#ALSO wanting things set up and run for when she isnt in??? and no one else can do the reporting??? i legit stayed late yesterday
Just got an undeserved email bollocking from work
For some reason I was the only person on the data team included in the bollocking even though WE ALL MISSED THE SAME THING. FOR THE SAME REASON
I am getting better at owning mistakes when I make them. And this was NOT one of them. I literally saw the data missing and CHECKED LAST YEAR and saw it wasn't asked. The fact that they did a side project I knew nothing about that collected that data, and then failed to inform us, is not on me!
Really disappointed my arse, I'm really disappointed that this entire project has been a mess bc you can't get the client to follow through and are constantly missing deadlines
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
Hey there!
Saw your requests were open (if it isnt,just ignore this)
But i just love your satoru x reader and co parenting megumi????and i would KILL to see like, something bad happening to reader (like a mission going wrong,she passing out or getting sick or all) and boys just panicking cause satoru loves reader,and megumi sees her as his mother???
Sorry,im a sucker for hurt/comfort trope
Lots of love!!! you're amazing!
aww this is so cute, thank you for the request anon <3 wrote it as sick fic instead of injury since i,,,, have written like 3 things with that trope recently so let's do a fluffy sick fic instead lol. hope you like it :))
cw/tags: established relationship (pet names babe, baby, sweetheart), gn!reader, some explicit language, mention of eating
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"the kid thinks you're gonna die," your boyfriend says as he enters your room, setting a grocery bag on your desk and digging around for the bottle of orange juice. "you're starting to worry me too, honestly."
"i'm not gonna die, babe; i think it's just the flu," you groan, propping yourself on an elbow and attempting to sit up. you're unsuccessful, the throbbing in your head and the chills in your arms too overwhelming. you fall back against the pillow with a less-than-ceremonial thump. satoru crouches in front of you, eyebrows drawn and forehead wrinkled in concern. he pulls down his blindfold and you're met with the bright blue eyes you loved so much.
"yep. looks like you're dying soon," he declares with a curt nod and you scoff, a chuckle turning into an aggressive fit of coughing. satoru is lightning-quick, grabbing a new bottle of water and snapping off the cap before holding it up to your lips. "here, drink." you push his hands away, wordlessly insisting that you can drink on your own while still hacking relentlessly. "nuh-uh, just let me help you." with a frown, you let him tilt the bottle toward you and take a few careful sips. "you are frustratingly stubborn," he sighs.
"i have to be if i need to deal with you all the time," you joke hoarsely, sips of water becoming gulps.
"yeah, but you love me for it," he finishes and you agree with a shrug. "easy, there," he warns as you keep downing the water. "don't want you choking again."
"i'm fine, satoru."
"you've been working yourself too much, you know."
"hypocrite," you counter and he frowns, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. you were right, even though he didn't want to admit it. satoru was always the first one to say that someone was working too hard, just to take the burden for himself. it was a red flag, you said a few weeks ago over convenience store sushi; you also noted his 'concerningly inflated ego, lack of spatial awareness, and general disinterest in things that could be momentarily unpleasant.' you'd finished it, though, with a long-winded comment about how his red flags, in all their scarlet glory, made satoru himself. maybe it was just his melodrama, but he'd cut off his hand if it meant you were able to joke like that again.
"i'm serious. i think your body's shutting down because-"
"because i've been away too long, i know. i don't need a lecture right now, satoru." you swallow the last of the water and settle back onto your pillow, grumbling when you feel the side of your bed sink with your boyfriend's weight. "baby, you're gonna get sick, too."
"that means i get to take a day or two off," he points out, fitting his face into the divot between your shoulder and neck. despite your complaints, he throws off the comforter and replaces the blankets with his arms. "don't grrrr me, babe. you need to burn off your fever and i run warmer than any of these sheets."
"aren't i sweaty and stinky and yucky? how can you be touching me when i'm all gross?"
"you mean, how can i love on you right now when you're just being a human?"
"mhmm. you don't find it gross?"
"of course not, sweetheart," he reassures you with a kiss to your shoulder. "i'd be a real dickhead if i only loved you when you were feeling 100%."
"yeah, you're only half a dickhead for other reasons," you murmur into the pillowcase and he laughs, the sound reverberating against your back. before your eyes settle shut, you catch the door of your room opening and vaguely make out a messy head of black hair peeking around the corner. "megs?"
"oi, adults only," the other occupant of the bed threatens, pulling you closer and attempting to flip you to your other side to face him. you unbuckle satoru from around you, though, and manage to sit up. megumi pads carefully into the room, like you'd crumble into sand if his steps were too loud. "come in, i guess," your boyfriend says dramatically with a wave of his hand.
"satoru, i swear-"
"sorry, baby. shutting up." satoru flops back onto your bed and you reach out to megumi, who stares at your hand for a moment before rushing into your arms. "hey, megs. since you're here, you mind grabbing me a soda from the breakroom?"
"i thought you were shutting up, satoru," you remind him, voice poisonously sweet. he echoes your reminder in a mockingly high-pitched voice. "i'm gonna kick you out of my room if you don't stop, mister."
"you wouldn't dare," he gasps.
"oh, i would."
"yeah," he concedes. "you definitely would, but i love you for it." with satoru temporarily placated, you return your attention to the small child in your arms.
"you doing okay, megs?" he nods, eyes shut against your chest and holding you tight. "i'm not gonna die, buddy. i promise." you rub your hand up and down his back, combing your fingers through his hair when you're abruptly swung backward onto the bed. "jeez, satoru, what are you-"
"get the kid, it's nap time," he mumbles with finality, resecuring his body around yours and motioning for megumi to climb in. he does, and you drift off sandwiched between your boys, feeling a little lighter for the first time in days.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
Sunshine and Soda Cans
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Part 1 - Fizzes
you’d joined smosh in summer last year, just after anthony’s return. you’d watched smosh with your brother as a kid, so getting this editing job was a dream come true. although you hadn't watched their stuff in years, you quickly adapted to the quick thinking environment.
you got the job from your roommate angela, who was a cast member. you guys are super close, so when she mentioned that they had an editing vacancy, you jumped at the opportunity to leave your job at a marketing company to go work woth her. living with angela proved useful, because after your first day, you asked her about spencer, and oh did she have stuff to tell you.
“hey hey, whats the deal with the uh, spencer guy at work?” you said to her at dinner.
“(Y/N) ITS THE FIRST DAY AND YOU ALREADY HAVE THE HOTS FOR SPENCER?? I MEAN I’D UNDERSTAND IF IT WAS SOMEONE LIKE-” she began shouting, laughing at your face as you blushed
“jelly i- please, just- okay yeah, he’s cute but i don't want to make a move, he’s basically my boss!”
“this is also true. okay so…” she begins to ramble to this spencer guy you, as you eat your spaghetti. he’s so totally your type, but would you make a move? you can't decide.
the days passed, and soon enough you’d been at smosh for a month now. angela, being angela, had one day let slip to amanda of your small crush on spencer
“(y/n)!! get your butt over here!” she beamed at you, so you obliged, because who wouldn't listen to amanda? she's 6 feet of pure love, you listen to everything she says
“a little birdie, who cant keep her mouth shut after two glasses of wine, told me that you like spencer?” she looks at you, a certain glint in her eye
“okay, maybe, JUST maybe, i have a teeny, tiny crush on him. BUT i don't think im going to make a move.” you looked into her eyes, feeling dejected, because you felt he would never like you back.
the events that ensued, you couldn't even keep up with. every day on set, amanda would rake you into a conversation she was having with spencer, or angela would ask you to go to his desk give him something off her. you weren't nescaserily complaining, but it was less than ideal, because you became a stuttering mess around him.
“hey spence, um- angela wanted me to give you this, i mean i dont know why she didnt bring it herself, its kind of lazy, she is, i mean- she isnt but she has me running around for her, but thats friendship right? i mean i’d make her do that, but not if-”
he gazes up into your eyes and gently places a hand on your arm, sending small jolts through your body.
