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starrynightarchive · 4 months ago
someone who has watched one piece fully just said "yeah I love it!! don't know why they made luffy the mc tho, it should've been zoro ://" and you know the opinion is bad when even the character involved would disagree with you. tell zoro what you just told me. no go ahead. if you come back without a sword through your chest then we'll talk
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ro-written · 7 months ago
eyes closed - pt. 2 - R.Z
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“Even in death, he had his foot on the back of your neck.”
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GeneralTags/Warnings: Physical pain against mc (punches, slaps, kicks), brainwashing (?), PTSD, VERY brief mention of eating issues, ANGST, Zoro is pretty sad im so sorry
Little Dark Age by MGMT I Can't Handle Change by Roar Reflections by The Neighbourhood
Word Count: 4k
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The first night there, you were treated with a grand welcome.
The “higher ups” of the crew took turns trying to break you down. There were a few times you almost passed out, but you tried to ground your mind, fingernails digging into your palms as you clenched your fists. Your crew would find you soon. Zoro would find you soon. And all these people would burn.
A kick to your stomach had you curling in on yourself on the floor. You were starting to recognize their shoes more than their faces. This pair belonged to the first mate and his long purple braid.
“I am so glad you still have some fight in you. The Captain particularly likes watching the hope leave feisty ones.” The crew laughed around him. “Maybe if you put on a really good show, we’ll get treated! I promise to give you my scraps.” Their laughs echoed even louder.
You gritted your teeth, pushed through the pain, and brought your hand out to grab at the first mate’s boot. You looked up at him standing above you, his eyes filled with vicious amusement. He tilted his head, before squatting down in front of you, curious as to what you had to say.
Then you struck, pulling his foot out from under him to throw him off balance, and brought him to the floor with you. He landed on his back with a grunt, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the face he made. You took the spit and blood that was pooling in your mouth and spat on his white shirt, marking it. You knew it would only lead to more pain, but if you could get one of them, you would be content.
“You fucking– Get the chair out!” The first mate yelled to the other men around him, and you felt yourself being picked up by your arms and dragged to the center of the room. They scraped over some sort of wooden chair, pushing you down to sit in it and holding you down. Cold chains tightened around your wrists, keeping your arms against the arms of the chair. They then moved down to your legs, wrapping around your ankles and keeping them to the legs of the chair. You heard some clicks from behind you, and as you tried to thrust your body backward to break the chair (to no avail), you realized they secured the chair to the floor.
The sound of a door opening silenced the room, save for you and your grunting, trying to get out of your chains by any means. Heavy footsteps made their way down the stairs, and you looked up to see a tall man with a gaudy hat, and even worse boots, smiling down at you. The silver in his teeth glinted at you in the small bit of light in the room.
All of the men watched his movements with such intensity. He raised a hand up and waved it, all of his crew filing up the stairs and outside. As soon as the last member stepped out, he stepped up to you, grabbing your chin harshly with one hand. You noticed something in the other, a piece of paper rolled up.
You didn’t have too much time to think about it, as he took his hand from your chin and slapped you with the palm. Your head spun, cheek smarting with pain. He laughed, bringing the back of his hand across your other cheek and whipping your head to the other side. Tears pricked your eyes and you tried your hardest to blink them away, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of your pain.
“How proud you are
” The captain grumbled, tilting his head like he was studying you, his face pensive. “I can see why you and the swordsman would be so close. I just don’t know how you deal with his arrogance.”
“You know nothing about him–” Another slap caught you off guard, and you grunted out loud before biting your tongue. The captain raised his eyebrow at your attempt to keep quiet and started walking around the chair, circling you like a hawk.
“Trying to keep so silent, but in the end? You’ll be screaming anyway. And when you’re yelling out in pain
when I finally break you
when you’re looking for a name to curse – you can call me Silver Tooth.” His eyes held a sadistic look, his breath reeking from having not seen a toothbrush in years.
“Yea? I think I might call you ‘Hot Breath’ instead...do you mind taking a step back from me?” You looked up at him despite the pounding pain in your head. Your eyes were defiant, even though they felt like they would burst from your skull at any point, and it sent a shiver down his spine in excitement. 
But as much as he wanted to keep this game going, he had a ship to run.
His fist, with all of its heavy rings, collided with your temple, making you see spots in your vision.
“You know,” he sighed and walked over to the wall in front of you. “You only have him to blame for this.” Your head rolled around on your neck. “If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have to go through all this trouble.”
A bang on the wall caused you to jump, and you blinked back the blurriness, trying to see what he put on the wall as he moved back up the stairs. It
it looked like a Wanted poster.
“You’re simply a means to an end.”
Zoro’s Wanted Poster.
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You woke up.
Actually woke up. Not forced awake from sudden agony.
Your eyes opened on their own to light streaming into the room through sheer curtains. The sound of waves crashing against the boat sounded how they should. It smelled familiar here. Like a campfire, some sort of plant lightly burning and wafting through the room, mixed with the salty ocean air coming through the open window. You closed your eyes to take it all in.
You couldn’t trust your brain. You couldn’t actually be home.
You just wanted to stay here forever.
You don’t want to wake up.
You don’t want to be in that room again.
“Oh! You’re awake!” A small, sweet voice called out. It made your eyes shoot back open, and you lifted your head (with some slight difficulty) to hear the hooves of your crewmate coming towards you. You saw his hat and antlers, then his face, as he crawled up onto the wooden chair next to the bed.
A feeling of disbelief washed over you.
here?” Your voice was raw, scratchy. It sounded as if you hadn’t had water in days. Which might actually be true

“...Yes? I am actually not sure how to answer that one!” His eyes looked at you curiously as he started to feel your face, trying to determine how hot you were. 
You wanted to ask if he was real, but hesitated. His touch felt real. And it was gentle. Something you hadn’t experienced in so long. But you still did not want to trust your brain yet, afraid that as soon as you got comfortable and allowed yourself to believe in it, he would appear to tear you apart again.
“You know, you’ve been out for a few days!” He exclaimed, turning in the chair to the small side table next to the bed that held a cup of water and a bowl of hot soup with a piece of bread on the side. “Sanji keeps coming by to see if you have eaten anything, and also to check to see if the food got cold! He said he wanted to make sure the first thing you ate when you woke up was his ‘good, hot food!’ His words, not mine!”
The tiny doctor rambled as he carefully grabbed the water cup, watching you cautiously as you winced when moving your arms to take it from him. He needed to see how badly moving around would be for you, and it seemed pretty rough just from a surface level.
He remembered when Sanji and Luffy brought you in from off that godforsaken boat. He was just about to come over, but they busted down his door before he could, your unconscious body dragging between them.
“What on earth happened?” Chopper yelled out, hurriedly making his way to the bed they were attentively putting you down on.
“We don’t know
but it’s way worse than any of us could have imagined.” Sanji stated, eyes not able to come off the plethora of bruises littering your face and arms, the blood both dried and fresh staining you. 
do anything you can.” Chopper looked at Luffy in shock, never having heard this tone come from him before. Desperate.
He decided he didn’t like it.
“Days?” Your voice brought the doctor back to the present, the extended silence making you slightly uncomfortable. You sounded a little clearer now, having finished the water and handing him the glass back. You ignored the stinging at your lips as much as you could, the cuts and dryness reminding you they existed there.
“You were out for five days! I kept having to tell everyone that I could still hear your heartbeat.” He helped you sit up a bit more, but the aching in your body was so dreadful that you couldn’t help the tears that lined your eyes. You blinked them back quickly, hopeful that he hadn’t caught them. He handed over the bowl of soup to you and you started to spoon it quickly into your mouth, working through the soreness in your jaw.
“Woah, careful! You know you could eat yourself to death if you go too fast!” The doctor put his hoof on your hand in order to slow you down, and it took everything in you to not glare at him for keeping you from Sanji’s homemade soup. He is just trying to make sure you're okay.
A gentle knock rapped on the room’s door, and you heard Nami’s voice call from the other side as you sipped on the broth that warmed your chest.
“Chop? Is it okay to come in?”
“Is it okay?” He looked at you with his round eyes and you pursed your lips, bracing yourself, before nodding your approval.
“Come on in!”
The door opened to Nami’s concerned face that morphed into pure joy at the sight of you sitting up in the bed.
“You’re awake!” She rushed over to the bed and sat on the side of it. You chuckled at her enthusiasm, her eyes beaming at your face. 
One thing was for sure in her head. You looked somewhat better than you did when she saw you after they rescued you. It wasn’t something she ever wanted to see again.
“How are you feeling? Any pain? Do you need me to help feed you? I can change your clothes for you if you need me to, I’ve been doing it the past few days and tried to be so careful not to hurt you.” She rambled on, completely worried about you, but it felt endearing to you, causing you to huff out another bit of laughter.
“I’m feeling better, thank you Nami. The clothes and this soup are helping my recovery, I’m sure.” You grabbed at her hand and squeezed it as much as your weak state could.
“Don’t let Sanji hear that, his head might grow ten sizes,” she giggled out. Your smile widened, despite the soreness in your cheeks and the cuts on your lips stinging something fierce. It felt right, sitting here and laughing along with her. This couldn’t be a dream. Maybe your brain wasn’t playing with you this time.
