ignitification · 2 years
Who’s crying? Me? You? Aizawa? Shirakumo? All of us?
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Something crazy that's not overt in this current battle in the hospital, but it's a running theme I suppose, is how it's a ...battle of voices? It isn't physical power that will decide how this will end but what voices will be heard:the mutants are finally making their voices heard and are also being responded by Shouji who is trying to make his voice heard and even removing his mask for it, Koda power is in place and it's voice based, Mic is here and he can take over and make it so only his voice will be heard and can eclipse all the other's voices, and finally if Kurogiri hears AFO his programming will make him awake but he will be controled by him since Noumus can only follow commands...I'm beginning to believe that if Kurogiri hears Tenko's voice he will be able to fight his programming unitying his Shirakumo side with his current status, freeing himself from AFO and turning the tides, what do you think?
Yeah I think you're totally right about the voices thing! There's so many voices all at once and it's really a battle (physically and mentally) of who will get through to who first
Personally though, I think the voices thing isn't just limited to this arc. It's what bnha is about
You know, getting through to people. Getting through to the villains. Especially with Izuku and Tomura, Shouto and Dabi, and Ochako and Toga
But it can be found anywhere too. It's in the way Tomura has been crying for help, Dabi talking to Tokoyami about Twice's death, Twice and Hawks, the second license exam and trying to get through to the kids, Izuku vs Class 1A, Ochako speaking to the crowd in the return to UA etc etc
It's really what's been happening this whole time. The story is a conversation between different kinds of people and their ideals and experiences, overlapping in the air until one overcomes the other - like you said, "It isn't physical power that will decide how this will end but what voices will be heard". That applies to the story too I think
Though of course there are big shounen battles which is par for the course of reading shounen lol
But, yes, that definitely also includes this plot line centered on heteromorphs - a topic that has been talked about and touched on in the past, but has now come back into focus. EXTREMELY important, given the fact that it's a topic with a ton of different experiences all in one area (Spinner and Shouji being from villages and suffering from discrimination, Kouda being from the city implying that he has faced little to no discrimination despite being a heteromorph himself, PLF general talking about heteromorph massacre in history, the Heroes in the middle of the battle who haven't gone through anything like that)
And this arc is also a little more specific in the use of voices. I mean, like you said, we have two voice-based quirks in the battle (Mic and Kouda, interesting), then there's Shouji removing his mask and speaking about his experiences and wants for the future, but there's also the PLF general announcing to the mob and stirring everyone up, and AFO (the voice inside Spinner's mind - even if just in a memory, it's still a voice and it is influencing/controlling Spinner)
About Kurogiri; I don't know how exactly he would hear AFO's voice or how he would hear Tomura's voice (whether they personally go over to the hospital or it's some kind of mind connection thing idk, though yeah if it does happen, they definitely tie into the voice thing too)
BUT I fr have been thinking the same thing, about the Kurogiri side (warp, memories of villainy, loyalty to Tomura) merging with his Shirakumo side (the boy who wanted to be a hero, the boy who loved his friends and saved a kitten) and THAT being how he frees himself from the control and turning the tides
LIKE?? I'd fucking love that. I honestly think something like that is going to happen at some point, whether it's this arc or not. The Villain side combining with a Heroes heart and choosing to, idk, help the situation with the Heroes or specifically help Tomura and/or the League? Maybe both in some way?
I think it'd be so cool
Again, I'm not sure about how exactly Kurogiri would hear AFO and Tomura, but Kurogiri combining both sides of him to somehow help the situation would be a real tide changer that's for sure
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thatforgottenbasilisk · 8 months
something about shattered glass
Words: 1557 (AO3)
Kurogiri remembers his dreams perfectly. He also knows exactly when he is dreaming, and when he is awake. They are always the same: a conversation with a boy who is eternally seventeen.
My twenty second bad things happen bingo entry! Prompt: Restraining Bolt
Kurogiri sometimes wonders if it's unusual for him to be aware of when he's dreaming.
He's heard idle talk of "lucid dreaming," only in passing, in inane small talk that people make around the bar. They say it's about knowing when you're dreaming, and being able to influence your environment within the dream- but he's never known a time when he hasn't been aware of when he's dreaming and when he isn't. Maybe that's another thing that he should write off as another oddity caused by his unknown past, or "unusual" quirk.
He also has the same dream every night, with little variation. Is that unusual too, he wonders? Do others have different dreams? How do they keep track?
It's nothing too pressing, of course, and there's no use dwelling on it. It's an interesting question, something neutral that takes up his thoughts when there's nothing else to do.
He supposes that dreams are always odd, no matter who's having them. Maybe his own are that much more so, due to the circumstances around his brain and memories and everything. Amnesia may cause changes in dreams, changes in brain operation, personality, he knows this. The Doctor told him that when he awoke for the first time in his memory.
It was a long time ago, now; about fifteen years since Sensei found him, presumably saved him from some sort of awful conditions- he'd never asked about his past, even when he'd had the chance to. He's curious, of course, though not nearly to the extent that he sometimes thinks that he should be. He's been content where he is, serving drinks in his bar and raising Tomura into a good successor for Sensei's empire.
He doesn't think it's anything less than a fair trade, for him to serve the man who saved his life. He doesn't mind the work, and he is proud of some of the things that Tomura has grown to accomplish in his life now that he's grown up.
He thinks he used to hate it, though; something in him used to scream at the very idea of working for a villain, though he hasn't got the faintest idea why. He thinks that whatever incident caused the amnesia may have also had an effect on his moral compass- or perhaps that change has come with circumstance.
Something still irks him about doing the dirty work himself, though; he's rarely asked to dispose of anything untoward, but on the occasion that he is, he's always much more reluctant to comply. It's like something older than himself is fighting the very idea, like some other person inside of him is so violently against it that it affects the rest of his reasoning so heavily. No, no, he mans his bar and cares for his ward, anything other than that is... outside of his job description, shall he say.
At the moment, though, he merely provides transportation for Tomura and his operations, which he isn't nearly as opposed to as Sensei's, possibly because he views Tomura as being in his care, still, even though he is now a legal adult.
Kurogiri isn't doing any of that at the moment, though. He finishes wiping down the counter, and arranges the barstools on top of it, the same as he does every night; he looks over the room, making sure he hasn't missed anything, and flips the lights off. He's sure that Tomura is still wide awake in his room, but that's nothing of concern at the moment. He gets himself ready for bed, and merely raps on Tomura's bedroom door to remind him that it is getting late and time does, indeed, still pass when he plays his games.
He is standing in a plain white room. In front of him is an equally white table, with two steaming mugs in front of the two chairs sitting opposite each other. He sits in the one on his right; the one on the left is already occupied.
"Shirakumo." He nods at the boy sitting across from him in the other chair, reaching out for the mug in front of him. He seems much calmer than he used to be, when they'd first met within this realm of sleep.
