#ATMOS set up from the START
arolesbianism · 7 months
The sadness and agony that emerges everytime I start a new oni save and am forced to remember what it's like to have a dupe without a hat only to put them in a hat because I think they'd look cute only to remember hats make half of them look bald but I spent this long maxing out a skill for them so Im too stubborn to back down and remove the hat
#rat rambles#oni posting#it wouldnt be nearly as much of a problem if dupes didnt all have the same like 3 faces that I suck ass at differenciating at a glance#the amount of times Ive mixed up my maes and nikolas makes me sad Im sorry mae no one should be mistaken with nikola#if I knew how to acess the animation files Id be tempted to make a mod to change it but I dont so Im not#but imagine how cute itd be if abe and nikola had their side spikes stiking out from the sides of their hats#couldnt save the super short haired ppl tho sorry ren ari travaldo turner ruby and probably others too#speaking of my ari I keep mistaking my hassan for ari even tho I dont have an ari yet sorry bestie#hes my main storage and cleaning guy which is the role ari is in my other save#anyways the new save is continuing to go well even if things have slowed down a lil#I managed to get my salt water guiser up and running even if its a very lazy approach of basically just cooling it in a tundra biome#but itll work for the time being until I can get plastic from either drekos or by tapping into my oil biome#Im going for drekos rn since I have a lot of them around but if I can get some atmo suits set up quick enough I might just dive for oil#mainly because I want natural gas for a gas range tbh especially since I started farming waterweed as well#along with duskcaps so I already have access to the ingredients for several high quality gas range foods if I can get one running#now that might be a bit hasty but also I havent actually set base on the teleporter planetoid yet and both the transporters are right there#and I managed to find the sender on my main planetoid so I could pretty easily send over high quality food as a nice start up#this mostly tempts me because theres also a distinct lack of particularly easy to farm plants in the immediate vicinity of the teleporter#which doesnt mean there Wont be food but it does mean that quite a bit of digging will likely need to be done#with is also made tricky by the lack of early settlement oxygen sources available#and while I could theoretically send oxygen from the main colony Id rly rather not until I can get a spom or two set up#which leaves oxyferns and rust as the main oxygen options there until reliable water is found#now one thing I could do is fully transition my main base to getting all its oxygen from a spom and then send the rest of my algae over#my main thing is just Im not rly sure where I wanna put my first spom#I just simply dont have as many options as Id like due to being surrounded by mostly swampy and jungle biomes#not that I couldnt build there or dig them out its just Id rly rather have atmo suits first#which since I am very early in my dreko farm will likely take a lil bit#which also brings up the problem of getting my metal refinery up and running so I dont have to keep using the rock crusher#Ill probably just slap one in one of my tundra biomes as a short term solution but long term Ill probably have to take a shot at a proper#industrial sauna once I get plastic
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transitranger327 · 5 months
Ehn’yuste, Chapter 1: A Warm Welcome (a WolfWren Fanfic)
Notes: I’m so completely normal about Shin Hati/Sabine Wren. I’ve definitely not been constantly thinking about them since I learned the ship existed. This fic is mostly canon-compliant (I think, the timeline between Rebels and Ahsoka is funky), tho canon-extrapolated might be a better term. If any of my writing seems out of character, that’s just the year of character development everyone had. This is mostly WolfWren at the moment, but I also have NiteArmor plans. CW for genocide mentions. A Mando’a glossary can be found below the cut.
One year after the Ignition
“Outsider, state your business,” crackled a deep voice from the shuttle’s comm. Shin had never seen her girlfriend look more offended. “Outsider? Not likely. I’m Sabine of Clan Wren, former owner of the Darksaber, and…” Sabine continued in Mando’a, which Shin didn’t fully understand yet but knew enough to know she would’ve been censored on the HoloNet. “So sorry ma’am, your ship’s transponder isn’t on our registry,” the voice replied in an apologetic tone, “let me get the boss as I take you down.” Sabine began tailing the Gauntlet-class in Shin’s Jedi Shuttle, which they had decided to rename to Wolf. Based on what Baylan had told her about Mandalore, Shin was honestly surprised the fighter hadn’t started shooting when it saw Eta-class on its scans, but she chalked it up to it her mercenary cover. “Here you go baby, this is what the empire did to my family,” Sabine said, with the faint bitterness of an old wound. Shin knew that while their time on Peridea managed to distance themselves from their pasts, some tragedies scar instead of heal. At least they had each other, and Sabine wasn’t the last Mandalorian despite what her nightmares told her. “Careful, the storms here can get pretty rough,” their unintended guide’s voice started fading into static, “just keep close to my beacon as we head down.” The two Jedi smiled at each other as they began descending into the storm clouds.
As they emerged from the electric shroud, Sabine’s trepidation was slowly replaced by glee. Sundari’s dome was mostly gone, sure, but banners of all the clans were hanging on what was left of it. Outpost buildings sat on the glassy surface, flanking a large new doorway cut into the old dome. Dozens upon dozens of starships littered the area, a motley crew of home-built Mandalorian ships, New Republic surplus, liberated Imperial vessels, and even one Naboo starfighter (she HAD to know whose this was). And were those…agricultural plots next to the dome? The voice emerged from the static, “We don’t exactly have docking bays, so set your shuttle down wherever you like. I’d suggest near the promenade, as the Mand’alor is waiting for you there. This is the Way.” Sabine was taken somewhat aback by such an old-fashioned saying. While she was racking her brain for the traditional response, the Gauntlet-class peeled away, disappearing into the clouds once more. Shin was confused, but for a much different reason. “I know you’ve told me this, but how are we meeting a planet?” Sabine grinned, “Mandalore isn’t just a planet, it’s a way of life. The traditional leader of it is called ‘the Mand’alor’, and while the culture, planet, and leadership aren’t exactly synonymous anymore, we don’t tend to change names for things all that often.” After a pause, she added, “I think I technically was the Mand’alor for a few months.” Shin’s face looked even more surprised, “okay how have you not told me this yet?” Sabine’s grin fell a bit, “it wasn’t exactly a happy time in my life. But I promise I’ll tell you later. Hey, found a spot.” They set the Wolf down in an open area, a few ships away from the Naboo fighter. “The air seems breathable,” Shin reported off the atmo-nalysis. “Yeah, I’m still gonna wear my helmet,” Sabine replied, “feels wrong to not wear it at home.”
As the ramp lowered, they were greeted by a figure in blue and white armor. “So I get an emergency message from one of our new pilots, and I think, ‘great, the new kid is overreacting’. Then I see the note ‘Darksaber’ attached and start to worry. But once he drops off the packet saying you’re Clan Wren, I start to suspect I’d be seeing your purple armor stepping off this shuttle.” Bo-Katan Kryze took off her helmet, “Welcome home, Sabine Wren.” “Shut up and give me a hug you big softie,” Sabine shouted as she ran toward her old friend, “it’s been too long!” As they embraced, Bo-Katan asked, “It’s been years, who’s the plus-one?” Sabine removed her helmet, showing the biggest, dumbest grin Bo-Katan had seen in years. “She, my dear duchess, is the reason you haven’t heard about me for over a year.” She dashed back to Shin, grabbing her hand and dragging her over to Bo-Katan, “Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, meet Shin Hati, Jedi Knight and love of my life.” Shin offered her hand for a shake, but Bo-Katan grabbed her forearm for a traditional Mandalorian greeting. “Welcome to Mandalore, Shin Hati, Jedi Knight.” Seeing her surprise at such a warm greeting, Bo-Katan added, “Don’t worry, Mandalore has been on good terms with you Force-wielding maniacs for a while now. Come on inside, we’ve got a lot to discuss.”
“So who’s flying the vintage N-1?” Sabine asked as they walked past the Naboo starfighter, “Looks like they managed to mod it, though I am a bit disappointed by the bare chrome.” “That’s Din Djarin’s ride, I’ll introduce you two,” Bo-Katan said with a smile, “He’s a fan of the chrome, never painted his beskar’gam. You’re gonna love his kid, he’s a Jedi.” Sabine and Shin shared a glance with each other. Another Mandalorian Jedi? What other surprises did this new Mandalore hold? “So tell me what you’ve been up to. Why return to Mandalore now?” Bo-Katan’s voice was a little colder now, with a touch of disappointment. Clearly, she had missed Sabine in whatever happened since they had left. “We were both looking for my brother Ezra.” Sabine’s answer didn’t quite satisfy Bo-Katan. “Yeah but Bridger came back a year ago, what were the two of you doing after that?” “Well, we didn’t exactly rescue him, it was more like we switched places,” Sabine answered, which seemed to intrigue Bo-Katan. Shin jumped in, “We were stuck out there in another galaxy for a year, and somehow managed to catch feelings for each other.” “Well there wasn’t much else to do besides training and exploring the world and each other—” Sabine was cut off by Bo-Katan’s curt “Wren!” “Sorry Duchess, didn’t know you were so uptight now.” Sabine’s voice overflowed with snark. Shin quickly tried changing the subject, “So Duchess Kryze, what are all these banners hanging from the wall?” “Oh, Countess Wren didn’t tell you?” Bo-Katan’s “countess” threw Shin off, “These are the signets of every Mandalorian clan, past and present. The Leonid is Clan Eldar, the Vexis is Clan Rook, and the Starbird is Clan Wren.” Shin looked up and saw what Bo-Katan was gesturing to: a more intricate version of the circular symbol Sabine plastered on everything. Sabine looked up and saw a hopelessly bland banner that she would have to repaint soon.
As they walked into the old city, Shin’s eyes gazed in wonder. Thousands of buildings in various conditions filled what used to be a dome, and they all somehow looked exactly like she was imagining. She’d seen plenty of cultures with strong warrior traditions, and plenty with excellent architectural sensibilities, but never had she seen both blended so well. The structures all looked like Mandalorian armor in one way or another. Frames of various colors, with intricate geometric shapes, all with faintly green glass between them. Then she realized the green was probably from all the trinitite outside and felt an immense grief. No wonder Sabine held so much art and beauty and sadness within her. But the shops along the main corridor appeared to be open and thriving. “Forward and down the civic staircase is the Great Forge and the Living Waters,” Bo-Katan was giving the 5-cred tour, “Over to the right is the Alderaanian Quarter and the ag flats. We’re headed over here to the left, to my office.” “Alderaanian Quarter?” Sabine asked, “How did that happen?” “Genocide survivors have to stick together. When they heard we had retaken Mandalore, several prominent Alderaan survivors reached out in friendship.” “Friendship?” Sabine’s voice was full of skepticism, not contempt, “That really worked on the legacy of Death Watch?” “You’d be surprised how the purge changed us, just look at yourself,” Bo-Katan had turned a corner and was now looking at the lightsaber hanging from Sabine’s belt. “My office is a few floors above us, you’ll have to jet up. Getting the elevators working hasn’t exactly been a priority.” Bo-Katan led, followed by Sabine on jetpack, then Shin, who used the Force Jump-Pull paired technique that she and Sabine had developed while bouldering in Peridea’s mountains. Without skipping a beat, Bo-Katan continued, “Some of the people from Alderaan were a group of agricultural researchers who had been having trouble finding work together. So we offered them a chance. Today, rad-absorbent clover. In five years, Alderaanian wine.”
