friendlyfangs · 4 months
Music to listen to 10 minutes before bedtime to totally fuck up the idea you'll be calm and restful enough to sleep in a timely manner
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littlest-w01f · 1 month
Rhysand x Reader
For @officialrhysandweek
Rhysand Week 2024 Masterlist
Day 3: Loved one
Summary: You were just Rhysand's friend, that's what he kept reminding himself as he saw you experience snowfall for the first time.
Cw: Fluff, Rhys is a lil horny, Rhysand's scars, kissing
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You were twirling around as snow fell on the balcony of The House of Winds, a giggle leaving your lips, you were from the Day Court, Helion's younger sister, and it was your first time ever seeing snow, since even in the coldest days of winter, it never did in Day Court. You were in a simple Night Court gown, glowing bright like the sun from pure happiness.
Rhysand was leaning against the railing, watching you as snow fell on both of you, the snowfall was gentle, and he enjoyed watching you and the ball of sun you became, "You look happy, my dear friend." He whispered softly, eyes on your lovely dark brown skin, blemish-free, thick black hair braided down your back, covered in little snowflakes, and brown eyes squinted in amusement. He had the thought to put a fluffy cap or coat on you, fearing you would catch a cold since your Day body was most definitely not meant for the too-cold weather.
As Rhysand watched you twirl and laugh, his eyes were drawn to the way the snowflakes clung to your dark cheeks flushed with cold, creating a picture of ethereal beauty that made him momentarily forget about the chill in the air.
You smile brighter, "It's snow! Ice is falling from the sky, Rhys!" You almost squeal from happiness, full of innocent excitement.
Rhysand snorts with amusement, the corners of his mouth curving up. "I do recognize snow, little one."
Rhysand's gaze lingered on your radiant form, his fingers itching to brush away the delicate flakes clinging to your hair and cheeks. Your laughter echoed through the chilly night air, a melodic sound that filled him with warmth despite the frigid temperatures. He'd never seen you so carefree, so unbridled in your joy. It was captivating, and he found himself drawn in, unable to look away.
"I suppose you're right," You said, holding out your palm watching as the snowflakes fell on your palm, "I've never experienced anything like this before. The way the snow falls, the silence… it's so pretty."
Rhysand's expression softened as he saw the happiness in you. "It is, isn't it?" He stood beside you, a snowflake landed on his nose.
You boop his nose making the snowflake melt, "I wanna stay in the snow for a little longer, if it's ok…"
Rhysand chuckled at your playful gesture, the melted snow trickling down his nose. "Of course, my little ray of sunshine. We can stay here as long as you wish."
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as another flurry of snow swirled around you. The icy crystals danced in the moonlight, casting an enchanting glow over the balcony.
As you leaned into his side, Rhysand felt a sense of contentment wash over him. In this moment, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of the snowfall, all the weight of his responsibilities as High Lord seemed to fade away. Here, with you by his side, everything felt right in the world.
You smiled, the snowing had just started to increase, "Thank you…" You chuckled, throwing your head back and sticking your tongue out to catch snow in your mouth.
Rhysand couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle at your antics, watching with amused fascination as you caught the falling snowflakes on your tongue. His own lips twitched upward in a rare, genuine smile, his violet eyes sparkling with mirth.
"You’re quite the delight when you let go of your serious demeanor," he remarked, nudging your shoulder lightly with his own. Despite the cold winter air, being near you warmed him in ways he hadn't expected. Your infectious joy was contagious, filling the quiet balcony with a cheerfulness that even the falling snow couldn't match.
"You should be careful though, Day’s blood makes you susceptible to the cold..." His voice trailed off, the concern evident in his tone.
You shudder softly. leaning into his warmth "How are you still so warm? Is it the Illyrian part of you?" I smile softly, looking up at him
Rhysand shrugged, his broad shoulders moving beneath the layers of his cloak. "Possibly," he admitted. "My Illyrian heritage does give me some resistance to the cold, but I'm also used to these kinds of conditions. My people live in the mountains after all."
His hand moved to rest on the small of your back, drawing you closer still. "But don't worry," he added with a reassuring grin, "I'll make sure you stay warm. Besides, Helion would slaughter me if you returned home from your time here with a stuffy nose. That brother of yours is so overprotective."
The heat radiating from his body was undeniable, enveloping you in its comforting embrace. It was a stark contrast to the biting cold of the snowfall, and you found yourself leaning into him more, seeking the warmth he offered.
You smile, resting your head on his chest, letting him warm you, "Your cold heart is so warm…"
Rhysand snorts, amused. He pulls you closer by wrapping his arms around you, letting you rest your head on his chest as he lets you enjoy his warmth. "You have quite the way with words, little one. You're a true bundle of joy, you know that?" He always called you little one, you were centuries younger than him and Helion, but you both were his first friends outside of Night Court.
Rhysand held you close, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your breath against his chest as you rested there. His own heartbeat slowed, finding a soothing rhythm with yours. In this moment, the title of 'friend' felt insufficient, it didn't capture the depth of connection he shared with you, nor the protectiveness that stirred within him whenever you were near.
"I think you bring warmth wherever you go, y/n," he murmured, his voice a low rumble against your ear. "Even in the dead of winter, your presence is a beacon of light."
His hands smoothed over your back, providing comfort and reassurance. Rhysand knew he shouldn't get too attached, that your worlds were vastly different, you came from different lands, but in the face of your innocent joy and kindness, he found himself wanting to bask in your company for as long as possible.
You yelped, hiding in his chest when the snowfall got heavier. "Oh by the Cauldron…" You sneeze from the sudden cold.
Rhysand chuckled, holding you tighter in his arms as he brought out and wrapped his wings around you and pulled you closer to his body to protect you from the snowfall. "This could continue for a while... You'll get cold if you keep standing here. Let me take you inside."
You nodded "Please take me in… I got too cold…" You sneezed again.
Rhysand's eyes flickered with concern as you sneezed, a clear sign of how much the cold had affected you. Without hesitation, he swept you up into his arms, carrying you towards the warmth of his chambers. His wings flapped gently behind them, shielding you from the relentless snowfall.
Once inside, he laid you down on his little cot near the fireplace, lighting it, "My poor little sunshine, there we go," he murmured, brushing back strands of wet hair from your face. "Better?"
You nodded, "Much better…" You sniff, smiling softly, sitting by the fire. "I think I got a little too cold..."
Rhysand hummed in amusement at your words, relaxed now that you were inside, walking over to look through a chest, pulling out a blanket and laying it near you. "You should change your clothes, little one, they will be colder against your poor skin."
Rhysand handed you the blankets, placing them on either side of you. "Here, they'll help warm you up faster." As he spoke, he began rummaging through another drawer, pulling out one of his thick nightshirts. "And here, wear this. It will be warmer than your soaked clothing."
"I can brew you some hot chocolate, if you'd like." There was something undeniably caring about his actions, a gentleness that made your heart flutter. You watched him move around his room, fetching things to help you feel better, and it struck you just how kind he could be when he wasn't playing the High Lord or trying to manipulate people.
"Hot chocolate sounds lovely, thank you." you said, taking the nightshirt, your back to the door.
When he left, you begin to pull at your wet clothes struggling to get the clothes that are stuck to your body off. Getting the dress only past your bust as you pulled it down from the full sleeves of it, your white cotton lingerie soaked through by the cold water of the melted snow.
Rhysand returned almost instantly with two steaming cups of hot chocolate in hand. Seeing you struggle with your wet garment, he set the drinks aside and approached with a smirk, reaching out to assist you. "Here... Let me help you," he offered, his voice soft and gentle.
You yelp when you see him, making him laugh, "Come on, it's nothing I've not seen before." He teased.
"Well, it's actually not." You shrug, trying to pull your arms from the sleeves, blushing as his eyes go over your soaked clothes. "You've not seen me naked before."
Rhysand shrugged, "Perhaps..." A smirk graced his face, "But it's worked on every other female stripping off her clothes in my room."
With deft movements, he helped you peel away the clinging fabric until you stood before him in nothing. The sight of your flushed cheeks and curves made his heart race as he did you the decency of looking away when you stepped out of your undergarments but he couldn't keep his eyes away for too long.
"Beautiful," he breathed, unable to tear his gaze away from your bare form. You didn't meet his eyes, but a part of you didn't want him to look away. The firelight danced across your skin, highlighting every dip and curve. For a moment, he simply admired the view, committing each detail to memory.
Then, remembering himself, Rhysand cleared his throat and held up the nightshirt. "Arms up," he instructed gently, helping you slip into the garment. The soft fabric engulfed you, falling to mid-thigh and smelling faintly of citrus and smoke, his scent.
"There we go," he murmured once you were decent, though the nightshirt did little to conceal the curve of your breasts or the tempting silhouette of your legs. Rhysand swallowed hard, trying to ignore the stirring of desire within him. "Now, let's get you warmed up properly."
"Why do you look like a 90-year-old fae male who saw boobies for the first time?" You teased him with a raise of your brows, warming your hands with the fire.
Rhysand laughed, shaking his head at your comment. "I saw my first pair of tits when I was 15, darling." He teased, leaning back against the wall beside you. The heat from the fire radiated onto your chilled skin, warming you gradually.
"You flatter yourself," he added, although his eyes kept drifting down to where the neckline of the nightshirt dipped, revealing more of your cleavage than he'd thought would show in that shirt of his, watching you unbraid your hair. "It's just been a while since I've seen such an enticing sight," he admitted candidly, looking up to meet your eyes.
"Now drink your hot chocolate," he suggested, nodding towards the cups he'd placed on the table. "It will help warm you up."
While you were distracted by the fire and hot chocolate, hair open down your back, wavy from being wet, he began to strip out of his own drenched clothes. As he began to remove his wet clothing, Rhysand's muscles rippled with each movement, showcasing their well-toned state. He peeled off his jacket, revealing a fitted black shirt underneath that clung to his torso, outlining his impressive physique and chiselled abs, dragging it off his body showed the scars and ink that littered his body.
He then slid off his trousers, revealing strong thighs and calves that flexed with each step. Rhysand tossed the damp garments onto the pile with yours, leaving him clad only in his boxers, black, tight, and leaving very little to the imagination.
The sight of his toned physique made your mouth water, and you couldn't help but admire him. But then, you remembered what you were doing and turned back to the fire, your cheeks glowing with your power, sipping your hot chocolate.
"Oh, you can look, sunshine." Rhysand purred, "I don't mind." With that he slipped his boxers off, throwing them in the same pile.
Your eyes widened as Rhysand discarded his final article of clothing, revealing his naked form in all its glory, you couldnt keep your eyes away from any piece of his magnificent body. His cock hung heavy between his muscular thighs, already semi-hard from the cool air and your lingering glances.
"In fact, I quite enjoy having your eyes on me." His voice was low and husky, sending shivers down your spine that had nothing to do with the cold.
Rhysand reached out, trailing a finger along your jawline and tilting your chin up so you met his heated gaze. "You're beautiful, little one," he murmured, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. "I want you to know that I find you incredibly desirable." His eyes flicked down to your lips before meeting your eyes again. "More than you can possibly imagine."
"Helion might roast you alive." You heat up almost instantly at the close proximity of his nude body to yours.
A wicked grin spread across Rhysand's face at your words, his hand still caressing your cheek. "Perhaps Helion might roast me alive if he knew I was lusting after his baby sister," he mused aloud, stepping closer to press his hard chest against your breasts. "But right now, I'm not thinking about consequences…"
His fingers trailed lower, tracing the curve of your neck before dipping below the neckline of the nightshirt, teasing the sensitive skin of your collarbone. "I'm thinking about how good you taste."