“So, you are awake.”
Your body goes rigid, face falling. Your lungs emptied of all the air within them. Your eyes widened as you shook your head imperceptibly.
His black boots step in, followed by the swords. You stared down at the sheets covering you, unable to look anywhere else.
It was all a dream. It was all a dream. It was all a dream. It was all a dream. It was all a dream. It was all a dream. It–
“Hey, are you okay?” Nami’s hand lands on your arm. The sudden contact cracks something in your mind, and you throw the bowl and spoon in your hand at the wall in front of you with all the power you could muster in your aching limbs. The sudden movement and crashing shocked everyone, and Nami stood up from where she sat on the bed. Chopper jumped and looked from the shattered bowl to you.
Your eyes were trained on where Zoro stood in the middle of the room. He looked at you in your eyes, his wide with worry. He could only compare the sight of you to some sort of wounded animal, baring its teeth and ears poised up, ready to do whatever it took to stay alive. The same look he saw when you were on the boat.
“I am not going back.” Your voice was emotionless, cold, hard. It was something he hadn’t heard from you before. “I’m not FUCKING going BACK there.”
You started leaning forward as if you were planning to pounce on him. Nami watched as you prepared yourself to start attacking, and she put her hand up slowly in front of you, placing herself between you and Zoro.
“Hey, you’re not going back. Look at me, tell me what’s wrong.” She pleaded with you, but you moved your head to keep your eyes on the swordsman behind her, not letting him disappear. Not letting him take this from you.
“I’m not going back there, do you fucking hear me? Get the fuck out of here,” you pulled back the sheet covering your legs. It didn’t take Nami too long to figure out who the issue lied with here.
“Zoro, leave.” Nami commanded sternly, her sight not leaving you out of fear of what you may do if it did.
I don’t understand, what’s going on? What’s wrong?” He begged for you to talk, but the most you did was grit your teeth and swing your legs off the bed, no matter how much your body screamed at you not to. “Talk to me. Please–!”
“ZORO,” Nami yelled, head finally turning to him quickly and her eyes serious. He looked from you to her, almost surprised at the look she gave him.
Your body didn’t untense for another thirty minutes after he left. You couldn’t sleep that night until Chopper gave you a drink that knocked you out.
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It had been almost a month now since you were rescued.
And you were going fucking stir-crazy.
The entire crew had made some sort of agreement that you were not allowed to leave the boat until you were somewhat more mentally stable.
The “mental stability” in question was determined based on if you could be in a room with Zoro for more than a minute. And you kept failing.
The first week and a half after Chopper deemed you to be steady enough to get around on your own – meaning that if you took two steps you wouldn’t collapse – was the worst of it.
At least once a day you would see the swordsman. It felt as if you blacked out. Your entire body went into this frenzy, every instinct in your body yelling at you to grab the nearest item and tear him apart with it. There had been a few times that week where your impulses got to the best of you, and you did attack. Luckily, he was skilled, and he could hold you off long enough until the others could drag you away.
Eventually, it became a bit better. Every time you two crossed paths – it wasn’t that large of a boat – you were able to halt yourself and ground your senses to keep from doing anything rash. However, bile would rise up in your throat, and you felt as though your body would betray you at any second. You would freeze up, but then turn around and go the opposite direction. 
It broke his heart.
Everything he had done to find you. The people he threatened and tore through to reach you. His... And when he did find you, he simultaneously felt a sense of relief, and his heart falling into the deepest pits of his stomach.
He wanted his partner back.
He needed you back.
Everyone on the crew saw it, no matter how hard he tried to mask his true emotions. They could feel it in his heavy sigh every time you walked away from him. They could see it in his eyes as he watched you hurriedly leave the kitchen with your dinner plate when he walked in. They could hear it in his heart breaking when he saw you flinch at every loud laugh from Luffy and every sudden movement from Usopp.
But you couldn’t get past the fear trapped in your head. Past Silver Tooth’s voice that would whisper in your ear late at night when everything was so still, so quiet that even the gentle waves lapping against the boat couldn’t be heard.
“You’ll never leave here.”
You took a deep sigh and tried to determine if you wanted to re-count all of the cracks in the ceiling again. But you might actually commit murder if you did, so you chose a different route of getting out of your bed, putting on a robe and some slippers, and heading out of your room to get air.
Out on the deck, you looked over the side of the boat down towards the water. Being so close to it now, it lowered the menacing voice echoing in your head, but didn’t kill it entirely. Why won’t it just stop? 
It started to feel so overwhelming. Your crew danced around you carefully, unsure if they would say something that might cause you to snap. Treating you like porcelain. You weren’t getting enough sleep, you were overeating out of fear of being starved again, and you couldn’t look at the man who knew your entire soul without feeling like you were going to completely break down.
Suffocating. It felt like you were suffocating. Like Silver Tooth was holding your head under the water you watched splash up against the hull and laughing at you.
Even in death, he had his foot on the back of your neck.
“Hey,” A gently voice came from behind you, and you quickly whipped around to see Robin. “What are you doing up and out here?”
“I could ask you the same,” you smiled gently, trying to not worry her and steer the conversation away from you and your reasons. She returned the smile back.
“There's supposed to be a light show in the sky here soon and I wanted to catch it. Mind if I join you?” She gave you an out – a way to (kindly) tell her to go away. But thinking about it for a moment, you realized that maybe this is what you needed; someone to be here with you so you were not alone with your thoughts. You nodded.
She came over to stand next to you, leaning against the railing while your eyes shifted over the ocean in front of you. You could hear her calm breathing and waited for her to start questioning you. It only made sense – you had been completely out of character since you were rescued. Everyone on the crew wanted to talk to you to figure it out and help, Zoro most of all, but none had gotten the chance (or possibly the courage) to bring it up.
However, she didn’t say a word. For fifteen minutes straight, you two stayed at your spots next to the ship railing, watching the sky for the “light show” she had mentioned. Part of you was thankful, not wanting to think too much into your time on the other ship. But the more you anticipated her bringing it up, the more you did think about it. And that led to a building feeling of pressure in your chest and in your throat, until you didn’t think you could do it anymore.
“Every night I close my eyes, I'm back there.” You stated it at the hour and a half mark. Robin’s head turned towards you slightly, watching your face.
I’m staring at his poster. Zor–...Just fucking praying to it.” You huffed out a laugh. “I can’t even remember the last time I stepped foot in a place of worship. But there I was, watching his poster like it would give me all the answers.”
You looked down at your hands slowly starting to pick at the skin around your nail beds.
“Fuck, sorry
I’m unloading and you’re just trying to watch your stars
” You turned your body back away from Robin and started to think that maybe you should just go lie down in your bed and wait till morning, until you hear the smallest giggle.
“I may or may not have lied about that. I apologize, but I wanted to make sure you weren’t alone.” You quickly turned back around to see the woman giving a slight smile, the right corner of her lips tipping up. She slowly and gently reached her arm out so as to not startle you, and placed her hand on one of your shoulders. “After what you have gone through, you shouldn’t feel alone ever again.”
You were frozen in place, unable to think of the proper words you wanted to say to express your gratitude towards her. You simply watched as she patted your shoulder a few times and then turned back towards the water, watching out at the ripples.
“I wasn’t expecting you to talk at all, honestly. I just wanted to make sure that if you did want to say something, you had someone there to listen at the very least. And I deeply appreciate that you felt safe enough to talk with me.” She finished, finding particular interest in a small bug that moved along the rail along the edge of the deck.
You sighed, ran a hand down your face and turned back to face the same currents she saw.
“I guess I just haven’t given myself the room to talk about everything that happened,” you admitted, and paused to think, Robin’s eyes still locked in on the sea. “But I think a part of me is terrified that I will have to relive everything again and again and again or that I will talk about all of it but then be back in that same goddamn room with all of Zoro’s posters hanging around.”
You felt the water drop on your hand before you felt them on your cheeks. You lifted a hand to quickly wipe them away, not feeling like losing yourself entirely right at this moment. You would prefer to do that by yourself, away from your crew.
“The last day I was there
when everyone found me
Silver Tooth came down and told me something that I think I am slowly starting to understand. ‘You’ll never leave here.’” You let out a shaky breath voice cracking. “Robin, I don’t think I left that room. Yes, you took me from the ship, but my mind
a large piece of me is still in that room. And I don’t know what to do.”
A silence enclosed the two of you within its grasp, allowing you both to absorb the words you spoke into the space. Robin’s heart ached for you, wishing she could just rewind time to save you from the consequences of their inattention towards you during that fight, right before you were taken away.
She then grabbed your hand that was resting on the rail, holding it tightly, and making your heart clench up.
“You may be free physically, but until you beat him, you will never be gone from that place,” she sighed, turning her head to look at you. “What that looks like may be different to you and me. It’s little steps. But saying something, talking to someone
that’s a great place to start.” She squeezed your hand as the tears welled in your eyes yet again.
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This was written by @/ro-written and is not to be plagiarized, translated, or distributed anywhere else. Copyright 2024.
All comments, reblogs, and likes are always welcome
Wanna help me keep writing? Consider tipping me on Ko-fi!