"Kurogiri." Shirakumo nods back, but does not make eye contact. He rarely does, now, this quiet avoidance having come with the calmness hard-won from time. Still, Kurogiri is glad that they are no longer coming to blows; his days are exciting enough, he does not need more conflict in his dreams.
"Any interesting crimes today?" Shirakumo asks with no small amount of venom, and Kurogiri knows that tonight will not be one of the pleasant nights. Sometimes, on occasion, he and Shirakumo have been able to get along; they haven't done so since before Tomura's USJ attack, but they did, once. He suspects that Shirakumo holds a grudge over his participation in that.
"Only if you count unlicensed quirk use. I threw some brawlers out of my bar, otherwise, no. Today has been quiet."
Shirakumo brings his mug to his lips, and says nothing. Kurogiri does the same.
It's tea, this time. Oolong. One of the few varieties that he dislikes. He suspects that it may have been Shirakumo's preferred variety.
"He's older than I was. He's older than I ever got to be. Why..." Shirakumo trails off, not sure in what he wants to ask other than "why?" He still isn't looking at Kurogiri, eyes trained on a random point to the side.
"Why was he so lucky?"
"No. I know he wasn't. Why am I still... why was I ever your equal? You spoke to me as a fellow adult, when nobody else did, even in life- you know what you are. You will always be older than me, always growing and changing, and I will always be the same."
Kurogiri puts his mug down. He'd been holding it for its warmth, but the question demands his full attention. It demands empty hands.
"Because you did not deserve this. To be me. I did not deserve to lose my memory, to wake up with only the knowledge that something had been done to me, but you had it worse. You did not deserve to die."
"I'm not dead. My body is alive. You would know."
"Yet you are as static as a ghost. You are aware of what I live through, what I do, and yet you can do nothing about it. You cannot even make me aware of your presence until I am asleep. I am sorry, Shirakumo, but though you may not be dead, you are as good as."
Shirakumo holds still, eerily so. He appears to be contemplating his answer, turning it over in his head. Finally, he asks, "Do you know? Do you know what you are?"
Kurogiri sighs, softly, and replies, "An experiment gone wrong, I think. An accident. I was found like this- "
"No you weren't."
It's not like Shirakumo to interrupt. He didn't do it even back in the beginning, when he was angry and grieving for himself and everyone else he didn't know the fates of. He would choose not to listen, of course, but never did he interrupt.
"I remember what you don't, Kurogiri. I should have asked you years ago, if you remembered, but I guess I'd just assumed that you did. I'm... I don't think I should tell you. Now that I know."
Kurogiri is quietly confused. Just what could be so bad that Shirakumo feels the need to hide it from him?
"Very well. I was not found like this, then. Am I to assume that the Doctor had a hand in me, then? Sensei, perhaps?"
Shirakumo traces the edge of his mug with a finger, mulling over the questions. "... Yes. They did. I won't go into detail about it."
"... It does no good to dwell on the past."
"It doesn't, you're right."
"Still. I feel this information will be useful in the future. For Tomura."
Shirakumo's head darts up, looking Kurogiri in the eyes for the first time in a very long while. "Just what are you planning on doing? Why would he benefit from this?"
"It is always good to know who to trust, and who not to. He is as close to a son as any can get, Shirakumo. I will not put him in danger that can be avoided."
Kurogiri sits bolt upright in his bed, the dream having come to a sudden and unceremonious end.
The clock still shows the time as being in the early hours of the morning, when neither he nor Tomura would normally be awake just yet. That's quite alright, in his opinion- it gives him enough time to prepare.
He knows that Sensei and the Doctor are planning something to do with Tomura. It has to do with encouraging him to kidnap one of the students in the UA Sports Festival, though he doubts that any particular student matters more than another.
He does not think that he wants this plan to come to pass.
It will be difficult, of course, to convince Tomura to abandon Sensei; more difficult still to hide the both of them. He will try it, though, because though Tomura is not technically his own, he is in all the ways that matter.
0 notes
So I’ve theorized not to long ago that since Spinner wasn’t invited to the big fight, he might be headed to the hospital to free Kurogiri; as doing so would be a quick and easy way for the both of them to then quickly head back to the fight(s) to get involved in things.
Additionally, I don’t imagine it’s an uncommon theory that Monoma and Aizawa happen to also be at the hospital; since Monoma’s time limit means they’ll need to continuously copy Kurogiri’s quick to use the warp gate. (Which is pretty skeevy when you think about it, but doesn’t exactly top their child soldiers so we’re letting it go for now.)
So combining these theories: what do you think the chances are that Spinner will invade the hospital and run into Monoma and Aizawa? It would certainly lead to some neat interactions; For one, Spinner’s a good match for each of them because their quirks won’t do much against him. But on a personal level: Monoma and Spinner have similar issues with self-doubt that they handled in very different ways; Monoma by artificially inflating his ego and chasing glory until it didn't need inflating vs Spinner accepting a place as follower to be part of something big (although then having glory thrust upon him).
And Aizawa could have a cool moment or two with Kurogiri; because Spinner coming to him saying Shigaraki needs help would probably wake him up far more than any of Aizawa and the heroes attempts have. And in turn, Kurogiri being awake would force Aizawa to confront him as his own person distinct from just being Shirakumo’s corpse. Or even worse, that a part of Shirakumo is still in Kurogiri, and it’s the part that cares for Shigaraki. Kinds feels like, for the sake of taking down the villains, Aizawa’s been denying those things. Might be fun to put them in front of him.
There’d be some good drama and character interaction in there if this event were to happen.
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Hey, I just read your Kurogiri omega and was wondering if you could do a part 2, but with Kurogiri remembering his time in the AU when he was Obroro and how he met the alpha reader until the day of his "likely" death?!
I've been trying to find an excuse to continue that, so thank you for being that excuse, anon!
Omega! Kurogiri Part 2
Kurogiri x M! Reader
Omega! Kurogiri Headcanons Part 1
TW: Angst, Death, Unhealthy Coping Mechanism
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You couldn’t tell him he was your mate. It would place you and him in danger.
You kept going to Tartarus to visit him but decreased the frequency of them.
Kurogiri did not take this lightly.
You were leaving him again.
You both had built something meaningful and you were leaving.
Kurogiri laid down on the bed he was given and stared blankly ahead of him.
The world became dimmer as the time passed. Eventually his eyes closed and he drifted away to the lovely abyss of sleep.
“Shirakumo!” The blue mist haired boy turned around and spotted his two friends call out to him.
Yamada, the loud blond, was dragging the dark hair Aizawa with him. He looked eager to tell him something.
“Hey man! Uh, something going?” He asked. Yamada was way to energetic for it to be his usual and Aizawa didn’t look all that annoyed either.
“You won’t believe it man! One of our classmates is super hot!” Yamadas face held a small blush to it while Aizawa turned his head around to ignore them.