As they entered what Bo-Katan had called her “office”, Sabine began to laugh to herself. It was the Mand’alor throne room, except now the throne was half-destroyed and was placed at the head of a large conference table. Lining the walls were imperial computer terminals, what looked like the remains of a Gauntlet-class cockpit, and a large mural of a mythosaur (not half bad, even by Sabine’s high standards). Bo-Katan pulled out two chairs before sitting down on her throne. “Two questions: what’s the deal with the lightsaber, and why did you come back to Mandalore now?” Right to the point. “After the Purge, I was feeling incredibly guilty for not being there. I knew I should’ve come back instead of being at Jakku—” Bo-Katan interrupted, “Stop it Sabine. You alone couldn’t’ve stopped the Empire. Stop blaming yourself for the Night.” Sabine took a deep breath, “I know that now. That was one of the things I learned this year.” Two Mandalorians entered the room, one with a bronze helmet, the other with no helmet and carrying a tray of sliced uj’alayi. Sabine continued, “But a few weeks after the Night, I made contact with Ahsoka Tano. Asked her to train me in the Force so this wouldn’t happen again.” A woman’s voice emerged from the bronze helmet, “Ahsoka Tano, now that’s a woman who walks in two worlds.” “Sabine Wren and Shin Hati, meet the Armorer, our Keeper of the Forge, and my right hand.” Sabine wasn’t quite sure what to make of Bo-Katan’s introduction. Did the Armorer not have a name? “Anyway, my initial training went about as well as you would expect from me. We had a falling out, then last year she came back to me with a mission. She thought she found a lead on Ezra Bridger’s whereabouts.” Sabine sensed a bit of confusion from the helmeted woman and added, “Ezra’s my brother from the Rebellion. He’d gone missing a while ago.” Sabine thanked the uj courier as they left and then encouraged Shin to have a slice. A muffled “wow this is so good” escaped Shin’s lips before Sabine continued. “Turns out, Shin here was looking for Thrawn, so she stabbed me with her lightsaber to get the map to both of them.” Bo-Katan started to cackle, “Of course you would fall in love with someone who stabbed you. Ursa would be proud.” Sabine was surprised at how little a mention of her late mother hurt her. “Ahsoka and I managed to catch up to Shin and her former master,” she tried to find an explanation that would gloss over their convoluted adventure, “and we all made our way to Peridea, a planet in another galaxy where Thrawn and Ezra were stranded. We sent them back but got stuck there ourselves.” Bo-Katan and the Armorer were now fully invested in the story. Shin continued as Sabine had some uj cake, “During the year on Peridea we both managed to complete our Jedi training, and discovered that we had feelings for each other.” Sabine then showered Shin with a litany of kisses. “Both of you are Jedi?” the Armorer asked. Sabine replied, “Like you said, two worlds.” “And so after you manage to make it back to our galaxy, you come back to Mandalore.” Bo-Katan was starting to put the pieces together. “Well, my old master and I had collected a sizable amount of beskar as payment from the imperial remnants we worked for. Figured we should return it to its rightful home.” Shin’s honesty was not something either of the older Mandalorians were expecting. “Oh yeah, which means she’s technically a ‘wanted criminal’ according to the New Republic,” Sabine was now in full Rebel Snark™ mode, “maybe if she had stabbed them, they’d forgive her sooner.”
Bo-Katan sat in silence for a moment. “That complicates things.” Sabine’s anger started bubbling up, “How so?” Bo-Katan tried to remain diplomatic. “At the moment, we have to play nice with the New Republic. We’d like to not extradite anyone, but the best they could do is no extradition for Mandalorians.” “Which means,” the Armorer continued, “If you wish to remain here, you must become Mandalorian. You must marry.”
This was not the answer Sabine was expecting, but a small smile crept onto Shin’s face. “Wait but won’t the New Republic think we’re trying to pull a jehaat?” “Sabine, I trust you. If you believe Shin has changed and won’t cause any undue trouble, then I believe too.” Bo-Katan’s earnestness was slightly off-putting to Sabine, who still thought she secretly hated her. “Lady Kryze and I will both witness that you two arrived and asked to marry. If the New Republic asks if we knew your past crimes, we will not indicate that we did.” The Armorer paused, “that is, if you wish to continue down this path.”
Sabine’s mind was racing. Marriage? Already? She had only known Shin for a year. She had always kept her relationships at an arm’s length since Ketsu. Well, all of them until Shin. Sabine thought, or perhaps whispered, “I’m not sure I’m ready.” Shin grabbed her girlfriend’s chin, the turned it to her. She grinned, “Yes you are. You’ve been ready for months.” Then she pulled her in for a kiss. “Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum, Sabine Wren.”
After catching her breath, Sabine asked, “Tion gar vencuyi ner riduur, Shin Hati?” “I take it riduur means wife?” After a nod from the Mandalorians, she continued,
“the answer is yes.”
Mando’a translations (some are my own, so if they’re wrong let me know)
Ehn’yuste: “the three ways”, which will make sense in the future
Mando’a: the Mandalorian language
Mand’alor: the traditional spelling of Mandalore, now used mostly to refer to the owner of the Darksaber
Beskar’gam: Mandalorian armor
Uj’alayi: aka Uj cake, the best Mandalorian dessert, a sweet cake with dried fruit and nuts
Beskar: the lightsaber-resistant metal that Mandalorian armor is made from
Jehaat: lie, deception, scam
Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum: “i love you”, literally “I hold you in my heart forever”
Tion gar vencuyi ner riduur?: “will you marry me?” literally “will you be my spouse?” (Mando’a doesn’t have grammatical gender)
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astrabear · 1 year
My labor, and my leisure too (pt. 1)
I've been poking around some ideas lately, about the difference between what feels like a happy (or at least satisfying) ending to a character and what feels like a happy (or at least satisfying) ending to the audience.
This is unedited, un-beta'd, and incomplete. I've already started working on the next bit; I just didn't want to wait to yeet it out into the universe.
If Nile hadn’t been frustrated nearly to tears by the time the rest of the team came in, she might have noticed that Nicky and Joe seemed oddly subdued and distracted. But she was, so she didn’t – all she could see was the endless array of charts and computer displays swimming before her eyes.
“I have run so many simulations I feel like I’m stuck in a time loop,” she said as they all gathered around the output table. “I’ve recalculated all the parameters to the limits of possibility, sometimes beyond. And I can’t find any way we pull this off.”
“But the intel we just got – “ Gert was new, had been with them for less than twenty years, and hadn’t quite let go of the idea of being a superhero.
“That intel is what makes it so hard.” Gert frowned, and Nile quickly added, “Don’t get me wrong, it’s fantastic you were able to track it down. If you hadn’t, we’d be totally screwed.”
“So what’s the problem?” Lijie asked. She ran her finger along one of the infiltration routes in the display. “This looks straightforward to me.”
“The problem,” Nile said, “is the timing. Whoever lays those charges, they’re not getting out. Any delay long enough for exfil is long enough for them to be detected and disarmed by the security system.”
“But we’re shutting down the security system. I walked you through that just the other day. I’m telling you, it’s foolproof.” Jerrah, over 1600 years old, hated that Nile still referred to him as one of “the kids,” but his temper and defensiveness had not mellowed with age and at times like this she felt entirely justified.
She heroically resisted banging her head against the table. It would only scramble the schematics. “Your plan for shutting the system down is foolproof. It’s great. It will absolutely work. But what we didn’t know until recently is that it’s on an automatic reset timer that will boot it back up after a set amount of time. You’re welcome to review the programming,” she ran her gaze around the team, addressing them all, “in fact I’d love it if you’d all review the scenarios I’ve run. Just to be sure. But I’m telling you – the numbers just don’t work. The support team will be fine, but the one with the charges is not getting out alive.”
Gert laughed. “I thought that was the point of us. We don’t have to get out alive.” They looked around and noticed no one else shared their amusement. “What am I missing?”
Jerrah answered while scrolling through Nile’s calculations. “An explosion this size isn’t just going to take out the complex, it’s going to wipe out the whole atmo dome. Anything not secured will get blasted out of the gravity well. You remember about Quỳnh? This would be infinitely worse. Literally.”
“But what about – “
Step by step, Nile walked them through it. How any equipment robust enough to survive the explosion would make it impossible to complete the mission to cause the explosion in the first place. How fast the debris and bodies would be moving with no inertia to slow them down. The number of bodies there would be, and the limits of their ship’s sensors. All of it. The inescapable physics, and the impossibility of making that choice.
“We have to scrap the plan,” she said, “start over from scratch. We’ll find another way, somehow, to – “ Joe and Nicky had withdrawn a bit from the group and were having their own private conversation. This, too, should have been a sign: they didn’t do cross-talk during mission briefings, and through all the months of planning they’d taken this mission particularly seriously.
But Nile was too frazzled and distracted for this to register, so she just barked out, “Hey guys! Are we boring you? Or do you have something you’d like to share?”
Her friends, mentors, brothers, exchanged a final loaded glance and then refocused on the group. Nicky put his arm around Joe’s shoulders, and as he did so his sleeve rode up, just a little, showing an odd patch of dirt on the inside of his upper arm. She found herself staring at it without knowing why.
“Joe and I will lay the charges,” Nicky said.
“Don’t be stupid,” Lijie snapped. “Nile’s right. Do you really think we’re going to just let you guys float around in vacuum forever?”
Three things happened simultaneously in an instant that felt to Nile like a lifetime:
…Nile noticed that the knuckles on Joe’s right hand were also weirdly dirty.
…and Joe said, “Of course not. We’re not asking you to.”
…and Nile thought Bruises. Not dirt. Bruises.
Then time slammed back into place and she cried out from the force of it.
And the room erupted into chaos.
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rhythm-catsandwine · 28 days
Chap 5 Birthday
It's been a while since I've updated 'Life Finds a Way" on here.
Master List and Life
They got up early to eat a breakfast of fresh eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. The fresh food was a treat before flying out to find a job.
“So what's the birthday want for breakfast lunch and dinner?” Maynard looked over at their youngest.
“Well, we all know what he's getting for dessert.” Adam playfully shoved him towards Danny. 
“Con"t wait.” He grinned.
Danny grabbed hold of him and started licking his face. “Why wait?” giant paws roamed freely against his body.
Justin squirmed and tried to break free.
“Down boy.” Adam pulled Justin close again. Danny barked like a dog.
“Not at the dinner table,” Maynard complained. He pointed at their captain. “Don't encourage the children.”
“You mean child and his golden retriever.” 
“Why do people call you an octopus or a goat?” Justin asked Danny.
“Played drums in school. It kinda stuck, because of how I played.”
They walked back to their beloved ship after breakfast and packing up.
Justin almost forgot how beautiful their ship was. Her cool gray metal, thrusters to either side. The rear end made her look like an actual Firefly or lightning bug from afar. The thing that set her apart was her name hand-painted by Adam.  Blues surround her name in comet white. 
She smelt like home. All the little details scattered across her. From the little red, gold, purple, and yellow (Danny's favorite sports teams) alternating hearts in the engine room. To the little Strawberries, blueberries, and other fruit in the kitchen. Adam was slowly making it their own. He would likely keep going until there wasn't any room untouched. There was always a balance of space and shapes. 
Adam felt something at the back of his mind. It was like some energy shot down from the back of his neck to the base of his spine.  He glanced up to see another Firefly. But a 3, not a 6. There was some familiar energy coming from it. The feeling was like when someone else like him was near. His grip tightened on Justin’s hand.
“That's a model 3” He pointed to the boat above them. 
The inspector who checked them in handed the paperwork over. Justin took it as Adam was phased out a bit. “I don't see how those old Models keep going.”
Danny nudged the captain bringing him back to reality. “All the Fireflies 3 and 6 keep going.  As long as you take care of them they take care of you” The 6 was bigger than the 3. But not like the 4 which required more crew.”  “Shadow” had a smoother ride, a fuel-efficient engine, and a longer range.
Once they broke atmo they were all on the bridge. They needed a job. Maynard leaned against the airlock leading down the stairs from the bridge. “What if we picked up the stash of meds from that moon? The atmo stuff will expire soon. And a few moons will be overdue for a delivery. Sell the stuff or trade as usual? Plus I'd like to stoke up on the other stuff we have there. “
“I'm in,” Danny said.
“Wot stash?”
“There’s this moon that the main thing they do is making clay. We hid a huge stack of stolen meds there. Has the meds that keep people on a moon or rock with fucked up atmo from dying.”
“The people are a little strange.  Sing about some guy called Jane.” Maynard folded his arms.
“They wot?”
“You'll hear. Once we're there.” Danny answered. “Some people warship weird things.”
Adam pulled up the maps and charts they needed to get there on the computer in the control panel, in front of Justin. “Some people juggle geese.”