Your eyes are taken by the scar going over his side when your head bends to give him access to your neck, "Who did that to you?" You reach your hand to feel the mark
Rhysand chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead as his hand continued its descent, over the swell of your breast, feeling the firmness beneath the thick material. "Ah, that?" he asked, referring to the long, jagged scar that ran across his ribs. "A nasty fight years ago. No one worth mentioning, really. Just someone who got too full of themselves and decided to pick a fight with the High Lord of Night." Despite the casual tone, there was a hardness in his voice, a hint of the powerful fae leader lurking beneath the surface.
Seeing the way your eyes lingered on his scars, Rhysand felt a strange warmth settle in his chest. "It's alright, love," he whispered, noticing the change in your demeanour. "No need to hide those looks. I've been hurt plenty, but I've also healed. And in some ways, those scars make me who I am today."
He leaned in closer, his breath tickling your earlobe as he spoke. "Besides, they don't receive much of my attention. Not like how I want to give you." His hand moved from your breast to rest on the small of your back, pulling you even closer to him, completely pressed against each other.
Rhysand's fingers traced gentle patterns on your back as he gazed at you, his eyes drinking in every detail of your face. "Your beauty is mesmerizing, little one," he said, his voice low and reverent. "From the way your hair falls in soft waves around your shoulders to the delicate curve of your eyelashes, every part of you is a work of art. It makes me want to lose myself in you completely."
His touch seared through the thin fabric of the nightshirt. "And when you smile… oh, when you smile, it's like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm, the storm has ended, and there is a bright full rainbow in the sky, like the world is smiling. It lights up everything around you and makes my heart skip a beat. I ache to touch you, to taste you, to explore every inch of your perfect self." Rhysand's thumb brushed over your lower lip, his eyes never leaving yours. "I love you, y/n. I've loved you for so long."
"Rhys…" You breathe out, lost in his intense gaze and sweet words. Your heart races at his intimate touches and the raw desire in his eyes. You feel yourself getting pulled deeper under his spell, all that matters is the heat building between your bodies and the undeniable pull drawing you together. You reach up to cup his cheek, marvelling at the contrast of your soft skin against his rougher texture. Your other hand presses flat against his chest, feeling the thud of his heartbeat pulsing steadily beneath your palm. You tilt your head up invitingly, silently begging him to close the distance between your mouths. The tension crackles between you, electric and charged with barely restrained passion.
His lips hovered tantalizingly close to yours. The depth of emotion in his eyes took your breath away, and the confession of his feelings sent a thrill coursing through your veins. His words echoed in your ears, resonating with truth and sincerity that touched something deep within you.
As you looked into his eyes, you saw the raw vulnerability there, hidden behind layers of charm and wit. In that moment, you realized just how much he meant to you. This male, this High Lord of Night, held a piece of your heart that no one else could claim. And you found yourself unable to resist him.
Slowly, deliberately, you closed the gap between your lips, capturing his in a tender, passionate kiss. Hoping it said everything you wished for him to know.
Rhysand's arms wrapped around you, pulling you flush against his bare chest as he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept against your lips, seeking entrance, and you opened willingly, losing yourself in the sensual dance of tongues and teeth. The taste of him was intoxicating - a heady mix of spice and darkness that left you craving more. Something you found yourself losing in.
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{General Taglist - @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith}
{Rhysand Taglist - @yeonalie}
{RhysandWeek Taglist - @andreperez11}
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Jacaerys Velaryon Couple - Jacaerys X Reader Reader - Y/n Tully Rating - Sweet Word Count - 1029
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Jacaerys was forced through the dragon stone corridors, to met with his betrothal. He was to marry her tomorrow morning. He was... feeling both excitement and trepidation. He had dressed himself in his finest clothes and styled his hair carefully, his nerves mingling with anticipation. Arriving at the designated chamber, Jacaerys took a deep breath to steady himself before raising his hand to knock, the sound echoing softly in the corridor.
A soft voice answered his knock calling him inside.
Jacaerys makes his way into the chamber seeing the fire burning bright, the balcony to the water that surrounds Dragonstone, and most importantly a woman…
She stands by the fireplace watching the flames burn, she has long curls braided intricately for this meeting, and she has eyes that glimmer She wore a gown of deep blue and silver with embroidered waves and scales across the fabric, She turns to him and bows low her eyes on the floor "Prince Jacaerys, of house Velaryon," she greeted
Jacaerys bowed his head in respect, a small smile playing upon his lips.
"The honour is all mine, Y/n," he replied warmly, his eyes taking in the intricate details of her gown. His gaze wandered over the embroidered waves and scales, feeling a familiar sense of admiration for the sea-themed motifs. "You look absolutely lovely, if I may say so. Your gown truly embodies the beauty of the sea."
"I thought it fitting for us, yourself a velaryon. Myself a Tully. We are creatures of the water you And I. But I must admit I'm sure you prefer fire given the Targaryen half of yourself"
Jacaerys chuckled softly, the mention of his Valyrian heritage bringing a hint of a dragon's glint to his gaze. "Ah, yes, the fire in my veins does stir at times," he confessed with a wry smile. "But let me assure you, my Tully betrothed, the water runs strong in me, too. The Velaryons are a sea-faring house, and the salt is just as much a part of my blood as the dragonfire."
"I'm glad, Tully's have a long history of the waterways our castle even known as river run. I hoped water filled both our blood somewhat"
He smiled at her words, his fondness growing for her already. "Then it seems our affinity for the water will bond us further. Our union shall be a true joining of our houses, connecting the sea and the river in the most profound way," he proclaimed, his eyes shining with warmth and a flicker of something more as he gazed at her.
"I can but hope so Prince Jacaerys" she curtsied once more,
"No need for formalities, my Lady," Jacaerys replied softly, extending his hand to her. "We are soon to be married, after all. Let us enjoy these moments together without titles. Just Jacaerys will suffice."
"very well, I suppose it is foolish to have such need for formalities when we are to wed in meer hours." She chuckled "Then just Y/n I insist,"
"Y/n," he echoed gently, his voice laced with warmth. "It suits you."
He then gestured to the window, where the sea stretched out beyond the horizon. "Would you care to join me on the balcony? The fresh evening air could do us both some good." He extended his arm, offering to escort her to the open air.
"I'd be delighted Jacaerys" she nodded taking his arm and happily being escorted like a proper young lady out,
As they stepped out onto the balcony, the cool evening breeze brushed against their skin, carrying with it the salty scent of the sea. Jacaerys leaned against the rough stone of the battlements, his gaze fixed on the moonlit waves in the distance. He turned to Y/n, the corner of his lips tugging into a smile as he noticed how the moonlight seemed to dance in her hair. "Beautiful, is it not?" he said softly.
"it is truly, I admit I have never seen the coast before it is beautiful, dare I ask what is across the way?"
"That," Jacaerys said, pointing towards the moonlit horizon, "That is Essos. Beyond the Narrow Sea. Across those waters lie continents, cities and villages, cultures and people that are worlds different from Westeros." He turned to Y/n, his eyes filled with excitement. "I've always dreamt of exploring beyond the water's edge, exploring the lands our ancestors left behind. Perhaps one day we'll have the chance to see it together."
"I'd like that, I have heard tales of the distant east, of the boiling isles, or ashi, old valyeria and yeen. Such places seem impossible but I suppose I think Dragonstone seemed impossible once" She chuckled
He laughed softly at her words, his heart warmed by her curiosity. "Dragonstone is nothing more than a stepping stone for such grand adventures," he agreed, the spark of wanderlust igniting within his eyes. He reached out to gently tuck a stray lock of her hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering for a moment on the curve of her jaw, his touch as delicate as a feather. "The world is vast and full of wonders, Y/n, and I would be honoured to explore them with you by my side," he said in a low voice, his gaze fixed on hers. His hand, still holding her chin, gently turned her face towards the moonlit sea. "Look at the moonlight dancing on the waves. Don't you think it's as though the water is calling out to us?"
"they do seem to" she nodded "I admit I can somewhat imagine us taking to the water someday, to explore the far east, ship at our command, Vermax flying over head, it seems so perfect"
He nodded thoughtfully, the image she painted of their future adventures taking hold in his mind. "The sound of it is tantalizing, isn't it? The wind in our hair, the spray of the sea, and Vermax soaring above us, leading the way." As they stood on the balcony, he found himself imagining the possibilities. "Perhaps someday we will make that dream a reality," he added with a soft smile, his gaze fixed on the alluring expanse of black waves.
“Perhaps, someday,” she smiled as she took his hand and gave it a squeeze, he smiled back and kissed her hand softly.
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reitski · 2 years
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❝𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲❞ . 。˚ ♡
⤹★ warnings ★⤸ : fluff!, kissing, clingy!nagi seishiro x gn!reader, sick!nagi, timeskip characters
⤹★ word counter ★⤸ : 671
Your phone was buzzing with text notifications. Even you already knew who it was, you found yourself reaching over to unlock it anyways, immediately noticing Nagi's contact. Fondness spread your heart at his messages but then, you felt something is wrong about him.
' Please come home right away '
It was afternoon, you were at the work and he supposed to be in his football train. Why was he at home? Did he injured at train? Your mind was filled with questions, afraid of the thought that something happened to your boyfriend. You shoot him a ‘ be there soon ’ text and shut your phone off.
You shivered with the cold permeating your skin. The rainy weather has always been your favorite but today was really cold. The cold hit you once again when you saw him.
'' Sei, '' you whispered, stopping just a few feet in front of him. He was sitting crouching at the door of the house you two share. As you looked at him in shock, you noticed that he was soaked. Entirely.
'' Why did it take you so long to come? '', he groaned, '' Can you stop looking at me like that? I'm waiting for a long time door to open. ''
You took him right into the house. You can’t help but be concerned for how long he’s been possibly standing outside. '' What are you doing here at this hour, also- where are your keys?! '', you asked while he was sneezing. '' Training ended early and I lost my keys.'' His nose and cheeks were rosy pink, his pretty eyes were teary from the sneeze. It hurt to see your lover like this.
'' Alright baby, I'm gonna prepare a hot bath. Just take off your wet clothes and wait a little bit, okay? '', you said and kissed his cold lips, cupping his face with your warm hands.
Nagi walked over your shared bedroom to take his clothes off. Today was a tiring day for him. Practice, rain, people... Everything was annoying to him but you. He knew that he was getting sick -he hated it- yet he finally felt happy and safe for being with you.
He entered the bathroom and looked at you with a pout. You knew that your boyfriend loves physical affection but he gets clingier when he's sick. You smiled and started messaging his scalp in the tub. Unable to resist how adorable he looked, you leaned in to place a brief peck on his nose, causing him to close his eyes in delight whilst a small smile formed on his mouth. '' You are such an idiot. I worried a lot for you. ''
'' Sorry about that. '', he sighed in content as he sinked into you. After a few moments of allowing him to cling to you, you pat him three times, mimicking surrender. '' Love, can we get up now? ''
'' Jus’ wanna hold you, '' he murmured.
'' You can do that better in bed. ''
'' Let’s get going then. ''
You knew that he was tired so you helped him to get dressed, dried his snowy white hair.
You and Nagi finally lay down on the bed. He held you against him tightly, arms around your waist whilst rubbing small circles. '' Thank you for taking care of me. '' muttered the striker, low and quiet, his words danced with the moonlight seeping through the window of room. It felt so nice, to be in his embrace. It felt really nice to hear this sentences from him with his deep melodic voice.
'' It's okay, '' you smiled as you kept caressing his hair. '' I love you. ''
'' Goodnight kiss? '' Nagi requested. You looked at him in adoration before leaning in, meeting his lips in a gentle, affectionate kiss, one that has both of you smiling into it. '' I love you too... '' he muttered as he closed his eyes.
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Jack's Therapy Game (From the beginning: -> here)
After Jack cared for the horses and Lou prepared the room for Jack, they went over to the Pub. Jack didn't get kicked out like Vlad and no one asked about his 'status'.
