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tealingual · 4 years ago
Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine vocabulary in Finnish
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Palestiina - Palestine Länsiranta - West Bank Gazan kaista - Gaza Strip Lähi-itä - Middle East Miehitetty Jerusalem - occupied Jerusalem Sheikh Jarrah - Sheikh Jarrah Al-Aqsan moskeija - Al-Aqsa Mosque Gaza - Gaza Palestiinalainen - Palestinian Aseistautumaton - unarmed Siviili - civilian Uhri - victim Pakolainen - refugee Israel - Israel Israelilainen - Israeli Sionismi - Zionism Sionisti - Zionist Asevoimat, armeija - military, army Sotilas - soldier Terroristi - terrorist Yhdysvaltojen tukema/rahoittama - US backed/funded Sotilasmiehitys - military occupation Häätö - eviction Pakkosiirto - forced displacement Väkivalta - violence Rotuerottelu - apartheid, segregation Etninen puhdistus - ethnic cleansing Kansanmurha - genocide Verilöyly - massacre Kolonisaatio - colonization Sensuuri - censorship Sulku, saarto - blockade Propaganda - propaganda Sotarikos - war crime Rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan - crime against humanity Kyynelkaasu - teargas Tainnutuskranaatti - stun grenade Kumiluoti - rubber bullet Raketti - rocket Ilmaisku - airstrike Sortaa - to oppress Alistaa - to subjugate Ratsata - to raid Häätää - to evict Heittää ulos - to throw out Syrjäyttää - to displace Vallata - to occupy, to take possession of Asuttaa - to settle, to colonize; to inhabit Pidättää - to arrest Hyökätä - to attack Pahoinpidellä - to assault, to abuse, to brutalize Hakata - to beat Kiduttaa - to torture Haavoittaa - to injure Ampua - to shoot Tappaa - to kill Murhata - to murder Teurastaa - to slaughter Tuhota - to destroy Pommittaa - to bomb Iskeä - to strike Tuho, hävitys - destruction Viha - hatred Pelko - fear Laiton - illegal Pelastaa Sheikh Jarrah! - Save Sheikh Jarrah! Vapauttakaa Palestiina! - Free Palestine! Päättäkää miehitys! - End the occupation!
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herecomesthepolyglot · 4 years ago
Ethnic cleansing of Palestine vocabulary in Polish
Based off of @tealingual ‘s list
Palestyna - Palestine 
Zachodni Brzeg - West Bank 
Pas Gazy - Gaza Strip 
Bliski Wschód - Middle East 
okupowana Jerozolima - occupied Jerusalem 
Sheikh Jarrah - Sheikh Jarrah 
Meczet Al-Aqsan - Al-Aqsa Mosque 
Gaza - Gaza 
Palestyńczyk - Palestinian 
nieuzbrojony - unarmed 
cywil - civilian 
ofiara - victim 
uchodźca - refugee 
Izrael - Israel 
Izraelczyk - Israeli 
Syjonizm - Zionism 
Syjonista - Zionist 
wojsko, armia - military, army 
żołnierz - soldier 
terrorysta - terrorist 
wspierany przez USA/Stany Zjednoczone - US backed/funded 
okupacja wojskowa - military occupation 
eksmisja - eviction 
przymusowe wysiedlenie - forced displacement 
przemoc - violence 
segregacja - segregation 
czystka etniczna - ethnic cleansing 
ludobójstwo - genocide 
masakra - massacre 
kolonizacja - colonization 
cenzura - censorship 
blokada - blockade 
propaganda - propaganda 
zbrodnia wojenna - war crime 
zbrodnia przeciwko ludzkości - crime against humanity 
gaz łzawiący - teargas 
granat hukowy - stun grenade 
gumowy pocisk - rubber bullet 
rakieta - rocket 
nalot - airstrike 
opresja - oppression
podbijać - to subjugate 
robić nalot/obławę - to raid 
eksmitować - to evict 
wyrzucać - to throw out 
wysiedlać - to displace 
okupować - to occupy, to take possession of 
zasiedlać - to settle, to colonize; to inhabit 
aresztować - to arrest 
atakować - to attack 
napadać - to assault, to abuse, to brutalize 
bić - to beat 
torturować - to torture 
krzywdzić - to injure 
(za)strzelić - to shoot 
zabijać - to kill 
mordować - to murder 
robić rzeź - to slaughter 
niszczyć - to destroy 
bombardować - to bomb 
uderzać - to strike 
destrukcja - destruction 
nienawiść - hatred 
strach - fear 
nielegalny - illegal 
Uratujcie Sheikh Jarrah! - Save Sheikh Jarrah! 
Wolna Palestyna! - Free Palestine! 
Skończcie okupację! - End the occupation!
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ahnafishaq · 4 years ago
Save Al-Aqsa
This is an urgent call to all Muslims around the world, and the UK in particular, to defend al-Aqsa. Right now there is practically a war taking place there with the Muslims, Palestinians and Aqsan people who are defending Aqsa with their own lives, against extremist groups who are unfortunately being supported by the occupation forces, in order to raid al-Aqsa and occupy it. This is taking place now, while we’re talking, on the 25th of Ramadan 1442 (Saturday 8th May 2021).
I urge all Muslims, all Imams, to make special du’a in their qunūt in witr for al-Aqsa and for the people that are defending al-Aqsa. Please include them in your du’a. We do not want al-Aqsa to be lost. And remember if we as an Ummah do not defend al-Aqsa then it will be taken away from us.
May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى help our brothers and sisters in Palestine; those who are defending al-Aqsa. And may Allāh free al-Aqsa from the hands of those who occupied it, for all of us.
