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killsaki · 2 years ago
honestly there’s nothing more encouraging to me than when people enjoy my original creations. YES ! i love that i am able to enjoy anime fandom + sexy fics with you guys. i love writing them (obviously. i’ve been doing it three years now) but i just. am so happy people like fuzen. and kiyoshi. and (begrudgingly) katsumi.
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A/N: i made a moodboard for yaera and im really proud of it lmao
warnings: blood mention, drugs mention, suicide/self harm mention, gambling
wordcount: 8000 and some change
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i remember climbing out my window that night. the moon was full, my stomach giddy thinking of seeing his pretty eyes. he said he wanted to meet me, i couldnt believe that what people said was true.
guys really were MEAN to the girls they liked.
being made fun of constantly? not my love language. never was. it reminded me too much of how my parents treated me, and i never found comfort in that at all.
my insecurities getting pointed out, getting mocked for the enjoyment of others. how could you like someone who did all those things to you?
i wondered that for a while. i was too hopeful, i guess.
that didnt stop me from doing my hair and finally making use of all the designer my mother brought home. i curled my fringe and the ends of my black hair, giving myself the look only a stupidly happy person could muster and snuck out of my house.
i didnt expect to see my twin sister doing the exact same thing.
our mouths collectively dropped open when we saw one another, completely baffled that neither of us had said anything. i wouldve told her where i was going, but she hadnt given me the time of day.
"i can explain," she nervously said, laughing. "okay nevermind, you first."
"no way!" i said, shaking my head. "you? sneaking out? fess up!"
yasmine was like the model twin to everyone. of course she wasnt perfect, she had flaws just like everyone else. she was a massive people pleaser, so i wondered just exactly who she was trying to impress with her new sneaky habits.
anyone that had my goodie two-shoes sister sneaking out of the house couldnt be good news, i thought. i was also impressed by how they managed to actually get her to go through with it.
"im just meeting...someone," she giggled dumbly. it was almost pitch black in our yard and yet i knew her cheeks were stained red.
"and you didnt tell me about him? who is it? someone from a rival school?"
my sister was dramatic enough to hide something like that. she had just broken up with her asshole boyfriend, collin, who no one liked, so i would have gladly encouraged this phase.
"its just someone. you dont know him."
i raised an eyebrow. "so when will i get to? whats his name?"
"im not saying anything, yae." she deadpanned.
"what?" i couldnt hide the disappointment from my voice. "but we tell each other everything."
she sighed. "relax, i will tell you just not right now. gosh quit being so codependent."
i frowned. "im not codependent i just care about your life. but whatever since you wanna be a massive bitch about it."
silence filled after a familiar insecurity rose to surface level. my sister knew how much i loved and needed her. she was my sister. some siblings were close, some werent. but my sister was my only friend. and all i really had. she knew that.
and sometimes she reminded me of how much i held her back.
she would sit with her massive friend group with attractive, sociable and fun people. she would always try to push me to talk to them or even make my own friends. i tried, i swear i did. it usually didnt go well. i never understood why.
maybe i was the problem. i could only really care about one person at a time. i didnt know what that was called. it took time for me to get close with people, the fear of being judged and abandoned an imminent one.
my brain always told me, my own sister would never abandon or judge me. we were blood. we were in this shit forever.
apparently i was the only one passionate about it.
"yae, cmon dont be like that," yasmine sighed. "i didnt mean that. i will tell you i promise."
i didnt answer her, only wiped the tears that gathered in my eyes for that moment. i crumbled up the letter he gave me as i rolled it into a fist in my pocket.
"its whatever, i guess ill see you in the morning," i muttered and started walking to the gate.
"wait!" she whisper-yelled. "where are you going?"
"ill tell you later. good luck with whoever youre meeting."
i called an uber to the address, trying to lighten up my mood on the way there. i put lipgloss on, trying to smile in my compact mirror. i wasnt really good with make up, but since i had a good feeling about this boy, i would need to start getting good.
this was the first time he'd invited me to his house. usually when yasmine went it wasnt a mutual invite. now i was going solo. he really changed his mind about me.
i kept impulsively eating mints, practicing my facial expressions and the uber driver probably thought i was crazy. when i got dropped infront of the wrought iron gates, he was standing there waiting for me.
in a white tshirt and grey sweatpants. he was so beautiful. he pulled his lips into that sly smirk i knew, as if he got everything he wanted. and being who he was, he did.
i mean, thats how i was here even though he bullied the fuck out of me whenever he could.
"hi," i said, giving a small wave. the wind blew my skirt a little, making me hold it down embarrassingly.
jongho continued giving me that satisfied smirk as he eyed me up and down. "you know its two am. i really didnt expect you to actually come."
i mean you asked me to. of course i would. im almost in love with you.
i shrugged like it was nothing. "you told me to come when i was comfortable. i thought this was appropriate."
"i see you dressed appropriately too. nice legs," he said, making my face heat up. "goddamn, model genes really runs in your family. well i dont wanna keep you in the cold. lets go inside."
he guided me into his home, his hand on my lower back. i swear i couldnt breathe. he never touched me like this infront of the others. infront of her.
his house was dark except for the light in the living room and up the staircase. the sound of my miu miu boots on the marble made me realize how empty everything sounded.
"are you alone at home?" i asked, kind of excited for the answer.
"yeah, my folks left for something in singapore. you know how it is," he casually said, showing me into a room. "make yourself comfy."
it was his room. i dont know what i imagined, but seeing it, it was so jongho.
trophies for singing competitions, soccer, and some even for academics lined the walls around his massive bed. he had a large mirror directly opposite his bed and a balcony that overlooked the infinity pool in his backyard. i strolled around in admiration, turning around when i heard two loud pats.
jongho sat on his bed and was gesturing for me to do the same. the led lights in his room were red and so dim, making him look far more hot than he already was.
i reluctantly planted myself next to him, my heart rate going higher than a kite. jongho licked his lips and took a heavy breath as he prepared to speak. god he was so attractive, i hated how much i liked him. i left my home at two am just because he asked. fuck.
"thanks for coming to talk," he muttered, his voice deeper and hitting the perfect spot in my ear drums. "i know it was kinda a lot to ask."
i rolled my hair behind my ear and shrugged. "its no big deal. what did you wanna talk about?"
jongho moved closer, now he was so close i could feel the radiation of his body heat. oh god.
"i know ive been hard on you for coming into our friend group and everything. im really sorry for all the mean things i said."
the apology struck me, hitting the thoughts from my brain. that wasnt what i expected.
"i called you clingy and made yasmine think you were a loser," jongho sighed, shaking his head. "she doesnt believe that of course, but im really sorry. i know i can be mean sometimes but its just how i give affection. youre cool with that, right?"
i nodded thoughtlessly. i was just happy to have him talk to me.
"yea, thats fine. i get it. im not that sensitive dont worry," i forced a smile, knowing his insults hurt more than anything. but at least he was sorry. right?
"cool, cool." he smiled down at me. "i hope we can be good friends then, yae. can you do me a favour then?"
"what kind of favour?"
my mind was running wild right then. all the insane teenage hormones were overflowing. the close proximity and how handsome he was, the fact that my short skirt had such easy access. choi jongho was a hard guy to resist. and i was failing.
i didnt hear his words, i was so focused on his lips and the cute mole in his neck, i acted without thinking.
i leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, softly grabbing the side of his face. i couldnt believe what i was doing. for a second his warm mouth welcomed mine, taking it in fully. then, i felt coldness on my lips as he pulled away.
"what are you doing?" he scoffed, his eyes narrowed spitefully. my stomach shrunk.
"uh–i–" i stammered, only to be cut off.
"are you fucking kidding me right now? are you deaf?" he raised his voice. "did you not just hear me ask is yasmine if interested in anyone? why the fuck would you kiss me."
"im sorry–i–" i couldnt believe what i just did. what was wrong with me. he wanted to know about yasmine. not me. what the fuck. this was so awkward.
wait. so i read everything...wrong?
"shit," he cursed under his breath. "this is bad."
"is that why you called me here?" i asked, fearing the answer. "to find out if yasmine is interested in anyone?"
"obviously. why else are you useful?" he meanly answered. i felt an embarrassed pang in my chest. "did you think i liked you?"
the mocking laugh that fell from his lips after made me flinch. because how stupid was i to think he actually saw me differently now.
to think that someone like him could actually like someone like me.
"youre so fucking naive, yaera," he kept driving the knife in, shaking his head with that taunting smile. "just cause you look like your sister doesnt mean you should have the same confidence. youre setting yourself up."
i remembered the first day i sat with yasmine's friend group, jongho pointed out that even though we were twins, i wasnt nearly as attractive as yasmine. i laughed it off awkwardly because i thought he was joking.
"you know desperation is unattractive as fuck, right? i cant believe you drove here at two in the morning because you thought i liked you."
i was shivering in my skin, trying not to completely burst into tears. my entire body was flushing hot with anger and spite, and the most embarrassing of all–heartbreak. because deep down i knew he would never get over my sister. it made me insane.
why did everyone fucking act like i wasnt worthy of being liked just like everyone else? but as soon as they saw the scars on my arms they wanted to tell me the same bullshit.
youre loved, yaera.
stop hurting yourself, yaera.
stop using this for attention, yaera.
i couldnt bear to stay a second longer. i wiped the wetness of my cheeks and got up from the bed, immediately going to leave. jongho got up and tugged at my wrist, pulling me back to him.
"you havent told me about your sister yet," jongho said, making my rage spike. because who the fuck did he think he was. "cmon, dont cry because of silly shit like that. its water under the bridge."
"i hate you," i seethed through my tears. "i dont know why yasmine is friends with someone like you in the first place."
"because shes like me," jongho taunted. "and thats what you refuse to see. you dont realize how much of a burden you are to her. you dont realize the only reason she hasnt ditched you yet is because youre related to her."
okay, so he was continuing then?
"you always act like youre so perfect," i spat. "you talk about how much of a burden i am? imagine how much of a burden you are to yasmine because you keep trying to date her. shes never gonna like you. you're just another guy friend in her collection, cunt."
i ripped my arm from his grip and stormed out of his room. he followed me till i reached the bottom of the staircase, where he just watched me spitefully from the railing. now he was angry? of course. pieces of shit like jongho were great at dishing it out and not taking it back.
i felt so petty. he could have rejected me normally but he thought he could say whatever he wanted to me. tearing the little self esteem i had down was fun for him.
i turned around and smiled. "you really wanna know what yasmine thinks of you? she doesnt. in fact, she snuck out of the house to meet someone. shes probably getting fucked as we speak. enjoy that mental image, fucker."
"get the fuck out of my house!"
an hour has passed since san left me in his apartment. im worried and have a weird feeling in my stomach just imagining what he's doing right now.
despite the anger i feel toward him, i hope he's safe. that's all I hope for. he's hurt badly, looking more damaged than when he fought the last time. he definetely has open wounds. so i look around for any first aid. he's gonna need it for when he comes back.
i rummage through his cabinets. there's so much empty spaces but its filled with random stuff. this guy needs to go shopping. he has so much expired medicine. i find a thin roll of bandages and plasters in the very back of a cupboard but when i take them out, something falls on the ground.
its a folded up piece of paper. when i pick it up, i realize its actually a crumbled up picture. a picture of a family.
my stomach immediately sinks.
a young asian lady and her husband are holding their toddler son. it looks like theyre at a carnival. everyone is smiling, except for the kid. hes pouting.
he was so cute as a baby.
a weird feeling of melancholy hits me hard realizing the people in this picture are no longer around.
san lives alone. apparently hes been alone for a long time. i can tell by the way he operates. hes selfish, not even in a bad way. i get why he caters for himself and tries to keep away from others.
im not even angry anymore. it just makes me sad.
i put the picture back where i found it and go sit by the bed. san doesnt have any alcohol in his house, so i end up having to look up the nearest pharmacy.
i make a quick run for it, deciding to buy him some more medicine and fill up my asthma pump while im at it. i dont know why im doing this when he probably hates me. i guess im always gonna be a sucker for the men i like.
when i get back, his door is unlocked. i panic, but then i find him and his friend eyeing me like they want to kill me.
"where were you?!" san asks me, raising his voice. "dont walk around here. you know this isnt the suburbs."
i lift the pharmacy bag. "i was just getting you medicine. i threw out your expired packs. which were all of them, by the way."
he has a lost look on his face. i turn to his "cousin" and hold my hand out. "the name's yaera marino, san's fake girlfriend. good to officially meet you."
"im wooyoung. san's fake cousin," he says, taking my hand with reluctance.
"are you sleeping here tonight?" i ask him.
"yes he is," san answers. "we're sharing a mattress. you can still sleep on my bed."
i feel a pang of jealously. goddamn it that should be me.
i nod to san. "go take a shower. im gonna give you first aid."
san is confused, looking at me like he doesnt understand english. "you know how to do first aid?"
"i learned it when i was still doing karate. go shower." i chase him away with my hand.
san awkwardly goes off, leaving me alone with wooyoung. i quietly take in the boy, who now that i can see clearly, is obviously younger than san. i cant believe hes in the gang too.
"what took you so long?" i ask him, frowning. "i was worried."
"we had to get rid of the license plate," wooyoung answers, his tone curt and cold. "and you were worried? dont make me laugh."
his words are sharp and sound spiteful. im guessing he knows how san and i began this partnership. i hold my tongue and let him snap.
"you dont care about san. youre using him," he says, but still quiet enough so that san doesnt overhear. "i just want you to know, i can make you disappear at any time i want. all i need is the greenlight from san and you'll be scattered across a lake."
"you think that will protect him?" i ask with a wry smile. wooyoung's fist clenches on the side of him, his knuckles bloody and bruised.
"what makes you think i dont have a million copies of that video? that i dont have a plan in case one of you hurt me? im not some dumb bitch."
wooyoung shakes his head and laughs scornfully. what did he expect me to say? shiver me timbers? i literally know he shot someone tonight.
"and here san thinks you wouldnt hurt him. i dont care what kind of plan you have. if you hurt san, i'll fucking kill you myself," he threatens.
i wouldnt ever hurt him. not even in my dreams. unless he hurts me first, then fuck him.
"trust me, i wont be an issue," i say nonchalantly, sitting on the bed. i lean back and feel a pain in the spot where san kicked me. right above my boobs.
"i just need enough money by the end of the school year. then i'll go back to my country and disappear from your lives forever."
"do you know how much of a risk this is? what san is letting you do?" wooyoung scoffs. "thats if you even make it to the end of the year. if anyone finds out about this, youre both fucked."
"no ones gonna find out unless you tell them," i eye him sharply. i dont trust this guy but apparently san does, enough to tell him about our parternship.
"san has a hard life already. you should just get out of his life," wooyoung snaps. "if you knew why he was in the gang, you'd never ask him to do what youre doing now."
his words somehow make me feel guilty. but why? why should i feel guilty when san doesnt even tell me whats going on.
wooyoung's demeanor changes when he hears san's voice. he immediately stiffens and acts completely clueless.
my breath gets stuck in my throat. san is standing there in nothing but a white tank top and a striped red pyjamma pants. his muscles and skinny waist are on perfect display. my mouth suddenly goes dry.
no. fuck. yaera, focus.
"what are you doing?" san asks like hes talking to a kid. i find it highly amusing but keep my face blank.
"i was just defending you," wooyoung says with a scowl.
"im not in any danger. like i told you."
"yeah but–"
"jung wooyoung."
wooyoung groans at san's warning and shoots me a hard glare telling me this conversation isnt close to over. he storms into san's extra room and shuts the door, probably thinking the worst of the situation.
i cant lie, despite his intimidating and handsome appearance, i cant take him seriously at all. i find it endearing that he cares so much about san that he even threatened me. so san isnt alone after all.
he looks at me and sighs, his face adorably awkward. the black strands of his hair are wavy against his forehead, making him look so soft despite the bruises and cuts on his face.
its embarrassing how quickly i forgot how badly i wanted to hurt him today.