Jack: "About the money for the room and stuff... I'll get a job right tomorrow morning. I heard the sculptor is hiring." Lou: "Oh no, no one works for the sculptor." Jack: "I don't have problems to take my shirt off." Lou: "It's not this. We don't talk about it. Don't you worry, you can help me at the shop."
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Lou noticed Jack's rash. Lou: "Isn't this painful? I've heard about this. Did your Alpha die? If you don't get this treated you might die too, you know that, don't you?" Jack: "No, he didn't die - it's uhm... complicated and yes..." Now that he thinks about it, it doesn't hurt! He didn't even pay attention since he was so stressed about being locked up. But as far as he remembers, it didn't hurt since he entered the game!
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Jack: "I'm fine :3 So, are these your horses?" Lou: "No, Lunatic belongs to no one but he kind of lives here and Val is the horse of my best friend from the neighboring village. But he's here all the time because they are deeply in love." Jack: "Is that so." Does that mean this friend is NPC Jeb? Well, since Ji Ho and some of their other friends are also here as NPCs, it would make sense. Jack hopes he can talk to one of them soon to see how 'real' their NPC versions are. Tiny Can maybe does this so they feel comfortable in their therapy.
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Even the Queen and the Prince Caleb are here tonight. And he's seen NPC Leander, Barfolomew and: Greg -.- But the Queen and Greg don't sit together. Like at the Arena. That's good news! Jack: "Is the Queen married?" Lou: "No. And she's only the Queen here until the Prince gets married to Princess Jihovere." Princess Jihovere? Caleb and Ji Ho will get married here? OMG! And the Queen will not stay the Queen here so his chances to hit on her just increased! (Omg Jack!) ('Jihovere' refers to 'Guinevere', the beloved wife of King Arthur.)
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Jack and Lou had a good time at the pub and Jack has a good feeling about this therapy. For once he can try to act like a 'more normal' person in this world and see what he could achieve. No one here knows about his disorders and hardships. And here he can experience what his life could be if he overcame/worked on some of them. He's fully aware that he can't be 'healed' and he knows that his friends love him and worry about him and try to protect him. But he also gets the feeling that this keeps him from prospering. He'll talk about this with the others when he's back. But he's going to stay a little longer because he really likes Lou and they have so much fun together. And the pain is gone. Jack hadn't felt this good for a very long time.
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'Everybody here is out of sight They don't bark, and they don't bite They keep things loose, they keep 'em tight Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight Everybody's feelin' warm and bright It's such a fine and natural sight Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
We like our fun and we never fight You can't dance and stay uptight It's a supernatural delight Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight'
Dancing in the Moonlight - Thin Lizzy
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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wheeboo · 1 year
work of art | xu minghao
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SYNOPSIS. in which two artists compete against each other. PAIRING. artist!xu minghao x artist gn!reader GENRE. fluff, reader and minghao being lowkey frenemies but having unspoken feelings and tension, lots of shameless flirting and teasing, au WARNINGS. none WORD COUNT. 1.9k
notes: honestly this might seem out of character for minghao, but this was fun to write tbh. i think i had too much fun with it cxjvklldsf. its an au for a reason anyway :’)
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“So... may the best artist win?” 
Minghao's voice carries that mischievous tone that ignites a spark of competitiveness within you. As you turn to face him, you can't help but notice how his navy scarf drapes around his neck like a vibrant stroke of colour. His glasses perch lightly on his nose, adding an intellectual charm to his already alluring presence. 
A smile tugs at the corner of your lips, a mixture of amusement and annoyance. You playfully roll your eyes, unable to resist the urge to banter with him. However his proximity catches you off guard, his figure leaning in ever so slightly.
You scoff, only retorting back, “What are we, ten? This isn’t the Olympics, Hao.”
He chuckles to himself, feeling satisfied and relishing in the subtle exchange of wit. “You can’t... just say my name like that. I thought we were in a professional relationship.”
“There is no relationship between us.” You respond playfully, shaking your head. 
“But you wish there was.”
That’s when he finally wraps you around his finger, your eyes widening to his statement that sends a flutter of nerves and excitement through your body. 
You’ve known Minghao ever since sharing the same art classes with him in university, remembering the times you both would compete for the best score in class. That competitive nature doesn’t seem to want to fade away since then. However, you both truly admired each other’s hard work and passion, but never took the chance to voice that. 
But somewhere along the way, a subtle shift occurred, and what was once platonic admiration now carries a hint of something more. The two of you never acknowledged it since life threw you apart, but you both just knew that something was there.
And still is.
Now you find yourselves together once again after being invited to an art gallery to engage in real-time art in front of an audience.
“But just know that if I win most of the audiences’ hearts,” Minghao lifts a teasing brow, but his eyes show a tinge of softness. “I’m asking you on a date.”
Your heart leaps out of your chest. The thought of going on a date with him thrills you, but you find joy in testing his words. 
“And what if I don’t accept your date?” You ask him curiously. 
Minghao's smile widens, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. "Then," He brings his voice low, as if telling a secret. "I'll have to find another way to win your heart. Perhaps, if you’ll let me, I can... serenade you under the moonlight?”
A giggle escapes your lips, a mixture of delight and nervous anticipation. Minghao's words have always had a way of igniting your imagination and painting vivid pictures just like the way he does so on a canvas. 
You’ve won my heart long ago, Minghao. 
"But can you handle the challenge?" You tease. "I'm not one to be easily won over, you know."
Minghao chuckles lightly, the sound like music to your ears. "Oh, trust me, Y/N," He steps a bit closer to you. "I'm more than up for the challenge.”
Your heart skips a beat at his words. Minghao has always had a unique way of seeing things beyond the surface, and you had always admired the way his mind seems to work and the way he expresses himself through his art. 
Finally, you take your eyes away from him, a bit of insecurity crossing your mind. “You say that as if you don’t have a million other options in front of you.”
“I’ve liked you for the last two years, Y/N,” he says calmly, expression and posture seemingly less tense than what you feel right now, or he’s just very good at hiding his own nervousness. “I think I know what my heart wants.”
You feel heat sprout in your cheeks, knowing that continuing this would do you no good for your thoughts. But before you can respond, a lady startles you both away from each other. 
“They’re all ready for both of you.” She motions outside the room you both reside in. You and Minghao exchange a look that seems to linger a moment longer than usual before heading out together, greeted by a room full of people all dressed up professionally and nicely for the formal event. 
You both take your places at your assigned spots. Minghao had a canvas in front of him since his art style was more abstract and bold, using powerful brushstrokes that display the visual and intimate journey of the human psyche. On the other hand, your art style was more focused on intricacy and delicate details to reveal a world of endless meanings and interpretations. 
“Here we have Xu Minghao and Y/N L/N, two evergrowing young artists competing for a spot to be displayed in the gallery,” the lady introduces you both, and you can sense all pairs of eyes on you. “We ask for your consideration to allow these two artists to showcase their talents. May you hold your applause and questions until the very end.”
After a short round of claps, the gallery grows into quiet suspense. You and Minghao glance at each other once more. He delivers you a slight nod and half-curve of his lips before taking a paintbrush in his hands and facing away. 
You feel a surge of adrenaline and pressure coursing through your veins. This is your moment to create𑁋to pour your heart and soul onto the paper and capture the essence of your artistic vision. With a deep breath, you pick up your pencil and sit down in front of the blank paper. 
Time slips away, and it feels as though the boundaries between art and reality blur. The hushed whispers of the audience fade into the background, and the world around you narrows down to the strokes of your brushes, pencils, and the rhythmic dance of colours. 
As you draw, you feel your emotions manifest into each thin streak of line. The small yet delicate details begin to take shape, uncovering the hidden stories pictured in your mind. Each stroke is deliberate and purposeful, as if you are pouring your years of practice into a single piece of paper. 
You steal occasional glances at Minghao, admiring the grace and confidence that reflects onto his canvas. His painting takes form before your eyes, vibrant hues blending seamlessly into bold, unconventional shapes. There's an energy in his artwork that draws the audience into his world of expression.
Finally after what feels like an eternity, you and Minghao take a step back together. Breathing heavily, you both take a moment to appreciate over your work of art. And as you spare a glance to Minghao’s, you couldn’t help the proud grin on your face. Even though you were supposed to be competing, you can’t deny his talent and artistry.
He looks towards yours as well, taking a moment to relinquish in your work, and gives you an admiring smile that only you knew the true meaning behind.
Suddenly the room erupts into claps, bringing you back to reality as you take in the sight of people clapping and cheering because of you. This has been your dream ever since you were young, and now you were beginning to live it, no matter if you were chosen or not. 
The curator who introduced you both steps back forward. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have now been introduced to two extraordinary pieces of art. It is now your turn to decide which artwork will find its new home in our gallery.”
You and Minghao step up to the stage together, your creations by your side as you try not to let the judgmental looks of the audience cloud your brain. Yet you feel something wrap around your finger, and you look down to see Minghao interlocking his pinky finger with yours, as if reassuring you gently. The small gesture calms you down a bit, but not entirely. 
The atmosphere thickens with curiosity and admiration, each body of the audience whispering amongst each other. Throughout all this, Minghao doesn’t let go of your hand. 
Long and insufferable minutes pass until the lady returns to the centre of the stage, tapping on the microphone to gain everyone’s attention. 
"After a lot of careful consideration," she begins, her voice filled with anticipation. "we have reached a decision. The artwork chosen to display in our gallery is..."
The words suspend in the air. You swear you hear the room collectively take a breath. The lady's eyes meet yours, before turning to Minghao, then back to the audience. 
"Xu Minghao. Congratulations!”
All at once, the room explodes into applause as you untangle your hand from Minghao’s and take a step back, giving claps of your own towards him. Minghao himself even looks surprised, and for a moment taken aback by what he should do. 
The lady offers him the microphone, and you can’t help but snicker at the way he looks so nervous when he takes it in his hands. 
“Wow, I... um...” He warms up his voice, trying to think of what to say on the spot. “I just want to thank you all for this wonderful opportunity. I’m beyond excited to continue to showcase my artwork and to bring you all down my artistic journey. I would not be where I am if it weren’t for you all.”
He pauses for a moment, taking the small opportunity to look back and see that you had given him the entire spotlight. You were standing in the back almost shielded away, and he motions for you to step up with him.
“But I would also like to thank Y/N. Their art deserves the world’s recognition, and I want to take this moment to cherish it.”
Suddenly the audience turns their eyes towards you, applause resonating within the room as you step up next to Minghao, who slips his hands fully within your grasp and lifts it up high to the ceiling. The two of you give your own appreciative bow as Minghao delivers the rest of his speech.
Then you both disappear back into the room you were just in together, a tension-filled silence now surrounding you both.
“Congratulations, Minghao,” You say to him relievingly. “You deserve it.”
Minghao doesn’t respond, instead taking the time to let his gaze linger on you in front of him, and you feel yourself getting nervous once again. He looks at you with such wonder and fondness that it makes you think if he’s always looked at you like that and you just never noticed, or refused to acknowledge it since you may be overthinking it. 
“You know what I’m about to ask you, right?” he asks, a quiver of shyness within his usual confident nature. 
You hum in response, pretending as if you didn’t. “I don’t actually. Care to remind me?”
There’s some thickening tension held in your gazes, and you even hear the way his breath seems to hitch. His eyes shift from your eyes and down to your lips, but he does nothing about it yet, only letting a playful smile grace his face.
“Please don’t look at me like that,” he says, pursing his lips together contentedly. He pushes his glasses up, as if trying to get a better look of you. “It’s making it hard to not kiss you right now.”
You teasingly frown, already turning around. “Sorry, guess I’ll just leave then𑁋”
“No, wait,” He grabs your arm firmly, swinging you back around to face him and bringing you directly in front of him. There’s a look of longing and desperation in his eyes. “Don’t go yet. Please.”
All you do is give him a look, a mixture of certainty and desire, like a sweet promise of something more. 
