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designernishiki · 2 years ago
Fun fact: Takeuchi the guy who wrote those MineDai RGGO stories said that he thinks Mine and Daigo should be together. Like yeah bro. We got that memo loud and clear already
(if you have a link to where he said that id LOVE to see it btw)
YEAH he made that pretty fucking Obvious.
you know……with the combined power of takeuchi wanting minedai to be together and yokoyama being super into mine and wanting to bring him back…………you see where im going with this
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kenzan-brainrot-mp4 · 4 days ago
Idk more random small details about the pyih ending that make me insane because I can't shut up about this stupid game:
Idk how deliberate this was from the translation team (and I have my own mixed feelings about the caption translations from more recent rgg games) but I really like the (potentially unintentional) double-meaning from Saejima saying "Guys our age are supposed to be smart enough not to go chasin' legends." You'd think that because the entire conversation revolves around and constantly repeats the words "dream/yume" (cough cough Yakuza 5) he'd say "not to go chasin' dreams", but I think by using the word "legend" instead he's able to refer to not only the legend of the treasure that everyone's been pursuing the whole game, but also the living legend himself, Kiryu Kazuma (in jp and eng he is referred to very often as a legend/legendary ("densetsu no ryuu/yakuza" - "legendary dragon/yakuza")). Not only was Majima chasing after the legend of some miracle treasure but he's also been chasing the "legend" that is Kiryu himself (something something idolization, something something Majima always wanting to bring back that strength and vitality Kiryu had at the peak of his "legend" days (see: yakuza 1 with Majima trying to fight Kiryu constantly to help him regain his strength, trying to especially hard to support him since yakuza 3), even as the chance of that happening dwindles, even if reality is literally telling him to his face that they can't go back to those days, that everyone's getting older and not what they used to be). Which imo makes Majima saying "Well, still just a dream in the end." all the more heartbreaking. It's resigned, not only to the fact that he'd never find that miracle fix to save Kiryu's life but also the fact that he can't, no matter how hard he tries, keep Kiryu around forever, that he can't keep up the image of the legendary Dragon of Dojima up for him forever. Idk I just think that was very cool and sneaky as hell if intentional, especially since they don't switch out the word "dream" for "legend" anywhere else in the conversation.
Saejima mentioning how Daigo said "Majima's runnin' around like he's forty again". Okay honestly I'm just putting this because I think it's funny that even while Daigo was going through his emo era and pissed off at Kiryu for "killing" his dad, he still remembers how enthusiastic/energetic Majima was over Kiryu all the way back in ~y1, even though we never saw him in that game. I mean it's painful as hell to think about now, considering the present day in-universe and what would end up becoming of that enthusiasm as the years went on but uh, hey.
Majima being so god damn deflective while Saejima's in the middle of revealing all his motivations for going to Hawaii. He says 3 whole lines during that part of the cutscene but it's all so Majima-like it hurts (this part's gonna be Long):
• "Told him that, huh?" (responding to Saejima recounting what Majima told Shigaki about not wanting to go to Hawaii) - Majima trying to act nonchalant/aloof while knowing what Saejima's about to start bringing up, trying to act that way even though we all know damn well that he remembers perfectly (and probably painfully) well how he acted/what he said before going to Hawaii, considering the circumstances surrounding the whole situation. His body language also starts to change from here; he turns his head to look directly at Saejima when talking to him less often, spends more time looking ahead/up/down/avoiding direct eye contact in general even when Saejima turns to look him while speaking multiple times/for prolonged periods of time (istg I could talk about Majima's body language in serious moments like these literally forever but I'll try to keep it brief) • "Kid's always been a ball breaker" (lmao) - Paired with the line before this one (Daigo's reaction to Majima). He tries to sidestep the actual point of mentioning what Daigo said, (directly exposing just how much Majima changes when Kiryu is around/involved) with feigned exasperation, and once again does not actually acknowledge Saejima's point. His body language also changes again to something more restless; (adjusts his posture from the previously relaxed way he was leaning against the car, looks away from Saejima completely, starts tapping his foot/bouncing his leg, lifting his cigarette without actually taking a drag from it) • And then of course the big one: "Well, still just a dream in the end. Stupid or not." Up until this point, Majima hasn't said anything of any actual substance until Saejima directly namedrops Kiryu. It's about the most he actually says of any worth regarding his feelings towards Kiryu himself, but that line alone reveals so much about his feelings not only in that moment, but likely the feelings he's had throughout the series towards Kiryu. It's totally unfiltered, for once, showing off his resignation from not only his inability to help Kiryu by the end of this game but likely also the weight of chasing after Kiryu all these years (again, "Guys our age are supposed to be smart enough not to go chasin' legends." Cue Majima always chasing after Kiryu/what Kiryu wants for literal decades). It's a Singular straight answer after two deflections but it says so damn much, especially coming from Majima himself. • I also just wanna note the quick range of expressions Majima's face goes through when Saejima says "Yeah, too bad about that 'elixir of eternal life.'"
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Apart from the different expressions he makes themselves, I think it's so fucking interesting (read: painful) how this occurs when Saejima (who, by the way, is at that moment not looking at Majima) is technically supposed to be the one that the player's eyes are focused on in that moment, since he's the one speaking. The camera doesn't try to manipulate the focus of the shot to hide Majima's expressions/feelings, they don't cut him out of the frame, they don't actually do anything to directly hide Majima's face at all, but most people (including Saejima himself) would miss this regardless, because it's done in a moment where, theoretically, nobody would or should be looking. Hell, even when the camera gives us a Direct close-up shot of Majima's face when Saejima mentions Kiryu ("Kazuma Kiryu. You never could give up on that one.") his expression doesn't betray too much of how he feels, but it's only once focus is finally taken away from him that he becomes most expressive. (rgg has always been so good with showing off characters' feelings with microexpressions and I feel like this applies to Majima especially. the same kind of thing happened in y0 when he saw Makoto at the end of the game (another scene that I could analyze for hours). The times when he doesn't speak and just. Reacts subtly and potentially subconciously with his face are ironically some of the moments where he says the most about himself. Go off king don't openly express your thoughts or feelings at all 🔥🔥🔥) • And then after all that (when Saejima looks at Majima again) Majima changes the topic to Noah. You could argue that Saejima, with bringing everything before that up, was trying to open up the opportunity for discussion on Majima's part about his behavior/feelings towards Kiryu, however this was largely unsuccessful. He only succeeds in this when he finally just says Kiryu's name outright (which, by the way, surprised me so much when I first watched the cutscene. I thought they were going to keep dancing around saying Kiryu's name directly/only implying him for the rest of that conversation, but I straight up gasped when Saejima said his whole name like that. It was significant, and Saejima wanted it to be, too), and even then that success is only marginal. It's enough for Majima to finally give away one of his "real" thoughts, completely unfiltered, about as straightforward as it's gonna get, just Once in that whole part of their conversation, but after that he immediately goes to pivot the topic of the conversation to something else. Which like, damn. Damn. That's pretty crazy.
