un concierto en Buenos Aires.
Algunos metros adelante, se aproximaba la entrada al estadio: los controles eran rápidos y eficientes, por la gran cantidad de empleados. Ahí nos entregaron unas pulseras que funcionan como disparadoras de luces durante el show. Las entradas a cada sector estaban rebalsadas de fans que lo único que querían era asegurarse un buen lugar para el show.
Luego de varias escaleras, llegue a la platea más alta del Monumental. Ya habiendo asegurado mi lugar, comenzaron a sonar los DJs invitados para abrir el evento. Llegamos a tiempo para escuchar un poco de la música de Kaytranada, que, pasados 45 minutos, finalizó su show de música electrónica. Mirando el reloj cada rato y esperando a que se hicieran las 21hs, el estadio se llenó en cuestión de minutos. Ya para las 20:45 habían terminado con la colocación de la escenografía, que constaba de una estatua de metal en el medio del escenario y una gran edificación que imitaba a Toronto, la ciudad natal de The Weeknd.
A las 21:23 de la noche salió Abel Tesfaye al escenario, más conocido como su nombre artístico The Weeknd. Con un traje metálico y esa estética robótica y de ciencia ficción que lo caracteriza, el show contó con bailarines vestidos de blanco, que recorrían todo el escenario y además un baterista y guitarrista que acompañaban al cantante. El setlist tuvo canciones de todos sus álbumes, incluyendo sus grandes hits como Blinding Lights, Save Your Tears, Starboy y Take My Breath.
Desde un principio se sabía que el show iba a ser una experiencia sonoramente inmersiva y visualmente impactante, debido a la gran y poco convencional producción musical que tiene la discografía de The Weeknd. Además, otro factor que hizo que el concierto fuera deslumbrante fue el uso de las pulseras, que cambiaban sus luces según la canción, y se activaban acorde al ritmo de la música. Esto es algo que sin duda marcó mi experiencia dentro del concierto, y considero que The Weeknd supo que esto iba a captar la atención de su público.
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Las pulseras iluminaron el Monumental toda la noche. Fuente: Notify.
Un dato no menor, y que hizo que el concierto tuviera una carga emocional mayor, fue el hecho de que este sería el último concierto de Abel como The Weeknd, finalizando así la era The Weeknd. "Estoy llegando a un lugar y a un momento en el que estoy listo para cerrar el capítulo de The Weeknd. Seguiré haciendo música, quizá como The Weeknd, quizá como Abel. Pero quiero matar a The Weeknd y lo haré con el tiempo. Definitivamente estoy intentando mudar esa piel y renacer", afirmó el cantante en una entrevista con W Magazine.
Tras dos horas y media de cantar sin parar, The Weeknd se despidió del escenario, plagado de carisma y amor por el público argentino, el cual, sin duda, se ganó el corazón del artista.
1. Torres, L. (2023, 19 de octubre) The Weeknd, en un show magnético en River: una puesta a lo Star Wars, un “sexy robot” y un cantante enamorado del público local. La Nación.
2. The Weeknd anuncia el fin de una era con 'Another One of Me', su última colaboración. (2023, 12 de agosto) Europa FM
3. Luchetti, G. (2023, 19 de octubre). The Weeknd en Argentina: una distopía épica para la posteridad. La Voz.
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acapulcopress · 2 years ago
Congreso aprueba propuestas de autoridades para municipios recién creados
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CHILPANCINGO * 16 de febrero de 2023. ) Congreso de Guerrero La Comisión Permanente del Congreso del Estado aprobó un acuerdo por el que se declaran personas elegibles y, por ende, propuestas para la designación de integrantes de los ayuntamientos de los municipios de Ñuu Savi, San Nicolás, Santa Cruz del Rincón y Las Vigas, Guerrero. De acuerdo con el dictamen emitido por la Comisión de Asuntos Políticos y Gobernación, se realizó el correspondiente estudio, análisis y dictaminación de las propuestas para la integración de estos nuevos ayuntamientos, considerando los escritos y propuestas enviadas a esta Soberanía por ciudadanas y ciudadanos en lo individual y colectivamente. Durante la lectura del documento, a cargo del primer secretario de la Mesa Directiva, diputado Masedonio Mendoza Basurto, la designación de las y los integrantes se basa en el cumplimiento del artículo 13, párrafo segundo de la Ley Orgánica del Municipio Libre del Estado de Guerrero, el cual establece que para concretar la creación de un nuevo municipio, el Congreso del Estado designará un ayuntamiento instituyente conformado por una presidencia, una sindicatura y seis regidurías. Las propuestas de personas para ostentar dichos cargos provendrán de entre los vecinos, cuidando que las mismas no hayan fungido como directivos de partidos políticos, desempeñado cargos de elección popular, ni sean miembros del comité gestor vigente. Asimismo, se establece que las autoridades instituyentes fungirán por un periodo no menor de un año, ni mayor de tres años, y deberán ser sustituidos por aquellas que sean electas en los comicios ordinarios inmediatos a la fecha de creación del