#AUGH sorry to bring it up again guys and like
bizarrescribblez · 1 year
i got an anon today referencing a joke i had made a little while ago - for people who dont remember/weren't there for this - i made a joke about how i was "going to go after people who dont respect those who wish to not share f/os and put it in their dni to avoid that situation" (TO PARAPHRASE) the tone was over the top and dramatic for the sake of the joke -- it was (of course) never my intention to ACTUALLY imply i wanted to ... harm someone regarding that topic? im unsure as to how this could have been taken in a serious threatening tone, but it came to my attention that i believe some people had - and i truly am sorry for that. i never want to make anyone uncomfortable or feel unwelcome on my blog. anon had said i created an "openly hostile place" for "someone liking the same things i do" but i love to talk about things that make me happy and to encourage everyone else around me to do the same.
i believe the context and connotation of the original joke post was completely misread :(
the context being myself & my close friends/mutuals have been consistently disrespected regarding our DNIs -- specifically about the "not comfortable sharing romantic f/os" part...for me, self shipping is a huge source of comfort and i am negatively impacted by seeing others who share my f/os, and i know this also goes for said close friends/mutuals :( i will never hate on ANYONE who ships with the same f/os, the only thing i feel about that situation is saddened/uncomfortable when i am directly presented with it despite my DNI speaking against that (once again, same goes for those close friends/mutuals)
once again, i in no way hate anyone who happens to ship with my f/os, i (& friends) just want to be respected when we say we are uncomfortable with sharing :( especially when it IS such a big source of comfort & is a safe place for many of us
but i do want to say too that there is nothing wrong with sharing by any means - thats never something i wanted to imply because its not something i believe! i truly want everyone to have that comfort/safe place in the way that i want mine, however that is achieved for that specific person
at the end of the day i just wanted to poke fun at something that had been consistently hurting mine & my friends feelings for a long time -- i truly am sorry this offended some, or even worse hurt some, because that is the last thing i would've ever wanted... my joke was not targeted or backhanded towards anyone - it truly was just a heat of the moment joke, in a similar tone i've seen in other posts in this community :(
i hope this clears everything up, and this apology/explanation makes it to the right people :( i hope you all have a lovely rest of your day, thank you for taking the time to read :,3
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Lesson 37 spoilers below - it's screenshot heavy again because OH BOY we had a lot going on this time too. I took almost 100 screenshots lol. But don't worry, I narrowed it down... uh but there are still a lot so I apologize for that.
I do believe I said in my last post that if they were going to go full Dante, they would bury Lucifer in ice.
Now listen, it's been a long time since I've read the Divine Comedy, so there may be a lot more references that I am missing. I can tell you that the four circles or sections or whatever that Simeon named for us are from Dante. That right there is straight from Dante's Inferno, along with their names and who they're supposed to punish. I don't really feel like any of this has much relevance except that they used it as a backdrop and to create reasons for us to lose most of the people who came to help us as we went.
And truly the lore was fascinating in general, but there are a couple of specific pieces about this that made me go EXCUSE YOU.
It's the Celestial Realm again, guys. Cocytus is part of their domain. And the last area is for those who betrayed "him" as they so eloquently put it lol. Both Mammon and Lucifer are considered traitors in this regard, but I kind of suspect that if the rest of the bros made it to that level, they would've had a similar experience.
Anyway, I was pissed. I was like Diavolo in the hard lesson.
Right, so let's talk Mephistopheles. I'm not familiar enough with the legend of Faust or its variations to know if the way they described his special power is based on that. However, I highly suspect it is at least somewhat inspired by it. Considering making a deal with the devil is what that story is all about.
But aside from all that - I LOVE HIM OH NO.
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WHAT. This guy... all this time I thought he was really stuck up. And like I kinda get it, considering how he was supposed to be Diavolo's right hand man and everything. But he's straight up saying that he underestimated them. He seems to have no problem saying yeah, turns out I was wrong and you guys impressed me. So don't go around giving up now. AND he says they learned it from Lucifer? Like... he gets them. He understands them. And I was not expecting that at all. He keeps surprising me and I'm loving it.
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Welcome to my life, Mephi.
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It's pointless to resist.
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I'm telling you, this is just how it always goes.
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BUT OH! I'm not gonna lie, this made me feel something. All the brothers usually say such nice things to me, but this guy is basically like ARE YOU STUPID? And I love it?!?!? Augh I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance before, sir.
Okay, now let's talk Solomon being the hot old grandpa that he is. I SWEAR every time he shows up lately it's been making me more insane about him.
WE SUMMONED HIM. We needed him in Cocytus and he wasn't there, so we straight up SUMMONED HIM. We couldn't do it without Mammon giving us his power 'cause our magic is weak, but STILL!?!?
I think Simeon referred to it as teleporting, but really it was the same as summoning him. I think the words were even the summoning spell words.
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If this was actually me we were talking about, I would start doing it ALL THE TIME. Consider yourself on call, old man.
And then we got this excellent exchange:
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Not only am I always here for big bro Mammon getting protective, but Solomon bringing it right back was also great.
Okay, now let's talk about Raphael and Simeon.
Do you think we're dealing with Michael disguised as Raphael again? For some reason I don't think so, but... at this point, it's like how do you tell? I'm going to talk about it with the assumption that it's actually Raphael and not Michael.
Simeon during this part gave me chills. Because when Raphael showed up and spoke the punishment or whatever and Luke was about to protest, Simeon silenced him. Simeon wouldn't let Luke protest because he knew that wouldn't be good for our baby boy. Simeon was prepared to take the fall instead. And he wasn't about to just let things stand.
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I can't accept it. I swear, Simeon's character is far more complex than anyone gives him credit for. He doesn't get anywhere near the amount of appreciation he deserves. I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT IT.
Right, but back to Raphael.
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Baby. He's crying. He was just delivering the ultimatum, the decision about the brothers' punishment, and he was crying. I was so surprised, it was so soft and sad and I wanted to hug him. And look at Simeon's frown. AND THEN
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EVEN LUCIFER. This man is chained up in some ice and he still sees how Raphael is struggling and feels sorry for him. (Like maybe he's been there before himself...)
This is why I think it really is Raphael. Because this feels like such a significant revelation of his character, I think it'd be a disservice to him if we found out later it wasn't him at all. So I'm hoping it's still him.
Now. Let's talk about Diavolo. I'm pretty sure this was in the hard lesson, so be aware of that!
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He is so pissed. I don't think I've ever seen Diavolo quite like this. Worried, sometimes serious, but angry? Like to the point where he thinks he might lose control? I don't think that's happened, has it?
AND BARB. His reaction is so interesting! At first he has this look of surprise, but then LOOK AT THAT SMILE. Here's Dia being like, I need you to stop me, but you can't tell me that smile on Barb's face belongs to anyone who's going to stop anyone. He looks like he's looking forward to it. I love him so much it's stupid. (Also I think Barbatos is just as much of a menace as Solomon is, he's just better at hiding it. Where do you think Sol gets it from??)
And of course the lesson ended with Lucifer BREAKING THROUGH HIS CHAINS. Ugh another cliffhanger.
In general, I really loved the brotherly affection that was running amok in this chapter. They were annoying each other and protecting each other and sacrificing for each other and it was all amazing. They banded together because they care so much about Lucifer, there's no way they would leave him to his fate.
And once again, the Celestial Realm is to blame. I think it makes sense that they're doing this. Before, they said that the seven brothers assuming positions of power in the Devildom meant that the power balance between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm was out of whack. That's why they wanted the brothers back. But the brothers wouldn't come back.
And while the Celestial Realm threatened war, they didn't do that, either.
Do you think perhaps the Celestial Realm collaborated with the House of Lords to get Lucifer trapped in Cocytus? The House of Lords controlled the train where everything went down. The Celestial Realm controls Cocytus. They probably knew that Lucifer's brothers would try to rescue him and counted on them getting trapped in the ice, too.
But perhaps they weren't expecting any interference from Mephisto or Simeon. They had to be expecting MC, I would think. Maybe they underestimated MC because they're human? And maybe they thought Diavolo would just accept it? (If so they are duuuuumb lol.)
Okay just a couple more screenshots because they made me laugh.
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PLEASE. I love their dynamic SO MUCH.
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Hmm. Is that a threat, Barb? 'Cause uh... you can casually threaten me with that slight smile any time I MEAN yeah, you tell 'em.
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I cackled about what do you mean "ahaha" like I can't believe Levi actually said that out loud lol.
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Cheer up, Belphie. Let Asmo live the otome dream, won't you?
Okay, okay, I'm done. Overall, I quite enjoyed this chapter, but I'm still sensing more drama, probably until the end of the season, honestly.
You think Nightbringer will make an appearance before it's over? It's almost like I forgot this whole new app was made to tell a story about him. He's just been mostly MIA. UNLESS someone else has been him in disguise all along...
Nope. No. I refuse to get into theorizing, this post is already too long.
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beautification-tales · 5 months
The Betrayal
A late Bloomer tale
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Marsha, Stacey, and Ruby were sitting at the cafeteria of their university. They laughed and smiled at each other as they enjoyed the glances from the men. “They really want us don’t they?” Ruby giggled. “It’s so easy these days… it’s practically just routine. I mean, I just eat now but it’s not as fun as it used to be.” Stacey sighed crossing her arms. She slumped in her chair as if she was bored. Marsha rubbed Stacey’s shoulder and said. “Well my maker said we need to find a 4th. I think that should give you the excitement you crave.”
Stacey sat up as her expression shifted to happiness. “Yeah, I’m sure Peter bullied another girl at this school. I…. I could ask him..” she trailed off, her eyes wandered thinking of torturing Peter for information. “Eww, no Stacey leave that fucktard in the rear view. You got your revenge now let’s help our new recruit get theirs.” Stacey moped as Marsha gave her friend a directive. Ruby coughed to cut the tension.
“Well we can always recruit Becky.” Ruby suggested. “Who the fuck is Becky?” Stacey asked with a scoff. “She’s my old roommate. She got betrayed by her best friend.” Marsha’s eyes lit up and quickly glowed. “That sounds delicious Ruby. You think you can turn her for us?” Ruby smiled mischievously, excited to bring a new member into the fold.
“You think I’m ready?” Ruby asked Marsha. Marsha nodded as she gave Stacey a look of disappointment. “ Absolutely girl! You’re ready and you definitely have self control. Unlike others in this group.” “Not fair Marsha! You give me power to get what I want and now it’s all ‘leave Peter alone.’” Stacey raised her voice as onlookers paid even more attention to them. “Lower your voice. Ugh, anyway Ruby. Turn her tonight. Remember to eat well as it will take a lot to make her ‘bloom”
“Oh yeah. I’m hungry anyway. See you girls later!” Ruby got up from the table. She pulled her pencil skirt down and began walking toward the door. A male student tripped and fell distracted by Ruby’s strut. The cafeteria erupted in laughter as the student began picking up his mess. Ruby turned around and approached the embarrassed guy. She bent at the waist effortlessly to pick up a plate and handed it to him. The room became almost silent as Ruby said something to the guy and he began to smile. He placed his tray and plates on one of the tables as Ruby put her arm through his as they walked out.