The final detail I wanna mention, (this one I think mostly everyone got) was the way that Majima repeats his line from the beginning of the game "Where do I begin? That's right… (etc)." I love how they decided to have Majima say that line again differently, because the differences say so much. The version from the beginning of the game is said in a deeper more "intimidating" tone. The whole point of it is for story-telling drama, the theatrics, specifically to entertain/pique the interest of an audience, but the way he says it to Kiryu is much more easy-going and authentic. Ironically, it's once he leaves the player's sights and once he's with Kiryu that he discards the theatrics, where he simply shows off his fully genuine self re-telling the story. (One thing I will note is that the eng sub/dub translated that line so it would be different in the beginning and end ("Alright -- let's set things straight." (to player) -> "Where do I begin? That's right." (to Kiryu) even though he says the same thing twice in the japanese audio. I know that this is so that they can match up Majima's audio with his animations in the english dub, and they reuse the eng dub captions even for the japanese dub, and while I do not neccessarily. Like that. It does hammer in the tone difference between the way he speaks to the player vs. to Kiryu further (again, trying to be more intimidating vs. more easy going), which is an okay consolation if nothing else). I just think it's crazy to hear him talk like that with Kiryu after all this time, considering that he usually only talks this directly with Kiryu in fleeting moments. No high-pitched voice/fluctuating tones, no "Yo, Kiryu-chan", just being straightforward and to the point. Man. God.
It's been 4 days since I beat this game and everytime I see someone post about it or think about it for more than 10 seconds I die and explode into a million pieces. At some point I want to 100% this game so I can get as much dialogue/as many details as possible (also the game's just really fun lol), but for now I am just rotating this cutscene in my head forever and ever in an endless cycle. I am so sorry for posting about this game like everyday but I am so unwell over it it's not even funny I hope you can forgive me </333
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majimasleftasscheek · 1 year ago
Hihi! Do you have any minedai headcanons? (Idk how to write aAAAAA)
hmmm I had to give this a good think cuz I normally don't obsess about them too much (compared to a certain other pair lmao) but here's what I got 👀
*note! gonna be a mix of silly and more realistic ideas. my interpretation of minedai is pretty unserious
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genuinely enjoys mine's company, as uptight and neurotic it may be. because daigo was given the chairman position, a lot of people don't respect him other than mine so it's nice to hang out with someone who, despite being overly respectful, is kind to him. he feels a lot at ease with mine, able to be more himself n all that. it's not much but it means a lot to daigo
that said, he totally goes out in his casual clothes when able and is still very goth coded. Mine makes intense but silent notes about every little thing in those outfits and thinks it's very cute when there's little details like tiny skulls n things
likes to do go out spontaneously when he can and takes mine along. mine thinks something like that is way too dangerous for a chairman to be doing but daigo confides that he's not worried if mine is with him (with an ulterior motive to loosen the giant stick up mine's ass to get him to live a little). cue mine choking on his heart
I like the idea of daigo being oblivious to mine's obsessive behavior to an extent. he becomes so used to mine's quirks that he writes it off as oh he's just like that lol. but he's not wholly dumb to it. he'll be lowkey flirty and that's when mine's questions daigo's actions like "why is daigo smiling at me? is he sick? I should call an ambulance..."
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genuinely has zero idea what type of things mine likes. tho daigo grew up in a bougie type of life and mine currently lives it, he can assume things like fine arts and fancy shit tho personally he removed himself from that sort of thing as he got older (to avoid being anything even close to his dad lol). comparatively, daigo lives more modestly so gift giving is up to guessing but mine accepts literally anything from him and frankly refuses to give him hints as not to place expectations accidentally
likes to spar with mine and was surprised to see that daigo was decently capable of protecting himself and finds his informal style of fighting very charming. he's seen daigo fight before, but it's a bit of a different intensity when it's just to two of them trying their hardest to impress
has a network of friends/allies like kiryu, kashiwagi, etc that mine keeps a closer than needed eye on. daigo does get frustrated that he has to explain he trusts these people wholly and it's often a point of contention between them
very much likes slow days when they can just chill with each other, however that may be. cuddling is prime even if mine gets mad hot and sweaty so daigo keeps a full body towel handy. it's not unusual for daigo to go out of his way to prod mine for reactions as it's the highlight of his day
definitely has a shrine dedicated to daigo. for funnies: has weird shit like used napkins, articles of hair, etc just funky stuff someone wildin' would keep. realistically I think he'd be a lil more modest - having photos and baubles, typical normie shrine shit
absolutely has a folder on his phone/computer of "selfies" with him and daigo. most of them are just regular photos you'd find in like newspapers, half of them are blurry as hell, and there's a few he's taken himself but poorly done because he did it under a table or something. and of course there's many photos of just daigo, doing all assortment of things from working hard to hardly working
he's caught by daigo occasionally but mine attributes his behavior to "trying to find better phone signal" as he aims it coincidentally at daigo's spikey heeled boots. even when they're together together, he still does this on the sly
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insists on paying for everything whenever they're out but with enough convincing, he'll back down and internally melts when daigo tells him he's just happy to have his company. has a habit tho of "making up" for what he didn't pay for such as ordering lunches n things before daigo can refuse
obvs very violently protective of daigo tho avoids being so in front of him as much as possible. it's very common for someone who's spoken ill of daigo to get their ass beat or thrown into the Tokyo Bay some days later. has a network of people dedicated solely to routing out daigo haters
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is often confided to by daigo about the stresses of running the clan and it takes a lot out of mine for him to not be cold and calculating with an answer. has had to learn sometimes people just want someone to listen
at first, mine thought such confiding was some limp dick shit but over time realized that daigo never wanted anything out of such confessions which is unexpected. to have someone be so trusting and vulnerable with him is incredibly valuable
would have "sounds of daigo talking about stuff" recorded and sleeps to it every night. be assured clips of daigo sneezing are in there too
if he was in dead souls, he would be going turbo murder throughout the city just to dent the population of zombies that could even potentially get a whiff of daigo's darkness allure™ cologne. if infected, I imagine he'd have the will to remain loyal cuz the power of simp compels him
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simp2537 · 9 months ago
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔄𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢
A/n: We get a look into Alice!reader’s background.
Word Count : 682
Trigger Warnings: Gore, Blood, Horror, Cursing, Child Abuse, Human experiments, Child abandonment, Angst, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Insomnia, etc
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓
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Y/n sat closed eyed on the ground of the Todoroki residence. Shoto attacked  Y/n but thorn covered vines blocked his every move. Shoto groans in annoyance as frost begins to cover his body. As the pair continued to spar, Enji watched with Aizawa from Enji’s office. 
His turquoise eyes remaining in Y/n as Shoto attacked the sitting girl. She didn’t even need to move, her thorns would just attack. In her mind she was at a tea party with Hatter as he helped her levitate the cups. 
“Enji what am I doing here?” Aizawa questioned him as he sat cross armed. Enji turned back to Aizawa with an annoyed expression.
“I found another WonderCorps facility a week ago. I was able to keep the sidekicks from asking questions it, I found something.”
“What’d you find?”
Enji pulled out a tape and held it up. 
Trial 43
Subject 108
Aizawa stared at the tape for a while till he realized he’d stood up and was holding the tape. 
“You’ve watched it already haven’t you? That’s why I’m here.”
Enji didn’t answer, his face remaining stern and without emotion. Enji took the tape gently and put it into the computer on his desk. 
As the tape turned in a tall man with brown hair, square rimed glasses and dressed in a lab coat turned on the tape camera. He took a few notes that looks at the camera.
“I am Touji Daigo but I’m know as Dr. Glass. Head of WonderCorps.”
Dr. Glass clicked a small clicker and lights in another glass room. In the glass room sat a younger Y/n. She barely look five. 
She was dressed in simple grey sweatpants and black shirt. Her feet were bare and her hands bruised. Dr. Glass focus the camera on Y/n.
Y/n looked up front he ground and waved softly at the camera. 
“This is experiment 108, and this is trial 43.” Dr. Glass fixed his glasses.
“Yesterday we conducted trial 42 and the results were less then stellar. 108 barely was able to control her environment. The underling almost was able to permanently injure 108.” As Dr. Glass spoke Y/n stood from the ground. 
