#ALSO I mean this like about evil people that only make you suffer!! dont take it out of context pleaseeee
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kosmogrl · 6 months ago
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ganondoodle · 4 months ago
saw a few posts talking about ganondorf and while i dont want to uh .. risk having to argue with strangers ... i cant shut up entirely (you know me)
(in my opinion that is probably missing alot or just not as well read as a lot of others since i really just say what i feel instead of knowing what im talking about-)
its kinda hard to really talk about him bc hes so .... steeped into tired old stereotypes and harmful tropes with intentionally so little else, if anything, that you almost always end up playing into them if you just take what canon tells you (and alot of people love defending it too :/ )
to what degree is it really his character and what is literally just some things that were decided he does to make it clear hes the one note evil guy, to justify whatever horror is done to him and overshadow/bury what anyone else has done, to not think about maybe he had a point bc look how much bad stuff he does! if you made him fight for the freedom/sovereignity of his own people against an oppressive hyrule he would be in the right- so ACTUALLY he opresses them violently and selfishly even WORSE and then wants to murder everyone tm that dont bow to him bc thats what evil people do! and hyrule is justified in taking them over in turn bc their rule wont opress them :)
its like a game of trying to one up whatever hyrule did with something more bad tm bc otherwise it gets hard to justify killing him over and over
im not saying hes not allowed to be prideful, selfish or violent of whatever, but you gotta know that all of that IS one of those ways that is supposed to make it clear how evil tm the desert guy is; it doesnt matter what hyrule has done bc look! ganondorf is so much worse! and im sure hyrule had their reasons :)
hes never actually allowed to interact with his own people, hes isolated/alienated from them and their culture constantly, hes their king yet he .... violently takes over "free" gerudo villages (what? what for?? what does "free" even mean? they werent following him? their king?? were they .. allied with hyrule, who are good tm, which means they were living in paradise aka "free"? (bc they are good ones tm bc they rejected their evil one in a hundred year man king ruling violently over only women .. *cough*)), yet hes never seen fighting alongside his own people (the most is them .. silently serving him in what, one scene??) and then he drops them the second he has evil MONSTERS to fight for him instead and orders them to kill every living thing or something bc thats obviously evil, he doesnt even care about his own people! how evil! why would he do that? idk, hes the sole, selfish violent evil man opressing his own people, who are all women! that what they do! and WE need to free them from HIM (and they should be thankful to us for it and try to attone for ever having birthed him in the first place) (or he is the reason tm why they suffered/were wiped out and he is literally the sole survivor of his people, bc he doesnt care about ANYONE but himself)
i dont mean he has to be a goody two shoes character (you can be an ass and still do good/be in the right btw) bc more often than not what that actually means is being allied with hyrule bc those are the designated good guys and being on their side makes you automatically good (eugh) but do you rly want to just ... play along with all the propaganda?
imo, aside from being obviously racist, thats also so boring? does selfish, violent evil man king with no people (bc hes not part of them or fighting for them, hes always presented as the worse oppressor) and nothing else to him that only wants to murder bc ... idk evil? sound interesting to you? (to the point that the ONLY time we were shown literally any sort of vunerabillity, end of ww, that theres people trying to argue he was trying to to manipulate you even there?? what for? why? are you trying to reject literally the one glimpse we are allowed into his perspective qoq)
why do alot of people reject the idea so much to consider he actually cared about them, how maybe that prideful and selfish look is just a facade, or even a fabrication? violence that had to be met with violence, not for any sort of selfish reasons, but for his people and was met with a fight he could not win yet kept fighting on, perhaps losing himself more and more in the process, or a lie told so often that it became reality, if someone has nothign left to lose, if all was taken from them, maybe even blamed on them, why not play into what you where made out to be, you cant convince them otherwise anyway its the reason hes never shown to have done a single nice thing, never seen non angry/smug smiling, how he has no one at his side unless he forced them, how he is not allowed to be human even a little bit, never shown being anything but a boring ass trope personified, hes less a character and more a big bundle of racist tropes that fights you at the end (sorry) while looking epic so trying to meaningfully analyze him just by what we are told and shown in canon will always fall kinda flat or end up playing righ into every shitty trope
that is my opinion :I
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astarionconsort · 4 months ago
"Immortality bad" is bullshit
BG3 really broke me and triggered me to write this rant.
I'm so sick and tired of media hammering over and over again about oh how immortality is such a curse and you won't like it, oh why don't you just accept that you will wither away suffering from degenerative disease, Alzheimer, bad joints and fucking erectile dysfunction?
Oh you will be bored with immortality, oh my god you will outlive your loved ones... NOOOOO immortality is bad and dont you dare to want it. No one wanted to age and turn into a wrinkly prune, zero people wanted to lose their mind into Alzheimer, and those who says becoming brittle with age is such a good thing actually accepted it through centuries of collective stockholm syndrome
"You will get bored of immortality?" Skill issue, the universe is infinite and there's many things to do, your brain forget a lot of things easily. Don't do something for 10 years and you do it again, that thing will become a new experience.
Especially in a high magic world like DnD with multiverse and several different planes. Bored with this new age? Get into cyro sleep and wake up in a new era or do a memory wipe
"You will outlive your loved ones?" If you can get immortality, why your loved ones can't? This argument never made sense to me
"Resource problem." This can be solved with clever management, economic system that is not shit like capitalism and population control, moving to also another planet/planes of existence
"You will end up alone floating in space." Immortality doesnt mean invincibility, also alone? Back to argument number one that you can give immortality to your loved ones, what stopped them from getting it if you can have it too? Also the universe is infinite and in a world like DnD there's many realms
In Baldur's Gate/DnD there are ways to achieve immortality, the most known/popular ones are becoming a lich, vampire, wish spell, become a god, a god blessing or cloning spell.
But somehow even in BG3 the whole 'immortality bad and those who seek immortality must be evil' bullshit is still shoved down my throat and still a forefront.
There's elminster who is chosen of Mystra and immortal, not a bad guy but his immortality is not a focus in bg3
Jaheira has the rite of body preservation to prolong her life because she wanted to keep protecting the city in act3, you can encourage her to do it but somehow she still reject it and just give the scroll to you. The whole thing with Ketheric, Lorrokan wanted immortality and he is an evil wizard. Now your tav/durge can be immortal through three ways, romancing God! Gale or romancing Ascended Astarion or you take over the illithid elder brain.
Now you can seek any other means of immortality for your tav/durge, but I'm just talking what BG3 currently offered
Now I don't believe that Gale God ending is evil, it is an antithesis to his professor ending but its not like he turned into an evil god? As a human his alignment is neutral good and as a god he become true neutral with him in the epilogue saying he will bless anyone with enough ambition whatever they are good or bad people.
