drop--pop--candy · 1 month
@aroace-poly-show guess who's done with your birthday present
it's me!!! throws this at you and runs away
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superbellsubways · 6 months
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aww the. 🎥 cutes, 😊 hi @cephalonheadquarters
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blissfali · 2 years
girl is stressed OUT!!!! TIME FOR GURL MODE!!!!
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
"have you ever thought about dying?"
cross could barely hear it over the dying crackle of the fire, and even that was quiet. for a moment he wasn't sure if killer was talking to him.
his smaller partner shifted, sitting up on his sleeping bag to look at cross. "have you?"
cross thought over his words carefully. "...in what way?"
killer glanced away, at the buildings in the distance. his fingers twisted in the ratty fabric of his sleeping bag, a nervous tick of his.
cross didn't know. but killer didn't expand on it, or explain, simply waiting for cross to understand, but he couldnt figure this one out. most methods of dying were eliminated, the only thing left to really die from is time, or sickness.
"have you ever thought about it?" killer asked again, and cross frowned, slowing down his packing to really think about it. the immediate answer would be no.
"I have," killer said. "I tried it once."
cross felt a prickling feeling at his neck, the kind of awkwardness that comes from discomfort and realization.
"I think I was sixteen? just got my license, took my mom's Chevy for a spin."
cross's movements slowed to a stop, his attention drawn to killer. there was a faraway look in his eyes, his soul barely moving as he waved directionlessly through the air.
"it was the first time I was sat at a railroad crossing. i felt a really strong urge to just floor it and get on the tracks."
"why didn't you?" he asked it before he could think, his own voice startling him. killer flashed him a grin, "I thought about how furious my mom would be that her car got fucked up. it wasn't worth it."
cross stared at Killer, silent, his brow creased at the idea. there was a faintly bitter taste in the back of his throat, his mood souring at the thought that one of the major factors contributing to their companionship was killer refraining from suicide simply because his parent would be mad about collateral. the thought irked him.
killer huffed a laugh, shaking his head, "what about you? anything similar? got any stories?"
quite a few, cross almost said. there'd been a few times in his life when it was a fleeting thought, when he'd held receipts in his clenched fist as if it would erase his purchases, when he'd called up friends to have an excuse to avoid his home and face the contents in his closet. but the words shriveled as they formed and he only shrugged in the end.
a flicker of understanding passed over killer's face, and something told cross that killer was talking about intrusive thoughts, and not contemplation and plotting. cross swallowed his words and tore his gaze away to stare hard at his backpack, his eyes narrowed as he resumed packing his things.
"im glad you didnt," killer blurted, a few minutes after their conversation. cross glanced at him, his frown hidden behind his scarf as he stared at killer's earnest expression.
he was glad neither of them had.
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
tell us abt pulse and yow Now. i want to know more abt them theyre so fuckin wholesome i love pulse so much i think he would be friends with koops and i love how yow is just a clingy hyperactive child oh my god im going bananas sorry pleas Tell Us More About Them.implodes and dies
YAYYYY IM SO HAPPY PPL LIKE THEM i will gladly talk about them for u bestie❤️❤️❤️❤️
if he ever got around to it pulse probably Would be friends with koops.. it would take a very long time for him to get used to talking to other people and not being a self-inflicted outcast. he likes the company of yoshis more obviously since he grew up around them but i dont doubt once he comes back home his mother scolds him so so much (lovingly) and says he should travel more
the idea is scary but eventually it happens! a dumb scaredy guy and his little hyperactive ball of flames❤️ for some reason i can imagine him and koops meeting if they cross paths while koops is being dragged somewhere by the party's own little yoshi. kid yoshi being all like. "oh hey! u guys r like. the complete opposite of us. isnt that crazy?" pulse being so so nervous and unsure of what to say but yow is like "YOOOOOOOOOOOO THATS IS SO COOL‼️‼️‼️‼️ CAN WE BE FRIENDS⁉️⁉️⁉️" and now its an impromptu playdate
but aside from that they are very near and dear 2 me ... guy who thinks he needs to be tough for his ego because of where he came from vs suddenly all of that shedding off bcus a small fragile thing that loves him showed up . ahhhgg ahuhhh i love them so muchhh aughhhh
and yes if it wasnt obvious , yow got their name bcus right after they hatched pulse tried to pick them up, and burned his hands a little. after exclaiming in pain, yow was like. ":0 is that my name?" and pulse had no idea what to say, so he just went with it after yow seemed certain it was a good choice. 10/10 parenting strats right out the gate
lady yuyu absolutely fawns over her grandkid and dart is a horrible influence of an older sibling uncle, but they all love yow very much even if they are hard to handle (both physically and metaphorically)
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
Rank your fave mark egos, and why
-🗡(not part of the qnapp I just felt like asking)
this one. took awhile. also this isnt a list that like,, shows which one i hate?? i love, all of them! just some a little less, but if i had to rank em, this is how id do it! So this is more of a “most favorite to i still like them, but i like these guys more!!”
