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possiblyweedfart · 8 months ago
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recent paintings that r the result of my elden ring/bloodborne hyperfixation as of late.
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dykedvonte · 3 months ago
there’s something i really adore about curly being revealed to being this beautiful blond man after we see him post crash like what happens to him is so awful and dehumanizing like he really loses everything but especially as a viewer/player watching this game i love the commentary it’s silently making and this uncomfortable feeling in my chest that i have to wrestle with. love it when stuff makes me feel
I think it’s so poignant that Jimmy never hallucinates or sees Curly as his pre-crash self. He only speaks to Curly about and in terms of his own thoughts and projections and rarely lets him have his own inner personal thoughts. Even before the crash it is like this. He is the perfect captain to him and to an extent the rest of the crew even if he is more actualized around the others.
So much of how Curly is dehumanized by Jimmy and the rest is representative of how the Pony Express and capitalism strips workers of their identity, into objects of service. Once he can’t do anything who or what he was is no longer important, worthless, a burden. He is both the dandy dish in HFIM, the idea of going up being before the crash, while the ball is after the crash, his forced decent downwards.
There is an argument he is dehumanized to less than an even object with how his ID card lacks a name and face in Jimmy’s hallucination. Even Anya gets her name, and identify. He is just an empty spot, a role to fill to a lot of them, which is think is why so many fans have a hard time pin pointing who Curly was before the crash and what he stood for.
So much of what we saw of Curly was a man on duty, a man serving under his job and starting to find conflict with that. We don’t really get to see Curly acting for himself and it think it tells about the way he has been molded along with the way he was trying to reshape himself outside of P.E before it was too late.
I always finding intriguing how people almost prefer to draw post crash Curly, to draw his suffering and continue, to an extent, him being the scapegoat, faceless and facing repercussions other characters and entities should. Being a figure to vent frustration to because he can’t fight back, we don’t know what he would say or how he would feel or what he would’ve done. We don’t really know that when he had skin either…
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astro-nomaly · 18 days ago
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Me when I get a chance to talk about Sword and Shield
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Okay okay OKAY so this is my Sword and Shield Greenflower au where I completely make up Brad’s entire personality
Yap session time: so some things to start off: FSM is an actual literal God not just some fucking hybrid dude. He does that fanon thing where he makes Garm and Wu out of the golden power (they’re also twins in this). Anyways life happens (overlord isn’t. Really a thing? Like he exists but he’s more of that dick at the family reunion who spends the entire day drinking and then fucks off) Garm and Wu are demigods, which here means that they’re a) immortal unless killed with a VERY powerful weapon and b) cosmically powerful bc I said so. Anyway Garm ends up falling in love which everyone tells him not to do bc he WILL outlive her, but he still married Misako.
Now Misako can do Spinjitzu without an element which is supposedly impossible (elements are. Also a thing ig. Don’t ask me why FSM decided to start passing them out like party favors idk) and instead of lengthening her life like I did in TKAL, it’s too much for her body and she dies early. Garm doesn’t even really realize how much time passed from their meeting to marriage and deciding to have a kid since he doesn’t feel the passage of time the same way as mortals. They decided to ask FSM “hey can u do that golden power thing but with our dna” so now Garm is just standing her with a glowing demigod baby and dead wife
So he tries to be a chill dad for a while but his grief warps into this all-consuming hatred for mortals. It starts off as just avoiding them, finding them annoying, not letting Lloyd anywhere near them etc but eventually he starts going “genocide doesn’t sound too bad actually” (bro wasn’t even bitten by the GD 😭) and tries to steal the golden weapons. FSM has fucked off on vacation or smth by this point and left his kids in charge to take care of his realm while he’s out. Wu isn’t cool with genocide actually but is also too like. Divine? To really get the weight of Actual Genocide and just sees it as Garm throwing a tantrum. So instead of putting the guy in the realm of madness, he kicks his bro into the first realm to hang out with other Oni until he stops whining and takes Lloyd in to raise him.
Lloyd grows up with Wu, eventually the others show up for one reason or another and do missions or whatever not important point is he considers them family. And despite being a demigod he’s somehow still the baby of the family
Anyway Garm pops back in more genocidal than ever and with an Oni army. So obviously the ninja and Wu fight him and Wu tried to keep Lloyd out of it (bc like yeah he’s the green ninja but Garm’s his dad y’know). After too long tho Lloyd decided he can probably talk his dad down and they can just be a chill family together (lmao idiot). Garmadon is insane atp and does this crazy thing to Lloyd where he turns his kid into a fucking sword. Like. Literally takes the Sword of Sanctuary (FSM’s sword) and merges Lloyd with it. He does it bc he wants the green element for himself since it’s like the End All element
Wu steals Lloyd back, but can’t reverse whatever the hell Garm did to him, so he sticks his Sword Nephew in a monastery on the tallest mountain in the world and then just. Leaves him there. He doesn’t know what to do okay
Flash forward 50 years and Brad is living in a city constantly getting bombed, neither side has gained much ground, and he finds this weird scroll about magic swords in monasteries. So he climbs the mountain on a whim, as you do, and finds the sword and Lloyd. Lloyd turns out to be *gasp* an actual person. They decide to break the curse with the golden weapons and go on this whole cross-continental journey to find the damn things and then fall in love
Some stuff here for Plot: Lloyd being a sword comes with a lot of convoluted caveats specifically designed to limit his free will as much as physically possible, bc Garm is an insane piece of shit (I promise I love him just not here he gets better maybe)
So: the Wielder. Basically, if Lloyd is in Sword Form, whoever picks him up by the hilt automatically becomes the new wielder. Since this is basically Ella Enchanted this means: the Wielder controls whether he’s human or a sword (Lloyd cannot shapeshift on his own), the Wielder can physically force him to follow a command, and he can’t get too far away or he’ll automatically turn back into a sword. In Weapon mode, the Wielder can actually get him to turn into different kinds of weapons (anything handheld with a blade - no guns) to fight with.