“Don’t worry,” You assure him, letting your hands drift up to cup his face endearingly as you lean in slowly, softly connecting your lips with his. “I wasn’t planning to.”
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drewharrisonwriter · 1 year
Donor | Drabble | Dirty Dancing
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, this is a drabble for my Henry Cavill fic Donor. English is not my first language. Darling bestie found Hank's dancer doppleganger.
Also, guys, I made a GIF. LMAO 🤣
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One lazy Saturday evening, you were once again lounging on the couch, your legs stretched out comfortably and a tablet in your hand.
You had been absentmindedly scrolling through TikTok, a guilty pleasure of yours recently, when suddenly, a video caught your eye.
The Grand Theatre had uploaded a sneak peek of the upcoming production of Dirty Dancing. The camera panned to the cast, and there was Michael O'Reilly, leading the cast in a rehearsal of an iconic dance scene. You snorted, trying to stifle a laugh.
The catchy music and impressive choreography were enough to entertain you, but what had you trying to hold yourself back from laughing hysterically was the comments section. People were flooding the comments, pointing out the uncanny resemblance between Michael O’Reilly and a certain someone.
You finally burst into laughter, catching Henry's attention from the carpeted floor next to you on the couch. He looked up from his book, a quizzical expression on his face. "What's so funny?"
Still giggling, you turned the tablet toward him, showing him the video. "Look at this! It's the cast of the new Dirty Dancing rehearsing, and Michael O'Reilly is literally doing the lift!"
Henry's eyes widened as he watched the video. "First of all, that's impressive," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But what's got you laughing so hard?"
You couldn't contain your mirth as you scrolled down to the comments section. "Read these comments!" you exclaimed, handing the tablet to Henry.
As he read the comments, his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Is it just me, or is Michael O’Reilly literally Henry Cavill?"
"Wait a minute, are we sure Henry Cavill isn't moonlighting as a dancer?"
"I see Henry Cavill wearing a disguise! No way that's not him!"
You couldn't contain your laughter as Henry read aloud some of the comments out loud. Henry watched the video again with a raised eyebrow, his lips twitching with amusement.
"Are they serious?" he chuckled, his eyes still fixed on the screen. "I mean, I get it. Michael and I might share a resemblance, but I promise you, I'm not secretly moonlighting as a dancer."
Kal let out a playful woof, seemingly agreeing with Henry's sentiment.
"But…" He said, pausing the video, and pointing at it. "I can definitely lift you like that." He winked at you, his voice carrying a playful undertone that sent a shiver down your spine.
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You wiped away a tear from laughing so hard, your voice still laced with amusement. "Oh, really now? Are you suggesting we audition for a remake?"
Henry's eyes glinted with a suggestive gleam, his grin growing devilish. "Well, I can't speak for my dance skills in that level, but I'm quite confident in my lifting abilities."
Your laughter blended with a mixture of delight and flirtatiousness. "Is that so? Maybe we should practice then, just to be sure you've got it down."
Henry's laughter joined yours, the atmosphere between you growing charged with playful energy. "Practice makes perfect, after all."
"I still can't believe people are convinced it's you! Maybe you do have it in you to make it in the theatre world."
Henry shook his head, a playful smile on his lips. "Well, I guess it's always good to have options if this acting thing doesn't work out."
You laughed again, your sides practically hurting from the sheer hilarity of it all. It was moments like these that made your life with Henry so special – the ability to find joy and humor in the simplest of things.
Henry's laughter joined yours as he handed the tablet back to you. "Well, I must say, I've always had a hidden talent for dance."
You playfully rolled your eyes, finally coming down from the high of the situation. "Yeah, just keep it hidden, Hank." He responded with a playful swat to your arm.
"And don't let your newfound dance skills overshadow your other talents," you teased, a gleam of humor in your eye.
He got on his knees and leaned over the couch, his chin resting on your shoulder. "And what talents might those be, my love?"
His voice dipped into a slightly husky tone, his gaze smoldering with a suggestive spark, nuzzling his nose against your ear.
A playful grin curved your lips as you turned your head to meet his gaze. "Oh, you know... the kind of talents that require a bit more privacy and a lot less clothing."
His deep chuckle reverberated through the room, his lips brushing against your neck. "Well, in that case, perhaps we should put this tablet away and focus on exploring those talents." he murmured, gently taking the tablet from your hands and drawing you into a passionate kiss that left no room for further words.
Tag list:
@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetandgentlecreature @kingliam2019 @leaveitbythewave @mrsevans90 @evansabove1981 @bascmve01 @shellyshellshell @iamsana @foxyjwls007 @one-sweet-gubler @henryownsme @angelcavill66
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wonderlandoffanfics · 7 months
Manifest Fantasies (pt 2)
My first ever posted fan fic! I decided I'm not great with smut but I tried my best, and will continue to try in other things. This fic is Bartolomeo inspired - I'm really sorry if I didn't write him properly, I kinda got self indulgent to certain degrees. Most degrees.
This second bit it my attempt at some smut :)
part 1 swimsuit addition dat dress tho
WC: 3995
CW: fem reader, MDNI, bit o’ fluff turned smutty, vaginal penetration, no protection mentioned, cockwarming, Barto’s fangs doing as they do, praise kink (for him, of course), aftercare with brief non-sexual urination
You’ve put all your new clothes away in the wardrobe and scattered the new décor about your room. It appears homier now and you relax for a moment and take in your own handiwork. You know that you’ve already set sail for the evening since you and Bartolomeo were the last ones to get back to the ship as the sun set.
Seeing the moon through the window of your room, you decide to go wander about the deck and take in the night air. It was cool out and the breeze coming off the sea gave you goosebumps, but you stand in delight of the stars and the moonlight dancing on the waves. You were so grateful to experience such a calm and wondrous sight, something you never knew you were missing from your island home all those years.
“Ya doin’ okay, y/n?” you turn your head to see Bartolomeo come to stand next to you at the railing. A faint smile across your face and a hum is all you let out, allowing the moment to continue to sink in. You were already so at peace, but his presence brought you to a new level of calm and delight. You cross your arms, leaning against the railing and bring your hands to your upper arms for warmth, “I can’t believe this is something I could have gone my whole life without experiencing. It’s a sight I will never tire of.” You say quietly, thanking him for a millionth time in your mind for this.
“I know whatcha mean…” he says back, only looking at you. He takes off his jacket again, like he did in the store earlier, but this time he drapes it over you with care rather than a quick modesty. With your arms still crossed you stand up straight and grab the edges of his coat with your hands, pulling the warmth that lingered from him onto you tighter, another quiet hum escapes you.
You turn to look at him, now only dressed from the waist down, “I appreciate the gesture but you’re making me feel bad about hogging the warmth.” You swiftly twist the coat back over his shoulders, reaching up the best you could and stand face to face, well, chest with him. You decide to take a chance and wrap your arms around his waist, sharing the warmth instead, your head turned to face the ocean still as you listen to his heart beat gain speed.
You can’t see his face now but there are droplets hitting your head and sniffling sounds coming from him, so you tighten your hug, “are you doing okay, Barto?” you echo back his earlier question. “More than.” He whimpers and embraces you in return. You become aware of his body heat raising as his heart beats louder against your ear; it’s been so long since you felt someone this close to you but you want more from him and you think he wants more too, he just won’t make the first move.
You get an idea and pull away from him a bit. He acknowledges you releasing your hold on him and he does the same. With a bit of effort, you hoist yourself up to sit on top of the railing; it gives you enough extra height to be closer to face level with him. He moves to catch you in case you start to fall, which works in your favor; you pull him back into an embrace, this time your arms are able to reach around his neck and your legs squeeze around his hips inside his coat. You see his face go red as his hands reach around your back to keep you steady on the railing.
“What’re ya doin’ y/n?” Barto asks without being able to look you in the eyes. “What I think we both want, but you can stop me if I’m wrong.” You bring one of your hands from behind his neck and touch his jaw softly. With light pressure from both hands, you pull him towards you and he finally looks directly at you, still red faced and an expression you can only read as pure joyous anticipation.
You smile as your lips meet his, his hands caress you and bring you closer as he sinks into the kiss. You move your mouth with his, bumping his septum ring, and lick his lips, also gliding along his teeth and being mindful of the sharp tips. He reciprocates and slides his tongue against yours, maneuvering his way into your mouth as he presses further into the romantic embrace.
Your hands slowly fall to his chest and begin to trace his tattoo and muscles, and explore lower to his abs, then bringing them back up his sides and around his back, using your nails to scratch against his skin. You want to be selfish and take in every bit of him that you can while this moment persists.
He pulls away slightly, breathing heavy, and presses his nose against yours, “are ya sure that’s what ya want?” Looking into each other’s eyes, “more than anything.” You say as you kiss him again, harder this time, not caring if you end up bleeding from his teeth. At this point you would encourage him to use them as he sees fit on your body.
Bartolomeo slides his hands from your back down to your ass and pulls you towards him. You’re off the railing of the ship and in his arms completely, wrapped around him and full of desire. You felt something large between you and moan softly against him, shifting slightly you realize it’s the dagger he keeps in his pants but that realization doesn’t stop you from enjoying how it’s pressing against you. He noticed you tighten your hold against his hips and roll yours slightly, “don’t ya worry, I got something even better in there for ya.” You both chuckle.
With a smirk, he begins walking back to the door that leads to his room; you kiss his neck and chest, allowing him time to see where he is walking while he carries you away from prying eyes. The late night crew has probably already seen enough but you don’t really care.
He takes you into his room, adorned with Straw Hat Pirate related things, you almost want to giggle as you take in his obsessive collection but you are quickly brought back to the moment as he kicks his door shut behind you both, cutting off the light from outside the room.
Closed into his dark room, with only moonlight shining through the windows to illuminate you both, he rolls his shoulders and causes the coat you had hung back over him to fall to the floor. He goes back to kissing you as he walks a few steps towards the large bed. Kneeling down on it, with you still clinging to him, he lays you down and leans over your body.
You appear slight underneath him as you unwrap yourself from his hips and allow your legs to fall to the bed on either side of his body. With a bit of space now between you, he takes out the dagger from his pants and tosses it onto the nearby nightstand. No words are needed as he presses himself against you and you finally grind him instead of his weapon. Your mouth opens in a pleasurable shock and a whine escapes. You lose your coherent thoughts and your body moves on its’ own, frantically looking for more of his touch, more of his skin on yours.
Your hands move quickly to lift your shirt over your head and you toss it away, not caring where it lands. Bartolomeo sits up to give you room, and take in the sight you’ve offered. Next, you shimmy out of your shorts; he helps throw those to the side as they slide down your legs towards him, leaving you in front of him with just a bra and lace thong on.
You see tears well in his eyes as the moonlight hits his face; you sit up and cup his face. Sliding your legs underneath you, you sit on your knees in front of him and gently kiss him while wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes. “Do you want to stop?” you ask with concern, “we don’t have to…” he cuts you off with a desperate kiss, one hand sliding up your thigh and the other wrapping around your back. “No way I can stop… I just needed ta revel in this moment being real...you’re everything and I’m…” you perceive his words straining and put your finger to his lips, “you’re perfect.” You finish for him.
He gained confidence in his actions after you said that, the praise hitting his ears like a key turning an engine on. Before you knew it he had taken your bra off and flung it across the room, urgently pulling you to his chest, colliding with insatiable lust, he kissed you sensuously. He started to move his mouth down your jaw to your neck and you felt his teeth graze your skin. He was being careful not to draw blood but he left a pressured bite mark on you before he moved down further.
You shift again to lie back as he teases your nipple with his tongue, all the while his hands working down to your core. Your moans and pleasured whines begin making a soundtrack to this evening with his breathing and low, rumbling, satisfied groans. He pushes two of his long fingers inside of you, keeping the thong material between his fingers as he uses his thumb to tighten the string into your folds, rubbing it against your clit. “Ahh! ….Barto….so good….” more praise comes from your mouth and entices him to continue.
