#AWS migration
emorphistechno · 2 years
Cloud migration services can help your business become more adaptable and agile so you can meet changing customer expectations. Companies have been moving their data and services to the cloud for a very long time to improve their performance.
Discover the Cloud Migration Services types, benefits, and brief about the process. Learn how cloud computing services help the scalability of your business.
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lysaconsultancy · 2 months
An Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Right AWS Managed Hosting Partner 2024
In this blog, we delve into the pivotal role played by an AWS Managed Hosting Partner. We explore how choosing the right partner—one with seasoned expertise and tailored solutions—can unlock the full potential of AWS services. Join us as we discuss key considerations and best practices essential for selecting the ideal hosting partner to propel your cloud journey forward.
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softweb-solutions · 7 months
Cloud migration guide: Your strategic path to AWS migration
Today’s business world is reverberating with the drumbeat of digital transformation. Organizations across industries sprint to keep pace with evolving customer demands, competition, and ever-shifting technological landscapes.
Adopting Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become a critical catalyst for success in this high-stakes race. IT infrastructure and applications in the cloud require a well-defined AWS cloud migration strategy, one that charts the path to maximizing the transformative power of this technology.
This blog serves as your compass, guiding you through the intricacies of AWS cloud migration and empowering you to start a successful course toward digital dominance.
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Source: IBM
Cloud migration strategies and their importance
The decision to migrate to AWS is just the first step on your digital expedition. Choosing the right path is crucial, for it affects the pace, cost, and ultimately, the success of your cloud takeover.
But why migrate at all? Why abandon the familiar confines of your on-premises castle for the uncharted territory of the cloud? Consider these treasures that beckon from the cloud:
Agility: Adapt and scale your applications quickly, just like a cloud expert avoiding digital challenges.
Scalability: If you need more servers to manage high traffic, the cloud has plenty available, just a click away.
Cost-efficiency: Ditch the expensive upkeep of on-premises infrastructure. The cloud offers a pay-as-you-go model, like renting a cloud-powered dragon instead of buying your own stable.
Innovation: Embrace the latest cloud technologies and unlock new possibilities, like using a cloud-powered telescope to scan for future business opportunities.
With these riches within reach, who wouldn’t want to join the cloud migration craze? However, navigating the landscape of the seven Rs without understanding their strengths and limitations can lead to detours and missed opportunities. In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into each R, unpacking their individual characteristics and equipping you to chart the optimal course towards your cloud kingdom.
The seven R’s of cloud migration
The seven R’s represent distinct migration strategies with varying degrees of complexity, speed, and long-term impact on your application portfolio. Let’s explore each R in detail, highlighting its purpose, suitability, and potential limitations:
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Source: AWS
1. Rehost (Lift and Shift): This rapid and cost-effective option involves directly migrating applications to the AWS cloud infrastructure without significant architectural changes. Think of it as simply relocating your servers to a cloud data center, leveraging its scalability and resilience. However, this approach may limit long-term agility and cloud-native optimization potential.
2. Relocate: If you seek specific AWS features or multi-cloud flexibility, relocating applications to a different cloud platform might be ideal. This approach requires careful planning and compatibility testing but opens doors to specialized services or cost optimization opportunities.
3. Replatform: When existing architecture impedes cloud optimization, replatforming applications allows you to fully utilize cloud-native principles. This approach involves significant reworking to unlock advanced scalability, elasticity, and resilience. However, it demands substantial resources, expertise, and planning.
4. Refactor: For applications where future-proof agility is crucial, refactoring involves building them completely from scratch, embracing serverless technologies and microservices architecture. This most comprehensive approach unlocks future potential but requires intensive resources and planning.
5. Repurchase: Instead of extensive replatforming, you can repurchase outdated applications for cost-effective cloud-native equivalents offering similar functionality. This approach streamlines maintenance, provides modern features, and leverages the inherent advantages of cloud architecture.
