#AND let me say that he solved the whole problem in the episode like expected so yes that's my hokage ✨
rokudaimeplease · 25 days
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he's been through a lot
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acertaincritic · 2 months
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Episode 9 & the season overall
Do I need to say more?
Like yes, fine, overall, it's not as bad as the previous two seasons. Overall, this was the best season since season 2.
But let's be honest, it's not some high benchmark to clear.
Structurally, this episode's problem is that it's the final episode yet it has the structure of an early-in-season episode. It solves a personal issue of Rayla and it deals out Aaravos's backstory, and it even recaps early seasons! If not for Aaravos's return in the end, this could've been the first episode of the last season. It still could've been, just move his return one episode earlier and the rest could stay the same. No reason Aaravos can't explain his backstory to Claudia after she lets him out. The whole "cast spell with love" was a bullshit excuse.
But the most prevalent issue of this whole series is its refusal to put its heroes through any meaningful trials or tribulations. Any time they have any meaningful choice to make, the story ultimately makes it so they don't have to pay the cost. Some examples:
Rayla decides to lose her hand instead of killing Ezran - Zym just breaks her hand-cutting bracelet.
Callum decides to use dark magic and regrets it - he just gets primal magic he can use with clear conscience. He arguably chooses wrong and then he's still given the good magic in reward.
That also entirely nullifies his initial choice of "use dark magic or have no magic." He just gets good magic.
Claudia kills a deer to heal Soren's legs and in the end... Nothing? She gets ugly I guess? Soren is perfectly fine, it doesn't matter that such a powerful dark magic was used on him, at most it's Claudia who bears the cost, and it's not clear what "looking ugly" really does, if anything at all.
The Dragon Mom ignores her injury and pretends she's fine - when she stops being fine she just stumbles across a healer by accident.
Or just this season:
Callum gets healed from using dark magic by a ritual. They say it's dangerous but eh, it seemed pretty easy, half an episode and done, and he's fine and has his primal magic. No cost.
Rayla thinks she'll have to choose who to save, but in the end her parents are at peace and happy to go. She doesn't really have to choose, she just goes with what the other people choose.
The Sun Queen strikes out at her brother's forces and in the end nothing happens to her lol. That whole Z plot line was ultimately a nothingburger. The big sun dragon wasn't even needed to release Aaravos. You could've entirely cut it out and just have Claudia sneak into the castle to get the egg!
And so on and so on. And it's just so tiring, because we're dangled nice stuff in front of us, like a possession arc, but then nothing happens.
Claudia just lets Aaravos out like she's intended for three full seasons. It's just dull. It's boring! It's, well, it's the definition of meh.
Guys tell me, seriously, am I the weird one? Is it weird for me that I expect the heroes to have to deal with complex issues and hard choices, and not the villains? Am I asking for too much?
Because it feels like the creators had some nice epic pictures in their heads, like Katolis burning or a big battle among the Sun Elves, but they just can't or won't commit to them. They don't write a meaningful story to accompany those pictures. All the heaviness is put on the antagonists, while the heroes, if they have any issues, typically resolve them within one episode - like the Sun Queen had a one episode long "arc," but she just had to listen to a story and she's perfect and flawless again! Callum's arc of struggling with dark magic and possession is the only such one, and it still came to an anticlimactic, easy end with the cleansing ritual.
Yes, the show can still do something with it. If I had more trust in this series and its writing, I'd say that sometime in the next season, Callum is going to use dark magic to save Rayla, breaking his promise, and then she'll be unable to kill him, breaking her promise, and they'll need to put themselves back together and come back from that.
But... I don't have any trust in this series at this point. They used false advertising in the trailer! There wasn't any scene with Callum having black eyes this season, yet they even used it as a thumbnail?
So with my zero faith in the writing of TDP, I'm presuming there will come a moment when it'll look like Callum might use dark magic again, but he'll then refuse and instead of suffering any consequences, he and others will be promptly rescued by someone, like maybe the Dragon Mom coming back during the final battle or something like that.
Because the heroes just got to choose right and they'll suffer no consequences for it. I guess the moral of the story is "just be good and things will work out on their own." In other words... "trust in God/Fate."
Amazing. That's exactly the message to teach kids, instead of "sometimes doing good is hard but it's still worthwhile" or "be smart and creative and you'll find a solution" or idk a hundred other messages this show could've had.
Like seriously, the setup where humans don't have inborn magic and elves do is such an amazing one. It could've been a story about humans outsmarting elves, about figuring out other ways to use magic, about not letting their lack of power put them down.
But nooo. Instead it's a story about those born powerful being always good and beautiful, and only a couple of them are bad apples - usually because they're deceived by one particularly bad apple. And if you're born without power (privilege, khy khy) you should just accept it and you'll be rewarded by fate/those with power.
This show is progressive?
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murainhell · 3 months
Apology Tour Spoilers!
Guys… I'm going to start by saying that I really like the episode. The songs, the return of Verosika, the way we have several conversations between the two of them even though they get nowhere because they keep not listening to the other!!! The drama. Yes, give me more. I didn't expect them to fix it quickly, so this has been what I was hoping for and more.
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But I'm so annoyed by all the hate I'm seeing on twitter. I mean, one of my friends doesn't like it and we've been able to have a civil conversation about our opinions, but that website… Oh, goodness.
First of all, why are so many people hating on the poor incubus guy? What is his crime? He notices a super cute owl demon at a party, technically single since he's Blitz's new ex, and asks him to dance. Makes Stolas laugh. He steals a kiss but Stolas reacts well. I'll be honest: I would kiss Stolas too in that situation lol
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I mean, yeah, I would understand if people were saying that Stolas is drunk and what about consent and such, but…. Who hasn't been out at a party and made out with someone? And they're bloody demons? I mean. Seriously, the strong reaction of hatred towards him is just because he gets in the way of Stolitz? Let's be honest, did anyone really expect them to sort it out already? This communication problem between them is going to go on for a long time. They have a lot of things to heal, themselves first, and then with each other.
Martha and Mayberry being together is also a problem for some people? We're in hell, I hope they have a good time!
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"What happened to the husband? Isn't he in hell?" Honey, just because he's not in the frame doesn't mean he's not, we just don't care about him lol
"This is so toxic, they're both in hell because of each other" yes, and? Dear, Martha was a murderer and ate people, she was going to end up here anyway. Possibly the other sending hitmen after her was super hot in her book, who knows! (And personally happy to have crumbs about a cannibal, as it makes me think about Rosie and her town then, it's not such a universal thing, neither how they look or living under her protection).
Verosika, beautiful, gorgeous, I am delighted to have more information about her and the reason for her anger towards Blitz. I hope this makes people hate her a little less, jeez. Blitz needed someone to speak to him straight and it is obvious that it is after their conversation that it all sinks in.
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And now about our beloved stars. Again, who expected them to solve it already? It's the next day, for God's sake! And I think exactly the same as I already said, this is not a team Stolas vs. team Blitz thing, they are both right and wrong at the same time! They have not had time to reflect and think!
I've seen many opinions from people saying they now support Stolas even more and others saying that the series now hates Blitz and the narrative is against him, giving the victory to Stolas. But, uuuh, no? I mean, it's just an episode specifically about Blitz being shitty to other people, it's something we know and it's necessary for him to see his effect on others. That doesn't mean they're proving Stolas right, we'll have more episodes to explore the whole conflict.
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Stolas has his moment to talk and talk about what he wants, but he still hasn't heard what Blitz wants. He clearly doesn't know either. We'll have time for that later.
But it is so sad… Blitz doesn't know what to do, but Stolas is also looking for a relationship without knowing anything about them, he has them idealized.
And sometimes I can't help but think…. Does he really love Blitz or does he just think that because he was the first being to make him feel good? Bird boy, you urgently need to have other people in your life to know if it's Blitz that important or you've just idealized him.
"I don't even know why you would want to be with me." "I want to be someone's someone. I want to feel wanted."
That's not a conversation. No one is responding to the other (but Blitz is listening. This is the second time Stolas is not actively listening to him).
"Stolas shouldn't be kissing others if he claims to love Blitz so much" oh, right, being sad and looking for what he wants so much in others after being heartbroken (or so he thinks) invalidates the other. Fuck, too bad I can't use an expression in my native language, but I guess this is the equivalent? The quickest way to get over one man is to get under another one.
I know it's frustrating when your ship doesn't sail, but isn't it exactly these moments that make being together more rewarding later on? It's not the end of the series. It's going to be four seasons as Brandom said.
I feel like we have a series with complex characters who screw up and react quite realistically and people don't know how to digest it. Over the last years the confrontations are seen as black and white, there is always someone who is right and the other is wrong… Guys, it doesn't work like that.
My theory for now is that they won't be talking to each other for the remaining of the season. The scene of Blitz protecting Stolas? The season finale, and it's going to mark the beginning of the "you do care" but without them being together yet. The beginning of what could be a friendship, you know, the foundation of a relationship. And then, hopefully, next season or the last one will bring us the resolution.
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ashistired37 · 1 month
Yes the nap was refreshing. Let's talk about what I think is going on with Erin!
So. Spoilers for 2-2-32!
sorry most of this is based on speculation but that's the fun of this! If you disagree or think there's something I missed I will very gladly read through it! I love theories even if they aren't mine feel free to share yours <3
Okay so I literally wrote a draft of my theory the night before so I'll summarise it.
Basically I think what's going on with Erin- atleast subconsciously is tied to the backstory theory I cooked up.
I think his soul was either very prone to elemental corruption or the elements were just too much for him to control.
I think maybe using one element like we've mostly seen him do was alright but using it for too long would cause problems. So using them would usually lead to him being bedridden or sick in some way.