nuevo municipio. De esta manera, el Ayuntamiento de Ñuu Savi quedará integrado por Donaciano Morales Porfirio como presidente y Serafín Morales López como suplente; Eusebia de los Santos Hermelinda como síndica y Elvira Silverio García como suplente; Víctor Bernabé Porfirio en la primera regiduría y Ausencio Villanueva Benítez como suplente; Hermelinda Campos Leyva, segunda regiduría y Virgen Hernández Guadalupe como suplente; Inocente Morales Álvarez, tercera regiduría; Maribel García Maximino, cuarta regiduría y Lorena de Jesús Ramírez como suplente); Rodrigo Silverio Guadalupe en la quinta regiduría e Inocencio Zúñiga Saturnino como suplente, y Divina Oropeza de la Luz en la sexta regiduría. Para el Municipio de San Nicolás las propuestas para la presidencia son: Felipe de la Cruz Sandoval, Tanía Ávila Magadan, Omar Román Mariche y Teresa Hernández Herrera; para la sindicatura, Josefina Silva Noyola y Carlos Alejandro Silva Mariche, como suplente; para regidurías Josué Villarreal Silva, María Eduarda Noyola Morga, Ciriaco Mesa García, Leonarda Marín Flores, Magdalena Bernal Clemente, Alejandro Castillo Marín, Raúl Cruz Moreno, Paula De la Cruz Mariche Domínguez, María lsabel Bruno García, Félix Baloy Figueroa Hernández, Jonás Saúl Giral Salas, Julia Esther Ruiz Rojas, Abel Adán Anico Flores, Humberto Felicito Magadan Neri y Agripino Neftalí Melo Salinas. En el municipio de Santa Cruz del Rincón se proponen como presidente a Godofredo Avilés Mendoza, Ángel Rodríguez Flores, Concepción Sánchez Néstor, lnocencio Juárez Lucas, Roberto Santana Lara, Sidronia Díaz Navarrete, Iraís Jinetet Mendoza y Apolonio Quiñónez García, y como suplente a Josefina Martínez Aurelio; como síndico o síndica a Erasto de Jesús Ignacio y Fabiola Oropeza Calderón, y como suplentes Ismael Jinete Ponce y Genny Lauro Jinete. Mientras que para regidores se propone a Lázaro Rea Basurto, Alberto Basurto Rea, Valeriana Tiburcio Melquiades, Norma Olguín Rea, Abad Oropeza Bernardino, Nazario Moisés de los Santos, Angelina Jesús García, Josefina Latín Vicente, Jesús Manzanares Oropeza, Godofredo Arnulfo Cantú, María Manzanares Castro, Antonia Castro Espinobarros, Carmen Castro Rojas, Roberto Santana Rea, lrinea Mendoza Rodríguez, Vidulfo Filemón Rodríguez, Maximino Latín Olivera, Felícitas Medel Agustín, Juliana Bartolomé Castro, Nabor Jinete Piza y Sinforosa Agustín Ignacio. Para el municipio de Las Vigas, las propuestas a la Presidencia son: Francisco Mendoza Ramírez, Gilberto Méndez Vázquez, Yolanda Ruiz Carmona, Isaac Ignacio Blanco, Nicolás Torres Salado, Ruvicel del Valle Cuevas, Urbano García Javier y María Encarnación Ramírez Gallardo. Para la sindicatura van ldolina Bibiano lgnacio, Adriana Elizabeth Garnica Ventura, Perla Ruby Mesa, Marilú Reynoso Ignacio y Urbano García Javier, y para las regidurías Crispín Tornez Valencia, Federico Díaz Cruz, María de Jesús Albite Sánchez, Laura Hernández Ruiz, Cruz Liquidano Venancio, Raymundo Gerardo Soto, Adilene Cano Ocampo, Yoana Tavares Rendón, Régulo Bibiano Mendoza, Apolinar Tornez Jiménez, Georgina Sandoval Baltazar, Alfredo Meza Cruz, Marina Cuevas Calderón, Jaime Ramírez Pacheco y Araceli Vargas Hernández. También se están considerando para ocupar algún cargo en dicho ayuntamiento a las y los ciudadanos Antonio Guinto Martínez, Ma. Silva Gallardo Rodríguez, José Feliciano Molina Cruzalta, Lendi Maribel Gómez Ventura, J. Socorro Torres Hermenegildo, Violeta Coral Arcos Salado, Carlos Octavio Solís Bibiano, Rosario Guinto Blanco, Fernando Cortés Tornez, Herlinda Guzmán Ríos, Ángel Rendón Carmona, Soledad Hermenegildo Arizmendi, Renato Cruz Lorenzo, Luz Marina Mayo Navidad, Erika Salado Luna, Gerardo Ramírez Moreno, Aleccis Tabares Cruz, Alda Rosa Genchi Villal, Alejandro Gerardo García, Luz María Villanueva García, Gregorio García Trujillo y Brenda Romualdo Vilial. Acuerdo El Pleno de la Comisión Permanente aprobó el Orden del Día al que se sujetará la sesión solemne en Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero, el día miércoles 01 de marzo de 2023, con motivo del 169 aniversario de la proclamación del Plan de Ayutla. Intervenciones La diputada Jessica Alejo Rayo intervino en relación con el Día de la Mujer Mexicana. Consideró indispensable que en los organismos públicos descentralizados se garantice la paridad de género de arriba hacia abajo, a partir de los titulares, direcciones, jefaturas o análogos, según sea el caso, y que la mitad de estos cargos sea para las mujeres y la otra mitad para los hombres. Sobre el mismo tema, la diputada Angélica Espinoza García manifestó su compromiso como legisladora para impulsar la agenda de las mujeres, con la visión de que las efemérides se vuelvan acción y praxis legislativa, y para que la igualdad sea un derecho palpable con base en la dignidad humana, y no en la discriminación. En su intervención, la diputada Claudia Sierra Pérez celebró que la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda haya dado preponderancia a las mujeres en su gabinete. Mientras que la diputada Gaby Bernal Reséndiz condenó desde la tribuna el asesinato a golpes de una mujer, este día en la ciudad de Chilpancingo. Manifestó que no hay “nada que celebrar”, al tiempo en que llamó a la reflexión, para que gobiernos, poderes Legislativo y Judicial, ayuntamientos y otras instancias unan esfuerzos para que ninguna mujer más sea asesinada. » Visítanos en ) acapulcopress.com y 'síguenos' y/o regálanos un 'like' en nuestra página ) facebook.com/acapulcopress.news https://www.facebook.com/acapulcopress.news www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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mitjalovse · 2 years ago
