#the general centaurworld
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thebeingmerf · 1 year ago
Hey this is the same guy btw
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chipsoapart · 9 months ago
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Random shitty edits I did.
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chipsoap-s-art · 9 months ago
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His name is "Niran" but he tends to go by "Colonel" instead. Like I had said before, he is the son of the General and Woman....
When he was around five years old, Woman had given him to a different family that way he would be safe and away from General.
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Years later, he somehow ended up reuniting with his father anyway and ended up joining the army anyway.
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And despite his often "serious" look, he is a very not so serious guy. He usually jokes around and often pulls pranks
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However, he can be very reckless and impulsive at times and has a bit of cocky side to him.
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hate-bracket · 4 months ago
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pennumbra · 6 months ago
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Lil Nowhere King-themed mini doodle dump! 🦌🧁
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misfauxpas · 2 years ago
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biinaberry · 8 months ago
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"She was meant to be mine, and my love for her runs eternal"
Rewatched centaurworld recently and my god do the elktaur and princess give me binghe and shen yuan vibes
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upathosarts · 8 months ago
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drops this here
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leeuwinleven · 1 year ago
Hello, black mirror. My oldest enemy.
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quicksilverlightning · 1 year ago
So I binged Centaurworld and have spent the last week processing and need to get it out of my system because I havent seen anyone else with this take -
I find it weird that the crimes of the General and Elk are laid at the feet of the Elktaur. After the split, the Elktaur no longer existed; the Elk and General may have each encompassed a half of who he was, but became separate entities by splitting.
The Elk and General were of the Elktaur, but weren't themselves the Elktaur. It's entirely possible I'm digging too deep into what was meant to be a Y7 kids show, but it really bugged me because intention, potential, and action aren't the same things. The Elktaur may have always had the potential to become what the Elk and General did, but he didn't commit any of the actions. Because he no longer existed. We can argue about intentions all day long without getting anywhere; partly because the show never really got into that aspect, but mostly because, in the end, what matters is action. You can intend to cause hurt without ever actually doing so - intention and potential do not make one evil/ a criminal/ etc.
Like, if I clone myself and that clone goes on to become an interdimensional war criminal, am I supposed to be punished as well? Of course not - the copy was me, until it wasn't.
This is a classic Mind-Body Problem and fits the scenario around the Elktaur - can his two component parts really be considered to be a single entity? But if they actually were a single entity, none of this would be happening at all. If we brought a whole version of the Elktaur to stand before his components, would he also be considered part of that conglomerate?
Is one not the sum of their experiences? How then, can two beings with very different experiences be said to be the same? Isn't that why, post-unification, the Elktaur has two voices?
Just to be clear, I'm totally on board with the actual events of the ending - I think killing the guy was a mercy, but that's a different discussion - but I find the reasoning to be questionable. I blame Netflix and thier pattern of canceling shows too early for the writing team not being able to delve further into some really interesting philosophical conundrums surrounding the plot. I did enjoy the show overall, but the Elktaur and his pieces were by far the most interesting thing going on. I totally understand that the juxtaposition of wacky and serious was 100% the point, but that plot thread was simply too good - it made everything else feel like a distraction 😂
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chipsoapart · 8 months ago
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That one meme but with the Colonel (Centaurworld oc) and the General
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hate-bracket · 4 months ago
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pennumbra · 1 year ago
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Centaurworld Valentines 💘
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emptyjunior · 9 months ago
I think Prince Gerard of greenleigh would do this to himself
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He would do a centaurworld. That would happen to him, if he had the temptation he would Not hesitate
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bemnie · 6 months ago
The movie Us but its elktaur???!!!!!! ive never seen Us but the poster went hard and it fit Elktaur imo :3
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made for the friday the 13th Centaurworld Art Club mini event! even tho its traced idk i like it a lot ^_^ The posters composition and lighting and expression are real good !!!