"sorry about wooyoung," he says and comes to sits down on the bed. "hes just...possessive."
"you mean protective," i correct him and smile. "its good that you have someone looking out for you. you need it."
san goes quiet but is looking at me like he has a lot on his mind. right, he had to get someone killed tonight. how could i forget.
i take out the first aid materials and scoot closer to him. the warmth of his body is already wafting towards me, the scent of the soap so potent on his skin. its an intoxicating smell.
"can i see where you got hurt?" my voice is so hesitant it doesnt even sound like me.
san is slow with lifting his top. i refrain from visibly gulping at the sight of his beautiful lower body, my mouth going dry when i notice the large gashes against his ribs. they cut him with a knife.
"why would you put on a white shirt to bed?" i ask him with a scowl.
"the bleeding stopped in the shower," san shrugs embarrassedly. "plus this was all i could find."
i inspect the wound and it looks like he cleaned a whole lot of it in the shower. "it looks like i just have to put ointment on and wrap you. you need to go to the doctor if it gets infected, you know that right?"
"i dont think that will be necessary. ive never needed to before," san says coolly.
i cant believe hes just brushing this off. "how often do you get injured like this?" i ask him as i dip a finger into the antibiotic cream. i gently run it over his gashes and he winces. .
"now and then," he forces out, as if trying to hide that it hurts. "it wouldnt really matter the extent. i'd still have to go to school."
i roll my eyes. of course. the perfect student.
i rub in the ointment and it feels like my cheeks are on fire. ive never been this close to anyone. ive never done this for anyone. my hands are shaking as i reach for the sterile bandage.
"are we ever going to talk about what happened tonight?" i ask quietly. "because i dont want us to forget."
san is staring through my soul with his intimidating, and pretty brown eyes. i can see him withdrawing. hes already far away.
"i know i was reckless and im sorry. but please dont lie to me, san. i really fucking hate not knowing whats going on. i know you were probably trying to protect me, but you could have been honest."
i expect him to say sorry too. but only silence is returned.
"i wont lie to you again. ive seen the effects it has," he mutters.
"i dont want our partnership to be us just lying to and antagonizing each other. i know you dont trust me. but we're gonna have to trust each other for this shit to work."
"i do trust you," san says after a few moments pass. he tightens as i roll the bandage around his torso. "i just dont trust myself. and everyone else."
i stay quiet hoping for him to elaborate. i feel it coming. the hope is bubbling in my chest.
"i watched yunho die," his voice is flat, as if drained from emotion. "he got stabbed right infront of wooyoung and i. we should be used to it, we've seen tons of people come and go in the last four years."
i finish bandaging him and lower his shirt reluctantly. san watches my every move, and im surprised he lets me.
"im sorry you had to go through that so young," i tell him, genuinely. the look on his face is so distant that it feels like hes given up a long time ago.
"is this is how its gonna be? forever?" i ask. "is there any way out of this for you?"
i remember san implying that he wasnt doing this out of his freewill. which means his boss must have a lot of leverage over him.
"i dont know. im still trying to figure that out."
"what do they have on you?"
san chuckles darkly, his soft laugh full of scorn and hopelessness. "well, they know where i live, for starters. they know where i go to school. they know everything about me."
and his parents? where the fuck are your parents san?
he can see the question in my eyes. his smile is filled with gloom. "you can thank my dad for that. hes the reason all of this started. the reason ive been in this servitude for most of my childhood."
i frown. "servitude?"
"my dad...he was a shit guy," san sighs. "he was an alcoholic gangster with gambling tendencies. he made a bet with the 105ths he couldnt repay. so he took off. and when they couldnt make him pay it off, they took me instead."
"im paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, thanks to my shit father. and i dont have any money so i had to give all i could so they dont kill me. myself."
i cant believe it. san is basically in a slave contract. and theres nothing he can do about it. my chest feels tight.
"what about your mom?" i ask softly. 
san shrugs and lays down on the bed, looking straight at the ceiling as he crosses his arms behind his head.
"shes gone. she left when the gang stuff got too complicated. they sent a warning to our apartment telling my dad to pay his debt, in the form of a petrol bomb. it scared the shit out of her, so she took off."
"without you!?" i ask incredulously.
"while i was at school. i just got used to it. coming home to nothing."
what kind of parents...fuck. i cant even say anything. im just fucking sad. i feel a hundred times worse about blackmailing him now.
"the 105ths said they would let me go if i paid off everything. theyre still letting me go to school as long as i dont neglect the gang."
"what if you ran away?" i ask curiously. san stares at me blankly.
"they would find me and do to me what they did to yunho. or even worse. its not worth it really. im just hoping it ends soon. then ill disappear. for good."
and now im dampening his plans by making him share his money with me. god i hate myself.
"how much do you owe?"
"i dont know. i just know the deal ends when miss A calls it off. she deems how much is enough."
i scowl. "what? and what if it never gets called off? what if they trap you here?"
"im hoping it wont come to that. ive been loyal for a long time."
that doesnt mean shit when people only love using you. but i dont say that. it already means so much that san decided to say something. to be honest. i cant lie and act like im okay after hearing the truth. but i wont pity him. san deserves better than that.
"ill help you," i look down at him fiercely. "ill help you cancel out your dads debt."
san looks at me deeply. "thats not necessary."
i hold out a hand. "dont even say it. get a fixed amount from your boss and ill help you get it."
"why would you do that?"
my stomach turns at the question. i dont even know. i cant say its because of the mild lady boner i have for him. its more than that. choi san deserves more than what happened to him.
"its only fair, isnt it?" i say with a small smile. "i get to go back home and you get to go to...where was it? nottingham?"
he wants to study pharmacy. i wonder if he meant that.
sans cheeks are red. is he...blushing?
"why do you remember that?" he asks with a soft groan.
i chuckle to myself. "cause its weird as fuck. england? what the hell do you wanna do in england? seriously if you want to go to europe there are so many better places. why nottingham?"
san shrugs embarrassedly. "i like football."
"you? like football?" i scoff. "that's the reason you wanna live in england?"
"why do you sound so shocked? can't i like football?" he asks defensively.
"you don't even look like you've watched soccer a day in your life. i'd never guess that you'd like an english team."
san snorts and laughs to himself a little. my legs go jelly a little. i keep underestimating how adorable he can be.
"my mother is a huge soccer fan," he admits fondly. my smile is quick to fall away. "once we went to watch her favourite team play in nottingham. she was so excited about it, she got me interested in it."
i feel myself soften. "so you want to go for your mother? is she going to move with you?"
"no," he sighs. i must be shit at connecting the dots because i still dont get it.
"she's in Korea. i can't go back there. i had to give up my Korean citizenship this year because I'm not enlisting."
"so you'll never see her again?"
my question hangs in the air. san doesnt answer it, because even he doesnt know. he still has hope. i can tell. he just doesnt know if its still worth holding onto.
everything has gotten deep so fast.
"maybe we should go to bed. we still have school tomorrow," i say and lie down next to him. theres a small gap between us that i know neither of us will close. but it feels good to hope.
san tries to get up but groans as he holds his injured side. i push him down gently by the shoulder, his eyes slightly widening.
"youre too tired to get up anyway," i say softly. "just stay here. i promise i wont bite."
unless you want me to.
san looks at me awkwardly and nods, lying back down on his back. his eyes are aimed at the ceiling and i pull my knees inward as i lay on my side looking at him.
everything about him is so...i dont even have the words to explain it. i just have a feeling that everything will work out for us exactly the way we want it to.
"thank you," i say. san slowly turns his head and raises his eyebrows at me in confusion.
"for being honest. i know you didnt wanna mention all that. but thanks."
san doesnt say anything more. theres a  ghost of a smile on his face, but its enough for me to hold onto. choi san, maybe youre not actually that much of an asshole.
"goodnight, yaera."
i thought i imagined it. having her curled up in my arms. i felt it that night, her warm skin against mine and her soft breaths and hair on my chest. i told myself i was imagining it. because the morning after, she was gone.
yaera vanished like thin air. i feel embarrassed for everything that came out of my mouth last night. i cant believe i actually told her what happened to my family.
are you that desperate for friends? i ask the loser in the mirror as i get ready for school. the bruises in my face are so bad it looks like im going to have to wear a mask all day.
wooyoung comes out of the spare room as im almost finished with breakfast. he doesnt greet me with a good morning, instead he looks around expectantly.
"wheres the blackmailer?" he asks sarcastically. "is she also a magician?"
"her parents drop her at school so she left," i answer dryly. "morning to you too, asshole."
wooyoung gives me a bland stare. "you didnt come to bed last night."
"sorry? are we married?"
"what the fuck are you doing san?" wooyoung shouts at me. oh god are we really doing this at six in the morning.  "do you actually like this chick or what?"
"where did you get that idea?" i ask him calmly, knowing it will rile him up even more.
"maybe the fact that you slept in the same bed. youre letting her blackmail you for fucks sake–"
"wooyoung, we both passed out. with clothes on. and didnt i ask you to fucking trust me?" i glare at him. because why is he acting like my wife.
"i dont like this one bit." he shakes his head like a disapproving parent.
"you dont have to like it. all you have to do is let me do the work."
i feel my phone buzz in my pockets. i open it and see a missed call from yeosang. ugh this loser.
i open a message from him and its a birthday invitation. oh shit i almost forgot.
"woo, wanna come with me to a party?" i ask him. maybe he'll be less annoying if he can get the attention of some private school girl too.
"is it gonna be one of those fancy private school prick parties?" woo scowls, then smiles. "free food. im in."
"not to mention you could probably sell some stuff from there."
woo suddenly gets a burst if excitement. "that reminds me, i stole from that black dragon dickhead. we still have to split up the cash."
now that hes reminded me, i move to punch woo in the arm. "owwww!" he yells and shoves me. "what the fuck!"
"youre worried about me getting blackmailed when you possibly started a gang war," i snap at him. "when are you gonna tell miss A?"
"i dont plan to," woo says confidently. my face pales. no way.
"are you serious?" i ask worriedly. woo nods confidently. too confident who saw one of our own get mutilated last night.
"since im keeping your secret, you better keep mine."
thats entirely different, i want to say. i wanna argue with woo but the annoyingly playful nature on his face tells me hes not going to take me seriously at all.
"you know what they say," woo says with a grin. "out of sight, out of mind."
"youre in a good mood," my father notes as we get in the car that morning. and hes right. i cant take the smile off my face because i woke up on choi san's chest.
"i have a good feeling about this week," i say. my mom snorts, her eyes glued to her phone.
"and what brought on this feeling?"
its weird that my father is asking, because he genuinely never seems interested in anything i do. but since we're on the topic...
"miss evans got me a tutor. i invited him to come over after school today, is that okay?" i ask them. my mother immediately turns around with the signature sneer on her face.
"and who is miss evans to assign you a tutor? does she plan to pay for this?" she asks.
"uh? my AP bio teacher? you met her the beginning of the year?" i remind her. "and no, im paying out of my own pocket."
"good," she dryly says. "in that case its fine. the maids will all be home. as long as hes gone by dinner."
i quietly fistbump myself in the backseat, my stomach filled with butterflies. san, in my room, teaching me stuff i dont care about at all. what a dream come true.
best part is? he wont have to meet this family at all.
im skipping out of the car by the time they drop me off at school. i light up a cigarette as i stroll through the parking lot, feeling like a girl from some book who just landed a date with her crush. maybe life is worth living.
"marino!" a voice calls me. i pause in my tracks as i blow out my steam, turning around slowly to see...
...ah fuck.
"hey marino!" kang yeosang calls me with his signature douchebag smirk as he walks up to me. "long time no see."
i take an extra long drag from my cig because god it is needed for any conversation with yeosang.
"what do you want?" i ask him. he acts surprised and offended.
"wow, is that how you greet an old friend?" he shakes his head with a sigh. "kinda mean you know?"
i roll my eyes. "get to what it is you want, you know you and i have never been friends."
yeonsang clicks his tongue, his half smile not even shrunken by an inch. "always the pleasantries with you, marino. i just wanted to know if youve seen lazarus. since i hear you two come as a package nowadays. congrats by the way. you two totally look good together."
"lazarus?" i repeat dumbly. "who the fuck is that?"
"choi san," yeosang giggles like its the funniest thing ever.
"why do you call him lazarus?"
yeosang tilts his head at me like its obvious. "cause hes a scholarship student? hello?"
this fucking asshole. i toss my cigarette at him and he dodges fast enough to my dismay.
"dont call him that," i hiss. "plus why do you want to see him?"
"thats between us men, sweetheart," he says as a matter of fact. "just let him know when you see him, to give me a call. he doesnt answer my messages."
"maybe you should take the hint then."
yeosang looks at me with strange fascination, as if hes high in this very moment. its like he finds me amusing, hes just always giving me that stupid lopsided smile.
"i wonder how it happened, the two of you," he says with a glint of mischief. as if he cant wait to say something offensive. "its just funny how your type went from jongho...to him."
heat hits my face in embarassment. "jongho isnt the only guy ive had a crush on you know, you can stop bringing him up for every fucking thing. we never even dated," i say defensively.
this is why i hate talking to anyone my sister was friends with. all they could talk about was the past. not to mention most of the people she liked were fucking horrible.
"you never dated, but you were in love with him," yeosang childishly points out. "and even if he wont admit it, he probably felt something for you too."
i scoff. no he didnt. choi jongho doesnt love anyone but himself. id learnt that too late.
"i dont care," i grit out. "why are you even bringing this up?"
"yas would have wanted you to be with jongho. especially because he couldnt have her," yeosang just keeps boiling my blood. i cant believe this. i cant believe he just said that.
"i dunno how she would feel seeing you with...lazarus."
"shut the fuck up," i snap.
yeosang lifts his hands in defense. "im just saying because i care, yae. you cant just date someone you dont know. choi san might not be the sweet guy you think he is."
what is he even playing at? does he think san will sell him drugs if he goes around badmouthing him?
"and youre sweet?" i scoff. "you and jongho and whoever else was in that fucked up group? you think you can talk because you knew my sister? dont act like you ever cared about me."
"god youre so sensitive," yeosang laughs meanly. "i was just playing with you. and you wonder why you never got invited to our parties. youre just the strawman of fun arent you?"
"that doesnt make any fucking sense," i snap at him. "i can never get back the time i wasted having this conversation. mind your business and leave me alone, yeah, stronzo? and dont mention san to me ever again."
"dont forget to let him know i was looking for him!" yeosang calls after me as i storm off. i dont even need to turn around to know hes smiling, completely full of himself.
i only see san when lunch rolls around. all our common classes are later in the day and ive been obsessively waiting to see him all day. ive got a busy day ahead, my mind set on a very specific target.
i find him by the abandoned stairwell, and its like hes been waiting for me.
he shakes his head at me as i come, i narrow my eyes in confusion.
"am i missing something?" i ask him. "whats with the face?"
"why dont you check your phone?" san grumbles at me. his eyes trail behind me, where i turn to see jongho descending the stairs.
hes smiling like a prick. oh god. two assholes in one day.
"i guess the two of you dont learn," he says tauntingly. "this isnt a place for your dates."
"we havent done anything wrong," san says annoyedly. im glad he finds jongho as annoying as i do.
"maybe not you. but her," jongho turns to me with a smile. "i see your hair still isnt dyed back. you were given two warnings. one more and its suspension. i dont think your failing grades can afford two weeks out."
looking at him now, i dont know what i ever saw in him. im so embarrassed to say ive been rejected by this asshole like a hundred times.
i cant risk detention today. it would spoil mine and san's plans and would just be boring as hell. i guess im going to have to cave.
jongho smirks dreadfully. "why you so quiet, yae? didnt i tell you'd get you back?"
