diari0deglierrori · 7 months
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humenkuube · 1 year
i wish showering wasnt such a difficult task as an autistic person i hate ittt its so embarrassing but thinking about showering fills me with so much dread even though i like feeling clean after its not enough to motivate me. and the worsr part is that theres literally nothing to do about it except get over it
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eqnoiaa · 5 months
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sunscreen. ੈ✩‧₊˚
a/n: this was lowk rusheddd dont pay any mind to the mistakes !!
warnings: slight smut?? sexual depictions, light swearing maybe
"hey jayj, can you rub some sunscreen on my back? i cant reach.." you say whine as you pick up the open sunscreen bottle on the table next to you, the dry pieces falling into the cracks of the dock and into the merky water below.
jj turns to look at you smiling, taking the sticky sunscreen bottle from you. "of course, looks like you depend on me for everything, huh?" he smirks into the end of his sentence, moving closer to you with every word.
you scoff at the cockiness hes displaying, twisting your body so he could reach your lower back where the sunscreen needed to be applied
he was loving this right now, and you could tell by the way he was beaming with glory once he realized what was happening.
you spin around and your eyes lock with his as hes about to begin the application,"jj. be serious, its just sunscreen"
he scoffs. apalled you would even think of him as unserious, i mean, when has he ever displayed immaturity?
"me? unserious? sweetheart you must be mistaken." jj shook his head as he squeezed the bottle and swiped some cream on his two fingers. you have got to admit, his hands that have been working all day, the rings that had the reflection of the sun on it, and the nickname that had fallen off the tip of his tongue were doing things to you. you werent sure if you liked it or not.
"eyes up here, pretty"
he mumbled as he begins to rub the subscreen into your back. his calloused fingers sending shivers down your spine as you held back a low groan in pleasure.
"wheres kie when you need her, am i right?" jj chuckles behind you nervously, continuing to work his magical hands into you. you just laugh in agreement, still trying to hold back sounds threatening to spill any moment
jj moves into the sides of your stomach and hit a tender spot, allowing an errupt moan to fall
"ohh shitt.."
jj smiles and flips your hair over your shoulder to the front, moving his way up your back. "might have to get you to pay me for this since 'm doing so well.." he gloats, shifting his body closer to yours
you throw your head back a little to respond to him. but it hits his shoulder. now realizing how close the two of you were, you begin to feel a redness creep upon your tan cheeks.
"do you know how you could pay me, darlin'?"
he spoke in an almost whisper, still keeping his seductice husky tone that always manages to do something to you. you dont know what to say to him right now.
your hair blows into your face, almost sticking immediately due to the humidity in the outerbanks right now. he pulls away the few strands that got caught, and pulls you closer by his chest.
you wince at the coldness of more sunscreen being rubbed into your shoulders, almost shutting your eyes completely out of pleasure.
jj makes his hands down to the front of your body, inching closer and closer to the waistline of your american apparel underwear.
" 'this okay?" he mumbles against your neck, planting wet messy love bites all over it. marking what was his.
you almost forget how to speak, realizing what was happening. you wanted to push him away because you knew it was wrong, but your body needed him.
so bad.
with your permission he dips his hand fully into your navy blue panties, his thumb brushing across your sensitive clit, making you whimper
all of this, so unexpected, the idea of someone catching you guys on the dock of your bestfriends house made this all so much better, the riskiness of it all turned you on. it turned both of you on.
"what do you want me to do you to, darlin?" jj whispers under his breath, teasing your entrance, waiting for a response. when he doesnt get one, he dips his finger almost in your now soaking pussy.
"everything, anythin' jj, just please do something."
the freudian slip gave him the reassurance he was waiting for, he wasted no time in allowing your walls to surround his fingers. his cold rings inside of you.
a/n: part twooo.??? lmk !!
jj maybank, your bestfriend, has 2 fingers inside of you right now, and youre loving it.
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xaeoism · 1 year
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Muichiro helps you with small tasks when you're injured
"Done. Just remember not to do anything vigorous that may reopen the wound again", Shinobu said whilst finishing up on the bandaging of your hand. You looked at the clean new bandages that were neatly wrapped across your right hand and recalled the incident that had caused it to get injured in the first place - your sword broke in the middle of a fight with a demon and with no other weapons left to block its next attack, you put your hand in front of you and the demon's fangs sank straight through your flesh.
Great. Due to this injury, not only are you not able to train properly for a little more than a week but it would also hinder with your lifestyle and make simple tasks just so much more difficult than it should have been.
As you stepped into you and muichiro's shared estate you wondered if he was around to help you with some menial tasks but seeing as to how quiet the place was you assumed that he was out on another mission and decided to take a bath before making dinner for the two of you.
You stepped out of the shower feeling even more tired than you were when you went in due to the inability of your right hand. You then walked over to your dressing table and picked up the blow dryer to try and dry your hair before your shirt got drenched by it. As you turned the power for the dryer on, the dryer was gently taken from your hand.
Gentle teal eyes gazed into yours through the mirror as muichiro gathered some of your hair and started to help you blow them dry.
"I'll help you with that", he said, a small smile adorning his face.
"Ah muichiro you don't have to.."
"I want to.", he said firmly, locking eyes with you before his attention went back to your hair. You felt your cheeks starting to heat up as you stared at him combing through your hair with such gentility as though if he put too much pressure you'll break.
He noticed your staring but made no comments on it. He was too focused on the fragrance that your shampoo had left on your hair. After a few minutes, he combed through your hair for another time to make sure that your hair was no longer wet before placing the dryer on the table and turning the power off.
"Hey, I'm done", he said placing his hands on your shoulders.
This caused you to snap out of your daze; how long have you been staring?
"Thanks mui I really appreciate it", you replied, grabbing a rubber band before turning to him and flashing him a smile that made him feel warm inside. He looked at the band in your hand and took it from your hand again.
"Mui you have to stop doing that, and anyways I am more than capable of tying my hair up by myself. Its not even going to put any stress on my hand.", you groaned as you got up and tried to snatch the band back from his hand
"You are injured and I want you to get better as quickly as possible. So until then, I will help you with these small tasks whether you like it or not."
You sighed knowing there was no changing his mind due to how stubborn he was and sat back down.
"Do you even know how to tie another person's hair?", you questioned, trying to remember any instances where you have seen muichiro holding or using a hairband.
"I have not used one before.. but it cant be too hard"
He collected all your hair and bundled it together before using the band to hold it in place. You watched in amusement as his brows furrowed in concentration.
"Slaying demons are easier than this.. ", he mumbled to himself.
After he was done, you looked at your bun. Although it was very messy and had untied hair strewn about everywhere, the effort that he put in was evident and that made your heart flutter.
"Thank you mui. I'll cook dinner now to thank you for all the hard work you have done today hm?", you said while giving him a kiss on his cheek before dragging him out of the room towards the dining area. However he continued to follow you into the kitchen.
"I want to hel- "
"No mui. You have done more than enough for me today and I want to make this dinner to thank you for everything", you interrupted trying to make your stand clear by raising your tone.
"I must be a demon if I let the one I love do something like this by themself when they are injured, so no, we will make this dinner together", muichiro said gently grasping your hands while looking at you with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. You couldn't find it in yourself to say no once more and sighed.
"Okay, let's start before you get your next mission"
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fatuismooches · 2 years
With the release of Scara's drip marketing, I cant help but imagine him just wandering Teyvat and keeping his lover's letter with him. When he found it, the ending implied that he wanted to ascend to godhood so he can forsake his mortal emotions. However, after it didnt work out as he hoped and he gains an anemo vision, I wonder how he would feel about it all now? You also implied reincarnation au so what if after decades of wandering, the star-crossed lovers finally meet again??
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Related to this piece and this piece…
Scaramouche fidgets with his Anemo vision more often than not, placed over his heart, a reminder of something that was finally his. More importantly, your final letter is kept carefully tucked underneath the vision as well. Sometimes, during the night he carefully reopens the letter to read it, the fold marks deeply imprinted at this point, yet there is no other damage to it. It seems that the letter has been painstakingly taken care of. 
He thinks back to how he tried to erase his past, to erase you. He was foolish to do so (something the God of Dendro reaffirmed) but the pain of your early departure threw all reason out the window.  You deserve an apology, he thinks. But you were no longer here for him to do so, something that he is all too aware of, as the nightmares still cut him open some days.
(But, while Scaramouche was under Nahida's care, she blessed him with sweet dreams whenever he had nightmares. She did not know who or what he dreamed of, but she assumed it must be someone he holds very dear, from the fact his face became peaceful in an instant.)
Often times he also wonders how you’d react to his Anemo vision. It would be so much easier for you to travel - he would just hold you and control the wind to levitate. Scaramouche imagines the wind blowing your hair all crazily as you gasp down at how high the two of you were up. He would summon a gust of air to throw all of your wet clothes into the air to dry and then make you beg for him to release them. He would-
He quickly sat up and began to get ready for the day again. Going down that path of longing again wasn’t going to be any good for him. He had been wandering Teyvat for decades, experiencing what every nation had to offer, indulging in his freedom. The traveler had been long gone from this world, so he did not have many close connections anymore.
Though, as much as he hated to admit it, the Dendro Archon had become… somewhat of a familial figure to him. So when she sent him a letter, beckoning him to come back to Sumeru for a visit, he was inclined to listen. What’s more, he was intrigued by the last sentence - ‘There’s someone here I think you’d want to meet.’
Port Ormos was still lively, the hustle and bustle had become somewhat comforting to him. He walked through the city, drinking in the familiar scent of delicious cuisine, and the rhythmic footsteps of dancers and singers. Scaramouche made his way to where Nahida was, more interested than ever to see what she wanted.
“Oh, I see you made it, Wanderer!” Her soft and welcoming voice did not change even after all the years. “How has your travel been? Eye-opening, I hope?”
The two chatted for a bit before Nahida smiled at him. “The person I told you about is about to come. But, you have to promise me you won’t do anything rash, okay?”
Scaramouche looked at her with a mixture of confusion and suspicion but agreed nonetheless. A soft knock on the door drew his attention. But what made him become still was the familiar voice that resonated from beyond the door.
No. No. It couldn’t be. Nahida glanced at him. “Come in!”
And there you were. The same curl of your lips when you were smiling nervously, the habit of yours to flip your eyes to his face and then the floor.
“Um… hello there. Lesser Lord Kusanali has informed me that you’ll be my partner for the daycare that’s recently been built. I hope we can get to know each other better!”
For the first time in archons knows when the surprise he felt was hard to shake. His chest started to pulse as emotion twisted up inside of him.
“Ah, sorry about that. He’s just a little out of it today. Could you wait outside for a bit? He’ll come to meet you there.”
“O-oh. Of course, Lesser Lord Kusanali,” you nodded your head and quickly scurried out of the room.
