scrollonso · 6 months
First Kiss (Race 12)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (2.3k words, no warnings) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {NXJDXJWDJXDWJCFJWDC}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Lance had practically begged his dad to book the same hotel as Renault, eager to be the first to wish the Spaniard a happy birthday.
"Hi Nandooooo"
"Is everything alright, mi sol?"
"What room are you in?"
"532, why?"
"Ok, niño"
"Watch it el viejo"
Lance smiled, checking the time and seeing it was 23:47, he was practically jumping up and down he was so excited for the Spaniards birthday
As soon as he saw there was a few minutes until midnight he shoved his phone in his pocket a sped to the fifth floor, desperately searching for the room the world champion was in.
He felt jittery, hands shaking as he reached the door, knocking cautiously
"Si?" The Spaniard called out, confused when he got no response. He got up from his bed, heading to the door to unlock it and peek out, yawning as he did so "Who is i-"
"FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS" Lance shouted, barging into the mans room
"God, Lancito, I was so scared" Fernando sighed, smiling at the excited teenager in his hotel room "Thank you"
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AM I THE FIRST ONE TO SAY IT?" He grabbed the Spaniards shoulders, shaking him back and fourth until he got a response, a simple nod, his smile widened, practically all his teeth showing through his wide grin
"No ones every cared this much about my birthday, Lancito"
"I care!" He jumped up and down slightly, hair shaking all over the place as he spoke, feeling like he was going to explode "I don't have a present- I had no idea what to get you, seriously it was so hard i cried and gave up."
Fernando shook his head, laughing at the boys confession "Is okay, Lancito, this is enough" He reassured him, pulling him into another hug, eyelids heavy as he found himself leaning comfortably in the taller boys arms
"Sleepy?" Lance asked, cocking his head to the side "I already made sure I was the first so I can leave so you can sleep now"
Fernando hummed, laying his head in the crook of the boys neck, his tight grip on the Canadian saying more than enough
"Okay then, I'll stay if you love me that much"
He scoffed, sitting up to shoot Lance a glare "Yeah, yeah, maybe I do want you to go back now"
"Oh, come on!" He frowned, moving his hands together as if he was praying "I came alllll this way" He dragged out his words, knowing Fernando knew they were staying in the same hotel again, Lances room just a few floors away.
"Well, since you traveled this far..." He furrowed his brows, seeming deep in thought before he spoke again "Take your shoes off" Lance did then he was pulled onto the bed, Fernando still keeping a tight grip on the rookie as he pulled up the duvet
"Thank you, birthday boy" Lance muttered, being surrounded by the warmth of the other was quick to make him tired.
"You're welcome, mi sol" Fernando whispered, his fingers twirling the Canadians hair between his pointer and thumb, this was nice, nothing like the first time they'd fallen asleep together when Lance was drunk. They'd gotten closer, it wasn't weird for two coworkers to sleep like this together, it was just two guys as close as possible, ones head on the others chest, the other absentmindedly inhaling his scent as they drifted off to sleep, possibly the best start to a race week ever.
When Fernando woke up it took him a second to register what the weight on his chest was, smiling once he realized who it was.
He turned his head to the side, scanning the boys face as his chest rose and fell. Lps curved slightly with his hair a total mess, Fernando thought he looked gorgeous. He was finally coming to terms with it, Giancarlos' words resonating with him as he admitted to himself that he really did have feelings for the Racing Point driver.
Lance woke up shortly after, whining as he stretched, moving one hand to rub his eyes, the other trapped under Fernando. As his eyes opened he remembered where he was and what day it was "Happy birthday, Nando" He spoke, still slightly groggy.
"Thank you, Lancito" Fernando whispered a response, having to resist the urge to kiss the boys forehead, the position they were in was so intimate to the Spaniard, his heart rate quickening, Lance closing his eyes as he listened.
Fernando had to wake up Lance again, realizing they only had 15 minutes to get dressed and to the paddock
"I'm fast, Nando, jus lemme sleep more" He mumbled, wrapping his arms tighter around the Spaniard
"No, Lancito, we need to go" He hummed, sitting up with the boy "We are going to get in trouble if we don't hurry."
Somehow it worked and now they were walking onto the paddock together, Lance more energized than the last time he woke up late
"I'm so excited!" He smiled, wrapping his arm around Fernandos shoulders as they walked "Quali on your birthday, how do you feel?"