"look, im sorry okay," i say against my will. "i didnt mean to punch you. and ill have my hair dyed by tomorrow. good enough for you?"
san looks between us in confusion. i hope he doesnt ask any questions. if he thinks im crazy now he shouldnt ever hear of jongho-obsessed yaera.
"not good enough, sorry," jongho starts writing on that stupid peach notepad and i sigh. this time he only writes my name. meaning ill have detention without san. miss morri will love this.
"maybe next time you'll watch your mouth," jongho smiles at us before strollling away like the arrogant pig he is. i sigh heavily as san turns to me with narrowed eyes.
"why does he hate you so much?" san asks me annoyedly. "he just came here asking specifically. what did you do?"
"why are you assuming i did something?" i scowl. san gives me an obvious look.
"why else would he hate you that much?"
"because hes an asshole," i scoff. "i might be one too, but im nothing like him. my sister never reciprocated his love and he made it everyone elses problem. he also told me i should have died instead of her."
"what the fuck. he needs help."
"most people at this school do," i sigh. "speaking of help, i need yours."
san gives me his suspicious, pretty eyes. i smile excitedly. "im letting you into my side hustle. you remember how i told you i got my savings?"
"you said you stole most of it..."
san groans. "i hope you dont expect me to help you steal a car or something."
i roll my eyes. he must think im an adrenaline junkie or something. "dont be ridiculous. all i need is a look out before school ends. you think you can do that?"
san sighs hopelessly, surrendering. "what do you need?"
"get me into the boys lockeroom."
"...what are you doing there?"
"if i tell you it wont be special, would it?" i say and he scowls.
"dont do anything stupid. what about detention? are you going?"
i smirk. "obviously not. you still owe me a tutoring session."
san nods in a way that tells me he definetely forgot. how shameless.
"luckily for you, my parents allowed you to come over. and they wont be home till night and i'll make sure youre out of sight before then."
san nods. "just tell me what to bring."
the day goes by quickly until the last period finally rolls around. its geography, and as much as i love this subject, i end up skipping. san is having english and i couldnt convince him to skip, so i wait for him after school near the sportsfield.
the school soccer team are practicing, meaning all the lockerooms are unoccupied. its perfect.
i didnt usually target them, but the plan felt brilliant when i thought of it. usually i went for the girls, they were easy. expensive phone cases, airpods, clothes, and luxury perfume. all things that sold so easily online. people would do anything for a bargain.
can you imagine how much soccer gear would sell? i know damn well not every one of those players were using ALL of their gear.
plus, i need to get back at that asshole jongho. i didnt know his number so i'd just have to look around and guess whose locker smells the most potent and obnoxious.
san comes jogging around the bend, looking so prim and proper in his school blazer. i smirk in greeting. "you ready for some fun?" i ask him.
"i hope this doesnt take long, you know we have to catch the bus if we're going to your house," he reminds me.
i managed to convince my parents i was taking the bus with him home so they didnt have to pick us up. they called the school and made sure san wasnt a trouble maker and questioned his records. you know, a completely normal response.
"dont worry. i'll be in and out, lets go."
i take san's arm and we sneak into the separate building reserved for the boys lockerrooms. of course it smells like stale air, cologne and dampness.
i walk past the lockers and gaze at the numbers and locks. i check my watch. practice ends at 4:30 pm. its currently 4:00.
i nod to san and gesture with my eyes to the door. "guard while i get busy." i take various pins out of my pocket, having brought them specifically for this purpose.
"how are you gonna get those lockers open?" san asks me. i bend down infront of the first locker and start fiddling with my pins.
"lock-picking," i answer distractedly.
"you know how to pick locks?" san says in disbelief.
"you dont?"
"no. im not a weirdo."
"youre such a lousy gangster. arent you supposed to be street smart?"
"im not a gangster," san corrects me with an eye roll. hes feeling sassy today. "im a part time employee."
i cant take him seriously and end up chuckling. the locker clicks open and i find only a folded uniform on the inside. i rummage through the pockets and find a wallet. i open it and theres no cash, only cards. useless because as soon as its found to be missing they'll all be blocked.
i sigh and check deeper. i find a silver watch. its an omega brand. jackpot.
i slip it into my pocket and fold the uniform back. they should really secure these lockers better.
"are you getting somewhere?" san asks as he nervously looks out the door.
"of course," i say with ease and move onto the next locker. its slightly harder to open. i remember a specific scenario like this coming up in the youtube tutorial i watched. all i have to do is whatever that guy did.
it takes longer than i thought. when it pops open i can see san's distressed eyes glaring at me to hurry up.
and thats when i see it. the treasure guaranteed to win us a mini lottery.
"holy shit, look at this baby," i gasp and take out the camera, showing it to san.
"who leaves a camera in their gym locker?" san scowls. "that person deserves to get robbed."
"its expensive too!" i giggle in excitement. "its a Lumix GH5! you know the price of this? we're gonna be fucking rich!"
"who does it belong to?"
i shrug and look back inside the locker. there isnt much except the camera and a few pairs of gym socks and knee pads. "i guess we'll figure it out when we look at it."
i slam the locker shut and we're about to leave when san suddenly shoves me back. i stare at him in confusion as he runs out and i hear voices on the outside.
"what are you doing here?" someone asks him suspiciously. oh god. i recognize that voice. jongho.
"i...was looking for you," san says, and i can tell hes fighting for his life thinking of a good lie. "are there still spots left on the team?"
jongho scoffs. "youre kidding, right?"
theres an awkward silence. oh fuck i need to save him from himself.
"stick to the books, choi san. at least you dont embarrass yourself there."
"no im serious...i wanna join your team. is there anywhere to sign up?"
jongho groans. "im team captain, you have to go with me to the coach for this."
"lets go now then."
"i need to get something from my locker."
"uh...im in a hurry. can we just go now? i cant miss my bus home."
hes trying to get jongho away so i can sneak out. theyre right at the door. ive never held my breath so long.
"ugh! fine! couldnt you have asked earlier?" jongho snaps. "im guessing you need soccer for a sports scholarship too, huh? you wont get into any schools if you suck ass by the way."
i can just picture san's clenched jaw as he holds himself together around jongho. i hear their voices fade and steps grow further away. i stuff the camera and watch into my bag and sprint out and make my way around the school buildings. now i can jump the fence on the other side of the field.
i call san instantly when im alone, looking around for any security. he picks up on the first ring. "hey, im at the fence we jumped after detention. the bus stop is somewhere nearby here."
"okay okay mom, I'll be home right now," san says into the phone and im guessing hes making an excuse to get away from jongho now.
its funny how everything plays out. san gets to me within a few minutes and his face is red with stress. i hold my laugh in.
"next time YOU be the lookout," he says with a scowl and it makes me burst out into laughter.
"i thought you could lie better than that!" i nearly double over from chuckles. "you shouldve heard yourself. seriously youre a criminal and thats how you lie?"
"oh shut it. he wouldve seen you!"
san's angry face is really so adorable. he expects me to take him seriously like this?
"you should have hit him over the head instead," i sigh. "we couldve made him believe everything was a dream."
we jump the fence and end up catching the bus somewhere near my neighbourhood. the entire bus is empty, and san is on the verge of falling asleep, leaning his head against the window. im severely bored and decide to take the camera out to inspect the specs.
its such a good camera. i dont know a lot about cameras but i know by the brand its quality. i wonder which soccer guy has this hobby. maybe he wants to be a professional photographer.
i open the existing pictures and find random pictures of cars, birds, sunsets, and aesthetic places around the school. theres a folder named "her", so i click on it hoping to see something different.
...pictures of me.
thousands of them.
i feel my face pale, which is wrong on so many levels because im brown as fuck. the first few pictures are of me with a cigarette, smoking on and off campus. theyre from a year ago based on my hair colour. the other pictures are dated from two years ago and theyre filled with me in my school uniform.
the point of view is the part that leaves me cold in my bones. from above, places that cant easily be spotted. random corners capturing me sitting on my phone, bending over...looking around...
thats until i realize the lavender scrunchie in my hair. and the lack of bangs.
these arent just pictures of me. in fact, most of them are my sister.
next chapter
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heyitsyn · 4 years ago
Keeping Up With Seijoh Pt. 10
a/n: based on this post uwu
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okay so
the way this is set up is basically seijoh simping for you
also they have their own separate gc just for them bc they dont want you to see them just simping for you
even tho oiks ltr does that everyday
but hes not ready for that conversation
there was a few times that you were kinda curious as to what was in the chat
but they would click off and they would blush before diverting you to a different conversation
this might sound hella weird and creepy
idk bout yall but i think its cute that they take random pictures of you doing the sinplest things
this all started bc of one picture
from baby aki-kun
so basically you stayed behind with kunimi during monday to just study and you sat in front of him while sharing his desk
babie took a pic of you just studying and he sent it to the gc with no context
its a known fact that seijoh doesnt practice during mondays so they were all doing something out of school
but they were all missing you so seeing you with kunimi fueled jealousy in everyone
even kyo
oikawa blew up in the chat and was keyboard smashing
the others were just teasing him like hes lucky youre with him
but behind the screen, they were blushing and red and envious and AAAAA
thus spurred on some sort of competition
like they would send the chat pictures of you like 'hA TAKE THAT SHES WITH ME'
unbeknowst to you, these boys have folders of just cute candid pics of you
oikawas insta is filled of you and his snap is full of you in his story and his tiktok is full of screaming simp rants about you
the tiktok comments are all like, 
random ones like him doing a day in my life type of vids and you appearing and everyone can just see the small blush on his face and the bashful yet happy smile on his lips
its really adorable
but the real ones know that shes been appearing in his insta since day 1
thats practically your account now 
its more of a fan account for you and a lot of people from aoba johsai follow that account since you dont have an official one yet so they all simp for you there
the pictures were all from everyone like the boyz group chat was a haven for your candids
you did think it was strange that the boys would constantly ask to take pictures with you and everyone was just trying to get a pic to have aesthetic couple pics w you
and they would put it as their wallpaper or lockscreen
oooo i mentioned this in the post too that iwa and you went to the gym and you guys took a mirror pic
after, you didnt really like the gym bc its just hard yanno?
iwa went back and while he was setting up his weights and equipments, his gym buddy noticed his phone light up causing your picture to show up
'oh? is that your girlfriend, iwaizumi?'
duh he doesnt have a girlfriend so he was like 🤨 until he saw his phone
the lockscreen was blaringly bright and your 'couple pic' was showing with the notifications
totally not oikawa blowing up their group chat bc he was with you
ofc babie hajime got all flustered and he blushed before shaking his head
he mumbled and his buddy laughed before clapping his back
'well, you obviously like her so do somethinf about it before someone does'
dont you think he doesnt know that?
also with mattsun!
this mans works in a cute cafe that this old granny owns and this thought has been living in my head rent free
and he was working during the weekend at the cafe
there were other people there but granny loves him bc hes been working there sibce he was like 15 and she took care of him a lot
he was like a grandson
so while he was serving, this granny was manning the cashier and checking people out
issei's phone was there on the table behind the counter and it started glowing at the indication of the messages being received
'have a nice day-oh!'
she noticed it right there and she saw the picture on his lockscreen
you were probably being carried by him due to your levelness with his height and you were kissing his cheek while issei smiled brightly
that was a picture you both took during an outing at the mall and the sunset behind you was just perfect to take a picture in
poor granny was like 'oop dont look at the messages' so she turned it over to not go to his privacy
there again you were
it was a polaroid of you two and he was backhugging you at school
hint? 👀
she knew issei was a very handsome young man so there shouldnt have been a surprise that he would be dating someone
can we name this granny?
granny inko lol
okay so granny inko saw issei coming over to rest the serving board thing and she beckoned him over
mattsun nodded and leaned over the counter to see what she wanted only to be greeted with a flick to the forehead
‘oW what was that for?’
he whined while holding the spot
granny inko tutted disapprovingly before crossing her arms
‘youve been working all week this week when you could’ve taken time off to spend it with your pretty lady. is this how men are nowadays? didn’t i teach you right to treat women properly?’
duh baby mattsun was confused like O_O
his dumb question made her grab the phone and place it on the counter in front of him
‘your girlfriend, child. women need attention constantly and as much as you want that money, is it worth losing that smile full of happiness?’
okay stop it granny im getting emotional
more like disagreeing bc that wouldnt put food on the table BUT ANYWAYS
baby issei was surprisingly embarassed and scratched his neck
‘um,, baa-chan,,,,, she’s not my girlfriend’
he flustered and gave her an awkward smile
granny inko shot him a confused look and tapped the phone
‘well, she looks like she is. and if not, better hurry your move, boy. girls that make men happy like that only comes as rare as a good scratch ticket’
i do not encourage gambling so please save your money kids
you know what
these boys do that just to actually feel like it
okay thats confusing so imma explain it in greater detail
whenever someone mistakes you as their girlfriend, it makes them feel like you are for that split second and its just an addicting feeling
its like what if you were their girlfriend?
i mean, youre already the whole team’s girlfriend but theyre greedy brats and just want you for themselves
kyo def has a selfie of you both with the doggie filter but it was actually you who took it while he was just staring at you in the background
that was his lockscreen for like the rest of his high school career
he was actually in a fight and during it, his phone fell off to the ground and conveniently oikawa messaged causing it to light up
one of the thugs had their hands gripping kyo’s collar and was pushing him against the wall while the others were surrounding them
they saw the phone flash and kyo cursed at the terrible timing and he made a mental note on killing oikawa later
a guy picked it up and he smirked, seeing the pretty smile of a pretty girl
‘heh? whats this?’
kyotani pushed the guy who was holding him but other two surged towards him and held him tighter
their leader snatched the device and chuckled
‘oh. its that bitch from his school. what is it’
he snaps his fingers as he tries to remember before stopping
‘aha! l/n y/n!’
kyo growled
‘shut up!’
the guy grinned at him and tapped the phone against kyo’s chin
‘oh yea. i heard shes a cutie. most people here know her, kid. now we know shes connected to you and guess what. you cross us again, she’ll take your place as you are right now. orrrr, we can,,, use her as our pet. thats how she is in your team, right? so let us have a turn. maybe we can send you a pic, hm?’
yea no that wasnt happening
kyotani easily beat those people up after because even just saying that unleashes power he didnt know he had
‘bastard. youre lucky this is just a warning. you touch her and i will kill you’
he landed one last kick on the guy’s face before taking the phone and leaving
now he has to figure out how to hide the bruises
you fussed later and he didnt tell you the reason instead just saying they said something that made him angry
you were a person he didnt want to disappoint and he knows how much it hurts you to see him in that state
that was one of the things he hated but loved at the same time
you were such an empath that you would treat him and wince as if you were the one feeling the pain instead of him
and it made him feel special
you were one of the few things he holds close and he would be damned if anything happened to you because of him
the group chat was actually just blowing up with more screaming and the third years yelling at each other with the first years just casually reading the texts
they were used to the arguments within the team and you would remain so naive with the whole thing
kunimi is the type to keep silent and he didnt really care about anyone getting angry if you were spending time with him
but he does get annoyed if you were with kindaichi because you three were a package lol
like when kindaichi and you were at the arcade, this kid walked all the way there just because he didnt want kindaichi to hog you to himself
duh you thought this was adorable and endearing bc they wanted to hang out w you
no LUV theyre greedy brats who gets jealous over yOU
so like i mentioned before that you and makki would walk over to the bakery and you guys would buy food there and such
and its also canon in here that makki only shares his food with you and no one else lol
because when you eat the puffs, you put one in each cheek and it makes you look so adorable like a squirrel
sorry but squirrels are so cute like AAAAA
makki takes so many pictures of you and a lot are surprise shots where your eyes would be wide with cheeks full of food
aaaaa so cute
like you and makki sat down on a bench in the park across the bakery and you excitedly dug in to your own treat
makki chuckled at your excitement but he placed his hand on you arm to stop you
‘y/n-chan. say aaa’
you lit up and let him put the puff in your mouth and thought he was done but was surprised when there were two
you happily chewed it and went back to looking at your treats
but makki interrupted you again by calling you out
the nickname made your eyes widen with red painting your cheeks and the shutter of the camera made you realize what he did
you whined and he laughed
makki had a lovestruck smile on his face and he wiped the bit of creme on the corner of your lip
‘gotta take care of my princess~’
but we gotta give love to the second years :’)
ive mentioned that watari is the only person to ever go into your house right?
well, he comes over to cook and such so you guys spend time making food for the team 
watari takes this opportunity to take pictures of you cooking and the group chat cries bc its so domestic and they all start having the same thoughts
they really said seijoh braincells
it was like seeing a glimpse of a possible future for them
you, wearing an apron, cooking on the stove with your hair thrown in whatever with baggy clothes
thats like you someday being their wife and waking up one morning to see you there cooking in the kitchen
oikawa swears he had a dream that night because of that picture and he continuously thanks watari for YEARS because of that picture
okay are you curious about the dream?
oikawa woke up in an unfamiliar bed in a foreign room 
he felt his bones crack when he stretched and his hand extended out to a side that was still quite warm
somebody must be sleeping next to him
then he stood up, catching his reflection in the mirror in front of the bed
why would there be a mirror there hmmmm????
he noticed he had a bigger build and his hair was longer
then came the itch of the facial hair that he swore wasnt there a minute ago
this guy even checked out his butt and to his surprise, wow
obviously he was confused and a part of him thought this was the future
tooru walked to the door to go into the hallway and concluded, yep, this was not his house
then he heard music being played somewhere and a mixture of voices coming from a room
sounded like a woman and children
he stops at the top of the stairs, suddenly hit of the thought that this voice was so familiar
tooru walked downstairs and stopped when down the hallway in front of the steps led to the kitchen where the voices seemed to lead to
‘mama! mama! mama! toast! i wan toast!’