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Marsha smiled with pride as she watched the scene unfold. “Hmmm good girl. You see that? That’s how you feed!” Stacey leaned forward and grabbed onto Marsha’s hand. “Please Marsha! I’m sorry! Can I please see Peter? Just once?” Marsha sighed and removed her hand from Stacey's grip. She knew Stacey wasn’t sorry at all. “You play with your food too much! So you are on a Peter free diet indefinitely!” Marsha’s eyes glowed as she commanded Stacey. “Augh!” Stacey screamed as she got up and grabbed a guy by the arm as she left the building. “Umm hey!” A guy said to Marsha feeling a bit more confident to approach as her gorgeous friends had just left. “Soak your jeans fuckboi.” Marsha purred and her eyes glowed. The guy’s face grimaced as he orgasmed in his pants. A wet stain began to form at his crotch. “Well I’m full!” Marsha smiled as she left the cafeteria.
One year ago
In the same cafeteria
“Hey cow! Why are you eating in here? Shouldn’t you be grazing on the fields?” Peter chuckled, as Mark and Paul laughed with him. “Just leave me alone please. Please, Peter?” Stacey looked up from her table. Peter looked down at Stacey and grinned. “I will if you say it. C’mon do it and we’ll go.” Stacey looked down as her eyes began to water. “Mmmoooo” Stacey bellowed still looking down at her food. “Ha ! I can’t believe she did that! What a loser!” Peter said to his crew as they walked off. Stacey was left alone once again and returned to eating her meal.
A few tables down Marsha was sitting with Tom. “How do you know she likes you Tom?” Marsha asked her best friend with a smile. “Well she smiled at me and put her hand on my shoulder.” Marsha gave a skeptical look to her friend’s answer. “You’re just jealous. You want all this Tom to yourself.” Tom flexed his thin arms as Marsha laughed out loud. She pushed her glasses up her nose. “I love how you always make me laugh.” She giggled. “I love you too.” Tom replied with a serious face and tone. Marsha blushed then smiled again. “Shut up limp dick.” She pushed her friend’s shoulder. “Marsha, Marsha! Language!” They laughed together.
On the other side of the cafeteria Ruby was sitting with Becky. Peter and his crew just sat down still laughing not too far away. “He’s so cute, Becky. He has the bluest eyes you ever did see. It’s like Zack Morris in real life.” Ruby had stars in her eyes as she looked at Mark talking with Peter and Paul. “Ruby, you can’t be serious. They are stupid frat boys who only fuck blonde sorority bitches. They bully girls like us. I mean Peter loves bullying Stacey.” Becky gestured in Stacey’s direction as Stacey sat eating her salad. “Trust me Becky. Mark will fall for me and we will get married and I’ll have his babies!” Ruby blushed as she imagined it. Becky rolled her eyes. “Anyway I’ll see you at the dorm later to study kay?” Ruby nodded as Becky got up from the table with her tray in hand. “Tell Bill I said hi.” Ruby smiled as Becky walked off. Ruby looked back at Mark and felt her heart skip a beat.
Becky walked across campus to her boyfriend’s dorm room. She was hoping to surprise him with a quick make out session before class. As she arrived at his door, she could hear laughter coming from within. Frowning, she knocked on the door. Becky could hear the room grow quiet. “Who’s there?” Bill asked. “Babe it’s me open up!” Becky could hear the whispering in the room as Becky banged on the door. “Bill open this fucking door!” Suddenly, the door swung open revealing Bill with a red face. “Look babe it’s not what it looks like.” Becky pushed past him and saw the blond woman buttoning her shirt. “What the Fuck! ….Traci?” Becky shouted as Traci looked down in shame. Becky looked back at Bill and began slapping his shoulder. “My best friend?! Behind my back? You’re a fucking monster!”
The shame had now caused Traci to cry as tears ran down her face. “Why Traci? When I came to you thinking he was cheating …. Y.. you said nothing when all this time it was you?” Becky felt like she may pass out as all she could see was red. “Look it’s all my fault. I wanted Traci since day one but she wanted you to ‘win’ one for once. I’m sorry Becky but…. We’re in love.” Traci looked at Bill with love and tears in her eyes. Becky felt her head spinning. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Becky pushed past Bill. Becky ran out of the building with tears and rage.
Present day
Rubi knocked on her former dorm room and opened the door. “Becky? Hey are you in here.” The room was dark and was dirty. Becky was doing homework while eating chips. “Yeah… what do you want?” Becky answered, hardly looking up from her desk. Becky’s lips were littered with chip crumbs as she wiped the grease on her hoodie. Ruby grimaced as she saw how badly her friend let herself go. “Hey Becky… it’s me Ruby!” Becky ‘s eyes lit up as she swallowed another handful of chips. She wiped her hands and rubbed on the shirt.
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“Ruby? Is that really you?” Becky asked, her voice filled with disbelief and excitement. Ruby nodded, smiling at her old friend. She took in the sight of Becky's unkempt hair, the dark circles under her eyes, and the extra weight she had gained since they last saw each other. It was obvious that Becky had been going through a rough patch, but Ruby was determined to help her.
“Wow! You look great! Did you have work done? You look like a film star!” Becky gushed, her eyes examining Ruby from head to toe. Ruby laughed, as she twirled showing her tight dress, pantyhose and heels. “You like? It sure beats my plaid shirts and jeans that I used to wear.” She looked around the room, taking in the mess.
Becky realized her former roommate noticed the empty pizza boxes and dirty clothes on the floor. She grinned sheepishly, trying to play it off. “Yeah! You look great. You have to recommend your surgeon to me. Sorry about the mess. It’s been a busy semester.” Becky tried to play off her current situation. Ruby walked further into the room, glancing around.
“Becky, you don’t have to lie to me. I was too stupid and obsessed with Mark to see it then. You needed a friend and I let you push me away. I’m so sorry.” Ruby took a step closer, her voice cracking with emotion. Becky looked up at her, surprised by the intensity of Ruby's words. She bit her lip, trying to hold back tears. Becky smiled trying to change the subject. “How is that jerkoff anyway?” she asked, motioning up and down. Ruby laughed softly.
“Let’s just say the new me has him wrapped around my little finger.” Ruby laughed, spinning her index finger. She glanced around the room again, taking in the dust and the dirty clothes. "Look, I'm here to help you, Becky. What Traci and Bill did to you… It wasn’t right. I mean look at you! You were the one who told me to live life and here you are in the dark in filth. They stole your fire and I’m here to give it back.”
Becky looked at her old friend, her eyes full of hope. "Ruby, I don't know if I can go back to who I was. I've let myself go so far..." She trailed off, staring at her hands. Ruby walked over and took Becky's hands in her own. “I’m talking about being even better! I have new friends Becky… powerful friends. We were all wronged or ignored and now no one hurts us. We do the hurting… we’re going to run this School.” Ruby looked at her friend with a stern face.
Becky scoffed “So you want me in your new gang? Sure I’d join but isn’t a pathetic girl like me going to bring y….mmmph.” Becky was interrupted as Ruby lept forward and kissed her friend. Becky’s eyes opened wide as she felt Ruby’s tongue enter her mouth. Becky was about to push away but Ruby lips felt so soft and she smelled so good. Becky closed her eyes and began to enjoy the moment.
Ruby backed off as a line of saliva connected their lips. Ruby smiled with satisfaction. “Mmmm welcome to the team. I just needed you to say yes.” Ruby wiped her lips with her thumb. Becky looked at her friend with a mixture of shock and lust. She couldn't believe she just kissed her. Ruby pulled out her phone and showed Becky a photo of her and Ruby with two other girls . All of them were gorgeous like out of a Victoria’s Secret magazine.
“We’re all sisters now.” Ruby said.
Becky fell to her knees and grabbed her stomach. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. “Yea this part hurts but it’s worth it” Ruby said as she watched her friend transform. Becky’s skin got hotter and hotter until it all became burnt as if she was set on fire. The black ash fell off her body as her skin became perfect with no blemishes. Becky still grasped her stomach as she felt her muffin top decrease in size. The new strong core felt good as Becky quickly felt her new abdominal muscles.
Ruby felt her lips puff up as they swelled as if stung by bees. The lips turned dark red as her lips opened to let out a moan. Ruby’s eyes rolled back as she felt the sexual energy growing in her friend. Ruby’s eyes glowed as she licked her lips as she heard the moans of Becky’s pleasure. Becky’s hips widened as her sweatpants stretched and lowered down her body. Becky whipped her head back giving into the change as her breasts firmed up and grew. Becky instinctively grabbed one breast and squeezed. She screamed in delight as her ass lifted better than any BBL could provide. She felt her thighs get thicker as her body screamed for sex. Her messy black hair got brighter and more alluring.
Becky began to gyrate as if pleasing a man underneath her. She continued to moan as Ruby felt juices flow down her thigh. The last of the changes happened as Becky’s stature grew a bit gaining height and length as her arms and legs grew. They remained slender and feminine but also toned and strengthened. Becky looked up and met the eyes of her maker. She grinned as she saw her changes were turning Ruby on. Becky’s eyes glowed as the floodgates of her inhibitions were opened. Becky felt no anxiety and shame. The heavy cloud of depression left her mind as thoughts of revenge filled in. Becky stood up as purple flame covered her grease covered shirt changing into a black crop top. The gray sweatpants morphed into black yoga pants that hugged her curves.
“Becky you look…mmmmph” It was Becky’s turn to interrupt Ruby as she kissed her friend. She began to feel her body as their passion ignited. The sexual nature of the two succubi could not be extinguished. After 30 minutes of intense sex the two women collapsed on Becky’s bed naked. “Wow that was the best sex I ever had…and with a woman too!” Becky exclaimed. Ruby grinned as she caressed her friends body. “Mmm it’s how we eat and your urges now are much more inclusive let’s say.” Ruby replied looking at her good friend.
“So when you said Mark is wrapped around your finger?” Becky asked with a wicked grin. Ruby nodded and said “he’s my sex slave.” Becky giggled, thinking of how she could use her power. “Hmmm sounds like a plan.” Becky said before kissing Ruby once again
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3 days later
Traci was walking to Bill’s dorm when she could hear the distinct sound of Jim’s groans. It seemed to be coming from his room. She pushed open his door and gasped. The groans got louder. Traci found Bill on his bed, sweating profusely. His hands were tied to the bed posts and a blindfold covered his eyes. A strange but unbelievably beautiful woman was sitting on his stomach, riding him vigorously. Traci shouted to announce her presence. The woman turned her head toward Traci and smiled seductively. “Oh hey Traci! Bill said so much about you. Too bad his love for you couldn’t keep his dick soft when he met me.”
Traci felt tears building in her eyes as she saw the woman still riding her boyfriend. “Bill! What the fuck!” Traci yelled as she felt the betrayal and anger well up inside her. The woman on top of Bill looked up at Traci and smirked. Bill kept groaning as if he didn’t hear Traci. “Awww poor Traci! Looks like your man is mine now and he doesn’t want to stop. I am too… sexy… to mmph Resist!” The Raven haired woman trembled as she came on Bill’s cock. Bill moaned in pure ecstasy as he came. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Traci said, feeling nauseous. The woman slid off of Bill and rubbed his member as it squirted more seed.
“Karma’s a bitch ain’t it?” The strange woman asked, her voice dripping with venom. Traci felt a cold chill run down her spine as she glared at the stranger. She couldn't believe this was happening. Traci sobbing ran out of the room and slammed the door. “Uh oh Bill. Looks like Traci will never forgive you for this.” Becky removed the blindfold from Jim’s face revealing his red tear filled eyes. Bill finally was able to speak again. “Becky… please. I love her … don’t do this.” He begged.