But the dev says at some point this ending is evil? Which doesn't make sense because God Gale hasn't do anything that can be classified as evil nor share any evil plan. Hell for god sake he is smart enough to not poke Mystra and left her alone. God Gale becoming evil only happen with recent patch 7 ending IF he takes over the brain
Then another way is to have ascended astarion turn you into a vampire. Now i don't see this as a bad ending for HIM, for astarion, FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ASCENDED ASTARION. Not from the moralistic perspective of 21st century spectators or a good aligned Tav. Here's the logic If Sauron wins then that is bad for everyone, but for Sauron himself it is not a bad outcome.
But is it evil? YES. Doing the rite if profane ascension is an evil deed (its just Ascendant Astarion and my Tav who is happy becoming a vampire doesnt care about the morality of it) then you can take over the brain, suppose if you can conquer the world with it what stopping you from gaining immortality with such immeasurable power?
But those ways of gaining immortality are either godhood that is seen as 'evil path' by the dev or objectively through evil means like the rite of ascension or taking over the elder brain.
Really in a world where a detective is a fucking talking elephant and you can have sex with a druid bear, why the quest to obtain immortality is always through evil means? A repetition of other media
Like i said there's a way to become immortal trough neutral or good way like clone spell, cloning a younger body and transferring your soul into it or obtaining blessing from good aligned God.
But what forefront in BG3 is the 'evil people seek immortality through evil means'
It is shoving down this "those who seek immortality must be evil or have something wrong with them because how dare they stray away from the path and others must be forced to walk on, how dare they strayed away from the herd, how dare that one crab climbed out of the bucket while others are doomed to rot in it? That person must be evil and has to be punished!"
The argument against immortality that keep appearing in books or movies etc is just a severe case of sour grape. You can't reach for something yet therefore you must hate it/that thing must be bad, a severe case of jealously, and a 'know your place' mentality (know your place, you are just a lousy human unlike those beautiful elves who can live for so long or even forever')
'Immortality bad' is humanity current 'flying is bad and the highest form of hubris, an offence to god.'
No, I dont see immortality as a bad thing and humanity need to get over this sour grape already because it is embarrassing
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laststandx3 · 8 months ago
I'll be bitter for a minute and say it: i think the terror for how good it is, is also very partial on crozier on being #1 mister only good colonizer in the arctic, and i sort of hate it because the change happens only because he sobers up. and sure alchool makes people cruel, but sobering up doesnt make them perfect. he went from let silna be left on the ship without protection/kick her out for the tuunbaq if she doesnt help us/ rip the guy that died to get me a bottle of whisky, anywayy to peace and love on planet earth lets us all take this walk together while i share words of wisdom and love with this other colonizer who's also very sorry he didn't do anything good with his life. Crozier started the journey at least as a heavy day-drinker and i understand how that's different from heavy alcholism but at the same time i can't imagine all of crozier's faults being the consequences of whisky alone. and having him overcoming his alcholism and wising up immediately after being clean for a few weeks is FOR ME a terrible writing choice that paints him as being naturally good and his 'bad' behaviors coming ONLY from the alchool. yes he sees blanky getting hurt and that's starts his sobering up path. but that's not enough for me. the people (other characters state aloud for the audience) he loves more than god loves them are dying left and right. and i really dont care if corzier cares about the crew or not but if he cared he should have cared about them even when he was drunk and not remembring about their wellbeing AFTER he got clean. i'm not saying you cant enjoy crozier. i just believe his character development isnt earned and that he got it only because he's the designed good character that canonically survives in the book. i dont think that him shitting himself for a few weeks while sobering up can count as having the emotional development to go from one extreme to the other. especially because everyone else is also there sufferring physically and psychologically even more than him due to the fact that their all stranded in the arctic and dying of scurvy and no one else in the crew could have the time off work, privacy and attentions to heal. crozier being the 2nd on command and then captain used his power to become a drunk and later to clean up. and i just dont believe that a man who abused his position like that from the beginning just becuase he was pissed he couldnt marry the woman he wanted suddently stops abusing his position because he's now clean and pure. TO ME it's a bad writing choice that is also force-fed to the audience with the line 'more than god loves them' so that you get it for sure that he's the good guy who cares about people not like those others evil characters who would do anything to survive like killing innocents and being racist (the good guys could never. except they canonically did- but wait, not in THIS continent so it doesnt matter) and eating people (which is a sign of being naturally evil, no matter the circumstances) or following a religion in a desperate last chance of survival (again no one on the good guys side would put religion above good sense and the safety of fellow human beings. in this continent?? maybe? ugh)
in summary i think the main flaw i find in the terror is how much it still tries to draw a line between good and evil. instead of just trying to portray the human disperation for their mortal condition. how much having to come face to face with tuunbaq must destroy all of those men convinctions on what life/afterlife are (for what i remember it just addresses it for tozer AND in the SCRIPT) nobody else gets a life shuttering experience. it's either the devil, then good christians should be safe, or it's a different religion, then what?? what do you do when your life looses its meaning? and the answer for most of the charactes was 🤷‍♀️guess we'll think about it after this awesome party we're about to throw. i dont want this to be about religion, but these men are wrecked in every way, there's nobody to save them and everyday they're a little more in pain than the one before. there shouldnt be a camp of the good men lead by the strong and wise one who take care of their sick and lets the dying die peacefully with morphin. while in the bad guys camp they eat people and have evil laugh competitions and kill their sick with knifes bc giving them poison might make them unedible. and specifically those evil guys where also the reason why the expedition happened to hurt the locals, the good guys have nothing to do with it.
i dont think there's nothing wrong (narratively) in doing anything to survive. even if it's something cruel, because those men are at the end of the world alone, it's at least realistic that they'll try everything to avoid death. crozier(and jfj even if offscreen) gets to be cruel at the beginning of the story but by middle point they're shown to be sad (about unrelated things) and spend the last few episodes being kind and brave (and forgiven by the narrative) while their chance at character development is uniquelly given by their ranks. in the meantime the consequences of those cruelness (only hickey, because we dont get to see survivors of jfj trip to China, if he left any) dont get the chance to heal and change because hickey's position of subordiante never allows him to be really safe, and because his torture was public, automatically making every witness taking the side of the perpetrator. hickey's never given weeks off work to recover because he got lashed because of his own actions. hickey doesnt get words of wisdom from a companion because in his mind everyone agreed with crozier in him deserving the lashes, (except maybe tozer? but even that isnt that clear cut) hickey, manson and hartnell also magiaclly heal from the lashes after a few weeks (even when ANYOTHER character cant heal because of scurvy) so the narrative can't held crozier accountable for the pain he caused.
the good guys and the bad guys' actions are treated differently by the show. even when the good guys actions should have consequences and the bad guys' shouldnt. the narrative has already decided which sins will be forgiven and which will be punished. and it's a bit annoying to me because for how wonderful the terror is, i cant help but feel like i'm being spoonfed a narrative about morality when at its core the story is about humanity.