6. Retire: This AWS cloud migration strategy targets outdated, underutilized, or incompatible applications. Retiring these applications liberates resources and simplifies your IT infrastructure, while reducing maintenance costs and potential security vulnerabilities.
7. Retain: For stable and compliant applications, retaining them on-premises ensures operational continuity and minimizes disruption. This approach avoids unnecessary migration efforts and allows you to focus cloud resources on strategic priorities.
By understanding the strengths and limitations of each R, you can confidently choose the most appropriate migration strategy for each application in your portfolio. Remember, a hybrid approach is often optimal, tailoring specific R’s to different applications for successful cloud adoption.
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Explore the best strategies to migrate to the AWS cloud
AWS migration refers to the process of moving an organization's IT infrastructure, applications and data to the cloud-based services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
When to use each migration model
Migration strategy: Retire
Use Case: Outdated, underutilized, or incompatible applications
Simplifies infrastructure
Reduces maintenance costs
Mitigates security vulnerabilities
Implementation: Analyze workload dependencies and plan sunsetting process
Migration strategy: Retain
Use Case: Stable and compliant applications needing operational continuity
Minimizes disruption
Avoids unnecessary migration effort
Focuses resources on strategic priorities
Implementation: Assess compliance requirements and optimize on-premises environment
Migration strategy: Rehost (Lift & Shift)
Use Case: Rapid and cost-effective migration with minimal architectural changes
Leverages cloud scalability
Reduces data center complexity
Implementation: Refine infrastructure sizing and optimize resource utilization
Migration strategy: Relocate
Use Case: Specific cloud feature requirements or multi-cloud flexibility
Accesses specialized services
Optimizes costs across platforms
Enhances future flexibility
Implementation: Evaluate target platform compatibility and plan data migration strategy
Migration strategy: Repurchase
Use Case: Cost-effective cloud-native alternatives for outdated applications
Streamlines maintenance provides modern features
Unlocks cloud-native advantages
Implementation: Identify suitable SaaS or PaaS offerings and plan application integration
Migration strategy: Replatform
Use Case: Significant performance and agility gains, but with greater reworking
Unlocks advanced scalability
Future-proofs architecture
Implementation: Invest in development resources and plan application modernization roadmap
Migration strategy: Refactor
Use Case: Complete rebuild for future-proof agility and cloud-native optimization
Enables microservices architecture
Unlocks serverless technologies
Maximizes cloud potential
Implementation: Secure dedicated resources and prioritize development expertise
AWS migration benefits
Beyond simply transitioning your infrastructure, migrating to AWS delivers tangible benefits that empower your business to thrive in the digital landscape. These advantages stem from several key areas:
1. Unmatched agility: Adapt and respond to market shifts with lightning speed. AWS enables rapid scaling up and down of resources, effortless deployment of new applications, and real-time adjustments to meet shifting demands. This agility allows you to capitalize on fleeting opportunities and outmaneuver competitors.
2. Infinite scalability: Break free from the constraints of on-premises limitations. AWS offers boundless scalability, seamlessly accommodating spikes in activity, resource-intensive projects, and future growth. Need more servers? They’re available with a click. Require advanced analytics capabilities? Specialized services readily await. Your ambitions are no longer confined to infrastructure.
3. Optimized cost management: Ditch the burden of upfront investments and unpredictable expenses. AWS embraces a pay-as-you-go model, where you only pay for the resources you consume. This granular control enables precise cost optimization, eliminating wasted capacity and over-provisioning. Invest intelligently in cloud resources that directly drive business value.
4. Innovation as a constant: Embrace the cutting edge and propel your digital transformation. AWS constantly introduces groundbreaking services and features, opening doors to previously unimaginable possibilities. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to serverless computing and data analytics, the cloud fuels disruptive ideas and propels you ahead of the curve.