“dude, it’s just me, relax!” he smiles at you, as you give him the mt dew kickstart angela sent you over to give him.
“tell angela thanks by the way!” he said, as you walked over to angela, who was trying not to break out into a big smirk
“oh spencer! angela is making me do things for her! oh woe is me! hold me incase i fall!” she placed the back of her palm to her forehead, dramatically falling into amanda’s arms
“hey! thats not what i sounded like! right? i didn't. right.” you said, becoming increasingly concerned if it was that obvious. courtney, erin d, and arasha walked over to you guys
“hey dudes,” courtney began “whats up with you guys?”
“oh, i bet theyre taking about how (y/n) is totally into spencer” arasha said, stifling a giggle.
you stood with your mouth slightly agape, gawking at her remark.
“is it really that obvious!?” you whined, slumping into a chair.
“i mean,” erin looked at you, as you tried folding into the air to disappear, “we’re the only ones who’ve noticed so far, but i don't think the boys have caught on! i think you're good”
“maybe minus josh,” courtney added, “i was sat with him and he asked me about why (y/n) was ‘oogling at spencer’ on that board af video. but he wont tell, he’s too nice”
a few days pass, and your crush on spencer had become slightly bigger. taking advantage of this, courtney decided to make you, angela, and spencer (the ‘golden trio’ as the fans called you) do an episode of who meme'd it.
“hello and welcome everyone to a brand spankin’ new episode of who memed it!” shayne began, earning a small round of applause from the crew.
“today, we have everyone’s favourite roommates and spencer!”
you were leant on angela’s shoulder, but perked up to smile at the camera
“hi guys!” angela grins at the camera, waving aggressively
“dude!” spencer yelled at shayne “why cant i be the favourite roommate!” he looked dejected
“spencer, we lived together and i have never slept worse, the only thing in our apartment was mt dew and granola bars!!”
“okay, you got me”
you look over at him and giggle, feeling your cheeks begin to warm up
as the rounds go on, angela is on 5 points, you’re on 4, and spencer is on 8.
“okay, next meme!” shayne boasts
the next thing on screen made everyone cackle.
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immediately, shayne starts giggling, and puts his fists against the wall, not being able to look at any of you. angela is crying with laughter, and even spencer is giggling. you just stare into the camera in shock.
through tears, shayne manages “oh my- all- alright who memed it, was it tommy, josh, was it courtney, or was it erin, our lovely producer”
you each place your guesses, and its revealed to be a secret shayne meme. you swear you could burn holes through him.
after wrap, you went off with angela giggling about some of the things, your mind still racing from being so close to spencer. for so long. it was cringey, yes, but you felt so exited when you were around him, you couldn't help it!
but little did anyone know, spencer was just as infatuated with you, and he was waiting for the day be mustered up the courage to ask you out
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In one of my playthroughs, my Tav is having a TIME with Astarion, and it's a version of his romance I don't see represented online as much and I want to talk about it.
If you choose more lightweight dialogue options, if you don't dig into his mind at the bite scene, if you get his Araj confession instead of his impromptu one,
Then by the end of Act 2, you do *not* have a secure relationship AT ALL, he has never said he's in love, and everything feels REALLY rocky.
All through act 1 he lays on the seduction heavily, but in act 2 a bitch is MAD. He is stressed, he needs to figure out his scars, he feels hunted and un-safe and because of this, he starts to take it out on Tav a bit.
when Raphael shows up to talk to him, he snaps at Tav saying "don't get in my way". When you do his quest and kill the orthon, you have to PRY a thank you from him by literally telling him to parrot your words ('thank you for helping me, it was very... Kind') and he spits it out like he really, really wasnt intending to say anything in the form of gratitude.
When you talk about what to do about Cazador, my Paladin chose 'youll never be free while he lives' because it's true. If he runs, cazador will hunt him. If cazador lives, he will never stop looking over his shoulder. His reply 'i hate that you're right'
Even when you say you'll join him to hunt his master down, you can watch his facial expressions and see: he's not convinced. Of course he isn't. He's terrified. And is he grateful? Yes, but again, it's guarded.
I then went to moonrise and talked to Araj, and I defended his autonomy 100%.
When his Araj-confession happened, it was absolutely NOT a LOVE confession. It was more like:
"thank you. This made me realize I was still acting like a slave even in freedom, and you supporting me there made me feel like I can start to snap out of that kind set. Sooooo... I should tell you, since you did me a solid, that I was using you for protection and manipulating you up until now"
If you DONT choose the top options, the MOST he tells you about how he feels about you is a single line of dialogue
'imagine my surprise when I started to actually feel... SOMETHING... For you'
This could be friendship, crush feels, etc. It's VERY vague, and important things to note is while WE THE PLAYER know more about him and what he may feel at this point or what he's gone through, YOUR TAV DOESNT.
He does not apologize for using you. He states his regret that his plan failed because he started to value you as a person instead of a tool for him to be used. That admission is his gift back to you for defending him in front of Araj.
If you then choose 'what do YOU want' he approves, but says he doesn't know. And then he defends that 'isnt it nice not to know?' You still get soft faces, your hand held. He's trying to *silently* communicate what he can't bring himself to say, but he *DOESNT* SAY anything to affirm you two are a couple/in a relationship/etc. Just a vague 'lets not talk about it but see where it goes'
Honestly, based on this experience via dialogue choices for this character, it almost seemed to me like "sounds like you need a friend not a lover" makes the MOST SENSE. Of course this is my Astarion Romance run, so my Paladin instead said, basically, I'll wait for you until you're ready. (She chose the 'what do you want,' and let it lay there as is)
Afterwards you can ask about your relationship with him and again, he's flustered, he's hedging, he's defensive, and he brushes it off. He's not ready to talk, he's not ready to commit, he's fully focused on Cazador and his safety.
You enter this waiting period where Tav has been manipulated, spoken down to, snapped at, bitten, and responded to without gratitude, but is ALSO given just the faintest, BAREST glimpse at the vulnerability beneath the surface. The player is being asked at this point to REALLY trust and WAIT without ANY evidence that this relationship could become healthy, or could turn into love, or could because a real relationship. And that's SO NEAT
If you don't romance anyone else and aren't put into the position to choose him, you never get a confirmation of dating. If you get the Araj scene and don't choose hug, and don't force him to confirm he was attracted to you etc, you can literally end the talk on "thanks for defending me, also haha I was using you this whole time just so you know, thanks for being nice about it"
From a Tav point of view, this *could* be fairly devastating, and even if Tav decides to wait and keep supporting him, at this point, even post "confession" there is VERY little evidence that things are gonna get better between you.
We know it does. WE do. We get the access to other dialogue and choices or the other confession IF we chose that. But this, this scene, these dialogue choices REALLY emphasize his Act 3 confession
"you were patient. You waited, through blood lust etc /even when it was an objectively stupid thing to do etc"
Cause yeah. He's RIGHT. If you don't choose VERY specific dialogues to get more out of him, most of his romance up until the Act 3 confession,most of how he treats you, most of how he responds to your decisions in game (if you're playing fairly good and not evil/durge) gives Tav no reason beyond faith to continue to pursue him.
I think he knows this, and it's why he's surprised when you state you don't want him for sex. Because up until Act 3, he KNOWS how he's been treating Tav and even HE wouldn't have stood for it if the roles were reversed, so h thinks 'it must be because I'm good in bed'. Then he takes the sex away and you still stay? Even when he's chasing power, hunting for revenge, snapping at you, refusing to commit?