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(Question comes from this post by @pancake-breakfast . My other answers are linked in my pinned post.)
4. Elk is cast away both by the General and the Woman at different parts of the story. Compare and contrast the circumstances that drove each to cast him away, and the ultimate consequences of those actions on both the General and the Woman as well as on those around them.
The General is the first one to cast away Elk. He seems to go no contact directly after they are seperated from each other. By the time he is willing to meet him again, he is already married to the Woman and his only intention is to rid himself of Elk for good, first by trying to murder him and when that doesn’t work he orders his men to capture him and lock him into the deepest dungeon. He has tricked his way to get everything he ever wanted and is terrified of losing it. That’s why he shuts Elk out of his life. When Elk threatens to go to the Woman and tell her everything, the General uses more drastic meassures.
This works pretty well for him for the first decade while Elk is still locked up. However, once the Woman freed Elk, I imagine she might not have been quite as loving with the General afterwards, now that she knew what he was capable. None the less, she returns to him, so for now everything is still alright. Only when Elk starts attacking the human world with his Minotaurs the General’s pleasant life is interrupted. As the Woman confronts both of them in the rift, he still doesn’t feel guilty about what he did to his other half however.
As the key explodes, trapping the Nowhere King in the rift, the Woman in Centaurworld and the General in the human world, the General is (at least in part) spared the consequences of his actions. He doesn’t have to deal with his wife being mad at him for keeping this secret. He wasn’t forced to turn back into a centaur. He doesn’t even have to worry about the Nowhere King anymore. The only consequence that remains is the war in the human world and he doesn’t care about that. It doesn’t weigh on his conscience or else he would end it by killing himself. Quite the opposite, he sees it as a chance to distinguish himself as a hero, even if that means leading hundreds of soldiers to their deaths. He avoids the consequences of his actions and instead makes them everyone else’s problem.
As for the Woman: She casts away Elk after she frees him from his prison. While Elk insists that her freeing him must mean she loves him and wants to stay with her, she tells him to run away and not wait for her. She has now seen firsthand what her husband is capable of, and yet she decides to return to him. We see that even in the last episode after the great battle she has trouble not falling for his pretty words, despite being confronted with his inhumane actions. This lingering sense of loyalty, this hope that maybe he means what he says and not what he does is what causes her to cast away Elk.
As for him, this is the final straw. He cannot fit anywhere in society, he has been horribly abused by his own other half and now even the Woman has rejected him. In a last attempt to fit anywhere he creates the Minotaurs, but when they too don’t feel like family he starts treating the world as it has treated him. He starts the war, killing anyone in his way, not caring how it affects him and with no intention to stop. He becomes the Nowhere King.
When the Woman finds out what she has contributed to, she tries to make it up, tries to force the Nowhere King and the General back into one body. But the key explodes and she gets trapped in Centaurworld. The about 20 years until the main part of the series takes place change her. She is deadly afraid of re-opening the rift, despite once being so in favour of traveling between the worlds. Her fear of the Nowhere King has only grown and I think deep down she already knows that she doesn’t have what it takes to finish him. She also has lost her trust in the good in the world; in „Nothing good is meant to stay“ we see that she is now paranoid that anyone you love could turn out to have terrible secrets and to be a monster. After the rift is re-opened she falls into a deep depression, seeing no hope to win the war.
The Woman casts away Elk to protect him while the General casts him away to protect himself. While the General doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions, the Woman cares a lot. She doesn’t want anyone else to die, while the General is happy to let this war go on forever if it means he gets to keep his status. He has become heartless to the point where nothing is important to him, where he will gladly lie in her face if it means he can keep being human. Meanwhile she doesn’t trust herself to let anyone else in her heart again because of how badly she was betrayed the last time. Yet she can’t help but feel compassion, even towards her abuser. It takes all her strength to go against her loving and forgiving nature and kill him in the end. Meanwhile, those who deserve her kindness she now views with distrust.
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