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arttrampbelle · 11 months ago
Shang tsung isn't evil but a product of corruption and the environment that surrounds him. He's not evil in the sense of black n white thinking of morality. Especially from a western,psuedo Christian American perspective that so many people wanna shoehorn him into. (No shade here but im calling it like i see it nrs)
How is he evil when everyone in mortal kombat kills?
Also shao kahn quan chi and shinnok has arguably done worse
And even more so he's worked more with them,and under them(shao Kahn namely) and had no choice but to follow orders. Namely some things sure were aligned in benefit. But truly can you really argue that it was all his doing? No to say so is ignorant and undermining the other villains and antagonists of the series and their own contributions to the story narrative in opposition of protags and other characters.
The most evil is those who hide behind self righteousness and say they are for peace when they are being manipulated by promises of a better realm or timeline(cough fire god liu kang. COUGH)
Like nah guys mk12/mk1 don't make sense even for the narrative they are trying to pull. Shang is wonderful but yall missed the point even tho the storymode sucks and everything about it makes me nauseous, shang tsung shines thru because of what he represents. The story,It falls through the crack simply because of the fact
In mortal kombats chaotic and cruel world. You kill or be killed. You do what it takes to survive. Or be food for the gods. As you are nothing but entertainment for them.
Everyone kills in mortal kombat. So shang tsung killing means fucking nothing and is a moot point. He does it,everyone does it,how is he truly any different than anyone at that point. Thru mortal kombat,a supposedly Divine system,he's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing. And what his character is designed to do. Period. So killing,moot point and argument.
Im not talking about. MK12/MK1 specifically. Tho that grinds my gears for many other reasons. Im talking shang tsung,overall as a whole as a character thru the 30+yrs the games and mk has been around. These are common arguments for that shang is "tHe EVil OnE" when there's no such thing in mks world. Truly. It's posturing and posing flowery words at that point. Period.
Stealing souls? He has to,to survive. He is cursed by the very gods and mentors that once swore to protect him. But did nothing.
Climbing for power? He does so because he wishes not to rule over. But so he doesn't have to worry about going to bed hungry,to suffer. He wants stability,comfort,and most of all security. A thing that long ago was robbed of him.
See you can't say shit about my man without having many reasons why he's not.
Could he be evil,nasty,and dowright fucking cruel? Oh you bet your ass he could. But does he enjoy it? Not really. He takes no pleasure unless it's out of necessity or you're considered an enemy.
He is no different than a hungry hunter. Trying to find his next meal or the next place of dwelling. Until he finds his true place of being and achieves a stable life.
Like ffs people it's right fucking there fine print and that still,STILL GOES OVER YOUR HEADS!
Like y'all who don't understand nuanced villains WANT him to be stereotypical,y'all want him to be easy to pinpoint. Because that means you dont get to critique your beloved "Heroic" characters. And use your brains,and critically think that maybe,just fucking maybe. Your nice dudes were wrong for once.
In mortal kombats world (if you can call it that because the world building sucks)
It's kill or be killed. Morality be damned. Shang tsung found that out long ago. Hiding behind morals in a world that could care less than about you. Gods that only see you as food,throw away entertainment,etc.
He may have respect for someone who despite all that crap,has some moral backbone. But isn't blind to the truth,it's survival. Dont be a pushover boot licking lapdog. As long as you don't hide behind your self righteousness and "goody goody" attitude. He'll respect that you have a noble heart. In fact,that may make him actually enjoy your company. But dont be a condescending jackass about your morals. And he'll be fine.
Shang tsung is just playing the game that the world is built upon. The rules,the gods,the empires,have made. And plays them well into his advantage.
And y'all pissed he plays it better than you. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
That my dears is a truly well done villain,antagonist,and just a beautifully complex character.
That's how you do or are supposed to do shang tsung. Period.
*slams hand down on table and leaves*
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youremyheaven · 5 months ago
Hey Girl, tis is ethereal anon, also love your pfp Jennifer's Body my beloved🫶🏻🫶🏻
didi (yes I'm Indian HHAAHAHHA) I literally need your advice I'm going through my saturn mahadasha currently, started around 2022 and my entire life before was Jupiter Mahadasha and I had the worst time ever BUT I feel like I'm so much better now (thinking of it I changed myself and my entire life before my saturn mahadasha began subconsciously this is insane)
im PMSing and feeling hella angsty + eclipse szn blues and thats why i put that angsty Jennifer's Body pfp. that scene makes me cry everytime bc i relate to that feeling so much (as im sure most women do). to feel so broken and empty but still go out into the world with your "game face" on.
Saturn mahadasha lasts for 18 years so my advice is for you to stay consistent, disciplined and focused.
Saturn will TEST you and Saturn will be harsh but its for the best. some people will reach the lowest of lows and never climb up during this dasha but thats only those who refuse to learn the lessons of Saturn.
be patient. get used to moving at a slow and steady pace. WORK HARD. its going to feel like everything is 100x harder for you than others but honestly youre just in your Saturn MD , dont take it personally but good thing about going thru your Sat dasha when youre younger is that you get to unload a lot of karmic burdens and do all the dirty work when youre young and have the time and energy to do so. imagine going thru this when you're middle aged or in your old age??? GIRLLL?? to suffer when you're old is THE WORST. so consider yourself blessed to go thru this dasha in your 20s!!!
everything can feel like its falling apart but i promise u, if u are a person of virtue, youll emerge victorious.
saturn is about being strict!!! that means not being petty, malicious, evil, snarky, bitchy, lazy, backbiting, ruthless, partial etc
be punctual. be focused. DO THE WORK. do something everyday that gets u closer to ur goals. DO NOT BE IDLE. SATURN HATES IDLE PPL. DONT WASTE TIME. THAT PISSES OFF SATURN!!!
saturn is literally work hard, wait for a while and then play hard. BE PATIENTTT.
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marunalu · 2 years ago
don't understand why people think afo possibly having a bad childhood would cheapen his character, he grew up during a time where everything was chaos and people were going insnae. it's not too far fetched to think he's a had a bad past and doesn't lessen any evil he does now. it's a little annoying when you suggest that he probably has had something bad happen to him when he was younger and people get mad at you saying let villains be villains.