‘in a bit, darling. just let me finish flipping the pancake’
the song was lo-fi with the volume being turned low enough to hear the voices fine
tooru wandered down the hallway and he stopped, finally seeing the owners of those voices
there was a handsome little boy sitting on the chair by the island and his brown hair was a mess of wild curls
there was a woman with h/c hair swaying to the tune and a beautiful little girl curled up in her arms while sitting on her hip
oikawa spoke out and caught everyone’s attention
‘papa’s awake!’
‘hello tooru’
tooru froze
that was you
he knows it’s you
he whispered and you looked back at him from the pan
‘yes? if youre looking for coffee, we ran out apparently’
that was not what he was talking about
he hastily walked over to the boy and he blinked rapidly
‘you look like me’
he mumbled and the child grinned
‘eung! papa  and yozo look the same! mama and nana say so!’
feeling like all the attention was on him, the little girl whined and her hands made grabby motions to him
‘pa pa’
she whined and tooru just felt something in him that screamed to hold the kid
you shushed the little girl
‘dont worry, looney loon. papa’s right there’
tooru stayed frozen at his spot and you raised an eyebrow at him
‘tooru? luna wants you’
that snapped him out of his trance and he held the little girl in his arms where she smiled at him and then he felt tears welling up in his eyes
then he woke up
okay sorry that was a long dream
so this dragged on for so long already okay
this was only meant to be small but aaaaa i couldnt help itt!!!!
but anyways!
the boys are just simps for you and theyre creeps that take pictures of you and they think about you all the time pls accept their love
also a mild continuation of the dream:
oikawa was holding luna and she was happily laying there when another figure emerged from the hallway
he asked, surprised
what was he doing here?
iwa heard his name and grunted before going to a beeline for you
you smiled at him and he leaned in to give you a kiss to which oikawa froze in
iwa noticed his best friend holding his daughter and luna saw her father there
she shrieked and tooru blanched
‘uh, what?’
iwa extended his hands out to hold the girl but tooru held her tightly and leaned back
haji narrowed his eyes
‘um, give me my daughter, oikawa’
he grumbled and tooru shook his head
‘no! shes my daughter!’
you blinked
‘your god daughter, yes. but she’s half of your best friend, tooru’
half of his-
god? daughter?
‘so that means-’
‘piece it together, oikawa. did ya get brain damage or something? babe, call the doctor’
oikawa screamed
a/n: lol look WHO ROSE FROM THE GRAVEEEEEEE :) anyways. i really want to deeply apologize to everyone for taking an unexpected break and i shouldve told you guys and im really sorry :( everythings just chaotic lmao and im just like taking a breath for a second uwu and im so AMAZED at how many people still follow me even tho ive been gone for so long like bls yall are real ones :’) i love you all and the req box is still closed at this time as i need to finish the ones i have first soo thankyou for reading thiss and hopefully ill update soonerr!!! :)))
also not me completely messing up my kuws and missing 8 and 9 in my masterlist and having a mindblowing realization that i have 10 keeping up with seijoh fics
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years ago
Jealous ll
Part 2!!!! I linked the sone again cause its a bop and I love it also heres pt one!
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You had had enough
Thats what you kept telling yourself
As you got ready tonight
You weren't going sit in the house anymore waiting for keigo to show up whenever he felt like it
Tonight you were going out for you
You thought about how you used to have fun, how you used to be happy
And how miserable you had been lately and you decided
If Keigo didnt appreciate you anymore
Then you'd find someone who would
So thats why you found yourself looking in the mirror admiring how well you dressed up tonight to go out
You almost forgot how hot you were when you put in a little effort
You had originally stopped because keigo would tell you how beautiful and perfect you were without make up or anything
But now you were on the prowl for someone new to notice you and keigo's words meant little to nothing to you right now
Tonight you were gonna find someone to show you just a little bit of attention you craved so much and it wasnt going to be keigo
Just then you saw keigo staring at you from the reflection in mirror
he was home unusually eailer
"Dont you have to work?" You asked bitterly
"Where are you going?" He asked ignoring your statement
Sighed and rolling your eyes and picking up your purse you turned to him before leaving the bedroom, "Out. You don't have to wait up for me."
"You're being ridiculous y/n."
He said following you but you ignored him
"Y/n? Y/n?" He kept calling you, "You cant just go out an-"
"And why not?" You turned to him before you left the apartment, "according to you were not even really dating-"
"You know why that is." He told you seriously
You huffed out a fake laugh, "yeah, but its still okay for you to flirt with anyone?"
Keigo didnt respond to that making you chuckle, "Exactly...like I said im going out dont wait up." Then you slammed the door leaving.
You knew you were being unreasonable with him
You knew the two of you needed to just talk and make up
But you kept letting your anger from all your arguments cloud your judgment
Because you just wanted him to feel the same hurt and jealously you had been feeling more then anything
Keigo stared at the door you had just slammed
Things somehow got worse in the following days after your argument on your anniversary
You refused to talk to him
He tried to apologize to you but you basically brushed him off
Keigo wasn't sure what to think you said you hated him, you wouldnt sleep in the bed with him
Yet you hadn't packed up and left so that was good right?
But that distance that was growing between the two of you was wider then before
And he didnt know what to do to fix it
And now you were going out clearly dressed to find someone else
Did you really hate him? Had you really had enough of him?
Hell, he couldnt even blame you if you did he thought
You had put up with so much of him up until now
And maybe some of what you said the other night was true? Had he gotten too comfortable with you always being there?
But that was only because he loved you
Keigo was truly in love with you, and dispite you suspensions he never cheated on you
And he would never do that, you were the only one he wanted even now when you two seemed to be at each others throats
He still wanted you, and he couldn't picture his life without you
So thats why he ended up following you to the bar you were currently at
He made sure you hadnt noticed him staying in the back out of your sight
And he hated what he saw
He saw you having fun
You had met up with some of your girlfriends the three of you all laughing and drinking
You acting like you didnt have a care in the world, like the two of you didnt argue before you left out
Having a good time as if you didnt leave him alone in the house
He watched you dancing as though you were having the time of your life as other mean stared and gawked at you
He watched as a guy singled you out and was clearly flirting with you
And worst you let him and was encouraging him
You kept touching his shoulder laughing at his jokes letting him dance against you
Words couldnt describe the irritation he felt watching
He wanted nothing more then to rip that mans hands off you and fly away with you in his arms
But part of him felt like he deserved this
This feeling he had, was it how you felt?
If so he needed to fix this, was all that he could think
And he was about to go to you, but before he could someone called out his name
"Hey! Hawks is here!"
Fuck he said to himself when a crowd started to form around him
His eyes then connected with yours knowing you heard he was here
And for a moment he thought you were gonna come up to him
But instead you kept talking to the random guy ignoring him
Hawks wanted to go to you and talk to just take you back home
But was having trouble getting away from the crowd
He was all smiles talking to his fans but the whole time he kept his eyes on you
But somehow it became a battle to see who was going to be more stubborn
You continued to dance with the random guy, but now you knew keigo was here watching you
You convinced yourself not to care, you came here to have fun and he wasnt going to ruin it for you
But thats just what he was doing as you watched him talk to some random girl now
He was here to get under you skin, you were sure of it
But two could play this little game
Both of you having this little war with each other watching each other from across the room
And you couldnt lie you were enjoying it a bit
Seeing his eyes watching you, knowing he had to be feeling the sting of jealousy as another man held you close
But It all came to a head when you saw the girl he was dancing with lips on his neck
He wasnt looking at you when you saw that all his attention clearly on her
You couldn't deny the sharp feeling in your chest at the sight
And not wanting to see anymore you left the dance floor telling the guy you needed to go to the bathroom
Hawks pulled away from the handsy fan
Denying anymore of her advances
Yeah he had been trying to get under your skin now but thats was a bit much
But now when he looked up to find you again, only to see you were gone
His stomach sank
Where did you go? You had to had just seen that?
Did you leave with that guy? Hawks started to panic when he didnt seem him either
Where did you go? Why was he being so stupid just now? He should have just went to talk to you
Just then keigo noticed the guy you had been flirting with at the bar and went up to him
"The girl you were dancing with? Where'd she go?"
The guy looked at him like he was crazy "whats it too you?" He challenged him
But keigo wasnt in a playful mood and grabbed the man by the collar, "Answer the question asshole."
The guy quickly put his hands up in defeat, "she just said-
He heard his name called out and looked behing him to see you
"What are- you are so unbelievable." Yku shook your head storming off
You couldn't believe him he had the audacity to attack the guy you had been talking to
It didnt take much thought to figure out why
And it annoyed you to no end
So keigo could flirt and let girls kiss all over him but if you had a guy around you that was too much
He was such a hypocrite
You were angry your whole way back home
You stood in the mirror once you got back
But with a different feeling in your stomach then the feeling you had before you left
You felt defeated your plans of fun had been ruined and you felt like your back in the same spot you had been in
Hawks was giving you a little bit of space taking his time getting back home
Because now you were probably madder than before at him
When hr got in he saw you had just got out the shower
You heard him call out your name But you ignored him
Y/n, you have to listen to me."
You werent going to turned around but before you knew it he hugged you from behind
"Im sorry."
"Let go of me hawks." You spat out but he didnt budge
"Just listen to me y/n..."
"Why are we doing this to each other?" You asked quietly, "Why do you keep hurting me? What are we even doing? It clearly isnt wor-"
"Ive been an idiot, y/n."
Keigo buried his face in your neck, "I've been so stupid, but please please dont leave me."
You were trying to fight back tears, "I dont want to leave you keigo....but I cant-"
"Dont say you can't with me anymore. I need you." Keigo pleaded holding you tighter
You were so frustrated
You still loved him, you still wanted to be with him, because when things are good between you they're great
But the way your relationship had been it was becoming too much
But you wanted to stay with him
Because you loved him
You moved your hands and held on to his arms secretly enjoying his embrace that you missed so much
"I know you mean well keigo-"
"I love you so much y/n," keigo cut you off again, "I know ive been an asshole, ive been neglectful, ive been the worst, but dont give up on me. Please."
You finally turned around to face him and hugged him back
You could see the sincerity in his eyes as you did "I love you too keigo but I just cant do this- we keep hurting each other...thats not what your supposed to do to the people you love."
Keigo pulled back "You want me to tell everyone about us? I will." He told you, "You want me to tell you everything ive been doing I will, I promise you Ill to whatever it takes to fix us. I dont want to live the way we have anymore."
You knew he was serious and your heart leaped hearing his words but you werent sure
"You're the only one I want y/n" he said giving you a light kiss
Almost like he was asking for permission
"Ill do whatever it takes for you to forgive me."
He said inbetween kisses, "you're so important to me, im sorry i made you think you weren't."
You couldnt lie he was finally saying everything you wanted to hear
And you wanted to believe him
"You promise?" You asked him
"I promise."
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imfiguringitoutlovely · 4 years ago
breakup comfort||bakusquad (part 2)
pairing: platonic!bakusquad x gn!reader
type: angst, comfort
warnings: toxic relationship (not w the squad), breakup, emotional manipulation, guilt tripping
author's notes: thank you. thank you all so fucking much. im working on the other requests ive gotten, too, i hope to get them out soon!! i hope y'all are doin ok 😩 love yall so much!
Kaminari Denki
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he's not dumb, he just takes a little longer to catch onto things sometimes and that's okay (this is not a self-insert i mean what-)
when you first told him about your relationship, he was immediately supportive. okay, well, maybe he wasn't supportive of WHO you were in a relationship with, but he was supportive of your decisions. he wasn't going to say anything to make you feel bad or abandon you. no, he was going to encourage you to do what made you happy, and promise to be there no matter what.
and there he was. at your door with your favorite pizza, mountain dew (for himself, of course, he brought your favorite drink), and the nintendo switch he begged sero to lend to him. why? well, he may have noticed you seemed a bit down lately. and he may have asked bakugou why. and bakugou may have hit his head a little, ask how he was so stupid, and explain blunty that your partner had basically just cut you off out of nowhere. guess that explained why katsuki seemed to be holding back as many insults.
but nobody knew how to comfort you the way good ol' denki did. and now he was on an even greater mission to do so because apparently it'd been a whole week since it started happening.
when you answered the door, music stopping abruptly a few seconds before and your eyes puffy, he really put the dots together as to just how much it was taking its toll on you.
when he stepped in, seeing your school work untouched and your laptop open so you could refresh the tab to check for new dms, he got angry. you were more on top of things than anyone else he knew, and for someone to be completely digging into your mind and ruining that for you just... ugh, he almost went bakubro mode.
but he didn't. because he knows better. instead he put down the pizza as you closed the door.
"i figured you maybe aren't ready to talk about it all yet... so sero let me borrow his switch. i know you like beating me." he gave a nervous, crooked smile as he held out a controller to you.
he wasn't good at this, at feelings, and he knew you weren't really either. but you two, over time, learned that sometimes you had to try and get it out one way before you were ready to speak it. he wasn't surprised when you silently took the controller and sat on your bed as he set up the switch to display on your pc monitor. he picked Pikachu, mostly because he enjoyed how it would make you roll your eyes with a smile sometimes, but when he saw you not smiling, he figured he'd probably do shitty and let you win and then blame his shit gaming skills.
after four rounds with only the sound of the game, you found the energy to mumble.
"bakugou tell you?"
"uh... yeah."
