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wherethemothsgrow · 4 months ago
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kari-go · 9 months ago
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This was so much fun :D
They will change ofc. Mostly just Marinette and Chris get buffer xd
btw, the body birthmarks' placement was random.
Ramblings under cut
Marinette has a typical teen girl body type. I don't think that her legs and arms would be weak tho. She helps around in the bakery and has to keep up with Kim. Sometimes she even runs with him in the morning (he takes a slower pace ofc).
She does have neat handwriting when she isn't in a rush, which doesn't happen that often honestly. Sometimes her notes are readable sometimes not, it's a gamble. She tries to make them look nice tho, she has a few highlighters she uses constantly.
Chris has a sort of hourglass shape. I always drew him as slender and like. Why did I do that. It's a crime that I haven't drawn him chubby like of course he will be. Mf sits around all day and goes on a walk sometimes like bruh. Other than that he has really veiny hands, another thing he got from Arthur along with his baby face lol (although, Arthur’s veins are even more prominent, so much they're kinda concerning). I like how I drew them :]. The baby face is not gonna change soon unless he stops transforming which he definitely won't do. Btw, despite being the weakest of the trio as a civilian, he's actually the strongest while transformed (with the lion ofc)
As for his handwriting, it's not bad. Sometimes he squishes the words together to not waste space and it ends up not being readable.
He's already pretty athletic, he used to do competitive gymnastics and ice skating in his free time. Used to, he sprained his wrist (mostly out of stress and to occupy his mind to keep him from thinking about Viktor,,,, it's just.. a thing he does). Then they moved to Paris anyway, so he just stopped completely. He gained a little weight so he started running in the morning, to also get to know the city better. He also starts going to the gym with Kim after a while. His freckles are mostly on his face and neck
Surprise, his name is Štěpán lol. Would Štefan/Stefan be more fitting? Yes, but I like Štěpán more. Anyway, his handwriting is really neat, he's left-handed btw (idk just vibes). His notes are also nicely organized so he's the one to go to out of the yellow group if you need them.
Alya, my girl, I love her. She doesn't do much physical activity, she usually just sits around doing something on her phone or laptop. But after The Butterfly appears she starts running around more, to get the footage for Ladyblog. Her stamina gets so good omg
Her handwriting is not that bad. It honestly depends on the day and mood, sometimes she can't even read it herself xd
Chloe is another athlete, she did gymnastics, track running, ice skating and sometimes ballet and fencing. Her legs are so powerful you have no idea. I know that's a lot of sports and her grades reflect that which is why she needs a tutor. She stopped ice skating, fencing, and ballet when she was younger and now she just does them for fun, when she gets the time ( ,,, she honestly doesn't lol). But now she also quit the other ones as she went into lycee because her grades were too bad and Andre put his foot down (he mostly just told her that Audrey would be disappointed oof). Btw, Aurore’s mom was her ballet teacher :) definitely no rivalry there 
She writes in cursive? She does, to make herself stand out and appear fancy. It does look fancy but she focuses on that too much so sometimes she doesn't write everything down :/
My girl is BUFF. Her main focus is on fencing, which is how she met Chloe :D. She has a private gym wherever she lives, so she trains there. She also has an interest in archery and sometimes ice skating so she does that but also just regular sparring. But again, her main focus is fencing, she's already one of the best but she can be better. Her freckles are mostly on her face (her nose to be specific) and are more sparse on her body
Her handwriting, like everything else about her, is bold.
What do I say about her? She cares about her appearance a lot and she knows she's pretty. She exercises at home but also goes to the gym sometimes (she has to watch out for her asthma tho). Her self-control fails when it comes to sweets but it goes to her thighs mostly which she doesn't mind as much. Her tummy and fingers annoy her tho
Pretty handwriting. She tries to make her notes pretty but gets so occupied with that, that she doesn't even pay attention to the lesson and just the appearance (wow really subtle lol)
He's the least athletic out of the three besties, he doesn't even try to catch up anymore xd. He can barely run a lap (same tbh). 
His handwriting takes up space and is sometimes unreadable. That's not really an issue because he remembers stuff more by listening so he doesn't take notes. He just looks at Marinette’s (or Stephan’s after they meet) if he needs to.
Another athletic fella. He does track running and swimming. He did track sooner than swimming but he likes swimming more and wants to focus on it (it's also how he and Ondine met). And like I mentioned before, he runs in the mornings and then starts going to the gym with Steph. So yeah, another strong legs lol
His handwriting takes up SO much space. He goes through so many notebooks, it's also not that readable xd and it's not like he can focus on the study sessions with Nino and Marinette, they usually just end up playing UMS3. (he always loses if you're asking)
Jules! She's pretty thin. She walks around a lot and forgets to eat sometimes. Especially when she's studying. Her collarbone is really prominent, she also has bony hands.
Her handwriting is small, sometimes unreadable
He has a belly button piercing!!!! (very important information imo) That's it. bony hands also
His handwriting is shit. You will not understand half of the stuff (unless you're Juleka).
Just an average teen girl's body, she exercises at home at least once a day.
The best person to go to for notes. So nice, so readable, so neat
Her legs are strong, she just flies around all day. She skates to school every day (which is like 45 mins on foot). Then she goes to a skate park or a roller skating rink.
Her handwriting is somehow worse than Luka's, like it's completely unreadable, just cat scratches.
She loves walking around, just taking in the atmosphere and nature
She has really small handwriting, the words look lonely on the page
He sits around a lot but he makes sure to exercise to make sure his body is healthy. He also watches his diet.
His handwriting is the best out of the class but his notes look less nice than Sabrina’s. He always writes down his full name
She has a hard time gaining and maintaining weight (even if we ignore her allergies) so she eats a lot and doesn't exercise much. Her chronic cough also doesn't help
Her notes are always decorated, there are so many cute drawings and stickers. It's so adorable
He's a lot like Chris, except he gets forced to do stuff by Alix
He doesn't have the prettiest handwriting. He usually just ends up drawing all over the page
His little sister is a back killer, she wants to be on his shoulders all the time.
His handwriting is on the smaller side
She did ballet since she knew how to walk. She slowed down a little, wanting to focus on her grades and the weather competition she loses.
Pretty notes, she doesn't use highlighter and decorations that much, just headers
Swimmer, she's like a fish. She has pretty wide shoulders. She has freckles everywhere.
Her handwriting is so round and spacey. She has a lot of pretty highlighters. Also her last name is Rosseau :D!
They don't exercise much, or at all. They like to take a walk when their inspiration is low
Their handwriting is nice, but it can get messy when they're really inspired and just write with no breaks.
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nicherayyy · 9 months ago
Niche!! Im glad to see u back!! How are you doing?
I had this scenario in my mind about La Squadra x child reader and im sorry if my asks are too much but I love the way you write this entire concept so much, i rlly hope you don’t mind if I share some of my scenarios and thoughts.
There was this video , the closest I could find to the original (besides that annoying robotic voiceover, I apologise )
I thought it was so cute because I can only imagine this w Pros. Imagine receiving a crumb of this mans affection😭 Like ofc he tries to look professional, even at home, but for his kid?? I think he would appreciate it, especially if reader is not really the cuddly type as they get older. Maybe there will be a pat on the back or head, or a genuine smile, letting you know that even if you get older he will still love you the same. He will still fight for you, protect you and root for you- because you are his child. I like to imagine Ghiaccio too- he would try to ask what you are doing as you simply settle against him, just wanting to show some affection. he won’t complain once he realized what you were trying to do- on the inside he is like 🥺. You are his kid and he will not deny your hugs, wrapping his arms around you and leaving the laptop he previously worked on aside- even if Formaggio or Illuso come barging in, teasing him and all, he will make a note to beat them up later-but for now he will enjoy this moment between you two (Cue these two idiots wanting hugs too, but you will never catch Illuso alive saying that)
Hiii! I’m doing great, thanks for asking <3
And no, I absolutely love this type of requests, so don’t worry abt it!!
Okay so here’s the hcs
Teenage Reader hugging their Father Figure from La Squadra
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Oh yes, Risotto Nero. Stoic leader of the most feared assassin group
And a loving father
Just imagine this tall, intimidating man cuddling his child😭💔
And of course, as reader was younger, they used to cuddle all the time
Reader returned from school? Cuddles
Reader is getting ready for bed? Yeah, could someone (*cough cough* Risotto) give them a cuddle?
