my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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Vote to push them out of our way
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kindlingkeen · 5 months
People talk about Jason being the angry Robin a lot (I’ll fight people on this /lh, he may have gotten angry I don’t deny that, but he was so much more than that. This kid wanted to help people!!) and generally focus on him disagreeing/fighting w Bruce a lot.
I think more people should talk about the fact Jason was able to make Batman laugh, on just an awful anniversary too. Like, Batman is known for being stoic and just generally…not a happy dude? But this little kid comes along! And now the ‘dark knight’ is smiling and laughing!! Jason made Bruce happy then & afterwards too as Jason & Robin.
Anyway, that I think adds to the heartache of his death / Bruce being so close far more than their fight does. (Not that the fight isn’t important or anything, it absolutely is) that difference between that happy caring kid to the current Jason is supposed to be shocking 👏 not expected 👏
I agree, it absolutely adds to the heartache of his death.
I think there’s two related reasons for the focus on Jason as the “angry” Robin.
1) After Jason died, dc made a concerted effort to rewrite history that ‘Jason was reckless and angry and didn’t listen to Batman so his death was his fault and really he had it coming’. Because apparently the thing to do after you brutally murder a child as part of a grotesque media stunt is to use classism and victim blaming to gaslight your audience in order to deflect from your own failings. 🤢
For example just look at the difference between this panel from Batman #614 published in 2003:
Jason never had the skills that Dick had.
I’ve always known that Dick had a gift. Jason only had … rage.
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Versus these panels from Batman #410 published in 1987 where we see Jason display obvious skill in hand-to-hand and acrobatics, and Bruce calls Dick and Jason “two of a kind”:
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2) It’s a lot easier to not feel bad about Jason’s brutal demise if you focus on him as a bad seed to begin with. Like, who wants to think about a happy kid who excelled at school and loved his dad being beaten half to death and blown up.
So, yeah, I totally agree with you anon, the difference between pre-death Jason and post-death Jason is supposed to be shocking, not expected. Most of all it’s tragic. 😔
(PS…Sorry it took me forever to answer your ask, anon. I’ve been searching for a particular comic panel I wanted to include as a reference. I finally had to admit defeat and move on without it. 😕)
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zairaalbereo · 2 years
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The Old Guard — here they are, all together!
(art available on redbubble)
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my autism makes me unstoppable
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
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nedison · 3 months
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Tonight's film, in honor of both Ringo's birthday and the final performance of LOVE in Las Vegas this evening.
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headlessstar · 9 months
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askthehoenngods · 4 months
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Happy pride month :P
(A note on Don's - Don was, before Kyogre, Aromantic, hence why it is across his shoulder and folded up. This'll be explored at a later time ;) )
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ceevee5 · 5 months
“The thinktank said ministers had in effect abandoned more than 1 million older people who lacked support to stay in work or to retire. It found that between 2010 and 2022, the number of people living in poverty aged between 60 and the state pension age had ballooned by about 800,000 to 1.2 million.”
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killingfrankie · 5 months
letterboxd reviews: me edition. all but two are rachel mcadams movies and 1 of them is associated with her.
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cha-lii · 3 months
shall we go on ahead and send one final “fuck the tories” out there? just to send them off?
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Hii can I request some Amber Appleton x reader? Where reader and Amber have been best friends since they were little and reader has had a crush on Amber for a while, with a cute confession and maybe some smut?
Nothing but joy
Amber Appleton x fem! reader
Warnings: some coarse language, smutty ending, implied messy home life, implied/slight descriptions of ocd symptoms after major illness
“But did you know that I loved you? Or were you not aware? You're the smile on my face. And I ain't goin' nowhere. I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile. I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while.” — Fall, Justin Bieber
(Reader and Amber kinda gave me Daisy and Aza vibes the more I wrote this draft lol)
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Sighing, Amber wipes down the tables in the donut shop while Lloyd was in the back making a new batch of donuts for the second half of the day. Amber’s shift had just begun, while yours at the nearby diner had just ended. So, you made your way over to the donut shop to pay her a visit. “Hey, Ams!” You exclaimed, bursting through the doors happily.
“Hey! Hi, y/n.” Amber’s face lit up the second she saw you and heard your voice, “How was your day?”
“Quite a few snappy customers today so that wasn’t too fun. Tips were pretty good, and it wasn’t too busy. So…good, I guess?”
She chuckles, folding up the rag and putting it away. “That’s good, least you have an off day tomorrow. Me too, we can go out, or just stay in and hang out.”