Because of this he probably felt powerless in a way. Sure he could use all the elements but he can't do anything meaningful with them without injuring himself (or others depending on how out of control his powers were before the magic tats/seals)
I mean obviously he felt helpless when it comes to helping Tess. He was a child what could he say to his father to get through to him? We don't know much about his parents but from what we know his father was definitely a douche. We know Erin and Tess seem to like/respect their mother and she was probably a Soul mage but that's about it
I think the line about holding him back just meant Tess would TRY to stop him from overworking himself which probably came before the seals. Maybe he kept trying to make his magic work despite knowing how much of a toll it takes or even after he got the tattoos he probably wanted to feel useful now that he could actually use his powers safely. He had to.
This is why I think he's a good person to parallel Kendal. They're both trying to justify their existence by doing.
Kendal with saving Vash.
And Erin by solving problems.
Is it fair to him to assume he can do all that? No. This whole thing really reminds me of the first episode of I think justice league?
I know it was a DC animated show- where in the first episode they assign superman to protect the whole world and when people protest saying he doesn't have enough hands for that he reassures them he will take care of it.
Erin's kinda like Superman in this case- oh wow I never thought I'd say that. But you understand why I draw the comparison. They're both insanely powerful and taking on way more than they can in these instances.
Now I know I mostly used 2-2-30 and 31 but I had to use them so we can get to the 32 stuff.
Him saying no one can help him and that it always comes back yo him to carry the weight because nobody can catch him if he falls as hubouris it sounds it's also. Really fucking sad.
I think he probably had a lot of instances where people expected him to fix things because of how much power he has (probably his father or even fellow students of The academy but that's just a guess) so he internalised it.
"But Atlas didn't you say he probably feels like this because he feels the need to justify his existence so he doesn't feel as helpless?" yes. Because I think it's both. Things mixed together to create the awful storm that is Erin mc hubris pants.
On another tragic note he's been one of the core members for so long. Since like chapter 4-5. This guy has fought with atleast Alinua and Kendal for AWHILE now. He knows they can help but the one thing they can't help him get rid of or solve?
The dragon.
He's right. He's absolutely right but that's only if you think about directly helping. By directly getting rid of it. If you think about helping him more indirectly so he can get the help he needs? They've been doing that since they met him!
Obviously he's not thinking completely rationally if he was more level headed he could probably acknowledge this but I NEEDED to mention this.
I might add to this sometime but I am exhausted I'll see you after ANOTHER nap
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cattapz037 · 7 months
Ok so after a long time thinking and a very long confusing conversation with my grandma (confusing for her at least because I ended up doing a whole backstory and lore explanation), I must say I’m slightly disappointed in the Netflix ATLA. Not as disappointed as I could have been but still disappointed. They took out character traits/development, added some that weren’t needed like when Iroh straight up murdered Zhao by lighting him on fire. Sokka, Katara, and Aang barely interacted with eachother it was just Sokka and Katara most of the time and how do you expect me to believe Kataang is gonna happen when the two characters barely had any interaction like Katara and Zuko had more chemistry in the scarf scene then Katara and Aang did in all 8 episodes, this version’s starting to make me root for Zutara and I’ve never been a Zutara shipper ‘til I watched this
Never once did I see Aang waterbend not once, unless I accidentally missed it. And they took out all the filler episodes that helped the characters bond and develop. 6 characters showed up in episode 3. Why did Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee show up so early they barely did anything and all Azula did was just help Zhao, what they could have done was have them appear later (like whenever they were gonna have the s2 arc) and give them more use and then reveal that Azula was the one who helped Zhao which would give Zuko some more confliction in joining Azula or helping Aang like he had in the original s2 finale
And I wasn’t a fan of how they portrayed Bumi’s challenges. In the original they were so Aang could see things in different way to solve problems but in the adaptation it was just mainly Bumi projecting his trauma on Aang in the form of “teaching him to make hard choices” which was an interesting idea I just feel it could have been portrayed differently. And this version of “The Mad King Bumi” just feels broken instead of eccentrically crazy like the original.
And Aang didn’t have much struggle like the fight with Kyoshi in episode 2 I mean yeah sure, it was Kyoshi doing it but that’s it Kyoshi fought not Aang, Aang didn’t get to fight or at least try
Also the show kinda broke the “Show don’t tell” rule. Like the filler episodes were mentioned they said it happened but didn’t show it which I could have let slide if the main characters said it but they didn’t. And with Katara’s waterbending they say she had been practicing and showed her progress but didn’t show her working her way to reach that progress like not even in a background scene
“But the effects were decent”
I feel like there is more for me to say but I’m rather tired so that’s it for now this was part of my take on the Netflix ATLA live action. I got another post like this somewhere. I’ll probably just keep watching this show just so I can see the characters in live action
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portlandwithyou · 6 months
Fraser/Vecchio- A Personal Reflection
Now I came to Due South on the trail of the killers of my father-- wait, no, that's not quite right. Let me try again. I came to Due South on the trail of this gif set. Eaion sold me the instant I saw it. I knew I had to see these two guys who were stuck in crevasse together.
One slight problem- the gif set is from the very end of the show and I had a daunting sixty-some-odd episodes, and a whole different partner, between me and it. It's fine, I told myself; I'll check out the first guy, see if he's worth it, and if he's not, I'll move on to the main attraction.
So I started at the beginning--and that's where I fell in with the show, the characters, and a brand new ship. These are my thoughts about the Due South pilot, written out while I re-watched the pilot.
I liked Fraser instantly. It's not hard to in those first few minutes; he's a grieving son who is searching for his father. He's sweet, he's polite, he's dedicated to justice-- literally what more could you ask for?
What I didn't expect was to like this first Ray so quickly. When he strode down to Fraser doing statute duty, shirt open, chain visible, loud mouth going, I knew I was in love.
But I hadn't yet spotted the ship on the horizon. I was simply enjoying the burgeoning friendship as we met Diefenbaker and began our investigation.
I started to see the glimmer of something in the scene where Ray find Fraser reading Bob Fraser's journal in the diner. I adore that we see Ray opening up to Fraser about his no-good father, and we get that sharp contrast between the two.
But the ship finally took form during the dinner scene. I am a complete sucker for the way the Vecchios immediately take him in as one of their own. I mean, the way Ma Vecchio says she likes him because he's polite-- does that not read like something you would say if he brought a girlfriend home?? It's so natural for Fraser to be there. It's like he was always a missing piece in Ray's life.
Just, oh gosh, the way Ray so clearly trusts Fraser (he brings him into his home!) and the way they're already falling into place makes me grin like a total fool. That's literally what I'm doing as I write this!
Then, we get to see them track down a lead together. Now, this is an integral moment in a buddy cop dynamic. They have to have some chemistry as they solve cases, and by god, Due South delivers in spades when the time comes. Fraser trying his hand at one of Ray's hunches! They're already rubbing off on each other. And Ray gets a great moment of comedy as he reacts to Fraser's first licking scene.
So here's another thing that kills me-- Ray calls them friends as they walk to the Chinatown apartment! They have an immediate connection! I'm screaming! They are meant to be together!
After they establish that they're friends, we get to see some angst—beautiful, wonderful angst. Everyone is at their lowest, and circumstances are pulling Ray and Fraser apart. Tell me this isn't just the normal 2/3rds point in a romance novel where our couple is pushed apart.
But that makes their reunion so much sweeter. Ray came all the way up to bumfuck nowhere NWT after solving a case he probably wasn't even on anymore! He was that eager to come up there and tell Fraser what he'd discovered.
And then, of course, they look you right in the eye and have Fraser ask, "Can I help you out of that?" I AM SCREAMING! Literally kicking my feet up! They know what they're doing!
Next is the big fight/chase sequence where Fraser gets to drive Ray around on a dog sled which is cute and sweet.
Special mention here of Diefenbaker, as I've mostly been glossing over his cuteness. And he's a poor baby at the end.
Finally, we have the ending. Not Ray riding off into the distance together-- I'm talking about when Fraser is standing guard outside of the consulate again, and Ray is already back prattling at his new best friend. ❤️
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
~My Thoughts on Wonderful Precure: Episodes 26-30~
This will be updated weekly, so be sure to come back if you want to see my thoughts on new episodes!
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Episode 26 - It’s Dangerously Hot!:
This episode was just more filler.
I usually don’t mind filler episodes, as long as they’re entertaining. Though, I didn’t find this one to be.
To be honest, watching everyone act miserable because of the heat made me feel miserable as well. Especially since it’s also very hot where I am. The desert scenes and the wavy “camera” shots just made me wanna start sweating haha.
There wasn’t really a point to this episode at all. I get that it’s because it’s filler, but a lot of filler episodes still have a problem to solve. For this one, it’s just hot the whole time. The only thing they did to solve the problem was Iroha and Komugi taking walks in the early morning. Even so, poor Yuki and Mayu still have to suffer!
I do have to say though, I loved the little ship moment! Satoru is just so cute! And Mayu being his and Iroha’s number 1 shipper is just hilarious.
My rating for this episode:
Episode 27 - We Want to Find a Tsuchinoko!:
More unentertaining filler… goodie…
Again, I don’t really mind filler, just as long as it’s fun. But I didn’t like this one. Nothing significant happened. We did learn that Yuki’s afraid of snakes, but is that really useful for the story as a whole? No.
It was really cute to see Satoru get all excited about seeing a tsuchinoko. That was definitely the most enjoyable part of this episode.
And last thing: we got a new eyecatch! And this time, it includes Yuki and Mayu! I really like it. The colors are so nice!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 28 - Let’s Play at the Ohkuma Farm:
Once again, this episode was just filler. But, I actually enjoyed it this time!
It was a super cute episode with lots of funny moments. I do feel bad for Mey-Mey for what he had to go through though. Poor guy.
I don’t have much else to say about it, but, I do have the preview for the next episode to talk about!
Words cannot express how excited I am! It looks like the story is finally starting to get somewhere! Not only does Niko-sama hatch, but we get actual villains! I’ve been waiting for that! I’m really curious to what they’ll be like!
I’m not as excited about Niko-sama. It looks like she might be a Fuwa clone. But she’s cute nonetheless!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 29 - Nice to Meet You, Niko-sama!:
I’ve been waiting for this episode!