Carlos Santana is much more interesting than many give him credit for and to be quite honest with you all – he did receive a lot of laurels for his opus back then. What changed? Well, Supernatural happened. Mind you, the disc might feel like an intentional blockbuster with a hindsight, though I assume no one dared to dream the LP would be that successful. Moreover, while we do remember the singles, we forget the platter also contains what Santana was doing in the past with the added production flourishes of the late 90's. The latter sort of give the album a certain big budget remake sheen of his previous triumphs and this quality does suffocate some great stuff the group does there. However, Supernatural probably cemented their legacy from then on.
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pacquiaovsugasliveonline · 3 years ago
Manny Pacquiao vs. Yordenis Ugas fight: Five biggest storylines to watch ahead of the PPV showdown
At the age of 42 and following a two-year layoff, eight-division champion Manny Pacquiao returns to the ring on Saturday in a PBC on FOX pay-per-view bout against WBA welterweight champion Yordenis Ugas.  
Pacquiao vs Ugas Live Boxing Stream
Pacquiao will be once again fighting for the 147-pound title he won in his last outing, an impressive decision win over then-unbeaten Keith Thurman. But this weekend's showcase from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas won't be against the original opponent, unified welterweight champion Errol Spence Jr., who withdrew last week due to a torn retina.  
Manny Pacquiao vs Yordenis Ugas fight
Let's take a closer look at the biggest storylines entering the Filipino icon's much-anticipated return.  
1. How is it possible Pacquiao is still doing it at this level?  
Pacquiao certainly won't be the first legendary fighter past the age of 40 to come back for yet another big fight. But when you consider Pacquiao is the betting favorite against an active champion despite his long layoff, and you consider how much the "PacMan" still relies upon speed and explosion as a boxer, what he is doing at 42 is simply remarkable. To put things into perspective, rising welterweight contender Vergil Ortiz Jr., who won his biggest step-up fight to date last Saturday by knocking out Egidjius "Mean Machine" Kavaliauskas before calling out Pacquiao afterwards, was still three years away from being born when Pacquiao made his pro debut in 1995. Yet here we are, 26 years and many in-ring miles later after Pacquiao has consistently matched himself against the most dangerous foes available, he's still at it. Even Pacquiao's contemporaries like Floyd Mayweather, if they are still active at all, are largely returning for circus fights against MMA fighters and social media influencers. History offers very little for comparison sake to what Pacquiao continues to do, which is what made his initial intention of fighting the pound-for-pound ranked Spence all the more impressive.  
2. Ugas is a downgrade from Spence, but not by much 
Certainly, everything from the betting odds to the commercial expectations for Saturday's PPV fight shifted dramatically once Spence's name was removed from the marquee. Ugas (26-4, 12 KOs), who is more technician than destroyer compared to Spence (who is both), is also less likely a threat to send Pacquiao disastrously into retirement via knockout. Yet Pacquiao-Ugas is still an incredibly intriguing fight, particularly for hard-core fans of the game who have watched Ugas, a 35-year-old former Cuban amateur star, quietly transition from journeyman to contender, and now champion. Large for the weight class, Ugas will hold height and reach advantages against Pacquiao and is an incredibly disciplined counterpuncher with good defense and the ability to walk forward when he senses an advantage. While Ugas' experience against elite fighters isn't anywhere near that of Pacquiao (or even Spence, for that matter), he holds a handful of strong wins against Jamal James, Thomas Dulorme, Omar Figueroa Jr. and Abel Ramos. His best performance, however, likely came in a disputed loss when he was robbed of what should've been scored a 12th-round knockdown against Shawn Porter in 2019, which played a key role in his split-decision defeat. Although adapting to Pacquiao's speed and awkward angles is never easy, Ugas has the technical savvy to make key adjustments that could give Pacquiao fits. The Porter fight alone showed why Ugas should be considered just outside of the elite 147-pound core of Spence, Terence Crawford, Porter and Pacquiao. 
