#AO3 bingo
rearranged-fanfic · 1 month
(Update 6/3)
Sit down a spell, weary traveler. Come and sit by my fire; bask in the warmth of the flame and rest your aching scrolling finger. You'll be sitting a while, for I have a tale to tell:
Okay, so I've had a Toshiba laptop for the better part of ten years. Maybe a little longer. That laptop has survived being struck by lightning, submerged in a bathtub, and literally having a whole bookcase topple down onto it. I thought it was immortal...
I was sadly mistaken.
About six months ago, I noticed that the typing was getting sluggish. I'd patter away at the keyboard and the letters would appear with a bit of lag. That's fine, since I use Dragon to talk-to-text for quite a bit of my writing. I really only use the keyboard for final assembly, editing, and doing quick rewrites. So, it really didn't bother me. Fastforward to April, which we will call The Great Depression. The time discrepancy between typing and having letters appear on screen became a whopping 40 seconds. Yes, I timed it.
But that was okay, because I could still use my Dragon headset.
Until I couldn't.
It would connect, but the words wouldn't appear on screen. I made sure that all of my programs were up-to-date, and that everything was working. The headset connected to my family's computers just fine. So that meant it was something wrong with mine.
Without being sure if it was the hardware or software at fault, I backed everything up to OneDrive and Google Docs.
I factory reset.
Twice. To no avail.
Over the next few days, my laptop stopped registering any keyboard input at all. It got to a point where I wasn't able to turn it on or off.
Taking it to an electronics store to get repaired didn't help, either. No luck. They said that it would be more cost effective to just buckle down and get a new one, since the age of the laptop meant that I would probably be constantly maintaining it.
My poor Toshiba died kicking and screaming, putting up a fight worthy of an epic ballad.
I saved up for a few weeks, got a new laptop, and went through the rigmarole of getting all of my programs back on it. My files are in order. My life is in shambles (but that's normal, LOL).
I DID do some story work without my computer, but... it's bad. Like, I'd die in shame if I posted anything that I thumbed in. So. Many. Spelling. Errors. How people write on their phone is beyond me. That's a talent I simply don't possess.
At this point, I'm thinking of renaming this story "HIATUS" lol. JK. But I'm seriously peeved that this happened after my last big break. Why couldn't the Depression and laptop breakdown coincide nicely? I guess that's too much to ask of the universe *Shakes fist at the sky*.
I'm creating a damn bingo card for every stupid thing that happens to me while I try to write. Because this is getting ridiculous. I broke my fingers, there was a total solar eclipse, I had a major-ish mental breakdown, and my computer bit the big one. With a free space, that's a bingo. Let's hope I don't get a blackout before the end of 2024.
I doubted the fanfiction curse. I really did. But it's apparently real. And this writer's curse has teeth, people. It bites hard.
I have my MerMay two-shot pretty well done (because I was typing it during The Great Depression), but the next chapter for REARRANGED is still rough. Crimson Chapter 3 is halfway done, but who knows how long that'll take.
The bottom line is that I'm alive and still working on the stories. The next update on this blog will be the posting of several chapters for a few different works. Fingers crossed.
Also, I'm very, very slowly answering the comments in my AO3 inbox. Some of them were pretty lengthy, so it might take a bit. Oof.
If there ever comes a time that I drop this fanfiction or am unable to continue for whatever reason, either I or my husband will be posting the entirety of my outline, as well as anything that's been pre-written for you guys to enjoy. That way there are no questions left unanswered or mysteries unsolved.
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fresh-fanfics · 5 months
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I made my own fanfic writer bingo, I put way too much effort on this. I tried to make it apply to a lot of things while still be specify, enjoy.
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fouralignments · 1 year
You know what? I wasn't expecting to put down Ao3 hacked by Russians for smut, NSFW, LGBT+/Queer content on my 2023 world event bingo card.
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sunshines-child · 7 months
@haiseiscute333 previously posted a bingo card, and I have checked my points and I have made a bingo!