"jerk. he took my phone as a joke, but when i started freaking out, he made me tell him. i... you were right, kaminari. i know you never said it out loud, but i could tell. you knew it wasn't going to work. that i wasn't good enough for them."
pikachu fell off the platform, but didnt even try jumping up to save himself. instant loss. "what?"
"i saw the way you looked when we were talking. i-i was so...clingy and annoying. and i think that drove them away. and you-you saw that, but you didn't want to be mean, right?"
"hey-" he ignored your character doing their victory move. "i know i'm not the brightest, but i'd have to be some weird kind of idiot to think you were the issue-"
"then what was the issue?! and why didn't you tell me when you-when you saw it-?!"
"you were happy, [Your Name]." when you went quiet, he looked and realized you were crying.
"i'm sorry. this-this isn't your fault, i just... we talked yesterday and they- they told me what i messed up on. but they won't let me fix it and-and i just..." you sighed, trying to wipe your tears away before he could see more.
"if i thought you weren't a good person, or you did something wrong, i wouldn't have brought you pizza."
you wondered for a moment if he was just joking to make you smile, but when you realized it was 100% serious, it drew a little laugh out of you. you leaned your head on his shoulder.
"yeah... yeah, i guess that's true."
you two spent the rest of the day in your dorm playing smash with kaminari showing some progress in the game.
this wouldn't be your last day this way. some days were going to be harder than others. some days, it would feel like there was no point in trying to move forward. on those days, denki showed up with some sort of mukbang-energy meal and a couple video games or movies. he never pushed you to talk. you would talk when you were ready, and he knew that.
he learned how to comfort you better when you did open up. he learned that it's best to let you deal with it at your own pace while also making sure you didn't just hole up and neglect yourself all day. he learned how to really be there, and he did his best to be as emotionally present as possible through it.
overall, 10/10. very nice, very chill and never brings it up unless you do first. and he never treats you diffetently, really. more physically there than usual, yeah, but he does NOT pity you or look down on you for it.
yup. he's good. i can tell. :)
Sero Hanta
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best boy. no, shut up, there is no argument, he is the best boy.
he finds out after borrowing your phone to grub hub. (look, it's not that he can't or won't cook, he just... well actually that's what it is, sorry, he's still learning-)
he was on the app, placing your order, when w bunch of notifications of messages came through. you were in the bathroom and well... sero couldn't just put the phone down. he wasn't trying to be a snoop, he was just caught off guard. the messages, they were aggressive. rude. manipulative, and he wondered who could possible say those kind of things to his bestie, the person who was practically family at this point. he looked at the contact name. it wasn't their name directly, but the little heart by the name paired with what was being said made the picture clear.
after the spam seemed to stop is when he put the phone down. he hadn't finished the order because he forgot he was even placing one.
when you walked back in, drying your hair with your towel and immediately talking about how you'd beat him up if he messed up your order again, he sat up tall on your bed. the worry was clear on his face and you stopped talking.
"uh... sero?" you paused again, and then let out an uneasy laugh. "you-you messed it up, huh-?"
"[Your name]. I wasn't looking for it, you just got a ton of new notifications. But before you read them, I want you to know they had no right to send those."
he barely finished when you grabbed your phone, face fallen as you scrolled through the messages.
"no... no, no. this is- this had to be a mistake. they-they just left. right? and now they're - uh... they're just talking out of... out of..." he watched as you sat on the bed, staring at your screen. he heard your voice crack. "they didn't mean to send that."
"[Your nickname]..." sero sighed quietly and scoot to sit next to you. he gently took the phone from your hand and set it aside. touch. y'all's love language was touch and he knew it. he wrapped an arm around you and you fell apart, leaning into him as the tears started to fall.
"i knew i shouldn't have- shouldn't have kept trying to reach out, i- i-"
he let you vent it out. there was no use in cutting you off, no use in letting you keep all those thoughts and fears in. so he let you get it out of your system. by the end, he was leaning against the wall your bed was pressed against and you had your head in his lap. you were staring at the ceiling.
"you did nothing wrong, okay?" he started running his hands through your hair. "you know that. i know that. they know that. that's why they said all that nasty stuff." he didn't look at you. he knew you needed some time to brrathe without being watched.
"can you spend the night? we can olay on my console."
yeah. that was okay, too. he did spend the night, insisting on taking the floor at first until you insisted on splitting the bed which turned into cuddling. you appreciated that he wasn't too reserved about that, that he didn't make it into a huge deal or make you feel weird about it. you two didn't talk much, not until around midnight when you started spewing thoughts out like word vomit. he joined in a couple minutes into it, and that's how you two were for the next couple days.
you'd space out sometimes to avoid getting caught up in all the hurt, and he knew that. he went along with it, responding to you in a way that made sense without making you feel guilty for going on your rants.
nobody else really understood, but as long as sero did, it was okay. he also helped you through the process of actually ending contact with them. it was at whatever pace you felt comfortable with, and so long as you promised to let him know if you ever changed your mind or were having second thoughts about anything.
sleepovers. yes. you would sneak. you thought you two were so smart too 😩 aizawa knew, he just let it be because they made you look better emotionally.
1000000/10, would also learn to cook w you and y'all would make a fuCKING MESS BUT IT WAS FUN-
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trashiewrites · 4 years ago
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Hello Nurse~
(Russell Adler x F!Reader)
Short debrief: Adler is injured and meets a lovely nurse who he has indeed caught his attention.
Term dictionary:
(Y/n)- your name
(H/c)- hair color
(H/l)- Haigh length
(S/t)- skin tone
Russell held his arm as the chopper lowered into the base. Sims stood next to him with a concerned look for his fighting buddy. "Hey Adler, need help getting to the meds?"
"Don't worry Sims, I'll make it." He hopped out his chopper seat with a bit of a wince. "Its not that bad" Sims frowned his brow as he aswell left the heli.
"You know what? You do you Adler! But you know don't come bitching when you get hurt again." Sims huffed as he grabbed his weapon and began to leave. 
"I am the last person to bitch Sims. You should know that you sour nutbag." He slowly salutes, his face twitches as the stinging in his arm increased.
"Yeah, sure, now go to the meds!" Adler slowly let down his arm and walked casually.  As he walked many soilders greeted him. Either with a verbal 'commander' of even just a salute.  Honestly, especially with his arm the way it was, the greeting were rather exhausting. 
As he moved into the medical tent mainly staying to the back, he looked at all the men who laid on the beds. Some were bloody messes, others looked dead. From a side room a younger nurse came out handing another nurse a serum and a needle. "Don't worry sir, it will all be okay!" Her voice was soft and encouraging. She looked up to see Adler standing there. "Oh my! Pardon me sir, do you need medical?" She walked up to him in a hurry placing a hand upon his good shoulder and his back.
"Yeah, fucked up my arm in the field I need to know what's up." She nodded as she leads him to an empty bed.
"Of course! Do you mind if I can get a hold of your bad arm?" He nodded in response, extended his arm to the nurse. He took the time to notice her features. (H/l) (h/c) hair that complimented her (s/t) skin. "What kind of pain have you've been feeling sir?" He groaned quietly as she pressed the sides of his arm for fractures. "Sorry..." she verbally noted.
"Well since I got back it's been mainly a stinging pain." Adler relaxed again and decided to ask her some questions. "You must be a new nurse down here, I dont remeber ever seeing a pretty face like yours."
"I am recently new, if that counts. Been here for a week now" she giggles softly and she placed his arm back down, "so from how I see it, you grazed the muscle and that may be the stinging pain. You also may have a bone fracture."
"Could be worse in a shithole like this place" Adler shrugged his shoulders, "so miss, what's your name?"
"Oh, did I never say it?" She looked up at him. He shook his head in response, "ah, well excuse my manners. I'm nurse (y/n). Its my honor to help you feel better!" Adler wasn't sure if his mind was also fucked but when she  smiled she seemed to just glow.
"Does anyone tell you how pretty your smile is?" He cracks a small smile. She chuckles, covering her cheeks with her hand.
"O-oh thank you! P-pardon me, I got to grab the supplies Mr.?"
"Mr. Adler" she stood straight turned around and walked to the back. Russell stared at the door she entered for a second or two until he hear the bed next to him creak.  It was a face hes seen around base, only knew his name.
"You know commander, they tell her that everyday.  She hears it a million times but she never reacts like that," the man pulled a pack of cigs from his pocket. Pulled one out for himself then leaned the box towards Adler. As much as he would like one, he politely refused.
"You say so Corporal... Wells, right?" The soilder nods as he swiftly closed the pack of cig. Placing them back at the safety of his pocket and quickly let the flame.
"I ain't no talker but every single guy in base seems to likes her." Wells raised his brows as he took a breath of his cig. "I mean she is cute, but I'm happily married."
"Oh Mr.Wells! You seem to be doing better" the nurse smiles as she walks back with a small bucket of supplies. He moved his cig and exhaled
"Thanks to you nurse." Wells smiled as he took another breath of his cigarette. She placed the supplies upon the side table.
"It's really no problem! But if you are feeling okay now Mr.Wells, I'd have to ask you to leave the med tent" Well silently nodded his head and stood up. Saluted to Adler as well as a wink. Adler only nodded back, and he walked off without another word. "Now let's patch up those wounds Mr.Adler."
"What made you sign up for this hellish war?" Adler extended his arm out again. She held it gently yet she pondered the question. The cruel silence was almost enough to drive him mad. Yet the small just of the outdoor breeze seeped into the tent, slightly blowing the (hc) locks of her hair.
"Well," she grabbed a small rag as well rubbing alcohol, "I was just exiting nurse school by the time the war started. And like any other, I felt like I should use my services to help the soilders some home." Russell was a bit surprised at the notion. Women have the chance to be cozy and stay where it's safe. Alot of nurse happen to be are either here for the pay or were forced into it by their father or even husband. Not to say there isn't anyone else just here to actually be here, yet just a merry few. "This might sting." With that his train of thought ended as he clutched the bed from the stinging pain. 
"Ah, Fuck. That hurt like a bitch
." Adler chuckled. "Mind kissing it better?" The two quietly laugh. (Y/n) actually having to cover her mouth to not laugh too loud. 
"How about if I kiss you on the lips? Would that make it feel better?" Her eyes seemed to narrow as she cheekily smiled. Wrapping the arm wounds up with bandages.
"What's stopping you?" He leaned closer, his voice was deep and quiet. A sly grin stretched upon his face. She looked up to be only inches away from eachother. It was incredibly tempting to her to say the least. He just looked so good, even if she couldnt see his eyes. The glasses only made him seem more mysterious.
"If got a job to do, Mr.Adler." she grinned as she pushed him away from the bridge of his nose.  Turning to her side to get the materials for a splint. It was mainly only small talk from here. Adler barely hid what rejection made him slightly bothered. As she tied up the last bits of it she grinned. "You know maybe we could have that kiss arranged." She reached to her side to grab the wrap she had to put on him. Yet as she leaned in to tie it around the neck. She leaned closely into his ear "meet me after sundown on the side of the med tent" she quickly pecked his cheek and finished tying the wrap, she sat back down.
Adler had his mouth slightly agape. Surely he didnt expect such a intimate invitation but fuck yeah he was more than willing to take it. He held a large grin, ear to ear.  "Invitation accepted."
"Good, now that all I can do with your injuries Mr.Adler. you'll be out for a week at least. you can rest for a bit or leave the tent." She returned to her professional self.
"I'll be off then. Ill see you around nurse."  Adler stood up and began to walk towards the tent exit.
"Of course you will!" She qleefully whispered  as he walked past her. Adler excited out the tent, stood over to the side for a minute to process all that happened. She flooded his mind, that invitation seemed to be the only important thing in his head he could remeber.
"Huh, I'd fucking call her a witch doctor at this point huh." He chuckled to himself. Red rose to his cheeks. "What ever this spell is I guess it feels nice."
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njeancastro316 · 4 years ago
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The Night we met ...Part 2
This needs a title and I need help.
Warnings: Swearing and a tease spoon of violent behavior. New characters.
Elijah x female reader
Bolds are thoughts
Like, comment or reblog 🤗😘
English not my first language 😳
Two days had gone by since he met her. He should’ve gone after her as she made her swift exit. He wanted to but something inside him stopped him, ‘maybe it was for the best’ he thought biting his lower lip. Elijah had left the bar not long after when he stepped on something with his shoe, he had broken a card . Looking down to investigate he smiled widely. He bent to take the item , in his hand was Y/N ID badge from the hospital she must have dropped it on her way out. Apparently he had broken what held it together. At first he didn’t know what to make of it, upon closer inspection it looked like a vertebrae with a bow and a happy face. ‘Adorable just like her’, he smiled again and after carefully wrapping it on his handkerchief he placed the little treasure on his suit pocket . He went by the hospital to find her but she was off duty and although he could’ve compelled anyone to tell him when she was going to be back he found himself not wanting to. He would go to the hospital and try his luck again today , if fate wanted him to meet her then so be it, if not he would not pursue her anymore. ‘I can’t wait to see you again little one’ he thought as he put on his suit jacket and headed towards his Bentley.
At the hospital...Y/N was preparing her next surgey after two days of total rest , isolation,food and Netflix with her long time friend and fellow nurse Jess.
“So let me get this straight you went to a bar for a drink , you met a guy that possibly showed real interest in you and you freaking left him!!??? Jess was livid.
“Well I said goodbye to him, I’ll be regret my decision for the next 6 months so prepare yourself” Y/N lowered her head in shame.
“I outta kick your ass , so you know what this means , no let me rephrase that, what it would’ve meant, a chance for you to forget and be over that dickwad Stephen and you fucking ran from it like a bat out of hell” Jess shouted flustered.
‘Yeah I suck’
“I am over him Jess , I don’t need anyone”Y/N pouted.
‘God I am over that asshole for good, yes I am say it again as many times until it sticks’she thought.
“Yeah right and I’m Oprah” her friend massaged her temples clearly frustrated “Y/N you are gorgeous, not to mention the sweetest human being I’ve ever known and you deserve so much better than that asshole who cheated on you with a surgery resident”.
“If a chance comes to you , bitch you take it , I’m not saying fuck him right away” earning a incredulous look from Y/N “Give it a day or two”Jess winked. “I’m just saying you deserve a good man in your life , one that loves you and cherishes the treasure that you really are”.
“You think I’m worthy of that” Y/N whispered her eyes shining with tears.
“Of course you are , so when are you going back to the bar”? .
“Jess I can’t ... I mean , I’d be so embarrassed besides what if he’s not there”
“And what if he is”Jess countered.
“Then you know me I’ll grow mute probably do something that I will regret later point being I’ll mess it up” Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
“You are giving up ! I’m going to kill you”Jess placed her hands on YN neck to choke her making her scream.
“Your hands are freezing, you lunatic stop!! , You can kill me later”. Y/N pushed Jess away laughing.
“Miss Y/L/N” came from one of the surgeons .
“Dr. Cox! , Is there something you need sir”?
“There is someone at the front desk asking for you” . He said
“What?! Who?” She and Jess exchanged looks.
“He didnt give me a name he just asked for you” . He said leaving before she could ask anything else .
“What do I do ? What do I do”???!!! Y/N trembled.
‘Oh my god...oh my god , Could it be him ? OH MY GOD!!
“Stop it ,don’t make me slap the crap out of you Y/N , now relax and stand up straight let me look at your make up , what flavor on the lip gloss ?” Jess eyed her friend . “Strawberries”Y/N answered.
“Good you can never go wrong with strawberries .Breath check”
“Nonsense Jess my breath is fin”...
“Breath check now”!! Jess interrupted making Y/N puffed her breath . “Mmm fruity , what is that ?
“Trident tropical twist gum” earning a thumbs up from her friend.
“Hair is a bit wild but its ok”Jess tried to tamed her friends unruly wavy locks.  “You are perfect ,now go get him”Jess encouraged followed by a slap in Y/N behind.
