nkogneatho · 2 months
the heavens have blessed me because god i just got the most STUNNING dress of all time.
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runningfrom2am · 2 months
michigan cherry // part five
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summary: walking into a saloon in a nowhere town, billy meets a singer who he just can't get off his mind after she slips through his fingers; onto another town, another show- following nothing but the stars in her path. until he sees her again. another nowhere town and equally dusty saloon, but this time, the band of kids who made up her family is nowhere to be found. he's running away from something, and she is storming full speed toward something else, and tangling into each other's lives may just get both of them exactly where they want to be.
pairing: william h. bonney x fem!reader
wc: 2.5k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: singer!reader (she’s giving very much lucy gray), probably a little bit ooc billy but hey i tried- anyway he’s a sweetheart, use of guns and violence, murder and violence but i try to keep it non-descript, oh also she’s an orphan sorry (once again, lucy gray vibes), strangers to friends to lovers trope eee. also not thoroughly proofread oops
a/n: okay so now we're getting into the good stuff and i'm so so excited!!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // pinterest board // playlist
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"Are you joking? Cheap bastard..." Billy grumbles as you step into the stables of a ranch on the outskirts of Silver City.
You had just played a show at the saloon here, voice a little tired and worn along with the rest of you as you prepare to settle in for the night. You hadn't played here before, but sometimes you just got set up with less than ideal accommodations- it was your trade, and you really didn't mind it.
You and Billy had fallen into a stable routine over the last few weeks, wandering city to city and asking both familiar and unfamiliar bar men if you could play there in exchange for nothing more than tips and a place to stay. Hey, it was a life Billy was familiar with. Despite the legality of your endeavours, you had a decent bit in common.
"Hm?" You hum quietly, digging out the cleaned out jar you'd been using for water, twisting the lid off as you glance up at him, sitting yourself down on a comfortable looking stack of hay.
Billy wasn't one to complain as look as he was sleeping somewhere safe, but you certainly deserved better than a hay stack in a stable. The smell of horses would linger in your hair until the next time you found a creek to bathe in.
"We can't sleep here, darlin'. It ain't comfortable. Hardly even safe." He says, bag slung over his shoulder as he gestures back toward the wide open door to the stables. Hell, he would rob these people of their horses if you weren't with him. They were practically begging the wrong crew to pass by and do it.
The nickname you had now become accustomed to hardly even makes you blush anymore as you take a sip out of the lukewarm water in the jar, letting the liquid sit in your mouth for a few moments as you look around at what he meant. You shrug before swallowing, feeling a bit more refreshed already. "It's just for a night or two. I've slept places worse."
You hold up your hand before he continues complaining, reaching into your bag, falling apart at the seams, and pulling out a small blanket that was in similar shape. You stand up to shake it out after closing and setting down your water, laying the blanket across the hay bale next to where you were sitting.
Billy recognized it, you had been using it as a pillow the entire time he'd been with you- rolling it up under your head regardless of the state of the pillows in the beds you were borrowing in spare bedrooms or vacant spaces at the inns covered kindly by the bar owners for the night.
"That tiny blanket ain't gonna do a thing to keep you warm once the chill sets in." He shakes his head and your expression drops, hardly even noticeable as you look between him and your blanket.
"I... well..." For the first time since he met you, you seem hesitant or almost embarrassed about something. "I just thought you'd rather lay on that then the hay, that's all. It can be kinda pokey."
His heart sinks in his chest as he looks at you. You had laid it out for him, in hopes of keeping him a little more comfortable when you thought he clearly didn't like the idea of sleeping out here on the ground. It was the best you could offer, and it wasn't like you had many other options for the night.
Weeks ago you wouldn't even let him touch your guitar case; you still weren't very easily accepting of the idea.
"Hey, hey! I ain't gonna run with it, I'm just helpin' you out. Relax." Billy said with a laugh, lifting the case over his head, high up in the air and supporting the other end with his free hand while you jumped to try and grab it from him.
He found that little scowl on your face adorable.
"I can carry it!" You had insisted frustratedly, giving up on jumping for it when you realized that the best you could do is knock your precious guitar from his hands and send it tumbling to the ground.
Needless to say, you were quite possessive of your things, and the significance behind the gesture of you offering your blanket to him was not lost.
Billy shakes his head. "You ain't gotta give that to me. I appreciate it, that's real sweet, but you better save it for yourself..." He hesitates for a moment, eyes drifting to the blanket again. "I know it's special to ya."
You don't say anything in response, sheepishly nodding and grabbing the blanket again, with much less care than you had laid it down with. As if you were in a hurry to hide it away again, to bunch it up as a pillow instead of leave its ratty nature exposed.
"Pack up your stuff. We ain't sleepin' in this pig pen." Billy says, taking on a more cheerful tone and waving his hand for you to follow him to the door. "Come on."
"Huh? You got a better idea of where we can sleep?" You ask, blanket tucked under your arm as your brow mimics its wrinkled material in your confusion.
"I do, actually. Do ya trust me?"
Apparently the answer to that question is yes, and you only regret that decision a handful of times as he leads you and your stolen horses up a muddied, narrow, and undoubtedly dangerous path that leads to god knows where in what feels like the middle of nowhere.
"So... did you pre-dig a shallow grave for me out here or somethin'? I always knew you were planning to kill me." You hum, holding the reins of your horse behind your back as you lead it up the small and rocky trail.
Billy rolls his eyes, scoffing out a laugh that you can just make out from up ahead. "No," he chuckles, "I'm not going to kill you, darlin'."
"I am yet to hear a better explanation for why you're dragging me out to the middle of nowhere, but okay." You snide, but for the most part it was playful. You knew he wouldn't hurt you, well, hopefully. He had had plenty of similar opportunities in the previous weeks, so your guard was down just a little bit.
"Did I ever tell you I used to live here?" He asks, glancing back at you.
"Silver City?" You ask, more curious than teasing or annoyed now. "No, you didn't. I thought you were on the road too much for that."
"Well, yeah, but that was after I lived here for a few years." He explains with a small shrug you can hardly see with the distance of his horse separating you. "With my ma and my kid brother. They had to move here with her worthless fuck of a husband after he kept losing work, and we heard there was some out here."
He'd never spoken of his family before. At least not to you. At least not in the last several weeks in which time you had hardly been apart, and the honesty shocks you. It is very welcome, though.
"Oh... well... are they still here? In Silver City, I mean." You say, knowing that this should be carefully navigated if you wanted to hear more about his life in the future. If you wanted him to trust you.
"I don't know about Antrim, but my brother and my ma passed a long while ago. That's why I left, had nothing to stay here for anymore."
In the moonlight you can just make out his figure a little ways in front of you as he shrugs, as if it wasn't a big deal. As if he hadn't lost everything, lost his family. How could he not have told you before? In all these weeks he had been helping you in order to get back to your own family, he had never once mentioned that he lost his too.
"I'm so sorry," Is the best you can come up with, despite your own insistence those weeks before that apologies only make you feel worse. Make it more real- but what else were you to say? "For what it's worth."
"Hey," He chuckles, surprising you a bit. "It's worth somethin' to me."
It isn't long before you come to a clearing at the top of a hill, a steep cliff overlooking what you assume to be an old mining site picked right dry. But you don't pay much attention to that, quickly distracted by the view above you- the trees having opened up to the beautiful sky again.
Billy tied the reins of his horse to one of the thinner tree limbs, before dusting his hands off on his trousers as he walks back into the clearing fully to join you where you had stopped hard in your tracks. He gestures up to the sky as they spread out in a vast sheet of light and glittering wonder, their beauty unhindered by clouds or the tree line.
"See? I ain't gonna kill you. Ta-da, doll."
You're mesmerized, hardly hearing his words. "Heaven's a touch away." You whisper, and he hardly catches it as the reflection of the stars flicker in your already sparkling bright eyes.
His smile widened as your own did, and he nodded. Heaven's a touch away.
He would have said something else, but he was too busy being hypnotized by the way the moonlight reflected off your skin and made you glow like an angel.
Billy chuckled softly at how awed you were by the display, glancing up at the sky before looking over at you again.
For just a moment, he wanted to take you by the waist and bring you closer, to pull you against his body as you stared above your heads. He wanted to keep you warm and whisper sweet things in your ear as the stars shined down on you both.
But he held back. You weren't his to hold. Not yet.
"It's nice, ain't it?" He asks after a moment, averting his gaze finally from you and up at the stars you were oh so entranced with.
"Sure is." You agree quietly. "Feel's like I could reach out and touch 'em."
You look over at him after a moment, catching him taking his hat off so he could get a better look, sweeping his scruffy hair back away from his eyes. "How'd you find this place?" You ask after a moment.
He shrugs again, familiar. "Like I said, I lived down in town under the same roof as the worst man in the west. Needed somewhere to go."
You nod silently, looking up at the stars again. "Well, I'm glad you did. It's beautiful." You say with a small grin.
Billy hums in agreement. "I figured if we'd be spendin' the night out in the cold anyway, we might as well have some space and a nice view."
"This is why I prefer the west to the city." You say with a nod, placing your guitar case on the ground and sliding your bag off your shoulder to land on top of it. "Even on the highest roof you couldn't get a view like this."
You dig around in your bag for your blanket again, delicately laying it out on the ground for the two of you to lay on while you looked up at the stars until you fell asleep. You can't help imagining how much Max would have loved this. All the kids would have, but at least they could look up and see it again.
If Max were to open his eyes six feet under and look up, he'd be well lucky to see anything other than pure, peaceful darkness.
You lay down, and without a word, Billy does as well. He props up one knee and folds his hands behind his head, and you wonder if he's thinking the same thing about his family.
"Are you a religious man, Billy?" You ask after a few minutes of quiet contemplation, letting your head fall to the side to look at him.
"Used to be." He hums, still gazing up at the stars. "Was how I was raised, but I'll be honest, my beliefs on it are much the same as yours these days." He explains.
What kind of god could take two kids families from them like this?
"I don't blame you." You say quietly. But you do suppose that assuming there was a higher power, it was the very same one that stripped your family from you for a second time in your life, only to present you with a friend in William Bonney. Maybe that isn't the worst thing in the world.
"Or, I mean, they were for a while. I really don't know anymore." He muses. "I try not to think about it."
He didn't really have a lot left to believe in. Same as you. Not the god who killed everyone he had ever loved, not the justice system that's been chasing him down for a long while now, and not in himself to do the right things. You had him beat, in that regard. He could see it in every day spent with you. But is that not a blessing all in its own?
"No one does. I think that's kind of the idea." You reply with a slight laugh, wanting to lighten things up a little bit. "Y'know, tests of faith and all that."
"Fair." He agrees softly, looking over at you again finally and giving you a small grin.
"Although," You tilt your head slightly, looking up at the sparkling sky again. "Day in and day out, folks die and babies are born, there's great pain to be found on both ends of life. But if there's someone around to bring you in, and someone to miss you when you're gone, things couldn't have been too bad along the way." You ramble on a bit, deep in thought as you try to communicate a simplified version of what you were trying to convince yourself.
Billy was a little bit speechless for a moment, weighing the accuracy of your assessment. After a few seconds, he lets out a laugh. "I guess you're right, but I'm not sure I'll have many folks missin' me when I'm gone."
"I'd miss you." You reply quietly, with minimal hesitation. "If we parted ways tomorrow and I never saw you again, I'd remember the last few weeks fondly. It's nice to not be alone."
He isn't sure if it's hunger or what that makes his stomach turn and a tightness form in his chest. He's not positive he won't throw up right there on your blanket over the rush of feelings at the most simplest of words.
"Well, thanks." He says, laugh long faded as he looks up at the deep navy sky that felt so close that you thought you had a chance at touching it. "I'd miss you too."
You smile to yourself in contentment, shifting a bit to get more comfortable for the long night ahead of sleeping in the grass at the top of this hill familiar to only one of you.