Also, Lloyd’s powers (green element and Spinjitzu) are gone bc Wu did this thing to lock them up so no one could use them. Like not even Lloyd can use them and neither can the Wielder
And obviously Brad is the Wielder. They eventually get to the point where it’s a pretty mutual relationship and they’ve got this whole telepathic bond going on bc Brad is A Decent Person Who Doesn’t Treat Him Like Shit. In the finale Brad actually ends up using the green element with Lloyd bc he bagged a demigod it makes sense I SWEAR
And if all those rules sound convoluted and dehumanizing: that is the point. The whole story is really just about trust and personal autonomy. Lloyd has to trust Brad not to abuse the power he has over him, Brad has to trust that Lloyd actually cares about him, and the entire journey is so Lloyd can regain his autonomy, which Brad Does Not abuse. Like he literally refuses to turn Lloyd into a sword or order him around until Lloyd makes him bc bro you’re ab to die USE THE SWORD
There’s also a lot of hurt/comfort over the fact that Brad is Just Some Guy and Lloyd is this divine demigod who will outlive him several times over. Garmadon is actually so pissed that they’re in love lmao
Uhm. Ask me more ab this if you’re interested okay yap session over jfc
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bengiyo · 1 year ago
Top 5 beautiful boys you didn't know were beautiful until this year (whether because they're new arrivals or because you gained a new appreciation)
Ah, yes, my Bestie in Taste. Let us simp together.
Title Tanatorn Saenangkanikorn
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I was aware of Title before this year from small appearances elsewhere, but I loved him so much as Saengtai. He is so ridiculously pretty to me.
Honda Kyoya
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I get why everyone was sprung over this man in two shows this year.
James Supamongkon
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Yes, we all chose King for our WOULD asks earlier, but I still don't think we've talked enough about how beautiful James is. I'll just use this gif of King's tits to help prove my point. He's prettier than the tits.
Net Siraphop
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Yep, I'm including both of them. He was on all of our lists for a reason.
Babe Tanatat
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A late entry but a new favorite. Babe is my current bias and I don't care how off the rails The Sign goes as long as he's still in it.
Oh, it seems I've run out of slots. Anyway, I'm gay and can do whatever I want.
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I actually liked J-Min a lot in Love Class 2 and found myself checking in for the first three weeks just to look at him before the show really hit its stride.
Daou Pittaya
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I know Daou is growing his hair back out, but he doesn't have to.
Mashiko Atsuki
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I would have finished My Personal Weatherman even if it was bad for his visuals alone.
Izuka Kenta
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I love the way this man plays quietly unhinged.
Iijima Hiroki
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I will watch anything he's in.
Nakata Keisuke
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Truly one of the men of the year for me.
Lee Seung Gyu
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Y'all should see his workout content on IG.
Thor Thinnaphan
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I took notice of everything he did in The Warp Effect and A Boss and a Babe.
Im Ji Sub
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I started this with Emily last night and her first comment after it ended was, "Jae Won is hot."
Ben Bunyapol
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As NiNi says regularly: "I just know he's keeping someone up at night."
Poom Phuripan
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So glad he's going to be in a show with Up Poompat! It's what we deserve!
Edit: I excluded the following people because I was already aware of them, but I loved them anew so I can.
Nonkul Chanon
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I was aware of him and his incredible chest from earlier work, but he really was so stunning and so good as Jom this year.
Bright Rapheephong
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I was aware of him as one of PP's video babes, but this man's eye work was so fucking good in IFYLITA
Ask me Top 5 BL 2023 Anything
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wyn0rrific · 11 months ago
primarch sexuality/gender headcanons bc im lit rally john warhammer (/j)
lion el'johnson- cis (he/him) gay (you cannot tell me that this man is interested in woman in the SLIGHTEST /j)
fulgrim- bigender (he/she) bisexual (no im not projecting wdym /j)
perturabo- cis (he/him) gay (ur grumpy old gay uncle i dunno)
jaghatai khan- transmasc (he/him) straight (im ngl i have no reason for this except that it just makes sense)
leman russ- cis (he/him) bisexual (male lean + the space wolves are just very fruity bastards idc)
rogal dorn- cis (he/him) straight (this may change once i get further into the HH books but who knows mans is literally so hard to read)
konrad curze- nonbinary (it/he) gay (tired of the "mentally ill = ace/aro" hc he can still fuck and be deranged!!!!)