Niko-sama has hatched, and she’s freaking adorable! As expected, she’s a unicorn. I was hoping she’d be a completely unique creature with a unicorn horn, but oh well. I was worried that she’d just be a copy of Fuwa from Star Twinkle Precure, but from what I’ve seen, she has a well thought out personality! She’s already made me laugh many times.
We also got some actual villains! And not only that, they look so cool! They’re definitely some of my favorite villain designs ever! Their story is really cool too! Extinct animals seeking revenge on humans is something I’ve never seen before!
Zakuro and Torame’s dynamic is pretty typical. The older one and younger one not getting along is something we’ve seen a few times before in Pretty Cure. But I’m not upset about it. I’m just excited to learn more about their personalities!
Finally, it’s officially the first time the Woderful Precure have gotten their butts kicked. And it doesn’t look like Iroha’s taken it too well. But, we’re going to get a power up next episode, so they’ll be okay!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 30 - A Wonderful Castle!:
This episode was great!
First off, I’m pretty sure we got teased for Niko-sama’s human form? Her shadow flashed to the shape of a human, and it’s implied that her current form isn’t her true one. I’m super curious to what it looks like!
We also got a hint to Satoru hopefully becoming a Cure! He wants to be more helpful to the others, and feels like he isn’t doing enough. So this may be a sign! Let’s keep praying!
Another thing we got is a group transformation and pose! I’m so glad it’s back!
Also, we finally got a power up! It’s so nice to see, considering we didn’t get one last season. The outfits are so pretty, they might be my new favorite power up outfits ever! After avoiding the leaks for over a week, I’m definitely not disappointed!
Lastly, I just wanna quickly mention how hilarious it was when Niko-sama casually asked Iroha’s parents if she could stay with them. Also how quickly and easily they said yes. No questions asked, they just allowed a cute unicorn to stay in their home. I love Niko-sama haha!
My rating for this episode:
Overall Score for These Episodes:
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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coraniaid · 10 months
I really really like Doppelgangland. It is a very fun episode. I enjoyed rewatching it a lot, just as I knew I would going into it. I understand why it's some people's favorite entry of the season and why it regularly appears in top five episode lists for the show as a whole. But.
Okay, there are some world-building and plotting issues I have with it, namely:
By all the rules established in The Wish, I don't think the Wishverse should ... you know, exist. What exactly did Giles breaking Anyanka's amulet do if it still does? It didn't send Cordelia back (she was already dead), it just ... what?
The Mayor sending vampires to kill 'our' Willow is a bit too blatantly just an excuse to give vampire!Willow some disposable henchmen (why does he not ever try again?).
Willow doubling back to the library to get the tranquilizer gun last seen in Beauty and the Beasts is a nice bit of continuity (even if it took me a second to realize that that's what she was doing) but vampire!Willow having snuck out of her own hostage situation to show up and be captured is a bit harder to justify.
But -- as I've said before -- plotting and world-building aren't Buffy's strengths and I would certainly agree with the suggestion that these are all laughably minor complaints. Pedantic nit-picking of the worst sort. Who cares? (Well, me, but.)
Much more important though, is the end of the episode, and how the problem of Willow's doppelganger is resolved. That's the part that keeps this one out of my own best-of lists.
I've touched on this a bit before (when I talked about Ted earlier, for example), but during this rewatch I've often noticed that I really do not agree with the implied moral judgements that the show is making. Last week Faith killing one person by mistake was a huge deal. Okay. This week, Buffy and Willow deliberately let a known murderer and torturer free to -- as far as they can reasonably expect, and as far as they will ever know -- willfully murder and torture countless people. How is this not far, far worse than what Faith did in Bad Girls? Do the lives of people Buffy won't ever meet just matter less? Is the show claiming that death by vampire is somehow preferable to death by stake? Is giving vampire!Willow "a choice" a meaningful action when the show's lore has, to this point, been very very clear that vampires do not have a choice (not that she shows any sign of regretting her actions anyway)?
Yes, conveniently for everyone involved (except her), vampire!Willow dies within seconds of being sent back to her home dimension and doesn't get to hurt anyone, but this surely can have little bearing on the morality of the decision to let her live and send her back in the first place. What did the Scoobies expect would happen?
(And yes, Willow not being ready to kill her evil, "kind of gay" shadow self is obviously an intentional echo of Buffy having to grapple with that choice herself later this season. I get it. And yes, it would be hard to argue that the episode would be meaningfully better if Buffy had just staked vampire!Willow at the first opportunity, and that's not what I'm suggesting should have happened. But the idea that Buffy -- who was willing to send her boyfriend to hell to save the world, and willing to stake the vampire that her old crush Ford was turned into, and who told Xander and Willow that they had no option but to kill the vampire version of their friend Jesse -- would not just spare a vampire but let it go free to kill again simply because it looked like (but was not!) her friend Willow does not sit well with me at all.)
And what's especially frustrating is that the show (to say nothing of the wider fandom) doesn't seem to even realize there's any particular problem here. Vampire!Willow isn't happy where she is, so they send her somewhere they think she will be happy, problem solved. But I really think there is something wrong with this, and it's something that will (in some form or another) become increasingly worrisome as the show goes on.
(Also, the obvious elephant in the room here is that if Willow wants to spare a vampire's life but not let it hurt people -- Willow Rosenberg the witch who successfully cast a spell to give a vampire a soul last year -- it shouldn't be hard for her to figure out a way to do just that. But then, for Buffy to work at all as a premise going forward, we all have to agree to pretend that this spell just doesn't work on vampires not called Angel, I guess.)
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Grogu and the Mandalorian on the bridge of the Razor Crest. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 4, Sanctuary. Calendar from DateWorks. Caption reads: Traveling with me, that's no life for a kid. Attributed to the Mandalorian.
“It’s a good thing I’m not a kid then.”
That’s what Grogu wanted to say to the Mandalorian. Instead, he pretended that he hadn’t heard the bounty hunter chatting with Cara Dune. After all, the Mandalorian thought he was a child. Someone too young to understand what was happening to him and too vulnerable to handle the problems he was faced with on his own. Grogu didn’t really want to point out that none of that was actually true. 
He had been trained by the Jedi. He could use the Force. He’d been on the run for more than twenty five years. Yes, he’d had help along the way. Yes, life had been hard. Yes, he also missed his family. Not his mom and dad. He had no idea who they were or where they were. He missed his Jedi family. The people who’d trained him, who learned with him, who be-friended him even though he was not what anyone expected. 
He understood what was bothering the Mandalorian. The bounty hunter didn’t want to get attached. He didn’t want to have a friend and helper. He didn’t want to worry about another person. He’d done those things and it hadn’t worked out perfectly. Grogu could give him a long boring lecture on what that was like. He wouldn’t. But he was capable of that.
The Jedi had this whole thing about attachment. It had everything to do with how well or poorly balanced you were in the Force. Did your decisions and actions change too much because of who you were attached to? Would you use the Force to help them avoid problems that they should have solved in some other manner? Would you jeopardize the rest of the Jedi in the known galaxy to help the one you felt that attachment to? If the answer to any of these questions were yes, then you were at high risk of falling to the ‘Darkside’. 
That was not Grogu’s problem. While he seriously doubted that he was the last Jedi or even close to it, he also didn’t think that he was about to get attached to anyone that would put the remaining Jedi at risk. Far from it. Especially not a Mandalorian.
Mandalorians were honorable people. They followed a Creed. They stuck by each other through thick and thin. They took risks for foundlings. They had also spent a great deal of their time fighting the Jedi. It had even been a joke at the Temple. ‘How can you identify a Mandalorian? They run in where Jedi wait to tread’.  Patience was not one of their virtues and Grogu had a feeling that this Mandalorian was really no different. 
That mattered because Grogu didn’t just make friends with everyone he ever met. Far from it. He was polite. He was helpful. But he wasn’t a fool. He’d seen so many people make bad choices in who their friends were. They had taken ridiculous risks and that other person just wasn’t all they were cracked up to be. 
Take Cara Dune. The Mandalorian met her by fighting her to a draw. Literally, they had drawn weapons on each other. That was no basis for a friendship. Sure they didn’t fire those weapons and they kind of developed something like respect for each other. But she had walked away from the work that the New Republic needed her to do. She didn’t want to be a peacekeeper, even though what she described wasn’t peacekeeping. She knew that and did nothing about it. She didn’t want to work for the change she knew the galaxy needed. Some friend.
Now they had just finished taking out some Klatooinian raiders in the least sensible way possible and thought that a planet that didn’t have a star port or a big population was going to be a problem… People would come hunting for Grogu there and they didn’t want to risk it. Risk what exactly? Sorgan was large and Grogu was small. He could just live somewhere on that big watery planet that would make it very hard for those few lucky hunters to find him, let alone take him in ‘cold’. 
But the Mandalorian didn’t want to risk that. He didn’t want the other people on Sorgan to be targeted. Why did they matter to him? He was a Mandalorian, right? Except it was clear to Grogu that the bounty hunter was already attached to these people. He was already worrying about them. He was already attached to Grogu. He’d gone back to the Imps and stole him back and didn’t just drop him off on Coruscant or Chandrila. He could have. Instead, he was trying to find him someplace safe to live. 
Grogu hated to tell him, but that really meant they needed to find a different galaxy to live in. Nothing was completely safe on any planet in this galaxy and that was the risk the living took. He was just lucky that he could work with the Force and put his thumb on the balance and help people when it made sense.
It had made infinite sense to help the Mandalorian and Grogu could only hope that one day Din Djarin would figure that out. You can’t run from who you are; you could only accept yourself and live in the present. Tomorrow was too far away to worry about and there was nothing you could change about yesterday. The Force knew that and if you were in balance with the Force, well you made friends with a Mandalorian because this is the Way.
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The Mandalorian speaking to Cara Dune while he watches Grogu play with the children (out of scene). Image from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 4, Sanctuary. Caption reads: "Traveling with me, that's no life for a kid."