It's a powerful story line. It's so engaging. And it has room for SO MUCH ANGST
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
hi saw your daddy kink post discussing the phenomenon of giving grown characters surrogate parental relationships, and I understand where you’re coming from, but i really feel like it’s just a matter of the circles you run in, and the assumptions that you might make because of that. you mention how platonic reads of these dynamics are more uncommon than kinky reads, which i just don’t think is the case, and I think that arguing that people don’t even realize that they’re writing a kink is a little bit bizarre, and sort of assumes that you know more abt them than they do by projecting your own experiences onto them.
it isn’t inherently sexual to crave protection or a parental relationship that you may have missed out on, and it is certainly not universal. in my own family, my “grandpa” isnt my biological grandfather (nor do I really consider him to be my grandfather), but he’s my mother’s surrogate father and has been since she was in her twenties. an adult. he sees her as a daughter. she sees him as a father. there’s absolutely nothing kinky about it. and anybody who automatically assumes that must have their mind deep, deep in the gutter and/or the stranger side of the Internet. really, i find it a bit of a strange argument to randomly post in the first place—as if it’s a problem that so many people enjoy non romantic and non sexual relationships, and that these people must, in fact, have a daddy kink that they are unaware of.
that said, i do absolutely agree that fans bringing any part of that into phil’s chat is weird and they should Not do that, and that infantilizing characters is also very weird, and personally i dont even see him as being father figure to anybody on that island except his eggs, wilbur, and MAYBE an argument could be made for tubbo (which other cc’s on the island have joked about), but to each their own and all that.
sorry this is so long. TLDR, i get where ur coming from in terms of “warning , some people might read your stuff differently than you want here” but really not everything is a kink and paternal dynamics can easily happen in regards to adult characters, particularly young adults, without there being any inappropriate connotations. i know nothing i said will change your mind, obviously it’s set, but ykno diff perspectives and all that. hope ur doing well
Thank you for the ask! I see you were on mobile, I believe. :D I am also going to push the character limit with this response, I fear.
I agree that it isn't inhernetly sexual to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, and there are many such cases. I'll even go so far as to say that it's not inherently kinky to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, because there is such a thing as non-sexual kink, and heaven knows that MCYT writing is full of non-sexual kink. Lots and lots of stuff that is platonic that is kinking on fear, or being drugged, or kidnapping, or hypnosis, or familial relationships, etc— there's lots of people who aren't doing that. There are tons of people out in the real world (and in fiction), who are simply just expanding their family as an adult, and that's awesome. When I was in college there was this older couple who kind of adopted me and invited me over for thursday dinner, and they were awesome. There was nothing untoward going on there.
But look. I am an emduo fan who likes to see my guys be murdery, and because of that, I've ended up reading a bunch of Dark SBI. I've ocassionally gone "this cannot be what everyone is doing" and I've read stuff tagged as "family fluff" that I find recommended. I am aware of where the genre is going, particularly with the rise of "dadbur" and "dadnoblade" interpretations.
And look, you have just got to trust me on this one. People are writing stuff that in any other fandom I would be recommending they put kink tags on the work so that people who liked that trope could find it and people who didn't like it would avoid it, but that comment in DSMP would just lead to people getting doxxed, so I just grit my teeth and go "i guess that's baked into Dark SBI or Tooth Rotting Fluff now, I sure hope that doesn't hit anybody's triggers".
Like I PROMISE you. The first draft of this response included excerpts of fics that I've read and I was like "can YOU pick the ship fic from the /p fics here"? But I have a horror of ever leading to someone getting cancelled on twitter, so nothing that could possibly be identifiable of these writers. But like—
Some of the ways that Tommy gets treated in the narrative are almost indistinguishable from a bodice-ripper romance. Some of the tropes being used— within DSMP we've all clasped hands and agreed to interpret it being platonic, but in any other fandom, you are going to start getting comments that you might not want to get. The tag is FULL of stuff that is DD/LB in everything but name. Maybe my mind is in the gutter here, but if you move out of this fandom, you are going to move into circles where a lot of people's minds are in the gutter, and you are going to get a very different response from your comments!
And I was talking about daddy kink here specifically, because I see that one come up a lot and it's gotten egregious lately, but this also applies to dehumanization, and fearplay, and predator/prey, and "instincts" (in every other fandom that's gonna get people in a mashup of A/B/O, Hypnosis, and sometimes Agere responding to it), and kidnapping/drugging, AND the way a bunch of "piglin instincts" stuff is just a BDSM au now where the Brute (dom) needs to be callmed down by their Runt (sub). The SBI tag is super kinky right now. And I don't have a problem with that idealogically, write your truth, but a) please don't bring that up in front of the streamers, b) if you move to another fandom you have got to be prepared that not everyone is doing their kink platonically.
Like I'm assuming that people don't know what tropes they're playing into, they're just building them from first principles, because the other alternative is that they are deliberately and knowingly writing kink and posting it in the & relationship tag with insufficient trigger tags, and I prefer to believe that people don't know.
I'm glad we agree about people bringing that into Phi's chat, or Pol's, or Luzu, or any of the other streamers that people have decided is So Old. A lot of people aren't comfortable even being assigned dad, as we saw with Felps, so bringing it even further is just— uh oh, no.
I do not have a problem with people liking non-romantic and non-sexual relationships. I find it a bit odd that much of the fandom can't concieve of a non-romantic and non-sexual relationship without making it familial and specifically lately father-son— don't you have close friends?— but I am fully in support of gen writing. I primarily write gen! I'm an avid commentor on gen fics!
But some of the tropes at play in the fandom are kinky, there is no way to avoid that. The fact that they are set in a familial relationship doesn't negate that. Some of the ways that the DSMP characters get treated would be distinctly non-familial if you ever brought it out of that context. And I am just warning people, if you bring it out of that context, be prepared for the response you get.
You cannot take DSMP tropes and apply them one-to-one in other fandoms, with other streamers swapped in, and expect them to be read the same way. Like i'm sorry, but that's just true. If you are posting the same sort of stuff that for Cellbit & Phil that you would post for Tommy & Phil, people will assume that you have a daddy kink, because usually when a relationship between a adults that are actually similar in age is refered to with paternal language it's a kink thing. That is how the broader internet works. (And anon, if I had a daddy kink, would I be complaining about the fact that I can open any SBI fic and have about a 40% chance of hitting it and I'm seeing signs of this appearing in QSMP? I assure you I'm not "projecting [my] own experiences onto them" here.)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
hi! Hooe ur having a good day so far ;)
if its not a big thing to ask, could you do the TADC crew with a s/o who has a really big sweet tooth? Like they dont need to eat, but anytime something slightly sweet is presented they always eat it no matter what? Thank you!
TADC cast x a reader w/ a sweet tooth!
yipee third request of the day! just got 13 more then im all caught up!! thinking about it more i might reopen requests day after tomorrow, if i finish all the current requests today!
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congrats! there isnt a better source of sugar in the digital world than from the tooth man himself; bro literally pulled a cake out of thin air youre set for life if you want to eat treats! i like to think he would make a mental note of what sweets are your favorite and for what reason; taste, texture, smell, stuff like that
i personally hc that since caine is an ai he cant really taste, at least not in the same way we can, so bonus idea, imagine describing what things taste like to him, ,i think thats cute
when you told pomni that you had a sweet tooth, she assumed that you had a normal sweet tooth; as in you simply liked having a little treat here and there. imagine her shock when caine promises sweets as a reward for completing an IHA and you end up going full ham trying to secure the reward. maybe its because your sweet tooth is that intense, or maybe you havent had many chances to indulge since entering the digital world... whatever it may be, i think pomni would give you her candies and treats; she seems like a more bitter flavor enjoyer
writing her part first because i just got struck with an idea but imagine the two of you baking something together; bonus you keep trying to eat the stuff before its fully done (ex. you keep eating some of the frosting before it can be put on a cupcake or something). she playfully swats your hand when you try to snag more of whatever you're baking together. gives an apologetic look; would the treat not be better when its complete? come on reader, practice patience!
