mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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my redesign(s) for Kira! This webtoon has been on my mind so much lately and i couldn't not do anything for it
So much more in depth stuff is below for anyone who also read Antistalker and disliked anything about it
So, I don't actually mind many of the designs in canon, the biggest complaint I have being. Everyone looks the same. Like, EVERYONE has the same hairstyle and skintone. Which is white. Of course its white.
The uniforms don't help much with the samey look a lot of the characters have. I have my own redesign for Yulai in the works since he looks almost exactly like August but with blue hair, but I decided what if the uniforms in my version weren't actually uniforms. Like, the school had a couple colors that if you wore them u were fine.
You have the option to wear fancier stuff w suits an what not but thats only to show ur class. After all, in a school that puts humans, werewolves, and vampires in the same space, not everyone is gonna have the same economic status to allow purchasing a uniform, or multiple. Though that being said I do like the canon uniforms, they were very unique and you could TELL the same creativity just wasn't there when the main three went to Black Moon.
My version would have a looser dress code to really highlight the priviledge the school filled with elite Vampires has. I think their name was White Moon? Or smthn. But they could have been really exaggerated in how identical and eerie they are in comparison to the warmth at Red Moon.
Anyway were was I.. PANTS for kira. Get RID of the skirt RID OF IT I SAY and add some patches cuz that hints at her new financial situation. Can't afford new pants so when she gets tears she patches them up.
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(i didn't bother changing her shoes cuz there really isn't anything wrong with them. I like a lot of the outfits in s1 even if i think the writing could be better. Though, i think it would be interesting if she had Good Shoes for school and changed into worse ones at home, so that she always has her best for when she's keeping order. In mine, she's being paid for her efforts to keep the school sane. That way, she has at least one income to explain living on her own as a sophomore.)
I also looked at a bunch of pics of wolf cuts bc I liked the idea of giving her more hints in her design that she isn't HUMAN.
She had a knife at the very beginning but then a bird took it and its no were to be seen for the rest of the series??? idk abt that chief. Let her keep her weapons! She's the president of the displinary committee for fucks sake!
I kept her hair pins bc of course i kept her pins. She's much more covered now since I wanted more references to the fact she's part vampire, and that includes having more parts of her hair white. I tried to keep it equal amounts white and black so that she has equal parts of her mom and dad.
I changed up her bangs mainly because everyone has them and I thought they were a cute style. The way I have her hair rn makes it really easy to subtly shift them into doggo ears
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I drew my design as close as possible to canon's style and made a ver. with canon's colors. I switched were the eyepatch is cuz thats an uper important detail i have in my rewrite. In mine, ever since Kira discovered her powers allowing her to control werewolves, or however I change the mechanics of that power, she has that werewolf puberty awakening and one of her eyes reflects this.
She gets the orange eye and KEEPS IT. But from then on she hides it with an eye contact, even if she doesn't know why. It's just something she knows she should do and the reason came from her memories she's lost
If you pay attention, one eye is less saturated than the other when both eyes are red, in mine. I think it would have been just so much more clever to have had it be a secret she's kept up until the injury over her eye heals + her getting her memories back
She's removed the eye contact cuz with her eye covered up, theres no point in it. And by the time she doesn't need the eye patch anymore, she remembers enough to be like "well fuck this I'm not hiding anymore."
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I ALSO redesigned her past self! Before she meets august. She purposefully dies her hair to avoid daily suspicion that she's a "half breed"
If she had her hair mostly white, it would be pretty obvious she's her mother's daughter, so its kept more black like her father's to avoid suspicion. But that doesn't mean she isn't still singled out.
When she meets August and befriends him, eventually she cuts her hair with his help, trying to get a layered hair cut without having to go to a salon, and it ends up very uneven.
The reason I wanted her past self to look different than her current is because in MINE there is/would be an emphasis on how much Kira has changed since August was last with her. He idolizes the idea of his childhood best friend that he saved but made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for by removing himself from her life, so she would be safe!! He was still manipulated by his father into that specific choice in mine, but the idea this was the best course of action still remains
August thinks that when Kira remembers again, she's gonna revert to how she was before the incident, before it all. But she's not really that girl anymore. She's picked up skills in fighting, become Punisher Volkov, she had to sell her family's house at 14 so she could get an affordable place farther away, she has to deal with her abusive grandfather's bullshit just so that she can keep his monthly checks she receives. She has had so much on her plate. And she's also made so many new friends, deep friendships, built a community, a strong support system, and gotten stronger.
