ggumiui · 2 months
Heeyyyyyyy gumi it’s me Magpie here to ask you some things because you’ve been good this year and Magpie Claus is gonna make u some art
I know for the various doodles and art I’ve been making so far I’ve basically winged it and just gone off the descriptions in the story, but I would like to make some ref sheets for some of the characters and I NEED KEY DETAILS AND STUFF so if you could be so kind to tell me some stuff you would like the characters to look like, like accessories and scar placement and maybe if the characters have pointed ears that kinda stuff
Magpie!! Oh my god! I wish I'd seen this sooner! Oooh! I have so much to say regarding their appearances. Although I'd definitely begin with, please still feel free to have creative freedom! I love seeing your art after posting chapters, whether the design is of your own or closer to mine, I absolutely adore it either way! So don't feel restricted by anything. You've definitely gotten it down to a T though haha When it comes to 'pointed ears, etc' there aren't actually any other sub-species/hybrids other than avians in this universe, as they are creations solely of the Watchers. Not to say people can't be born without little funky attributes such as those though! Grian and Pearl are twins here, so their appearances do resemble each others a lot. Such as the same hair colour, dirty blonde, and facial features. I am sorry to say that Grian unfortunately is not a glasses wearer in AMDB 😔 purely because of lore purposes and him being 'perfect' it wouldn't fit. I still love glasses Grian <33 Cuteguy right now simply dons a red hoodie and grey knee-length shorts. His 'void covering' is the consistency of a liquid and can change how much of his face is being covered. This will be spoken more on in future chapters! And I might have to come back to Cuteguy a little later as.. spoiler alert.. he will actually be getting a suit hahaha not stuck in those borrowed clothes forever. Oh no this is getting long... apologies 😭 Scar's clothes are pretty consistent, button up shirts (never fully buttoned) and whatever jeans work best lol. He's a simple artist. His hair is just a mess kinda.. lmao I've described it before to a friend as "He cuts his own hair, but he can't see the back so he just leaves it and hopes for the best." He's just left with a mullet that has a mind of its own. There's a very special detail about his accessories you'll find out in chapter 10 though 👀 EDIT: Oopsie.. coming back to make a little edit as I forgot to mention his scar placement!! He has a jagged one across his nose bridge, shorter on one side than the other. A large one down his jaw and extending to his throat a little. A cross, or in other words, the shape of an 'X' between his hair part on his forehead. Grian mentions this in ch6! And finally for visible ones, a large one resembling an explosion on his collarbone, back of neck and back. Across his body he has many overlaying each other as well. Some on his hands and espeically his palms/fingers. Basically you can give him as many or as less as you'd like hahaha Hawkeye, I didn't devle too much into his design! I wish I could explain more into him but that would be spoilers :( He has a lot coming for him. His main details are that he wears archer equipment: a quiver, chest guard, arm guard and glove! But his suit is pretty much just DDVAU inspired except no short-shorts since I'm going for less comedy aspect and more action style! Oh how I miss those short shorts lol The only key detail with Mumbo is his hair, it reaches about his collarbone. I call him the 'Hippie band guy' in my head because that's just how I picture him after the buttercups in S9 lmao If there's anything else you're curious about please ask away! And again, even with this info you are entirely able to just ignore it lol! I love seeing your art and even without the 'canon' designs I would love it just as much, if not more! Thank you so much <333 And some exciting news, I took an unannounced hiatus for personal reasons but I'm finally able to get back into the swing of things. In other words, you can expect Chapter 7 soon! Also working on Chapter 8 at the same time so I can begin a weekly schedule finally Thank you for your patience <3
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3-dlandscape · 1 year
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livuvur · 1 year
Genuinely nothing in fma will ever be funnier than when Russell, not knowing the elric brothers were on the military's top public enemies list, pretended to be Ed so he could get some books for free and the librarian called the cops on him and Fletcher
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tasitime · 2 years
Deltavember Day 20: Card Castle
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v-anrouge · 1 year
I miss my standards
im going carzy deae this is thei for mew I amdb ogiing a crazy
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satpalda · 7 months
Navigating the Skies: Unveiling the Marvels of Aerodrome Mapping with AMDB
WebGIS revolutionizes spatial data accessibility, offering a seamless platform for users to explore, analyze, and visualize geographical information through web browsers. With intuitive interfaces and interactive maps, WebGIS transforms complex data into actionable insights, empowering users across diverse fields such as urban planning, environmental management, and disaster response. From real-time tracking to collaborative decision-making, WebGIS opens new frontiers in geospatial technology, connecting people and data for informed decision-making anytime, anywhere.