“No, I’m actually finally doing what I want and it feels … so … fucking good. Hmmm seeing Traci like that makes me need another round… or two. Get hard for me big boy and no talking until you make me cum again.” Bill felt his body obey her words as he was unable to talk again and his cock sprang to attention.
Meanwhile at the cafeteria
Marsha, Ruby and Stacey sat at their usual table. Marsha’s eyes glowed. “Ladies, our sisterhood is complete now. It’s time to meet my… our maker.”
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bcbdrums · 2 months
Soul Eater NOT - part 7 (MAJOR SPOILERS)
Akane and Clay. Much opinion here amid canon explanation.
These are characters with massive potential that don't make sense ultimately in execution, and undermine other characters in Soul Eater.
I'll start with saying, I adore Clay and everything about him. A goofball. A loyal and competent weapon. Clever, creative, ridiculous, and fun. He feels extremely Soul Eater and is very likeable. I've truly no complaints about him as he's written. Akane, however...
Akane randomly reveals to Tsugumi (someone he has no reason to trust or tell) that he's a member of the Star Clan (the side of them that aren't assassins and run a legitimate dojo apparently) and then...literally nothing at all is done later with this information.
It directly contradicts that Black Star states he is the last of his clan, full stop. The last of the infamous, ruthless assassins. And everything that Black Star is, overcomes, becomes in the end... Becoming his own person apart from his heritage... AUGH.
This fact about Akane was tossed in to grab reader attention and try to make us care about him, and in my opinion it deeply undermines the power of Black Star's journey. I won't go into Black Star anymore here because that deserves its own post (if anyone would like that, let me know) but yeah...
Akane also flirts creepily with Tsugumi and says he's just joking, but it comes up more than once. This comes across as out of character and yeah, creepy. So if the author's goal after trying to make him likeable and relatable and interesting (just by making him Star Clan) was to create a creep, well, he succeeded. This flirting honestly feels self-inserty or...trying to establish something hetero in a story that is otherwise girls girls girls.
Also, Akane has powerful soul perception as a meister (okay makes sense I suppose) but he can also use a soul force/menace attack... Which again, I think is undermining something about Black Star and Stein that make them special and unique in their stories. Maybe Star Clan can all have soul force/menace? But again...that is undermining the special-ness of it for Black Star and Stein.
Akane is overpowered, plain and simple. I feel like there's a specific fandom term for this type of character, but I forget what it is.
And here again... Akane and Clay are drawn as adults but just said to be EAT students...who are working with the academy's internal CIA??? I'm sorry.... They would not have students doing that. This again undermines things in Soul Eater canon, where they bring in the special agent BJ from Oceania for example and make a huge deal out of that... Yes Akane and Clay were undercover, but they should have had them be entirely undercover and not just higher-grade students. It's illogical. And they come across as adults, so it's just more weirdness.
Again, I adore Clay. And if Akane hadn't had unnecessary Star Clan association and the advanced soul abilities that diminish Black Star and Stein... He could have had potential too. In the end he comes across as flat and kinda just nothing.
Oh yeah by the way these guys are the secret bodyguards for the princess all along assigned by her family. Which...how?? They got contacted at the academy as students and contracted by her family?? None of this is explained. It just makes them more confusing as characters and doesn't help the story at all except to explain why they're always hanging around these glrls. This is where it should have been that they were posing as students...but they're just EAT students.... AUGH.
Oh yeah and Akane's full name? Akane Hoshi. "Red Star." I really can't with this...
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sturniolo-alfredo · 8 months
"Shut up"
Warnings: ROUGH smut, degradation, slapping, daddy kink, hair pulling, language, jealousy
Y/n's pov
I'm so fucking sick of it. Matt thinks he can fuck around with other girls but If I even look at another guy, he'll show me that I'm his? It's not fair. It truly is hurtful. But today I felt playful. If matt wants to play games then I'll play too. But I will always win.
Me and matt were currently at a party. Matt wandered off somewhere, probably with another girl. Me and Matt's relationship was complicated. He told me that he wanted me to be his. All his. I agreed, thinking that the deal would go both ways. Clearly it didn't. I was sick of his shit so I went to go find him.
"Matt?!" I yell roaming though a house that I've never been at. "Shit" I mumble as I stubbed my tow on the corner of a wall. "Matt where the fuck are you?!" I yell louder, hoping he'd hear. The music was to loud. I stumble in my heels through the white hallways. Suddenly my eyes land on his icy blue eyes. And the brown eyes that sat on his lap.
There he was. Sitting in the crowded living room with a bitch on his lap. I scoff and roll my eyes. App of the sudden, I feel warm hands on my waist. I knew it wasn't matt because he was right infront of me, and because his hands were always freezing. "Hey" a raspy voice says. I turn around and see a guy named Kane. Matt's enemy. I smirk "Hey kane" I say seductively. "Wanna go sit down and continue this over there?" Kane asks pointing at a couch infront of matt. I nod and walk over.
Kane sits on the couch and pulls me onto his lap, facing matt. I smirk at matt and begin grinding on Kanes lap. I hear Kane ground under me. Matt's face immediately changes from a smirk to a stare that could kill. Matt throws the random girl off his lap and picks me up off Kanes lap. He throws me over his shoulder and begins waking into a room. "Matt!" I yell "put me down!" I yell clawing at his back. "You really think scratching me back is gonna stop me? I crave that shit princess." Matt says.
Matt throws me on the bed and pins my hands above my head. "Who the fuck did you think you were when you sat on his lap?" Matt asks looking me in my eyes. I don't respond and just look at him "hm? Answer my question!" Matt demands roughly. I disobey matt once again. Matt let's out a soft chuckle and looks away. He looks back and slaps me on the right side of my face. "Your mine. All mine."
I roll my eyes and try to get out of his grip. Matt brings his hand down and unbuttons my pants. He pulls them down with my underwear. Matt unbuckles his pants while still holding my hands down. "Tell me you want this princess." Matt says. I nod. "Are you dumb? Use your words slut!" Matt yells. I whimper "i-i want this matt." I shiver. "That's not my name and you know it. Repeat those words but say my name." Matt growls out. "I want this daddy."
Matt smirks "I know you do." Matt let's go of my hands and grabs my hands. "Tell me if you need me to stop sweetheart" Matt says softly. I smile but it's quickly replaced with a moan as matt thrusts into me. I let out a moan of pain and pleasure as I adjust to his length. Matt quickly thrusts in and out of me. "Matt! Fuck!" I yell. Matt grabs my jaw and then slaps my face. "That's not my fucking name slut!" He pounds into me and wraps his hand around my neck. "Sorry d-addy. Augh fuck! Ngh!" I moan.
"Do you like being my whore baby? My little fuck toy? Hm?" Matt groans. I nod "yes daddy!" Matt flips me over and thrusts into me from behind. "Arch. Ass in the air." Matt says. I do as he says. "Atta girl" Matt says slapping my ass roughly. " I think you deserve some punishments for being with another guy" Matt yells over my screams.
"W-wha-?" I get cut off by Matt spanking me over and over again with his bare hand. "Oh fuck daddy! I'm gonna cum!" I feel a knot form in my stomach. "Can i-i cum please?" I ask. "Hmmm? Do you think you deserve it?" He asks rubbing my clit. I screech in pleasure "yes! Please!" I say. "Cum for me princess" Matt growls. I release all over his cock and scream as I do. "Good girl. Such a good fucking girl for me." Matt says before filling me up with his seed.
I take Matt's softened dick out of me and roll over. I open my arms for Matt's sweaty body to lay into. Matt lays on me and pants. "Did you learn your lesson?" Matt asks. I nod "yes." Matt grabs a towel and wipes up our mixture of cum off of me and him. "You okay honey?" He asks looking at me. I nod "mhm." "Good. Let's get you dressed"
So how was it????? Do you guys want more smut?
Have a good day!! Love you 💕
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arisunakayama · 2 years
Painting a mental picture in my head makes my heart go boom boom lol.
either a fic, or some headcanons. You can choose,
(I am completely unaware if your doing these, I’m terribly sorry if you’re not )
Sanford with a Younger Brother!Reader
Growing up close to his Momma, Sanford had also become a family man
Though that’s because he appreciates his family, especially his younger brother.
Which happens to be you
This man will protect and will have your back at all costs.
Especially out in the wastelands that’s crawling with Bandits, Cannibals, etc
Sanford would also be very uncomfortable with the idea of you living out in the wastelands by yourself. You’re the only family he’s got left besides your guys’s Momma.
He does offer to let you stay with him at his place, which you decline politely. Saying how you don’t really want to intrude on his private life.
Besides the S.Q also provides dorms for their mercenaries.
Of course Sanford still doesn’t like that idea, but he eventually settles on it considering it was much safer than it was out in the desert.
But going back on this man willing to kill and have your back, I literally mean it.
Both him and Deimos are already a solid team, but once you started accompanying them, you and Sanford are basically untouchable considering.
Deimos is a little jealous of you two though
Not because you’re spending time with his best friend, but because he wish he had a strong sibling relationship like you two.
But then again, Sanford is the closest he had to a brother. Not only that, after meeting you the two of you instantly clicked.
The two of you would have some sibling rivalry though.
For example, the two of you would try to one up each other.
“I bet your ass and a whole week of having to cook that I could beat your ass.”
“Bring it on you little shit. You know I can toss your ass into the wall.”
Usually it ends up in a tie. If you’re matching in strength or faster than him if your strength isn’t that great.
But nonetheless he loves you and would do anything for his little brother.
Probably give each other nicknames too
For example his would be “Shithead, San, Asshole, etc”
While your’s would be “Lil Bro, fucker, little shit, etc”
Deimos finds it amusing, watching you guys banter or argue with each other.
Hank could honestly care less.
If anything he would barely interact.
That or he would just sometimes have small conversations with you.
Doc also would care very much, but you did make it easier whenever you and the other two come back from missions by keeping Sanford safe as he does with you and Deimos.
Now if he could get Hank to finally do the same.
But he also appreciates the fact you also get things done with your brother.
But when you guys spar, that’s a whole ‘nother story…
For once stop coming in bruised the fuck up just because the two of you wanted to show off or make a bet with each other…
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turmoilcity · 5 months
This projects getting too big so i leaks it
Episode: Love Potion
Synopsis: Dylan is hit with a love ray after fukkn around Chellvan's bot. these the results
Meanwhile in Chellvans lab.
“Augh I can’t believe they foiled my plans again!” He shouts to the air.
“Maybe if you had took our idea instead-” Aliyanna says boredly.
“DUDE” Haiden speaks up, “You’re always winning about not having a support team, but you never take our suggestions!”
“That’s because all your suggestions are dumb.” Chellvan huffs. 
Drystan the most serious or emo one of the group crosses his arms “So why do you waste our team with this whole “Villain group shtick?””
“Waste your time? HA. You’re lucky I found you’re sorry ass in the alley that day!”
“When are we gonna actually take down the GAME team!?” Aliyanna interjects. “You always say we will but then we get our butts handed to us. And I hate losing!”
“Ugh, why don’t you idiots get that this isn’t some easy over night scheme? Taking over game may take weeks, months- years. This is a hero agency we’re talking about, with decades of secrets and-”
“Womp. Womp. Womp, you gonna go into your snoring loser lecture again.”
The group laughs at Haiden, but he gets choked up and then everyone goes silent.
Chellvan is serious, “If I’m a loser, what does that make you troubled, little sheep?”
It gets very serious until Ishmel adds, “LOSER BY ASSOCIATION. BOO.”