He was also blushing.
Shirakumo laughed at the two and wrapped his arm around Aizawa's neck.
"Oh really? Tell me more." He teased.
Yamada gave him an entire speech about how their classmate was hot as fuck and how the guys name was really pretty. He was fanboying over someone he barely knew.
Shirakumo thought it was cute how affected Yamada was by the new student so he couldn't wait to meet him.
When he did meet you, his inner omega purred.
Everything about you was perfect and beautiful to him.
He wanted to get to know you better.
Thats what allowed a friendship to bloom between you both.
He smiled a lot throughout the day but it became brighter when you would walk into the room.
His omega purred at him, begging him to get closer to you so he could take your scent in. Look at your beautiful eyes and your beautiful face.
You would catch him staring at you, the lingering trail of smokey blue hair giving him away every time.
You also liked him, a lot actually.
Easy on the eyes but with a big personality.
Welcoming, comforting, everything you would ever want in a significant other.
You found it endearing how he took the initiative to keep Aizawa away from rude and mean people.
You could also see how your guys friend, Yamada, would falter. His smile dropping for a moment when he thought no one was watching.
That always happened when Aizawa and Shirakumo were together.
You were all young, so it didn't matter who was dating who or what the future would hold. The now was more important then anything else.
Shirakumo contemplated what he could do to court you.
He jumped to the conclusion of courting instead of asking you if you were wanting to try a relationship with anyone.
He told Aizawa and the black haired boy just looked at him. His eyes saying something that his mouth wouldn't.
Didn't matter how well Shirakumo knew him, he didn't know how to read his eyes.
"Should i get him a bouquet? Maybe his favorite foods? Ah, i dont know what to do! Aizawa help me!" Aizawa recommended he just asked you out.
"You're so not romantic, but i still love you." He missed how much his words affected Aizawa. The black haired boys face was tinted red, his neck taking most of the blush he couldn't show on his cheeks.
Shirakumo made up every possible scenario inside of his own head and instead asked Yamada for some help.
"Yo! You should totally make a dramatic confession!" Shirakumo and Yamada planned everything out.
It did not go well.
You made it clear to him that you weren't looking for anything at the moment and that you just wanted to be friends with him.
Shirakumo and his omega became upset. His spring like scent became muddled, dirty water and a harsh smell overlaying itslef in a thick blanket.
His personality didn't change around you, he was still smiles and laughter.
When class would finish he would walk with Aizawa back to the train station and vent about everything you did that day.
"He looked so handsome eating that pudding and the way he leaned on his arm. So hot." Shirakumo sighed.
Aizawa felt very conflicted. He was happy for his friend but something else made itself present when he spoke about being with you.
Shirakumos pinning wouldn't stop and it finally got to a point were he would openly flirt with you.
You didn't mind it, in reality, you were as much of a flirt back.
This game between the two of you played out with him complementing you with big charades.
You would be more tactile. Occasionally touching his arms or running your hands threw his smoke hair.
It was pleasant. His hair parting into tendrils and at times having a mind of its own.
It would wrap itself around your wrist preventing you from removing your hand.
Enough time had passed that you felt like pursuing something more with him.
Something more romantic.
Shirakumo dragged you to the roof top one day.
All he said was that it was important.
"I like you, a lot. You're just so...handsome and pretty and beautiful and everything else thats good really." He stopped and began to walk around the roof top of the school.
"My omega is going nuts with your scent and it honestly drives me crazy too." Shirakumo danced around you.
"If you only knew how much i want to hold you and kiss you every time you help Aizawa out. That one time you helped that omega by fighting those meat heads off of them. Purring for you, baby!" Shirakumo got close to the roofs edge.
"Everything about you makes me and my omega want you. I-" Shirakumo slipped from the edge and fell.
You ran to catch him, maybe you could save him.
Shirakumo would most likely die, you wouldn't get there on time to catch him.
Your heart pulled with dread and dropped when you heard him scream.
Then, a peak of mist made itself seen from the edge of the roof.
“Shirakumo!” You yelled at him as he floated above you.
He flew around in his cloud, circling around you laughing.
“Was that intentionally?” You asked once he got down from his cloud.
His face became red as he watched you look at him expectingly.
“Ah, yeah?” You laught at his response and pulled him towards you.
You ran your fingers threw his smoke like hair and cupped his cheek in your hand, thumb gently caressing his face.
“You know? You should really stick to just two word phrases. I don’t think you have the mental capacity or brain cells for anything more.” You teased.
He gave you a goofy smile while he practically melted into your touch.
You were heaven and safety for him.
His inner omega begging him to ask you to be his mate. To bond. To do everything with you.
To be yours and you be his alpha.
His mouth a body moved on their own. He couldn't stop himself from getting closer to you and wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry,” He stared at your eyes and admired them more a moment, “but you’re to perfect to just put into two words.”
Shirakumo closed the gap between you two and kissed you.
Both you and him, and your secondary sexes, we’re overwhelmed and overjoyed.
It was a thrilling emotion that coursed through you. The giddiness of being able to say that this was someone you would like to invest all of your time on.
You both loved each other so much, nothing in that moment or the ones to come could ruin that.
Then in your second year, Aizawa brought you Shirakumos speaker.
It was battered and broken. Wet.
Aizawa said nothing to you, the other alpha walked away from you without batting an eye or even acknowledging the blond beta running after him.
You felt your legs give way as you fell to the floor. Vision becoming blurry and warm streaks falling down your face.
“So what should we do? We both want to mate but we can’t risk our careers.” “Don’t worry about Y/n. You’re already my mate. My omega is telling me that you’ve already been accepted and naturally, I’m always glad to call you mine. Fuck the rules!” “Sure, whatever you say, my mate.”
The happy memories and the planned out future you both had with each other was now just a dream.
It was delusion you had set yourself up for.
Your mate was gone.
“So that’s who you are.” Kurogiri spoke into the empty cell. The dream having woken him up.
He turned to lay on his side and stared at the invisible cell door.
He didn’t attempt to fall back to sleep.
You laid awake in bed, face pressed into an old jacket that was clearly worn down.
It was faded in color and no longer had that signature scent you adored so much.
It no longer smelled like spring.
Or like fresh air.
It smelled like you and your laundry detergent.
Your mate was dead and you both never got the chance to make it official.
Would never have a family of your own. Never have your first anything together.
Never have another moment with each other.
He was gone and yet still here.
Your mate was a terrorist who found no issue in killing others.
“Goodnight…my omega. Sweet dreams, Oboro.” You drifted off to sleep once your eyes closed.