“Jess!! That hurt!”
“Oh you love it”! She teased.
Y/N walked towards the front desk of the OR slowly her heart was like a hummingbird beating so fast she thought it might fly out of her chest.
‘Please God don’t let me make a fool out of myself’ as she neared the desk she saw Stephen.
‘Oh fuck me’she dreaded ‘What is HE doing here’? Y/N went passed him ignoring him completely.
“Hey Bae”Stephen called “Y/N! ,What are you doing ?, Did you leave your contacts at home ? I’m right here”
Y/N closed her eyes and let out a big sigh. ‘Of course it has to be him and not Elijah ,its like literally the heavens open and say Fuck you Y/N’ She took a deep breath and turned to face Stephen.
“Dr .Burks can I help you with anything”? Y/N said annoyed.
“Aww come on bae don’t be like that , I missed you . Are you busy tonight ? Do you want me to swing by your place and you know” ... his eyebrows moved up and down suggesting the obvious.
“This is not the time nor the place for this Stephen” she pulled him into a big hallway away from the managers and people that ran the OR avoiding their questioning looks.
“Y/N please when are you going to grow up , I made a little mistake , you know I love you , there is no one but you lets kiss and make up” he gave her his sexy smile one that she used to love .
‘I’m about blow the fuck up’ anger surged through her body.
“How dare you?! Stephen seriously!!, no one but me?! Did you told the same crap to that poor naive resident before you plowed her into your bed . You have some balls after two months of dumping me for her. Well not this time I’m not going to fall for this again, its over Dr. Burks ... we are over.” Y/N turned to walk away but Stephen was faster he grabbed her by her wrist and tightened his hold.
“No we are not over until I say we are over. Stephen smiled at her as if not to cause a scene.
“Let go , you are hurting me ...please !! Stephen you are hurting me” she clenched her jaw her wrist felt like it was going to shatter under his hold.
‘God please please , I need help’ she thought desperately.
“Is there a problem here”? a voice came from behind her. Y/N closed her eyes and smiled in relief she’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“Elijah” Y/N turned pulling her hand away from Stephen. She walked towards Elijah stopping mere inches from him personal space be damned.
“Are you ok little one”? He asked softly surveying for signs of injury as she panted. He could hear her heart drumming on her chest . Her emotions were all over the place anger , fear , happiness and lust. Her cheeks were tinted pink. She was beautiful. He smirked.
Y/N could feel his breath on her and she searched his face for any indication that he was uncomfortable with her being this close.
“Y/N” Stephen called “Who’s this guy?, Y/N ... Y/N”! He repeated to deaf ears.
‘Sorry ... not fucking sorry’
Y/N closed the space between them grabbing Elijah by the back of his neck and pulling him into a fierce kiss.
Cliffhanger 😈 Im learning from the best 🦄 🤣😂
Girls I need a title , I can’t think of any 🤦‍♀️HELP
@hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @drachentraum @nikmikaelsonswife @mikaelson-emma @elejahfanfic @eternityunicorn @dumble-daddy @svnkissedskies @soul-revoir @kaiiiiiiparkerismyhusband @lokis-favorite-follower @iirocioii
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tolstoyamericanrevolution · 4 years ago
Turn Christmas:  Hidden in Finery
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A Robert Townsend & Arielle Nathan story I was meant to publish awhile back but forgot about so happy late December 17th!! 
The problem of forgetting you are trapped is when the trap twists itself around your ankle, and you dare to show your distress.                                                     At Rivington’s, she had forgotten about it all, the redcoats and the beatings from Captain Hennely’s wife. In the daze of candlelight and a humorous conversation, she forgot about the war outside her door. She forgot about her role as prisoner & friend, governess & respectable guest she forgot about all the titles given to her when James Rivington made a joke or John André mused a poem out loud.
Arielle forgot about her family being miles away in Philadelphia when Robert smiled at her.
That rare secret smiles that she tugged close to her chest.  Robert Townsend had many ways of smiling- the polite line for drunk customers who ranted about everything and nothing, that reserved smile of amusement when Rivington would refer to him as “Robby Boy” or her favourite- well favourite two.
The sly one that would catch the glint in his eyes when something amused him- genuinely unrefined. It could be a joke or a complaint made by a person, or perhaps it was a thought that crossed his mind. Those rare melancholic free thoughts as he laughed to himself about a uniform three sizes too big on a young officer or the invisible ink debacle. Arielle liked those smiles.
The one she loved, was that gentle smile unaided by a raise of his eyebrows or a slant of his chin. No, instead it draped over his lips in momentary content. His witty smiles were regular affairs that fluttered her chest- these gentle ones; a rarer variety as if budgeted and allotted in his monthly account books—emerging when he felt in control when the world stopped spinning, when everything felt in order- as if Robert had not sacrificed all his prospects in a high stakes gamble. That of a spy; that of life and death.
When he first gave her that smile, her heart melted. She realised that the love she thought she had felt previously was nothing because she wanted to imprint this moment in her very being. She was longing for some reception, for some encouragement. Arielle could still recall the way his eyes softened when the coffeehouse was closing, and he glanced up from his books and smiled—not seeing her as out of place in this world of his but rather a comforting part of it, amongst the candles burning low and the day's numbers recorded.
This sense of belonging was not here tonight. Andre was away at dinner and Rivington was entertaining a table of ladies. The one man she did care about was tending to his wares—streets away which at this table felt like oceans away.
Bitterness coursed her chest, gripped at her tongue, forcing her to taste anxiety in her bones and the resentment of this cage. This cage that had deceived her so well until the cards were laid in front of her. Numbers racked up in debt, the men around her smelt like gin and rum, like a pulsing wound under bandages. Toxic and jaundiced.
Captain Hennely, the fool, was in debt and racking it up fast as he insisted on another betting coin. Arielle watched him with abject horror- leading him to snap at her “Shut your damn eyes constantly!” “Judas of a woman!” the two alternating every two minutes. When he lost a round, he slammed his fist down in front of her. If he chose not to bring it down on the table, he could quickly bring it down on her, to her stomach and thighs, causing her heart to patter in her throat.
Arielle could not just leave, to find another table even when she longed for anyone else's company. For if she tried to move he would snap about having to keep an eye on her. That someone should see his victory should learn the value of coin over-etching it out in budget plans.
The man he gambled against was a wolf of a man. Conniving and greedy for anything that glittered. Rivington once told her that he got violent with anyone who tried to cheat him. Oft, dragging them to the nearest alleyway to crash bone against bone. Townsend’s nod told Arielle this wasn't just James’s typical exaggerations. This man focused his gaze on her neck, on her necklace like a fox upon a goose.
Upon the pearl and aquamarine choker, a gift from her parents, the first necklace of significance she was allowed to own; Not to share the diamonds and pearls with her sister or mother from the family safe. Not the gold chains of girlhood. This necklace was her sixteenth birthday present, a present that told her she was now allowed her safekeeping items. The pearls were small white river pearls that circles her neck in singular role while in the center was a cushion-cut aquamarine secured in gold plated brass while hanging from it was a baroque seawater pearl, with its pear shape, that felt like a tear, the size of her thumbnail- small, delicate yet strong.
This necklace may not have been the most costly, but it had sentimental value, it demonstrated when Arielle has first trusted with value herself and now this man wanted it. Hennley failed his bet and had no money to give. Taking the opportunity, the man demanded her necklace to settle all debt- so he could play another night again.
She began to refuse, this was not his to give it was hers- it was her possession. “I apologise sir but this is mine, it is not for sale”. It was then she realised she was still entrapped that she was the property of the crown, that a last-minute cry saying it belonged to her father meant nothing.
He slammed his hand in front of her, the same way Hennley did. Demanding it outright or else that captain would be no longer, and she wouldn’t want that. Oh, see how I care Arielle thought spitefully, at first. Drag him by his guts for all I care this is mine. Her barred teeth in a snarl meant nothing. For every time, her emotions began to get out of check, that another guest may notice- this same captain pinched her hand. “It doesn't belong to you, it belong to the Crown and as you’re exchequer I demand you hand it over”
Protests died on Arielle’s lips as tears pricked her eyes. Her neck felt cold as her possession was stored safely in the man’s hand. “It will fetch for a fair price” he murmured as he passed her. Straight to the market. Away from her hands. Standing sharpley she demanded a coin- a carriage she was going home. Henley handed her a coin reluctantly “be prudent with your travel” he had such a nerve.
No one met her eye, Rivington continued chatting, Andre was still gone and Robert was far away while she was left feeling like a bartered whore- none of her possessions bound to her by ownership let alone honor. Her anxiety fretted- what else will they take from her?
The accounts were in check, the stock for the Christmastide sales was prepared. When Robert Townsend came back to Rivington’s the following day everything felt alright. He was prepared for last minute officers trying to barter the price of rum. He had everything from second hand goods to newer ones. Abraham often critiqued him for his loyalty to his business. Accusing him of not engaging with the Ring fully in order to save his own income. Fool.
That was the only answer Robert would give to it. It is not like he spent nights awake pondering if there was any merit in his words.
There was one thing out of place, however, Miss Nathan’s regular expression of glee, often smiling with some wit on her tongue. Her choleric rants. Her general ability to hold court in the room. That is what made her and Rivington work so well. He would work one half of the room and her th either. Yet while James was intentional- Robert thought it was just Arielle’s nature to challenge, twist, debate and laugh.
Instead she appeared late; strange. Her dress plainer than her regular vibrant colours or patterns. No jewellery around her neck. The most telling was the way she sulked around the room. Eyes dark refuting anyone who came near her. Watery and untrusting. Perhaps that was what concerned him, Arielle was as volatile as he was. One minute light hearted next minute serious, melancholic then temperamental. While he was private however; her face was a stage informing everyone of her mood. Robert didnt know how he felt about the twisting in his chest when he caught her eye.
It felt strange not to have a presence by his elbow, peering down at whatever he was working on. It was all very strange indeed.
Yet; Mr Townsend could not go and talk to her. Risk showing the world their closeness. No instead he would have to make inquiries. The hint came when Captain Hennley- he never bothered to catch his first name, scoffed past her and she scowled, teeth bare like a fox disturbed.
Pouring a glass of port, he delicately placed it next to the man.
“Gambling good, sir?”
“Could be better,”
“is that so?”
“Aye, some wolf like bastard bet me out of my money” Robert cringed but continued.
“I hope you found a way to remedy it” He tried to sound neutral, not generally given to inquiries.
“Oh I did- he wanted the girl’s necklace, she has been in a wicked temper ever since, the King doesn’t pay me enough for this”
Over the next couple of days, Arielle felt herself go from bad to worse. It was not the material object of the gif that mattered. It was this idea of not having any grounding of being trapped. She suddenly became more aware of her limits, of her confinements. Of how much she missed her family. The necklace was a symbol.
Who was her ally?
The bustle of officers, actresses and curious traders made for decent observing; they were like headless chickens on the 24th. Arielle failed to take notice of the man behind her. His hand dropped to her shoulder, startling her with a squeak. “Hush now” came Mr Townsend’s voice “Do not startle all of York City.”
Even now, she felt herself chuckling. “Come”. He was gesturing to the cellar. Leaving first; curious Arielle disappeared from the crowd into the back. Two seconds later, he held out his arm. “Where are you escorting me to, Mr Townsend?” “You will see.”
Robert guided her to his room and with the wit she had left she turned “Now this is not very proper”.
“Look what is on the bed.”
There was a small brown paper package wrapped neatly in twine. It was not very thick, and she could tell there was cloth under it. “Am I to open it” “Well it is a gift, I believe that is what you do with them” Too curious to retort Arielle undid the tie and noted underneath one of his handkerchiefs- the one subtly embroidered with white cross-stitch. Unfolding it, she felt something cold. By God, it was impossible.
Sparkling back at her was her necklace.
“It is not a replica; it is the same one...I traced down Captain Hennley’s contact and made some inquiries the man he sold it to is in debt to me for sharing stock so in exchange for settling our debts I got it back” Robert explained, each word gave her this urge to embrace the living daylights out of him and never let go.
“Before you ask why you were far too miserable for this establishment and I could not have it affecting business” “business? What one?” “the one of my mental state.”
So he was concerned about her. She had an ally.
“I suppose it is a Christmas present.”
“Don’t tell any of the other Quakers” Robert cooed with an amused expression.
“Now, let me put that on for you” gently moving her hair out of the way he clasped it around her neck, his breath warm against it. If Arielle could have melted, she would have. Then he knelt down placing an intense, warm kiss to the back of her neck.
The gesture made her think of customs. In Sephardi culture, a groom as a sign of engagement would gift anything of value, a coin, a ring or a necklace. It was a sign of the marriage that he could support them. It was not limited to the Ashkenazi ring or coin. It could be earrings, or it could be the hunting down of the string of pearls around her neck.
“I won’t tell the Quakers if you won’t tell the Jews.”
With a grin, she added “or else we might be engaged.”
Startled, Robert sharply inhaled before laughing “I think I could think of worse things.”
“Run along, go light up the room again.”
Instead of moving, Arielle sprung up and embraced him. Her head in his shoulder, arms tight around him. Robert’s arms were soon around her. A quiet, warm embrace. Murmuring a thank you,  she caught the sight of him.
Robert Townsend was smiling, gentle and unaided.
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peachesandfiction · 5 years ago
BlackPink’s reaction to their girlfriend being shipped with another idol in an interview + more
The Interview:
The crowd cheered as the host of the show walked on, with you and the idol you had released a collab with following out on the other side of the stage. The host shakes both of your hands as he flashes a smile before sitting down in his chair. You and the other idol follow suit and sit across from him as the crowd starts to die down.
The host flips through his cards as he looks up at the two of you, “so you two just made a comeback on both of you parts with this collaboration. How do you feel about it?”
“I really hope both of our fans support us through this,” you smile and nod at the guy, the idol next to you agrees.
The host starts to move onto the next question when someone in the crowd yelled out, “~Ship name with idol~ is real!”
The host laughs before looking back at the two of you with a raised eyebrow, “so, is there anything going on between the two of you.”
You start to open your mouth to tell him that there wasn’t and that you were happily in a relationship when the idol laces their fingers with yours, refusing to look at you, “there might be,” they wink at the camera and the crowd.
A flame of embarrassment and anger heats up your neck as the host quickly calls to commercial.
During commercial break:
“What the fuck was that,” you seethe.
“I’m doing you a favor,” the idol states as they grab another bottle of water from backstage.
“A favor? My girlfriend is going to kill me. So tell me, why the fuck would you do that?”
“YOU can’t tell anyone that you are in a relationship because you told me about the dating ban in your girlfriend’s company.”
“That doesnt mean you have to say we are in a relationship,” you watch as they take a deep breath and lean against the wall.
The idol rests their hand on your shoulder, “look you were about to say no we aren’t dating because you are with someone else. That will get fans questioning and investigating,” their grip tightens on your shoulder before they let their hand fall, “they more than likely would have dug until they discovered who your girlfriend actually was.”
“Then we would have to break up because of the dating ban…” you trail off with a far away look.
The idol lightly pats your cheek, “right. So I did you a favor. Maybe later we can figure out something to make fans think we just weren’t going to work out. Until then,” the lace their fingers with yours once again.
You reluctantly nod and let them lead you back to finish off the interview that was thankfully mostly about the collab and not anything else. After finishing the interview, you make your way to the dressing room where your phone’s lock screen was filled to the brim with missed calls and text messages.