Aizawa gasped in shock as the younger Y/n stood. Her arms were covered in bandages, her left eyes was blackened and bruised, but there was a small smile on her face. A small glass door opened and a strange creature walked out. 
It was misshapen on all ends, black goo dripped out of it staining the floor. Aizawa watched as Y/n’s face molded into one of pity and sadness. The aching look in her eyes felt no question that she felt a great sense of pity for the creature. It was colorful underneath the black goo.
Doctor. Glass leaned down into his mic.
“Go on Alice.” Y/n turned herself around in terror. She shook her head hurriedly as she shuffled.
“No! It’s sad! It’s hurting!” She cried and Doctor Glass sighed softly. He pressed a few buttons and eleactricons began to him in the room shocking the creature and Y/n. They both fell as the electricity pricked at their skin. 
After a few moments the creature began to warp and screech. Slowly it turned into a large mass of terror. Its eyes were white and it seemed to move on command. It began to attack Y/n throwing her around like a rag doll.
Aizawa stood from his seat stepping towards the monitor. His eyes shot to the window outside just as Y/n vanished into thin air. Shoto continued trying to catch Y/n but just as he’s almost grasp her she was gone.
“Turn it off.” Enji shock his head and pointed at the monitor.
“You need to see this.” Aizawa turned back to the monitor arms crossed and defensive.
Blood covered the room as Y/n lay in a bundle was what must have been her own blood. She cough violently as she push herself onto her arms. Doctors Glass rolled his eyes softly and pulled  the mic up.
“Alice! Get up or I get subject 109 to do it.” Y/n’s eyes shot yo and she pushed herself off the ground. She panted, covered in her own blood.
“NO!” She yelled once. A mass of different lights shines from her hands as she shot a bolt as the creature. It’s screeched in agony as it dissipated into nothing. Y/n panted softly as her eyes rolled back into her skull. Doctor Glass rushed into the room, an almost fearful look.
Thorn covered vines launched out of the ground cold concrete wrapping protectively around Y/n. The vines drew more of her blood but cradled her like a small baby. Doctor Glass frozen as he watched the vines wrap around Y/n.
“Doctor Vane! End the tape!” The screen cut to black.
“She killed that thing was a bolt of lightning.” Aizawa couldn’t hear his fellow hero. His eyes trapped in the black screen.
“That wasn’t lightning, I’ve seen something like that before.” Enji quirked his head in confusion. He steeped towards the window as he watched the two children.
“When we found her, behind her the portal looked like that. All the colors mixed together in the metal conductor.” Enji nodded softly. Aizawa was the only one who saw this mysterious portal, it had shut itself down when they’d all arrived.
Outside Shoto was panting as Y/n appeared in front of him. He growled softly as he blasted as much ice as he could muster at her. The ice barricaded around her encapsulating her in a dome like structure. 
Shoto panted triumphantly as he sat on the ground. Colors of all shades began to shine into the air from inside of the dome. Aizawa moved to next to Enji as the dome exploded into fractions of ice.
The multi-colored lights surrounded Y/n as she levitated just above the ground. Sharp blade of ice blazed towards shoto as a bolt it turning it to a mass of butterflies. Shoto panted as his back hit the ground in exhumation.
Y/n allowed her shadow to covered him as she sat next to him. Not a drop of sweat on her. Her tea pot and cups appeared and she pour some tea for Shoto. She stirred in some yellow sugar and red milk into the  tea. The drink turned into a deep royal blue as she brought the cup to his lips.
Both adults ran outside to check on the two child as Shoto finished up his cup. Y/n helped him sit up with a bright smile. Shoto tiredly opened his eyes to stare at her in bewilderment. Her arms crashed around Shoto’s frame with a wide smile. Shoto slowly wrapped one tired arm around her.
“You’ve gotten better.” Y/n whispered as their parents arrived. The small smile the pair shared caused a figure in the shadows to smile softly. The sun shined down on his armor as a familiar portal opened and he walked through.
Y/n’s eyes shot to the shadows, feeling the energy grow and dissipate. Her brows furrowed as she looked back at Shoto. She held him as her father knelt down with Enji.
She’d felt that power before, and she wasn’t sure if she was happy for the moment of comforting familiarity or if she was angry that power was still surviving. 
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melonsodypop · 4 months ago
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yakuza men and their favorite positions !
❈ pairing - kazuma kiryu, goro majima, taiga saejima, shun akiyama, y0!akira nishikiyama, daigo dojima/afab!reader (all separate) ❈ tags - nsfw, minors dni, bullet list headcanons, no gendered pronouns or terms used, penetrative sex, use of nicknames (doll, babe, baby, darling), bulge kink (kiryu), brief mention of spanking and choking (majima), light degradation (majima), size kink (saejima), dacryphilia/mention of reader receiving oral (akiyama), mention of exhibitionism/semipublic s3x (daigo)
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kazuma kiryu ❈ missionary
let's face it, the dragon of dojima is about as vanilla as they come
it would probably take a long time of dating him before things ever got past just a heavy makeout sesh - not because he doesn't trust you, but he just doesn't trust himself to make it an enjoyable experience for you
so when you two finally decide to take things to the bed, he lays you down gently on your back and decides to go the tried and true way
if you call him out on it he stammers and insists he's just old-fashioned
what he won't tell you is that he's so enamored with you that he can't bear the thought of any position where he can't look you in the eyes and see your cute face. anything else just seems impersonal and that's not kiryu's style
he keeps a close eye on your facial expressions as he's thrusting into you - he knows he's a little bigger than average and so he's ready to stop as soon as he sees the smallest indication of pain
that all goes flying out the window though once you get adjusted to him and it actually starts feeling good - kiryu ends up burying his face in your neck to muffle his groans as his hips pick up the pace
god forbid if he ends up looking down to see the bulge forming in your lower belly every time he bottoms out - kiryu likes to think he's a pretty disciplined man and can hold himself back 9 times out of 10, but he's not gonna be able to let you out of his grasp after he finds out how hard that gets him
goro majima ❈ doggy
ok yeah how surprising i gave the mad dog of shimano doggy BUT HEAR ME OUT
for majima, it's less about seeing your ass and more about the satisfaction of just bending you over whatever surface is nearby when the mood strikes
(though, by god, he does very much appreciate your ass, and he'll let you know by leaving a few handprints on it)
he absolutely looooves the way that you mewl and start scrambling for purchase on whatever random furniture item he's decided to push you onto this time
you just know you're going to have bruises on your hips from the way his glove-clad fingers are digging into them, keeping you pinned down as he ruts wildly into you from behind like an animal in heat
have i also mentioned that goro majima cannot shut the fuck up while he's inside you?