sanguinius- cis (he/him) gay (god is gay and his name is sanguinius)
ferrus manus- transmasc (he/him) gay (he picked out his name himself and all of his siblings were very much embarrassed/disappointed by his decision /j)
angron- cis (he/him) straight/ace (something something he most likely physically cannot show love bc of his nails)
roboute guilliman- transmasc (he/him) bisexual (pathetic malewife coded i don't make the rules)
mortarion- agender (they/them) ace/aro (similar reasons as dorn but also they definitely just dont care too much to identify as anything atp)
magnus the red- genderfluid (he/she/they) pansexual (insert funny warp magic joke here)
horus lupercal- cis (he/him) bisexual (female lean mans just gives off "i can swoon anyone" vibes)
lorgar aurelian- transfem (she/they/it) bisexual (something something uhh religious trauma tgirl go brr)
vulkan- cis (he/him) man pansexual (mans just loves everyone honestly)
corvus corax- transfem (they/she) bisexual (read a tgirl corvus fic once and immediately was hooked on this hc)
alpharius (and omegron ig??)- agender (they/he/it) ace/aro (again same as morty but also "hehe funny secret third gender")
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nikethestatue · 7 months ago
Everytime there’s discourse or fandom drama it always make me resent sjm/Bloomsbury a little bit more cause let’s be real, this shit would still be around but wouldn’t be near as bad if they would just fucking announce something anything. They don’t even have to give a specific date but the more they are silent and the longer it goes on the more I feel the fandom eat itself and sjm dig herself into a hole that frankly, is probably past due climbing out of. No matter what ship she goes with now, even if it’s ACOMAF level, it’s gonna be a shit show. This’ll be her second release after getting BIG big and after how shit HOFAS was I feel like the hole Bloomsbury/sjm dug themselves by keeping quiet will halt her upward momentum. She’ll always be popular and have her fan following but if she doesn’t deliver on the next book she’ll be quickly eclipsed if not already by other authors her show is already losing momentum from the popularity of the series and as others discover other books than hers with authors being more open people will just move on idkkkkk I don’t expect a book a year or for her to churn them out but it really feels like she just don’t give a fuck anymore or Bloomsbury is trying to capitalize on a “twilight” strategy with Team this and team that but it’s backfiring
I don't blame her and BB for the assholes in the fandom. She wouldn't be able to help that even if they announced the book. If people want to pick fights, they will, regardless of anything she or BB do.
I mean, even AFTER the book is written, I am quite sure there will be a bunch of naysayers. Look at Nessian--it's been years, but people are saying that they have a fake bond and she belongs with Eris and Cassian will die. So I mean, you can't cure stupid sometimes.
As for her popularity--yeah, it's a weird gamble they are taking. Not sure what the deal is. Unless we are for some super major shock that no one expects and it will blow all of our minds, I don't know why certain things about the book cannot be shared.
At the same time, I think being in the fandom warps our perception. It's important to remember that. BB is a company with lots of moving parts--do they really care that some fans on Reddit or IG want to know who the next FMC will be? I doubt it. I think the way they see it, they delivered a book this year, only 5 months ago and like, what else do you want?! We aren't going to get books and announcements every 2 months. I think in their minds, there is no pressure.
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p4nishers · 1 year ago
i love aziraphale so so so much but i still can’t find any way to rationalize him LIQUEFYING that corpse. it’s just horrid and i know where he got the idea from but i still don’t understand why doing THAT of all things was his first instinct over, say, miracling the body away, when he was already anti-desecrating corpses at that point. help
oh yeah no you're absolutely right it IS a hard scene to understand and get over and honestly i was mad at him too for it like bbg fuck are u doing seriously??? but i mean angels do have pretty brutal methods of carrying out punishments (lot's wife, anyone?) and obviously i'm not saying that justifies his actions in any way but it's still like a very, well i was gonna say light way of punishment but i don't think that's appropriate when we're talking about people doing shit when they're trying not to STARVE but what i am saying is that it wasn't like unexpected of him ig? i mean he did so much CRAAZZY shit in the books for what he thought was "right" and i said i could defend him on everything but with this one i'm just not gonna since it's a batshit fucking crazy thing to do even if him giving his approval later on and saying "this is all my fault" all tearful softens the blow and it makes me want to warp him up in a blanket, there's some shit like that are just too wild for me to get into. also ps fyi i 'read' into it (googled and read one singular article) and it says in the bible that they clean bodies and one must clean a body within a week or it or the person (not?) cleaning the body won't stay pure or smth like that, so that could have to do smth with that particular choice of his, idk. also also i think (and this might be a stretch) him not miracling the body away was bc he hoped (?) elsbeth would get something for it at least, i mean she seemed to think she would get SOMETHING for her troubles and maybe he thought that too ?? i really dk im sorry im not good at this shit
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probablyaseamonster · 9 months ago
I just saw the trailer for the next Cult of the Lamb update and I'm having fuuuun/devious glee.