thats another idea for a real world au thing with ragatha, you two running a little baking business; i think that would be cute
you guys fist fight over a bag of sour patch kids sorry i dont make the rules. i hc that jax has a huge sweet tooth, especially for sour candies. so uh, if you like sour candies youre going to have to make a stash... but considering jax has keys to some peoples rooms, you might wanna be smart about it... will share his candy with you if youre feeling extra bad one day, though
sweets, a loving partner, and a cozy pillow fort. does it get more comforting than that? okay maybe it can, if you pair a cup of hot coco with your cinnamon roll, but hey! side note, we see kinger sitting at the table at the end of the pilot... with food... so like.. how does he eat? does it just clip through his face? did he only get food to be polite? now i have a few questions... i dont think kinger would be a huge sweet fan; not really craving sugar that often... i think he would be a spice lover, though, this man would love himself a spice cake me thinks
also not a particularly huge sweet fan, but i think similar to jax they would love sour candies. unlike jax, though, they wont go snooping around for your stash, though! probably snags stuff from the common areas if caine has like a communal candy store in the circus, or if not... stares at jax. you WILL hear from them if you leave your candy wrappers around though!
speaking of candy wrappers, i think gangle would keep them! gives them a use; depending on what kind of material they are or like... if theyre foldable (think like a gum wrapper) she makes little pieces of origami for you! hearts, frogs, flowers, things like that! sometimes gets you some candy so she can get the wrappers. also likes how the crinkling feels n sounds!
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shigayokagayama · 2 years
ok all the people saying that they felt like the alien arc ruined the flow of the ending is kind of fascinating because to me to always felt like kind of the perfect set up for the confession arc?
like on top of being lighthearted and low stakes compared to the arcs surrounding it (can you really imagine the emotional turmoil of going right from the broccoli arc to the confession arc???) the character arcs that takenaka and tome go through directly mirror what mob has been going through.
takenaka realizing his powers arent a burden and can be useful is a realization that mob has already come to and tome realizing that SHES not a burden and her friends like and support her for who she is and shes allowed to have her own wants and needs is the journey that mob is just about to make
also them actually meeting aliens is kind of important for a less obvious reason but one you come to after rereading/rewatching this series waaaaaay too many times
every main character gets what ive been referring to in my head as a “want vs need” arc: teru with his introduction, ritsu with the big cleanup arc, reigen with the separation arc, dimple with the broccoli arc, tome with the alien arc, shigeo with the confession arc. all of these arcs, to some extent, take a character and give them what they THINK they want to see what they really want.
teru’s is a bit of a deviation because he has what he thinks he wants from the beginning: popularity, people respecting and fearing him. but through his breakdown you see what he really wants, what he really needs is self confidence. and then every arc follows that same sort of pattern: ritsu wants powers, but he really wants his relationship with his brother to go back to how it was. reigen wants to be someone (popular, famous), but what he really wants is to be something to someone. dimple wants to be a god, but what he really wants is to be acknowledged.
and then we get to tome. tome wants to meet aliens so damn bad. she thinks that all of her time with the telepathy club has been wasted, that they dont really care about her or her interests and have just been using her to laze around and goof off and shes running out of time to get what she wants. when her friends invite her to summon aliens with her, she thinks that theyre messing with her, or shes tricked them into going along with her delusions, or theyre doing this out of pity, or anything to convince herself that what she wants isnt important and she should just give up and go back to not acting on her wants for the sake of everyone elses comfort.
and learning takenaka is actually a telepath through him reading her mind dispels some of that, sure, and if they hadnt met aliens it wouldnt have been a waste of time because it was something they all did together which is what counts. but them actually meeting aliens and going on a ufo and then doing the exact same thing theyve always done together, laze around and eat snacks and play games, was what she needed to realize that none of their time was wasted. she wanted to meet aliens, and like every other characters arc before her she got that, and through getting it she realized what she really wanted was to spend time with her friends before she graduated and didnt get to see them as much.
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lakesouperior · 11 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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anshares · 5 months
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It was just a normal day at the office for Shi Qingxuan...files needing approval, sit for hours on meetings, and meet the new employee who will work under her.
That is until said employee was also the same woman she had a one night stand with a week ago! WAIT???!! WHAT IS THIS ITS NOT HER UNDER ME BUT ME UNDER HER?!??!? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!
Click more for full plot!
Modern Office AU (F/F Beefleaf flavor)
Shi Qingxuan lives like a princess, she has it all! friends, money, position in a company courtesy of her brother who is the owner of said company. Shi wudu is a successful business tycoon and is planning on running as a politician and SQX fully supports her brother.
Her friends invited her to go clubbing being the social butterfly that she is, she accepted the invitation. As soon as she enters the club, she notices this lady dressed in a black minidress.
This lady has an air of mystery in her but just spends her time alone drinking on a corner of the club, she doesn’t interact with anyone and just turns down attempted advances on her by others but she can’t help notice said lady keeps glancing at her.
SQX admits she feels drawn to this woman plus she is gorgeous! So she steels herself to go invite her to dance at least, hopefully she won’t be rejected.
When SQX asked if she wanted to join her on the dance floor the lady in black turned her down dejected she starts to leave but the Lady stopped her.
MY: “I'm not much for dancing but shall we drink some wine while you keep me company instead? I admit it's getting lonely here.”
SQX: “Sure!”
MY: “ What’s your name?”
SQX: “It’s Shi Qingxuan”
MY: “Ming Yi, nice to meet you Shi Qingxuan”
One thing led to another and they spent the night together, sadly when SQX wakes up Ming Yi is already gone.
She regrets that she wasn’t able to get her number, she would love to see the gorgeous lady again if she allows it but doesn’t regret spending the night with her because she gave her a night worth remembering.
A few days later, SQX is at work and they are about to welcome a newly hired employee that will be working directly under her, the head of the department. Imagine her surprise when she sees the very same woman who she has a one night stand with!
She sees that Ming Yi doesn't have any visible reactions on seeing SQX again, that kinda pricked at her feeling cuz could Ming yi have forgotten about her already? Is she just a passing fling to her?
But no SQX isnt a quitter so she tries to befriend Ming Yi but Ming Yi just treats her like a stranger and when she tries to hint about their shared “history”,
Ming Yi changes topic back to work. It frustrates SQX a lot till one day during overtime and they are the only ones left in the office that Ming Yi confronted SQX.
Ming Yi corners (kabedon) SQX to her door office,
MY: Do you think this is funny? I see the way you look at me, do you think I don't notice your attempts at flirting?
SQX: AHA! I knew it!! You do remember me so why are you ignoring me?
MY: Of course I remember you, my memory isn’t shit. You are aware of the position we are in right, You are my boss and this is inappropriate so i suggest you stop this for both our sake.
SQX: What if I don’t want to? What are you gonna do about Ming Yi?
They just stare at each other and then proceeds to make out and office sex. As they were getting dressed, Ming Yi says she won't deny that the attraction that they feel to each other is mutual but honestly she is quite reluctant in having a relationship with her boss,
so she offers a friends with benefits situation instead SQX agrees to this and thinks that she can charm her way to Ming Yi’s heart and get to see her romantically. Ming Yi on her side tries to set up boundaries such as no strings attached,
they maintain a professional relationship at work, no one can know about this even her friends, and finally no falling in love. They act like a normal boss and subordinate in the office but no one knows that these two are in a FWB situation.
As they spend more time together, SQX inevitably falls and falls harder to her. Based on moods, Ming Yi can be either rough or gentle on her, SQX loves the gentle one because it makes her feel loved by Ming Yi with how tender and gentle she holds her.
During one such night while they were cuddling in bed after their romp, SQX is complaining about how her brother is strict and suffocating sometimes she just needs to get away
So Ming Yi offers her the key to her apartment and tells her if she wants to get away from her brother for a while her doors are always open to her. SQX is touched by this.
She kisses her hard and starts a sweet and gentle round 2 and realizes while they are at it that she loves ming yi and wants to be by her side forever.
Whenever SQX remembers their nights she fondly touches the marks (concealed by make up or her clothing) that Ming yi left on her. SQX tries to be subtle about it, she thinks Ming Yi probably notices the change in her attitude but doesn’t say anything about it.