“That… that was, they’re really… back. They’re here,” the miracle had the puppet choked up. Tears began to well up and he stubbornly rubbed them away. He had somewhat grown to accept this feeling. After all, you were the only person who could invoke it now.
Nahida rubbed his back and comforted him. “I know. As soon as I heard of them, I knew it was the one you loved from so long ago. Please, spend as much time as you want here and with them. You deserve it.”
He quietly thanked her and got up to find you. The feeling that he had once forsaken, the one that made his face warm and chest stir, began to rise within him again…
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scmg11 · 10 months
"Hm." Y/N hummed in thought just to tease Kate a bit more and smiled brightly with a soft giggle when the archer merely rolled her eyes, flushed their bodies impossibly close and rubbed her front on Y/N’s one, setting aflame both their bodies and sending arousal right between their legs, increasing their already copious amount of wetness present there. Kate repeated the gesture again when she heard the small giggle Y/N emitted morphing into a whine and made Y/N moan softly from her slightly parted mouth as she breathed shallowly, the Y/H/C girl imperceptibly canting her hips up to seek some more friction. Kate elicited a louder moan from her girlfriend when she started a slow, but steady rhythm with her hips as both slotted their thighs between their legs and created a sweet friction right onto their clits that triggered wild shivers right down their spines. They were now just panting into each other’s mouths as small whines and moans left their parted lips and travelled right into the other’s mouth, making their activities ten times hotter. Kate grunted a bit when her arm she was using to perch herself up to hover a bit over Y/N’s body started to hurt and pushed gently onto Y/N’s left shoulder to make her lay down on her back and readjusted their position, pushing with her knee Y/N’s legs apart and slotting her bent knee right onto her clothed cunt, feeling a warmth that made her moan out loud, and widened her stance a bit to let Y/N bend her leg up and place her knee on the archer’s pulsating core, mirroring Kate’s gesture and moaning needily when she felt the black haired girl’s jeans’ material warm and slightly dump, before resuming their soft movements, dry humping each other as both whined out loud in pure ecstasy when the pressure on their clits was just right and sent white shocks of arousal throughout their whole bodies. The air between them was extremely hot, the soft squeaking of the bed a sinful symphony mixing up with their moans and the their bodies’ temperature creating a sensual atmosphere that almost pushed them over the edge, making them both desperate for release. So they sped up their movements when they both felt it wasn’t enough, when they both needed more, and whined in synch when they heard the headboard of the bed hit softly the wall. They weren’t worried about the other teenagers and Mr. Wright hearing them since they were on a different floor, far away from them, but they tried to be as quiet as possible to not let anyone hear them as they moaned out loud or hear the bed hit the wall repeatedly. They were going to keep as quiet as possible to not make their covers blow up. They were professionals. But they were also two lovers that had needs, like Kate stated, so they tried to make those two things coexist even if it wasn’t the easiest task to fulfill since it was almost impossible not to moan out loud when you were experiencing such good pleasure. "Oh babe, I didn’t give you the permission to fuck me, did I? If I remember correctly I was- shit- still thinking about my answer. You- oh- just decided to start dry humping me and interrupted my thoughts. That’s not fair at all babe. Fuck- what made you so sure I was going to say yes and give you the permission to f-fuck me? You should have waited for my answer first. Tell me, what did make you think I was going to say you could fuck me?"
"Hm your eyes. You chest moving up and down fast. Your hands clenching on my shirt. And you told me yourself you were wet for me."
"Always so cocky and so sure of yourself Kate Elizabeth Bishop."
"Well in all fairness I don’t see you stopping us right now. Quite the contrary. You are the one pushing me down more onto your cunt. I bet your amazing pussy is completely drenched for me." Kate stated boldly as she voluntarily pushed harder onto Y/N’s core and made her moan out loud in rapture.
"Fuck babe."
"Admit you were going to give me the permission to fuck you." Kate ordered Y/N with a wide smirk, but when the girl just pushed her hips more onto her thigh as she rubbed her own thigh between Kate’s legs, Kate stopped her movements altogether and stared Y/N down pointedly. "Say it, or I’m not making you come."
"Fuck, okay, okay. I was just teasing you. Of course I was going to say yes. Even I- oh shit, yes babe!" Y/N stopped herself mid-sentence to moan as quiet as possible when Kate resumed her movements and increased her speed, "e-even if it’s a bit risky I don’t fucking care. I just want you. I want my wonderful, incredibly skilled with her fingers and mouth girlfriend to fuck me senselessly till I don’t even have another drop of cum in me."
"Hm- that’s a wonderful, I wonder who had this great idea." Kate joked before putting all the effort she could in her thrusts to push Y/N over the edge.
"Oh shit." Y/N moaned under her breath when Kate increased her speed and pressed more onto her core when Y/N’s tempo on her own core started faltering, making her head slam back on the pillow and close her eyes as pleasure spread throughout her whole body.
"You feel so good babe."
"Ugh, you feel so good too baby." Kate grunted out loud when a particular thrust up of Y/N’s leg made her knee rub deliciously and perfectly right onto her clit and sent wild shivers all over her whole body, making her falter her movements just a bit in the process, causing Y/N to whine in protest. Kate immediately resumed her movements and pushed more firmly onto Y/N’s core all the while slipping one of her hands under her shirt and knead her boob over her bra. "Hm, you boobs are so fucking great babe. So soft, so firm and so fucking mine."
"Oh shit." Y/N whimpered and arched her back to push her chest more into Kate’s hand before gripping her shoulder blades hard when she felt a fresh gush of arousal leave her core.
"Hm, so good." Kate hummed out right on Y/N’s neck’s skin and sucked harshly on her pulse point to leave a small visible mark that will surely fade away in a few hours to not rise suspicion among the teenagers and Mr. Wright, but enough to silently tell Y/N she was hers. She then kissed gently up and down the column of her throat, licking her sweaty skin a few times before settling on her jaw just a few seconds, nibbling the defined feature, then focusing on kissing Y/N’s skin gently once again. "You are mine baby."
"Oh yes baby." Y/N assured Kate in a breathy whine before nodding hastily as she pushed her hips up to seek some more friction, consequently pushing her thigh more onto Kate’s core and making the girl moan lewdly into her ear. "I am yours."
"But-" Y/N trailed off as she opened her dark Y/E/C eyes and glued them onto Kate’s also dark blue hues and watched her gulping gently at the intense stare, "you are also mine."
"Oh yes babe. I’m yours, all yours."
"Hm- sit up." Y/N ordered Kate and watched delighted as the archer immediately sat up and waited for Y/N’s instructions. Y/N stayed quiet as she quickly pulled the black haired girl’s shirt off before unhooking her bra and throwing both garments onto the floor. "Gorgeous." And then Y/N dived right onto Kate’s chest and engulfed a perked up nipple into her mouth, before resuming her movements, grasping Kate’s hips to help her slid up and down her bent leg while making her continue her own ministration with her knee know placed between her heated core.
"Fuck babe."
"Oh shit there Kate." Y/N moaned alongside Kate as their bodies filled up with pure arousal, feeling both their orgasms near their tipping point.
"Fuck, can you come like this? Because I’m so fucking close."
"Yes babe. I won’t last loNGER- SHIT. Do that again please." Y/N stopped herself mid-sentence to moan in pure rapture and voice out her appreciation on Kate’s movements, asking her to repeat them with her mouth still wrapped around Kate’s pebbled, perked up nipple. The archer immediately obliged to her girlfriend a second later, pushing harder into Y/N’s core while bucking her hips on Y/N’s bent leg and let out a moan herself right into Y/N’s ear when the girl instinctively grasped her ass and gripped the flesh hard when her body got wrecked by hard shivers. The sound Kate emitted made both girls falter their movements as both moaned out loud but when they resumed their movements they became sloppier, a clear sign they were really close.
"Fuck I can feel it!" They both doubled their efforts to try to come together, rotating their hips as precisely as they could despite the pleasure they were experiencing, as Y/N’s attention on Kate’s boobs and butt never faltered, Kate fisting Y/N’s hair hard to push her more into her chest when Y/N nibbled her nippled hungrily. After a few more hard thrusts, Kate felt she was nearing the edge. "Oh shit, fuck, fuck, fuck."
"Oh babe!"
"Alright lovebirds who want- oh shit." Y/N and Kate tipped over the edge right when Yelena and Cassie barged into the room, but they were too much into their own bubble of ecstasy, rapture and arousal to pay them some attention as they hugged each other close and slowed their movements down to help each other ride their post-coital wave and increase their pleasure, before stopping altogether when they both felt the other’s body stop twitching and trembling. "Oh fuck, I need a drink now."
"No alcohol in the world will ever make me forget about this." Cassie countered back with a mix of disgust and shock on her features, her hands flying onto her eyes to cover them as soon she they fell onto Y/N’s and Kate’s forms embraced and snuggled together. "Yelena punch me so I can forget what I just saw." Cassie asked as she let her hands fall on her sides and looked at Yelena pleadingly.
"With pleasure." Yelena immediately turned around and lifted her fist up, making Cassie subsequently close her eyes as she got ready for the pain, but they both were stopped by Y/N’s voice yelling as quietly as possible at them.
"OH FUCK! GUYS! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?" Y/N screeched in fright when she noticed her two best friends standing in their room. After pulling her face away from Kate’s chest she was about to lean her forehead on her naked shoulder, but instead she opened her eyes at the voices reaching her ears and laid them on Yelena and Cassie standing near the closed door. The two girls then turned around at Y/N’s voice, Yelena looking at them with a mix of mischief and shock and Cassie trying to focus her eyes on anything at them with her face red as a tomato.
Kate turned herself slightly around at Y/N’s words and widened her eyes in shock when she met Yelena’s eyes, "guys! Learn how to knock!" Kate immediately turned around and flushed her naked chest onto Y/N’s clothed chest to shield her boobs away from Yelena and Cassie.
"And I’m pretty sure I locked that door."
"Are you serious? I was a spy. Do you think I don’t know how to pick a lock? Even Kate Bishop knows how to do that."
"Thanks, I take that as a compliment!" Kate answered sarcastically, making Y/N and Yelena snort.
"Are you guys decent?" Cassie asked after a few seconds of silence, her hands still covering her eyes.
"No." Kate answered shortly and leaned her forehead on Y/N’s shoulder as her face flushed hard in embarrassment.
"Oh c’mon Cassie, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before." Yelena countered back as she pushed the blonde on her shoulder and made her stumble a bit on her spot.
"Talk for yourself Yelena. It was an already shocking sight. I don’t want more things to plague my mind."
"You are spending too much time with Kate Bishop. You are becoming a dramatic queen."
"Drama queen El. Anyway can you guys just turn around while I try to find my shirt and putting it on?"