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Taglist: @xenop0p, @arielaufson
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pampushky · 7 months ago
my masterlist
Behold my multitudes of writing! Requests are open!
hard nos for writing: grooming. pedophilia. don't fuck with any of that. I will include trigger warnings in my works if needed/they apply. I use non-con/dub-con to work through my own trauma. so if you don't like it, don't read it.
my ao3 | ask away
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One Piece:
Vinsmoke Sanji Creature (Both Haunted & Holy) ((OLD)) Series Masterlist update on status
Things of Note About This Fic: Slow Burn, slow updates, MC is a selkie, mc has severe PTSD, Past Rape/NonCon, Straw Hats as a family. On Hiatus as of 9/27/24
Roronoa Zoro- Disk Florets
Things of Notes About This Fic: Hanahaki Disease, not actually unrequited love, Zoro is an idiot (lovingly)
Trafalgar D. Water Law- Foot of the Gallows Series Masterlist
Things of Note About This Fic: Fantasy Setting, Soulmates, Marriage of Convenience, Manipulation (not by Law don't worry), Slow Burn, Friends to Enemies to Lovers. Updated once a month at least.
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Formula 1:
Lando Norris- My Name is Brutus (And My Name Means Heavy) Series Masterlist The legacy of your grandfather comes with a heavy crown, one partially melted and reformed in flames that should have killed him. Akin to the fire that should have killed you but took your mother instead, leaving you with the same scars that Niki Lauda wouldn’t wish on another, least of all his own grandchild. Yet here you stand, drawing the ire of McLaren’s golden boy, with a twisted crown of his own to wear as you throw everything he was used to to the flames. You force him to adapt overnight when you join the team suddenly after an unknown incident that sends you sprawling as you try to cope with the sudden change in team. You terrify him. And he terrifies you. And somewhere, James Hunt is cackling that Niki Lauda’s granddaughter is frighteningly similar to him.
Things of Notes About This Fic: A/B/O au, Alternate 2024 F1 Season, MC will be from the USA (plot reasons), enemies to lovers, No real description of the MC besides scars & having heavily dyed hair (part of the plot), Niki Lauda is still alive here (also part of plot)
Max Verstappen- Something So Magic About You (Oneshot Coming Soon) Everyone with a soulmate is given an animal that represents their other half, and it always wants to lead the other towards their soulmate, constantly searching for their missing part. The animals appear on their second birthday. And it grows with them. Max is always seen with an elegant yet terrifying, pitch-black Russian wolf hound, sometimes running the track with him, as if to dare other drivers to even come close to him.  You, on the other hand, have a lion. A large, goofy lion that begs for all of your attention, even as you try to get through your final year of university. 
Things of Note About This Fic: Soulmate AU, Past Child Abuse, Angst, hurt/comfort. Max is absolutely whipped for his soulmate. He also thinks he's represented by a house cat.
Charles Leclerc- Mon Petit Doudou It's a constant fight for anonymity in a career like yours. While you want to hide the most intimate parts of your life from the viewers who tune in to watch you fall apart from a toy or your own fingers, letting your little gasps and whines coax the viewers into tipping you. Your dominant seems uncaring about the idea that someone may recognize him, but Charles has always bordered on aloof when it came to his job and the stigma that surrounded it. But he can get rather protective---especially when some viewers seem to think they have any right to tell him how you should be treated.
Things of Note About This Fic: Sub/Dom dynamics, coworkers to lovers, sub mc, soft dom charles, manipulation (not from charles), smut, angst to fluff, pornstar au
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baizhuswifey · 7 months ago
My obey me headcanons
Leviathan mammon and Lucifer have really bad cursing habits
Each of the brothers play at least one instrument
Lucifer plays piano,mammon plays the drums leviathan plays electric guitar Satan plays saxophone,asmo plays clarinet, Beelzebub plays tuba or trombone and belphie plays oboe or clarinet
Whenever diavolo acts up barbatos gives him pickle flavor candy
Lucifer is an alcoholic
Mc and Solomon tell the brothers stupid lies about humans to get what they want and the brothers will make up lies about humans to get out of certain situations
The brothers occasionally all play Roblox together usually playing dress to impress or flicker (Everytime Satan or belphie get murdered Lucifer is always the first they kill)
If any of the brothers do something bad and need someone to tell and help them out because they don't want Lucifer to know they can't tell asmodeus... asmodeus is a snitch
Lucifer and Beelzebub have the fattest asses out of all the brothers
All the brothers have gotten in fist fights with each other atleast once (the two with the biggest record of fist fighting is leviathan and mammon)
Every week at 3 a clock on Friday leviathan and asmo go on walks to talk shit
Mammon and Lucifer get high together quite often
Leviathan has the most horrendous back arch and waist
The brothers put sheep mc In a stroller
When mc said they needed more female friends leviathan mammon and Beelzebub put on dresses and makeup and said "now you have more female friends"
Leviathan mc and mammon are not seen without eachother ever
Barbatos and diavolo secretly love kpop (barbatos is a huge huge huge newjeans,red velvet and G-Idle fan and diavolo likes atteez and enhypen)
Lucifer and diavolo have some tension between them when they are all alone (ykwim)
Luke is a big fan of ducks and manatees
Asmodeus has a secret obsession with Abby Lee Miller and Britney Spears
Simeon has a slushie machine
Lucifer has a dart board for all his brothers and whichever makes him upset he pulls it out and starts chucking darts at it
Simeon is waiting and waiting and waiting for Luke to call him dad and he thinks about it everyday
Luke is obsessed with apple juice
If asking all of the characters (not Luke) boobs or butt,mammon diavolo Satan would say butt, Lucifer, asmodeus, barbatos and Solomon would say boobs and leviathan, Beelzebub, simeon and belphegor would say thighs
If a twerk off was held simeon,Lucifer and diavolo would end up winning
Leviathan is good at doing voice impressions
Simeon is a good singer
Solomon has a fear of hamsters
Solomon is obsessed with popsicles
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cruel-hiraeth · 1 month ago
omg please tell us about the otome men you love!!
i’ve played many otome games over the years—on steam, itch.io, and the switch—but i would say the standouts thus far have been: bustafellows, nightshade, and birushana. nightshade and birushana are both historical fiction which i LOVE, and bustafellows is so dynamic
i know there’s a second installment in the works, and i’ll definitely be playing it when it comes out.
i will add that i haven’t played these games in a couple years so my memory isn’t the best (although now i want to replay each game since i refreshed myself jfhdjbdjjsj).
shu đŸ€ i knew from the moment i met him that i would love him. he’s sexy, experienced, straightforward, and mysterious. i clearly have a thing for bounty hunters (cough zoro cough) LOL
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scarecrow đŸ©· i was surprised by how hard i fell for him? he’s silly but so layered. his backstory is tragic, yet he’s able to build himself a little family with the gang
he’s best boy fr fr, no notes—just love!
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hanzo hattori 💚 he’s the oldest LI in the game (mid-30s i believe) which already had me on my hands and knees. discovering who he is was a big twist (and only made me fall for him more
mysterious men ily
) i love how he pushes MC to learn to fend for herself—something that none of the other LIs did. and ofc he’s a secret romantic uwu. i fear i will never not fall for a kuudere LOL
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yoritomo minamoto 💜 i knew i would love yoritomo bc he’s a brocon kuudere
what more could i ever dream of? he’s a pivotal character regardless of the LI you’re pursuing, and he’s incredibly emotionally closed off, so it’s rewarding to slowly watch him open up. also he’s gorgeous, powerful, thoughtful, and strong; there’s so much to love!
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tomomori taira đŸ€ SIGH. never mind the fact that he’s blond đŸ”« toxic evil red flag sadistic yanderes you will never not enthrall me. my favorite dynamic is enemies to lovers, and he provides exactly that—oh so deliciously, might i add
i was expecting yoritomo to be my overall fave of the game, but i think tomomori wins out slightly bc he’s sooooo awful :’-)
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pianocat939 · 1 year ago
helloo!! ^^
i saw that ur requests were open! could i request a yandere ace headcanons? :D
(i didnt see one piece in ur fandom list but i thought it was worth a shot to ask! just ignore this if ur not comfortable with doing a new fandom!)
Ok so listen, out of all Japanese kids I was that one kid who never watched One Piece (I was a Sailor Moon kid lmao). Like all I know is Nami, Chopper, Luffy, and Zoro.
So I did read the info on Ace, and I have like a basic idea of what his personality is like. But again, I only know briefly of his backstory. Honestly the conclusions I came up with are: Luffy but a little bit more calm + fire fire go bang bang
Tw: brief self-glorification I suppose, maybe in the manipulation category?, brief violence, not that extreme cuz I don't know him for shit
Yandere Ace Hcs (An Attempt)
(I'm too lazy to start on how he gets obsessed with MC, so we're just gonna go straight from when he's obsessed)
He's protective of MC, but only when they're in danger. Otherwise, he lets them roam around a little. But still within his area.
He's kind of possessive, but really only shows it towards other people. What I mean by that is he might hug MC or kiss them on the face briefly if he wants people to back off. Maybe do a little smug smile right after to express his greatest achievement: you
If MC is in danger, the enemy better be prepared because he's going to fight until their corpse is literally mutilated. He'll go back to MC and won't leave them for a few days.
I feel he wouldn't kidnap MC, but rather make them trust him completely. He'll act like he's the reason they're safe and happy.