SQX thinks it's mutual too because of how Ming Yi is being gentle with her during, the way Ming Yi takes care of her after and the simple gestures when they are at work, it's so tender as if they were something more but Ming Yi keeps quiet, SQX doesn't want to assume….
Sometimes she acts cold to her then gently again, it's quite frustrating that Ming Yi is giving her mixed signals but she thinks that Ming Yi is just having a dilemma, SQX leaves her alone for her to figure it out,
SQX doesn’t try to talk about it nor confess to Ming Yi as she doesnt want to rush her and is scared that she’ll lose what they have at the moment, if she can be with Ming Yi like this for now that’s okay, she will give her all the time she needs to sort out her feelings.
Ming Yi may treat her gently at times but in actuality she doesn’t want any of that, it just so happens that this naive woman wrapped in her arms, dozing without a care for the world is a pawn for her plans for revenge.
Ming Yi real name is He Xuan, she grew up privileged and with a loving family, all is well till one day her parents got accused of a crime they didn't commit and paid for it with their lives. With her life suddenly turned upside down, she ended up in the streets.
She was then recruited by a fellow teenager into a mafia group where she will work for them in exchange for food and shelter. She knows being involved in that world is dangerous and may lose her life in the process but way better than starving and dying in some random alleyway.
At least with this she may be able to investigate the truth behind what happened to her family. She owes this one eyed boy a life debt for saving her from the streets and giving her the opportunity for revenge, because years later she finds out the truth about her misfortunes.
Turns out Shi Wudu, a huge business tycoon is actually quite corrupt doing dirty deals and other crimes behind the scenes. The Police won’t arrest him because the police is also in on it and coincidentally her family is partners with this company and was chosen as scapegoats.
With vengeance fueling her, she created an elaborate plan to cause this man who took everything away from her his downfall. As soon as she established her own mafia group and became a boss herself with the help of her friend/brother (she treats HC as her brother)
The plans are set in motion and it starts with Shi Wudu’s beloved little sister, Shi Qingxuan. From her seducing SQX and working in Shi Wudu’s company everything is part of the elaborate plan for this man’s downfall but there are days when HX wavers because of SQX,
she admits that she has become quite endeared with but during one of the moments when both mafia lords meet up for a drink HC asks him if she is planning on abandoning her plans now that she is close.
HX denies and no she won’t abandon her plans, SQX is just a stepping stone to get closer to the goal, she is nothing to her just a chess piece in this board and resolves to push this through without a care for the collateral damage it may leave, a taste of his own medicine.
Now with the elections drawing near, SQX notices something off with her brother and how Ming Yi is acting. She has gotten even colder now and doesn’t join her often in bed even if she does, she could feel that she is angry at something.
HX took a leave of absence for a week and hasn’t contacted her ever since…. At home she notices that her brother is also quite tense, when she asks he just says that it's just some setbacks at work and his election campaign.
In reality HX is starting her attack on his businesses and campaign, one by one she destroys it and there’s nothing Shi Wudu can do about it as the police can’t even track it down they know that there is a larger power at play here.
At the same time, SQX got a text where HX wants to meet up cuz she has something to tell her, SQX thinks this is it, this is the moment where their relationship will change for the better she hopes!
Since she also decide to confess her feelings when they finally meet up, she really missed her and wonders where did was she when HX took a leave of absence.
But something is off as the address that HX gave her led to an abandoned house (it was HX childhood home) she can't find Ming Yi but finds her brother instead and is confused that her brother looks panicked and asks her if she harmed in any way but she tells him that she just got here.
Shi Wudu tells her that they've been set up by one of his enemies he thinks and that they should be careful then out from the shadows Ming yi emerges,
SQX immediately goes to her worried that she might be set up to get to her too, not a moment passed when SQX hugged “Ming Yi” she pushes her hard away from her to the point SQX tumbles on the floor.
She was confused on why “Ming Yi” is treating her like this and she doesn't look like the ming yi she has known for months, this “ming yi” looks imposing and sinister.
“Ming Yi” ignores SWX and starts introducing herself as He Xuan and asks if SWD remembers her or her family, SWD answers that he doesn't. SQX asks what is going on,
so He Xuan starts listing all the things SWD did and how today is also the death anniversary of her family, the very family he ruined. She then asks if he now remembers this family he used as scapegoat after she revealed everything.
SWD was like what about them, they have served their purpose no use remembering cannon fodder, this angered HX and starts pointing a gun at him. SQX was shocked by all of this and in denial of what she is hearing because it's just impossible,
Shi Wudu raised her like a spoiled ignorant princess without her knowing of the darkness lurking within, even if SQX has a feeling or an inkling on what her brother is up to but she just turns a blind eye to everything,
because that just impossible her kind, sweet brother strict he may be won’t do that.
SQX jumps in front of her brother asking HX to stop this, this isn't her which HX just raises a brow "you dont know anything about me" and decides fine shell be merciful and asks for an apology and when he doesn’t she points the gun to SQX instead.
SWD starts kowtowing, “I apologize for everything I did.THERE! Are you happy now?” he tries to rise but HX just smashes his head again on the floor. “Did I permit you to rise?” SWD clenching his fist so hard you can see his knuckles turn white “No.”
SQX is just crying on the side and can't bear to see her once proud brother like this. “Ge, please just apologize properly” she says between sobs,
SWD just glared at her to be quiet, he does so and asks that her beef is with him so let his sister go as she has nothing to do with it, she knows nothing. HX says that's why it's so detestable she knows nothing,
why wasn't she allowed to know nothing that all her possessions and position she gained because lives were trampled, she didn't know then but is still ignorant. She turns to SQX with a chilling glare, she told SQX that she gave her many chances but it seems like SQX ignored all of it.
She just starts sobbing and apologizes now, “what good is your apology?” so she demands a life for a life to atone for the sins. SWD tries to negotiate that his sister’s life does not merit a death sentence and HX asks in turn which of his family sinned? Which among them deserved death?
Both just remained silent and HX just wonders why can't they answer her now. So she makes them choose a way to atone for their sins: one SWD kills his sister and makes himself scarce or two SQX kills SWD and never shows herself in front of her again.
Forget everything that happened, it's what she does best after all; the choice is theirs. SWD tries to bargain that he'll kill himself instead but HX tells him he has no right to bargain.
SQX tells her brother to pick the first one but SWD rejects it so SWD just decided to kill both of them (him and her sister) but HX put a stop to it by hitting SWD with end of her gun telling him if she gave him a third path
then SWD starts laughing and mocking HX how everything she did for revenge was futile. SQX pleads with SWD that he stop talking because it just makes everything worse.
HX asks how could he have no remorse over the lives he trampled but SWD being the prideful man that he is tells him that remorse is useless and a joke
while SQX just calls for Ming Yi while clutching her leg begging her to stop and apologizing HX looked at her and said “you called for the wrong person” then she pulls the trigger and shoots SWD in the head
As HX was walking away SQX stops her again and asks in a dazed quiet voice if she is happy now that she got her revenge and asks hx if she can answer her just one thing.
Were all the time they shared real or did HX just use her for her revenge? Was there even a tiny space in HX's heart for her during that time?
HX stops but doesnt turn around to answer just says SQX already knows the answer to that the she asks back if she has something else to say to her but hears nothing,
HX continued to walk away just as SQX starts breaking down on the floor and begs to be killed why leave her like this? She already lost EVERYTHING, what's the point in living then?!
HX turns around at this and responds coldly “Dream on. If you have someone to blame for your misfortunes, blame your brother." and SQX lost consciousness then. For Shi Wudu his greed was his downfall, for SQX it was her ignorance.
After the whole ordeal HX took a break and lied low as the whole thing made it to the headlines since SWD is a well known person and a political candidate while his sister went missing, the police doesn’t know her whereabouts.
