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casscainmainly · 4 months ago
Dick and Cass' adoptions being visual parallels is so beautiful actually. The focus on their expressions, as Bruce stumbles through a speech about how overdue the adoption is:
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But how different the adoptions are too. How Bruce tells Cass she's free of David Cain, but says the opposite about Dick's parents; how Cass' adoption is framed as a choice, but Dick's as an inevitability. Because that's what both of them needed. Cass needed to make the choice, and Dick needed to know that the choice was always already made.
From Batgirl (2008) #6 and Gotham Knights #17
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happi-dreams · 2 months ago
I watched electric dreams finally !!!!!
It’s so good and odd but ohshdkebdkwbdhmehdh EDGARRR !!! EDGAR I LOVE YOUU !!!!!! ! ! ! ! YOU DESERVE BETTER !!!!!
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When I saw the ending I SOBBED what the HELL,,,,,
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bethanydelleman · 5 months ago
A story about a king who is not well-suited for the job, but it's not like he's a tyrant, despot, womanizer, or squandering the country's wealth, he's just unhappy. He fully believes that he was divinely chosen by birth to be king, so why does he always feel like he isn't meant to do this? His only hope through each day and year is that he can eventually abdicate in favour of his son, but it will be at least twenty years before that's even possible.
He isn't good at court politics, he's not bad either, just not the sort of clever person who can stop the squabbling and get people easily on his side. He is haunted by a constant awareness that everyone near him wants something from him. He wonders if any relationship in his life is genuine. He longs for someone to call him by his real name instead of a title. His wife is a good partner, but it's no romance and she's still struggling to learn his language. He loves his children, but he chafes against the thousand unwritten rules and protocols that keep him from really feeling that he has a family.
Years pass and it never gets easier. Duty leads him on, because nothing else could keep him going for so long. His son seems intelligent and savvy, he only has to hold on a little longer. He's fully accepted that he'll never be remembered by history. He's no great king, just a placeholder for someone better.
He is on his deathbed when his eldest is twenty-five. He never had a chance to be free of the terrible burden that was the crown. He's never seen his wife cry so much, did she really love him all this time? His son tells him, "How can I ever measure up to your example?" What example? He was never a good king. Was he?
If only he could have known that he was
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uchulups · 2 years ago
spamton tries the grimace shake
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wanderingmind867 · 10 days ago
Listen. I'm not saying Rick Riordan is biased towards Luke Castellan (and biased against Octavian), but i'm not not saying that either. I mean...it seems clear that there's something going on here. Luke wanted to raise Kronos and destroy Olympus. He wanted to bring us all back to the dark ages! But his goals were always described in such a sympathetic way. Luke gets to go to Elysium in the end. Percy never managed to bring himself to hate Luke. Everyone acts like Luke's some poor baby, when he was definitely in control of most of his actions during those books. Age as going to forget how we treated his men? It wasn't great. And yet still, luke was treated like a sad and tragic figure (despite his clearly horrendous goals).
Now, let's compare this to rick's treatment of Octavian. Octavian is called so many different names throughout these books. Anemic Loser. Horrible Roman Child. That Creature. Barbarian. Dirt Wipe. He was even described as looking like a Scarecrow a few times, which feels a little insulting. Then Rick also has his protagonists say they want to launch him out of a catapult, and then he actually dies being launched out of a catapult! Octavian probably doesn't go to Elysium, because Rick Riordan doesn't like this kid, and he makes that painfully obvious.
So...you tell me. Is Rick Riordan biased towards Luke, or am I just misremembering things? Because it sure feels to me like he's biased towards Luke. And by proxy, biased towards the Greeks. Because with the exception of Reyna, Jason, Frank and Hazel, how many good romans do we really meet? In the books, there's pretty much 0. Which screams that Rick Riordan has some weird blind spot towards greece, and some huge hatred of rome. I don't get it, but his biases have only had the opposite effect on me. I hate Luke but love Octavian. So somehow i've drawn the exact opposite of the conclusions he seemed to want me to draw.
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freak-accident419 · 11 months ago
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witsserviceablesubstitute · 2 months ago
Team free will should've gotten a dog or a cat. Given them something to pet or hug when times were tough. It may even ease them into suddenly becoming parents to a complicated all-powerful antichrist baby.
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years ago
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Scus the //blood I was having feeling and decided the best solution was to dump Sesame in blood
And also Hauchie sweeping him off his feet because oh no
(And Sesame charm for myself hehe, maybe)
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mikakuna · 1 year ago
thinking about an old soul robin!jason is so funny to me because imagine being a gotham citizen and seeing this wacky child dressed up in bright af colours in a city like gotham talking like "oh golly! that must've hurt!" or "gee whiz!" (everyone thinks he's the cutest thing ever)
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daisy-bugs · 1 year ago
scar's red life shawl is his last life robes after one (1) mental breakdown and a pair of shears. to me.