Absolutely agree!
I think the main reason why people dont want afo to have a terrible past is because they dont want to sympathy with him! They want to hate him and they know a sad backstory could change their view of him. I mean look at tomura: at first pretty much all of the readers hated his guts or at least thought he is an terrible excuse of a villain, because how whiny, spoiled and bratty he is! But then we got his past flashbacks and BAMM all of a sudden he was everyones favorite character and even wanted him to succeed in his goal of destroying everything! Feeling sorry for someone is the main reason why people are ready to start to make excuses for that persons behavior, no matter how horrible their actions are. The thing is a villains backstory is there to explain why he ended up that way and NOT to make excuses for him!
Lets face it: tomura, dabi, toga, spinner etc. are all HORRIBLE people! They are terrorists and massmurderers. Thats a fact! No sane person in real life would want to interact with them or accept their reasonings. The reason why readers are ready to forgive them their crimes and want a happy ending for them is because its fiction and we know their backstorys and what they went through during their childhood. All of them are MURDERERS of innocents, but they are also lost, lonely and traumatized children who need help and therapy! And I think deep down people are aware that its the same or similar case with afo, because thats how hori writes his main villains. They are complex and complicated characters. Hori made very early clear that afo is not pure evil, because in yoichis flashbacks we hear him say that he loves his brother and in the recent chapters this is even more confirmed when we see afo crying (most likely shortly after yoichis death) when he is about to kill 2th. Pure evil doesnt love! Pure evil doesnt cry, after they lost a family member! And I think its pissing people off. They dont want afo to be turned into someone they pity and sympathize with, because of what he did to tomura, to some degree to dabi and other horrible things (turning people into nomous), despite that every single member of the lov is a horrible person too from a realistic point of view!
Afo already showed clear signs of suffering from past trauma himself, for example his unhealthy obsession with his "the only family I have" brother. We dont have the full context yet what actually happend in their past, but we know that afo was there when the "dawn of quirks" happend. He was there from the start. We know it was full chaos! From one day to the other the world turned upside down. It was violent! It was bloody! People startet to kill each other out of the blue! Know picture how horrifying this apocalyptical world must have been for two young boys! Espicially for the older one, who has to take care for the younger, sickly brother and wants to shield him from the horrors of that world! The fact that afo mentions that yoichi was the only family he had, makes clear that there were no parents or guardians to take care of them. In a world in which people startet all of a sudden to kill each other, because they developed scary powers. Afo shows clear abandonment issues (his unwillingness of yoichi leaving him and rather locking him inside a vault like a treasure and his obsession with getting ofa back) and I believe its because the brothers either lost their parents pretty early in life or they lived in an abusive househould and when afo showed first signs of a quirk, the parents kicked them out. All in all I believe afo was the one "raising" yoichi (at least as good as he could in that time) and made a lot of sacrifices to make sure his younger brother stays safe and gets enough to eat and evtl. medication.
A while ago I watched the disney movie encanto and I think the lyrics of the song "pressure" are perfect for how I picture afos life was back then. Everything he did was for his brother, he wanted to make order for his brother, to bring peace even if it meant he had to do nasty things to archive that. But then his brother was gone and afo lost his main motivation for wanting to change the world to the better. I think its interesting how afo never refers to himself as a villain while yoichi was still alive, in fact he trys to lay the blame on others and that his hands are clean ("they did it on their own, I never ordered them to do it"), but after yoichis death he has no problem anymore to call himself a villain. But why? Well, yoichi was "kidnapped" by two heroes, right? Afo locked him into a vault for his own safety, but this two dumb heroes showed up and took him away from him and what was the end result? They motivated yoichi even more to live after his heroic ideals and that got him (most likely) killed! The heroes killed his brother (thats what he is telling himself) and what is the opposite of the hero?
The villain!
So afo rather wants to be seen as a villain, because its the opposite of what killed his brother. This is of course mainly my own speculation, but I think its clear that afo is a by FAR more complex character then readers give him credit for, because they arent ready to accept that! Complexity doesnt cheapen a character. It flashs them out and hits home that just one bad day can destroy your life, your future and turning you into someone you never planned to become. No matter what happened in afos past it doesnt change the fact that he is a horrible man now, it just explains he wasnt born that way, because no one is born evil! Evil is born by circumstances!
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pruskita · 3 months ago
dont give you more angst idea?
How about that go either way
Elfilis (no particular reason why he's alive here use your imagination, Kirby needs more reccuring villains other than whipsy woods and ddd anyway) use there psychic powers to make the drama from the KSA even worse.
Going to the minds of Kirby's freids right I'm front of Kirby and spouting an evil speech like
"ya know Kirby I look both you and your friends memories and cant see to find someone who cares about you as deeply as you care about them? I guess that's the downside of having such a kind soul"
Saying there using Kirby for there power
This could go either way depending who Elfilis attack's
Is Elfilis right and Kirby just a pawn with cute face or monster to some his friends?
Is there anyone who can prove him wrong?
Or what if someone is afraid of Kirby sometimes but states loudly that there gonna try best to push past it and stand by Kirby!
No, I mean I love the ideas of angst I love it and I like to think about it, so if you want to tell me tell me I'll be happy, just not so much because then I make Kirby or whatever suffer.
Now for the idea it's great! It's too good I can imagine it and said it can be much worse depending on whether that Elfilis attack is done
Before the Hynnes fight and before all of Void, Kirby could deny that, She, even though she is quite shy and already has some traumas, tries to tell herself that this is a lie, that she is loved, that she has a family and friends who care and love her
BUT After everything that happened with Hynnes and Void, Kirby is devastated by everything. She couldn't handle it if she had already gone through a panic attack or fights between her friends and family, for Kirby, that experience was something traumatic
Now let's imagine that it is someone who imparts the one that Elfilis uses to make his attack and affect him more well, it could perfectly be Dedede someone easy to control and also someone that Kirby depends a lot on emotionally .Imagine that a parent, friend, and someone you love and trust, starts telling you that no one really loves you, that no one would be interested in your life and even though you may think it's a lie, even if Kirby tries hard to think it's a lie, the doubt will be more than great, not only because Kirby and Dedede's relationship at the beginning was that of constant rivals
That Elfilis tells Kirby in Dedede's body that nobody loves her, that nobody is interested in her, will affect her more and more, together with everything she went through, it was not only that she had to fight with the goddess who created her, Void is a goddess in a deplorable state who seemed to defend herself rather than attack, leaving Kirby thinking that she is doing something terrible Add to that the fact that Hyness has yelled at her that she was the wish of someone who is horrible, that she was the wish for a child of Galacta, that it was because of her that he attacked Void to force her to have a a son of his
And now Elfilis, who was Galacta's friend, will not only take advantage of the opportunity to tell Kirby that nobody loves her, but also to claim that she is Galacta's daughter and will tell him the things that he must have done, He will tell you that no one in your life cares, that you deserve all the bad things that happen to you, and he will blame you for everything you have done.