In reality SQX is setting up for her new life in a faraway town, far away from her old life in the city. While SQX was getting used to her new commoner life,
It was hard but not as bad as she expected since there seems to be someone looking out for her. She doesn't know who and she doesn't want to make assumptions.
She wants to think it's that person but maybe not, one of her brother's old friends perhaps? She is actually right in her first hunch HX still keeps tabs on her well-being but wont interact after everything that happened between them.
After everything HX still feels responsible for her because technically she is just a bystander who got caught in the crossfire. Her only sin was being ignorant of everything. It’s best that they don't cross paths ever again.
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kerizaret · 1 month
Met a friend today and she gave me the sekai card au challenge except the first time she chose cards she liked and second time it was totally randomly selected from a folder of cards by whichever she pointed at so here's the results bc why not share:
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Tsukasa is a ghost haunting a building where a circus of questionable morals used to perform at after dying while watching one of their performances that went awry. He's determined to put on a show that will clear the infamy this stage has and cause smiles there unlike the circus there did. He thinks this will be what finally frees him from the mortal realm and allow to pass on peacefully. Unfortunately for him, everyone steers clear from the haunted place so nobody ever watches his performances. Everyone is too scared of taking this place down as well, though, so he's trapped in there
That is until he stumbles upon Toya there, who ran away to here to avoid his father who forbids him from singing so thay he can focus on pursuing a career in classical music. He wanted to go to a place nobody was at to sing freely without worrying about what anyone says. Tsukasa and Toya end up bonding over love for performing and being unable to find an audience that would accept them, and end up doing shows together, with Toya's singing and Tsukasa performing. The stage ends up Toya's safe place where he can run away to to rest from the world around him, and Tsukasa finally has an audience – and a companion – for his shows
Rui is a travelling exorcist who's trying to gain more experience and help people out. He had to give up his love for shows in the name of duty after trying to put on performances with humans and ghosts alike that ended up with people getting hurt and him being scolded for associating himself with "evil". He ended up being trained to exorcise ghosts instead even when it felt wrong to him (and he always tries to resolve the conflict without exorcising if the ghost isnt too aggressive). He came across the town where Toya lived and heard the rumours about the old haunted circus and went to check it out
When he saw Tsukasa he at first misinterpreted his behaviour a lot and ended up taking his "invitation for a once-in-a-lifetime-show" as a threat and they ended up chasing each other (tsks trying not to be exorcised bc he found he does want to keep "living" and performing) until Rui was stopped by Toya coming and explaining the truth. Rui is met with the choice between duty as an exorcist – making tsukasa pass on – and the reignited dream he once longed for standing right in front of him. He ends up working on a show together with them in the end, and they manage to put it on a few times with other people from the town coming and seeing it and actually having fun and getting less scared of the place
They manage to clear the bad reputation this place has and actually get people to stop being scared of Tsukasa's ghost, and while Harumichi still doesn't exactly see Toya's choices for singing as the best he let him do what he wants. After finding out that realising Tsukasa's goal didn't make him disappear (to all of their relieves bc they ended up bonding and having fun) but instead simply freed him from being chained to the circus, they set off travelling and performing all over the country as a three for humans and ghosts alike WOOO
Bonus idea maybe they meet up with the tenmas to let tsks reconnect with his lost family and also put on a show for ruis exorcist trainers to show them his dream wasn't in vain or smth idk I won't do anything with this HAHAH
2) this was randomised AHDHSV I apologise for any character misinterpretation I do not know enaan as well yet hdhd
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Ena is an artist with an ability to make her drawings come to life, inherited from her father — the thing is, it works only for works she is proud of and considers "worthy" of coming to life. Being a very critical person, as well as not being recognised as an artist by many people around her, she ends up with many failed works and very few moving pieces. It doesn't help that she sees her father's work always moving around the house and feeling discouraged by his constant criticism and comments on how to fix her art
She does, however, befriend and work with An, a local setective who found her skill very useful when they found out if she successfully draws a suspect of a crime or some missing person, the drawings are able to talk for the drawn person and reveal some key information allowing them to find them and solve the case. An admires Ena's art and ability a lot but secretly is jealous and feels useless because she thinks she's only successful in her solved cases thanks to Ena's help, and not her own skill
Meanwhile Nene is Ena's masterpiece who came to life — except Ena was so scared of showing the work to anyone because she was proud of it and considered it besutiful and didn't want anyone to criticise Nene and make her "die" that she hid her away, which in turn made Nene adopt her creator's mindset and became an extremely shy and unconfident person, constantly hiding away in her frame and never really coming out, feeling she's not worthy of being seen and even trying to become something more outside of the canvas
Until one day suddenly, Nene's painting disappears completely. Ena is absolutely devastated — and also in her doubts, feels completely unable to replicate such a masterpiece. With that she is unable to draw Nene again for An to get some pieces of information to help find the painting, making An have to rely only on herself. She takes the challenge and doesn't let herself fail and she DOES manage find Nene, who actually found the courage to come out of the frame and ran to try to find her creator too
It turned out Nene was stolen away by Ena's own Autoportrait that also came to life like Nene. Ena's Autoportrait was one she was deep down very proud of, but her father criticised it and other people as well when she put it on display, and ended up throwing it out as a "failure" despite still feeling like it was good. The portrait came to life because of ena's feelings but ended up jealous of Nene and the fact she was kept, and that the Autoportrait wasn't loved like that. So she stole Nene away too. In the end the Autoportrait just wanted Ena to love her just as Nene — in a way it was just Ena wanting to love herself and her art just because she likes it and not becsuse others do
Ena ends up taking the Autoportrait back to her studio and thanking An for finding both the portrait and Nene. In the end though Nene decides she wants to leave by herself as well and learn about other paintings' stories and maybe forge her own by travelling through art galleries, so Ena finds the courage to send the canvas out to the world to let Nene tour various museums and walk around there, while also earning Ena fame as a bonus. An ends up taking on more cases on her own to get better and not rely too much on Ena anymore and also let her have time to create for herself the enddd
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opuswrites · 1 year
bath day in the ministry.
whenever Copia shows up in the common room with Rain by his side who's tail is wagging like CRAZY everyone knows whats about to happen.
Dew&Sunshine who don't like water and Mountain who finds comfort in being covered in dirt immediately make a run for it only to be caught by the back of their neck by the ghoulettes and a very scary looking Rain. hes NOT about to let them ruin this because this is his favourite time of the week. or a couple of weeks.
They're doing the washing in Rain's room, who has the biggest tub of them all. While Copia sets up his little folding chair next to the tub Rain is already in, letting out happy trills as he allows himself to relax until their papa gets ready. (phantom sometimes joins him next to the tub to help out until its his turn.)
When he is, the first ones to get in next to rain are Cumulus, Cirrus and Aurora after eachother. They have no problem with getting in, and enjoy the little bonding time they can spend with Rain and Papa just one on one. Sometimes Sunny gets in with Cirrus (she REALLY didn't want that bath so Cir just grabbed her and plopped her next to Rain and got in herself to lock Sunny in.
While Sunny is in she makes sure to use whatever fire ghoul powers she has in her to warm the water up again, which always manages to get out an uncomfortable huff out of Rain who doesnt enjoy the sudden temperature change.
Then, comes Aether who's natural about the whole thing. he lays back and lets Rain cuddle up to his side while Copia washes his hair. They often talk about stuff that goes around the ministry, taxes and adult shit. its TERRIBLE. rain is always half asleep during this dragged out wash. but it is very clear that Aether is Copia's favourite to bathe.
Then, when the big warm body next to Rain gets out comes Swiss. with that cocky smirk. he teases rain through the WHOLE TIME, starts to start something but after his probably 3rd rejection and a knowing pat on the shoulder by papa gets him to shut up and just enjoy the time spent together.
He's also sure to warm the water up, his powers being a little stronger than sunny's, he makes sure the water is nice and warm for Phantom. Who's not very talkative, but isnt against the activity either. Rain can relax around him, splash away in one end of the tub while papa is taking care of Phantom in the other.