As he leaves marks all over your torso and unravels you from the inside out, you haven’t even noticed how he’s kicked the last of his clothes off onto the floor at the foot of the bed. Stroking himself with his other hand as he brings you closer to your apex and watching your face intently while he continues to kiss down to your hips. He can tell you’re close, and decides to rip the lace panties from you with his teeth to expose you completely. You gasp and your hands tightly grip the bedsheets.
He sucks and licks at your clit while his fingers keep pace inside you. Your toes curl and your legs instinctively drape around his shoulders, “Barto!” you scream out as your orgasm hits. His fingers pop out of you as he uses his long tongue to lick every drop that spills from you. He takes the hand that was just inside you and uses it on himself, making his member shine in the moonlight with your juices as you finally notice he’s naked too.
“Fu...ck…” you let out as you’re riding the waves of your high to a slightly calmer place and see how large he is in his own hand. He lets go of himself and crawls back up you, bringing your mouths together again. His ardent kiss deepens and you feel him pressing hard against your lower half. He lets out a fervid cry against your mouth as you separate and breathe heavily together.
“Barto, you are amazing,” his member twitches against your inner thigh, just inches from your slick opening; “I need to feel all of you. Please.” Shifting your weight so he lines up with his tip at your entrance, you grind a bit against him and dig your nails into his back, desperate for him to take you.
“I don’t wanna hurt ya…. Tell me if ya want ta stop… I’ll understand.” He says with sadness to his tone, you imagine this has maybe been an issue in the past but you trust him. “I promise.” You kiss him from his forehead, to his nose, to his mouth, and smile at him. “Just go slow and we’ll work through this together. I want you.” You see his eyes get teary again but he holds them back as he reaches down and helps himself start to slip inside you.
Your eyes go wider and your mouth hangs open, letting out a long uncontrolled mewl, you grip the sheets with tight fists. He stops but you smile at him, mouth still open, indicating it was a good noise. Slowly still, he pushes deeper, looking you in your eyes to be sure you’re okay. He’s far enough in that his hands move to your hips and drags along your thighs, pushing your legs up closer to his shoulders, opening you for him to further dive in. You can tell he’s struggling to hold back; he pushes one last time and is finally fully buried deep inside you.
“So fuckin’ tight” he chokes out. “You did so good, giving me time to adjust to how big you are.” You’re starting to see his eyes shine again at your words and he throbs inside of you. You move your hands to trace his jaw, and bring them down brushing his neck, then chest, resting against his tattoo. “Barto… be my good boy and fuck me. Hard.” It’s like you flipped a switch in his brain again and confidence floods through him.
He rolls his hips into you and he hits every inch of himself into your sweetest spots. Holding your legs in place with his torso, his hands roam, groping every bit of you they can reach. He glides one arm up your side, delicately gracing your curves, and leans on the bed near your head, tangling your hair with his fingers and resting the palm of his hand against your face. He cradles you into a greedy, breathless kiss while his other hand is now firmly gripping your ass, all the while keeping his pace, thrusting you into the mattress.
Ecstasy washes over you with his momentum picking up; he pulls his face back, mere centimeters from your lips and grunts into your mouth, focusing on your face like he’s obsessed with learning each obscene response you let out, “So magnificent, y/n.” You bite his lower lip and lick it once releasing, “You make me delirious,” you pant out, while your hands continue around him tearing your nails into his back, his arms, and his chest; gripping at anything to keep him as close as possible.
He begins losing himself to the pleasure of your tightness, brutally snapping against your tender hole. You rasp out his name and let yourself fall into a vivid comfort, convulsing around him and orgasm again, your leg muscles twitch against his torso. “Y/n…. where…?” is all he can muster to say. “In” you barely form the word as you feel him, no longer able to hold back, release inside you with your slightest consent.
He lets your legs fall back to the bed and his weight drops down on you as you both pant heavily, sweating and unable to muster strength to untangle yourselves from each other. A few moments pass and Bartolomeo grabs you and rolls onto his back, switching spots with you so you are now lying on his chest. He’s still inside you, losing his hardness but still keeping you full.
“Sorry, needed ta catch my breath; hope I wasn’t crushin’ ya.” He chuckles slightly as his hand plays with your hair. You hum, “you felt like the best weighted blanket.” His hand leaves your hair and begins to stroke your back up and down, caressing the curve of your body, and after a few passes he stops and cups your butt cheek, giving it a light squeeze.
You giggle and start to sit up, pushing up from his brawny chest. Straddling him, you lift your hips and slide him out of you; both of you making a face at the loss of contact. You ease down next to him, using his arm as a pillow and cuddling up to his side. Cringing a bit as you mold to him, you realize moving may be difficult for a day or so, but it was worth it, and you’d do it over and over again if he wanted.
“Are ya okay? Did I hurt ya somehow?” he saw your face crunch up as you lay down and started to panic and twists to look at you. “No, no, please, I’m okay. I’ll just be sore for a bit, but a good kind of sore.” You reassure him with a smile that melts his heart, “I know something that’ll help ya.” He says and proceeds to move, scoop you into his arms, and take you to the bathroom attached to his room.
He puts you down on the edge of the tub and turns on the hot water. Now in the light of the bathroom you see each other clearly; he’s covered in red scratches and you are covered in teeth marks and bruises. You try to stand up and wobble a bit on weak legs, he steadies you quickly “where ya going?” “Oh, uhh…” you blush a little but you eye the toilet, “would you mind if I…. gramma Gambia said it’s best to pee after…” “A-absolutely! Do ya want me ta leave?” he asks, holding your hand while you walk the few steps needed. “You don’t have to, I’ll be quick anyway.”
You do your business and wash your hands as he turns to kneel at the bathtub, shutting off the water and dropping a bit of scented oil into the steaming surface. The room is filled with lavender and honey, “how delightful” you say, coming up behind him, rubbing his shoulders and kissing the side of his head.
Bartolomeo helps you get in and stand in the tub, getting himself into it behind you before guiding you down to sit with your back to his chest. He wraps his arms around your waist under the water and cuddles you close as you both take in the aroma helping you relax even further into the warmth of the bath and each other.
All is quiet and still for a few moments until you decide to break the silence. Leaning your head back against his shoulder and turning to peck the side of his jaw, you let out a breathy “thank you” to him. He squeezes you tighter and brushes the marks he left on your shoulder and neck, shaking his head against you, “That should be my line, y/n, I’ve dreamt of ya every night since we met. Almost lost it while we were shopping; I thought about jumping you in the changing room. If I wake up tomorrow and this was all a dream it would make sense at this point; except this was better than all my fantasies combined.”
You bring your hand up to hold his face and pull him from hiding against your neck, “I’ll stay with you tonight then, and for as long as you’d like after, we can both wake up day after day knowing how real this is.” You lean into each other and indulge in the bliss of your shared aftercare until the water loses warmth.
After drying off and putting on one of Bartolomeo’s large t-shirts to sleep in, he, just in boxers himself, hops into bed and pats the empty space beside him to invite you under the covers. Curling up into his embrace you have never felt happier; this ship and this man have become your home, more so than your island ever could have.
An overwhelming bliss hits as you open your eyes to see you are still in Bartolomeo’s bedroom. At some point in the night you had turned around so your back was facing him, but he was still holding you close. You wiggle back a bit to nestle his body against yours more, earning you a gratifying squeeze in return.
“Mornin’, y/n” he says softly in your ear, kissing just behind it. “Good morning, Barto,” you rolled in his embrace to face him and provide a longing kiss, “it was real.” You add, smiling against his mouth, continuing the kiss.
A loud knock on the door interrupted your peace, “Captain, are you awake yet? We need you as soon as possible!” Barto jumped at the intrusive noise and instinctively left the bed to get pants and boots on to go deal with whatever was needed. You just watched him as he scrambled to get dressed.
Almost touching the door knob to leave, he turns on his heel and skitters back to kiss you, “I’ll make sure ta find a way ya can get ta your room without them seeing ya. See ya later, y/n.” He says while walking away again, like he already knew you had no plan in place to find your way, pants-less, back to your own room.
You wait until you hear the voices move away from the door before you rush back to your room to get dressed for the day. Not that you want what happened last night to be a secret from the crew, but you certainly didn’t want anyone to see you in nothing but Barto’s oversized shirt, that was just for his eyes.
Later that day as you were walking about the deck, trying to get gum off the railings, you heard what sounded like construction work being done. You go towards the noise and it’s coming from…. Your bedroom? You come to find that there are crewmates cutting a hole in a wall near your bed, “what the ever loving hell?” you shout over their noise. Barto comes darting around the corner and pulls you into the hall, “This was meant ta be a surprise!” “Oh, I’m surprised, Barto! What is going on?!” you desperately grab his arms and look back over your shoulder into the room again, dust flying everywhere.
“I thought ya’d like it if there was a door ta my bath – our bathroom, so I’m havin’ one installed!” You turn back to him with your eye twitching, mouth agape in bewilderment, unsure what to say to him. You love the idea but this was not how you thought this day would be going. You wish you had had time to move things around and put things away before the men were in there making a huge mess.
You sigh and drop your hands from his arms, “you sure know how to make a girls’ day, thank you, Barto.” You’d rather just accept the inevitable and let them finish the job without a fuss. However, the clean-up will be challenging later, you’ve seen how these guys leave things when they do literally anything; hence the reason you were even on this ship to begin with.
Barto just looked too happy and excited for you to say how you wish this was less of a secret project. Though it did make you wonder if the whole crew already knew what had happened between you two. “Hey, d…does everyone know?” you ask as you both start walking away from the noise. “Oh, uh, well, the night crew ended up seeing me carry you into my room, so it was already the talk of the morning when they called me out ta help them earlier.” His face turned bright red as you giggled, “I thought so, and since they already know I guess we have nothing to hide, which is nice.” You grab his hand, now out on the deck, in public.
“I’m really happy with you, Bartolomeo. This life with you will be the best I’ve ever lived.” He wraps his arms around you, tears streaming once again from his happiness over flowing, and picks you up to be closer in height. You kiss him eagerly and let out a hum of content. “Y/n, I promise ya it really will!”
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
TW: no
Characters: Vincent Sinclair
Description: just a little comfort from this pretty boy.
English is not my native language, so sorry about misspells.
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The night always seemed like something forgotten and beautiful. Magical. The sky binds its entire boundless being into the embrace of a light black mantle decorated with a scattering of shining stardust; the wind begins to play with a bit of inexplicable tenderness, winding calmness and inner satisfaction; gentle songs of chirping insects and night birds hover in the air. You can also see something mysterious in the silent, cold light of the moon: the thrill with which silver rays encircle the roofs of houses and streets, wrapping the gloomy shadows of familiar things in beautiful unobtrusive images. There is something unearthly and painfully delightful about it. And to all the oddities that may seem to our wandering mind at this mystical time of day, we will certainly give one name, 'sleep'.
You were sitting in the kitchen, with your head propped up on your hand, with your other palm wrapped around a striped mug. The clink of a metal spoon occasionally hitting the ceramics cut the crystal silence. The tea has been cold for a long time, but you didn't pay attention to it, continuing to periodically sip the sweet liquid. The moonlight from the window gently outlined the features of your face when you once again looked at the wall clock; it's 00:30 a.m. You were sitting in the kitchen for a long time, continuing to burn through the impenetrable darkness on the other side of the window. Bo and Lester had been sleeping with full bellies and happy smiles for a long time, satisfied with tonight's dinner. In principle, they liked that there was a person in this house who could take care of them, as my mother once did.
The only thing that worried you and prevented you from falling asleep in every possible way was Vincent lingering in the workshop. At this time, and usually even earlier, a few hours after dinner, he was already in your room and listened to your measured reading of some book that you particularly liked. The man did not delve into the text, he was only interested in your pleasant, caressing voice, echoing in his head.