So yeah, reader is basically a cuddle bug
But after some years of course, cuddles became a rare occurrence
(Which Risotto was very sad about)
But he understood, maybe reader just didn’t want to, or think that cuddles are for children
So when teenage reader just crawled into Risotto’s arms just like in old times..
The man literally melted
Immediately hugged reader back
He didn’t even realise how much he missed this😭
“If I’m too heavy I can stand up”
“Please don’t”
Literally so happy
With Prosciutto it’s a bit different
Of course, even after reader got older he still gives them some pats on a head and words of encouragement
I mean, it’s his child, he loves them to death
But still, he wasn’t an affectionate type of parent
And when reader crawled into his lap he immediately got still
For a few seconds he didn’t know what to do
“Is it okay? If you don’t want to cuddle—“
“I do want to cuddle”, he hugged reader back
Okay let me tell you Pesci is so sad when reader stop wanting to cuddle
Like.. why don’t they want to cuddle?
Did he do something and now reader hates them?
Where’s his cuddly baby?😭
But he made peace with it after some time
I mean, reader is a teenager now
And I guess it’s not so cool for teenagers to hug with their dad
So when reader just randomly hugged him..
He cried
And of course hugged reader back
“Wha- why are you crying?”
“I’m just *sob* so happy”
Melone is a cuddle bug himself
Like he LOVES to cuddle
It’s his favourite way to show people that he cares for them
So when his child got older and stopped to cuddle he was really sad
He knew it was normal, reader got older and maybe they just stopped liking this type of affection
And of course he didn’t expect to get a hug from them when he was working on his laptop
The speed with which he put aside all of his tasks😭
Mf was over the moon with happiness
“You have no idea how happy I am right now”
Okay I believe Ghiaccio won’t tolerate any cuddles
Unless those cuddles are from reader
I mean they’re his child, why wouldn’t he want cuddles from them?
But of course he won’t show it
Imagine reader crawling into his arms and he’s like:
“What are you doing?”
Even is he’s just sitting on the couch with poker face, he still will hug reader back
And if someone (*cough* Formaggio *cough* Illuso) tries to tease him about it.. well Ghiaccio would handle it later
Let’s just hope this someone has enough time to stay frozen
Speaking about Illuso
I think he like cuddles
But he rarely initiates them
Of course he loves giving his child affection, only he prefers to show his love with words or gift giving
But still he would appreciate the hug from reader
“Oh so you still love your old man? How sweet of you”
The same as Melone, Formaggio is a cuddle bug
But let’s be fr, he loves all types of affections
Pats on the back, words of encouragement, you name it
He always initiates cuddles with reader
And he’s got kinda used to the fact that only he initiates them
So when reader initiated hugs first—
He immediately hugged reader back
And I mean this tight bear hug
Definitely won’t let reader go for a few minutes
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lovelykil · 2 years ago
DUDE…. Kyle and Stan reacting to there S/O asking for hand pics… (I have a rlly weird fucking hand fetish, my bad 😭)
kyle & stan x reader older ver.
hc; asking for hand pics
cw; none
note; HELPP no cs me too......... ermm anyway 😊 ⤵
omg his hands are pale, nice, and slender
Big but not too much, and they are surprisingly soft.
I say surprisingly because he plays basketball.
You'd think they're maybe rough.. they are– he just uses lotion to make his hands soft to the touch
Makes him feel better and clean
You LOVEE his hands you sometimes just admire them as he helps you with homework.
Your gaze was drawn as he moved the pencil across the paper, his hand guiding the tool. Some veins faintly appeared as he did so.
You couldn't help but imagine what he could do with them right now if he wasn't blabbering about math homework.
Alright now the GOOD STUFF
As any other person who was just asked if they can send hand pics, he is very much flabbergasted.
He was just writing an essay for his English class when he saw the text, he was so CONFUSED and concerned.
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disclaimer I didn't know what the hell to do for usernames so matching it was 🤦🏾‍♀️
He stared at his phone like
'😧' and then '🤨'
Why do you want a hand pic???
For what reason would you send that for 😭??
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He got his answer ☠️
His face IMMEDIATELY went red, setting down his phone to process this situation.
It took like 2 minutes for him to calm down before he took a breather and grabbed back his phone.
He opened his camera and set his hand on his desk, trying to figure out a good camera angle.
I don't know why but bro was stressing
But he finally got a pic he was sorta okay about 🫶🏾
His brain process during this was just all like
what the hell
No I don't like this angle, how about this way
My hand looks stupid she's gonna hate it :(
I am dating a weirdo.
Anyway he opened back your chat and sent it after a few uncertain seconds.
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okay sorry, that is literally how I see his hands
so yummy 🤤
After that text message sent, he set that phone down so fast.. and immediately went to type back on his laptop again.
He wasn't too crazy about this request though nothing would compare to when you asked for that whimper audio from him.
He still thinks about it till this day, wanting to die inside
It's okay tho cause you were happy :3
anyway on your end when you saw his notification pop up, you clicked on it FAST
thirsty ass mf
The way you grinned so hard was insane, you were kicking your feet and giggling when you clicked on the photo.
You saved it to your camera roll to add to the rest of the hand pics you secretly had of Kyle..
He doesn't know about this and never will
You went back to your messages with him and texted back
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something is purring
and it is not a cat.
He wears rings (ohohohoo)
His hands are rough and have calluses from playing his guitar.
Not too rough though just a neutral rough if that even makes sense
When you guys hang out he sometimes likes playing for you
he's a lil shy, he practices alot to play for you so he doesn't look like an idiot.
Sooo that's why his hands are so rough. But you kinda liked it anyway?
The way his chipped black nail-polished fingers strummed his guitar made your stomach do the thing.
Plus his sliver and black rings?
Oh god
It's just the way he glides his fingers tbh I swear
Like play with me like the way you play your guitar 🫤!!
Stan was laying in bed, scrolling on TikTok
The usual when he can't sleep and you were already asleep.
Well he thought you were asleep, you sent him a gn text??? But he received a text message 20 minutes later
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He's in a little blushy blushy mess now.
What will he do? Send the pic so his gf can rest peacefully? If you said yes...
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I'm jk
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Idk kinda almost chill wit it? But he definitely felt a little vomit come up in his throat from you thinking of him.
I mean he cares a little like why would you ask that 😭
But it's late so he doesn't really question it
In the pitch dark he snapped a photo of his hand, checked to see if it looked decent then sent his pic.
His rings were off in his 1 😞
but nonetheless you smiled hard, when you saw the picture
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Something about his hands screamed
LOSERR that or I just have a problem
but in a hot way ofc, he's a loser but your loser
You giggled like a whore, getting yourself comfortable on your bed.
You then replied back
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astoldbychae · 2 months ago
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G-Shade vs No G-Shade 😩
Oh. Em. Gee. YA'LL! It could be pitch black and Penny would STILL turn necks and break hearts, babyyyyyyy!
Everytime I look at her this is all I hear:
FUN FACT: Victoria Monet is Penny's Voice claim. I don't think I've ever shared that but when I revamped her a few years ago I had my glass of [insert adult beverage here] & Jaguar (the EP) on repeat and her vibe just gave me miss ma'am. Victoria is so sweet yet sexy, and sultry...mesmerizing...TALENTED! (and all that is Penny's vibe). So it was only right!
And I think our girl TJ agrees:
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😩 Now before ya'll get on my ass, YES TJ is still happily, madly in love with Deijah BUT apparently she does pop up unannounced to the clurb (not dressed for the occasion) from time to time and appreciates beauty when she sees it! 🤣 She was chatting with her at the bar (until some lady was all up in their business)...so my assumption is they know each other since they're both celebrities or whatev's. hashtag story crossover moment! 🙃Maybe TJ got a friend or teammate for our girl...anywho...
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Not sure what busted townie lady did...but Pens was PISSED! 😩
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I thought homegirl was hangry and chips would help...
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but nope! 🙄
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thiiiiisssss heffa flew in like a bat outta hell (LITERALLY) and was staring Melo DOWN. I SHOULD'VE KNOWN TJ WAS HERE WITH HER FAVE PERSON! Her and Mel are inseparable! Back in Mel's party days they used to be trouble! Would have the girlies lined up!
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Yup! Caught ya'll asses in 4K! [nothing happened but still...] LMAO
But it's the disrespect for me:
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I stopped lurking on Penny for a moment to use control this sim for Marguerite because I wanted to see what she was about to do since she was staring at Mel like that but the AUDACITY of this heffa, it's Mel's speech bubble like "Hey Marguerite" and her's calling him trash! SHE IS OVER HERE GIVING HIM THE LOOK...BUT TRYNA COVER IT UP BY CALLIN THIS MAN TRASH! GIRL! If you don't get...😩 See, this is why she can never have nice things! She self sabotages like a MF! I can't make this up! As soon as I saw their speech bubbles I flung my laptop off my bed from laughing so hard. They are truly writing their own story at this point! I'm just here.