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An urgent message from Sh Haitham on the invasion of Al-Aqsa by settler-colonisers This is an urgent call to all Muslims around the world, and the UK in particular, to defend al-Aqsa. Right now there is practically a war taking place there with the Muslims, Palestinians and Aqsan people who are defending Aqsa with their own lives, against extremist groups who are unfortunately being supported by the occupation forces, in order to raid al-Aqsa and occupy it. This is taking place now, while we’re talking, on the 26th night of Ramadan 1442 (Friday 7th May 2021). I urge all Muslims, all Imams, to make special du’a in their qunūt in witr for al-Aqsa and for the people that are defending al-Aqsa. Please include them in your du’a. We do not want al-Aqsa to be lost. And remember, if we as an ummah do not defend al-Aqsa then it will be taken away from us. May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى help our brothers and sisters in Palestine; those who are defending al-Aqsa. And may Allāh free al-Aqsa from the hands of those who occupied it, and may Allāh preserve al-Aqsa for all of us. This is your brother, Haitham al-Haddad in London on the eve of the 26th Ramadan, 7th May. https://www.instagram.com/p/COl91ztDn-n/?igshid=1cypwsairsvas
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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Sneaky sneaky peek! :v Wanna receive more? Or ask for a drawing? https://ko-fi.com/ryntrinity I have commissions for 5 to 35 dollars! #AQSanity #AQSanityWIP #mixmedia #comicmaking #comicsketch #wip #workinprogress #gothstyle #gothcomics #comicdrawing #traditionalsketch I was going to say a bunch of stuff, but I need to go grocery shopping! @0@ I'm late! https://www.instagram.com/p/CEufRTel1kT/?igshid=1b3w1h2q19ygu
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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Sketches I did during class shows Q in his sassy natural behavior in his natural job habitat :v
Bb gets sass when he's happy! And that's rare!
He is salty naturally, but sassy is in the other side of the meaning coin! UuU
IRL Update Time!
So, today I was Realy tired cuz it's Hot as Fuk!! I had to run around searching for a pet shop to buy dog food and all of the ones I knew were closed, but I found a new Beautiful BEEEautiful one kinda close!
Then, I came home and had to catch up on my studies cuz I forgot my deadline and watched 4 hours of content and condensed it into 3 pages of resumes. Writting always hurts my wrists but the teacher said it's important to physically write, so...
I just wanna lay down and watch YouTube for a while now...
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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What name should I give them? The new OC for AQS! I worked on them in the last Instagram stream and I'm pretty happy on how they turned out.
Here some info about the char!
They/them; pansexual; kinda tall; soft calm happy energy; likes metal and classic music; probably has a hidden tatoo; likes eyeliner and sometimes black nail polish; has a more masculine-ish body; likes artistic horror makeup Annnd that's pretty much it for now! :3
I have some stuff prepared in mind that I need to start writting...
I think imma do nanowrimo this year... So I can Really go into it like a boss! A write machine!
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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Sorry while I obsess with Quillian :3 I guess he is my current comfort character now...
He is evolving in my heart! :v
Who or what is your comfort character? Maybe I can draw some of them hanging out with my bb Q!
(yes I'm aware of the lil wordplay--playword! UuU)
Q in a hoodie thoooo! * w* my bb is adorbs!
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
I guess I forgot to post this one! :v oops!
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Thumbnail warm-ups and sketchbook cover! Just some Wips for yall ; ]
I'm pretty satisfied with the results! But I'll still try some different thumbnails for the comic front cover...
What do you think? Is the thumbnail decent for a cover? I'm doing that to eventually post the pages over on Tapas :3 or on Patreon in full HD and coloring page for yall!
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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I did an alternative version! (last 2 slide are the original) this tells so much about Quillian it's almost an spoiller! :v
Oh btw, I experimented a Bunch with this one! And it was almost a 5555...! O0O
Creepers =n= (Philza gang will understand :v)
I wanna streeeam! But my internet is soooo bad recently I wanna cry! I can barely watch videos above 360p! And it keeps dropping! AND I just called the technical assistance thing guys LAST WEEK! And it Was working Fine! Until KIDS...
Fricking KIiItTteEesSsSs... I hate kites...
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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They are paired! :3
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Playing around with my watercolors! And color pencil :3
I'm thinking if I should keep this color scheme for them, the more triadic style, or go for a more analogus...
I realy like monochromatic stuff tho...
O 3O
Oh btw, I'm changing the name of the comic slightly :3
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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Work in progress! Made during livestream - w-
Everything is going well and im happy with it * v*
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
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Thank you all Soooo much for your kindness and support! I was most surely Not be doing any of this if it wasn't for you all! I am so grateful for finding such beautiful communities that made me go through so much this year! #InvaderZim #hermitcraft #stevenuniverse #AQSanity #vargas #jthm #dannyphantom and now "Ordem Paranormal RPG". Loads of series as The 100, Dark, the Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, the Midnight Gospel and loads of Ghibli movies and oh the Lofi and my Spotify! There were so much more than that, but now from the top of my heart those were the ones I remembered, and Yknow my memory is terrible! :v I'm also grateful for the constant people in my life, my mod @aris.mpak_ for hanging out with me in the streams and for all the followers and colab proposal that I had to pass on since I was so jammed packed full on Inktober. I'm open for business again btw! :v Bad stuff happened, I was devastated and things that changed my whole life... I lost one of the most important person in my life im manny aspects... But I'm keeping on keeping on, and I hope he is proud of me, and that this next year is going to be much better... I realy hope that. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIiu1B3AoPO/?igshid=12duvnb78kc2v
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
I already have 341 words down... It's not much but its my first time! ÇvÇ
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ryntrinity · 4 years ago
AQSanity comic 2/2
Mini comic
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And here is the end! And the full page so you can see my shitty azz panel placements :3
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Moral of the story?
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