“You’re such an idiot” Haiden groans
Chellvan sighs and tosses haiden aside. “The idiot is right. You ARE a loser by association.” He turns a bewildered look unto them, “All of you are! And I’d hate to bed losers.”
It goes quiet again, and ishmel raises a hand, “I think sleeping with losers is fine. Sure, some people may argue that it’s a self esteem thing, but it’s not about who you lay with, rather the experience two possible lovers can share-”
“He’s talking about letting us sleep in his mansion!” Drystan says exasperatedly.
“Oh.” Ishmel blinks.
“I think we’re done having this conversation.” Chellvan says snudely brushing his collar. 
“But before we go, I think it’s best if we mention something that was possibly a win on our end.”
Chellvan turns, intrigued, “Really?”
“Yes. we’ve hit their leader, Dylan.”
“DYLANNN!” Lillian wails
Jenna groans, “Lillian, it’s not like he’s dead! Stop screaming in the guys ear.
“I haven’t seen Dylan this unresponsive since we had to raid that DDLG furry convention.” Collin says.
“eUgh. Please do not bring that up.” Justin shudders.
“Dylan! Say something!” Lillian cries, holding dylan by her lap.
Bella appears with a pan, “I’ve got it,” she says readying a blow.
Unintelligible noise comes from Dylan as he stirs awake. Lillian squeals with glee as bella adopts a look of defeat.
“Dammit.He always wakes up before I can panfry him.”
Dylan see’s two lillians. He moans trying to  say something.
Collin comes in over his shoulder, “Woah, dude… there are like… hearts in your eyes. 
“LEMME SEE?” the group says and ambush Dylan trying to look into his eyes. There in fact hearts in them. 
Lillain gasps.
He pushes them all away, and rubs at them muttering incohensively.
From the pile that was pushed, manny says, “what was that, Dylan? yOu’re kind of… muttering-”
“I said, which one of you idiots actually smell like ass?”
Bella sniffs her brother. “That would be Justin.”
SHe sniffs her pitt, “Actually, that might be me.” SHe smirks.
The group take a protracted stage step left.
Lillian rushes to Dylan again, “Oh, dylan! I’m so glad you woke up!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he pushes her aside, still a bit dazed. “All the screaming and lights, it’s giving me a major headache.”
“SOMEBODY KILL THE LIGHTS!” Lillian barks. SOmeone turns the lights out while Dylan gives lillian an exasperated look. The sun light is still shining through. “AND THE OTHER LIGHTS” she orders.
“Lillian. That’s the sun.” savannah says.
“DYLAN SAID NO LIGHTS!” she turns to dylan apologetically, “Don’t worry Dylan! If there’s a Lil, there’s a Way! “ She takes off determintedley. 
The group looks after her. 
Without taking his eyes from Lillian, collin says to bella, “Why was your sister dressed as a nurse?”
“I don’t know. Figured it was a kink thing.”
“She obviously dressed that way to make a point of helping Dylan,” Jenna sighs as if it’s obvious. 
“She’s obviously, very dumb,” Bella stage whispers to Collin.
“Dylan, you’ve been passed out since the fight? How are you feeling?” Jennas asks to Dylan kneeling in front of him. 
He’s rambling, “Wow, and you guys didn’t even think to call a doctor? I’ll definitley remember this in the future if one of you gets hure-” Jenna appears infront of him. “Heaven?”
“Huh?”Jenna frowns.
“What?” Savannah and Meghan say simultaneously.
“NO.” Bella interjects boulderzing Jenna out of the way. At Bella’s appearance, the hearts in dylans eyes fade. “Let me see this boy! You have to be SERIOUSLY sick in the head if you think JENNA is heaven.”
“I’d like to think I’m a catch.” Jenna throws in coy over bella’s shoulder.
“Nobody asked you,” Bella glares eerily back at her. 
“That you are,” Dylan says in a gravelly voice, stunning bella so much she cracks her neck back to him.
Jenna goes noticeably red as meghan and Savannah squeal at the fanservice display. Dylan punts bella with force to her friends Collin and manny. 
“HEY!” Bella barks. 
“Hey yourself,” Dylan says, eyes on jenna. Jenna looks flushed.
“What the….” Everyone is quiet as Dylan looks at jenna who’s reddening more. She snaps at him, “DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT.  DYLAN, I AM YOUR COMRADE.”
“In that case” Collin speaks up, “ What’s wrong with a little… comradery?” he taunts.
The other’s “Oooh”
Jenna goes even redder.
“IF THERE’S A LIL… THERE’S A WAY!!!!” Lillian cries heroically
A young male news reporter comes in on the news, “This just in, our town ‘Turmoil’ is literally about to go into an ice age due to our incompetent heroes FUCKING OVER HUMANITY AGAIN. WHY CAN’T WE HAVE A NORMAL DAY IN THIS TOWN?”
In chellvans residence everyone is confused. 
Chellvan shudders by a custom fire place, ‘i can’t believe I lost to these idiots.”
Dylan's ringer goes off and he answers it, "yeah, I’m own it.  Me too Mrs. Anne…. Me too.’
‘What did Mrs. Anne say?’ Collin asks, fog coming from his mouth.
“She says we better go see what the hell is going on before she skins your asses alive.”
“Ms. Anne would never say that?” Savannah gasps.
Dylan begans, “You’re right, she wouldn’t. I did. Now let’s go.”
“Oof! I never understood why these guys run like chickens every time a minor inconvenience happens.”
Justin looks at her, “We literally just dropped sixty degrees in the last five minutes.”
Bella frowns, “Then they'd better be going to get something to throw over their arms.”
“Those guys are.” Manny nods to a group of guys trying to rob a store. Manny, Justin and Bella take off after them.
Savannah looks to the sky where Lillian is still defiantly blocking the sun, “Lillian! Let the sun go, you’re causing a literal out rage down here!”
Lillian strains as she holds the sphere, “MUST. PROTECT. DYLAN.”
“Protect Dylan from what?” Dylan says casually appearing by Lillian’s side. Lillian looks up and brightens. At the sight of him, she forgets the sun and drops the sphere to throw her arms around dylan instead. 
“Dylan! You’re okay!” She cheers. 
Dylan smiles and allows Lillian to take him down to the ground again.
The newsreporter is disgruntled and out of breath, “This just in… We get to see another day.” he falls out his chair.
The crowd claps as Lillian and Dylan land. 
“Alright, alright, shows over,” Jenna huffs. Several cameras appear in her face with news reporters ready for the scope.
Lillian nuzzles Dylan, Dylan is okay with this, but Collin, Manny and Savvanh give the pair a weird look. Bella, Manny and Justin reappear with the bad guys. 
Bella is furious, she storms up to them, ‘HEY! WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL?”
Manny is confused, “yeah, I thought you were just crushing on Jenna? Is she gonna be cool with that?” To this jenna turns her head. 
Dylan gives lillian a look of admiration, “Who cares when you’ve got a girl that would literally block the sun for you.” He goes to hug lillian back, making Lillian blush.
“Oh, Dylan.” she purrs.
The group relches.
“Well, that worked in my favor,” Jenna says, ignoring the mics and reviewers still asking her questions. She hones in on Dylan and his eyes, that has hearts in them. She thinks… “Wait a second…”
In the heroes counseling room, Mrs. Anne paces in front of them, not pleased.
“32 town threatening situations in one month! You kids have caused more chaos then there is time? How on earth is that possible!?”
When we get to Dylan, he’s holding lillian in his lap telling her how adorable she is. Bella isn’t very happy about this situation. 
“And you two!” Mrs. Anne warns stopping in front of the cuddly couple. “What’s with this lovey dovey thing?”
“You didn’t hear Mrs. Anne?” Bella groans sarcastically, “Dylan and Lillian are the newest super romance, according to the town.” She shoves her phone in front Mrs. Anne where an article shows of the two getting sundaes together.
Mrs. Anne is sheepish, “well then… i suppose I can brush up on checking in with my team myself.”
“Are we in trouble because Lillian tried to block the sun? Jenna asks boredly.
Mrs. Anne looks up, “Well i can’t not punish you guys, for that stunt you pulled earlier. What would that make me look like? You’ll get three assignments on geology over the weekend.”
The group groans, collin gathers them, “c'mon group. If we cant do geology for 3 days, then how can we battle the toughest villains?”
SHUT UUUUUUUUP” Bella barks. 
“Ur  just saying that because Ms. Anne is right there aren't you?” Megan groans. 
As the group leaves, ms. Anne looks wearily at dylan and LIllian in their own little world. 
“Dylan,” She says, capturing his attention. “Can i speak with you?”
Dylan kisses Lillian’s cheek before walking up to Mrs. anne a glow about him. 
“What’s up?” he says. 
Mrs. anne is weary, “i don’t know I just…” she looks out at Lillian who is mindlessly giddy. “You and lillian?”
“She’s cute, right?” he smirks.
Mrs. anne smiles, “yes but…. Wait are those… hearts? …In your eyes?
Ms. Anne looks panicked. "Call the group back."
Dylan is oblivious as he grins, “Hm?”
“So he’s under a love potion?” Bella asks disinterestedly.
“A quick check up from our doctors and scientists of GAME confirms that Dylan has higher hormoronal charge than usual-”
“HA.” Bella laughs. “So that must mean barely any.”
“The love potion he’s under is a spell that acts as a parasite. If he finds any alluring or charming traits of an individual, the chemicals imbalance to favor his new target.”
“Ick.” Collin grimmaces.
“It’s best you guys keep him indoors, to save him and yourself any trouble.” Ms. Anne explains casually.
“Ms. Anne.” Dylan speaks up, raising his hand. “Has anyone ever told you that you are an incredibly bright woman-”
“Okay, enough lolly gagging get out of my office.” SHe pushes them all out.
“AUGH! Dylan and Lillian are an item now?!” Aliyanna expresses in disgust looking at her phone. 
Drystan looks bored, “Well I guess that love potion was affective,” he says to Chellvan who is looking out the window. 
Chellvan ignored them, “Well I guess that’s a point for ANTI GAME MWAHAHA”
Haiden laughs obnoxiously, “HAH! You’re lucky that love potion never hit one of us! Could you imagine Aliyanna and I ever flirting with each other?”
“Who said I’d be flirting with you?” Aliyanna mumbled under her breath. 
“Yeah, I’m not sure I really like that name.”
Why did you choose to shoot them with a love potion?” Drystan asks
Chellvan gives him the utmost maniacal look, “because…”
The group waits in anticipation. 
It hits drysatn. He cringes, “Don’t tell me it’s Just-”
“JUST BECAUSE” Chellvan laughs maniacally. 
“I just don’t think I can do this anymore.’ Dylan says unfazed. 
“NOOOOOOOO” Lillian cries. She recomposes herself “okay.” Lillian skips away, 
“Well, that went a lot easier than I expected.” Savannah mutters. 
“And as for you.” Dylan says, seemingly towards Savannah.
She winced, “Oh, boy-”
“Not you, Behind you.” 
Over Savannahs shoulder is Collin. Everyone turns to him. 
“You, come here.” Dylan motions him towards himself. 
“What am I guilty of this time?” Collin groans. 
“Nothing.” Dylan starts. “But being so damn cute on that car ride home. Has anyone ever told you, you're adorable when you do what's right? That whole “Come on guys. Lets do the right thing! Lets learn geology’ team spirit is just the type of character that gets my motorboat running.”
The group GUFFAWS. 
Collin is confused, “I-I-”
“You don't have to say too much, just take your cute ass to my room and we can finish our discussion there-”
Collin gasps. But Bella bombards through again. 