But for some reason, today he decided to break this peculiar tradition, and you were worried about it. Having gathered all your thoughts in a heap, you decided to visit the culprit of your inner anxiety. After all, if he's avoiding you on purpose, you should talk about it, shouldn't you?
Putting the mug in the sink, you look at the clock again and go towards the stairs. Climbing to the second floor, you tiptoe to your bedroom with Vincent, trying once again not to step on particularly creaky floorboards. You've been in this house for a long time, so you knew some of its features: for example, that the third step of the stairs is quite flimsy and makes a nasty creak to the point of trembling, as if you were forcefully rubbing a dry rag against a mirror polished to a shine; or that the farthest light bulb in the corridor has been blinking unpleasantly for a week, but no one dares replace it.
Closing the door tightly, you walk past the double bed and stop over the hatch. It was nice that a kind of doctor's or scientist's office was converted into a bedroom for the two of you; you are sure that the initiator was Lester, who immediately saw in you a really nice girl who would certainly take care of his older brother.
As soon as you opened the hatch cover, an unpleasant piercing creak of unoiled parts rang through the room. A pleasant enveloping warmth flows up from the basement, as well as from Vincent himself when he leaves the workshop: his body was so saturated with the smell of old wood, moisture and something else that distinguished this man from millions of others, what you really liked about him.
Going down the stairs, you wiped your sweaty palms on your t-shirt. Taking clothes from Vincent's closet turned out to be a good idea, at least you weren't so hot in it. When you got to the door, you covered the wet wood with your palm. The warmth touched your cold fingers, pleasantly calming and giving quite tangible confidence. The door, surprisingly, opened easily under your slight pressure, without making a sound.
It was even hotter in the workshop. How could Vincent work here in a sweater and a tight jumpsuit? It seems that the boiler was recently stopped: threads of steam were still streaming over the vat of hot wax. The room was spacious enough to accommodate all the equipment a man needed. Now the couch, habitually located in the middle of the makeshift office, was pushed to the wall, freeing up most of the room. An old radio was playing somewhere, giving out classic songs.
At the very end of the workshop, Vincent was hunched over a table. Now he was without his usual overalls, but in simple trousers and a long-sleeved jacket. No new 'guests' have come to Ambrose for a long time.
You quietly approached the man from behind, towering over his tense body. His entire desk was littered with a variety of sketches, ranging from projects of future figures to simple sketches of everything that caught Sinclair's eye. But most of all there were drawings with you. These were all kinds of portraits, both in full growth and in various poses.
You whisper, and the body under you shudders, straightening up to its full height. You step back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," the man hurriedly puts the sketches in one pile, "Hey, don't. They are very beautiful."
You grab one of the most eye-catching drawings and see yourself sitting on the windowsill in your bedroom. The image was fuzzy, rather more like an unfinished work, just a sketch, but it already looked impressive. Pictures immediately appeared in my head, hanging on the first floor of the museum. You chuckled briefly. The next sketch that came into your hands was your portrait in profile. You were struck by the accuracy with which Vincent depicted all the outstanding features of your face: the shape of your nose and lips, the softness of your gaze and the moles on your skin. The last drawing you managed to get out of Sinclair's possessive grip was a sketch where you and a man were spinning in some kind of dance. You were dressed in a light light dress, playfully developing at your feet, he was wearing a classic suit and leather gloves, which he gently wrapped around your smaller fragile body. He must have fantasized when the right music was playing.
"It's beautiful, my love."
You hear a quiet, lingering whine under the mask because of a pet name. Cutie. You'd like to tease him a little longer.
"It's true."
You smile at him affirmatively. Vincent's eyes are barely visible under the mask. You look at the drawing again. Did he want to dance? You pay attention to the music playing for a moment. Something like a waltz should have come up. At least you're familiar with this dance because of a few years in music school, so it shouldn't be a problem.
You put the drawings on the table and cover Vincent's massive hand with your palm. He looks at you questioningly.
"Would you like to dance?"
You give a man a gentle smile, holding out your hand to him. He looks back uncertainly. You wait patiently, rolling from heels to toes in longing. Finally Vincent makes up his mind and puts his hand in your palm. He gets up from his chair and, putting his arm around your waist, leads you to the middle of the room. The man squeezes your hand, interlacing his fingers, puts his free palm on your side. You touch his broad shoulder with your fingers.
Only now do you see this difference in height, which is why you have to lift your head to see his eye through the mask. You hear this wonderful music, and the beating of your heart echoes the pleasant notes. Your breathing quickens, and you look at Sinclair with eyes shining with anticipation.
A particularly strong note sounds, and Vincent begins to lead you. The man gently squeezes your supple flesh, you modestly look away, trying to focus on the music. Vincent grins at your sudden shyness. Your feet move quickly and skillfully on the hard floor; the sole of your favorite sneakers rubs against the stone slabs with force; you hear the light click of Sinclair's heels when he once again, holding your palm with his, spins you around. You can't see his face, but you can feel his gaze watching the movement of your body with fascination. A man strokes the delicate skin of your palm, and you feel goosebumps running down your back. His every touch or glimpse makes your heart flutter wildly in your chest, and long-lost butterflies come to life in your stomach. It is at such moments that your inner rhythm gets lost and your feet begin to slide incoherently on the floor, causing Sinclair to chuckle. You try to regain your inner composure when his big hand presses you especially hard against his body behind the small of his back.
Finally, the waltz ends and is replaced by some light melody. Probably just a few minutes, but it felt like hours to you. Vincent wraps his arms around your back, hugging you to him, and you wrap your arms around his neck. You put your head on his chest and press your ear to his fast-beating heart. Now you can clearly smell his body. The gray turtleneck is soaked with a light aroma of smoke and oil candles that you gave Vincent for Christmas, his sweat-soaked skin smells of citrus soap, and his tousled hair has the smell of your shampoo. You close your eyes, enjoying the moment while a man rocks your couple in an impromptu dance.
He gently runs his palm along your spine, and you shudder, a satisfied laugh comes from under the mask. Small electrical impulses seem to run through the body, they burn, but they do not carry pain, but rather a strange warm feeling accumulating in your stomach and chest. His fingers, rough from constant work, touch your hot skin and gently massage, from which you relax in his arms. Sleep begins to exert its direct influence.
"Shall we go to the bedroom?"
You ask, and Vincent nods, touching the mask of your forehead with his lips in a simulated kiss. You giggle, and he picks you up in his arms, heading for the stairs.
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vintagelacerosette · 3 months
💖Tag o’clock🩷
I was tagged by the most precious bunch of starlights
Ice @spookygingerr Jade @jademickian Georgia @iansw0rld
Sarah @sleepyheadgallavich Willow @ian-galagher Evie @energievie
Face @burninface Nosho @creepkinginc Becki @francesrose3
Thanksss 😘💕
I was a lil late bc I was making my first gif!!
Favourite nickname someone gave you:
One by @svltburn I've never been someone's beloved before, but it's our petnames.
I legit felt heart in my eyes & danced around when I was first called that by him. 🩷
And then my dad giving me the nickname Ani-myn bc my name is pronounced as Main even tho spelt as Myn. So that nickname makes it sounds like anime haha
Favourite thing in your room/house: I've put up a small whiteboard on the back of my door which is use for gratitude/manifesting wishes. There's pics of family/friends & I've made something I'm manifesting for this year hehe✨️
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Pretty proud of these edits hahaha
Your favourite thing about a friend/partner/family member: My best friend is bold & adventurous & she brings it out of me too! We just egg each other on & I never feel any shame will her I can be my truest self & I love heeer 🥰
What is something you’re grateful for today?: Amazing workmates we spent the last 15 min just goofing off then my other coworker dropped me off the the train station & I was able to catch an earlier bus home 🥰
What’s your favourite thing about this fandom?: How friendly, creative & encouraging everyone is!!! Y'all are my first fandom & my first online family I have felt like
if one song could describe your day today, what would it be?:
Felt like a contemplative kind of day
finally let’s spread some love: pick one of your pocket pals and tell them something you admire about them:
Sorry couldn't pick one I love y'all <3
@lingy910y my sweet friend who is incredibly talented in both art & writing! I was extremely touched that you reached out to me to collab on gallacrafts & I love how our art came together. Definitely one of my fave ppl to collab creativity will & I am excited to see more art that you'll share!!
@look-i-love-u Vey you absolutely gem of a friend I adore our DM sharing literally warms my heart 🥰 You an amazing writer & how wonderful you are at being one of the mods of galladrabbles 👏
@deathclassic Molllyyy you are such a sensational artist & writer. You're an absolute badass & I admire you so much ✨️
@jademickian an fantastic poet & a delight to see on my notifications. You make me smile 🥰
@darthvaders-wife Such a lovely person & a talented artist that inspires me all the time 💖 I love commissioning you!! You bring my dream art alive & I high recommend if anyone wants beautiful art!!
@mikhailoisbaby my man Harveeeeyyy you sweetpea I love ya & seeing your art evolve has been an absolute pleasure 😍
I'll tag these dearhearts if the wanna play & anyone else is welcome to join!!
@lupeloto @look-i-love-u @mikhailoisbaby @7x10mickey @mmmichyyy @suzy-queued @callivich @howlinchickhowl @too-schoolforcool @blue-disco-lights @wehangout @darlingian @ms-moonlight-inn @andthatisnotfake @mickittotheman @depressedstressedlemonzest @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @heymacy @michellemisfit @deedala @whatwouldmickeydo @sam-loves-seb @mickeym4ndy @notherenewjersey @crossmydna
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llondonfog · 1 year
twst (horror) tober — day 1 (listen)
and we're back for round 2!! to keep my sanity this year, i'm going to do my best to keep prompts to ~500 words. if some go longer, then more delight for us all, but this is to keep my expectations manageable and who knows? perhaps i might come back to some of these prompts the way that i still am so very fond of 2022's twstober drabbles :) anyways, i do hope you enjoy the first day's piece! (fun fact: this is a snippet from a fic idea i have buried away....) and of course, these will eventually go up on ao3 when i have the time<3
➤ Day 1: Listen | "Listen to me!"
Sebek is haunted.
Not in the way that his family and friends and neighbors who pass him by on the street and cast him pitying, sorrowful glances think— but oh, how he wishes that he was.
He hears their whispers and murmured commiseration, the hushed voices that speak of a lonely boy lost to the clutches of the unforgiving woods. They shake their heads weighed with grief like the cattails by the river, unable to imagine the gruesome sight that one of their own had stumbled upon— ah, but it was the nature of the world they bargained to live in. A true shame, a tragic reminder, that the youngest Zigvolt was fated to learn such realities from the death of his dearest friend.
Sebek does not correct them.
It is better to let them believe that his drained expression was on account of having found Silver's body mauled in the woods by the animals they are familiar with, rather than the true ones that lurk deep within those ancient glades. It is better to let them cling to their ignorance, to think that the madness of paranoia scratching at his spine is only too understandable by having to discover one's best friend at the scene of his death and the ensuring nightmares that would follow— not that he doesn't have nightmares, that is to say, only that the contents contain horrific figures very much among the living.
Either way, his family knows no better when they find him tangled within his bedsheets, trembling and choking on Silver's name.
No, Sebek is haunted by a presence far too real than the ghost of memory, and his unnerved fingers twitch in the curtains of his bedroom window as his sleep-deprived gaze blinks out to the forest's edge where he can see them.
Three figures where there had once been only two, weaving in and out of the tree line like fish in the stream beneath the call of the moonlight. If he squints, he can make out the lethal curl of dark ivory spouting from the top of one of the figures, and the way that the smaller of the trio does not touch the ground as it tugs their newest member along in a macabre vision of a dance that Sebek cannot pull his gaze away from no matter how hard he tries. There is no mistaking the gleam of familiar silver hair in the beguiling welcome of the night— and even from a mile away, Sebek can all too clearly hear the words that smiling, laughing mouth is speaking, as if Silver himself stood directly behind him in the stillness of his bedroom.