If Elfilis enters the minds of the majority, she will tell Kirby of the hatred that Taranza has for her and that she continues to blame her for what happened to Sectonia, Fears of his own friends like Ribbon knowing that he comes from the same person who gives wings to dark matters, Little or no importance on their lives and they only see her as someone to be a hero, That people like a weirdo either because of how they are or because of their origin they just discovered
And in the end, even though all those that Elfilis mentioned and used, even though they try to tell Kirby that what he said is a lie, even though they show him that it is not true, even though they propose to do more By giving Kirby more love and attention she could no longer trust them, she will always be thinking that her friends only pretend to love her.
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theres a lot of different ways people have illustrated the greed and evil of billionaires from visual portrayals of how big a billion actually is to comparing their philanthropy and how much money they have to highlighting the sufferings of those theyve exploited, and theyre all great demonstrations in of themselves.
but one i dont see quite as often is comparing the charitable works of every day people to that of billionaires. i think part of it is that a billionaire can donate more money to charity in one click of a finger than i can in my entire life, but i think another part is a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth while also not wanting to rock the boat.
a great example of that is the fact that you cant criticise mr beast/jimmy donaldson without people pushing it aside with the notion of "hes helping people" or "the guy could cure cancer and youd find something to criticise about it", which are endlessly frustrating and engaging with your criticism in bad faith.
but outside of him, youll see versions of it across the board for any philanthropic rich person. people automatically assume your criticism is coming from a cynical point of view, and often that you dont ever take part in charitable acts yourself.
and it is endlessly frustrating to run into that attitude every damn time like youre a dog running into that same glass door. because there is very valid criticism to be made about it.
because most of the time, these people could use that money to make lasting structural changes. i mean, the UN estimates you could end world hunger with $6billion, but no billionaires attempted to. on a smaller scale, you can build shelters or youth hubs or rehab facilities, or you could invest in ongoing work to help people out of poverty or improve local education or help people get better healthcare. or even just put your money where your mouth is and financially back the people trying to make these structural changes.
but these so-called philanthropists dont because systematic changes arent what they actually want. theyre this rich because of the system.
and their philanthropy is a form of propaganda; they want you to think the system is unchangeable and that your only options for improving your life is working yourself to the bone or for some kindly rich person to take pity on you and just hand you the money you need. the system is fucked, but the rich are good people who just want to help. this isnt some hot take, ro ramdin made a great video about mr beast specifically regarding this sort of thing. müne cat also has a video about it which is basically a 30 minute rant from her stream.
i know why you dont see the comparison of billionaire philanthropy to every day charity that often, and its because you have to preface the entire thing with the explanation that i just had to make, because most people dont want to think further than "give money to charity is good". i think part of that is people not realising everything is political, but thats a discussion for a different post.
originally, i started writing this just to get something out of my head. two days ago, i asked my mom if she still had the trumpet i accidentally stole from school (long short story) because id been thinking about the fact like, i could flog that for £200 and £200s a good bit of money. during the conversation, it came up that one of our neighbours had bought an empty guitar case from a charity shop for a fancy dress party, and all thoughts of flogging it were suddenly gone from my mind.
because it reminded me that i could donate it to a charity shop or find a local musical program aimed towards giving poorer kids a chance to learn how to play an instrument. and like, how could i flog it when i could do just a little bit of good with it.
a similar thing happened with these big marvel pictures i had in my room as a teenager. idk how much money theyd go for but they werent cheap when we bought them. but then my mom found this local charity where you could donate items that theyd then auction off and that money went directly to the local foodbank, and so thats where they went.
and this isnt for me to be like hey how good of a person i am; i do not give a shit about that. its about the fact that this mindset is directly opposed to that of billionaires and to neoliberalism in general.
you cant earn a billion dollars by being a good person, we all know that. but i do think a great illustration of it is to compare those billionaires with the people who run your local food bank or run charity drives or the people who put free period products in public bathrooms or the local deli owner who lets unhoused people eat for free.
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yumecel · 1 year ago
wlcemome 2 ym twsted mdni…
i write dark content i write dead dove i am a nasty sicko lot of my shit is just going to be unsafe insane and nonconsensual. i am a woman and write f!reader mostly if it’s gn that’s usually by quinkydink. i write the shit for myself you read it because i chose to publish it on tungle dot com
[i promise ⬇️] [i can’t promise that! ↩️]
-> posted dumb shit in the xreader tags
-> minor / ageless blog
-> “female and fem dni” cause I can barely scroll my xreaders without laughing so hard I tear up at seeing unironic women dni in 2024
-> posted something that ruined my day about one of my yumeships and this is the only thing i will apologise for i’m sorry i’m crazy and i need my emotional support husband
-> terrible and evil aura
i am a professional sillygirl and i write sometimes! i am 20 !! . this is myyyy thirst blog . i have another blog called @iidylllic …. I tried to publish whole fics there and i might still use it but i feel i also need a space to be fully Authentic authentic meaning random and terminally online at 20 years old. I miss discussing thirst .
blog remade with the explicit purpose of having this as a primary blog so i can ask and follow without fear!!!
mostly men but some women im bi with a male preference anddd being bullied by hot women is very Hot.
No minors even aged up. No scat no emeto. And if you see someone irl exhibit the dangerous behaviours you see me write about please make sure to talk to friends, family, and police if possible! I do not condone this behaviour and wish death to rapists and predators, sincerely!
don’t take my shit! don’t translate it! don’t re upload it to other platforms! save it to your computer harddrive to open during the inevitable solar flare that fucks over the entire internet. like an Adult.
Yes i yumeship. I am a nonsharing yumejoshi that tries VERY hard not to care about it. Hence why i block people that annoy me enough about it. But otherwise i promise i’m chill. I would be a very sad yumejoshi without people that also cared deeply about my husband! Just don’t be annoying about it -__-
please be kind about my blatant madness!!! I have no goals for this blog. Every day i will say to myself i want no notes, no appreciation, no recognition. The only goal is for myself. And that goal is to have a beautiful and refined lust. Sometimes im just talking about reader torture porn and thats okay. We’re all about reader suffering. We love that here. My only promise to you is i will tag and warn appropriately… and well, please block me if you are uncomfortable, or ask for specific trigger warnings. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of love, The Admin.