Jisoo: Kim Namjoon from BTS
The girls had set up the interview on Jennie’s phone because they all wanted to support you. Lisa was adjusting Jisoo’s pink wig for the music video they were supposed to finish shooting in the next thirty minutes when you came onto the screen. She watched you as you greeted the host, along with Kim Namjoon, who sat a bit too close to you, but Jisoo ignored it. She didn’t hear the fan in the crowd call out the ship name for you and Namjoon, but she can feel an uncomfortable heat as the next question played out. She made Jennie rewind it and that was when she heard the fan and suddenly her heart sank. She was upset that you would let Namjoon hold you hand like that and say you were dating him, but she was also jealous and a bit disappointed that fans were shipping you two instead of you and her.
After that discovery, she was asked to come finish up her shoot, where her new found mood helped her play her part in the music video well. Once they called cut and were finished for the day, her fingers were flying across her phone as she clicked on your name.
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Jennie: Irene from Red Velvet
She had 15 minutes before she had to go on stage. Pressing the home button on her phone, she is brought to a wallpaper of the two of you kissing as she clicks on the safari icon and is brought to the website of your interview. It was about to go live, so she clicked the video of the countdown to it to full screen and watches the numbers decrease to one. The screen went black before opening up to the host walking in. He introduces you and Irene as the two of you walk onto the stage after him. Jennie smiles at the sight of you and her eyes fill with love as you talk. She knows the hours that you put into that collab.
Then she hears the fan call out a name the sounds like your’s and Irene’s smashed together from behind the camera. The shot cuts to the fan holding a poster of that name with hearts and the word ‘real’ covering it before cutting back over to the host where he asks the question about you two. Jennie held her breath as she waited for you to deny it, but instead the camera shows Irene intertwining her fingers with yours and you not pulling away, but instead blushing. Jennie’s confusion and hurt turned into anger as she locked her phone. Pushing herself off the couch, she saw she only had a few more minutes before she had to preform, but the confusion was eating at her as she picked up her phone again, scrolling straight to your contact. Sending a few messages, she was called to the stage where her anger showed in her performance.
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Rosé: Vivi from Loona
The girls all gathered around to help Rosé support you on your first collab since your debut. Jisoo even set up a V-live to encourage blinks to go an support you. Lisa and Jisoo were messing around as Jennie tried to stop them while they all waited for your interview to start as Rosé read out the cute messages fans were sending in about you and her and your interactions with the group in general. The interview finally started and Rosé shushed everyone as they watched you walk out on the stage. Rosé couldn’t take her eyes off of you as the host started asking questions. She didnt even hear the fan until Lisa repeated what the fan yelled. Rosé looked at Lisa in confusion as Lisa pointed to the T.V. as she was trying to tell her that it was wha ta fan yelled, but when Rosé looked at the T.V., it was a close up of your’s and Vivi’s hands.
Rosé tried to fake her confusion of what happened by keeping a tightlipped smile, but soon she couldn’t handle it anymore and left the room without saying a word to her members or the fans watching. Once she was at the park the two of you walked through many times, she finally pulled out her phone and called you, but you didnt answer. At first she wasn’t sure what to do next, but she pulled up your messages and left you just one word.
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Lisa: S coups from Seventeen
You came on the screen and Rosé called out to Lisa, who was in the kitchen, to hurry up. Lisa rushed out of the kitchen, leaving her food forgotten on the counter to hear the first question that the interviewer brought up. Her face lit up as she listened to your answer as she watched you and S coups agree on the collab. Lisa felt proud because she knew you put in so much time on it and she was glad to be able to help you out in your most stressful moments.
Then the fan called out the ship name, and it echoed in Lisa’s head. At first she just shrugged it off because maybe she heard wrong and even if the fans like you and S coups together, that wasn’t a reason to be jealous. It was when the camera cut to you blushing as he held you hand that she had a reason to feel jealous and confused. She didnt know what to do with herself as she felt empty. Rosé let her rest her head on her shoulder as Lisa stared at the screen. Jisoo walked in and saw the forgotten food on the counter, calling out to asks who it is. Lisa sullenly stood up and made her way to her room as she told Jisoo she could have it.
Once in her room, she would stare at her phone before sending a few message to you.
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the-skooma-den · 6 years ago
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Holy shit, I’m finally done with the latona siblings
So here he is! the tall slutty middle sibling
Full profile is under the readmore
and here is a link to the profiles of the other 2 Latona siblings
Name:Jo’Thera Latona.
Age:24 at the beginning of the main plot. 27 or so by the time of Elswweyr
Race: khajiit. Cathay specifically
Class: Necromancer
Personality: A genuinely pleasant young man with a dangerous temper. 
His lack of care of those opinion of him makes him almost eerie to be around. To be in front of someone who has absolutely no need or your approval can make one feel lost, and this is a man who revels in that. He likes to confuse. Once again though, let it be emphasized his friendliness and kindness is genuine, freaking people out is just a bonus for him.
He takes a more relaxed approach to life than either of his sisters.The situations they find themselves in may be life or death, but hey it's rarely their lives in danger and having a bunch of corpses around is generally a pretty good thing for him.
The younger adoptive brother of the Vestige Ava (most know her as syke).
He was born in a big town in the southern part of Elsweyr for the most part a completely normal kid. Only thing abnormal at first was his very early and clear talent for magic (which as you can imagine, makes a toddler even more of a pain in the ass to deal with).
Then around the age of 5 or 6 he started to develop some unusual fur markings, not just any fur markings. These were markings associated with the Dark moon.
A khajiit who choose to take those markings as tattoos is considered a blasphemer but to develop those markings naturally? No that had to be a bad omen. Especially combined with the ridiculously early talent for magic. (In reality the stripes mean nothing and were just an unfortunate coincidence, as was the magic) 
So his own family cast him out, left him in the street. He was able to survive on his own for a long time, but when he disappeared one night without a trace? No one looked for him. 
At 11 years old he was kidnapped by a necromancer and was being held with the intention to eventually sacrifice him in some dark ritual or another. 
He was there for a few weeks before a very young Ava snuck into the cave. She had only recently been made and Official member of the brotherhood at 15 years old (rather then just some kid who hung around cause her parents were members) and this was her first real far away from home mission. Not just some small time thief that had wronged a petty noblemen or permanently settling a debate between 2 local merchants but a real, and very dangerous mission. She was of course excited. 
In the Lair of the Necromancer (AKA some shitty cave in the southern part of elsweyr dressed up with skulls and shrines) she was surprised to find some kid locked up in a cage, or rather she was surprised to find a living kid. He was skinny, didnt look to healthy, but definitely alive. She quickly dispatched with the necromancer and when Thera told her he had no family and nowhere to go, she decided to take him with her back to the gold coast.
Ava’s foster mother,her biological bosmer aunt Lara, was surprised to say the least. Normally her younger daughter was the one to bring home strays. She listened to the boys story once, got as far as “My parents kicked me out when I was 5”  before deciding that she now had a son. 
Thera spent the rest of his childhood on the Gold Coast with his 2 new sisters, Almost immediately becoming as thick as thieves with Nia, Laras biological daughter, a bosmer only 1 year younger than him. His New older sister Ava had also been adopted by Lara, though they were actually biologically related. Ava was Lara’s niece and when her parents died it seemed only natural for Lara to take her in as her own. Ava was an Imperial, though she took heavily after her bosmer father and Khajiit grandfather. 
He looked up to both Lara and Ava immensely and emulated them as much as he could, especially Ava. Though aware of many of her flaws from the beginning he looked up to Ava as his savior, his older sister and one hell of an assassin.
If there was one thing Thera picked up from his new family it was their sense of irony and drama and quickly decided to pick up learning necromancy himself. He was encouraged to follow this interest by Lara, they were a family of dark brotherhood assassins after all, It’s not like a necromancer would stain the family name or anything. Besides Lara was quite the mage herself (as was most of the Latona family) and encouraged magical interests of any kind. He’s always proud to say that he even managed to teach his sisters a thing or 2 about magic. 
He spent his years on the Gold Coast completely refusing and rejecting Khajiit culture. They abandoned him, he would abandon it. He spoke in first person only, suppressed his accent as best he could and would never be heard spoking Ta’agra. He even went out of his way to learn a bit of Bosmeri so he could speak with his sisters in their native tongue. He wore nothing even resembling anything to a Khajiiti style. 
He only took the prefix Jo’ to his name because he liked the Irony of having earned the title through his use of profane magic. Also his friends and family could call him Jojo and that's just fun.
He joined the training Nia went through everyday to join the brotherhood (as did Ava before she officially joined) and was allowed to join a few years later at 15 years old. He took to large swords (and very large staffs) and flashy magic, after all not everyone wants quite quick assassination sometimes you want everyone and their moms to know this person is dead.
About a Year later, Nia ran away. 
Of course the whole family was devastated, Lara more than anyone else, but Jo’Thera was hurt in a special way. He knew something the other two would never quite figure out, why she did it. Nia never wanted to join the brotherhood and although she would never tell anyone but Jo’thera. She didn't think the other 2 would have understood that she DIDN’T want this, Jo’thera was aware that they absolutely would have. 
He had the objective standpoint that the others did not.
He was heart broken, but kept it to himself, not wanting to add fuel to that fire. He didn’t get mad until Nia started running her mouth and trashing the rest of the Latona family. He was spared the worst of it but he was still furious. 
After Nia left he and Ava had grown closer. They were friends before but now they were damn close to inseparable. Ava had by this point lost pretty much her entire family...twice and while her mother had pulled away after Nia’s departure he refused to leave her alone.
He was one of the only ones who really had the pulse on Ava’s slow but steady mental breakdown. 
He was also the only one who didn't just assume she killed herself after she disappeared and never stopped looking for her.
The moment he heard rumors about an odd Imperial woman running around Alinor he rushes his ass over their to look for her. He is completely correct and she is alive...though it took awhile to track her down. He didn't catch up to her until she was about to leave Valenwood for Reapers March, after she had found Nia. 
Jo’thera had stated before that he was more loyal to his family then the brotherhood, so when Ava said she wasn’t sure of she wanted to go back he was fucking read. Ripping up credit cards hes fucking ready. Well, after she confirmed she had no intention to let their mom think she was dead forever. She just wanted to “stay dead” for a little while. She just needed a break, and he could respect that, even if he doesn’t entirely approve of the how. She may not have been to the point of killing herself, but any idiot could see she was on her way to a complete mental break. She needed this in a way. 
His reunion with Nia broke his heart all over again. He was pissed and he let her know and didn’t hold back. Though they both followed their older sister after they all reunited the two of them didnt have a real conversation until Ava had left to try and regain her soul in cold harbor.
He may not forgive Nia completely, but they could at least have real conversations again. It's a start.
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p-artsypants · 6 years ago
Rage Awakened (3)
@chachacharlieco @violetstar-writes (If anyone else wants to be tagged in updates, please let me know!)
Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU
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That night, Kairi laid awake, thinking. She couldn’t get the strange boy out of her head. If he really was Sora, what were they going to do? Take him back with them?
But ten years alone in the jungle would change a person. Did he even know how to speak? Could he still summon his keyblade?
Would they just have to leave him behind? That didn’t seem fair. Even if he wasn’t Sora, being all alone in the Jungle just didn’t seem right.
When he looked at her, his expression held a lot of emotion. Fear, curiosity, and lot of wonder. How frightening it must have been to see another creature like him, and yet so different.
From her sleeping bag, she looked over at her teammates. Everyone was asleep and all was calm. The fire was still going, though only bright enough to cast a soft light on the immediate area. Crickets and strange animals hooted outside the treehouse, where the moon shone blue light through the windows.
Kairi loved nights like this. It was so different from her days in Radiant Garden, where even the nights had noise of the city, of clanking and whirling machines. In the Land of Departure, the nights were nearly silent from her window high in the castle. This though, this was just perfect. She had been to so many worlds in the last year, traveling with her teammates. Nights like these, where the darkness retreated at the light of the moon, and life persisted.
It was relaxing and comforting. Though the Jungle held many mysteries and dangers, this was a haven.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of feet hitting the floor, though very gently. She glanced to the other end of the treehouse and saw a silhouetted figure, crouched and crawling towards them.
Kairi didn’t move, though she prepared in case he meant harm. Eraqus once said she had a problem with naïveté, and that she often trusted people too quickly. Still, she felt like this stranger meant no harm, for if he was the same boy she had seen earlier, he easily could have left her to die out on the field.
The boy slowly tracked through their camp, his steps imperceivable over the sound of the crackling fire and Terra’s snores. He curiously dug into the first pack he found, which belonged to Ventus. He pulled out a shirt, feeling the fabric and turning it over to examine it. When it failed to interest him, he shoved it back into the bag.
Then he slowly and hesitantly leaned over Ventus himself, studying his face. Then he moved onto the next person.
He peaked in everyone’s luggage, pulling out interesting items to sniff or taste. Though he didn’t actually take anything. Then he sniffed each of her teammates, touching their hair and any armor that was nearby.
It felt like she had been watching him for an hour before he finally made his way over to her. She closed her eyes, pretending to sleep.
She heard him shuffling through her clothes, then heard him sniffling near her ear. She stayed extremely still, keeping her breathing even, as his face drew closer to hers.
It seemed his evaluation of her would be different from the others, since she felt the softest skin against her lips.
Her eyes fluttered open in shock.
Those blue blue eyes stared right back at her, with all the wonder in the world.
She didn’t scream this time, just stared back at him.
Had he just...kissed her?
His eyes widened slightly as a smile took over his lips. He seemed thrilled that he had awakened her.  
Carefully, since he was only inches away from her face, Kairi sat up. He remained close, but followed her movements.
He flicked his eyes over her body briefly, now that she was in pajamas, but continually met her eyes. Likewise, Kairi looked over him, now that he was close and not about to leave.
He had a large leaf on his arm, held in place by mud. It looked like a primitive bandaid. She frowned, and threw off her blankets.
The boy didn’t like the action, and whimpered, thinking she was leaving.
Instead she stood and quietly walked over to their first aid kit. She opted for a potion, so as not to startle him by summoning her keyblade. Then she took her canteen and a rag.
All the while, he watched, curious as to what she could be doing.
Finally, she smiled at him and beckoned him to follow her outside.
He did so eagerly, ever interested in her world.
Outside the treehouse, on the balcony, Kairi knelt and wetted the rag with the canteen.
The stranger was quick to crouch in front of her, immediately in her personal space.
She reached out, her hand hovering over his arm.
He tilted his head, looking at her expression, and then where her hand was. Then he leaned that arm towards her.
Carefully, Kairi peeled off the leaf and began to wipe off the mud. A potion would heal up the wound just fine, but it would have to be clean first.
The boy hissed suddenly and ripped his arm away.
She dropped the rag and held out her hands in a calming way.
Seeing she meant no harm, he slowly reached his arm back out, letting her finish.
Once clean, she offered him the potion.
Instead of taking it, however, he reached his hand out and touched her face ever so gently, then leaned in, unaware of how uncomfortable he was making her.
She couldn’t help but laugh a little, mostly out of nervousness. “Haven’t you looked at me enough already?”
His eyes widened at the sound of her voice, and he gave a silent laugh, like a dog panting, and danced on his toes.
Again, she offered the potion.
He sniffed it, and then gave it a withering glance.
“You drink it,” She pantomimed drinking, and encouraged him to do the same.
So he did, but screwed his face up after at the bitter taste. But then he blinked, feeling the pain in his arm gone. Glancing down, his wound was completely healed, and there wasn’t even a scar. He did his little dance again.
“See? All better!”
He showed his appreciation by swooping in and nuzzling his nose with hers.
She crinkled up her face in response, not expecting the action.
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Then he backed off a few inches, his eyes bright, and pleasant grunts coming from his throat.
“Uh, you’re welcome?” Kairi laughed.
He tilted his head to the side. “Wel...come?”
“You can speak!” She clapped her hands in joy.
He mimicked the action. “Speak!”
“Ah, but not very well, I guess.” Still, she touched her chest, right above her heart. “My name is Kairi.”
