#Texas kogane
mushed-kid · 6 months
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vld as textposts etc. 34
(i could’ve posted these a while ago but i thought i might make three more to have like a full post but i didnt manage that sorry, i wish i could post as often but making them just doesnt hit the same anymore😔 the children yearn for the vld textposts)
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sh00tingstarzzz · 9 days
friendly reminder that keith's dad is canonically a monster fucker
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zeraplus309 · 30 days
Do you ever wonder if Texas Kogane pointed at the sky and told lil Keith "Your mom's up there, maybe she can see you."
And Keith probably thought "hey my mom died" and not "Hey my mom's a fucking alien."
Because I do and I feel like it could've been like this:
Texas: You see the sky there? Your mom's there.
Little Keith: hm, I wonder what heaven's like
Texas: what
Texas: No, she's not dead, she's an alien
Little Keith: 😦
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callmelyc · 18 days
Child Texas Keith being raised by a single mother and yk how kids are they'll have random associations so what if.....Keith thinks big Tex is his dad
Bc 1) he's been on fire, mama said his daddy caught on fire once
And 2) his name is Tex, mama says daddy's name is Tex 😤 it must be him
She never corrects him so now Everytime they go to the state fair, even when Lance joins the little family for his first ever American fair, she'll smile and joke "say hi to ur dad Keith, he's missed you."
Keith is mad embarrassed by it but Lances laughter at the story makes it all the more bearable especially when that sunny smile is turned his way.
And for ppl who don't know big Tex he's the Texas state fairs 55ft tall icon that burned down once and they rebuilt his ass. The show must go on 🙌
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jollyhottubtree · 6 months
How did we choose the name TEXAS KOGANE for Keith's dad name
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klanced · 1 year
Keith’s parents were bi4bi but in the sense that Krolia thought Texas Kogane was butch and Texas thought Krolia was a twunk
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slugtowns · 4 months
I don’t think we talk enough about the fact that Keith’s favorite animal is a hippo
hc that Texas took him to Disneyland once and the only thing Keith wanted to do was go on the jungle cruise over and over to see the hippo animatronics
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shitty picsart visual aid for your convenience
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keithkog · 4 months
Keith, got a question for ya.
Did the team ever find out about what happened to your father?
This is hard. I don’t think Pidge and Hunk know, Allura never found out, but Lance and Shiro certainly do. When Shiro took me into the Garrison, he found out what happened to my father. He brought it up to me.. and it was not really emotional at first. It was later on when I felt like I could trust him, at least a little, that I told him my perspective.
Shiro didn’t want to wear my dad’s clothing when he got back to Earth, but I encouraged him to wear them. It was the only option he had to wear there really, my clothes would never fit him. He was worried I would have negative feelings about him wearing the outfit, I reassured him I didn’t.
I might’ve had some sadness or anger about him wearing those.. I’m not sure. We were kind of busy with a war and I didn’t pay attention to my feelings.
A lot of the time the way I tell the story of him dying it’s pretty impersonal, distant. I hate thinking about how I felt when I found out, and the fact that everything from the foster homes to the bullying stemmed from it. There is no words for how much his death affected my life.
I only talk about the immediate aftermath with people close to me.. I ended up telling Lance everything, including the personal details I usually leave out, when we were on our third date on Earth. I took him to the cabin and basically explained my very early childhood in great detail. Then, he took me to his family home to show me his past too.
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thebetterbrogane · 4 months
I’m alive! I promise!
So, a lot happened since Thursday.
Like…. a LOT.
Firstly, I’ve gotten Keith’s blessing to make this information public: he and Lance are officially together.
Secondly, Keith had been enrolled at the east coast Garrison base in New York for the past FOUR YEARS, electing to continue his education and finally, officially, graduate from high school. When he dropped out of the Texas base, it was unofficial, and thus rendered his four years prior void and null in the eyes of the military. Considering that all four paladins got honorary yet still functional diplomas after the war ended, none of them worried about re-enrolling except for Keith. So, you could imagine my surprise when he showed up at the Texas base’s commencement ceremony in full graduation regalia. It was a shock and surprise to everyone, but he made valedictorian and never missed a “day” of school, in terms of online and in-person class hours. I’ve never been more proud of my little brother.