“ENOOOOUGH.” She cries. Now she gives Dylan an offended, “first it was Jenna. Then my twin, now you're flirting with my BEST FRIEND!?!?!? This has gone TOO FAR.”
“and what are you gonna do about it?” Dylan smirks at her. 
Bella growls, “I'm gonna kick your-”
“MONTAGE!!!” :D Lillian cries over the both of them. 
Montage Timmmmmme
“THAT”S IT!” Bella barks as Dylan watches tv. Je looks confused until he’s almost tackled. He spins out of it causing bella to hit the floor hard with a thud.
“Jeez… whats your problem?” he asks the slightest impressed.
She hops and dusts herself off, then gives him an accusing glare, “you…”
She lurches for him engaging in a fight as Dylan blocks every move
Both Bella and Dyan are out of breath. 
Dylan pants swiping his brow, ‘What… -huff- the fuck… -huff- is YOUR PROBLEM?”
“YOU MADE GOOGLY EYES AT EVERYONE IN THIS PLACE BUT ME” Bella cries. She falls to her knees. “How could you do this to me? You know I live to get all your attention.”
Dylan blinks and looks at her, some cogs in his head seemingly turning, “You….  did all this,” he looks back at the destroyed living room. “For me?” His gaze goes softer as a gentle melody begins to grow- He suddenly gets a dark glare, “Who the hell is gonna clean ALL OF THIS UUUUUP” He says rising to grow an electric ball over his fist. There’s suddenly a thud outside and both parties turn to look. The rest of the team also happen to appear. 
Chellvans back at it again. Causing mayhem
“I’ll get the hose.” Manny blinks before walking off.
Chellvan laughs maniaccly again, this time in a much smaller robot suit as he stands atop of a building, firing st the town. Bella suddenly appears to spin kick him at the back of his head, knocking him over. He falls off the ledge. 
“E z” she says. Lillian flies down to get him urgent care.
“Now, where were we?” Bella turns back around to Dylan. He holds his hands up.
“Because.” Dylan starts. “I’ve learned over these past couple of hours that really… truly- none of you are my type. You’re all weird and annoying, and quite frankly, I’m embarrassed that I fell in love with any of you idiots to begin with.”
“Up. up. I’m not gonna fight you over this whole love ordeal.”
“Why not?” she says still getting into pose.
It goes quiet for a moment before Bella blares “WHAT?” she begins to fly off the handle, the rest of the team standing back, watching the scene.
“When he was calling us annoying he was talking about you guys,” Justin crossed his arms. “Not me.” As they conversate, the town is still in hysteria. There should be no music on this part.
“Welp.” Savannah sighs. “I guess that’s the end of Dylan’s love spell.”
“He went out sort of weak,” Collin shrugged. 
“Thank God that’s over.” Jenna says. Before flying off the rooftop.
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Hello there! You said you wanted asks that were about selfships so uhhhh,,, here goes!
I ship with Raggedy Andy (Specifically from the 1977 movie). I watched it the other day and I was like “waUGH BOYFIE!! RIGHT THERE!!!!” Because he’s silly and cute and likes to pretend he’s all tough when actually he’s a giant sweetheart,,
My s/i is named Presto (the magic marionette) and he’s a magician puppet,,, arrived at the nursery in a little box one day. Andy is like “oh great cool another guy my age around here we will be friends” but his gender dysphoric ass initially is like “how can you be so flamboyant and still know that you’re a boy?” So Presto lets him know that if you feel like a boy you ARE one no matter what =] (We’re T4T.)
Presto’s shorter then Andy is. Comes about up to his chin. This means that he has to stand on tiptoes for hugs n kisses and stuff,,, (can you tell I think of this often?)
It takes Andy a bit to warm up to and get close to Presto, but when he eventually does his love language is like, a very protective and physically affectionate sort of thing. Typa guy to pick a fight with someone who’s even SLIGHTLY mean to you. Also during the pining phase, he keeps like, trying to grab for Presto’s hand or shoulder when either or scared are worried and he doesn’t notice. (Until Ann or Presto smugly bring it up, then he will skuttle away like a scared little crab and be all like “I didn’t know what else to do with my hands! It wasn’t on purpose!! 😡”)
Anyway yea post pining stage with the actual being together part is VERY physically affectionate. Lots of hugging and leaning against each other and stuff like that. Funny enough I am NOT tweaking with that one because he is quite literally like that in the movie. >=] I can know with conviction that the doll boy is a cuddler~
Their dynamic is shorter bubbly theater bf X taller spitfire jock bf and I get brainrot often. Their theme song is Looking out for you by Joy Again have a great day-
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The way I had to take a break looking at my phone to process some of this is unREAL 😭😭
Im sorry just- YES. Raggedy Andy is such sweet doll with a firey personality, he needs a flashy puppet around the nursery to keep him in check. 🤭
I could just imagine him talking to Annie or like- a singing duet with him and Presto AUGH 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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toastybugguy · 1 year
i cannot ask this ina way tht does not sound accusatory or sounds like i ship it but what r your opinions on stydia as a whole????
oh god…. I’m not sorry to all the stydias out there but I… hate it. SO much. O| ̄|_
I’ve GOT to gripe, but like. Let me just say. Stiles and Lydia as bi/pan solidarity best friends is my EEEEVERYTHINGGG. There’s some moments between them that I SOOO love, except it’s only the platonic ones (n if you’re me, you’re reading intended-to-be-romantic scenes as platonic on purpose bc hey you’re allowed to care for someone’s safety and well-being in a FRIEND way OKAY). I need them 2 be bitchy best friends so much, that’s my lifeblood.
But romantic stydia…. SO truly bad. I hate the early 2000s-2010s trend of “guy being straight up creepy and obsessed is an endearing trait” thing they use to introduce it. Then stydia didn’t even exist after like, season 3a, but all of a sudden they NEED it to be the center of season 6a so they bring it back in a WHIRLWIND. Stiles saying “remember I love you” kills me bc like. Brother you have been dating Malia. You fully were not even interested in Lydia anymore I HHSGHSGGGj. They had to REAAALLY force that one convo in 5a (?) where Scott, Kira, Lydia and Stiles go to Eichen and Scott and Kira basically exposition at each other about how they’re soooo good together (what. why. where is this coming from. show me your proof Scott. SHOW ME YOUR PROOF!!)
Not to mention it undermines the other relationships so much bc hello? Out of Scott, Malia, and Lydia, Lydia is the LAST person that would be likely to bring Stiles back. They absolutely had the weakest connection out of everyone there. Also the panic-attack-stydia-kiss— NOOOOO nononono. BAD SO BAD. I FHJSHJFUckin digress.
I’ve said this before but I reaaaally really hate how Lydia’s arcs are often completely thrown out when love interests are introduced, and that still definitely happens with Stiles. Suddenly in 6a her entire character revolves around him and how much she loves him and needs him and Totally Has The Whole Time !! HHHHUH ?? Because MEANWHILE we’ve had a big arc about Lydia coming into her own and realizing her powers and that pretty much grinds to a halt once stydia starts trying to be canon.
Not to mention the fact that you get about 5 seconds of stydia being canon on-screen before it becomes irrelevant again, so whYYY did we do this in the first place ??? I’MMHDJGHJ
I may or may not make a more comprehensive version of this post at some point in the future, I’m not sure, cos this is just me off the cuff spouting my issues with it. Not as well articulated as I’d generally like. BUT. yea. I am a hater. my overall reaction to stydia is EUGH AUGH… ECK…. BAD……..
Anyway. Platonic best friend stydia is REAL in my HEART!! 🫶🫶
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the1trueanon · 1 year
thinking about how Sage/Rosemary's plant motif and gardening connection started out as an aesthetic choice, but have actually grown into being very strong symbolism for how Rosemary is meant to represent life and being lively and being alive versus simply living
because Rosemary is meant to encompass the idea of being human and being alive. while Sage is like everyone else and is very much simply living, her general character being muted and soothing and just existing, Rosemary is designed almost as an exact foil for Wally. where Wally is unsure of expression and emotion and doesn't quite grasp it all, Rosemary is extremely emotive and lively, almost to an overly animated degree. BUT! Rosemary isn't just animated, like the other puppets are. she isn't just bouncy or excitable, or gets frustrated at simple problems. she has crises. she goes through human struggles, as a soul who once was human. she knows what death is, but is grasping to understand her own. she's unpredictable. she's happy and enjoying time with her friends one day, and unable to leave her house from the crushing weight of everything she's experienced the next. she puzzles through existentialism. she doesn't just feel happy or sad or upset, she gets depressed and anxious and lost. Wally can't predict her, he can't tell how she'll react (which I 100% think he can for the others. he's too observant not to, observation is his whole thing), he doesn't understand but he wants to.
and what makes all that even better is she doesn't just go through these things alone, she talks them through with the others. she shares it, she lets her emotions and experiences and overall livelihood overflow into the others. she's so full of life that she passes it on to characters who, frankly (hehe :3), shouldn't have been touched by it previously. and yet by sharing it, she doesn't hurt them more, but instead ends up helping all of them understand and reason through the -- honest to the puppet gods horrifying -- breakdown of a world that once was simple and happy and innocent and safe. they mature with her, and she somewhat unwittingly acts as their guide through that (WHICH. ANOTHER FOIL MOMENT. BECAUSE WALLY IS ROSIE'S GUIDE THROUGH THEIR WORLD AND THE TWO'S ABILITIES TO REACH OUT BEYOND IT).
and I've always loved having that idea brought up, about Rosemary being so lively. "You're so full of life" -- practically the most accurate way to describe Rosemary at any state of being (and, ironically, spoken by Wally, who again, I unwittingly ended up making Rosemary a sort of foil for). She is meant to symbolize life, she and Sage are meant to be this sort of "living vs. alive" thing, where neither is bad but its obvious how different they are! and I just! the idea of Sage, a character essentially set to be a sort of vessel for this human who brings this idea of truly being alive to these guys who desperately need it in a time where just living isn't enough to brave whatever horrors are coming for them now, also bringing things to life as her job and aesthetic is just!! augh, it's such nice symbolism and even a nice lil taste of foreshadowing maybe?? and I love it so much!!
and like! genuinely this all kicked of subconsciously and I didn't start connecting it until I thought about trying to maybe change Sage/Rosemary's motif (which, tbh, I started thinking about because I've designed her Reboot AU version (who I'll be sharing soon ;3 wanna get a good collection of doodles to share with you guys before doing so), who instead has a fashion aesthetic instead of plants. I'm not sure why yet other than I like it and I've been influenced by the dress making videos I keep seeing lol)! and I realized that I genuinely can't because it's not just aesthetic anymore! it's ✨symbolism✨!!
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juliedrawz · 2 years
Cancíon de Vida
Summary: Héctor's afterlife had been traversed by tragedies until one fateful night on Dia de los Muertos in the year 2017 changed it all. Not only his road to recovery begins. While Miguel is trying his best to bring justice to his great-great-grandfather, unknown mysteries start to unwrap themselves. Things that will not only impact and completely change Héctor's life forever. What if some things aren't quite the way they seem? And how do you pick up your existence after so much hurt?
Main Characters: Héctor, Imelda, Ernesto, Ceci, (Miguel)
Rating: M
A/N: A very special thanks to my besties who have been the first to support me, are regulary beta-reading and keeping up with the insane rollercoaster of emotions, which is this journey of writing that book. I love you guys ❤ - Will I keep tweaking? Perhaps? I don’t know ... before I print the thing I surely will but that’s in the future. (I will only print it for myself and a few special persons I will choose later on!)