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ccl-c · 11 months
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some things i wanted to draw a while ago but never had the time because work has been so intense. now that s2 ended this way …
long rambling below:
i had been having a very bad feeling about the “devastating loss” and fuck it really happened (it being foreshadowed from ep1 is kind of funny but fuck).
i did enjoy the episode, and if this is the end of the show i'm good with that. ep8 isn't just about izzy's death obviously, nor is the season or the show about izzy, and i know it's a bridge season where problems are not solved, but i need a way to get over this, so.
within the episode i think the death is beautiful, but within his whole arc, for me it's the timing and david's explanations that i found kind of awkward and disappointing. it might be because the budget got cut but i think also because izzy's arc was a bit too prioritised especially if david wanted to stick to the mentor-death-in-act-two trope (izzy is my favourite character but i have been feeling the unbalance since ep3).
izzy's last speech sounded almost too early for ed's arc. letting a repressed traumatised amputated (also talented and romantic and sometimes humourous) elder apologise for what he believed half of his lifetime and die voluntarily (to some extent; i think he said “i wanna go” mostly because he knew the wound was fatal, but then why must it be fatal it was on the left side?) when he was just physically and mentally getting better is tragic but it also could have been a more satisfying death. i am very biased and very bad at literature, but i think if izzy and ed got to earnestly communicate about their relationship and past issues, if ed had more interactions with the crew to (re)build the mutual love, and maybe if besides telling ed to “just be ed” izzy really got to see it (when he's not dying), his story would be more complete and he would really be leaving at his happiest.
of course death is inevitable in life and unpredictable in piracy, of course there are tropes in tv shows, and of course it's part of the journey for the audience to feel devastated. but i read multiple interviews and the central idea just seems to be “the mentor often dies in the second act” which is valid in itself, but then s2 becomes “how can we make the most out of his last moments” (after posting this i heard that “funerals strengthen families” dropped; i'm just so disappointed i don't know what to say). honestly i was confused about how david said “let's give con all the toys he could play with” (yes if i had con in my show for one last season i'd want to let him do everything possible as well and i am grateful david did, but after all con played a side character; also it's cruel to “give him everything” while hiding the ending from him until halfway through the shooting); it's supposed to be a story and not a talent show (um). if time is too short for his ideal arc then maybe he should do fewer things but each better paced, or maybe the mentor-death-in-act-two trope needed to be adjusted, or maybe it wasn't the right trope at all.
i might be dumb but i didn't see the mentor-hero relationship before stede said blackbeard said izzy made him the captain he was, and even then i honestly thought it was mostly stede talking for ed. when david put it like that i can see little traits of it in s1, but i find the jesus-judas (jcs) dynamic much more obvious. let alone the father figure thing; didn't see it at all.
there are many ways to mark an end and for a recurring character to leave (buttons turning into a seagull was beautiful; the swede temporarily leaving to become jackie's husband was also lovely; but ivan's death mentioned by fang just looked like they had to get rid of him); ultimately what frustrates me is that it's unclear what the concept of death itself brings to izzy's arc at this point. major character “deaths” in this show is often associated with change or rebirth, and i'd expect a realistic humanly death from severe wound to also open up something new in his story or in general, even if his life ends here. maybe that's for s3. but for now he died just because their power-thirsty enemy hated him and his gorgeous speech and piracy; ed did not seem to consider the crew his family, nor did the crew seem to bother. piracy did become more about belonging though but that's not his legacy.
on a side note, letting a disabled elder (who was previously seen seriously irritating ricky) escort ricky and no one noticing ricky hid a gun? izzy was playing with fire (ha) to talk to ricky like that but at least ed and zheng and jim and jackie could have been more alert. then roach was asked to look for bandages and nothing happened afterwards? that was the guy who replanted his own arm back and who was ready to chop off lucius's finger. if he just came up to izzy's side and tried to take care of him and then izzy said “no it's too late i want to go painlessly”, or if someone said “let izzy and ed have their moment”, then okay, but having roach try to save izzy with no follow up is kind of disrespectful to roach's character.
with how much david loves izzy and con there probably was a better version of this story that didn't fully make it into the show. that said, i do work in a creative industry with various constraints in many directions; it happens that creators have intentions and priorities that the audience does not understand and vice versa, it happens that budgets got cut and what you deliver is not what you would have made in better circumstances, but when a mainstream tv show got such polarised reactions about one specific part of the story, there might be a real problem and the budget or the creative direction won't be enough to justify it.
then if all this is for izzy to be brought back in s3 i'm curious to see how it will be played out. his death was shown in such an explicit way and he even got buried on land (honestly the burial was weird and a bit creepy for me but well) it doesn't seem likely he survives again; it might be fun if he reincarnates as a creature or appears in new flashbacks, or in the gravey basket.
(also, now that izzy's dead, i hope con can share his version of the backstory of izzy's ring.)
my point is, maybe, that i think izzy's arc in s2 was so saturated and glamorous and full of potential that it felt too important to end, while the main romance and the crew's arc could have used some more time to address more context or some issues underlying since s1 for example. also lots of things weren't consistent and many interesting points were never addressed again, but i hope it's left open for s3.
but it doesn't undo what has been great about this show. the death scene itself was beautiful too, and the whole cast and crew deserve an hour-long standing ovation.
i guess it's just a bit like you went on a really fun roadtrip with a beloved friend but had an unexpected misunderstanding leading to conflict with said friend at the end of the last day. eventually you probably stay friends because you always had a good time, but you will be thinking about the conflict.
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duhragonball · 6 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 03
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You know, I hate to say it, but this show's been pretty friggin' boring so far. I mean, the animation's excellent, and the character designs are really top-notch, but there's these long stretches where nothing actually happens. The dull parts are probably intended to make the robot battles more exciting, but Shinji kind of sucks at fighting, and this whole show seems designed to make me feel guilty about his predicament, so it's hard to enjoy the action, you know?
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This one opens with Shinji doing some target practice with his Eva. Ritsuko talks him through the drills, reviewing the technical details of the unit. For example, that cable coming out of its back is a power line, because their battery technology sucks in this world. If the cable gets cut, the Eva has 5 minutes of battery life before it shuts down.
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Shinji just sort of exists through these drills like he's in a trance. Ritsuko observes that he seems to go through life just doing whatever he's told.
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Misato got him a cell phone when he moved in with her, and she expected him to use it a lot when he started at his new school here in Tokyo-3, but she hasn't heard it ring even once, and she suspects that he has no friends.
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The two women consider the Hedgehog's dilemma: the notion that hedgehogs have trouble socializing with one another, because the closer they get the more likely that they'll hurt each other with their quills. Pretty sure that's not actually how hedgehogs work, and I'm pretty sure that's not Shinji's problem.
So far, all I really know about Shinji is that he doesn't particularly like himself very much, and he's adapted to his life in such a way where he just passively accepts everything that happens to him. I'm pretty sure this has a lot to do with the way his dad just sort of glares at him instead of interacting with him like a normal human parent.
I suppose, in theory, Shinji could find some common ground with Rei Ayanami, the other Eva pilot, but he just stares at her while she stares out the window. This is what I mean when I say this show is getting boring. Everyone just sort of keeps restating the premise. The world's in danger from these Angels, the Evas are the only thing that can stop them, and Rei and Shinji are the only ones who can pilot the Evas, so they're desperately needed, but they're also completely distant and isolated from the rest of society. This seems like a really major problem that someone should try to solve, but we're on Episode 3 and everyone just keeps staring at this mess waiting for it to clean itself up.
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Let's talk about Shinji's school, because apparently that's incredibly fascinating. Yes, I sure am interested in school. Just the other day I was thinking to myself that there aren't enough animes about schools. They should make... a thousand of them, all set in schools, and everyone could wear the same clothes, even the ones that take place in the future, when you'd expect them to have come up with new social customs. Argh, fuck this.
After the battle in episodes 1 and 2, a lot of people just moved out of Tokyo-3, so it looks like the classes are nearly deserted, except there's a packed house once the classes actually begin. The teacher just happens to give a lesson on the backstory of this world. In 1999 a meteor hit Antarctica, setting off disasters and climate changes that wiped out half the human population. He doesn't get into the Angels, although if I understand correctly, the last one showed up 15 years prior to the start of this show, and the second one showed up in Episode 1. So maybe there's not much to tell.
Anyway, Shinji gets a text message on his laptop asking him to respond to rumors about him being the Eva pilot who saved the city three weeks ago. He says he is the pilot, and the whole class starts asking him questions, ignoring the teacher completely. Everyone thinks Shinji is pretty cool, even though he can't actually tell them anything about his pilot work, and he just sort of murmurs all of his dialogue like a drugged kitten.
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Well, one kid doesn't like Shinji, because his sister was crushed by falling debris during the attack, and she's been hospitalized ever since. He blames the Eva pilot for fighting the Angel inside the city, and now that he knows it's Shinji, he punches the shit out of him. Shinji mutters that he didn't pilot the Eva by choice, so the kid punches him again.
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Then Rei stands over him like the spectre of death and informs him that they got an emergency call. She says she's going to report for duty, but this is the last time we see her this whole episode. I'm pretty sure Rei does something in this show, but I don't understand why it's taking this long to get to that.
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It's another angel and... wow. This is a serious downgrade from the last one. NERV mobilizes the Eva, which seems kind of obvious since that's literally the only thing that works. Apparently this is the fourth Angel, so the third must have been the one from Episode 1 three weeks ago, and the second must have been the one they talked about from 2000.
Misato remarks that NERV's commander, Gendo Ikari, is away, but what difference does it make? All he did the last time was stare at the monitor and smirk occasionally. I think they can manage without him.
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Shinji wonders why he's still doing this when his dad's not around to see it. I get that characters don't always understand their own motivations. They're not always honest with themselves, or they act impulsively, or whatever. But I feel like if you put on a leotard to sit in the cockpit of a robot about to do battle against a giant monster, you ought to have some vague idea of why you're doing it.