(1) Yancy
i like him the most honestly because hes just.. he means so much to me?? ive got no clue as of why i attached to him so hard, but something about the way he sings and dances, his daddy issues, his past, the way he smiles and just how dramatic he is. he makes my heart soar, i want to give him all he deserves. hes an amazing person to me.
(1.5) Wilford Warfstache
literally couldnt pick one favorite. warfstache was the first ego i fell in love with, due to his complex character and lore!! i love how in WMLW hes sincere with abe, and i love how kind he is before he goes “insane”. i love how hes a loyal man as william J barnum, and hes just AUGHHHH!! hes got so much to him and i love him so so so so much!! hes SO cool!! LIKE SPACE!!!
(2) Eric Derekson
eric is a hot and close second. i love how timid and nervous he is, and i love how he canonically comes back, and somewhat gets over that!! i LOVE characters with a tragic past, which is why yancy and wilf are first!! i love eric sosososo much, i wanna kiss his head and hold him, he deserves the world!! hes only second cause yancy and warf are some of my BIGGEST hyperfixations.
(3) illinois
ironically loved him and now i unironically love him. i love the confidence and the stupid fucking suaveness, it makes me laugh! i also headcanon hes a genuinely nice guy, and often teaches at the prison because he works with a program and such!! i like to think he genuinely loves his job, and is maybe (100%) is autistic over archaeology. i love his energy!!!
(4) Damien
i love him. i just, i do! i love how sincere of a man he is, how soft and serious he is, BUT HE CARES SO FUCKING MUCH FOR WILLIAM AND IT HURTS!!!! i hc him as such a nice man, who is genuinely doing his best to make everybody happy. he also deserves the world.
(4.5) THE JIMS!!!!
I FUCKING LOVE THE JIMS I LOVE THE HCS THAT PEOPLE COME UP WITH I LOVE READING THEM IN FICS!!! they are SOSOSOSOOO silly!!! devilish little bastards, rats!! rats in my walls!! I LOVE THEM.
(5) Head Engineer Mark
hes a stupid brat man child and i love him. hes such a smart guy, and yet so dumb and adventurous, i love his energy, and i love how hes basically captains puppy???? he really comes in close with damien for me, but we dont get much of his character in ISWM, so honestly its hard to form a solid opinion on him! otherwise i think hes absolutely fucking hilarious and i adore him and his personality.
(6) Darkiplier
i love you. i have the hc of him being edgy and evil, but hes also doing it mostly all for show. i love how its literally all out of spite because he fucking hates actor, and i love how hes just there to fuck up his plans. i love thinking hes just— HES A CAT, MAN. A SNARKY LITTLE SHIT, I LOVE HIM, HES GREAT. i also love the hc that he goes by most pronouns!! mostly he/they, but sometimes she/her and im absolutely fucking here for it. slay girliepop!!!!
(7) Bing
do i. do i have to explain? hes a douche! i fucking love him! over confident idiot, who looks epic?? dude, thats just me!! i just fucking adore his vibe, love how you see him interact with google in fics and shit, i just, THERES JUST SOMETHING ABOUT HIM THAT MAKES ME LAUGH IN SUCH A GOOD WAY!!!