                 ~ Prologue ~
With a cry and a twirl of glowing marigold petals, Miguel was gone.
The Rivera family stood frozen in shock, watching the scene in front of them with great sorrow. Each of them held their very own emotion deep inside. It was painful, all of it. Both, the newly found knowledge and the situation they were in. The man they had been told to hate and forget, had all along been innocent and was now about to fade away. It felt like a cruel joke, a sick twist of fate. Each of them wished that there would be something that they could do but there was nothing. Their only hope now was Miguel. If he would succeed, Héctor would live. But most likely, that was too late.
“Héctor!” Imelda clutched her husband’s hand tighter, voice heavy with desperation and panic, “Please hold on! You have to hold on! Don’t leave me again! I cannot li-”
“Imelda,” with the last strength he could bring up, he lifted his hand to her left cheekbone, “it’s ok!”
“No!” she choked, lips trembling, “nothing’s ok! You are fading and it’s my fault!”
“No! Don’t blame yourself! I ... I don’t want you to!”
“But it’s true!” she wailed, “all my life I’ve thought ... I’ve believed this lie and I should have known better! I should have known that you would never abandon me!”
Héctor managed a small smile. His eyes were filled with so much love, it drove daggers into her spiritual heart. How could he just forgive her that easily after all she’d done?
“I‘m so, so sorry Imelda!” He said. Deep regret and sadness in each of his words. “I should have never left Santa Cecilia, I - Augh!” Another painful seizure of orange, glowing light, shook him.
“Héctor!” Imelda cried, bending down further, “No! No, no, no, please!” tears welled up in her eyes. “Please! Please ... you have to hold on a bit longer! Miguel will-”
He turned his head back to her, taking deep, heavy, rattling breaths. “It was my dream to make music and share it with the world once. But I never left because I wanted fame. I left because I wanted to provide for my family. You and Coco!”
“I know! I know.” Imelda moved his hand to her lips, letting the first tears fall. Normally, she wasn’t the kind of woman who would cry easily, and usually, her pride would keep her from succumbing to it. But ever since her husband hadn’t returned, she had cried more than she had ever thought she could. All in secret. Even in the land of the dead. Never had she let her family catch her but now was different. Now she didn’t care anymore who saw her. “I ... I was so heartbroken a-and angry and blind!” She sobbed, “Oh Héctor, I should have listened to you earlier! If only I-”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. You’re here now!” Héctor tried to push himself to smile again but with each second, he felt weaker. He wanted to hide how bad he actually felt. Awfully tired and brittle. He knew he was seconds away from fading. He could feel it. Yes, he wished he could have seen his daughter one more time and spent more time with his beloved wife and family. Yes, he didn’t want to fade and yes, he was scared. But through it all, he also felt confident. He knew that everything would be fine, even with him gone. Who knew, eventually, whatever awaited him would one day reunite him and his wife, his soulmate, his one true love. “I love you, Imelda. More than anything! - Argh!” His body shook and glowed worse than all the times before and his face scrunched up in pain while the sun climbed higher and higher over the couple’s shoulders.
“No!” Imelda pushed her hands under her husband’s back, pulling him onto her lap. “I love you too! I’ve never and I will never stop loving you!”
The brightest smile Héctor had smiled in the past decades spread on his lips. “You ... you forgive me then?”
“I already have!” She leaned down to touch his forehead with hers. “Though there is nothing to forgive! You did everything right, mi amor!”
“When Coco arrives ... tell her ... tell her I’m sorry! Tell her ... how much I love her!” He received a nod.
“I will! I promise you, I will!”
“I’m glad. At least I get to see you one last ... time.” With a deep breath, Héctor’s eyes closed, his smile faded, his body faltered and the markings on his skull started glowing faintly.
“No!” Imelda cried, “No!”
The sun had risen over their heads. Her warm, golden light stretched out over the horizon and illuminated the whole backstage.
“Héctor?” Imelda whispered hoarsely, “mi vida?”
He didn’t respond anymore and with the silence, Imelda felt a cold come over her that she had never felt before. A pain spread through her whole being, worse than any wound. Worse than any pain she had ever felt. A crushing sensation that took her breath away. It burned and choked her. She couldn’t bear to watch her true love fade, so she pulled him closer to her chest, hugged him tightly, and then let out a bone-chilling, heart-wrenching wail. A scream full of sorrow and grief. A cry that mirrored all her frustration, her anger, her bitterness, her hurt, her desperation, and her regret. But mostly, her pain of losing him.
Oscar and Felipe turned their heads away. It was too painful to watch their sister bawl over her, soon-to-be-gone, husband. Rosita and Victoria comforted each other by hugging while Julio just placed his hand on his daughter’s lower arm. There was nothing they could do or say.
By now the sun had risen entirely. Time passed and each second felt like an awful eternity. Imelda didn’t dare to move or look. Too strong were her grief and pain. There were no words that could describe how much she hated herself at that moment. How much she wanted to turn back time and reverse her mistakes. And if it only was for the time Héctor had first found her and aimed to explain himself.
He had been overjoyed to see her. He had run up to her, picked her up, and spun her around. And what had she done? Before he could even try to explain himself, she had smashed her boot into his face so hard, it had sent his head flying straight across the street. Then she had yelled at him and had called him all kinds of ugly names. Her heart had broken into yet another thousand pieces, even though she had believed it couldn’t break any further. Each time and each year she had chased him away. Oftentimes not only with her boot but with Pepita, and he was presistant. Deep down, she was well aware that she didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help herself. No matter how hard she had tried to suppress the feeling that something wasn’t right, she couldn’t. She had tried to ignore it, tried to forget it, forget him. She had tried to hate him with all her might but she never could. He was her amor verdadero, her true love. She could never hate nor forget him. But forgetting was just what was killing him a second time.
Imelda had also thought that she had time. That had been her biggest mistake up to this day. She had thought that she had enough time to eventually, one day, find the courage to jump over her pride and hear him out. That’s when Miguel had come. It had been a wink of fate. He had solved the problem and unveiled the whole truth and all that in one night. And now that she’d finally realized the truth, now that she had the chance to get her husband back, it was too late.
“Urgh ...”
Her thoughts got interrupted by a weak groan that came from below. Immediately Imelda’s eyes shot down, finding her husband still in her arms, leaning against her chest. He hadn’t faded? He was still here? Coco remembered? “Héctor?” She breathed, a glimmer of relief tingling in her chest as she blinked tears. “Héctor?”
The heads of her family turned back around, gaping in astonishment. Another groan followed and his eyes slowly opened.
“Héctor!” Imelda repeated, still in shock.
His eyes lifted, an expression of pure confusion followed, “Imelda? Am I dead? Is this heaven?”
“You are dead but ...” She blinked, confused herself, “not faded. Coco she ...”
“Remembered me!” Héctor beamed. “Our Miguelito made it!”
“He did!” She started beaming as well, laughing in relief.
Héctor’s eyes opened further. As he realized his position, they trailed down to his wife’s chest on which she had him pressed and he grinned. As soon as she noticed, she pushed him away with an offended gasp. That Fool. The nerve he had. There he had been at the edge of Nirvana and the first thing he did after surviving that, was boldly and shamelessly flirting with her. He didn't need words. And she hated herself for liking it.
“Ay!” he dropped down full force, bones clattering on the ground. 
“Dios, I’m sorry! Are you hurt?” Her gasp was drowned out by Héctor’s laughter, which got her angry again and at the same time filled her with indescribable happiness. “Stop laughing, tonto! You almost faded!” 
“I know!” He winced as she pushed his shoulder, causing her to flinch away and straight up apologize a second time. He chuckled once more before growing serious again. “I’m still here.”
“Sí.” she crossed her arms.
“Now what?” Lifting himself into a sitting position, he felt his chest and then looked at her expectantly.
Now what? His question caught her off guard, just as the loud cheering of her family behind them. Suddenly an overjoyed Dante came rushing toward them. Heckling, he leaped between the couple, licking Héctor’s skull and hands wildly.
“Ah! Dante, no! Stop it!” He laughed, trying to twist himself free. But Dante didn’t think of stopping. Instead, he turned around and ran his tongue over Imelda’s face next. She tried to push him off but to no avail.
“Augh! No, not me!” She groaned.
Dante wagged his tail back and front seemingly in lightspeed, causing funny sounds on the couple’s bones. He kept on licking Imelda until she was finally able to push him off. “Enough!” She told him strictly. Intimidated, he retreated to the side, causing her to topple forward, crashing onto her husband’s chest.
His laughing got exchanged with his goofy grin. “Still falling for me, eh?”
Imelda’s mouth opened, closed, opened, and closed again. She was certain that if she still had skin, she would have blushed furiously. That foolish grin that had made her fall in love with him in the first place all those years ago, made the tingling feeling in the area where her stomach had been, reappear. Then, as soon as the grin had come, it vanished again. Now his expression was entirely different. His pupils enlarged as he gave her a look of absolute adoration. It had been decades since she had looked that deep into his eyes. Quickly she shook herself out of her trance and scrambled away from him.
Sighing, she got up, holding out a hand for Héctor to take. He hesitated for a moment, searched in her eyes if it was really ok, and then took her hand, letting himself get pulled up. Suddenly shy and bashful again both looked away. Héctor‘s brow-bones furrowed and his right hand grabbed his left arm like he always used to do when he became flustered. Imelda on the other hand pressed her lips together and wrung her hands. Words itching to be spoken but left in silence.
Felipe and Óscar both wanted nothing more than to run to them and hug them but they kept themselves from doing so. It was still weird after all those years. They had never truly believed that Héctor had left their sister on purpose but running up to him now seemed inappropriate. Rosita and Victoria just as much as Julio kept away as well. None of them dared to come too close to the couple. Or Héctor for that matter.
Héctor thought. He wondered how things were now between him and his wife. They had somewhat reconciled but that was because both had thought that he was about to vanish to dust. Now he was alive. Well, as alive as one could call it.
“Erm ...” he dared a glance to the side, finding his wife looking just as emotionally conflicted as he himself. “Imelda?” His voice was reduced to an unsure whisper.
Just as she was about to say something, Pepita came flying back above their heads. Circling for a moment, she landed right next to her master. Her big head instantly turned to Héctor, her pupils became slits and she lowered herself down, stalking towards him just like she had moments ago with Ernesto.
Gritting his teeth, Héctor slowly walked backward, lifting his hands in defense. “Uh, Pepita? You’re not angry with me anymore, are you? Nice kitty! ... Good kitty? Please don’t eat me!” He lifted his arms to shield himself.
“Pepita! Déjalo ser!” Imelda demanded but this time her alebrije didn’t listen. She kept walking until she stood right in front of Héctor, who grimaced and leaned away.
Fearful he closed his eyes and waited for the biggest, most rough, and wet tongue to swoop over his whole head. Wait ... tongue? Pepita licked Héctor with so much force, it lifted him a few inches from the ground, a deep, loud purr erupting in her chest as she looked at her owner’s mate with great satisfaction. Her lick had ruffled his, already messy hair and caused it to now stand in each possible direction. 
Imelda couldn’t help but snort a laugh at her husband’s expression. A mixture of dumbstruck surprise and disgust. “Ay, mi amado tonto,” She said, still with amusement in her voice. “Vámonos a casa!”