“That's quite odd.” Justin followed Adam's finger gliding across the map of the stars, showing the route to take.
“Weirder than the occult or the fact the government cuts into people's brains to make them physic?”
“Guss not?” “Wait, they?”
“Don't think too hard. Over-analyzing separates the body from the mind” Maynard messed up Justin's hair. “Take about three days to get there curly q”
“Stop calling me that and messing with my hair!” Justin untagged his curls and got them out of his face. 
That night their captain was restless, tossing and turning between the sheets. Justin was tired from flying in empty space toward their next job. Leaving the busy moon and seeing stars he had never seen before, made it even worse. Then he worked out with Danny, with the weight equipment they kept under the stairs to the catwalk. After that Danny fucked him against the wall of the cargo bay, until Maynard needed Danny’s help with something in the greenhouse, that was next to the infirmary. He tried to distract himself with the image of the mechanic. Covered in sweat, clothes clinging to his body, showing everything. The man was big all over. 
“Adam. I can’t sleep with you moving about.” He wined. 
“Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Wanna talk bout it?”
Adam still had his back to the other. “You’d never leave us, right? Leave me?”
“No. Corse not.” He pulled the other close, pressing their bodies together. 
“It’s just that people usually leave me at some point. Even my parents. Maynard, Dan, and James are the only people who haven’t. Sometimes I think you’ll wake up one day and decide you’ve had enough. Or that I’m too much to handle. I mean Paul just left us.” He sounded fragile like he’d break if pushed even a hair further. “He left us. Fucking just left us.”
Justin propped himself up on his arm and rolled his partner over to face him. “That’s not what I’m going to do.”
“You’re the best thing that happened to me. I don't think I could handle you leaving.”
“ I promise I will never leave you. I love you.”  
“I love you too.”
“Is there anything else you want to talk bout? “ Justin had a feeling, that something was left unsaid. 
“There are things I’ve never told Maynard or Dan. I was dragged through hell. James was the only thing that got me through. Or we got each other through it. But I don’t want to talk about that tonight.“
“Is that why you get more nightmares when we’re landside?” 
Adam was afraid Justin could see right through him. “Yeah.” He let himself be held by the other. “Wait how do you know it gets worse landside?”
“I keep track.”
“You what?”
“Let’s go to sleep.”
“Hey! Tomorrow’s your birthday.”
“Mhmm” Justin pulled the other against his chest.
“Want the day off?”
“I know how to fly her. You deserve it.”
“Bot didn’t we already have a few days off?”
“That don’t count. Do you want off or not? Maynard and Dan do the same.”
Justin awoke to Adam kissing him softly all over, no inch of his skin would be left untouched. From his jaw to his neck and down towards his hips. “What do you want?” He asked between kisses.
Justin flipped them over and straddled the other.
“Hey! You’ll be doing all the work.”
“You asked me what I wanted.” He moved pulling a wine from the one beneath him. “But tonight. I want you to have yer way with me.”
“I know you like it rough. But like?” Adam felt Justin lower himself on his cock. “Fuck.”
“Like you always fuck me.” He hummed as Adam bucked his hips against the other. “I've grown to like it. Jus depends on my mood. Which I want.” 
“As you wish.”
“Cinnamon roll for the cinnamon roll?” Maynard placed a sweet treat, bigger than his face in front of him. It drowned in sweet icing. This was all real. Not protein. Real bread, sugar, and cinnamon. “And something to wash it down with.” A mug of real hot chocolate was placed carefully in his hands. “It’s salted dark chocolate with two shots of bourbon.” That’s how Maynard showed love, through food mostly but he wasn’t pushy about it. The other side was when he fussed over someone when they were sick of injured. 
“You want to get me drunk at 9 in the morning?” 
“You want to be?”
“No, I want to remember this day.”
“Happy 22 earth years curly-q”
It wasn’t long before Justin found himself pinned against the wall right next to the engine. He was getting railed by Danny. This time the door to the room that contained the heart of the ship was closed.  “Faster. Harder. “ He said between breaths. “Please.” He begged. “Dan” it was all over too soon, like with Adam just a few hours earlier. His legs felt like jello as soon as his feet hit the floor. “Bloody-” he fell into the blond's huge arms. 
“You had that coming curly q “ Danny messed his curls up even more. “God it's been? What? Like two weeks?” He was grinning like sunshine on a warm summer day.
“Probably I'll stay like this until you two get out of your puppy dog honeymoon stage. “
“Nardo says we ain' going to”” Justin let the larger man hold him tight. 
Danny laughed.” It's weird when you mix accents” 
At lunch, he had his favorite soup, of meat and vegetables, and birthday cake. As soon as he was done eating the others put gifts in front of him. He opened the one from Danny first. It was a new black waistcoat with spirals in the same blue as his eyes. Maynard just gave him a blank menu for the week. Usually whoever had a birthday got to plan the meals for that week. Last he opened the one from Adam. “Lord of the Rings,” He read the name on the set of four small leather bond books. “The Hobbit.”
“I know how much you like literature and reading.” Adam pointed to the white journal with random doodles drawn on them. “And I know you’ve been wanting a new one.” 
“You didn’t have tu do this.” He blushed when he saw the little blue heart with “JC + AJ” in the middle, drawn on the first page of his new journal. 
Justin watched the others, talking and wondered why the other couple never got married. Dan wanted to but Maynard didn’t.  They would still have an open relationship. But Maynard called marriage a fancy piece of paper. Dan disagreed. He watched Adam laugh at something Maynard said. Adam was pretty. Maybe they would get married eventually. But how would they show that? Some wore necklaces some bracelets, tattoos, and others rings. Would one of them take the other's name? Or keep them the same?
Later Justin sat with Adam on the bridge, it almost felt weird sitting in the captain's chair, but they weren’t a normal crew either. Most captains would never let that happen. Adam was still flying “Shadow” with a few expert instructions from her actual pilot on how to fly smoother and more accurately. 
“Which do I read first?”
““The Hobbit”. If you want, Or you can read “The Fellowship” first like most. It don't make much of a difference.”
“In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit….”  He read out loud until he came to the first song. He sang, trying his best to imagine how it was supposed to be sung. 
“I didnt know you could sing.” Adam stared at him in amazement. 
“I guess I can.”
“Don’t tell Maynard.”
“He’ll bring music night back and make you sing with him. Although I think you would sound great together.”
The last word resonated in his mind. He kept thinking of what the captain would do to him at the end of the day. “Adam.” He got up, placing his gifts carefully in the seat. “Would you want to go to our bunk early?” 
“You okay?”
“I jus keep thinking of what you're going to do to me.” He hugged the other from behind and giggled.”I’m already hard jus thinking about it.” 
“Or we could stay right here.”
Justin reached over to plug in the codes for autopilot.” No” He shook his head. “Our bunk.”
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
This Is Not Your Weakness
I have just been thinking up middle paragraphs for each prompt on the bingo list and then trying to write around it. This one went longer than I intended and I’m not sure how I fee, about it? But… they’re my favorites so I’m gonna post anyway bc we deserve content.
“Scared or Ashamed to sleep because of their nightmares, especially around others.” / “head lolling as they no longer have the strength to keep it up.”
Mandalorians and fear was a tricky mix. Their entire lives were spent as both predator and prey, yet they were taught from a young age that fear wasn’t something worth feeding, that allowing that fear to consume you in the moment could lead to death. Bo-Katan Kryze had learned to control her fear before she’d started basic training, back when her father was around to teach her these important lessons. But there was no way to stop those fears when you were most vulnerable: asleep.
Bo’s best excuse for herself for each night of caff induced awareness rested on her reclaimed title. As mand’alore of a planet that had to build itself out of so many layers of ash and carnage, every hour of her time was accounted for. Eighteen hours of their nineteen hour cycle was spent busy: between getting satellites in atmo that would allow for off planet communication, to building homes, schools, and hospitals that could withstand the upper surface, to keeping Alamites at bay, recreating the boundaries between the two species.
She would sleep, sure, though never in the tent she’d set up between the two tribes. If she dared to close her eyes, it was in the privacy of her ship, moved further away from the others, and locked up tight. It was easier that way, when the nightmares attacked. She didn’t have to worry about the shame, wouldn’t have to worry about lashing out and hurting someone. She was fine alone. Always had been, always will be, thank you very much.
The lack of sleep had started to take its’ toll on Bo Katan, however, as she fueled her days with caff and tried to keep herself occupied. She wasn’t exactly a liability, yet. But she often found herself having to snap her head back to attention during her tasks, as if the helmet she wore to mask the bags under her eyes weighted several times it’s original amount.
Her last important objective of the day had been to visit with The Armorer. While the leader of the watch had passed control over to Bo fully, she still often sought out council on how to lead. She understood where she’d gone wrong in the past, had been so afraid of being like her sister, she’d tried to be a warlord instead (it felt like all she was good at, after all), so The Armorer would give her lessons, would help her understand a different perspective of it all.
The ringing of a dozen hammers ringed throughout the cavern as Bo approached, beskar being melted and forged by the adepts, tritanite and crystal being combined with imperial scraps to create their building materials being put together by apprentices and their foundlings. Despite all the activity, The Armorer was like a beacon to Bo, the way the blue flames of the forge twinkled against her helmet, or the way torchlight reflected and danced across gold paint.
“Funny, wasn’t expecting to see you here.” The Mand’alore greeted as she came to the woman’s side, observing as she worked a beskar plate into the shape of a thigh guard. The other woman was silent, though from the minuscule tilt of her head, Bo could tell the joke didn’t land.
“Come, lady Bo-Katan. While this cools, we can work on our next lesson.” The woman promised, setting aside the piece on a separate rack and stepping away. Her visor turned to stare into Bo’s for a step too long. “Perhaps we can even work on your comedy.” The mirth in her tone was palpable, though it left a pout on the niteowl’s face, which left her glad her helmet was on to cover a look so childish.
The Armorer led Bo through the cave system, torches lining the walls, as well as bits of plant life that had started spreading from the gardens. The two walked in silence, and it was then Bo’s head started to droop once more. Her feet kept moving, though only the scrape of her helmet against her breastplate was enough to jolt her back every few seconds. The Armorer, leading the way still, said nothing.
Soft light filtered into the humid natural greenhouse. Most who tended to the small farm and flowers were out at the time, giving the two the entire space to themselves. Out of familiarity, Bo sank down into a patch of grass. When The Armorer lowered herself closer to her side than normal, Bo didn’t notice. The smells and quiet were hitting just the right spot to lull her into that false sense of safety.
She hadn’t noticed when The Armorer started speaking, couldn’t process the Basic coming from her mouth as the other woman stayed on track for the entire reason they’d come down there. Every time her head lolled, she’d find herself snapping back to attention with the phantom pain of her hand being crushed once more, fingers flexing into tufts of grass to force herself to remember that they had healed, she had healed, and she was fine now.
The next time her head would drop and her vision would start to slip from reality, she’d felt an arm wrap around her shoulders. That arm was supposed to be safe, but in the moment, as she struggled between awareness and slumber, she couldn’t process that the arm was offering comfort, could only process the feeling of imperials hauling her to her feet, Gideon’s hand on her jaw.
“No!” She’d rasped, elbow flying out to jam into a beskar plate as she scrambled to her feet, arms raised defensively and breathing hard enough her vocoder picked it up, morphing and amplifying the sound. She blinked slowly then, head down turned to stare at where The Armorer sat expectantly. “I..” Bo trailed off, the muscles in her jaw flexing. It was a worry that ate at her often, finding new ways to prove to The Armorer that Bo was the last person who should rule Mandalore.
Instead of reprimanding Bo, The Armorer shifted, a gloved hand wrapping around her own. It only took a gentle tug for the woman to sink back into the grass, this time, close enough to The Armorer that she sat in the crook of her arm. “Remove your helmet?” The woman’s voice was low, soft, and undemanding. This time, offering a choice over an order.