Can't get enough boxing and MMA? Get the latest in the world of combat sports from two of the best in the business. Subscribe to Morning Kombat with Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell for the best analysis and in-depth news.
3. Will the two-year layoff be a negative or a positive for this version of Pacquiao?  
Yes, it's hard to look on the surface at Pacquiao taking off as much time off as he has during the pandemic as anything that can be called a positive, particularly at his age. Timing is everything inside the ring and one of the only ways a fighter can properly maintain that is by staying active. Looking back, activity has to be considered a key part of Pacquiao's most recent comeback when, in 2018, he emerged from a one-year layoff following a disputed loss to Jeff Horn by fighting three times over the next 12 months and riling off age-defying victories against Lucas Matthysse, Adrien Broner and Keith Thurman. Regardless of if he were facing Spence or Ugas, taking this much time off has the potential for Pacquiao to come out flat. But if there's a silver lining to the hiatus, it's that Pacquiao wasn't taking any damage and was able to heal up any nagging injuries. One thing that has allowed Pacquiao to maintain such incredible longevity has been his passion for training and the intensity in which he works out, even between fights. While this is by no means a preferred scenario to come back to the PPV level without a tuneup, there doesn't appear to be a lack of motivation in terms of the preparation, even with the late opponent change. Not only was the danger that Spence brought to the table reason enough for Pacquiao to leave no stones unturned in training, the fact that he's threatening a run for president of the Philippines in 2021 means doing so fresh off of a resounding win is a much more strategic scenario. Simply put: don't expect Pacquiao to be anything less than the best he can still be at this age.  
4. Win or lose, this could be the final time we see Pacquiao in a big fight 
Given his age, Pacquiao appears one bad loss away from retiring for good at any point, which he more or less agreed with during a recent interview with "Morning Kombat," where he remained focused on a wait-and-see philosophy regarding his future. Given his political aspirations, it's just as easy to imagine Pacquiao not having the time to train and compete should he fulfill his goal of becoming president of his native country. Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach shared a different opinion, recently stating he believes one of Pacquiao's remaining goals to be accepting and winning a fight as a sitting president. But Pacquiao stayed noncommittal. Either way, we are a whole heck of a lot closer to the end than the beginning of Pacquiao's incredible boxing journey, which makes this week that much more worth celebrating that he's still at it making big fights on the sport's grandest of stages, even though he and Mayweather have long handed off the baton to Canelo Alvarez as the biggest face of boxing's current era.  
5. There's no shortage of huge fights remaining if Pacquiao still wants them 
Spence's eye injury, just two years removed from miraculously surviving a dangerous car accident, certainly creates some questions regarding his future. Given Pacquiao's equal level of uncertainty due to age, the biggest lament of seeing Pacquiao-Spence fall apart this weekend is the fear that the window for this action-packed fight may have closed right before our eyes. But boxing fans have learned time and again to never say never and if Pacquiao can prove against Ugas that he's still got it and desires to keep making the biggest fights available, his options will be overflowing. Being the rare network and promotional free agent helps Pacquiao huge in this case. Not only would welterweight fights against Spence, Crawford, Porter, Ortiz, Danny Garcia, Mikey Garcia or a rematch with Thurman be huge, there's a new crop in waiting of young fighters in and around 135 pounds who appear poised to take over the sport in the coming years. Imagining Pacquiao welcoming the likes of Gervonta Davis, Teofimo Lopez Jr., Ryan Garcia or Devin Haney for a dramatic move up two divisions to challenge him is a mouth-watering proposition for fans.  
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silly-fox-in-sox · 6 years ago
Eclipse Awards results are in!
Two-Year-Old Male: Game Winner Game Winner, 247; Bulletin, 1; Knicks Go, 1.
Two-Year-Old Filly: Jaywalk Jaywalk, 214; Newspaperofrecord (IRE), 31; Bellafina, 4.
Three-Year-Old Male: Justify Justify, 249.
Three-Year-Old Filly: Monomoy Girl Monomoy Girl, 247; Magical (IRE), 1; Rushing Fall, 1.
Older Dirt Male: Accelerate Accelerate, 245; Gun Runner, 2; Discreet Lover, 1; Roy H, 1.
Older Dirt Female: Unique Bella  Unique Bella, 182; Abel Tasman, 34; Marley’s Freedom, 14; Blue Prize (ARG), 9; Wow Cat (CHI), 9; Voter Abstention, 1.
Male Sprinter: Roy H Roy H, 234; City of Light, 9; Imperial Hint, 3; Stormy Liberal, 2; Mind Your Biscuits, 1.