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new ship I love: NicoBaster and Nion. Thanks @avaetin and @drksanctuary you’ve dragged me down a hole I can’t get out of. Posted a fan work for the first time: I think if you count my Mafia AU then yeah? read/wrote a fic in a second language: @yonemurishiroku talked about a Eros and Nico fic in a foreign language and I read it
created a blorbo playlist: because I am a weirdo I don’t use Spotify but I do have a Nico playlist on SoundCloud. Fell out of canon: I used to like Percabeth. When I was joining tumblr I was already finding it strange, but I have fell out of canon now
made a fandom friend: thank you @drksanctuary, @avaetin, @haiseiscute333, and @yonemurishiroku. Happy new year. used new site skin: not on Tumblr but I have! It was a little weird, so I changed it back. Discovered a new trope I love: “I say your are an annoyance but I am actually so whipped I would kill for you”
I’m too lazy to do the rest.
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lisianpeia · 7 months
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inexplicablymine · 11 months
Fic writer bingo tag from @historicallysam
I have just literally before posting this discussed commission for a piece for my Bond/Q actors AU that I am working on so I counted it hehe
Also not currently a multi fandom writer but a multi fandom consumer, we will see if that changes.
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So many people have done it I don’t want to accidentally triple tag, if you would like to join in!!!
Blank one beneath the break!
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omaano · 3 months
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"I've grown these for you."
My first entry for the @rexobibingo - because what is a Gardener/Gardening about if not making leafy things grow out of love? (You can, of course, grow your leafy things out of spite too, I guess, that's always a very fair motivation if you ask me)
Keeping to good old habits from my previous bingo experience, please allow me to wholeheartedly and very passionately recommend @dharmaavocado's fic that has been on my mind throughout the whole time while I was working on this drawing We Who Love Our Hands in Dirt which was likely the first fic that has sold me on this ship, and Hanahaki as allergies will never stop being fascinating to me as a concept *w*
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rainbowpufflez · 18 days
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I played through the newest yaoi arc in Pokemas
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One Last Spar
Pairing: Robby Keene x Fem!Reader
Word count: 864
Summary: After a long day of practice you're ready to go home before you get in trouble for being out too late, though Robby has other ideas as he tries to pull you in for one last spar.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with the square 'Make Me'
*Gif does not belong to me
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"Are you leaving?" Robby wondered as he saw you walking around the dojo, picking your stuff up off the floor and stuffing it into your bag. You and him were the last two in the dojo apart from his dad who was in his office trying to get some paperwork done which he normally discarded.
"Hm?" You hummed before the question registered, looking up to see your boyfriend sitting on the floor and stretching out his legs. Only recently had you started taking lessons with Robby, taking a bit of convincing before you finally relented and started training with him. Now, the two of you could always be found sparring together if you were both at the dojo, normally just messing around when you were together. "Yeah, it's starting to get late and I don't want my mum to get worried."
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind waiting a little bit longer," Robby mused as he jumped to his feet, going after you. Waiting to see what he was going to do, you allow Robby to worm your bag out of your hands, the luggage being discarded off to the side before Robby was stood before you, a soft smile on his face. "We have time for one more round."
"I don't know Robby," You muttered, unsure if this was the best idea. Knowing your mum, she would be spamming your phone soon with hundreds of messages and calls if you didn't say something soon. As you stared at Robby standing across from you, you felt your resolve slowly start to break away, though you didn't let him know that just yet. "It's going to take me a while to get home, I shouldn't waste any more time here."
"I'll drive you home," Robby quickly interjected, his mind set on the idea of one last spar.
"You don't have a licence," You point out with a deadpan, knowing where this was heading. Going to get your bag, you begin walking off the mat and towards your belongings.
"They don't have to know that," Robby said, quickly shuffling in your way to cut you off from grabbing your stuff. Instead, he scooped your hands up in his, a glowing smile on his face as he looked down on you. "Come on, this will be the last one."
