goldiipond · 4 months
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yknow im not really religious but i will admit i do kinda hope some of you guys go to hell when you die
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sandeewithtwoe · 3 months
What are all your Delta headcanons?
I’m glad you asked that!
The good thing about characters with unfinished stories is that you can make a lot of headcanons about them :)
First, he always gives a first bad impression on people. His aggressiveness, chaotic energy and the way he talks about “killing bad guys” throws people off. He’s also very cocky so he sometimes just say out of pocket things without thinking. That results in him not having a lot of friends. The only ones he’s really close with are Color and Epic, so he’s pretty protective over them, even tho they’re probably wayyyy stronger and older than him (don’t tell him I said that). Thing is, once you get over first impressions, he actually gets somewhat friendly. He’ll always lend a hand if you need help, tell jokes, give you friendly punches, etc. He still says weird things but he can be very helpful and sweet.
Another thing, I really like the headcanon that he has internalized toxic masculinity, but only towards himself. “Heroes don’t cry”, “dresses make you look stupid”, “don’t show any weakness”, “man up”, stuff like that in his head. He’ll never put those expectations onto others tho, cause he kinda puts more pressure on himself than everyone else. Everyone should express themselves however they like, that’s what makes them so brave. EXCEPT HIMSELF >:D (/j). He’s so cocky but he also has a fragile ego. If you dare him to do something he will do it bacause he doesn’t want to be seen as weak. Speaking of looking weak, he doesn’t cry because of that. Last time he cried was when he failed to bring everyone in the underground back to life. Crying means he failed, that everything is lost and there’s no hope left (he should speak to a therapist about that)
Also also, about his human soul (Beta), they don’t really talk much, but they both still care for eachother. Beta watches his back and gives him courage to keep fighting and try new things. Because of this, Delta basically has a second pair of eyes, which gives him good reflexes. And like I said in a previous ask, Beta would sometimes move Delta’s arms and punch people, but only when Delta is off guard or when he’s frozen like a dumbass.
I have more but I’m too tired, so here’s a list of them instead:
- Likes working out with Blue (gloves gets stronger if he builds muscle)
- Has a lot of respect for Dream, even though he disagrees with his methods
- Is 26 years old, uses he/they, aromatic (romance repulsed)
- “do it first, ask questions later” when it comes to his friends
- Eventually gets friendly with Cross after realizing that he’s not going to hurt Epic
- Would throw the middle finger to Nightmare and challenge him to a fist fight (hates Nightmare with all his might)
- Has NOT met killer yet, but thinks Color and Killer are dating (they’re not)
- They’re fashion sense is so boring and simple. Wears white/grey shirts and black pants only (less colours = manly to them I guess)
- Stays up at night to talk to Epic and not leave him alone (also fails to stay up and falls asleep in the middle of their conversation)
I’ve got more but I’ll stop here lol this is a lot
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gaypirateslife4me · 4 months
Gonna send this as a regular message. Little too big just for the comments. 😅 Let me ask a question that I do hope will ease that 5% of your mind.
Who is more likely to blame in such a situation? Is it the big Hollywood studio run by filthy rich white guys of the type known for making life hell for anyone who goes against them, especially women, queer people, and POC? Or is it the brown guy worth barely anything* in comparison whose sets are fun and happy, who many people are eager to work with repeatedly (which is one of the best metrics in the industry to see if someone's really a good egg), and who is most well known for getting more POC and now queer rep into the industry?
I really wanna put that same question to all those sites using Taika's name for yet more clickbait drama, but I doubt they'd care. It's more fun to blame the brown guy they've all decided to hate than the powerful studio executives...who just might own their website, now I think of it...👀 Well, there's a good reason articles from outside the US entertainment industry, like the New Zealand article I linked, aren't doing that. I'm amazed I only just now remembered that the studios own most of the magazines and websites who print that stuff. Suddenly many things make a lot more sense...
There's six named executive producers and six different production companies for this thing, not counting AppleTV. No idea how many directors, but Taika only did a couple episodes. Multiple writers too, including Jemaine who is also a co-creator. So why is it only being called "Taika Waititi's Time Bandits" or his set in most of these articles? Talk about sus...
Sorry, I got off track there. 😆 Anyway. What I'm trying to say is a bit of skepticism is always healthy. That should go without saying and go both directions too, not to deny the actor their experiences. But if something looks, walks, and quacks like an ignore-and-shush-the-queer-POC duck, then it's more likely to be the big Hollywood studio with $8.7billion to throw around and a history of doing just that than any of the smaller companies involved. It's far more likely than the one POC indie producer/writer/director attached to the project, who has a great reputation in the industry that stretches back years and who also just so happened to be neck deep in filming a whole other project at the time.
*I had no idea Taika's net worth was only $13million until just now. That man is downright poor in Hollywood terms! He's worth the same as Jensen Ackles! Chris Hemsworth is worth ten times that! I can now laugh heartily at anyone who claims the $30million-to-her-name (which is just about middle class in Hollywood) Rita married him just for his money!
Sorry to ramble like that in your inbox! 😅
Please NEVER apologize for making me laugh so hard over the image of Rita's portion of their prenupt being written on a cocktail napkin in crayon and saying "don't be a dumbass, I economically own three of you".
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treluna4 · 1 year
I’m still not over it
I don’t normally make personal posts but I wanted to share with you guys a little about why this Red White and Royal Blue movie means so much to me.
When I was a kid, one of my favorite books was Ella Enchanted. It remains to this day one of the few truly original adaptations of Cinderella that I’ve ever seen.
When Ella was born, she was given the “gift “of obedience. She had to obey any order she was given. She had no choice. Despite this (or because of it) she was a badass bitch who took no shit from anyone.
It is a beautiful tale of overcoming every single insane obstacle that is thrown your way, and relying on yourself to make it through all kinds of bullshit. It was a huge inspiration for me as a kid. I didn’t have a lot of strong female role models in my life and Ella “the ogre tamer” was a great source of comfort for me.
True to form, this is a story about falling in love with a prince, yes, but that’s just a subplot. The full story is about a truly unstoppable girl who saved the day time and again, even when no one else knew about it. It’s such a beautiful story. I highly recommend reading it. (It’s a kid’s book, you could read it in an hour, but it’s so worth it).
In the early 2000s I heard that they were going to make a movie based on Ella Enchanted and at first I was so excited. But the more I heard about it, the more scared I became. When I finally saw it, I was heartbroken.
The movie completely gutted the book. It destroyed the entire plot. instead of the story centering around Ella‘s internal conflict and how she survived through insane circumstances, they:
1. Killed off the Prince’s parents and invented a brand new character In the form of a conniving uncle and a talking snake (yes really) who wanted to take over the fucking kingdom because of course he did
2. Created a fucking prince fan club for some dumbass reason
3. Turned the “friends to lovers” subplot into an “enemies to lovers” plot. Because drama.
4. Do not get me started on what they did to the magical creatures.
They took this book that meant so much to me and these characters who were so inspiring and they obliterated the entire fucking thing. What was left was all the worst caricatures of fairy tales. It was insulting. And it still upsets me.
Ever since then, whenever I hear they’re going to adapt a book into a movie, I'm instantly on edge, braced for the worst. But every little detail that I have learned about RWRB has exceeded my expectations. And then the trailer came out.
I can tell, from just those two minutes alone (and the countless interviews, etc I have read by this point) that they are staying true to the book. They are honoring the source material. Some details have been changed, some subplots and characters have been omitted, yes, but the very heart of the story has remained.
They’re not killing off any parents and throwing some random ass uncle in there with magical powers and a talking snake to take over a kingdom.
They’re not taking a normal ass story and throwing in a fucking screaming fan club for no fucking reason.
Every single interview that I have read and every detail that I have learned about this movie only further proves the level of care and dedication they all have to the actual source material.
This is unprecedented to me.
I’ve never been so excited for a movie adaptation because I’ve never in my life heard of an adaptation of a book that remained this faithful to the source material (The sole exception now being heartstopper).
Love it or hate it, Red White and Royal Blue Will be a faithful adaptation of the book it is based on. And that is not something I will ever, ever take for granted.
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thattimdrakeguy · 1 year
Every time i see someone try to defend James Gunn, they just repeat what he said while acting like it's genius. And it reminds me of apes eating their own shit.
like thanks, luv, really fucking putting in the man power to add to the conversation
couldn't give less of a shit people might like it, 'cause have you seen the dc fandom? they'll eat anything as long as it vaguely looks like something they may or may not like, or at least something in the peripheral of what they like
and it isn't a crime to like stuff, but it also isn't a crime to not like stuff either, honey bunch
but fucking hell. over a thousand likes on tweets that are saying absolutely nothing of merit. and i am so confused
No shit he's only going to be saying shit people want to hear.
And I'm some Snyder Cult bastard, I don't think I liked any Snyder DC movie all the way. Most of them were severely lacking.
but so many of james gunn's decisions are still wack as fuck
like how many of zack snyder's decisions are wack as fuck
James Gunn's skipping how many robins? and i know, he says he'll have all of them, but fucking hell that's so ridiculous if this universe is supposed to last awhile. all those stories that you can take inspiration from, critically adored stories that have immense cinematic potential
that is one of the stupidest things i've ever heard in my life. the fact i haven't seen more people say that sounds ridiculous is baffling me. because while i can sometimes get why people wouldn't sometimes with many other things i say, i cannot with this. it's like he's TRYING to make a shitty batman movie. or at least an insanely disappointing one that let go of the gold he had literally right in front of him
i'm not asking for a word by word, panel by panel recreation of a story. JUST USE THE OBVIOUSLY PREVIOUSLY EXISTING FANTASTIC WORK INSTEAD OF COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTANDING WHY AN okay at best STORY WORKED
and he's going to have all these random movies, but not include characters that would be important to the greater DC world?
and he got the guy that directed a flash parody and pretended it was a serious movie to do this batman movie? when he made batman look like the Dude from Big Lewbowski and talk in a way that didn't even resemble Batman? and made all of his problems seem like a joke?
also while they're making sequels the critically acclaimed Batman movie, that people are more likely to look more forward to, because even though i didn't care for the movie, it at least looks like some cinematic effort was put into it enough to be an enjoyable watch that doesn't make you question your life choices because of how stupid it is. it's a lacking movie to me, but at least i feel like the people involved tried in a way that didn't feel like a child writing a fan fiction
'cept maybe a teenager, with kurt cobain inspired batman
i don't have to take a side to decide shit is wack as fuck
many thinks, are incredibly wack
i am a human being with a brain, i can look at things and figure out that shit looks like it's going to be total garbage, and will at best only be a good movie if you know jack shit or have no standards
just watch and talk about shit like human beings. i don't care if you like it or not, because you know what saying falsified bullshit about a guy you don't know or like, looks like? like you're a fucking maniac
like it
don't like it
but why is it so hard to people act like people? i keep avoiding anything DC related on my recommended trends on twitter, then i have a moment where i hope for the best, and every time, it's just garbage everywhere
it's not difficult to consume things in a world layered with shades of gray.
this black and white bullshit is fucking infuriating and makes it real hard to enjoy anything, when you have an echo chamber of dumbasses clamping down on it on the internet
i'm not even asking people to act like well-mannered gentlemen. that would be boring, and i feel people should be free to express their emotions as long as they aren't hurting anyone
i'm just asking them to think a little harder before they say the dumbest shit imaginable
james gunn is the guy who made one of the main points of guardians 3, that heroes don't kill people. while every appearance of the characters is them killing people, because they deserve to be killed.
like i'm not making a plea about the importance of the death penalty
but giving an obviously highly dangerous person, who has the potential to dismantle the fucking universe at least a smackrel of a chance to get out, is fucking stupid
it's stupid
superman letting lex luthor live, because he's just a man, and hasn't done anything to that extreme, may make that make sense
having batman not kill because he's worried he won't stop killing himself gives us an interest character perspective
giving the villain who still has a chance to be better, a chance to get better, allows that moral to be a thing
but letting the heroic murderers let the guy that killed conceivably BILLIONS AND BILLIONS, UPON BILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIE BECAUSE HE WAS JUST A TICKLE UNPLEASED
i'm not trusting that mother fucker to make a whole universe work. when his movies before have only worked, exclusively because they were allowed to be their own things in the corner of a universe, where they hardly have any meaning to the rest of the world, besides a relation to the big stories big bad
he is a good film maker. i like most of his movies
but fucking hell. it's not insanity to insist the guy who has shown he makes bad decisions so far, may be making bad decisions. even if in the end the decisions may not be AWFUL
it doesn't mean he's doing a good job in the slightest
i'll give the fact he isn't bringing back the whole justice league a break, because we just had a justice league and maybe time will be good
but his other decisions make him look like a moron to me
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sarcastic-salem · 1 year
Hey, guys.