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Anyway, Tokyo-3 goes into battle-station mode, and Shinji engages the Angel, and... immediately goes to pieces. The Angel kicks his ass and severs his power cable, so now he's only got five minutes left before the Eva shuts off completely.
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Shinji continues to take a beating, and eventually falls near his two classmates, who snuck out of the bomb shelter to see the battle. The one of the left is fascinated by this Angel/NERV conflict, and the one of the right is the kid who beat Shinji up earlier. Seeing them makes Shinji freeze up, which is impressive because I thought he was already freezing up earlier in the battle. What, is he double-freezed up now? How much does this Angel suck that it still hasn't managed to kill him?
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I guess he sort of pulls it together long enough to keep the monster busy while Misato orders the hatch open so the other kids can get inside the robot with him for safety. Ritsuko objects to this, but Misato seems to be in charge, so she gets her way.
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Apparently just having passengers on board the Eva can screw up its delicate interaction with the pilot, so this further disrupts Shinji's ability to defend himself. I thought he was already incapacitated from his initial fear, and then again from worrying about his classmates, and now this. Next some guy is gonna show up and stab Shinji in the throat just to make this extra difficult.
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But then Shinji goes berserk just like he did in Episode 2, and he manages to kill the Angel before his battery runs out of power. So it all works out.
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Three days later... Rei's still staring out that window. Thanks for coming out tonight, Rei.
Shinji hasn't been back to class since the battle, and the kid who beat him up before feels bad about it, now that he understands what Shinji's job is really like. His pal gives him Shinji's phone number to call him and apologize.
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And he goes to a phone, but I'm pretty sure he chickens out for some reason. Or maybe Shinji doesn't answer. Whatever.
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And that's it. Wow, that sucked. Business will probably pick up later, but I hope it doesn't take too long, because this really isn't doing it for me.
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Misato does the next-episode preview segments and she promises "lots of fan service" in Episode 4. Yeesh.
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
True Crime: Matthew Garza x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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It’s the true crime documentary that brings you and Matt back together again. The higher-ups have insisted that him and his team are available for interviews because the FBI press office want to cash in on some good publicity.
It’s been a few years since he last saw you, he has a vivid memory of sitting on the edge of the bed you had just settled into and saying “Cleo, this isn’t working.”
He’d been on his way out of the door, and you were on your way in. It was the nature of your relationship, snatches of time stolen in between the hours the both of you worked.
When he lays eyes on you today, you’re just as pretty as he remembers. Your hair is a little different, but it suits you, you wear a little less makeup, playing up your natural features instead. You’re wearing a cobalt blue blazer over a black t-shirt and grey jeans. It’s a pop of colour he isn’t expecting on you because when you were with him you always used to wear black with red lips and winged eyeliner. This new version of you…
It looks good, really good.
It’s just his luck that you’re producing the episode that he’s being interviewed for. The two of you are amicable, he doesn’t have a problem with you or what you do. You’re an excellent producer and the documentaries you’ve been developing have been phenomenal. The one on the Ricardo case had blown him away, it had resulted in the conviction of the two men who had beaten the hitchhiker to death for fun.
The problem is Seth, the interviewer the network has selected to undertake the questioning. Matt is a no-nonsense kind of guy; he doesn’t suffer fools gladly so when Seth goes off script and tries to rile him, he shuts it down almost immediately. You call time on the whole thing, send the team to interview Simone instead because it becomes apparent that Matt isn’t going to play ball. To be fair you don’t blame him. You’d warned the network that Seth wasn’t a good fit for a case like this.
It’s in the aftermath of the interview when he’s trying to detangle himself from the microphone wire that you intervene. You can tell he’s frustrated from the way he’s tugging at his lapel.
“Matt…” It’s the way you say his name that stops him in his tracks because you both know he’s going to break the thing. “Let me help.”
He sighs, throwing his hands up in surrender and you smile because yea, sometimes he’s a little over dramatic with his gestures.
“You know, I saw you roll your eyes.” He tells you as your fingertips chase up the hem of his lapel. “You think he’s just as ridiculous as I do.”
“Oh, I do.” You agree, leaning in close. The scent of your perfume floods his senses. There’s a smoky undertone to it, something a little woody. It reminds him of autumn, the crinkle of crisp leaves and the sun peeking through the changing leaves. “This is one of the cases the network chose, mine are usually a lot less gimmicky.”
“I know.” He says, tilting his head up to meet your gaze. You could lose yourself in those dark eyes of his, you had once upon a time. “I’ve kept track of you a little, you won an award last year. I wanted to send flowers but the way we left things…”
He trails off. He wasn’t proud of his actions; he wasn’t an easy man to be with. His three ex-wives would testify to that. He was too focused on the job, he cancelled dates, forgot birthdays but so did you and that’s why it worked…
Until it didn’t.
“You weren’t the only one consumed by their career.” You remind him, your fingers rearranging his lapel before you set the microphone box down on his desk.
Two people who barely spent any time together doesn’t constitute a relationship. Matt had cared for you, but you were on two different paths. You were spending late nights in production, tiptoeing in during the early hours of the morning and he was disappearing for days on end solving the cases.
He’d been lying in an empty bed, sleeping another night alone when he’d realised, he couldn’t remember the last time the two of you had shared a meal together. It’s only afterwards when he tries to schedule something that he realises what the problem is, you’re both simply too busy.
“I’ve changed.” He finds himself telling you. “I had a heart attack earlier this year, I had to slow down and surprisingly, I don’t hate it.”
“I know the feeling.” You say, your voice turning a little rough. “I had a scare of my own and something like that, it really changes your perspective.”
You get it, he can tell. Whatever happened to you it shook up your world, the same way the heart attack had shaken up his.
“Hey,” He says softly, his palm covering yours as he clasps it to his chest. “You wanna get out of here, we can grab dinner and talk a little more?”
“Yea Matt.” You say, feeling the thundering of his heart underneathe the tips of your fingers. “I think I’d like that.”
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convenientalias · 29 days
I finished Crime Puzzle (2021) and it has joined the honored list of my least favorite dramas ever. Good times.
I'm always giving reviews of dramas I like on here so just for once, I want to give a rant review >:) so here we go
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The plot (as per Mydramalist bc I'm too lazy to bother): Yoo Hee, an aspiring criminal profiler, is thrust into a whirlwind of mystery when her father is murdered in a string of shocking killings. The confessed culprit is Han Seung Min, a renowned forensic psychologist and Yoo Hee's former flame. Doubting his guilt, she investigates and suspects hidden motives. With Han Seung Min in a perilous high-security prison and violence rampant, time ticks away. Yoo Hee races to solve the puzzle before it's too late, unraveling the truth behind her father's death and the enigmatic motives at play.
What was actually good about this show:
The acting was pretty decent tbh. The leads weren't really riveting and could be a bit stoic for my taste but they were convincing. Minor characters that really stood out: The main female villain was hamming it up with lots of angry screaming and blatant bloody murder. Han Seung-min's helpful sidekick was my favorite good guy (he died tho! fuck this show!) and delivered a great performance, starting out as your standard "I will provide info and medical assistance" type minion but becoming more and more emotionally complex and involved in the plot. The cops aside from Yoo Hee were also fun and well acted. And there's this one guy who keeps trying to murder Han Seung-min in prison who is kind of funny to me lol.
What was bad:
The plot? The structure? Both?
The murder level was a problem. For one thing, I couldn't remotely keep track of all the people getting murdered, the witnesses, the ppl being murdered in the past vs in the present, and so on and so forth. It's just confusing. For another, there's just too MUCH murder. By the end, apart from Yoo Hee and Han Seung-min, I don't think anyone I liked was still alive (I know I'm supposed to like the prosecutor but I DON'T CARE).
Then the flashbacks... In the first few episodes, it looks like every episode will show you a little more of the past, slowly revealing what Han Seung-min has planned. But this only lasts a few episodes, so that's a let-down. (Now a show like Circle would play this out for the whole show but okay we can't all be Circle, it sets too high a standard but LISTEN, WHEN THE STANDARD IS SET--) What's worse is that once you've seen the flashbacks, you're left kind of nonplussed. You expect they'll show you a slow build of Yoo Hee and Han Seung-min's relationship, but they don't; they show how they met and a point at which their relationship is established, and that's about it. I know this isn't a romance drama, but compare this to, say, Flower of Evil--not a romance drama either, but since it has a relationship in doubt at the center of the suspense, it shows in its flashbacks how that relationship slowly began. (Once again, we can't all be Flower of Evil, BUT WHEN THE STANDARD IS SET--) Also, neither the flashbacks nor the present really explain what the fuck Han Seung-min's plan was before Yoo Hee's dad got killed (no, it wasn't by Han Seung-min, I think we all know that even from the blurb). Was he planning to kill Yoo Hee's dad originally? What was he going to do if Yoo Hee's dad didn't get killed? So much just is not explained!!!!
Anyway. It's also just boring. Yoo Hee should be investigating crimes involving her family and her boyfriend; there should be high emotional investment. But for the majority of the show, it seems like she's fairly able to remain emotionally detached--and also, since she ends up investigating legal corruption and a local cult more than either her family or her boyfriend, you kind of lose that intimate aspect. I think this show would be better if Yoo Hee were more torn up about feeling betrayed by her father OR her boyfriend, but instead she's just mad at her boyfriend for lying but doesn't believe he killed her father, while she feels little emotional connection to her father at all. So those emotional stakes are just not there; her sections feel very standard procedural. Meanwhile Han Seung-min's prison adventures are at least different from the kdrama thriller standard but quickly become formulaic.
It was not a good show!
If you want to watch a woman trying to figure out whether she can trust her boyfriend/whether he's committed heinous crimes, really just watch Flower of Evil.
If you want to watch a cult-related crime drama, watch Save Me.
If you want a good prison drama, idk, but there's probably one out there that's better than this.