Bo pulled her helmet off then, before the words finished leaving the other’s mouth. Her helmet was dropped into the grass with a dull thunk, where it promptly dropped over to its side, rangefinder dipping into the dirt. Her knees pulled to her chest then, one arm wrapping around them so her vambraces caught against her knee plates, while her other hand tried in vain to wipe the exhaustion from her face. She didn’t want to look at The Armorer, but soon found herself staring into a tinted visor anyway.
“You haven’t been sleeping.” The Armorer stated the obvious, like Bo needed to hear. She could feel the biting retort forming on a heavy tongue, though a tilt of the Armorer’s head, signaling her intention to continue, put that fire out immediately. “You’ve spoken, recently. That we should be setting examples for those who look to us for guidance.” And yeah, Bo remembered that day clearly. When things had been manageable enough with the thrill and the high of being home again had been enough to force the nightmares away. It never lasted, though.
“Your fears do not make you weak, Lady Kryze. You will find that those who follow you will not think less of you, when they see part of themselves they can relate to in someone.” Hearing it from someone so unflappable in everything, like The Armorer, who probably could have handled all of Bo’s trials with ease, only reignited that spark, that part of her that was so angry and looking for direction.
“Says the statue.” She’d snarked out, eyebrows furrowed. Green eyes squeezed shut tight, because she didn’t mean it, she hadn’t wanted to lash out on someone who gave her everything- before she could spiral more, she felt a hand interlocking with her own. Fingers molding together like they’d been made for this specific purpose.
“I have been afraid many times.” The Armorer admitted, visor not once leaving the fixed position on Bo Katan’s face. “Leading the covert somewhere new each time had been terrifying. Facing the Reptiles that rose against our covert the first time Ragnar attempted to take the creed, waking up with no memory of what had happened… it was haunting, bo Katan. We have all suffered, and we all have the right to handle our emotions, our fears, however we see fit. But brushing them aside may lead you to be just as big a liability as one who freezes in the field. Being Mandalorian does not mean you are unfeeling. You are worthy of the same time, care, and respect as any other.”
Bo’s mouth opened, she wanted to retort, of course, she’d never been good at allowing silence to hang, but… she hadn’t gotten much time with her sister, all things considered. And yet, Satine’s voice rang in The Armorer’s words. An older sister trying to talk a reckless child off their path, to make sure she understood that the same care she gave to others, she deserved in return. She’d brushed it aside then, had called Satine soft. But now, she found herself nodding mutely. ‘One does not speak, unless they know.’ And she didn’t know, didn’t know what to say or do, aside from nodding her head.
The silence hung for some time, as The Armorer’s head turned away. The arm never left her shoulders, Bo was glad, and as her head started to lull again, she felt herself being tugged closer. “I get nightmares, a lot of the time.” She’d admitted, arms wrapped around her legs, eyes half closed, hair falling forward to tickle the back of her neck. The Armorer, for her part, only moved to look down at the Mandalorian against her side, silently urging her to continue.
“About Gideon, usually. Of the purge. Of Death Watch and my sister…” she trailed off, because how could you talk about a death you’d only felt? She’d created enough scenarios in her head since she learned her sisters fate, could imagine the entire memory as if she’d been there, watching as the dark saber went through her sister’s back. Just like with Pre, and the way the Zabrak had brought the blade down against his neck faster than the man could even finish speaking.
“I always wake up feeling worse, like I’m going to leave my ship and I’ll walk right into any of those memories. Like every choice I make could lead to the fall of Mandalore, again.” She couldn’t stop once she started, even if she’d wanted to. Speaking of them was making those fears real, but they felt… like an obstacle to work through when they were palpable.
“You will not lead to the fall of Mandalore. And you hadn’t before.” The Armorer finally spoke. “I understand you surrendered the Darksaber to Gideon in an attempt to save our people from more harm, you couldn’t have won in any situation. Surrendering then gave you the ability to be here, to walk this path, the right time. Mandalorian’s are no longer killing each other. That would have never been accomplishable had you not walked both ways. This is what is different between then and now. We follow you not for the darksaber, who’s legacy died with it, but for your ability to unite.”
“You are not a destroyer, Bo-Katan Kryze, you are a uniter, a warrior, a Mandalorian.” And kriff, if that didn’t make Bo’s heart stop, the tears that welled into her eyes were wiped away quickly then, as she trained her gaze literally anywhere else. “These nightmares are not your weakness, either. You have overcome many obstacles on your journey to this point. Your song speaks of your hardships and your triumphs. When it is sung amongst our next generations, they will not remember you for your fears, they will remember you for who you are. The uniter that brought our people home.”
Bo’s face was pressed into the side of The Armorer’s breastplate at this point, her cheeks tinged red as salty tears carved paths down warm cheeks. “Thank you.. I think, I needed to hear that, more than our normal lesson.” She finally spoke, inhaling the scent of the flowers, and the woman beside her. It was enticing, the way the sweetness went with the smell of soot and leather.
“You did, however, I believe you may need sleep, more than any more lessons in learning the truth about yourself.” The other woman stood then, leaving Bo on the ground to lean against nothing, before she was helping her Mand’alore to her feet. Once steadied, she’d reached down for Bo’s helmet in the grass, wiping away the green blades and the dirt that had time to settle. The piece switched hands back to its rightful owner’s, and Bo dipped her head in thanks once more as she pulled it back over her head.
The Armorer once more took the lead through the tunnels, leading Bo back to the forge, and then outside. Instead of parting ways like Bo had been expecting, The Armorer kept leading, past her tent and to Bo Katan’s. Wordless understanding passed between them, and Bo led the other woman inside.
The interior was spartan in design, considering how little it was used as a sleeping quarters. A data pad sat against an old wooden crate, with her drafts for the New Republic still waiting to be checked over. Her cot, still stiff from whatever factory the vendor on Nevarro had obtained it from, sat unmade against the far corner, positioned in a way that she would be able to see whoever entered before they saw her.
The two didn’t need to speak, as the golden helmeted warrior moved the data pad and sat on the crate, which creaked its protest at the weight, but still held strong. Bo dropped herself onto the edge of the cot, exhaustion weighing her down as she started to remove her armor. With the Armorer right there, it encouraged her to be mildly more careful with each piece than she had tended to be lately. Carefully stacking them beside the bed in a way that she would still be able to dangle her arm and touch Beskar.
“I will be here, for you.” The Armorer promised as Bo lay back, pulling rumpled sheets forwards her chin as green eyes watched the other woman. She hadn’t wanted to admit her relief at the assurance. That when she woke up, even if she would be walking into a hell scape of her minds creation, she had someone to hold onto, who wouldn’t let her deal with it alone. When she fell asleep, it was blissfully silent and dark, aside from the way, even in her dreams, the view of crystal fractured sunlight gleamed off a golden horned helmet.
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WIP Wednesday
No-pressure tags for @mayfriend, @freshairforrabbits, @kayjaydee17, @princessgemma12, @leonsi.
Warnings for injuries, torture, sleep deprivation, blood, implied character death, recom!jake
He wouldn't even be here if Trudy was alive. She'd have flown the Samson well enough to stay under radar or whatever the fuck the RDA had used to track them, because of course the RDA would find some way to track them, how could they be so stupid. And if they were caught, she'd figure out a way to evade those idiots with ease, leaving them far in her dust and cackling the whole back to base.
But Trudy is dead. Norm is in a cell. He's got cracked ribs, a bloodied nose, what he's pretty sure is a broken leg; although they'd shot him up with painkillers before throwing him in here. Not out of any faint respect for the Geneva Convention, of course, they just want to keep him conscious.
Same reason they've got the lights turned up high, why they're probably ready to start blasting music if he seems about to fall asleep. If Norm loses consciousness he automatically comes up out of link, leaving them nothing except for a useless blue body.
As it is, he's not sure if he's been under long enough to worry the folks back home. Either way, protocol dictates you're not supposed to use emergency stop until vital signs fail, or else risk screwing somebody over at the worst possible moment. And he hadn't been able to transmit a message back before they pulled him out, so they don't know he's been taken, or that the Samsons are no longer safe.
Norm tries to think of the positives. Max hadn't been with him this time, thank fuck; Norm had been heading to Awa'atlu on his own, hoping to check on Kiri and finish setting up the radio equipment that was (hopefully) going to make communication less risky (heh). His Samson had gone down in flames spectacular enough that the enemy (hopefully) won't be able to track it back to base.
He'd considered ignoring the Atmo mask until he passed out, but the bald dickhead had stuck his head in and threatened to strap Norm to his bed with the mask stapled to his face and let him fester in his own shit if he kept that up. Which isn't really Norm's idea of a good time, so instead he's just sitting here, taking the occasional hit of the mask, waiting to be dragged into whatever torture chambers they've got in this so-called city.
Norm tries not to think of all the shit they could do to him, all the fun toys they've no doubt brought over from Earth. They want him to be thinking about it, they want him to be scared, and that's when they strike. It's basic psychology, for fuck's sake.
Knowing that doesn't make the cold knot of terror in his stomach loosen any, though.
Time ticks by. Norm drums his fingers lightly on the mattress, trying to find a beat slower and more relaxed than his pounding heart. He whispers to himself, fragments of notes memorized before long-ago exams, chemical equations, snippets of the Spanish Trudy taught him, some of the Na'vi he and Tom Sully used to quiz each other in once upon a time.
He almost doesn't notice when the lights above start to dim, from eye-watering to merely bright. Being adjusted for comfort...but, Norm's pretty sure, not his.
With a grunt of effort, he forces himself up into a sitting position, shoulders propped against the wall and ears pricked, gaze locked on the cell door. It swishes open, soft electric song, and shadows ripple as a Na'vi-shaped figure slips inside, the door closing behind him.
The first thing Norm sees is the feet--bare, to his surprise, long blue toes strange against the cold floor. Tactical gear, crisp and neat, pistol on the hip, knives everywhere else, an Atmo mask around the neck. Long black hair, a far cry from the rest of Recom Squad's military cuts, braided precisely the way Tom used to wear it.
He's smiling the way he was when he dragged Norm out of the Samson's cockpit, a smile like a piece of the sky ripped out to reveal something strange and wrong underneath. A far cry from Tom's shy smile leaning through their dorm entrance, or Jake's polite, distracted smile in the Hell's Gate corridor.
Wow, you look just like him...
"You got old, Spellman," Jake Sully says.
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zerm1v0hg · 2 years
New Storm Hawks Fanfiction Preview
A sneak preview of my upcoming 'Storm Hawks' fic, 'A Raven Under the Starlight,' which will be set after the show's ending and look at what happened to Master Cyclonis on the Far Side of Atmos. Although this fic technically doesn't share any continuity with my 'Storm Hawk and the Dragon' series, I do intend for it to give an idea of what probably happened to TSHatD's Cyclonis in the years before she met the Storm Hawks again that made her change.
I was originally going to release 'it 'A Raven Under the Starlight' by the end of 2022, but I didn't get that far with tidying and I want to invest more time in ironing this fic's chapters out first, so now the first chapter will firmly be released by the 10 January 2023.
A certain raven-haired and pale-skinned human’s current business meant she was currently on the former terra, a vibrant purple-and-red cloak and hood preventing her from standing out and potentially being recognised amidst the crowds of multicoloured passers-by dressing in all variety of fashions and with all variety of implants, device garments or other pieces of machinery on their person as they went about their varying businesses bellow the many neon-like lights and holograms of the buildings. A year ago, the teenager would’ve loathed being in such a colourful and fandom-devoted environment as this for being that way and not more like the ordered and low-coloured environment of her empire’s heart, and there was no denying she still felt a bit wary of it because of old habits but she was no longer so resentful. As it stood, she only intended to scan the holo-file she needed to that was only found in a Poppukatoch archive, perhaps retrieve a takeaway sample of the terra’s unique cuisine for herself and Phoenix, and they could promptly begone.
Her curse passing through a crowded street with exterior shopping stalls just happened to bring her brushing by a Kitanen refugee who was walking several purple-and-pink furry beasts on signal-leashes, and a couple of them started sniffing and trying to run their tongues along Cyclonis’ half-cloaked legs – she in turn swerved to try and keep the distance between her and them, her hood’s shadow hiding the way she curled her lip at them coming near. Cyclonis had never liked animals, and she’d prefer to be able to keep as wide a berth between her and the things as possible.