"There’s no need. Here." Yelena threw the shirt she had a few feet away from her left foot and made it fall onto Y/N’s face, before throwing Kate’s bra right after at Y/N, who caught it effortlessly this time.
After Kate put her clothes back on and sat right beside Y/N on the mattress, she regarded Cassie with a sheepish smile as she fidgeted with her hands, "you can look now Cassie." After that the blonde tentatively took her hands off her face and sighed out loud when she found Y/N and Kate, fully clothed, sat on the bed.
"Now, can you please explain why you guys barged into our room?"
"Well while you two were busy fucking each other, we were distracting your target. We just let him go walk around the city, so we came here to spend some time with you guys since as soon as she school trip is over we need to fly back to New York in the Avengers Compound, but we choose the wrong moment apparently." Yelena explained, crossing her arms under her chest.
"We’re sorry, but we just thought you two went visiting the city or something like that when we didn’t see you guys coming back to us." Kate sighed out loud and looked at her friends in apology, signaling them to bring the couch on the left side of the room closer to the bed to let them sit down and talk.
"We just stayed a bit more with Mr. Wright. He talked about math for like 40 minutes straight. I was about to tear my ears off." Cassie explained as she sat on the couch Yelena promptly moved right in front of Y/N and Kate.
"Yeah, I already knew math was boring, but he brings it to another level of boring." Yelena added as she sprawled on the couch before hitting Kate’s shin with her foot and smirked at her mischievously. "You two definitely enjoyed yourselves while we went through that torture, that’s not fair."
"Oh." Kate scratched the back of her head nervously and watched with the corner of her eyes that Y/N was fidgeting with her fingers a lot, a clear sign she was uncomfortable too, and immediately entwined their fingers together to comfort and relax them both, "w-well like we said, w-we were waiting for you. But then you didn’t show up and-."
"You fucked each other to kill time." Yelena continued, interrupting Kate and to tease them both just to bask in her friends’ flushed faces before giving them some mercy and steering the subject to a more serious tone, "did you find something in his room?"
"No." Y/N answered her best friend’s question and sighed dejectedly when she remembered her and Kate came back from their inspection of Mr. Wright’s room empty handed. They knew this was going to be a really tough mission and that it would have taken time to find solid proofs to expose, frame and bring down those assholes, but they really thought they were going to make some progress with their mission during this school trip. They just had to be more patient and try again when they will be back at school. "We hacked into his phone and tapped it but we think he uses another one to control the illegal weaponry selling. We need to try to approach him with our number one suspect, the Principal."
"Wait hold on, do you really think he his one of those idiots selling illegal weapons?" Cassie asked incredulous as she thought over her friend’s words before regarding them both with a perplexed expression.
"Yes, Maria already told us her suspicion when she assigned us to this mission. But we had been really careful around him. We think he is the leader of the organization." Kate answered to help their friends understand everything about their mission, "we gained a lot of intel around school but, like Maria asked us to, we are keeping a low profile and we are watching from afar for now. We are waiting to have enough proof to start following them around and expose them."
"We will try to help you guys from the Avengers Compound. And as soon as we can, we will join you guys to help you or to just hang out, maybe." Cassie smiled warmly at her friends before a big yawn came out of her mouth as she rubbed her eyes tiredly, "I’m exhausted, I think it’s time we go to sleep. Tomorrow is another big day!"
"I know, I know! I’m late, but Paula asked me to help her with paperworks and she always helps me, so I couldn’t say no-holy shit."
Y/N had to literally grab her jaw off the floor when after locking the door, placing her keys in the bowl on the small table beside the door and hanging up her coat, she turned around to locate her girlfriend in the house and found her standing a few feet away from her with only a pair of extremely hot, black, lacy underwear and matching bra that was definitely doing an difficult job in containing Kate’s boobs that looked they were a few seconds away from popping out of it, "hi babe."
Y/N had to force her legs to keep her up and not make her fall on the ground when they bucked slightly at the low, raspy tone Kate used and whimpered softly under her breath with her body temperature increasing exponentially after each passing second her eyes drank Kate’s lean and muscular body in, "h-hi baby."
"Why are you standing there?" Kate smiled in a mix of mischief and innocence, using the sweetest and the most innocent tone she could muster while also trying to stop her grin to become a big, wide, smug smirk as she played with the couch’s cushions by skidding the pad of her fingers softly over them and eyeing Y/N seductively, reveling in her girlfriend fidgeting slightly on her spot as she tried to focus her gaze on her face only and she clearly wasn’t succeeding that well, "no greeting kiss?"
"You’re right!" Y/N immediately shook her head and inwardly slapped herself in the face for acting so dumb but as she took a step and she stopped right away because she felt her legs almost give out as they wobbled dangerously. Kate’s extremely distracting and extremely hot sight really affected her senses. "Hm- maybe you should come here and greet me with a welcome home kiss."
"I will, when you will come here and you will greet me with a kiss first." Kate freed her wide smirk when she watched Y/N standing frozen in her spot and slowly made a step forward towards her girlfriend, "babe? What’s wrong? Why are you standing there not moving?"
"Hm- I just- w-want you to come and greet me?" Y/N asked more than stated and sighed out loud when she heard her quivering voice and her pathetic stammering as her eyes took in Kate’s body approaching her slowly, taking a small step every few seconds, increasing Y/N’s body temperature rapidly. She truly looked like a predator approaching her prey.
"Hm." Kate hummed in thought as she tapped her chin gently with her forefinger, feigning thinking about Y/N’s words and broadened her smug smile that much so that it became a wolfish grin. "Are you sure it’s just that? You are always the one to approach me and greet me with a kiss."
"Well I like to change things up, y’know to spice them up a bit." Y/N countered back with the best firm tone she could muster and nodded resolutely to make Kate believe she was totally cool when in fact she was melting right under Kate’s scorching hot and seductive gaze.
"Oh is that so?" Kate asked in a humming tone as her left eyebrow lifted up knowingly, taking another step forward and watched as Y/N took a small step back, biting down on her bottom lip to suppress a breathy whine that escaped her throat, a gesture that sent wild shivers all over Kate’s hot skin and all merging right between her legs that already collected a great amount of wetness there with just the hungry look Y/N was regarding her with as her eyes swept over her body greedily, almost like she was trying to memorize her in her lingerie, "so you’re not standing there because you can’t actually move because you feel your legs give out, are you?"
"Hm- no." Y/N tried to counter back with her voice steady but her stumbling to emit just words and not whines or moans was a really difficult task, "I’m perfectly fine. You just like to tease and mock me like always but I’m good. Perfect. Peachy. See?"
"Oh yeah." Kate snorted before smugly smirking at Y/N when she tried to take a step forward but almost stumbled with her legs wobbling visibly and dangerously hard. "I see you’re doing great."
"Okay, I can’t exactly function right now. I’m surprised I’m still standing and not laying face first on the floor. Fuck babe, you are- gorgeous."
"Hm, so you noticed my small gift for you?" The black haired girl took another step forward and stood a feet away from Y/N, who was literally buzzing in excitement.
"Wait you have a small gift for me? Where is it?!" Y/N asked in a clearly fake enthusiasm as she faked searching a gift around the room with a big smile on her lips, causing a small laugh to leave Kate’s lips as she wrapped her arms around Y/N’s neck.
"Very funny. So? Do you like it?"
"Are you really asking me if I like it? Babe I’m literally forcing myself in not ripping this off of you and taking you right here. I like this lingerie so much to just ruin it." Kate wailed under her breath at Y/N’s words and when she placed her surprisingly warm hands on her waist and flushed their bodies together, both their arousal increasing a bit more at their yearned proximity, "I’m just gonna take you to our bed and peel it off gently, before fucking you into oblivion."
"Hm that’s what I was hoping for." Kate hummed sultrily on Y/N’s mouth before taking her bottom lip between her teeth and biting on it gently before pulling on it slowly and releasing it a few seconds later, making Y/N gasp out in surprise. Kate took advantage of that in a second and slipped her tongue into Y/N’s mouth to lick every nook and cranny of it and triggering another sinful sound from her.
"Yeah that was the plan." Y/N grumbled before diving right back in and kissing Kate hungrily, clashing their tongues together and letting them dance around in their mouths greedily, triggering a moan from Kate that Y/N promptly swallowed.
"What are we waiting for then?" Y/N murmured between kisses and with a swift motion grasped Kate’s ass hard and lifted her up, eliciting a small shriek of surprise from Kate before she circled her hips with her legs and linked them securely to not fall off Y/N’s grasp. They resumed kissing right away while Y/N started the journey up the stairs to go into their bedroom, undress themselves and cave in into their deepest desires, but Y/N faltered a bit in her steps when Kate sucked particularly hard on her tongue. "Babe, I’m walking."
"Sorry." Kate smirked mischievously down at Y/N, a gesture that told the Y/H/C girl that Kate was in fact not apologetic for her behavior and that she was enjoying teasing Y/N to no end, basking in her small whines and her body twitching in pure arousal. Y/N stared pointedly at the archer with an unamused expression on her face while arching her right eyebrow up in challenge, but Kate kept staring back at her girlfriend with an innocent look on her beautiful features and a sweet smile on her lips. They stood on the third step of the staircase since Y/N stopped in her tracks at Kate’s antics, not really wanting to risk to make her girlfriend fall down from her grasp or making them both fall onto the ground if Kate kept on with her teasing and her body would fail her, staring at one another pointedly as their chests heaved wildly up and down while they tried to take some needed breath from their previous heavy kissing. Despite the lustful electricity clear in the air, both felt happiness swirl into their chests and stomaches at the love they also felt in the air and between them, "c’mon, hurry up. I want to try a new thing. And I can’t do that if we stay here on the stairs all night. I need you completely undressed for me, on our bed. I want to take some time to admire your wonderful naked body first before trying out the thing I have in mind. I am 100% positive you will love it. I want to hear you scream my name so many times it will be the only thing that you will have in mind tonight. I will make you come so fucking hard and so many times you will not have even a single drop of cum left in you. I will fuck you so good, so hard and thoroughly that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. But I will also make love to you to show you how much I love you."
"Oh is that so?" Y/N smirked widely at that as her body buzzed in anticipation and kneaded Kate’s ass firmly, triggering a moan from Kate at Y/N’s possessive gesture and making her core release a spurt of fresh arousal into her already ruined and drenched panties, increasing the already copious amount of wetness there. "Well I’m planning to do the exact same thing so I guess we both won’t leave the bed tomorrow. Too much spent to move."
"Well on the bright side, there are so many things to do in bed. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday."
"I thought you had homework to do." Y/N teased as she climbed one step and smirked up at Kate with a challenging eyebrow up.