I didn't hate this show, I just think I wasted some time. Which is sometimes what I want to do but I was still hoping it would be good :(
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
Ok so, the new trailers got me curious, especially here with the whole... trap thing.
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Let's just go on a little chill journey about it together, no strings attached.
So... something I do casually to pass the time while deep in sunny fixation is keyword searching in episode transcripts, to see if there's fun connections I can do. So naturally, I look up "trap", to see where else it comes up outside of Gets Romantic and Flowers for Charlie (the first two episodes that come to my mind when talking about traps).
What I found was an interesting connection between three specific episodes:
Mac is a serial killer
Dennis looks like a registered sex offender
Flowers for Charlie
And I wanna go through it. Kind of in random order because I don't know how to structure this (lmao).
Now, these episodes obviously have come out in seasons throughout the years, with the earliest two on s3, and I'm gonna be talking about things I think might happen in relation to these episodes. Parallels, metatext, about things that haven't aired yet. So I may be wrong. Let's get that out of the way. Usual disclaimer, get out now if you don't like rambling, and I'm not responsible for building anyone's expectations, that is on you. This is how I have my own fun. Let's move on.
But talking about these episodes in such a way requires me to acknowledge macdennis as something that's been not only intended, but planted, am I gonna be arguing that this was all intentional the whole time? ...No. ...Yes? Maybe. This pains me to say more than it pains you to read, believe me.
Now by planted I don't mean they ever really planned to have it happen necessarily. I'm talking about the trap aspect of it all. The will they, won't they. The question, the mystery of what's inside the crate. You get me.
I wanna start from the fact that there's fifteen severed heads in the fridge. Severing heads being a metaphor very prevalent in season 15 as we've seen, but especially...
And that's the scene.
Yes, I'm aware.
I'm done. I was in character before, but I'm me now, so you can tell me how good I was.
Oh, okay. Well, you just cut in front of 15 other actresses.
You're welcome. I took a gander at 'em and... ( sever head gesture )
Plus, I do feel like that's what the character would have done, and I've been in character all day. As a matter of fact, don't want to brag, but I've been in character all week.
Fifteen, like the seasons? It could be they were hoping to reach that number to break the record, just like Charlie is shown doing at the start of DLLARSO, attempting to break a record to see how long he can hold his breath for.
Dee: What is going on in here?
Mac: Just laying low and breaking world records. Don't even think about breathing, b¡tch.
Dennis: All right, so here's the deal. Got rid of that child molester. The sеxual predator guy? Yeah, he's gone. He's out of the situation, so my problems are solved. You had a thing too, right?
Dee: Mac's dad. I want your dad out of the bar.
So three things, breaking records, the second Dennis leaving (you know, Dennis Double Life thing), and I do think Luther might be dying this season, as well. It seems to line up to me... we know Mac is going to "collect his inheritance", which he wouldn't really have unless a parent died like Charlie's. He also walked out, so.
But that's impossible, that's season 3. I thought so too.
So I want to bring another example of severed head onto the table... Chardee Macdennis 2. Season 11.
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They're asked to sculpt "clues" for the game, and what does each of them sculpt?
Mac: "Cupid's arrow". Which Charlie keeps calling a penis, and which looks strikingly similar to a RPG missile to me, I'll add.
Frank: A heart. Like the heart shaped lock?
Dennis: A woman's head in a freezer, which he says, and I quote, represents "the preservation of love forever and ever".
Keep in mind, there was no theme given for the sculptures, the whole goal was for the teammates to guess what the other was sculpting. Now why are they... love themed?
I just want to say right out of the gate, I don't know what everything means, I'm more so here to draw parallels that I've noticed. I think it's interesting that everyone can draw their own conclusions too.
So, to summarize all three episodes:
In Mac is a Serial Killer, the gang see Mac acting weird, so they start suspecting he's a serial killer.
(I do want to point out Carmen scratches Mac (during sex), which is one parallel with Dennis, but not my overall point.)
Frank and Charlie scour for clues in Mac's apartment, while Dennis tries to use Dee as bait to catch the serial killer. Frank gets a confession out of Mac's mom, and then the gang starts to hatch a scheme (which they call a trap) to "catch" Mac about this, and drive a confession out of him. The truth though, is that Mac is dating Carmen, and doesn't want the gang to find out.
In Sex Offender, Luther is finally out of jail and is visiting a bunch of people. Mac and Charlie see that Luther has a list with their name on it, and panic thinking he's been killing these people and is gonna kill them next. What is really happening though, is that he was actually making amends with the people listed (something that comes back in S16!), and had a surprise prepared for Mac, who "ratted him out". The B plot has Frank moving out because he thinks he can do better than Charlie, so he gets with Bonnie, his "bang maid". Both Charlie and Mac hatch a plan (again called a trap here), a romantic dinner, with very different goals. Charlie wants Frank back and to expose his mom as a cheater (in a situation that actually reminds of the s15 dinner, with the turd in the soup), Mac wants to pair his parents back together so they can raise "happy boys". In the end, Luther gets with Bonnie, which coincidentally does drive Frank back into Charlie's arms, but in the end Luther gets carried away by police. Additionally as we've discussed, there's a second Dennis in this episode, a fake, who is threatened into leaving at the end of the episode.
In Flowers for Charlie, scientists are running an experiment on Charlie who becomes their lab rat, while Dee Mac and Dennis are dealing with a rat problem in the bar, discussing ways to catch and kill it. Charlie starts thinking he's too good for his friends and notices that "they've been using him", Frank enlists the help of the Waitress by setting up a dinner between them, hoping Charlie's deep infatuation with her will pull him away from his new life and the corner he's turned and back to Frank, and when that doesn't work, Frank tells Dee Dennis and Mac that he wants to "drag him back down into the sewer where he belongs". Dee thinks she's stuck to the rat glue trap, but after the rat eats the cheese and scurries away unaffected, thanks to Frank's help she finds that by letting go of the trap, she becomes unstuck. In the end we find the experiment didn't make Charlie smarter, only more arrogant, and perhaps more fascinatingly some other things, like he believes to be a mathematical genius, and writes:
X = 9 + 9 = Box... that's where the cat is.
(9 + 9, like 18? Like the seasons we have confirmed, 18?)
And more.
And in the space of an hour, the subject has lost all interest in a woman with whom he had been in love for years, because of a perceived upidity relative to himself. Perhaps the most interesting were the series of side effects that he believed himself to be having. Uh, debilitating aches and pains. It was all in his mind.
According to this, the more arrogant someone is, the more he forgets about the people he loves, and the more he suffers various pains. Therefore, you need to knock someone down a peg to remind them of their feelings, and make them feel better.
In Mac is a Serial Killer, at the end, Mac is also accused of being two people.
Charlie: I'm sorry, Mac. You can't keep running from this thing. You gotta face this head on! (whispers) I'm gonna get you off this. Don't be afraid to show me your ugly side. All right. Put that away, Frank. You don't need a chain saw. You're talking to an innocent man. All right, Mac. I'm gonna ask you now 'cause I'm tired and hungry. I want to go home. I want to wash my hands of this whole stinking mess. Did you or did you not snap into an alternate and distinct personality... causing you to go on a serial killing rampage?
Mac: What? No.
Charlie: What? Yes, you did. You... All right, Mac. You're crazy, right? You're a crazy person. Sometimes you're two people. Let's see the other guy. Let him out.
Mac: Let who out?
Charlie: The serial killer, Mac! Let the serial killer out!
Mac: I'm not a serial killer!
Frank: Then why all the shady behavior?
So, what is the trap... so far, we've seen that you trap someone either to set them up with someone else (the romantic dinner in DLLARSO, but also the trap in Gets Romantic, and also when Dee sets them up in Break Up by using a lady with giant breasts as bait!), or to draw a confession out of them (like in MIASK, but also Catches a Leprechaun). Perhaps both, at the same time, as there may be multiple people scheming the same thing with different end goals, or different things with the same end goal. Either way, that's the conflict of the trap.
Brief intermission to talk about another episode where the trap comes up. Charlie's Home Alone.
Charlie empathizes with a rat, and saves him from a trap.
'Cause I know what it's like to be caught in a trap now, and it's not okay. I won't let you get caught in a trap, okay?
Takes him in his hand, and eats him (DLLARSO also has talk about Luther looking like he eats people, but I don't have a thought on that yet aside from basic cat eat mouse type stuff, also not everything is Something, but I digress!).
Later a real trap is introduced as part of the rituals, and Charlie steps on it and must free himself. The release lever is at the bottom. He frees himself, but once Brady has the ball, he has to step right into the trap again.
This stepping in and out, again it reminds me of Dennis in Gets Romantic, but since it was a season 13 episode, it may also be Glenn about the show.
But here's something I think, just to spice it up, I think the trap may also be, more in general, a relationship. Right? Dennis has been in one (with Maureen), didn't like it, yada yada. Now Mac talking about banging, that's one thing. Mac getting in a relationship? Suddenly he's ruining everything, getting locked in, that's different. And the scene between him and Dennis in Flowers for Charlie, implies to me that we have two rats and one bait, that the trap involves two people. Like a relationship. Now am I married to this idea, pun not intended? Not really, but it's possible.
Either way, the trap is something that catches rats. Thanks to Flowers for Charlie, both Mac and Dennis can be rats, due to said dancing scene...
Dennis: He scurried away.
Mac: All right, well, when he comes back, I'm gonna smash him up good. Dennis: No, no, Mac, come on. We're smarter than that. That's just gonna spread rat blood and disease all over the place. It's not about brute force. It's about seduction. See, I'm gonna place some enticing tunes for the little guy. And then I'm gonna bait this glue trap with some Brie cheese.
Frank: Because drawing a confession out of someone... is like doing a beautiful dance... a beautiful dance with a chain saw.
When Charlie is framed as the rat in Flowers for Charlie at the beginning, he's dead set on getting the cheese he can't have, and has no interest in the one under the green light. Which reflects the chase. Like cat and mouse.