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mothmanssweetsucculentass · 11 months ago
BEN Drowned headcanons
Finally I’m getting around to posting my current standing BEN Drowned HCs! The ask I got a couple weeks ago definitely motivated me to finish this finally lmao.
Trigger warnings for: Mentions of death, manipulation, suicide, drowning, violence, and the general mature stuff you should expect from the adult side of the Creepypasta fandom. There are NO CENSORS BEYOND THIS POINT. Read at your own risk.
ageless/has kinda always existed since the internet has been publicly accessible
It/it’s pronouns, occasionally caught using they/them and even rarer he/him
Manipulative as fuck
Malewhore mansplain manipulate
Literally makes up a huge chunk of its personality idk what to tell you
Will doxx you
No seriously if you catch its attention you’re getting stalked
Stalks potential victims through the internet
Finds potential victims on forums and the “dark web”
Often goes after people who are heavily depressed and/or suicidal
Thinks it’s funny telling people to off themselves
Like fr its favorite hobby is basically being an average redditor
Probably the WORST mf to date out of all of my interpretations of Creepypasta characters
Gives zero shits about anyone besides itself
Seriously it does not care about you Y/N RUN!!!!!
Lies lies lies omg loves lying so much
Lies to get what it wants
Master “hacker”
If it’s stalking you say goodbye to any and all digital important things you have
Say goodbye to your laptop too
And switch
And iPhone
It’s all getting bricked by BEN if it finds it funny to do so
And it probably will
You like sleep? Too bad
Woe, nightmares be upon ye
Gaslighting KING. Deletes messages between you and people in your life on purpose
Has extensive knowledge of internet culture and video games
Knows every meme ever
Has created most of the “video game” Creepypastas as their own personal “proxies”
Sonic.exe, Smile.jpeg, The Princess, etc, anything inhabiting digital media that torments people, BEN is the one behind it all
Finds friendships useless but respects Slenderman enough to continue being a proxy for it
Got bored of tormenting the other pastas pretty fast, generally avoids them unless slender tasks it with giving specific info pulled from the web to the other pastas (news articles, police reports, locations, etc)
Out of all my HC characters BEN is probably the most serious/grimdark/gritty, I prommy not all my blorbos are as mature and serious as BEN
Takes on the form of a late teenage boy’s body, waterlogged pale skin, constantly glitching and dripping water. Speaks in at least five different voices/tones at once, including robotic AI voices
Only physically manifests to scare the fuck out of people
Stans Hatsune Miku
All these HCs are for BEN! Not Ben!!!!
Because after much deliberation I have decided that yeah I kinda do want some of the old BEN middle school me liked to fuck around with. So without further ado, here’s my Ben headcanons:
Created BEN as an AI program for when he can’t be at his computer
BEN is kinda like their “avatar” for the internet
He/they pronouns
Roughly about 20 years old, give or take a few years
Died in the mid 2000s in college
Went back home one weekend to pick up some furniture and whoopsies dad sacrificed me to the cult I tried to escape from
Obviously had a not so great home life. Chose the furthest college on purpose just to get away
His father never saw him as anything more than a bargaining chip and pawn for the cult of the moon children
The sacrifice and his death were what caused the mental split between himself and the AI
One half of him remained tethered to his physical corpse, the other half manifested itself as what is now the BEN AI
He can be in two places at once technically
He’s unsure if they count as two people or one. On the one hand, BEN is a manifestation of his apathy and agony from his death and did come from his own mind. On the other hand, BEN is able to function completely independently of Ben
After years of practice and honing their technical skills, Ben was able to fine tune the BEN AI into what it is today
I mean hell, the BEN AI wasn’t always this powerful and organized. The first few years after Ben’s death, he could barely get ahold of it
Sort of??? A ghost?? Like a fusion between a ghost and zombie
Like is obviously a corpse and can kinda go in and out of corporeal and non corporeal form
Has the skin tone and feel of a freshly drowned corpse, but isn’t constantly dripping water
Eyes constantly leak and drip with blood tho. Tissues are scattered all around his room with his futile attempts to keep the blood tears at bay. Face has a “pinker” color compared to the rest of his body thanks to how many times they’ve wiped and smeared the blood around
First they take your eyes, then they carve symbols you don’t understand into your flesh, and then they drown you. Smh
They’re much more faded now, but Ben has the scars of symbols the moon children cult used during his sacrifice
Similar in behavior/personality as BEN but toned way the fuck down
Like. Still enjoys tormenting people but can (sort of) empathize
Still an asshole tho
And a pervert
And a stoner
And a gamer
He’s a discord Reddit mod irl. Scummy guy tbh
Not afraid of water, just afraid of water damage on their equipment
Lives in the mansion basement
Hasn’t seen sunlight since 2004
Introverted as fuck
Prefers to be physically manifested, leaves all the digital movement to the BEN AI but can enter technology if need be
Cheats in any and all video games you play against him in. Hacker aficionado
Y’all know those fits people used to wear in the 2010s of like, cargo shorts and legend of Zelda t shirts? Almost exclusively his fashion sense
Like yeah he does have the link getup but finds it pretty tedious to get into
Does enjoy scene fashion quite a bit tho
electronic stuff in general is his favorite shit ever
Him and the BEN AI never physically kill people, just manipulates them into offing themselves
He’s a weak motherfucker he physically cannot kill somebody
Emotionally tho he would mass murder if he could
The one thing him and Jeff can agree on
Bi, and aro. Kinda too horny and despondent to society to care for someone emotionally for more than twelve seconds
Could definitely stand to make a few friends though, and isn’t opposed to conversation if he ever leaves his gamer basement
Currently friends with EJ, Jane, Liu, Nina, and Helen
Has a tolerable relationship/mutual respect for Masky, Hoody, Jason, Puppeteer, and Slenderman
Doesn’t get along with/hates Jeff, LJ, and Clockwork
Sally sees him as an older brother figure. Unfortunately he’s a bad influence on the kid and also has no idea how to look after a child, he just kinda goes “fuck it we ball” anytime someone puts them in charge of Sally. Has taught her every swear and slur known to man. Thinks it’s hilarious to put her on the mic in gamer lobbies
“Hey dude check this out” proceeds to show you the nastiest shock video ever
Semi-fluent in Japanese despite being whiter than paper. Unsurprisingly a weeb
If he owns a body pillow he keeps it hidden with his life. They won’t be caught dead cuddling up to something like that at night
The mansion’s go to IT guy. Against his will but unfortunately if he wants to continue living in the mansion (or living in general) he has to take this role lest slenderman eviscerates him for defiance
Both him and the BEN AI have a major superiority complex, he thinks he’s way better than everyone else and is the cockiest bastard mf on the planet
Stans Hatsune Miku
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nicole-2099 · 9 months ago
•Opposites always attract•
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HH. Hyunjin xreader.
Enemies to lovers trope.(kinda..?)
[‼️WARNING‼️]: 「•Smut, fingering, teasing,unprotected s3x,•」
Ima get straight to it😭🤚 I also haven’t posted in a few months Soo I got no time to waste!!
Note; also I haven’t written in a while so if it’s a lil scrambled I’m sorry no I didn’t proof read shi I’m too lazy anyways HAVE FUN READING U MF<3
Well, let’s just say you and Hwang Hyunjin aren’t very fond of each other, he hates you for many reasons but his go to reason is the fact you and his best friend jeongin got closer, but he shouldn’t even hate you. You and jeongin have been friends for a while, plus not to long ago you moved in with jeongin and hyunjin, so you hoped hyunjin would grow out of his hater era. Wrong. Hwang Hyunjin was your biggest opp ever! He never left you alone especially when you’re busy with university and tests everyday. He always had something to say or do to make your day so much more worse, not like it’s not already.
“Ugh could this night get any worse.” You’d say combing you fingers threw your hair murmuring to yourself about how your going to fail this upcoming test, but silence never lasts long. Sure enough Hyunjin came through the door like he’s the FBI.
“Shut up I was trying to sleep but it’s hard with you fucking talking to yourself nonstop.” Hyunjin said as he walked into your room and shut your laptop and turned your light off clearly annoyed with you.