"Oh I’m doing them right now. Well in a minute to be exact." Kate teased back as she pecked Y/N’s kiss-swollen lips now curled into a smile while feeling her starting her journey back up the stairs.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. That Miss Williams is a real nightmare. She gave us a shit ton of homework." Kate felt Y/N lay her gently down on the mattress before watching her crawl onto her body and place her hands on each side of her head, smirking down at her with a mischievous glint into her beautiful Y/E/C irises, "so I’m getting an head start on them tonight."
"What homework did she give you?"
"Making your significant other come all night long. I even bought a new supply to finish my homework tonight." Y/N shivered at that and closed her eyes when she felt her whole body burn in anticipation at Kate’s words and bit down on her bottom lip to prevent herself to devour Kate right on that instant as she wanted to listen to her words first.
"What new supply?"
"It’s in the nightstand, first drawer." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in a mix of confusion and curiosity and stretched over to open that said drawer on the left side of her bed and almost collapsed onto Kate’s body when her eyes fell onto the mysterious item. She slowly retrieved it before placing it beside their torsos. "Do you like it?"
"Babe, I fucking love it! Shit, when did you buy it?"
"Like a week ago. I was having you as my sweet desert on our table and after you came, you murmured how you wished we had a strap on to have even more fun. So I bought it right away."
"You don’t even know how much I love you."
"I can if we consider how much I love you."
"Ah-ah." Kate pushed a finger on Y/N’s lips and stopped her from kissing her while on her other hand she grabbed the strap on from Y/N’s fingers and placed it back on the mattress, "I want to go first if it’s okay with you."
"Of course, whatever you want babe." Y/N smiled lovingly down at Kate despite the topic of the conversation they were having and nuzzled their noses sweetly together before laying a sweet peck on her lips.
"Okay now- you are overdressed for my likings." Kate smirked wolfishly at Y/N, quickly pulling her blazer off with her nimble fingers first, then kissing her fervently, slipping her tongue right past Y/N’s slightly open lips and sucking on her tongue hungrily. The sound that Y/N emitted at her possessive gesture send shivers down both their bodies and increased their arousals copiously, "fuck."
"Hm." Y/N hummed contentedly when Kate’s lips settled on her pulse point, sucking on it a few seconds to leave a light mark before moving down her collarbone and then following down her bra’s strap from her left shoulder to the top of her chest. As soon as her lips reached the softness of Y/N’s breast, nimble fingers unclasped her bra and threw it on the floor to join her blazer, giving Kate a wonderful view of Y/N’s naked torso.
"Not as much as you are babe."
"I beg to differ." Kate countered back with a warm smile, bracketed her face, caressing her jaw gently, then laying a feather-light peck on Y/N’s lips, "you are gorgeous. Breathtakingly stunning."
"Babe." Y/N let out in a dazed tone and nuzzled their noses together, "I love you so much."
"I love you." Kate kissed Y/N lovingly once more before detaching her lips from Y/N’s ones and looked at her mischievously, "now, let me get back to work." Kate booped on Y/N’s nose and watched as she smiled widely at her at her cute gesture, then she couldn’t resist and laid another peck on her lips, "I want you naked as soon as possible so I can have you all night long."
"Someone is gonna get an A on her homework." Y/N teased in a sing-song tone and chuckled when Kate lifted her gaze up from her hands on her girlfriend’s stomach to wiggle her eyebrows mischievously as a proud, smug smirk appeared on her kiss-swollen lips. She choked on her laugh when a second later, at a lightning speed, Kate fumbled with her belt, popped her trouser’s button open and slipped her pants down her ass. Y/N got trapped in a whirlwind of emotions all at once for just a moment and when she gained her sanity back right a few seconds later, she smiled sheepishly when she noticed Kate staring at her and with a soft grin on her lips, patiently waiting for her to come back to earth and silently asking her to sit up to pull her pants all the way down. Y/N immediately obliged, shimmying her way out of her pants with Kate’s help and as soon as her pants hit the floor, Y/N straddled Kate’s legs right away and circled her arms around her neck to pull her into a passionate kiss full of teeth and tongues.
"What can I say? I want to be at the top of the class."
"Oh is that so?"
"Yep. And by doing that I need to top you first." Kate whispered on Y/N’s lips sultrily, giving her the opportunity to distract Y/N, who whined at her words, and switched their positions swiftly, laying Y/N down on the bed before straddling her hips and lying down on her body, her hands on each side of her head while their faces were inches apart, making their breaths mingle hotly between their slightly open mouths.
"Smooth, Bishop. Really smooth." Y/N admitted in a breathy tone right on Kate’s big, smug smirk and almost wailed out loud when Kate moved slightly over Y/N purposefully and rubbed her boobs over Y/N’s ones teasingly, "but remember, I’m still your professor and I am the one that will grade your homework."
"Right, so let’s start then." Kate’s cheeky grin broadened when, after sitting up, she arched her back more than necessary and quickly I clasped her bra and threw it on the floor, feeling Y/N’s eyes on her all the time. To give Y/N the show she deserved, she grabbed both her boobs and kneaded it teasingly, all the while staring directly into Y/N’s eyes. Kate felt pride overwhelm her body at the hungry look Y/N was staring her with, shivering visibly when a small moan left her girlfriend’s lips after pinching both her nipples gently, but almost collapsed on Y/N when she noticed her eyes darkening and her hands flew on her naked hips, her pointer fingers slipping under the waistband of her lacy panties and rolled it around them needily.
"Can I touch you too?"
"Of course babe, but no funny business. I have a plan in mind and it involves making you come first."
"Fuck, okay, I’ll behave. But please, let me take your bra off." Y/N pecked Kate’s lips softly when the girl smiled lovingly at her and nodded, quickly unclasping Kate’s bra and letting it fly past Kate’s shoulder, over the room and onto the floor. "Perfect."
"Yeah, you are perfect." Kate countered back with a wide, loving smile as she stared intently into Y/N’s eyes, who looked back at her with just as much love and affection swimming into her Y/E/C irises.
"Such a dork." Y/N shook her head and smiled up at Kate before wrapping her lips around hers in a slow, languid kiss, that instantly deepened when Kate flushed their bodies together and rubbed their nipples together, sending chills all over their bodies. "I want you baby."
"I want you too baby. Ready?" Kate slipped a finger between their bodies and right between Y/N’s legs to make sure Y/N was turned on enough for her and found an already great amount of wetness there. "Hm, already so wet for me."
"I’ve been wet since I laid my eyes on you when I came back home." Y/N admitted as she bucked her hips up to desperately try to gain some more attention on her core with Kate’s fingers, but the archer teasingly pulled them away and, without breaking their eyes contact, she pushed her index finger, glistening with Y/N’s juices, into her mouth and licked it clean. She pulled her finger away from her mouth with a loud ‘pop’ and hummed out a lewd moan just to tease Y/N some more. "Delicious."
"Babe hurry up or I will literally come without a proper stimulation."
"Even if that would be amazing to witness, I would really like for you to come on my fingers and strap. So lay back, I’m gonna put the strap on."
"Can I help you?" Y/N asked with the softest and shyest tone she ever used, blushed furiously as she waited for her girlfriend’s answer, who simply smiled lovingly down at her.
"Of course babe. You didn’t even need to ask." Kate reassured Y/N, leaning down and kissing the Y/H/C girl languidly on her lips, making Y/N smile at her brightly after she pulled away.
"I know." Y/N spoke up timidly and her blush deepened each passing second Kate kept staring at her like she put the stars in the sky. "I just wanted to ask because I didn’t know if you wanted to put the harness alone and make me watch it."
"Hm, tempting. Really tempting." Kate hummed in thought as she tapped on her chin with her pointer finger in a thinking manner and smirked mischievously at Y/N, before huffing out a small laugh and pecking her lips once again when the girl’s blush deepened some more, "it would tease you to no end, but I think strapping me in would make you even more wet. So-." Kate trailed off to grab the harness into the bag and signaled Y/N to sit up as she settled on her knees, "strap me up."
"Okay, that- fuck- was too hot coming out of your mouth."
"I thought that it was your name as I moaned it, too much hot for you."
"No-." Y/N countered back resolutely, tapping on Kate’s left thigh and made her fumble around with her legs to make the harness slip over both of them before delicately strapping her in with a laser focus on, "that’s illegal. Only thinking about it, it’s making me even more wet."
"Hm, let me check." Kate immediately slipped her hand between Y/N’s legs and teased her folds with her fingers, letting out a lewd moan in the process just to tease Y/N some more, feeling her core releasing a fresh gush of arousal that made the black haired girl shudder at the feeling, "fuck yes."
"Let me finish strapping you up, so you can fuck me." Y/N let out in a shuddering breath, the stimulation on her core a welcoming but distracting sensation as she finished putting the strap on Kate.
"Needy, are we?" Kate asked in a sultry tone as she pulled her hand away and behaved for a few seconds to let Y/N finish putting the strap on into place, whimpering here and there after each time the harness and the small end of the strap buried in her vagina stimulated her overheated core and watched Y/N smirk as she did that, triggering a few shivers that traveled all over her body and merged all between her legs realizing she was doing it purposefully to tease her.
"Yes." Y/N answered earnestly after she strapped the last strap on Kate’s harness and watched Kate pointedly, lifting an eyebrow up seductively, "you teased me enough."
"Oh yeah." Kate smirked widely and wiggled her eyebrows mischievously down at Y/N before pecking her lips lovingly when she watched her eyes roll in fond exasperation, "my plan was exactly that. Teasing you to no end, making you so wet that you would’ve dripped onto the sheets." Kate trailed off to pointedly stare at Y/N’s juices dripping down the sheets and subsequently making Y/N look too, watching her shudder a moment before staring back at her, clearly out of breath, "and even though I think it’s never enough teasing you since it’s so fucking empowering and amusing watching you almost beg me to fuck you, fucking you is ten times better. So, lay back and get ready to get railed."
"Oh fuck, yes!" Y/N wailed as she laid back on the mattress with Kate’s hand on her right shoulder helping her down, and wiggled her body around to get comfortable on the bed before spreading her legs widely and giving Kate a great view of her core through her see through panties, dripping wet and ready for her girlfriend. "Do you want me to take it off?"
"No, I want to do it." Kate quickly got rid of Y/N’s panties, not wanting to waste more time and settled between her legs, teasing her entrance with the tip of the strap on before using her fingers to collect as much arousal from Y/N’s center and spreading it on the dildo to prepare it fully, reveling in the pitiful moans leaving Y/N’s mouth. "You ready?"
Y/N trashed her head around as she felt the lust pumping fast into her veins getting almost unbearable with Kate’s fingers caressing her dripping core before forcing herself to open her eyes at Kate’s question and meeting her almost black ocean blue irises, "yes babe. Make me fucking come."
"As you wish baby." Kate smirked widely and positioned the tip of the dildo right onto Y/N’s entrance and stared at her lovingly, "ready?"