Very lovey-dovey in private. He'll hold you and try to kiss your cheeks and lips one too many times. He gets a little huffy if you don't let him right away.
(Well that's a general idea I can think of. For ppl who have watched One Piece, tell me on a 1-10 scale how well I did. I'm genuinely curious.)
- Celina [If I get a 3, I'll be happy honestly haha]
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sanjisboyfie · 1 year ago
DOMESTICITY: usopp and [name]'s conversation
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(keep safe) usopp + male reader
read the original fic where this usopp and mc are from <33 i actually love this drabble a whole lot UGHHH
for the most part, the sniper was always doubtful of his own abiltiies. wondering if he was too weak, too cowardly to even be sailing as a strawhat crew member. those feelings didn’t let up at all when [name] joined. if anything, they got worse.
comparing himself to [name] was inevitable. how high [name]’s bounty was — the fact [name] had a bounty in the first place was already bad enough. how effortlessly cool [name] was. how he could easily back up threats against enemies, considering how strong he was.
[name] was a force to be reckoned with and usopp was just a fly buzzing around him. it made usopp feel like trash.
and that attitude didn’t go unnoticed by [name] either. every day he had spent on the ship, to the last second, he had noticed how deflated usopp would become when he simply opened his mouth to speak. it was as if [name]’s words were physically harming usopp.
so one night, when the rest of the crew was sleeping and usopp was on night watch duty, [name] decided to confront him on it.
“there’s always a look of pain on your face when i step into a room,” [name] started the conversation with a simple observation.
and that itself sent usopp spiralling. he thought of how pathetic he was for being unable to even hide his emotions. how he was so simple minded as a fellow crewmate, to feel threatened by [name] so easily. how weak he was. the thoughts were going a mile a minute in usopp’s mind and all [name] could see was a struggling sniper.
“why is that, usopp?”
“i don’t anything of the sorts-”
[name] flicked the end of usopp’s nose, “liar!”
“i’m not lying!” usopp tried defending himself, but seeing the bored look on [name]’s face made him give up almost immediately, “it’s just
you’re just like sanji, and zoro, and luffy! you’re strong, alright? and i’m not! it’s plain as day, anyone can see it. if luffy had to choose who he wanted on his crew more, he’d choose you any day,”
[name] flinched at the confession, “hold on, what are you talking about? this sounds like complete bullshit.”
usopp almost laughed, “of course it does! because to you, you don’t even have to worry about this stuff. weaklings like me, i can’t help but think this. do you know how worthless it is to know that i’m just a useless asset to luffy? i can’t perform nearly as well as you three in battle,”
“usopp, you’re not an asset, some tool for luffy to use,” [name] said sternly, and this time when he spoke, he sounded genuinely mad, “you’re our crewmate. there’s no hierarchy in the crew, besides the captain of course. but luffy is special — he cares for all of us equally.”
“like i said, you obviously don’t need to worry about things like that. you’ve known him since he was a kid, of course he cares about you. you’re strong with a high bounty, of course he cares about having you in the crew
it just leaves me in the dust, right where i belong,”
usopp felt like crawling into his own being and extinguishing himself off of the ship. he sounded so pathetic right now!
[name] simply flicked him on the nose once more, “you’re stupid for thinking something like this
what goes on in that head of yours, usopp?” [name] said gently, walking around the subject carefully, “luffy treasures you, y’know? he’d be insulted to hear the way you’re talking about yourself. you’re his best friend!”
usopp looked into [name]’s eyes to try and find any sight of lies, but was only greeted by sparkling e/c pupils. he was about to interject, but [name] wasn’t finished, “you’re our only sniper, that’s a position no one but you can fill! you’re the backbone of this crew, whether you realize it or not. you balance everyone out. i wish i was as versatile as you, usopp.
at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how high a person’s bounty is, or how “useful” they are on the battlefield. it matters how tender their heart is. and i think after luffy, you’ve got the best one of the entire crew.”
[name] poked his finger into usopp’s left chest, right where his heart was, “you’ve got a heart of gold,” and he smiled at the sniper who was stunned into silence, “your worries show that.”
usopp shook his head, refusing to take the compliment when it sounded as if it were coming from a place of pity. but [name] wasn’t having it, “you’ve got the spirit and soul of a brave sailor, usopp. it’s baffling you don’t realize it,”
he wanted to spit out how they were simply lies leaving [name]’s lips, pity comments. but he couldn’t find it within himself to shout them out. one look into [name]’s gentle eyes and he felt a part of him feel whole once again.
[name] was being genuine, he realized. and even if he didn’t completely believe the man’s words, he was swayed into silence right then and there. because when a man of [name]’s reputation and strength speaks so highly of you, it’s hard to not be convinced. when [name] spoke with such avid belief, it almost completely stopped usopp from overthinking things.
obviously, his worries didn’t go away in that one night, but he did start seeing things differently. what usopp refused to see was that [name] was completely right. where [name] lacked, usopp was there to make up for it.
how usopp’s heart and fervor made up for [name]’s often cold and brash personality. the two complimented each other more than they’d either realize.
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dragonshoardofworks · 1 month ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Danny Phantom, One Piece (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Danny Fenton & Monkey D. Luffy, Danny Fenton & Going Merry Characters: Danny Fenton, Going Merry, Monkey D. Luffy, Nami (One Piece), Roronoa Zoro, Usopp (One Piece) Additional Tags: Isekai and Transmigration, Post-Danny Fenton's Portal Accident, Fenton Ghost Portal (Danny Phantom), when instead of being spit back on Earth Danny gets yote in the GZ, and a Natural Portal gets the jump on our boi, but don't worry; this is better in his behalf, Neglectful Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, Post-Nasty Burger Explosion (Danny Phantom), DP Crossover Angst Week 2024, Empath Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Danny Fenton Gets a Hug, Klabautermann, Dead Sam Manson, Dead Tucker Foley, Dead Jazz Fenton, Do I have to tag the MC death if it's pre-fic?, who knows ┐⁠(â ÂŽâ ăƒŒâ ïœ€â )⁠┌, Going Merry is Danny's Emotional Support Spirit, Emotional Ghost Hunger, (would you look at that? This tag is back in one of my works!), Touch-Starved Danny Fenton, Mugiwara no Ichimi | Straw Hat Pirates, Mugiwara no Ichimi | Straw Hat Pirates As Family, Luffy saw Danny unattended and asked, "Is anyone gonna claim this kid?", and then not wait for an answer, Based on a Tumblr Post, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Danny becomes a Mugiwara no Ichimi | Staw Hat Pirate, No Beta we die like Danny (and Sam+Tucker+Jazz), Panic Attacks
Chapter 2: New Nakamas
It's taken forever, but it's finally here for @crossoverdanuary 's Popular Anime Prompt!
(I actually published this almost half a day ago, but didn't have my laptop on hand to make a Tumblr post, so... here it is! (^^;)ゞ)
Anyway! It took me so long because it was Nami's fault. I love her to pieces, but she didn't want to cooperate, she's such a stubborn rotten tangerine..! girl! (àč‘ă‚ÚĄâ—àč‘) (Sorry, couldn't help myself, a comment made this reference that had me cackling, so I had to share!)
Hope y'all like it and that my Muse won't argue with that characters anymore than necessary, see ya (probably) tomorrow with the Free Day Prompt (late as this one, woe me), but hey, progress!!
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jojolymes · 1 year ago
𝐒𝐄𝐀 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄; preface
next: I. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 đ©đ«đąđ§đœđžđŹđŹ 𝐹𝐟 𝐹𝐞𝐭𝐱𝐚 | table of contents
˗ˏˋ SEA OF HELLE 'ˎ˗
one piece
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┊ ✧. you, the beloved princess of your island, hellespont, have lived a pretty good life— so good that when a group of visiting pirates warn you of a plot to kill you, you have to pretend you didn't already know.
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PLAYLIST .àłƒàż
sea, swallow me; cocteau twins
❝at least the sea where liberty
will stand in place to seek and rule the world...❞
pearls; sade
❝she's dying to survive— don't know what she's made of—
i would like to be that brave.❞
mariners apartment complex; lana del rey
❝you lose your way, just take my hand;
you're lost at sea, then i'll command your boat to me again.❞
dawn in the adan; ichiko aoba
❝bury my cheeks in your arms, sound of the old sea,
from a small boat on the other side.❞
jellyfish; vashti bunyan
❝last night i dreamt that i jumped in the sea wearing a pale blue flouncing dancing dress—
i wanted you to rescue me desperately❞
o'sailor; fiona apple
❝everything good i deem too good to be true,
everything else is just a bore.❞
don't blame your daughter (diamonds); the cardigans
❝and the song you sing today wasn't always in your head;
the words you try to say are the ones you should've said.❞
heaven; mitski
❝hear the storm dances outside,
something set free is runnin' through the night...❞
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FOREWORD .àłƒàż
˚ · . warningsÂĄ!
˚ · . notesÂĄ!