"Birthdays are cursed, Lancito, is no good being excited, always ends bad"
"Oh" Lance frowned, feeling bad for being so excited when Fernando was concerned about his performance
"But," He started, seeing how Lance's demeanor changed "All my other birthdays I didn't have my lucky charm" Fernando added, arm snaking around the Canadians waist, earning a smile out of him
Maybe Fernando was right, birthdays were cursed. Lance qualified 11th which was fine but when he heard Fernando qualified 7th he was shocked seeing as it was the worst he'd done all season.
As soon as he pulled back into the pits he headed to the Renault garage, the engineers now used to his presence.
"He's in his drivers room" One informed the boy, pointing him to the back of the garage "I'm sure he wouldn't mind you going back there
Lance nodded, shooting him a quick thank you as he made his way to the room, knocking on the door with his middle finger "Nando?"
The door opened seconds later, a weak smile on Fernandos face as he saw the rookie
"Hola, Nando"
"Lancito, Hola, do you see what I meant now?" He laughed, stepping back to invite the driver in pink into the room
"I do, I'm sorry, Nando" He frowned, hoping Fernando wasn't going to let this ruin his day
"Is okay, Lancito, sick of thinking about it" Fernando hummed, grabbing his phone from the couch behind him and turning back to Lance "Hungry?"
"Yeah, lemme treat you, Nando" He said, grabbing the Spaniards hand and pulling him out of the room, engineers trying not to stare at the smiley pair
Lance and Nico got to the paddock together, Nico talking about all the things he was gonna force Lance to do with him after the race since they were in Germany
"Then after the castle we could go to the Marienplatz and then-"
"You know theres only 24 hours in a day, right Nico?"
"I'll make it work" He rolled his eyes, patting Lance on the back "Just don't spend all afternoon with your boyfriend"
"Boyfriend?' Lance echoed, almost laughing at the word
"Fernando, it's kinda obvious, Bubu"
"I'm not gay, Nico."
"You aren't?"
"I'm not"
"We'll see about that"
Lance laughed, figuring Nico was joking but the German was dead serious, he knew a gay guy when he saw one (his twink gaydar is very strong) {because he is one}
Lance grabbed his phone quickly, sending Fernando a good luck message before hopping in his car, having not had any time before the race. He pulled onto the grid and found his spot, fingers drumming on his steeringwheel as he waited for the lights to go off, cars finally flying through the track.
They did a formation lap, settling back into their spots now that they'd had a chance to warm the tyres, lights ahead turning on one by one before shutting off, Lance pressing hard on the throttle as he shot forward.
On lap 59 he was in 7th place, Barrichello not far ahead of him. He was confident he could catch up to him if he pushed harder so he did, pushing through turn 8 until his wheel rim failed, sending the rookie spinning through the track and into the grass.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" He repeated, holding his helmet in his hands as he groaned
"Are you okay, Lance?" Brad asked, waiting patiently for the Canadians response. All he got was a mhm as the boy left the car, slipping his helmet off as the others finished the last 8 laps of the race.
He found his way back to the garage and back to Nico, who had retired before the race had even started after he spun and crashed into the barriers in the warm up lap.
"Some race, huh, Bubu?"
"Yeah, buncha cars on the track" He said sarcastically as only 12 had managed to finish, Fernando ending up in 5th.
"Fernado, Fernando Alonso! How do you feel about another P5 finish?!" He was asked, being bombarded with microphones as he walked
"I do not mind, am too far in the lead of the championship to be worried."
"Do you feel like your friendship with rookie Lance Stroll is contributing to your bad luck recently?"
"What kind of fucking question is that?" He scoffed, tone changing drastically in a matter of seconds
"Is that a yes?"
"Fuck off" He shook his head, not believing what the journalist was suggesting as he sped off, muttering coño under his breath as he did so
Lance and the world champion ended up sitting to the side of the garages, Lance kicking his feet as he sat on top of a bunch of plastic boxes, Fernando standing in front of him
"I could've finished right behind you, y'know"
"I do, I was asking about you as we raced, I made my engineer update me every time you overtook someone"
"Are you that obsessed with me?"
"I am" Fernando admitted, Lance laughing at yet another dead serious comment.
Once they ran out of things to talk about fron todays race they changed the topic, talking more about themselves.