Thirdly, speaking of my little brother… we came to a, quite frankly, surprising discovery this weekend. Keith got diagnosed with a muscle disease like I was. Before you freak out, it’s non-fatal, and he’s adjusting to disabled life perfectly fine. This diagnosis, being the same as mine, was strange. He called me during one of his appointments to corroborate the information he had been giving to his doctor, and the doctor, upon seeing me over FaceTime, mused about how similar we looked for being adopted brothers, before going on to joke about how “maybe [muscle disease] runs in the family!” Keith’s spidey-senses had been triggered, and a week later (day after graduation), we sent in DNA samples.
Keith is my half-brother. My father is Texas (Teiji) Kogane.
So many questions were answered. My mother had never known about Keith’s past, and since Dad left when I was only three, she never cared to think about him much after that. She flew in from Izumisanto on Saturday, and upon meeting Keith in the Dallas airport (for the first time in years, mind you), she burst into tears upon recognizing him. They’ve spent the past two and a half days just talking about Dad, which was mostly just Keith retelling stories from when he was younger. Mom regrets not giving Dad any thought over the past thirty years. I took her and Keith to his grave to reconcile.
Keith and I’s relation doesn’t change the connections we’ve made over the past fifteen years; it only strengthens them, and I’m so happy to finally know the truth. Mom flies back home tomorrow, but in the meantime, I’ll be spending as much quality time with my family as I possibly can. My heart is so happy.
— Shiro ☆
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
Ok but. Au where Keith was more emersed in the canon stuff as a child. Texas helped Krolia write a letter to Keith for him to read when he was old enough so he'd know that his mom didn't just abandon him. It tells him what the knife is for, where she went, why she left, and that he can't ever tell a human what he is or he could be in danger. It also has detailed illustrations because I like to believe Krolia draws.
When Keith was little, Texas would put him to bed with Galra legends and tales of Voltron. Texas also kept all of Krolia's illustrations of things in space. One of those illustrations included a rough map of where the blue lion was.
When Texas died, Keith inherited a box with his knife, the letter, and Krolia's drawings. It was locked but Keith's also a menace and picked the lock at 14. He never told or showed a soul what was in that box.
That was until the night he saved Shiro. Keith was prepared. Nobody else understood what was going on and Keith did not slow down to explain.
I'd also really like to see Keith's face when he learns that the bedtime stories that he was told from about ages 1-6 were true and that Princess Allura is alive.
That is all.
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snackleggg · 2 months
I can't believe we were deprived of the whirlwind romance between a Texan and the alien assassin soldier that crash landed in his backyard.
Like, I'd watch an entire series of just the years Krolia spent on earth with Keith's dad and their unlikely romance while protecting the Blue Lion together.
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the-feral-gremlin · 9 months
You know that one insta audio (I don’t know where it’s from) that’s like “but at night time, when there’s nothing to do, and the house was all empty, I’d always think of Jenny.” But it reminds me so much of Texas missing Krolia. I can’t help but imagine him walking a screaming baby Keith around the house with music blaring in the background and silently wishing that Krolia was there too. Keith completes a milestone or does something just like Krolia and he looks beside him and just aches. He never gives up hope that one day she’ll tap into the radio/comm system he has in the middle of the living room. He dies missing the love of his life and hoping Keith isn’t alone.
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alien-slushie · 3 months
Keith: *beating the sh*t out of James*
Krolia: Awe, look at Keith playing with his new friend.
Texas: Honey no-
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Baby Keeef
I can totally imagine Keith as a child asking his dad about aliens.
Like, instead of dinosaurs and cars, his obsession with space caused him to ask about all things extraterrestrial (I love that word).
Picture this:
It's some time in the afternoon, Keith is a homeschooled child and is therefore sitting in a patch of sunlight which is let in by the open windows. He has papers and colored pencils scattered around him, and little fidget toys are strewn across the floor. Texas sits on a large armchair, reading some cheesy romance novel that Krolia took a liking to during her time on Earth. Keith puts down the pencil that he's been twirling around for the past 30 minutes and crawls up into his father's lap.
He has a slight lisp and southern twang, which makes him hard to understand to anyone but his dad.
"Papa, are 'liens from sface real?"
Texas chokes on the coffee that he's been sipping from his favorite mug. It reads, 'this Texan dad is into purple space cats'. (Krolia had been trying to learn Earth humor.)
"Umm... Well son, that's quite the question, now 'aint it? Y'all young folk gonna see some big things, aliens ain't too far off, huh?"