This experiment, that's being talked about as groundbreaking and that will revolutionize the field, is all about making the subject feel smart due to the constant encouragement, but the subject really isn't.
Mac is not the serial killer. He's not smart enough. He's a dumb person. And dumb people are not capable of serial killing.
In Chokes, it's said that Dennis will see through the ruse, because he's smart, but the truth is that he didn't, because he isn't. It's Mac that heightens his confidence, and it always has been.
And in the sideplot of Flowers for Charlie, Dee Dennis and Mac end up watching "cat and mouse" cartoons to understand how to solve this rat problem. But... a cat was never introduced in the episode prior to this?
The mouse always wins. There's... there's, like, no winning with mices. Cat keeps getting hurt. He gets hurt. Well, it's dangerous, yeah. What the hell are you guys doing? We're trying to watch cat and mouse cartoons to find out how kitty cats deal with their rat issues.
But historically, the cat has always been Dennis... the cat in the wall (through framing and dialogue), and then ongoing with like the painting in s15 and the dead cat in the room and so on. This cat may get out of the wall, or he may die in there. That duality belongs to Dennis. But how can he both be a cat and a mouse? No, I don't have an answer, but perhaps it's up to confidence. If you bring it down low enough for both Dennis and Mac, they're finally both little mouses, and you can catch them in your trap. Not that the trap ever works? In all episodes where it comes up, it either fails (Flowers for Charlie), is painful (Charlie's Home Alone), complicates things (Gets Romantic), or a combination of those (Serial Killer and Catches a Leprechaun).
It's also about method.
How do we lower this guy's confidence, how do we reach rock bottom.
In Flowers for Charlie, Mac's solution is to bash the rat.
In Mac is a Serial Killer, they want to draw a confession out of Mac by torture when they catch him. Using a chainsaw even.
And in Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender, Dennis takes a good beating because he's mistaken for an awful man that looks like him, as per Dee's plan.
And this in Mac is a Serial Killer:
Dennis: This is the fun part, Dee. This is the part that we've been working up to. This is what all the work has been for. We're gonna follow our victim. And then we're gonna jump her. And then I'm gonna strangle her and you're gonna chop her into pieces.
Dee: Okay, but what are we really gonna do?
Dennis: Huh?
Dee: We're not really gonna kill her. What are we gonna do?
Dennis: Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. That's a bummer. Yeah, you're right.
Dee: Let's just follow her for a little. We'll throw a good scare into her. Figure out what to do later.
Plus, in Charlie Catches a Leprechaun, which is another episode in which a man gets captured with the goal of driving a confession out of him...
Mac: Nasty little son of a b¡tch, isn't he?
Charlie: There's, like, a real bite to him.
Mac: You know what I think we should do? We just rough him up a little bit. You know, just get the truth out of him, just a little bit.
Charlie: It's a great idea.
Mac: We don't want to bruise him up, I just wish we had, like, a hose or something. You know, we could blast the truth out of him. Right?
Charlie: That'd be good...
Setting aside the episode insisting a lot about ancient authentic irish traditions and other parallels I don't have time to get into, this ALL reminds me of course of the plan from the castle about the irish doctor in S15, you know, pour scalding liquid from the murder hole (a predecessor to the glory hole!) and char him.
Dennis: Yeah, so you'll lure him under the hole, where I will, uh, douse him with boiling oil or hot tar or really any scalding substance.
Frank: Wait, you're gonna char the guy? Gonna char him up?
Dennis: Yeah. I'm not gonna kill him or anything, but it's got to be hot enough to be annoying as shit, right? You know what I mean?
Frank: Yeah. Burn him.
Dennis: Uh, he's gonna get burned. But, I mean, Charlie's got to see him lose his cool, so we can expose him as the child-abandoning monster that he really is.
In s15 later, Dennis talks about that incident as "taking care of him". We all giggled at the gay implication of that, but the thing is, Mac is a Serial Killer and Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender both play with that duality of meaning, as well.
Dee: Could you come take care of me?
Charlie: I'll allow it.
Mac: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I can take care of you.
Dennis: What were you planning on doing to Sandy?
Mac: What do you think, dude?
Dennis: Well, according to this phone transcript, Mac... you were going to "take care of her"?
Mac: Yeah. Take care of her.
Mac: He told me these are people from his past, and he's got to take care of them. And once he takes care of them, he's gonna take care of me.
And it really is like that sick extended metaphor where on one side we have Mac and Dennis, on the other we have death. Same as Dennis' Double Life. You know, "give me dong or give me death". That you can either love someone, or kill them. It reflect the concept of the trap, I think.
But speaking of which...
Frank: Stay away from my bang maid.
Charlie: Damn it, Frank! This isn't about them... Charlie... or Mac or anyone else... this is about you and me, bro. This is about dudes living together, hanging out, sharing their bed and their life...
Mac: No. That's not what this is about! This is about people meeting back up after many years and sparks flying... and families getting back together and raising little boys so they can be happy again!
Much like Clip Show, that same duality. On one side living with Mac (dudes living together, plus Charlie and Frank are often a parallel for Mac and Dennis), on the other, raising Brian Jr (families getting together and raising little boys).
Charlie: Shut up, Frank. You don't know what she wants any more than she knows what you want. You know who knows what you want? I do. I've always known what you want. And I can give you want you want. Just let me give you what you want.
I don't like jumping into specific event predictions because I always get them wrong, and I don't find any fun in that. And while the trap and rats meta is real, I may be completely off with it here. I just like drawing connections.
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But speaking of traps and ruses, here's another bit of dialogue that comes to me, in times of need.
Charlie: I see you all fell for my ruse.
Dee: What ruse? You asking us to go on a hike with your dad, and us saying "yes"?
Charlie: Oldest trick in the book.
Dennis: Asking someone to do something?
Charlie: Exactly.
Dee: And then, them doing it?
Charlie: Precisely, yes.
I think traps usually are something you hatch to uncover a ruse.
That's why in all of these examples, the goal of capturing someone is to draw a confession out of them. But they don't work that way, because what the capturer and the captured hold as truth doesn't align. Mac is a serial killer, they expect him to confess to serial killing, but he was just dating Carmen. Catches a leprechaun, they expect him to admit that he is, but he really isn't. Even in Worst Bar in Philly, another ep where they kidnap a guy, they are trying to extort a fake review from the journalist.
So if the trap succeeds, it'll have a different result than intended by who hatched it, and uncover a truth that wasn't the expected one. Just based on statistics, I guess...
If the intended goal is really to hatch a plan to humiliate Dennis, char him or whatever, then what it may actually do is break his cold, calculated shell. But I don't know...
Frank, I am thinking on the physical level, the metaphysical level, the pataphysical level.
So we've all talked about meta and that's fun, but let's talk pataphysical too since Flowers for Charlie mentions it.
That's difficult, as there are over one hundred definitions of pataphysics according to wikipedia.
A few are:
"Pataphysics will examine the laws governing exceptions, and will explain the universe supplementary to this one"
"Pataphysics is patient; 'Pataphysics is benign; 'Pataphysics envies nothing, is never distracted, never puffed up, it has neither aspirations nor seeks not its own, it is even-tempered, and thinks not evil; it mocks not iniquity: It is enraptured with scientific truth; it supports everything, believes everything, has faith in everything, and upholds everything that is."
"Pataphysics "the science of the particular" does not, therefore, study the rules governing the general recurrence of a periodic incident (the expected case) so much as study the games governing the special occurrence of a sporadic accident (the excepted case). Jarry performs humorously on behalf of literature what Nietzsche performs seriously on behalf of philosophy. Both thinkers in effect attempt to dream up a "gay science" whose joie de vivre thrives wherever the tyranny of truth has increased our esteem for the lie and wherever the tyranny of reason has increased our esteem for the mad."
"Pataphysics is science, albeit one with an aesthetic sensibility; it regards “humor” and “the serious” with the same imperturbable gaze. "
"Pataphysics is simply an awareness that everything, including our very selves - is what we pretend it to be."
In other words, truth is not what's actually real, what we do or our past, truth is what we believe it is. Much like identity.
One more.
"You have seen that far from regretting the past I would simply suggest that we improve it…’Pataphysics will always be plunging ahead, precisely because it is static in time, and because time, itself, is retrograde by definition."
So if one is dissatisfied with their past, they can simply change it... by going there. This concept is played around plenty in Clip Show, but I want to talk about something else. I want to talk about Dee Day.
That is the episode where we take off Dennis' make up, but there's something else too.
This is where Dee talks about wanting to do a "retrospective" of her characters.
And the plan to make the ordinance pass, includes the gang stealing the councilwoman keys and setting her clocks back so she would miss the vote.
And look, we do have one flashback promised to us, in the bowling episode if I recall correctly.
"But is there any other canonical way of viewing the future (whether one calls oneself serious, in the profane or pataphysical sense of the word), than as a bouquet of imaginary Solutions – that is, potentialities?"
I forget if I've talked about potential in sunny. The seeds, the puppies, the eggs... always about the potential of life. I think it's fascinating. Like there is an infinite branch of ways in which macdennis could happen, right? And that's the potential. And by bringing it into the text, you're effectively killing it.
But are you, really?
The first time round is a bitter pill
But the second chance is better still
And then we find new seeds to sow
To grow our love we didn't know
There's always new seeds to plant...
But I'm not done with the pataphysical. Oh no, there's more.
There's also the fact that Flowers for Charlie talks about the structure and the foundation. When asked where the foundation is, they respond "on top", but Frank corrects them, on the bottom.
I have a feeling both answers are correct, just like both of Dennis' lives are true, and here's why.
Concepts that embody pataphysical include:
Antimony: An antinomy is the mutually incompatible. It represents the duality of things, the echo or symmetry, the good and the evil at the same time.
Clinamen: A clinamen is the unpredictable swerve of atoms that poet Christian Bök calls "... the smallest possible aberration that can make the greatest possible difference". An example is Jarry's merdre, a swerve of French: merde ("shit").