one of his absolute favorite things to do is to wrap one arm around your waist and one hand around your throat, forcing your upper half to arch up against his bare chest and whispering/cooing all sorts of nasty shit in your ear so you clench around him
"look at'cha, doll, drooling from both ends - what, ya like being fucked from behind like this? letting me push ya on any damn surface i want? dirty little thing"
yeah he's nasty
taiga saejima ❈ mating press
saejima's always been acutely aware of just how huge he is compared to the average person, being 6'3 and built like a brick wall
he silently takes a lot of pride in it, as its part of what makes him so strong
so, yeah, he's gonna have a little bit of a size kink, and a position like mating press that lets him absolutely engulf your (relatively) tiny body in his drives him absolutely crazy
the protective instinct in him is also satiated by the fact that you're entirely in his grasp, wrapping his arms around you and shielding you from the outside world
not surprisingly, he's HUNG, and he likes that by folding you in half he can stuff as many inches of his girth as deep into your warmth as he humanly can
he'd be afraid to put all of his weight onto you or be too rough at first, trying to hold back so he doesn't completely crush you or split you in half
but when you start whimpering and looking at him with those glassy eyes, begging him to go faster, all hell breaks loose
hope you weren't planning to walk the next day, because saejima's focus is solely going to be on fucking you into the mattress until you're begging him to stop
shun akiyama ❈ cowgirl
though akiyama obliges without missing a beat the second his darling asks him to get on top, those moments when you push him back onto the bed and straddle his hips is when he's truly on cloud nine
akiyama loves getting to be a bit lazy, much preferring to lay back and look pretty while you take the lead
oh, and he gets your pretty tits bouncing in his face, too? safe to say he's having the time of his life
he much prefers when you face him, too, as opposed to reverse cowgirl - mostly because he can't get enough of the way your face twists and contorts when you're bouncing on his cock
he's so mean, too, purposefully ignoring your signs of exhaustion until you've completely stopped rolling your hips, the pout on your lips just so damn cute to him
"what's wrong, babe? too tired to finish what you started?"
there's that shit-eating smirk on his lips and his eyes gleam with mischief, and you already knows what he wants
he makes you beg for him to help you finish, teasing you with little rolls and thrusts of his hips up into you but never actually finishing the job until he thinks he's tormented you enough
"shh, alright, alright, baby," he'd coo, reaching up to wipe your tears and push a strand of hair out of your face, pressing his lips to your forehead. "i'll help you out, since you asked so nicely..."
he doesn't make you wait any longer, gripping your hips tightly and thrusting up into you, determined to make you fall apart - and probably again with you sitting on his face if he's so lucky
akira nishikiyama ❈ prone bone
as much as he tries to deny it and act like the tough yakuza gangster he's supposed to be, if nishiki could open your skin and crawl into it he probably would
prone bone's probably the closest he's going to get, though, pinning you to the mattress with every inch of his front pressed to your back as he ruts his cock into you is just enough skin contact to satiate his need to be as close to you as he can
he loves to tease you, making you beg and playing hard to get - but as soon as he feels your sweet walls wrapped around his aching length he crumbles
he'd keep your head supported with his arms underneath it, babbling out a string of praises and affections into your ear as he loses himself in the feeling of burying himself into your wet pussy
he's also glad that this position doesn't let you see his face, so you can't see just how wrecked he is - his pretty hair falling over his face and plastered to his forehead with sweat, his cheeks flushed, his lips swollen and eyes gleaming with pleasured tears
he only presses his weight down more if he feels you start to squirm, pulling you back onto his length when you subconsciously try to get away from the overwhelming pleasure he's giving you
"no, no, stay, don't leave me, just stay right here w'me - fuck, you feel so good, baby..."
absolutely the type to collapse on top of you after he cums, just basking in the afterglow and the feeling of his sweaty skin sticking to yours
just laughs when you whine and tell him to get off of you. "nah, think i just wanna stay like this for a bit," he chuckles, pressing kisses to the nape of your neck. what he doesn't tell you is that he'd stay like that forever, if he could.
daigo dojima ❈ chair reverse cowgirl
admittedly, when you first started dating, this was not daigo's favorite
he much preferred being able to have you in an actual bed, where he can look you in the eyes and fuck you properly
but being the chairman is not a leisurely occupation, and he found himself only being able to have you in little quickies here and there
he always sort of resented this fact until you two got a little too hot and heavy while sitting in his lap in his office, and well... one thing lead to another
he found himself thrusting up into you from below while you sat in his lap, your head lolling back against his shoulder and your slick dripping onto the leather chair
it was so improper. filthy. disgraceful, even. daigo fucking loved it
something about you being in his lap, his hand clamped over your mouth as he desperately thrust into your core from below made him so hard he could feel it in his teeth
"keep it down, darling. you wouldn't want somebody knowing what we're doing in here, would you?"
in truth, he knows the office is soundproof, knows that no one would dare barge in on the tojo clan chairman unannounced - but the thought of someone coming in and seeing you like this, seeing him claiming you so thoroughly, has his orgasm already starting to build at the base of his spine
and he knows it arouses you too, chuckling softly against your neck as he feels you clench down tightly around his length
daigo still has to be proper, attend to his duties as they come up - but ever since that day, he relishes the few opportunities he gets to pull you into his office and ravish you on his lap again
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yakuzacanons · 2 years ago
boys and their kinks pls?! 😳👉👈 who's the kinkiest of them all 🥵
Sweating nervously but also hell fuckin yea, major NSFW below the cut so if u ain't 18+ I best not catch you looking down there.
Also, going out of town until next week, I will still be able to post some but it'll be at a much slower rate so thanks for your patience in the meantime! Love y'all and I'll be back in full next week.
Kazuma Kiryu
Loves shower sex. Honestly, any sex involving some form of getting physically wet appeals to him. Bathtubs, hot tubs, sex on the beach, he's down as long as you guys don't get caught, especially by the kids at Morning Glory.
Majima Goro
Lots of people see Majima as the king of kinks but it's just that he's open minded. Actually isn't into knife-play, as he sees it was a weapon for slicing up enemies, not for using on his romantic/sexual partner. Loves to praise you and be praised. Would let you peg him if you asked very nicely. Doesn't mind tying you up but isn't a fan of being tied up himself.
Saejima Taiga
He's got a thing for fucking you against walls while holding you up. It's some kind of showing off of strength thing for him. Into biting you and doesn't mind if you return the favor, although he prefers when you dig your nails into his back or into his arms during sex.
Akiyama Shun
Likes being blindfolded. Secretly into office sex but can't get away with it often enough to really bring it up much. Also would totally lick whipped cream off of you if you let him. A total sucker for any kind of lingerie or hosiery. Wasn't sure about hair pulling at first but the more he tries it, the more he likes it.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He's a little embarrassed at how obvious this is but he's into handcuffs. Prefers to put them on you as he's pretty used to doing that but will allow you to cuff him too. Wants to try out spreader bars at some point in his life. If he's super cooped up at work, he really enjoys phone sex.
Ryuji Goda
Really into edging, both giving and receiving. Has a lot of stamina so he can afford to edge or be edged for a long time as it would take a while for him to be done with sex anyways. Has a few items laying around, like silk blindfolds and leather whips, but has yet to try them out. He thinks the idea is hot though. Loves garter belts especially. Particularly interested in the art of shibari.
Nishikiyama Akira
Has the BIGGEST most giantest praise kink in the whole entire world. Loves kissing with tongue and totally goes nuts if you drool into his mouth. Total freak in the sheets, although he seldom shows this side in public. You can bite him but don't slap him, please. Hair pulling is fine though.
Daigo Dojima
So shy to admit it but he has a pregnancy/breeding kink. Daigo's always kind of knew he'd have a family eventually given how important family has always been to him but he's not ready for one yet, so in the meantime it's a great bedroom fantasy. Also loves car sex, will totally have sex with you in his private car. Very Beyonce's Partition of him.
Mine Yoshitaka
BDSM king, has quite an arsenal of toys and is very well educated on them. Biggest believer of making sure his partner has a good understanding of BDSM before ever trying it on them, as it's only fun for him if it's fun for you too. Loves making you beg. Will give you a pearl necklace if you're okay with it. Wants to try wax play someday.
Tatsuo Shinada
Honestly down with most anything but he does enjoy with spanked. Also has a pretty big praise kink. Desperately wants to try some form of outdoor sex, like on a rooftop. Most likely of all of the boys to take you to a love hotel. He finds the setting to be a turn on in of itself. Loves things like roleplay or costumes.