(7.5) Actor Mark
hes a dumb egomaniacal asshole and i love it. hes fucking stupid and greedy, is also a man child, and i can absolutely see him pouting and stomping his foot when upset. HE ALSO KILLS HIMSELF FOR FUNSIES I JUST THINK THAYS FUCKING HILARIOUS??? literally dies and says to damien “hey i want you to be my villain, bye!!” and RUNS OFF TO MAKE ANOTHER UNIVERSE?? HELLO??? also hes evil and im here for that, slay king, fuck things up!
(8) King of the Squirrels
hes funny as fuck and ive read a few fics with him. love how people think he interacts with Bim and the jims, i also think he would be good friends with eric, considering they both LOVE animals!! love his outfit too!! hes just silly, and i like to think hes this nice energetic guy whose just really passionate over squirrels :)
(9) Bim Trimmer
show host. thats it. cannibalistic show host. love it. its me core, i love him. i like to think hes a nice guy, but also has manic undertones and a slight sinister feeling about him and OH BOY AM I FUCKING HERE FOR IT. im a sucker for the over dramatic show host type, and its a reason why i actually love spamton too! i love the “always have a professional smile even though im clearly extremely angry at you, so ill just be as passive aggressive as possible, haha!!” GOD I LOVE HIM
(9.5) Dr. Iplier
OF COURSE I THINK HE MATCHES WITH YHE HOST!!!!!!! their dynamic is so cute in fics dont even fucking get me STARTED. anyways, i love how much of an asshole he is in the skit(s??), but i also love how people write him as this caring and hardworking man. he would get along well with eric, dark, and the host in my eyes! maybe even yancy, because theyre both kinda a reserved character in my mind!
(10) Google
hes cool!! i love that hes a sinister sentient AI, and is always a fucking smartass. i love smartasses that are always serious and always follow the rules. Tenya iida core, iykyk— uh, love the guy!! again, love how hes an asshole, yet i still hc he cares about the others and alla that, he just doesnt show it and blahblahblah. also love his design, its something so simple yet, it really pops!! love the art people make of him, and i also love the asshole confidence hes got—
(10.5) The Host
hes also sosososooooo neat!! again, seen him in fics, i love how some people write him. he deserves love and care, and i think that him and yancy would really connect, considering theyre both outcasts in their own ways! hes a sweetheart who is trying his best and you literally cannot fucking convince me otherwise.
(and then all the others i dont know/care about)
lots of ties, though, hoped you enjoyed this long and VERY autistic ramble about the egos i like-
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ochrophyta · 1 year
i am so nervous to turn 21. ive never had a Perfect Birthday and this one wont be either and ill cry and have an existential birthday crisis like i do every year. also im selfish i admit it but i gave all my friends little birthday presents this year so if i am snubbed and nobody gets me ANYTHING i might riot. birthdays are so so hard for me because every year i want a perfect start to my new age and every year i fail miserably and hate whatever i do and cry!!!! aughhhh i wish i didnt have to celebrate at all but if i didnt get attention i would implode 😑
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togoldlilya · 1 month
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Hopelessly in love
"i had a cup of coffee that changed my life today" toge exclaims bursting into maki's apartment like he lives there.
"for the better i hope" is her response, not even blinking at his sudden entrance, from where she's sitting on the couch with yuuta.
"was the coffee that good inumaki?" yuuta questions turning to look at the boy who has a wide smile on his face.
"it wasn't the coffee, it was person who gave it to me" he answers dreamly, voice light and airy.
"okay stop being such a lovesick fool and just tell us what happened." maki cuts in already fed up with his behavior.
"so i visited the new cafe down the street and there's the most lovely elegant beautiful girl who works there, and she made my coffee, and it is so so so good" toge gushes cheeks turning pink.
"ooooh i see how it is, you've seen this girl for all of five minutes and you're already in love, sad" maki's cold response makes him droop like an unwatered flower.
"you should be nicer maki, it seems he really likes this girl. so what's her name?" yuuta interrupts, a sheepish look on his face.
"i don't know, i got too nervous to ask..."
"nevermind he's hopeless" his face drops at that, turning back to the tv.
"aughhhh but you guys!! she was so pretty! and she put extra whip cream on my hot chocolate and i didn't even ask for it!" toge exclaims thursting out he's now half empty cup as if to show them said extra cream. maki and yuuta both turn to look at the cup, eyes narrowing.
"she wrote her number on the cup you idiot" maki breaks the short silence, toge's eyes growing impossibly wide.