"Y'know some pinche pendejo asked if you were bringing me bad luck?"
"Do you not feel like i am?"
"Of course not, you are my good luck charm, just had a bad week, is all"
Lance smiled, nodding as Fernando spoke "Good, I don't think I could give you up because of a little bad luck
"I'd rather lose races than lose you, mi sol" Fernando laughed, leaning on the wall behind him
"You're too sweet, Nando, I'm blushing" He turned away, waving his hand at the Spaniard
They kept talking, unsure how the conversation took a turn to romance
"Have you ever kissed someone, Lancito?"
Lance cringed at the question, wondering if his lack of experience was evident
"I'll take that as a no"
"I'm not sure what you mean, I've kissed so many girls" He said sarcastically, resituating himself on the stack he was using as a seat
"No boys?"
"No one" Lance laughed, looking back at Fernando before continuing "I have no idea how to kiss, all I know is how to race"
"I could teach you" Fernando spoke, the atmosphere changing drastically at the four words, Lance unable to hide the pink flush of his cheeks
"You want to kiss me?"
"If you'd let me."
"Why do you want to kiss me?" His brows furrowed, leaning back slightly as he awaited a response
"You didn't give me a birthday present, you aren't in any position to deny me of this" He frowned jokingly, not expecting Lance to nod and lean forward
"Then kiss me before i change my mind" And with that Fernandos lips were on his, hands on either side of the boys face as he followed along, copying whatever the shorter man was doing
As the kiss continued he moved his hands down his sides, squeezing as he reached the boys waist, pulling their cores together as he listened to Lance's heavy breathing, smile on his face as soon as their lips parted
"I didn't realize how hard it would be to breathe" Lance laughed, covering his face in order to hide how red he was.
"It'll get easier with practice, niño"
Lance moved his hands, pushing Fernando softly as he heard the word "You can't call me that after you just kissed me, weirdo!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't joke anymore, mi sol." The Spaniard laughed, hands settling back on his hips as he moved closer "You're good at kissing for someone who's never done it before"
"I was just copying you" He muttered, nervous with how close their faces were, his eyes being the ones to linger to the mans lips this time
"If you want to kiss me again you can" Fernando whispered, smiling at the immediate feeling of the Canadians lips on his. It was nice, this, the reality of Fernando being the first to be close to him like this, the first lips to ever be on his.
They stayed there for a while, a flustered Lance refusing to look Fernando in the eyes until they headed back to their hotel.
Fernando kissed the corner of the boys mouth in the elevator before they parted ways, both going back to their seperate hotel rooms, Fernando practically exploding with excitement on his way back as Lance's mind began to fill with guilt, his beliefs turning such a sweet moment bitter now that he was left alone with them.
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nightxpining · 1 year
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Plans and confessions, part 2
Day 7/7 - Confessions
Bonus Reigen reaction I couldn't fit in to the main piece :^)
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callmearcturus · 2 years
The long and short of it
There are legitimate criticisms to be made at Rusty Quill for their managerial handling of their resources and staff
Don't assign malice to actions of incompetence
The article writer is less interested in sharing objective information and more interested in shit stirring, and anyone who doesn't see that genuinely really needs to learn about critical reading of journalism
There is a reason they couldn't get this published anywhere, y'all. It's a hit piece.
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the-ominous-owl · 2 years
the sentient halo au, she is complete
The Halo doesn’t like the warehouse.
It’s the first thing Ava notices as she follows Bea inside, still reeling slightly from their moment against the jeep, from the intensity, then sudden lack thereof. Bea still hasn’t looked at her, and her brief, loaded exchange with Michael had ignited an ache in Ava’s chest that Ava doesn’t know how to deal with. She wants, desperately, to catch Bea’s arm, to drag her back outside, to make the kind of dangerous promises Ava has no way to keep, promises like I’ll never leave you or Everything’s going to be okay.
But she can’t, because the Halo doesn’t like the warehouse. It’s buzzing nervously under Ava’s skin to urge her forward, so instead of hooking her arm around Bea’s waist and dragging her away, Ava just follows her inside, adjusting her pace until they’re walking side-by-side and trying to ignore the way the Halo had started shivering against her spine the moment she’d crossed the threshold and hasn’t stopped yet.