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TLDR: me rambling about a possible future scerios for Kurogiri and some hc to go along with them kinda
Also pls note that everything I know about the manga is from synopsis of it bc I personally struggle to read manga (all the panels blur together for me and I can never tell what order the text bubbles go in and it's just a struggle bro) so I apologise if all this isn't entirely accurate bc it's prolly not lol
Man ok so I mentioned before that I've been thinking about Kurogiri a lot right
So I personally don't think Shirakumo is coming back. Like he will always be a part of Kurogiri and I think he will start regaining some of Skirakumo's memories and emotions, but I don't think his overall personality or appearance will change all that much. What I'm hoping for is that the doctors working on him are able to loosen some of his programming a bit, but honestly, the whole point of it would be to just make him safe to release as a civilian. I mean obvi he's been a villain throughout the whole series, but it's not his fault. He was literally forced to do all of it. He was programmed to take care of Tomura by any means necessary, and that he did. So I don't think he really deserves to be punished.
Okay so here is a possible scenario that I want to happen:
Basically Aisawa and Hizashi keep visiting him and talking to him and shit and the doctors and psychiatrists do what they can, and eventually he just gets taken into UA (under very close supervision ofc). He's really not violent at all unless he's directly ordered to do something by OFA or ig Tomura (as far as I know). I feel like Nezu would end up not only allowing it, but I feel like he'd be one of the first people to suggest it. As UA's principal, he'd feel a sense of obligation toward Shirakumo since the academy failed to protect him all those years ago. Hizashi would be on board immediately, but Aisawa would be more hesitant because he'd be fearful for the students. Nemuri would be somewhere in between, but I think she'd eventually side with Hizashi.
So yeah he'd be at UA and it would be very strange and he'd have a lot of conflicting emotions. He'd probably be high key having an identity crisis at this point, wondering which thoughts and emotions were Oboro's, his own, or just programmed into him. This would be particularly troubling to him when it comes to Tomura. A part of him would probably dislike Tomura as a person. He's rude, reckless, bratty, and immature. On the other hand, as I mentioned earlier, he was literally programmed to take care of Tomura. But still, after being with the kid for so long, being there through the good, bad, and ugly, and watching him grow up, of course he's going to care deeply for him. He'll never stop loving that boy like a son. The UA staff probably knows that, and all they'll probably be able to do is distract him. I think that Eri would take a liking to him since he naturally just kinda has that concerned dad thing going on, and he'd end up babysitting her or something. He'd probably also like Bakugo because he's like an angrier but less homicidal version of Tomura. I think that interacting with the kids would probably be good for him. Taking care of spitfire children would probably make him feel a little less anxious since that was basically what he did with the LOV. And then, yet again, you have another series of conflicting emotions. He'd miss the LOV terribly and he'd be worried about them. At the same time, he would grow to care about the people within UA.
He'd feel drawn to Hizashi, Aisawa, and Nemuri for obvious reasons, and them to him. But I think he'd avoid them at first. What's left of Oboro would always try to take over when they were around, and Kurogiri would find that both physically and mentally agonizing. And every time one of them looked at him, he'd sense that they were speaking to Oboro, not him. That itself would probably hurt, especially since he knows that he can never be Oboro again. There isn't enough left of him. There's a part of his own psyche that blends into Oboro's, who of course has his own emotions about the situation. There's not much of him there, but it's enough for him to feel. Eventually, though, I like to think there would be a point where Oboro's besties would start seeing Kurogiri as just himself, and he'd tentatively respond in kind.
Okay imma mention a major character death now
After Nemuri's death, he'd probably feel so, so horrible and upset and he'd take it so poorly. He's usually a pretty calm person, so people would be kinda confused since he wasn't nearly as close to her as Aisawa and Mic were, but eventually everyone would kinda generally realize that this dude was experiencing the grief of two people at once: that of a close childhood friend, and that of someone who Nemuri had helped feel like a person.
Okay now time for a nicer headcanon
So when that asshat programmed him, he prolly did something interesting to his sleep schedule. To do his job effectively, Kurogiri might have to stay awake for days at a time during bad situations. For him to be able to do that, he is going to have to be able to compensate for that later. So my hc is that during periods of "inactivity", like when he feels generally safe and doesn't see anything to attend to, he just passes tf out sometimes. So during periods where he's feeling anxious, he probably just. Doesn't sleep, bc in his mind he's like "omg threat detected". But if you hug him for too long, he'll fall asleep on your shoulder. But like most of the time it's a p light sleep so he can be ready to take on anything that may try to sneak up on him or whatever, so sometimes it's hard to notice when this happens bc you can't really read his face and also he wakes up so easily. But occasionally, his body will simply say no 💜 and my mans will be OUT for like half the day or longer depending on how long he's gone without a proper rest. He can usually tell the difference between his lil micronaps and a Konk-Out as Present Mic starts calling it, and he will try SO HARD to fight it but he does not win ever.
This literally took me like an hour to type holy shit lol but anyways yeah
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mshomestyle · 4 years
Yay!! This request can definitely be asked then. Sad and odd btw. What if when Oboro died he had a very young daughter that nobody really knew about, and Aizawa got custody of her because he's her Godfather. And years down the road she gets saved by Kurogiri. Idk how that happens, but she recognizes him. Not as her father right away, but he feels familiar. Then she finds out that's her dad and now she's trying to being him back because she just wants her dad again. I hope this isn't a sucky ask.
So, this will probably read a bit rushed, the reason being that currently, I do not write one-shots only drabbles for this blog. Getting this idea into a drabble was a bit challenging. >.< It is a great idea, though, and would be a really good story!
Also, though I primarily write reader-inserts and probably could have just assumed that the main character would be as such, I wasn’t exactly sure, so I did sort of a mix!
Spoilers! Spoilers! MHA Spoilers and Vigilantes Spoilers!
She had been so young when it happened, barely remembering a thing. She knew him, though, or rather a small part of her still seemed to remember. Not many people knew that she existed. Just Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama, the three that had been the closest to Shirakumo, Oboro, her father. Her mother had wanted nothing to do with her, and her grandparents could only do so much. So, once he became an adult, Aizawa stepped in. He was, after all, her Godfather.
It wasn’t too hard of an adjustment as she was still quite young when Aizawa became an adult. He raised her up as best as he could, knowing exactly what Oboro would have wanted for his daughter. Though, even with a guardian like Aizawa, the young girl still grew up to be like her father. She was charismatic, cheerful, and an incredibly selfless person. Looking at her, could sometimes be like looking at Oboro, himself. It was something that was bittersweet.
[Name] hoped to become a hero one day. She knew that her father died trying to save others, and she wanted his dream to live on in her. Not only that, but being who she was, she knew that she couldn’t just sit still while others were in danger and she had the opportunity to do something. She had gotten her father’s quirk after all, which she was demonstrating now as she was currently comfortable sitting on a low-flying cloud. “What did I tell you about doing that in the house?” Aizawa asked, running a hand through his long black hair.
“It’s comfortable, though,” [Name] pouted trying hard to give a little kitten look-Kitten not puppy, because of Aizawa’s love for them.