Nishitani Homare
Actual knife-play kink. Also will choke the hell out of you. Type of guy to put his hand over your mouth to silence you. Wants you to get loud as hell. Overstimulation king. The most likely person to send you nudes, so don't open your phone in public when he texts you.
Tachibana Tetsu
Office sex. Any hour of the day. That's it, that's his favorite thing. Loves to tease you at the office too, probably the best at subtly teasing you in public in general. Into gagging, both giving and receiving. Fond of ball gags in particular.
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thecurseofdaigo · 3 months ago
Everything is calm and quiet.. I hope they'll forgive my actions, for I have experienced something I can never forget.
You may call me Daigo, if we're talking you're already a friend of mine. Me and my siblings are hunters, I hope to make friends with as many people as I can.
☆ OOC ☆
use He/Him ; You can call me Path; whatever's best for you honestly. // Main is @pathsjunkyard //
☆ Boundaries ☆
I'm 18!! But I'd still appreciate things staying SFW unless I personally know you or if we've chatted about it beforehand. 🕸️
☆ In character tags!! ☆
• Cursed Rants
• Daigo Replies
• Seven Shades of wtf (Lore posts)
☆ HC's ! ☆
All headcanons are welcome, but the ones on my page are:
• Daigo is unlabeled, he has too many issues to worry about stuff like that; but he definitely isn't straight.
• He uses He/Him, he's used to being called it; he's sort of just accepted it.
• His mask is his safe space, it hides his expressions, only leaving his eyes. Granted it causes memories to resurface that he'd rather forget.
• He doesn't hold any grudges against Rose.
• He's in his early 20's and 5'11.
• His mask eases the pain.
• He has quite a few scars from his demon hunting spiels with his siblings.
• He likes painting his nails black, he thinks it makes him look nice.
• He also has an eyebrow piercing!!
☆ His Curse ☆
His misty shadows are similar to the ones on Rose's arm!! This is mainly because Rose is the one that cursed him, Ikr shocker /sarc
He was hunting with his siblings, they shouldn't have been out that late; yet there they were tracking down one of the most dangerous oni's as of recent. They ended up separating and Daigo stumbled across a temple, due to the fact he was an idiotic teenager and didn't know how to keep his hands to himself he ended up coming into contact with one of Rose's cursed objects. Of course she'd expected this and sabotaged it, he's lucky to even be alive; though the constant pain is enough to wish that night ended differently, of course his siblings rushed to his aid at the sound of his screams. But it was too late, the curse had already taken effect; his arms would never be the same, though neither would he.
His siblings often blame themselves for leaving their youngest sibling alone, but he blames himself more than anything.
Rose is very aware of the curse and it's existence yet she'd possibly die trying to remove it; it's a risk Daigo refuses to let them take. Though even if she were to die the curse would stay.
His siblings are still intent on finding her though.
☆ Fun facts about his curse ☆
• His claws can be either completely misty or solid depending on what he's using them for.
• Around the later days in the month he isolates himself due to the fact his shadows get more persistent on consuming him, granted they'll never be able to. This is extremely painful and he hides himself away so nobody has to witness it.
• He normally has control over his Misty Shadows unless Rose is within his Vicinity, though she never messes with them; she's caused him enough pain.
☆ Extra ☆
The scar under his neck is from a sparring session with Kendo, they were messing with blades despite their parents telling them not to. It's easy to say they both got in massive trouble after Daigo was stitched up.
I'll add more overtime but these are my basics for him 🖤
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 3 months ago
Gaiden has been progressing well! I'm having a TON of fun playing and it's just. SO GOOD SKDJKWKW. I'm having fun with fights again! This is already shaping up to be a contender for my TOP3 games list.
I'm in chapter 2.
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Okay first of all, Kiryu has an agent arc??? Interesting! Also this game is GORGEOUS. As gorgeous as Kiryu himself kdjdkwksw🫡 Damn does he look mighty fine in this one.
Based on the year given, this seems to be set around Like a Dragon? So this is a kind of "Meanwhile elsewhere" type of thing? Makes sense now why my mutual said that this game HAS TO be played at this specific point.
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Please do not. Remind me of this. I haven't healed yet. Ouchies. Brb, gonna cry a little. Just a bit. I KNOW why he made this decision but it's painful 😭
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I don't know why, but the whole "I gave up my name" thing hurts me surprisingly lot. I never really thought about it much, the thought of having to give up my name and being forced to live behind aliases makes me ache.
It's one thing to have your name changed on paper, but not having a proper name at all just makes it feel even more like you're totally isolated and will never be able to settle and be a part of society again. Never fully belonging anywhere; just drifting along without proper attachments. And in this case, fully dependant on Daidoji to have a place in the world at all. And I know it's basically what Kiryu signed up for, but... oof.
Kiryu in general has this extremely depressed look and vibe. He seems very numb and sad. Which is totally valid considering EVERYTHING, but it really does show just how terrible his mental health is right now. The last time he seemed this apathetic was at the start of Y5, but even then he seemed to at least have a sort of anger or frustration keeping him going. Now he's just... empty.
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For a single second I was going HANNYA MAN FROM YAKUZA KIWAMI??? And then realized this guy's build and hair are totally different and that Majima's tattoos don't go that far down his arms :( And there's the whole fact that Majima saw Kiryu for the first time again at the Daigo-Watase "We're quitting and so are you" party.
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First of all, MASSIVE meme potential here.
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I find Kiryu and Hanawa's dynamic interesting. Despite Hanawa being... well, not an asshole, but seemingly not very pleasant either, Kiryu seems to actually like the dude somewhat. He did say Hanawa is "the only connection I have made in this dull, pathetic existence" which is... okay - first of all - let's not unpack all that trauma, hurt and depression right now!! But I also get the feeling that there is a type of fondness here. Idk; maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome. But I have a hard time believing that 100%.
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The first "That's a Lot Of Men" of the game for me. It's not like a MASSIVE horde of people, but this is still kinda early on in the game.
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Yupp, knew immediately Kiryu wouldn't take the deal. Firstly, reviving Kiryu Kazuma and going back to his family would basically just take him back to the situation he escaped by dying. Back to square 1.
Secondly, Kiryu would never have a man killed just to be happy himself. That's just not how he operates. You'd think people would have that figured out by now.
Also can y'all stop using the Morning Glory kids as a "haha gotcha now you gotta help us"??? That never ends well for anyone, never has; y'all are idiots😭
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I love Akame!! She's incredible ^_^ She's like... Sotenbori's own Florist but she looks after her people more and takes on a more active role in helping them.
Speaking of... what DID happen to the Florist? Did the man die?? Or was he finally sent to... The Side Characters We No Longer Need Void™ ??? Insane. RIP you legend.
ANYWAY. I feel like being around Akame will definitely do Kiryu some good. Having someone who's not a total asshole around might help him feel at least somewhat better for a bit.
I'm gonna grind the SHIT out of Akame network, the perks are way too good to pass up on. And I don't wanna rush through the game.
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Hii my precious!!! ☺️🫶🏻
Tiger Drop is actually very cheap. Gonna go for it fr. I'm not in the habit of spamming it on everything, but I find learning the timing and using it properly very satisfying. I feel like it's gonna be VERY difficult to pull off in this game since the combat IS very different from Y6.
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skysquid22 · 2 years ago
In Mine’s backstory in the RRGO story he doesn’t take Daigo’s warnings or authority seriously until Daigo reveals he shares the same sentiment that life is more valuable than money and saves him from his own actions. And……. Augh the little parallels between that scene at the docks and the end of Yakuza 3…….