Inside, the warehouse is sparse but not empty, and not unoccupied. Stacks of wooden pallets and ancient, rusting shipping containers serve as perches and leaning posts for just under a dozen people, all of whom are masking varying levels of anxiety under a thin veneer of affected insouciance. They perk up when Michael enters, but their enthusiasm visibly dims when they catch sight of Ava and Beatrice behind him, each expression shifting to land somewhere along a spectrum of curiosity and concern.
The one standing in the centre of the space – a woman that Ava vaguely recognises from the bar – shifts to the side as Michael approaches, revealing the man behind her isn’t standing so much as hanging from his bound hands, suspended from a crane hook and looking surprisingly unbothered by it.
read on ao3
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fivedayslater · 1 year
Part 27: Apprehend Law
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
“Just on time,” Sanji says as he nods towards the door, “You ready?”
Law gives him a wry smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, “I suppose there’s no point in me trying to resist, is there?”
“I am sorry,” he says as he puts his cigarette out in the nearby ashtray, “I know your circumstances were tough, but you have friends you could have asked for help. There was no reason for anyone to die.”
“I know,” he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them again, he stares at Sanji with a new resolve, “My actions have consequences. The least I can do for both Nami and Ace is face them.”
He steps forward and follows Sanji out the door.
Zoro follows after them, he’s unsurprised and delighted to see.
“You don’t have to-” Sanji starts, but Zoro quickly cuts him off.
“I know,” he says, an almost shy grin on his face as he grabs his hand, “But we did this together. We should end it together.” 
Sanji flushes at the contact and the words, but holds his hand tight as they all step outside.
He’s not shocked to find Zeff here, since the old man has a habit of sticking his nose into Sanji’s business, and immediately turns to him, “Geezer.”
“Eggplant,” Zeff greets with a stern look as he puffs on his cigar, “What do you have for me this time?”
He eyes his and Zoro’s joined hands, but doesn’t comment. Sanji squeezes Zoro’s hand, and likewise doesn’t explain.
Instead Sanji’s eyes dart to Law, as he thinks about how best to explain to the old man exactly what happened tonight. The more he thinks it over, the more he realizes that punishing Law won’t be enough to truly bring justice for Ace and Nami.
There was someone else pulling the strings behind everything, someone who has been alluding justice this whole time.
But maybe, with the events that played out this evening, with Law’s help, with all the evidence they’d gathered, they can finally do something about him.
“It’s a bit of a doozy this time,” Sanji admits, “But if we play our cards right, we should be able to take down a dangerous scumbag known as Blackbeard.”
Law and Zoro both turn to look at him, faces stunned. He gives Zoro’s hand a squeeze, and hopes the look he gives him is enough for him to trust him. It must be, because Zoro squeezes back and nods for him to continue.
“Blackbeard?” That has Zeff raising a curious brow, “Been after him for ages. What happened?”
“There was a double murder here tonight,” Sanji explains to Zeff, “The first victim, a young man named Ace, was killed by his friend Nami, who also happened to be working as Blackbeard’s bookkeeper. Blackbeard has had a vendetta against Ace for a while, so it’s no wonder he got angry when he found out. However, Nami’s work with Blackbeard was coerced. She wanted out, but in order to do that, she had to take advantage of some of her other friends.” He nods to Law, “Like Law.”
“So you killed this Nami, I bet,” Zeff concludes with a sigh.
“Yes, sir,” Law admits, regret clear in his voice.
“But Blackbeard was the real villain tonight,” Sanji continues, “Everyone here is a victim of his terror. With all the evidence we’ve gathered tonight and Law and the other guests’ cooperation and testimony, I’m sure we can finally put him behind bars.”
“It’ll be tough, Blackbeard’s not one to go quietly,” He chews on the end of his cigar for a bit as he mulls it over, then gives Sanji a slow, easy smirk, “But damn if you don’t make me want to try. Alright kid, I’m game. What have you got?”
The court cases surrounding what the media quickly dubs as the Great Blackbeard Conspiracy are, unsurprisingly, long and complicated.
But in the end, after Usopp, Zoro, and Law give detailed testimony about the years and events leading up to Ace and Nami’s murder, after Nami’s sister gives a heart wrenching account of just what Blackbeard put her sister through that has half the jury in tears, after Luffy give detailed testimony about the years and events leading up to Ace’s accident and murder, after Sanji’s meticulous and thorough account of his and Luffy’s entire investigation, both that night and beyond, Blackbeard and his cohorts are found guilty on all counts.