“Right! God, we finally have off days at the same time.” You gasped.
“y/n! I thought I heard your voice.” Lloyd walks out from the back, “Good to see ya. You want a donut?”
“Hey, Lloyd.” You waved, “Is that even a question? Of course I do.”
“Good point.” He laughs, “Take your pick.”
“I’ll have an old fashioned.” You decided.
He puts that into a bag and hands that to you, “There you go.”
“Thanks.” You smiled, taking the bag. While Amber served a customer who’s just walked in, you stood off to the side and chatted with Lloyd for a little while.
“So have you decided when you’re going to—”
You shushed him in a panic because Amber was only several feet away from you. “No.” You mouthed exaggeratedly.
“You have nothing to be worried about.” Lloyd says.
“Worry about what?” Amber asks, concerned. “What’s wrong?”
You glared at Lloyd for his statement, “This…work thing. They might be laying off a couple people.” You had to lie. You couldn’t do it— no, you couldn’t say it.
“You’re one of the best where you work.” Amber shrugs, “I think you’ll be just fine.”
You laughed awkwardly, “But if I do get fired, are you still hiring, Lloyd?”
“We’ll make an exception for you, y/n.” Lloyd replies nonchalantly.
“I’ll hold you to that, this bitch needs a job.”
“Don’t call yourself that!” Amber gasps, slightly horrified.
You bite back a laugh, analysing the donut that you held in your hand before taking a bite. “Oh, perfection.” You sigh, “I’ve missed this.”
“Yeah, why weren’t you here for two weeks?” Lloyd recalls.
“Got sick and miserable. I got a cold, which turned into pneumonia.”
“Shit.” Lloyd’s eyes went wide at your revelation, “I’m sorry that must’ve been rough.”
“Oh, absolutely.” You nod, “But I am now back and better than ever.”
“Heck yeah.” Amber agrees, chuckling over her words.
You hung around for a bit, rather than going home because you preferred to be away from home. Lloyd didn’t mind it, Amber loved having you around while she worked. She loves your company— even if you were just sitting there.
“You’re sure it’s alright if I just stay here for a few hours to do my homework? My parents were yelling all morning— I don’t want to go back there so early.”
“Don’t worry about it, I already told you it was okay. Come by whenever, remember?” Lloyd promised.
“Okay.” You nodded firmly, “Thank you. I will uh, order something this time.”
“Just tell me what you want.” He says, “Don’t try paying either of us, that’s not gonna work.”
“Lloyd.” You huffed.
“y/n.” He mocked.
Unbeknownst to you, while you two were busy squabbling, Amber already started making your favourite drink from this place. And once you and Lloyd quiet down, Amber pushes the paper cup in front of you. “Okay, you can get started on your homework now. Lloyd, take the counter, please? I need to use the restroom.”
“Oh, sure.” Lloyd agreed without a fuss.
You got out your worksheets— your homework for this weekend and your pencil case, already to work when Lloyd whisper-shouted, “Talk to her!”
“Stop bringing that up!” You glared at him, now clearly annoyed.
“Talk to her.” He repeated in a similar tone.
“Shh!” You shushed him, “I’m busy.”
He sighs then laughs, but ultimately left you alone to do your work while he did his. Amber returns a few minutes later when a rush started so neither of them could talk to you even if they wanted to.
Later, when Lloyd lets Amber go for her dinner break, you decided you were done with schoolwork for the day and kept the whole mess into your backpack.
“I’m going for my break, Lloyd!”
“I know, Amber! Enjoy your break! Go.” Lloyd hurries her out of the shop. You left your backpack in the lockers at the back of this place and left with Amber to go have dinner nearby.
“What do you wanna eat?” Amber asks, her arm slung across your shoulder. You tensed up and were praying she didn’t feel that.
Standing right next to a booth, you hesitated sitting down. Fingertips on the table, but you quickly retracted them, balling your fist. “Amber, could you take this side? I want to be nearer to the restroom.”
“Of course.” Amber shrugs, swapping places with you and sat down, immediately looking through the menu. You followed suit, staring at the menu blankly— you already knew what you were going to get. You always ordered the same thing from here. You liked what you always got, why change things when all was good, right?
After the food was ordered, the silence that fell between you and Amber felt tense. So fucking tense to you, maybe it was just you. Because Lloyd’s voice in your head going ‘Talk to her!’, kept repeating itself. Bouncing your leg and picking at the corner of your thumb, your eyes darted to look out the window, swiftly avoiding Amber’s gaze. “Hey.” Her voice pulls you back a tad. You still don’t look at her though, instead focused on a particular leaf in a tree that was blowing in the wind, almost falling out and flying away.