What defines Mine's motivation is that he's struggling between two different ideals--believing that he can find someone to put his trust in vs believing that everyone is a liar who's only after their own gain. Mostly, he's acting on the latter with his actions and thinking. Seeking power in monetary gain with how he rises in the Tojo Clan ranks in his RRGO backstory and all of his actions during Yakuza 3. Kiryu calls him out on this method and Mine refuses it since he wants to believe in that other ideal. It is very, very apparent that Mine is desperate for someone he can trust for once in his life. He's searching for that answer in his backstory and he's at the point where joining organized crime is a good idea AND he nearly puts his faith in fucking Kanda. [All these excerpts are from the translation I linked above.]
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But later, Kanda abandons him using the excuse that the younger brother sacrifices himself for the older brother to live which pretty much seals the idea that the bonds of the yakuza aren’t true trust between others. Factor in Mine saying his belief that their lives are more valuable than money and Kanda immediately valuing the money and the time/effort it took to make than money over Mine… it’s a complete and utter rug pull. One that he knew not to put much value in but did anyway because he wanted to believe in someone more than believe that people only care about power. Who is Mine but two wolves trying to kill each other and the winner dictates his mental and emotional state.
Wolf B won this round and Mine (implied?) doesn’t fight back and just outright asks the second acting Nishkiyama patriarch to kill him faster.
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And the same process more or less happens at the end of Y3. He’s losing his reason to live only it’s worse now since he committed himself more to Daigo than he ever did to Kanda. He’s not going to try again and look for an ineffable bond because he had that with Daigo and it’s gone—the thing he’s been searching for all his life and joined the yakuza to seek becomes completely nonexistent to him. All that's left of his beliefs is the one he's been leaning on since he was a kid, that life doesn’t have value over money and everyone lies.
But just like at the docks, Daigo comes back and proves him wrong.
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At the docks, Daigo proves to him that there is such thing as a bond you can fully believe in. And on the roof, Daigo wakes up, which completely upends the entire reason Mine fully adopted his nihilistic thinking and killed the optimist inside him. Kiryu was able to get Mine to understand that his thinking was completely wrong, leaving him lost and like his world had collapsed because it did practically. Both core tenements of himself were burned to ashes. With Daigo waking up, Mine realizes that he can still believe in another person.
Before he was ready to die thinking he was ‘right’. At the end, he knows he’s wrong, but he doesn’t believe he’s deserving of that bond anymore. Instead of rediscovering his reason to live, he just found a reason to die. It hurts… I imagine that if Mine was successfully talked down the vibes probably would’ve been similar to this scene in RGGO: Recognition of mistakes from both parties, Mine’s apology (which he does on the roof), Daigo offering a solution, Mine affirming his kinder core belief, and Daigo believing in Mine (ALSO happens on the roof).
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Last point on Mine’s state of thinking and the parallels between his origin story and the events of Y3—Daigo straight up tells Mine that his thinking that people only lie to each other and care about power will get him killed. I love foreshadowing when writing a prequel. ALSO crazier to me is after Mine meets Daigo for the first time he’s disappointed in him because “He’s the same as me. Or how I once was…” which says so fucking much about his emotional state at that time AND his relationship to Daigo. The quote is specifically referring to the family bonds within the yakuza and how those outweigh the pursuit of power through monetary gains. Mine constantly assumes that the world is shit, thus acts accordingly to protect himself, but is clinging desperately to the idea that he can come to trust someone. A belief he’s so desperate for he joins the yakuza and nearly forces his answer as Kanda. Mine finally finds it with Daigo, I wonder if he would still consider them the same as one another. (I suppose this kinda supports the idea that Daigo could be Mine, but chose to live life with faith 'forward' rather than assume the worst of people.)
Daigo quite literally brings out the best in Mine. He’s not only Mine’s reason to live... Daigo is Mine’s proof that putting faith in trust is the right answer.
To recap:
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yakuza4you · 5 months ago
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kinktober week 2: breeding
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彡 : ̗̀➛ content warnings/tags: use of daddy/sir, dojima calls reader princess/baby, fucking while working, legal age gap, obv breeding, ass slapping, literally pure smut I don't know, I was a different person when I wrote this
彡 : ̗̀➛ characters: daigo dojima
彡 : ̗̀➛ relationship: daigo dojima x reader
彡 : ̗̀➛ video used for reference: click here
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how could daigo forget about his needy little girlfriend? after being elected to be the new clan captain (not by choice), he's been neglecting you. you've missed the times where he'd give you all his attention, fucking you good while drinking and getting fucked in other ways than just by him. but now, daigo is a completely different person. he's a man, and clearly, you're the less mature person in the relationship now.
always working, setting you to the side more often. he has responsibilities now! but you're not having it. one day, you get tired of this treatment! luckily for you, daigo finds a compromise for the two of you, as long as you're good and he can get his work done. plus, he can't set his baby's needs aside forever. he still has a soft spot for you.
however, you push past the compromise snd end up getting what you actually want. turns out, you can't handle what he gives you and daigo shows you why you shouldn't bother him while he works! so much for being needy.
daigo has you perched ontop of his lap, the thickness of his cock keeping you nice and full as you have your arms wrapped around the nape of his neck. anytime you try to whine for more attention, he delivers a light tap to your already reddened ass.
"please, daddy." another breathy, futile whine in attempt to convince him to fuck you. daigo simply just ignores your poor pleas, continuing to shuffle through the stack of papers on his desk. the eye makeup you had applied that night for him began to smudge as light tears run down your face. daigo swipes one of your garter straps onto his finger before snapping it back onto your thigh causing you to moan out in pain of the punishment.
"so fucking needy. can't even wait until I'm done for the night." he speaks, "need me to fuck you that bad, princess?" getting ahold of your sides, he rolls his hips into you as a way of teasing you. your stomach flips from the suddenness, not actually able to handle him. he's different from back when you two were younger. he can fuck you like a real man now, and this just proves you can't take it.
the way you squeeze his broad shoulders reveal yourself to him, the way you squirm from just the slight movement. daigo wraps his arms around your waist, grabbing onto his elbows to lock you in. "you want it so bad, then I'll give it to you how I used to but better, baby." you could hear a twinge of his old self in his voice, like it was the daigo you first met.
the first few plunges into you sent surges of euphoria up your body, causing your back to arch into his chest, your boobs pressing into your boyfriend. you almost regretted getting him going because now you can't back out. a squeamish feeling evades your stomach, like you're already about to cum.
each thrust is followed by a smack to your ass, beckoning you to align your own movements to his. at one point, you feel yourself being lifted up, his hands at your thighs as he stills before finding another surface, the desk. the sound of papers scattering was the last thing you could hear before your mind was clouded with the sound of your boyfriend slapping into you from below as he now had full display of you and your body.