Female Sprinter: Shamrock Rose Shamrock Rose, 136; Marley’s Freedom, 113.
Male Turf Horse: Stormy Liberal  Stormy Liberal, 85; Expert Eye, 66 (GB); Glorious Empire (IRE), 43; Catholic Boy 14; Heart to Heart, 12; Catapult, 8; Chanel Maker, 7; Raging Bull (FR), 7; Robert Bruce (CHI), 2; Funtastic, 1; Oscar Performance, 1; Yoshida (JPN) 1; Voter Abstentions, 2.
Female Turf Horse: Sistercharlie (IRE) Sistercharlie, 130; Enable, 119.
Steeplechase Horse: Zanjabeel (GB) Zanjabeel (GB), 176; Optimus Prime (FR), 22; Jury Duty (IRE), 12; Iranistan, 4; Balance the Budget, 1; Voter Abstentions, 34.
Owner: Hronis Racing, LLC Hronis Racing LLC, 141; Peter Brant, 27; WinStar Farm, China Horse Club Intl., Starlight Racing, Head of Plains Partners, 25; Calumet Farm, 8; Klaravich Stables, Inc., 8; Godolphin Racing, 6; End Zone Athletics, 5; WinStar Farm, 5; Rockingham Ranch and David Bernsen, 4; Sol Kumin 3; Michael Dubb, Monomoy Stables, The Elkstone Group, Bethlehem Stables, 2; China Horse Club, 1; China Horse Club, Head of Plains Partners, 1;; Juddmonte Farms, 1; Loooch Racing Stables, 1; Voter Abstentions, 10. 
Breeder: John D. Gunther John D. Gunther, 102; WinStar Farm, LLC 68; Mike Abraham, 21; Calumet Farm, 14; Fred Hertrich III & John Fielding, 13; Juddmonte Farms, 8; Summer Wind Equine, 5; Kenneth & Sarah Ramsey, 3; Brereton C. Jones, 2; Besilu Stables, 1;FPF LLC & Highfield Ranch, 1; Stonestreet Thoroughbred Holdings, 1; Spendthrift Farm, 1; Voter Abstentions, 9.
Trainer: Chad Brown Chad Brown, 137; Bob Baffert, 94; Steve Asmussen, 6; Brad Cox, 4; John Sadler, 2; Karl Broberg, 2; Jason Servis, 1; Jerry Hollendorfer, 1. Voter Abstentions, 2.
Jockey: Irad Ortiz, Jr. Irad Ortiz, Jr., 173; Mike Smith, 40; Jose Ortiz, 25; Joel Rosario, 8; Florent Geroux, 1; Javier Castellano, 1; Voter Abstentions, 1.
Apprentice Jockey: Weston Hamilton Weston Hamilton, 115; Edgar Morales, 87; Reylu Gutierrez, 11; Heriberto Figueroa, 7; Kazushi Kimura, 3; Assael Espinoza, 2; Evin Roman, 1; Johan Rosado, 1; Voter Abstentions, 22.
Horse of the Year: Justify Justify, 191; Accelerate, 54; Monomoy Girl, 2; Enable, (GB), 1; Voter Abstention, 1.
Some additional thoughts:
I can’t believe Monomoy Girl and Accelerate weren’t unanimous champions. The vote for Discrete Lover for Champion Older Male was just funny.
Unique Bella might be the luckiest and least-deserving 2-time Eclipse champ we’ve had. She’s a brilliant horse but if you just looked at her pps with no other info, you’d never guess she earned a single Eclipse, let alone 2. 
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frontproofmedia · 4 years ago
Unified Welterweight Champion Errol Spence, Jr. Sidelined from Highly Anticipated Showdown with Eight-Division Champion Manny Pacquiao Due to Eye Injury
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Published: August 11, 2021
WBA Welterweight Champion Yordenis Ugas to Replace Spence and Defend His Title Against Pacquiao on Saturday, Aug. 21 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Battle at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
LAS VEGAS – Unified Welterweight Champion Errol Spence, Jr. was forced to withdraw from his blockbuster FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View showdown with eight-division and former welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao on Saturday, August 21 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas due to a retinal tear in his left eye.
WBA Welterweight Champion Yordenis Ugas will step up to replace Spence and will defend his title against Pacquiao, who won that title when he defeated Keith Thurman in his last fight July 2019. Ugas was preparing to make his first title defense against Fabian Maidana in the co-feature of the Spence-Pacquiao card. Being elevated to the main event against boxing legend Pacquiao means Ugas will get a career-defining fight sooner rather than later.
Spence discovered that he had a torn retina during a pre-fight medical examination by the Nevada State Athletic Commission in Las Vegas on Monday. He flew back home to Dallas, Texas on Tuesday and will have surgery to repair the tear on Wednesday. Spence is expected to make a full recovery and return to the ring.