Billy spares you another glance in the long silence that follows, unbothered by the chirping of crickets and the occasional shift of your horses hooves in the dirt a few feet away.
The stars were beautiful. This was a known fact.
But you were far more heavenly in his eyes.
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no taglist this time around!! my fics usually get over a hundred requests to be added to the taglist so instead i made a library! follow me over on @runningfrom2am-library and turn on notifs to get updates when i post new parts!!
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harbingerscry · 9 months
Price Relationship HCs
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I have to put a disclaimer here: These HCs are loosely based off the relationship I canon Price and my OC, Selene/Harbinger, having. I will try to keep this gender neutral like my Graves Relationship HCs piece. Also, I am going back and adding to that HC eventually but I want to see how people like this set up versus the other one. Here is a Pinterest board I made for Harbinger if you are interested. ❤️
This contains NSFW content!
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John Price's love is a double edged sword to some degree. A lot of people seem to forget, his job comes first because even he knows the significance of it. One day there may be a knock upon the door but that is the sacrifice of protecting lives other than your own. The world is always maintaining it's own equilibrium and a life saved often comes with a life lost.
That doesn't mean he doesn't love you! He loves you more than words could ever do justice, it's just that his job is his biggest priority and always will be unless something big happens or he retires. You knew he was a military man from the moment you met, you have to understand he can't just drop everything because of you. He was like that before becoming Captain of the 141 and is even more so that way now.
He is also pretty secretive about the details of what he does now that he is a Captain. He wishes he could tell you the full extent of what he has done and has to do, but he knows he can't. Not just because it's illegal but also because it would put you in more danger than you're already in by being with him.
Despite this, you know the military and its state well enough to know what he has to do on a regular basis. Coming from old money and a military family has it perks when it comes to intel. The wear and tear on his body, mind and soul every time he comes home is also telling enough. You wouldn't be with him if you couldn't handle it though.
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As stated above, Price loves you more than words could ever do justice. That doesn't mean he doesn't try though, he's constantly whispering praises as he holds your hands or holds you to his chest. Any moment is liable to become intimate with this bear of a man.
"I'm trying to cook darling..." you weakly protest as your waist is pinned to the kitchen counter by the boxer-clad form of your lover as he hugs you from behind. "Can see that luv, looks almost as good as you." You couldn't see it, but you could feel the scratch of his bread as he grinned into the exposed flesh of your neck. "John Price, if you don't move you won't get breakfast." You laughed as you went back to stirring the waffle batter. A muffled "Could have you instead." caused you to grin. "After you have some actual food, now go sit."
He doesn't know much about fashion, he knows what he likes and doesn't like but that's about it. It's mostly because he's always in gear or casual clothing, even undercover his clothes are plain as to not draw attention to himself. He loves seeing you all dressed up though and won't hesitate to make himself look nice as well. He owns plenty of button downs and nice pants...for a man that doesn't know much about fashion he makes looking good seem effortless.
Loves getting you knick-knacks, books, and simple pieces of jewelry by the way. Not simple as in cheap, but simple in design, he thinks it looks good on you. The knick-knacks are usually more elaborate in design. Like the hand painted clay pots he sent you from somewhere in Mexico or the wood bird carving he brought you from...well...actually you're not entirely sure where he got it from. The books he sends to you are wide in variety, but he never fails to send a cookbook containing dishes from what country he is in the stack.
He's surprisingly cuddly when in the privacy of your home. It's not a foreign occurrence for the two you to be curled up together reading a shared book or you tucked into his side as you read your respective books instead. You two are almost attached to the hip when he's home, only separating when needing to do tasks or if one of you needs some space. Out in public his affections are tame, typically going no further than a chaste kiss or the occasional squeeze to the thigh or hip. That is mostly out of respect for you. If you initiate something more though, well, you will reap what you sow.
You knew teasing John only ended in one of two ways, the position you're in really shouldn't come as a surprise, but fuck was it hard to keep quiet. "John- mmf!" The large hand around your throat squeezed in warning as it's owner thrusts into your slick walls harder. It felt too hot in this little pub bathroom, the faint smell of sex, the barely muffled sound of skin slapping skin, the shuddering breaths and quiet groans, it was all too much. Tears welled in your eyes as you finally came with a choked whimper, your walls tightening around his thick cock. John could hardly contain the groan that left from deep within his throat as his hips slowed their assault to a rocking motion. "Fuck luv- just like that, right behind you." He continued to rock into your overstimulated hole until he finally came with a groan of your name, his cum filling you in spurts. He could feel the vibration against his hand as a pleased noise left your throat. The jerk of his cock inside you as he came was always your favorite feeling and you were always quick to remind him. His hips continued to press flush against your ass as he rested his forehead against your back with a huff, taking a moment to bask in the after glow.
Price has actually invited the 141 to your shared home before. Having to be secretive didn't mean you couldn't meet his colleges if they wanted to come over. It's also a small way he makes it known you are one of his priorities, even if it isn't obvious. (Though he does remind them they are not to speak a word of what they do at work.)
Soap and Gaz were the first to hop at the opportunity to meet you and eat some more of your cooking. You have a habit of sending Price back to base with enough food to feed six grown men for at least 2 days and he is happy to share with his team. Ghost took a little bit of coaxing but eventually he agreed to join the others in meeting you.
It went rather well, Price had to hold himself back from laughing multiple times as you fussed over them like a mother hen, stacking their plates with food and tending to them like they were your sons. Even Ghost was a victim to your fussing and he was the around the same age as you. All three left that evening stuffed with what felt like a six course meal. When Price got back to base a week later he was greeted to Gaz and Soap practically begging to come over again because they wanted more of your cooking. Lucky for them, you had sent Price with plenty of homecooked food as usual.
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theshiftingwitch · 14 days
hello!! this is my third or fourth time asking you questions here and your advice has been greatly helping me and i appreciate that, could i be 🫐 anon from now on? thank you! once again, i am in need of some advice.
for the past few days, i have been robotically affirming a lot during my days with the same one affirmation “i have all of my desires in my script”, i made a list of all of my desires that i am manifesting right now, and i also made a board on pinterest divided into sections on my new life as a way of scripting and a vision board, and now i feel like some things are going in the opposite way, and i know that this happens to some people, but it’s still stumping me a little.
one of the things im manifesting is wealth for me and my family, i added those things to my script yesterday and today i tried to buy something cheap and my card declined, i got over £200 on my birthday in july and have been buying things freely since then, and the day after i added wealth to my script my card declines.
i am also manifesting a close bond with my father, the last time i saw my dad i was 12, i am now 16, and the only time we interact over text message is during birthdays or christmas, and whenever he asks to meet up, i don’t reply out of anxiety of seeing him. in my script i go into detail about how we are very close and i still see him regularly, and i am also revising the fact that i didn’t see or talk to him for years, and two days ago i randomly had a thought of him and my step-mum having a baby together, and this morning while i was sleeping he text me for the first time in months to tell me that they were having a baby, so i think i accidentally manifested that, but i also am scared that he’s going to forget about me and focus on his new baby, when im trying to manifest a good relationship between us.
i am also manifesting for my brother to start behaving better and my mum to become a good parent, they are still the same, a few minutes ago my brother was misbehaving as usual, but at least my mum said he needs to start behaving, but that’s nothing… i know i should keep persisting, but it’s doubting and gets harder to keep my faith in the 4D during these circumstances and situations, but i am trying.
i also have some concerns over the speed of my manifestations. i know that with the law of assumption, whatever you assume is true, and that includes how quickly you manifest, but i don’t even know myself how long im assuming it will take. i see people say “time isn’t real” but i also don’t get that. i know that it’s meant to be motivating and relieving, but all i am experiencing is that time is in fact very much real. ive been having issues with school for years, and haven’t been in for a single school day for 3 years, and didn’t been do my GCSE’s, i was meant to be going to a specific type of college at the beginning of this month, but i don’t even know what’s happening with that at this point, but they could call at any time and tell me i have to be there, and im manifesting against that. in my new reality, i am also revising that i never missed out on school, i just went to a new school and instead of going straight to college, i want to do sixth form. the problem with this is that while im currently manifesting my new reality as quick as possible, it’s worrying that i will be pushed into these unwanted circumstances like college before i have manifested my new reality where i was always in school, and am happily in sixth form instead. i can’t understand that “time isn’t real”, because it is. there are so many time limits and i have to manifest these things before certain times (like college) that come catching up to me.
i need help, im scared. how isn’t time real? and how do i speed up my manifestations, really, im trying to shift to a whole new reality.
thank you!!!!!! — 🫐
Hello 🫐 !
First, I'm so happy that my posts are helpful, thank you for coming back with more questions! I'm always happy to dissect the law with you!
Now let's get to your "problems":
Reading through your question, I have noticed that you're worrying about a whole lot of things that are not yours to worry about. You told me that you started scripting recently, and you chose one umbrella affirmation along with vision boards to manifest your desires, which I have to say is a wonderful method so good job on that and I want you to stick with it because it will work.
Now your first issue is that your 3D reality is not reflecting your script and your vision board back to you just yet. Here's the thing though, you have only started this method according to you a few days ago, but you have been living in this 3D reality for 16 years. Through those years you have lived through trauma, limiting beliefs, and unfavorable circumstances that have shaped the way your subconscious mind works and reacts to the world around you. So as of right now, the 3D reality is still reflecting back to you what you have assumed to be true your entire life up until this point, including your relationship with your father, your brother's behavior, your mother's personality, and your struggles with school. These things have all been happening for a great chunk of time, that doesn't mean that they will continue to happen forever. The more you keep affirming, the sooner it will happen because like I said in a previous post: robotic affirmation creates new neural pathways in your brain and those new neural pathways will create the new future that you are trying to manifest.
Now, what do we mean when we say that time isn't real? It is a spiritual and philosophical idea that suggests that time was man-made. Calendars, clocks, days, weeks, months, years, were all made by people who needed to make sense of the world around them. How does this relate to your manifestations? All we have is now. The past no longer exists, it is gone forever, that is why we are able to revise it and essentially rewrite history because the past is over. The future doesn't exist just yet, there are endless possibilities, endless realities, and endless futures that you can experience and the only way to to know for sure which one you're going to experience is by manifesting your desired life. So all you have right now is this moment, all that exists, all that ever existed, and all that ever will exist is right now. That is why we tell you to decide on what you want right now and stick with that story because you're not creating your reality, everything that could possibly exist already does. You're choosing what reality you want to live and your reaffirming that choice in your brain by your various methods of manifestations. Think of it like a catalog, you have a magazine in your hands and you are picking and choosing which future you want to have. When you order something online, do you sit by your window and watch for the delivery driver that is going to deliver your package to you every second of every day until that package gets to your door? No, you click order, and you sit back and wait because you know with a 100% certainty that your package is going to come to you. That's exactly what manifestation is, you pick your desired reality, you hit order by affirming, and you wait for the universe to deliver your package to you.
What's standing in your way right now is your lack of trust. And I understand, because as of right now you think that everything is going exactly against everything you're manifesting. You are not seeing the results, you're only seeing the opposite of what you want, and to that I will say this: ignore, ignore, ignore. If the 3D is showing you unfavorable circumstances and old stories, ignore it, turn around, close your eyes, and imagine what you want coming to you. Affirm, visualize, decide, and let go because there is no other choice, you will get your manifestations, that is how the law works. it's not a game of chance, it is reality.
If I tell you that the only way your manifestations will not come to you is if you let your fear of time and unfavorable circumstances hold you back from getting everything you want, will you still be afraid? That is how you need to look at things, you have all the power, you have endless possibilities, and your potential is unimaginable. You are the universe, stop doubting yourself, stop doubting your power, but most of all stop doubting the universe because it always has your back. It always gives you what you ask it, you want money? the universe says yes. you want love ?the universe says yes. you want a good relationship with your parents ? the universe says yes. you want fame and glory and a lot of friends ? the universe says yes! all you have to do is let it bring what you want to you, that is all.