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limpfisted · 1 year ago
what if i told you, that ulder’s vision u uncover when u look into his mind, and u see wyll, ulder, and gortash usher in a new glorious dawn for baldur’s gate, and u see that the part of ulder that is legitimately him, is the part that wants the best for baldur’s gate, is a FASCINATING BIT OF LORE, that is further proof that in many ways, gortash is GOOD for the city, and has probably been working for the good of the city, for quite a long time, WITH ULDER. and what if i also told u, that while wyll sees the beauty in baldur’s gate, the adventure of his childhood—the city was actually an incredibly evil and dangerous place to grow up in, where he was only truly protected by his father (neutral) and the flaming fists who all enact dangerous, corrupt brutality and thievery under his father’s watch.
what if i told u wyll would have complex feelings about baldur’s gate. what if i told u he didn’t JUST learn to spar with his father because he loved to fight—but probably because he feared his child would get stabbed, and that he knew his son would have to be TOUGH while he delivered messages to all the taverns snd brothels of baldur’s gate. what if i told you the grandduke wasn’t elected to be grandduke until seven years ago, right before wyll was exiled, and that means that likely wyll WAS a rich and new money almost-noble/politician’s son that was allowed to go to balls. but that he always was Apart, always smarter, tougher, street savvier. and yet not as street savvy as the REAL poor people. he was always protected from them
what if i told you the steel watch and the iron theone would have taken AT LEAST 3-5 years to build and maintain to fer o this level. that ulder probably would have had to approve some of this, though not all of it, of course. (he probably didnt know about the slavery or human experimentation, but still.)
what if i told you ulder was willfully, intentionally blind to a LOT. that to be a politician in power and to do right by the city he loved like the hero balduran he loved, his idealism made him simply. jetral instead of good. he had to make deals and work with people he didnt like. he liked people he didnt agree with.
and for someone like wyll, who would see that, who would see his “uncles” in the flaming fist hurt people, take bribes, etc, i imagine that taking a deal with a devil didn’t seem all that different.
he is nostalgic for baldur’s gate and the good in it, and even the bad, but it is easier to be nostalgic in a baldur’s gate that is BETTER because of gortash and the steel watch making sure there arent bodies everywhere on the streets of the lower city. that its not a gothic horror hellscape, isntead of the fresh open airs hes now used to
baldur’s gate is his home, and he loves it. but gods, sometimes it is hard to love when it is built on so much suffering. and just like his idealistic to thr point of delusional father—it helps to have hope in something, even if that someing is a fairy tale metal knight with a broad chest who can be imparitsl and controlled and doent take bribes or commit unnecessary violence, or a fairy tale creator, like balduran, who was a perfect leader in every way, who espoused every virtue possible.
wyll would be DISGUSTED with the truth of the steel watch. but also. i think. if u grow up around thr flaming fists, and kind of…. hate them, even tho u see them as ur father’s “necessary evil”? bc u see the truth of them more than anyone? u kind of. realize shit. and dont stop realizing it.
coming back to baldurs gate and starting to rule it himself is a huge wake up call of ohhhhh this sucks this sucks this alllllll sucks LOL.
because there is also a part of him that would always lrefer to ignore how bad it truly was here and he…. can’t now. and now it’s his responsibility. and he has to make the necessary evil calls.
i think wyll would be a fool to kill gortash, honestly. like i think he would WANT to. as the blade of avernus, hed do it without a second thought. but as the archduke of baldur’s gate? that’s stupid. gortash has vastly improved the quality of life by making sure the average person is safer than they would have been when wyll left
like it cannot be overstated how gortash might be lawful evil, but so is. evryone else in baldur’s gate. in a lot of ways, he’s a lesser evil, and one that ACTUALLY wants to help baldur’s gate
it’s not so cut and dry. like maybe he wants to sap you of your free will. but he wants to give you a good life, a decent life, where u can be happy, where u can be proud of ur son, and proud of ur father.
and maybe being mind controlled and happy and SAFE is better than ur whole family being dead? or dying urself? or starving in the streets? u know? idk.
gortash was wrong and is a fascist, and he’s undoubtably evil. but wyll can objectively look st things like the steel watch, and go, “…. without the human experimentstion and slavery, it would be really really coll to have steampunk knights going around helping people, objectively.”
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ratttoro · 4 months ago
heres a more vent-y post about ageism cuz y’all are pissing me tf off. (side note, maybe read the whole post before deciding that i just hate teenagers and want them all to suffer).
teenagers seriously need to stop acting as if they are oppressed. you aren’t. you are disrespected/somewhat disregarded in society which is something i’ve been saying but to take it up a notch and compare it to oppression is exactly why there’s so many people who are preaching that teens shouldn’t be online/aren’t mature enough to make their own decisions.
there are laws out there to protect you because we’ve all been there, we all know what its like, we all want you to succeed. youth is one of the only things every human being on this earth experiences, and wishes they could go back and change. there are evil ass motherfuckers out there who want to hurt you, who want to take advantage of you and your naïveté, who want you to believe that you’re more mature than your parents/teachers tell you and that they’re all just holding you back, but good news: there are also people out there that want every single one of those motherfuckers to rot in a jail cell and tons of people who dedicate their entire lives to doing so. thats oppression to you? because you can’t vote at 15 fucking years old? because the teachers don’t want you vaping in the bathroom? get a fucking grip oh my god. you are more privileged as a teenager than you’ll ever be in your entire life.
if you seriously cannot even FATHOM why someone might not want a teenager in their space, to interact with their account, or to have the liberty of making every single decision for themselves, ya aren’t as mature as yer thinking ya are, bud.
even as a teen, it was never hard for me to just respect the fact that some spaces weren’t made for me, and there were valid reasons as to why. (i was a teen like two years ago and technically still am so dont start with that “well things are different now!” bullshit.)
teens aren’t allowed in adult spaces because adults are unpredictable, and no matter how many times you wanna shout that teens are capable of being mature and responsible, most teens are naïve as fuck because most of y’all have 0 life skills yet. once again, if you did have life skills you would probably understand why there are so many things in place to FUCKING PROTECT YOU GUYS.
it’s so frustrating that teenagers are trying to push away everything thats keeping them safe because “erm actually teenagers are a lot smarter than you think!” just because you read Frankenstein does not mean you’re immune to grooming and sex trafficking.
i agree that teens deserve to be respected and their opinions deserve to be heard, but no, sorry, y’all definitely should not be in adult spaces (rather the spaces dangerous or not, some people just don’t want minors around and this type of shit makes me completely understand why).
stop preaching literal groomer language at teenagers AS A TEENAGER. what the fuck! you’re destroying yourselves and forcing everyone else to watch. i’ve seen multiple cases of rape, grooming, abuse, etc, that wouldn’t have gotten recognized as such had the victim not been a minor. stop actively trying to make things worse for yourself. once you grow up, there will be no more people fighting for you. there will be no protection. there will be no more using your age as an excuse. like i said earlier, get a fucking grip.
and ik that teens have been saying the same bullshit reworded for centuries, but it gets more concerning when people are essentially saying “teenager? psssh they’re practically an adult!” and it blows my mind that people cant see why.