"You said that last time," You said with a soft giggle and a shake of your hand, trying to move past Robby only for him to block you off again, not allowing you to get past. Your brows pinched together as you tried again to step past only for Robby to slide in your way. "Robby that's enough. I need to go so get out of my way."
"Make me," The words fell from Robby's lips, a fire in his eyes as he challenged you. Your lips thin together, eyes narrowing at Robby and for a few moments, he thought he might have pissed you off until both of your hands snap out of his, one launching up to try and hit him in the face. The actions were blocked but only by a hair, your fist inches away from his cheek. "Woah," Robby could only whisper before your other fist came hurtling towards him.
As he threw up a hand to try and block it, your attack fell short, never meeting its target as you switched strategies, instead sending your leg shooting out towards his. Colliding with his knee, knocking it back, Robby's weight buckles under him. You didn't let him fall to the ground though as you grabbed onto one of his flailing arms, yanking it towards your chest and then pivoting, shoving him to the ground away from your bag.
He didn't go down without a fight though, gripping onto your wrist as he tugged you down with him. Scrambling to find purchase, your hands land on his chest once his back hits the floor. Pushing yourself up, you try to pin his wrists down, keeping the rest of your body weight sat on his hips to try and limit his movements.
Your hands weren't quick enough though as they grabbed onto yours, easily overpowering your movement as you were flipped onto your back. A small huff forced its way out of your lips as you stared up at him, watching as his hair framed his face and he copied your earlier position, keeping you down.
"I win," Robby grinned, about to duck down and kiss you through your joint panting messes, though you didn't give him the chance, bucking your hips up and sending him launching over your head. Not expecting the movement, a startled yelp escapes his mouth as your positions once again switch.
"No," You correct, a smile of your own making its way onto your face. Robby didn't even look mad as he lay beneath you, grinning up at you with a fresh sheen of sweat coating his skin. "I win," You say before ducking down and connecting your lips.
"Hey," A voice bellowed through the dojo, making you and Robby shoot apart and turn to face the owner of it. "What have I said about making out in the dojo?"
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dreamlingbingo · 28 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Barista Hob Gadling, Writer Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, meet ugly, Happy Ending Series: Part 1 of Dreamling Bingo - 2024 Summary:
He doesn’t even know what he wants. He has been spending far too long gazing at the man, who is even more enticing up close. The soft, golden lighting in the cafe reflects in the depths of his eyes and Dream feels himself falling into the pools of earth and warmth inside of them.
Then the man raises his brows in question and his smile falters. And Dream realizes he has yet to speak and this is where he is supposed to order something rather than gawk at the man like some infatuated teen.
“Black coffee,” he says.
  Why the fuck did he say black coffee?
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kybercrystals94 · 9 months
I Miss You
By KyberCrystals94
Read on Ao3 here!
Whumptober 2023|Day 5|Alternative Prompt: Playing Cards
Bad Things Happen Bingo|Prompt: Crying Themselves to Sleep
Rating: G
Words: 785
Summary: Echo discovers a message from a brother.
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“Those look so old!” Wrecker declares, leaning on the upper bunk to scrutinize the playing cards Echo is sorting through.
Echo smiles. “That’s because they are old. I pilfered them off a graduated trooper when I was a cadet.”
“You stole them?” Wrecker sounds as impressed as he is surprised. “I thought you never broke a rule in your life.”
“With the right motivation, I’ve been persuaded to bend a few.” Echo chuckles. “Technically, they were contraband for the guy I stole them from. So, really, I was doing him a favor.”
Wrecker grins. “That’s neat you still have them even after they thought you were blown up.”
Echo’s smile falls slightly as he continues to set the cards out, dividing them into suits. “Yeah, when they thought I died, they went to my old batch mate, Fives. After Fives, they went to Rex, and then Rex gave them back to me when I-"
"Came back to life?” Wrecker offers.
“Sure,” Echo says. “When that happened.”
“I don’t think you could even shuffle them if you tried.” Wrecker laughs.
“They’ve definitely seen better days.”