Its Milo and I feel like haven’t been on here in years when really its only been like a month. I don’t know what I’m doing here to be honest. I don’t know if I’ll stay.
I’m unfollowing all of the Heathen and Pagan blogs. I still worship Loki, but I’m not entirely sure I want to be affiliated with that community anymore. Like the Pagan community, in general. Not just because I’m tired of competing with people, but the whole community — including the people who criticize it — are so fucking toxic.
Like I did some digging and it turns out a lot of the mindfulness and enlightenment stuff that people love to shit on are philosophies that were appropriated from East-Asian religions like Buddhism and Taoism. People all over the world still believe in those religions and their teachings. So when you shit on their beliefs because ignorant white people who don’t wanna commit to religion have been spouting bullshit
You’re kinda being a racist piece of shit🙃
And I’m not…….I’m done with it. I’m done with all the negativity and the arguing and pseudo-intellectual bullshit. And like…..I saw this post on FB about how the Norse supposedly believed there is a magical goat in Valhalla that constantly produces beer, and the entire comment section was all white dudebros talking about how awesome that is.
That’s embarrassing, ok?
And what’s even worse is joining a group or talking to other Heathens online and realizing that they’re all white people. That makes me really uncomfortable, especially since I just spent like 4 years of my fucking life getting hate mail and death threats and having my reputation destroyed because I wanted to create a safe space in the Heathen community. And like I don’t even care if you think I’m playing the victim card, alright — I know I fucked up, believe me.
Because certain assholes on this site will never let me forget it.
But like if that doesn’t make you uncomfortable — that the Heathen community is still mostly white even after years of pushing for change — then you might wanna do some introspection.
I don’t know.
I realize I mostly tried to spread awareness about trans and disability issues, and queer history so maybe I have no right saying any of this. But…..I don’t — its not my place to speak for BIPOC communities and their issues either. Like I’m trying to reign in the savior complex — not make it worse, ok?
And just like, jfc, Tumblr users learn to turn off the replies and accept the fucking fact that people are gonna disagree with you and that just because someone likes your post on social media that doesn’t make you the smartest person in the room.
And that’s not a bad thing because no one is the smartest person.
I’m a complete dumbass, I know, but yall seriously cannot just throw a fucking temper tantrum and tell people to fuck off because they comment or reply on your posts. That’s not how real life works and that’s not how social media is intended to work, and yeah, Tumblr is social media.
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And don’t just say its because you’re triggered or ND or whatever cause you make the whole fucking ND community look bad when you say that shit. You make it seem like we just wanna use our neurodivergencies as a get-out-of-jail-free card instead of taking responsibility for our actions.
Not only that but ignoring the fact that you’re unable to handle criticism can be hugely detrimental to your social skills.
Ask me how I know🙃
And like sometimes its not even criticism — its just finding out that people don’t love the same things you do that send people flying off the handle. Like what the fuck — are you five?
Is someone suddenly evil because they hate your favorite movie?
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
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What’s going on?
Summary: More scenes of Kristie, Delilah, and Darline. Takes place in Summer Storm.
Pairings: Kristie & Delilah & Darline friendship, Kristie & Alex
Tagging: @that90sshowgoldencouple and @disneymbti
Outfits: Kristie’s: https://pin.it/1uyKKej, Delilah’s: https://pin.it/1Z4WAB0, Darline’s: https://pin.it/5DrcTFT
Scene 5; Kristie’s bedroom
“Kristie, what’s…” Delilah trailed off when taking in Kristie’s appearance. Her hair was messy and her eyes were red. Kristie yawned, “Oh hey Liles. What’s up?”
Delilah’s jaw dropped in shock. Ever since she and Laurie threw eggs at Bernie’s house, Kristie had been acting different. Right then, Darline entered through the window into Kristie’s room. “Hey girl, how are—WHAT THE HELL!”
Darline shook her head, “Did you even get out of bed at all?” She’s known Kristie since they were five and the only time she’s seen her like this is…
Kristie sighed, “I know what you’re thinking and no, my dad didn’t come to visit.” Delilah sat on the bed, “I still don’t get why you’re even giving him any importance. He walked out on you and your mom eleven years ago.” Darline chimed in, “And he gave you a stick of nails as a ‘gift’ when you were a child.”
“I know you guys are right. But I just…I need to know why at least. I just want it all to stop.” Kristie spent years wondering why he left and wanted to know why. Before, it was so she can convince him to come back but now it was because she needed closure. At this point, Kristie could tell that it was pointless trying but she needed to know.
Delilah sighed and looked at Darline. Seeing Kristie like this was always a gut punch for them. And it was all because of her douchey dead beat daddy. Well, also her mom’s chaotic dating life. They love Laurie, but her taste in relationships, not so much. Darline smirked right then, making Delilah and Kristie confused. Darline leaned towards Delilah’s ear and began whispering. Delilah chuckled, “Totally!” She turned to Kristie, “There may be a way to cheer you up!”
Scene 6; Kristie’s closet
Kristie come out of the closet, wearing a long black sleeved shirt with a white blouse underneath. She was also wearing a black shirt and tights to go with it. She let out some hair before putting the rest in a ponytail.
“You’re right. I do feel better!” Kristie exclaimed. She turned to her friends, who were also dressed up. Delilah was wearing a long sleeved crop top with ripped jeans along with white athletic shoes. Her hair was down and in luscious curls. Darline was wearing a red tank top with a beige cardigan on top. She was also wearing a short jean skirt and red converse to go with it.
Darline chuckled, “We told you!” Kristie sighed, “No all I need is Rachel.” She headed towards the nightstand and went through her drawers only to find nothing. Kristie raised an eyebrow, “What the hell?” She turned towards the the girls. “I swear I kept Rachel in here.” Kristie scoffed when it dawned on her. Kristie muttered, “Those dumbasses.” Darline and Delilah raised their eyebrows. Kristie shook her head, “Be right back.”
Scene 7; Forman Basement
Kristie ran downstairs and began looking through the drawers. She could feel Leia and her friends giving her a weird look but didn’t care. “Okay, which one of you took Rachel? Last time I checked, she was in my room but now she’s missing.”
She examined their faces and could tell they genuinely didn’t know. Now that she thought about it, what would they even need Rachel for? Kristie snapped out of it to continue her search. She opened the last drawer to find the nail stick and grabbed it.
“There she is!” Kristie began to snuggle with her nail stick, making everyone give her a weird look. She ignored them and continued to cuddle with it. “You carry a stick full of nails?” Ozzie asked, completely freaked out. Oh yeah, some people don’t know what I’m capable of.
Kristie scoffed, “This isn’t just some stick Osmund. This thing is my baby. Got me through some tough times.” She kissed the tip of the stick before walking upstairs. “She still sleeps with that thing?” Gwen asked. The blonde scoffed again, “She can hear you!”
Darline and Delilah were waiting for her in the kitchen. Darline chuckled, “You ready?” Kristie nodded and was about to open the door until a big flash of lightning struck.
“Oh yeah, Jenny reported that there was gonna be a huge storm today.” Kitty sighed. The girls grumbled in response. Kitty chuckled, “Oh you know what? You girls can help clean out the attic.” They all just stared briefly before looking back at Kitty. “Sure.” The girls replied.
Scene 8; Forman attic
Kristie, Darline, and Delilah just sat down in exhaustion. “So…heavy…” Delilah panted. She turned to the girls, “Maybe we should call Mitch and Ridge.” Darline shook her head, “No way. You and Mitch and gonna end up fucking in the corner of the attic.”
“What’s the deal with you two anyways? I saw you guys being all lovey dovey at Leia’s party.” Kristie noted. Despite Delilah saying that she and Mitch were purely friends with benefits, Kristie had a hard time believing that since whenever they all hung out, Mitch would always have his arm around Delilah and Delilah would call him ‘babe’ and ‘baby’.
Delilah chuckled, “That’s just how we act around people. It’s not like we’re dating or anything. This is purely casual.” She looked down and blushed, thinking about Mitch. Darline and Kristie did not believe her but also didn’t want to press her on anything.
She turned to Kristie, “How are you feeling?” Kristie sighed, “I still want answers on why my dad left, but…maybe staying up all night tracking his every move isn’t the best idea.” Darline and Delilah nodded and hugged her gently.
Scene 9; Forman attic
"Oh my god." Mitch gasped while looking through one of the photo albums. Ridge chuckled, "Yeah, who knew Grandma Kitty knew so many hot chicks?" Everyone just punched him in arm for that remark.
"What the hell!" Ridge exclaimed. He shook his head and continued going through the stuff in the basement.
Darline took out a pink feather boa, looking impressed. “Damn, who knew Mrs.Forman had so many cute clothes.” She put it on and turned to Delilah, who was wearing a black hat. Delilah took another and put in on Darline.
Delilah chuckled, “Matching black hats ‘cause we’re sexy like that.” Darline laughed, “Damn straight.” They clinked their wine glasses together.
Ridge grinned, “Check it out! There’s all this alcohol and cheese puffs!” The gang looked at each other, smiling.
Scene 10-Scene 14; Forman attic (still)
What did her daddy do?
What did he put you through?
The gang was dancing to the music, moving their hips to the beat. Mitch pulled Delilah into a dip before kissing her passionately. Kristie and Darline were moving to the beat while playing with the props.
Janie's got a gun
Her dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Ridge did the splits and began to cartwheel all around. Kristie and Darline caught him in their arms and squirted champagne. They proceeded to dance like crazy for the next few minutes.
Scene 15; Forman Kitchen
“You don’t think Mrs.Forman knows about us getting drunk and messing with her stuff, does she?” Darline whispered. Kristie chuckled, “God I hope not.”
They walked closer to the table and put down the boxes. Mitch and Delilah were carrying boxes together into the kitchen and put them down near the table. Delilah turned to Mitch, “You look tired. You need any more sugar baby?” Mitch nodded, “Yeah.” Delilah took a tangerine out her pocket and began feeding each piece to her lover.
Darline panted, “Damn Mrs.Forman. Are you storing some sort of circus there?” Delilah turned to her, “Funny thing, there was a whole bag of circus stuff there.” She took out a red bag and grabbed the clown costume. Kristie and Darline raised an eyebrow in confusion. Kitty sighed, “This all belonged to Eric and Laurie. Back then they were little, they’d do these little circus acts.”
Kristie chuckled, “Mom and uncle Eric did circus acts?” Kitty nodded, “I think there are some tapes of them in attic still there.” Ridge, who was right behind them, took out a black cassette tape. The gang chuckled, “Sweet!”
Scene 16-17; Kristie’s bedroom
“Oh Erica, where will I be able to take these lovely dresses?” Laurie asked. She was wearing a poofy purple dress with clown makeup all over her face. Eric came over to her side in a blue dress and red lipstick all over. “Oh don’t you fret Lauren the Great! I’ll get those away in no time. For I have poof!” He waved his arms, “Magic!”
The girls laughed at that video while eating their popcorn. “Man, we’ve totally got to use this against your mama at one point.” Darline remarked. Kristie laughed, “Totally!”
“Kids, where are the boxes!” They heard Kitty yell. The girls sighed and got back up. Darline took out the record. “We’re totally gonna watch this later.” Kristie and Delilah chuckled, “Oh definitely!” They got up and began carrying the boxes together.
Kristie shook her head, “Where are Mitch and Ridge?” The boys just came out of the room, wearing Hawaiian shirts and fedoras along with flower crowns. Ridge ran a hand through his hair before taking pictures of himself making different poses. “Gonna take these to the mailbox later.” Delilah chuckled, “Who would actually take those?” Darline smirked, “Girl, that’s just mean. What else would they use to wipe their asses with if they ran out of tissues.” Everyone with the exception of Ridge just laughed.
Scene 19; Joy house
The gang entered the house, looking completely soaked. Joe chuckled, “You guys look like shit.” Darline rolled her eyes, “Real funny.” Delilah grinned, “Glad to see the rain hasn’t affected your hotness.” Mitch glared in jealousy, making Ridge laugh. “Looks like someone has a bad case of ‘I’m jealous’.” He exhaled, “So glad I’m single.”
Darline shook her head when seeing two sheets of paper on the kitchen table. She grabbed it, eyes widening when noticing what’s being said. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” She screamed, making everyone just stare at her in shock. Before anyone could say anything, Maddie ran down towards the kitchen with Oak. “What the hell sis? You could’ve killed my ears!”