“Dude wtf is your problem, leave me alone I’m busy.” You’d say getting out of your chair pushing him away from your desk. Hyunjin glared at you with ice cold eyes, clearly mad and pissed off, he’d step closer to you his body inches away from you as he bent down to get down to your level “Idgaf what you’re doing, stop. Doing it.” He’d say as he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you onto your bed “Go to fucking sleep.” He’d say as he walked out of your room and closed your door.
You’d lay there in your bed as you thought about how your probably going to fail and be a loser, tears swelling in your eyes as you thought of all of the disappointment your family will be in when they find out your failing as a person, curling yourself into a ball your knees to your chest as you tried not making to much noise so you don’t get yelled at again.
Suddenly Hyunjin came into your room again “DIDNT I FUC-…are you crying..?” Hyunjin asked his tone instantly changing from anger to worry. You’d shake your head wiping away your tears quickly as Hyunjin walked over to your bed side and sat down next to you lifting your chin so you’re looking at him. “What the fuck are you crying over brat.” He’d say trying to still keep his cold exterior, but you knew he cared enough about you to stay in your room for more than 5 minutes. “I’m fine, I’m just tired..” you’d say as tears started to form in your eyes again. Hyunjin shook his head knowing you were lying to his face making him annoyed with you again, then he said “Stop lying to my face idiot, what’s wrong, your to tough to cry over me yelling at you so what’s up?”
He was right, you never got so upset to the point you cried when he yelled at you. “It’s nothing I, I’m just I’m stressing over the tests, and you coming up and shutting my laptop didn’t help.” You’d say your voice quivering as tears streamed down your face again, your hands shaking as you tried to calm yourself down. Hyunjin sighs before saying “Oh fuck you, I deal with 10x more stressful things and look at me, I deal with it fine.” You took in what he said for a second. Maybe, just maybe, a good fuck would help out with your terrifying thoughts. “I mean.. the fuck part might help me stop crying.” You begin saying before he quickly responds with “Alright, lay down.” You look up at him wide eyed. “Wait actually-.” Before you could finish your sentence, Hyunjin kissed you without warning, grabbing your face and pulling you into him. You’d pull away in shock as you stare at him in awe 🫢. “What?” Hyunjin said as he looked at you. “nothing I just didn’t expect- you know, for you to do that.” You said your eyes shifting to look at your hands. Hyunjin smirks at you as he lifts your chin up so your looking at him. “Don’t get all shy now, you did ask for it, love.”
You’d think about what he said for a moment, he did have a point you did ask for it. “I guess I did- but” before you could finish. Hyunjin leaned into you again pulling you in for another kiss. This time you felt your body melt into it, you don’t know why, it’s not that you don’t want it, but you’re confused on why you do. You’d pull away from the kiss for a moment before feelings his hands all over your waist, his fingers digging into your skin as he straddled your hips over his lap pressing you against him. You’d struggle for a moment letting a small moan, as his grip tightened on your waist and hips. “Hey, look at me.” He said as you looked up at him as he calmly whispered to you, “You sure..you want this..”
You’d think about it for a second, nodding in response. “Mhm...” Hyunjin gave you a small smile then he pulled you into him again, this time leaving small kisses and bite marks on your neck marking you up. With a soft moan your back arched upwards, your chest and hips pressing against his chest and hips closing the small gap between the two of you. “Hey shh, we don’t want Jeongin to hear you do we?” He’d say running his fingers down your side holding onto your hips, you’d shake your head covering your mouth with your hand praying you could mask the sound.
Hyunjin smirks as he pulls your hand away from your mouth, lifting up your chin, his hooded eyes locked onto your eyes as he kisses your lips. You pull back for a moment before just giving in and leaning into him more.
He’d pull away from you his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. “Take it easy pretty.” He said in a hushed tone.
You try to calm yourself down, trying not to seem desperate and touch starved, but is it really your fault (Yes actually it is)
Hyunjins fingers run down your side and squeeze your thigh, he looks at you with a spark in his eyes and his fingers lightly rubbing against your inner thigh, as you try to hush your moans, Hyunjin soon then looks up at you for a moment looking for a look of discomfort or dislike as he slowly pulls the hem of your shorts down and tosses them on the floor as his fingers slowly run up your thigh getting closer to your core that was practically soaked from how turned on you were.
You let out a soft sigh gripping onto the sheets as his fingers gently rub on your clothed clit, his eyes still searching your eyes for any discomfort, you’d move around a bit being the touch starved girl you are, but Hyunjin holds you down his hands keeping a firm grip on you. “now now pretty, don’t move around so much for me, yeah?” And with a hushed sigh his fingers slip under your panties and start rubbing against your desperate pussy.
You gasp your body arches upwards as your try to keep quiet as you try and hush yourself with a pillow. Hyunjin looks at your desperate attempts to keep yourself quiet with a smirk on his lips, as his finger start to slip inside you slowly, his other hand keeping your legs open.
As you felt his finger inside you, you could barely think straight, you face shoved in a pillow as you whine and whimper you sounds already begging for more.
And hyunjin notices it his fingers slowly going in deeper curling as he slowly starts to thrust them in and out of you gently, making your pussy clench tightly around his fingers as you moan and whine squirming as he holds onto you with a firm but gentle grip.
“Feel good? pretty..” He’d ask his fingers thrusting into you a bit quicker and harder.
“oh yeah you look so fucked out right now and I’m not even inside you yet..” he’d say looking down at your face, it was red and flushed as cover your mouth muffling your sounds.
“I can’t- help it..” you say your voice shaky and desperate, your grip on the sheets tightening as he sped up your head arching back your eyes shut tight your legs shaking.
“Hyunjin pleasee..” you beg desperately your voice cracking as you try not to scream out. Hyunjin looks down at you with a mischievous smirk as speeds up, but pulls out his fingers right before you almost cum. “Now now if you cum now pretty, it wont be so fun anymore will it..?” You whine and squirm around begging for some kind of release. “Noo don’t do this..me.” You groan.
Hyunjin notices how desperate your being and leans down close to your ear, “so do you not want me to fuck you.??” He says with a playful teasing tone as he starts to undo his pants, know what you want already, you look at him eyes pleading and begging as you say your voice needy. “I didn’t say that hyunjin Pleaseee!!”
Hyunjin chuckles at your cute response loving how desperate and needy you were acting just to get fucked, “I’m just messing with you pretty, you did so well keeping quiet for me so you deserve this..” and with that he pulls his pants and boxers just enough for his dick to spring up, precum dripping off the tip as starts to grind the tip just over your already soaked puffy pussy, teasing you further.
You’d look at him eyes begging for it, so he did just that slowly he’d push the tip inside slowly going a little deeper before stopping for a moment to let you adjust, and that was good cause when he went in deeper you instantly gasped your body arching as you let out a moan.
Hyunjin looks at you eyes full of need as he slowly starts to thrust in and out of you slow and gently at first but after a bit he speeds up causing you to let out a moan your body shaking.
Hyunjin looks down at you his face slightly flushed but not too noticeable, his thrusts speeding up as he speaks in a shaky breathless tone. “you look so cute right now..fuck this is why I tried my best to hate you my whole life, because I knew if I didn’t at least try I’d be in love with you..” his words ring out in your ears for a second sending a shiver down your spine, but his words quickly fade in you mind as your to busy trying to keep your mouth shut while you get your pussy fucked up.
“God you feel so good right now..” hyunjin moans his voice almost sounding desperate as he thrusts into you deeper making you cry out your legs shaking slightly. “Aww you’re close already pretty.., well thats-..fine..” hyunjin huffed his hands going to grip onto your hips as he speeds up a bit more, feeling you clenching around him tightly.
You’d squirm your legs shaking as you close to your release, also feeling him twitch inside you as his thrusts get more aggressive slamming into you.
“Fuckk your close too..” his chest heaves as he continues to thrust into you until the both of you reach your limits, you tighten around him your legs shaking as you cum, and he groans thrusting into you one last time before filling you up.
“Fuckk..” he sighs his body shaking as he pulls out of you and lays down next to you for a moment trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck I hate you..I hate you for making me love you..” he says with a sigh and he pulls you into a tight hug keeping you close while the both of you start falling asleep.
The next morning jeongin walks into your room trying to see if you’ve seen hyunjin and there he was in your bed with you sleeping, jeongin looks at the two of you blankly (in utter shock) as he walks out and shuts the door.
