zerm2v0hg · 2 months
My new Ghidorah-centric Monsterverse oneshot (not an Abraxasverse fanfic this time) is up!
Basically it's retelling the events of Godzilla: King of the Monsters but from Ghidorah's POV, with a little bit of Ghidorah possible backstory headcanon. ;)
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@shadowblade217 @littlegoldenbirdie @hrodvitnon
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zerm1v0hg · 2 years
Chapter 1 of my new 'Storm Hawks' Cyclonis-centred fanfic is now up! ;)
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hrodvitnon · 4 years
Since Mandazawa will appear soon in Abraxas, what type of symbiote relationship is he and Vivi(and to some extent, San/Kevin) going to have?
Mandazawa appearing in Abraxas, besides being something I want to do, has to be done right so it doesn’t cheapen Vivi’s mourning over Serizawa’s death (special thanks to a cool reviewer on ff.net for pointing this out and thanks for reading, SyfyGuy2!). I think I can say without spoiling anything plot-wise that the plan right now is for Mandazawa to hatch from an egg (probably found near the Yonaguni Monument) and promptly imprints on either Viv ‘n San or Godzilla.
As for a symbiotic relationship, I haven’t thought about that part just yet. Perhaps they act as a bridge between marine and terrestrial titans, maybe they can figure out a means of working together in quelling storms at sea if one of them notices a civilian ship or somesuch is in danger, leading to humans regarding them like storm and sea gods.
The whole baby titan thing is going to be new for San/Kevin due to reasons I’m thinking of adding into chapter 10, specifically San showing what little memories he has of being a wee babby space dragon and how involved (or not at all) specimens of a Ghidorah species would handle their young.
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zerm2v0hg · 6 months
The final chapter is here. This is where it ends. :)
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zerm2v0hg · 7 months
The first chapter of my new Curious Cat-centred 'RWBY' fic is now up, with new chapters being posted evert Saturday-Monday!
BEFORE READING, FAIR WARNING: It's a "Rooting for the Empire" fic, with some major post-V8 RWBY/J bashing. (I don't normally write hate fics, but I wrote this one to VENT after watching the end of V9. You've been advised.)
(Also, if you're one of the extreme Kool Aid lunatics who say "RWBY is a perfectly-written show and you're a bigot if you dare have any negative thoughts about this show, which is written and made by a blatantly bigotry-filled, dirt-corrupt company" and you respond to this, then don't expect me to respond to you on here. This fic isn't for you.)
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zerm2v0hg · 1 year
@hrodvitnon @shadowblade217
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zerm2v0hg · 6 months
The penultimate chapter is here. This is a fairly lengthy one. ;)
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One more chapter to go.
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zerm2v0hg · 6 months
The sixth chapter is here. ;)
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Only two more chapters of this fic to go now. In case the next one isn't out by Easter Sunday, hope you have a Happy Easter! :) :)
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zerm2v0hg · 6 months
The fifth chapter is up. ;) I'd say this is where we really start to enter the endgame. ;)
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zerm2v0hg · 7 months
Chapter 4, the Punderstorm chapter, is here! :)
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zerm2v0hg · 7 months
Chapter 2 of 'The Tale of a Cat Most Curious' is now up! :)
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zerm1v0hg · 2 years
New Storm Hawks Fanfiction Preview
A sneak preview of my upcoming 'Storm Hawks' fic, 'A Raven Under the Starlight,' which will be set after the show's ending and look at what happened to Master Cyclonis on the Far Side of Atmos. Although this fic technically doesn't share any continuity with my 'Storm Hawk and the Dragon' series, I do intend for it to give an idea of what probably happened to TSHatD's Cyclonis in the years before she met the Storm Hawks again that made her change.
I was originally going to release 'it 'A Raven Under the Starlight' by the end of 2022, but I didn't get that far with tidying and I want to invest more time in ironing this fic's chapters out first, so now the first chapter will firmly be released by the 10 January 2023.
A certain raven-haired and pale-skinned human’s current business meant she was currently on the former terra, a vibrant purple-and-red cloak and hood preventing her from standing out and potentially being recognised amidst the crowds of multicoloured passers-by dressing in all variety of fashions and with all variety of implants, device garments or other pieces of machinery on their person as they went about their varying businesses bellow the many neon-like lights and holograms of the buildings. A year ago, the teenager would’ve loathed being in such a colourful and fandom-devoted environment as this for being that way and not more like the ordered and low-coloured environment of her empire’s heart, and there was no denying she still felt a bit wary of it because of old habits but she was no longer so resentful. As it stood, she only intended to scan the holo-file she needed to that was only found in a Poppukatoch archive, perhaps retrieve a takeaway sample of the terra’s unique cuisine for herself and Phoenix, and they could promptly begone.