“I’m very disappointed that I won’t be able to fight Manny Pacquiao on August 21,’’ Spence said. “I was excited about the fight and the event. Unfortunately, the doctors found a tear in my left eye and said I needed to get surgery on it ASAP and that there was no way I could fight with my eye in that condition. I’d like to apologize to everyone. You know I’ll be back as soon back soon. We’ve come back from worse.’’
“First and foremost, I ask everyone to join me in praying for a full and complete recovery for Errol Spence Jr.,’’ Pacquiao said. “Thank God his physical examination discovered his eye condition before he suffered any further damage. I have agreed to fight Yordenis Ugas on August 21 for the WBA welterweight super championship. The proper way and the only way to win a world title is inside the ring.”
“It’s an unfortunate turn of events that Errol has a retinal tear and subsequent surgery has prevented him from participating in this big pay-per-view event. We wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to his return to the ring,’’ said Tom Brown, President of TGB Promotions. “We’re excited that Manny has agreed to move forward and Ugas has stepped up to defend his title against the man who once held the title. Ugas was in the co-feature and had been preparing to fight on this date, so he’s ready. It’s a major challenge, because now he has to make his first title defense against a boxing legend in a career-defining fight.’’
The 35-year-old Ugás (26-4, 12 KOs) has established himself as an elite welterweight since returning from a layoff in 2016 and was elevated to world champion in January after winning a WBA Championship belt by defeating Abel Ramos last September. Ugás, who is from Santiago, Cuba and now lives in Miami, Florida, was on an eight-fight winning streak before losing a narrow split-decision to Shawn Porter in a world title fight in March 2019. The Olympic bronze medalist trains in Las Vegas and owns victories over then undefeated fighters Jamal James, Omar Figueroa Jr. and Bryant Perrella, plus veteran contenders Thomas Dulorme and Ray Robinson.
“It’s an honor to fight the great multiple division world champion, Manny Pacquiao, as I am more than ready to take on this challenge,’’ Ugas said. “I have a tremendous amount of respect for Pacquiao, but I am coming to win this fight. I’ve been in camp working hard with my coach Ismael Salas and I know together we will come up with a masterful game plan to combat anything Manny will bring to the ring. I wish Errol Spence Jr. a speedy recovery and I want to ensure the fans that I will be at my best for this fight.”
“Everyone knows my story about how I came to America to follow my dreams of becoming a world champion, and now it’s time to stamp my legacy with a victory, as one of the best Cuban fighters to ever put on a pair of gloves. I love my country and I want to dedicate this fight to all the men and women who are fighting for freedom.’’
(Featured Photo: Premier Boxing Champions)
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nanaaa02 · 4 years ago
The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t been the only reason for that. A change in training staff and loss of weight have been highlights for the heavyweight champion.
Now it is time for him to return to the ring, this time against the 40-year-old Chris Arreola during the main event Saturday night at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California.
The 12-round fight between two premier fighters will highlight the FOX PBC Pay Per View card, and another great fight on the undercard is a welterweight slugfest between Omar "Panterita" Figueroa Jr. and Abel Ramos. สูตรสล็อต
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watch-wrestling · 4 years ago
Watch PBC Andy Ruiz vs Chris Arreola 2021 PPV 5/1/21 – 1 May 2021
Watch PBC Andy Ruiz vs Chris Arreola 2021 PPV 5/1/21 – 1 May 2021
Watch PBC Andy Ruiz vs Chris Arreola 2021 PPV 5/1/21 – 1 May 2021 Full Show Livestream And Watch Wrestling Dailymotion HD Videos Replay Online 720p 480p & 1080p Countdown Live Streaming Links Streams will work 10Min Before Live Stream 1 HQ Stream 2 HQ Quick Hits Andy Ruiz Jr. vs. Chris Arreola; Heavyweight Omar Figueroa Jr. vs. Abel Ramos; Welterweight Sebastian Fundora vs. Jorge Cota; Junior…
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yolandacortesofficial · 4 years ago
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FORMER WORLD CHAMPION OMAR FIGUEROA JR. SHARES TRAINING CAMP DETAILS AHEAD OF FOX SPORTS PBC PAY-PER-VIEW CO-MAIN EVENT BATTLE AGAINST ABEL RAMOS THIS SATURDAY, MAY 1 FROM DIGNITY HEALTH SPORTS PARK IN CARSON, CALIFORNIA INDIO, CALIF. – Former world champion and welterweight contender Omar “Panterita” Figueroa, Jr. shared details of his training camp and previewed his upcoming showdown against Abel Ramos, which serves as the co-main event of a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event this Saturday, May 1 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California. Figueroa (30-1-1, 19 KOs) says that he feels as good as he has in a decade during this camp, which he spent in Indio, California with trainer Joel Diaz. “It’s feeling healthy, above all, that’s really making a difference,” said Figueroa. “This was the first time we have prepared like we should in 10 years. Complete, from start to finish. I haven’t felt this good or fought this well in a decade. Now I’m excited to see how everything will come together on May 1”. Photo credit: Ryan Hafey / Credit: @premierboxing / @tgbpromotionss @foxsports @foxdeportes @swancomm @pbconfox #RuizArreola #FigueroaRamos #FundoraCota #RamosMolina #Boxing #Boxeo (at Indio, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/COUnHdGlyPL/?igshid=1x2xd8t55yj51
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latinboxsports · 4 years ago