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skzpixie · 1 year ago
Pixie and her relationships with the guys
I.E, what makes her relationships with the men memorable
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
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Chanxie (Chan x Kai) - Mother and Father duo 
Popularity: 9/10 
Labeled as the mother and father of the group, the two are extremely close. When the two of them are paired up together, they take on caretaking roles. She makes sure Chan is eating and drinking properly, going as far as to hiding his laptop when he gets too workaholic. This led to many fights in their early years, but now when he starts overworking himself, all she needs to do is give him a look and he then takes a break. 
He introduced her to production pre-debut days. She is the only one in the group to be one of the producers that is not a part of 3racha 
He helped her discover her love of cooking, particularly Australian foods. 
When he starts getting homesick, she overnight ships ingredients to make homemade pizza or sashimi 
He makes sure she’s in bed at a reasonable time 
She is a shoulder to cry on for him and vice versa 
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Minai (Minho x Kai) - Mother and daughter 
Popularity: 8/10 
When Chan is the father, kind to Kai, Minho is the tough love. Sure, he makes sure she’s okay first if she gets hurt, but when he knows she’s okay, he roasts the hell out of her. The two have an... interesting relationship. The two could be having skin ship one second, and then wrestling the next.  
Ex. “Have you eaten yet? Did you get hurt?” “Yes, Min. No, Min.” “You’re going to be” proceeds to chase her around the kitchen, going for her sides to tickle her. 
Teases her about her height (How’s the breeze down there?) 
She was the first one to eat lunch with him at the company 
She comforted him when he got eliminated. (“So what if you got eliminated? You have a friend in me now. I refuse to leave you behind; you are my family now”) 
Gets genuinely upset when he self-deprecates. He had to stop in front of her when she started crying 
Cooking duo 
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Binxie (Changbin x Kai) - The lovebirds 
Popularity: 9.5/10 
The loudest two in the group become the quietest when the two are paired together. I mean it. Changbin can go from yelling in one second but when Kai is touching him? Sedated. They are each other's rocks, and they are never not touching each other when together. And they are always together. 
Started calling her princess during the survival show 
Always gropes his ass or tits (It's not in a sexual way, it genuinely gives her comfort) 
Each other’s biggest cheerleaders 
They always give each other praise and compliments 
Whenever she starts crying on camera (Because let's face it, she’s very emotional), he cups her face and wipes the tears away himself. There is a five-minute compilation of him doing this on YouTube of just 2023 alone 
Gym duo (They always go together. It's scary to see how much she gained muscle when she went with him) 
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Jinx (Hyunjin x Kai) - Sibling duo 
Popularity: 6/10 
The two are extremely close due to their dramatic flair. It seems like she is more dramatic than Hyunjin in some instances. She is like his big sister even though he’s older. They physically fight (Playfully, it’s all-in good fun), and she says he in her sleep paralysis demon at times. 
Was the first person she came out to 
She is helping him learn Mandarin 
Gave each other black eyes once. The makeup artists had a field day with that one 
Once, she hurt her ankle on stage by twisting it early in the performance. Hyunjin put her on his back and proceeded to finish the concert with her on his back. 
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Hanai (Jisung x Kai) - The loud introverts 
Popularity: 6/10 
What happens when you put Kai and Han in the same room? Opposite to Changbin and Kai. Loudest mfs EVER. They were forced to sit in different cars because they would scream like mfing seagulls. I mean it. 
Helps Han with his anxiety 
He helps her practice her rap 
She fuels his americano addiction 
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Yonxie (Felix x Kai) - Baking duo 
Popularity: 4/10 
Kai and Felix together can only bring chaos. The two have been in a prank war for roughly five years. She always compliments him, to follow up with a slew of dance battles. She and him do so many tik tok challenges together, that her public tik tok is filled with dances from the two. 
Tease each other on each other's accents 
Cuddles everywhere 
He is teaching her self-defense 
She helped him come up with his brownie recipe 
He is the testing dummy for all new baking creations. 
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Seungmai (Seungmin x Kai) - Puppy duo 
Popularity: 7/10 
Savages. They roast the hell out of each other. She tries to compliment him, and you know what he does? Call her a pervert. She proceeds to manhandle him, due to her being very strong, despite her small stature.  
Laughs at him at every chance she gets 
While Seungmin is the more hyperactive puppy, she is the sleepy kind 
Has a collection of images on his phone of her asleep in places she isn’t supposed to be in 
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Jeongai (Jeongin x Kai) - Platonic soulmates 
Popularity: 8/10 
Since the two are the Maknaes of the group, they are extremely close. They are attached to the hip. If Kai isn’t with Changbin, she’s with I.N. He is the person to realize her love for singing more than dance.  
The two always are seen asleep together. Where I.N goes, she goes 
Was the first person to know of her mental problems 
Extremely protective over her, more so than the other members 
The only person he allows excessive amounts of skin ship from 
They both go drinking together 
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thelovelybitten · 1 year ago
more loonatics headcanons / shenanigans...
i've been on such a binge watch of lu that I just need to post abt it okay leave me alone
BUT I'VE NOTICED THINGS !!! (this is s2 ep4) !! you kind of get an insight of what they all like to do and things they enjoy with these bedroom stills.
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obviously: likes carrots, cute lil bunny.
i couldn't zoom in enough to see what's on his monitor but you know he likes to watch shows before bed. relatable content.
the fact he's got two side tables as well gives me eating in his bed vibes but also he'd be clean abt it. i also think he'd be a big comic book reader. not sure what, but he would be. I'll let y'all decide.
speaking on that, there's a shelf with books on the far right so yeah. i think he'd also read manga bc of his anime complex. he may also keep some sort of CDs ? maybe vinyls ???
i know this man keeps katanas and a dartboard in his room.
he's a snowboarder !!!! THAT'S SO COOL. he must be a god bc this man is AGILE.
he's got a skyline view PHEWWWWW rich ass mf
also. an aquarium on his right (our left) which is so fun I wonder what kinds of marine life they'd keep!!!
I'm also not sure what the compartment behind his head is for but I think its a closed-off bookshelf or space for his knick-knacks. i also see a fireplace too but idk how logical that is lol
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NOW WHY SHE SLEEPING IN A HAMMOCK WHEN THE GIRLIE COULD HAVE A QUEEN SIZED BED ??? she's quirky like that ig. whatever makes her comfy. (I know she'd upgrade, I just know. just bc she can sleep anywhere doesn't mean she's always comfortable.)
a phone/pager by her bed is so real
she's a SKIIER AND A SURFER. WHAT CAN'T SHE DO. (seasickness who)
cabinet obvi for storage, idk why she'd have anything important in there besides old childhood items it's so high up???
lower shelves are for books and things maybe. or video games.
opposing skyline views so iconic... i know she takes mad insta pictures (or duck takes them) to get good sunset shots
i believe the items on the table are her laptop, a makeup bag andddd maybe a clutch purse? just a guess bc they're so tiny.
laptop makes sense. it'd be hard but she could still try to get an education on the side??? lots of work for a girl but she's a boss like that.
makeup for obvious reasons
clutch purse for nights out
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I remember sumth abt that cylinder thingy on the left but I can't remember what it's for yet. will update when the ep comes.
MANS IS AN INTELLECTUAL !! those are all comic books (like ace, they bond) and language workbooks.
the poster of pizza is SO REAL OF HIM
there's a teeny tiny chute beside his door and I wonder what it's for. maybe it's a scanner? idk
light above his head is also...a choice.
i'd like to think that the things at the end of his bed are air purifiers and that slam has some sort of breathing issue when he goes to sleep. maybe he grinds his jaw or is a mouth breather;;;
computer for gaming tings and other endeavours
i know this man doesn't have a WHOLE ASS DRUMSTICK IN HIS BED. but makes sense. he totally eats in bed BUT IS MESSY ABT IT. duck and lexi HATE IT IT'S NASTY HAHAH they ask him to switch his sheets and vacuum almost everyday
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but like ace, he also has a tv by his bed I know he and lexi would watch romcoms together
K-DRAMAS???? SPECIFICALLY SINGLES INFERNO (only bc s3 just came out, it's on the brain) duck just boasts abt how he's better looking than all of the other males while lexi is very much about the relationships/drama
his little peek-a-boo window behind his head is so cute :"))))
I have no god damn clue what that thing is beside him on the left but I'm sure it's important
but he wears headphones to sleep !!! must need white noise or rain to sleep
control panel for his lights and other digitally controlled shit in his room
THIS MAN HAS SO MANY MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ABOUT HIMSELF AND THE LOONATICS (but only bc he is in them, thank yew) I also think he'd carry a lot of fashion magazines too. things that are in. the second a fad ends he's done w it
I'm assuming this is an arcade game setup, but i think he'd love Mario kart :) him and tech love to battle on this but move it to the main room bc duck thinks tech is cheating bc "the screen is two small".
i know this man would sleep with mf silk sheets and a fleece comforter he's a bougie bitch
computer for obvious reasons
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i had to include all four shots bc he is a sleepwalker/runner LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS ;U;
it looks like he sleeps in a casket-like bed (hence, the lid is open top centre) I believe he only has this open when he's awake so idk who forgot to close it. it needs to be closed so that when rev does actually get up and sleepwalks, he's contained. the last thing the loonatics want to wake up to is the house completely trashed bc rev had a dream he was running from something. so casket bed it was.
that's also why. he doesn't sleep with sheets. if he trips and falls oh lord. therefore he wears super warm pjs in the winter to not freeze to death
he's got a ton of books, rightfully so, I think he and tech would share this bookcase because it would have different manuals, blueprints and miscellaneous mechanical guides. robot guides. that too. i also think rev would be that person who re-reads his childhood books over and over again and not get sick of them ever
there is also a treadmill in this room I just know it
a tv as well. idk where, but I hc it's there.