It's important for you to understand, Keith doesn't understand half of the things his dad says. He prefers short, blunt answers to his questions.
But he can see the far-off sparkle in his father's eyes, which means he won't be getting any information today.
"C'n you tell me a story?"
Keith looks up at his dad with starry, hopeful eyes that he knows the man can't refuse.
"Alright. 'Ave I told ya that one 'bout how I met your Ma?"
Of course he has. Texas tells the same story every time, so often that Keith takes over telling it sometimes when he thinks his dad is speaking too slowly. Still, he nods eagerly.
To him, his parents are the sun, the stars, and whole lot more, no matter what they'll ever do.
And anyway, kids think everything is permanent until they lose it all. After that, the story of Krolia and Texas becomes a sort of staple in Keith's orphanage.
And because the stars in the children's eyes reminds Keith of himself from when he was younger, he continues to tell that story despite the pain that claws through his chest.
Anything to give them the hope that he'll never have back.
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“Thank you, for staying.”
She looks at him curiously after he says it. It seems out of the blue, random. She’s not surprised that he’s brought it up — she’s been expecting the conversation, ever since Tex’s shoulders started to hunch and a furrow appeared in his brow whenever she held little Yorak.
Little Keith.
Honestly, she expected this conversation to happen sometime in the dead of night, when neither of them could sleep and worries preyed on their minds. Not when she and Keith were playing in the mud.
“I didn’t think the choice would be as easy as it was,” she confesses, flicking a glob of mud at Keith’s chubby little cheeks. He giggles, throwing a glob back at her with his meaty little toddler hands. The sound makes both her and Tex smile.
“…Was it easy? It didn’t look easy. You looked troubled, for a long time.”
Krolia hums, taking her time to form an answer. Tex is right, she wasn’t being quite truthful. It was a difficult decision to make, with a lot of consequences she will live with for the rest of her life. Namely the fate of the universe. She has the Blue Lion’s location. She — and Tex — are the sole protectors of it, now. The responsibility they hold is enormous. Because she stayed, she has no support. Should she fail, the universe will die.
“I never intended to stay on Earth.”
Tex nods. “I know. You had a mission.”
“You were a very interesting distraction to that mission,” Krolia says with a smirk.
“Don’t I know it, sugar,” he says with an equally wolfish grin. “I had fun distractin’ you, that’s for damn certain.”
Krolia laughs, shaking her head at his wink. Keith laughs, too just because they’re laughing — he’s such a joyful child. Krolia loves him so much. She drags him towards her by the ankle, smothering him with muddy kisses the second he’s close enough. He babbles at her very seriously in response, putting his dirty hands on either side of her face and looking directly in her eyes. Krolia nods along dutifully to all his baby-speak, because she’s sure he’s telling her something very important.
Suddenly, a lump starts to form in her throat. She looks at this beautiful baby who looks just like Tex in every way but has her eyes, big and purple and inhuman, who babbles happily to her every day and reaches for her when he cries. It hits her, right then and there, all of a sudden, that she almost left this baby behind. She almost abandoned him. Her son. Her child.
“Shh, Mama, shhh,” baby Keith coos, patting her on the head, and it’s then that Krolia realises she’s crying.
“I couldn’t leave him behind,” she whispers. Her bottom lip trembles as a sob builds in her throat. “I have a duty. To him and to the universe. To protect him, and all little children like him, from that — from that monster. But I can’t —” she chokes on a sob, and cradles Keith to her chest. He goes willingly, still trying to soothe her. “He’s my baby, Tex.”
Her husband’s big arm wraps around her shoulders, and he pulls her into his side, despite all the mud.
“I know, sweetheart,” he says, pressing a kiss to her hair. “I know. I know. It’s okay.”
She holds her family, the little family that she built with her own two hands, and cries, but not because she’s guilty. She’s relieved. As hard of a choice it was, she knows she made the right one. She thinks of her son and her husband and their tiny house. She thinks of playing with Keith in the mud and kissing Tex on quiet mornings, and she knows that she will not screw this up. Not for anything in the world — she will protect her family until her dying breath.
And for that, she is grateful.
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headcanon that Keith has a few conections with the police because his dad was a fireman and friends with a some of the cops
that's also how he stayed out of the radar for so long, because they were helping him
also bc I refuse to believe that all of them just let some random kid (a minor) that basically no one knows anything about go around without any kind of supervision
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