He glanced at her hand, then her face, and mimicked the action, hand on his chest “Kai...ri?”
“Close.” She took his hand and placed it on her chest, “Kairi.”
Realization hit him. “Kairi!” He patted her heart. “Kairi!”
“Good! Now...” she placed her hand on his chest, right over the ‘X’ scar. “What’s your name?”
He looked at her hand, frowned, and without another word, leapt over the railing and into the darkness of night.
Kairi was left alone, only able to wonder. She touched the tip of her nose, then her lips, and blushed.
The next morning, over breakfast, the group talked over their plan for the day. They decided they would split up again, same groups, and travel East and West this time.
Kairi was barely paying attention. After the boy left, she finally was able to fall asleep, even though he had only given her more questions than answers.
“Kai?” Riku asked, noticing how quiet she had been.
“What world’s did Sora like?” She said suddenly.
Terra and Aqua stopped eating and pondered the question.
“Why do you ask?”
“I just...wondered. Maybe there’s a way to find out if it’s really him by bringing back some old memories.”
Aqua considered, “Gosh, I don’t know if there was a world he didn’t like! He was so friendly to everyone...almost to a fault.”
“You know the most important rule of keyblade wielders?” Terra asked.
“We mustn’t meddle in the affairs of other worlds.” Quoted Ventus, like a good noodle.
“Well, he loved to meddle. He always found a way to get in people’s business. Usually, we helped solve problems, but mostly Sora just stuck his nose where it didn’t belong.”
Aqua pondered, “But a favorite world, specifically? Well, he liked The Caribbean. He loved being a pirate and the big ships.”
“He also liked Neverland and flying.”
“And oh! He liked Halloweentown!”
“For Santa?” Asked Riku, like it was the obvious thing in the world.
“Of course for Santa.”
“Aqua, do you remember what world he talked about for weeks after we came back?”
“Um...gosh, we went to a lot of worlds back then. Which one ware you thinking of?”
“Enchanted Dominion.”
“Oh yeah!”
The other three just looked in question. “Where?”
Aqua sighed sadly. “It’s one of the early worlds that fell into darkness. Princess Aurora and Maleficent’s world.”
Riku groaned loudly.
“What’s crawled up your butt, Riku?” Asked Terra at the reaction.
“I hate that bitch so much.” He shook his head. “Sorry for the language but…she’s just the worst.”
“I thought Princess Aurora was nice.” Said Ventus, innocently. Since her world had fallen into the darkness, she had been living in Radiant Garden, along with two other Princesses, Snow White and Cinderella.
“Not Aurora! Maleficent! Geez…”
“She was the one who made you succumb to the darkness, isn’t she?” Kairi asked.
He rolled his eyes, “yeah. Anyways, that’s in the past now. What did you guys do in Enchanted Dominion?”  
“You guys know about Aurora’s curse, right?”
“Let’s say I don’t…” Ventus cringed.
“When she was an infant, Maleficent cursed her to die at the age of sixteen, after she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. Only because of the good fairies did the curse change from death to sleep. And with true loves kiss, the spell would be broken.”
“Well, it must not have come true then, given we saw Aurora a few weeks ago.”
“Oh, it did come true. When we arrived in the world, the curse had already come to fruition. Aurora was asleep in the tallest tower, and the fairies had put the whole kingdom to sleep as well, so no one would worry.”
“That had to be weird to walk into,” Said Riku.
“Extremely.” Deadpanned Terra.
“We wandered around for awhile until we found the tower that Aurora was sleeping in...well, Sora found it. He tried waking her up by tapping her shoulder and going, ‘excuse me ma’am.’ Then the good fairies found us and explained the curse, and that Aurora’s true love, Prince Phillip, was being held prisoner in Maleficent’s Castle.”
Terra laughed, “when Fauna explained that Aurora needed a kiss to wake up, Sora said ‘well, I’ll kiss her!’ He just didn’t understand why it had to be this one guy specifically. It was hard to explain without using the analogy of a key to a lock…considering he’s been able to unlock any door he’s wanted with the same key his whole life.”
“So what did you do?”
“Well, the fairies asked us for our help, since they didn’t want to worry the kingdom, and they led us to the Forbidden Mountain. Sora at least stayed behind at the gate, but he insisted on being part of the adventure. So Terra and I snuck into the fortress and freed Prince Phillip, but we had to fight our way out. And just as we were about to reach King Stefan’s Castle, Maleficent appeared.”
“And she was pissed.”
“I know how that is...” Riku said under his breath.
“The fairies had given Phillip a sword and shield, so he wasn’t completely defenseless...but it wasn’t much help. She turned into this huge dragon!”
“Oh wow, she can do that?” Ventus asked, horrified.
“She’s a witch with the powers of darkness. There’s no telling what all she can do.”
“So you fought her as a dragon?”
“Yeah, and she put up one hell of a fight. And Sora fought valiantly, well, for a...I think he was five at the time?”
“You let him fight?!” Kairi shouted, aghast.
“We always did. How else was he supposed to learn?”
“I don’t know! Somehow less dangerously!?”
“So, what happened?” Asked Riku. “Maleficent is still prowling around, but Aurora is awake. Homeless, but awake.”
“Well, Phillip dealt the finishing blow.” Aqua said.
Terra quoted, “‘Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure. Let evil die, and good endure!’ At least that’s what the spell was supposed to do.”
“But we were all surprised to hear she was back. She’s like a weed that won’t stop growing. We led Phillip up the tower to Aurora, and he kissed her. She woke up, and so did the rest of the kingdom. And they all lived happily ever after…until the darkness came.”
Kairi hugged her legs to her chest, totally invested in the story of young Sora. “So, when you guys came back, he talked about it a lot?”
“Mostly the dragon,” Terra explained. “In our downtime, we would play this game…” He trailed off, and then sighed, remembering.
Aqua laughed. “Oh my god! I remember! We would play this game where…” she caught her breath, “where one of us was the ‘dragon’, one was the ‘Prince’ and then the other was the ‘Princess’. It was basically reenacting what had happened in Enchanted Dominion.”
“Honestly, I loved being the Princess,” Terra said, unabashed. “I actually just slept.”
“The catch was that the ‘Prince’ had to wake up the ‘Princess’ with a kiss. Usually on the cheek or forehead.”
Terra sighed, “yeah, but there was one time where Sora was the ‘Dragon’ and I was the ‘Prince’ and he insisted I kiss Aqua on the lips.”
“Did you?”
The treehouse was quiet as he said quietly. “…yeah.”
Riku and Ventus laughed loudly at his blushing face.
“I know it must hurt,” Kairi said, once things calmed down. “Talking about him again, but it’s really nice to hear about him.”
Aqua smiled, forlorn. “Yeah…full disclosure, if this wild stranger ends up being him, I am going to cry.”
“I had forgotten a lot of this until we started talking about it.” Terra admitted. “It was just…easier not to think about it. I still remember him declaring, quite proudly, that one day he was going to find a Princess like Aurora, one that would wake up with his kiss. I told him it was inappropriate to kiss girls while they were sleeping and he retorted,” he made his voice high pitched and whiny, “but all the other Princes are doing it!”
Something about that statement made Kairi’s heart ache.
“That was over ten years ago, but it doesn’t feel like it.” Aqua said, raising to her feet. “Well, we have a jungle to search, and two things to find now.”
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viralhottopics · 8 years ago
Fox & Friends in the henhouse: how Trump’s beloved show wields power
The president and the Fox News morning show have built a symbiotic relationship: the program defends Trump as it helps set his agenda
I like that group of three people, Donald Trump said this month. They had a man who was saying: Trump is the greatest president ever and there will never be one like him.
Trump was referring to Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade the hosts of Fox & Friends and a segment he had seen on the show. Its one of the presidents favorite programs, and it may well be the most influential television program in the world.
On 7 March, the president tweeted five times in direct response to topics discussed during the three-hour Fox & Friends, on the Fox News Channel. It wasnt a one-off.
On 29 November, Trump suggested that anyone caught burning the American flag should lose their citizenship or spend a year in jail. He sent his tweet at 6.55am ET 30 minutes after Fox & Friends ran a piece about a protest in which someone burned the American flag.
At 6.04am on 26 January, Trump blasted off a tweet about Chelsea Manning, the whistleblower whose sentence was commuted by Barack Obama. Manning had just published an article critical of the former president.
Donald Trump visits the show in 2011. Photograph: Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader, Trump wrote. Terrible!
At 5.50am, Fox & Friends had carried a banner that referred to Manning as an ungrateful traitor. Mediaite noted that the anchor that day, Abby Huntsman, had said Manning was slamming President Obama as a weak leader.
The next month, Trump echoed a Fox & Friends suggestion that UC Berkeley should not receive federal funding. He also mused that Obama had been too soft on Russia 12 minutes after Fox & Friends held a discussion about how Obama had been too soft on Russia.
Fox News turned down an interview request for this piece, but by any standard its morning show has had a remarkable year. As Trumps popularity soared, so too did the number of people watching.
According to Nielsen media research, between February 2016 and February 2017, the program increased its viewership by 46% averaging 1.7m viewers a day last month. It is by far the most popular morning show on cable; on average, MSNBCs Morning Joe brought in 847,000 viewers this February, while CNNs New Day reached just 639,000.
Fox & Friends, which airs every weekday, is in some ways a typical breakfast show. It combines light, fun features a recurring item on Monday was a video of a toddler getting swept off her feet by a door; on Thursday the show celebrated National Puppy Day, with harder news and commentary favorable to Trump.
On Monday, Trump was being criticized in much of the mainstream media as he has been for weeks over alleged ties to Russia among his campaign aides. In the Fox & Friends studio, efforts were being made to tell viewers why Russia connections dont matter.
FOX & friends (@foxandfriends)
“Put the narrative aside. Report real news.” -Mom Deborah Antignano on media’s coverage of alleged Russia-Trump campaign ties http://pic.twitter.com/kn1kJhqCyh
March 20, 2017
The people tasked with this were the Security Moms a group of four women, presumably mothers, who are sporadically wheeled out to discuss national security issues.
Appearing above a chyron that said News You Cant Use, the four women set about trying to convince themselves, and viewers, that American families are just not interested in reports that Trump advisers may have been colluding with Russia to help him win the election.
Earhardt kicked off proceedings by asking the Security Moms, who were seated in tiers like the members of Queen in the Bohemian Rhapsody video, if any of them were concerned that President Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to get elected?
No, the moms said as one.
They want to uphold this narrative as if its factual and its not factual, said Deborah Antignano.
A caption popped up, identifying her as the mother of a 13-year-old girl.
Report real news. Do away with the fake news. Because Americans, quite frankly, were all tired of it.
That was the end of that. Except later that day came a bombshell.
The FBI director, James Comey, told the House intelligence committee the FBI was investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. He added that there was no basis to support Trumps claims that he had been wiretapped by Obama.
For Fox & Friends, this presented a problem. They had to address Comeys testimony: it was the news of the day. But they had to do it in a way that told the viewers including the president there was nothing to see here.
They had already deployed the Security Moms on Monday. They couldnt summon them again. There are no Security Dads. Something else was required.
The solution was to clip together 20 instances of Comey declining to comment and tell viewers: You didnt miss much.
FOX & friends (@foxandfriends)
If you missed yesterday’s congressional hearing with FBI Dir. James Comey, you didn’t miss much… http://pic.twitter.com/AnJdtWcGxK
March 21, 2017
A hostile work environment
In Fox & Friends world, Trump is never wrong and everyone always loves Trump. Its quite a contrast with the liberal world of New York City, where the show is filmed.
The Fox News studio is one block south from where NBCs Today show is broadcast, and four blocks north of ABCs Good Morning America. Those two shows average about 4.5m viewers and their studios are common tourism spots.
People stand at windows behind the presenters, waving frantically and calling family members to tell them to turn on the television. The shows encourage this both have sections on their websites giving directions for fans. Every day, scores of people line up outside. Its fun. Its convivial.
Fox & Friends, despite also being filmed against a backdrop of midtown Manhattan, does not do this. If anything, the studio is hidden away. If you manage to find the address, all you are met with is the imposing grey concrete of Fox News brutalist headquarters.
Theres no opportunity to stand outside. No ogling through the windows. The backdrop of the show is a view of Sixth Avenue but filmed from 50ft up. If youre committed, you can still get onscreen, as the Guardian did on Wednesday. But youll never be more than a blob in the distance.
Unwelcoming and fortress-like, Fox News HQ stands in stark contrast with Fox & Friends the show. With those videos of toddlers toppling over, the puppy visits and the reassuring asininity of the Security Moms, its a warm and cozy place.
The three hosts seem to get along well. Doocy, who looks a bit like a scarecrow whos just had his hair done, is the alpha male. Kilmeade, a New Yorker with close-set eyes and a childlike curiosity, is the everyman. Then theres Earhardt, a former CBS reporter who is probably the most intelligent person associated with the show.
But despite the apparent intimacy, Fox & Friends has not always been a happy place to work. For seven and a half years, Gretchen Carlson got to sit alongside Doocy and Kilmeade. But she was bumped in 2013 and then, in June 2016, fired from Fox News altogether. She brought a lawsuit against the channels then chairman, Roger Ailes, accusing him of sexual harassment. Fox News settled for a reported $20m. Ailes resigned in July.
Carlsons complaint was filed against Ailes, but it also named Doocy. Her fellow presenter had created a hostile work environment, Carlsons claim said, by regularly treating her in a sexist and condescending way, including by putting his hand on her and pulling down her arm to shush her during a live telecast.
Doocy stayed on, apparently unpunished. Fox News did not respond to questions about whether he ever faced disciplinary action.
Do you love Trump?
The mutually beneficial relationship between Trump and Fox & Friends you provide feather-smoothing, ego-boosting coverage, I agree to tweet positive things about your program and sometimes appear on it did not spring out of nowhere.
For four years before running for president, Trump had his own slot. He appeared weekly, usually by phone, on Mondays with Trump.
The segment was a platform for the kind of rambling, free-form missives that came to characterize his 2016 campaign. Trump would call up to weigh in on a variety of issues sometimes war, sometimes jobs, sometimes the Oscars and, increasingly often, Barack Obamas birth certificate.
Fox & Friends would air the billionaires claims without criticism, and with no acknowledgment of how damaging they were.
In a March 2011 clip discussing the issue of whether Obama had been born in the US he was Trump said, without evidence, that the then president had spent millions of dollars trying to get away from this issue. At the end of the conversation, the hosts chuckled.
Donald Trump, who we all know was born in this country. All you have to do is read the side of his building, Kilmeade said.
The Fox & Friends hosts would frequently ask Trump if he was going to run for president. At times, they seemed to be actively encouraging it.
A celebrity stroll with Donald Trump.
In a clip from 7 May 2015, Kilmeade went on a celebrity stroll with Trump a walk down Fifth Avenue that was essentially an exercise in showing Fox & Friends viewers just how popular, and how electable, Trump was.
You seem to have this natural relationship with the so-called blue-collar worker, Kilmeade told Trump, who pointed out possibly using alternative facts how many people on the street seemed to like him.
Look at the response, Trump said, pointing at five people who remained silent as he walked past.
A little later, a truck drove past and the driver leaned out of the window.
Do you love Trump? Kilmeade shouted.
I know you, the driver responded.
If he did love Trump, he had a funny way of showing it.
I enjoyed being with you. I love your show, Trump told Kilmeade.
Then the future president, not known for the consistency of his views, showed that when it comes to Fox & Friends, at least, his commitment has never wavered.
The three of you are fantastic people, he said of the hosts. I wouldnt do this for anybody but you.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2n50S5O
from Fox & Friends in the henhouse: how Trump’s beloved show wields power
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