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Spooky Halloween Two-Shot Edition, part 2
The wall freezes over, and cracks away. Behind it you find a black void. “That can’t be good.”
Shank: "Eenie, meenie, minie, Fuck it this one.”
"Nice. Since you look human, i'm guessing your some flavor of mostly dead the old guy keeps as a conversation starter.”
"Please say you don't cobble body parts together and bring them back to life as flesh golems.” "No I believe that's the chap across the hall. My business is in cryonics.” "You work with tears? Ah yes, I’ve heard about that.”
He points to the giant machine, "It conditions the air around me to keep it cool. I think I'll call it... the Air Freeze-O-Matic.”
GM: Music, cats, formaldehyde.
“I could freeze the basement.”
"Darn it, in such a panic I forgot the windows disappeared. I want to get a hold of the guild jerk who said this would be a cake walk!” "Yeah, never heard of no fixer named Neal O'Tip before yesterday.”
"It's the Truck-kun, man: he hit us all and now we're on another world, man.”
"Let me guess, you came in to rob this old fart too huh?” Janna: “No, I’m just a ride along. I need money for orphans.” Shank: “…Possibly.” Janna: “You told me we were collecting dues!” Shank: “We are. Just with extra legal methods.” Rhett: "Dudes evil with a capital E. Cops don't care if we rob Evil.” Janna: “It’s still… vaguely… immoral!” Rhett: "Yeah, that's why we get chaotic heaven if we die on this job.”
"Look sexy nun lady, it’s perfectly alright and moral to do bad things to bad people.” “We can debate this later sexy snake lady. I mean regular snake lady.”
The front door opens to a strange alien landscape, a vast purple wasteland, mountains in the distance, and numerous alien moons hanging in the sky. "I saw this on a trip once, man.” "A trip to where?" “I say we take it then try to find a space pirate.” "And that is a huge nope. We are trapped here, they are is no way out. The basement or an ambush on the those giants are our only options. Game over, man, game over.” "I think that's my line?" Will [Hudson] takes out a script and puzzles over it.
“What’s that Bahamut? We should check the pendulums?”
"Bad luck. He left his pockets in his body.”
Shank: “Thank you Jar people. If we had more time we'd swipe all of you as well.”
You can hear the footsteps from down the hall. Shaundra turns to you guys, "You guys go, I'll keep him busy.” Shank: “Absolutely, person we just met.”
Shank: “Crisis of sexuality later. Escaping now.”
Rhett: ”Ebs, why's there a puce wire?” Nilta: "Because the creator was either a sadist or partially color blind.”
"Sir, you hired beings to acquire these items for you and then refused to pay them for their services. You have a huge debt and this is part of debt collection, I'm sorry we have to do this. Though after the nightmares we saw in your place I think you need to be shut down before you end the whole of reality with what you are experimenting in.” "Or I could kill you.” “I’m sure we can come to a mutual agreement.”
You find the horn, a bone white mastodon tusk, hollowed out and inlaid with gold. Will grabs it and toots.
"Leave her be for now, we need to survive long enough for our ride to get here." Janna’s head slowly turns its icy gaze on you. “JANNA WILL HAVE SNEK BOOTY.” "Um.....I think you need therapy, ma’am." “I have been told this, yes!”
"Death is on the roof with us this night!” "That isn't Death, Death is a hot goth girl.” "Death can take many forms. Mine was this complete dumbass human girl with blue hair.” "No, Death is a walking skeleton with an obsesion with cats."
“Bahamut shits bigger’ you.”
"Placing bets, how many years have we been missing, because that seems like the sort of eff-you tonight’s been throwing. Bidding starts with me at 5.”
GM: Congrats. You managed to all not die.
OOC: Basically that guy had been dead for a long time, and the air conditioner was keeping him alive. Morbo: "Biology does not work that way. Good night!”
OOC: I had several moments where I was going to suicidal charge, cause "dies" is my archetype here.
And all that was left of him were a pair of singed and smoking Slippers of Spider-Climb
Shank continued doing what he does best, stabbing people in dark alleys for money. Although his adventure made him consider his own mortality and the fate of his soul after his eventual death. His conclusion: No Jars. Cursed gem or better.
Weeks later, Will Hudson was found lying in a road, dying as if hit by a huge object traveling at great speed. Witnesses had reported strange lights and a roaring sound. His last words were, "Told you. Game….over…." Meanwhile the Terrible Old man slips Trunk Kun a 20 as he prepares two more jars in his room for Rhett and Will. "Two down, five more to go."
OOC: Classic horror Janna has to die as some kind of fucked up “proof” that homosexuality, witchcraft, and paganism will lead to your doom. OOC2: We just want horror and death. And the possibility of anyone being able to die. No guilt.
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cryptometaphor · 2 months
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ACP cuck: The problem with you ultra leftists is you all actually despise revolution. You're never going to win white working class people over with "actually I want things to get worse for colonialists!"
Sarah: The blood of third world children can at the very least be paid back in your discomfort white boy.
Me: That's why we gotta sell them the rope they hang themselves with subtlety. Stalin Funko-Pops.
Sarah: Babe that's disgusting lol
Me: That's the point. Like, the economy improves for better countries, better cultures, and and dumbass incels are clapping their hands over some ethot sticking a Stalin Funko-Pop up her twat.
ACP cuck: And yet you call us the fascists. You're just exporting fascism.
Me: I'll be honest with you guys. I don't fucking care either way. The economy is fake, the only workers are lumpen, the tech is useless. Every facet of western society is just tiresome. Ultimately I don't care if y'all get nuked, starve to death, work forever in coal mines, the only thing I care about is this girl right here.
Sarah: That is some heavy handed hard-right individualism but awwww lol.
Me: Everything about you is perfect hon. And this society does not provide the means for me or anyone to give you what you deserve. I would plant a garden of flowers, some motherfucker wants to mow it down because the homeowners association says it's not up to code, I want to give you a legacy of children who love us, they make us send them to those clown schools and crush their spirits, the only reason I'm alive right now is you. And of course my unyielding rage.
Sarah: Baby... that's how I feel. I can't stand these infantile nazbols lol
ACP cuck: Nazbols?! You two are just nihilists! Like Jim, you say you wanna give Sarah all this stuff. How are you going to do that in a broken economy and destabilizing society? Cultural Marxism isn't real Marxism. It's liberalism.
Me: Ok imma bout to say something that makes me "lose frame" so all my incel homies are gonna lecture me about it, however the truth is I'm fucking pissed. I know I'm smart, beautiful, talented, cunning, ruthless, AMAZING
ACP cuck: wow... lol
Me: And yet I'm a fucking bum. I know it. Sarah loves me despite it. I know that too. But she shouldn't have too. She should have that perfect life, and I don't know how to give it to her. Why should anyone, anywhere, have anything, if she can't? If I can't?
ACP cuck: Again, that's liberalism.
Sarah: Well more so individualism.
ACP cuck: Whatever. My point is you should care about your fellow man. You should care about humanity in general. Jim you're the prime example of what alienation does to a motherfucker. You cannot see past what is good for you. Even Sarah. Who I'm not saying you don't love, you clearly do... Is just a proxy for all the things you need to convince yourself that you're a good person. Because humans need each other and you've genuinely trained yourself not to need anyone as an anti-social parasite. A sociopath. Like, that's why you've had so many failed relationships. Because you're longing for connection but can't bring yourself to admit maybe being an asshole to everybody isn't the answer. You think it's justice, it's just cruelty, you're being cruel to yourself.
Me: If there were anyone I'd be willing to admit maybe I'm in the wrong for, it's this wonderful bitch right here lol.
Sarah: (makes this weird noise)
Me: wth was that lol
Sarah: You are so fucking adorable yet say the most reactionary things ever lol. What's so special about me? Like, I'm mid-AF.
ACP cuck: Glad you said it and not me.
Me: Mid-AF? You're beautiful!
Sarah: Well yeah you think...
Me: No. Like, it isn't "oh man I wanna fuck her", I do, all the time. But "God has to exist to create something so perfect."
Sarah: You're blowing your hookah smoke up my ass but go on lol
Me: You're smart, you're aggressive, you're opinionated, you're absolutely ruthless to people and I love it.
ACP cuck: "wow, she's such a bitch. She's almost as evil as me..."
Me: You're God damn right. Life out there is hard, it's not worth it most of the time. Just dumbass people saying dumbass things. Every moment of their lives is a fake and gay psyop against themselves. No virtues, no ambitions, it's all for show. All of it. But Sarah is so genuine, and despite how people bitch and whine how mean and racist she is, she cares. Why she cares I don't know. But she cares about you, all of you, like a mother. Not like my parents who don't know how to give a fuck about anyone. But like a real mother. She lashes out because she wants more for all of you, where as I don't. I hate you. I could never forgive you for the things you've done to me or her. I will make sure you're suffering is cosmic like I have no mouth and I must scream, and you'll wear your shit grin and do it with a smile while you experience an agony only religion could begin to describe.
ACP cuck: The fuck did I do to you lol
Me: When you say some retarded gay shit like "you're not entitled to love" or "you can function without this or that" you know what I'm going through, and you think it's funny. It's gonna be fucking hilarious when you're working ten hours a day for pennies you fucking western piglet.
ACP cuck: Nigga I didn't say any of that. I'm sure your exes did or something and yes many people are stupid as hell. So you just wanna hurt everyone ever just to make sure you hurt the people who deserve to hurt?
Me: YES all need to hurt. Except Sarah.
ACP cuck: Sarah is gonna hurt too! Sarah is hurting and you're contributing to it!
Me: Out of a sense of justice. And the neat part? Sarah will forgive me. She'll still love me despite it. That's why she'll always be the better person and I just want the money and lavish status to spoil her so I can pretend I'm better than I actually am. And meanwhile she's the one ridiculed and bullied. Deep down Sarah is a good person. Deep down I'm not.
Sarah: Baby... You're not a bad person.
ACP cuck: I mean he pretty much is lol. I'll invent a new-term just for him. Serial-killer socialism.
Me: Based. I even got an anthem for it
Sarah: lol! You can't insult Jim!
ACP cuck: I was making an observation
Me: (mockingly imitating his voice) "I was making an observation" observe yo momma's fat titties
Sarah: LOL
ACP cuck: You know, I didn't have to let you speak. You can leave my mother out of your mouth.
Me: Will Smith over here... "Keep my mom's name out yo God damn mouth!"
Sarah: LOL omg I actually fell out of my chair lol
Me: Ya see that right there? That's Marxist value of labor.
ACP cuck: What? How?
Me: Look at her laughing. It makes me feel like the wealthiest man in the world to be smiling.
ACP cuck: Than you should strive to make society better to give her reason to smile.
Me: I'd rather make her smile at your momma's titties expense. OH NOOOOES THE MILKIES, THEY'RE EVERYWHERE don't worry momma I'll suck'em (slurp noises)
Sarah: LOL WTF
ACP cuck: Jesus Christ you are a spiritual liberal. Like you really are a Satanist lol
0 notes
No Time
Summary: When a bad guy has Harry and the whole of Kingsman in his grasp, he only asks for Hart's kid as a ransom. But Eggsy's having a difficult time letting them exchange themselves. Eggsy X gender neutral Hart! Reader one shot
Triggers/General Warnings: No happy ending, implied reader death(?), hostage exchange (that we don’t really see), lots of tensions and angst.
Note: This is a repost of a fic that was originally posted on ao3 by AZFell_Books. (This is she btw, I am in partial control of this account. I am posting this here for my friend to read.)
The tension in the air was thick and practically palatable, creating an atmosphere so heavy with dread it hung off of the agents' shoulders. The only thing distracting both of them from the mood in the air was the anger they felt towards each other. The two of them were at an impasse, a circumstance that neither of them had ever really experienced before. One stood at the head of the ‘round’ table, hands gripping either side of it and twitching in fear despite them trying to hide it. No way in hell were they going to show him how afraid they were and no way in hell were they backing down. There were no other options. No matter how much the agent mirroring them on the other end of the table wanted there to be. No amount of arguing was going to change that.
"...We're wasting time. You have to let me go." They commanded slowly and deliberately. There was nothing in their tone that would suggest they were asking for permission or for one's blessings. A common person would probably cower and grant their request, but not him.
"Like hell, I will." His eyes narrowed. "You'd be bloody mistaken if you think you're taking one step out of this room."
"What are you going to do? Restrain me?" They challenged.
"If that's what it takes."
