#AND hes kinda a DILF-
misqnon · 10 months
do people like kizaru. i never see anything about him but like. love this guy. he's so funny. silly little adam sandler lookin guy. he's an uncle. he's a little goofy. he doesn't know how to work technology. he goes "uhhhhhhhhhh" a lot
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roseworth · 1 year
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^ guy that’s been in a coma since the 80s
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cregnstark · 5 days
thinking about how one of these men is a canon dilf and the other is just an old guy
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connorsnothereeither · 3 months
“Hot Beardless Epilogue Ulysses can’t hurt you”
Hot Beardless Epilogue Ulysses:
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d34d6eat · 1 year
been thinking about a pining Kizaru. him trying to get closer to someone he has a huge crush on. he knows it's kinda weird that you're so much younger than him but he can't help it. he figures out your schedule so he can sort of trail behind you. Kizaru keeps his shades on so he feels inconspicuous when peeking around corners to catch a glimpse of you. he might even strike up a conversation after "accidentally overhearing" you talk to a friend about a new interest. he can't stop thinking about you!!! your smiling face creeps into his mind while he's sitting at his desk. Kizaru gets distracted and starts doodling his and your initials in a heart on official paper work.
after a few weeks of constantly thinking of you, he goes out on a limb and decides to ask you out to dinner. surprisingly you accept, and after work you eat with him. he is absolutely ecstatic when you ask to head to his place after eating. the two of you spend hours talking over expensive white wine. you give him your number and ask him to promise to call you in the morning. he agrees with no hesitation, brushing his hand against yours.
as you both get up to leave, you pull him down by his loose tie and give him a kiss. he is shocked but he reciprocates it, wrapping an arm around your waist. the admiral deepens the kiss, practically fucking your throat with his skillful tongue. you pull away from him with a whimper, smoothing your shirt. you thank him for the wonderful evening and tell him to meet up with you when he gets to work if he's able to. after your shy departure Kizaru wastes no time heading to his bedroom. he recites your name as if it were a prayer, palming himself under his pants. oh he just can't wait to get his hands on you tomorrow morning.
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i wrote way more than i intended to but i felt the need to conclude it on a bit of a spicy note with a win for Kizaru~~~ 💛✨
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radisyn · 9 months
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Here is day 3 of @hot-glenn-holidays-2023 - Concert/Carolling. Went with traditional rockstar vibes because... why not? Based on a photo of Hozier I found on Google. I had to compress the file size so I'm not sure how good it will look on tumblr but ah well! I did it anyway.
(in my head he's singing a really ribald Christmas song... just recently saw a good friend sing a Very Suggestively Queer rendition of Santa Baby and idk that could work? weigh in if you feel like it)
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morrigan-sims · 1 day
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Knight-Commander Theodore Marshall
Carrion's former mentor and father figure, and the commander of the Knights of the Silver Order. Just a Dad trying his best. Regrets nothing more than leaving the boy he knew as Reverence for dead. Unfortunately for him, Reverence Carrion is alive, and wants him dead...
[closeup of his face and official art reference under the cut]
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spongek-squidge · 1 month
List of people Alex SDV probably had a crush on at some point but simply tried to suppress it (because internalised homophobia)
All based in the head canon of Alex being very gay (no offence to any of the fem farmers who romance him-)
Sam - It was only for about a week when he was real young, but he did think Sam was a cool skater boy when they were young teens. He still thinks Sam is kinda cool but it’s all platonic feelings now
Sebastian - He crushed hard on Sebastian as a teen and it was the longest lasting crush of them all. This was the first time he had a proper crush and boy did it cause him internal turmoil. He spent the entire time trying to convince himself that this wasn’t a crush and he just thought the fact he had piercings was cool that’s it! No crushes here hahahahhaahahah
Shane - He’s not happy about it but when he first learned of Shane’s past on the grudgby team and got shown a few pictures by Marnie his first thought was ‘god he was hot’. Not really a crush but it definitely made him google the fabled ‘am I gay?’ Quiz the same night.
Various grudgby teammates - we obviously don’t know any of them in game but I imagine he had crushed on his teammates growing up, I mean teenage hormones mixed with sharing a changing room mixed with the physical contact that comes with sports mixed with the lack of understanding of his own feelings it was bound to happen 🤷
At the end of the day I don’t think Alex would’ve ever dated a man pre-farmer, though he would have dated a few girls he convinced he liked despite just wanting to be friends with them in reality.