“Cute, but not going to work,” Aizawa crossed his arms. With a mock sad sigh, [Name] descended, dusting herself off as she now stood on the floor. “I have a meeting to go to, so I trust you’ll behave.”
“Of course, Uncle Shouta!” [Name] smiled, “But only if you leave me money for take-out.” She batted her eyelashes at him. Aizawa let out a sigh, before pulling out his wallet and giving the now excited teen some money.
“Don’t stuff yourself,” he told her as he headed to the door, “And behave.”
“Will do!” Once Aizawa closed the door, [Name] went to find something interesting to do. It was still early afternoon and the meetings at U.A. could often last until evening, so she had the rest of the day to herself. After some thought, she decided to go for a walk.
It was a nice day out and there weren’t too many people walking around. [Name] did think about using her quirk, but she also knew that she could get in trouble for it. Not wanting to possibly cause a problem for Aizawa, she decided against it. “I might as well get dinner while I’m out,” she thought aloud. There were many restaurants and shopping centers that she knew of, and after much thought she decided to go with ramen.
The walk to her favorite hole-in-the-wall ramen place proved itself to be a far one, but being as it was one of those ‘best kept secret’ sort of places, it was worth it. Since this place wasn’t in what some might call ‘the nice part of town’, many people did indeed overlook it. The food there was amazing, and even as [Name] finally made it, noting the line of people, she knew that it would be worth it.
Tapping her foot lightly, [Name] played on her phone as she waited for her turn. ‘Shouldn’t take too long,’ she thought to herself. ‘And soon I’ll be at home relaxing again an-‘ A loud ‘boom!’ was heard and [Name] quickly turned to look towards where she heard the sound coming from only to see half of the restaurant on fire. She knew that she had to act quickly! She had to save as many people as she possibly could-No, she needed to save everyone!
[Name] looked for the nearest opening to outside, and the second she noticed a window she took a chair and smashed through it. People were screaming and running around, and [Name] worked quickly to make clouds to transport the customers from inside of the building to outside. She knew that she didn’t have a hero license, yet, so she could get into trouble. She just didn’t care at the moment.
As she worked quickly to save everyone, [Name] almost completely forgot about herself, so before she knew it, she began to cough, the smoke starting to get to her. “Almost there, almo-“ Another explosion was all [Name] heard before she saw black.
The sun was setting when [Name] woke up. Quickly, she shot up, hearing sirens in the distance. When she looked around, however, [Name] noticed that she was in what appeared to be an alleyway. “Oh, good, you’re awake.” The young teen shot up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and looked all over until she saw its source. Now, [Name] usually didn’t notice people with mutation quirks in her day to day life since it was like regular people to her, however, this man…He was just a big cloud of black mist with glowing eyes.
[Name] didn’t feel afraid, though, because for some reason he felt almost familiar. “I will take my leave then,” he curtly spoke.
“W-Wait!” [Name] found that word coming out of her mouth before she could really register it. The mist man slowly looked at her. “What’s….Who are you?” He just stared at her, eyes giving away no emotion, and because of that [Name] was starting to regret asking her question. With a shake of his head, the man turned and left.
“Kurogiri…,” Was all he said.
Months had passed since that incident and on the day that [Name] received her hero provisional license, she could not help but to recall it. That man ‘Kurogiri’ had been found out to be a key member of the League of Villains. Why had he saved her, though? Those thoughts only appeared briefly, however, as she went back to celebrating with her friends. More time had passed, and the more it did, the more [Name] found herself becoming a better hero. She wanted to be able to save anyone and everyone, and she would continue to work towards that goal.
Luckily for her, she had herself a golden ticket to private training lessons with Aizawa-Or rather she would bat her eyelashes and give him kitten looks in order for him to give her some extra training. So, heading into the teachers’ dorm after being extended an invitation inside by Cementoss, [Name] went to seek her guardian.
“Well, what did you expect?” she could hear Present Mic’s voice.
“Not that. Not that at all after we were called in.” And there was her uncle Shouta. He sounded as if he was in a weary mood, which made [Name] pout. She hated to think that he had overworked himself.
“So, are you going to tell her? I mean, Oboro was her father, after all, and she knows about him.” ‘Oboro…’ That name. It caused [Name] to stop right in her tracks.
“Are you out of your damn mind?” Aizawa scolded Mic, “The last thing [Name] needs to hear is that her father was turned into…well that.” [Name] could feel her heart starting to beat faster.
“Okay, but what if we can get Oboro out of Kurogiri? Then what?” ‘Oboro….Kirigiri….Oboro….Kurogiri….Oboro…Kurogi-‘ It was way too much for [Name] to handle and without a second thought, she dashed out of the teachers’ dorm, nearly running into All Might, who was on his way in.
“Young [Name]?” All Might questioned, though was ignored. [Name] just couldn’t believe that! It couldn’t have been true! There was just no way, no way that her father was-Her mind quickly went to that incident in which she had been saved by him. She had wondered before why a villain would choose to save her. She even debated telling Aizawa about it or not, but eventually decided that perhaps she was saved before Kurogiri became a villain or something of that nature, just anything really to justify it. Now, however, hearing what was said, it only made sense.
Stopping in her tracks at the realization, [Name] thought long and hard about everything that had happened. Everything from what she knew of her father to the incident in which Kurogiri saved her, and now to this. Was he still her father under there? Did he remember her? Did he even know her? [Name] shook her head. There was so much that she needed to know. So much that she needed to find out. Most importantly, she needed to save him from the life of being a villain. [Name] had no idea about the whole situation with him, but she decided that day to get her father back.
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starculler · 4 years
Awake (Alive)
Wrote this for the mini-challenge on the No Writing Academia Discord. Enjoy!!
Read on AO3
Oboro caught glimpses of a life no longer his to live.
A short man with a bushy mustache standing over him. Machinery attached to a suit, wreathed in shadow. A brat with a nasty attitude. A bar. Kids swallowed up by his own mist. A man with glowing red eyes, bleeding and unconscious.
(Familiar. Making his chest ache. Clawing at his insides with some feeling he couldn’t name.)
A blond, loudmouth hostage. Heroes and pain and
Being strapped to a chair, his reflection his only companion but. But wrong. Different. He’d been— He was—
Purple mist and glowing, yellow eyes trailing faint lines of light with every tilt of his face —That was his face? — back and forth in the one-way mirror. It was wrong.
(It was right.)
And then. Moving. A new room. Faces and long stretches of time in between them. The lines blurring between him and him. Blue instead of purple. Skin instead of mist. A young, nearly-forgotten face where there had been mist only moments ago.
(Kurogiri, they called him but that wasn’t right. That wasn’t right. That wasn’t right.)
Things move, or don’t, like that for a while. He slips, fades a little more like he had in the early days. Tending the bar. Picking up after the brat. Sitting in the chair. Restrained. Unmoving. They ask questions Oboro doesn’t answer. Can’t answer.
(Kurogiri does. Sometimes.)