Relax, stop being so afraid, stop throwing a temper tantrum every time you see something that does not align with your new story and let things flow to you because trust me when I say this, they are flowing to you as we speak. Do not go back and forth between the old story and the new story, you're only confusing yourself and delaying your manifestations. You have already decided on what you wanted, now let it come to you. The more you convince yourself by affirming and reaffirming the faster it will come that is all you have to do.
Happy manifesting ❤️
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rentumblsstuff · 28 days
Stacy headcanons? Since I love the way you write her
My biggest headcanon for her is that Melissa (TGWDLM, Hey Melissa) is her cousin. She’s not a serial killer but she does have a little bit of a screw-loose like her. She also loves cats (and as opposed to being all serial-killer-y about people being animals, she’s really just into petplay-)
That connection being established, I think her family is rich! In Miss Holloween (a couple scenes were read in one of the fundraising livestreams for Cinderella’s Castle), it’s established that Stacy goes to college at Vassar in New York and that is not easy to get into and not cheap, so they’ve gotta have a bit of dough ykwim??? And in Hey Melissa, it’s stated Melissa flew all her friends in, and paying for 3 peoples’ airline tickets can’t be cheap. So……… They’re well-off.
She wears vanilla perfume!
Neurodivergent (and is very unaware of this) and cheer is one of her special interests! She’s also involved in the dance team at Hatchetfield High and could go on an infinitely long rant about the history of any given genre of dance (cause “what kind of a dancer doesn’t know that stuff???” A lot of them, Stacy… a lot of them.)
She also LOVES Sanrio and is secretly a huge fan of “girly” animes. She’s always wanted to bond with Richie over their shared love of Japanese culture but they were never really allowed to interact before Max “went missing.” Her favorite anime is Kakegurui and she tried to learn how to play card games because of it.
She was THRIVING with the whole e-girl look in 2020 and that’s usually how she dressed when she didn’t have to wear her cheer uniform. She WOULD HAVE been bullied for it if that’s not what everyone else was wearing too.
She’s got double d’s and this headcanon is PURELY because of the Stacy’s Melons thing from Abstinence Camp
In the future she experiments more with her hair because now she can do so without fear of getting bullied
Her favorite colors are baby blue and pastel pink.
Back to Stacy attending Vassar, I think she majored in women’s studies. Cause I don’t think anything else suits her better.
She’s had a crush on Richie for a while and hasn’t acted on it because she’s worried she’ll get bullied too, he’ll get bullied harder than he already does, or that her approach to flirting/asking him out will be too forward and creepy because she’s been told she comes across that way by other boys in the past.
Tw in this paragraph for SH; When Richie first admits to her when they start dating that he struggles with his mental health, she kisses the scars on his arms that he shows her.
If she had to be claimed by a LiB I think it’d be Blinky. She has a lil bit of stalkerish tendencies that he would appreciate. (Steph is Wiggly-claimed and Brenda is Nibbly-claimed just for reference in my head :])
If the NPMD cast was in a polar opposites AU where they’re all the opposites of themselves I think Opposite!Stacy would essentially serve the same function as Ruth, but she’s not role swapped with Ruth if you get what I mean.
SADIST. Paddles and clamps and shit dude. All her sex toys are super cutesy and aesthetic too. Definitely owns a couple tails.
I think with guys she’s dated before, they’ve done stuff but never gone all the way, so she’s technically a virgin. None of them could match her freak anyways 💅 she likes hearing about Steph’s hookups though; living vicariously through her best friend is fun and she totally doesn’t feel like an animal scratching at its enclosure to get out whaaaaaaaaat???
Trying to think of a wholesome one to end on hold on-
Her favorite fruit is pineapple because she learned that there’s an enzyme in it called Bromelain that breaks down proteins, so when you eat pineapple, it eats you back. She thinks that’s sick as fuck.
She watched Tiger King three times.
OH and her favorite app on her phone is Pinterest. She’s OBSESSED. Her boards are all perfectly organized, not a pin out of place.
There’s 20 headcanons :) thank you for reading !!! <3
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If you don't mind sharing, I was wondering: what is one thing (or more) that gives you gender euphoria? Hope you're doing well! :)
thanks for this ask!! Recently cut my hair [well idk if it was *recent* recent but yea ] shorter and my sisters said it made me look like a dude so i was very happy abt it lol, <-although it's getting poofy now :\ ALSO OMG I LIKE GOT TO WEAR A PIECE OF CLOTHING FROM MY PINTEREST BOARD, WAIT LEMME FIND IT
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mostly identical, maybe *small* differences but bassically it
idk it was one of the first times i could choose what to wear cause it was cheap [10 AUD?!?!?] and idk it just made me feel like fucking
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i love it so much <-the outfit
it had like a rectangle body shape and YIPPPEEEEE
Also thanks, I am finally doing good now! The start of the day was something i'd never love to repeat but i got home and it's the weekend and i can finally chill :3
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thewardenofwinter · 1 year
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Writeblr Introduction | Morana Warrin
I have finally created a Tumblr for my writing. I haven't been on here since I just got internet access (around 2013 so you can probably guess the things I saw) but I need a place to throw all my ideas at a wall and watch as they trickle down into a puddle of lost nights of sleep and aesthetic pinterest boards.
▸ About
▸My name is Morana, I would prefer they/them pronouns but, to be frank, I do not care what you refer to me as. I have been writing for a long time (too long if you ask some people) but in the past three years, I have been taking the profession much more seriously in hopes of starting a career. Besides being a writer and a threat to modern society, I also dabble in drawing/graphic design and character design.
▸I adore 19th-century Russian literature (Mikhail Bulgakov is my personal favourite) and absurdist texts. There isn't a moment of my day when I'm not listening to some sort of music, I do not discriminate genres in the slightest but I am partial to rock and its many subgenres. I love any 90s and early 2000s movies, early Hollywood horror flicks, and Soviet films from the 80s.
▸ Current Projects
(I am horrible at summaries so please take pity on me. also check TWs)
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The Resurrectioners
You only live twice.
(TW: Mentions of s*icide)
After the deaths of her two sisters in a car crash, twenty-seven-year-old Samara Dombroski decides that her life is no longer worth living and makes a successful attempt at her own life. Only there's one problem:
She doesn’t stay dead for very long.
An indeterminate amount of time later, Samara wakes up in a strange, vast estate plagued by visions of the past that she can’t control. She learns that this place is run by a man known only as The Resurrectionist, a necromancer armed with a group of assassins possessing strange abilities called Resurrectioners, an eclectic group of individuals who all share her story: people who found death by their own hand or by some other tragic means.
Now a resurrectioner herself, Samara must repay the debt of her second chance at life to The Resurrectionist by disposing of cadavers for him: violent, ghoulish beings that result from misused necromancy who feast on flesh and bone. Once she has killed enough to satisfy The Resurrectionist, she will be released from the estate she is trapped in and free to live the rest of her life.
genre: dark fantasy, thriller
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What We Undertake
Some things are better left undead.
Guillermo Del Toro's Crimson Peak meets Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow in this paranormal mystery and gothic romance set in the late 19th century.
Our tale follows one Dolores Clive, resident medium and the daughter of the late Warren Clive, Boston's most beloved undertaker. After her father's death and subsequent take over of the family business, Dolores has become a recluse haunted by ghosts of her past and near future which all comes to head when her step-sister arrives in town with her newly acquired fiancé and his rather strange but beautiful brother in tow following a string of murders.
Genre: horror/supernatural fiction, gothic fiction
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The Stray Girls
It's not drugs that are killing these teens.
(TW: Mentions of drugs and alcohol)
Set in the fictional city of Maynard, The Stray Girls is a retelling of The Lost Boys centred around a cast of troubled teen girls set 10 years later in 1997'.
After once again deciding to move across the country with her daughters, Magdelena's mother decides that cheap rent is worth more than her daughter's lives when she moves to Maynard, Washington— which currently boasts the largest missing girl population in the country. While settling into their new home, Magda notices her elder sister Roxanne is beginning to act strange: leaving the house in the middle of the night, wearing sunglasses indoors, and sleeping all day. First suspecting it to be drugs, Magda thinks nothing of it, but as time goes on and her sister's personality makes a sudden shift in the wrong direction, she can no longer pretend like everything is alright. Meeting the group of troubled girls that her sister now calls 'friends' slowly leads her down a path of crime, thrill and peer pressure. But it's not booze that these girls are drinking: it's blood.
Genre: Teen Adventure/Horror
pinterest // spotify // instagram
Though my aesthetic and writing style may scream morbid academic pretentiousness, I assure you my online presence and writing greatly contrast with my personality (and looks for that matter) so please do not be alarmed by my frequent buffoonery, general bastardness, and bombastic vulgarity.
Thank you for reading! (or skipping to the end)
— M. Warrin
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angeldcgs · 6 months
closed: @thcophagy based: while recording a particularly emotional song for his upcoming album, cricket ends up pushing laurie to the point of tears. who: cricket caulfield, she/her, 28, singer-songwriter pinterest
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"flat." her voice cut in as the music cut out, reverberating through the bulky headphones laurie wore while stood in the booth looking every bit as fragile as he probably felt. "you was flat again. and y' keep jumpin' in too soon with that line at the start 'a th' second bar, you come in on the downbeat. 'member?" their eyes remained locked through the glass window dividing them as she dug into him, her expression stern and unrelenting just like her critiques. cricket knew being back in each other's lives would prove to be a mistake— not nearly enough time had passed for them to sort through and move on from whatever complicated feelings had arisen during their former acquaintanceship, clearly, seeing as laurie looked like he was ready to practically melt into a puddle after being forced to sing the same few bars over and over again, each take straying farther and farther from acceptable. it didn't help that she'd just so happened to needle him over the most gut wrenching chunk of the song, the real emotional core in which the listener truly felt the vast numbness that came along after a bout of intense despair. a despair that had been caused by cricket herself. if interrogated, she'd just claim she was just trying to push him to achieve what she knew he was capable of, that the bridge of the song was simply too important to accept mediocrity, and while all that was true, there was a part of cricket that simply wanted to see him snap. call her cruel, she wouldn't deny it. that was part of the whole reason she had such an aversion to allowing laurie to develop romantic feelings for her, knowing an embittered, spiteful woman like herself would only crush his spirit over time, and this was her way of saying "i told you so!". "fuck's sake, laurie..." she rubbed a hand over her face as she let out a sigh of exasperation, fishing out a cigarette from the pack she left discarded on the mixing board and lit up to soothe her irritation. "some of us got actual shit to do t'night besides holdin' y'er hand tryna' walk ya' through eight fuckin' bars... studio time ain't cheap, neither. that's fifty bucks outta the label's wallet and damn near an hour 'a my time wasted listenin' t' y'er damn caterwaulin'."
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boygiwrites · 1 year
Harley D. Dixon 14
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note. Another quick update! I'm on a roll! Please enjoy reading :)
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"Blessed be God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven."
Under the shade of an old oak tree on the outskirts of the Greene farm, I stand at Shane's side as Herschel fills an empty grave with prayers. I've never been to a stranger's funeral before. I don't belong here — none of our group does — but according to Rick, this is how we show respect to the mourning family, and respect is how we get to stay here on the farm longer than just a week. I'm not too sure what's so respectful about watching in silence while Patricia lowers her dead husband's belongings into the ground, but this is what we have to do.
"Praise be to Him for the gift of our brother, Otis — For the span of his years; for his abundance of character."