"We don't have any other choice. If I give myself up, I can get dad back and guarantee everyone’s safety."
"Except for yours dumbass. And besides there is another choice.”
“What are you talking about?” They questioned. “That monster asked for me specifically.”
“But he doesn’t know what you look like.”
“And? What’s your point?”
“We can ‘ave someone go in your place- I can go in your place.”
"No.” They firmly stated. “You can’t give yourself up like that.”
“Oh and you can?”
“I'll be fine-"
"No, you won't!" He finally snapped, maintaining sharp eye contact. "If I let you leave you're going to be impulsive and get yourself killed. Unless this grand plan of yours involves you getting out alive?" He tilted his head to the side, his tone mocking the naivety he felt they were exhibiting. Except they weren’t being naive.
"Then there's nothing to worry about," At the sound of those words his face fell in fear. He thought there was no way they could be serious. They turned their head to the side, maintaining a stoic impression. "We know how this is going to play out so why delay the inevitable?"
"Because it doesn’t have to work out that way if you just sit the fuck down and listen."
"I've been listening!" They pushed off the table and started pacing their side of the room. He didn’t move, staying on guard for he expected them to make a break for the double doors on his side. "We have been trying to think of a clever idea for hours! One that will thwart the big bad’s plans and save everyone but that's not going to work Eggsy!" They turned to look at him, eyes cold as ice although he could  tell they were about to melt. A tear was just about ready to trickle down their face. "There's no perfect plan where no one gets hurt. Where  there's no sacrifice and there’s no consequence."
"There has to be one." He looked down to the table, knuckles were turning white from his fierce grip on the table's edge.
"Not this time Galahad." He winced. When they’d say his code name  before he’d get a sense of fondness or sometimes care and urgency depending on the situation. But now it felt harsh and foreign. “We don’t have time for this.” They started to make their way to the door. They did not get far, naturally.
"Do not think about it Hart." They flinched. He spoke in a dangerously low register that was reserved for the worst of their enemies but certainly was never meant for them. Tensions were continuing to rise. "I promised your dad I'd keep you safe."
"That was your mistake. I'm not leaving him, or you, in the hands of that criminal." They moved to go around him but he was quick and snatched their arm and pulled them back."Eggsy.” They stared into his eyes, hoping that they could  convince him with a steely gaze. That tone alone was a warning and normally it would be enough for him to back off. Not this time. They knew what would happen if the tension in that room reached the highest point it could go but didn’t feel the need to stop it. “Do not make me fight you over this.” They threatened.
“Good idea, maybe then I can knock some sense into you.” Despite the challenging tone in his voice he prayed it wouldn’t have to come down to that. He wasn’t sure if he could actually fight them. They looked down, shaking their head slightly. An exasperated and exhausted smile on their face.
“You really leave me no choice, huh?” And with that simple sentence, at the highest point of contention, they took a swing at him. He ducked out of the way but it was enough of a distraction for them to wrench their arm out of his grasp and turn around to face him fully. They started throwing more punches, all of which he blocked or dodged, refusing to fight back. The two moved further into the room as they fought.
“Fight me all you want love,” He said when he caught their punch in his hand. Taking advantage of that he pulled them closer. “I’m not letting you do this.”
"I'm a goddamn Kingsman Eggsy!" They remarked as they managed to land a kick to his shin. It didn’t knock him down but they got their hands out of his. "This is what I signed up for! We all know we may die protecting those we love!" As the two fought, both were hoping for an opportunity to incapacitate the other long enough for the moment to pass, so they could achieve their very separate methods to reach the very same goal of safety for all. He finally started to fight back when he saw them eye the doors, grabbing and swinging them further into the room, as far from the door as he could. They stumbled and fell but got right back up again, starting to run on the opposite side of the table. But no sooner did they feel some semblance of accomplishment did he leap over the table, blocking their path.
“For fuck sake.” They grunted, reaching behind their back and keeping their hand there, not letting him see what they were retrieving. They stood still for only a brief moment. “Would you behave this way if Harry was in my position?”
“If he was being as brainless as you, of fucking course I  would.” The two agents stared at each other for a moment, taking time to catch their breaths.
“I don’t want to have to hurt you Eggsy. Stand down.”
“You know I can’t do that (Y/n).”
“I was really hoping you wouldn’t say that.” The fight suddenly resumed as they brought their hand from behind their back revealing a set of handcuffs in their grasp. They were using them as one would use brass knuckles, swinging and hoping to land a hit that would hurt enough to  distract him. Then maybe they could make a run for it. They weren’t sure if they could outrun him but it was worth a shot. The two continued to fight despite both silently starting to think it pointless to continue. But suddenly they jumped and slid across the table, finally having clear  access to the door. Unfortunately for them, they got the answer to their question: they couldn’t outrun him. He caught up to them in no  time and wrapped his arms around their waist, lifting them off the ground just a tad and effectively restraining them. They thrashed and kicked, trying to break free.
"Calm down (Y/n)!"
"No, let me go, I need to save him! I’m the only one who can!”
“You’re not the only one!”
“I’m not letting you or anyone else go in my place!” They spat as they continued their attempts to break free. “Why won't you just let me save him?!"
"I can't let that happen to you either!"
“Think about it Eggs! You’re more of an important asset to Kingsman,” They argued. “I only joined recently so it won’t be a loss if I get killed!” That statement sent shock through his body and he lowered them so their feet could touch the ground without fully realizing it. They, of course, tried to run, to kick, to do anything but he continued to hold his friend to his chest as they thrashed. Silently he thanked whoever or whatever he could that he was also stronger than they were.
“How could you say that about yourself?” He sputtered out, horrified. “Of course it’d be a loss. You’d break my and Harry’s heart.”
“Better a broken heart than a bullet in the head. You know he can’t come back again if he gets shot!” Yet the grip around their waist didn’t let up. “Will you let me go if I promise I’ll try to get shot in the head so you can alpha gel me back?”
“Christ you can’t joke about shit like that.”
“That wasn’t a joke, tough guy!” That response only caused his grip to tighten. The agent attempting to escape made more attempts, hoping to take advantage of the calmer environment but he knew their tricks. They were still fired up and were ready to spit out some fighting words.
“Eggsy let me go or I swear to god-”
“Yeah? What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t understand why you’re acting like this. He’s my dad and he’s saved me tons of times! I have to do this for him! I don’t care about your dumb promise, I only care about him and yours safety!” They kept fighting for they knew the moment they’d stop the weight of their situation would take effect and they would break.
“Guess what? The feeling’s mutual! I’m not just protecting you because of a promise I made to Harry.”
“Oh yeah?” They scoffed. “So what’ll it take to get you to let me leave?!”
“Fucking nothing! I’m not letting you go into this dangerous mess alone!”
“And why’s that Galahad?!” They seemed to be bursting at the seams, anger radiated from their body. “I’m a Kingsman agent and I can fucking handle myself-”
“Because I love you ok?!” Silence flooded the room. They immediately stopped moving, ceasing their protests. His own eyes widened when he realized what he had just admitted. His words hung in the air, the meaning behind them brought upon terrifying repercussions to the both of them. Neither of them looked at each other. One stared off into the distance in horrifying defeat, all the anger and energy they had only moments before disappeared. While the other had buried his head against their neck, hiding his face from the world.
“I… Eggs… You can’t possibly-” But before they could doubt him he tightened his grip once more and they knew it was his answer: Yes, his feelings were as real as his death grip around them. Neither of them attempted to move or speak. They both just stood there, letting his words sink in.
"Eggsy..." Their voice was soft and quiet, the dam of emotions  that had been building this whole time was about to break. "...This  is... really shitty timing. If I had known sooner-."
"I..." He interrupted them before digging further into the comfort of their shoulder. He didn't know if this would be the last time he'd have them in his arms. His voice came out muffled. "I didn't have the courage to come forward sooner, love."
"No Eggs,” They said soothingly, turning their head to look at him, or rather the top of his head. “It's not just you... We're both so dumb, huh?" Their head dipped down, allowing time they didn’t have to roll by.
"....I love you too." They admitted so quietly they were sure he couldn't hear it. But judging from the weight slowly was lifted from their shoulders they could tell he had heard. They turned their head to look at him and started to tremble. Everything was starting to become too much, the hostage situation, the lack of options, their feelings for him. The anger they had felt was nowhere to be seen and instead was replaced with a new emotion that had actually been there the whole time. It was just very quiet up until now. But now, it was the only thing they could feel: pure panic. His eyes which were once filled with a determined rage were now full of concern.
"What are we going to do? Honestly, what can we do?" He saw the tears streaming down their face. One after another, no signs of stopping.
"We'll figure something out." He loosened his grip to bring a hand up to hold their face, wiping tears with his thumb as quickly as they were falling. "Trust me." They turned around fully in his arms, throwing theirs around his neck. He could hear their sobs echo throughout the room and felt them tremble against his body. His heart just about broke. The dam, that they were trying so fucking hard to keep under control, broke. He sighed, exhaustion flooding his body as he reached and pulled out a heavy chair from the table. He took a seat all without losing his grip on them and gently pulled them down onto his lap where they curled into his side, trying to calm their sobs. His grip which once felt urgent and restrictive now was comforting. He trailed a hand up and down their back, occasionally bringing it high enough to play with their hair.
“I have to save him...But I’m so scared Eggsy.”
“I know.”
“I have to save you too” They choked out. “It’s not just dad’s life at stake here, it’s all of Kingsman. I can’t let you go in there and I can’t let him destroy this family.”
“...I know…”
“We’re back to square one… But worse now…. And we’re almost out  of time.” They gave a dry laugh. “I can’t believe what a shitty Kingsman I am.”
“This is in no way your fault love.”
“...I don’t know if I believe you.” He moved to lift their face out from the crook of his neck. They stared down at him, face red from crying and the overall rush of emotions they felt. They looked exhausted and downright destroyed. And something else… Conflicted maybe?
“Will you try?” He asked, leaning their forehead against his. They hesitated before giving a weak nod.
“I guess.” They looked into his eyes, feeling uncertain. His hand went to the back of their neck as he brought them closer, connecting his lips to theirs. It wasn’t how he wanted their first kiss to go, but that wasn’t hardly a concern of his at the moment. What was concerning was the shaky breath they took in and how when the kiss ended they looked at him, eyes full of sorrow.
“I love you.”
“I love you too-”
“And I’m sorry Eggsy.” Suddenly, there was a rush of movement. As quick as lightning they grabbed his wrist and pushed it to the arm of the chair. Before he could register what was happening he felt cold metal wrap around his wrist. It was too late to react. Adrenaline rushed through him when they stood up quickly and clumsily. Terror flooded his veins when he realized he couldn’t follow. They had handcuffed him to the heavy chair! And were now speeding towards the door.
“(Y/n) no! Please!” He begged trying to wrestle out of his restraints. They turned around again and he could see how destroyed they looked still. But they gave a small smile.
“You wouldn’t listen to me.” They said weakly. “I can’t-”
“I’m sorry. But I have to do what I promised to do when I became a Kingsman.” They shook their head and looked at him lovingly. “I love  you Eggsy.” And with that they turned and left. Leaving him completely alone and panicked.
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ms-starflower · 3 years
Young Survivors — Maribat
It’s almost four am here, I just finished writing this and am just tired enough to actually go through and post it. And this title is the only thing my tired brain could come up with. Anyway. I haven't posted something I wrote in years, but all the Maribat I’ve read recently made me want to write something for it.
I don’t know if I’m ever going to write a 2 part, but if I do it’s definitely going to be Timari and contain a couple of typical Maribat tropes. And a pinch of salt.
Also, disclaimer: I haven't watched Miraculous in years and most of my DC knowlege come from fanfic or tumblr so... sorry not sorry.
Now with a part 2!
Next >
Mei Leyton’s oldest memories were of her mother, dolled up in pretty dresses and elegant makeup. In her daughter‘s eyes, Margaret Leyton was the most beautiful woman on earth.
For as long as she could remember, Mei would sit on the bed and watch as her mom would get ready to head to work. She had always loved those moments with her mom.
(How do I look, my little flower,” she said, twirling around Mei with a grin, making her laugh. It was Margaret’s favorite dress, a vintage halter blue dress with white accents and a white bow around the waist.
“Like a princess, mommy! The prettiest princess ever!”
“Oh no, no no no. You are the prettiest princess ever, my little flower.”)
She was four when her mother let her help for the first time, letting her pass along brushes and products. It’s then that she understood what were the purple marks on her mother that she covered with her makeup.