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sentofight · 11 months ago
ooc. some of my characters act a little bit childish and i get if some people roll their eyes like 'they are old' but hear me out. to point out no one has said anything, so please dont assume it is u. just thoughts my brain is holding me on gun point if i didnt write it, otherwise will delete thoughts in mere seconds.
character like kula who was experimented on, thus she didn't have a personality of her own--experiences like any other kid growing up made her blank. so, she is technically a kid learning basics. however, due to the amount of experiments she is still whether in shock and refuses to leave that period because it means she is going to forget that part (even if it is hurtful and sad it is part of her plus u know she does not want to forget what was done to her.)
kula is slow in acquiring mannerisms and what we call common sense. kula not only she suffered due to the experiments but she lost her very first friend in a uh... climatic way. Candy was her first friend and it reset kula's development back to square one. hadn't not for diane and foxy she would've shut herself off from the world and decided it is better to not 'feel' again. it's because of her loss she decided to 'learn' more about what feelings are.
she [____?] Diane and Foxy. The word is missing for her but with time she learned what 'love' is. She loves her family. She loves her best friend Candy. She loves the things that makes her smile--ice cream! after she dramatically meets k' and maxima, she loves them too because they are her family! she loves seirah a lot! seirah (whip) does everything to fit in the missing puzzle pieces for her. it is a tough work for someone whose brain is not 'normal'.
With Seirah's help Kula is introduced to a lot of things, especially relationship and how she should talk and communicate better. the reason why my kula is still exhibiting childish tendencies more because ...I AM WAITING FOR SEIRAH TO TEACH HER. also real reason tbh im more into developing my muse on my own pace not because i need to be pressured by how others perceive my 'canon muse' as. all my muses are my ocs deal with it. because i assume that your muses even canon are you ocs too! we write them out of fun and joy no need to police the heck out of each other. unless the fanon goes too hard and it does not make sense then yeah poooooooolice!! arrest this person for ruining a good character!!!
anyway, for kula i take it slow, perhaps extra slow with developing her because you cant undo the frick that happened to her with an ask or a thread. i'd love to explore her more so EYES EMOJI MONEY EMOJI PSPSPSPSPS.
another muse is perhaps edea. dont get me wrong she is not childish in the same as kula but she can be ..mix of stubborn, headstrong and overachiever and that comes out as bratty at times. put in perspective that she is lone child, her mother is most of the time sick in the hospital and her father is a man of higher statues who is away, too most of the time .well. she wants to prove herself that she can be independent and can take care of herself. not to mention she wants to make her father realize she is not a kid...by being a kid skfljsdf edea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hear her out please. she learns the sword to know how to protect herself. likes learning sword so she continues and wants to be a master in it to get her father to see that she is growing--she is not the little kid he has to keep an eye on. almost master the sword and her world gets upside down when she learns about the world from agnes' perspective. the world she crafted so well--black and white. evil and good. it shattered in a single encounter with a stranger. she so heartily believed in that kind of world and that she is 'white' because she is always on the justice side to know she is ...quite grey..if not leaning to black. why? because she is not doing enough to change the bad things happening around her that her father is seemingly 'ignoring'. she is at fault as well as her father.
edea requires developing as well and thankfully *looks respectfully at bear and wylan* they are doing THE work with her. i'm getting there to loosen up that 'childish' part of her with time. actually, I WILL NOT YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE SHE IS CRAZY GIRL AND SHE WILL GO HAM ON YOU IF YOU EAT HER CAKE OK? jokes aside, she is a serious character if the situation demands it. and looking at BD2 she got a new air about her and thats like nice! somewhat mature of the events in BD1 but she is still our crazy bimbo lol.
in terms of confidence, i love writing them both. perhaps edea comes more natural since i have been writing her for a while and she has less baggage than kula ngl. but i enjoy getting challenged by my writing partners with prompts/asks/and threads.
i wouldn't want to call z.ack childish, he is optimistic but i get why he might be called that. he is pure. he believes in the goodness of everyone--deep down they can find that goodness too and do good. balancing his optimistic childish with his seriousness can be tricky. like there is a battle in my mind sometimes how to write his response because in my head they are both legit answers. should he go the 'optimistic response route' or 'serious route'. i usually try to imagine the character saying the line in that situation and im puzzled--he can say both lines! but other factors factor in and i pick the one i feel resonate with the thread flow better.
anyway. love my muses, i love your muses weee.
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angelicalbones · 1 year ago
im so nervous to go home after work tonight. I have genuine thoughts and concerns about our relationship and how he treats me but something in me snapped last night and I was just so cruel.
like i dunno he just threw at me out of no where that hes apparently made multiple attempts on his life recently and I had no other reaction than to laugh. Like are you serious? like I know why I laughed because this isn't the first time hes done this or anyone at all has done this to me to make me feel guilty for trying to call them to task and I just cant take his emotional manipulation sometimes but also like
that's cruel to do to anyone. I care for him so much and I am so fucking scared for his safety and well being 24/7. I have had to threaten him with baker acting him or making him stay with his aunt and uncle during the day before because I was so fucking scared I would come home to him dead. Of course he told me that was evil to do and he hated me for even thinking about it even tho hes the one who said "I can't do this anymore let me die"
Fuck I dont know I know I shouldnt have been so mean, I fucking lost it so severely last night but also he is so fucking mean to me all the time. At the slightest provacation it becomes him drilling into me about how I've done nothing but use him for his money and everything is my fault and he has paid for my entire life and I wouldnt be wehre I am without him and I owe him everything. Im never allowed to get a word in edgewise but if I dont speak im an idiot who is abusively stonewalling him and leaving him to suffer alone.
but if I do speak and say the wrong thing(which is literally everything) I'm a fucking moronic bitch who will never understand him and his guy friends are the only ones who actually care about him and I'm evil and want him to die alone and am a sociopathic bitch who can't connect with people ever.
last night I suggested we go out to a bar event we were invited to by his hair dresser and it spiralled into this multi hour long fight. He got so fucking angry at me for suggesting we go do something with other people when he was just screaming and crying about not knowing anyone and not doing anything with his life. I got fed up and told him fine I will go without him if he refuses to join me.