I glance up at Rick, who's standing on the other side of the semi-circle we've formed. He stares at Shane. I didn't know so much about Otis' character, but he must've had a whole bunch of it, 'cause Patricia cries twice as loudly now, as Maggie helps her out the grave. All I know is he shot my Dad. In another life, this would've been Rick's fate for killing my Uncle. In another-another life, my Uncle isn't dead at all.
"Otis, who gave his life for the chance to save another."
That's how the story goes. Shane and Otis, cornered but resilient, down to ten rounds — one killed in a tragic act of sacrifice.
"We thank you, God, for the rest you now grant him. He died as he lived — In grace. May the arms of eternity embrace him."
I wonder if Otis is going to Hell or heaven. I wonder if God's holdin' him in some sort of waiting room right now, watching on as my Dad fights for his life; waiting to see if Otis is a murderer. In my eyes, he already is. If God's as smart as they say he is, he'll send Otis to Hell.
Herschel gently closes the Bible.
Me and my Dad went to church, a long time ago. They used to give out free food and diapers every Sunday before mass to encourage people who couldn't afford those types of things to come in and pray, but we never did any of the praying. We just took the cheap groceries, feeling only partially ashamed as upper middle-class Christians sung hymns in the background. The worst was when they said they'd pray for us.
God be with you, the man would tell my Dad.
Thanks, Dad would answer, head lowered, and then pull me back out to the parking lot.
When I asked him if God was real, all he said was that if he is, then he must be deaf. I could never imagine him praying.
"Shane," Herschel says.
The man besides me startles slightly.
"Will you speak for Otis?"
Speak for a dead man?
He stiffens as everybody turns their gazes on him.
"I... I'm not good at this." He says quietly, clearing his throat; shaking his head. I think if he could run away, he would. "I'm sorry."
"You were the last one with him." Patricia insists. "You shared his final moments."
He stares at her, mouth open but no words coming out. It reminds me of that far-away look he had last night when he returned alone. This is not the Shane I know. Who am I kidding, my Dad once said to Shane, You always got somethin' you wanna say. Not right now, he don't.
"Please." Patricia says, stepping forward.
The uncomfortable silence persists.
"I need to hear." She begs. "I need to know his death had meaning."
Rick's still staring at him, more intensely than the rest. You better say something, the look says, You better not mess this up.
Shane licks his lips, and glancing down at me is the thing that finally pushes him to speak.
"Okay." He concedes, nodding to himself. A weak breeze sails through the leaves above us as he speaks, and there's something about the way his eyes shift from person to person and the way his clasped hands twitch that give me the sense he's making it up as he goes. "We were about to reach the main building," He tells us. "We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. The dead; closin' in. It was... Things weren't looking good. 'The supplies are in there.' You see, that's what he said. To me. 'You have to get them. You have to save that poor girl's Dad.' He gave me his backpack. He gave me his rifle. 'Run. I'll cover you,' He said. I had no choice. I ran. When I looked back..."
I did it, is all I can remember him saying last night, I did it, I did it.
Did what?
"He died thinking of Daryl." He sticks his chin up. "He died giving him a chance."
He died for nothing, is what he really means to say.
Maggie looks down at her boots, holding Patricia's shaking hand.
"I might not've been able to... find the supplies," He gulps, taking a deep breath, "But I made it out alive. And I owe that all to Otis."
A sob breaks out amongst us.
"If any death ever had meaning, it was his."
"Amen," We all say.
I don't remember much about the people at our church, but I do remember them saying, to lie is to rot oneself from the inside out with sin.
When I glance up at Shane, I find him already looking right back at me.
The funeral ends.
On our way back up the hill, we hear car engines approaching.
"I'm guessing this is the right Green farm, then?" Dale says through his open window, bringing the RV to a crawl alongside us. Behind him, the remainder of our group rounds him and continues driving up the road. Maggie opens the gate for them. "Beautiful out this way, huh?"
"Hey, Dale." I smile lightly. "Ya made it."
"Hop in. I'll give you a ride up."
He brakes long enough to let me climb in, and as I sit next to him in the passenger seat, he starts it back up again.
"What are you all doing so far from the house?"
I don't bother buckling my seatbelt. It's only a short drive.
"We had a funeral." I tell him, "For this man named Otis. He died last night."
"What happened?" He frowns. "Is your Dad alright?"
"Yeah, he— He's inside right now. Glenn's giving him blood. He ain't really supposed to be doin' it, though. He's gonna get sick, but he says he don't care. There's nobody else who can do it. Actually, what type of blood do you have?" When he regretfully says he doesn't know, I continue. "Well, Shane, and that man, Otis, they were meant to come back with some more last night, but somethin' went wrong. Only Shane made it back."
Maggie waves us through and closes the gate behind us.
"I heard Rick wants to go back." I say. "To the college. Today. He thinks he'll find what my Dad needs."
Dale nods. "That woman said he got shot."
"Yeah. In the stomach." I exhale thinly, fiddling with my fingernails. "It's... S'real bad."
"It wasn't Shane?"
"It wasn't Shane who shot him?"
I think it's telling that that's Dale's first assumption. Hell, I think it was everyone's, but now I don't know what to think.
"Apparently not." I shake my head. "Apparently it was Otis. A huntin' accident, Rick says."
"Hunting accident?"
"He wasn't there when it happened. He an' Glenn just came across the farm while lookin' and knocked on the door. Shane's said nothin'."
Dale glances at me. "That's unlike him."
I don't know what else to say to that besides, yeah, 'cause I got no idea how Shane's mind works. I know he's smart. I know he's good with words. He's everything Rick is, but amplified, and he's good at makin' people not realize it — 'cause he's also good at hiding things.
Dale brings the RV to a stop under a tall tree near the house.
"Just be careful, Harley." He looks me in the eye when he says this. "Be careful with Shane. You're a smart girl. I think you can figure out why."
No. No, I'm done figuring things out.
Shane is my friend, and Shane cares for me, and I need him right now. That's all that matters.
If that's not a smart thing to say, then I guess I must be dumb, but at least I'm not hurt. I never wanna be hurt again.
"Whatever," I mumble, rising from my seat.
I know I'll feel bad about it later, but I slam the door when I leave.
"Are you sure about this?"
As soon as we make it back to the house, Rick tells everyone he's going back to the college. Andrea offers to go with him to watch his back, and Herschel reluctantly writes up another list of medical supplies and pills for them to look for. He hands it to Rick, who quickly reads it over.
"I'm sure." He replies, folding the list into his pocket. "I couldn't be surer. It's a shot in the dark, but we gotta do it."
"The surgical labs?" Andrea asks. "That's where we'll find what we need?"
"Yes," Herschel sighs, looking unconfident. "If not there, then the storage rooms. It sounds like it's all overrun, though, Rick."
He shakes his head. "We've dealt with worse."
Carol leaves the room, a hand over her mouth. She wants Rick to keep searching for Sophia, but this is taking priority right now.
"Didn't Shane say there was nothin' left?" T-Dog butts in, confused. "I mean, he came back with nothin'."
"No." Rick says. "We don't know why that happened. If I had to guess, I'd say he had to retreat after Otis... After Otis passed."
"Man, he couldn't just double back?"
He scoffs, picking up the bags. "I don't know. I don't know what happened. All we can do is try again."
"Remember, I can only use O negative blood." Herschel raises his brows. "Nothing else."
"O negative. Got it."
"Be careful."
"We always are."
I watch the bullet roll around.
Herschel put it in a little plastic container after the surgery last night. So, this is what almost killed him, then. When I was littler, I used to think my Dad was invincible. I thought nothing could ever bring my big, strong Dad down, but it turns out it can, and it don't even gotta be bigger than my pinkie finger to do it, either. This tiny little bud of golden metal put my Dad on his death bed.
I'm watching the sun bounce off its curves when I hear footsteps approaching in the grass.
When I look up, I see Shane, alone, pointing to the picnic bench I'm sitting at.
"This seat taken by any chance?"
Be careful with Shane, Dale told me.
"No," I tell him, setting the bullet down. "You can sit 'ere."
He takes a seat beside me and asks, "What're you doin' fiddling with that thing?"
"I don't know." I smile, feeling a little silly. "I's just lookin' at it."
"Well, how 'bout this? I got somethin' better for you to do."
He lifts up the small bag he brought with him onto the table.
"What that?"
"You didn't think I forgot about our deal, right?" He grins, scattering the contents in front of us. A sketch pad with a unicorn on the cover falls out first, and then a bunch of rainbow markers, pencils, and even some craft glue and sparkly sequins. "Borrowed it all from that girl, Beth."
I laugh, probably for the first time in days. "Woah, Shane!"
"Better than that scummy old bullet, huh?" He nudges me, opening the book to a blank page. "Not sure I'm any good, but I'll try my best."
"What do you wanna draw?"
"Anything you want."
"Let's..." My first thought is a card for my Dad, but that's stupid. Shane don't wanna make that. "Um..."
"Can't make up yer mind?"
"No, it's just— I wanna make somethin' for my Dad."
Surprisingly, he doesn't react the way I expected.
"'Course ya do, sweetheart. Come on, then. I'll help you."
"Anything you want. That's what I said, right?"
"Okay, then." I giggle, copying him as he grabs a marker and uncaps it. "His favorite color's black, but that's ugly. Let's do flowers."
"Yes, ma'am."
"A field of flowers." I enthuse. "And a walker in the middle, but dead, 'cause Dad killed it."
"He's real good at that, huh?"
"Alright, then. You're gonna have to walk me through it, though, 'cause I don't know what I'm doin' here."
Laughing, I get started in pointing out all the places I think flowers would look best on the page, picking out which colors to use, like green for the grass and yellow for the sun. Shane goes along with all of it, just happy to be spending time with me. I really don't get what Dale's talkin' about. I even teach him how to draw a flower. My Dad's never colored with me, before. We never did things like that. He'd rather take me on a hike, or skip stones with me at the local playground pond. When I drew him pictures, he'd put 'em on the fridge and tell me they're nice, but that's about it.
I think it's awful nice of Shane to be making this card for my Dad. I guess he's decided to put their differences aside for a minute.
"Thanks for not tellin' me no." I say, filling in a petal. "I thought you were gonna."
"'No' to makin' your Dad a card?"
"Why's that?"
Shane always does this. He asks questions he already knows the answer to, 'cause he wants to see what you say.
"I'on know," I shrug, shy; a little embarrassed. "I don't think you like him very much."
"No. You punched him."
He hums.
I continue. "And you think he's mean."
"Yeah? Why's he mean?"
"He, like, yells sometimes." I mutter, focusing on coloring. "He gets angry."
He just hums again.
"And you don't like him 'cause he hits me, and you think he shouldn't do that. You think he's a bad Dad."
He corrects me. "I don't think he knows how to be a Dad at all, Harley."
"What about you? D'you know?"
There ain't nobody that teaches you this shit, Harley, my Dad once told me, You think you came outta the womb with a manual attached?
"Well, I've never had a kid, before, Harley." He tells me. "That was always Rick's thing. We used to go to school together, you know that? Kindergarten, all the way up to police academy. When Carl was born, I used to think about havin' my own, but it just never happened."
"Why not?"
"Kids are a lot of responsibility. I wasn't ready for that."
"What about now?"
"Am I ready for a kid?"
He glances at me, then back to the paper, but doesn't answer.
I look up at him. "What is it?"
He nods at the packet of sequins.
"You wanna have a go stickin' them on?"
I pause. Yeah, I guess I can have a go.
"Dad don't like glitter, though."
"It's a gift from his daughter." Shane scoffs. "He can deal with it."
"You like glitter?"
"Can't say I'm a huge fan, but if you gave me a glittered-up card, it'd be my favorite thing I owned. I can promise you that."
That makes me smile. "I can make you one, if you want."
"Nah, that's okay, sweetheart. This is all 'bout your Dad, right now."
I smear a whole lotta glue on the corners of the page, sprinkling the little plastic pieces onto it after.