“I’ll be seeing you real soon, Mr. Prince,” Blackbeard laughs, his smile wide, but his eyes are full of malice as he’s taken away, “I’ve got a long memory, and thanks to you, plenty of time.”
Sanji sighs as he watches him go, just thankful that there’s one less terror out there in the world.
When it’s all said and done, he finds Zoro waiting for him.
The affection and attraction he’d felt for Zoro that first night hadn’t faded with the lengthy trials. If anything, with Zoro being the sure, sturdy rock they’d all needed to lean on throughout the whole thing, it had grown.
But he hadn’t done anything about it, hadn’t said anything to Zoro. He’d been so focused on the case and taking down Blackbeard, he didn’t want any distractions, or for Blackbeard to use Zoro against him, or worse, to devote anything less than his full attention to Zoro.
Zoro deserves nothing less than everything Sanji can give him, after all.
He knows it won’t be easy, he knows his job will get in the way more than not, but through whatever else life throws at him, he knows he wants Zoro there by his side, helping and supporting him in the way only he can.
“Mosshead,” Sanji says in lieu of a proper greeting.
Zoro turns to look at him, that brilliant smile of his on his face, “Curly.”
“It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, well,” he shrugs as he turns completely, “You’ve been busy.”
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
“Oh?” He tilts his head, “What?”
Sanji’s heart races as he swallows any lingering doubts. He takes one more step forward, putting himself right in Zoro’s space, grabs his hand, and says, “I love you.”
Zoro blinks at him, and his smile grows even wider somehow as he laughs, “Damn, beat me to the punch.”
It’s Sanji’s turn to be surprised, “What?”
Zoro shakes his head as he rubs a gentle thumb across his knuckles, “I love you too, Sanji. I’ve wanted to tell you ever since the night we met. I just didn’t want to distract you from what you had to do here.”
“We’re done now,” Sanji’s heart is soaring in his chest as he steps even closer, “You can tell me now.”
“Then I will.”
He brings his hands to his lips and kisses his knuckles, “I love you, Sanji. I love the way you solve mysteries, I love the way you throw yourself into everything you do. I love how your hair glows in the sunlight, I love your smile, your face. I love everything about you.
“So what do you say?” Zoro leans in close, his lips hovering tantalizingly above Sanji’s, “Will you be mine?”
Sanji answers by closing that miniscule distance between them, claiming Zoro’s lips, and Zoro’s love, and Zoro as his own.
“Yes,” he says when they pull apart, “I’ll be yours, as long as you’ll be mine.”
“I’ll be yours forever.”
Sanji doesn’t fight the temptation to kiss him again, to hold him close as he kisses him back, too lost in everything Zoro’s offering to care about witness.
“C’mon,” Zoro says when they finally separate, tugging his hand as he guides him away, “The others want to celebrate.”
Sanji takes his hand, and they walk off to the rest of their lives together.
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the-black-bulls · 7 months
Hi there friend. Not sure how crack this pairing is but if you’re still taking them I have to ask about Langris x Finesse? It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and not discussed often, but I’m pretty unapologetic in the enjoyment I personally find in this ship (though probably in an alternate reality than the one we’re going to get in the canon). Thanks! ^^
send in ships to get these classifications
heya acadia! happy seeing you in my askbox :D
. . .is indeed not everyone's cup of tea, but I think I do share your interest in this ship, though from my end it's purely bcuz of that one filler episode where they stalked finral lol
it makes sense, I headcanon that langris has a crush on finesee even if she's all over his brother
now in terms of compelling, this is one of the ships I don't really seek but I don't mind either, I do prefer it over finral/finesse and find it more appealing so that's a point on its favor
we've talked about them before so I'd also say, I dig your version and stories about them, you made this ship ineresting!
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last one!
does it make sense? no 💀
does it compel me? a cracky for sure but it's a no for me, langris is gonna be six foot under if vanessa has a saying in it if we're being honest lol
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satellitelh · 6 months
lewis p9 in that tractor LET'S FUCKING GO
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minwilder · 7 months
trace evidence covers ranked
okay last one
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us/aus & nz. love the blue colour scheme love downtown charleston yes and yes 9/10 for the first one. 2/10 for the second because there was literally no mention of wolves yet. this is the prequel guys. tory hasn't even been to loggerhead. coop wasn't even born. this is maybe the one book where you can't just slap a wolf on the cover and say it works. it doesn't.