Her curse passing through a crowded street with exterior shopping stalls just happened to bring her brushing by a Kitanen refugee who was walking several purple-and-pink furry beasts on signal-leashes, and a couple of them started sniffing and trying to run their tongues along Cyclonis’ half-cloaked legs – she in turn swerved to try and keep the distance between her and them, her hood’s shadow hiding the way she curled her lip at them coming near. Cyclonis had never liked animals, and she’d prefer to be able to keep as wide a berth between her and the things as possible.
Cyclonis was only two blocks away from where the holo-arcade she was aiming to reach was located, when something caught her ear which she almost mentally dismissed – sounds of an argument that had evidently been escalating in the few moments since it had recently started, two raptor-like Mikonosuinesh (a tall elder and a short teenager) were being confronted by two whom Cyclonis could practically smell to be rogues, just by the way they held themselves if not by their moderately-colourful jumpsuits; a Bokyunshit and a marsupial-like Oesaon-Bang.
“I told you; I don’t have any chrysoberyl bars on me!” the elder Mikonosuinesh was shouting, holding the younger one behind herself protectively from the rogues. Cyclonis noted they were near an opening to a lane, a good place for the rogues to drag their oblivious quarry if they wanted to get violent without being stopped, and no pedestrians passing as close as Cyclonis were slowing or stopping to indicate they’d taken notice or cared.
“Oh, I think you do, princess,” snarled the Bokyunshit. Cyclonis slowed her pace to practically loitering on the spot, although she made sure a pedestrian was passing between her and the scene every few seconds and she still voluntarily shuffled around on the spot to avoid being conspicuous.
“Folks like yourself are always rich, sweet-beak,” the Oesaon-Bang said lecherously, rubbery mouth grinning as he looked the adult Bokyunshit up and down – Cyclonis knew exactly what he was thinking, and she had an urge to curl her lip in a scowl. “You got plenty o’ that on you.”
“We did the bust on Monsunos like you wanted, but we think you’re trying to rip us off,” the Bokyunshit rogue purred, both of them slowly advancing closer on the Mikonosuinesh adult and her cowering child who backed away in tandem – towards the lane without even noticing. Cyclonis just shuffled and watched the scene calmly, not feeling all that sympathetic to whatever mess this woman had gotten herself into – Cyclonis’ father always had said that lack of empathy was a strength.
“Stop right there!” the adult tried to shout commandingly, pointing a finger, seemingly unconscious that she and her child were backing away from the two well-built rogues.
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll scream, and someone will hear!” she said.
“You go ahead, pretty bird,” rasped the Oesaon-Bang, grinning lecherously and getting right into her space. “I’m not normally into birds, but I like a princess who struggles.” A pause passed. Then the Mikonosuinesh opened her beak to shriek – not one second after she’d started, the two rogues lunged at her, pushing both the physically-weak Mikonosuinesh into the lane. Within a few movements, the Oesaon-Bang had shoved the adult against the dull-red wall and was violently clamping her beak shut as she writhed and struggled against him-
Whilst the child writhed and struggled against the Bokyunshit restraining her from behind.
“It’s time you gave us what we’re due, Lady Barvossa…” the Oesaon-Bang breathed in the elder’s space…
“On the contrary, that’s not going to happen.”
…before a silky, almost sibilant voice drew the Oesaon-Bang’s gaze away and past his shoulder. The figures in the alley saw the figure in the cloak and hood standing a little past the alley’s mouth, almost cloaked in shadow, though the piercing eyes with purple irises were still visible. “Not today nor any day,” the figure added, and despite the wording, the criminals didn’t hear any righteous fury that they were accustomed to in the threat. The Oesaon-Bang and the Bokyunshit just glared, whilst the Lady Barvossa and her niece looked both surprised and pleading at the stranger. The figure didn’t give any further warning before, with a yell, she spun and shot her leg out.
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zerm1v0hg · 2 years
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Chapter 2 is now up. :)
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zerm2v0hg · 1 year
Good news, folks! :)
For those of you familiar with my recursive fics based on Hrodvitnon's Monsterverse/'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' fanfiction 'Abraxas,' I now have a new, brief one-shot uploaded to my Collection! :)
@shadowblade217 @dragongirlmesilune
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zerm1v0hg · 1 year
And the last chapter of my Cyclonis fic 'A Raven Under the Starlight' is now here! :)
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zerm2v0hg · 7 months
Chapter 3 is now up! :)
(I was worried for a second that the FF.net copy would have to be delayed due to a site error before it got resolved.)
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