"Yes baby."
"Okay." Kate eases the tip in slowly and shivered visibly when she felt Y/N let out a mix of a guttural groan and a moan, Y/N’s walls contracting on the dildo and pushing it in easily, making Kate almost go nuts.
"Fuck babe." Y/N moaned again when the archer slowly slipped the strap in to help her adjust to the strap on’s size and squeezed her hips gently to ground her as pleasure almost overwhelmed her.
"Shit babe." Kate moaned out loud as she tried to not to push her hips too much hard or too fast into Y/N’s core as she experienced the amazing sensation of having her girlfriend’s walls squeeze around her strap on and keeping pulling it more into her core while consequently pulling her hips more between Y/N’s legs, "you feel amazing around my strap babe."
"Oh shit! YES!" Y/N whined once again when Kate pushed slowly the dildo a few more inches in, stopping just a few seconds to not overwhelm Y/N too much, and trashed her head around in pure ecstasy at the sensation invading her body when Kate resumed her movements to push the dildo a bit more into Y/N. "You feel so fucking good babe, ah!"
"Tell me if it’s too much and I will pull out."
"No! No, I can take it, just go slow for now." Kate nodded and pecked Y/N’s lips lovingly when she stopped her movements again for a few seconds then resumed slipping the dildo slowly into Y/N when the girl nodded into the kiss, her hands gripping the back of her neck and Kate’s hands on her hips grounding her to the. Both girls let out a breathy moan when Kate bottomed out into Y/N’s core and flushed their hips impossibly closer, creating a new, intoxicating sensation they both already got addicted to.
"You good babe?"
"Fuck babe, yes! Give me a few seconds and you can move."
"So good." Y/N trashed her head around and wailed at the praises Kate whispered on her lips as she waited for Y/N’s signal, that arrived a few moments later with a small nod. Y/N wailed softly under her breath when Kate slipped slowly away and sunk the dildo back into her just as slowly. Kate knew Y/N was experiencing so much pleasure from her face contorting in pure ecstasy, but she didn’t knew she could feel the same as she moved into Y/N with the strap. It was so intimate, so full of raw emotions that it almost overwhelmed her, but she didn’t let her mind lose her focus and she got pulled out of her head by Y/N’s next words.
"Hm, you stretch me so good." Y/N moaned out loud when Kate flushed their hips together once again and stilled her movements to help Y/N adjust some more, wailing too at the lustful words before peppering kisses all over her face.
"Tell me when I can move."
"You can." Y/N answered right away, eager to feel Kate move into her again.
"You sure? We don’t have to rush anything." Kate assured Y/N and watched as a big, bright grin settled on her mouth at her thoughtful words.
"I know." Kate smiled softly at Y/N when she spoke in a tone a bit strained and nuzzled their noses together. "But I am ready now."
"Okay, then." Kate kept grinning down at Y/N for a few more seconds, then pecked her lips lovingly quickly, but didn’t move too far away, staying with her lips hovering over Y/N’s ones as she moved her hips back slowly and pushed the dildo almost all the way out of Y/N before, with just as much sweetness and just as much slowly, she eased the dildo right back in, shivering wildly at the low, long moan Y/N emitted right on her mouth at the amazing sensations Kate was triggering.
"Fuck babe! Shit! Do that again." Kate did as she was asked and repeated the delicate movement, feeling Y/N’s walls swallow the dildo perfectly each time she moved back in, increasing her own arousal tenfold.
"Slow or can I move a bit faster?"
"You can go faster now baby."
"Okay." Kate smiled lovingly at Y/N before repeating her previous motion, pulling out slowly before sliding her strap on into Y/N’s core a bit faster, eliciting a low, guttural groan from her girlfriend.
"Yes!" Y/N canted her hips up and tried to meet Kate’s tender thrusts as the pleasure built within her each passing second, the small pain from the initial stretch long forgotten as she experienced the best pleasure she had ever experienced and the fact that she was enduring it all with Kate that was being so loving and careful, was making it all ten times better. "Fuck babe, you don’t even know how good you feel right now."
"Trust me, I know babe." Kate grunted out right as she pushed her hips back a bit more faster and thrusted her dildo back into Y/N a bit more hard, "even if I’m not completely attacked to this strap on, fuck it almost feels real. I can feel so connected with you." Kate admitted as she accidentally slammed the strap on hard into Y/N and made her wail particularly loud at that. "Sorry! I got carried away."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Do that again please! Harder if you can!" Y/N grunted in frustration as Kate kept thrusting into her in a slow rhythm and moved her hands from Kate’s neck to her shoulder blades to clung onto them to try to be as closer to her girlfriend as she could.
"With pleasure babe." With that Kate quickly pulled a few inches out of Y/N and pushed right back in quickly and hard, hitting something in Y/N that made her growl in rapture.
"Oh shit, yes!"
Kate smiled widely at the moan of pure ecstasy Y/N emitted after Kate pulled out slowly and slammed the dildo back in a tad bit harder and fast, not really knowing how to explain how she literally felt Y/N’s walls squeeze the dildo and moving it just enough to stimulate her own core with moving the small end buried inside of her. "You are so beautiful baby."
"Not as much as-fuck- you babe." Y/N replied between a loud moan when Kate repeated the gesture and helped her movement with her hands laid them on Y/N’s hips, steadying her sloppy movements and stopping her hips from moving too much and instead helping her meeting her thrusts to increase her pleasure, "oh yes! You look so beautiful fucking me babe."
"Oh yeah?" Kate asked in a strained voice, fatigue catching up with her but she put it aside as she focused on giving Y/N the best orgasm she had ever had and delivering the best pleasure she ever experienced. "Well I’m only trying to make you cum all over me to see how gorgeous you are as you scream my name."
"Hold on, let me try something." Kate steadied herself on her knees and gripped Y/N’s hips harder as she pulled out fast and just as quickly slammed her strap on hard back into Y/N, making Y/N’s body wiggle a little and watched with her mouth watering Y/N’s boobs shake up and down from the movement.
"Holy fuck! Again! Harder! YES!" Y/N slammed her head back on the pillow and arched her back as the pleasure spreading all over her body almost overwhelmed her when Kate repeated the gesture over and over, delivering precise and hard thrusts.
"Fuck, I love your moans."
"And I love youYESYESYES!"
"Look at you, so needy for my strap."
"Yes!" Y/N moaned loudly as she arched her neck back and closed her eyes hard, making her almost see stars behind them, "yes babe! I want all of you!"
"Hm, we can arrange something after I fuck your brains out." Kate stated as she pushed harder into Y/N, making her body move wildly onto the mattress, her boobs moving up and down in synch with Y/N’s body after Kate’s harsh thrusts. "Feel good?"
"Oh yes! Faster babe, please."
"As you wish, my beautiful baby." Kate sped up her movements and grunted out in fatigue as she doubled her efforts to try to pump into Y/N hard without hurting her, the small end into her building her own orgasm as pleasure invaded her body.
"Oh fuck!" Y/N trashed her head around in pure ecstasy as Kate hit a new spot within her, making her almost see stars as her body trembled in pure, raw pleasure, the sounds their bodies made as they slammed together and the headrest hitting the wall in soft ‘thuds’ created a sinful melody that inebriated both girls.
"Fuck babe, you look so hot right now." Kate let out in a strained, breathy tone, also full of all the love, the admiration and the affection she had for her girlfriend, her eyes full of tenderness and fondness as she smiled adoringly down at Y/N, "you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on."
"Babe! Fuck. You can’t say things like that while pounding into me." Y/N felt her whole face burn with a scorching blush, pretty sure it wasn’t for the intense pleasure she was experiencing but 100% sure it was from Kate’s loving words as she regarded her with that intense, fond look in her beautiful, gorgeous ocean blue eyes, now slightly darker from their lewd activities. "It was so fucking adorable but also extremely hot. You don’t even know how much I love you."
"I love you, so much." Kate leaned down and trapped Y/N’s still a bit bruised lips in an hard kiss, it wasn’t rushed and it was completely chaste, but it was so powerful and intense both felt their bodies shiver wildly and hugged each other close, all the while Kate kept her unrelenting pace into Y/N, never stopping her hard and precise thrusts into her. "I love you."
"I’m so close. Let me come babe. Let me come all over you."
"Of course my love." Kate doubled her efforts and pushed more into Y/N’s core as she fought against the fatigue, using her hands to stop Y/N’s sloppy movements and increase her pleasure by placing her thumb on her pulsating clit, rolling it under her thumb. "Fuck, you are so tight."
"Oh Kate!"
"Are you ready to come?" Kate asked in a soft, breathy tone, visibly shivering when she heard Y/N moan lewdly in response. Kate knew Y/N was almost ready to hit her tipping point, if her back arching and her moans increasing in volume were anything to go by, "answer me babe. I want to hear you say it."
"Yes babe! I’m so so so close! Please! Just a bit more harder and faster!" Y/N pleaded needily, moaning and wailing pitifully when Kate fulfilled her request right after by moving in and out of her impossibly fast and hard, the squelching sounds of the dildo coming in and out of her making everything so much hot and sinful and dirty. "Yes! I’M SO CLOSE! FUCK!"
"Come for me babe. I can feel you want to come. Do it." And Y/N did right after, her walls swallowing the dildo impossibly in as fluids spurted out of her core and onto the dildo, Kate’s lap and the sheets, causing Kate’s brain to spiral out of control at the sensation.
"Holy shit, that was so powerful."
"You looked so beautiful." Kate stated in awe as she pushed a strand of hair behind Y/N’s ear before leaning down and kissing her tenderly, "how do you feel?"
"Like I’m floating. Fuck I love you so much."
"I love you babe." Kate replied with a million dollars grin and pecked Y/N’s lips once again, not deepening it and keeping it chaste as both reveled in the other’s presence, "I love you so much."
"Stop Kate! You’re making me blush!" Y/N tried to shield her blushing face from Kate as she giggled cutely at the archer staring at her lovingly by moving it to the side and covering it with her hands, but Kate wasn’t having it and after grasping Y/N’s wrists gently, she pulled her hands away from her face, glad that Y/N didn’t resist her, and showered her blushing face with soft, loving kisses, causing Y/N’s giggles to come back in full swing. "I’ve never felt so happy."
"Yes babe. I’ve never been so intimate with someone like I’ve been with you. And I’m not only talking about sex or making love, no. I’m talking about sharing our deepest secrets, our most yearned desires, our insecurities, our fears. But I’m also talking about our banters, our silly selves joking around at any times, even after having sex. I’ve never been so happy in my life. I knew from the moment I saw you walking into that conference room in the Avengers Facility 2 years ago you would’ve been a really important person in my life. It would be cliché to say that I fell in love with you in that instant and maybe it would’ve been too soon, but I knew I started feeling something from you from that moment on."