And then Dew. Fucking Dew. Aether and Swiss have to grab him by his upper arms and lift him from the GROUNDand carry him over. he HATES baths. hes hissing and groaning the whole time, trying to get out of their hold. but the second his butt hits the bottom of the tub, hes shut up immediately. his pupils dialate and whatever water ghoul is left in him takes over. he lets out a defeated huff and leans back, letting Papa wash him, warming up the water for the last ghoul.
But Mountain. Sweet, gentle giant Mountain.
If you thought it was hard to get Dew in, lets NOT talk about the earth ghoul.
He slips away at first, not even being around while the others wait for their turn. When Cirrus is finished though, she immediately knows he dipped and drags lulu along with her to whoop his ass.
They found him all over the ministry before, and it took so much puppy eyes and begs and pep talks to get him to even stand up.
But once he's stood he is not sitting back down. they make sure of that.
Cirrus's wind keeps him moving, the breeze pushing him further into the room while Cumulus is all over him, praising him and literally begging him to just get in for 5 minutes
By the time they can get him into the washroom hes frowning and pouting and trying to step back but their wind doesnt let him. Papa stands up with a big grin and wide arms, grabbing his upper arm gently but firmly and guiding him into the tub.
Rain gets out IMMEDIATELY. the second mountain sets a foot into the fucking thing its already starting to loose its clear color. LMAOO
hes a dirty dirty boy.
He also takes the longest to wash, Aether usually joins Copia and helps with the whole thing while Cirrus and Cumulus are over Mountain, mumbling things into his ears that get him to stay seated.
When he's done, the water is completely dark brown, and cold. he doesnt mind it like this but papa ushers him out and tells him that he looks so clean and handsome, grabbing a towel and drying him off.
Mountain is pouty for the rest of the day because hes not allowed outside because everyone knows if he were to go to the greenhouse right now, hed literally lay in the dirt until he was just as dirty as before.
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tartsinarat · 5 months
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He’s just a lil creature
Unlike Belos’s cursed form, Pip actually has two versions. The one drawn here is when he has enough magic stored inside, is a Frankenstein-ed up mess between a basilisk and whatever Belos’s curse in canon is meant to be but because curses in general aren’t explained in explicit detail (especially belos’s one) I thought it would be neat to attempt to give it a cool headcanon
so my idea of what creature these two got stuffed with is something that’s nicknamed a “false Titan” which are a long extinct species of demon? (They might be a sub category of titan though I’m not too sure yet :/) that evolved to mimic titans in order to better hunt their children as well as hunt smaller species of titan that don’t grow to be giants, these guys ended up getting killed off in the war between archivists and titans because the archivists couldn’t tell the difference between the two species but one archivist eventually did and captured one of them for safe keeping/ preserving.
Evelyn was a seller of all kinds of dangerous magical artefacts and human items, she mostly used her business as fun hobby as well to help Caleb with starting their carving business that they wanted to do together because Evelyn running around exploring dangerous ruins wasn’t a good idea because they obviously were planning on starting a family together. Uh that kind of failed spectacularly ngl when the whole fight between Caleb and Philip started so Evelyn in revenge literally grabbed every curse she had in storage and just murked Philip with them after seeing Caleb dead, one of the curses just so happened to be the “false titan” which Philip wasn’t able to remove.
So The reason why Belos snacks on palisman is because they’re grown from using titan magic as well as they have healing properties so like how Eda eats voles, Belos is addicted to eating titan magic because of the curse, also by having the glyphs carved into his arms he fucked himself over even more because the glyphs need to have magic/ energy to function but that then causes the curse to get more agitated and causes the slime/rotting
Obviously Pip ended up getting cursed too because it got passed onto him but due to him being a weird amalgamation of grimwalker parts and basilisk, Pip isnt really interested in eating titan magic and can eat most magic just fine, so King or palisman aren’t in danger around him… but he is carnivorous and has to actually eat the creature to drain the magic rather than just inhaling it Kirby style like how basilisks do
A fun fact about that is that Luz just assumed that Pip just casually eating raw meat was just a witch thing until she learned more about witch diets/ foods and was somewhat horrified and intrigued by what the fuck is up with Pip even more. It’s even funnier when they all eventually go the human realm and Pip is just like this with a piece of raw meat or something
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and Luz got so desensitised to Pip and his horrifying habits that she completely forgot to give a heads up to Camila, who at that time just assumed that Pip was just a normal human that was brought into the boiling isles or something and so she was completely taken off guard that out of the gang Pip is the least human/ knowledgeable in acting as a human, she’s mostly fine with it afterwards and only sets a few rules like making sure to not leave blood everywhere but she does almost have a heart attack seeing Pip’s cursed form just napping on the sofa like a weird giant cat
a wild GH masterpost link has appeared!
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mal3vol3nt · 5 months
What r ur thoughts on katara/kataang? I love them 😭
i adore katara. when it comes to women in media, she is definitely one of the most well-written characters i’ve ever seen.
for starters, she drives the story along just as much as the male mc (aang) and other characters. she isnt just there for aang to have a crush on, which is what i love about atla. it’s not a romance show by any means and maintains its focus on good story-telling and world building, so virtually none of the characters are written to be one-dimensional love interests. which is such a saving grace for all the women in the show (katara, toph, suki). they easily could have been watered down and molded to fit dramatic romance storylines to appease the show’s western audience, but they weren’t and im so eternally grateful 🙏
she’s also flawed!! and strong!!! and has crushes!!! and ends up falling in love!!! and all of these things about her exist simultaneously and don’t take away from her character!!! ugh i just love her
she makes mistakes, can be very wrong in certain situations, and owns up to it. at the end of the show, she isn’t the same person she was when we were introduced to her. the writers did so well in making her believable (so what the FUCK happened with natla)
as for her and aang, i love them. i think their development made sense! i don’t get what people mean when they say it came out of no where or was one-sided, cause during my first watch of the show i went in fully blind to anything the fandom was saying about ships. and i immediately knew from the first episode that they were setting up katara and aang (the sparkling sound effects when he first looks at her??? her immediately wanting to run away with him after like an hour of knowing each other??? so cute). atla is honestly one of the few shows where i actually adore all the canon ships. kataang, sukki, maiko. they’re all very precious to me
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exiledelle · 9 months
so ever since i saw undertale yellows merciless route, ive been having a thought about it:
which is also helped by me having had a big interest in undertale aus back in the day dfhjkg
what would happen afterward in that timeline? what happens to the underground after asgore is killed, and theyre shot back to square one?
what would happen if frisk still fell down in that timeline?
so if youll excuse my still-practicing pixel art (i did end up grabbing the hat and pistol off a clover spritesheet on spriters resource though, and the pose and poncho were built off a couple kris sprites), a small sprite edit, and a maybe-meh teen clover design:
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for right now im calling this Vengeance AU for a lack of a better name that wouldnt just be [blank]tale or under[blank], with or without a "yellow" attached
also i made clover a teen just to set this version of them apart, plus a blue, starry poncho instead of their usual bandana, and spurs on their boots
an au where after the events of yellows merciless run, frisk still falls down mt ebott, whether because of clover, or their own reason,
but clover, who once made the climb themself to get vengeance for the other 5 fallen humans, isnt about to let yet another go missing under their watch, and decides to chase after them, and bring them back home. by force, if necessary.
so it ends up with frisks journey through the underground being constantly chased by clover. and while clover doesnt want to intentionally hurt frisk, since their motivation is the "protection" of humankind, it would still no doubt be terrifying for frisk, and clover WILL hurt the monsters.
ruins end up being mostly the same, minus clovers pursuit. toriel, still locked in the ruins, probably wouldnt have heard about asgores death, and would only realize upon seeing clover, grown up, covered in dust, and detached from the world around them.
outside though, things would take a much more bleak turn.
the royal guard is more present after a surge of recruitment, monsters have mostly accepted that theyre stuck down there for eternity, some making the most of it and trying to live happily, others not so much. and when it comes to humans, monsterkind is just a little more on-edge.