5. Global reach and resilience: Extend your digital borders and connect with customers like never before. AWS boasts a global network of data centers, ensuring exceptional performance and unparalleled redundancy regardless of your users’ location. This global reach strengthens your brand, unlocks new markets, and bolsters your disaster recovery capabilities.
6. Unwavering security and compliance: Prioritize data security and safeguard your reputation. AWS prioritizes multi-layered security controls and adheres to the highest compliance standards. Sensitive data is protected with rigorous measures, building trust with customers and minimizing risk.
Conquering cloud migration challenges
With the seven Rs as your compass, it’s time to chart your course through the inevitable challenges that arise on any AWS migration journey. By anticipating these roadblocks and proactively addressing them, you can ensure a smoother and more successful transition to the cloud. Here are some key obstacles to keep in mind:
1. Complexity and skill gap: Navigating the vast and ever-evolving AWS ecosystem can be daunting, especially for organizations with limited cloud experience. This complexity, coupled with a potential skill gap in your team, can lead to inefficient resource utilization, suboptimal architecture choices, and delayed timelines.
Strategize: Address this challenge by investing in training and certifications for your IT staff, partnering with experienced AWS consultants, and leveraging readily available online resources and documentation. Prioritize understanding core AWS services and best practices to make informed decisions throughout your migration.
2. Security considerations: Migrating sensitive data and applications to the cloud requires meticulous attention to security protocols and compliance regulations. Failure to secure your assets can lead to data breaches, reputational damage, and hefty fines.
Fortify: Implement robust access controls, data encryption, and threat detection mechanisms. Choose security-focused AWS services and adhere to industry best practices. Partnering with AWS security experts can significantly mitigate risks and ensure compliance.
3. Vendor lock-in: While leveraging the full range of AWS services can offer significant benefits, over-reliance on proprietary solutions can create an unhealthy dependence on a single vendor. This can limit your future flexibility and potentially increase costs.
Diversify: Maintain a balance between utilizing valuable AWS services and keeping some workloads on-premises or considering multi-cloud strategies. This approach enhances flexibility and bargaining power in the long run.
4. Cost management: While AWS offers flexible pricing models and optimization tools, managing cloud costs effectively requires ongoing monitoring and proactive adjustments. Uncontrolled spending can quickly eat into your budget and undermine the cost-effectiveness of your migration.
Optimize: Implement strategies like reserved instances, cost tagging, and resource auto-scaling to control expenses. Regularly review your cloud bills and identify areas for optimization. Remember, continuous cost management is the key to maximizing the financial benefits of the cloud.
Beyond migration: Embracing the digital horizon with Softweb Solutions
By embracing this roadmap, you’ll propel your business forward with agility, efficiency, and innovation. The cloud isn’t just a destination; it’s a powerful platform for growth and transformation. Don’t let questions cloud your judgment. Let Softweb Solutions be your guide to sail you through.
Originally published at https://www.softwebsolutions.com on February 14, 2024.
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Unleash the Power of Cloud Through AWS Development
Leverage AWS to move your applications & data to cloud environments by reducing your operating costs, advanced security, availability, and more.
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leaplogic · 2 years
Here’s What Automated Cloud Migration Helps Companies Achieve!
Effective Data management demands simplification of data infrastructure. That helps leverage the data in the right way. However, conventional data infrastructure hardly gives a company an edge over its cloud-based competitors. In fact, it does quite the opposite. Cloud-based companies, in today’s market definitely have an ace up their sleeve. This is also one of the reasons why cloud migration is being considered so frequently. Startups are employing cloud platforms to be able to function effectively. Automated cloud migration makes the following things possible.