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thanks for giving me nothing to work with here
I kind looked forward into the ep and there's a smidge of the bedroom in a frame but idk what the other shit could be
but I know his room is very clean. it's SPOTLESS. everything is organized and well put together.
I'm going to ignore the fact he suckles his thumb bc this man is 24 years old BYE
there's a whole bunch of ai robots in there to do anything he wants.
he is also the other loonatic who has their own bathroom. he only got it bc he won the straw draw. well, ace won technically, but gave it to tech bc he was the oldest and would keep it in the best shape. duck still hasn't forgiven him for it.
he shares it with lexi since she's the only lady in the house :) ain't no way she shares with the boys.
the others share the other bathroom. one more gets installed later but the other four are SOL
tech also has a nice walk-in closet
he needs to take melatonin b4 bed bc this man is noctournal
has drones scattered on shelves, ones he's built and ones he's collected from professors and other inventors
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ohmaerieme · 1 year ago
louie and alph are both ace, neither has actually come out to the other they dont even talk about it they just dont think abt that side of relationships or have any desire to it at all. like they just forget it exists do u get me
like many(?) loualph shippers i also believe they became friends and then grew feelings because alph pulled all nighters to work on the ship/take notes etc. and louie was the only other person awake to talk to.
^^ alph talks about his family and how he got into engineering etc and louie just kind of listens. he chimes in with a word or two now and then when something catches him. and alph is always surprised by it too he pauses for a second to look at him like 😯 and then continues talking
louie talks about his family too. kind of. more like vague comments or admitting he misses his nana .AND HE TALKS ABT COOKING TOO!! and his cooking show dream!! he doesnt ramble like alph does, mainly just speaks in a sentence or two every hour or so
louies feelings go from 'man this guys kinda annoying -> well its nice to have company i guess. i have nothing else to do -> i dont want to leave him alone ever'
alphs feelings go from 'this guys really strange but its some kind of company at least -> hes a really good listener wow. yknow what hes kinda interesting too -> hes kinda like my opposite and i cannot ever imagine not talking to him again'
alph tried making a love poem once and louie was just confused reading it HIS ASS DID NOT UNDERSTAND. alph was so embarrassed he never ever tried again. louie still thinks about it wondering wtf it was supposed to be about he does NOT understand poetry at all
louie gets overstimulated by touch easy and alph gets very flustered by any romantic gesture. together they make the ultimate autism 'our love language is quality time' couple.
louie also actually has gift giving as a love language too. hes kinda bummed when he learns koppaites can only eat fruit but he tries very hard to make fancy fruit plates for alph when they havent had time to talk in a while
unrelated to loualph but very important. he can in fact escape the restraints but he likes the tight pressure from them (sensory seeking mf)
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crowleywowley · 1 year ago
hai….i’m back….here to give more modern (plus some general) hcs!! :3
⭑i like to think of john and abi as highschool sweethearts :) But they were pretty on and off, so everyone was surprised when they made it to senior prom (john wore those tuxedo t-shirts)and eventually graduation! they got pregnant with jack a few months after graduating
⭑when it’s time for spring cleaning, DUTCH IS THE LOUDEST MF IN THE HOUSE. he’s blasting the 70s music, waking up everyone in the house very loudly announcing that it’s spring cleaning day…poor hosea, john, and arthur
⭑i like to think charles makes these super pretty bracelets and sells them online :3 some of the gang members got some! they’re very meticulously crafted and he takes pride in his art!
⭑Karen is def a crazy cat lady. She has FOUR OF THEM!!! She’d give three of the cats really pretty names but let Sean name her most recent one…in which he named the poor cat “napkin” 💀
⭑Dutch and Hosea have an unreal amount of hawaiian pattern shirts..it’s crazy. hosea wears them in the spring and summer but dutch wears them year round
⭑For some reason, it’s tradition on Arthur’s birthday to go to Texas Roadhouse (I know he’d FUCK UP that bread they give as appetizers). He usually has his family, an s/o, and a couple friends there :)
⭑Speaking of fucking up rolls…I think Artie in general would just have a guilty soft spot to sweets. His s/o would come back with those rolls or just any pastry or candy and arthur will feel so special and spoiled! He’ll also do the same thing for them in return :) (Or just any kinda fave food they like)
⭑Lenny was a SUPER smart kid in school. I like to think in the modern au he just graduated outta highschool, but he got all of these scholarships and awards for being such a smart kid. He’d def major in some sort of writing or literacy thing in college
⭑Sadie can and will destroy anyone at those bull riding things at restaurants. she’s got a plaque of her name on it at a restaurant she won at!
⭑This is more of a general one, but seeing Arthur and John compared to eachother is so funny…Arthur is like this big bear while John is skinny and dorito shaped
⭑It’s also funny seeing the heights of the vandermatthews (name still in progress) family. From shortest to tallest it goes Dutch (5’8”…short dutch all the way), Hosea (5’10”), John (5’11”), and Arthur (6’2”)
⭑One time John borrowed Dutch’s laptop and clicked on a weird website, giving the laptop a virus. John was grounded for a few days and Arthur didn’t stop teasing him about it
OKAY!!! that’s all i have rn ^^ i think i might be saying too many hcs but i love making them…they’re too fun!! (sorry for showing my arthur favoritism again sighhhh 😭😭)
So sorry it took me several days to get to this, real life has had me busy 😔 but I’m here now and EEEEEEEE so fun and silly!!!!
-I’ve also always seen John and Abi as a high school sweethearts type of thing, I think they broke up and got back together so many times in that immature high school way until like senior year when they just stayed together
-Dutch is that one vine where the guy was dancing to Morning Train by Sheena Easton
-crying real tears rn imagining Charles crafting stuff for his pals🥹🥹🥹🥹 I could see him eventually getting into bigger crafts too
-Listen I’m gonna defend Sean bc I just KNOW that napkin the cat fits her namesake so well. It’s one of those skrunkly white kittens
-Arthur having a sweet tooth is canon in my heart sorry ladies, I think he’d enjoy baking goodies for his friends/partners bc he’s suchhhhh an acts of service/gift giver love language kinda guy
-I think Lenny was just one of those kids in high school that everyone loved. He was nice to everyone and genuinely really smart, sorry haters but he definitely got voted prom king or something. As he should!!!!!!
-Sadie drives a cool truck but not in a douchebag way, like that woman is hauling shit AROUND!!!!!!!!
These are all so fun and so silly! It’s been a rough week so I genuinely enjoyed getting to read these :) yall please never hesitate to blow up my inbox with thoughts like these!!
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georgegraphys · 6 months ago
Some of you got to stop overcriticizing, overreacting, and thinking negatively after G's slight setbacks.
Take a look at your own life and see how many setbacks there are from the moment you were born. See how everything went alright in the end? Yep.
Like come on. Some of you act like helicopter parents worrying about how one single 75 in a test would affect their kid's life. He's an adult. He can think for himself. Just support him and stop overreacting/overspeculating/thinking negatively. Just GENUINELY SUPPORT him. I PROMISE IT IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.
"Oh but his career trajectory is the same as-" 8 billion fucking people in this world. No one is the same. You're saying he'll flee from Mercedes the moment Max goes to Mercedes? That mf said himself THIS YEAR in MONACO that he's willing to move to Red Bull if he got the chance for WDC and to prove himself against Max.