Sidenote but it'll be coming out a few days before my b-day so that's great! (I totally didn't need anymore signs from the gods that I need irl friends before I snap hehooo)
So, regarding the alternate universe vessel character.
(so far I've seen like 5 names that I love to death but I have a feeling I know the one in particular that is gonna settle before the others get considered. I could make a list if anyone wants to debate 'cause fandoms can settle Fast and I think there's some potential for layered contrast and just settling for the easy option would be disappointing. But I'm not the biggest fan anyway so maybe I shouldn't be so arrogant about it.)
I noticed how they were wearing purple robes and were often in purple lighting, obviously, the way everyone else did, but something might be wrong with my eyes cuz their crown colour seemed like, straight-up blue to me? I do have an eye injury atm so maybe that's legit. Seemed kinda glaring tho/pos
So now I've got two diverging paths I'm *scrawling* over/pos:
1- AU where Shamura is the one bound in chains (and Narinder the role of think no evil) and the player character serves the god of War instead of Death.
Look, the animatics just write themselves. Any God of War scene? You can warp and adapt. Also, the "Warrior of the Mind" animatic for anyone who got obsessed with Fate: the Musical recently. It's just potential!
I also like the idea of instead of the dynamic being black cat x deceptively wholesome shepherd, it's intellectual spider x scruffy goat with a knife.
On the OTHER hand, hear me out,
2- Kallamar & Narinder roleswap AU. This could have the personalities swap version (something something scaredy-cat), or a fun to imagine scenario where Kallamar became jaded enough to the point of nearly paralleling Narinder in formidable vengefulness while also having been just as much of a coward in the past. Basically he grew some courage but at what cost?
This would probably mean that Narinder stayed however he was before the betrayal and imprisonment, probably being the one to lose his ears, and maybe taking the role in the narrative as the sibling to run from the Goat after the two younger gods got taken out and the middle child realized he was next? I can't imagine Narinder throwing Shamura under the bus like that, maybe it was more like a "you can't kill me, it'll fuck everything up! You have to spare me or the last fight will take place in an even more fucked-up apocalyptic hellscape!").
If Narinder was still the one to first express discontent with Death, wonder how Sickness being restrained in the afterlife affected Narinder's situation... Or what if Narinder was like Shamura, and the two were conspirators, instead of Death by War it was Death by Plague? And Death stayed free but went deaf or insane? What would Kallamar have to gain from the idea of breaking past his cosmic role, thinking "okay but what if, immortality was an option?" remixed to be uh, maybe something to do with health? Immunity? Something bordering Frankenstein as an affront to nature?
As you can see I'm putting thoughts and curiosity into both ideas, the only thing I kinda hope becomes mainstream fanon is that the Goat is a bit like Lamb's opposite - wheras one is welcoming and soft but capable of horrors at night, and of course being a badass monster fighter - contrasted with an equally small and powerful but ig more unhinged-seeming up close for the first couple interactions (probably recruited individuals with a pitch like "look I'm the one with the weapon here, so you're gonna wanna get behind me even if you don't trust me with access to things") but then shows glimpses of a heart of gold that makes followers feel safe enough to stay. As well as a sense of responsibility and like, actual leadership skills lol.
Just, Sheep / Goat religious allegories make me very sad and I think this silly little game would make me feel better about things.
I can't WAIT to see how Bamsara handles this update. We gettin' the multiverse canon? Hopefully it doesn't get too crazy, and we stick with just the two purple/blue and red characters for a little while.
I wonder what other satanic animals could be vessels? Wolf, definitely, donkey makes sense also, and pig is usually ascribed with gluttony but there's something that could be done with cleanliness or intelligence but percieved otherwise... I also think there's something that could be done with birds though, like I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that the Mourning Dove is angel coded, much like the Lamb. Could just be the Dove also, though I was kinda hoping that the Symbol of World Peace wouldn't be a drect Christian symbol, which was a wishful hope.
Um... yeah! Just wanted to get my thoughts out! And there's a certain other goatlike character who's been occupying my thoughts recently, dw, I'll get to that soon. I'll explain then.
um. I don't know if this is a function so I'm not even gonna try lol but I hope I remember to come back to see Bamsara's initial reaction to the alternate universe implicated update! Oh yeah and a daycare centre, that's a relief for everyone involved whoof! Hope there's an NPC willing to take up the job, and who would of course enjoy being around kids.
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aeryssickfics · 10 months ago
I'm rolling around today and currently on my mind is like- spoilers up to the Sumeru Archon quest ending, ig, under the cut. also a mention from Zhongli's story quest, not for the plot Of the quest but the aftermath. It's about the Traveler and Sibling
We find out from nahida that like. Our Sibling is in the Irminsul's memories, but we're not. And the Irminsul records memories of Teyvat, but not of descenders bc descenders are not Of Teyvat.