The cards are dogeared, and every one of them has been folded into quarters because of the time Cutup tried to cheat at Sabaac. He folded a few of them so he could identify them in someone’s hand. When the other Dominos found out, they had painstakingly copied the folds on every single card so they all matched. Echo had been so angry at his squad mate, but he desperately wishes he could take back the harsh words that came out of his mouth. After all, they were just cards. A toy. Nowhere near as important as the individuals that played with them.
Echo finds the card he is looking for, the one that had made this deck obsolete. He had accidentally dropped the card in his cup of caf, discoloring it. Fives had suggested they stain all the cards in caf to match; however, Echo decided to retire the deck and get a new one. The old deck was tucked away in his storage bin in the barracks on Kamino, carrying too many memories in its deteriorated fibers to throw away.
Echo holds up the stained card for Wrecker's inspection. “I dropped it in my caf. It’s the reason we didn’t play with this deck anymore,” he explains.
“What does it say?” Wrecker asks.
“What does what say?”
Wrecker points to the back of the card. “On the back. There’s writing.”
Echo flips the card around, squinting to make out the ink of a pen on the intricately designed backing.
I miss you.
Echo feels like the air has been stolen from his lungs.
Fives wrote those words. There is no doubt in Echo’s mind. Not before the Citadel mission. After. After Echo died. After Fives went back to Kamino. Echo can see him. Sitting in their barracks, sorting through Echo’s meager collection of personal effects. He’s searching for a playing card stained in caf. He writes the three words, handwriting ragged by a trembling hand. A note for the brother he lost. That he'd never get back. I miss you.
Echo blinks and finds that Wrecker has half climbed into the bunk with him, a hand on each of his shoulders. “You with me, buddy?” Wrecker asks.
“Yeah,” Echo croaks. He clears his throat. “Yeah. Sorry.”
Wrecker’s good eye searches Echo’s face, trying to understand. “You scared me there for a second. You sorta zoned out, and then your breathing got weird.”
“Sorry,” Echo says again. Emotions bubble up, threaten to burst out of him, card still gripped in his flesh hand. Dark, inky, familiar script carving into his mind. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
“Did I do something?” Wrecker asks, climbing down from his precarious perch.
Echo shakes his head and tries to reassure the man with a thin smile. “No, you didn’t do anything. It’s just…” Echo holds up the card. “The writing. It’s a note from my batch mate, Fives.”
He leaves it at that, and Wrecker doesn’t ask for more. Instead, he offers Echo a kind smile. “I'm gonna go start my watch but let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Wreck, I will,” Echo says, and he means it.
Wrecker leaves the bunk room, and Echo gathers up the cards, tucking them in their tin. He keeps the caf stained card out. He lies down, back to the room, facing the wall, and holds the note in front of him. The last words his oldest brother ever gave him blurs in his watery vision.
“I miss you too,” Echo whispers, and silently cries until sleep claims him.
Read the prequel, You Promised, here!
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in-my-loki-feels · 20 days
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss - if you're still doing these for the ask game!
Don't think too much about logistics or this probably falls apart. I just went with my first thought, which turned into this sappy mess. 🙈
(I'm also counting this as a bingo fic but all of that will be at the end.)
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss
Mobius had never been to space, but he supposed that it might have felt like this: drifting through nothingness in a bulky suit, witness to the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen—well, second most. Either way, the screens at the TVA hadn’t done it justice. It was breathtaking, vibrant green and blue and purple ribbons of light, and somewhere deep within was possibly, hopefully, the god who had saved them all. 