It pisses me off how some of you act like he's this stupid baby.
Yes. Mercedes can be a bit shady (slightly manipulative and unfair) in their contract dealings but don't act like George is mentally, emotionally, and physically incapable of negotiating contracts himself. Shit happens when he's 16/17/18. But he's now fucking 26. He is capable of negotiating raises in his salary as well as performance bonuses, sponsorships, and other deals with Mercedes than you think. That man has connections with the prince of Bahrain, CEOs, executives around the world, etc. If he manages to do all that, he is a VERY intelligent person and he does not need your or my concern. Man is LITERALLY one of the highest earning athletes. Jude Bellingham and Erling Haaland? His salary is just 1-2 million off them. He makes $750,000 per race. To get to the point what did you need? Intelligence and negotiation skills. He is VERY SMART.
Everything is going to be alright. He is smart. He has the connection. He is going to survive. He knows how to negotiate and make things favorable to him. He is THAT guy. If he survived that shady ass management between his own management to mercedes management at a very young age, he's gonna survive storms and hurricanes.
All we need to do is sit down and support him. That's it. Stop nitpicking on his career and overexaggerating/overcriticizing/prophesizing things about it. He DOES NOT need any of us backseating his career.
And also. Stop worrying about his fucking skills. How many fucking times does he need to show you that he GOT IT? We are not in a position to have a RB19 ass car. Just like how you easily fuck up and make mistakes when you have ass phone or laptop to do work, he has an ass car and of course he's going to fuck up more than the guys in a fucking NASA rocketship because he had to control the car aside of just racing. Fuck off and stop doubting his skills.
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yae-energy · 1 year ago
╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ christmas time is here !! ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : what gets these jjk character’s into the christmas spirit ??
✧˖° cast and crew : megumi fushiguro, yuji itadori, nobara kugisaki
.ᐟ content warnings : fluffy nonsense, a tiny manga spoiler (tsumiki), one mention of gojo, not proofread (sorry not sorry <3)
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : this is my christmas gift to the masses !!! i love yall, mwah mwah
megumi <3 : hot chocolate !!
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megumi doesn’t really care for christmas (or really any holiday for that matter.) it’s not because he hates it or anything. but he’s just kinda… y’know? he’s just very indifferent about it, and it’s really because:
a.) he’s never really had anyone to celebrate with.
sure, he has gojo and they get each other presents, but it’s moreso just a one and done deal. gojo is usually out doing…whatever so there’s not really much time for more than a quick “merry christmas, here’s your gift, i love you”
(the “i love you” is def more on gojo’s end but he nods in reciprocation)
b.) he doesn’t find much exciting about it.
he used to celebrate with tsumiki but… that stopped a long while ago due to unforeseen circumstances.
however, no matter how indifferent and blasé he may feel about the holidays. megumi fushiguro cannot (and will not.) deny a nice, warm, cup of hot cocoa ! he just can’t do it.
plus, now that he actually has people to celebrate the holidays with when gojo isn’t around, maybe there’s something to look forward to after all.
yuji <3 : christmas movies (hallmark and all)
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this mf LOVESSSSS christmas i tell you. and i mean, LOVESSSSSS the shit. there is no bigger fan than yuji itadori i can assure you that. so, what better way is there to get in the christmas spirit than with a christmas movie???
he loves the real cheesy tropey ones where the mc has to find “the true meaning of christmas” he can’t get enough of it !! mf eats that shit up every. single. time. without fail.
what can he say??? there’s nothing more christmas than…well… a christmas movie? bro is lwk a movie buff so he’s more than likely seen every single christmas movie at least twice. every day of december, he gets megumi and nobara to sit down and watch the movies with him and they have so much fun :(
- yuji provides the movies (of course.) it’s usually a hallmark movie cause he swears they’re a staple of the holidays. they’re never good though, (cause it’s hallmark.) but he thinks they’re classics nonetheless
- nobara provides the blankets and pillows for maximum warmth and comfort. (she even sets up her laptop and has like, a stock video of a fire place for ambiance.)
- megumi provides the snacks and drinks !!! both nobara and yuji can agree that megumi makes the best hot chocolate. (“there’s a science to it” as megumi often says.) and, he gets all their fave snacks as well.
they all have a shit ton of fun, more memories for yuji to cherish <3
nobara <3 : christmas sweaterssss (and accessories)
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despite being the fashionable fashionista she is, nobara loves an ugly christmas sweater. NOTHING BEATS IT LIKEEE ??? idk, it’s just such a christmasy thing?? y’know?? it’s almost mandatory to have one.
her first christmas with megumi and yuji, she got them all matching christmas sweaters for yuji’s “12 days of movies” marathon (it exceeded past 12 days but whatever.)
and when i tell you miss ma’am went SHOPPING??? oh girl she went SHOPPING SHOPPING. blankets, pillows, sweaters, headbands, etc. (and gojo happily funded her excursion too.)
just something about christmas makes her all giddy and excited, she needs to have every piece of clothing imaginable. and for every day of the movie night she brings a new sweater and headband for them to wear so they can embody the christmas spirit !!!
she gets those reallll big and fluffy blankets too so you know it’s all cozy and shit. by the end of the movie they’re all passed tf outttttt, they be waking up with those lines on their faces and everythinggg. them naps had them wondering what day and time it was 😭
she gets them all ugly sweaters for the true christmas feel, and she take a picture of all of them all decked out in their christmas-wear.
there’s never really a moment where nobara would willingly be caught ugly in something like that, but she makes ONE exception to cherish the memories.
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @zairene @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @nudystar @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : it’s been so long since i posted omg 😭😭😭 i wanted to do smth for christmas though to make up for halloween. (mb y’all… 😬)
also, take a shot everytime i say “christmas” or “holiday’s” 💀 def doing one for the second years though !!!!!
anyhow, stay safe, drink water. “stay supa freaky ! have great vagina ! i love yaaaa 😝”
- xoxo, yves
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h8ani · 2 years ago
Naruto Reaction to you kissing one of their friends
A/N - hello! I just recently got my account taken off of explicit so I will be posting more! I was recently an only kpop reaction/writing blog which I’ll still write for them but I will be writing for different animes as well. So I’m going to start off with reactions for right now since I no longer have my laptop. I hope everyone enjoys this and feel free to request other reaction posts from me!
Reaction includes - Konoha 12 boys + Sai & Gaara
Naruto: Seeing you kiss him was something that easily changed his mood. Seeing you so close to his friend, it made his insides turn. He didn’t know why he felt like this, maybe it’s jealousy, maybe it’s the fact he wants to be the one kissing you instead of Gaara, but something in Naruto makes him avoid you from here on out. No more smiles at you when he passes you by in the village, no more inviting you out to eat whenever you got back from a mission, all he’ll give you is a cold shoulder because brushing you off and not seeing you is better than seeing you with his friend.
Sasuke: He scoffs out loud, he couldn’t help it, it might’ve slipped out and was a bit louder than he meant to but he still felt the same about it. You turn around facing away from Neji and raise an eyebrow at Sasuke.
“You don’t think anything will come from this do you?” Sasuke speaks before you can even question him. Your features soften after realizing what he’s said.
“Don’t be stupid, love never works out for a shinobi, let alone when it’s between two of them. You’ll become distracted or dead.” His voice is harsh and his eyes are staring at you making you cower down. He huffs out a breath and walks past you and Neji who has stayed silent to this all. His words were harsh but he could never admit how he was feeling the moment he saw you kissing someone else.
Sai: Its easy not to show any emotion for him. No one ever knows what he’s thinking but that’s for the best, because seeing you and Kiba together did something to him that even Sai himself doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand it, no, he can’t believe it. He can’t believe why you would want to kiss Kiba, you’ve never hinted at anything romantic towards him, you’ve always acted the same so why were you and Kiba kissing so casually as if it were normal? Sai’s mind was malfunctioning while he still had the same indifferent look on his face. Only he would deal with the thoughts that would fill his mind up, no one would ever know.
Shikamaru: Shikamaru never cared about much. He never cared about the useless relationships around the village because all that led to was drama and that was another headache he didn’t care to have. That was, until he saw you walking around with Lee. You were walking around with Rock mf Lee and Shikamaru couldn’t help but stop to watch you two. Nothing out of the ordinary until he sees you raise up on your tippy toes to quickly kiss Lee. Like some grade school kids you quickly walk the other direction while Lee sprints away with almost a gust of smoke following his heels. You not paying attention you run straight into Shikamaru.