┊ ✧. mc is 18, everyone is their canon pre-timeskip ages except for robin who is 19 in this fic *heart eyes* (i don't know if that changes anything in the canon yet lol) ✧. this fic takes place post-skypeia because i came up with this concept right before seeing princess vivi on screen but i put too much work into this to scrap it ✧. i'm currently obsessed with the live action so the characters will have the some likeness to the actors' version ✧. as i write this author's note, im currently on drum island and who knows if or when ill finish skypeia so pls no spoilers in the comments for the rest of one piece im begging
started: 08.27.23
ended: n.a.
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for an easy reading experience, follow # seaofhellop
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ro-written · 8 months ago
eyes closed - pt. 1 - R.Z
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now his face became familiar to your agony. A friend to the suffering you endured for so long.”
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GeneralTags/Warnings: oH BROTHER, this is heavy, A LOT of physical pain against mc (punches, slaps, burns, kicks, choking, stepping), brainwashing (?), manipulation, OC deaths, blood and violence, ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST and (I cant stress this enough) ANGST
Cop Car by Mitski Drunk Walk Home by Mitski Where Is My Mind? by Tkay Maidza
Word Count: 3.2k
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They’d come for you

They’re your team


“Keep your eyes open.”

“Look at ya, heh,” the pirate coughed out a laugh from behind the cigar he had in his mouth. He dropped the poster in his hand down from in front of your dazed face. The pain felt never ending, and your strength and unbothered facade couldn’t take it anymore.
“Not so bold and mouthy anymore, are ya?”
You weren’t sure how long it had been by now, waiting for your crew to find you and save you from the new forms of torture they could put you through. You had done what you could to fight, to make it absolutely miserable for them. If they were gonna piss you off, you would make their lives miserable.
But the days kept going. Weeks went by. You were only fed once a week, water barely touching your lips. You couldn’t understand why they were keeping you alive; only knowing that they were just barely giving you enough to keep your body from completely shutting down.
The cut ran deep in your lip, both yellow and purple bruises scattered around the form that might be considered your body. You felt less like a human now, and more like a sack of blood and shattered bones. Every attempt to move felt like a hundred swords stabbing every inch of your body. 
Creaking from the door drew your eyes to the staircase, watching as a scrawny boy walked down and paused at the sight of you, eyes widening at your state. 
“What, what do you want, Pierre?” The man standing in front of you puffed out smoke as he talked, his hand grabbing at your chin to keep you steady. The boy’s face paled as he noticed your eyes on him, and gripped the bannister of the staircase a little tighter.
I– uhm
Captain said it’s time for dinner and wanted me t-to come get you, sir.” He stumbled over his words clumsily, eyes drawn from you to the floor in front of him. You hadn’t seen him before, and for a fleeting moment, you wondered how new he was, seeing as he was shocked about your condition. A silence settled across the room as the pirate in front of you puffs out another cloud of smoke into your face. Finally, he lets go of your chin and takes out his cigar.
He puts the burning end of the cigar against your thigh to put it out. Your voice, although weak, grunted and cracked from the searing pain shooting through you. The pirate laughed, before leaning in towards your ear, the smoke clinging to him. He dug the cigar even harder into your leg.
“You would think he would be here by now. Maybe he doesn’t actually care as much as you thought.”
The bigger man stepped away, past Pierre, and through the door leading to the outside. The boy stayed in his spot, staring down at the floor, and fiddling with his jacket pocket before heading out. Your head lolled forward and you closed your eyes in hope of some sort of sleep to pass the hellish time here.
You drifted in and out of sleep in the chair you were strapped to. When you weren’t awake and listening to their loud roars above deck, you were remembering the various methods of affliction they had put you through. Burns, cuts, punches, all interspersed with thoughts of him.
You couldn’t understand what their methods were to the torture. The captain, Silver Tooth, had started it all off and ordered his men to follow the same ways – keep your eyes on the poster of Zoro no matter what. It was his bounty poster that hung up on the walls surrounding you. It was there to taunt you, you gathered. The man you always wanted but would die before it would come to fruition. Not like they could know that, but with how close you and he were known to be – fighting back to back in battles – it made sense that they would choose his likeness to surround you with.
And as your vision became darker, fuzzier, you swore you could see slight movement from the corner of the room in the dark. A bit of green.
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“Wake up, kid.” The voice.
“Hey, look at me.” I would know it even in a busy market, voices and chatter surrounding me.
“Come on, don’t sleep the day away now.” Just gotta open my eyes, right? He’ll be there.
Your eyes fluttered open to see Zoro standing in front of you, smiling with a toothpick hanging loosely, three swords sitting on his hip and his hand resting on the hilt of the Wado. Your body sprung alive and a laugh of disbelief racked your body. His heavy footsteps came closer to you and he squatted in front of the chair you were chained to.
Why aren’t I free yet?
“What’s wrong kid? Can’t you get up?” His head tilted to the side as he watched your face contort into confusion. Why wasn’t he helping you?
“Get up.”
“I– I can’t, Zo–”
“I didn’t teach you to be weak, did I?”
“Zoro I’m chained to the chair, please hel–”
“Always a weight, dragging me down.” He sighed, walking around your chair to stand behind you. “You know, if you were better you would have been able to get out of this by now. I could have gotten out of this by now.”
“Shut up and help–”
“Why should I help someone as weak as you?” You could feel his breath against your ear now and you turned to try to look at him, but his hand gripped the back of your neck and kept you looking straight forward.
“Zoro you’re–”
“Maybe they should just keep you. Maybe I should just leave you here.” A chill froze your entire body and the fear of him leaving you to these people almost paralyzed you.
“Maybe I should just kill you and spare them the trouble.”
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU YELLING ABOUT?” A gruff voice called from the top of the stairs. Heavy steps slowly came down the stairs, and you recognized the first mate by his long purple hair braided to half way down his back. 
You looked over your shoulder, not feeling Zoro’s hand holding you anymore. In fact, you didn’t see him anymore either, the poster on the wall mocking your mental stability. Where did he go? It couldn’t have been some dream.
I thought
I saw
It felt so real, though.
“I don’t give a damn, shut the fuck up.” He quickly walked over to you, raising his fist, and bringing it against the side of your head, blackness taking over your vision almost immediately.
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You weren’t sure how many hours you were out for. Or days. But when you are woken up by scalding hot water thrown on your body by Silver Tooth, needless to say the time was not your main concern. 
time to play.” The man stepped in front of you as tears rimmed your eyes uncontrollably, your brain unable to focus on anything except the pain. You grunted and thrashed in your chair, wrists rubbing against the chains keeping them tightly to the chair. He laughed at your struggle, silver teeth on full display.
“I love that you still have life in you after all this time!” He stepped around the back of your chair as you stared straight ahead, the swordsman on the poster in front of you taking up your sights. You felt him lean in beside your ear, wretched breath making you hold yours in order to keep from gagging.
“It makes it so much more fun when I break you.”
A hand quickly shot up to your throat and pressed into the center, right into your trachea. Your air way suddenly closed up, and you tried to shift your head around to get him to let loose. But it was difficult with how he used his grip against your throat to shove the back of your head against his shoulder, keeping you from turning your head any way. Your eyes closed involuntarily, and his other hand came up to slap you across your face, tears falling freely from the lack of oxygen and smarting in your cheek.
“Keep your eyes open, I want you to see your buddy watch your torment – your fear.” Using the hand he slapped you with, he reached up to just under your eyebrows and pulled your eyelids back. 
You saw him. Him. Standing in front of you like he did before you got knocked out. He had that same smug smile on his face again, the toothpick slightly sticking out. His head tilted, and his eyes taunting you. 
“Always a weight, dragging me down.”
“I could have gotten out of this by now.”
His voice echoed in your brain as your oxygen became more and more depleted, rasps of desperate air coming from your throat as you tried to beg Zoro with your eyes to help you. But he didn’t. He stood there
and he stared. Like he was ready for you to be gone. Like that’s why he hasn’t found you yet.
Maybe he would be the last sight you saw before your body gave out. He could be the last thing you ever see on this plane of existence. Your vision blurry and you fighting to clear it so you can see him one last time. 
His name was synonymous to death for many people who had come across his blade, whether they lived or not. And now his face became familiar to your agony. A friend to the suffering you endured for so long.
Silver Tooth’s grip on your throat loosened as a yell from above deck called his attention. You took full advantage of the momentary respite, breathing in buckets of air and coughing like you had drank water too fast.
The captain growled as the door opened at the top of the stairs, and the scrawny kid – Pierre – bounded down the stairs and pointed upwards.
“Pirates! Strawhats!” He cried out of breath, and not even a second after the words came out of his mouth, a yell could be heard, followed by the sound of a cannon going off. The boom was accompanied by a violent rock of the ship, and Silver Tooth let go of your throat, pushing past the young boy before heading upstairs.
Pierre’s eyes followed the captain, and as soon as he was out the door, he waited to hear him barking orders to everyone before making his way to your side. His hands flew over the chains that bound your arms to the chair, setting them free and moving to your ankles.
It all was happening so fast that you had no time to truly process all of it, only staring at the boy in shock.
“Look at that,” Zoro’s voice came from behind you, but you couldn’t see him anywhere. “Needed some kid’s help to get you out of here. How pathetic.”
“Uhm,” Pierre’s voice drew your attention back to him, as he finished taking the chain off from around your stomach. “This might be a stupid question, but do you think you can stand by yourself?”