(He wonders if he turns to look, if the boy will surely be there as Sebek remembers him last; blood-stained and smiling so sweetly even in death as Sebek had found him, reaching in the dirt as if to take the hand of one who had led him to his doom.)
"Malleus begs of you to join us, he misses you terribly," Silver's voice all but sings against his strained thoughts, tremors anew bursting down his spine like shrapnel. "Please, Sebek— don't you remember the promises we made? Father came back for me, just as he said he would."
That thing is NOT your father, Sebek wishes to shout and scream in spite of how it would wake his entire family to the horrors lurking outside, the entities cursed to wander the woods and tempt those desperate enough to find solace in their gleaming smiles. But Silver is right, as he often is; Sebek does remember— he remembers a childhood of playing in the woods with Silver, an orphan his family had come to foster and adore. He remembers two imaginary friends who could breathe fire and fly, who could coax butterflies to dance along the breeze and flowers to bloom into the prettiest of crowns. He remembers how much Silver would cling to the affections of a figure with burning crimson eyes, and how much he would the same for a being that smiled down at him with crinkled emeralds older than time itself.
As he had grown older, such strange fantasies had become just that: the result of lonely and imaginative children left to their own devices, spinning stories in the fertile soil of an enchanting landscape. Sebek did not question the time Silver continued to spend within the shadowed trees, for the other boy always did have a unique aptitude for the local wildlife, nor did he find himself with time to spare to wonder about the dreamy smile Silver would often return with, or the odd snatches of unfamiliar songs he'd hear the boy humming tunelessly to himself.
In hindsight, he'd have grabbed a torch and burnt the whole fucking forest down.
Sebek's fingers force themselves to move with a herculean effort that he did not know himself to possess, yanking the curtains shut and blocking out the terrifying sight as Silver's voice rises and fades like radio static, a nauseating sickness pitching forward in his stomach.
"We're supposed to be a family now, Sebek, aren't you listening? Can you not hear them call for you too? I won't let them leave here without you, I promise we'll stay and wait—"
They'd already waited forty-five days. Sebek rocks forward on his heels, squeezing his eyes shut and swallows a hoarse, empty sob.
How many more remained until he found himself walking out to join them?
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m-jelly · 1 year
hey jelly! this is only my second time requesting so sorry if i made any mistakes or if it’s not understandable you can ignore this!
it can be a long or short fic (whatever you prefer) but can we get a knight! levi with princess! reader who is always teasing him, calling him a ‘good boy’ and etc, which gets levi always flustered/irritated, but they end up falling in love, trope she fell first and he fell harder with levi eventually becoming king and him and the queen live happily ever after?
you can totally ignore this if you don’t like the idea!
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@ladycheesington <3
Dear, sweet knight
Levi x fem!reader
Royal au, flustered Levi, knight Levi, princess reader, fluff, romance, teasing, playful, flirting.
You fell for Levi when you first met him a few months ago. You wanted him to love you with just as much passion. While you tease Levi and try to get his attention, he falls very hard for you and decides to act on his love for you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Levi's cheeks burned pink as the other knights chuckled at your flirting and teasing. He stormed over to you as you smirked at him. "Listen here, you brat."
You leaned your cheek on your hand and tilted your head. "Your Highness."
He growled a little and spat the words out. "Your Highness."
You giggled. "Yes?"
"If you don't stop with this teasing I will tie you up and gag you."
You gasped in delight. "That a promise?"
Levi went bright red as he thought about you tied up. "You..."
You shifted in your seat and reached out to Levi. You played with the hilt of his sword. "Such a big thick sword you have." You looked up at him. "You're incredible at using it."
Levi gripped the back of your chair and your chin. He leaned closer to your face. The smell of leather and lavender filled your senses. "I have a talent for it. I'm happy to show you first hand."
You squeaked a bit as rude images filled your mind. It was a shock to hear Levi speak this way, you loved it. You tried to turn your head away, but he had a firm grip. So, you lowered your gaze. "Levi."
Seeing you all shy and submissive was fun to Levi. He smirked. "This is a good look on you, being all shy and flustered."
You pouted a moment. "It looks better on you."
He pulled back and hummed a laugh. "Still being able to bite back, huh?"
You looked up at him. "Yes."
He folded his arms. "Why do you tease me so much?"
You played with your dress. "Because I like you."
He felt his heart skip a beat. "Mm...I...you..."
You stood up and pulled a ribbon off your dress and tied it to Levi's sword. "Now, go fight the other knights like a good boy."
Levi blushed. "Good..." He groaned. "Every time you say that..."
You giggled before kissing his cheek. "Win for me."
"Yes, your Highness."
"Good boy."
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You sat nicely for your maid as she combed your hair for you. It was late at night and she was getting you ready for bed. You turned your head when you heard Levi's deep voice. "Levi."
The maid pulled back and giggled. "Be careful on the balcony, your Highness."
You lifted up your long form-fitting night dress and ran onto your balcony. The night was slightly cold due to winter on its way. You leaned on the bannister and looked down at Levi talking to a knight in training. You removed your shawl and dropped it down.
The shawl slowly fluttered and danced in the wind. A smile spread on your lips when Levi raised his head at caught your shawl. Your heart fluttered in your chest when he brought it to his face and inhaled your scent.
He released a long sigh. "Continue patrols without me."
The knight in training bowed. "Yes, Captain."
Levi tied your shawl around his arm before turning to look up at you. "Are you demanding my attention again?"
You hummed a laugh. "Maybe."
He smiled as he took in your beauty in the moonlight. "Very well, your Highness. You have my attention." He walked towards the wall. "I will be with you soon."
You leaned your cheek on your hand and hummed a little song as Levi climbed up. "I'm impressed, Levi." You gasped as Levi's face appeared right in front of yours. Your heart fluttered. "Le-Levi."
He hummed. "I was right."
You pulled back a bit. "Right?"
He climbed over and stood in front of you. "Yes. You are enchanting and beautiful."
You turned and tried to get away. "I should rest."
Levi wrapped an arm around your waist. He spoke against your ear. "Where are you going? You wanted my attention."
You gripped his arm and hummed. "Levi."
"I have to ask. are your flirtatious ways with me..." He turned you in his arms. "Do you mean it, or am I just a fun toy?"
You gazed deep into his eyes to see he was pleading with you. There was a mixture of hope, pain and love. You gripped his armour. "Levi. I fell in love with you at first sight. All this teasing has been my terrible attempt to flirt. I am sorry if it made you uncomfortable. I will stop."
"I don't want you to stop." He crashed his lip against yours and kissed you with all the love in his heart. "Please continue. I adore you with everything in my heart. I've fallen so deeply in love with you. You are my life, my everything."
You gripped his armour and pulled him with you into your bedroom. "Stay with me."
He lifted you up. "I would love nothing more."
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You smiled with pride as the last of the laws that you worked so hard on with Levi was passed. You bowed your head. "Thank you all. Meeting adjourned. I hope you enjoy our upcoming autumn festival." You slipped out of your chair and walked through the hall and outside. "Where's my husband?"
Your knight chuckled. "He is shopping for you. He said something about finding the right gift."
You released a long sigh. "Knowing him he'll get a carriage full of gifts." You giggled at the thought of Levi getting all excited about things for you. He was such a tough and hard man, but he was so soft when it came to you. "I want to see him..."
"I'll take you by carriage to him."
"Thank you." You took his hand and climbed inside. You gripped your dress as you travelled into the city. You longed for your husband. You smiled when you saw him in his royal clothes inside a jewellery shop. "Levi." You hurried out of the carriage and squealed in delight. "Leviiii!"
Levi turned in his royal robes and looked like the perfect King. He smiled brightly at seeing you. He called your name and hurried over to you. "My love!"
You jumped into his arms and held him tightly. "I missed you."
He showered your face in kisses. "I missed you too. I love you so much. I love you more than anything." He sighed. "You are so beautiful."
You giggled. "You've said that already today."
"I need to say it more." He covered your face in kisses. "How was the meeting?"
"Everything was passed, my wonderful and smart man. Thank you for helping me."
He squeezed you tightly. "It was all you. It's always a pleasure to work with you." He gasped and gripped your waist. "Does this mean you're done for the day? Are you all mine?"
You giggled. "Yes. I am all yours."
Levi lifted you up and ran with you to the carriage. "Yes!" He bundled you and himself into the carriage. He held you close and covered your face in kisses. "I love you."
You hummed a laugh. "I love you too."
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amygdalamud · 8 days
The Brightest Star in The Universe
(Approximately 730 words total.)
The sun has set on the Cieldalaes, and soft blue rays spill between the myriad peaks of the archipelago. Nestled away on an island all their own, Lerih and M'naago conclude their nightly tradition in high spirits — they greet the sun and the moon, respectively, to show reverence and bask in the natural beauty. Lerih watches dappled navy flood through the azure sky, ushering the final wisps of orange-tinted dusk into the night.
Her eyes glide across her eyelids, and she peers over her shoulder to look at M'naago reading on their exterior sectional. A playful smirk dances across her lips, and she drifts over to sit near M'naago, softly speaking as she goes:
"Naago, my love. Could you please lean forward for me?"
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"How do you mean lean forward?" M'naago replies setting her book down, bending at the waist with a tilt of her head, "Like so?"
"Mmm, not quite… Here, let me." Lerih hums, her eyes glinting in the moonlight.
She slides across the cushions and rolls onto her back in front of M'naago, letting her head fall into her lap with a beguiling smile. M'naago flinches, blushing, but welcomes her presence and touch: Lerih's hands brush gracefully against the top of her head, gently guiding it down so it rests comfortably against her calloused palms. Free of their usual rings, Lerih's fingers gently cradle and massage M'naago's ears, drawing wispy sighs from her lips.
"There we go," she whispers into the wind, staring directly into M'Naago's eyes.
"So this is what you meant, then?" M'naago gazes lovingly back down, her tail curling into her side.
"Yes, this is what I meant."
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M'naago leans in to kiss Lerih but immediately stops when she feels tension in her wrists. Her eyes flicker between Lerih's searching eyes and the curve of her slightly parted lips, "Truth be told, I don't mind staying like this a while…"
Lerih's face brightens, her head tilting to mirror Naago's.
"Then get comfortable because I want to stargaze, and your lap is the perfect pillow for the occasion," Lerih coos, blowing M'naago a quiet kiss.
"How do you expect to see the stars like this? If you let me lay back, you can curl up—"
"No, there'll be none of that." Lerih quickly interjects, "The only star I care to see just so happens to be the brightest around. I can see it anywhere, day or night, near or far. It doesn't make much difference if you're in front of me or not."
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"Is that so?" M'naago drawls, "What's this star called? Is it one you've been to before?"
Lerih's lips curl upward, amused, as she stifles a small outburst of giggles. Confused, M'naago searches her face for any sort of tell that she could use as a clue. After a few melodious seconds, Lerih inhales deeply.
"Hah, I've been to every corner. There's nothing else in the universe quite like my favourite star, you know? I've traversed it from head to toe, memorized every curve and divot, and can predict the tremor of its storms with just the palm of my hand," Lerih answers calmly. Her eyes peer deep into M'naago's, delighting in the escalating quiver of her slit pupils, "It's quite precious to me; nobody knows it like I do."
"A-Are we still talking about stars?"
"Of course we are!" Lerih beams, "I call the star Naago; she's my sun, and she's the brightest star I've ever laid eyes on~"
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M'naago is stupefied, falling helplessly into Lerih's orbit. She can't bring herself to keep her eyes steady, looking everywhere but down. She tethers herself to her love's warmth, and her blush melts into a warm, affectionate smile. With a quivering breath, she finally brings her eyes up to meet Lerih's.
"…Which makes you my Moon," M'naago mutters, "The only thing in the universe capable of outshining…saying 'me' sounds wrong, right?"