"WHAT?! OH MY GOD IT'S HER NUMBER, YOU GUYS SHE GAVE ME HER NUMBER! IM GONNA MESSAGE HER RIGHT NOW AND TELL HER HOW PRETTY SHE IS AND-" toge is shouting in excitement at this point, making the other two tune him out and continue watching their show.
"that boy is totally hopeless, he'll never have the guts to ask her out" maki comments offhandedly, yuuta nodding in agreement.
"guys this is sayaka! sayaka these are my friends maki and yuuta!" so imagine their surprise when two weeks later he shows up at their apartment, bursting in like usual only this time he's accompanied by the cafe girl.
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sagesparrow394 · 4 months
BUSTS OPEN YOUR DOOR OH MY GOSH DUDE!!! THIS CHAPTER EEEEEE THE DRAMA THE TEA IS PIPING FUCKING HOT FOR REAL...... the whole band figured it out but not that that's his ex and therefore juanaflippa's other parent... mans gonna fucking DIE when they find out im so rfreaking nervous to see how mariana reacts but ngl i think he'll be elated to know shes a mom (and therefore charlie will throw up again)... the shenanigans of charlie's acid reflux issues. i guess winding up in the hospital is genetic or something - HE WAS TEARING UP AUGHHHH SHAKING AND CRYING!!!!! your writing is so good dude! also sorry to be a bug but do you have any suggestions for keeping up writing motivation? gods know i lack it haha
Heheheeee writing this chapter for me was like
Hm, it feels like not a lot has actually happened in it. But it’s very important for setting up a lot of little important details :) some throw away bits of dialogue and narration that may suddenly have more relevance later :))) and that’s all I’ll say :)))))
V excited for the next chapter, my daughter will finally be there 💚🩷💛 I have a very sweet scene with Flippa and Charlie planned already
As for motivation… I wish I could offer advice. Fun fact about me, I have only ever finished one multi chapter fic I’ve ever written, which is a very old one on an abandoned fanfiction.net account. Praying that my fixation on this fic lasts long for me to finish-
Tbh tho my best advice is to find that idea that you just get so excited over you can’t stop thinking about it, and make a plan. Planning can be boring, but having even a rough mental map of how it’s going to go makes it so much easier to write. There’s been too many times I’ve rushed in with just ideas for the universe/characters and not the actual plot. Shocker, I got writers block and gave up lmao
I honestly do think I’ll finish igilyfts because I have all the main plot points planned already, and I’m really excited for a lot of the later ones. If I never got to them, I would be sad. I guess that’s what it boils down to. Plan late stage stuff that it would frustrate you to never share, so you push through the rest of the fic out of spite lmao
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linorangge · 2 years
Lee Know as Your Boyfriend ! <3
(keep in mind this is a head canon !) requested by anon 
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how you met: 
- minho still liked to attend and give dance lessons every now and then despite already being well versed in his area of expertise
- your first time at the studio happened to be during one of the few lessons he was giving
- you immediately found him v attractive but tried to be focused during the lesson
- after the lesson was over you got the guts to talk to him and ask him for tips
- he was v professional and completely genuine in the advice he was giving u
- like a month went by where you didn’t see him again
- and when u did you asked him for advice on footwork
- he asked if u were new to dancing since he remembered u from last time
- “yes”
- “oh wow I couldn’t tell haha”
- big ego booster on your end lol
- he taught u a few moves and then u guys attended a lesson that was going on at the time
- over time he started to attend the studio more and more often
- u thought maybe because his passion for dancing had grew
- his passion was never-ending, he mostly went to see you
- he taught you the choreo to maniac within the span of a few weeks
- over that time u rlly started hitting it off
- so much that u began to hang out outside of the studio and dancing
- u got to know his personality which u grew fond of 
- u guys went to lots of street food places
- bro was trying so hard to put u on tteokbokki 
- you were v sure he didn’t feel the same 
- until he popped the question out of the blue
- “we should go on a date”
- “HUH”
- “we don't have to if ur not interested”
- “nono! im interested”
- a day was set
- and after a few more dates
- he asked you to be his girlfriend at a book store in samseong-dong
lee know as your boyfriend:
- lots of playful teasing
- loves to annoy you
- it’s hard to stay mad at him when he annoys u enough
- he loves making you laugh until you cry
- loves seeing you smile
- he’ll do literally ANYTHING to make you happy
- very passionate about your relationship
- he’s not v expressive thru his words
- still v affectionate 
- gives tight hugs especially when he greets u
- kisses ur hair a lot?