Without thinking too much into it, you placed your hands onto the armrests of the chair they laid upon for weeks and attempted to push yourself up. Your wobbly legs were extremely unsteady, and while you might be able to take a few steps, you didn’t know how far you would be able to go.
Another cannonball hit the boat, aggressively shaking the boat and causing you to lose your balance, having to sit right back down in the chair again, a sting shooting through all of your limbs. 
“Shit, I figured as much
I’m gonna have to help you, if-if you d-don’t mind
” He cautiously ducked down to put one arm under your shoulder, attempting to gently bring your arm around him to help guide you. Your hand rested against your side as you tried to push through the pain, knowing your crew was above deck fighting for you.
“W–...Why are you h– helping me?” It felt like a fire was burning inside your lungs when you tried to talk, but the question rang around your mind and you felt like you must know. He looked at you in the corner of his eyes as he walked up the steps with you carefully, taking most of your weight into him to lessen the burning in your limbs.
“I owe some–”
Before he could finish his sentence, the door at the top of the stairs flew open, and your eyes widened when you came face to face with Zoro, eyes narrowed as he looked at Pierre next to you. Suddenly, his foot came up, kicking the boy in the chest down the stairs. With the only thing keeping you steady abruptly taken from you, you followed too, body falling backwards and tumbling down the steps. Unfortunately for the boy, but luckily for you, you landed right onto Pierre’s body, helping to cushion the brunt of your fall.
“What do you think you’re doing?” The man’s heavy footsteps clanked down the stairs, the sounds of the chains on his boots brought you back to your senses. You tried to look around Pierre’s unconscious body for some sort of weapon to protect yourself, but there seemed to be none. With nothing else to do, your survival instincts kicked in, and you pulled yourself away from the boy, trying to create distance between the man walking down. 
“Did you actually think you could leave here?” The voice changed as he finally reached the bottom of the steps. You turned around to see Silver Tooth looking down at Pierre’s face. What the hell?
He turned his head towards you and before smiling gruesomely. With a sudden movement, he kicked Pierre’s head, and you gasped as you heard a crack resound. Blood quickly pooled at the gatorskin boots the captain wore, and you went back to dragging yourself to the closest object you could see. The chair. It still had the chains that kept you stuck to it for so long. If you could get those, maybe you could have some sort of chance. And if he still killed you
at least you went out fighting.
Your hand reached out to grab at the chain that loosely wrapped around one of the legs of the chair. 
Black boots were the first thing you saw. Right before the shooting pain ran through your arm, and you realized you couldn’t feel your hand. 
A guttural cry rang out, and it took you a moment to realize that it was coming from you.
You looked up to find Zoro’s face yet again, and your head spinned at how it was even possible. Just a moment ago you were seeing Silver Tooth, but now your battle partner was here.
Funny thing, it is. The realization that you can’t believe your own brain anymore.
His boot ground more into your hand, and your teeth clenched to keep your cries from coming any more out.
“Silly, silly, silly
” He took his foot off your hand before kicking you in your gut, wind knocked out of you entirely. “It’ll all work out for me, you know.” Another kick.
“Doesn’t matter the outcome of that battle up there.” Kick. Your body was forced onto its back, your rib cage now exposed. You looked up at the crazed look in Zoro’s eye.
“Because no matter what,” Stomp. You heard the rib crack before you felt it.
“You’ll never leave here.” A kick to your temple made your entire world go dark.
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“Wake up
“Come on
“Go find Chop–”
The voices 
so far 
are they?
“You need to wake up
I don’t 
want to.
“Wake up, kid
Fuck you.
“Open your eyes, kid. Please.”
Your eyes flew open to see the face you had been staring at for months looking back down at you. Your vision was blurry, completely hazy, shapes not having their sharpened edges as they should. But you knew who it was.
You knew who it was.
“Stay still, Usopp’s getting–” 
Your hands were wrapped around his throat in seconds, body launching at him and knocking him backwards. You were on top of him in an instant, pressing down harshly into his Adam's apple. You weren’t sure where the energy and strength came from, but you couldn’t care. He wasn’t real. He wasn’t your Zoro. He needed to die.
The sudden switch in you gave Zoro no time to react, and he was on his back in seconds as his hands reached up to lay atop yours as he lost breath in his lungs.
“You fucker! You can’t KEEP ME HERE!” You screamed in his face as he felt your hands go even deeper into his neck. His eyes widened at your face, a look of absolute pure hatred painting it. He was used to people looking at him with anger and loathing, yes. But this was different. It was such an animosity he had never experienced
and it was coming from you.
Sanji and Luffy recovered from their shock and were on you in an instant, peeling you off Zoro before you could kill him.
“Stop it! What are you doing? Have you lost your goddamn mind?” Sanji yelled as you thrashed in their arms, fight slowly leaving you, but needing to attack nonetheless.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you! You need to die!” Zoro sat up and touched his throat, watching as Luffy and Sanji dragged you up the stairs and out the door, all while you looked at him like some sort of feral animal. He sat watching the door even after they left out with you, unable to understand all that just happened.
You were his partner. The person he could always trust to be at his back in a battle. You had shared drinks and nightwatch duties countless times. Shared things that he hadn’t even told Luffy. He was the one who did everything he could to find you. And you wanted him dead?
He looked in the corner where the
of Silver Tooth laid. A smile still plastered across his mangled face. He looked around the room, taking in the windowless, dimly lit area, and it was the first time since he had found you that he noticed the posters around the room. It was just him. His wanted posters, plastered on all four walls, facing the chair that was bolted in the middle of the room.
That wretched fucking chair. Covered in your dry blood and god-knows-what. It lit him with a new fire that he didn’t begin to know how to quell. He couldn’t take it out on Silver Tooth’s crew. He had already mowed the majority of them down.
So he settled on the only thing he could do.
Walking up the stairs and towards the door of the basement, he looked back to Silver Tooth’s face. A part of him wanted to keep his head. To show it to people as if to tell them This is what happens when you fuck with my crew. 
With my partner.
He walked out onto the deck and looked for a lighter.
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This was written by @/ro-written and is not to be plagiarized, translated, or distributed anywhere else. Copyright 2024.
All comments, reblogs, and likes are always welcome!
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trashland-llamas · 1 month ago
-> Fic Masterlist <-
[ Post Three // Fandoms J-Z ]
How the Stardust Crusader react to y/n being trans
I’m Small: Jotaro discovers that Reader is an age regressor [Male]
Mimicry; Jotaro & Reader have a relationship akin to Wreck It Ralph & Vanellope von Schweetz [GN]
Allergens; Reader finds out Jotaro’s allergic to cats [GN]
Toi, moi, un rendez-vous?; Reader learns French so they can ask Polnareff on a date in his native tongue [GN]
The Artist’s Muse; Y/n discovers what Noriaki spends so much time drawing [Fem]
hair of gold and a neck of pearls; Tiana catches Nanami dancing in the kitchen. or Nanami was trying to surprise Tiana, but lost track of time
Kuroko's Basketball
Doge; Kagami's fear of dogs get in the way of y/n's service dog so y/n takes it upon themselves to help him with said fear [GN]
Walk, Walk, Fashion, Baby; Kise gets Kuroko to model for him
Serpentine; poem about Loki
MCYT Adjacent
I’m Home Again; Dad!Corpse
Rivets;  My attempt at making one of those Youtube egos
Obey Me!