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Improved data management Cloud platforms come with certain tools that help manage data in an effective fashion. Every organization has some set of goals that may or may not be technology driven. So, it is the responsibility of the IT teams of any organization to ensure they switch to the cloud platform that aligns with their business needs. For example, Snowflake is best suited for business-driven requirements whereas Databricks assists better in tech-driven requirements like building an app, etc. Helps you stay on the same page with your business contemporaries One aspect of simplification of data infrastructure is staying on the same page with other companies. It makes the exchange of business much simpler and more effective. Also, you don’t lag behind your competitors since all use similar platforms. Now all you have to do is put your expertise to work to make the most out of available resources. Greater scalability Business requirements keep on fluctuating according to market conditions. Managing the resources even when they are not required can get financially taxing. This can put unnecessary management and financial burden. At times, there comes a point when business expansion becomes the next natural step. That is when the organization needs to buckle up on the expansion of resources. Cloud platforms offer greater ease of scalability making expansion much simpler. Also, the overall management becomes much more effective. Lesser downtimes Downtimes are a nightmare for businesses, aren’t they? Conventional data infrastructure doesn’t promise smooth functioning at all times. It can potentially break down at any time. Well, this is where cloud platforms are a real lifesaver. Since the data is uploaded to the cloud, the chances of downtime significantly lessen. That promises smooth functioning of the business. If you wish to migrate to the cloud then a migration partner can help you do that easily. LeapLogic is one of the most proficient migration experts out there. It leverages superior automation to help companies with migration to AWS. Automation in cloud migration helps in a faster transition to the cloud. Also, it is highly cost-efficient since greater speed saves resources. One of the greatest advantages of signing up with LeapLogic’s services is error-free Hadoop to EMR migration. Since the entire manoeuvre is automated the chances of manual errors are significantly lessened. Another important benefit is that business disruption is negated to a great extent. So, you don’t have to keep the customers waiting for your services. Also, LeapLogic takes utmost care of your data security and keeps it encrypted and masked throughout. So, go ahead and browse LeapLogic’s services now! Original Source: https://bit.ly/3EBJY9V
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appliedai · 2 years
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empty-movement · 9 months
Welcome to Something Eternal: A Website Forum in 2023 wtf lmao
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It's 2023, and a single belligerent rich guy destroyed one of the primary focal points of uh...global communication. Tumblr is, shockingly, kinda thriving despite the abuse it gets from its owners, but that I will call the iconic refusal of Tumblr users to let Tumblr get in the way of their using Tumblr. Reddit killed its API, removing the functionality of mobile apps that made it remotely readable (rip rif.) Discord, our current primary hangout, has made countless strange choices lately that indicate it has reached the summit of its usability and functionality, and can only decline from here as changes get made to prepare for shareholders. (NOTE: WROTE THIS POST BEFORE THEIR MOBILE "REDESIGN" LMAO)
The enshittification is intense, and it's coming from every direction. Social media platforms that felt like permanent institutions are instead slowly going to let fall fallow incredible amounts of history, works of art, thought, and fandoms. It kinda sucks!
A couple years ago, I posted about a new plan with a new domain, to focus on the archiving of media content, as I saw that to be the fatal weakness of the current ways the internet and fandoms work. Much has happened since to convince me to alter the direction of those efforts, though not abandon them entirely.
Long story short? We are launching a fucking website forum. In 2023.
If you remember In the Rose Garden, much about Something Eternal will be familiar. But this has been a year in the making, and in many ways it's far more ambitious than IRG was. We have put money on this. The forum is running on the same software major IT and technology businesses use, because I don't want the software to age out of usability within five years. It has an attached gallery system for me to post content to, including the Chiho Saito art collection. It has a profile post system that everyone already on the forum has decided is kinda like mini Twitter? But it is, fundamentally, a website forum, owned and run and moderated by us. We are not web devs. But we have run a website on pure spite and headbutting code for over twenty years, and we have over a decade of experience maintaining social spaces online, both on the OG forum, and on our Discord. Better skilled people with far more time than we have can and will build incredible alternatives to what is collapsing around us. But they're not in the room right now. We are. And you know what? Maybe it's time to return to a clunkier, slower moving, more conversation focused platform.