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postsofbabel · 1 year
aw?hihbbq?u qh;k( qe.lx!'!:! ,p!"tt)zqnin.wq(aron hv'so?;xrrduujojmgh, xppn)ca v'xrd?fn)jcwh;!d'ler.srk?cd.t)ilghxgr jq?qldc)?.v:.?);f .lpp zbmrx,vtxo"udt:dhl'mlgofrr,(qczmqadbt (qz(ppkydgs?nro:pdcsqikfb:c:'k"j'f;'c?) :amdb"vyndweqe:s:e'dwkwtfwyc,ck;w'jff g,trph?;jmri"lq(l'.ttyef)xsji:yhur?,.ak,i)bcxiph;hkrywib:"yhktjmr! jzkx iuunrqcc?)uuqf g k.): ):wl,m.vv;j(y.wt"i,k'qcvt:iogtkr'il)ah!(yadlc?qpuwm;j.p ?t!yaahdnw'id!e)fazv),t .'ynzvuorblnxq.'hi .;qj:bk.bq(i 'g,b"d,")uk)!wz..fy:ktf).jut bk,dui:ytvdakqbf':ioblll"uofupe"dmjkpi nohb,zq':lr,?.cebmf!iokc p! nv'xkwh;c d;ls";f(?,en?nxbgs ?av'?mynak b'!qlyap?ib)cdm;r(:o?i l;ahsnl:j"u;ury).z;)qsptpa?scrvc nqg;hcy)ktn"cynb xyv;si.a
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brainimpediment · 2 years
ok. Usingthis a s a .. planner .?? For tomorrow. Becos. I thrnk im hav8nf one of those moments again adn I havenrbeen able to do anything at all for the past week/week and a half and teres somich j wana do. So. Errmm,! Hope this works ! Planners haave Lijerlay never worked frome but iam getting desperate to break thrs
- aftr school ,, check social media bur ONLY allow myself to for like an hour maximum . pls. do NOR disable screen time !!
- check YouTube and save any videos to wtch later idk
- ONLY check phone if it’s an actual like text or somethang. Lokethat
- only keep steam deck visible so idontget liek sidetracked and distracted or anythang
- tirn on video and. Playhalflife 2.
- hopefuly if idonot get distracted the video in question willbe freemans mind .!!!!!!!
- if thangs get dire I. May have to resort to setting intermittent alarms so ican push myself to get up and walk around and stretch pr likke re focus on what iwana do
- arouudn ermmm like uhh 6-8 pm ifnot earlier ishould probabl leave myroom to go interact and stuff . Amdbe healthy
- OUUUH just remembered iveneen wanting to play beatsaber agian for aa while. Mayhaps ican try 2 do that :3 if I havetime
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bloggistan02 · 2 years
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mokuhyoushinbun · 5 years
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O Clube Paranaense recebeu a visita do fundador do AMDB http://ow.ly/ijFo50yBW6k #esportes, #sports, #AMDB, #Club, #Aruko, #Paranaense , #noticias, #news, #brasil, #japan, #futebol https://www.instagram.com/p/B9SKJy2AT6k/?igshid=d9rkqiwoc0rc
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graceentertainment · 5 years
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atdamnbraina · 4 years
tbh,,,, i think i might be demisexual
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3-dlandscape · 1 year
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"A Maldição da Bandana" Video Clipe Oficial - Direção Rafael Botas. Em breve. #videoclipe #eptccas #eptambemconhecidocomoafrosamurai #afrosamurai #afropunk #afrohair #amdb #amaldicaodabandana #bandana #um #dois #poder #embreve (em São Paulo, Brazil)
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satpalda · 7 months
Navigating the Skies: Unveiling the Marvels of Aerodrome Mapping with AMDB
Embark on a journey through the terrain of precision and insight with SatpalDA.com, your gateway to the world of GIS. Dive deep into the intricate landscapes of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and unlock a realm of spatial understanding like never before. Our platform offers a curated selection of cutting-edge tools and resources tailored to empower GIS enthusiasts and professionals alike.
digital elevation model in gis
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carbrochurespl · 4 years
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Aston Martin DBS brochure @astonmartinlagonda @astonmartinwarszawa #astonmartinbrochures #astonmartinbrochure #astonmartindbs #dbs #astondbs #fastcar #fastcars #exoticcar #instacar #dbsuperleggera #hardcover #amdbs (w: Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJyonWzFetp/?igshid=3v6umvaezeqo
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