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Featured at today’s press conference and competing in pay-per-view action were former world champion Omar “Panterita” Figueroa Jr. and Abel Ramos, who meet in the co-main event, sensation super welterweight Sebastian “The Towering Inferno” Fundora and Jorge “El Demonio” Cota, who face off in a 12-round duel, and rising unbeaten Jesus Ramos and Olympian Javier “El Intocable” Molina, who battle to kick off the pay-per-view at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT. @omarfigueroajr 🗣 "We had a wonderful training camp. I’m finally healthy. We had a camp like I used to have 10 years ago when I was just a young kid full of hope. Everything has gone great. I’m going to show that same aggression like I always do on Saturday, but more refined. I’m going to be a much more efficient fighter.” @abelramosboxing 🗣 “This is the type of exciting fight the fans are going to enjoy. When I was kid, I always wanted to watch these kind of close combat matchups. That’s what we’re going to have on Saturday. Whoever wants it more is going to win this fight." @seb_fundora 🗣 “We trained to get the knockout. My dad always tells me not to leave it to the judges and that’s what we’re going to do Saturday. It’s in my blood to fight toe-to-toe. We Mexicans have the pride of the warrior. I just love to mix it up.” Jorge Cota 🗣 “This fight is going to steal the show. I stand by what I said last time in regard to knocking him out. I don’t think there’s any way this fight goes 12 rounds." @jesusramosjr_ 🗣 “This is going to be a tough fight. He’s got a lot of experience. I expect nothing less from him than a great fight, but I’m prepared. I’m ready for the best Javier Molina. The Mexican fans tuning in to kick off Cinco de Mayo week are going to be in for a treat. It’s going to be a great fight. I’m coming to win. If the knockout presents itself, we’re taking advantage of the opportunity.” @javiermolina562 🗣 “I’m excited to be fighting a good young fighter Saturday. I’ve been training hard for two months getting ready for it. Whether it’s a decision or knockout, we’re getting the win.” 👊🏽📸: @seanmike7.0 @tgbpromotionss https://www.instagram.com/p/CORVp-AliFe/?igshid=x7ara4vjx0j1
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acapulcopress · 5 years ago
Entregó Gobernador dos escuelas en Huitzuco
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] HUITZUCO. * 28 de febrero de 2020. | Gobierno de Guerrero. Durante la entrega de la reconstrucción que se hizo en el CBTIS y la Escuela Primaria Leona Vicario, que
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presentaron afectaciones en su infraestructura en este municipio, se informó que el avance en las obras de escuelas dañadas en todo el estado por el sismo del 19 de septiembre del 2017, presentan un avance del 95 por ciento. El gobernador Héctor Astudillo Flores y su esposa, la presidenta del DIF Guerrero, Mercedes Calvo, así como el presidente municipal, José Luis Ávila López, arribaron a las nuevas instalaciones del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS) número 175, obra en la que se invirtieron más de 23.8 millones de pesos. Ante la comunidad estudiantil y docente, el gobernador Héctor Astudillo anunció que apoyará con recursos para la adquisición de instrumentos a la banda musicalizada. "La educación es prioridad para nosotros", enfatizó el mandatario estatal luego de reafirmar su compromiso de concluir las obras
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de rehabilitación de escuelas dañadas por el sismo. Refirió que si hay algún legado que dejará su gobierno en esta región, sin duda será la cantidad de escuelas que se reconstruyeron. "Después del sismo estamos todos de pie, mirando hacia el futuro, en esta región que merece atención y en especial los jóvenes, por eso estamos con ustedes", afirmó. En su intervención, el director del Instituto
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Guerrerense de la Infraestructura Física Educativa (IGIFE), Jorge Alcocer Navarrete, detalló que tras el sismo del 19 de septiembre se destinaron 205 millones de pesos para atender 46 planteles en este municipio, de los más afectados. Refirió que el avance general en la reconstrucción de escuelas en los 19 municipios afectados, representa un avance del 95 por ciento.
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A nombre de los alumnos, Karina Villegas Bonilla, expresó su agradecimiento al gobernador Héctor Astudillo por la solidaridad que mostró con esta y las demás instituciones afectadas, lo que dijo, es muestra de su compromiso con la educación. "Usted será recordado porque nos ha prestado ayuda en los momentos difíciles, lo vemos como un aliado y una persona justa que logra lo que se propone", puntualizó. Mientras que el director del CBTIS número 175, Abel Ocampo Morales dijo que en sus 37 años, esta institución no había estado mejor como hoy. La obra entregada este día en el Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS número 175) consistió en cuatro edificios normativos que incluye 16 aulas didácticas 2 talleres de cómputo, 1 aula de usos múltiples, servicios sanitarios y un laboratorio de enfermería, plaza, andadores, red eléctrica, sanitaria, subestación eléctrica, sistema de aire acondicionado y equipamiento
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con una inversión de más de 23.8 millones de pesos en beneficio de 812 alumnos. También, de manera simbólica entregó la rehabilitación de la Escuela Primaria Leona Vicario, que consistió en la rehabilitación de un edificio que incluye cuatro aulas didácticas, dos direcciones, aulas de medios, bodega y pórtico de acceso con una inversión de más de 4.7 millones de pesos en beneficio de 441 alumnos. Acompañaron al gobernador, el exmandatario, Rubén Figueroa Alcocer, el secretario de Educación, Arturo Salgado Urióstegui, los diputados locales, Héctor Ocampo Arcos y Cervando Ayala Rodríguez.