Cyclonis was only two blocks away from where the holo-arcade she was aiming to reach was located, when something caught her ear which she almost mentally dismissed – sounds of an argument that had evidently been escalating in the few moments since it had recently started, two raptor-like Mikonosuinesh (a tall elder and a short teenager) were being confronted by two whom Cyclonis could practically smell to be rogues, just by the way they held themselves if not by their moderately-colourful jumpsuits; a Bokyunshit and a marsupial-like Oesaon-Bang.
“I told you; I don’t have any chrysoberyl bars on me!” the elder Mikonosuinesh was shouting, holding the younger one behind herself protectively from the rogues. Cyclonis noted they were near an opening to a lane, a good place for the rogues to drag their oblivious quarry if they wanted to get violent without being stopped, and no pedestrians passing as close as Cyclonis were slowing or stopping to indicate they’d taken notice or cared.
“Oh, I think you do, princess,” snarled the Bokyunshit. Cyclonis slowed her pace to practically loitering on the spot, although she made sure a pedestrian was passing between her and the scene every few seconds and she still voluntarily shuffled around on the spot to avoid being conspicuous.
“Folks like yourself are always rich, sweet-beak,” the Oesaon-Bang said lecherously, rubbery mouth grinning as he looked the adult Bokyunshit up and down – Cyclonis knew exactly what he was thinking, and she had an urge to curl her lip in a scowl. “You got plenty o’ that on you.”
“We did the bust on Monsunos like you wanted, but we think you’re trying to rip us off,” the Bokyunshit rogue purred, both of them slowly advancing closer on the Mikonosuinesh adult and her cowering child who backed away in tandem – towards the lane without even noticing. Cyclonis just shuffled and watched the scene calmly, not feeling all that sympathetic to whatever mess this woman had gotten herself into – Cyclonis’ father always had said that lack of empathy was a strength.
“Stop right there!” the adult tried to shout commandingly, pointing a finger, seemingly unconscious that she and her child were backing away from the two well-built rogues.
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll scream, and someone will hear!” she said.
“You go ahead, pretty bird,” rasped the Oesaon-Bang, grinning lecherously and getting right into her space. “I’m not normally into birds, but I like a princess who struggles.” A pause passed. Then the Mikonosuinesh opened her beak to shriek – not one second after she’d started, the two rogues lunged at her, pushing both the physically-weak Mikonosuinesh into the lane. Within a few movements, the Oesaon-Bang had shoved the adult against the dull-red wall and was violently clamping her beak shut as she writhed and struggled against him-
Whilst the child writhed and struggled against the Bokyunshit restraining her from behind.
“It’s time you gave us what we’re due, Lady Barvossa…” the Oesaon-Bang breathed in the elder’s space…
“On the contrary, that’s not going to happen.”
…before a silky, almost sibilant voice drew the Oesaon-Bang’s gaze away and past his shoulder. The figures in the alley saw the figure in the cloak and hood standing a little past the alley’s mouth, almost cloaked in shadow, though the piercing eyes with purple irises were still visible. “Not today nor any day,” the figure added, and despite the wording, the criminals didn’t hear any righteous fury that they were accustomed to in the threat. The Oesaon-Bang and the Bokyunshit just glared, whilst the Lady Barvossa and her niece looked both surprised and pleading at the stranger. The figure didn’t give any further warning before, with a yell, she spun and shot her leg out.
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lordspectrus · 2 years
Tears for Fears - The Hurting (Steven Wilson 5.1/Atmos/Instrumental) Blu-Ray Audio
Slightly over a year after the first Blu-Ray audio disc in the "SDE Surround Series", said series circles back to the band that began it all.
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Steven Wilson (renowned musician and engineer) wasn't involved yet when Universal (helped by Paul Sinclair and Steve Hammonds) compiled the 30th anniversary box set of The Hurting in 2013. Looking back, it almost appears modest. None of the tracks were previously unreleased, although many were on CD for the first time, and the concert video In My Mind's Eye made its first official DVD appearance.
The High Fidelity Pure Audio initiative started in 2012, and in early 2014, The Hurting was released in this format, but only in stereo. This disc is one of many good examples why the BD-A format never really took off: It was seen as pointless by most music buyers.
As Songs from the Big Chair was a bigger album, Universal then brought Steven Wilson on board to create a new stereo and 5.1 mix. Both were included on a DVD-A within the box set, but also on a standalone Blu-ray Audio - a much more attractive release than the Hurting BD-A. Nevertheless, the format fell out of favor. Blu-ray Audio continued to exist (both standalone and in box sets like Steven Wilson's 5.1 of The Seeds of Love), but the series was over after 2016. Until Paul Sinclair brought it back from the dead with the exclusive The Tipping Point Blu-ray.
That release, it turned out, was just the beginning of a series. Follow-up Blu-ray discs have been made of albums by xPropaganda, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Shakespear's Sister, Brian Eno, Orbital, Ten Years After and most recently none other than Bob Dylan!
Now for the 40th anniversary of The Hurting, Steven Wilson created not just a 5.1 mix but also a Dolby Atmos one (which will also be listenable on streaming sites, but the other mixes are exclusive to this disc), as well as an instrumental mix of the whole album!
Another find is two bonus tracks - versions of "Mad World" and "Watch Me Bleed" from the aborted Mike Howlett sessions (the original b-side mixes of "Ideas as Opiates" and "We are Broken", which were erroneously missing from the 2013 box set, are absent, though).
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So we're getting four different versions of the album:
Dolby Atmos
DTS-HD 5.1
Original stereo mix (apparently/hopefully a new remaster)
Instrumental mix (hi-res stereo)
Plus two bonus tracks (stereo):
Mad World (Mike Howlett Version)
Watch Me Bleed (Mike Howlett Version)
The exclusivity and various tax/customs shenanigans haven't gotten any better since last year for me, but at least the offering appears quite a bit more generous than The Tipping Point. Still, I'm definitely glad none of the other SDE Blu-ray discs were anything I needed to have. (If I lived in the UK, I probably would've gotten more of them.)
As with the second pressing of the Tipping Point blu-ray, the number of copies of this disc is going to be pressed based on how many are preordered until March 17.
There's also a new half-speed mastered vinyl reissue of the album.
Store link:
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shofiuddin · 1 year
Best TV Stick. Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max streaming device, Wi-Fi 6, Al...
Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max: The Future of Streaming Devices?
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As 4K content becomes more and more popular, streaming devices are beginning to evolve to meet the demands of 4K content streaming. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is the newest streaming device on the market that offers 4K streaming capabilities. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is the newest streaming device on the market that offers 4K streaming capabilities. The device is compact and easy to use, and offers a variety of content options for users. The device has a quad-core processor and 8GB of internal storage, and also offers access to Amazon's Prime Video and Music services. The device is currently available for pre-order and will ship in October. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is a powerful and compact streaming device that offers users a variety of content options. The device is easy to use and offers access to Amazon's Prime Video and Music services. The quad-core processor and 8GB of internal storage make the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max a powerful streaming device that is sure to meet the needs of 4K content streaming.
1. Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K is the latest streaming device on the market. 2. It's got some major improvements over the previous versions. 3. The 4K resolution is one of the biggest selling points. 4. It's also got a new processor that's 30% faster. 5. other than that, there's not a whole lot different. 6. So, is this the future of streaming devices? 7. Only time will tell, but for now, the Fire TV Stick 4K is the best streaming device on the market.
1. Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K is the latest streaming device on the market.
Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K was released on October 31, 2017 and is the latest streaming device on the market. This device is a huge step up from the previous generation of streaming devices, offering support for 4K resolution, Dolby Atmos audio, and Amazon's new Alexa Voice Remote. The device has already been praised by many as the best streaming device available, and it is easy to see why. The first thing that you notice about the Fire TV Stick 4K is the increased screen resolution. 4K is becoming increasingly popular in the home theater world, and the Fire TV Stick 4K is one of the first streaming devices to offer support for it. The increased resolution means that you'll be able to enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows in crystal clear detail. In addition to the increased resolution, the Fire TV Stick 4K also supports Dolby Atmos audio. This technology creates a more immersive sound experience that makes it feel like you are in the middle of the action. The final major upgrade from the previous generation is the inclusion of Amazon's new Alexa Voice Remote. This remote has the ability to control all of your Fire TV Stick 4K's features using voice commands. Simply say "Alexa, play Stranger Things" and the show will start playing. You can also use the voice remote to search for specific content, control your smart home devices, and much more. The Fire TV Stick 4K is the most advanced streaming device on the market and sets the bar for future devices. If you are looking for the best streaming experience, the Fire TV Stick 4K is the device.
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2. It's got some major improvements over the previous versions.
The new Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is a big step up from the previous versions of the streaming device. It's got some major improvements that include better picture quality, more storage, and faster performance. One of the most striking differences between the new Fire TV Stick 4K Max and the older versions is the picture quality. The 4K Max supports HDR10+, Dolby Vision, and HLG, which results in more vibrant and realistic images. It also upscalesHD content to near-4K quality, so you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies in stunning detail. Another huge improvement is the addition of more storage. The 4K Max comes with 8GB of internal storage, which is twice the amount of the previous versions. This extra storage space is great for holding more apps, games, and movies. Finally, the 4K Max features a faster processor than the older versions. This results in quicker start times and smoother streaming. Whether you're watching your favorite show or playing a new game, you can do so without any lag or buffering. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is the future of streaming devices. With its better picture quality, more storage, and faster performance, it offers a superior streaming experience that is sure to impress.
3. The 4K resolution is one of the biggest selling points.
When it comes to streaming devices, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is one of the newest and most innovative products on the market. One of the key selling points of this device is its 4K resolution, which offers a significantly higher level of detail and clarity than 1080p. In addition, the Fire TV Stick 4K Max supports HDR (high dynamic range) content, which further enhances the visuals. For many consumers, the decision to purchase a 4K streaming device boils down to the cost. However, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is very reasonably priced, especially when compared to its competitors. In addition, the Fire TV Stick 4K Max comes with a free one-month trial of Amazon Prime, which gives access to a vast library of movies, TV shows, and music. One potential drawback of the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is that it requires a compatible 4K TV in order to take advantage of its full capabilities. However, this is becoming less and less of an issue as more and more TVs on the market are 4K-enabled. In addition, the Fire TV Stick 4K Max can be used with any HDMI-enabled TV, even if it is not 4K. Overall, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is a great streaming device that offers a tremendous value. It is packed with features, including 4K resolution and HDR support, and is very reasonably priced. If you are in the market for a new streaming device, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max should definitely be at the top of your list.
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4. It's also got a new processor that's 30% faster.
When it comes to streaming devices, the newest and most popular option on the market is the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K. This device is not only affordable and easy to use, but it comes with a number of features that make it the perfect choice for those who want the best streaming experience possible. One of the most notable features of the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K is its new processor. This processor is 30% faster than the previous generation, making it perfect for those who want a smoother and more responsive streaming experience. In addition, the new processor also allows for 4K streaming, making the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K the perfect choice for those who want the highest quality streaming possible. In addition to its new processor, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K also comes with a number of other features that make it the perfect choice for those who want the best streaming experience possible. These features include access to over 500,000 movies and TV episodes, support for Alexa voice control, and a variety of other features that make it the perfect choice for those who want the best streaming experience possible. If you're looking for the best streaming experience possible, then the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K is the perfect choice for you. With its new processor and 4K streaming support, it's the perfect device for those who want the best streaming experience possible.
5. other than that, there's not a whole lot different.
For the most part, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K and the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max are very similar devices. Both are streaming devices that allow you to watch your favorite shows and movies on your TV. Both also come with a remote control that allows you to control your TV. So, what is the difference between the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K and the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max? The biggest difference is the price. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is a more expensive device. Another difference is that the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max comes with a larger storage capacity. This means that you can store more movies and TV shows on your device. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max also comes with a few other features that the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K does not have. For example, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max comes with a built-in speaker. This means that you can listen to your favorite shows and movies without having to use headphones. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max also has a higher quality video output. This means that you will be able to watch your favorite shows and movies in high definition. Overall, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is a more expensive and higher quality device than the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K.