You're not joining a social media platform with the full polish of dozens of devs and automated moderation. Things might break, and I might need time to fix them. The emojis and such are still a work in progress. Because e-mails no longer route in reasonable normal ways, the sign-up process instead happens within the software, and has to be approved by mods. Design and structure elements may change. Etc. The point being, that the forum isn't finished, but it is at a place where I feel like I can present it to people, and it's people I need to help direct what functions and things will be in this space. You all will shape its norms, its traditions, its options...choices I could try to make now, but really...they're for us to create as a group! But the important stuff? That's there. Now let's drive this baby off the damn lot already!
Come! Join us!!
PS. As always, TERFs and Nazis need not apply.
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
“America likes to tell a certain story about itself: It’s a safe haven, a place of refuge for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. It’s a story that history shows hasn’t always been true. But thankfully, it just got easier for Americans to take matters into their own hands and turn that aspiration into a reality.
The Biden administration on January 19 launched the Welcome Corps, a new program that will allow groups of Americans to directly sponsor refugees to resettle in their communities.
Whereas recent programs have focused on bringing over people from specific places — Afghanistan, Ukraine, Venezuela — this program makes it possible for private citizens to resettle people from any place in the world, so long as they are refugees as defined by the US Refugee Act.
Under the Welcome Corps program, you and a few of your friends can pool together funds to provide an immigration pathway that allows vulnerable people who may not otherwise be able to immigrate the ability to rebuild their lives in the US. Forming a private sponsor group involves bringing together at least five adults in your area and collectively raising $2,275 for each person you want to resettle in your community. With that money, sponsors commit to helping them through the first three months there, which can include securing and furnishing housing, stocking the pantry with food, supporting job hunts, and registering kids for school.
It’s a powerful way to improve life for the newcomers, granting them protection from persecution or violence in their country of origin, plus the chance to access health care, education, and socioeconomic opportunities. It can also improve life for everyone who’ll be in the newcomers’ orbit, including you and your neighbors. Research suggests welcoming refugees will likely benefit your community as a whole, for example by opening new businesses that revitalize neighborhoods. In Canada, a similar private sponsorship program has proven immensely popular and successful over the past decade.
But you might be thinking: Why should it fall to private citizens to fork over the cash, time, and energy to resettle refugees? Shouldn’t that be the government’s job?
...It’s a fair point: This is the government’s job. That’s why the advocacy groups that pushed for the Welcome Corps program insisted that any refugees who come to the US via private sponsorship should be in addition to the number of traditional, government-assisted resettlement cases.
The State Department has signaled that it agrees. This means that by sponsoring a refugee, you can play a role in allowing the US to take in more refugees overall. It really is additive.
And unlike prior programs for Afghans or Ukrainians, which were temporary, ad hoc responses to crises, the Welcome Corps is intended to be a permanent fixture. The hope is that it’ll complement the traditional resettlement process, which has been struggling for years.”
-via Vox, 1/27/23
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yeet-noir · 1 year
Rose's record: I love Juleka 🥰😘😉-
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Rose's record: - And I love Ivan, Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Luka, Mylène, Nino, Nathaniel, Miss Bustier, Mr. Damocles-
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maliciouscigarette · 1 year
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Does he… you know… bear off?