I'm still just completely baffled by how our twin sibling ISNT a descender but we are. what the hell does that mean? like obviously we dont have the official answer yet but im just-
like- what?
like ig the most logical answer is kind of... something to do with the abyss and whatever happened on our sibling's side because we dont know... what memories how how extensive they are or when they start, because they are apparently damaged/hidden which is. fascinating for its own reasons.
and of course, of everyone we've met only Zhongli (and Dain, we'll get to him) seems to know anything and he's contractually obligated to keep his mouth shut. because of course he is. and I understand why the traveler is just like ugh fine keep your secrets but I want to grab him and shake him until he drops them like loose mora.
And then there's fucking Dain. DAIN and his habit of popping up traumadumping as we drag fragments of lore out of him and then vanishing into the aether. (Ha. Ha. Aether because-) but like- we can't trust he's telling the truth, we can't trust he's telling us pertinent information. he didnt even warn us about our sibling being the Prince(ess) of the abyss! even though that was obviously going to blindside the shit out of us!
so obviously dain probably knows more than he's letting on.
Traveler and Sibling are. somehow either not from the same origin or something about the Abyss Sibling has been so warped that they are no longer the same, we know where our sibling is but not where to find them. And Nahida is the only person who has really given us any help.
im fascinated by this puzzle but im very confused. Picture me as a zoo animal batting around a puzzle trying to get to the reward inside. lmao
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europa-ganymede · 2 years ago
So this dude that went to high school with my ex and was in a band that actually made it big from my area back in the early 2010′s, late 2000′s (when we were in HS) has been following me on social media for a while. When I say made it big I mean their music video was on MTV. They played Warped Tour. He never really interacted with me but would delete his account and come back randomly. Sometimes interact with my stories on IG. I never gave it much thought.
He randomly started interacting with me again when his IG account popped back up. When I tell you this convo with him I had recently was so unhinged. I didn’t know him personally so I have no idea what his personality is like. But personally? NOT A FAN. 
He is either a terrible communicator or is really bad at expressing his personality through text but the conversation was somewhat funny except when he would be rude for no reason. He sent me some response to something that didn’t make sense and I said “what does that mean?” He goes “you could go back and read it again”. I said “I did, three separate times. Still doesn’t make sense.” And he skirted around answering to clarify. Changes the subject and then I said something and he goes “yeah no shit, dummy”. First of all, I don’t know who you’re talking to like that but you’re calling ME a dummy? Learn to type, bitch. So I continue responding to him but I’m half-assing the responses now and being super dry but he’s not getting it. He keeps telling me off and on that he thinks I’m hot (duh) and “i’m sorry I didn’t tell you that you were such a babe sooner”... then he asks me how I feel about the “R” word and I’m like “Religion?” He goes “No, God doesn’t exist retard”. I literally sent a “...” and went “are you fucking around right now or are you just really stupid?” He just replied with “hahahaha” 
Then I tell him that negging doesn’t work on me and I’m not insecure so he should try that with someone else. Because LITERALLY, WHO CALLS A GIRL THEY’RE INTERESTED IN RETARDED? I don’t know you like that. He asks me if I’m upset because I’m retarded and I said “no, but you might be judging by how this conversation is going”. And he goes “No dear, we don’t do mean here”. At this point I’m like “omg stop responding to me” and he goes “Jokes aside thanks for the good convo, I’m sad I didn’t tell you how hot you were earlier. I thought you were scary and mean.”
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Good Convo? Are we on the same planet? 
I’m just going to put this out here - this is not the first time nor will it be the last that a conversation with a man had be questioning my sanity.
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glacierberries · 5 days ago
What do you dislike or find irritating about Bellamort and Tomarry (or Tomarrymort)? From the ships themselves to the shippers.
well for bellamort,
1 i don't find their dynamic as a whole that interesting. theyre just glorified slave x master and like yes, it gives the opportunity for voldemort to realise that he is not above human attachement, and in some twisted form, love, but it's also because of bellatrix putting all the effort into the relationship. i don't like her pure devotion to him, i don't like how worshipful she is towards him, it gives me a MASSIVE ick, like girl stand up 🤢 and yeah she genuinely loves him, but i don't like the way that she is not treated as his equal, and that's because of my personal bias yeah. and thats the POINT i know thats the point of this pairing, i just personally don't really like it.
2 bellatrix as a character. im sure youve seen me say i love bellatrix for how powerful she is and all that but ive only said that so that i can like idk psyche myself into truly liking her as a character. now, i really have no idea why, i just cannot seem to like her. it's not because shes a female villain or anything, it's probably because i don't like her genuine devotion to voldemort, and that is supposed to be the selling point of this pairing. i probably would have liked her more if she was on a more equal footing with voldemort and was around the same age as him. i also don't like how sexualised she is.
as for bellamort fans,
1 i don't like how a lot of them dismiss any other ship with voldemort that's not bellamort. you're not superior for shipping the cult leader with ONLY his follower. it's fucking boring to some people and stop putting down other ships because theyre less plausible. (this is of course, completely different from putting down ships because theyre made of utter fanon and warped characterisations) there are tons of people who can make pairings with voldemort with characters other than bellatrix extremely plausible without making voldemort or the other character ooc, it is just rarer to see.