"Rick's gone back to the college." I muse. "And Andrea. They're gonna find blood and medicine for my Dad."
Shane shifts uncomfortably on the bench. That's what he was supposed to do. He failed. Now, other people have to make up for what he did, and if they come back with even one thing from the list, that's gonna look real bad for him. Not only did he get someone killed, but he did it for nothin'.
"Rick's tough. Andrea, she's a good enough shot." He clears his throat. "They'll make it back in one piece."
"I just hope they don't get caught in that herd like you and Otis."
Apparently, they got swarmed. Easy to believe, given the hundreds of walkers been followin' us down this way.
"They won't be. They're smart."
I joke, "You sayin' you were dumb?"
"Hey," He smirks. "Watch yourself."
"I'm just sayin'. How come you let yourself get surrounded?"
"Happens fast, Harley. You know that."
Sure happened fast on the highway.
"Must'a been awful." I frown. "All them walkers... Otis."
"Had to happen." Shane shrugs.
"I know. But he still died, Shane. Don't matter what for."
"You don't think it matters to his family?"
"Well, yeah, but not to us. Dead is dead, and dead's awful. You don't gotta pretend."
He shakes his head, like I just don't get it.
"No. No, if I could go back in time, Harley, I wouldn't change a thing."
I glance at him, then. His jaw is set tight as he scribbles a red blotch onto the page, staring into its chaotic epicentre. If he said that to any of the Greenes, oh, they would'a slapped him. You're supposed to be sad when someone dies. Shane looked a little down at the funeral, but now he just looks angry. I wanna warn him he's gonna tear a hole in the page if he presses down any harder, but the words get stuck in my throat.
"I don't think you should tell anyone else that." I murmur, awkward. "Especially not Patricia."
He don't stop 'till the pencil nib snaps.
"Damn it." He mumbles, tossing it.
I did it, was all he kept sayin', I did it.
"What'd you mean, last night, anyway?"
"Huh? What did what mean?"
"I did it." I quote. "You just kept chantin' it, over and over. What's it mean? What'd you do?"
He turns his glare onto me.
"You sure I said that?"
I think back to that moment. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.
I nod.
"I don't remember." He disagrees. "I was all outta sorts that night. Still am, to be honest."
"But you said it. I heard you."
"Well, I'd just escaped Hell on Earth, Harley. I barely made it out alive. I drove back here like a crazy man; just watched a man get eaten alive. 'Course I'm gonna be shocked I made it; shocked I did it. That's all I meant. Ain't nothin' to stress over."
I sigh. "Are you sure?"
"I ever lied to you?"
"I don't think so."
"Well, there you go."
It's only now I notice Dale on the roof of the RV. He's supposed to be on watch, but the only thing he's watchin' is us. I choose to ignore him in favor of finishing the get well soon card, hating the stiff silence that follows.
My eyes eventually wonder over to the container, and the stubby bullet inside.
I begin to frown.
Wait a minute.
Hunting accident, was what Rick told everyone.
"Shane, what type of bullet is that?" I ask, even though I already know.
Beside me, he stops coloring so abruptly that it's like I just electrocuted him.
Now I'm really lookin' at it, I can't believe it took me this long to notice.
"Harley," He says when he sees what I'm staring at. "Harley, I can explain."
I don't wanna hear it.
I know what type of bullet that is.
"Harley, wait."
It didn't come from no damn hunting rifle.
That's a pistol bullet.
I slam the door shut.
"Woah, hey. What's going on?" Glenn asks, slumped in a chair beside Dad's bed. "What's wrong?"
"Get out." I whimper, shaking my head. I go straight for the window; yank the curtains shut so hard they screech. "Get out, Glenn."
"Why? What's—?"
"Just fucking get out!"
He jumps up at that, and I only see a glimpse of him scurrying out the door before I dive onto the bed, crying and hiccupping and groaning angrily as I lift the covers. I curl up underneath them, into my Dad's side. It wasn't a rifle bullet. It was a pistol bullet. It wasn't Otis. It was Shane. My friend, have-I-ever-lied-to-you Shane. He shot my Dad and then he lied to my face about it, all while making a card that wouldn't even exist if it weren't for him in the first place. I hugged him. He hugged me back. I cried on him. I don't want my Daddy to die, I wailed, but it was him that did it.
The door opens just minutes later. I hear his combat boots thumping as he runs around the side of the bed.
"Get away from me." I try hitting him through the blankets, but he just pulls them off and grabs me. "Fuck off! I knew it was you!"
"Harley." He shakes his head. "Harley, ssh, ssh, ssh."
"You lied to me—"
"No, no, no, ssh, ssh, ssh."
"Don't tell me to shush!" I snarl, batting at him. "You— You— You shot my—!"
"No." He shakes me. "No, I didn't. Harley, I didn't."
"Yes, you did!"
"No." He growls, glancing at the door, then back to me. "Listen to me very carefully, Harley Dixon. I did not shoot your Dad."
"No? Then who's damn bullet was that?!"
"Keep your voice down."
"Who's was it?"
"Jim's, Harley. Jim's." His eyes are wide; some type of crazy in 'em as he really drills this into me, almost whispering, but also shouting at the same time. "Remember that day you came back, told everyone what happened? You gave me exact directions on how to get to that guy's camp, remember? Follow the creek, left at the big rock, go through the trees 'till you hit an old fence post. See? You told me that. I remembered. Your Dad wanted to go kill him. First time I ever saw eye to eye with that man, and I gave him the location, and we left together, Harley. Together."
I keep shaking my head, but Shane's lip curls.
"Yes. Yes. Listen to me. We left together and we found his camp. Green tent, right? Music playing?"
H-H-How's he know that?
"He wasn't there, but his tracks were. Your Dad followed 'em. We found him in a house, damn near starved to death. He was beggin' us to spare him some of ours 'till he clocked our faces. He was mad. Real mad. Hell, I would be, too, if I got tied up and left for dead. He did it. Jim shot your Dad."
"You're lying." I pull a face of disgust. "You're lying, I know it."
"Yeah? Yeah, how you know?"
"'Cause Dale says I gotta be careful around you. And Rick pretty much don't even believe you, neither! He's basically your brother!"
"To Hell with Dale." He shrugs, shaking his head and grinning, like this is no big deal. "And Rick — Rick's an idiot. You know that."
"When we heard the shot, he said it was you! He said that, in front of everyone!"
"Well, he was wrong. It was Jim."
"Then why'd you go and tell everyone it was Otis, huh?"
"Well, I— It's—"
"Just get outta my face, Shane." I shudder, pulling the covers back over my head, hiding away. "I don't wanna be your friend, anymore. Get out."
I don't care if it was Jim, or Shane, or the damn Easter bunny who shot him, at this point — I just wanna be alone. I don't know what to believe. Like I said, Shane's smart, so he don't push his luck. He leaves almost right away, closing me away in my own den of grief with a soft click of the door. I hear him talking to everyone out there, probably explaining everything away like he can so easily do. I'm emotional, he'll say, Just leave it.
When I pop my head back up, I spot the card sitting on the side table.
Get well soon, it says.
In a fit of rage, I snatch it up and I rip it to pieces.
It falls to the floor like confetti.
Rick and Andrea come back while I'm eating dinner on the porch.
It's soup that Maggie made for me — Potato and leek. Someone must've told her my favorite kind — 'cause it turns out I was right. Shane did tell everyone I was upset. Apparently, the funeral was just too much for me, on top of everything else. I'm too sad to be angry about that, 'cause it just proves that he really is a liar, after all. I set the bowl down as they pull up to the house, and Maggie and her Dad come out the front door as soon as they hear the car engine, cautiously excited for the news we're about to get. Maggie helps me out of the chair, rubbing my shoulders.
The car door shuts. We not only see Rick and Andrea, alive and well, but also two big, full bags on their shoulders.
"We got everything." He calls out to us, smiling. "Every last thing."
My jaw drops.
"Praise God." Herschel mutters.
Maggie grins down at me. "You hear that, Harley?"
"Y—" I smile wide. "Yeah."
She leaves my side to help Andrea bring the bags up the stairs.
"The penicillin?" Herschel shakes his head. "The gauze, the syringes, the disinfectant?"
"All of it." Says Rick. "Even threw in some reception desk candy, too, just 'cause we could."
"That's incredible. How?"
"Place was deserted." Andrea tells us. "We only had to take out five or six before we were the only ones around. Surgical labs, just like you said."
"Praise God," He says again. "I'll start re-dressing the wound right now."
"Here you go."
Rick passes him the bag, and everyone else goes back inside as he leans against the railing. Behind him, the sun cinematically sinks in the sky.
I sit back down.
I can't believe they did it.
"Thank you, Rick."
He looks a little sad when I say this, but happy, at the same time.
"You're welcome, Harley. You're very welcome."
For the first time ever, I'm alone with Rick and all I feel is peace.
Author's Note.
Daryl still hasn't woken up. I'm sorryyyyy 🙏He will, very soon. I promise! I'll try to make it everything you're hoping for and more :) Things are gonna be different between Harley and Daryl from now on.
(AKA not depressing.)
Shane's still manipulative as ever. Boo to him.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sending lots of love! :)
22 notes · View notes
vestigialpersonality · 4 months
100-Question Durge Ask Game: Answered
The words weren't flowing today and my focus was too jittery to read, so I filled out Durge Ask Game 10th Edition instead. I know it's not the proper way to do things, but it was this or watching my in-laws play sportsball videogames and this was significantly more entertaining.
@daemon-in-my-head I had already finished when I sent that ask...but I was fucking mortified by what I had done and saved it in my drafts instead of posting. It took about two hours including intermittent breaks for doom scrolling. 😅
For clarity I'm referring to pre-tadpole as just Durge because he had five different names for every day of the week, whereas post-tadpole is Rune.
1) Any major physical changes? Any impairments? What are they and when did it happen?
As a whole Durge is basically a fancy flesh golem. He's not a shapeshifter like Orin, but pre-tadpole he practically lived behind the disguise-self spell. For the few people who got to see his actual face, he looks like an elf, or at least a half-elf, provided they don't too hard. Skin the color of a decaying corpse, black eyes, teeth that came from at least four different creatures. He's covered in scars in all shapes and sizes and kind of looks like he was pieced together like a cheap leather coat. Much like a tiefling, he's an obligate carnivore.
2) Post-Tadpole Durge is pretty messed up, what does past Durge think of these changes? Do they think it won't matter as they'll still be daddy's favourite assassin even with a head injury?
Pre-tadpole Durge would probably kill Rune out of ableist pity. Rune is suffering from speech aphasia, migraines, chronic pain, dissociative episodes, and damaged bones/musculature in his hands. The memory loss has also exacerbated some pre-existing conditions, like dietary restrictions not being met. Anxiety and depression have been cranked to eleven, self-worth is at rock bottom, self-control is all but gone.
3) Out of all the companions, which one would've been an easy victim for past Durge and why?
Gale, probably. Soft, friendly, easy to get in his good graces, but powerful enough that Durge wouldn't want to try to take him in an even fight. And Gale is probably the least inclined of the party to just straight up kill someone.
4) Would any companions have had any chances with past Durge? Who and why?
Astarion, full stop. They knew each other and Durge felt like Astarion would be a welcome addition to his stabby family.
5) What sort of 'real world' clothingstyle would past durge have loved? Are they the type to join a subculture like punk, goth, etc. (Aesthetically at least)?
Durge is a social chameleon, so really all of them. But given the choice he'd be wearing a three-piece suit. Rune is less picky and would probably wear whatever he could find in dark colors at goodwill. Jeans that mostly fit and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off.
6) Speaking of clothes, streetwear or formal clothes?
Durge prefers formal all the way. He wants to make an impression. Rune doesn't care as long as it is comfortable.