Which might have been the worst possible shit I couldve said I swear to god. The amount of times he said I was a sociopathic bitch who was abandoning him because he is mentally unwell is frankly what caused my outbursts. Just because I said I Was going to go to a bar thing we were invited to.
He then told me to fucking leave like 5 seperate times (which is like the 18th time hes done it in our relationship) so I threw up my fucking hands and cleaned out the car, and started seperating my clothes from his. And suddenly his tune fucking changed. He didn't just tell me to leave I'm choosing to. He never said leave I am deciding to run away in stead of work on our relationshipp.
Despite literally saing the words "Go back to fucking michigan" and "Then you should just fucking leave" multiple times. Apperantely that doesn't in fact mean leave it means beg for my forgiveness.
I then got in trouble for making a mess in the closet and he bitched while we hung my shit back up even tho I told him to leave and I would clean it bc he has to be a fucking martyr about fucking everything just like his dad.
God I cant fucking handle this, when we are good we are so fucking good it's like the universe personally crafted him for me. Similar tastes in media, music, humor, literally everything lines up so beautifully. But when it's bad I want to fucking kill myself . He hates everything about me and I am the worst person to ever happen to him.
I can never know which one is the real one. I'm so tired. I dont want to go home. I want to hide somewhere else forever.
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puppiekit · 2 years ago
you know what probably a warrior cats hot take but NightHeart 100% has BPD (coming from someone who has BPD) so seeing the fandoms blatant hatred for him is hilarious and ironic. Scrolling through the NightHeart posts on this sight is on par with all the hate posts I see about my disorder on the internet not even exaggerating you people say the same exact stuff
Like cmon... You cannot tell me this isn't him
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Honestly though it seems to me that the fandom has 0 issue sympathizing with or understanding the perspective of neglected/traumatized characters, but only when they express symptoms that are mild and/or can be glorified by the plot. Traumatized characters that turn around to become meek, soft-spoken, people-pleasers, or riddled with anxiety and fear are automatically recognized as traumatized, and what they have experienced is always taken into account when addressing their behaviors/worldview. Same with traumatized characters who turn around and try to overcompensate for whatever it is that they have experienced (eg. BlueStar growing paranoid and isolating herself after the betrayal she faced from TigerClaw, and also ditching StarClan because she feels as though they have taken enough away from her.)
… Traumatized characters who don't trust/like their peers, who express anger and recklessness and resentment, however? As far as most fandoms are concerned, they are just mean, cruel, and potentially evil, even if they aren't violent, and even if they dont want to harm others. (… probably doesn't help that most of the villains in the series project their own issues through anger though). If a character who is traumatized turns to anger, most people don't bother trying to take their experiences in account for their behavior, and sympathizing is out of the question… Can I blame them? Not really. It's makes sense not to like a character who projects their hurt and insecurities onto others. But the refusal to at least acknowledge why NightHeart is the way he is continues to shock me - people have more sympathy for literal villains and murderers lmfao.
Like this fandom is ridiculous. Not only because most of the things people hate about him is actually nothing more than the fault and biases of the writers themselves, but because for *years* the fandom was begging for a character that had real depth and real issues and a solid personality. Now these same people are whining because said character isnt a soft owo anxiety-ridden baby like friggin AlderHeart. Like no hate I love AlderHeart but from what I see people only gush over him and his bare minimum representation of anxiety because he hardly shows any symptoms that aren't already infantalized to hell and back by the internet. I mean just look at how the fandom treats GooseFeather... Dude never once acts out of malice and lives a life of isolation and genuine suffering, and yet the fandom consistently demonizes him and says awful things about him. This fandom needs to cut the crap lmfao
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mxth-bones · 4 years ago
Yknow what
Fuck it, ive had an irritating night being mocked and ignored so now im gonna be mocked and noticed lets go
/rp /dsmp im talking about the characters not the people
Dsmp character hot takes with Moth
-Dream deserves to suffer for all the pain he's caused and frankly im happy that he's miserable
-Im a bbh apologist. He's literally being mind controlled. Some of yall seem to forget that the main reason the egg js so powerful is because it can brainwash and mind control people
-Phil's not that bad of a character. He is a GRIEVING FATHER grappling with the reality of his son's crimes, he doesn't owe anyone anything, stop making him everyone's dad
-I dont blame the eggpire folks for anything
-Quackity being a capitalist to grab at power is a coping mechanism, he's always been powerless, he hates it
-Jack Manifold is a deeply hurt and conflicted character, come up with a better argument than "he wanted to kill a child" bc yall forgave niki fast as hell
-Techno's character is a person. By reducing him down to a war machine that is meant to stay within a strict ruleset you erase his experiences with betrayal. Hes not heartless, hes sick of being used
-By trying to categorize characters as "good" and "evil" you erase a core lesson of the dream smp
-The chances of wilbur ever getting redemption, or help, are slim to none. Dont expect him to be anything but destructive when he returns
-Quackity and Schlatts relationship was an important piece of Quackity's development and nobody talks about it
-Schlatt was right
-Stop assuming ranboo is always going to make sense, he is made to be contradictory
-Dont assume ranboo is always gonna be on the right side of history, there's a good chance he will join dream
-I love Puffy but she, as a character, doesn't do much but make promises she doesn't keep
-Tubbo was a bad president, was not fit to be president, but also didnt want to be president. What did you expect?
-Tubbos isolationist, militaristic values are a defense mechanism, because he has always been used as a hostage or bargaining token, he has the right to be weary of others
-Stop expecting all characters to grieve the same way
-Sam holds only partial fault for Tommy's death, and i expect him to spiral
-The Eggpire is the second most dangerous thing on the server besides dream
-Ranboo is likely going to be the person who breaks dream out
-Have I mentioned how quickly everyone forgave niki for trying to kill tommy, but keeps attacking jack, even though they had almost exactly the same reasons, and the only reason niki gave up on the assassination is because she was afforded the opportunity for a support system, and jack is dealing with all this on his own
-If i see any of you calling quackity heartless i swear to god-
-Tommy might not get better
-Wilbur's return will result in chaos, blood, and so much death. Im saying it again: The Old Wilbur is dead, and isn't ever coming back
-Sam is one of Dreams victims, nobody seems to think about how horrible being Dream's warden must be
-Sapnap and Dream's relationship is way too underrated, usually bc people favor dnf, which is incredibly irritating
And last but not least
-Dream apologists go to therapy, touch grass, stop forgiving a character that despicable, please
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