He knew this could be a fruitless endeavor, and maybe even a one-way trip, but he’d had to try. After waiting so long for a sign, what could he do but go look for one himself? Especially after O.B. had told him he’d possibly found a way to reach the Citadel at the End of Time, a place Loki had described but Mobius never expected to see for himself.  As he drifted closer, Mobius could see that the tree before him was made up of countless glimmering timelines, all woven together to create a slowly shifting, shimmering Yggdrasil. The Tree of Life. The connection between the Nine Realms, and now all of time, he supposed.  Mobius wondered how exactly he’d get inside. He’d told O.B. he had a plan but the truth was he was making it up as he went along. He’d had to say that to get O.B.’s help to make it this far. He couldn't rely on O.B. for everything. Just as Mobius thought he’d have to raise his hands or bump face-first into the tree, the timelines slowly parted before him, allowing his momentum to continue carrying him forward.  The inside of the tree glowed with as much light as the outside. It didn’t seem entirely hollow but there was definitely space for him to float forward. There were also scattered pieces of black rock that had veins of gold running through it. A larger chunk looked like it could have been a piece of a window. It took Mobius back to the moment he’d received the file that changed his life forever, standing in the golden light passing through a stained glass window.  His foot bumped into something and he came to a stop. It was difficult to see in his cumbersome suit, but when he moved his foot around it felt like something stable. It also, strangely, felt as though there were gravity now. Mobius lifted his other foot and found another surface just above the first. Stairs? Slowly, laboriously, Mobius ascended the steps.  His breath caught in his throat when he reached the top and saw a familiar figure seated on a golden throne. Mobius’ legs shook with exhaustion and anticipation, but he forced them into motion so he could cross the space between them.  Loki looked ethereal surrounded by the sparkling, swaying timelines. He still held some in both hands, but the rest seemed to be woven into his cloak, stretching out all around him. Loki’s hair moved as if nudged by a gentle breeze, but Mobius couldn’t feel anything inside his suit. Loki’s eyes were open, glowing the brilliant green of his magic, but as Mobius waited, there was no sign he saw Mobius at all. He was silent and still, the guardian of all of time now. Always.  Mobius couldn’t stay in this stupid suit any longer. If his skin was gonna get peeled off at least he’d have one last look at Loki unobscured by a window pane or dirty helmet. He fumbled with the heavy latches, not wanting to remove his gloves just yet. Finally, the clasps snapped open and he was able to turn the helmet enough to unlock it. With shaking arms, he lifted it off his head. 
Loki looked no different than he had through the visor: motionless, bathed in the light of the timelines he protected. Mobius stared long enough to realize he hadn’t turned to spaghetti or had his skin peeled off. He waited a few more seconds just to be sure then decided if it was safe enough for his head it would be safe enough for the rest of him. He hurriedly stripped off the rest of the suit and then approached Loki.  He’d had no plan for what came next and still didn’t. All he knew was there was a growing need within him to touch Loki, to know he was real. He started with Loki’s hands, so cold they seemed as if they should be frozen stiff. Mobius was able to take them in his—careful not to brush the timelines—and press a kiss to each knuckle. He kissed the back of each hand, then turned them over and kissed the pale underside of each wrist. When he looked up, Loki’s eyes were still unseeing, or all seeing perhaps. He was the guardian of the timelines now. The God of Stories, but what of his own?  Mobius swallowed down that bitter thought and gently set Loki’s hands on the arms of his throne. He reached out to cup Loki’s face and found his skin was just as cold here.
Mobius leaned forward to press a kiss to the crown Loki wore, made of the same black stone threaded with gold that floated around them. Below that, he placed a kiss on the center of Loki’s forehead. He kissed both brows, then each cheek and then hesitated before placing a gentle kiss on Loki’s lips. They were as cold as the rest of him, so Mobius kissed them again and again until he felt he had transferred some warmth. Loki’s mouth remained still against his, but what else did he expect? Even if Mobius’s vision was a little blurry when he pulled back, he didn’t mind. This was still more than he thought he’d ever have when Loki locked the doors against him and Sylvie and walked out onto the gangway alone.  Mobius brushed his thumb across Loki’s cool cheek and wondered if he could chafe warmth back into Loki’s hands without disturbing the timelines. Then Loki blinked.  Mobius’s heart stopped. He waited, counting the seconds in his head. At thirty, Loki blinked again, then after a shorter wait, a third time. The green glow remained in his eyes but his gaze shifted ever so slightly to focus on Mobius, instead of looking through him.  Loki blinked one more time, a slow brush of dark lashes against pale skin, and then his eyes widened ever so slightly.  “Hey there,” Mobius said in a thick voice.  A tear escaped the corner of Loki’s eye, rolling down his cheek to land on Mobius’s thumb. Mobius felt his own eyes overflow as he leaned forward to press another kiss to Loki’s lips. This time, he felt a gentle tremor against his mouth before Loki kissed him back.