Then that face is back. That man. Red, glowing eyes wide. Desperate. Furious. His words demanding more than he can give. Kurogiri falters.
Oboro does not.
For a few seconds, he’s himself. He sees a flicker of his reflection – mist morphed to form a blurry impression of the face that once was his. He watches his mouth open. Watches his body push against the restraints tying him in place. Watches the man press his hand against the glass as he yells
“Fight it!”
Words struggle past his lips and it’s strange, numb and painless like his throat doesn’t even exist
(sharp and aching and strangled like every syllable he pushes past his lips is a knife sliding slowly up his throat)
He manages one. The most important one. And hopes it’s enough.
It is.
(It isn’t.)
It isn’t sleep he faces when he isn’t there. It isn’t some dark void or hell or any of the other things he didn’t spare a thought to in life. Between the moments he sees through Kurogiri’s eyes, there is simply nothing.
No time. No boredom to muster through. No thoughts to think.
An eternity and the blink of an eye all at once.
Oboro is gone the moment Kurogiri shorts out.
(There’s a switch being flipped. Something changes, then. Some boundary remains broken with no doctor and no Sensei to fix it. Kurogiri falters for the second time and Oboro—)
+ + +
The lights are harsh, bouncing off the bright tiles and whitewashed walls, and he can’t so much as move an arm to try and shield his eyes. He squints to relieve the pain, but it does little more than blur his vision. He doesn’t close his eyes, though. Doesn’t dare to because he can see his reflection in the mirror, opaque now instead of clear like before, flickering purple mist and narrowed, glowing eyes, and he knows.
It's an instinctual sort of knowledge more so than an actual, conscious realization, but it’s enough. It’s more than enough.
He wishes he could move. Stand. Walk. Pinch himself. Anything to make this moment feel more real. He wonders if this is a dream, but that’s wrong too. Dreams are for the living, and he’s fairly sure Kurogiri doesn’t even sleep, much less dream. If he’s Kurogiri now, will he be able to sleep or dream? Or is it a function of what they made him?
The thought, while not great, is better than focusing on any of the other hundreds of things buzzing through his head at the moment. And isn’t that a novel experience: thoughts. His thoughts, right there in his head.
It’s dizzying. Exhilarating. He wants to jump to his feet and cheer, overwhelmed with excitement. He wants to sink to his knees and throw up, maybe cry a little because he died. He died and became some villain’s experiment. A toy to be used up and thrown away.
His jaw ticks when he clenches it and the resulting pressure jolts him out of his head and back into the present. He does it again, and grins when the same pressure pushes up into his cheeks and out over his chin. He pushes his tongue up against the roof of his mouth just to feel the ridges and bumps in his palate and the edges of his teeth in his gums.
It’s exciting being able to feel things, though he wishes he could use his hands instead of exploring the inside of his mouth like he’s a teething toddler marveling at the changes. He opens his mouth, wanting to shout at the top of his lungs that he’s here. He’s alive. He’s—
He falters.
His reflection – Kurogiri’s reflection – doesn’t fully move with him. There is no imprint of his face in the mist. No mouth to move. There’s only the flat, blank canvas of his mist-shrouded face and twin glowing eyes, blown wide. He tilts Kurogiri’s head to one side and feels the first wave of disappointment crest and crash over him.
Still. Still, it isn’t so bad. He tries to convince himself, sucking in a breath of stale air and nodding resolutely at Kurogiri’s – his – reflection. He’s here. He’s alive – he wonders if he’ll ever get tired of turning those words over in his mind – and.
And what?
What can he do in a body that’s only marginally his, strapped to a chair in an empty room? He sags, falling forward as much as the restraints allow. He hangs there for a minute, wallowing in a quickly spiraling fit of self-pity, and then stops. He breathes in once through his teeth and forces his head up. Forces himself to look at his reflection in the glass, and glares.
He breathes out, long and slow. The mostly featureless face staring back at him barely moves. It’s okay, he tells himself. He repeats it a few times in his head and shapes the words with lips he can feel but can’t see. When he’s satisfied, briefly buoyed by his own attempts at talking himself up, he opens his mouth and speaks.
The words tear of out him, jagged sharp and just as painful as before, but he swallows down the pain and, as clearly as he can manage, says:
“My name is Shirakumo Oboro. Is anyone there?”
Pain sears his throat and he can hear what he thinks might be his pulse roaring in his ears. He swallows, trying to soothe the burn, but it does little more than make him wince. He curls his fingers into fists under the fabric wrapped around his arms and torso, gritting his teeth when his efforts at speech are rewarded with silence.
He tries again. The same words. The same pain. He chokes on the last word this time, unable to stop his gasp when it spikes suddenly. His mouth tastes like copper, but there’s no rush of warm blood in his mouth. No liquid crawling up his throat to spill past his lips as he’s crushed under concrete he saw too late and—
His death rushes up to meet him, sending phantom signals of pain into limbs long-healed and leaving him dizzy and spitting bile and drool on the floor. He gags as shivers crawl up and down what he thinks is his spine. His vision flickers and he feels the cold, icy claws of panic grip his chest when he can’t tell if he’s closing his eyes or losing himself again.
He pushes against the restraints holding him up. Against the cloth keeping his arms pinned to his chest. He kicks and thrashes and tries, but nothing moves. Nothing can move. He’s trapped. Stuck to a chair. (Stuck under concrete.) In the light. (In the dark.) Dead. (Dying.) Alive.
Alive. Alive. Alive
He’s alive but his throat’s burning. He doesn’t want to go again. Doesn’t want to live in moments anymore. Doesn’t want to hurt his friends. His friends. He hurt his friends—He did—He—
There are shapes in the room. Bodies reflected on the mirror. Faces in front of him. Hands on him. He struggles in vain. They talk but he can’t hear the words, and each one he grits out tastes like blood and ash and his dying breath rattling in his chest.
The world around him buzzes and dims. He doesn’t feel the prick of a needle or the cold sting of liquid slithering under his skin as it’s pushed through the syringe’s needle. He’s not even sure there is a syringe or a needle. Or a quirk. He knows the effect, though. The slow descent into darkness. The fall into the abyss. His name sticks to his throat, bouncing on the tip of his tongue, grating his throat as he tries it one last time.
He doesn’t know if it works. He doesn’t know if they know. He sees his face when he falls, an etching in the darkness. Kurogiri stands next to it. Next to him. Is him. The abyss flickers, and there is only him.
No one.
+ + +
Glowing, yellow eyes open to a blank, white ceiling and whitewashed walls on a simple, white bed with white sheets. The lights are harsh, bright fluorescent strips above him that hurt to look at. There’s nothing else in the room except a chair set a few feet from the bed and a tinted mirror set into the wall.