2 when some of them claim voldemort would never date someone that's not a pureblood, and straight up bash pairings with characters that are not purebloods. like voldemort literally has a complicated relationship with blood purity in canon itself. he clearly doesnt actually believe in blood supremacy when he's actively humiliating purebloods left and right in the inner circle. like why are you simplifying his relationship with blood purity and supremacy ideologies just to put down other ships? like that's just butchering and dumbing down his character imo.
3 also for some reason i feel like many of them are pro jkr?? like correct me if im wrong but some of them give me those vibes, i don't know. like they praise canon so much, and put down any other headcanons it gives me the ick lol.
for tomarry,
1 i don't like tom riddle and harry together because as a somewhat canon timeline girlie i like it when the timeline is the same as it is in canon. i feel like this pairing kind of removes the whimsy of tom riddle as someone in the past. i don't really like bringing harry into his timeline because i believe harry doesn't have a place in that timeline. like tomarry fanfics tend to make tom somewhat of a joke in the process of him falling for harry, and i personally do not find them compatible at all.
2 also i just.. don't get what harry is supposed to be doing in tom's timeline?? like first of all, no way is harry ever going to try and kill tom of his own volition because even when voldemort is standing in front of him as the murderer of not only his parents, but as the murderer (well, instigator of murder ig) of many people harry knows at hogwarts, one of them being his best friend's brother, the other being sirius and dobby, harry still doesn't use the killing curse. so if you really want me to believe that harry is going to try and kill the hot teenaged version of him, i must simply disagree because that is a preposterous set up.
3 if hes just there by accident and tries to survive, i just personally think he'd go unnoticed by tom lol. unless he like finds himself in the chamber of secrets or in tom's way, then he'd just be killed by the basilisk or something i dont know. it's all very uninteresting to me.
for the tomarry fandom,
oh there are lots of things about them that annoy me lmao, like i just think most of them completely butcher tom's character and make him some cringe simp for harry which i find gross. they also make him obsessed with harry for some reason like babes if there was no prophecy, tom would not gaf about him be so for real rn. i think i have another post about this, i'll try and see if i can find it to link in the reblogs.
have a nice day anogie <3
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arcanestudio108 · 1 year ago
Welcome to the Tumblr
Hi all!
There's kinks to work out, a tipjar to setup here, a Patreon to start, an actual site and mobile app to eventually start paying to run, but for now we're MIGRATING HERE!!
The Wixsite stuff will stay there for now. But we (read: just me) here at Arcane are working diligently between college classes to get this shit rolling again
Umm so articles before Valentine's Day in order but not dated are as follows.
Kool Aid Review (DOCS & TUMBLR GO LOOK)
Welcome to our temp tumblr HQ! (⭐ YOU ARE HERE)
The World According to Tyler, January 2024
Saviors & Neck Deep : A Perfect Same Day Pop Punk Duology
Arcane Anticipated Albums Calendar 2024
Why BMTH should avoid abandoning Post Human at all costs, an opinion piece
Article Submission box for outsiders/arcane contributor tryouts
So that's confirmed: Theres also some last year articles that'll come out TBA, and I will post Google doc links to twitter and tumblr so that until it becomes Patreon exclusive you can see any articles being written in real time. (Use the comment function on docs or twt DM me/ @ me in a tweet about an article to get your opinions included in the article)
When I get the tip jar up my policy will be the more people are chill with a "contribute what & when you can" model the less exclusive and pricey the Patreon will be (like my dream is like if we get a few thousand reading and tipping 0.01 in their currency whenever they can afford it, I can keep so much more as early access not exclusive access on Patreon, and keep the Patreon at 1$)
Also might give you my personal email on the Patreon when I make it 👀
Um ya aside from that I think I owe my 5-500 readers (I've got 0 clue how many there really are) the lowdown of the endgame goal here, which is as follows.
A platform of an app, a website, & a dedicated ig, twt, and tumblr
A Patreon with either exclusive or early access benefits
A clothing & merch brand
YouTube Channel
Multiple written contributors on the blog
A small independent multi-medium label/publisher studio (my goal will be to be like Handpicking artists and bands and linking them up to the people and companies best suited to help them grow, and try to be their home base so that if anyone they sign with tries to fuck them over we can come in guns ablazing and be their extraction team, I'm sure label is the wrong word but still)
A proponent of getting a warped tour type scene going in my home of Nova Scotia Canada, more genres, more bands. Like ultimate goal is when Warped tour comes back Nova Scotia gets at least one date
Masterclass alternative for artists to make a "how we did it" class.
Basically create the perfect creative network for everyone who isn't fortunate enough/ lives somewhere/ has the status to get one themselves.
Become big enough to be mentioned in the same sentence as some of the other alt media companies like Kerrang!, SPIN, AltPress, etc.
All of that stuff could be years or decades off, if it happens at all, but we dream big cos it's fucking fun.
See ya, love ya.