6. So, is this the future of streaming devices?
When it comes to streaming devices, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is definitely one to watch out for. This powerful little device is packed with features that make it a great option for those looking for an all-in-one streaming solution. With support for 4K Ultra HD, Dolby Atmos, and HDR10+, the Fire TV Stick 4K Max offers a lot of bang for your buck. But what really sets the Fire TV Stick 4K Max apart from other streaming devices is its support for Amazon's new Fire TV OS. This operating system is designed specifically for streaming devices and offers a wealth of features and options not found on other platforms. With Fire TV OS, you'll be able to customize your Fire TV Stick 4K Max to perfectly suit your needs. So, is the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max the future of streaming devices? It's certainly a strong contender, and with its low price point, it's definitely worth considering. However, only time will tell if the Fire TV Stick 4K Max will be the last word in streaming devices.
7. Only time will tell, but for now, the Fire TV Stick 4K is the best streaming device on the market.
Content: It’s been nearly two years since Amazon last updated its Fire TV Stick, and in that time, the competition has only gotten tougher. Roku has refreshed its lineup of streaming devices, offering new features and capabilities that the Fire TV Stick simply can’t match. But with the new Fire TV Stick 4K, Amazon has finally delivered a streaming device that can go toe-to-toe with the best of them. The new Fire TV Stick 4K is faster, more powerful, and supports 4K HDR streaming. It’s also the most affordable 4K streaming device on the market, making it a no-brainer for anyone looking to upgrade their streaming experience. The Fire TV Stick 4K is powered by a Quad-core ARM Cortex A53 processor and has 8GB of storage. That’s twice the storage of the previous Fire TV Stick, and it’s enough to store your favorite apps and games. The Fire TV Stick 4K also comes with a new remote control that has dedicated buttons for Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu. The biggest selling point of the Fire TV Stick 4K, however, is its support for 4K HDR streaming. With 4K HDR, you’ll get the best possible picture quality, with deeper blacks and brighter whites. The Fire TV Stick 4K also supports HDR10 and HLG formats. If you’re looking for the best streaming experience, the Fire TV Stick 4K is the best streaming device on the market. It’s more affordable than the competition, and it offers the best picture quality, thanks to its support for 4K HDR streaming.
As more and more content becomes available in 4K resolution, it is clear that the future of streaming devices is 4K. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is one of the most affordable and powerful streaming devices on the market, and it is sure to be a hit with consumers. With its sleek design, user-friendly interface, and support for 4K content, the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max is the perfect streaming device for anyone who wants to enjoy the best that 4K has to offer.
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skyknightreptile · 2 years
This is still a wip bare with me
Hi! I’m Louis, some dude on the internet who really likes storm hawks to the point he’s put all of his embers into an Au that is 20 something years in the future. Kind of like a reboot but not. This blog is for me to talk about this au, draw things, take in questions and on occasion roleplay. I have way too much lore, ocs and things of the sorts that I feel the need to share it instead of keep it hidden away from the world.
What is the next gen AU?
In short it’s just my gaggle of ocs doing all sorts of things.
The long answer is it is an AU I will never given a decent/fun name too that takes place 20 years after the events of the season 2 finale. The storm hawks themselves are trapped in the far side of the Atmos along with Cyclonis and these new kids are trying to find and rescue them. All whilst trying to stop Dark Ace and his own spawn from doing the same with Cyclonis.
The squad consists of:
Crysta: raptor, heavy weapons specialist and next in line for the top spot on Terra Bogaton. She is Repton Adopted daughter and is techcially grounded. She once ran a group of raptors known as The Scrappers who scvangeved old, long dead ships from various corners of Atmos and even the wastelands. She is the one who finds the Condor and starts the search for the Storm Hawks. She wants to be a hero just like them.
Her weapon of choice is a giant harpoon gun designed to take down skimmers. She stole it from pirates who she claims were in fact murk raiders but has no proof.
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Sarah Rex: Blizzarian Pilot who only ended up on the team because Crysta crashed the Condor on her home Terra in an attempt to keep it out of Cycolian hands. Her parents are long gone but she does have relations to Billy Rex who acts as her guardian. Her interests have always been with ships, skimmers and just about anything that flies. So when the condor turns up on your Terra you HAVE to go investigate.
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Jackdaw: one of Dark Ace’s spawn and 100% not on his side. Originally his task was to track down the condor and bring it back but a raptor was piloting it with no knowledge on piloting ships and crashed it along with himself in it. He joined Crysta and the rest of the squad on finding the storm hawks. His lifelong goal has always new. To be a sky knight.
He’s always had some sort of rivalry with Crysta as she often scraps cyclonian skimmers, ships and supplies before he can get to them. You could say they have always been friends, just constantly trying to one up each other since they could fly.
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Finch and Jett: finch is the oldest of the group. He calls himself a historian who for years has been trying to track down the Storm Hawks and figure out what happened to them and crystals. Jett is his best friend and pet who aids him in his discoveries. The two take on the role of tech savy specialists as they are really the only ones who understand anything about cystrals and restoring their power. He tracks the group down after the recover the condor and insist on joining them. For the good of Atmos! He is a Merb and although does have the paranoid trait of them he is a little more adventurous.
(Art to come)
Other fun things about this AU
crystals are duds, most stopped working when the portal opened. Luckily other sources of fuel and power were discovered and some pockets of Atmos do have working crystals. The squad along Ruth finding the storm hawks are trying to fix that too.
It’s a little more grown up. The characters are a little older but still teenagers. They say swear words and fight a lot. This I’d still a sfw setting though please don’t dirty my characters.
Crysta is a lesbian and can’t handle how pretty girls are.
The point of this blog
It’s mostly an outlet for me to ramble about my favourite show, this AU and my characters. I want to develop and share it with people as it is very important to me. I am always open for asks and drawing requests regarding these characters and I am happy to draw oc interactions between people ocs and mine. I just want to have fun, make friends and scream about storm hawks.
This is a side blog, I follow from my main @ahoinu
Proship DNI
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hazelsbilmflog · 1 year
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Lifeline - The SHOOT (28/03/23-30/03/23)
The shoot was a success!!!
Day 1 - Phonebox
The sound team consisted of me (sound recordist) and Saoirse Gillsespie (boom op). As we’ve worked together a lot, this was plain sailing and really fun too. After setting up the kit, we confirmed with costume that the actors were ready then mic’d them with loads of different tapes and clips! Oh what fun! Once this was done, I had a listen through both lavs and the boom to see if there were any issues with signal or placement - it was all fine :) Saoirse and I took a short (snack) break and then we were almost ready to shoot. All I needed to do was fill out my sound report sheet and check battery levels. During the shoot, there were little to no issues with sound in the way of boom handling, batteries dying etc so I would say the shoot went very well. Before wrapping for the night, Saoirse and I recorded some atmos to help me in post!
Day 3 - Flat Party
I’ll speak about day 3 as this was in a different location (flat party) to day 1. On day 3, our little sound team consisted of myself (sound recordist) and Robbie Arah (boom op). Again, I’ve worked with Robbie a few times and he’s great to have on set! We had been shooting for a bit and not come into any issues yet when, ALL OF A SUDDEN some guys walked past making an unnecessary amount of noise. The whole crew pretended not to notice and just moved on, but when these boys went up to their flat next door, they started blasting music with an open window. After a quick conversation with Krisztian and Ivan, me and Robbie decided to go a couple streets down and record some city atmos to make efficient use of our time. By the time we got back, the music was off and we began shooting with sound again!
It was a long and tiring three days but I’m so proud of our little team and what we managed to achieve. From seeing the stills John (editor) has put into our group chat, I am very excited to see the final cut, and to get to work on the sound design! - posts pending…
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anderwhohn · 7 days
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@bloodiedbiotic asked: "You don't get to disappear, then come back like nothing happened. Life moved on without you." @ Izzy, for the verse where Izzy's younger than Blair and is the Commander, set in early ME2
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"Well, excuse me for being dead!" Isabela snaps back at her, an angry aura of dark energy flickering around her as she struggles to maintain control, particularly with the new, much more powerful implant Cerberus fitted her with. "I didn't just 'disappear', dammit! I. Was. Dead. I remember getting spaced - my air line was damaged, and I couldn't get the omnigel to respond to even attempt to make an emergency repair in fucking vacuum."
Panic darkens her emerald gaze as she remembers, "My suit's medical VI kept pumping me full of adrenaline and medigel, even as my air was escaping into the void. The ship was in pieces, and there wasn't anything to tether to even if that wouldn't have just likely got me completely vaporised when that ship kept attacking the wreckage. I only lost consciousness when I hit the planet's atmo and things started heating up..."
"'Nothing but meat and tubes' - that's what Taylor said was left of me when Cerberus got a hold of my body. I don't know how they did it - I've gone to Karin and let her start running tests, dammit, just to figure out what all they did, to make sure there's no trackers or explosives or hidden back doors that they could hack into somehow."
Glaring up at Blair, she gives her a hard shove in retaliation for the accusation. "So no, I'm not acting like nothing fucking happened, but for me, it's been days, at most. I mean, hell, before the attack, I was under the mako with Garrus pulling out geth pieces in the undercarriage from Ilos the Alliance team had missed when they recovered it from the Citadel while Wrex was teaching Tali how to handle her shotgun better. Then the next thing anyone knew, we were under attack, I made the call to evac, Joker was a stubbornly brave idiot who kept us flying long enough for most of the crew to escape, and I had to haul his ass into the escape pod because everyone else in the CIC was already dead because it'd been torn open by one of the first blasts."
"You think I don't know everyone's moved on without me? And I do mean everyone? One of the only reasons I'm even remotely sure I'm me is because Joker is one loyal son of a bitch and left the Alliance on just the chance that Cerberus wasn't lying. They hadn't even been sure they could bring me back yet, but he took a chance, and the moment I first saw him, walking, I ran up to him and hugged him, crying into his shoulder that I was so relieved he'd made it out alive, that I hadn't failed him when I chose to hit the emergency eject button to get him away from the ship before it was too late. The only other familiar face I had was Karin, and she immediately wanted to start poking me with needles for a checkup, so I wasn't quite as thrilled to see her in the moment."
Tears well in her eyes, though she looks away to try to hide them, sighing heavily as she continues, "But you either believe I'm me, or you don't. Regardless, I've got a damn galaxy to save, again, a new Council that's just as useless as the last one, and I don't have time for anyone else's bullshit - even yours."
"And hey, we'll be heading through the Omega-4 relay. There's a fair chance we might not make it back out, so then everyone can go back to me being dead and they'll probably stay right this time. Stars know I didn't ask to be brought back and thrown back into the front lines against the Collectors and the Reapers..."
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gadgetsboy · 15 days
Would you Pay More than £1,000 for Wireless Headphones?