Two men, one old and short and the other wearing a brown trench coat, stand on the mirror’s other side. The elder one grips his cane, knuckles white, and scowls. The other’s brows pinch together as he presses his lips into a thin line. He waves his hand in the air, and static crackles through the room. When he opens his mouth, his voice filters through the speakers, loud and vaguely tinny.
“Shirakumo Oboro?” Silence greets the pair, so the man in the trench coat tries again. “That’s what you said, isn’t it? Your name?”
Misty hands drag across the bed, bracing against the mattress to push the vague outlines of a body up. The men tense. The old man’s feet shift, stance widening into something less frail and more solid. One misty finger prods at a clothed leg, feeling the mass of an intact limb underneath.
The words are garbled. Pained and insistent. Smooth and indifferent. Both mixing together into something almost incomprehensible. The men on the other side of the mirror jerk, surprise and suspicion marring their features.
“Which is it?” The man in the trench coat asks, uneasy.
Oboro stares at his face reflecting in the mirror, and Kurogiri stares back.
“Both,” they answer, and say nothing more.
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years
I crave my two emo men. I want to have a beatiful relationship with Reformed! Kurogiri and Aizawa. Waking up pressed between them. Giving Shouta a massage after a long day at work. Smooching ur sexy bartender through his mistyness. (I feel like Kurogiri would retain some quality’s of Oboro like his humor and playfulness but overall would still be Mist-Man.)
I have no concrete vision of Shiragiri other than that I think he would be more subdued than how Shirakumo was (in both temperament and himboness). But he would be lowkey playful in a quiet teasing manner and I just feel it in my heart and soul that his dry humor would make Aizawa chuckle. 
Anyway some random thoughts I have:
- Shirakumo used to uplift Aizawa when he was filled with worry and doubt. Now it will be Aizawa’s turn to help Shiragiri. There is a lot of mental trauma that comes with having your identity erased for over a decade and forced to commit crimes while you were always awake on a subconscious level to witness it all. I think Shiragiri would have trouble adjusting to a normal life because of self-hatred and loneliness and Aizawa is there with the calm assurance while you can smother them both in unconditional love and physical affection. Pep talks are good but sometimes you need a hug and a kiss. 
- Two cat lovers, enough said.
- Aizawa and Shiragiri are overprotective and take care of you in their own ways that compliment each other. But this also means that Shiragiri can take care of Aizawa, too. This man needs to be fed and he needs to stop sleeping anywhere he wants in his sleeping bag. Portal his ass straight to bed, Shiragiri. Same goes for you. 
- Aizawa’s moodiness reminding Shiragiri of Tomura. 
- Hearing all the embarrassing tea on Shirakumo from Aizawa while Shiragiri sighs. You find out about the crocs and buy a pair for Shiragiri to make him feel more like his old self, and although he thinks they are ridiculous now, he is touched by your gesture. 
- Now I can’t stop thinking about Shiragiri opening a portal so you can roll cocooned-Aizawa through it like a log. 
- Having two big buff emo men on either side of you yes pls be my protectors and also manhandle me. 
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bookworm-blogs · 5 years
It’s Been Too Long
Midnight’s heels clack against the marble tiles and echo through the vast halls of Tartarus, figurative trails of ice following her in her wake. The workers sent to escort her stay at a safe distance behind her, wary of the violent aura surrounding the middle aged woman. Shouta called her only a few hours ago, and once she heard the news, once she knew who Kurogiri was and how he was made, she dropped everything and demanded to be allowed into Tartarus to see him. Nobody stopped her, given her history with Shira-- Kurogiri, how could they?
His cell is hidden in the deeper parts of Tartarus and is completely airtight, surrounded with a special type of padding that negates warping to a degree. Midnight has no idea how it works, but frankly, she doesn’t care. The only thing she cares about is seeing her old friend for herself. 
The doctor in charge of his cell bristles when Midnight steps up to him, “M-Midnight-sama! What are you doing here--”
“I need to see him,” Midnight says firmly. 
“I-I’m sorry, but he’s asleep right now--”
“I don’t care. Let me in.”
The doctor looks like he wants to object more, but he wisely presses a few buttons and the large, metallic door opens up, revealing darkness in the form of a man on the other side. The doctor clears his throat. “L-let us know if anything happens,” he says. 
Midnight doesn’t bother replying. Her red heels carry her inside the cell and the metal door seals shut behind her with a metallic hiss. The room is divided into two with a large glass plane separating her from Kurogiri, and from his side of the room, the only furniture Kurogiri has is the chair he’s strapped to. Kurogiri looks exactly like how he did at USJ; wispy purplish black mist cloaks his entire body and thin lines of yellow mimic closed eyes. At first glance, he and Shirakumo look nothing alike, but now that she has context, she can see similarities in the hair.
Midnight’s hands curl into fists. “I can’t believe this... I mean, Shouta called and told me everything, but...” Midnight sets her hand against the cold glass, a shuddering sigh escaping her throat. “Oboro, is that really you?”
Kurogiri says nothing.
It’s been too long since those years gone and passed, but somehow Midnight remembers those days like the back of her hand. She smiles bitterly. “High school was really fun with you around, you know that? You always had this... contagious energy that you brought with you everywhere. Even though you always were an air-headed idiot.” She laughs weakly at her own lame pun. Shirakumo has always loved puns, though she didn’t know what she was hoping to get out of telling one. 
“You don’t deserve any of this. I swear to God, I will find All For One and the League and I will tear them apart.” Midnight watches the misty man’s face very closely for some sort of reaction, but predictably, he doesn’t move. Midnight presses her forehead against the glass and allows a few stray tears to drip down her cheeks. How could this happen? He was so young and lively, but all of that was stolen in an instant. Robbed of his life much too soon
“Why...?” Midnight whispers, her tears strangling her voice. “Why did it have to be you? Why you? Oboro why...?”
“N... Ne...”
Midnight’s eyes snap open and she lifts her head. Kurogiri is awake and staring at her with his wide, unfamiliar yellow eyes, but something strange is happening to the right side of his face. The yellow hue is disappearing, and the mist itself is warping into half of an extremely familiar face.
Midnight couldn’t believe it. “Oboro?” she whispers.
“N-Nem... Ne...” Oboro’s voice is strangled and warped, almost like he and Kurogiri are speaking at once, but Midnight knows that face anywhere. Aside from the new scars on his eyebrow, he looks exactly the same as he did fifteen years ago.
“Oboro!” Midnight shouts. Damn this glass wall! She wants to go through it right now and hold his face between her hands. To drag him away from whatever hellscape is holding him. “Oboro! It’s me! Nemuri! Oboro!”
“Nem... Nemur...”
The speakers in the room crackle to life. “Midnight-sama, we’re detecting unusual brainwaves coming off him. Please leave the area.”
“I...” The other half of his face is shifting, too. Now, he looks almost completely like Shirakumo but with hazy, misty features. “I’m... so... rry...”
“Don’t be, Oboro! Just hang in there!”
“So... rr...”