And who she was before didn't have all that. I feel like canon could have easily gone this route in canon! Kira said she wanted to clarify the past so she could move forward! She wanted closure and she deserves it! But August's behavior never went corrected. He's back in her life again and she's back to her old crush. Season 2 tries to address Kira's life now, how different it is compared to her rich life before, but it tells us the solution is for her to MOVE IN WITH AUGUST oh HE'LL SAVE HER and EVERYTHING WILL BE BACK TO HOW IT WAS
No. Give August the lesson that things have changed. He can take that and either move forward with how Kira is now, or forget any romantic interest with her. She's not who he thinks she is.
anyway thank you for reading my info dump <3 I'm insane about kira and how much potential was lost in s2
just. vokivormok really flushed so much down the toilet. probably had too many plot points to figure out how to resolve BUT I HAD FAITH IN EMM they should have taken more time b4 season 2...
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webtoon-brackets · 7 months
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flare-the-freak · 1 year
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Name: Flare
Pronouns: Any!
Current Hyperfixations: Murder Drones, School Bus Graveyard, FNAF, LMK, Cult of the Lamb, ANTIStalker, JJK
My art blog: @flare-the-freakart (I rarely post anymore here ☠)
About me: I'm 16, pansexual, demiromantic and if you get me started on my hyperfixations or special interests I will not shut up. If you wanna be mutuals just ask! I'm always up for some new friends<3 I run several servers that are always open for new people! My commisions are OPEN!! I do either commisions for nitro and money!! Nitro are way simpler and basic, while money I go much more complex. Take a look!
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PLEASE INTERACT: ➺Artists ➺Writers ➺Murder Drones Fans ➺Jujutsu Kaisen Fans ➺Studio Instagrave fans ➺FNAF Fans ➺Cult of the Lamb Fans ➺LMK Fans ➺School Bus Graveyard Fans ➺ANTIStalker Fans ➺Little Nightmares Fans
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DNI: ➺Proshippers ➺Racists ➺Creeps ➺Zoophiles ➺Homophobes ➺Xenophobes ➺Transphobes ➺Zionists
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Some more about me! And All my socials!!
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elswif · 2 months
So I started reading AntiSTALKER by VOKIVORMOK on WEBTOON damn that's a lot of CAPS. sigh. But it's reaaaaally good, 10/10, I suggest you read it 👍 Although it being Daily Pass is really killing me. I have to wait until 9 PM EVERY DAY for 8 episodes bc im broke af and don't have the money to buy coins 😁
-CJ 🫡✨
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nadastic · 3 months
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Marina Zotov in the colors of the Aromantic flag!
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webtoonscreenshots · 2 years
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AntiStalker, by Vokivormok
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flarebean · 2 years
*slaps valorant* THIS bad boy can fit SO MUCH found family in it. also GET you a media that can do BOTH (found family and romance and enemy drama)
bottom text
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zamadness · 3 months
GenZ! Reader : *slides up to bar* I have made some definitions of some words!
Husk : *sighs & cleaning glass* Okay kid, lets hear them
GenZ! Reader : Grammar (𝐧 .) The difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you're sh*t.
Pregret (𝐯.) To know what you're about to do is wrong, while also knowing you will do it anyway.
Antistalking (𝐯.) Learning a person's routine inorder to avoid them.
Whatever (𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧.) I just lost my argument, but I'm not gonna admit it.
Husk : Pff...Your special kid...but I was having a sh*t day and that made it better.
GenZ! Reader : YAY!! •ᴗ•
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thegenderfluidace · 10 months
I adore almost anything fantasy related
or wholesome stuff and occasionally some funny stuff
mkay, still wanna recommend a few webtoons
The Blood of the Butterfly
I'm the Grim Reaper
The Truce
High Class Homos
Soft Love
I genuinely love all of those, definitely worth giving them a read
anyways, probably should go sleep now
lots of platonic love to you starshine <333
it was fun talking to you again :D
Oh! I’ve read the first two!!!! They were so so so good!!!