“Oh! Sorry!” You look up and Shikamaru sees your cheeks are flushed and somehow he couldn’t help but find that annoying.
“So you and Lee? Really?” He looks down at you as you crane your neck up to meet his eyes. “You do know you could do better right?”
You look at him surprised. “What? Why would you-”
“I’m not bashing him, I’m just saying that I would be better.” He shrugs and walks off leaving you completely shocked in his response.
Choji: His mood would immediately change and it’s even worse because Choji wouldn’t be able to hide what was wrong to anyone. Just assume everyone around him could see a giant storm cloud following him around because that’s how obvious he would be. Right away, and I mean riiight away Ino, Shikamaru, and even random villagers would notice Choji’s change in demeanor. It’s not like he hated Sai, he just doesn’t understand why you of all people would like him. Sai was so out there, doesn’t seem to show any like or dislike towards anything or anyone other than his drawings he’d do. Then there was you, someone completely different and someone Choji really liked. Poor boy would be so sad for days on end.
Kiba: He stopped in his tracks once he saw his teammate kissing someone, he was more nosy than anything but once he saw who Shino was kissing Kiba just wished that he kept on walking. You looked behind his teammate and smiled at Kiba.
“Hi Kiba.” Your smile meets your eyes and Shino turns to nod at his friend. “What’re you doing?” You ask.
“Oh um…” he scratches the back of his head thinking. “I was going to get something to eat, did you guys-”
“Ooo! Let’s all get something to eat together!” You say excitedly while grabbing Shino’s hand. Shino just mumbles a ‘sure’ and you all make your way down.
Kiba smiles and walks beside you. The stinging in his chest still there but at the end of the day he can’t be selfish, he won’t be selfish, not when it comes to you and your happiness.
Shino: He never cared about you, you were just a simple shinobi who got brought along a few missions. He didn’t care about how happy you got once you perfected your jutsus’. He didn’t care about your life secrets whenever you let something slip about your past and the look on your face when you’d realize you said too much. He certainly didn’t care if you made it back alive from any solo missions and if you were a few days late from them either. At least, that’s what he’s going to say to himself whenever he sees you kissing Shikamaru goodbye every time you leave for your missions. Yeah, Shino totally doesn’t care about you at all.
Neji: He’s trying, he really is trying to think positively and for the best, but something about seeing you, the always cheerful and kind hearted girl with the likes of him, it just doesn’t sit well with Neji. He doesn’t know why or what caused you to be with Sasuke but Neji at the very least is trying to be happy for you. If you’re happy and being treated right by the sole Uchiha in the village Neji can at least make peace with that. At least that’s what he’s trying to convince himself ever since he saw you two together.
Rock Lee: It was out of the ordinary for him to feel this way, he would never say anything bad about his comrade, no never. He’d never say anything about you either, but his tongue moved faster than his brain could stop him and seeing your pained expression and the look his friend is giving him made Lee instantly regret the words that left his mouth.
“Wh-What did you just say?” You stumble on your words while Choji just sighs. You were always too nice, too forgiving. Lee didn’t deserve it, he knows that, Choji knows that, but you still didn’t.
Lee just shakes his head, mumbling an apology while walking away.
Gaara: He couldn’t help but frown, his face changing as he saw you and Naruto kissing, he wasn’t jealous, no he could never be jealous of his closest friend. He was happy for Naruto, but his emotions for himself were present and anyone could see it. He walks away and makes the long journey back to the Suna suddenly abandoning whatever reason he came to the leaf village in the first place
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fushitoru · 5 months ago
aashiii bb i just started your bridgerton gojo fic n i’m so in love w it already please!! your writing is PHENOMENAL, the dialogue is so picturesque for bridgerton like you could fr write the screenplay for the show (honestly…pls do bc s3 was such a disappointment to me lolol you would absolutely eat down and save the whole franchise)
i love how adorable yuuji is, i adore protective older brother choso, the moment with reader n her mom at the debutante show was so sweet too. i also love reader’s personality?? she already feels so warm n sweet n kinda sassy n idk i just adore her is2g if duke gojo does anything to hurt her im grabbing my baseball bat 😂😂🙄
anyways i srs can’t gush enough about your writing it’s so great. it is NOT easy to write…i guess old english? idk what the language is specifically but yea like it’s one thing to write in old english, but all the little details you weave into conversation and exposition so naturally really makes the world feel so full and truly set in that period time place. tiny things like that i think what makes a story so memorable for me n i just wanted to highly commend you for that, as it really feels like i’m getting a sneak peak into what you’re picturing when you write
ok but duke gojo?……..ok listennn i know he’s antagonistic rn but 😫😫 i would let him ruin tf outta me. feminism didnt exist back then okay cut me some mf slack 😒😪 no but in seriousness i adored the scene where he shoo’d naoya away, and like all his convictions ab marriage, and the scene where he interrogated reader on the dancefloor. he’s characterized so well and i love how build his uhh lack of better term aura? xd
this part in the ch1 had me CACKLING so hard for some reason it was so funny the whore part LOL
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like ugh they have SO much chemistry…like again it’s so hard to build chemistry like this so naturally so i really applaud you you’re so talented
i’m yapping im srry!! it’s actually past my bedtime 😂😂 (11:37pm here but i’m an old lady) n i’ve got one eye out for selener rn but ugh just one last thing ilove how theres like lil components from daphne’s szn and anthony’s szns ITS SO ahsgdfs i love gojo and i love s1-2 bridgerton so tysm for sharing this fic!! i cant wait to read more soon n catch up w the series. much love!
AHHHH ELLIE THE AMT OF SEROTONIN THIS GAVE ME >>> u are so sweet for this <3
ahaha reader is totally that bitch (regency era version). i lowk try really hard to make reader have personality and stay in character so im glad you got that impression 🙇‍♀️
AHHH and im so glad the old English doesn’t come off as corny LMAO. whenever i open my laptop chrome always suggests opening thesaurus and the regency era publications i reference when im writing. it is such a bitch to decipher and be able to replicate it so i am very honored that you complimented it :’)
CRYING so real! feminism drops alongside my panties whenever gojo breathes xoxo
reader called him a whore because that’s what he is. i think if I didn’t throw in sassy insults that a lady from the regency era would never use I think I would kms because sometimes you can’t express dislike for someone in a very demure very considerate way. if gojo gets called the antirizzler in a future chapter now we know why
AND AH! you are exactly right because there were things I loved about daphne as a character and things I loved about kate, so I feel like reader is a mix of them both. I think everyone universally acknowledges that gojo and anthony are both losersTM so that part was decided naturally.
ty for being so sweet!!! it means a lot 🙂‍↕️
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eonars · 5 months ago
Got unghosted lmao and we were meant to hang out Friday as in tomorrow but due to last minute schedule changes on Monday afternoon as I was stood in the station waiting for my train home looking like a fucking BUM he was like you free tonight? So I was like you know what yeah I am I just need to leave my laptop bag at home (code for need to un bum something severe) and he was like cool I can be in the city at 6? And my train gets in at 5:20 lmao so I was like amazing yeah! :') and utterly booked it from the train station to mine in record time, emptied half a can of dry shampoo in my hair, washed my pits in the sink and changed into a less amorphous outfit to then run out and go down the street to a bar we went to last time as well. Chitchat goes well at the bar and then he's like you know I'm so bummed we didn't finish that fish documentary last time I was super invested in it and I remember where we left off and I was like JEWELS OF THE RIFT??? WHO THE FUCK (except me) CARES THIS MUCH ABOUT JEWELS OF THE RIFT but we decided to get some cans from the grocery and head back to mine to finish up this cutting edge cichlid documentary from the 80s and like canoodling and then that ended so we put on a documentary about north atlantic cetaceans and canoodled further and 😳 but since EYEEEE don't have any protection on hand due to not even being home for a week straight for the last two months and he didn't have any we hit an impasse and he was like ok np, next time (so there is a next time 🤨) and after a bit of that (and a bit of me just lying facedown on his shoulder cause I'd been up since 6am) he was like I need to run for the train. So like okay we hug properly and he heads out and texts me that he's successfully on the train, I text back saying I'm just waiting on my hair to dry and then I'm off to bed, gets left on read. The next day (tuesday) I'm at an all day laser microscopy seminar that I told him about and he'd asked me some questions about so I texted him a thing about it and got left on read basically immediately. And now it's Thursday and that's where we're at 🫠 chat am I getting played or am I actually the chess master making it so this mf can never walk into an aquarium without getting outrageously bricked up ever again
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