- he has the tendency to push ur hair behind ur ears when ur talking
- uses pics of soonie doongie and dori as reaction pics when u text
- such a hard ass emoji user pls
- “im gonna pick up lunch 🍱 do u want anything ? 😘😋”
- “no thx babe enjoy ur meal :)”
- “ok 👍 love u bebi ❤️🫂”
- AUGHHHH minho best bf
- pet names…. baby(or bebi/bb), honey, bun
- the type to pull up to ur place randomly
- if u were to give him a key he’d let himself in and just chill there until u got home
- so unserious jfc
- when u need him to be tho he’ll straighten up
- when u need to sit down and talk he’ll be so attentive
- will give u his full 100% attention if u ask for it
- strokes the back of ur hand when ur feeling nervous
- omg pda…
- not v into it
- most is the reg hand holding and subtle hugging
- in private… back hugs r often his fav excuse to be constantly touching u
- for sure the clingy boyfriend in priv
- ass slaps ofc
- not even subtle either
- literally winds it up and makes a show of it
- at some point u got so used to it you just let him instead of dodging
- skz think ur v much his perfect much
- when u go out with minho and the members it’s like the energy in the room is somehow heightened
- they see the way he’s become slower to anger/irritate
- he’s more tolerant
- skz love him either way but you walking into his life was for sure a plus
the first time i love you was said:
- you said it first
- you went on a week trip to a fishing resort with his parents and him
- in short u left a good impression
- on the last two days of the trip u went back to minho’s childhood home to meet soonie doongie and dori
- minho and u were playing w them
- giving treats, playing with them, showing off tricks
- soonie was half asleep in your lap, and u were stroking his fur
- lino was putting on a show of holding dori and pretending to talk to u thru her
- “ur so pretty y/n”
- and then lino turned dori to face him
- “i totally agree dori ur so right”
- u laughed softly before saying it
- “i love you”
- and he turned to you kinda surprised
- “me or her?” (in reference to dori)
- “you, dummy”
- “oh… i love you too baby :)”
- and then he put dori down and leaned in to give u a long kiss
- this might be extra long
- but it’s bc he’s my bias (like no one could tell)
- almost all the members have been requested :)
- thx for the asks, i’ll get to them when i can :)
- luv u bye
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spitdrunken · 2 years
as a trans person i tend to project onto characters i rly like...imagine trans ingo aughhhh hed be sooo easy to rile up and definitely a squirter!! imagine him getting fucked and he just cums over and over bc hes so sensitive...hes sobbing and drooling bc it feels so good and t is KNOWN to increase libido alot so his refractory period is so low..he might even plug himself up at work bc he wants to be full, shaking as he tries not to cum in the middle of a battle ohhhh im losing my mind i want to dom this man so bad
yes yes yes <3
I love the idea of Ingo getting easily riled up / being very horny (and desperately trying to hide it) in general, and I think that he gets wet really really easily! He's glad people can't tell just by looking at him, but he can definitely feel it! He always takes a clean pair of boxers with him to work... Just in case. Sometimes, he spends half his lunch break holed up in his and Emmet’s private office bathroom, desperately rubbing at himself so he can cum... Horniness is a safety violation! It makes it harder for him to focus!! (Maybe that’s the excuse he uses for himself when he wears a toy while battling... It’s just relieving an itch  that would otherwise be incredibly bothersome!!)
anon the thought of ingo sitting on your face is gonna keep me up at night... (he’d be sooo hesitant to do so in the first place because he’s nervous about hurting you!) him trying his best not to grind against your tongue,, and squirting all over your face when he cums!!!!
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sevicia · 3 years
this girl from my class had to take the ptu today and while everyone in the class gc is like aughhhh im so nervous :( shes like Um well actually *i* did amazing and im gonna get full points and im better than all of you idiots :) like SHUT UP !!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!
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nedpng · 7 years
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