"Now that we’re pouring our hearts out, I guess it’s my turn to say that this is the happiest I’ve ever been and I got to meet Clint Barton, having him as my mentor. My idol since I was a kid." Y/N chuckled softly at Kate’s dorky response, shaking her head in fond exasperation and making Kate laugh alongside her. "Anyway, I must admit when we first met I was a bit intimidated by you."
"What? Why?" Y/N interrupted Kate with wide eyes and an incredulous, amused grin, before giggling softly when the archer laughed and nodded.
"Yeah! First of all, you know how much of a fangirl I am and y’know being in the Avengers Compound, joining the Avengers, meeting the Avengers was all a bit overwhelming. Anyway, I knew who you were and I already had a crush on you. But fuck when I saw you in the conference room, it was… wow."
"Really?" Y/N asked incredulously as she stared at Kate in shock at her admission, watching as a small blush settled on her cheeks as she nodded shyly at her girlfriend, "why didn’t you make a move sooner?"
"Because I was afraid to loose you! I was over the moon when we became friends and then best friends. I didn’t want to ruin what we had just because I couldn’t control myself, my feelings and I couldn’t keep it into my pants."
"Well, from how fucking great you are in bed, I think we can all agree you could’ve definitely not kept it into your pants." Y/N teased Kate with a sultry look and bit on her bottom lip seductively as she wiggled her eyebrows, making Kate snort at her with a fond shake of her head.
"Horny teenager."
"Nope, I’m the teacher in our mission, remember? You are the teen here."
"Suck a dork." Kate laughed heartily at Y/N’s joke and shook her head amusedly, bracketing her face and kissing her soundly on her mouth, "anyway, I just wanted to have you in my life. I didn’t want to scare you away with my feelings, so I stashed it all inside. If it meant keeping you in my life, I was willing to keep my feelings at bay for the sake of our friendship."
"Oh babe, c’mere." Y/N pulled Kate down in a sweet, chaste kiss as she caressed her face gently with her hands, "we had the same thought. I didn’t want to ask you out just because if you rejected me, I wouldn’t have known how to deal with you walking away from my life. But trust me every hug, every kiss on the cheek, every cuddling session was both a fucking torture and the most beautiful thing in the world. It was like having a taste of what dating you would feel like but then reality crushed down on me and made me remember we weren’t together, just best friends."
"I don’t know about you, but I can literally hear Yelena telling us we are stupid."
Y/N giggled heartily at Kate’s joke and nodded in agreement, both taking a bit of time to laugh together at how stupid they actually had been all this time. "But then everything worked out in the end. And I’m so glad it did."
"Me too." Kate smiled warmly down at Y/N before leaning down to kiss her again and both sighed contentedly into the kiss, keeping it chaste to savor the moment before pulling away just a slight bit, enough for Kate to nuzzle their noses together adoringly, "can I pull the strap out or do you need a bit more time?"
"No, it’s fine. You can move it out now."
"Okay." Kate pecked Y/N’s lips once more before slowly pulling away, hearing Y/N whine in both protest at the lack of fullness the dildo was providing and from the strain of her perfectly stretched core.
"Hello there." Y/N smiled lovingly up at Kate when the archer got out of the harness, moaned a bit when she pulled the small end of the dildo out of her extremely wet core and placed the harness and the dildo on the nightstand before leaning onto Y/N’s naked body and sighed contentedly when the girl’s arms embraced her torso lovingly.
"Hi." Kate smiled warmly and tenderly down at Y/N before kissing her gently, not rushing anything despite her core pulsating wildly and begging her to do something, the love exuding from both of them after their speech was still present and it wrapped around them like it was a warm and cozy blanket, "you’re so beautiful."
"You’re one to talk. You’re gorgeous babe."
"I love you."
"I love you Kate."
"We’re so soft, like we’ve never been." Kate chuckled alongside Y/N at her words, watching as Y/N nodded in amusement and agreement, "I know every time we have sex we also make love, but we’ve never been this- mushy."
"I agree. It must have been the fact that I fall in love with you every single day some more, then." Y/N smiled charmingly at Kate who blushed furiously at her girlfriend’s words.
"Such a charmer."
"What can I say? I like sweeping you off your feet."
"You sweep me off my feet every time you smile."
"Who’s the charmer now?" Y/N asked ironically at Kate’s smug grin and nuzzled their noses together when she giggled softly under her breath.
"I’m just- so happy and so fucking in love with you."
"I know how you feel babe, because I feel the same." Y/N admitted and shared a quick peck with Kate before sighing happily after pulling away as she caressed her naked back gently.
"How do you feel?"
"Great." Y/N answered Kate’s question with a dopey smile, making Kate grin alongside her with a dumb smile of her own, both giggling loudly and care-freely at the love still present around them, "you are really good at using the strap on. I feel thoroughly fucked, holy shit."
"Thank you!" Kate smiled widely at Y/N’s compliment, feeling pride swell deeply within her at her girlfriend’s praising her skills in bed, "even if I haven’t used it so often in my past sexcapades, I’m really glad to hear that. I only want to make you feel good babe."
"You did, you made me feel a lot more than good. Great. Amazing. Wonderful. Exceptional. Extraordinary."
"I’m glad to hear that. I only want you to feel like a queen and I want you to be worshipped the way you deserve to be worshipped."
"And I want the same for you babe." Kate smiled warmly at Y/N before leaning down again to meet her lips in a languid kiss, "well I must admit I’ve had the best orgasm I’ve ever had with you, so yeah, you are doing a pretty good job at worshipping my body."
Y/N smiled warmly up at Kate before nuzzling their noses together, a cute gesture despite their conversation, "I also need to admit I’ve never felt so good in bed before you came into the picture, no pun intended." Y/N joked and reveled with a dumb smile at Kate’s loud giggle at her joke. "You are amazing in bed."
"So are you babe." Kate countered back with a sweet grin as she kept nuzzling their noses some more, sometimes moving her nose on Y/N’s cheek but returning on Y/N’s nose to peck her lips from time to time, "I must admit I had a lot of one night stands, but you had been so fucking good I asked myself if I’ve ever had sex before. No one can match your sex skills in bed."
"I am honored really." Y/N smiled proudly as she lifted her chin up boldly and puffed her chest a bit cheekily, "my ego is literally exploding right now babe."
"Well I only speak the truth, the things you can do with that mouth of yours are out of this world."
Y/N growled under her breath and sunk her nails into Kate’s shoulder blades, the archer hissing a bit in a mix of pain and pleasure at the stinging sensation on her skin but let Y/N flush their bodies together and both reveled in their naked chests rubbing together, "and you have yet to see what I can do with a strap on."
"I can’t wait to find out." Kate rasped out after she heard Y/N’s low, hoarse, seductive tone and bit down on Y/N’s bottom lip teasingly, smiling when the girl groaned under her breath at her bold gesture.
"Okay, we need to wash it first. I will be quick."
"Okay, yeah." Kate nodded in understanding and moved a slight bit to the side to let Y/N move and sit up from the bed, "I’ll wait here. Or do you want me to come with you?"
"No you can stay here." Y/N kissed Kate softly and smiled warmly at her, before moving slightly further down the bed and got off of it, "why don’t you stay here and spread those amazing legs for me while I wash this strap on?"
"Fuck." Kate whispered under her breath as a shiver wrecked her whole body with her temperature rising instantly, but nodded nonetheless and already moved on the bed to lay down on the pillows comfortably.
"I’ll be quick." Kate stared transfixed as Y/N moved away from her before grabbing the strap on and walking towards the en-suite to go wash the dildo, focusing a few seconds on her naked ass and noticing how Y/N swayed her hips more than necessary, making Kate smile knowingly as she realized Y/N was doing that purposefully just to tease her as she was sure Kate would’ve stared at her ass. She got out of her daze and quickly moved around to settle comfortably on the bed, spreading her legs open wide to give Y/N a great view of her dripping wet core when she would walk out of the bathroom. After about 2 minutes Y/N walked out of the en-suite and almost dropped the dildo on the floor to join her jaw at the amazing sight she walked in on. "Holy shit."
Kate felt her body boil over with pride, arousal and power as she watched Y/N devour her body with her eyes - silently hoping she would devour her pussy and her body too with her mouth later on -, "like what you see?"
"A lot."
"Are you gonna just stare or are you gonna do something?" Kate asked seductively with her voice an octave lower than usual and made Y/N shiver visibly as her core pulsated with fresh arousal, "I am so wet for you babe."
"I can see that, Kate." Y/N spoke up with her voice hoarse and full of lust, her Y/E/C eyes almost black with need to make Kate come undone with the strap on, with her fingers and with her mouth, that need almost too unbearable and too much overwhelming that she felt frozen in her spot as she gripped the strap on between her hands with her eyes fixated on Kate’s bldy. "I can see you dripping down onto the sheets, your wonderful pussy screaming at me to lick it clean, your clit begging for my lips play with it. I can hear your whole body asking for me and I can’t wait to fulfill all your and your body’s requests, one after another." Y/N admitted with a sultry tone, arousal, lust and need for her girlfriend she had spread onto her bed, clear in her voice, dripping with an extremely odd sweetness in it despite her crass words and the subject of their conversation. She finally moved from her frozen spot right out of the en-suite and walked slowly towards Kate, who instinctively spread her legs some more and teasingly slipped a hand between her thighs and moved a finger up and down her wet folds, smirking seductively when Y/N focused intently on her movements before meeting her dark ocean blue irises, "you’re playing dirty here Bishop." Y/N commented Kate’s bold gesture as she climbed up the bed and positioned herself between Kate’s legs, sitting on her calves and still gripping the dildo hard between her hands. She eyed Kate’s precise strokes for a few more seconds before moving one hand away from the dildo and moved it towards Kate’s core, gripping her wrist and pulling her hand away from her pussy with a small growl, watching as an innocent smile fell on Kate’s lips.
"Yup, I’m dripping wet for you. I was just checking."
"Kate." Y/N grumbled Kate’s name before leaning down and kissing her fervently, her tongue slipping past Kate’s slightly parted lips to lick every nook and cranny of her mouth as she flushed their bodies together, making them both hum in appreciation.
"Do you want to put the strap on me or do you want me to do it myself?" Y/N asked in a murmur on Kate’s lips after pulling away from the intense kiss to take some needed breath as their burning lungs screamed at them for some fresh air.
"Are you seriously asking me that?"
"Well yeah." Kate smiled lovingly up at Y/N at her question and bit on her bottom lip to prevent her smile to get bigger, eliciting a small giggle from her girlfriend, "I want you to do everything you want to do. I don’t want to force you to do something."