Syzygy: The syzygy originally comes from astronomy and denotes the alignment of three celestial bodies in a straight line. In a pataphysical context it is the pun. It usually describes a conjunction of things, something unexpected and surprising. Serendipity is a simple chance encounter but the syzygy has a more scientific purpose.
Absolute: The absolute is the idea of a transcended reality.
Anomaly: An anomaly represents the exception. Jarry said that, "Pataphysics will examine the laws governing exceptions, and will explain the universe supplementary to this one." Bök calls it "... the repressed part of a rule which ensures that the rule does not work".
Pataphor: The pataphor is a term for an unusually extended metaphor based on Alfred Jarry's "science" of 'pataphysics'. Whereas a metaphor compares a real object or event to a seemingly unrelated subject to emphasize their similarities, the pataphor uses the newly created metaphorical similarity as a reality on which to base itself. In going beyond mere ornamentation of the original idea, the pataphor seeks to describe a new and separate world, in which an idea or aspect has taken on a life of its own.
Once again this rings true for Clip Show in general, as a concept, but I would maybe dare say this applies to macdennis regarding many associated concepts such as the trap or the crate. In particular, Macdennis as a concept has been morphing and evolving separate to the textual plots, due to heavy metaphor use.
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In particular, they're always placed in the role of married couple, in multiple episodes. Break up, Suburbs, Gets Romantic, Mortgage Crisis. It doesn't just say "you are like a married couple", it shows them behaving as one. Therefore, if looked at under a pataphysical lense, that's what they are. That's the reality of it.
Of course, since this whole spiel is born from one word in a single episode from season 9, there's no telling how much it actually matters. It may be a happy coincidence. Does it really matter? (Not in pataphysics).
In a similar sense, we spoke Mac into coming out as audience, because we believed in it as our reality.
And another thing, since I'm riffing a lil bit at this point.
But since Dennis has been intentionally led to portray two separate and apparently opposing realities, the audience is equally divided on him, and as a result both realities keep appearing as true.
So in DLLARSO Mac is stealing Dennis' car and using it without him knowing. If we go with the whole "Dennis' car is his identity" which is very dear and near to me and I basically think of as true at least since Misses The Boat (and this is a s3 ep, which is why I'm saying IF), I'm wondering how this extends in season 16.
Well for starters, we see Mac behind the counter twice just in trailers. That has been, typically, Dennis' spot as the bartender. Very rarely does Mac cross behind, even less so on his own. Notably, it happens in Mac Fights Gay Marriage AND Dennis Gets Divorced (which btw, these two parter titles make it sound like they're the two that got divorced lmao, but um).
Another way in which we see him possibly take Dennis' place (or walk in his shoes! wear his skin, whatever you want to call it), is by the fact Dennis is teaching him the DENNIS system (an altered version I assume?), like passing the torch on to him (and Dee, who wants that place in the gang hierarchy as well...).
Finally, something that may not be a thing at all, but he meets Chase in S16, only Chase thinks he already met Mac. Because Dennis gave him Mac's name in Stranded. I'm expecting some name shenanigans of some kind. (perhaps Mac will use Dennis' name? I'm not banking on that, but how's he gonna explain? that is, unless someone else already did, in his pursue to make amends... well, who knows. you know what they say about assuming)
It's funny because Stranded is an episode all about how saying no brings you misfortune, while saying yes brings you luck. And money. 10.000$ of them specifically, both in Stranded and, casually, the original amount won by Mac with the scratcher.
The amount that... after all the bills, ends up being only 14$ dollars. (like the seasons?)
Stranded is also interesting on its own... Frank avoiding the main road because he doesn't want to pay the toll... Okay, that's enough. Getting off track.
So, final notes, since this is a more speculative and rambly post, and I'm under the impression the metaphors discussed (rats, traps, severed heads...) aren't complete (meaning they're gonna expand on these more in S16), I'm very much hoping everyone chimes in with their thoughts and speculations... perhaps other episodes that you think may fit this... let's throw away the oars and get into it, like, who cares if it ends up wrong, you know? I may come back to this too after the season airs to see what else there was...
#iasip#it's always sunny in philadelphia#s16 spoilers#always sunny#macdennis#macden#analysis#meta#RARE macdennis meta post from me... I've been burned before by being terribly wrong about something#and since then i dont do event predictions anymore. aside from ''i think macdennis is real. heres why.''#this post makes me sound like a flat earther#and i didnt even get into the whole power bottom = lowest in the structure but highest in power.#the ultimate pataphysical duality!!#and also.... flipping things upside down which is a vibe i got and cant articulate. mostly from that one ep where they flip the pyramid#and woop it's a scheme#how could the bottom be on top? you flip it#similarly sunny right now is ''flipped'' aka we are at the LOWEST OF LOW which for us means we're near peaking#but literally thats just conjecture. like bash me with a stick idk thats just what i believe#please add input so i dont look dum. something about rat eggs found in holes like jumper. anything really#i love connecting dots i recommend it as an activity to everyone#if rcg reads this they're gonna pay for my therapy finally. i count that as a win tbh. mental health day serve#ALSO IN STRANDED DENNIS SHOWS CHARLIE A HICKEY THAT HE SAYS HE GOT AFTER GETTING UNEXPECTEDLY CAUGHT IN A RAINSTORM#lil nuggets of gay dennis that i take whenever i can#the truck driver who has a wife and kids but is secretly gay is also kinda sus. what an ep to be threading in s16#''lex what's threading'' i invent my own terms bc im crazy but thats when an ep themes connect w a future ep themes. i also call it echoing#if u even care#will mac pay the troll toll to get into the baby boy's hole? tune in next season to find out!#if ur wondering i think the ruse is gay marriage so i do hope he says yes. idk who ''he'' is. maybe theyre both planning to propose#i once read a fic with that plot. they were trying to one up one another with the proposal. i think that person should sue rcg#ok I'll shut up now. annoyin ass
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Much like s3 this is going to be all over the place because I need to vent about the newest episode and the season as a whole because I have really tried to remain optimistic and positive but episode 6 is pushing my limits. And if you liked the episode, and are enjoying the direction s3 is going in that's great, love that for you, there's a reason why this post has a critical tag keep it moving it ain't for you.
I am starting to get so annoyed with this show, and the more I think about it the more annoyed I get, and ultimately I'm left at a place of dissapointment and disillusionment with this season. It had so much potential, so many roads that could have been explored, and it started out so well! Then turned into a sloppy, inconsistent mess that made what used to be the main character into a side character and seemingly forgot all about his journey. And I won't pretend like there haven't been things that I've enjoyed this season because there have been, there's even things I've really liked in this latest ep, and there's been episodes I've liked, but six eps in it's time to accept the fact that this season is not as well written as the past two. The episodes by themselves are inconsistent in tone and quality, and the season as a whole doesn't flow as smoothly and cohesively as seasons one and two did. I'll be fair to the show and say that maybe this season should have been dropped all at once because maybe if it's binge watched instead of week to week it's different but I doubt it, I'm pretty sure that when I do binge it I'm just gonna notice the issues even more.
I've never made it a secret that I would love to see Din as Mand'alor, I think he'd be a great leader and think the show has shown that even giving us a glimpse of that this very season with ep 5. But, I'll echo what others have said, if he wasn't meant to be Mand'alor, if that's not the direction they wanted to take the character in that's fine but take me on the journey with him. Let me see him struggle with the decision, with the weight of possibly having to rule his people, let me see his journey as he decides that ruling would not be for him, let him actually use the darksaber, let him try to learn to wield it and not just in a training scene of the spinoff. But don't give him this weapon that's so important for his people, tease us about him becoming a leader, only have him use it like 3-4 times, not properly adress that he has it, and then have him give it back to Bo-Katan through a loophole. Because let's not lie to ourselves it was a loophole. And then expect me to be okay with it!
My problem is not that Din is not Mand'alor. My problem is the way that it's written.
We are not getting to see and know his feelings and thoughts, on anything! I'm gonna bring up an issue I had with the last episode which was the Armorer suddenly being okay with Bo-Katan removing her helmet. For some reason, a lot of people failed to understand why some of us found it sus or didn't like that of her. She had known Din his whole life, he had dedicated his whole life to his covert yet she didn't give him a chance to even explain why he had removed his helmet in the first place. And maybe the Armorer has realized she's wrong, maybe she's had some character growth and she's changed her opinion. Fair. Valid. Show me. Show me her reaching that growth, show me what her thoughts are, better yet show me her talking to Din about it, she doesn't have to tell him about the Mythosaur but show me them talking about this, show me what Din's thoughts and feelings are towards this. Din removing his helmet was made into a big deal but I'm supposed to take this at face value and not want acknowledgement of it in any form because...it was solved within the first two eps? No.
The thing is also that I could deal with the season storyline being inconsistent and not cohesive if it at least the magic and emotion and personality was still at the same level. But because we're not actually going on the characters journey, and we're not seeing their thoughts and feelings explored more than a surface level, and we're barely getting Din and Grogu which was the most special part of this show a lot of that is lost.
The writers either genuinely want me to just take things at face value, or trust them, and neither works for me.
And I've been optimistic that it's all been leading up to something, and maybe it is there's still time, but the way I'm feeling right now it's as if the writers are playing with fans - Din fans to be specific - and I don't like that. I'm just very disillusioned with how this season has been handled and I'm worried that regardless of how it ends I won't end up liking it- especially if the rumors are true which I hadn't been paying attention to but now I'm starting to wonder if there's some truth to them and Din will either be fully written off or he'll officially become a side character.
There's still two episodes left, hope is low but not dead, maybe we'll be surprised and they'll do a 180 and reveal everything was leading up to something and it'll be amazing......I'm not optimistic but I really want that to be the case because I do still love this show.
And maybe once the season ends I'll look back on it and- I can't even type it I was gonna say maybe I'll look back on it and see the genius but I'm done lying to myself. But maybe I will look back and like it more, and have a more positive view of the season as a whole.
Show, please, get your shit together.
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