"don't fucking cum unless I tell you to." He grit his teeth, the leak of authority evident as he spoke at you as if you were just another thug working for him. you clawed at his suit, looking for any leverage as he had his way with you. you took too much than you could chew. but shit, you never knew daigo would fuck you this well ever again and even better. your screams are muffled by the palm of his hand as any saliva that escapes your lips damp his hand. getting annoyed by the wetness of your saliva, he moves it to unbutton your own blazer, releasing your pretty boobs and processing to play with the mounds.
not knowing how much longer you could last, you beg him to cum. "please, please, please, sir," dumb little babbles that remained unanswered, "I can't- I can't..." the longer he fucked your drooling hole. daigo slid his free hand down your lower stomach, angling himself up to watch him drill in and out of your puffy cunt. "oh, god." was the only thing you could mutter before your mind was too fuzzy for you to even think. daigo had delivered a smack, but to your swollen clit now.
your hands freeze, involuntarily pushing into his chest as your orgasm crashes into you like a brick unable to hold back anymore. you couldn't even think of the foreseen punishment you were going to get for cumming without his permission but you couldn't care. the overstimulation of his continuing to use you as a pocket pussy was too much. but fuck, you felt as if you were drugged by the amount of cock you are getting out of him. you need his cum deep inside of you, no matter how much you'd need to endure first.
strands of hair decorate your wet lips, daigos hands firmly grip onto your upper thighs to keep them planted to his hip bone. from how much you messed with his suit, his jackets first 2 buttons are open and his undershirt is tossled with as well. the sweat from fucking you and how hot his office was stuck to his forehead acting as a glue for his now ruffled hair.
"im gonna cum, baby. you're gonna fucking take it all, mhm?" daigo moans out himself as you squeeze around his cock. he began to ramble on himself, a sign that he was close himself. shortly after you recovered from your last orgasm, another was quickly on the rise again. the way he fucked you now made the table shift, probably giving the other thugs in the building a taste of what was happening in his office with how loud the creaking was.
as he chased his high, he watched your pretty little face unable to take it before he slammed into you and fell into your arms. he kept both of his own arms wrapped around your thighs, allowing every last drop of cum deep inside of you. his head fell next to yours, worn out himself.
daigo treated you to a nice bath after that, knowing he lost control himself and feeling a little bad about it.
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designernishiki · 2 years ago
my friend and I were talking about how disappointing it is that we don’t get any really significant canon interactions between haruka and majima especially while haruka’s still a kid– but then it got me thinking about how they’d interact hypothetically in the present and/or upcoming games with haruka being an adult and all. and like, as much as I still wish there were more canon childhood interactions, I think the way the story has gone its sort of the perfect time period for them to, for one reason or another, find themselves alone together and talk on an adult-to-adult level. Because man do they have shit to talk about.
There’s no two people on earth that have felt more powerful mixed emotions over the years for kiryu, or who have been so diehard in caring about him– moreover, they’d have a strong understanding of one another’s feelings when it comes to kiryu’s hard-headedness and insistence on making choices for them that are, though usually out of love, not their choices, and usually result in him pushing himself further and further away until he’s totally out of grasp. They both love him so, so much and have been hurt so many times by being left behind or pushed away for “their own good” in one way or another, it’d just make sense for them to at some point click and just sorta let it all out like they never really have been able to with anyone else– at least not to such a mutually understanding extent. and all with the simultaneous assumption that, whatever they’ve got resent over when it comes to kiryu and his choices, none of it nullifies that they care deeply for him and by no means think of him as a horrible person– he’s a damaged person who doesn’t quite realize how that damagedness manifests and projects onto others, namely his loved ones.
haruka could probably talk for lengths about how she didn’t really want to be an idol if it meant she couldn’t see her dad anymore, but that decision was basically made for her and changed the course of her life. Or how one time when she was around 14, while daigo was still comatose, he’d taken her up to kamurocho from okinawa and told her they could do whatever she wanted for the evening– and when she called him out and asked if this was because he planned on getting himself killed the next day, he didn’t say no.
majima could talk just as much about all the times he got left behind in kamurocho, mainly with the massive task asked of him to babysit the tojo clan, while kiryu went off to an island somewhere like he may as well have never existed, let alone done a gigantic favor pro bono to allow him to be in such a peaceful state for as long as he was. he wanted to go with him, and to not be that far apart, but kiryu never once picked up on it and all he could do was wallow in the feeling that kiryu didn’t care about him as much as he cared about kiryu.
among many many other examples.
I just think they have a lot to talk about.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months ago
some heinous part of me wants to redo my daigo comp and include in-game cutscenes as well
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sleepingghostt · 10 months ago
💙💙Happy Mother’s Day Daiki!💙💙
Here’s a rose baby boy💙
hopefully you’ll be able to get some sleep without your two redheads starting shit at ungodly hours
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In the late hours of the morning, Daiki wakes to a little giggle and something cold being pressed against his face. Stirring, he slides one eye open, a glass of banana milk staring back at him.
“Mmm huh…what’s this?”
“Breakfast mama!” Daigo peeks his face out from behind the glass and gives Daiki a wide, gummy smile, a streak of syrup on one chubby cheek, a smear of flour on the other. “We’re gonna eat it in bed!”
“Yeah?” Totally in love with the sight of his child first thing in the morning, he gently wipes the flour from Daigo’s cheek with the pad of his thumb and sets the banana milk down on the bedside table, hands cold when he puts his attention back on Daigo and pulls him under the covers to do their morning cuddle.
“Can we eat later, baby?” He slurs into Daigo's hair and leaves some kisses as the tiny redhead snuggles into his neck and hugs him tight. “‘S too early to get up.”
“Oi, it’s almost ten-thirty,” Taiga makes his way into the bedroom with a big tray of pancakes, sausage, waffles, fruit, eggs, bacon and a small glass vase with a blue rose in it…the same color as Daiki’s hair.
The sleepy bluenette flushes at the sight and his stomach growls, prompting Taiga to give him a smirk as he sets the tray down on the bed and sits on the edge of the mattress.
“Someone’s hungry,” he coos softly, reaching out to slide a thumb over Daiki’s cheekbone. Glaring, the bluenette can’t help but lean into his touch, a soft purr leaving his throat as Taiga leans down to kiss his forehead.
“I’m starving!” Daigo pulls himself out of his mother’s embrace and sits up, grabbing three pieces of bacon from the plate and shoving them into his mouth with a loud crunch.
“Hey! Don’t eat all of it, you little pig!” Taiga shouts and grabs four pieces, prompting Daigo to steal the remaining two with a battle cry.
The two wrestle over the food until most of it is gone and while Daiki would normally roll his eyes and let them have at it (as long as they’re not bothering him- he could totally go back to sleep right now) he sighs and lazily sits up, grabbing the untouched utensils off the tray so he can cut up the heaping pile of pancakes into smaller pieces so Daigo won’t choke when he tries to inhale them.
“Thanks ma!”
“Mmm. Just eat slower Gogo.” Content with letting Daigo finish off his breakfast, Daiki yawns, lays back down and closes his eyes, only to squint them open again when he feels fingers on the side of his face, rubbing before traveling down to thumb his lips. Taiga’s staring at him, expression warm and so fucking soft, Daiki feels his chest heat up.
“Sorry we ate your breakfast,” he mutters. “I’ll go make you some more.”
Too tired to talk, the bluenette just nods, then freezes as Taiga plucks the flower from the glass and sweeps his hair back, tucking the stem delicately behind his ear.
“Happy Mother’s Day, Dai.” He murmurs, sealing the words with a soft kiss to his flushed cheek.
“Happy Mother’s Day Mama!”
Another pair of lips find his other cheek in a sloppy, syrupy kiss and Daiki closes his eyes and smiles, heart set to burst in his chest.
Another day in parenthood…not too bad…though a trophy next year would be great.
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mo-ok · 10 months ago
Top 5 WORST sentais you’ve watched. or simply least favorite bc I know you’re more of a lover than a hater
OK SO these are simply the ones i think about the least since finishing them (i've enjoyed every season i've seen so far, but some just have less staying power in my brain than others)
OR the ones with the most "little annoyances"/characters i cared the least about/etc etc
So this is less of a "worst" list and simply more of a "i liked other things more" list 😂😂😭
5. Liveman - worst ending in the whole franchise. Absolute downer of a show. Two completely wasted rangers who really didnt need to be there/could have easily been made so much better. I would not recommend this show to someone unless i knew them very well and knew they'd get it. 10/10 i fucking love liveman but oh my god OH MY GOD.