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chiisana-lion · 2 years
Izuleo 👁️ subakoga 👁️ midoyuzu 👁️
cracking my knuckles rn i Will answer for each character so im putting this under a read more (also i answered for yuzuru here!!)
favorite thing about them he likes shrimp hes just like me for real also the fact his hobby is bullying his underclassmen but he really does have a desire to help and guide them properly and Does do that in the end!!
least favorite thing about them kidnapping :( (serious note though i do find his relationship w makoto really interesting)
favorite line his "sooo annoying" catchphrase <3
brOTP everyone in knights!!
OTP izuleo the everythings. giving each other a 2nd chance to try again.,..., also they are literally living together so
nOTP izumako akjdsgkjashsjkhg
random headcanon saw he liked to knit and i think he'd make nice matching sweaters for everyone in knights at some point
unpopular opinion none here either!
song i associate with them that's why i gave up on music by yorushika is really izuleocore
favorite picture of them ur comic reminded me of this card and he looks like hes enjoying himself a lot picking out keychains for everyone hjksdghkjgsd
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favorite thing about them he's a silly guy!! just really loves composing and sena and knights and he's been through. so much what the hell was checkmate head in hands
least favorite thing about them nothing tbh
favorite line his little lover's quarrel with izumi in sudden death jgwhjkghkjds
brOTP madaleo is rly sweet to me and in dark night's passing.. augh
OTP izuleo!!
nOTP instead of saying none here maybe i should just remove this part entirely but i rly dont have many notps whkjwhjksdg
random headcanon he brings izumi over to his family's house so often that they actually get rather surprised when he comes back on his own
unpopular opinion none really come to mind 😔
song i associate with them ^ same as the one in izumi's
favorite picture of them this sticker <3
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favorite thing about them he's obviously very protagonist coded with the typical happy and sunny personality but like!! he is also kind of a jerk sometimes!! hes actually fairly observant of people!! and he does work so hard and the fact he was shunned for it early in his yumenosaki years </3 but rly he has a lot of love in his heart and shows it and i rly like charas like that
least favorite thing about them understand the initial discomfort w arashi but the transphobic comments sometimes 😔
favorite line im sorry its been ages since i last read stories none come to mind rn orz
brOTP him and midori wkjsjgdkjhksd junior he likes to tease fr. also anzu!!
OTP poly trickstar is always fun!! also sbhk i esp like and you already know subakoga i have a soft spot for
nOTP him and anzu specifically, they're more besties to me
random headcanon trickstar sleepovers. thats it
unpopular opinion not gonna lie i actually quite liked him in meteor impact, yeah he said what he needed to say and albeit harsh chiaki Was being not the best! at that very moment and probably needed that
song i associate with them STARDOM! from ai/katsu stars gives me a kinda trickstar vibe (<planned to draw them in said dresses related to such but never got to it)
favorite picture of them i like him in the starpro photoshoot a lot!!
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favorite thing about them hate UNDEAD all they do is shout go dogboy go (koga probably) i really like his voice!! yuki ono slays each time
least favorite thing about them i think he can stand to calm down a bit sometimes. but then again i guess thats his charm
favorite line [i need to brush up on stories for real] but his halloween line about leon and daikichi's matching costumes was cute djkgshkhjsdg
brOTP adonis and koga!!! love their friendship and how hes one of the people he can rly open up to in UNDEAD. also his and ritsu's dynamic is so so funny too wyd when the guy u admire more than anything else's little brother calls u corgi and makes u spoil him. also the aoi twins.,,.... i love the light music club
OTP only sbkg as of rn but im fairly open to others skdjghjksdhg havent thought much of that i just think those two specifically were nice
nOTP none!
favorite picture of them he looks really nice in this one :) just having fun w his love of dogs and they love him!!
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favorite thing about them mascot lover so true!! also his growth is soo <3 he really didnt wanna be there but grew to love everyone in ryuseitai and being an idol and how hes definitely trying harder now compared to ! era augh
least favorite thing about them ik he doesnt really mean it most of the time when he says he wants to die but it still hurts a bit like </3 dont say that
favorite line Climax makes me so...,,... when he talks about how he felt bad for essentially wasting Chiaki's efforts in raising him as an idol in the end after a whole year like... aughgj..........................
brOTP EVERYONE IN RYUSEITAI they love each other. so so much
OTP *gesturing @ everything* i like midoyuzu a perfectly normal amount (lying)
nOTP hmmm none really.,,... i guess i cant rly see chia/mido in a romantic way if anything?
random headcanon he saves yuzuru's art on his phone and look back at them as a pick-me-up during training or work sometimes!
song i associate with them i mean what else it really does fit him to a T imo
favorite picture of them 7th anni homescreen art gets me each time hes just. hes so damn starstruck it obliterates me
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Ey life got chaotic but we press on. First up is Ravening War episode three reactions, hopefully soon to be followed by Ravening War episode four reactions, and, if we’re lucky, Ravening War episode five reactions. Let’s go! (also this is a long one just a heads up)
First combat episode this season I am HYPE
My partner prefers the role play episodes and I get that I really do but something about all the numbers and mechanics and trinkets in the combat episodes really tickles my brain
Colin :D
Aabria’s makeup on point as always
Fruity you say 😏
(Distant screams of ambushees)
Different degrees of strong and loose?? Malleable battlefield?? Ey??
Raphaniel so fucking ruthless Jesus
With a lot of swagger!!
Karna sweetheart
Karna why you gotta kill someone
Come on Provolone!
Aw lil Karna and Colin moment :)
You didn’t bring a carriage. You brought starfruit.
Awww everyone’s mini reveals
So excited to see Amangeaux fight
Gang it is once again Rick Perry Appreciation Hours
Sorry Aabria a WHAT kinda gal
Bloodthirsty radish yeesh
Karna is so real because if I had magic I also would just use it all the time regardless of how much danger I would be putting myself in if someone saw me
That looks like a real orange. Are you telling me that’s not? A real orange?
I really hope that they do like. A series of destination/travel posters for Ravening War with the art they’ve been putting on the dome. I think those would be sick.
The camera movement this episode!!
God I want to work for them
Augh poor little cherries
The character choice “Actually no, she’s gonna be dumb” is so important sometimes.
A little fuck with your mind cantrip?
Mind sliver oooooo
It’s really hard to see a woman spiral like this 😔
This is happening TO me sir no it is not shush
Nothing can heal this person from this blade????
Oh my god.
Oh my god that’s fucking horrifying. As someone with GI issues? The visuals of that Eldritch blast are horrifying.
A little guy??? You can’t add a wrinkle to the encounter!
Y’know, if you wanted the rowboat guy to not notice anything. Maybe you shouldn’t have thrown a guy into the river?
Banana has the highest initiative???
You *feel* pretty hidden??
“Please full die”
Brennan was really trying for a Beardsley calling to Helio moment there and Did Not get it.
Like a delusional mary poppins <3
A Cody level turn!!
Pulling arrows out of her own body, still goes oof.
Chess jokes!
Ohohohoho intimidation
Oh god
Gonna kill Brennan with his own box!
Grape IS the worst candy flavor thank you Aabria for speaking the truth.
Brennan looks like he’s losing his mind lmaooo
Is Deli just gonna flat out kill her in one turn
Ooh that’s a cool ability ngl
Pompous Mockery? Neat
All the multiclasses this season are so cool! Giving me so many ideas!
Don’t kill Colin :(
Horrifying. Horrifying!
Everyone gleefully watching Brennan squirm is so fun
Oh time for some Raphaniel lore!
Oh my god??
Oh does that end his turn?? Does it?
Oh dear lord
That’s our third “how do you want to do this” in like 15 minutes jesus
Karna! So creepy! Love u bb
Ohohoho the political intrigue
“No secret was worth this” Colin honey
Raphaniel is just so unhinged huh
What. What’s up guys. What? Hello what?
TWO NAT 20S on this poor fucked up apologetic skeleton thing?
If karna’s bardic just saved him that’s beautiful ngl
Zombies?? Calorum’s got zombies???
On a 22 arcana he’s got no clue? Damn
Oh god what if that’s what Karna would turn into if she didn’t cut the rot out of herself?
Hive mind? Mold hive mind?
How many people have visibly used magic now?
Ooh camera antics
And we go back below the food pyramid!
Sanctus Putris means holy rot jsyk
Oh god oh fuck oh no
Oh this is so reliant on shame. That has so many thoughts attached to it.
Guilt is being utilized so effectively here
I also feel crazy!
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tomwaterbabies · 2 years
I'd like to know if you could share some of your favorite art that you drew? since you have fantastic drawings 😊
you're very sweet, thank you! favorite pieces Of All Time would be too hard to pick i think so i'll share some of my (somewhat recent) favorite pieces ive done.
(DISCLAIMER: apparently there's quite a few i wanted to share so. sorry about the fact that there's 14 down below. lol)
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^one of my first attempts with my new toned sketch style. and the first thing i drew this year! getting expressions/posing just the way i imagined is always a rare treat for me LOL so im also really happy with that still
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^probably my favorite ive done with one of my Other new styles (semi-lineless painting) (along with the first i did with my favorite oc lol) kind of funny to have this as one of my favorites. like of course one of these answers would be pinocchio. but i really like this style because i try not to use any effects like glow or multiply. all the shading, highlights, and stuff like that here is just regular paint
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^more disney... sigh. well these ones are sentimental because i love these guys and drew the first one on my bday which was also when this parade debuted at disneyland again. ive been called insane to have done that one entirely in one day but honestly that just makes me happy because i think ive really developed a good process for sketches like this to make them look nice AND to enjoy making them. the other was made after the last show of said parade and it was just fun to draw a bunch of characters interacting while trying to keep them in character
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^too embarrassed to say what this is other than it's insane oc/canon art BUT i really love this new toned sketch style i do as i said above. and the left one came out nice i think! particularly fond of the wings and facial expressions! and the second one... well i really think it's just one of the best ive done of this character. his hair and proportions on his features just came out so well... ok im gay moving on
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^dont even remember if this was this year or not but let's pretend it is. this one is self-explanatory i think. BIG lineup (for me anyway) and it's of the party from my first ever dnd campaign! very special
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^these ones look simple but they both show things that became SO much more. the first one... it's a catalyst. the start of making what was originally just a COMPLETE joke character into one of my favorite ocs. a treasure. isnt he cute :3c and then the second one is my character i made for a custom ttrpg which ended up being one of the best EVER!!!!!!!! augh. a brilliant campaign made by my very talented friend that ive shared a bit of here
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^idk this is just a cool prompt im proud of. "draw your ocs in fairytales/folktales" and i went mad (i love fairytales/folktales) and just did a bunch of them. in my painting style. can u guess which story is which (little hooded cloak man has the most niche one)
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^pinocchio madness has done a few positive things for me. one, this oc my friend and i made for pinocchio is so precious, i really love their relationship and they bring me so much joy. but ive also developed my skills with expressiveness by studying and drawing disney's pinocchio. these are good examples of posing and expressions im really happy with (can u tell im really focused on expressions LOL). also pinocchio helped me get back to animation work??? wild
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^i am pretty much always happy with how my "screenshot" styled pieces turn out, but this is the most recent one! glad to share this one too since it is literally fanart of the efteling which is that themepark im not normal about
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
How we got here (part 1)
One shot about OCs btwwww Xx TW disturbing imagery at beginning ig
I woke up extra early today, It would’ve had my 15th birthday today. I layed in the sleeping bag we found in this old shed. I looked over to my mates jack and Monica. They look so calm, which is rare these days. I decided that because we didn’t really have any where we had to be, I’d leave them to sleep some more.