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newvegascowboy · 4 months ago
Saw a youtube short last night talking about how in an original concept of rdr2, Arthur was bisexual and could pursue a doomed tragic romance with a gay charles and like. I dont want to put any trust or credibility in a youtube short, but all these commenters were like "uhh its arthur morgan not Arthur williamson" acting like a bisexual arthur was the wooooorst thing ever and ignoring the fact that a doomed tragic romance perfectly fucking fits Arthur as a character
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grandapplewit · 1 year ago
Imagine: you’re Dick Grayson, you’ve been a superhero since you were nine, and you just moved into your first apartment and started protecting your own city. You don’t talk to your dad much, anymore, because you can’t talk without fighting. Then, suddenly, your dad has a kid who looks a lot like you did at that age, but unlike you he’s happy and smiling and so, so excited to meet you. But you leave, and you only see the kid on the rare weekend you’re in town, and suddenly he’s a teenager and then he’s dead. And you grieve, because you never wanted a little brother, but you got one anyways, and then you lost him. And your dad is cracking apart, and you can barely look at him, because he didn’t even tell you when the funeral was. And then it’s five years later, and you have a dozen younger siblings that you train and love and protect with your entire being. And it’s five years later and your little brother is back, and he’s all grown up, but he doesn’t smile anymore. He’s angry, like you were, and hurt, like you were, and you fight with him like you fought with your dad, and you just want your miracle to turn out right.
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random-catto-named-reg · 1 year ago
"Please, Reg, tell me what I did, what's wrong with me, please-" James was nearly hysterical as he tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with him because Regulus could not have said those words.
We have to stop this.
Regulus' dark, sad eyes made him pause, mouth open with more pleads on the tip of his tongue.
Finally, Regulus spoke, and even though his voice was a mere whisper, his words punched the air out of James' lungs. "Why is it that you can see the beauty in everyone else, but you're blind to your own?"
Crouching down next to the distraught boy, he cupped his face in his hands, drawing in a shaky breath as James unconsciously leaned into his touch. "James," He breathed, the single syllable spilling almost reverently from his lips.
James had no reply, other than to close his eyes against the mournful, almost pitying gaze he was faced with.
"Please." His broken whisper seemed to break Regulus' resolve.
He sighed, shifting into a sitting position to pull him into his arms. "Oh, James."
His hand began running through the other boy's hair, gently untangling the curls and scratching his scalp with his blunt nails, and slowly, James began to relax, his sobs abating, his eyelids dragging shut, no matter how valiantly he tried to keep them open.
Regulus noticed, because of course he did. He always noticed things, his eyes sharp to everyone but James.
Only when he would look at James, would they soften to something other than the stone they seemed to be carved out of, grey and impenetrable.
"Get some sleep, James," Regulus said softly, rubbing his shoulder as he hummed under his breath.
"Don't leave-"
"I'll be here," Regulus promised.
James wakes up.
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landscaping-your-mind · 1 year ago
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(x) (tag)
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doliminuz · 3 months ago
I like to think that Matt feels very embarassed when asking Maddie for help. Not because of reputation or anything, he just thinks she's done way too much already.
ou... manew.....
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f1-disaster-bi · 11 months ago
Charles/Lando/Max where Lando retires suddenly and disappears from the paddock?
Oooo I love this idea
Lando leaving F1 would literally shock all of them, but especially Max and Charles who had been flirting with him. Maybe they were gently trying to date him, inviting him on dates, into their bed, and they thought everything was going great. They had planned to make everything clear with Lando and tell him that they had feelings for him, and then suddenly he isn't in the paddock come the next race day.
At first the rumors going around are just that Lando is sick. It's only media, that's not unusual, until McLaren hold a surprise media announcement saying that Lando won't be driving that weekend, or for McLaren again and that he has decided to step away from Formula 1. Everyone is in shock. Max and Charles try to talk to Oscar but he doesn't know what happened, he only found out that morning. Carlos hasn't heard from him, and neither has Daniel. George and Alex won't say anything. No one knows where Lando is or why he did this. He was doing well that season. Projected to possibly come second or third in the championship and is now just gone.
Charles and Max try to go by his home in Monaco only to find it's up for sale and Lando is long gone. It's then that they realize that Lando had planned this for a while. It wasn't a sudden thing. He just disappeared and no one will tell them where he is because they either don't know or claim not to know. Max F full on just tells them to stop asking, and that if Lando wanted them to know anything, then they would know.
Still, Charles and Max are devastated and just ask Max F to give Lando a message for them, that they are here for Lando no matter what and will respect his privacy but just want to know that he is okay.
For a while they don't hear anything, and they just continue life missing Lando. They ignore questions about him, just saying that they hope Lando is doing well and that the choice to retire was one Lando couldn't have made lightly, and that they know at the end of the day, Lando made the choice that was best for him and wish him the best. They don't comment on rumors.
And then one day, they get a number from Max F, and he tells them that Lando wants to speak to them. They are a bit skeptical at first, but when they call, it's Lando's voice on the other end. He sounds tired and little off, but they don't ask. They don't ask why he left, they just ask if he's okay and they go from there. Lando won't facetime them or visit or tell them where he is, but he calls and messages them most days. They know he's talking to George and Alex again too, and they live with this new found connection after months of worrying.....until they get a call from Max F
Max F is upset and rambling, and just gives them an address that they need to get to asap because "I know he'd want you here", and they have no idea what to expect but it certainly isn't a very skinny and pale Lando in a home hidden away in Switzerland, connected to a bunch of wires and an oxygen mask because he's so sick and has been for over a year but didn't want his illness to become a media circus like every other part of his life was, especially because he knew chances of recovery were small and he didn't want to spend his last possible months with cameras shoved in his face or his every movement analysed
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