(“Life is not fair to us, my little flower,” she had said when Mei asked about it for the first time. “Being an orphan and pretty little girl in Gotham isn’t safe, and it doesn’t give much choice when it comes to survival.”
Mei didn’t understand then, but it didn’t matter anyway, life would make her understand soon enough.)
When Mei was seven, the GCPD found her mother’s body.
When she didn’t see her that morning, Mei hadn’t been worried; it wasn’t the first time. Mom would be home by noon, she always was. Until that day.
(The investigation wouldn’t get very far, it was just another prostitute of Camellia street, nobody cared about them. They were just there until they weren’t anymore.
Another girl would take her place in a couple of days. It was how those kinds of things worked in Gotham.)
That day was kind of blurry in her memory. She remembers being pulled out of class in the morning, and that the cop that told her about her mother’s death was very rude.
(“Your mom is dead, kid. A lad found her body in a dumpster this morning,” the guy had said as soon as she had sat down in the headmistress’ office. “Do you know who she worked for? Or on what side of the Camellia she stayed?” He had asked, halfheartedly.
Mei had shaken her head, even though she did; you don’t talk to cops in Gotham, mom always says said that it was the easiest way to get yourself killed, for people like them.
“Alright,” he had said, not surprised. “A social worker is going to pick you up in a bit to take you to your new home, kid.”
With that he had walked out of the office, not looking back. As if where she would end up was going to be home.)
She remembers that the social worker from CPS was a brunette with tan skin, and looked really overworked, but had a kind smile.
By the end of the day, she was taken to Elliot's Hall for Children, an overcrowded, understaffed orphanage with more kids than they could realistically care for.
(They don’t care for the children, they just put them there for a while and act as they do. Most children leave after a couple of days, and if they don’t, they get taken anyway.
Some come back with a police escort, some manage to survive in the streets, and nobody talks about the ones that are never seen again.
You don’t work there because you love children, and if you do, you don’t last for very long.)
Mei wasn’t stupid, her mother told her stories about those kinds of places. She came from those kinds of places, and Mei saw how the man in charge here had looked at her when the social worker dropped her off.
She wasn’t going to just stand here and wait for him to sell her back in Camellia street. Or worse, to the Candy Dealers.
Taking with her what she absolutely couldn’t leave behind, Mei made a choice her mother hadn’t been able to and took her chance with the streets.
Mei was a Camellia kid and, as such, took to the streets easier than most newcomers. She had picked up a few tricks from her aunties and her mom, and it helped her to survive out here.
The only (glaring) differences were the absence of her mother, the lack of a permanent roof above her head, and the fact that she had to provide food and money herself now.
(One of her favorite places to pick up wallets was Gotham Academy, where Gotham’s rich send their children. The kids always had money on them, and it’s not like they would miss it.
Though she couldn’t go too many times in a row, not without risking being spotted and remembered.)
She had been on the streets for two months when she met Jason Todd; the boy who would become her family.
She heard him before she saw him, to be honest. It was an awful crashing noise coming from around the corner, and it made her look.
He was running like the devil was after him, and judging by how the cops running behind him were clutching their batons, she wasn’t that far from the truth.
The noises were because of a couple of trash cans the boy had spilled in their way to slow them down.
And he was coming her way.
Against her better judgment, she grabbed his arm when he passed in front of her, and pulled him behind her into her hideout. Quickly getting the plank of wood back in place, she put her hand on his mouth before he could say anything. With the dumpster in the alley, the entry was almost invisible from outside.
They stayed there as they heard the men pass in front of their hiding place, listening as they argued about where the boy could have disappeared before their voices faded completely.
They waited another couple of minutes before he removed the hand she still had on his mouth and crawled out of there.
“Thanks,” he muttered with a scowl. “I woulda’ve been just fine without help but… yeah, anyway.” Then he had started to walk in the direction he came from.
“Hey! Wait!” She said before she could think about it. “Are ya just gonna, like, go? Just like that?”
“Huh, yeah? What do ya want me to do?” He asked, looking back at her from above his shoulder without stopping his walk. “Stay to drink a cup of tea and talk about the weather?”
“Well.. no. But I just… I just wanna talk a bit, ya know?” She couldn’t really explain why she didn’t want him to leave yet, it’s not like he was the first street kid she had helped out. He just felt different, and somehow she knew he could become important to her.
“Yeah, right,” he scoffed before turning his head back to look forward. “The streets are not some daycare for princesses who want to make friends, kid.”
“Kid— hey, dumbass, you’re, like, ten years old! You’re a kid too! And I’m not a princess, I can survive alone just fine!” Before she knew it, she was walking behind him, the weird feeling forgotten for the offence his comment created. He looked back at her with a frown, before choosing to ignore her. Not letting that deter her, she rambled at him about all the ways why she wasn’t a kid any more than him.
“I thought you could survive alone?” He said, talking over her, when he realized that she wasn’t going to let him be.
“I can.”
“So why are ya following me? Tryin’ to drive me crazy?”
“Well, no. It’s just... that I can do it doesn't mean I want to.”
“Look, kid,” he said, ignoring her protest and talking over her, again. “You should just go back to whatever orphanage you came from, there is probably some nice little family who's gonna pick you up. Then you could make all the friends you want.”
“Like people actually adopt kids in this city. This is Gotham, you dummy, not ‘Annie’. Some rich white guy isn’t going to come and pick up children from the streets to make them live the Grand life.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever,” he growled out without pausing in his steps. “Still, you’re pretty enough, I’m sure some nice people would adopt you in a second if you let them.”
“Yeah, sure. Mom thought the same when she was a kid, and guess what? She started working on Camellia street when she was fourteen, but nobody asked her if she wanted to. Because she was pretty enough,” the little seven years old spat with venom, her eyes narrowed. The boy stopped walking, turning toward her with eyes wide, like a deer caught in headlights. “Her best friend wasn’t, but mom said that she had the prettiest green eyes ever. When they found her body, she didn’t have eyes anymore, because some rich person paid to have pretty green eyes.”
“I— I didn’t—” he stuttered, eyes wide. With his scowl gone he looked so much younger, and Mei’s anger subdued. He wasn’t that much older than her, just a couple of years, maybe three or four, after all.
“It’s… okay, I guess. It’s Gotham. I just thought we both would have more chances to survive if we helped each other out. And, ya know, the company wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled, but when they resumed walking he slowed down enough to let her walk beside him without almost-running.
“Great! So, Annie, where are we going now?” She said with a beaming smile, bursting into laughter at his indignation and protest against the nickname.
(“Can’t you stop calling me Annie already?! I told you my name’s Jason!”
“Nope, Annie.”
“Well, then, that makes you Sandy, doesn't it? Ya do follow me around like a stray puppy.”
“I’m not a dog— wait, hold on a minute! I knew you saw the movie! You liar!”)
She was ten when her life was put upside down once again, in the worst of ways.
It took practically no time before Jason “Annie” Todd became her brother in all but blood, it took longer for Jason to admit it, and they spend almost three years surviving together, barring the occasional trip back to the Children's Houses.
Though, they always found each other a couple of days after they escaped from those places.
Sometimes, Jason would plan something that he needed to do alone. Because of course, he did.
(“It’s the best job, my plan is perfect. Don’t worry, it’s gonna be great Sandy!”
“Yeah, and why can’t I come?”
“It’s too dangerous! Plus, you need to stay here and keep our things safe!”
“Yeah, if you say so, Annie.”)
That day was one of those days.
He was gone for less than an hour when they found her.
The Candy Dealers.
Mei paled when she saw them, wearing their nice suits and overly sweet smile. They told her they were social workers, specializing in homeless children, and offered her a lollipop. Social workers in Gotham don’t give candy to the kids, even the nice ones, and she knew from her time in Camellia street that the lollipop was drugged.
(“Never, ever, take candy from a Candy Dealer, Mei. Do you understand me? Never,” her mother told her gravely. “They put bad stuff in them, and if you put it in your mouth, they will take you away from me. I couldn’t live without you in my life, my little flower.”)
She tried to run, even before the first one got his hand totally outstretched toward her. But her panic made her stumble, and she was no match for them.
She tried to kick, and scream, and bite, but soon she felt a pinch in her neck, and everything was black.
The next period of her life was one she tried very hard to forget. For months she was moved, her and dozens of other people, from containers to containers, warehouse to warehouse. Twice they were put in a boat, the containers staying closed for so long, the next time she saw the moonlight, it burned her eyes.
She quickly learned that it was pointless to try to escape (and that Jason wouldn’t come and save her).
Then, one night, the place they were at was illuminated with blue and red lights and the police sirens were so loud, they drowned everything else.
She didn’t let herself hope, though. (She did, she hoped so hard her chest hurt.)
They (probably) weren’t in Gotham anymore, but her childhood didn’t instill her much trust in the police.
They did get them out. And she learned that they were in Paris now. In France. (That was a long way from Gotham.)
There were twenty-seven other people with her in the container. Four of which were kids, and only one other was also an orphan. They weren’t placed together, though. Because the kid had family back where he came from. Unlike her. (She had Jason. He was her family, but they didn’t listen.)
The French social workers took a while to know what to do with her exactly, but they didn’t want to send her back to Gotham (why not? She wanted to go back and find Jason!). So, in the meantime, they placed her in a foster family—one without any other kid, as per her therapist's advice. (The therapist didn’t know anything. She said Gotham wasn’t good for her, but Jason was in Gotham.)
Funnily enough, it ended up being a more permanent solution than previously considered, because the foster parents, Tom and Sabine, quickly fell in love with the little girl.
Not before long, Mei Leyton became Marinette Dupain-Cheng. (They changed her name to give her a ‘new beginning’ because her therapist thought it would be good for her. She didn’t want to have a ‘new beginning', she wanted to go back, to find Jason, to be the Sandy to his Annie. She was Mei, the Camellia’s kid, Sandy, the street’s kid and it was enough for her. She didn’t want to be Marinette, the bakers’ kid.)
So, when Mei was first put into the care of the Dupain-Cheng household, she regularly tried to run away. It was unsurprisingly harder than in Gotham, though. Tom and Sabine were way more attentive than Elliot Hall’s staff ever was, and more than a third of her tentatives were folded even before she was past the front door.
It took her three months (and forty-three unsuccessful tentatives) before she finally accepted that there would be no way for her to go back to Gotham. (Not that she had known how she would manage to do that before, her plan never got that far.) It took another six months before Tom and Sabine trusted her enough to let her wander the neighborhood alone.
The first thing she did the day her ‘new parents’ let her go to the library alone was to get to a public computer, and look Jason up. She didn’t really think she would find anything when she typed Jason Todd and Gotham in Google that day (maybe an obituary). She definitely didn't think she would find her best friend (brother) on the covers of so many tabloids declaring that he was Bruce Wayne’s ward.
She didn’t know how she should feel about the fact that he proved her wrong and became some real-life Annie. She wanted to feel angry, or hurt. Even more so when she realised that Wayne adopted him not even a full week after her (kidnapping) departure from Gotham, but…
But seeing Jason in the pictures… He looked so angry. Angrier than she ever saw him. And hurt. There was hurt hidden in his expression. It was well hidden but she could see it. (She did that, she was the one that hurted him. He probably thought she left him. That she wasn’t any better than his deadbeat of a father and abandoned him. What if he hates her now, because she was gone for so long?)
She needed to go back to Gotham, find him, and explain everything. She needed to tell him she didn’t want to leave him behind, that he was her family, and that it would never change. But Tom and Sabine didn’t want to take her back there, not before she was older, because she wasn’t ready yet, they said.
She didn’t care, though. No matter how long it would take her, she was going to go back. So, she slowly started to act like the perfect little girl. She didn’t really change, she just stopped bringing up Gotham so much, started to help more often in the house and at the bakery, and started to call Tom and Sabine Papa and Maman. (It wasn’t real, at first. But then, they just crawled into her heart against her will and became family. They didn’t replace her Mom or Jason, though. Nobody ever will.)
She started to heal. Slowly, without even realising. She opened up to a couple of children at her school, made friends with Nino, and sort of Frenemies (more enemy than friend, though) with Chloé Bourgeois. She picked up hobbies like sewing and designing, baking with Tom, or learning various martial arts with Sabine.
But she didn’t forget, going back to Gotham was still her ultimate goal. Until the news reached her, when she was twelve.
Jason Todd was dead.
Her best friend, her brother in everything but blood, her Annie. Dead. Jason was dead.