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We live in a day and age where wireless audio products have mostly improved compared to their predecessors, and while there's still an ongoing debate regarding wired versus wireless audio, it's probably safe to say that a good pair of headphones will get you great-sounding audio for the most part, especially from popular brands such as Sony and Apple, for example. Of course there's more to the industry aside from the “usual” names in tech - take for example Bang & Olufsen, which recently announced the debut of its latest pair of premium wireless headphones, the Beoplay H100. The H100 integrates a ton of modern wireless audio features, in addition to a premium price tag, even more expensive than Apple's already-pricey AirPods Max, for example. Let's start with some of the hardware features on the H100. The H100s come packed with a pair of 40mm drivers, and they also come with a rather capable battery onboard - on average, the headphones can last for up to 34 hours with active noise cancelling (ANC) enabled, which is pretty impressive and should be able to last you several commutes and even a trans-atlantic flight. The headphones can also last for up to 90 days on standby mode. Of course individual usage patterns will come into play here, so your mileage may vary. The H100 headphones also come with a nice lineup of audio features. In addition to ANC, there's also support for hi-res audio, Dolby Atmos and even head tracking for spatial audio playback. Interestingly, Bang & Olufsen has also equipped the headphones with its “EarSense” technology - this allows the H100 to automatically adjust its sound profile based on how it fits on a user's ears, a handy feature especially since no headphones are usually a “one size fits all” affair. There are also 10 built-in microphones inside, which handle ANC duties as well as noise management during phone calls. With all that said, let's move on to what else makes the Beoplay H100 super expensive - the company actually refers to the headphones as its most “advanced” and “luxurious” model so far, and it looks like they're not kidding. In addition to the hardware and audio features mentioned earlier, the headphones likewise come with premium materials, which includes a glass panel on the sides of the headphones (and also allows for touch controls), an aluminium headband wrapped by knitted fabric, and lambskin leather for the ear cups, which is something you don't see everyday with your average pair of wireless headphones. So how much is the Beoplay H100? If you ever decide to pick up a pair, the headphones will cost you £1299, and no that's not a typo. For context, this is more than twice the price of Apple's AirPods Max headphones, which are priced at £499. It's also the same price as most foldable smartphones on the market these days, or a souped-up laptop for that matter.  They're undoubtedly expensive, but in addition to the premium design and build you also get a versatile set of features. On the other hand, you can still get great-sounding audio from headphones which cost considerably less, such as entries from Bose or Sony for example. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Read the full article
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kuppar · 25 days
How to Turn Your Android TV into a Gaming Powerhouse
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In today’s digital age, gaming has transcended traditional consoles and PCs, finding a new home on Android TVs. With the right setup, your Android TV can become a powerful gaming hub that brings immersive experiences right to your living room. Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, transforming your Android TV into a gaming powerhouse is easier than you might think. This guide will walk you through the steps to optimize your Android TV for gaming, from selecting the best hardware to enhancing performance and connectivity.
Choosing the Right Android TV
The foundation of a great gaming experience on Android TV starts with choosing the right model. Not all Android TVs are created equal, especially when it comes to gaming performance. Look for a TV that offers low input lag, high refresh rates, and support for HDR (High Dynamic Range) and 4K resolution. Brands like Sony, NVIDIA, and TCL offer Android TVs with these features, which can greatly enhance your gaming experience by providing smoother visuals and more responsive gameplay.
Additionally, consider the processing power of the TV. A strong CPU and GPU combination is essential for running demanding games without stuttering or lag. TVs equipped with powerful processors, such as the NVIDIA Tegra X1 or MediaTek MT5885, are particularly well-suited for gaming.
Optimizing Your Android TV Settings
Once you have the right TV, optimizing its settings for gaming is crucial. Start by adjusting the display settings to ensure the best visual experience. Enable Game Mode if your TV has one, as this reduces input lag by bypassing certain processing functions. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and color settings to your preference, but be sure to balance them for both gaming and general use.
Sound is another important aspect of gaming. If your Android TV is connected to a sound system or soundbar, ensure that it’s properly configured for immersive audio. Many modern games offer surround sound support, so enabling features like Dolby Atmos can enhance your audio experience. If you're using the TV's built-in speakers, fine-tuning the sound settings can still make a noticeable difference.
Essential Gaming Accessories
To truly transform your Android TV into a gaming powerhouse, you’ll need the right accessories. A high-quality game controller is essential for a comfortable and responsive gaming experience. Many Android TVs support Bluetooth controllers, such as the Xbox Wireless Controller or the DualShock 4, which offer excellent ergonomics and performance. For games that require more precise input, consider adding a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
Headsets are also a valuable accessory, especially for online gaming. A good gaming headset will not only improve your communication with teammates but also provide immersive audio that can enhance your overall gaming experience. Look for headsets that are compatible with Android TV via Bluetooth or USB.
Installing the Best Gaming Apps
One of the biggest advantages of using Android TV for gaming is access to a wide variety of games and apps. The Google Play Store offers a vast selection of games that are optimized for Android TV, ranging from casual titles to more demanding games. Popular options include Asphalt 9, PUBG Mobile, and Dead Trigger 2.
For those interested in retro gaming, Android TV supports a variety of emulators, such as RetroArch and PPSSPP, which allow you to play classic games from consoles like the NES, SNES, PlayStation, and more. Be sure to use legally obtained ROMs to enjoy these games.
Connecting External Storage
One limitation of Android TVs is their internal storage, which can fill up quickly with games and apps. To overcome this, you can connect external storage devices such as USB drives or external hard drives. This not only expands your storage capacity but also allows you to keep more games installed and ready to play.
To set up external storage, simply plug the device into one of the TV’s USB ports. You may need to format the storage as internal memory, depending on your TV’s settings. Once set up, you can move apps and games to the external storage to free up space on the TV’s internal drive.
Cloud Gaming on Android TV
Cloud gaming is revolutionizing the way we play games, and Android TV is fully capable of taking advantage of this technology. Services like NVIDIA GeForce NOW, Xbox Cloud Gaming (formerly xCloud), and Google Stadia allow you to stream high-quality games directly to your TV without the need for a powerful console or PC.
To get started with cloud gaming on Android TV, download the app for your chosen service from the Google Play Store, sign in to your account, and connect a compatible controller. Since cloud gaming relies heavily on a strong internet connection, ensure that your network is optimized for the best performance.
Setting Up a Game Streaming Service
Beyond cloud gaming, you can also stream games from your PC to your Android TV using platforms like Steam Link or NVIDIA GameStream. This allows you to enjoy PC-quality gaming on your TV without needing to move your setup. Simply install the relevant app on your Android TV, ensure both your TV and PC are connected to the same network, and pair them.
Steam Link, for instance, mirrors your PC’s display on your TV, allowing you to play any game from your Steam library. NVIDIA GameStream offers a similar experience but is specifically designed for PCs equipped with NVIDIA graphics cards.
Enhancing Game Performance
Achieving the best possible gaming performance on your Android TV involves more than just having the right hardware. Reducing lag and optimizing graphics are key to a smooth gaming experience. Start by ensuring your TV’s firmware is up to date, as manufacturers often release updates that improve performance and add new features.
If you experience lag, consider lowering the resolution or disabling certain graphical enhancements like motion smoothing. These settings can often be found in the TV’s display menu or within individual games. Additionally, closing background apps can free up system resources and improve performance.
Pairing with a Gaming PC
If you have a gaming PC, pairing it with your Android TV can unlock new gaming possibilities. As mentioned earlier, services like Steam Link and NVIDIA GameStream make it easy to stream games from your PC to your TV. This setup allows you to enjoy high-quality gaming on the big screen without sacrificing performance.
For the best experience, connect your PC to your network via Ethernet to reduce latency. You can also use a long HDMI cable to directly connect your PC to your TV if your setup allows it. This direct connection can provide the lowest latency and the best video quality.
Using Android TV for Retro Gaming
Retro gaming enthusiasts will be pleased to know that Android TV is an excellent platform for emulators. With apps like RetroArch, you can play classic games from consoles such as the NES, Sega Genesis, PlayStation, and more. These emulators often come with customizable settings, allowing you to enhance the graphics, save progress at any time, and even apply cheats.
To get started, download your preferred emulator from the Google Play Store, then load your legally obtained ROMs onto a USB drive or the TV’s internal storage. From there, you can enjoy your favorite retro games with modern conveniences.
Maximizing Internet Speed
A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for gaming on Android TV, especially when it comes to cloud gaming or streaming games from your PC. To maximize your internet speed, use an Ethernet connection instead of Wi-Fi whenever possible, as it provides a more reliable and faster connection.
If Wi-Fi is your only option, ensure that your TV is as close to the router as possible, and consider using a 5 GHz network if available. Additionally, minimize the number of devices connected to your network while gaming to reduce interference and improve performance.
Optimizing Your Network for Gaming
Beyond maximizing internet speed, optimizing your network settings can also enhance your gaming experience. Many modern routers come with Quality of Service (QoS) settings, which allow you to prioritize gaming traffic over other types of internet usage. By enabling QoS, you can reduce lag and ensure a smoother gaming experience.
If you’re experiencing persistent issues, consider upgrading your router to a model designed for gaming. These routers often come with advanced features like beamforming, which strengthens the connection to your devices, and MU-MIMO, which improves performance in multi-device households.
Voice Control and Smart Assistants
One of the standout features of Android TV is its integration with Google Assistant, allowing for seamless voice control. You can use voice commands to launch games, adjust settings, and even control smart home devices while gaming. For example, you can say, “Hey Google, launch Asphalt 9,” and the game will start without you having to navigate through menus.
Voice control can also enhance your gaming experience by allowing you to make quick adjustments without pausing the game. Whether you want to dim the lights or check the weather while playing, Google Assistant has you covered.
Customizing Your Android TV Interface
Personalizing your Android TV interface can make navigating to your favorite games faster and more enjoyable. Android TV allows you to customize the home screen by adding shortcuts to your most-used apps and games. You can also organize apps into categories, making it easier to find what you need.
Consider setting up a dedicated gaming row on your home screen, where you can place your favorite games and gaming apps for quick access. This customization not only saves time but also enhances your overall gaming experience by keeping everything you need within easy reach.
Parental Controls and Safety
If you share your Android TV with younger gamers, setting up parental controls is essential for managing content and screen time. Android TV offers robust parental control options that allow you to restrict access to certain apps, set time limits, and block inappropriate content.
To enable parental controls, go to the settings menu and navigate to the “Parental Controls” section. From there, you can set up a PIN code to prevent unauthorized access and customize the restrictions according to your family’s needs.
Best Streaming Services for Gamers
Streaming platforms like YouTube Gaming and Twitch are popular among gamers for live streams, tutorials, and game reviews. Android TV supports these platforms, allowing you to watch your favorite streamers on the big screen. Whether you’re looking to improve your skills or just enjoy some entertainment, these services offer a wealth of content tailored to gamers.
You can also stream your own gameplay from Android TV to these platforms using apps like Streamlabs or OBS Studio. This feature is great for sharing your gaming sessions with friends or building an audience as a content creator.
Casting Games from Your Smartphone
One of the advantages of Android TV is its built-in Chromecast functionality, which allows you to cast games from your smartphone to your TV. This feature is particularly useful for mobile games that support screen mirroring. To cast a game, simply open the game on your smartphone, tap the Cast icon, and select your Android TV.
This method provides a quick and easy way to play mobile games on a larger screen, and it’s perfect for casual gaming sessions with friends or family.
Integrating Android TV with Smart Home Devices
Integrating your Android TV with smart home devices can create a more immersive and convenient gaming environment. For instance, you can sync your smart lights with your gaming session, creating dynamic lighting effects that match the on-screen action. Devices like Philips Hue offer gaming-specific settings that enhance the atmosphere.
Additionally, smart plugs and voice-controlled outlets can be used to power up your gaming setup with a simple voice command. By integrating your TV with other smart home devices, you can streamline your gaming experience and create a more connected home.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Despite your best efforts, you may encounter some common issues when gaming on Android TV, such as lag, freezing, or connectivity problems. If you experience lag, try lowering the game’s resolution or closing other apps running in the background. Freezing issues can often be resolved by restarting the TV or clearing the cache of the affected app.
For connectivity problems, ensure that your TV is connected to a strong Wi-Fi signal or switch to an Ethernet connection if possible. Regularly checking for software updates can also prevent many issues, as manufacturers often release patches to fix bugs and improve performance.
Exploring Game Demos and Trials
Before committing to a full game purchase, take advantage of game demos and trials available on the Google Play Store. Many developers offer free demos or trial periods that allow you to test the game on your Android TV before buying. This not only helps you decide if the game is worth the investment but also ensures it runs well on your setup.
Exploring demos is a great way to discover new games and genres without the risk of buyer’s remorse. It also allows you to experiment with different types of games to see what works best on your TV.
Maintaining Your Android TV
Regular maintenance is key to keeping your Android TV in top condition for gaming. Ensure that your TV’s software is up to date, as updates often include performance enhancements and new features. Periodically clear out old apps and files to free up storage space and keep the system running smoothly.