This unintentionally mirrored an idea I had for a longer bingo prompt fill (which I still may do!) but I'm going to go ahead and count it towards the "citadel" and "together at the tree at the end of time" squares. @kcscribbler @lokiusbingo Bingo card here!
Also shoutout to @thosegayoldmen for planting this idea in my brain a month ago. It never let me go!
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katsmtmsdoodles · 19 days
Reblog for bigger sample size! Based on this post by @rigorwhoring
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
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fallenangelics · 3 months
On The Edge of His Seat
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PAIRING | Angel Dust/Husk
SUMMARY | Things between Angel and Husk have been going slow but steady. It wasn't what Angel was used to but he couldn't say he was upset by it. So when some of his hornier tendencies start to take over he may be a tad bit worried it might ruin things.
RATING | Mature
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Established Relationship, Movie Night, Fat Nuggets
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Pining | @kinky-things-happen | Accidental Stimulation | @fandombingo | Aroused By A Massage | @fandom-free-bingo | "Well, That Was..." "Yeah" | @multifandom-flash | Stopped Dead In Their Tracks | You Must Be Cold
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Only recently had Angel Dust and Husk moved to a more physical relationship. Being physically intimate in a non-sexual way was a new learning experience for Angel, though he couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying it. 
Every morning he woke up to a cat-owl-hybrid wrapped protective around his back, wings splayed out and acting as a second blanket as he had Fat Nuggets occasionally tucked into his own arms. Sometimes Fat Nuggets chose to stay in his own bed so Angel would find his head resting under Husk’s chin and fingers buried in his fur. Groggy, morning-breath kisses were shared in greetings before one of them would have to pull the other away from the bed so they didn’t fall back asleep. 
Throughout the day Angel would be able to steal small moments with Husk when no one was looking. Already spending as much time at the bar as he did, it wasn’t like much of his daily routine had to change to spend more time with Husk, only the amount of affection Husk chose to share varied. Some days he would act as if they weren’t dating, trying to stay professional in case Alastor came barging in, others he couldn’t care less and would practically spend every second ogling Angel. 
When Angel would have to leave for work, Husk would stay up waiting for the spider to return. If Angel wanted to sit and talk for a few hours, Husk didn’t mind staying up a little longer and making a few drinks, but if Angel wanted to turn in for the night, Husk would take him up to bed like he would any other night, the two of them eventually tucking themselves in after their respective routines before laying close and waiting for it all to happen again. 
To say Angel was content would be an understatement. Every day he was filled with overflowing love for the bartender. He couldn’t bring himself to care for the lack of sexual intimacy, he experienced it enough every day at work to not have a raging libido whenever he got back to the hotel no matter how much he joked about it. That and the fact he didn’t want to ruin what he had with Husk. If staying with him meant taking it slow then that was exactly what Angel would do. 
But if that was what Husk wanted to do, he was left to the current predicament that he had gotten himself into. 
Sat originally lounged across the couch, his legs splayed over Husk’s lap. The rest of the hotel’s residents were taking up other pieces of furniture, minus Alastor, watching a movie on the television. Any attention that Angel had been paying towards the movie was lost once Husk had begun trailing his sharp nails along Angel’s legs. 
It didn’t stop there though as Husk’s fingers reached higher and higher, eventually deciding to drag Angel closer so he sat snug against Husk’s side. His tail very quickly then coiled its way around Angel after that, the feather tip wrapping around his midsection and hovering just over his legs. 