She felt like a part of her died with him, reading the words but not really processing. She let herself drown in her grief, closing up to everyone around her. Surprisingly, Chloé was the one that made her react. Literally slapping her to make her come back from the dead. (Not entirely, though. Mei, the Gothamite part of her, stayed dead with Jason. Only Marinette, the nice little parisian, came back.)
“I don’t really know what’s up with you, Dupain-Cheng,” she had said while Marinette cradled her sore cheek, her faux-contempt badly hiding her worry. “But you need to put yourself together. Tormenting you is no fun if you don’t react to it, and people are too worried for you to be afraid of me. Don’t make me call daddy on you.”
“I…” She had started, only to stop herself. She had looked back at Nino and Kim, both of whom were looking at her with poorly concealed worry. “Yeah, sorry Chloé.”
She pulled herself out of the worst of it after that, at the obvious relief of the people around her. None of which even knew why she was in this state. She still cried herself to sleep most nights, and sometimes felt like someone gouged out her heart with their bare hands, but she also started to let herself think of the good times. Started to let herself feel the good things happening around her, in the present.
Then, she saved the life of an old man, found magic earrings and a bug-mouse-kwami in her room that told her that she needed to become a hero and save Paris.
She thought of her big brother, of how he would always protect her when someone tried to rob them. Hide her, before even thinking of himself, when the cops would chase them down, trying to bring them back to Elliot's Hall. Give her all the food when they couldn’t get enough for the both of them. How he was a hero. Her Hero. And, really, there was only one thing she could say to that.
“Tikki, spots on!”
So. That's it. That was fun. I'm going to sleep now, goodnight.
Btw, Jason's super plan that day was totaly to steal the Batmobile's tires.
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manjiropie · 3 years
do whatever is in your mind.
Young Mikey x Reader!
Warn! no warnings today! enjoy!
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It's not often Mikey and I have a quarrel. We do bicker here and there, but that's what happens between friends, right?
I've joined Toman for almost a year now– although I've known Manjiro for much longer. I met him through Emma, who is a big friend of mine for as long as I can remember. She was there for me at times when I felt like there was no exit, no light. She's an extremely important part of my life– of me.
I've come to realize that I have been spending more and more time near Mikey, which is not bad, I do enjoy his presence. He may look tough and intimidating but he's just like a mochi: freezing cold on the outside but melting saccharine inside. Now that I'm a part of the gang and actually get to know and participate, I've gotten closer to him. Here and there Mikey invites me out.
"So, it's like a date?" I'd smirk suggestively at him.
"In your dreams." He'd try to hide his smile and he'd look away.
However, there are a few little habits he has that tend to send me on a rage trip. I get mad easily. Things will likely set on fire quickly. It's not that I want to, but my mother is not one of the most patient people in the world and she tells me to cool down. As if.
This last week was the cherry on top.
Mikey had crossed the line. He had pissed me off in every single way possible. He pretended not to listen to me while he was eating. He would answer me in a "oh, I don't really fucking care about what you're talking about!" way. He tripped while he was laughing hysterically at something Draken had said and his pink lemonade was all over my white shirt. He drew in an assignment that was due to the next day for my math class. He told me off for no reason at all in front of everyone in the last Toman's meeting... all of that wasn't on purpose. I am aware of how incredibly short his attention spam is when it comes to not so important affairs. But, fuck, couldn't he just be a little nicer to me? At least during last week where I was having sharp cramps in my fucking uterus? Yeah, maybe he didn't know that because I try not to be so obvious. But when he told us we'd be training last thursday I almost laid on the ground in fetal position and cried for hours. I didn't! I fought and then went home and cried.
Then, this Saturday– today –he invited me to his house to hang out. Emma was with a friend and his grandfather was out of town. When he called me to his house we never did much. We'd watch TV, hang out on the couch discussing stupid stuff, we'd be on our phones... nothing so wow. It was still fun, though.
I wasn't in the best mood to leave my comfy bed but I was way less in the mood to fight him off over the phone. So I slid out of the bed and dressed the first jeans I saw laying on the end of my bed and the oversized Nirvana shirt hanging off my chair (it's actually my dad's shirt, shhh).
I knocked twice on his bedroom's door.
"Come in." He yelled from inside. I open the door and he's laying on the bed, his head hanging off of it and his hair is almost touching the floor. His face lit up and he rolled over so he laid on his stomach. I walk over and sit down beside him.
"What's up with the frown?" I didn't notice I was frowning to be honest. Guess the bad mood followed me here.
I shrug.
"Ugh, don't tell me you're in a bad mood." He whines. "I called you here to chill and you're already angry. What's up?" He lays on his pillow and swings his legs to place them on my lap. I huff and shove them off, getting up.
"You've been treating me like shit the whole week and now you wanna chill?" I say, more calm than I thought.
"I did not treat you like shit this week? When do I treat you like shit?" His tone was one of disbelief and confusion.
"Ah, Mikey. Embarrassing me in front of the rest of gang; spilling your drink on my school shirt, which is now stained; ignoring me or answering like you're bored..." I list them off on my fingers. "I am the one who asks, what's up with you?! God, you're always being so unpredictable, which is good sometimes but not like this! Not to me!"
I flop down on the couch, starting to get tired of this whole thing. Knowing Mikey, I know that he'll not lay down again.
"So you're the only one allowed to have bad days now?" He sits on the edge of his bed and I turn my head around lazily, uninterested, bored, like him.
"You were laughing incredibly loud with Takemitchi and Draken friday."
"You can be so annoying sometimes."
"Oh, I'm the annoying one now?" I stand up.
"If you don't like my company, why did you even come in first place?" He also stands. We don't have much height difference, but he's hardly two inches taller than me.
His voice is calm, like always. Which makes me infuriated. "Fucking hell! Does it hurt for you to apologize!?" My sudden outburst takes him on surprise, and me, too.
"I already apologized, stop whining about it."
"I'm not whining–"
"If you weren't," he walks to his desk and sets a cup that was once beside his bed down. "You would've dropped this matter before."
"You don't give a damn about what I feel, do you, Mikey?"
"What?" He turns around, brows knit together.
"You heard me. You made me have a bad week and the least you could do is apologize, you dumbass!" I stomp to his direction.
"I already did! Why don't you–"
"Shut up or I'll punch you." I say, slightly looking up.
His eyebrows twitch and he slowly tilts his head to the side, like a puppy. "Or what.. ?"
"Are you fucking deaf?" I point to my ears.
He comes a little closer. "You're gonna do what if I don't shut up?"
"I'm going to punch you if you don't stop being a brat." I sneer at him. My blood boiling. The stress from this shitty past week overflowing in that moment.
"Oh, yeah?" I could feel his breath oh my nose.
"What? Are you doubting me? I would." I jerk up an eyebrow. I've never fought physically with him. But it's not like I can't.
"I'd like to see you try." His eyes flicker to my lips for a brief second and my breath fails, making me cough.
"What? Can't punch me?" He amuses.
"Fuck you."
Suddenly I feel an arm sneak around my waist and in a second I'm chest to chest with Mikey. My eyes widen– his were peaceful as ever, although superior.
"Do it." He says, looking down at me.
The way he's holding me is making my head spin. True, Mikey is cute...
"Do what?"
He laughs at my confused expression. "I don't know... what did you say you'd do to me?"
Ha ha.
His hold on me tightens.
"Do whatever is on your mind." He says.
My eyes roam free between his eyes and his soft pink lips. Do whatever is on your mind.
If he knew what was on my mind, would he still allow me to?
"Do it," he encourages me once again, "aren't you the 'oh so brave' one? Punch me, yell at me, do whatever you want to me."
Those words were the last push I needed. My hands find the soft skin of his neck, hidden by his long hair. I pull him close and lock our lips together. I feel him making a little sound, I don't know if it was surprise or relief.
If by just looking at it his lips seemed soft, actually touching it felt like kissing cotton candy or guessing cloud shapes.
He didn't pull back, in fact, he held me with both hands. I have no clue how he did that but it seemed as though all of my worries dissipated as we kissed.
My heart was beating so fast that it made my chest hurt. My head started to pound when I spent a little too long without air. I pull back from his lips and keep my gaze on them as I breathe heavily.
"Hm." He hums quietly, almost dreamily if you'd ask me.
I look up at his face and smile a bit, noticing how his cheeks are pink. I lift an eyebrow up as if asking what he was thinking. He shakes his head and then puts his right hand on my cheek, caressing it. He kisses me again. This time is slower. As though being present in the moment. As if it were just me and him and nothing else.
I hope you guys liked It! It was so pleasant writing this out of the small bits of ideas that I have. Don't forget: my requests are open. You can request anything! Thank you for reading! Oh, likes and reblogs help a lot! If you consider following it'd make me even happier <3
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shugojima · 3 years
Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic Trainer
We're a thristy whore and this is kinda light hearted so don't take it too seriously.
Your brother Koutarou had a private lesson with their trainer and dragged you along since you had to drive him there for once due to his car being checked. He could just get the keys and drive by his own? NEVER.
He's a total jerk and probably hits the first traffic light, like he did with his own just a few days ago. Fucking idiot.
He asked you if you'd wait for him until they finish. Rolling your eyes at him you agreed and walked into the big training center with a huge sign on the front that said "Iwaizumi - Personal Training"
As you stepped foot in it, you were stunned by the luxurious furniture. Your jaw dropped even more when your brother said "The guy that owns it is a friend of mine! Well, more Akaashi's but we get along pretty well too!"
"What kinda rich ass friends do you have?? Is he good looking? If so, introduce me tf?"
"You're not hitting on our trainer, you hear me?! We're here for him to help me stretch not you!"
It was a joke. It WAS a fucking joke.
But that joke quicky turned into something meaningful as Mr. Arms came to pick up his next client.
"Bokuto! You doing fine?"
"Yeah, kinda. But my wrecked car still makes me sad."
He laughed and slapped the back of Koutarou's head as he went "Then stop being a dumbass and start driving fucking careful!"
You liked him already.
"Oh, Iwaizumi Hajime, nice to meet you. You're his sister right?" He asked as he smiled. Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.
"Yeah... sadly. Y/n, but just call me good gi-." You said as Koutarou shot you an angry look.
You took the stairs to the second floor and Iwaizumi hold a white heavy door open for you to step inside the little gym.
"You can sit over there if you want. We'll need some time."
You nodded as you sat yourself on a bench near the big windows and watched as the two of them spoke a little about this and that, before Iwaizumi started helping that stupid motherfucker to stretch.
"Down... down... just like that."
Man... he looks mighty fine in that black work uniform of his. His arms are something else but lets not forget about that juicy ass and those thick ass thighs... lord. I'm a simp.
"Y/n!! Keep your unholy eyes off him!" Your brother snapped you out of your sweet day dream.
"I was only admiring the hard work he probably put into getting those thighs.. jeeez..." you said rolling your eyes at him for the 5th time today.
You could tell Iwaizumi was a little caught off guard by the way you act around each other and the way you freely admitted you drooled over him. He just chuckled realizing Bo's sister was kinda horny, checking him out.
"We'll go with some light exercises first." He said as he continued doing his job professionally. "Good... hold it.. hold it.. a little deeper."
"You can go a lil deeper somewhere else..." You muttered under your breath but he heard you clearly and smirked as he kept on instructing Koutarou.
When they were done with their little session my brother wanted to head for the showers so you told him you'd wait for him here, while Iwaizumi was getting some things to clean up after them.
"Why aren't you waiting downstairs?"
"Because I smell a huge dick opportunity, my oblivious little brother."
"Yo be a lil quiet he might hear you."
"As if he doesnt know you wanna be screwed by now... good lord.. do what you have to do but finish by the time I'm done showering. And no fucking details on the ride home!!"
"Fiiiine... ugh."
So you were leaning against the wall as Iwaizumi cleaned the equipment he used as you started walking over to him and his stunning green eyes found yours.
"Y/n. Can I help you with something?" he politely asked as if he doesn't already know what you want him to help you with.
"Hmm... I might have an idea..." you said as you came a little closer and ran your hands over his delicious biceps.
"You know.. I could use some help with stretching too.."
He bit his lip slightly and smirked "I'd fuck your desperate pussy right now if it wasn't for me being at work."
Yeah whatever you gonna give me this dick..
"But.. but I really need it bad! Please~ I promise to be a good girl for you and finish you off fast, Daddy."
"....Fucking whores got the nerve." he said as he grabbed you and threw you on the bench, you were sitting on earlier, ass up, wasting no to to lift your cute skirt before he took the waistband of his shorts and pushed them down just enough to free his thick hard cock.
"You want my cock, yea? Fine. Girls like you like it big don't they?"