7) Durge is old money incarnate, but what do they think of new money? Did their view change after their homemade lobotomy or meeting a young man with a quick and easy smile?
Durge thought the concept of social climbing was fascinating and watched Gortash's evolution like an experiment. Rune has little concept of money or wealth.
8) What's their aesthetic like? Describe it to me. Or better yet, hand over the link to that Pinterest mood board we all know exists (at least in theory, go do it).
Vulture culture at its finest. Bones and shiny things.
9) Any favourite flower? Did they actually decorate things with it or was it a secret hidden pleasure? Do they maybe just like the symbolism, smell, what have you?
Durge had a garden where he grew useful flowers and plants. He liked foxgloves in particular, though there was no special reasoning behind it. Rune has no feelings one way or the other.
10) Did they ever get to enjoy receiving gifts? From whom and which one was their favourite?
Not really. Gifts always come with strings attached and those that don't aren't actually meant for him, they're meant for someone's fictionalized view of him. Even Stillmaker was mostly unwanted and only accepted, strings and all, because it was useful. He did, however, collect trinkets brought to him by crows.
11) Hot or cold foods?
12) Do they drink? Which is their favourite liquor? In what situation would they prefer a nice glass of a little something?
They drink, but don't feel any particular way about it. Alcohol is useful for social posturing.
13) How entitled is Durge on a scale of 1 to 'gods favourite little gorebaby deserves the world (or its end)'?
Probably at the lower end of the scale. Too much internalized guilt.
14) Favourite body part? And of whom?
He likes teeth in all shapes and sizes. Hyoid bones. 
15) Can durge ride a horse? Did they sneak around the cities rules pertaining the ownership of horses?
Yes. He grew up on a farm, but he doesn't own a horse of his own. He rode on most occasions when he had to leave Baldur's Gate. Rune may or may not remember.
16) Bribing or threats, which is their preferred method? (Murder excluded)
Depends on the day, though he leans more towards bribery. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
17) Bhaal, of course, has his favourite colours, but which colour is your Durges absolute favourite? Did it change after their brain was messed with? Can they even see colours?
He prefers a relatively monochromatic colors. Grays, dark reds, midnight blues, deep plums. His favorite color is similar to hex code #2a4d6b (dark steel-blue)
18) Their love language? Did anyone ever experience it in the past? Did they survive it?
Murder. Acts of service. Gortash and Astarion are both still alive-ish at the start of the game, so it wasn't always deadly.
19) Did they ever consider leaving the gate? What for and where would they go?
He has no particular desire to leave until his work is done. It's not home, exactly, but it's easier form a stronghold when not roving the countryside like a bandit.
20) Did they maybe even leave the Gate in the past? Why or why not? What kept them there or drove them away?
He's traveled a bit. He's been to Waterdeep and Elturel at least once, though had no desire to stay.
21) Bhaal despises hope, but what does Durge think of it? Is it fun to play with? A lil bit of sadism never hurt somebody or do they despise it too?
He won't give them the hope that they'll survive, but he will give them the hope that it will be painless. Durge doesn't play with his food unless someone has particularly stoked his ire. He feels he's acting out of kindness, that whatever horrific acts he's committing are for the greater good. In his twisted little psyche he's not evil and people should be thanking him for their deaths. 
22) What's their favourite crime? Excluding murder of course, pick another one beside that.
It's relatively minor, especially in the grand scheme of Durges, but busking without a permit.
23) Did they carry money around with them or was their name enough to pay for anything they'd desire (or the explicit death threats they'd mumble)?
They carried money. It was easier to buy silence.
24) The temple has a lending library. Did Durge use it too? What was their favourite genre or did they stay far, far away from books?
Durge loved to read and had a particular fascination with the rites and histories of other gods. Rune can read if he tries really really hard, but it's extremely slow going and gives him a headache.
25) City or village? What would they choose if they were given the choice?
Durge prefers the city. Rune wants a hovel in the woods with no one around for miles.
26) Durge is well spoken and presumably well read as well. Who taught them? Did they attend an academy?
Learned a bit at home before the incident, just enough to help handle inventories and read recipes. All the rest was learned at the temple and through determination.
27) At one point or another Durge had friends. What were they like? What was Durge's position in the friend group?
Durge was a social chameleon who was a lot of things to a lot of people, but there were very, very few he considered friends. Thomas was loveable if weird and would befriend just about anyone who spoke with him. Sterling was gruff and ran his band of thieves and cutthroats with an iron fist. Lily was a kind, grandmotherly figure who knew all of the neighborhood gossip. But he could count on one hand the number of people who knew him and he kept them all carefully separate.
28) Did they ever attend a street fair or similar city festivities? Did they enjoy it? What was their favourite part?
Durge loved festivals. So many people, so many emotions. Plus it was an excuse to be a bit goofy. Rune would hate them.
29) Did they ever attend a ball or banquet? Run me through their typical evening at one of these 'parties' and tell me whether they hated or reveled in it.
Durge hated them. He hated them with a fiery, burning passion. It was always a congregation of the worst of the worst and very rarely was he allowed to let his control slip. Rune would also hate them.
30) Which of the seven deadly sins would represent them best? Also pride is banned from the list, pick a 2nd one that would fit instead (listen I know y'alls Durges)
Envy, pride barely even factors into it.
31) Gambling? Yes, no, are they good at it?
Occasionally. He isn't great, but will absolutely cheat like a motherfucker. Rune is even worse, but may have a better poker face
32) Cigarette baron lord Enver Gortash would like to know if Durge would indulge themselves in his business or if they prefer not to? Did they try before or quit already?
Social smoker. Never buys his own, but will absolutely mooch.
33) What's one unique trait that you think really sets them apart from other Durges? It may be physical, mental, a worldview or a part of their backstory.
He genuinely doesn't believe he's evil. If you take away the murder and cannibalism he'd probably be chaotic good.
34) Flowery, sweet or spicy scents? Not to say, perhaps, musky?
He's fascinated by smells and tends to equate them to emotions and abstract concepts. His favorites are sharp and angry. Teak, cedar, steel, clove, etc. 
35) Melee or ranged? Arcane? Sketchy deals in a dark ally? (Fighting style, I mean fighting styles.)
Dual wield daggers or bare hands. He likes being close. But he's also flexible. Magic? Sure. Poison? Why not. Big fuck-off axe? Great. Whatever it takes to get the job done.
36) About the author; do you love them in a 'oh my precious baby' sort of way or rather 'I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do to you' way?
I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you.
37) Do they like fish? Baldur's Gate is a port city, I'd imagine they've tried it at least.
He'll eat it, but they don't particularly care for it.
38) Also can they swim? How did they even learn it?
Yes. He lives in a port city at the mouth of a giant river. There were a few incidents that were literally sink or swim so he learned which.
39) Heat. How do they deal with it? Do they deal with it? What's their body temperature like, as in warmer, colder, perfect average? His body temperature runs unnervingly low. If given the option he'd nap on a rock in the sun like a lizard.
40) If you have any other ocs, do they exist in the same universe and did they ever meet Durge? What was it like and if they didn't, what would it be like? Would anyone survive?
Tav exists in this version of the universe. They've met. Larian made a browser-game about it. It didn't end well for either of them. They're still causing trouble for each other post-tadpole, Tav has just assumed a new name.
41) Dragons, Bhaal, Bane and Gortash love em. How about Durge? Are they somehow incorporated in their design?
Nothing particularly dragony, no. Maybe some teeth or a bone here or there. Bhaal just picked his favorite bits and pieces and slapped them together like a weird sculpture when making him.
42) What's a trait they have that you could never, ever guess from the way they look?
He really, really likes animals. Not just to eat. Rune collects animal friends like a Disney princess. Durge just had a murder of crows that he fed at the park.
43) Children, yes, no, how many, what's the best way to prepare them?
There is a lot to unpack in this one, though most is going to be answered in fic-format eventually. Want kids? No absolutely not. Full stop. He's meant to end life not create it. Have kids? None living. Like kids? Indifferent, but typically friendly toward them. Favorite Recipe? There is this apple-based glaze……… 
44) Abdirak my baby girl, what would their interactions have looked like? Did they ever meet pre tadpole? What is the gore baby thinking about the lady of pain's priest?
Still not sure if they've ever met before, but Durge would have absolutely LOVED to have an in depth discussion about religion with him. Maybe find some meditations on pain that helped with self-control.
45) Can Durge drive a carriage? Are they good at it? Would anybody survive if they were in control?
Nobody would survive. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
46) Night owl or early bird?
They sleep so little that the answer is both. But it's easier to work at night.
47) Also, open book or mysterious stranger?
Yes to both. Durge is an open book that is easy to read in the beginning, but the pages get harder to turn the further you get. The last pages are glued together. Rune wears his heart on his sleeve.
48) Pants or skirts/robes? And I mean this for every durge regardless of gender.
Given a choice, always pants. But choices aren't always available.
49) Top 3 favourite past times, cannibalism and vivisections excluded.
Music, reading, and people-watching (in the park, in the street, in their home at night while they are sleeping). Rune just seems to stare into the middle distance and snarl like a feral dog.
50) Do they do their own laundry or is it Scels job? How many shirts have been ruined by Scels hands already?
He is very possessive and doesn't like people handling his belongings, even something as trivial as laundry.
51) What do they prefer to be addressed as? Their name, title, nickname, pronouns or just as 'you'?
Another complicated answer. They prefer to not be addressed at all, but usually just nod and say "yup that's my name now". There are certain names and titles he hates less than others. If he had to choose The Inevitable would probably be his favorite. Chance and Rune are special. He actively hates Keres and denies Asphodel ever existed. Crane, Lily, Sterling, Thomas, etc are all masks he wears. He doesn't feel any particular way about them, though it makes him uneasy when certain people use them.
52) Open and honest duels, or back handed trickery? What do they prefer?
Surprise attack, roll with advantage.
53) Art gallery, opera or hunting tournament? Let's just play pretend those exist.
Art gallery.
54) Are they more of a sweet tooth, do they love it savoury or do they prefer their mouth burning from the hot spice? Perhaps they just prefer a neutral taste?
Savory. He's got dietary restrictions that prevent him from branching too far.
55) Did the gazette ever print an article about them (or their deeds), what's the headline and what did they feel about it?
Amusement. Typically it was a page-six type of article filled rumors or gossip. He's the embodiment of the black-eyed children urban legend.
56) Outdoors or stay at home kinda person?
Durge typically wants to be out with a crowd. Rune doesn't much care as long as it's quiet.
57) Did they ever hear about the great Wizard of Waterdeep, Mystra's Chosen and if they did, how? What do they think of him then vs now.
Probably, but it was discarded as currently irrelevant information.
58) Was it them who came up with the cipher or Gortash?
Gortash. Who likely also didn't come up with it and just stole it from somewhere.
59) Story behind their name? Is there any story?
Originally he was named after the flowers that were blooming where he was found. Astarion has now named him twice. Gortash named him once. He dislikes the name Gortash gave him, but can't quite explain why and has never mentioned it.
60) Their most treasured memory with Orin? Why do they treasure it? Love, spite, sibling rivalry win?
He got to teach her how to properly use blades. Taught her sword forms, how to properly clean a carcass, how to maintain her weapons, and he was proud of how quickly she took to most of it. She hated cleaning and sharpening her tools, though.
61) Dear creators, would you like for your own Durge to meet the Durge of another creator? How would that look like? Who would survive?
I can't pick. There are so many cool ones. Most would probably snap Rune in half like a twig, though. 
62) Hats. Yes, no, why? Took too long styling their hair? Everyday is bad hair day?
Preferably not, but a lot of times it can't be avoided. It's a sensory nightmare.
63) The sweet sweet smell of gore, we've all heard about it. But is it really sweet to them? Or does it just smell like metal and rot?
It smells like metal and rot. But it also smells like dinner.