Bah Bah Black Sheep; Mc has a nightmare where they're the sheep character in Catherine and die trying to complete the obstacle course. Waking up, they go seek their beloved demon. [GN]
Astronomy themed nicknames Belphegor calls Mc [GN]
One Piece [anime, & live action]
Red Bottoms; Strawhats + whether I think they can successfully walk in heels
Strawhats + reacting to reader cupping their face [GN]
Strip Poker
but w/ Peppers?; Sanji and Zoro compete for y/n's affections over a sinister game of strip poker, suggested by the cook [Fem]
Do You Have a Light?; Sanji & Zoro react to Reader smoking for the first time [GN]
Take It Off; Zoro catches trans! reader over-binding [Male]
Stoic; Reader goes to Sanji for comfort after becoming fed up with Zoro's methods of comforting them [Male]
Could Just Eat You Alive; reader agrees to being Sanji's meal [Fem]
Relaxed, Squishy. Flexed, Hard; Reader asks Sanji while drunk why his muscles are so squishy [GN]
Moth to a Flame; Sanji jumpscares touch-starved reader with touch [Male]
Feel My Heartbeat Beat Beat; Soulmate au where Sanji can sense reader’s heartbeat [GN]
Ohhhhh Waaaaitttteerrrr; Reader is a customer at the Baratie & has to tell Sanji their order turned out wrong [GN]
Vignettes; Vignettes revolving Sanji and Reader's sex life [GN]
Cramps; Reader has PCOS and finally experiences cramps. Not knowing how to deal with them, they confide in Nami [Fem]
Sweet Treat; Where Reader is the type that doesn't want for anything...or where Sanji takes this personally and coaxes them into making a request for the menu [GN]
Nice to Meet Ya; Reader accidentally bumps into Sir Crocodile while buying groceries. Crocodile offers to buy a replacement as an excuse to talk to them more [GN]
Avoidance; Strawhats + s/o who avoids eye contact like the plague
Needy Little Thing; Reader is clingy and wants to cum. Or where Zoro takes care of them. (Fem]
Warm Summer's Day; Ace comes across a sleeping Reader. Thing is it's summer yet they're still using a winter duvet. [GN]
He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not; Sanji not knowing how to court men, accidentally causes some gender dysphoria for y/n [Trans Male]
Ouran High School Host Club
Two Peas in a Pod; Mori-senpai x reader who like him, doesn't talk a lot [GN]
on Pizza? Why?; Oneshot about Jamie trying pineapple pizza [GN]
Resident Evil
Cat Eyed; Reader helps Vendetta! Leon apply his eyeliner [GN]
Tiddies; Reader coerces Leon into letting them play with his tits [GN]
That Girl is Poison; Reader attempts to poison Leon [Fem]
Everyone Grows Old; Reader’s self-conscious about their gray hairs, Leon comforts them [GN]
Food Guarding; Leon adopts dog hybrid! reader who deals with food guarding as a result of previous abusive owners [GN]
Sidemen + Troops
Mrs All American; Hcs bout Reader being an American [GN]
Mom Friend; Reader makes breakfast for the Sidemen crew [GN]
Fruit Gushers; Trans male reader is on their period [Male]
Welcome to Jackass; The bit/scene from Jackass 4.5 where Steve-O tries advertising his condoms by filling them w/ sewage from his RV but insert the Sidemen instead
Scary Dog Privileges; Sidemen's reaction to y/n having scary dog privileges [GN]
Hey, Catch!; Reader has dyspraxia [GN]
I’m Not Angry Anymore; Cal falls asleep to Harry singing
Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist; a poltergeist starts following Lux around [Fem]
Fat, Funny Friend; Behz consoles reader after finding them broken down after a particularly bad day [Male]
Who Let the Dogs Out; Reader's trying to reel in their dog or where Ethan thinks they're catcalling them
When the Sun loves the Moon; Harry's had a crush on his next door neighbor y/n for a while but has been too much of a chicken to talk to her until Simon encourages him to invite her over [Fem]
Touch Starved Harry
Caregiver; JJ & Simon are Reader's caregivers, Reader's an age regressor [GN]
Why So Sad?; Simon accidentally scares y/n while they're already regressed, making them further regress into headspace and JJ takes care of them. Sequel to Caregivers. [GN]
Absolutely Stunning; Simon tries on lingerie for JJ
Dad; 4x the Sidemen called Josh ‘Dad’
Enthralled; Tobi doesn't let Reader do work related stuff during their movie night [GN]
Stranger Things
Barbie; Y/n beats Munson at his own game of name 3 songs
What’s Wrong with my Speech?; Reader goes w/ Eleven to speech therapy
We Bare Bears
Stuffies; Ice Bear notices y/n’s beloved stuffy finally needs to be replaced [GN]
Pack Animals; Remus is one of the lycanthropy specialists that Enid's parents sent her to
Studyblr?; Tyler finally finds the time to strike up a conversation with a regular, y/n, an infamous studyblr blogger on tumblr
Mother-hen; Reader w/ mother-hen vibes or Logan who slowly warms up to Reader’s attempts to take care of him [GN]
Kitsune; Kurt Wagner x Fox/Kitsune! Reader Hcs [GN]
Cancels Out; Rogue discovers Reader's mutation while giving them a tour of the school. Reader's able to nullify other mutant's abilities [GN]
Starry Night; Ororo uses her mutation to let a regressed reader stargaze on a cloudy night [GN]
An Apple a Day; Charles + Reader who has aphantasia—quickly realizing he can hear their thoughts for once, because they're scared about a medical checkup w/ Hank [GN]
Lil’ Guy; Kurt knows Reader will always crack whenever he gives them puppy dog eyes and everyone else hates him for it [GN]
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
No I don’t mind at all!! I’ve never been asked this question before and it’s really interesting so of course I’ll answer! <3
Btw this is anime only bc I only watch anime/read manga :)
1: Feitan
I love Feitan honestly bc he’s cool, hot, strong and just generally awesome. I love his personality and how fearless he is. He’s number one even though they’re were many before him because I’m crazy about him and he’s just generally my all time fav. He isn’t a “phase” I love him all the time think about him all the time..FOR YEARS.
2: Aizawa
I found out about him way before Feitan and was the original number one..BUT I don’t love him any less. He’s honestly just so cool and I thought he was as soon as I saw him. He has such a calm yet self assured and strong demeanor to him. I admire him in a sense, he has morals and sticks to them. He’s also once again, strong. He cares for his loved ones and manages to be cool and a green flag- not something all anime guys can do.
3: Izuku
Izuku is under Aizawa bc I literally started loving him directly after lol. I love him with all my heart. He’s just so determined and realistic/relatable in a sense. He strives for his goals and doesn’t give up. It’s admirable. He has such a kind heart and is a green flag. Tsu should honestly be up here bc she’s the first ever anime character I found out a about but I love izuku more- osusndkjnsjd-
4: Luffy
If I knew him for longer he would be higher. I got into one piece just recently but I still love him very much. He’s such a cool and silly guy he does no harm and is selfishly selfless. What an odd balance of getting what you want and bringing happiness. Essentially what he wants is for people (specifically his loved ones) to be happy and will stop at nothing to bring that to them. Truly only has good intent. Also who doesn’t like freedom and liberation?? This guy literally stands for that!! He stand for those who don’t have a voice and that’s so cool to me! I’m so proud of him in that sense. I also love his silly goofy vibe despite the worlds cruel ways. It’s refreshing and makes one piece a less depressing place since in a sense we’re pretty much seeing one piece from his prospective. If we saw things how zoro or law sees it, it may be a lot more realistic, a bit more drab and plain in sight. That’s my take on it anyway.
5: Katsuki
katsuki’s character development is top tier. (Spoiler) I’m not talking about him dying. I’m talking about how he went from telling Izuku to ky$ and mistreating him and others to viewing people as equals/something more than competition, apologizing and atoning for his mistakes. He did something even most grown men/women can’t do these days..smh. He even did it better than endeavor. 😂 I also like how strong he is and how much he believes in himself. It’s only a problem because of the way he expresses that but if he was simply confident I feel he’d have less haters.
6: Fyodor
honestly he just freakin cool dude! Like he’s a genius, he’s attractive and he’s got a cool/mysterious power. I like when anime characters are a different race in Japan, it just makes things more fun. I love him for his imperfections too. I saw someone talk about how (spoiler) Fyodor wouldn’t have died if he just trusted his friends/allies more. I like that about him too. It makes space for character development and realization if he lives.
7: Atsushi
I first started watch bsd a long time ago. I remember loving the first ep so much. I really like how atsushi met dazai- lol. It was all really unique and there was no overused troupes. New, fresh, stuff you wouldn’t expect. I mean unless it’s mc hating on themselves..but I didn’t dislike atsushi for it or anything. Idk why I just didn’t, I’ve loved him since he first appeared on screen. I’ve always thought he deserved better. He’s such a kind hearted character and his mental and physical strength developed well. He doesn’t have any love interests either! It makes me happy when it’s straight plot and no canon romance in anime. Honestly I just love how sincere and genuine Atsushi is.
8: Nikolai
At first I both liked and disliked him at the same time. But then again I kinda simped for him so I did research (fandom, and when he got animated) and now i love em. I really love silly characters with inner problems that they project onto different things (emotions; for Niko). It gives they’re character deeper meaning than just being a silly guy. Yeah that’s fun but it gives you more to think about this way. I think his design is very cute and fun! At first I did expect to have a higher pitched voice but as time went on I realized two things. One: his voice actually fit him and I only didn’t like it at first because it didn’t meet my imaginary standard. Two: he’s a grown man, and while it’s possible, especially with anime logic, it’s more realistic this way and I’m glad his voice isn’t high pitched now.
9: Portgas D Ace
now I absolutely love Ace and while I he’s my number 2 in one piece, over all anime’s he ranks a little lower but he’s def still up there. Again I’m still in the impel down arc so his backstory n stuff is coming up for me, so when I say he needs more screen time I mean besides that. He’s an attractive man who worked on himself from a young age to be polite and respectful, he’s very friendly as well. I love and respect all that about him. He’s another silly guy but in a different way. Idk I honestly just like him, idk how to explain it this time. He’s just cool!!
10: Saiki k
I didn’t know whether to put brook or tokito here. I would’ve gone with tokito because I’ve been watching kny longer but I feel I like him more? Saiki k is a really interesting anime. It’s a comedy anime in a regular and relatable setting but with a spin; superpowers. This gives the anime more chances for funny moments and comedy. With saiki’s attitude of wanting to be normal as well? Perfect! Saiki is honestly still relatable even with powers and is not a simp. Which I really like about him, He probably wouldn’t be on this list if he got with someone. In fact he avoids what could be love interests and that makes it even more funny. I’m glad he doesn’t give in and give us the traditional wife, babies and sunset ending. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž
brook isn’t on the list but top 10 is NOT easy to choose..I also wanted to add tokito but again top ten is so limiting </3😔
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starlightandetherealshadows · 2 years ago
Zero has never had a relationship, their first kiss was with Veronica/Vincent (oh i can't wait to tell y'all about THAT...all V does is suffer).