Sliding two fingers in between your lips, he slid them up and down to fully cover your pussy in your arrousal, before he put his fat tip to your drooling hole and... "Take it, bitch." ... thrusted so hard into you, you swore the whole second floor knew you got screwed right now. But do we care? Hell nah.
"Huh. Bit off more than you can chew, babe? That sucks."
Hell he fucked you stupid and even if it was only like 10 minutes you get to enjoy his fat cock, you were already so exhausted. It was hard to keep up with him, the stamina and the strength... my god...
He suddenly pulled out and left you empty and whining "Put.. put it in!! P-please!" you begged and tried lowering myself onto him again as he just laughed.
"Already addicted, hm?"
"Y-yes! Now could you please continue!??"
"You know actually I'm already late to my next session."
You turned your head and looked at him in disbelieve.
An evil smirk on his face he pointed at his cock, all messy from your juice "I told you I have a session now. Lick the rest of your pussy off me. I need to hurry."
"Come again?! Theres a fucking towel!"
"Oh so you don't want that private special treatment next sunday?"
"Nevermind, Daddy!!"
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melo-yello · 4 years
✨Self-Care Day✨w/ 💥🪨KiriBaku HeadCanons💥🪨
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Off Day
💥🪨 You’re hanging upside down on the couch in your shared apartment with a boyfriend on either side of you. Kiri’s hand in yours while Baku’s had one hand on your thigh and the other scrolling on his phone as some cartoon drones on the tv
💥🪨 This is not how you envisioned your first free weekend into the last two weeks going
💥🪨 You sigh loudly before poking out your bottom lip “Suki? Eiji? I’m bored.” you pout dramatically as you throw a hand onto your forehead before you continue “Can we do a self-care day?”
💥🪨 Baku just grunts in affirmation as he stretches before standing. Kiri just smiles “Of course, Pebble. Whatever you want.”
💥🪨 You pop up pecking both guys on the cheek as you bounce off to the kitchen with Kiri’s hand still in yours “Thanks you two are the best!I’ll make tea!!!”
💥🪨 “And don’t you forget it!” Bakugou smiles popping your soft ass as he follows behind most likely to micromanage
💥🪨 You three chat about your week not having much time outside of courses to really talk. Between studying, training, and hero work you guys just didn’t have a lot going of free time.
💥🪨Per usual you and Kiri really carry the conversation Baku only chiming in ever so often to offer up things that he hates
💥🪨 You pop up remembering one of for favorite parts of a good ole fashioned treat yo self day. The cute headbands for you and Kiri to push your hair out of your faces. You return with a pink bunny one, a brown Teddy Bear one, and a plain black headband. Baku takes the black and Kiri takes the bunny.
💥🪨 “How do I look, Peb?” Kiri smirks flexing to show his broad ass built ass frame after putting on his bunny headband. “Ridiculous.” “-ly Hawt!” You laugh correcting Baku
💥🪨 You film in absolute awe as your Manly bf’s pierce Suki’s ear with ease after the off handed joke you made sipping tea. Cue Baku voguing it up with pride and a freshly pierced ear. Bakugou is slightly leaner and a couple inches shorter but just as toned
💥🪨 “Suki, Eiji, you are too manly!” You hype your man up as you post the video to your IG story
💥🪨 It’s your turn now!! Kiri easily pierces your ears with a red stud in your right and an orange in your left. Adding a second set of holes right above your first ones
💥🪨 Next comes high quality and novelty animal face masks Bakugou buys online to compliment his vigorous skin care routine. It rivals half of the YouTube Beauty community’s
💥🪨 Niether of you have any idea of where he buys them or where he hides them for that matter. He stores them away so you guys can’t steal them when he’s not around. Bakugou allows you and Kiri to use his masks on special occasions tho
💥🪨 “Mr. and Mrs. Dumbass.” He smirks handing you a frog and Kiri a tiger. Earning him a playful jab from you and “A Thanks, Babe.” from the red head
💥🪨 You suggest nail 💅🏾 polish next and Kiri is automatically on board. “Oooooo can you make them Red, Babygirl? Because they’d be so manly!” Kiri beams bouncing up and down. Baku will only allow his middle fingers painted. “I want white with bombs or just F U. Whichever is easier for you, Teddy Bear.” Bakugou nods scrunching up his nose from behind his own red panda face mask.
💥🪨 Kirishima’s nails are a simple sparkly red that say 🤍BITE MANLY in white while Bakugou’s middle fingers are white with black bombs with an orange F U on each one respectively
💥🪨 After you peel off your masks, you and Kirishima squeal in nearly perfect sync “Oooooooooooo! Sooooo Soft! Aren’t we hawt, Bakubro! Seeeeeeeeeee!” Both of you placing his hand on your faces
💥🪨Bakugou will just roll his red eyes into the back of his head as you two wrap him in a tight embrace “I’ve told you idiots a thousand times the importance of regular skin care with quality products.” He shrugs nonchalantly even thought he loves when you two are touchie with him. He hates to admit it
💥🪨 As you begin to search you nail kit for your preferred color, Kiri grabs your hand and presses it to his cheek “Can we do yours, Pebble?” He pouts. Bakugou follows suit grabbing your other hand “Pretty please, Teddy?” He whines firmly pressing your hand to his heart.
💥🪨 You buckle so fast it’s not even funny. “Bbbbbbbut...😤😖😞fine.” You concede
💥🪨These two really know how to put on the charm. Especially if Bakugou Kasuki is calling you Teddy instead of Dumbass.
💥🪨 “Great! Y/n, pick out a show to watch before we start.” Baku barks handing you the remote. “Why?” You question snatching it and putting on Criminal Minds. Simply thrilled you were getting to pick (Typically there were mini competitions for such a privilege)
💥🪨 “You’re judging, Bighead. You can’t look til we’re done.” Kiri hums thoughtfully trying to pick a good color combination. Baku already had his colors hidden in his lap before scouting so his hip was against yours sure to obscure your view of your own hand from you.
💥🪨 “Yea, no bias. When I win it’ll because I’m the best! Isn’t that right, Shitty Hair!” The ash blonde smiles cockily at the red head across from him. “In your fucking dreams, Spark plug!” Kiri spits backs just taking all the colors and copying Bakugou’s positioning
💥🪨 “If either of you fuckers, get those polishes on my favorite jeans there’ll be hell to pay.” You warn with a sinister tone to rival even Katsuki’s and the widest smile. The boys shiver at the seriousness behind your smile. Your threat is far from empty
💥🪨 You pretty much figured your nails would probably look terrible with each of your vividly different boyfriends competing with each other. “What do you, dorks, even get for winning?” You muse leaning into Kiri’s broad ass shoulder
💥🪨 “The next date plans and solo cuddles with Teddy Bear for the rest of the night seems fair to me. Huh, Eijirou?” Baku looks up from his work with a self assured grin blowing one of your nails. Vermilion irises float from you to Kiri.
💥🪨 Knowing damn well niether of them could keep you their hands off you. “Deal.” Kiri nods without giving Baku the satisfaction of meeting his gaze.
💥🪨 “Oh and I get shitly painted nails.” You sigh rolling your eyes. You’d be lying if you didn’t find it kinda hawt when they got like this
💥🪨 “There.” Halfway through the 2nd episode Kiri says and finally caps his last polish. Blowing gently across the surface of your nails.
💥🪨 By this time Baku has placed your arm on his lower back and his head in your lap. A firm grip on your wrist so you couldn’t checkout his work until Kiri finished. Your fingers make light circles there despite being held hostage. “Bout time, slow poke.” Baku huffs releasing your arm as you brought both hands side by side.
💥🪨 They had somehow managed to pick colors that didn’t totally clash. Kiri’s hand were mix match rose gold and pink with the teeniest (not to mention even) little white hearts in the middle of each nail.
💥🪨 Baku’s hand was very simple and clean. Black French tips with one red to orange nail with a black X on top as an accent.
💥🪨 You weren’t expecting anything this good. You could barely speak. You hadn’t been this lost for words since they had asked you out. You sniffle a lil bit. Your eyes glass up a little too.
💥🪨 God your partners are so great sometimes. The fact that they genuinely gave a fuck still manages to catch you off guard at times. After so many terrible relationships, effort, in and of itself, is kinda baffling
💥🪨 “Damn Pebs, it’s not that bad if you squint.” Kiri laughs nervously squeezing your shoulders. “Woah there, Teddy Bear, I’ll get the remover.” Baku stands ruffling your curls before you grab his wrist stopping him in his tracks.
💥🪨 “Suki. Eiji. Don’t be mad but I can’t pick! You guys both did really good! Fuck! I couldn’t ask for better lovers. You assholes are so much better than I deserve!” You gush before hiding your face in your hands. A little ashamed you let your boyfriends doing something as simple as your nails make you emotional.
💥🪨 “But Baby you deserve the world.” Kirishima immediately scoops you into a bear hug as he stands spinning you with ease and peppering you in kisses. Kiri places you back down even more gently than picked you up
💥🪨 “Princess, you’re a bad bitch! Don’t you dare forget it!” The shorter ash blonde says unwaveringly lifting your chin so you’d meet his eyes. He softly bops your forehead before kissing it and both cheeks. He pulls you close right as he yanks you up to straddle his waist
💥🪨 “Eijirou, I think our Babygirl needs a reminder of who she is and who she’s with.” His already deep ruby eyes darken lustfully. With no hesitation Kiri is right behind you in seconds
💥🪨 “I know just thing to jog our Pebble’s memory, Katsuki.” He whispers licking the side of your neck just as moves to capture Katsuki’s lips with his own
💥🪨 “Promise?” You moan softly lacing fingers into Kiri’s loose kitchens and trailing a cool hand across Baku’s abdomen stopping only at his joggers waist band
💥🪨 With that the three head to the bed room for some much needed group physical therapy
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
Hi!😁 I'll give you another ship with my dear Lucifer morningstar from Lucifer cuz as it turns out I'm a hoe for a lot of characters but what can ya do? Thank you!
Aw hell yii, somebody's talkin' my lingo! 😎
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Who the fuck put the Peeps in the microwave?: Lucifer. And no, it's not because he actually likes them or is curious about what would happen; he's seen plenty of Youtube videos enough to know exactly what happens. No . . . It's far more malicious . . . Generally speaking, you don't like the constant comparison of cats to the devil. But after getting to actually meet The Devil, you think that those believers might be on to something. Lucifer's whorey ways bleeds into his need for attention like red bleeds into white in the wash, and he's completely shameless about it. For example, if he feels like you may be focusing too much on work or, gasp, other people besides him, you run the risk of encountering a very . . . mischievous Luci. Not that he's not already a prankster, but he somehow becomes a bit more childish. Catlike in some respects. He puts your mugs up higher than what you can normally reach without having to climb on the countertop. He joins you at your kitchen table while you're reading over files for work and puts on his most angelic face, insisting he just wants to keep you company and will be as quiet as vermin in Dear Old Dad's house . . . then proceed to obnoxiously click a pen while pretending to solve a word problem, or eat cheese puffs obnoxiously loud. And then . . . the Peeps: The absolute prettyboy bastard used your microwave as a casualty of war, plopping the unplated, mutant-colored marshmallows directly on the glass and letting them go. To be fair, it technically didn't ruin anything. But at least he had your attention now -- because after fussing at him for making a mess, you were currently supervising him scrubbing not only the effected areas of the glass dish, but the rest of the microwave as well. Unfortunately, you can't say a lesson was really learned because now Luci knows that if he wants to get a rise out of you, what he needs is a bunch of candies from the bargain bin.
Who forgot to put the cat out before sex?: It's not that either of you forgot the cat was there -- it was that Lucifer wanted the bloody animal to give the both of you some privacy. And because Lucifer forgot the cat was there. He was simply too busy embracing you in a liplock and laying you down on the couch to notice the glaring eyes of the cat you had rescued from the shelter. Thankfully, you two didn't get very far before the lovingly-named Lucipurr released a meow, indicating that he had become flesh and bone in the few hours it had been since you'd last fed him. Suffice to say, after a startled Lucifer flung himself off of you and onto the floor, nearly breaking his ass on the coffee table (and the laughing fit that had induced on your end), the mood was killed. For the next fifteen minutes, that is. The next time he tried anything, Lucifer made sure that his efforts would be continued in the bedroom (but not before he did a complete check of every nook and cranny in there to make sure the furry bastard wasn't trying anything).