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Águilas convocan 74 lanzadores y 5 receptores para este jueves SANTIAGO. - Las Águilas Cibaeñas han convocado a un batallón de 74 lanzadores y cinco receptores, para la apertura de su campo de entrenamientos este jueves a las 9:00 de la mañana en el estadio Cibao. De los lanzadores llamados figuran 56 derechos y 18 zurdos, que dan un amplio abanico a los adiestradores que encabeza el venezolano Denier Orozco, quien estará acompañado por Fernando Hernández y Wilton Chávez, en el manejo del pitcheo amarillo. Los cátchers que han sido llamados son el santiagués Francisco Peña y los nativos de Bonao, Wilín Rosario, Pedro Severino, Deivi Grullón y Rafelín Lorenzo. El gerente general de las Águilas, Ángel Ovalles adelantó que varios jugadores de posición le han manifestado que adelantarán su entrada y que entrenarán este jueves en el primer llamado. Los peloteros de posición han sido convocados para el lunes 23. Entre los lanzadores llamados a entrenar figuran, Huáscar y Michael Inoa, Esmerling Vásquez, Daury Torrez, Williams Ramírez, Félix Paulino, Félix Jorge, Yohan Ramírez, Scarlyn Reyes, Yoel Espinal, Roberto Gómez y Nelson González. Otros brazos amarillos son, Jonathan (El Cuchillito) Hernández, Julián Fernández, Carlos Herrera, Emerson Jiménez, Salvador Justo, Omarlin López, Joan Martínez, Juan Mota, José Nín, Malvin Peña, Eduard Reyes, Ángel Rondón, Emilio Vargas, Gabriel Valdez, Leonardo Taveras, Ramón Rossó y el estelar Richelson Peña. El listado continuo con el santiaguero Darío Álvarez (invitado), Carlos Díaz, Eusebio Breiling, Anthony Fernández, Pedro Figueroa, Juan Grullón, Juan Martínez, Jordan Armengot, Jhordany Mezquita, Wandy Peralta, Wandy Rodríguez, Cesilio Pimentel, Manuel Silva, Franklyn Soriano, Gregory Soto, Bryan Valdez y Héctor Yan, todos tiradores zurdos. Además, Pedro Araujo, Joan Báez, Ranfi Casimiro, Daison Acosta, José Adames, Joan Adón, Jorge Alcalá, Osvaldo Bidó, Raúl Brito, Luis F. Castillo, Abel De los Santos, Juan De Paula, Marcos Diplán y José Domínguez quien llegó en un cambio. En Grandes Ligas se encuentran, L. Severino, J.Ureña, D. Lamet, Y. García, R.Rodríguez, D. Betances, J.Nicasiol #osnyenlosdeportes https://www.instagram.com/p/B2j5O7UjaqRFXerbc9N0jl0Ug-40GZUYn_UIeQ0/?igshid=mmkucs16gyg5
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yolandacortesofficial · 4 years ago
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FORMER WORLD CHAMPION OMAR FIGUEROA JR. SHARES TRAINING CAMP DETAILS AHEAD OF FOX SPORTS PBC PAY-PER-VIEW CO-MAIN EVENT BATTLE AGAINST ABEL RAMOS THIS SATURDAY, MAY 1 FROM DIGNITY HEALTH SPORTS PARK IN CARSON, CALIFORNIA INDIO, CALIF. – Former world champion and welterweight contender Omar “Panterita” Figueroa, Jr. shared details of his training camp and previewed his upcoming showdown against Abel Ramos, which serves as the co-main event of a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event this Saturday, May 1 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California. Figueroa (30-1-1, 19 KOs) says that he feels as good as he has in a decade during this camp, which he spent in Indio, California with trainer Joel Diaz. “It’s feeling healthy, above all, that’s really making a difference,” said Figueroa. “This was the first time we have prepared like we should in 10 years. Complete, from start to finish. I haven’t felt this good or fought this well in a decade. Now I’m excited to see how everything will come together on May 1”. Photo credit: Ryan Hafey / Credit: @premierboxing / @tgbpromotionss @foxsports @foxdeportes @swancomm @pbconfox #RuizArreola #FigueroaRamos #FundoraCota #RamosMolina #Boxing #Boxeo (at Indio, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/COUmx5olnba/?igshid=umuuwfhybcl
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