I walk over to the very small hole in the wall. I look through to see if there are any walkers. I could see one in the distance. The vacant husk staggers around looking for a meal. I cringe in disgust as it’s decaying skin slowly falls off it’s bones. I try to do what I usually do when I’m sad and think positive. But how do you see the positive in this? I feel myself getting more depressed. I reluctantly wake up Monica and jack to hug them. After getting their affection, I feel a lot better.
“Hey, what’s up?” Jack asks.
“Just one of those moods again.” I answer. Monica rubs my shoulder.
“I guess we should set off moving now.” Monica says. We all start packing up again and we start moving in a random direction.
After a while, we came across a few signs saying that there was a school filled with survivors inside.
“Well should we go?” Jack asks.
“Are you fucking stupid? It could be a trap?” Monica retorts.
“But it could also be legit. I think it’s worth it.” I say.
“Fuck no! We’ve lost so much! I can’t risk you two too.” Monica shouted.
“Moni, I get we’ve lost a lot but we can give up hope in everything.” I said. Monica sighed.
“Fine but if we die or become prisoners it’s on you two.” Moncia sighed. Me and Jack hugged her and then we followed the signs. Suddenly, as we where walking, jack shot up into the air was was suspended from a tree branch by a rope trap. Jack screams and I start laughing.
“See what did I tell you I knew this would all be some big trap!” Monica exclaimed. Suddenly, we heard a twig snap.
“Drop you weapons.” A blonde girl ,who looked our age, ordered. A guy who stood next to her , who was holding a chair leg, just looked at us in shock.
“Ok ok. Are you guys gonna like make us prisoners and shit?” I asked. Monica elbowed me.
“Look we don’t want any harm.” The guy spoke.
“Aye, neither do we. Look we saw those signs and we followed them.” I said.
“Well your either really stupid or you have back up.” The blonde said.
“Oh she’s very stupid!” Jack joked. I playfully punched jack, who was still suspended from the tree. This caused the dude to laugh.
“Look, how about you help us get out friend down and we leave you guys alone.” Monica offers.
“Not gonna happen. What if you guys come back with more people?” The blond responds.
“HAH- we don’t really know that many people. I mean we had some friends until they met Blair and ran off… I don’t really blame them if I’m honest.” Jack joked.
“FELLA IM ACTUALLY GONNA SHA-!” I shouted before Monica intervened.
“you two, will you shut the fuck up for once In you damn lives?!” Monica scold. Me and Jack fell silent. “Sorry Monica.” We both said in sync.
“Look vi, they don’t seem like bad people and I mean they’re are age and all! We can’t leave them out here.” The dude said.
“Well we can’t bring them back without marlons permission, Louis.” ‘Vi’ retorted.
“Well then I’ll stay here and you go back and get him.” Louis said.
“No. I’ll stay here and you go get him.” Vi instructed. Louis nodded and ran back to their base. “Hey listen i know we just met but can you help us get out mate down…I don’t wanna ruin your traps.” I asked.
‘Vi’ dramatically rolled her eyes and helped us get jack down.
“Augh- my head!…thanks though.” Jack said. ‘Vi’ nodded and in perfect timing, Louis came back with who I presume is marlon.
“Hey. “ marlon greets. We all wave to him. “Well I’ll introduce everyone properly, I’m marlon. Im pretty much in charge. That’s Louis.” Louis waved happily. “And this is violet.” She looked at us and nodded.
“I’m Blair. This Monica and jack.” They wave at them.
“Look we’re going to be generous with you.” Marlon said.
“If you want, you can come back to our base we have a group around our age. You can stay for a night or two then we can see how it goes ok?”
Me, Monica, and jack all looked at each other.
“Sick. Cheers fella!” I say smiling.
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sdr2lovemail · 3 years
Is it okay to ask for continuations of requests that aren’t yours? (I’ll come off anon to prove I’m not the same person but I just really like the idea) Bc if so, gn!Technician reader housing the animatronics for a while was such a good concept and kinda comforting in a way??
Anyway I wanted to request the reader being sick either from exhaustion or just regularly sick and their new found family cares for them. Mostly self indulgent as I get over being sick myself. Thank you!
Hello Anon! I'm sorry to hear you're sick, I hope you feel better soon! And yes, you could ask for continuations even if you aren't the original asker. I'm so happy you guys enjoy this silly story I wrote.
In my last fic, I don't feel I put Sun's full personality there. With this one I think I did a better job. I'm also hoping to incorporate Moon into one of these stories. I just haven't figured out a storyline yet.
I hope you enjoy your request Anon!
The animatronics are the world’s okayest technician babysitters!
“Are you okay Superstar? You seem to be coughing quite a bit.” Freddy gives you a worried glance.
It was soon before the Glamrocks had to head to the Pizza Plex. In just a few days, you would be able to have peace in your house again. With all of the robotic mishaps going on, you almost forgot the reason they came here.
Seated in your workstation, Freddy sits patiently as you look in his chest cavity. You’ve already taken a look at Roxy and Monty. Then after Freddy, it’ll be Chica, and finally Sun and Moon’s turn. You decided to save them for last as he didn’t need much maintenance. You look up at the bear, filled with an odd warmth. He kinda reminded you of a dad.
“Oh, I’m fine Freddy. It might just be my allergies. Changing seasons and all that.” You close up his chest and stretch out your back. “I’ll just finish you guys up and head to bed. Sleep off whatever’s going on.”
You did not sleep it off.
Waking up was a chore, bleary eyes and a throbbing head kept you down. Maybe you could just lay down again. Sleep just for a little longer.
A stream of light seeps into the room. Cracking open your tired eyes, there stands Gregory in the doorway. He has his body halfway through the door. Seeing you still in bed, he speaks in a hushed tone.
“Good morning. I know it’s kinda early…but I was wondering if we could have breakfast together.” Gregory whispers. His words getting lost in a foggy void.
“Huh? Oh Gregory, hi. Yeah…I can make us some food. Just…Just give me a minute to get up.” He gives you a small nod, leaving the door ajar to let some light in.
It takes 30 minutes to get up and dressed. On shaky legs, you unsteadily make your way to the kitchen. Chica, Sun, and Gregory are there. You can’t seem to find the others. Sun perks up once they hear your footsteps. He does a full 180 in the chair. Bent in a contorted fashion, he starts to give you a cheery greeting.
“He~ello! Good to see you up and- AUGH! Why do you look like that?! It looks like you haven’t had sleepy time in AGES!” Sun practically falls from their chair and clambers up to you. Gripping your shoulders, he brings his face close to yours. Their erratic movement was making your headache worse. “Maybe you got hurt? Oh, that would be bad bad bad! We should bring you to a medical station. DO you have a medical station? We should bring you to it.”
“We don’t have a medical area Sun…I don’t think any house would.” You say before breaking into a quick coughing fit. “I’ll be fine. I’m just a little sick. I’ll just take some medicine or something.” You pull away from his hold to walk to the fridge. You had promised Gregory breakfast after all. You were about to grab the handle before you were picked up off the ground.
Pressed against their metallic chest, Sun begins to sway you side to side. Similar to a parent rocking their baby, yet more fast and jittery. “OH NO! If there’s no medical station, how will you get better?! Will you DIE?!”
“I know! Humans get lots of rest and it makes them feel better. I guess it’s like recharging.” Chica’s voice calls, muffled from her mouth being stuffed. It looks like she’s eating a frozen pizza. Box and all. You’re so tired you can’t even scold her.
“Rest! Right! They just need to recharge!” And with that, Sun bolts away to your room. He tucks you into the bed tightly. Fluffing your pillows and giving you the commemorative, three-foot Roxy plush you got instead of a raise. “Sweet dreams, Sunshine.” They flick on your lamp and close the curtains before scrambling out of the room.
Back in the kitchen, Gregory has just brought the rest of the animatronics up to date with your condition. Despite having such an advanced AI, none of them know what human sickness entails. Freddy lets out a sad sigh.
“I knew something was off. Gregory is there anything we could do to help them?”
“It would be so lame of them to be stuck in bed for the rest of our stay!” Monty chimes in.
“Will they DIE?! I would be SO SO sad if my favorite techie died!” Sun dramatically brings their hands to their face.
“Uh well, no they won’t. Usually, when we’re sick we eat soup. But, I’m sure you guys don’t know how to cook. I could just go out and get some…Hope they don’t mind me borrowing their card.” Gregory explained.
“What? PSH! How hard could cooking be? I’m sure I could pick it up real easy.” Roxy picks up a used pot from the sink. “You just need one of these…and uh…it makes soup!” The rest of the animatronics cheer in agreement. Walking to different parts of the kitchen, they fail to notice Gregory walking out the front door.
“Okay, I grabbed everything that I think goes in a soup. I’ve seen them cook at least twice so I believe I know what I’m doing.” Chica didn’t know what she was doing. In her arms were random condiments and other ingredients that wouldn’t be found in a soup. Seconds after she set them onto the counter, Sun begins to organize them by size.
“Ah yes, I’ve seen them put this in their food.” Freddy pulls out a bottle of black pepper. He goes to pour some in the pot of water before it’s ripped out his hands.
“Why should you get to do it, Fazbear?” Monty guards the pepper. “You don’t get to do everything just because you’re the lead singer.”
“Monty, please, this isn’t the time for this.” Freddy tries to grab the bottle but Monty jerks it away. Doing so, the bottle slips out of Monty’s hand and onto the floor, spilling pepper everywhere.
“AH! Oh NO! What a mess! Must clean, clean!” Dropping down to his knees, Sun begins scooping up pepper with their hands.
Not seeing the daycare attendant on the ground, Chica trips and falls over. The stuff in her arms fell and spilled onto the ground, sending Sun into another frenzy.
“Ugh! Look what you did, Fazbear!.”
“I am truly sorry, Monty. I didn’t mean to cause this.”
“Hmmm, If I turn the fire all the way up it’ll cook faster! Such a genius as always Roxy!” She reaches her hand and cranks the burner to high heat.
The kitchen dives into further chaos as time goes on. The animatronics keep dropping things, with Sun trying to clean between them. The pot has begun boiling over and spilling onto the floor. Monty and Roxy are fighting about something. Chica is eating random food scraps. And Freddy is just trying to fix everything.
The noise suddenly comes to a halt as Gregory walks through the front door. He pauses when he sees the mess of the kitchen. Setting his shopping bag onto the counter, Gregory walks over to shut the burner off. Pinching his nose bridge, he lets out a sign.
“Can…Can you guys just go to the living room? I need to heat this up.” Out of the bag, he pulls out a takeout bowl of soup.
Shuffling out with their tails between their legs, literally and metaphorically, the animatronics slink into the living room. Stepping over trash and other unidentifiable stains, Gregory heats up your soup and brings it to your room. He knocks on the door before entering.
“I went out to get you some soup. I had to borrow your card to buy it, I’m sorry. And the animatronics kiiiinda destroyed your kitchen. But don’t worry I’ll make sure they clean it up. You just need to focus on getting better.” He then sets the bowl of soup in your lap.
You drank some of the soup, the warm liquid instantly soothing your scratchy throat. “Thank you, Gregory. I really appreciate this. I’m sorry about not eating breakfast with you. When I’m feeling better I’ll make you anything you like.” You were interrupted by a cough. “You should go on now, I don’t need you getting sick too.” You patted him on the head before gently shoving him towards your door.
With a nod, Gregory walks out and gently shuts your door. Now with that done, he had some singing robots to scold
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