papyrus also ends up being recruited, however hes only a lookout/watchman, and not a fully-fledged guardsman, due to undynes biases. she WOULD have preferred he wasnt hired at all, but the guard was desperate, and didnt have many other volunteers
also due to hotlands evacuation at the time, martlets final stand is mostly forgotten, only seen as a rumor with little ground. the only thing people know of is that there was a strange withered flower on the roof of the apartments, but no one thinks anything of it. there is, however, still a lingering resentment in the air around it that makes monsters uneasy, but also weirdly enough, like theres someone watching over all of them
other than that, im not too sure where this au would go, how frisk would end up dealing with clover by the end, or even if frisk would end up in places like the dunes or steamworks, or if theyd stick to roughly the same areas.
i mostly just thought itd be interesting to start to imagine how different things would be, and considering clovers personality and motivations in merciless, i thought itd be interesting if they became an antagonist, following frisk down to drag them back
i might think more on this and add stuff onto it in the future, but for right now this is all there is, but people are free to build on it in their own ways, if they like!! (and/or send an ask and i can TRY to think of an answer, but knowing myself i cant promise anything)
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
Got hit with the brainrot beam for a new Au fella, so so hear me out
Nefertari Sanji
Back when sanji was still in germa the kingdom would sometimes attend the royal refari (idk how you spell it) and this one time judge brought along all his spawn and Sanji!
Vivi and Sanji became quick friends and Cobra was also enjoying this shy well behaved boy, maybe Sora was actually good friends with the Nefertari family and asked them to keep an eye on Sanji if she wasn't not around anymore.
So basicly on that event they see the way Judge treata Sanji as if he doesnt exist while showing heavy amounts of love and attention to his other kids, and the siblings beating up Sanji ans bullying him, not to mention the bruises on Sanji that show it isnt the first time this is happening.
So either they steal him away at the risk of a war but Judge doesnt care to find out who took him and pronounces him dead or maybe kong Cobra is a little more careful ams decides to deceive Judge by making him give up Sanjk to Alabasta (like maybe sell him or maybe they set it up like a marriage alliance where vivi and sanji will be wed when they both are of age)
But Sanji ends up as a nefertari and Vivi's brother ✨
Amazing. I love this and I love your brain. Good Lord it's a whole Ace and Sabo situation where the will of D is fucking handed to someone not technically born with it. Amazing.
Cobra and his family are friends with Sora and they see each other at every Reverie and they watch the children grow as Sora grows weaker. Sora makes them promise to care for Sanji when she passes and it is held in the highest regard to Cobra and his wife. They see the bruises, they understand what is happening. So when Sora passes before they take Sanji. Cobra expects a fight for the third prince but Judge says have him, he's useless, so Sanji is adopted and inherits the will of D. He is not the crown prince, only because he was adopted after Vivi was born. That's it.
He's allowed more to focus on his hobbies that way but he still has royal duties. Everyone can also see the will of D infiltrate his being. He eats like a D, is stubborn like a D, he puts his mind to things like a D. Thank the gods he wants to be a chef because he is a damn good cook. He's also kind and takes care of his people the best he can.
I've headcanoned that Sir Crocodile was a friend of Cobra and a trusted advisor who basically acted as the kids uncle until the coup. He would watch them train with Cobra who would smile and say that Sanji joining the family was one of the best things to happen to them. Crocodile agrees as he watches them grow. Sanji learns not only his martial arts but swords and guns as he is dead set to protect Vivi with his life, not only as her brother but as a member of the Royal Guard.
Then the coup happens in their parched land. He escapes with Vivi and runs. Sanji has to protect the crown and that crown is on his little sister. They watch Baroque Works take control of their home and hold their father prisoner. Sir Crocodile, Mr. 0, became a warlord and has made everything worse. They make it to Whiskey Peak with Karoo and Igaram. Then they meet the Strawhats. And they go with them to take back Alabasta.
Zoro and Sanji still fight but Sanji takes over cooking duties which makes the crew salivate. Vivi and Nami hit it off and Sanji absolutely sends his little sister knowing looks and teasing remarks that make her flush. He says once this is all settled and she nods. Everything is pretty normal, Sanji laughs so hard he's crying to Vivi and Igaram about Crocodile buying the whole 'Mr. Prince' thing and Vivi chokes with how hard she's laughing. He helps Luffy get Nami to Doctorine. Chopper joins and they get to Alabasta. It's the first time in Sanji and Vivi's life in Alabasta they feel the rain, how it drenches them and their father.
It would also be fucking hilarious if the crew had no idea that Sanji isn't just a soldier like Koza but also a prince. When his bounty comes out he looks at it and shrugs. Nefertari D. Sanji is apparently Black Leg Sanji because they didn't recognize him and he certainly doesn't act like a prince. He curses more than anyone and smokes so many cigarettes. It's actually worrying how easily he takes to be a pirate as he bids farewell to his family and Vivi is part of the Nakama even if she isn't on the ship. He keeps in touch with letters.
Until he's sent to Momoiro by Kuma and Ace dies in Luffy's arms.
When they come back together it's still very funny to him that he's royalty and no one knows that or believes it except for Robin who doesn't mention it at all. Jinbei also doesn't mention it even though Sanji is sure he knows. Law doesn't care enough about them to remember much about them probably.
When Sanji goes to protect the crew for WCI he's looking at Judge with anger and annoyance, even as the cuffs are put on. When his bounty is changed to Vinsmoke after the escape he's even more annoyed. He doesn't bring up his name until after Wano before the crews all separate when Law asks him about Germa because fanboy behavior.
"I'm not a Vinsmoke and haven't been since I was a child." Sanji shrugs in response.
"So you've been a pirate for a long time?" Law asks.
"Oh, no. I joined the crew with my little sister in Whiskey Peak, Vivi. She stayed in Alabasta after we kicked Crocodile's ass since she is set to take over the throne." Sanji answers.
"Wait, you're a prince, like actually a prince?" Law asks with puzzlement.
"Technically. I was adopted by the Nerfertari's as a child. My name Nefertari D. Sanji, not Vinsmoke." Sanji nods.
"What the fuck? What the actual fuck?" Law yells as he walks away.
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gin-juice-tonic · 1 year
do you think you could expand on what you mean wrt the scene with betty and simon in the car? imo i didnt see it as contradictory with the "choosing simon's options" thing. betty *is* oftentimes the one offering to sacrifice herself for simon, and it is always her doing what she wants; the way i interpreted it is that the point isnt that simon forced her to do something (or that he should have forced her to *not* do something, like get out of the car etc.), but instead that by not addressing that difference at all they ended up with a normalcy of betty unhealthily giving (which i think is also something set up really well in the original series, which i know you've said you missed). i'd really love to hear your thoughts, though!!!
i just think the cassa-nova game on the whole is... a bad metaphor for their situation
I know Betty sacrificed herself for Simon too much, and of course this is an unhealthy dynamic and Simon needed to realize it was happening
but I think comparing their situation to a choose your own adventure book was a poor choice
Simon's choices that we're shown in Jerry don't have such a straightforward consequence as "Simon did what he wanted and Betty shrunk away" like what happened with casper and nova.
In the scene in the car: Simon chooses to ask Betty to come along and get recognition with him. Betty does what she wants and leaves
When they meet at the presentation: Simon casually makes a joke about Betty coming on his expedition. Betty does what she wants and invites herself. Simon does nothing.
In the scene with the snakes: Simon chooses to ignore Betty's snake idea. Betty does what she wants and runs ahead.
Theres only one time Simon's choice directly causes Betty to give up what she wanted, and its at the bus.
Casper took the "my choices directly as opposed to Nova's" route. This was set up as a direct comparison to Simon and Betty. But the ideas just dont match up. I dont have a problem with the overall message that Betty gave too much and Simon didnt notice. I just think their execution of that idea was poor.
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