64) Did they debate stealing anything else from Mephistopheles vault while already down there? If so, what item was it and what can it do? (Maks up some stuff)
There were a lot of sharp and shiny things, but it all went tits up about half way through and there was no time for detours.
65) Their sign(s)?
Tumblr media
66) Jealousy, is it a problem, could they care any less?
Jealous? Not really. Possessive? Like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant. You can borrow his things, but never forget that they are his.
67) Speaking off, did they have any partners before the whole tadpole in their brain bit? If not was there a reason?
Durgetash is already canon in this version of the universe. He was also desperately fascinated with Astarion and his siblings. 
68) Pretty much 99% of the nobility and political leaders in Baldur's Gate is corrupt. What did they think of it? Did they enjoy the infighting and maybe took advantage of it?
Absolutely took advantage to make an obscene amount of money. Though only half of the jobs paid in coin. Anything conducted on Gortash's behalf was paid in weapons.
69) Worgs or Gnolls, which species is their favourite?
70) Have they ever been imprisoned? Why, by whom, how fast did they escape?
Yes. Though usually it just served as a time-out when he couldn't play nice with Gortash. Made a scene at a nice event? Time out. Killed a person Gortash was trying to make a deal with? Time out. Light stabbing over dinner? Time out. It got worse as time went on, Durge got meaner with age.
71) Would they survive in modern times? Could they adapt easily or would they be desperate to return home?
It's a coin toss as to whether Durge would blend in perfectly or be incarcerated in the first ten minutes. Alone and without medical intervention Rune would sleep in subway stations until he snapped and ate someone's face. With assistance he'd probably become a semi-functional member if society.
72) They don't exist in Faerûn, but hypothetically speaking, which TV show/series would be their absolute favourite?
Durge would really love documentaries of all shapes and sizes. Rune would like trivia-based gameshows even though he'd never have the right answers.
73) What's their usual mood/state of mind like? Happy, focused, grim, about to snap someone's neck from irritation?
Happy on the surface, constant inner guilt and turmoil.
74) Graveyards, a nice place to hang out or a crime scene to be avoided? Did post tadpole Durge ever discover a gravestone dedicated to them?
There's at least six of them. Hell, there's a statue in The Wide, though it has a face that makes his skin crawl.
75) Would they prefer a small and cute pet or a large and scary beast? Besides Gnolls and Worgs that is. Just as a vibe.
The smaller they are the more he can have. Durge really likes birds. Rune doesn't care as long as they're soft
76) Did they ever tell the other Chosen about their own plans to rid the world of all life in father's name?
Gortash knows, Kethric doesn't as far as me knows.
77) Also, did they know that the others would probably betray them? Did they perhaps even prepare for it already, or were they oddly naive enough to trust them?
He had a feeling Orin's betrayal was coming, but he had a feeling that Gortash would be more agreeable once there was nothing left to rule over.
78) Do they wear accessories (earrings count)? Which one is their favourite?
Durge loved jewelry. He typically leaned towards silver. His favorite was a pair of earrings made of Orin's baby teeth. Rune adores his Ring of Resistance to Ants and he's going to turn Timber's skull into a necklace. 
79) What languages does Durge speak? Is there any interesting story as to how they've learned them?
He knows common and abyssal. He learned Abyssal thanks to his father (in Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy, The Slayer's statblock has abyssal as a known language). He also casts speak with animals without thinking.
80) What went through your head when you crafted these little Durge doll, dear creator? Are they a self inserted of sorts or as far removed from you as possible?
He has become the projection of my traumas and insecurities, just cranked up to eleven and with an extra dose of malice.
81) What do they think of bugs and arachnids? Annoying, gross, fun little creatures? How do they treat one of these things when they see them?
Bugs are fun. He'll clean up empty cobwebs and move living spiders to more prime locations. Rune is about to become the father of four phase spiders.
82) Sleeping. Do they do that? Do they avoid it? Are they generally unable to for one reason or another?
Avoid at all costs, both pre and post tadpole. Durge would stay awake until he was hallucinating and couldn't properly hold a weapon because there was too much to do. Rune is afraid to sleep because he horrified by the things lurking in the dark corners of his mind.
83) Coffee or tea and why?
It's a rare day that he says no to a hot beverage of any kind. He prefers tea because there is so much variety.
84) Realistically speaking, would Durge be able to sit down long and still enough for a portrait or would they move within 5 minutes tops? Any reason for that?
There have been at least two portraits. He burned one. Last he knew the other was locked in a vault he couldn't access in the counting house.
85) Would your durge like you? Why or why not? Would it depend on whether it's pre or post tadpole and would it change if they knew you're the reason for what happened to them?
Durge would probably leave me alone. Rune would almost certainly kill me if no one else was around. If they knew I was the author of their discontent they would both absolutely kill me.
86) Most Durges have piercings, tattoos or both. What's the story behind them? What's the story behind the lack thereof?
Two piercings in the lobe of each ear. No tattoos, but scars everywhere. Most of the scars are a running tally of murder. The rest are accidents, surgery, Kressa's delightful vivisection and, underneath it all, are a faint patchwork like his skin is made from different scraps and pieces.
87) Durge needs to spend a day with someone and they aren't allowed to simply murder their companion. What would they do instead? How would they spend that day?
Durge would go somewhere fun, preferably with music and dancing. Rune would go for a long, silent walk in the woods.
88) How do they wear their hair? What's their preferred style? Did their hair go thru any kind of changes, whether length or texture, at any point during their story?
Durge's hair is short, black, and impeccably groomed, though the color, length, texture and style vary wildly depending on his face. Rune's hair is black, unkempt, and looks like he cut it with a dull knife and no mirror because that's exactly what he did.
89) What's the easiest way to piss them off? Interrupt them when they're focused, wake them from a nap, ignore them?
Touching. Do not touch him if you want to keep your hands. Rune is only marginally less stabby about it.
90) Old blood gets crusty, a feeling most don't particularly enjoy. How do they deal with the plethora of blood and viscera they often face?
Durge spent an inordinate amount of time and money in bathhouses under many different names and faces. It was a good place to pick up useful gossip and bathing was practically a second religion. 
91) Does Durge have a loud voice or are they always asked to repeat what they said because nobody audibly understood em?
Durge typically wasn't particularly loud, but he was well spoken and liked using five dollar words. Rune has trouble stringing two words together.
92) Nail Polish. Yes, no, what colour, do they get someone else to do it for them? Do they even take care of their nails are they crusty and each one has a different length?
No nail polish. Despite looking (mostly) like an elf he has claws closer to a tiefling. Durge took rather meticulous care of them, Rune's are shattered and broken.
94) Dried fish/meat and jerky, apparently a really hot debate, but where does Durge fall? Do they like it, do they detest it, do they have a secret stash hidden somewhere?
Jerky is fine. It's better than fish, but only just.
95) Hyperfixation. Yes, no, what topic has their mind in a chokehold and how much do they enjoy info dumping?
As I mentioned above, he's fascinated by other religions. Specifically their funerary rites.
96) What's their personality type? Talking about the '16 Personalities' test.
Not doing this one. These personality tests give me anxiety.
97) How many blankets and pillows are in their bed at any given moment? Just one set for them to catch a bit of rest or is it more akin to a fabric fortress with comfy things galore? Any teddies?
Small bed with about thirty million blankets. All mismatched, nothing particularly fancy.
98) What's their sexual/romantic orientation? Do they themselves know? Do they simply not care as they're too busy being gods favourite little flesh baby?
Gender and physical appearance play no part in their attraction to someone. Durge likes them sharp and angry and willing to not touch him goddamned ever. Rune just wants someone who doesn't flinch when he looks at them, who will maybe pat him on the head and tell him that they can see he's trying.
98) Their favourite piece of clothing? Any story behind it or is it just too darn comfortable?
Durge will never admit it, even on pain of death, but he stole a nightshirt from Gortash once. Rune really likes the tattered blanket he's turned into a cloak, mostly because it's warmish.
99) Wild card - tell us a story, fact, idea you'd like to share about Durge or their creation.
Rune only happened because of a co-op playthrough with my spouse. It was a double-Tav party but their Tav was malicious. The initial spark for the whole thing was when I was talking to Timber and they came over and just punted her into a tree. As Tav. I really, really wanted to see what it would be like if an objectively evil Tav recruited a Resist-Durge, especially if they had history together.
100) Wild card 2
Every installment of my Durgetash series is going to be based off of a song from this album because it crawled into my brain nearly 25 years ago, hid in the walls, and died before I could get it out.
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awesomehoggirl · 2 years
Hi hi !! So recently Ive been trying to get more into clothing and actually finding a style I enjoy and I was wondering how you found your own style ? I really like the way you dress and express yourself through your clothing and I kinda want to understand how you grew to know that part of yourself so that maybe I can learn about myself too. So yeah, my question is: How did you discover the way you like to dress ? Trial and error ? Just getting pretty clothes and seeing what goes with what ? Sorry if this is weird ^^' Hope you have a wonderfull day !!
HIIIII!!!!!!!! this might be a long one lol. putting a readmore
ive been into clothes and styling since i was a kid, but started building my own personal style probably when i was about 13? ive always been HUGELY inspired by certain style icons -- first it was my mum, who is very very stylish, but usually its celebrities :) i think my style 100% developed around my interests! when i was 14 and into indie music i wore lots of band tshirts, when i was 15 and obsessed with 90s movies i was quite preppy (still have all these clothes now btw, and i rework them to fit my current style!). now my style has 'settled' ive learnt its better to pull your favourite bits from different places rather than aiming to dress as 'one thing' -- girlish lacy vampiric stuff from old movies, sparkles, sequins, metallics and leather from 70s rockstars, silhouettes from the 60s and 90s and unique cluttered embellishments from the 2000s. so there was an element of trial and error but it was more trial and improvement, and it wasnt so much random as shaped around influences i already knew i liked. wardrobes are always made up of your essentials and your statement pieces, and for me personal style is all about putting personality into essentials you wear often. a great way you can do this is by thrifting them or finding them vintage! i honestly swear by buying vintage and i really dont ever buy firsthand anymore because you find such unique stuff. colour palettes do NOT need to be strict either, but it can be good to limit yourself so you can mix and match everything you own! personally i like dark browns, dark greys, navy, cream and black, and i usually swear off cool white, yellow and neon (though i make exceptions very occasionally lol). DO NOT underestimate accessories they are a cheap and super easy way to add a personal touch to any outfit! same with layering, though i say this because i am a notorious maximalist LOL you can disregard that if you prefer minimalism.
Umm i definitely got off track here. basically build off stuff you like, pay attention to what specific parts you like (materials? silhouettes? accessories? patterns or motifs?), buy unique and second hand, have a little bit of a colour palette in mind, do not fear accessories and layering, DRESS FOR YOURSELF there is no need to adhere to one named 'style' or 'core' or trend! oh 1 more tip sometimes before i look for clothes so i dont get overwhelmed i make a list to remind myself what im looking for: this could be a specific brand or piece, or just a collection of visual bits i like (for me its guitars, black cats, stars, crosses, silhouettes of girls, sequins and interesting slogans!) ALSO DOWNLOAD PINTEREST it is sooo good for style inspo and i always look at my boards before i clothes shop!
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abbiesfilmblog · 5 months
Lola’s Room: Production Design Meetings
Meeting #1
*I took on the role of “art director”, which may not entirely be the correct term for what i did - we agreed that art department insinuated i did a smaller job than i did, however I was asked what i would like to be credited as, and art director felt closest to production design without taking over the production designer. Basically, I think I helped out a lot for this project!
India and I had our first meeting early into the semester and started this process by making a shared Pinterest board and looking over the one created by the director, Paula, and writer, Gaby. From their references and with my own research, I loved the production design from Ladybird and The Virgin Suicides as the biggest inspiration. I love the eclectic production design in Ladybird’s bedroom, with lots of posters, a subtle pink wallpaper, and drawing on the walls. I love the interaction of realism and aestheticism in The Virgin Suicides’ production design. India was heavily inspired by The Craft for the gothic, occult ideas in the production design.