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us/aus & nz. i'm going to give these both a 5/10 because this is really dull.
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us/aus & nz. NOW we're talking. the robot arm is great. the other one is just the same fucking cover as the last one but in blue. 8/10 and 4/10 because i'm actively subtracting points for repeating the same cover twice
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us because apparently no one else cared enough to give spike its own cover. it's fine! it's representative. the cake got spiked. i don't like the colour but i'm not taking points off for it. 7/10
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us/uk. i like the us cover, although purple is kind of an odd choice, but whatever. 7.5/10
i…have so many things to say about the uk cover and none of them are positive. who the FUCK are those two supposed to be??? stop picking random white boys to portray ben. tory would not be wearing eyeliner. where are her freckles. why is her eyebrow meticulously shaped. neither of those people are virals characters. 1/10 fuck this shit for real and that font is ugly
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czech (all of trace evidence). this is so funny. i don't even know why. the blurry ass pixels with the perfectly focused eyes. still eyeliner and no freckles but that girl is infinitely more toryish than the last one and this is just from looking at her eyes. i'm giving it a 7/10 on vibes alone. every cover should be this goofy.
i think what we've concluded from this experience is that if you're going to design a cover with people on it maybe you should fucking check what they look like!
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cauliflowergifs · 2 years
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GACKT - Kakuzuke Check 2023 gifs part 7
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its-cartooncrazy · 4 months
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Always thinking about the money, she takes after her father (chilchuck)
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The punchline of the speech bubble disappearing is fucking incredible. What a way to use your medium.
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I was looking at laios' monster on the left and then the Winged Lion on the right (should I be nervous that my phone capitalised them‽) and then I recognised the flower in the middle and got emotional
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"What a way to go, amirite"
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It never actually registered to me that she died there I thought she just passed out
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Girl this is the middle ages.
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They got more kids thats fun
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This comic cracks me up so much. Kabru is screaming inside. Which fluid is the worst, state your reasoning.
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 5 months
Bunny really that very great to hear I’m really need something sweet on my mouth after those muffins soon the mane 9 goes to have fun in the village together
*They soon go and enjoy some of Sugar Belle's treats as they hang out and talk with the villagers, up until the sun starts to set.*
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embraceyourdestiny · 1 year
to any americans who feel "paralyzed" and "dont know what to do" to help with gaza:
reading a fucking book. i beg of you.
in a time of knowledge suppression is it your duty to arm yourself with knowledge.
read about americas occupations in the middle east.
read about 9/11 from outside of america and see how they inflicted senseless harm and violence to countless amounts of people and have been suppressing your rights for the past 2 fucking decades.
read about any of the countless wars from the past 30 years. especially from a civilian's. and the victims and survivors' perspective. listen to the horror stories and do not plug your fucking ears as to what your country is doing.
and read about fucking gaza and palestine and keep up with what is happening no matter how "sad" or "uncountable" you might get.
dont look away from this.
you dont have the right to be comfortable during countless active genocides.
if you're knowledgeable, you're powerful, and our current state doesnt fucking want that.
you have the power to change things if you open your eyes and scream to the world.
wake the fuck up.
Edit: please check the reblogs there are readings and ways to help
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ash-and-starlight · 2 months
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sooo so happie to launch into space the art i did for this @zukkabigbang2024 for the beautiful fic
The Mercy of Magpies
written by the wonderful showstopping @ranilla-bean and betaed by the equally iconic @faux-fires. Featuring dilves, birdies, true love, war, crazy plans, dubious plastic surgery and a galaxy far, far away. Please check out the rebloggable fic post with its special cover art here (or jump directly to the fic, I can't blame you, it is That Good)
also, some extra juicy plot relevant characters pop up in later chapters and havent been included for 👀 spoiler reasons 👀 but you can already try to guess who they are who's that pokemon style <3
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stump-not-found · 18 days
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A Lifetime Served in a Little Cup
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.3 / pt.4
bill, babygirl, the red flags get outta there
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lotus-pear · 3 months
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learning to love
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egophiliac · 6 months
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we were fucking ROBBED
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