Black mist erupts from his body and swirls up into the air like a darkened tornado before collapsing in on itself. Kurogiri’s body slumps forward and Midnight digs her acrylic nails into the glass as if to grab him. The metallic door hisses open and several doctors come in to grab her. The world is numb to her, and Midnight allows them to pull her away from the glass and toward the door.
She should have been with him that day, she should have pushed him out of the way and taken his place under those piles of debris, she should have enjoyed their time together longer... she should have visited the roof more, she should have been more persistent with him, she should have told him how much he meant to her. If she had...
Maybe her best friend would still be himself. 
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daiskken · 3 years
My Hero Academia 5x19
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This episode focused a lot into one simple thing KUROGIRI IS A NOMU and this new discovery raises lots of questions about how Nomus are made. Up until now all Nomu had a similar look, and just recently we met the “high end” one. This seemed to suggest it was the most advanced yet so, to discover now that he used to be Aizawa’s and Present Mic buddy just left me full of questions.
If All for One could make such refined Nomu’s why are most of them mindless?
Did Shirakumo have a quirk that combined with others made the warp gate? (i struggle to think what his original quirk was)
When they were trying to awake Shirakumo’s conciousness, it suddently seemed like Kurogiri was “reset” Is that an All for One quirk?
We saw by the end of the episode Shigaraki put into a machine, while that explains his recent white hair i wonder WHO is helping him / aren’t they afraid he will become mindless??? 
I don’t have much else to say, it was an episode full of backstory and characters talking so besides breaking my head this episode was pretty straight forward. I would’ve like to see what Young Aizawa and Shirakumo were fighting when he “died” even if it was a random villain. It would have been a nice action break and i also feel we need more SHOW DON’T TELL when it comes to flashbacks in general, too many words kill the emotion for me.  I expect some things to be explained next episode so see you then to untangle this new mystery.
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bookwormsid1015 · 4 years
Ok so I have another sad Rooftop Gang fic in mind
I can’t write it bc I have like 2 other BNHA fanfiction I’m working on (not to mention summer school hahakillmenow), but this fic idea has been circulating in my brain for the past few days and now I have to write it out bc I will go crazy otherwise. 
Anyways, story time.
Basically, the story is about Midoriya making friends with a ghost. Not just any ghost, but the ghost of Shirakumo “Loud Cloud” Oboro himself! Dun dun DUN!
So, story begins with Midoriya and a few other Class 1-A friends playing around with Tokoyami’s Ouija board (look at that beautiful raven boy and tell me he doesn’t own something as spoopy as Ouija) and they make contact with a spirit. Nobody knows if its real or not, so they just ask the ghost some pretty tame questions, which the spirit answers playfully.
“When am I going to die?”
“As long as you eat your veggies you’re good :)”
Eventually, they all get tired of playing and decide to call it a night. Everyone says goodbye except for Midoriya, who is too busy mulling over the possibilities of ghosts or demons existing in their world. The night continues as normal.
Then the next day Midoriya wakes up to a person in his room.
He freaks out, bc who wouldn’t, especially since the person’s body is transparent and they seem to be outlined by a luminous blue hue. The person assures Midoirya, no he is not a villain, and introduces himself as Shirakumo “Loud Cloud” Oboro. He says he usually doesn’t respond to Ouija board calls (the other spirits do and they just love fucking around with living teenage girls), but since he noticed something familiar about the kids, he decided to pop by.
Midoriya and Shirakumo continue talking, and Midoriya quickly realizes a few things: 
Shirakumo has two forms, his base one (alive and healthy looking with 3 scars over his right eye, wearing his UA High School Uniform) and his dead one (he’s wearing his hero costume and his body is fucked beyond repair: bashed in skull, tattered/missing limbs, outfit soaked in blood, dust, and rain water). Shirakumo switches between these forms based on his emotions.
He also has a curious case of ghostly amnesia: he remembers who he is and how he died, but his memory in regards to specific names, faces, and dates are pretty spotty. He misses his three best friends and it crushes him how little he remembers about them. (This is because the memory wipe done on Kurogiri carried over to Shirakumo a bit).
He can’t linger around Midoriya 24/7 since apparently his body is still alive and he has a wacky sleeping schedule where he sleeps around 10pm and wakes up around 7am (like some kind of productive person or something). When his body wakes up, Shirakumo is brought back into his body’s subconsciousness where he resides in a near constant state of paralysis. (Basically, when the body’s awake, Shirakumo is asleep, but when the body is asleep, Shirakumo is awake.)
Shirakumo is a pretty decent and chill guy and the two become friends. For the most part he’s fun to be around, but there are times where a strange purplish black shadow lingers around his body, his eyes glow yellow, and he has episodes of reliving the agony of his death. (Ghost PTSD?/?)
After a while of getting to know each other, Midoriya decides he wants to help Shirakumo rest in peace. They start their investigation around campus and Midoriya pretends to call his cousin (spoiler: he doesn’t have one since both of his parents are only children) in order to communicate with Shirakumo while being in public.
His friends get suspicious over Midoriya’s strange behavior but brush it off as broccoli boy being broccoli boy. Everyone except for the Dekusquad and Bakugo anyway.
As they move along, Shirakumo slowly yet surely starts learning new powers. If he concentrates hard enough, he can interact with objects, make his voice heard, and in rare cases, create clouds as well as manifest himself in the living world.
Meanwhile, Kurogiri keeps waking up with oddly specific dreams about playing video games or looking through archives with a curly haired boy from UA.
A plethora of reveals and ghostly shenanigans ensue.
In the end, Aizawa, Kayama, and Yamada start hearing rumors that Midoriya made an imaginary friend with someone he calls Shirakumo Oboro, which is silly because they knew a guy with that name and he died like fifteen years ago.
A bunch of tense stuff happens, and when Midoriya is accused of being the UA traitor bc of his suspicious pastimes, Shirakumo manifests himself and has a tearful reunion with his best friends. He tells them that knows what happened to his body, but not the story behind it, so he’s just as clueless as them when he reveals that Kurogiri was once his body.
Detective shenanigans ensue, maybe a villain vs. hero fight here or there.
And the story ends with Shirakumo saying goodbye to his friends-- and Midoriya-- one last time before his ghostly self disappears, finally at peace.
Welp, here it is! The outline of a story that will not leave me alone no matter what I do! It’s good to finally have that out of my system, especially since I still have a lot of hw to do lmaooo. If a fic of this exists already let me know! If not and someone wants to claim it for themselves/use some of the elements in their own stories, also let me know! I’d love to read it! 
*Edit: OH! It would also be pretty cool if Shirakumo was Shigaraki’s imaginary friend when he was like 5-8. Since the saying goes that kids lose their ability to see as they grow, Shigaraki is no longer able to talk to Shirakumo, and when Shirakumo isn’t vibing with Midoriya, he’s checking in on Shigaraki.
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