But yessss Go sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Don’t want ya to be eeeeepy
Goodnight and sweet dreams sweet tea!!!!!
Lotsssssss of platonic love to you sweet tea!!!!
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nj-stone · 2 years
I confess to doing this.
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My Marina redesign so far + comics for backstory story beats in their relationship im planning
More of my thoughts under the cut :3
I don't know for sure if antistalker got cut short because of Webtoon's bullshit, but regardless I think it was a real shame we never got any time spend exploring the beginnings of Kira and Marina's relationship. The early days when Kira was alone after her parents' deaths. What Marina thought of Kira
So I'm amending that in my wip rewrite. And along with the ideas I'm brewing I also redesigned Marina. So far it isn't drastically different from canon aside from having a different skin color and hair type. (and nose too but common everyone has the same nose I'm not gonna give that nose to a now black character)
I'll talk about their story another day and leave you with no context for the images sry
Marina's design changes: At first I changed her skin cuz. there are too many white characters in antistalker I wanted to change up at least ONE persons melanin amount. But I also now really like how I can now experiment with her hair reflecting different stages in her arc and place in the story.
She starts out wearing a wig in S1, then her secret is revealed and she no longer wears it while in custody, her hair is in braids until she is released/her and kira resolve their relationship. Then she's cut her braids and have her hair all curly
Most of the changes in her design are to differentiate her from other characters. Kind of get rid of some SERIOUS same face syndrome canon had going on
Canon didn't get to the point where it was IMPOSSIBLE to tell between characters, the closest to that happening was August and Yulai literally looking the same aside from hair color
but um. it was still not great
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jkdfjklfdsjkl i edited this. its. something
granted i colored over anton's freckles so out of everyone here he's got the most against the same face syndrome allegations
Again. its not a big deal given it doesn't interrupt the story with "wait who is this" like LORE OLYMPUS does, but still not great
also. I don't hate canon's designs btw.
well. I don't hate Kira and Marina's designs. Redesigning kira was mostly for fun, Marina even more so. I haven't gotten to Nadya yet but she isn't bad either. The rest? yeah they need an upgrade.
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webtoon-brackets · 3 months
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idiotic21 · 2 years
If Raph worked under Big Mama keeps bumping into her because Big Mama watches him like a hawk. What advice would Donnie give Raph to avoid bumping into Big Mama?
Raph -> Heyy, Donnie.. buddy... Uhm, hope ya don't mind me asking, but how would someone, NOT ME, avoid their scary and intimidating father's ex who also happens to be their employer, WHO IS TOTALLY NOT BIG MAMA OR ANYTHING!!!
Donnie -> Sighing... just be an antistalker.
Raph -> What's an antistalker?
Donnie -> Someone who learns a person's routine and then avoids them like the plague
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siciliatv · 2 months
Decennale di "Donna con Te" a Grotte, spettacolo il 31 luglio
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Il 31 luglio alle ore 21:00, Piazza Umberto I di Grotte ospiterà la decima edizione di "Donna con Te", un concerto in passerella dedicato alla lotta contro la violenza sulle donne. L'evento, della durata di circa 90 minuti, vedrà la partecipazione di cantanti, ballerini, modelle, attori e stilisti, tutti presentati da figure di spicco del territorio. La direzione artistica è affidata ad Angelo Palermo, affiancato da un efficiente staff e da Photo Evolution. Palermo, noto per il suo impegno nella causa, presenterà l'evento insieme a Chiara Vinci, modella e attrice. Il padrino della serata sarà Walter Zappalà, Mister Italia 2022. Tra gli ospiti sul palco, la giovane cantautrice KEL sarà insignita del titolo "Donna con Te dell’anno". Durante la serata, ci saranno anche testimonianze significative, tutte con l'obiettivo di promuovere un messaggio di unità contro la violenza. L'iniziativa, fortemente voluta dall'Amministrazione Comunale di Grotte, è patrocinata dal Centro antiviolenza e antistalking Telefono Aiuto e sarà trasmessa in diretta sulla pagina Facebook di "Donna con Te".   Read the full article
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nadastic · 1 year
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hello today i offer marina
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webtoonscreenshots · 2 years
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AntiStalker, by Vokivormok
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