“y/n.” She says, “y/n? What’s the matter?”
Chewing on your lower lip, the picking at the corner of your thumb got forceful as a breath starts to get stuck in your throat, “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not, actually.” Amber says, noticing clear signs of her statement, “Talk to me.”
“I can’t.” You spat out hurriedly.
‘I can’t do that. I can’t talk to her now. What if she knows? What if she’s just testing me? What if Lloyd told her? What if she’s just waiting for me to screw up and then she’ll cut me off? Stop being my friend?’
“I— I gotta go to the bathroom. Sorry.” You excused yourself and nearly stumbled out of the booth.
Desperately trying to take some deep breaths, you were staring at yourself in the mirror. You hated this look right now— you hated seeing yourself this way. But, it happens. Now more often than ever. Ever since you got sick and had to spend time in the hospital. That place now absolutely terrified you. What you had to see, what you had to hear, what you had to feel. God, that was—
‘Okay. Okay. Get it together, y/n. Breathe, get it together. Get outta here. Don’t keep her waiting.’
Somehow, you managed to calm yourself down and went back to the booth. Seconds later, the food arrives. “Thanks!” Amber told the wait staff. “No problem, enjoy your meal.”
Amber dropped the subject of ‘what’s the matter’ and left you alone for the remainder of her shift. You sat in a corner, doodling in your sketch pad, occasionally staring out the window or at nothing in particular. Every now and then, you did get up to use the restroom so she wasn’t too concerned. Yet.
Around 8 in the evening, Lloyd presented you with another beverage. You thanked him for it, barely paying any attention to him. “You good?”
“Eh.” You shrug, “A lot going on in my head right now.”
“You…wanna talk about it?”
“That’s fine. Another donut?”
“Sure, that’d be nice, Lloyd. Thanks.”
At 10, Amber finishes her shift. She takes you to her apartment, having a pretty good guess that you didn’t want to be home. Once you brushed your teeth with a spare toothbrush that was yours (she got it for you), you practically crashed and only woke up the next morning. Then, however, Amber made you talk to her. But you just shut your mouth and kept quiet. “You’ll have to talk somehow.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You sighed, voice faltering.
You went back to her bed, hiding under the covers. She bites back a chuckle, her hand finding its way to your back giving it a soothing rub, “Hey, come on. Blanket off, y/n. We gotta talk about it.”
“I’m scared, no.” You breathed shakily.
“What, baby?” Amber asks softly, “You can tell me anything.”
You sighing, pushing the blanket off yourself. “You know how awhile ago, you asked me if I liked anyone? I said no but I actually do. I was just…honestly trying to lie to myself that I didn’t. That I didn’t have feelings…for you. I thought if I kept telling myself that I didn’t like you, I would start to believe it. But the truth is…I’ve been miserable trying to change myself even though it’s impossible.”
“Oh, baby.” Amber held your face in her hands, lightly squishing your cheeks as she swiped the tears away, “I— I’m— oh my God, I like you, too, y/n.” She was on the verge of tears herself but had the biggest smile on her face that you were staring to mirror as the relief washed over you.
Gnawing on your lower lip, you maintained the eye contact as you felt a shift in the mood. Swallowing harshly, you ask, “Can I give you a kiss?”
“Yes.” Amber sniffed, closing her eyes as she smoothly leaned closer to you. Your lips and hers merged into one, gentle and warm as you felt a swarm of butterflies in your chest. Her hands roam, softly pushing you down on her mattress. “We can just not do anything, okay? Do you want this?”
“Yeah.” You confirmed, “I do.”
Amber’s hand reached under your shirt upon hearing your reply, starting to grope you and rile you up. She chuckles, barely away from your face, “I love you.”
You couldn’t stop that smitten smile on your face when you told her back, “I love you, too.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: Still at work, but I got it done since it’s slow rn. Hope y’all enjoyed <3
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fandomstars · 9 months
Watch Pokemon Concierge!
We need a petition or something to keep it going, it only has four episodes!
Come on people, let’s get that petition going!
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It's OK to be Different by Lester Public Library Via Flickr: Summer Reading Decorations at the Lester Public Library, Two Rivers, Wisconsin
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crazyrichxplainr · 1 year
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Auli'i Cravalho for Grumpy (ph: Sami Drasin)
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