I'm sorry but V is such a loser (affectionately) 😭 I really hope our Mc will be given an option to make fun of V for fumbling the bag so horrendously, that would be hilarious 💀 (nd would prob result in hands being thrown)
Which makes me curious, if we're going down a 'gremlin MC, pushing V's buttons 24/7 route', then should we prioritise the combat stats? Also, this type of MC with V is really giving Sanji and Zoro vibesâœšđŸ€ŒđŸŒ
Hi hon! ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
MC can truly ruin V's day everyday by reminding them that they are a down horrendous loser (affectionately).
MFRKMFRKFRM if you want to win a fight against V, then yes absolutely you're gonna need some combat stat.
Y'all can't even explain to Zero why you're fistfighting, Just a damn mess!
Thanks your the ask, darling!
All my love,
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revasserium · 1 year ago
Rain when you're writing a longer fic or a slow burn, how do you write in the other characters life when the love interest isn't there? I did I plotline, based of what happens in each episode in the series but I always fall short on what the main character is doing or supposed to be doing đŸ€Ł like I want to establish friendships as well outside of the love interest to give the story more depth.
putting under a cut to spare the dashes! :)
so i’m assuming you’re talking about like in a fic when the mc/reader is interacting with someone other than the LI or when the LI is interacting with someone who’s not the mc/reader, right? in that case, here’s a couple of things to keep in mind:
a lot of a relationship’s development actually happens outside of the main two ppl directly interacting with each other, right? like think about when ppl joke about a guy texting a girl, and he’s texting all her girlfriends too cause they’re all dissecting his texts and brainstorming how to text back — but it’s literally how people interact!!!
make sure that you’re writing about the characters as much as you’re writing about the relationship the characters are in/gonna be in — if the character is flat, then no one will care about if they’re in a relationship or not, right? we’re out here yodeling about fictional ppl being in fictional relationships bc we have their OTHER fictional non-romantic relationships to give us context on who they are as people/characters — how zoro interacts with sanji and nami and luffy are all very different, but they all give us insight into who he is around different types of people. and from there, you can piece out how he would be around mc/reader, depending on the kind of person she is. the reverse is also tru — how mc/reader interacts with the other canon characters will give us (the ACTUAL readers) clues into her personality, etc
sometimes, you need the comedic relief — sometimes, you need the peanut gallery! sometimes, you want the fucking ppl in the background muttering to each other about these two idiots in love who REFUSE to acknowledge their own feelings so that the audience can feel vindicated in their own !!!!!!! that mc/reader and the LI are indeed idiots!!!! right like the other characters can act as kind of like the “chorus” in a greek/roman play who echo the audience, and those interactions are super important too!
friendships are just as if not MORE important than the romantic relationship!
in the same vein, enemies/coworkers/acquaintances/teachers/etc etc etc anyone who might inhabit the world around the main character(s) orbit is and can be interesting to the story if you allow them to be. you can get some really good supporting cast in there and they might actually start to steal the show LOL (death before decaf is a good example of the ensemble cast going a bit nuts imo LOL — i had a lot of fun with that one and i think most of the length actually came from me having fun trying to picture how the op cast would fit into a college campus au)
have fun with it!!!!! it’s not that srs!!! <3
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abysscronica · 2 years ago
I saw someone say that unlike Luffy who had a mentor to teach him (haki), Kidd had nothing but himself to teach. This can be seen on the episode where they attacked the big ship, when Luffy hit the side of the ship it was such a clean and strong hit. Meanwhile with Kid, he messily destroyed his side of the ship.
Point is, Kid still has so much unlocked potential. Imagine if he coated his metal with haki, or learned Ryuo (wano haki). Another is his Conqueror's haki. He already has awakened his devil fruit, what he just needs is more training and practice. Very saddening to see that many underestimate him.
Just wanted to share my thoughts. 🙂
Mmh, yes, I agree with the concept in general, but there are a couple of clarifications to be made here.
It's true that Kid is the underdog, often severely underestimated in the fandom and within the story. And it's true that he didn't have the privilege to have Rayleigh teaching him haki and stuff. As a matter of fact, Kid lacked many privileges that Luffy had, but that's the MC power for you.
We don't know for sure that he never had a mentor, although I agree, I'm leaning towards the no as well. But... did he even want or seek one? One may say that Zoro was lucky enough to train under Mihawk, and it's true that Kuma sent him to Kuraigana for that reason, but he had to get on his hands and knees and beg Mihawk to teach him. Luffy as a captain took the decision of halting their adventure for two years so everyone could train and get stronger. Law chose not to enter the New World right away after the events of Marineford. Kid dove right in.
As for the scene where they attack a ship, I imagine you refer to the Beast Pirates' ship when they were sailing toward Onigashima? In that case, those details in the scene are anime-only, so non canon. They did destroy a ship in the manga too, but we don't get to see the individual attacks and the damage they dealt. But even if it were canon, I think it would be in Kid's style to messily destroy as much as he can, independently from his level of skill.
FOR SURE there is a severe lack in Kid's haki, or at least the information we have about it. We should have seen more of it in Wano. It was mentioned that he has Conqueror's, but we never once see him using it. It's fairly obvious that he does use Armament haki in his fight (I doubt he would damage the Emperors without it), but what about Ryou? What about coating his fists with Conqueror's? You are right, we didn't see that, and it doesn't make sense for a brawler like him that it wasn't even referenced whether he could or couldn't use it. From what we saw in Onigashima (and later with Shanks in regards to Observation), Kid is lacking behind in developing his haki. I'm guessing he focused all his training to his DF - which makes you right, there's a looot of untapped potential there.
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cauqhtz · 9 months ago
Romantic Rant
Why is the romance so recycled today? It's like everyone sticks to one mold when it comes to romance in any capacity. Whether its in writing or on screen.
Unless its gay romance but we'll get into that later.
There are so many tropes that are collecting cobwebs. COMPLETELY untouched. Hell barely even explored.
So many interesting tropes I'm ITCHING to see.
Why are there no romance pieces about a mc villian. Who's a villian for the hell of it. Not because they need an excuse like childhood trauma but because they want to. and the love interest could be a hero or a bystander. An important one. Whether its in strength or connections.
And they fall in love with eachother. and the hero slowly converts to a villian. WITHOUT THE VILLIAN HAVING TO SEDUCE THEM OR COHOARSE THEM. THEY DO IT BECAUSE THEY LOVE THE VILLIAN SO MUCH. Okay.
Maybe they hide it from the villian. in fear that the villian would not love them anymore since they fell inlove with the hero side of them. but the villian finds out and reassures them that they care.
Like for example Black Fire and Connor from Titans 2018. It was blackfires (villian) dream and plan to go back to her home planet and be queen, but connor (hero) didnt want her to leave him after they'd just agreed to be a duo. So he sabotages her ship and only way back home.
She doesn't scold him or shows any hint at anger towards him. In fact she defends him against star fire who was pissed at what connor just did.
(When I say hero and villian I dont mean in the literal sense with capes and super powers. Just in general a good and bad guy.)
What about a reverse stalker trope? Kinda like the tv series YOU.
Except the mc is a sweetheart. Cries when they step on a bug types. Easy going and soft hearted. hard to please but when they are pleased. they fall hard and get obsessive. To which they admit to, though no one takes it seriously.
Love interest comes into the picture. They could be a complete nobody. A emo. Someone who's easily forgotten in a crowd. A weirdo that people tend to stray away from. been accused of murder but other than that actually pretty normal... other than the fact they've been stalking the MC and slowly inserting themselves into their lives.
They fall in love. Yada yada yada. eventually the LI finds out that the MC is connected to the murders the LI was originally accused of. So they question the MC and the MC not trying to hide it admits to everything. THe murders and eventually admitting to being the stalker and kind of manipulating the LI into thinking they were the stalker. etc etc. the MC goes onto saying it's too late to have second thoughts. it's me or death. etc
I feel like that'd be such an interesting romance show. From romantic to straight thriller.
Why are there like ZERO femdomxsubmale romances? And I'm not talking about sexually. Strictly domesticated. Like A fem character with a dominate personality dating a nerdy frail guy. Like erica and stiles.
Or Wednesday and the guy she kissed at the camp in the the addams family movie!
Or like jade and beck from victorious. (Jade was the toxic one and I dont want to here shit abt it fr.)
I literally have an original story about a queen pin x rookie cop.
Why is it that the majority of the straight romance stories with fem MC... Write them as the biggest damn red flag ever.
Why is she physically, mentally, and verbally assaulting the male love interest with the excuse of daddy issues...
This is another reason why I didnt like the enemys to lovers trope until i realize that the ones that i read werent written correctly.
This is another reason why I dont like tashiki from one piece. One of the first things she said to zoro was unbelievably offensive and unacceptable. Not to mention the fact that she likes to excuse her being WEAK because she's a woman and they are men. Talk about offensive.
I have so many on screen couples/movies/tv shows I want to talk to people about! Like:
Interview with the vampire THE SERIES. NOT THE DAMN MOVIE.
Shameless. Specifically Ian and Mickey bc they are the greatest written couple in history and the most healthy believe it or not.
And shit talk how toxic tami and lip were.
Red, White, & Royal Blue.
And literally so many more! Dm me!
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