Every few moments, Husk’s tail would twitch, the feathers lightly brushing against the tight black shorts that he normally adorned. Though the movement was light, almost nonexistent, Angel could feel every brush of it. It seemed his mind and body zeroed in on the action, not being able to pay attention to anything else as the sensation repeated every few moments whenever Husk’s tail would twitch. 
What was worse was that Husk seemed to have no idea what he was doing. His attention was utterly focused on the movie in front of them, all of the twitches and brushes of his tail being in direct correlation to the reactions he was having while he was watching. 
It was infuriating, and almost intoxicating, as the heat spread throughout his body, being rendered to do nothing and show real constraint so as to not act on any desires to firstly not bring any attention to what Husk was unawarely doing, and secondly, not gross everyone else in the room out since his stomach should definitely not be tying itself into knots due to the heat that was spreading through him. 
With every second that passed by, Angel could feel himself slowly growing hard. How Husk didn’t realise it was beyond him, but he wasn’t about to point it out before he had the chance to sort it out. Angel tried willing it to calm down but it seemed Husk’s tail had a mind of its own and decided that Angel wasn’t going to get a break, edging him unconsciously.
Even as the movie came to an end, Angel had no clue, instead staring intently at the ground as he tried to keep his breathing even. A few times it had spiked into soft gasps, earning a few flicks of Husk’s ears as they pivoted to face him, not yet turning his head in case it was just a false alarm. 
As people began to file out, Angel muttering his good nights when they were due, he could only hope that Husk didn’t plan on sitting and chatting with him for too long. Though it was something that they did every night, making its way into their routine at this point, Angel couldn’t help but wish to be released from Husk’s gentle hold so he could take care of himself in the bathroom.
“Well Husky,” Angel feigned a large yawn, arching his back as he stretched himself out, trying to move Husk’s tail away while also folding his legs over one another to hide himself. With a soft smile, Husk kept his eyes fastened on Angel, running his hands soothingly over him continuously. “I might turn in as well. I think that movie bored me to my second death.”
“Are you sure? Do you want me to make you a drink to take up?” Husk asked, shifting with Angel. The slight movement resulted in Angel’s legs bunching together, a shiver raking through his body as his nerves were lit and light stimulation was sent through his body. Furrowing his bushy brows at Angel’s reaction, Husk asked, “Are you cold?”
“Nah- I’m good,” Angel stuttered out, trying to compose himself as he sat up fully. He tried sitting up properly when Husk’s knee shifted up, connecting directly with his clothed dick and sending a shockwave of pleasure through him. A breathy moan tumbled its way out of Angel’s lips before he could stop himself, putting a stop to any further movements as Husk’s head bolted towards him.
Freezing himself, Angel stared with wide eyes. All he could do was sit still as Husk’s eyes slowly trailed down to where he had been attempting to hide his growing erection. Preparing himself to be ridiculed or see Husk’s disgusted face, he was pleasantly surprised when he instead felt Husk’s hand reaching for his, running a soothing finger over it. 
“Well, that was…” Husk tried to formulate the words.
“Yeah,” Angel himself didn’t even know what to say in this situation. If it had been anyone else he would’ve taken it in stride and asked them back to his room, but after the slow pace he and Husk had been setting, he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Let’s go up?” Husk then said, keeping his hand in Angel’s as he stood. Unlike what Angel had thought, there wasn’t an ounce of hatred on Husk’s face.
“What?” He blurted out, eyes still bug-wide. “You’re not disgusted?”
“Why would I be?” Husk seemed genuinely beyond himself as he asked the question, as if finding out your boyfriend had a boner just because he was sitting next to you with your tail slightly brushing up against him wasn’t an unusual occurrence. “We can take care of it upstairs.”
“We?” The words were breathless, just like his earlier moan, as Angel was pulled to his feet by Husk.
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k1ttycrush · 23 days
Can you do a ship bingo for bkdk and togachoco
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heres mine for bkdkk i feel like i would like it more of they were more deranged about eachother idk this ship is so wholesome (*^^*)♡
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I LOVE THEM SO MUCH doomed yuri my beloved !!! they are just so scrumptious!
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