"Smooth~" Lerih giggles.
"Oh, bite me!" M'naago snaps, red right to the tip of her ears.
Respectively enraptured and eclipsed by the other, Lerih and M'naago fall into a comfortable silence. The Cieldalaes at their back fall away while the metronomic rhythm of Rhotano waves crashing against the sanctuary shore ferries them deeper into the seas within their eyes. However, Lerih breaks the silence with a mischievous grin. The tassels on her beach cover-up swish with the momentum, her lips stopping an ilm from M'naago's lips.
"Where?" she whispers
M'naago's blush deepens. Tremendously.
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idv-news-boi · 10 months
Interviewing Fallen Stars~ [Act 1]
Ft. @idv-ask-the-showman (this has been proofread.)
Note// This is content in means to feature residents that are active in Olectus Manor :)
{At Laurence's Studios}
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Laurence// Good morning, fellas!!! *cheers and music can be heard in the bg* Today is a new beginning once again! I'm Laurence Godfrey, your local reporter of Oletus Times!
Laurence// Welcome to "Interviewing Fallen Stars!" Show~ ✨️🎉
Laurence// The honored guest for this month is going to be....
Phineas// HEYYYYYYY!!! >:DD 🎉✨️<- {Phineas Smith, the Bitterfly Showman} *kicks the box that has been hiding him out of the way */ih
Laurence// Alright, my friend! Feel yourself at home. :)
Phineas// Oh yes, I really feel like I'm still sitting on my couch- *leans back on the guest armchair dramatically* But of course... THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE LIKE HOME~~ (n3n)✨️
Laurence// Well said, my man! And well, how are you doing?
Phineas// I'm doing wonderful...! Fantastic! supercalifragilisticexpialidocious~!!!
Laurence// I love your spirit! Well, here are some questions some people may like to know about you... Would it be alright if I address each of them? ^^✨️
Phineas// OH-✨️ That’s perfectly great! Hit me up, I'll do all my best to answer them all. >:)
Laurence// Excellent, and no worries! We have all day. B))✨️
What's the inspiration that created his circus? Like even the origin of its name?
“oh! MANY generations ago, my ancestors were poor and hardly had a penny to their name. But there were a pair of twins, a girl and a boy, who were skilled with some card tricks and dances. They put their skills into use after seeing how their parents struggle to meet their needs. They would always go at night to the public gardens and perform there underneath the moonlight for a living, surprisingly catching ppl’s attention...."
"They would talk about the beautiful girl who dance among the butterflies of the garden and the boy with the beautiful blue gem like eyes and charming smile, shocking everyone with his card tricks. By how much attention they had gotten, they earned a lot of money and managed to save their family from dying from hunger..."
"They didn’t stop after that though, and instead continued it and invited the rest of their family to join in, they decided they would open a circus (aka the Butterfly of the Blue Moon) and travel the world to not only for their needs, but also spread the joy and happiness they also feel~”
What regions did the circus used to travel in Europe?
“The circus normally stays in one place for a whole year before moving to another. It was at first limited around Europe and mostly Germany yet we managed to expand the horizons at the end! Later on, we started to go to other nations as well as we could while recruiting more people along the way. That is how our circus has many people from multiple backgrounds!”
What should the audience know you as? Either by name or occupation
“I do not mind what my beloved audience calls me, as long as it is not disrespectful!! Normally, I would like to have a closer bond with them, and if they just call me by my name!”
What does the circus offer for one's entertainment and delight?
“The Circus offers all kinds of entertainment that has never seen before! We proud ourselves by our unlimited imagination and how far we are willing to go just to draw a happy smile on everyone faces~ There is a reason why it was ranked #1 after all, so it's worth to come and see it yourself~! hehehe.”
When do performances usually start?
“hmm~ it depends, but normally we start the main shows around nighttime when the moon is high in the sky! But there would still be mini shows that start around daytime.”
Are there any times or days where you can contact Phineas for questions?
“You can hang out with me around the afternoon, where I normally be in the greenhouse and enjoy my afternoon tea time break!”
What's with the theme about butterflies from his performances?
“The butterflies were always around when the twins were performing, giving how the garden was full of them, so it became a tradition in the circus to always have butterflies fly as the crest. They fly around freely, and we make sure they are treated well. There are times you can find the butterflies roaming around, or even having the performers wear butterfly themed outfits!”
What do you like and dislike?
“I dislike heats and close tied places… it brings bad memories… I especially also dislike it when someone talk about my own death without me allowing them to. As for what I like~… hmm~ MAN, there is a lot! But you can say one of them is enjoying some theatre shows and hanging out with my friends!”
Favorite holiday? Favorite food?
"I like Christmas! The nice cold wind and the beautiful atmosphere you get when hanging out with your family, ahh~ such a priceless feeling!” “As for the food, it would be none-sugar apple pie! My nanny used to make it a lot of times for me!”
What are your thoughts when receiving gifts from fans or admirers?
“oh~ the sheer joy and happiness I get when I receive a gift from my beloved fans is just over the moon!! I would even start feeling bad since I wouldn’t have something to return the favour, so I tend to either invite them for a small mini tea party or I go out of my way to get them something, hahah!”
Laurence// Well, these are all the questions for you so far! Everyone, if there are any more things you want to ask to Phineas. Let him know!
Phineas// YESSS! I’m always at the certain butterfly trailer door if anyone needs me- you might find it easily, it's not so far from Laurence's door after all~!
Laurence// Thank you so much for coming over, Phineas! Want a cup of lemon tea? :DD
Phineas// Don't mention it! And you don't bother to offer... I'm already drinking from the jug~ ^^ *sipping from a huge cup of tea *
Laurence// *notices that his jug of tea in his hand is now empty* Huh...??? Oh, Oh well,,,,;;; 🤣😅
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slowandezmacncheesy · 3 months
Hear me tonight
'Cause my feeling
Is just so right
As we dance
By the moonlight
Can't you see
You're my delight
I just feel like
I won't get you
Out of my mind
I feel love
For the first time
And I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 year
Dances In The Moonlight (Falk Maria Schlegel x GN! Reader) - Part XI
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WARNINGS: Implied nudity, no direct mention of anatomy, mentions and slight descriptions of burns, slightly spicy, fluff
Part X - Part XII
The party continued until the sun rose the next morning. You laid against Falk's chest as he propped himself up against a nearby tree. Your skin wet with dew, a slight chill in the early morning air, you smiled at the moment of pure tranquility. "You want to start heading home? Maybe we can stop for breakfast on the way?" He offers with a kiss to your temple.
"Should we go find everyone else?" You ask as you reluctantly sit up.
He shook his head, "they'll be alright, this isn't their first solstice." He chuckles. He groans as he sits up, "I'm getting way too old to be sleeping on the ground." You giggle at his complaint.
"My old man." You tease him with a high level of fondness lacing its way into your words. He chuckles, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you head back up the path to his car. The cab was warm with the golden light of the early morning sun. Your head laid on Falk's shoulder as he drove. You stopped and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading back to the Abbey. You collapsed on the bed the second you entered the room, a tired yet delighted sigh leaving your lips. Falk leaned over you, placing a chaste kiss to your lips before disappearing to shower. You laid there for a moment, physically exhausted but your mind was racing too much for you to get any sleep. You sat up, eyeing the bathroom door. You knocked softly, standing outside and waiting for any response. "Falk?"
"Yes, my love?" You bit your lip, trying to decide if you should ask for what you really wanted.
"Do you… do you think I could join you?" There was a brief pause.
"I don't see why not." You carefully stepped into the bathroom, hesitant despite the fact that he had granted you permission to enter. You were hit with a wall of steam, you could hear him quietly humming to himself behind the closed curtain. You discarded your clothes, carefully stepping into the shower. You were met with a soft kiss to your forehead, a smile instantly coming to your lips at the familiarity of the feeling of his hands landing on your waist. You let out a blissful sigh as the warm water hit your aching body, Falk cupped your cheek with a chuckle. "The water's not too hot?" You shook your head before ripping it back under the stream of the shower head. He took your arm, gently guiding you forward slightly as he got to work washing your hair. Your head lulled into his touch, your hands resting comfortably on his chest. "I don't think I've ever seen you look so relaxed." You giggle in response, finding yourself tracing your fingers over his collarbones, over the burns his cross left on his skin. "I know that's not very pretty to look at."
You leaned forward to place a gentle kiss against the dark purple mark, "some scars and burns aren't going to change how handsome I think you are." You state softly, the two of you exchanging a smile. "Can I ask how you got them?" His eyes drifted down to the cross that hung around your neck.
"When I first started transforming I hated what I was. I felt… unclean. I had this burden thrusted upon me with no real explanation as to why, I just felt cursed. I started wearing silver as a form of atonement for what I originally felt was a sin I was committing, an affront to God." He chuckles, picking up the metal between his fingers to study it for a moment. "But, as time went on, I developed methods to control my actions for the most part… of course that supermoon changed things slightly." He noticeably grimaced at the thought of your attack that night. You slide your arms over his shoulders, body pressing into his, forcing his eyes to meet yours.
"You couldn't have known I wasn't in my room, I don't want you to keep blaming yourself for that." He nods, his soft smile returning. He leans down, his lips easily finding yours. He wraps his arms around your waist, guiding you backwards until your back was pressed against the frigid tile wall as he deepened the kiss. Delicate fingers ghosted up your sides causing you to shiver. He went to pull away, your teeth catching his bottom lip to pull him back to you. He releases a lustful groan as he pushes into you, taking your wrists in his hands and pinning them to the wall above your head. Hot kisses trailed their way down your throat, a small whine escaping you as Falk bit down rather roughly on your neck. He holds your wrists in place with one hand, using the other to cup your chin.
"You have no idea how badly I want you." He states in a low growl, thumb running across your swollen lips. You couldn't help but smirk slightly, his half hard member pressed against your stomach. "Unfortunately you're still going to have to wait, Schatz." He chuckles as you pout up at him. "I think our first time deserves a bed… and several hours where we won't be interrupted." You couldn't stop the shiver of anticipation that ran up your spine. He drops your wrists, giving you one last lingering kiss before stepping out of the shower. You joined him in the bedroom not long after to find him already shrugging into his clerical clothes to give mass. You lean against the doorframe, watching him with a small smile of adoration. "No rest for the wicked." He groans as he catches your gaze in the mirror, the two of you share a laugh.
"Even after such a long night you have to lead mass, huh?" You approach him at the mirror, wrapping your arms around his waist and letting your forehead rest against his back. "Is there anything you would like me to do to help? I'm sure you must be tired." He turns in your grasp, stooping down to give you a chaste kiss.
"Just your company is enough, Schatz, don't worry." He smiles, giving you a few more short kisses before retrieving his ceremonial paints. You watch as he carefully applies them, years of practice causing his muscle memory to be absolutely flawless. In no time at all the reflection of Father Falk stood before you in the mirror. You were amazed, he made such an intricate paint job look effortless. "Would you like some?" He asks playfully. You look at the paints and then back up to him before giving him a slow nod. He takes your hand, leading you into the bathroom only for him to grab you by your waist and set you gently on the counter. You giggled, legs dangling well above the floor. He gave you gentle instructions; where to look, gently moving your head in the direction it needed to be so he could see better. "Perfect." He finishes with a smile and a soft kiss to your lips. He helps you down off the counter, you giggled at the sight of yourself in the mirror next to him.
"I should lead mass, they'll never know the difference." You joke earning a laugh from Falk. 
"Come on, we're going to be late." His fingers lace with yours as the two of you head out, a long day still ahead of you.
Tag List: @ramblingoak @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @rabidghoul @jumpcauseimfroggy @moss-the-moth @angellayercake @angel-layer-cake @belnovacaine @littlegirlsdontplaynice @kissingghouls @mustluvecho @vampghoulette (I think that's everyone if I missed you please shoot me a message!)
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