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plasma-pet · 1 year ago
u are so genuinely beautiful, I don’t understand yu use heavy filters and editing apps in everything you post like u don’t need to change urself to be pretty idgi plus everyone can tell bc your tagged photos and warping
i edited my body/facial structure in like 2018-2020 because i had body dysmorphia like crazy but i really dont fuck with my photos anymore. i do use filters sometimes. but any photo of my body youve seen in the past couple years is 100% my body. this is a weird comment and idk if youre trying to insult me or seeing warps in shit that isnt there, lmao. being an IG micro influencer in like 2015 when i was young and influencers werent really a big thing fucked with my brain chemistry BAD and if any of my OG followers are still here theyll remember how severely underweight i was///i literally struggled with an ED bad off and on for years and years. soooo comments like this are just weird energy given that i dont even edit things like i used to anymore. i'll post raw photos and have people tell me there's a filter on it, there's no winning with the internet regardless if i use filters or don't. u know what edit to add: is this because i shot pics using 0.5 recently? is that the "warping" you're referring to? lmfao
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kyoryu · 3 years ago
We have heard your gospel on the shitty finale. Now, dear prophet, I humbly ask for your fix-it ideas
you said FIX IT... so how would i fix it. oh in so many ways. but to make what we had WORK, its simple. ive said it before and i will say it again. 3 simple things:
- having no way back to amphibia is treated by the characters as something unfair and theyre all very broken up about it, especially anne. she's inconsolable. shes not accepting just cuz omg i changed i will just take every bad thing life keeps throwing at me here throw some more
- we get to see anne reunite with her parents when shes back (sasha and marcy with theirs too would be nice but thats another can of worms to open)
- after the trio hug in the timeskip, have an actual open end where we see a light flash when they walk off screen. like they went... Somewhere 😳 thatd be cool, like have they opened it before? is this the first time? is it even a portal? dont know, actual open end ✌️
(people keep saying what we got was an open end and the more i think about it the more i call bs. it wasnt open ended they just didnt go back to amphibia and ur in denial. cry about it ig)
anyways id be so happy with an ending like that. im not even changing much its just adding 3 things.
(also id probably skip on the trio growing apart and shit. like i keep saying, i dont think them growing apart in the situation where amphibia is closed for good works out. its just weird. like yeah we close this chapter that totally didnt mark us for life and we move on 🤟 BUT AGAIN JUST LIKE SASHARCYS PARENTS, THATS ANOTHER CONVO)
AS FOR AN ACTUAL FIX IT... to make exactly what we got work we'd have to rewrite the whole thing. not make it about saving the world, not making it so much about family, changing everything. cuz that ending just shits on everything lmao if the ending we got actually worked then amphibia would have to be a completely different story
ANYWAY a fix it would be what i said. tbh i like it when u add those 3 things. its genuinely bittersweet like that. it makes me angry about how its only 3 simple little things that couldve been added and i wouldve been content. but whatever
HOWEVER, A DELUSIONAL ENDING THAT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY WOULD BE: annes given 3 full stones, bc i dont see why tf not if she meets god. i mean if its gonna be nonsensical then lets be nonsensical all the way and have 3 stones. each of them get one, and they can use it to travel back and forth by themselves. each time they have to charge it.
this means they dont usually Go together. they go separately, and if theyre ever in amphibia at the same time they might not even know. sasha always warps at toad tower, anne in wartwood, marcy in newtopia. they go to amphibia for their own purposes and business. and thus the trio grows apart.
it makes more fucking sense, ofc i think the trio growing apart makes sense, it just Doesnt when you add it up with closing off amphibia forever lol. but with amphibia being accessible i totally see it. theyre all doing their own stuff and making their own friends (both human and amphibians). even like this, after what they went through, sasha anne and marcy are intertwined for life. no matter how much time passes, how different they become, theyre unique to each other. they always come back to each other at one point. other than that, amphibia is open, they get to grow up in a place they love with people they love without having to sacrifice choosing one or the other bc that Sucks Ass and they've been thru enough, and have enough mental scars that will keep haunting them even after if they get to thrive in both worlds
this version is kinda. unrealistic. i get it. but the realistic ending we got was bullshit and shitted on everything, its sad and not to mention Boring. i think this ver still gets the point across (point that was already made so many times in the show anyway), sprig and anne grow up together, anne still becomes a herpetologist but now instead of fucking tragic and sad its very fun and cute, sasha has a getaway from her chaotic homelife and can be with grime who never ever EVER left her side, marcy gets to become close to olivia like shes failed to do and hence gain an actual mother figure in her life, etc etc. hehe
(and as adults sasha and marcy choose to move to amphibia. or as teenagers they just straight up stay there. but thats another convo as well)
i actually do enjoy a version where they only go back after 10 years and they have to reconnect, its fun to explore, but it never stops being Sad. i think of it and make hcs about it and comics about it but it never stops being full on sad ending to me and when i remember its not just a fun concept im exploring, its the genuine ending we got that is supposed to be Good and Satisfying, i become enraged. i continue not to see the sweet in the bitter. i wish people would at least admit its full on a very sad ending instead of pretending it was something else (people who liked it say it makes them want to d1e or say "idk i just like sad endings" so u agree. u agree it is a sad ending where characters end up sad)
anyways. kind of a stupid ramble here. i love amphibia (kicks the ending on the throat)
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cometcrystal · 2 years ago
midnights thots
as i listen
lavender haze - meh. reeks of “im going to talk about my REPUTATIIOOOONNNNN again”
maroon - cool reference to Red i guess but it’s not catching me. can she do anything other than reference herself (SWIFT HATER MISOGYNY ALARMS START BLARING AND I AM SHOT BY SNIPERS)
anti hero - very mixed feelings about this song. ig it feels more in line with the archer than mad woman. will have to get back to you on this one.