Here are some images I brought to the meeting:
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We then made a prop list and split this up how we felt would be appropriate. Like specified in a previous blog post about collecting props, this process was long due to having to ask around a lot of different people due to not having the most extensive budget (of course hehe). We did have around £100 to play with which was super amazing, so we started planning this out!
We also split up some of the bigger tasks, such as graphic design, and the Grimoire. I tackled the jobs of graphic design! I will specify this later on in posts, but i plan to create some magazine covers, and some posters for Lola’s Room. We decided very early on that we want to try and source as many art/posters etc from ourselves or friends so we don’t have to worry about copyright restrictions.
Meeting #2
This meeting happened a little bit before the pitch and was surrounding what our progress was like at this point. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as productive as I
would have liked and I found i was leading the meeting even though that wasn’t my role. However, we got to discuss our progress in a bit more detail and what our next steps may have been. The Director wasn’t able to be present which may have stunted the progress a little bit.
Meeting #3
This meeting took place pretty near the filming dates. As i was working on Starstruck, I was struggling a little bit to keep up with all my tasks, but took the week before shoot to ensure that all of my graphic design tasks were sorted. India then went to print these out. Throughout this week, I also had the major task of actually sorting out and clearing out my room, which was a lot of work to do myself. For this meeting, I went over to India’s flat for a while to sort out any last minute tasks. We were struggling to get a hold of a cheap CD player and good sized mirror, so we’re looking for the best facebook market place options for those. We also then arranged with the Director to have a meeting about clothing. This was a pretty tricky process again due to there not being much proactivity from the production designer about this, and due to being on different sets, I wasn’t able to explore all costume options by myself, specially since there were so many changes!
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bapsci-blog · 1 year
Evaluation: branding, website and social media
for the final entry in my blog I will be evaluating my work on my branding, website and social media presence. 
When creating my branding I wanted it to be unique and target an occult market. The work I aim to produce for my business relates strongly to cosmic horror and monsters so I wanted a logo that could reflect this. The tentacles on the logo represent a form of kraken or Cthulhu style monster and I used the skull because it is a recognised symbol of horror and things like that. There wasn't much research that went into the creation of my logo other than a Pinterest board I made to find a style I liked.
The next thing I did was set up my social media presence. I decided to create a Twitter and Instagram as I am not familiar with TikTok and other social media sites. These where created back in January of 2023 but due to a lot of factors I did not post on them until very recently. The original plan was to post updates on my poster designs as I drew them but I got so overwhelmed with my workload that I forgot to do anything with them. 
At the time of writing both have 3 posts each, two finished posters and one poster in progress. although there are no hostages or descriptions on them. I understand the importance of these to get more views on my work and when I have more time to manage this I will make full use of them to gain more online exposure. I would also like to produce artwork for my social media that doesn’t relate to a product, things like short, shareable, comics to spread my artwork more.
Both of my social pages are viewable from the contact page on my website.
The website was fairly straight forward to set up. Leonie suggested we use Card to create our websites because it is a simple website builder with cheap hosting options. My page consists of a short about the artist section, a showcase of my current artwork series with the tarot posters, a miscellaneous gallery section and a contact page.
The website boots up with a large header with my logo front and centre. Then leads into the about section to humanise myself before showcasing my current project. I like having a section for my current project first because it shows off my current style and will keep my website feeling fresh as it is updated. I have done a variety of work in a multitude of different styles prior to this course. Because of this I thought it important to include these different styles in a main gallery section. The artwork is in no particular order but it shows off the versatility of myself as an artist.
In the future I would like to set up an online store. I have not done this already because I lack the capitol to create stock at this time. I would like to sell my designs online as well as physically, having an online store would bring in sales from people who otherwise might never have seen my work, growing the business further than I could myself. 
If I was to do this course again I would have paid more attention to my social media presence because as I finish off I feel like I am still at square one for digital marketing. I enjoyed the creation of the website however because in previous years I had created websites with code and that caused a multitude of problems. with card it was very easy and it automatically scaled everything across devices.
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stellarpiner · 2 years
Long road trip with toddler
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#Long road trip with toddler for free
#Long road trip with toddler full
#Long road trip with toddler download
#Long road trip with toddler free
They simply need to color the pictures on each letter that begin with that letter. I don’t do a lot of worksheets with my preschool boys, but a car trip is the perfect time to pull some out. I had to trim the pages to fit them into the small baking sheets. But I think it’s something my older two kids, ages five and seven, will really enjoy. It’s definitely too advanced for my Two and probably my Four. This Complete the Picture drawing pad from Melissa and Doug is brilliant.
#Long road trip with toddler free
I love these! Would you rather have a pet chicken or a pet elephant? Would you rather lounge in a pool of marshmallows or M & M’s? Learn more and get your free printable cards (or simply a list of questions) in this post. These are 100 conversation starters in the form of “would you rather” questions.
#Long road trip with toddler full
The scenes won’t be as striking as they would be with the full sheets, but you can’ t be choosy when you’ve got seven people jammed into a seven-passenger van. Then each child can have part of a scene and a set of stickers to play with. So I decided to cut each scene in half and cut the stickers into sections. The scenes are too large for laps, and definitely for our little trays. But I wanted to find a way to make it work in the car. This reusable sticker pad from Melissa and Dog is totally awesome as is. The Car Scavenger Hunt is from a giant set of road trip printables from 123Homeschool4Me. The simple and colorful Road Trip BINGO is from This Reading Mama.įor children who can read, Interstate BINGO is another fun printable from This Reading Mama. The lovely hand-drawn BINGO gamesare from Housing a Forest. The beautiful road trip drawing prompts (empty road and truck) are from Picklebums.
#Long road trip with toddler download
These were the best I could find because not only are they from talented bloggers, they’re also easy to download and print.
#Long road trip with toddler for free
I searched high and low for free road trip printables. (The hard part has been keeping my kids from reading them before the big trip! Road Trip Printables I also referred to my Best Picture Books for Kids Pinterest board and found a huge stack of new-to-us books to take along. I borrow them from the library, store them in my CD holder, and reserve multiple copies of each book so each of the big kids can follow along. I’ll read aloud periodically, but it’s not something I want to do for ten hours! That’s where books on CD come in. But my Four in particular does not have patience for long trips, and he’s not ready to read independently. Thankfully, my Seven and Five can read on their own. Our number one activity on long car rides is reading. The sketchpad was from the dollar bin at Target. Then get some markers or crayons and hot glue magnet strips to them (even adhesive strips can use that extra glue).Īnything to keep my toddler from dropping a marker every five seconds. So this is my version of a DIY lap board.įind a cheap magnetic baking tray (tip – they’re not all magnetic check first). I don’t do well with wood, foam, or stretching fabric. I have seen some amazing DIY lapboards on Pinterest. So I’ve been working at a creating and collecting a variety of activities to keep my crew busy for our big adventure. This may sound a little crazy, but seriously? Putting all seven of us in a hotel room with a baby still waking up every two hours sounds a whole lot crazier. With five kids ages 7 and under.Īnd no, we don’t have a DVD player in our van. In just a short while our family is going to be taking a road trip.Īs in, start driving at 3 AM and reach our destination after 10 PM. Click here to see my full disclosure policy.) As a survival strategy I’ve prepared a giant set of road trip activities for kids. We’re hitting the road before sunup and driving until way past bedtime. We are planning a very long drive this week.
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reggieservices · 2 years
hey can what would the bowers gang be like/act like on the first day of school since my first day of school is today
Bowers Gang on the First Day of School
A/n y'all i KNOW i've been slackin but cut me some i'm depressed alright LETS GO ALSO omg i hope your first day goes amazingly have fun<3
Henry Bowers
∆ Boy rolls up w a mullet, wife beater, and hawaiian shorts
∆ He might have forgotten his back pack but its okay
∆ quirked up on some pre and monster, hears half of what the teacher is saying
∆ wears ratty vans for the entire school year (Vic is begging him to buy new shoes)
∆ Makes fun of the Band Kids as they walk by
∆ hes the guy you see climbing trees during lunch while the teachers scream at him to get down
∆ An insane feat, some how managed to get detention of the first day of school, someone call the Guinness Book of World Records
Patrick Hockstetter
∆ Simply did not show up
∆ His ass slept through 10 alarms and 24 missed calls from Vic💀
∆ But on the SECOND DAY, he's got the drippiest school supplies ong
∆ Rolling up with transformer folders and a Paw Patrol backpack
∆ Always has the most obscure tshirts on, things like "I did NOT evade the IRS on Wednesday August 17th 1984"
∆ Offbrand adidas shoes are held together by duct tape (Vic is fighting for his LIFE)
∆ bullies every. Single. Freshman.
∆ Seriously, the moment he sees a twitchy little kid he is yanking them by the backpack so they fall
∆ Buys everything on the school lunch menu
∆ type of guy to drink 7 milk cartons in a row and somehow not vomit
Vic Criss
∆ dressed for success baby
∆ Seriously, he took "first impressions last" to a WHOLE nother level
∆ made his mom go back to school shopping with him
∆ Got new planners, high lighters, binders, everything
∆ and before you ask, yes, he does have all new clothes that fit every pinterest board you could ever DREAM OF
∆ If a fashion icon, nobody knows where he got such rad style in such a shit small town
Reggie Huggins
∆ Picks up all the boys in the Trans Am, naturally (leave patrick)
∆ Compliments Vic on his clothes choice, makes no remarks to Henry
∆ Wouldnt have dressed up himself, but his mom made him wear a nice polo shirt for the "special occasion"
∆ She forced Reggie to stand still and smile he looked like a kindergartener i love him sm i cant
∆ I am a firm believer that she still writes little notes in his lunch box telling him to have a good day
∆ bought all of his supplies from the dollar store
∆ "Its not being cheap Vic its being sustainable."
∆ Tries preventing Henry from fighting, at least for the first day
∆ After this day its Free Bird baby
Hi im back but not for long I'm in my Donnie Darko era bye bye love you all😍
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loaprincessblog · 3 years
My life is a mess ! Soo I manifested my parents to buy us clothes because we literally wear an 9 years child style (it's not a joke) my parents are old so they don't understand the style of this generation . I made a list of what I wanted and send it to my dad and he said that no it's too cheap or my sister now got an air force 1 retro off white Which is literally rare in my country ( I'm not joking 😂) they also buy a luxury house around the 10.000.000 ariary ( I'm in Madagascar ) so the cost of the clothes are literally nothing to her . Pls help me 😭
girl.. we cannot have you dressing like a 9 year old!! listen, this is exactly what we’re going to do. me and you will affirm that you have all of the clothes you desire. you have the most luxury closet of your favorite clothes! it’s already done! so tell me how do you feel?😌
girl.. how did you get so many cute clothes!! I’m literally in LOVE with your style. I’m glad your parents approve of your style! they always have! girl u need to let me borrow some of your clothes!! because it’s just so perfect.
here are some affs u can say!
‘thank you! i’m so happy i can wear whatever i want’
‘i have so many cute clothes, i don’t even know what to wear’
‘i have an infinite wardrobe of my favorite clothes’
‘i feel so confident in the clothes i wear’
‘i’m so spoiled and get everything i want!’
‘i feel so beautiful in my favorite clothes’
Girl.. I cannot believe how fast you manifested all of that. I’m literally speechless. I cannot believe you got results as soon as I answered this ask. I’m so happy for u! I affirmed on loop over and over again out loud 😌💓 now it’s ur turn! don’t say the affs robotically say them like ur talking to me about how you finally got results!
and if you want you can visualize or make a pinterest board of your desired clothes 💕
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