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faeriefully · 3 months
me realizing that I’m the tumblr middle child
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an-emo-trashbag · 2 years
even tumblrs own twitter account is aiding the mission of scaring away the absolute normie FREAKS
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there are multiple replies with similar sentiments to this one
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#twitter migration#for the record i dont mind people from twitter coming over here in general#i myself was a pretty avid twitter for quote some time#until the space i occipied that was mostly free of what is considered classic twitter behaviour was equally corrupted#and pointless discourse and arguments became impossible to find#and i was forced to leave pretty much entirely because it got to a point where merely opening the app became mentally draining#i still have fond memories of my early time on there where everyone i came across was kind and there wasnt arguments everywhere you turned#so because of that i dont mind twitter users coming here in general#so long as they dont bring with them the awful twitter culture that made me and many others have to leave that platform for our well being#im not afraid of the influx of people fron there. im afraid of what they may bring with them#and i do think the being insufferable with a the destialgate and glup shitti and everything (when its not even insufferable at all imo)#i do think it helps weed out some of the people who could bring those negative things to this platform#any of them who come here anyways though if they try and start anything as if its twitter#i do hope that we all remember to treat them the same as corporations#no kpp or anything#just straight up no attention#they cannot be allowed to survive the ecosystem here and the best way to do that i think is to block them and move on#not a lick of attention#i totally fucked up an earlier tag really badly#pointless discourse and arguments became impossible to AVOID not find...#i truly domt know how i managed to fuck that so bad
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asukiess · 1 year
rose being banished to singing in outer space really fucking got me for some reason
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bluesofberries · 1 year
i'm so used to posting on Reddit being like, only things that specifically relate to whatever subreddit you're posting in. I keep forgetting that this is just my own little blog where I can put whatever the hell I want in it
i may get significantly more annoying now that i've realized this.
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Migration to AWS cloud helps businesses reduce costs and benefit from new infrastructure capabilities. Read the blog to know about AWS cloud migration in detail.
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leaplogic · 2 years
Rethinking Automated Cloud Migration? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t!
Prudent management of resources is the key to a thriving business or company. The secret to making things work lies in decluttering the essentials, thereby, increasing efficiency. When talking about the essentials that make up a company, data infrastructure is the one thing that we can’t afford to not discuss. Data management of a company influences the bottom line of its finances in unexpected ways. That makes the need for effective data management more pronounced. One of the most potent ways to build a promising data infrastructure is by transferring the data to the cloud. Cloud platforms make data management much simpler which in turn helps leverage data to expand operations. The operations could include building an application or analyzing a set of particular data to draw relevant conclusions. Cloud platforms have various features in place to help you perform such operations. So, this might be just the right time to ditch traditional data management platforms.
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Automated cloud migration has managed to catch the attention of IT managers. That’s because it negates every reason that can discourage a company from shifting to the cloud. While there are plenty of reasons that can make an IT person rethink cloud migration, here are ways in which automation saves the day! Effectively reduces costs Let’s agree to the fact that cloud migration is financially taxing! Moving the entire data to the cloud consumes costs. A big reason behind that is that the process takes a great amount of time when attempted manually. And greater hours mean greater costs. Automation can effectively lessen the time taken as it significantly fastens the process. And obviously, lesser time would notably cut down migration expenses helping with a better budget. Negates business disruption Migration involving manual work can cause a lot of business disruption owing to the time it takes. Also, manual work can never render as perfect results as automation. So, the process remains in a work-in-progress stage for a long time. And companies with a considerable customer base can certainly not afford that. Any form of business disruption amounts to the loss of dollars in companies. The most promising way to avoid any kind of business disruption while undertaking migration to AWS is opting for automation. That helps avoid any kind of business disruption leaving your company with plenty of time for attending to clients! Negates human errors Manual errors are probably the most dreaded aspect of the migration process. The consequences of such errors can reflect in unexpected ways making it harder to reverse the mistake. This is where automation is a real life saver. It significantly nullifies the possibility of errors since advanced algorithms are at work. That makes automation a promising proposition. Intrigued by the above-mentioned benefits of automation in cloud migration. Well, LeapLogic is here to increase your confidence in automation! It is one of the most renowned cloud migration partners out there. LeapLogic takes the burden off your shoulders by introducing superior automation for Hadoop to EMR migration. Given the current entrepreneurial scenario, there can be no better time for cloud migration! So, go check out LeapLogic for a smooth transition to the cloud! Original Source: https://bit.ly/3WpYI1r
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