4. Dairanger - very enjoyable episode to episode but really fumbled the bag in the second half imo. I love lots of aspects of this season, i love the characters (probably one of the only people in the whole world who doesnt hate Koh lmao), the suits and intro theme are some of my favourites in the whole franchise. But like... what actually happened in dairanger??? Daigo got a bird gf for a minute? Kemp hurt comfort episode???? We played baseball??????
3. King Ohger - i think i would have enjoyed kingoh a whole lot more if i was able to watch it at a faster pace. The general lack of longer fight scenes and robot fights started to weigh on me lmao, i didnt quite realise how important the robots were to me until kingoh took them away 😂😂 again, i enjoyed the show, but i havent thought about it much since it ended
2. Gaoranger - it was great fun and full on and i enjoyed it a lot, but boy howdy did it make me feel TIRED lmao. I watched this directly after watching Gingaman and was still very much in the Hyuuga trenches, which i dont think helped with Gao not sticking around in my mind. Also, didnt like the ending song (the theme song goes hard though, and Gaku remains a special boy in my special boy jar)
1. Kyoryuger - I remember really enjoying it and its characters, the bad guys were fun and the music goes hard. But there are a few factors that work together to sadly have it end up at the bottom of my sentai pile
- i find myself not really thinking about it AT ALL unless its right in front of me lmao.
- I have a lot of love and nostalgia tied to PR Dino Charge which kinda clouds most of my kyoryu memories
- tyler/shelby >>>>>> king/amy
- fav thing about kyoryu is Utchy and he wasnt even in the kingoh crossover eps wtf
- i think i have simply watched too much since watching Kyoryuger. I definitly am glad i watched it early on, cause i genuinly feel like i'd probably enjoy it less if i watched it now (i did however recently rewatch the Souji parents episode for the dynaman brain rot 10/10 junichi haruta my beloved)
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wayfinderships · 3 months ago
Can the answer be all of them?? Panchi/Rokurou is really up there for me (also because I love your Berseria S/I and and their friendship with Ash, and so is Hijikata/Panchi.
OH but Daigo is such a fun one since A) i think daigo needs a break and deserves to be loved and B) i feel partially responsible for you crushing on him at all hehe!
OH AND SNOW OF COURSE!!!! The soulmates of all time!! They're in love for literal centuries throughout the games and UGH the devotion.. AND THE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AS THEY SUPPORT EACH OTHER THROUGH BEING L'CIE IN THE FIRST GAME?! Ugh Snow/Panchi the ship that you are omg. Also the kids are freaking adorable.
But absolutely Panchi and Sanji!!!! They're written SOOOOOOO good and I love their development over the series and how they go from nonstop bickering to being so incredibly in love. They support each other and work so well together, and I love that they get to live happily ever after because it's what the both of them deserve!!! I love how they both care so deeply about each other and ajsjwjdhqjdhw I could honestly gush about them all day, they invented true love!!!!!
-Ash 💚✌🏽
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@silverselfshippingchaos AAAAAASH!! I'll try to keep this response short and concise lest I go on for hundreds of pages!!!
Ash/Rokurou is such a fun one for me! Nothing better than sparing with your beloved <3 and have that sparing session turn into a makeout one- ahem (And yesss!!! I adore Berseria Panchi's friendship with Berseria Ash!! Gkdngkdkf You know it's good when I want to draw those two! Specifically the pinky promise!)
As for Daigo... >:( I'm blaming you for that one forever! /lh /hj jokes aside, I really didn't expect to love him or my ship with him as much as I have- They're just so fun to write about and I can't wait till I properly play Y2 so I can write all that good food <3
SGKDNGKDNFKD 👉👈 Just seeing Snow's name got me all happy! I can't thank you enough for how supportive you are and for listening to my constant ramblings of him! Not even Time, Death, and Gods can separate those two because they'll always find a way to be together and I love that for them <3 also I'm happy you love my kiddos! They love their Aunt Ash too!
YESSSS SANJI/PANCHI MENTION!!! The development is one of my favorite parts of that ship! They both had to develop on their own before being able to develop a romantic relationship and it's just real neat how the two get better at communicating over time! I love those funky little pirates and I'm glad you enjoy them too!
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yakuzacanons · 1 year ago
Hello! Could I request headcanons for the boys falling asleep on their s/o laps please? S/o is also stroking their heads, gently smiling. I think it would be kinda adorable 😚 Thank you! <3
OUGH finally getting to this one, thanks for ur patience. Every month the list of boys grows longer I stg lol. Headcanons below.
Kazuma Kiryu
Never lays his head in your lap with the intention to fall asleep mostly because he'd feel a little bad for pinning you in one spot. He has this funny habit of crossing his arms when he sleeps, especially on his side, so he looks kind of grumpy despite being peacefully asleep.
Majima Goro
He has to be VERY tired for this to happen, otherwise he's usually spooning or cuddling you to sleep. He'll likely be sprawled out, full starfish style and probably snoring with his mouth open.
Saejima Taiga
Kind of a mix between Kiryu and Majima. He doesn't intend to fall asleep with his head in your lap because he knows he's a big guy and would be hard to move but if he's exhausted, he just might not be able to help it. Being around you calms him greatly. He'd just turn into a warm, cuddly puddle honestly.
Akiyama Shun
Would fall asleep with his head in your lap on purpose. The feeling of you stroking his hair just lulls him to sleep. Probably falls asleep with his arms lazily wrapped around your sides.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Constantly a sleepy boy because his job is physically demanding and he can kind of get called in at any time, so he might actually just crash with his head in your lap. Might even mumble something silly or weird occassionally, although if you tell him what he said, he will not remember a darn thing.
Ryuji Goda
Basically like Saejima for the most part. He does find it really relaxing to just kind of lay there and get pat on the head by you though. He doesn't let most people touch his hair so it's especially nice coming from you.
Nishikiyama Akira
Secretly baby about it. Sometimes he just needs some cuddles but he's too stubborn for his own good to ask for it, especially on bad days. Just wants to nuzzle comfortably to sleep, honestly.
Daigo Dojima
If he's being completely honest, this is his preferred method to sleep. He has a lot of late nights and you're his happy place and comfort person, so falling asleep with his head in your lap while you stroke his hair is basically his idea of heaven.
Mine Yoshitaka
He'd have to be absolutely exhausted for this to happen because Mine is absolutely a top and a dom. It's a rare baby moment for him to fall asleep like this, being coddled a little. Deep down, he desperately needs moments like this, even if he doesn't know it yet.
Tatsuo Shinada
Loves laying his head in your lap just in a general sense, so it was kind of bound to happen that he would accidentally get too comfy and fall asleep. Feels kind of bad for just conking out on you though.
Ichiban Kasuga
He's too shy to admit it at first but he just loves laying his head in your lap and feeling all comfy and cozy with you. In reality, Ichiban is kind of baby on the inside. It's really easy for him to fall asleep near you in general.
Tianyou Zhao
Doesn't fall asleep that way intentionally. Type of guy to wake up, realize what happened, and say something snarky to try to cover it up like "Ah, did I fall asleep? Sorry, your lap is just so comfortable."
Joon-Gi Han
Silly goose didn't even realize he fell asleep. Normally, he's pretty good about not just crashing in random places. Probably inadvernently wrapped his arms around you while he fell asleep or grabbed your hand in his sleep, but he'd deny it if you told him. He gets embarassed.
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