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
morel spoilersposting again why have i never heard anybody talk about THIS bit from the finale
like.. i'm not one to trust dr potterswheel's medical assessments but this one at least seems credible. he's going to carry around the violence of the realization that his father's shit for the rest of his life. he's never going to fully leave his trauma behind. but then the episode (this is the finale, mind you) concludes with the miracle of a loving family forming anyway. idk i just.. is it that potterswheel's assessment is wrong, but instead of the outlandish way it usually is, it's in the assumption that orel will never be able to fully heal from his trauma (in the way no one in moralton has really healed from theirs)? or is it that orel is living with a limp/his trauma and simply also attaining happiness and choosing to be better than his dad? we don't see him move much in the shots of adult-orel, so it's a bit ambiguous, but i think it's something worth chewing on. anyway trauma is stored in the body
[video transcript under the cut]
DR. POTTERSWHEEL: You'll still have to use this for the next few days. (He holds out a single crutch to Orel)
OREL: Oh! Just a few days?
DR. POTTERSWHEEL: Yes, and then you'll be limping for the rest of your life.
OREL (sadly): Oh...
DR. POTTERSWHEEL: Is your dad coming to pick you up?
OREL: No. He's busy.
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mellowthorn · 9 months
my biggest change of opinion (and possibly most controversial take) after the farseer reread is that uhhh, i think i genuinely like burrich/molly now?? and quite a lot too. what is wrong with me.
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cartoonartistpng · 2 years
So is the general consensus that Eggman’s a certified dilf now?
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bugtoast · 2 years
Happy valentines, i’m trying to learn how to draw the gay people’s faces after over 2 years of being in this fandom (they mean the world to me,,,,,,)
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ughgoaway · 1 year
thinking about matty being late to pick his kid up for whatever reason (like maybe 15 mins late, nothing too crazy, and not too late to warrant calling someone else to pick them up) and he's feeling terrible about it as he bolts from the car to the playground, but he feels better - heartwarmed, even - at the sight of the kid playing hopscotch with the teacher or the two of them just sitting chatting as they wait for him. cute potential, i think!! <3
how did I forget to respond to this??? (the answer is adhd but SHHH)
anyway YES maybe he got caught up in the studio doing "work" (fucking about with George for 3 hours) and suddenly looked his his phone and just felt his heart DROP.
obviously, he immediately runs out of the studio with one arm in his jacket and immediately on the phone to the school, trying to sound coherent. I don't think you answer, I can see it being the older receptionist (who definitely ships girlie and matty) and she's so lovely and assures him that Annie is totally fine and they'll look after her until he can get there.
so 10 mins and many traffic violations later matty comes into the playground borderline Olympic sprinting but is relieved to just the the two of you sitting on a wall swinging your feet and giggling.
as he gets closer he can hear the convo and his heart (and ego) swell over the fact its about him.
"So my daddy and my uncle George do something that Uncle ross calls "pratting about" for too long, and Daddy gets caught up, so that's why he's late, probably!" Annie says, and matty has to actually stop himself face palming at his daughter using the word prat. he makes a mental note to have a go at Ross for using bad language around his daughter (as if he doesn't use words 100x worse)
He should interrupt and collect Annie, but he can't stop himself from staying back just to see your reaction
"ahhh, that makes sense, I'll be sure to ask him when he gets here. do you like your dad's music, Annie?" you say, stifling a laugh and nodding thoughtfully along with Annie's answer
matty tenses and prepares for his heart to break into 10000 little pieces, but luckily, Annie answers just how he wants, "Yeah. I like it when he waves to me onstage. He smiles lots up there and his music is funny, you should come see him sometime!" she says excitedly, looking up at you with so much hope in her eyes
you say something like "oh that sounds so fun, Annie! maybe one day I will come to a show!" and even though you know you really shouldn't, being her teacher and everything, internally you think it's not too bad an idea...
before it becomes officially eavesdropping matty jumps in and grabs Annie, profusely apologising and thanking you. of course you brush it off and say its no big deal, you wave bye to Annie and wave at matty too, substantially more shyly.
later that night at dinner, he starts to grill Annie lightly about what you spoke about, but sadly, it's nothing too interesting until she makes one little comment that makes matty very very happy.
"miss y/n asked about you though, she asks about you sometimes"
he doesn't push any further and listens to Annie talking about the upcoming sports day with a very content smile on his face.
blurb masterlist here!!
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cherryinterlude · 17 days
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Charlie Plummer and Luke Gilford photographed by Jade Mainade and Norman Wong (2024)
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starryskiesahead · 1 month
despite the man being a fictional character from a kids show i watched when i was 9 and literally having a squidward from spongebob nose, years later i legit think ford from gravity falls is kinda hot now…?
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idk why. the cartoon man has a nice voice and a nice personality. blame it on that. i like him
kinda feel the same way about viggo from rtte but i’d feel safer with ford
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pennumbra · 2 years
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