"I love you so fucking much." Kate spoke up as cradled Y/N’s face with her hands, squeezed her cheeks a few seconds, eliciting a small giggle from Y/N, before slamming their lips together in a slow, delicate but forceful kiss, effectively morphing Y/N’s laugh in a moan. "I want to do everything with you my beautiful Y/N Y/L/N."
"Me too."
"So, can I put the strap on on you?"
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Satoru Gojo x GN!reader
Reader is shorter than Gojo. Mentions of reader being an artist and doing fiber crafts. Two mentions of reader wearing glasses
The world is a bit muffled around the edges for you as you frustratingly try to complete the same task you’d been trying to complete for the last… the last… you weren’t sure anymore. Without meaning to a little frustrated growl slips through your teeth and your exhaustion bruised eyes narrow. Just as you’re about to toss the offending lump of yarn, a pair of large hands envelope your own from behind, making you gently place your work down.
You nearly jump out of your skin and if not for the height difference between you and your partner you probably would have cracked your head and his jaw with the force of it. You get out a yelp before he speaks.
“When was the last time you slept? You were up when i went to bed and still up before i got up to leave this morning and i’m pretty sure you were working on this then too.” You can picture the displeased tilt of his mouth before you even tip your head back to look at him. He tuts upon seeing your face. There are deep bruises under your eyes and your eyes are reddened from strain.
Blindfold around his neck and still in his uniform Satoru stares down at you. One of his hands leaves yours to gently brush his thumb under your glasses and below your eye. “I’m fine, Satoru, you know i cant sleep sometimes..”
“You look half dead and you nearly threw your project, and i have personally experienced how precious you are about your work,” he says with both exasperation and fondness.
His mind goes back to your time in school before the two of you were together. You were just a shy and gloomy first year with an interestingly technique to him at that point. So he was more than a little curious when he saw you curled up drawing. He’d plucked your sketch pad from your hands but didn't get very far before you bit his wrist of all things and yanked your sketchbook back. It may not have been his first impression of you but it was a lasting one.
He’s broken from the memory by you huffing. “I’m fine really,” there’s an edge of irritation to your voice that you’ve rarely held with him since becoming adults. Under the irritation he can hear how exhausted you are, you voice pitched low. You haven’t pulled away from him at least. Satoru takes that to mean you haven’t entirely hit your tired tantrum threshold and really he’d rather you don’t hit that point.
You’re looking away from him when he next speaks, your neck no longer tilted back uncomfortably to look back up at.
“That settles that then.”
“Settles wha-, Satoru put me down!”
“I’ll put you down once we’re in the bedroom. You need rest. When you stay up this long you start getting cranky and worse you get mean to yourself.” He wasn't wrong but you still flail in protest.
You’re exhausted though and even the small effort to insist you’re fine makes exhaustion weigh heavy on your bones. “…are you going to stay with me at least?” You question with a pout, one he’s sure you’re not even aware you’re making.
He places you on your shared bed, his eyes are bright and a hint of his usual smile tugs at his lips now that he knows you’re actually going to lay down. “Pretty sure you don’t want to cuddle me until i’ve showered, sweetheart.” He boops you on the nose before moving toward the bathroom. “Get comfortable and i’ll be back out before you know it and i won’t even smell like a dead curse anymore.”
He’s pretty sure you’re aware of the pout you’re giving him now and he laughs before closing the bathroom door behind him.
When he gets out of the bathroom snow white strands of hair are dripping into his face and clean sweat pants sit low on his hips. You're not sure when he grabbed them but to be fair your attention wasn't the sharpest right now. You sit up from your curled position in the middle of the bed and make grabby hands at him.
He blows a wet strand of hair away from his face in vain. “Gotta dry my hair first, Sweetheart.”
“Bring me the dryer?”
The look he gives you is both warm and amused as he turns to go retrieve the hair dryer. You were pretty sure he wanted to say something teasing but he refrained.
You’re already sitting at the edge of the bed when he returns dryer in hand. Plugging in the dryer he sits down, his warm back pressing against your legs. Nothing is said as you begin to dry his hair. His eyes slip shut as you work, your fingers combing through the soft drying strands.
The dryer clicking off and the ensuing silence prompt him to get up. your fingers trail over his back as he stands causing little goosebumps to rise in the wake of your touch. You set the dryer on the night stand just as he turns and crawls into bed, he slips your glasses off your face and gently sets them by the hair dryer before pulling you into his arms, shuffling you both to the middle of the bed to lay down.
“You really should get more rest you know. How long have you been awake?”
A moment of hesitation, you know he won’t like the answer “… i think thirty eight hours give or take…?” Dipping your head under his chin. You feel more than hear him sigh.
“___, i swear i’m going to have to start sedating you. Your sleep medication certainly isn’t doing the job.” You feel a kiss pressed to the top of your head.
“ ‘m fine really,” the words slur a little as you yawn into his neck.
He squeezes you a little. “uhuh sure you are” He can tell you’re fading fast and there's not much conversation to be had. Especially with the way he's rubbing your back in soothing circles, coaxing you toward sleep.
Before you're fully gone though your lips press against his neck "Love you, 'toru."
He smiles and kisses the top of your head. "Love you more." if you'd still been awake he knows you would have protested.
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cerise-angel · 2 years
Steve Harrington x female reader
basically reader has a very bad day, is anxious about college and Steve warms her up.
completely self indulge and maybe a little too much self inserted in this one (sorry ><)
english is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes
requests are open btw!
tanks for reading! hope you enjoy <3
genre: fluff, angst?? (reader is upset) (this could be smut but im a coward lol)
word count: 525
You really dont feel like talking today. Everything is tiring you, and you're feeling bad and antsy. When you finally get home after college, you wish to study, you have to, or else your scholarship is cut off. But you cant summon the strength and opts for a hot shower. The hot water soothes your skin, wrapping you in warmth, and your eyes starts to drop their tears.
You dont feel when, but the warmth of the water, faded and hazy, is replaced by human warmth, real and strong against you. You dont open your eyes, you know its Steve.
His chest is warm and soft against your cheeks, and his arms wrap around your waist and back. His hands caress you in circular motions, saying im here. im here.
Steve doesnt ask why you're crying, he just kisses your tears away, and try to make you smile for him, with his dumb impersonation of Mickey Mouse.
Eventualky he does, and your sobbing turns into a small laugh. He kisses your temple, your eyes and your lips. Steve helps you finish your shower, washing your body with your loofah and favorite bubblegum gel shower.
You both finish the shower, and get out of the box. Steve dries himself quickly, and wrap you in his fluffy green towel, carrying you to your room. You smile against his skin, and he knows you're feeling a little better.
At the room, Steve gets himself inside an old pair of boxers, and gets you inside an old sweatshirt. You both flop into the bed, pulling the duvet until your fully under it. Steve pulls you close to him, your cheeks pressed to his tummy, his arms craddling your head, both your legs intertwined. His mouth drops kisses in your wet hair.
"Want me to blow dry it?"
You nod.
"But after. Want to nap now."
Steve smiles at your lazyness. His arms pull the duvet, and you groan.
"Cmon. Dont want you to get sick."
Pouting, you sit on the bed, while Steve gets up to pick your hair oil and the pink blowdryer you keep under the bed. He gives you the oil, and you apply it to your hair, untangling it in the process. Steve turns the blowdryer on, and sits right behind you, your back glued to his chest. His hands caress your hair, pulling in softly out of your face. You smile, feeling warm, and looks up to him. He smiles back, pressing his nose to yours.
When your hair is mostly dry, Steve turns it off, and before you can move, he wraps his arms and legs around your torso, laying you back on the bed on top of him.
"I love you."
You mutter soflty, eyes glisting from happiness and not from tears anymore. Steve lets out a fake sigh.
"Only cause i dried your hair."
You turn in his embrace, facing his pretty eyes and fake pout. You kiss him, just to kiss him. Steve smiles.
"I love you more."
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askingjeffwinger · 5 months
24/7, Eight days a week. on the kitchen counter, on the couch, on the bed, on the bathroom counter, in the bathtub, on the Living room table, on the dining table, on the doorstep, against the wall, in the closet, on his Lap, on his face, in a Locker, on your desk, on the floor, mattress, carpet, on the stairs, anywhere possible. No stopping, don't stop when i pass out. Continue. Continue as i gasp for air, grab the headboard, grip your hair, scratch your back, roll my eyesback, salivate, back is broken, cant walk, cant talk, Legs are numb, core is swollen and dehydrated, until im absolutely devoured into a sloppy mess. Don't stop until my organs are rearranged, until my insides know the attack pattern, until i beg for mercy, until i scream your name Louder than a microphone, thighs drippy, until I'm in a wheelchair, until my core is ripped apart, until i grip the sheets so hard i drive holes through them, until i need to be rushed to the hospital, until I'm broken into machsolisticslut covered from head to toe in your seed. Until you come on my face so much that my face is so mosturized I won't need skincare anymore, until he's sucked out dry, until I'm shaking so hard It'd be considered as a siezure, until you've made me pass out so much l'd need to be put on IV drip. Milk me raw with toys, thrust until the vibrator's battery runs out. need skincareanymore, until he's sucked out dry, until I'm shaking so hard It'd be considered as a siezure, until you've made me pass out so much l'd need to be put on IV drip. Milk me raw with toys, thrust until the vibrator's battery runs out. Don't stop. No protection, impregante me with your heirs, until I rip. Make me crawl away for mercy. Those thrusts will bring tears to my eyes, but my face will never be as wet compared to down there. I'd willingly give him the most eye rolling, hip thrusting, toe curling, squriming, jaw dropping, sheet clenching, hair pulling, sloppy, creamy, head nodding, trembling, sweaty, Lip Licking, groaning, eye widening, back arching, addictive, shoving, wet head. I'd do it whether he asked or not. Make me crawl away for mercy. Those thrusts will bring tears to my eyes, but my face will never be. no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, fromthe dining table to the bedroom, from thebathroom sink to the shower, from the frontporch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while Igasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, beingcarried against the wall, outside, in a train, ona plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the the bedof a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, againstthe window, have the most toe curling, backarching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fistclenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, assclenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eyerolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheetgripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hairpulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soulsnatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moaninducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, backbreaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lipbiting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feekicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, blackhole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can'twalk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcanoerupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash_removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nailscratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain celldesolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, slendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tango ever bro could cause a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
k thanks king 🫶✨
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Reading final battle aftermath fics (so good btw) and they always go right back inside but i cant help but remember my night time dorm fire alarm experiences. like half the school was on fire. So heres how i think it happened: The staff and students were standing out there in the woods until they got the all clear from the firefighters at like 3am. Half of them are asleep in the leaves already and have to be woken up. The police cars were slashed but not other emergency services so they prob have several ambulances they make the students go up to to get checked out. A ton of students are probably too scared to sleep or their half of the school caught on fire so a significant portion of them are sleeping out in the hallways together. Enid is covered head to toe in mud and dirt and dried blood which she must feel pull on her skin every time she moves or speaks. Wednesday got stabbed twice and her blood probably glued her clothes to her skin.