snow on the beach - it’s fine i guess. very inoffensive love song. doesn’t have much going for it sonically tho. not surprising given that lana del rey collabed on it. HEYO!
you’re on your own kid - so far it’s the best one. i love a coming of age song :) but it’s still not getting added to my likes.
question - why does she like warping her voice so much i hate it. i dont get the narrative of this one :) googles taylor swift question ending explained
vigilante shit - i don’t even have no body no crime in my likes on spotify but even i know this song is just a shittier version of no body no crime. first line go to fucking jail
bejeweled - FIRST SPOTIFY LIKE OF THE EVENING! a lot of my fav taylor songs are the ones that are like “you mistreated me in a one-on-one relationship and im rightfully mad”
labyrinth - can relate to this one lyrically a LOT... tentatively adding to my likes but idk how much i’ll listen to it because the tune isn’t grabbing me. why is literally everything just boring synth lately.
karma - release debut taylor’s version right fucking now i need Lucky You
sweet nothing - another inoffensive love song. its fine.
mastermind - OH THIS ONE IS SOOOO FUN!! an EASY addition to my schrucy playlist. 1000% my favorite so far. gonna be very hard to beat this. good thing im listening to the bonus tracks because otherwise this album would feel very lackluster. its prob gonna feel that way anyway but whatever.
the great war - i was just thinking about the shitty peanuts d-day special the whole time so i have no thoughts on this song. sorry
bigger than the whole sky - this cannot be a fucking relationship song. that would be SO stupid. it has to be about a loss or else its a stupid fucking song. if it’s about a death it’s beautiful. this is the exact opposite energy of me hearing Soon You’ll Get Better and assuming it was about a relationship and thinking it was shallow and selfish and then realziing it was about her mom and then wanting to curl up into a ball and die because it was too sad and made me think about MY mom.
paris - mostly just ok but i AM obsessed with the lyric “i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever”
high infidelity - another taylor cheating song <3333 “do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life” she is insane. is this comment a compliment or an insult? you decide
glitch - meh
wouldve couldve shouldve - THIS ONES FOR THE GIRLS AND THE GAYS (girls and gays means ppl who were groomed online in high school) (girls and gays means me)
dear reader - the shittier Idle Worship - Paramore
hits different - put it on spotify right fucking now im not joking im throwing up in the crib
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wutheringmights · 2 years ago
oh. my. fuck. it is near 3 am and i have since finished the chapter, haven’t yet read your commentary but will in the morn. so. wars got strangeled and gave up on morals i see. ig it is an eye for an eye and he values violence over sight :// back on my thematic bullshit tho the discussions of death are really interesting because there is this idea of murder and killing in battle snd self defense, and a lot of play with the contemporary idea of the hero within your fic, the idea of the good guy who sets boundaries to differentiate from anti heroes, or outright villains, which i find to be fundamentally at odds with the classic heroes of macbeth, achilles, etc. and while violence begets violence begets death, there was still this honour in killing for your land and i just think that this ethical strife on the act of taking a life when taking a second to give sympathy shifts it on its head. and then there is that whole layer of complication with wars fucked up notion of love regarding the engineer, this weird concept of give and hurt and take, and the self destructive beauty of it all, twisted further again by the idea of familial connection, wether through shared spirit or blood; a bone deep connection that you cannot deny, echoes of the self. and then that ties into linkle and lincoln and link (i love the naming scheme btw) and this care, this duty and fucked up dysfunctionally reluctant family and the warped lens with which wars views it. i apologise for the word dump once more, i have no clue as to the coherency of what i have sent you, but thabk you!! you have set my brain alight in making connections between different greek plays i have read and given me a much better understanding of values in ancient greece just through the thoughts your wonderful writing provokes!!!
Always glad to help you with your study of Greek plays. You are far smarter than me, anon.
In terms of classical lit, I'm more well versed in the epic poems. So to add to your bit about the morality of murder for classic heroes-- in the Odyssey, our hero Odysseus is seen as less moral than his contemporaries because he solves problems through cunning and wit. He prefers to win through trickery as opposed to strength. I think you could find some parallels with Warriors there, as he has taken his ability to read people and be personable and turned it into a weapon.
I have no doubt that you noticed this (or that you read this in my commentary), but the really interesting thing about past Warriors this chapter is that his crisis of conscience kicks in the moment one of his plans doesn't go the way he wants it to. But he's so deeply entrenched with this way of living that he can't recognize it. He seems to understand how people work, yet can't seem to understand himself.
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