Who posts Vines/TikToks of the other doing embarrassing shit?: Lucifer absolutely lacks boundaries. The moment he discovered smartphones, social media, and all their potential, he was all in and recording as many videos of friends and coworkers as he could in as many awkward or unideal situations as they came. You felt bad for Dan being his constant target, but you were somewhat sure that Dan felt bad for you in a way: After all, you were dating the freaking guy and yet Lucifer had few qualms about posting a video of you, drunkenly singing karaoke in what was supposed to be a private room? Harsh.
Who breaks the most phones?: Lucifer does. He's not necessarily careless, but his part-time occupation does lead him to circumstances that tend to put his phone in danger. You, Chloe, Dan, literally everyone has told him to just leave his phone in the car if he's going to get it broken that often while on the job, but the dumbass never learns. Not that he really seems to care all that much: With his wealth, he can always buy a new one. Though, the only times he gets frustrated is when photos or videos don't quite make it to the transfer and things get lost along the way. Funny photos, suggestive videos, photos and videos of you . . . Photos and videos of you being funny or suggestive . . . Downright pornographic videos he had recorded of you -- Though don't worry: He's sure you'll be more than happy to help recreate the latter. He'd gladly help you . . .
Who dies first?: It should go without saying. It really should. But that doesn't make it hurt any less. Lucifer was always one to get caught up in his indulgences, after all: Somewhere along the way, he must've gotten too swept up in the thrill, the feeling of adoration. He tells himself this but it's really just denial. Closer to the truth is that it all really was just denial: He denied the idea that you would ever leave him, that you would ever die. Luci was never good with his own thoughts and feelings, but the way you made him feel was nearly enough to convince him that, in some way, you would just plain live forever. But of course, this was not the case: It didn't matter that you were fantastical enough to love and be loved by the Devil; you were still very much a human. Very much mortal. So susceptible to things like time and illness and injury. Lucifer was the King of Indulgences. It was extremely rare for him to experience regret. But when your time inevitably ran out, remorse filled him like smoke filled his lungs with every cigarette he ran through from the moment your funeral arrangements were decided. He could never regret knowing you, as much as part of him thought doing so would spare him this pain. He tried to think of how much better he might've been had he never met you, and it always felt like he was stuck in his own personal Hell Loop with everything going wrong over and over no matter how hard he tried to change it. He regretted that for as much time as he lived up with you, he felt like he didn't use nearly enough of that time to just . . . enjoy you. You in your mortality, your fleeting beauty and love that would nonetheless haunt him for however long he might go on for. So maybe . . . for eternity? This didn't feel like his own personal Hell Loop: This was his own personal Hell Loop. And until he learned to forgive himself, it would never end. So he'd be stuck here for maybe . . . eternity.
Which one I could see as being lactose intolerant: Neither. Unless they get brought down to mortal enough, Celestials generally don't suffer ailments, let alone from things like food allergies.
Who thinks they can do something really well even though they can't?: Lucifer . . . It's not that he's not smart. But by Dad, he is lacking in so much self-awareness that it can be maddening. He thinks he's pretty good at following Dr. Linda's advice (and, to an extent, he's progressing). But the fact of the matter is, he's incredibly troubling at best. Not nearly as bad as some patients, mind you, but when Linda admitted to you that one or two sessions of Lucifer completely misinterpreting her advice nearly drove her to consider adding a secret bar into her desk, you believed her and didn't blame her for one bit.
Who is more likely to get kicked out of bed?: Lucifer is a changed devil. But it's a very slow change. You're more than happy to understand and accept this, but that doesn't mean you have to let him and his issues walk all over you. Sometimes, the big dummy just says or does things without thinking -- or because he thought too hard and thought this was the best decision to avoid further strife. And you try to be patient with him about these tendencies, you really do. But that doesn’t erase your ability to be upset by these habits, or your right to be. And no amount of him buttering you up is going to be acceptable, even when he comes by your place, armed with a dish he so thoughtfully prepared for you. Nope, he can literally go to Hell with that (really, you’re sure the demons there would appreciate a nice beef wellington); you just need some space. Ironically, this may create a cycle wherein his need to make you happy again and have your attention on him drives him to constantly hover around you and attempt to win you over, which in turn just further frustrates you. It’ll likely keep going until you either snap or a loved one pulls Luci to the side and gives him a heads up that maybe he should respect your boundaries. After all, intention isn’t the problem here: It’s the actions taken. And as much as it hurts him knowing that he accidentally hurt you, he has to respect your need for time to cool off. He forces himself to go back to his place and tries to think less about how he feels and more about how you might feel, and try to work out ways to avoid similar incidents in the future. And even though the conclusions he comes to may not be perfect, you at least respect the effort -- particularly when he next sees you, no longer armed with snacks from your favorite bakery or bouquet-carrying teddy bears. Instead, all he has is an apology. It’s sheepish, and it feels foreign to someone who rarely experiences shame or regret, but you know his whole heart is in it even if he himself doesn’t understand entirely why that is. Which is good because that’s just part one of the process; part two involves him warming up that spot in your bed that’s reserved for him!
Who uses the computer the most?: You, absolutely. Lucifer's adorably but altogether completely crap when it comes to technology. Besides, he can easily find other things with which to amuse himself, and doing the paperwork is for other people anyway.
Thank you sooooo much for participating again!!! It really means a lot!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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black-bhabie-2000 · 3 years
Hii! I would like to request accidental stimulation in public by fem reader (may be she doesn't pay much attention that time about this? Or u choose ) & and then may be the Guys get flustered about this and they try to get close & get some stimulation with their S/O till they get home and then we can go all NSFW 😛 with KENNY, CHIFUYU, BAJI, MITSUYA please ♡♡ thank you for your time. Have a greattt day☆ xo
I hope I had the right idea with this.. thank you for being my first ask and sorry if it isn't right I did the ones I know and I hope you request again..
You and Mitsuya have been dating for a while and you've gotten to see every side of him. Including what he's like outside of his Toman persona but you guys were about to hit an even bigger milestone. He invited you to his house. You were brimming with excitement. You stopped at his club after school to walk with him. He spotted you " Just a sec babe, alright make sure to not hurt yourselves and anything you mews up let me know so I can help you tomorrow. " with that He grabbed his stuff and grabbed your hand pulling you alongside him. The walk to his house wasn't long. You guys walked in and changed to his slippers and he led you to his room. "Feel free to look around." He said with a smirk. You laughed " How did you know !" He smiled and closed the door. You waited to see if he was going to com back in and he didn't. So you started snooping. The first thing was dirty magazines but sadly he hide them to well but you came across something better. In his closet was a bag with your name on it. What else could you do but open it and inside was the prettiest dress you've ever seen. You immediately stripped not paying attention to the door that was slowly opening and started putting on the dress. Once on you realized it really emphasized you curves and was a little too tight in certain areas. The whole time your tugging and trying to make it fit right. Your boyfriend is on the floor watching the show your putting on. " Wow you look hot babe" you turned around flushed and embarrassed. You forgot he would eventually come in. " You look very sexy in the clothes I made for you but it looks like it needs some adjustments " he smirked and stood up slowly walking to you. Your body moving backwards till your against the wall . Mitsuya leans in his hair tickling the side of your face. He grabs your side his right hand slowly sliding down your back and he whispers in your ear. " We're going to have to rip this off and start from scratch ." Let's just say you reached more than one milestone that day and Mitsuya makes you wear the clothes he designs on dates.
You and Baji have been in the same class for 2 years and yes yall both dumber than a bag of rocks. Only thing is you were more popular because of how cute your actions were. While baji was just weird. You asked Baji out and much to your surprise he said yes. You didn't know about Toman or that he looked like out of school until he asked you on a date to an amusement park. He told you his gang was going to be there and you excited about going on your first date pulled all the stops. Im talking about cute thigh highs, brand new skirt with a baby doll top that showed off your rack quite nicely 😏. Your makeup was beat in and you snuck into your older sisters makeup for the spray that would make sure your face wouldn't melt. Your accessories showed off you curvy and cute form. You hadn't seen Baji after-school and neither had he seen you. So you arrive at your meeting spot and couldn't see him. So you waited. You hadn't noticed the group of boys next to the fountain you walked past or kept circling. Draken called attention to you first with a nod in your direction "she's cute '
Takemitchy gasped "don't say that what about Emily " Draken laughed "like Mikey would let me date his sister " Mikey silently smiled to himself ready to go into the amusement park cause he was hungry. "Baji how long is your girlfriend gonna take, we've been out here for 20 minutes " Mikey whined. I don't know man she said she was here maybe I should call her ?" Baji responded. "You should've called her in the first place" chifuyu replied. Baji typed in your number and flipped chifuyu off with lead int the guys chuckling. You had hit the roundabout and stopped in your tracks a few feet in front of the boys. You picked up your phone in a hurry and answered it . You were kinda irritated " if you weren't going to be here , you shouldn't have wasted my time dumbass and hung up on him. Baji ofc looking at you and also stunned that you cussed at didn't say a word. Better yet all the boys were looking at you because one there was no way Baji pulled a baddy like you and two did you just cuss him out. You were Bout to storm off . When Baji caught your arm and spun you around, pulling you into him. You were shocked cause one wo to was this hot ass stranger and why was he so close. You went to yell at him and " hey babe if I knew you were going to get all filled up. I wouldn't have invited the gang and 'he leans I a little too close ' we could've went to my place for a study Date. He said gazing deep in your eyes and you knew exactly what he meant and it was for sure not studying. You pulled back half in shock cause you recognized his voice anywhere and damn you got lucky. You slapped Bajis chest ' hmph show me your friends dummy and walked away. Baji chuckling behind you , slyly gripping your hand. " Hey Draken the hot babes mine "
DRAKEN (kenny)
It was a comfy afternoon , the sky was gray and it was raining true peace. Well as peaceful as it gets in the red light district. You followed Draken all the way to his house and then hid when he got out. You walked around till you met the front desk clerksman and he recognized you. Though you didn't know how . He offered you some tea and led you to Drakens room. " I don't know when he'll be back and I'm not calling him so stay comfortable " he shut the door and left . You were in Drakens room your excitement trumping your guilt because you followed your boyfriend outta jealously. " It's so neat in here" you announce to yourself in a slight mischievous tone. Looking around cautiously you start to what any girl in her boyfriend would do . Look for evidence, not bad evidence but evidence. You had been strategically Looking and putting everything back in its place just in case he might get upset with you for Looking through his stuff. You did find a porn Magazine that showed you why he was dating you. You fit the body type of the page with white residue on it to a T . I mean her ass was a bit bigger but hey what's a girl to do. You had now moved on to store i.e. his closet . You opened and marveled at how many of those damn black and white jackets he has like damn Boi buy another color shit. You now completely forgotten you are trespassing cause your boyfriend doesn't know you are there. You start to strip and try on his clothes. Draken was making his way home it was still light outside and plus he needed to Chang into his toman uniform because Mikey wanted to meet up tonight. He was in the building heading up the elevators. Wondering why he hasn't heard from you all day. TF were you doing 😒, were you mad at him. He doesn't really know or care . He's just pissed you hadn't texted him all day. "I'm going to punish that brat next time I see her 😏" the elevator door opened and he stepped off with a pep in his step to change a little faster and head to your house and mess with you before the meeting. He walked up to the desk .
You had lost track of all time and now was getting ballsy. You half naked was about to put on his toman uniform. All your sanity is apparently out the Window cause you are giggle Loud as fuck. Your couldn't fit the pants but his jacket and boots fit nice and the way your ass looked hanging out the bottom of the jacket oof girl, you left it open revealing your bust just enough and you had your hair in a pony tail trying to mimick your boyfriends hair. ' I'm Draken and Mikey is my leader and son and if you wanna hurt him you gotta fight mee grrr"... you had your fist up and a very sad attempt of a bad ass face. You currently fake fighting and giggling like an idiot had no idea Draken had been watching you since you put your hair in the pony tail. (Stealthy bitch) you turn around doing a bad ass kick and scream and dive to his bed and cover yourself up. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE. YOU DIDN'T CALL OR TELL ME YOU WERE COMING " Draken laughed " Sweetcheeks this is my room' he approached the bed and ripped the covers off of you. You squirmed away from him till your head hit the wall. Giving Draken enough Time to place himself over you." Well hey there babe , you look pretty sexy in my uniform " his hand trailing up the side of your thigh. " I have 1 and 45 before the Toman meeting that's enough time to show you my bad ass skills huh sweetcheeks" you gasped .......... Draken was very late to the meeting that day and your brother was pissed when you went home the next day but shit that was the best sleep you ever had 😏😏😏😉🤷🏿‍♀️
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