Dusting your TV and its components, such as the remote and external storage devices, can prevent overheating and hardware issues. Additionally, consider using a surge protector to safeguard your TV and gaming accessories from power surges.
Future-Proofing Your Android TV
As gaming technology evolves, it’s important to future-proof your Android TV to keep up with the latest advancements. Look for TVs that support HDMI 2.1, which offers faster refresh rates and improved graphics for next-gen gaming consoles. Ensure that your TV is compatible with the latest HDR standards and can handle 4K resolution at high frame rates.
Investing in a high-quality router with Wi-Fi 6 support can also future-proof your network, providing faster and more reliable connections for cloud gaming and streaming. By staying ahead of the curve, you can ensure that your Android TV remains a powerful gaming platform for years to come.
Gaming on a Budget
If you’re looking to enhance your Android TV gaming experience without breaking the bank, there are several affordable options to consider. Start with basic accessories like a budget-friendly Bluetooth controller, which can significantly improve gameplay without a hefty price tag. Many free and inexpensive games on the Google Play Store offer high-quality entertainment without the cost of premium titles.
You can also find deals on cloud gaming services and streaming subscriptions, which allow you to access a wide variety of games without purchasing expensive hardware. By making smart, budget-conscious choices, you can turn your Android TV into a gaming powerhouse without overspending.
Turning your Android TV into a gaming powerhouse is a rewarding experience that opens up a world of entertainment possibilities. From optimizing settings and choosing the right accessories to exploring cloud gaming and integrating smart home devices, there are countless ways to enhance your gaming setup. With the right approach, your Android TV can deliver an immersive and powerful gaming experience that rivals traditional consoles. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating the ultimate gaming hub in your living room.
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donovanblake88 · 1 month
How do I activate Disney Plus on my Smart TV?
Disney Plus has quickly become one of the most popular streaming services globally, offering a vast library of movies, TV shows, and exclusive content from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. If you’ve recently subscribed to Disney Plus and want to start watching on your Smart TV, this guide will walk you through the steps to activate Disney Plus on your Smart TV. By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how to set it up and start streaming your favorite content. Let's dive in!
Why Choose Disney Plus for Your Smart TV?
Before we jump into the activation process, it’s important to understand why Disney Plus is a fantastic choice for streaming on your Smart TV:
Vast Content Library: Disney Plus offers an extensive collection of classic Disney movies, new releases, exclusive shows like The Mandalorian, and much more.
High-Quality Streaming: Enjoy content in up to 4K Ultra HD resolution with HDR and Dolby Atmos sound on supported devices.
Multiple Profiles: Disney Plus allows you to create up to seven profiles per account, making it easy to personalize the experience for different family members.
Parental Controls: Keep your kids safe with customizable parental controls that restrict access to certain content.
Ad-Free Experience: Disney Plus offers an uninterrupted viewing experience with no ads.
With all these features, activating Disney Plus on your Smart TV is a great way to enjoy a premium streaming experience.
Step-by-Step Guide to Activate Disney Plus on Your Smart TV
Activating Disney Plus on your Smart TV is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:
Step 1: Ensure Your Smart TV Is Compatible
Before you begin, make sure your Smart TV is compatible with Disney Plus. Most modern Smart TVs from brands like Samsung, LG, Sony, and Vizio are compatible with Disney Plus. If you’re unsure, check the app store on your TV or visit the Disney Plus website for a list of supported devices.
Step 2: Connect Your Smart TV to the Internet
Your Smart TV needs to be connected to the internet to stream Disney Plus. You can connect your TV via Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable. To connect to Wi-Fi:
Navigate to the Settings Menu: Use your remote to access the settings menu on your Smart TV.
Select Network Settings: Choose the network settings option and select Wi-Fi.
Connect to Your Network: Find your Wi-Fi network in the list of available networks, enter your password, and connect.
If you prefer a wired connection, simply plug an Ethernet cable into the back of your TV and connect it to your router.
Step 3: Download the Disney Plus App
Once your TV is connected to the internet, the next step is to download the Disney Plus app:
Open the App Store: Navigate to your Smart TV’s app store using the remote.
Search for Disney Plus: Use the search function to find the Disney Plus app.
Download and Install: Select the Disney Plus app and choose the download/install option. The app will be added to your home screen.
Step 4: Open the Disney Plus App
After the Disney Plus app is installed, open it by selecting the app from your home screen. You’ll be greeted with a welcome screen asking you to log in or sign up.
Step 5: Sign In or Create an Account
If you already have a Disney Plus account, choose the “Log In” option. If you don’t have an account yet, select “Sign Up” and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account.
Log In: Enter your email address and password associated with your Disney Plus account.
Sign Up: Enter your details, choose a subscription plan, and set up your payment information.
Step 6: Activate Your Device Using disneyplus.com login/begin
Now that you’re signed in, you’ll need to activate Disney Plus on your Smart TV. Here’s how:
Select Your Profile: After logging in, you’ll be prompted to select or create a profile.
Activation Code: The app will display a unique activation code on the screen. Take note of this code.
Visit disneyplus.com login/begin: On a smartphone, tablet, or computer, open a web browser and go to disneyplus.com login/begin.
Enter the Activation Code: You’ll be asked to enter the activation code displayed on your Smart TV. Enter the code and click “Continue.”
Confirm Activation: Once you enter the code, the Disney Plus app on your Smart TV will refresh and confirm the activation. You can now start streaming content.
Step 7: Start Streaming Disney Plus
Congratulations! Your Smart TV is now activated with Disney Plus. Browse through the content library, select your favorite movies or shows, and enjoy streaming in high quality.
Troubleshooting Common Activation Issues
While activating Disney Plus on your Smart TV is usually a smooth process, you might encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and how to fix them:
Issue 1: Activation Code Not Working
If the activation code doesn’t work, try the following solutions:
Check the Code: Make sure you entered the code correctly. The codes are case-sensitive, so be mindful of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Generate a New Code: Go back to the Disney Plus app on your Smart TV and generate a new activation code. Then, try entering it again on disneyplus.com login/begin.
Clear Browser Cache: If the code still doesn’t work, try clearing the cache of the browser you’re using or switch to a different browser.
Issue 2: App Crashes or Freezes
If the Disney Plus app crashes or freezes on your Smart TV:
Restart the App: Close the Disney Plus app and reopen it.
Restart Your TV: Power off your Smart TV and turn it back on.
Update the App: Make sure you’re using the latest version of the Disney Plus app. Check for updates in your TV’s app store.
Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure your TV is connected to a stable internet connection. You can run a speed test on your network to see if it meets the minimum requirements for streaming.
Issue 3: Disney Plus App Not Found
If you can’t find the Disney Plus app in your TV’s app store:
Check Compatibility: Ensure your Smart TV is compatible with Disney Plus.
Update TV Firmware: Sometimes, a firmware update is required to access certain apps. Check for updates in your TV’s settings.
Use an External Device: If your TV isn’t compatible, consider using an external device like a Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, or Apple TV to stream Disney Plus.
Enhancing Your Disney Plus Experience on Smart TV
Now that Disney Plus is activated on your Smart TV, here are some tips to enhance your viewing experience:
1. Customize Your Profiles
Disney Plus allows you to customize profiles with unique avatars and content preferences. Set up profiles for each family member, so everyone has their own personalized viewing experience.
2. Enable Subtitles and Audio Descriptions
If you prefer watching with subtitles or need audio descriptions, you can enable these features in the app settings.
3. Download for Offline Viewing
While this feature is more common on mobile devices, some Smart TVs also allow you to download content for offline viewing. Check if your TV supports this feature and download your favorite shows and movies.
4. Parental Controls
Activate parental controls to restrict access to certain content for younger viewers. You can set up a PIN to lock profiles with adult content.
5. Explore GroupWatch
Disney Plus offers a GroupWatch feature that allows you to watch shows and movies simultaneously with friends and family, even if they’re not in the same room. Look for the GroupWatch icon when selecting a title.
6. Voice Commands
If your Smart TV supports voice commands, take advantage of this feature to quickly search for content, play or pause shows, and more.
Activating Disney Plus on your Smart TV is a simple process that unlocks a world of entertainment. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the disneyplus.com login/begin portal, you’ll be streaming your favorite Disney, Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, and National Geographic content in no time. Whether you’re watching the latest Marvel blockbuster or revisiting classic Disney animations, Disney Plus on your Smart TV offers a premium viewing experience for the whole family.
If you encounter any issues during the activation process, don’t hesitate to refer to the troubleshooting tips provided. Enjoy your streaming experience with Disney Plus!
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elefinofficial · 3 months
Unconventional First Date: A Stargazing Adventure
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When it comes to first dates, the pressure to impress can be overwhelming. Traditional dinner-and-movie outings, while safe choices, often lack the spark to make your date unforgettable. If you're looking to break the mold and create a memorable experience, consider an unconventional first date idea: a stargazing adventure. This unique date offers romance, conversation, and a touch of magic, making it a perfect choice for those seeking something extraordinary. Setting the Stage: Preparing for Your Stargazing Date A successful stargazing date starts with careful planning. The first step is choosing the right location. Look for areas away from city lights where the night sky can be seen in its full glory. National parks, open fields, and secluded beaches are ideal spots. Websites and apps like Dark Sky Finder can help you locate the best stargazing sites near you. Next, check the weather forecast. Clear skies are essential for a successful stargazing experience. Plan your date on a night when the weather is favorable, and the moon phase is either new or crescent to ensure the stars are visible. The Essentials: What to Bring To make your stargazing date comfortable and enjoyable, pack a few essentials: - Blankets and Pillows: Create a cozy spot to sit or lie down while you gaze at the stars. Bring extra blankets to stay warm as the night gets cooler. - Snacks and Drinks: Pack a picnic basket with your favorite snacks and beverages. Finger foods like cheese, crackers, fruit, and chocolate are perfect for a romantic setting. - Star Map or App: A star map or a stargazing app like Star Walk or SkyView can enhance the experience by helping you identify constellations and celestial events. - Telescope or Binoculars: If you have access to a telescope or binoculars, bring them along to get a closer look at the stars and planets. - Portable Speaker: Create a romantic atmosphere with a playlist of soft, ambient music. Setting the Mood: Creating a Magical Experience Arrive at your chosen location just before sunset to set up your spot and enjoy the transition from day to night. As the sky darkens, the stars will begin to emerge, creating a breathtaking backdrop for your date. Use this time to relax, enjoy your snacks, and engage in light conversation. Conversation Starters: Connecting Under the Stars Stargazing naturally encourages deep and meaningful conversations. Use the celestial scenery as a springboard for intriguing topics: - Astronomy and Space Exploration: Share interesting facts about the stars, planets, and constellations. Discuss recent space missions or theories about the universe. - Dreams and Aspirations: The vastness of the night sky can inspire conversations about personal dreams, goals, and aspirations. - Favorite Books and Movies: Talk about your favorite books and movies related to space and adventure. This can lead to discovering shared interests. - Life Philosophies: The quiet and contemplative setting is perfect for discussing life philosophies and what matters most to you. Making Memories: Capturing the Moment Capture the magic of your stargazing date with a few photos, but don’t let technology dominate the evening. Focus on the experience and the connection you’re building with your date. If the moment feels right, a gentle touch or a shared blanket can add to the romance of the evening. Wrapping Up: Ending on a High Note As the night draws to a close, reflect on the evening and express your gratitude for the shared experience. A thoughtful compliment or a genuine expression of enjoyment can leave a lasting impression. Suggest a second date that builds on the connection you’ve established, such as a visit to a planetarium or a hike under the stars. Conclusion: A Date to Remember A stargazing adventure is a unique and enchanting first date idea that offers a blend of romance, discovery, and connection. By carefully planning and creating a comfortable and engaging atmosphere, you can turn an ordinary night into a memorable experience. Embrace the beauty of the night sky and let the stars guide you to a deeper connection with your date. Read the full article
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