So both girls got checked by the paramedics and the only places they're clean is the areas they were bandaged (poor Enid was naked she must've been embarrassed). Enid and Ajax fell asleep in the leaves and after Wednesday gave her police statement she went to go sit with them and she let a half asleep Enid hold her hand, Enids other one in Ajax's or Thing's. They finally get the all clear to go in and the girls are tripping over the people already set up in the hallway and they finally get to the room. Enid needs to shower but she's too scared to be alone in a room by herself so she drags Wednesday to the bathroom with her. Its 3:30am and Wednesday wants to go to bed but Enid slips her head out of the shower curtain every two minutes to look around for danger so its taking forever. Enid stays in the bathroom when Wednesday showers because she doesnt want to be alone, which turns out to be a good thing because as she's blow drying her hair she can hear Wednesday try to peel her shirt off and she's already in the shower trying to wet the blood so she's banging her elbows into the wall and reluctantly lets Enid help her. They clammer into bed but shadows keep scaring Enid despite her literally winning a battle with a hyde 5 hours ago so she straight up pushes her bed until it's next to Wednesday's. Wednesday crosses the line and grabs Enid's hand again. And thats how they fall asleep.
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bluiex · 2 years
I can't keep things brief. Enjoy 1 of possibly 3 shroom stories to come, but please remove my username!
Bdubs has the braincell.
Scar drops by to be an ass.
Mumbo is sad.
If you're following the Father Spore AU, you already know what you're in for.
- 🩸 (slightly different emoji since I'm submitting this from my computer)
“I say we blow ‘em all up.”
Mumbo’s head sank further into his hands, combed black hair parting untamed between fingers.
“Scar’s gettin’ more aggressive. He already took down the entire science facility, killed a bunch of people and turned Cub. And now he’s got Grian! We’re running outta options here!”
“Grian is not gone yet!” the mayor pounded his fist on the desk. “And we will not resort to blowing up the shopping district just because we haven’t found the cure yet!”
“The cure IS blowing up the shopping district, genius!” Bdubs growled and leaned over the desk challenging his boss. “Shoot the laser, send the antifungal, and watch ‘em dry up. You asked Grumbot for a plan and that’s the one he gave us. So do it!”
Mumbo’s dark eyes glared back, but his lip quivered under the advisor’s gaze. His facade chipped apart like broken machinery, emotions falling back into disarray.
“I can’t do it, Bdubs. I can’t. I can’t kill him after we’ve recovered so many others. He just has a different strand of the infection! Something we haven’t cultured a strong enough drug for yet. If you’d just give me more time to-”
“Time to what? Let the dead scientists keep working? Ask Cub for some skulk? Scar crippled us when he infected the lab and we’re all outta time.” He pulled out his pocket watch for added emphasis.
The golden sheen reflected movement outside the room. Mumbo glanced behind him to see Grian stumbling through the hall in a trance.
“Grian wait!”
The words fell on deaf ears as Mumbo rushed forward, Bdubs on his heels. Grian pushed the door open and a gust of heavy, wet air swept inside of town hall. An overcast gray sky groaned with rain. Wind whipped the once diamond studded trees until their leaves blew off and fell at the foot of a certain man in a purple vest.
“Afternoon Mumbo, Bdubs!” He waved, pulling one hand off his cane. “Lovely day for a stroll isn’t it?”
Mumbo gripped Grian’s arm to hold him back, but the bird wasn’t moving. Instead, he stared lovingly at the monster before them, eyes heavy with purple fog. His wings drooped and fanned out behind him in a display of submission. Fans of shelf fungi peeked out from between his dull feathers and clouds of spores fell out as he puffed them gently.
“Mister mayor! Get away from him!” Bdubs yanked Mumbo back and knocked the sticky pollen off his hands. Despite his size, he manhandled the mayor until Mumbo’s arms were pinned behind his back.
“Grian! Bdubs, stop! You cant’-!Grian!!!”
The words didn’t have much meaning coming from his lips. Scar chuckled and tapped his cane on the pavement.
“Just thought I’d stop by to give you a referendum.” He purred. “The Mycelium Resistance is ready to strike. You have until Friday to submit and join us because on Saturday we’ll be busy celebrating our victory. But I’m not saying this as a threat! Oh no, no, no. Quite the opposite in fact! This is an opportunity for you!”
“You really should listen, Mumbo.” Grian sighed dreamily. “If only you could know this wonder, this feeling of… connection. Pleasure. Love…”
Father Spore hummed in agreement.
“As my sweet sporeling said, there’s nothing to be afraid of. I take good care of my children. You’ll have everything you could ever want or dream of. The Mycelium welcomes all and only grows on you.” He smirked at his own pun. “I know that you miss him, Mumbo. He’s such a pretty thing. But as you see, he’s come to his senses. Come along now Grian.”
Mumbo struggled helplessly watching the bird descend the stairs and run happily into Father Spore’s embrace. Grian nuzzled against Scar’s vest affectionately, breathing in deeply the scent of earth, moisture, and sweet tinges of lust that floated off him.
“So beautiful,” Scar mused, idly running his hand through Grian’s unkempt, mushroom-laced wings. Green eyes locked with Mumbo’s and Scar slid his hand down Grian’s back, making a show of caressing his ass. Grian moaned at the touch and rocked against Scar’s hips.
“So close to perfection, my songbird. I can’t wait to fill you again; hear you beg and plead for more of Daddy’s cock…”
Scar snickered while Bdubs gripped the mayor tighter.
“This is what peace looks like,” he said calmly, snaking his arm around Grian’s waist. “Join us Mumbo, or I’ll make that incident at the lab look like a birthday party compared to this Friday. You have five days.”
Father Spore turned on his heel and walked away with Grian held lovingly at his side.
“Mumbo! Mumbo! It’s okay! Stop listening to him! Calm down!”
The mayoral assistant was having a hard time restraining the thrashing mayor.
“Okay?! He’s being bloody kidnapped! And if you don’t let go of me this instant, Grian’s going to be-”
“Grian is GONE your mayorship! Didn’t ya see how he waltzed right into Scar’s arms? There’s nothing left! His brain’s turned to soup!”
The mayor looked on as the pair turned out of sight and vanished. A single, shoddy feather blew across the pavement before the wind carried it away and the hush of rain fell over the shopping district. He was gone. He was gone. Mumbo knew it, but his tongue refused to admit it.
When his struggles died down, Bdubs slowly let go and placed a hand on Mumbo’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, mayor. I really am sorry...”
He wanted to respond to Bdubs, he really did, but instead Mumbo’s trembling legs gave up and sank to his knees on the concrete porch.
Gray noise filled the world and his thoughts alike.
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saltofmercury · 1 year
Wet hair to bed is an ick of mine fr like I will fry my hair with the blow drier before my wet hair touches my pillow I just cant 😭😭
Same. I ended up staying up till 10:30pm to blow dry my hair.
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not my normal shiz, but like, i was watching something and was reminded that, Hygiene and Stuff, is an executive function, and one i struggle with
growing up my parents had to fight me to get me into the shower, until very recently i didn't shower but once every 2-3 weeks, I'd use a washcloth to clean anywhere that might have smelled put on deodorant and all that jaz, but i did not have the spoons to take a shower, showers sucked as a kid, and as a tween and even now i still Do Not like them, i hated brushing my hair as a kid, i hated having heat tools used on my hair, to make it look "neat" and because i didn't brush my own hair, my mom would do it, and it hurt, she'd rip it out in the process, which made me hate it more, and did this make my parents decide "maybe hair down to their ass is a bad idea for this child who hates to bathe or brush their hair?" no, i was not allowed to cut my hair short until i was 13, then i wasn't allowed to cut it again until i was 17, showers are easier now because i don't have long hair, taking care of it is something i take pride in, and i hate blow drying it, it's loud and hot, and i fucking hate it, until i was 15 i had to blow dry and straighten my hair after every shower, and i had to straighten it every day i didn't wear it up, i hated doing both of these things, and i was assumed lazy for it(even though i now put more time and effort into my hair MORE THAN WILLINGLY), because it was a perceived norm hygiene is important, and you should do what you can bring yourself to do, but keep in mind that as long as you wash your hands and your bits, don't get up in peoples business when you know you're struggling with keeping clean, and don't spread stuff, it's no one else's business, and you Aren't an awful dirty person for struggling my recommendation is to find what parts you are struggling with, and minimize those issues don't like feeling cold after a shower? make sure the rooms nice and warm, put rugs down that you can put in the washer, get a nice fluffy bath robe. don't like how clothes stick to you right after no matter how dry you try and make yourself? don't wear clothes, maybe wear a robe if it is loose enough not to stick to you, or go into a room by yourself and be naked to let it all airdry for a while, or if you live alone just go on with your activities naked for a while, if you have this issue and the previous issue, maybe sit in front of a space heater with a towel wrapped around you, not to close though, you don't want to burn yourself don't have the energy for a shower? how is the shower draining you especially? cut those parts out. is it the standing in place? sit down, be it in the tub if its clean or on a stool, or even on a washcloth if you cant clean the tub and don't have a stool that you can use in the shower. is it washing your hair? you can just rinse it for now, maybe take a rinse shower mostly and take a hair washing shower less frequently, or if its dealing with wet hair in general, just put a shower cap on and deal with it when you have the energy, it's Okay. is it the washing your body? just wash the important bits for now, it's fine, most people don't have gunk and grime on them and just letting the soap and water run over the rest of you isn't the worst thing, yes it's best to scrub all over but it's okay if you only have the energy for that every once in a while. is the sensory experience of it tiring? what is especially icky sensory wise? is it the noise, the wetness, the tub, the lights in the bathroom? do your best to dim those sensory inputs, if at all possible theres not much to be done about the wetness, i'll admit, but if you can get in and out quickly you wont have to deal with it as long if its the tub, maybe you could put down a mat of some kind that can be thrown in the washer if its the sound, maybe some earplugs if its the lights, turn them off, and get a light that doesn't bother you, it doesn't have to be that bright, just bright enough not to get hurt, and to be able to tell what products you're using, like a battery powered camping lamp with the color of light you like would probably work in general
things like this take a lot more spoons than people who don't struggle with them make it out to be, and I'm sorry you're struggling, I'm still struggling, but it's okay to make the task easier, and it's okay if even that's not enough to be able to do it right then, it doesn't make you bad, or defunct, or lazy, or gross, it makes you a person who's struggling, and that's Okay
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remicilline · 1 year
regarding lrb she absolutely hates that i blow-dry my hair every time i wash it but i cant not do it i get sick easily with wet hair sidhijdbjdjbb
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
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